To Volume 58, 1973

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To Volume 58, 1973 Indexto Volume58, 1973 The single alphabeticalindex which follows com- sentsthe first page of the article associatedwith the bines subject entries (in Roman type), author's entry. names(in capitals),and titlesof booksreviewed (in The Editorial office will welcomesuggestions and ftom users of this index' A similar form italics). Minerals are enteredalphabetically by name.'-"'-' J ::|t":'''ot_:and stylewill be usedfor the DecennialIndex (Vol- Where the name has a prefix such as a-quartzor u,,,., il_60, 1966_1975)which, like this one,is be_ alkali-feldspar,the mineral is indexed as quartz, a- ing compiled by Dr. Wen H. Huang, aided by Mary or feldspar, alkali-. The page number cited repre- Holliman, Maureen Foulds, and Vera Good. F. DoNe,roBross. Editor Absorption Spectra. Anph-iboles, continued fassaite (Tir*) from neteorite, Nonenclature Report, Connission on discussion 955 New Minerals and Mineral Nanes t44 Acrnite pargasite, A1-rich 72L crystal chenristry at high teq)er- trenolite ature 594 high temperature crystal Activity-Composition Relations chenistry 649 spinels, olivines, pfroxenes at fluor-, comparison with high temperature 457 hydroxyl trenolite 879 fluor-, Adularia structure and bonding 879 hydroxyl, comparison with water content 500 fluor-trernolite 879 AGIORGITIS,GEORGE alkali-, fron batholith, Washington 873 with G, Udubasa and J. Ottenam New occurrence of hetaerolite from calcic-, fron batholith, Washington 873 Rodna, Rumania I 065 Analcine Agrinierite, new nineral (abstr.) 805 free energy calculated fron hydro- theutal data Aktashite, X-ray and chenical data (abstr.) 562 277 enrata s72 Alaskaite, discredited (abstr.) 349 Albite in tuffs of Green River fornation 93 Gibbs free energy of formation Anarakite, new nineral (abst.r.) 560 calculated from dissolution data 1016 AI{DERSoN,B. W. high-, binary solvi with sanidine f009 Gen TeetingrSth ed.; reviewed by P. ALLARD,GILLES O. H. Ribbe r42 review of book by Zenann 973 ANDERSON,CHARLES A. Alumina (BI ') Memorial of Donnel Foster Hewett 367 relation of ion transport to Andesine structure (abstr.) 1105 water content 508 Amblygonite -Montebrasite Mineral s Andradite fluorine in 29L water content 508 AMERICANCRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION Anhvdrite abstracts, winter neeting, 1972 1096 equilibriun with gypsurn 323 abstracts, winter meeting, 1973 1100 Arurite, structure 889 abstracts, surilner meeting, 1973 I 104 Anorthite, The Anerlean MLneralog"i eaL Jow..nal, structure at high tenperatures Vol. I (A. Bruce); reviewed by 665 W. W, Heinrich 1116 Gibbs free energy of formbtion calculated fron The Amerteqt MLneralogLst dissolution data 1016 instructions to authors 146 tetrahedral bond length, variation in 495 AItoRos, JosE L. Antigorite, synthesis 915 Memorial of Francisco Pardillo 383 AOKI, HIDEKI Anphiboles with K. D, Oh, H. Morikawa, and cunningtonite, zinc-nanganese, S. Iwai structure and site chenistry (abstr.) 1103 Crystal structure of rnagnesite LO29 nagnesiohastingsite, synthetic, crystal -chemistry study 480 with K. D. Oh, H. Morikawa, and S. Iwai in meteorites 869 Hydrothermal growth of nagnesite nephrite, toughness of 727 single crystals 339 tl2l Aoki, Ken-Ichiro INDEX TO VOLUME 58, 1973 A0KI, KEN-ICHIRO,withA.R. McBirney BAI,IBACH,RICHARD K. The stability of plagioclase at review of book by Pettijohn, Potter, high pressures 27L and Siever 567 Apatite Barnbollaite, new nineral (abstr.) 805 fron Shonkin Sag laccolith, BARGAR,KEITH E. chemistry and phosphorus fugacitf with M.H. Beeson, R.0. Fournier, and during differentiation pm. Mineral. L.J.P. Itfuffler 57:8771: correction 345 Present-day deposition of lepidolite ApatLte. Vol. 5, Applied Mineralogy from the:mal waters in Yellowstone (D. McCornell); reviewed by National Park 901 R.A. Gulbrandsen 1116 BARNES,H.L. ARAKI, TAIQ{I-IARU,with P. B. Moore review of book by Stanton r42 Atonic arrangenent of hureaulite 302 Basalt trBlue , with T. Zoltai Dragonr?,origin of color 1048 Th6 crystal structure of hanksite 799 cordierite-bearing lava, AREM,JOEL E. petrochemistry 813 review of book by Shepherd 972 Ti-chromite and Cr-titanonagnetite 826 Argentoj arosite Basaltic Magna 153 synthesis and properties 936 BASFOR"D,JEFFREY R., with M.R. Coscio ARISTAMIN, L.F. An inproved method for rapid, low with C.S. Hurlbut, Jr. and R.C. Erd density separations with heavy Kernite frorn Argentina 308 liquids 1094 Arsenates Basiliite, discredited (abstr.) s62 chalcophyllite, X-ray powder data 792 BASSETT,WILLIAI,I A., with L. Merrill new minerals, unnaned (abstr.) The crystal structure of CaCO3(II), bariun uranyl arsenate, Mineral F a metastable high pressure phase of caI ciun- ars enate calcium carbonate (abstr.) I 106 calciun-arsenate (c) cal ciun-arsenate-sul fate BAUR, WERNERH. calcium-magnesiun arsenate (a) The [regular] phosphate tetrahedron copper-arsenate sulfate is a nythical beast (abstr.) 1109 _, with A.R. Kanpf and A.A. Kahn Arsenides, nertieite Bariun chloride silicate with an open framework crystal structure: ASHBEE,KENNET}I H.G. Verylanckite (abstr. r 103 Ttre peierls force in crystalline ) qvartz 947 Bauranoite, new mineral (abstr.) l11t ATANASSOV,VASIL A.,with G.N. Kirov BEDARIDA,FEDERICO Balkanite, CugAg5HgSg,a new nineral with F. Flarnini, 0. Grubessi, and frorn Bulgaria 11 G.M. Pedemonte Hematite to goethite surface weathering. Augite, sector-zoning 986 Scanning electron nicroscopy 794 -pigeonite rrlscibility gap, for BEESON,MELVIN H. pfroxenes lunar basalt 12021 619 fron with K.E. Bargar, R.0. Fournier, and Authigenic Minerals L.J.P. Muffler in tuffs of Green River fonnation, Present-day deposition of lepidolite Wyoning 93 fron thermal waters in Yellowstone National Park 901 Automated Mineralogical Laboratory (abstr.) 1099 Benstonite BACKHAUS,KARL-oTTO synthesis at room tenperature 34L k LstaLlogqhie. Teehnik-Wlrterbueh. Englis eh, Deuts eh, Franzdeis ch, BERGER,AI.ITHOM ROBERT, with W.S. Pitcher Russisch; reviewed by A. Pabst 1118 TLte Geology of Donegal: A Study of Gnanite EmpLaeenent otd tlnnoofing BAGLIN,E.G.,with A. l'{ayand J.J. Sjoberg ; reviewed by L, Glover 971 Synthetic argentoj arosite 956 Berlinite, high-low inversion in 796 BAILEY, ARTFIURC., JR.,with R.H. Carpenter Ro and Ar neasurements of pyrrhotite Berndtite-C27, new nineral (abstr.) 347 440 and troilite Berndtite-6C, new rnineral (abstr.) 348 BAKER,IAN,with W.I. Ridley BERRY,LEONAR.D G. The petrochernistry unique of a with D.K. Snith, G.J. McCarthy, cordierite-bearing lava, South Atfantic 813 M.E. Mrose, and J. Messick Balkanite, new nineral fronr &rlgaria 11 Special search indexes for the powder diffraction file - the nineral subfile (abstr.) 1107 INDEX TO VOLUME 58, 1973 Burnham. C. W. Beryllium, geochenistry 765 BOUCTIER,C. with G. Perrault, J. Vicat, E. Cannillo, Beryllium oxyanions, M0 calculations 765 and G. Rossi BIGGERS,J.V. Nenadkevichite, a new four-fold silica with R.C. Bradt and R.E. Newnhan tetrahedra ring structure (abstr.) lI02 Toughness of jade 727 BoWLES,J.M. Bikitaite, structure (abstr.) 1096 with H.T. Shacklette, J.C. Hamilton, and J.G. Boerngen Biotite, chenical analysis, Wyoming 831 ElementaL Conrposition of SurfieLal scandiun in 819 Mater'iale tn the ContercrLnou,s tlnited Biphospharunite, x-ray and chemical data States; reviewed by R.E. Delavault 568 (abstr. 806 ) BOWN,M.G. Blanchardite, = brochantite (abstr.) 562 review of book by Ranachandran and BLoSS, F. DoNALD Srinivasan 970 review of book by Donnay and Ondik 968 BRADT,RICHARD C. _, review of book by Drazil I 118 with R,E. Newnhanrand J.V. Biggers The toughness of jade 727 _, review of book by Gary, McAfee, and Wolf 56s Brannockite, new nineral (abstr.) 11ll _, review of book by Weiss 568 Bredigite geornetrical model of its structure 32 _, with D. Riess Cornputer determination of 2V and. BR.ENNER,N.L. indicatrix orientation frour with D.C. Presnall and T.H. 0rDonnell extinction data t052 Drift of PtlPtl0Rh and WSRe/w25Re thermocouples in single stage piston- BL0uNT, CHARLESW., with F.W. Dickson cylinder apparatus 771 Gypsum-anhydrite equilibria in systens CaS0r+-HzOand CaS04-NaCI-H20 323 BRICE,WILLIAM R., with L.L.Y. Chang Subsolidus phase relations in aragonite- BoERNGEN,J.G. ty?e carbonates. III. The systens MgCO3- with H.T. Shacklette, J.C. Hanilton, CaC03-BaC03,MgC03-CaC03-Sr{03, and and J.M. Bowles MgC03-SrC03-BaC03 979 ELementaL Conpoeition of Sut fieLal MaterLaLs in the ConternrLnoue BRICKER,OWEN P. thited States; reviewed by R.E. with H.W. Nesbitt and W.D. Gunter Delavault 568 The stability of talc 64 BOETTCHER,ARTHI.'R L. BR0WN,GORDON E., with C.T. Prewitt Acceptance of the Mineralogical High-temperature crystal chemistry of Society of America Award for 1972 357 hortonolite 577 Bonding, trenolite (F-) 879 _, with S. Sueno and C.T. Prewitt A new single-crystal heater for the Bond Length Variations precession camera and four-circle tetrahedral in anorthite 495 diffractoneter 698 Bond-Valence Sums BROWN,I.D. anionic in borates (abstr.) 1100 Empirical relationships for predicting B00K REVIEW, see REVIEW the detailed stereochenistry of poly- sulfate and hydrogen sulfate ions 1109 Boracite, borate framework (abstr.) 1098 BRUCE,ARCHIBALD crystal structure refinement at TLte Anericcn MLneralogieaL,Iowmal, high temperatures 691 vol. 1; reviewed by E.W. Heinrich 1116 Borates Brtmogeierite, new nineral (abstr.) 348 anionic bond-valence suns (abstr.) 1100 BRINToN, GEoRGE boracite, cubic, structure of 691 Refinenent of the callaghanite boracite, structure of (abstr.) 1098 structure 551 ericaite, structure of (abstr.) 1098 Errata 965 ezcurrite, structure of 110 BlrNCH,TIIEODORE E., with M. Okrusch Al-rich pargasite 72L kernite 308 BURNHAM,CHARLES W. kernite, structure and one-center review of book by Pearson 808 charge refinement 2I with R.M. Hazen tincalconite, structure of 523 _, Crystal structures of one-layer phlogopite and annite 889 tt23 Burnham, C. lV. INDEX TO VOLUME 58, 1973 BURNHAM,CHARLES W., continued calcite, cell and pseudo-ce11 with Y. 0hashi transfonnations in (abstr.) 1101 Clinopyroxene lattice defornations : calcite-muscovite-quart z, stabi lity The roles of chenical substitution assenblages 785 and tenperature 843 callaghanite, refinement of structure 551 BURNS,RoGER G., with F.E.
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