Small Projects Big Effects the Euregios Are Building on Europe

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Small Projects Big Effects the Euregios Are Building on Europe SMALL PROJECTS BIG EFFECTS THE EUREGIOS ARE BUILDING ON EUROPE Europäische Union Europese Unie FIGURES & STATISTICS FOREWORD + The costs of the projects shown are between €100 and €50,000 SIMPLY + Until now, 1,431 projects have been completed (2014-2019) TOGETHER + 665 schools are active participants WITHOUT BORDERS + 27,300 students have taken part in Dutch-German exchange programmes thanks to support from the INTERREG programme + 350 sports associations are in contact with partner associations from neighbouring countries thanks to support from INTERREG How can we create a safe and united Europe? support varies from €100 to €25,000 per project. How does living together as a multi-cultural The projects are supervised by the four Dutch- + 2,566 businesses have benefitted from the People-to-People scheme society with different backgrounds work? German Euregios. The bilingual staff at the project What does my life look like when I see it from the offices look, for example, for suitable partners across perspective of a stranger? Why is nationalism the border or help with application submissions and on the rise again in many countries? processing of the projects. Thanks to small-scale projects and mini-projects in the INTERREG programme, tens of thousands of people on the Dutch-German border have experienced the These are compelling questions, which cannot be The INTERREG programme for the period 2014-2020 meaning of ‘Europe is around the corner’. answered easily. What we can do, however, is take is nearing completion. The Euregios and their members the first step by simply starting to experience and try have committed to ensuring that small projects can All the projects detailed in this brochure are covered by the four framework out European cooperation. And what better place to continue to receive financial support in the future. projects People-to-People or Netwerk Plus in the four Euregios. These projects have do so than in a border region which, in the 75 years Because true cooperation never really ends. The corona been supported by funding of €11.2 million granted by the European Regional after the end of the Second World War, has slowly crisis has brought to the fore just how vulnerable our Development Fund (ERDF) in the framework of the INTERREG V A subsidy but surely evolved into the embodiment of a truly cross-border structures still are. And once again confir - programme Germany-Netherlands. In addition, co-funding of approx. €2.7 million common region, a testing ground for cross-border med the importance of mutual knowledge and respect. has been contributed by the INTERREG partners (provinces of Fryslân, Groningen, cultural and economic activity. Drenthe, Overijssel, Flevoland, Gelderland, Noord-Brabant and Limburg and the Page 2 shows some interim results and statistics on German ministries MB Niedersachsen and MWIDE Nordrhein-Westfalen). This brochure on the People-to-People framework the subsidised projects. We believe that the intentions projects gives an impression of the enthusiasm and of the examples of projects from the individual In this way, around 5% of the total INTERREG funding programme is used for energy devoted to eliminating the intangible and regions and with different themes speak for them- these projects. tangible barriers that stand between the Dutch and selves. And maybe the texts will inspire future forms German communities in the border regions. A process of collaboration and partnerships! that involves the input of many different individuals NUMBER OF PROJECTS CATEGORISED BY THEME: and organisations. And that generates a great deal of SPORT: 208 pleasure! Ilona Heijen ECONOMY & LABOUR MARKET: 62 Christoph Almering All the highlighted projects are part of the INTERREG Sjaak Kamps NATURE & TOURISM: 59 programme Germany-Netherlands and have been Maike Hajjoubi FEASIBILITY STUDIES: 28 granted funding by the European Union. This financial the managers of the four Euregios SOCIAL PROJECTS: 22 OTHER: 168 EXCHANGE & EDUCATION: 513 ART & CULTURE: 371 2 3 EMS DOLLART REGION THE NORTHERNMOST EUROPEAN BORDER REGION ALONG THE DUTCH-GERMAN BORDER In 1977, the Ems Dollart Region (EDR) was Over time, countless contacts and networks between Discover the hidden gardens - More than 130 Organ magazine - in the footsteps of Schnitger established as the northernmost European people, companies and organisations have emerged on gardeners welcome you to their hidden gardens! In 2019, the eyes of the world turned their gaze on border region along the Dutch-German border. both sides of this internal European border. As these In 1984, privately-owned gardens were opened to the the organs of Groningen and northern Germany to In addition, based on the provisions of the contacts have resulted in ever closer interaction, it has public on the Dutch side of the EDR region for the commemorate the death of famous organ builder Arp Anholt Convention, it has been a public body become evident that there are still significant obstacles first time. This cooperation took root and spread to Schnitger 300 years previously. Organs are unknown since 1997. The EDR has its office in Bad to be overcome. The major impediment to cross- garden owners across the border in northern Germany. territory for many people. However, many beautiful, Nieuweschans in the Netherlands. Since its border cooperation is the divergent legal systems and It resulted in a German-Dutch foundation set up in monumental organs can be found in towns and foundation, the EDR has evolved into a Dutch- regulations, but the different cultures with customs 1992: In Nachbars Garten/Stichting Het tuinpad op. villages in Groningen and north-west Germany. Not German meeting centre where cross-border individual to each nation can also complicate coopera- From then on, a joint garden guide was published. only organs built by the respected Schnitger, but also conventions and activities are organised, and tive efforts in the context of Dutch-German initiatives. The guide lists approximately 130 private gardens, numerous other exceptional organs. An informative numerous cross-border projects are launched. with addresses and opening times, located on both and attractive guide has been produced to introduce The EDR fulfils its role as the first point of contact in sides of the border. Gardening fans can visit these culture lovers, tourists and residents to this wonderful Based on the Anholt Convention, the EDR has the north for all questions concerning transnational otherwise hidden gems for ideas and inspiration. organ heritage. The guide is rich in illustrations, been a public body, cross-border organisation since cooperation. Looking forward, identifying and images and information about organs that is easy for 20 October 1997. The EDR numbers around 100 leveraging the benefits of a Europe that is growing The collaboration is highly successful and unites the uninitiated to understand. Since the sixteenth members: public institutions from the Dutch ever-closer together will remain its task. Personal increasing numbers of garden lovers each season. century, many great organ builders have worked in pro vinces of Groningen, Drenthe and Fryslân, and contact is vital in this respect, as embodied by the Every year, the contact day offers garden owners an this region and built beautiful organs commissioned from the German regions East Frisia, Emsland, EDR in the framework project Net(z)werk+. opportunity to meet at the start of the garden season. by city and church councils and wealthy families. the Cloppenburg region and neighbouring areas. Garden-themed meetings are organised, and the The best known is Arp Schnitger, who is considered to This project targets personal interaction between members go on excursions to admire each other’s be the most important organ builder of the Baroque people, groups and school classes. The prime focus work. This project is of great value as it bringstogether period. In around 1700 he was active in the region points are knowledge transfer, exchange of experien- the entire EDR region. between Hamburg and Groningen. ces and transnational meetings. NATURE ART & CULTURE Visiting gardens for ideas and inspiration Guide in three languages 4 5 This guide invites visitors to follow in the footsteps of the rural development network BOKD (Brede Sustainable communication strategies are considered Wunderline chain mobility Schnitger and other organ builders and admire their Overleggroep Kleine Dorpen Drenthe). The stake- to be an important keystone of thriving and viable Travel without borders: Wunderline provides a legacy at first hand. The guide is available in Dutch, holders recognised that exceptional villages should be rural communities by both Emsland and the province borderless rail link connection between Groningen German and English. brought together to discuss concrete plans aimed at of Drenthe. “I am thrilled that the cross-border and Bremen and better accessibility to the countryside boosting life in hamlets and small villages. Emsland networks have been such a success. Landkreis Emsland by public transport. was represented by five villages, while five so-called supports and encourages strengthening of village Future-oriented ideas for transnational Five Star Villages, or places with exceptional commu- communities”, says Michael Steffens, who is responsi- The province of Groningen, the federal state of Lower community development as a mission nity centres, participated on the Dutch side of ble for regional development. As a result, various tools Saxony and the Free Hanseatic city of Bremen are The Gemeinschaft im Dialog, Dörfer aktiv für die the border. The meeting prompted an extremely for future-oriented rural community development are cooperating on establishing a rapid rail link between Zukunft project acts as a platform for various initia- inter esting cross-border dialogue at a high level. being developed and applied. the cities to stimulate economic development and tives between the Emsland and Drenthe regions, such enhance the quality of life in the north of the Nether- as facilitating a cross-border exchange of information.
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