Powell Family History 4 2 5 2 0 I 15?
Powell Family History 4 2 5 2 0 I 15? HISTORY OF THE ANDRE/.' POWELL FAMILY by Homer K. Powell Adrian, Michigan 1952 FORWARD This account of the Andrew Powell Family or Clan was undertaken by the writer at the suggestion of Othello D. Powell, as president at the reunion of 1950. Some families of the descendants are treated in more detail than others. This is because the location of some is such that knowledge of them is rather meager. Some of the latest newcomers by marriage and of children may lack mention. Also the writer naturally records events in more detail about the members of the family with whom he was brought up and has first hand knowledge of their common experiences. Aid and some quotations have been drawn from members of the family, Powell Memorial History by Rev. John Powell, Powell Family History by the Media Research Bureau of Washington D. C., and newspaper clippings covering some family events. fln'dlay Hancock County Public library Bndlay'OMo 88-6916 1 About three miles out from the city of Flndlay, Ohio, as you proceed southwest on the Dixie Highway or Lima road you come to a low brick residence of bungalow type, cloee to the left side of the road. Concerning the family for which this was tbeir home for many years this account is being written. ' Andrew Powell, son of Samuel and Sarah Raubenalt Powell, was born May 25, 1827 near Lithopolis, Fairfield County, Ohio, the second of a family of thirteen children, eight eons and five daughters, viz, George V., Andrew, Elizabeth, Mary, Soloman, Susanna, Teny, Catherine, David, Abraham, twins Samuel and Gideon, and Valentine.
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