Regional Work Plan for Culture in Latin 2030 Agenda America and the Caribbean UNESCO LAC 2016 - 2021 Ilustration © A. Espinosa Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean UNESCO Havana United Nations №14 Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 2016 "Culture is essential to create a more sustainable de velopment, both economic and social, through resil ient infrastructures that are embedded in local situ- ations and are based on the history and knowledge of the people" Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO Workshop for the adoption of a Regional Work Plan for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean (2016-2021) Havana, 18 September 2015 Base de la torreta de uno de los cañones de grueso calibre, González Hontoria, del Crucero Acorazado Vizcaya, en Aserradero, Municipio Guamá , Santiago de Cuba© González J.V. C&D•№ 14•2016 CONTENTS 3 26 CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE 4 UNESCO AND ITS CARIBBEAN 48 UNESCO REGIONAL WORK CONTRIBUTION TO PLAN FOR CULTURE IN LATIN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 33 CULTURE & DEVELOPMENT AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN MAGAZINE CULTURE IN THE MILLENNIUM 56 MONITORING TABLES DEVELOPMENT GOALS 43 THE FORUM OF MINISTERS OF CULTURE 6 THE UNESCO CULTURE 45 THE PORTAL OF CULTURE OF LATIN PROGRAMME AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN 9 THE UNESCO CULTURE CONVENTIONS 13 CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT ON THE 2030 AGENDA 16 UNESCO CULTURE FOR DEVELOPMENT INDICATORS 67 THE 2030 AGENDA EDITORIAL TEAM CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT № 14 CONTACT UNESCO HAVANA UNESCO REGIONAL OFFICE FOR CULTURE IN LATIN EDITION: ALBERT VILLALONGA
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