E PRC's First National Critique: E 1954 Campaign to “Discuss the Draft
e PRC’s First National Critique: < = e 1954 Campaign to > ? “Discuss the Dra# Constitution” @ L V /FJM+%JBNBOUBOE9JBPDBJ'FOH Y Z <[ ABSTRACT << is article is the $rst detailed exposition of the “National Discussion of the Dra# Constitution”. <= In mid-1954, Chinese engaged in a wide-ranging deliberation about political and social rights, <> the obligations of citizenship, state symbols, political institutions and ideology. Many asked <? penetrating and frequently prescient questions about law, citizenship, class and political power, <@ and o%ered provocative suggestions for revision. Using archives and publications, we argue that, for citizens, the constitutional discussion constituted the earliest national-level, semi-public <L exposé and critique of the entirety of CCP governing practices—a “dress rehearsal” for the 1956 <V Hundred Flowers Movement. For o(cials, the constitutional discussion provided an opportu- <Y nity to deploy the coercive language of “state law” to overcome resistance to collectivization, and <Z a tactic to deal with “unruly” citizens. We further suggest that the 1954 discussion set the terms =[ of broad-based, but ultimately limited, constitutional critique from the 1950s until the present. =< == => he Constitution is a hot document in China. Emboldened by several =? speeches by Xi Jinping ( 习近平) and other senior leaders, 1 reformers have T =@ advanced the argument that “constitutional government” ( xianzheng 宪政) based =L on China’s own foundational document (in force since 1954, revised in 1975, =V 1978 and 1982), rather than Western-style democracy, could clear a pathway to- =Y wards a more open and accountable political system. In late 2012 and early 2013, =Z in+uential media outlets, including Study Times ( Xuexi shibao 学习时报), an or- >[ gan of the Central Party School, advised leaders to “rule by its Constitution”.
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