FAQ B2B Arrangements English

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FAQ B2B Arrangements English FAQ B2B Partner May 14th - October 2nd 2022 Arrangements subject to change August 2021 CONTENT 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 3 2. PARKING FACILITIES IN OBERAMMERGAU 5 3. LIGHT LUNCH 6 4. ADMITTANCE 7 5. IN THE THEATRE 10 6. ACCOMMODATION 12 7. SECURITY CONCEPT 15 8. TIMES OF PERFORMANCE AND SEATING PLAN 15 9. PASSION PLAY DINNER 18 10. OBERAMMERGAU AND ENVIRONMENT 19 MAPS BUS PARKING 8-9 SEATING PLAN 16-17 MAP OBERAMMERGAU 22 MAP PASSION PLAY THEATRE 23 Note: The Passionsspiele Oberammergau Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG obser- ves the current, dynamic situation in connection with Covid-19 (Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2) very closely. We are in close contact with the responsible authorities and take into account their specifications and recommendations for the implementation of events. The safety and health of our guests and all participants are our main concern and have top priority. As soon as we have further information, we will communicate any hygiene concept that may be required. Thank you for your understanding that de- tailed information is not yet possible at this time. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 When is the next payment due? Extract from the General Terms and Conditions: … on the first day of the sixth month before the month in which lies the day of the first performance, a further 75 % of the payment is due… month of arrival Due date of the ba- dispatch of the invoice lance payment (75 %) May 2022 01.11.2021 Starting mid-October 2021 June 2022 01.12.2021 Starting mid-November 2021 July 2022 01.01.2022 Starting mid-December 2021 August 2022 01.02.2022 Starting mid-January 2022 September 2022 01.03.2022 Starting mid-February 2022 October 2022 01.04.2022 Starting mid-March 2022 As with all other invoices the payment period for the remaining payments is 10 days from the date of invoice dispatch. We kindly ask you to wait to pay until you receive the invoice. Note: Please always indicate the respective reservation number for a correct assignment during the bank transfer. The travel price is subject to margin taxation according to §25 UStG (special regulation for tour operators). Consequences of Falling Short of 250 Arrangements: The charges which are agreed at conclusion of the contracts shall apply only to contracts comprising at least 250 arrangements. If the number of the arrangements fall below 250 arrangements with cancellations, the charges agreed upon shall be increased to the B2C-consumer price plus EUR 10,00 p.p. for the beverage package for the Passion Play dinner. Difference between B2B and B2C rate will be charged with the final invoice. 3 1.2 What are the cancellation fees? Extract from the General Terms and Conditions: … For a cancellation between 01.03.2021 and the 180th day before the Day of the First Performance there will be 25% cancellation fee. For a cancellation between the 179th day before the Day of the First Performance and the 141st day before the Day of the First Performance there will be 30% cancellation fee. For a cancellation between the 140th day before the Day of the First Performance and the 91st day before the Day of the First Performance there will be 50% cancellation fee. For a cancellation between the 90th day before the Day of the First Performance and the last day before the Day of the First Performance there will be 90% cancellation fee. All cancellations from the first day of the arrangement require a cancellation fee of 100%. The cancellation fees are due immedialy and are offset against the deposit payments. Day of first performance Cancellation fee 01.03.2021 – 180th day 25 % 179. – 141st day 30 % 140. – 91st day 50 % 90th day – last day 90 % Upon the first day of the performance 100 % 1.3 Are there rebooking fees? Extract from the General Terms and Conditions: … In case of a rebooking as of 01.01.2021 in the form of a change of dates (with the same accommodation- and Ticket category) and generally regarding all other rebooking (rebooking into a higher and/or lower accommodation- and/or Ticket category) a rebooking fee in the amount EUR 25,00 (net) per Arrangement shall arise for the rebooking itself. Apart from that the charges for the Arrangement in the rebooked category shall be paid. In case that within one rebooking several parameters regarding one Arrangement are changed at the same time (e.g. another date and a higher accommodation- and Ticket category of an Arrangement), the rebooking remains at EUR 25,00 (net) per Arrangement… 4 Please send your rebooking requests via E-Mail to: [email protected] so that we can check and let you know about the current availabilities. After the change you will receive a new invoice including the rebooking fees. For changes it is important that the amount of the pax will stay the same. If you reduce the amount of people there will be cancellation fees. 1.4 When do you need the names and how do we let you know about them? About 4 months before the play all of the B2B clients will receive an E-Mail including an Excel sheet where they can enter the names of the clients for all of their bookings. The same procedure applies to name changes. We will update you with further information soon. 1.5 When will I receive the travel documents? You will receive the travel documents probably about 6 weeks before the arrival date. The travel documents include the vouchers for the hotel, the dinner … and will be sent via E-Mail. The guests will get the original tickets and the textbook upon arrival at the hotel. 2. PARKING FACILITIES IN OBERAMMERGAU Where can I park in Oberammergau? Please be advised that you can not drive directly into Oberammergau on the days of performance because of the safety- and traffic system. Regarding the parking facilities we would like to let you know about the following information: Park & Ride parking areas (with a fee, coaches not allowed): Parking areas „Festplatz“ and „Kolbenplatz“ with a Shuttleservice: On days of performance there will be a Shuttleservice from 11am until 2 pm, during the break and 1 hour after the Passion Play for visitors of the Passion Play. The shuttle will transfer the guests from the Park & Ride parking areas to the theatre (Oberammergau map on p. 22). Please follow the signs at the parking areas. 5 To get your clients as close to the theatre as possible please consider the following information: Entry permit: Upcoming further information will be send. Parking Spots for buses: Buses are allowed to stop for a maximum of 20 minutes near by the train station in Oberammergau so that the guests can get in and out of the bus. In total there are 24 bus parking spots for arrangement guests in the Eugen- Papst-Straße (bus parking map on p. 8-9). They are for free but you need to book them via E-Mail ([email protected]). An external service will handle the parking spots. 3. LIGHT LUNCH What does the Light Lunch include and where will it takes place? If you booked an optional Light Lunch your clients will get a one course dish (two choices) which will be served in a restaurant in Oberammergau or Ettal. You will receive the allocation of the restaurant with the travel documents. Times for the Light Lunch: May 14th until August 14th: 11.30 am – 1.30 pm August 15th until October 2nd: 11 am – 1 pm Shuttle service is not offered, the arrival and departure is self-directed. More information about parking will follow soon. 6 4. ADMITTANCE 4.1 When do the clients need to be at the theatre? An event area with admission checks is set up in front of the Passion Play Theatre. Please allow sufficient time (at least 1 hour before the start of the performance). There will be no separate admission for B2B partners. Theatre gates will open 30 minutes before start of the play. Seating needs to be done 15 minutes before beginning. Importend note: No entrance after start of the play. 4.2 Is there an admission control? Before you enter the Passion Play Theatre area there will be admission controls. Bag and body checks may be carried out as part of the admission checks. These are to be tolerated to an appropriate extent. Admission into the theatre is only permitted with a valid ticket. The ticket must be shown at the entrance of the theatre. Admission checks will take place. Please inform yourself before your visit about possible changes to the admission times under: www.passionsspiele-oberammergau.de/en 4.3 Are the tickets personalized? Admission is only permitted upon presentation of a valid ticket for the performance day. The name of the visitor must be entered on the back of the ticket. At the request of the admission staff, the identity card must be presented in order to check whether the person entered on the ticket is the same as the ticket holder entering the theatre. During the performance, the ticket must be carried at all times and presented on request. Tickets need to be shown after break for reentering the Passion Play Theatre. Due to safety reasons, the Passionsspiele Oberammergau Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG must have all the names of the visitors. Commercial sale of the ticket is not permitted. 7 Am R -Laine W einberg Esel arber Am W e g n s i tr a l . s i e Kr Erlba Herrnpoint F chweg eldigl- Pater-Rosner-Str.
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