
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Marine protected identification guide

June 2021 Occasional Publication No. 129, June 2021. Prepared by K. Travaille and M. Hourston Cover: Hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata). Photo: Matthew Pember. Illustrations © R.Swainston/www.anima.net.au

Bird images donated by

Important disclaimer The Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and the State of Western accept no liability whatsoever by reason of negligence or otherwise arising from the use or release of this information or any part of it.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Gordon Stephenson House 140 William Street PERTH WA 6000 Telephone: (08) 6551 4444 Website: dpird.wa.gov.au ABN: 18 951 343 745

ISSN: 1447 - 2058 (Print) ISBN: 978-1-877098-22-2 (Print) ISSN: 2206 - 0928 (Online) ISBN: 978-1-877098-23-9 (Online)

Copyright © State of (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development), 2021. ii Marine protected species ID guide Contents

About this guide �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1

Protected species legislation and international agreements 3

Reporting interactions ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������4

Marine �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5

Relative size of cetaceans �������������������������������������������������������������������������5

Baleen ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6

Large toothed whales ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������6

Dolphins �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7

Dugong �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9

Seals and ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9

Marine ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10

Indo-Pacific marine turtle ID key ��������������������������������������������������������������10

Marine �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11

Crocodiles ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 11

Sea �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12

Fish ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16

Seahorses ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16

Seadragons ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18

Pipefish �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19

Sharks, general ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24

Sharks, whaler ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25

Rays, general �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������27

Rays, Sawfishes ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������28 (Continued over)

Marine protected species ID guide iii Contents (continued)

Sawfishes ID key ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29

Rays, Sawfishes ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29

Sea �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30

Albatrosses �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30

Boobies and �������������������������������������������������������������������������������30

Cormorants and shags �����������������������������������������������������������������������������31

Frigatebirds ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31

Hawks and eagles ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������32

Skua ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������32

Shearwaters and petrels ��������������������������������������������������������������������������33

Storm petrels ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������33

Terns, noddies and gulls ��������������������������������������������������������������������������34

Penguins ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������36

Pelicans ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������37

Shore birds �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������38

iv Marine protected species ID guide About this guide

he Western Australian marine environment is home to a number of species that are protected under international agreements and nationalT or state legislation. Many of these species occur in areas where takes place, sometimes resulting in interactions between fishers and protected species. An interaction is considered to be any physical contact between a person, fishing vessel or fishing gear and a protected species, including captures, entanglements and collisions. This guide has been developed to help you identify some common marine protected species in Western Australia that you may encounter while fishing. It has been divided into five sections: • Marine mammals, including whales, , dugongs, seals and sea lions. • Marine reptiles, including marine turtles and sea snakes. • Bony and elasmobranchs, including sea , , sharks and rays. • Sea birds. • Shore birds. Please note that this guide is not an exhaustive list of marine protected species in WA. All marine mammals, turtles, sea snakes, and pipefish, sea birds and shore birds are protected under the legislation detailed on the next page, as are many species of sharks and rays. For the special rules that apply to whaler sharks in WA, see page 25.

Marine protected species ID guide 1 About this guide (continued)

Throughout this guide, you will see all or some of the following coastal bioregion symbols with each species illustration, indicating where the species is most often reported.

NC North Coast GC Gascoyne Coast WC West Coast SC South Coast

114° 50' E North Coast (Pilbara/Kimberley) Kununurra Gascoyne Coast NC Broome GC Port Hedland 21°46' S Karratha Onslow A sh bur Exmouth ton R iver Carnarvon Denham 27°S Kalbarri Geraldton

West Coast Eucla Perth

WC Esperance Augusta Black Point Albany South Coast 115°30' E SC

2 Marine protected species ID guide Protected species legislation and international agreements

arine protected species have been identified based on their listing under Mthe following international agreements, national and/or state legislation: • the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild 1979 (Bonn Convention); • the Convention on International Trade in of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES); • the Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of for the Protection of Migratory Birds in Danger of and their Environment 1974 (JAMBA); • the Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the People’s Republic of for the Protection of Migratory Birds and their Environment 1986 (CAMBA); and • the Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Korea on the Protection of Migratory Birds 2007 (ROKAMBA); • the Australian Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act); • the Western Australian Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (BC Act); and • the Western Australian Fish Resources Management Act 1994 (FRMA).

Marine protected species ID guide 3 Reporting interactions

ishers are asked to report all interactions that occur between their fishing Fgear and a protected species through the channels below. Recreational fishers should report all interactions to the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions through the Wildcare Helpline. Recreational fishing interactions that occur outside state waters should be reported to the Australian Government Department of Environment and Energy within seven (7) days. Commercial fishing operators are required to report protected species interactions to the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development through their statutory fishing log books. When reporting an interaction with a protected species please record as many details as possible, including: • time and date of the event; • species name and description (take a picture if possible); • number of animals; • location (use a GPS if available); • incident type, for example, caught on hook, entangled in a pot line or collision with fishing boat; • status of the when returned to the water, for example, alive and swam away, injured or dead; and • any additional comments you may have about the interaction. Contact and Reporting Details Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Hillarys District Office: (08) 9203 0110 Perth Head Office: (08) 6551 4444 dpird.wa.gov.au Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Wildcare Helpline: (08) 9474 9055 Perth Head Office: (08) 9219 9000 The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions marine species guides and other information on marine species are available at: dpaw.wa.gov.au/management/marine/marine-wildlife Australian Government Department of Environment and Energy 1800 641 806 [email protected] environment.gov.au

4 Marine protected species ID guide Marine mammals

Relative size of cetaceans

Baleen whales Southern right Up to 16 m

Humpback whale Up to 15 m

Toothed whales (orca) 5.5 – 9.8 m

Long-finned 3.8 – 6 m

False killer whale 4.3 – 6 m

Short-finned pilot whale 3.6 – 6.5 m

Bottlenose 1.9 – 3.9 m

Indo-Pacific 2 – 2.8 m Australian snubfin dolphin 2.1 – 2.6 m 1.7 – 2.4 m

Marine protected species ID guide 5 Marine mammals Baleen whales

Minke whale acutorostrata Balaenoptera physalus

Sei whale Balaenoptera borealis Megaptera novaeangliae

Blue whale Southern Balaenoptera musculus Eubalaena australis

Marine mammals Large toothed whales

Short-finned pilot whale Long-finned pilot whale Globicephala macrorhynchus Globicephala melas

6 Marine protected species ID guide Marine mammals Large toothed whales (continued)

Killer whale Orcinus orca Pseudorca crassidens

Sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus

Marine mammals Dolphins

Common dolphin Risso’s dolphin Delphinus delphis Grampus griseus

Fraser’s dolphin Lagenodelphis hosei obscurus

Marine protected species ID guide 7 Marine mammals Dolphins (continued)

Southern Australian snubfin dolphin Lissodelphis peronii heinsohni

Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin Sousa sahulensis attenuata

Striped dolphin Long-snouted Stenella coeruleoalba Stenella longirostris

Rough toothed dolphin Indo-Pacific Steno bredanensis Tursiops aduncus

8 Marine protected species ID guide Marine mammals Dolphins (continued)

Bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus

Marine mammals Dugong

Dugong Dugong dugon

Marine mammals Seals and sea lions

New Zealand fur seal Southern seal Arctocephalus forsteri Mirounga leonina

Australian sea Leopard seal Neophoca cinerea Hydrurga leptonyx

Marine protected species ID guide 9 Marine reptiles

Indo-Pacific marine turtle ID key

Carapace with Carapace with • 5 distinct ridges • no distinct ridges • no large scales • large scales

4 pair costal 6 pair or more costal scales 5 pair (rarely 6) costal scales scales • carapace approx. circular • carapace longer than wide • colour grey-green • colour red-brown to brown • pores in scales of bridge • no pores in scales of bridge

Leatherback turtle Dermochelys coriacea

Pacific (Olive) ridley turtle Loggerhead turtle Lepidochelys olivacea Caretta caretta

2 pair prefrontal scales 1 pair prefrontal scales • thick overlapping carapace scales • no thick overlapping carapace scales

Hawksbill turtle Eretmochelys imbricata

• carapace low domed • carapace high domed with upturned edges • no preoccular scale • preoccular scale • colour light to dark green • colour olive-qrey with dark mottling

Flatback turtle Green turtle Natator depressus Chelonia mydas Environment & Heritage Dept. of

10 Marine protected species ID guide Marine reptiles Marine turtles

Loggerhead turtle Hawksbill turtle Caretta caretta Eretmochelys imbricata

Green turtle Olive ridley turtle Chelonia mydas Lepidochelys olivacea

Leatherback turtle Flatback turtle Dermochelys coriacea Natator depressus

Marine reptiles

Saltwater Freshwater crocodile porosus Crocodylus johnstoni

Marine protected species ID guide 11 Marine reptiles Sea snakes

Head Head


Short-nosed sea Dubois’ apraefrontalis


Leaf-scaled sea snake Brown-lined sea snake Aipysurus tenuis

Olive sea snake


Spine-bellied sea snake curtus

12 Marine protected species ID guide Marine reptiles Sea snakes (continued)


Elegant sea snake Horned sea snake Hydrophis peronii

Dusky sea snake Mosaic sea snake Aipysurus mosaicus

Shark Bay sea snake Stokes’ sea snake Aipysurus pooleorum Hydrophis stokesii

Spectacled sea snake Olive-headed sea snake Hydrophis kingii Hydrophis major

Marine protected species ID guide 13 Marine reptiles Sea snakes (continued)

Turtle-headed sea snake North-western sea snake annulatus Ephalophis greyae

Black-ringed mangrove snake Geometrical sea snake darwiniensis Hydrophis czeblukovi

Small-headed sea snake Ocellate sea snake Hydrophis macdowelli Hydrophis ocellatus

Guide to the Sea Snakes of the Kimberley Coast of Western Australia. Department of Parks and Wildlife occasional publication. The Guide can be obtained on request through the Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions or Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Yellow-bellied sea snake Hydrophis platurus

14 Marine protected species ID guide Notes

Marine protected species ID guide 15 Fish Seahorses

Winged alatus Hippocampus histrix

Western spiny seahorse Spotted seahorse Hippocampus angustus

16 Marine protected species ID guide Fish Seahorses (continued)

False-eyed seahorse Montebello seahorse Hippocampus biocellatus Hippocampus montebelloensis

Short-headed seahorse Flat-faced seahorse Hippocampus breviceps

Marine protected species ID guide 17 Fish Seahorses (continued)

Hedgehog seahorse West Australian seahorse Hippocampus spinosissimus Hippocampus subelongatus

Fish Seadragons

Leafy seadragon Weedy seadragon Phycodurus eques taeniolatus

18 Marine protected species ID guide Fish Pipefish

Braun’s pughead pipefish brauni

Pacific short-bodied pipefish brachysoma

Muiron Island pipefish Choeroichthys latispinosus

Australian messmate pipefish intestinalis

Marine protected species ID guide 19 Fish Pipefish (continued)

Bluestripe pipefish excisus

Spiny-snout pipefish spinirostris

Ribboned pipefish

Beady pipefish penicillus

20 Marine protected species ID guide Fish Pipefish (continued)

Cleaner pipefish

Ladder pipefish scalaris

Tiger pipefish Filicampus tigris

Brock’s pipefish Halicampus brocki

Marine protected species ID guide 21 Fish Pipefish (continued)

Brushtail pipefish

Sawtooth pipefish perserrata

Robust ghost pipefish cyanopterus

Alligator pipefish Syngnathoides biaculeatus

22 Marine protected species ID guide Fish Pipefish (continued)

Tidepool pipefish micronotopterus

Gunther’s pipefish lettiensis

Spotted pipefish argus

Short-tailed pipefish bicoarctatus

Long-nosed pipefish Trachyrhamphus longirostris

Marine protected species ID guide 23 Fish Sharks, general

White Shortfin mako shark Carcharodon oxyrinchus

Grey Smooth Carcharias taurus Sphyrna zygaena

Great hammerhead shark Scalloped hammerhead Sphyrna mokarran Sphyrna lewini

Southern dogfish Cetrophorus zeehaani Galeorhinus

24 Marine protected species ID guide Fish Sharks, general (continued)

Blacktip shark Spinner shark tilstoni, C. Limbatus Carcharhinus brevipinna

Whale shark Rhinconodon typus

Fish Sharks, whaler Whaler sharks larger than 700 mm interdorsal length are protected in the SC and WC bioregions, unless taken under specific commercial exemption. Broad, angular Narrow hook- upper teeth Interdorsal shaped upper No interdorsal ridge teeth ridge

Bronze whaler shark Dusky (whaler) shark Carcharhinus brachyurus Carcharhinus obscurus

Marine protected species ID guide 25 Fish Sharks, whaler (continued) Whaler sharks larger than 700 mm interdorsal length are protected in the SC and WC bioregions, unless taken under specific commercial exemption.

Bull shark Speartooth shark Carcharhinus leucas Glyphis glyphis

Blue shark Prionace glauca

Northern Glyphis garricki

26 Marine protected species ID guide Fish Rays, general

Reef Giant manta ray Manta alfredi Manta birostris

Japanese devil ray Pygmy devil ray japanica Mobula eregoodootenkee

Smooth stingray Dasyatis brevicaudata

Marine protected species ID guide 27 Fish Rays, Sawfishes

Largetooth (Freshwater) sawfish Dwarf sawfish Pristis pristis Pristis clavata

Green sawfish Narrow sawfish Pristis zijsron Anoxypristis cuspidata

28 Marine protected species ID guide Fish Rays, Sawfishes

Sawfishes ID key

No teeth at base of saw Teeth at base of sawTeeth at base of saw No teeth at base of saw Teeth at base of saw No teeth atNo base teeth at ofbaseNo saw ofteeth saw at base of saw TeethTeeth at at base base of saw of saw Teeth at base of saw No teethNo at teethbase of at saw base of saw Teeth at baseTeeth Teethof saw at at Teethbase base ofat of sawbase saw of saw No teeth at Nobase teeth of sawNo at teethbase ofatNo sawbase teeth of at saw base of saw Teeth at base of saw

Non-forked tail Non-forked tail Non-forkedNon-forked tailNon-forked tail tail Forked tail ForkedForked tail tail Forked tail Forked tail Non-forked tail Non-forked Non-forkedtailNon-forkedNon-forked tail tail Non-forked tail tail Forked tail Forked tail ForkedForked tailForked tail tailForked tail

gaps between teeth are gaps between teethgaps between teeth gaps between teeth are gaps between teeth gaps betweenlargegaps teeth at the between are base and teeth areare the same aregaps the between same teeth largeGaps at the between base and teeth Gapsare thebetween same teeth large gapsat the between basesmalllarge and at at teeththe the tip gapsbaseare all betweenand the waygaps teethalong betweengaps allgapsthe the between saw teeth between way arealong teeth theteeth the same saw gaps betweensmallgaps teeth at between thegaps are tip between teethteethgaps are are teethbetween are teeth are allgaps the betweenway along teethgaps the saw between teeth are largesmall at at thethe tipsmall base at the aretip the sameareare thethe sameare aresame allthe thethe same sameway all along the the saw large at the largelargebase andat thelargethelarge basebase atat the the andandlarge base base at and theand base and are the same are the same all the way alongall the the wayall sawall thealong the way way the along sawalong the the saw saw smalland at the smallsmall tip at smallthethesmallat tiptip at theat the thesmall tip tip at the tip all theway way alongall the the saw theway along saw the saw

NarrowNarrow Sawfish Saw shNarrow Saw sh GreenGreen Saw sh SawfishGreen Saw sh DwarfDwarf Saw shDwarf Sawfish Saw shFreshwater FreshwaterSaw shLargetooth Saw sh Narrow(Anoxypristis NarrowSaw sh cuspidataNarrow(Anoxypristis Saw shNarrow) Narrow Saw sh cuspidata Saw sh Saw shGreen ) ( PristisSaw sh GreenGreen zijsronGreen Saw sh) Saw sh(PristisGreen GreenSaw sh zijsronDwarf Saw sh Saw sh) (Saw shPristisDwarfDwarf clavataDwarf Saw sh )Saw sh(PristisDwarf Saw sh clavata FreshwaterSaw sh) Freshwater(FreshwaterPristis Saw shFreshwater pristis Saw sh)FreshwaterFreshwater (Saw shPristis Saw sh pristis Saw sh) Saw sh (Anoxypristis(Anoxypristis cuspidata(Anoxypristis) cuspidatacuspidata cuspidata)) ) (Pristis zijsron(Pristis()Pristis zijsron( Pristiszijsron) zijsron) ) (Pristis clavata(Pristis)(Pristis clavata(Pristis clavata) clavata) ) (Pristis pristis(Pristis) (Pristis pristis(Pristis pristis) pristis) ) AnoxypristisNarrow cuspidataNarrow Saw sh(Anoxypristis(Anoxypristis Saw sh cuspidata cuspidataPristis) )Green zijsronGreen Saw sh Saw sh(Pristis(Pristis zijsron zijsron) ) DwarfPristisDwarf Saw sh clavata Saw sh((Pristis clavata)) Freshwater(Freshwater)Freshwater Saw sh(Pristis(Pristis Saw sh Sawfish pristis pristis) ) (Anoxypristis(Anoxypristis cuspidata cuspidata) ) (Pristis zijsron(Pristis) zijsron) (Pristis clavata(Pristis) clavata) (Pristis pristis(Pristis) pristis) 16-33 teeth each 16-33side teeth each side 23-37 teeth each 23-37side teeth each side18-27 teeth each 18-27side teeth each side 14-24 teeth eachPristis 14-24side teeth pristis each side • 16-3316-33 teeth 16-33each each sideteethteeth16-33 eacheach sideteeth16-33 side 16-33side each teeth teeth side• each23-37 each23-37 side teethside 23-37eachteeth23-37 sideteeth teeth23-37 each each eachteeth23-37 side23-37 sideeachside teeth teeth side18-27 each each •teeth side side18-27 18-27each18-27 sideteeth18-27 teeth each teeth each 18-27side18-27 each side teeth side each14-24 sideside teeth 14-24each14-24 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nwider behind thanst pelvic longst ns st stPectorals1 dorsal longer n behind thanst pelvic widest nsst st Pectorals1 dorsal longer n behind thanst pelvic widest nsst st Pectorals1 dorsal equal n aheadlength of and pelvic width ns 1 dorsal1 dorsal n1 Pectorals stbehind n dorsal behind1 pelvic n widerdorsal pelvicbehind ns than nst ns pelvicbehind long ns 1pelvic dorsal1 ns dorsal n1 behindPectorals st ndorsal behind1 pelvic n dorsal longer behind pelvic ns n stthan pelvic nsbehind wide ns1 pelvic dorsal1 ns dorsal n1 behind dorsalPectorals st n behind1 pelvic n dorsal behind longer nspelvic nst pelvicthanbehind ns wide ns pelvic1 dorsal ns1 n dorsal1 aheadPectorals dorsal st n of1 ahead n pelvic dorsal equalahead of ns n pelviclengthst of ahead pelvic ns and of ns pelvicwidth ns • Pectorals1 dorsal wider n behind1 stthan dorsal1 dorsalpelvic n nbehind ns •behind Pectorals pelvic pelvic1 ns dorsal ns nlonger behind1st1 dorsal dorsal pelvic than n n behind ns behind pelvic pelvic1grooved ns dorsal ns n behind1 1backst dorsaldorsal pelvic n n behind ns pelvicpelvic ns1 ns dorsalgrooved n ahead11st dorsal dorsal ofback pelvic n n ahead ahead ns of of pelvic pelvic ns ns st Saw with parallel sides st Saw slightly wider near base st Saw wider near base st Saw wider near base SawSaw withst with parallelSaw parallel1 with sidesdorsalSaw parallelsides with n behind sidesparallel pelvic Sawsides Sawslightly ns slightlystSaw wider slightly wider near1Saw dorsal base nearwiderslightly nbase near widerbehind base near pelvicSaw base nswiderSawst nearwiderSaw basewider1 near dorsalSaw nearbase wider n base behind near base pelvicSaw ns widerSawst nearSaw wider basewider1 near Sawdorsal near basewider nbase aheadnear base of pelvic ns long 1 dorsalSaw nwith behind parallelSaw pelvic Sawsides with with ns parallel parallelwide sides sides1 Sawdorsal slightly n behind widerSawSaw pelvic slightlynear slightly base ns wider wider near near• 1 basePectorals base dorsalSaw n wider behind near longer SawpelvicSaw base wider ns near base 1 • dorsal PectoralsSaw n wider ahead near ofSawSaw pelvic baseequal wider wider ns near near length base base • 1st dorsalSaw fin with Sawbehind parallel with sidesparallel sides• 1st dorsalSaw slightlySaw fin widerslightly behind near wider base near base thanSaw widerwideSaw near wider base near base Sawand wider widthSaw near wider base near base pelvic fins pelvic fins • 1st behind • 1st dorsal fin ahead of • Saw with parallel • Saw slightly wider pelvic fins pelvic fins sides near base • Saw wider near base • Saw wider near base

Marine protected species ID guide 29 Sea birds Albatrosses Photo: Frank O’Connor Photo: Alan Collins Photo: Wandering albatross Black-browed albatross Diomedea exulans Thalassarche melanophris Photo: Frank O’Connor Photo: Robyn Pickering Photo: Shy albatross Yellow-nosed albatross Thalassarche cauta Thalassarche carteri

Sea birds and gannets Photo: Tony Palliser Tony Photo: Photo: Jennifer Sumpton Photo: Australasian Brown Morus serrator Sula leucogaster

30 Marine protected species ID guide Sea birds and shags Photo: Frank O’Connor Photo: Chris Tate Chris Photo: Black-faced novaehollandiae fuscescens Photo: Alan Collins Photo: Australian pied cormorant Phalacrocorax varius

Sea birds Photo: Tony Palliser Tony Photo: Lesser Fregata ariel

Marine protected species ID guide 31 Sea birds Hawks and eagles Photo: Keith Wilcox Photo: Photo: Frank O’Connor

White-bellied sea eagle Brahminy kite Haliaeetus leucogaster Haliastur indus Photo: Alan Collins Photo: Eastern cristatus

Sea birds Skua Photo: Frank O’Connor Brown skua Stercorarius antarcticus

32 Marine protected species ID guide Sea birds Shearwaters and petrels Photo: Frank O’Connor Photo: Alan Collins Photo: Southern giant petrel Great-winged petrel Macronectes giganteus Pterodroma macroptera Photo: Frank O’Connor Photo: Alan Collins Photo: Flesh-footed shearwater Wedge-tailed shearwater (muttonbird) Ardenna carneipes Ardenna pacifica

Sea birds Storm petrels Photo: Alan Collins Photo: Photo: Alan Collins Photo:

Wilson’s storm petrel White-faced storm petrel Oceanites oceanicus Pelagodroma marina

Marine protected species ID guide 33 Sea birds Terns, noddies and gulls Photo: Tony Palliser Tony Photo: Photo: Tony Palliser Tony Photo:

Whiskered tern White-winged tern Chlidonias hybrida Chlidonias leucopterus Photo: John Anderson John Photo: Photo: Robin Ashford Robin Photo:

Gull-billed tern Caspian tern Gelochelidon nilotica Hydroprogne caspia Photo: Robin Ashford Robin Photo: Photo: Frank O’Connor

Lesser crested tern Crested tern Thalasseus bengalensis Thalasseus bergii

34 Marine protected species ID guide Sea birds Terns, noddies and gulls (continued) Photo: Frank O’Connor Photo: Alan Collins Photo: Bridled tern Sooty tern Onychoprion anaethetus Onychoprion fuscata Photo: Tony Palliser Tony Photo: Photo: Bruce Greatwich Photo:

Roseate tern Common tern Sterna dougallii Sterna hirundo Photo: Robyn Pickering Photo: Photo: Tony Palliser Tony Photo:

Little tern Fairy tern Sternula albifrons Sternula nereis

Marine protected species ID guide 35 Sea birds Terns, noddies and gulls (continued) Photo: Robin Ashford Robin Photo: Photo: Jennifer Sumpton Photo: Brown (Common) noddy Lesser noddy Anous stolidus Anous tenuirostris Photo: Frank O’Connor Photo: Frank O’Connor Pacific gull Silver gull Larus pacificus Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae

Sea birds Penguins Photo: Keith Wilcox Photo: Eudyptula minor

36 Marine protected species ID guide Sea birds Photo: Frank O’Connor Australian Pelecanus conspicillatus

Marine protected species ID guide 37 Shore birds Photo: John Vogel Photo: Photo: Chris Tate Chris Photo: Ruddy turnstone Red-capped plover Arenaria interpres Charadrius ruficapillus Photo: Rod Smith Photo: Photo: Chris Tate Tate Chris Photo: Pacific reef Beach stone curlew Egretta sacra Esacus magnirostris neglectus Photo: Robyn Pickering Photo: Robyn Pickering Photo: Sooty oystercatcher Pied oystercatcher Haematopus fuliginosus Haematopus longirostris

38 Marine protected species ID guide Shore birds (continued) Photo: Frank O’Connor Robyn Pickering Photo: Black-winged stilt Hooded plover Himantopus leucocephalus Thinornis cucullatus

Marine protected species ID guide 39 Index of common names

A Brown-lined sea snake...... 12 pipefish ...... 22 Brown skua...... 32 Australasian darter...... 31 Brushtail pipefish...... 22 ...... 30 ...... 26 Australian messmate pipefish...... 19 Australian pelican...... 37 P Australian pied cormorant...... 31 Caspian tern...... 34 Australian sea lion...... 9 Cleaner pipefish...... 21 Australian snubfin dolphin...... 8 Common dolphin...... 7 Common tern...... 35 B Crested tern...... 34 Beach stone curlew...... 38 Beady pipefish...... 20 D Black-browed albatross...... 30 Dubois’ sea snake...... 12 Black-faced cormorant...... 31 Dugong...... 9 Black-ringed mangrove snake...... 14 Dusky dolphin...... 7 Blacktip shark...... 25 Dusky sea snake...... 13 Black-winged stilt...... 39 Dusky (whaler) shark...... 25 ...... 26 Dwarf sawfish...... 28 Bluestripe pipefish...... 20 ...... 6 E Bottlenose dolphin...... 9 ...... 32 Brahminy kite...... 32 Elegant sea snake...... 13 Braun’s pughead pipefish...... 19 Bridled tern...... 35 F Brock’s pipefish...... 21 Fairy tern...... 35 Bronze whaler shark...... 25 False-eyed seahorse...... 17 ...... 30 False killer whale...... 7 Brown (Common) noddy...... 36 Fin whale ...... 6

40 Marine protected species ID guide Flatback turtle...... 11 J Flat-faced seahorse...... 17 Japanese devil ray...... 27 Flesh-footed shearwater...... 33 Fraser’s dolphin...... 7 K Freshwater crocodile...... 11 Killer whale...... 7

G L Geometrical sea snake...... 14 Ladder pipefish...... 21 Giant manta ray...... 27 Largetooth (Freshwater) sawfish...28 shark...... 24 Leaf-scaled sea snake...... 12 Great-winged petrel...... 33 ...... 18 Green sawfish...... 28 Leatherback turtle...... 11 Green turtle...... 11 Leopard seal...... 9 Grey nurse shark...... 24 Lesser crested tern...... 34 Gull-billed tern...... 34 ...... 31 Gunther’s pipefish...... 23 Lesser noddy...... 36 Little penguin...... 36 H Little tern...... 35 Hawksbill turtle...... 11 Loggerhead turtle...... 11 ...... 18 Long-finned pilot whale...... 6 Hooded plover...... 39 Long-nosed pipefish ...... 23 Horned sea snake...... 13 Long-snouted spinner dolphin...... 8 Humpback whale ...... 6 M I ...... 6 Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin...... 8 Montebello seahorse...... 17 Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin...... 8 Mosaic sea snake...... 13 Muiron Island pipefish...... 19

Marine protected species ID guide 41 Index of common names (continued)

N S Narrow sawfish...... 28 ...... 11 fur seal...... 9 Sawtooth pipefish...... 22 Northern river shark...... 26 Scalloped hammerhead...... 24 North-western mangrove School shark...... 24 sea snake...... 14 ...... 6 Shark Bay sea snake...... 13 O Shortfin mako shark...... 24 Ocellate sea snake...... 14 Short-finned pilot whale...... 6 Olive-headed sea snake...... 13 Short-headed seahorse...... 17 Olive ridley turtle...... 11 Short-nosed sea snake...... 12 Olive sea snake...... 12 Short-tailed pipefish ...... 23 Shy albatross...... 30 P Silver gull...... 36 Pacific gull...... 36 Small-headed sea snake...... 14 Pacific reef heron...... 38 Smooth hammerhead shark...... 24 Pacific short-bodied pipefish...... 19 Smooth stingray...... 27 Pied oystercatcher...... 38 Pygmy devil ray...... 27 Sooty oystercatcher...... 38 Sooty tern...... 35 R Southern dogfish...... 24 Red-capped plover...... 38 Southern elephant seal...... 9 Reef manta ray...... 27 Southern giant petrel...... 33 Ribboned pipefish...... 20 ...... 6 Risso’s dolphin...... 7 Southern right whale dolphin...... 8 ...... 22 Speartooth shark...... 26 Roseate tern...... 35 Spectacled sea snake...... 13 Rough toothed dolphin...... 8 ...... 7 Ruddy turnstone...... 38 Spine-bellied sea snake...... 12

42 Marine protected species ID guide Spinner shark...... 25 Y Spiny seahorse...... 16 Yellow-bellied sea snake...... 14 Spiny-snout pipefish...... 20 Yellow-nosed albatross...... 30 Spotted dolphin...... 8 ...... 23 Spotted seahorse...... 16 Stokes’ sea snake...... 13 ...... 8

T Tidepool pipefish...... 23 pipefish...... 21 Turtle-headed sea snake...... 14

W Wandering albatross...... 30 Wedge-tailed shearwater (muttonbird)...... 33 Weedy seadragon...... 18 West Australian seahorse...... 18 Western spiny seahorse...... 16 ...... 25 Whiskered tern...... 34 White-bellied sea eagle...... 32 White-faced storm petrel...... 33 White shark...... 24 White-winged tern...... 34 Wilson’s storm petrel...... 33 Winged seahorse...... 16

Marine protected species ID guide 43 903/15/02

903/15-02 June 2021