Israel’s Journey to Independence How ’s Statehood Impacts Your Nation

Israel as a nation has changed ROMAN EXILE (70 AD) and developed over centuries; Romans drove the Jewish people however, the people have always from their homeland where they had the heart to reside in and lived for more than 1,000 years. establish their homeland. BEGIN TO RETURN The people of Israel have (18th century) remained united with each other began to return in small groups and their ancestral homeland, to their homeland. The Jewish people which has shown to be never lost sight of their land. successful over time despite the For centuries, the Jews have held to perilous opposition they have the idea and vision of reclaiming their faced for centuries. ancestral homeland.

FIRST (1882-1903) HABBAT ZION (Late 1800s) Approximately 35,000 Jews A pre-Zionist movement began with migrated to Israel. The Jewish the goal to revive the Jewish land people began to influence through physical development politics and economics. The initial and agriculture. settlement in the land and founding of moshavim (farming communities) took place. The Jews encountered Turkish ZIONIST MOVEMENT (19th century) taxation and Arab opposition. A political movement called began. Large groups of Jews migrated back to Israel. Its goal was to create and support a Jewish national state in their ancient homeland.

SECOND ALIYAH (1904-1914) Approximately 40,000 Jews WORLD WAR I (1914-1918) migrated to Israel. Most of these Hostile attitudes toward Jews immigrants were young people increased due to their who came after the end of concentrated presence in other Russian pogroms. Pogroms were nations and their influence horrific massacres of the Jewish on politics. people in Russia between 1881 and 1883. Due to dependence and BALFOUR DECLARATION need for unity and protection, (1917) The British government an- they developed communities of nounced support for Jews to return social ownership and workloads. and establish their homeland. The first was also established during this time.

THIRD ALIYAH (1919-1923) Another approximately 40,000 FIFTH ALIYAH (1929-1939) The largest Aliyah to date. This Jews migrated to Israel. return was the time leading up to The population reached over World War II. Jews who moved at 90,000 at this point. The Jewish this time were primarily economy began to grow from professionals: doctors, lawyers, agricultural production and writers, and artists. subsidiary businesses.

HOLOCAUST (1933-1945) FOURTH ALIYAH (1924-1929) WORLD WAR II (1939-1945) Another roughly 82,000 Jews Approximately 6 million Jews, migrated to Israel. The return was about 2/3 of the Jewish population, largely due to the Immigration were systematically and Restriction Act of 1924 when the brutally killed. United States closed its doors to refugees. Jews who moved at this time were mostly middle class.

ALIYAH BET (1939-1948) MY OLIVE TREE This movement was done in ESTABLISHED (2004) “secret” because it was a time in Founder Curt Landry met which Jews couldn’t enter with then Finance Minister, their homeland due to now Prime Minister Benjamin British intervention. Netanyahu and discussed Isra- el’s economic independence.

JEWISH STATE ESTABLISHED MY OLIVE TREE (May 14, 1948) David Ben-Gurion PLANTING (2016) became the first prime minister Planted 20,000 olive trees of Israel, and the nation was offi- in Israel, furthering the cially established. goal of 1 million.

MY OLIVE TREE PLANTING ON UNITED STATES EMBASSY ARMY BASES (present) MOVED TO JERUSALEM (2018) Planting continues on army bases. President Trump kept his promise My Olive Tree was granted and stood with Israel, moving the permission by the Israeli government U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem to plant a Peace Grove near terrorist during Israel’s 70th year tunnels where Gilad Shalit, of Independence. an IDF soldier, was captured and taken in 2006.

Do you want to know more MOVING FORWARD: about Israel’s politics and how It is our vision to continue standing to personally get involved? with Israel just as God calls us to do according to His will and purpose.

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