Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42130-0 — Realistic Revolution Els Van Dongen Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42130-0 — Realistic Revolution Els van Dongen Index More Information Index academic norms, 26, 129–30, 198 cultural inheritance, 159 Academy of Chinese Culture, 96, 99, 131, 144, dialectical denial, 159 221 on Confucianism and capitalism, 156–57 anti-radicalism, 183, 195, 204 on Weber, 156–57 and official ideology, 117 use of Max Weber, 141–49 criticisms, 116–20 Chen Tianhua, 79 anti-traditionalism, 91, 102, 142, 146, 158 Chen Xiaoming, 48 radicalism, 122 Chen Yinke, 26, 128 anti-Westernism, 181 Chen Yinke de zuihou ershi nian (Chen Yinke’s Asian values, 157 Last Twenty Years), 128 Chen Yizi, 52 baihua, 169, 171 Chen Yuan, 58 Bao Zunxin, 96 Chen Yun, 38, 58, 61 Bell, Daniel, 133, 150, 158, 167, 201 Chen Ziming, 97 Berlin, Isaiah, 105–6, 116, 123, 208 China Can Say No,45 Bo Yibo, 38 Chinese and Western cultures Boston Confucianism, 137 debate over, 20 British conservatism Chinese Culture Rim, 179–80 and preserving the status quo, 107 Chinese Revolution Burke, Edmund Glorious Revolution as counter model, influence on Chinese intellectual debates, 12 107–9 Chinese University of Hong Kong, 3, 95, Burkean conservatism, 17, 73, 87–88, 90, 121, 100–1, 110, 218–21, 223 150 Chineseness, 27, 103, 165, 168, 171, 173, Xiao Gongqin’s observations on, 73 175–76, 179–80, 187, 193, 195, 198, 200 Campaign Against Spiritual Pollution, 5 Clash of Civilizations, The, 176 capitalism, 167 Cold War, end of, 2 and Confucianism, 153–58 commercialization, 8, 25, 32, 95, 150, 164–65, Confucian views on, 160 167, 182, 185, 187–88,
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