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Onetouch 4.0 Sanned Documents SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 227 PART 1 WASHINGTON, D.C. 1963 Preface to Reprint of 1983 For the past ten years there has been a continuing series of plaintive requests for copies of Pettibone's "New England polychaetes." But, alas, the backlog has long since been exhausted. The burgeoning number of marine benthonic surveys, whether of purely ecological research or of more applied environmental impact studies, has demonstrated and emphasized the importance of the role of the polychaetous annelids in marine ecosystems. That there is a continuing call for this publication indicates that Pettibone's painstaking synthesis of the literature of the northeastern U.S. polychaete taxonomy and natural history has not been superseded in twenty years; as a guide through the all-too-often confusing maze of polychaete morphology and nomenclature the monograph is indispensable. We, the users of this v#ork, thank R.B. Manning and K. Fauchald for their efforts in initiating the reprinting of this Bulletin. But, most particularly, we thank Marian H. Pettibone for her fine and enduring work. Meredith L. Jones 1983 MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTOR Marine Polychaete Worms of the New England Region 1. Families Aphroditidae Through Trochochaetidae MARIAN H. PETTIBONE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON, 1963 Reprinted 1983 Publications of the United States National Museum The scholarly publications of the United State/ National Museum include two series, Proceedings of the United States National Museum and United States National Museum Bulletin. In these series are published original articles and monographs dealing with the collections and work of the Museum and setting forth newly acquired facts in the fields of Anthropology, Biology, Geology, History, and Technology. Copies of each publication are distributed to libraries and scientific organizations and to specialists and others Interested in the different subjects. The Proceedings, begun in 1878, are intended for the publication, in separate form, of shorter papers. These are gathered in volumes, octavo in size, with the publication date of each paper recorded in the table of contents of the volume. In the Bulletin series, the first of which was issued in 1875, appear longer, sep- arate publications consisting of monographs (occasionally in several parts) and volumes in which are collected works on related subjects. Bulletins are either octavo or quarto in size, depending on the needs of the presentation. Since 1902 papers relating to the botanical collections of the Museum have been pubhshed in the Bulletin series under the heading Contributions from the United States National Herbarium, FRANK A. TATIíOR Director, United Slates National Museum UNITED STATES GOVBRNMEMT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINCTON, 1963 W Contents l-AQE Introduction 3 Superfamily Aphroditoidea 10 Family Aphroditidae 11 Family Polynoidae 15 Family SigalioBidae 45 Family Chrysopetalidae 54 Family Amphinomidae 55 Family Euphrosinidae 62 Family Spintheridae 66 Family Phyllodocidae 68 Family Alciopidae 91 Family Tomopteridae 94 Family Typhloscoleeidae 98 Family Hesionidae 101 Family Pilargiidae 110 Family Syllidae 112 Family Nereidae («=Lycoridae) 148 Family Paralacydoniidae, new family 184 Family Nephtyidae (=Nephthydidae) •. 186 Family Sphaerodoridae 205 Superfamily Glycerea 209 Family Glyceridae , 209 Family Goniadidae 218 Superfamily Eunicea 229 Family Dorvilleidae {î=sStaurocephalidae and Stauronereidae) . 230 Family Eunicidae (ä=Leodieidae) 234 Family Onuphidae 243 Family Lumbrineridae (=LumbricoDereidae and Lumbrinereidae) . 256 Family Arabellidae 268 Family Orbiniidae (=Arieiidae) 276 Family Apistobranchidae 295 Family Paraonidae ( = Levinseniidae) 298 Family Trochochaetidae, new name ( = Disoraidae and Disomididae) . 308 References 317 Index 341 Marine Polychaete Worms of the New England Region Parti Families Aphroditidae Through Trochochaetidae Introduction The polychaetes of the Atlantic coast of New England are still very imperfectly known. Situated as the region is, Arctic and Boreal faunal areas are represented, and a rich polychaete fauna, both in numbers of species and in numbers of individuals, is found there. The fauna has been made known in part chiefly by A. E. Verrill, H. E. Webster, J. E. Benedict, and J. Percy Moore. Some of the original descriptions of the species, however, were sketchy and poorly illustrated, in some cases confined to a footnote of a few lines. Some species were given names without distinguishing them clearly from those previously described. An attempt to rectify these shortcomings was made by Dr. J. Percy Moore in the early 1900's. He prepared a manuscript on "The Poly- chaetous Annelids of the Woods Hole Region" (1,032 manuscript pages, 135 figures), based chiefly on collections made by the U.S. Fish Com- mission. Unfortunately, this manuscript was not published, but it is now deposited in the U.S. National Museum, and was consulted during preparation of the present work. Observations and figures taken from the manuscript are indicated by "Moore (MS.)". Important faunal studies that include the polychaetes are those of F. B. Sumner, et al. (1913) on Woods Hole and vicinity, based on extensive collections by the U.S. Fish Commission (polychaete identifications in part by J. Percy Moore and A. L. TreadweU), and William Procter (1933) on the Mount Desert region (polychaete identifications in part by A. L. TreadweU). Valuable contributions were made by Dr. Olga Hartman after studying the types of poly- chaetous annelids at the Peabody Museum at Yale University (1942b), the U.S. National Museum (1942c), and the American Museum of Natural History (1944a). The last publication includes some of Verrill's previously unpublished plates of drawings made by J. H. Emerton. The present study attempts to give as complete a representation of the New England polychaete fauna as is now possible, to systematize our knowledge of the polychaete species known from this portion of the American coast, and to furnish keys designed to facilitate their 8 4 U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 227 identification. Besides information gathered from the literature, the present work is based on the following: (1) Field studies, including intertidal collecting and shallow dredg- ing, conducted by the writer in the New England region. These studies were confined chiefly to the Woods Hole and Cape Cod region of Massachusetts; the New Hampshire coast and vicinity; and Maine and New Brunswick, especially the Boothbay Harbor region and northern Maine. During parts of five summers in the Cape Cod area, two of them devoted to intensive collecting, my work was aided by members of the Supply Department of the Marine Bio- logical Laboratory of Woods Hole, especially Mr. Milton Gray, who collected a great wealth of material, and by members of the staff and students in the invertebrate and ecology classes at the Laboratory. Sporadic collecting during a couple of years in New Hampshire was aided by members of the staff and students in the summer inverte- brate classes of the University of New Hampshire. Most of the work in Maine was done during the summer of 1955 and was aided by Dr. George M. Moore and members of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at Boothbay Harbor. This material, as well as that men- tioned below, has in large part been deposited in the U.S. National Museum. (2) Collections from various sources, chiefly from the New Eng- land region: A sizable collection of polychaetes among the fouling organisms from the buoy surveys conducted by the late Dr. Louis W. Hutchins of the Woods Hole Océanographie Institution; material gathered by Albatross IH, chiefly from Georges Bank, received from Dr. Roland L. Wigley of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Woods Hole; material from Woods Hole and the Cape Cod area received from Dr. John Rankin, Jr.; collections made in Buzzards Bay by Dr. Howard Sanders and Dr. Nathan Riser; specimens from Nan tucket Sound received from Mr. Thayer Shafer; material collected at the Nar- ragansett Marine Laboratory, Rhode Island, by Dr. Donald Zinn, Mr. Alden P. Stickney, Mr. Louis D. Stringer, and Mr. Harry P. Jeffries; collections made by Mr. Anthony Ganaros of the Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries; specimens from Mr. Robert Hanks and Mr. Louis Taxiarchis of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Boothbay Harbor; material collected in the Chincoteague Bay ar.ea of Maryland by Dr. Samson McDowell, Jr.; collections made at Cape Ann, Massa- chusetts, by Dr. Ralph W. Dexter; specimens from Woods Hole and Puerto Rico from Dr. M. Jean Allen; material from Sapelo Island, Georgia, received from Dr. John M. Teal; miscellaneous material from Dr. Robert Howard, Dr. Emery F. Swan, and Mr. W. L. Klawe; collections from the Canadian Atlantic coast, St. Lawrence estuary and Gaspé, Newfoundland, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, and POLYCHAETE WORMS, PART I 5 Bay of Fundy from P. Brunei and others from the Station de Bio- logie Marine, Grande-Rivière, E, L. Bousfieid from the National Museum of Canada, from the Nova Scotia Museum of Science, and the Royal Ontario Museum of Science; material from Mr. John L. Taylor, from Seahorse Key, Florida. (3) Collections in the U.S. National Museum. Nearly 3 years were spent at the Museum, working over the material referred to above and examining comparative material. In addition to the valu- able cataloged and type specimens deposited in the Museum, a good deal of unidentified material from various sources was available for study, including some
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