(SW) and Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) Control of Magnetospheric Electrodynamics

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(SW) and Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) Control of Magnetospheric Electrodynamics J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 38, 1115-1141, 1986 Interplanetary Control of High Latitude Electrodynamics William J. BURKE1 and Mary Anne DoYLE2 1Air Force Geophysi cs Laboratory, Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts 01731, U.S.A. 2Regis College , Weston, Massachusetts 02193, U.S.A. (Received November 7, 1985; Revised January 28, 1986) This paper reviews recent observational developments concerning the influence of the solar wind (SW) and the interplanetary magnetic (IMF) field on magneto- spheric processes. Examples are chosen to demonstrate that the influence of the SW/IMF is global in scope. Subsequent to sudden compressions of the magneto- sphere observed by the Dynamics Explorer satellite the entire auroral oval is bombarded by previously trapped particles. Whether this is followed by a main phase storm or a theta aurora depends on the north-south polarity of the IMF . The potential drop across the polar cap is shown to correlate with the interplanetary electric field. However the potential across the polar cap is much less than the potential across the magnetosphere in the solar wind. The influence of the azimuthal component and ionospheric conductivity on the polar cap convection pattern is discussed in terms of recent observations from the Dynamics Explorer satellite. During periods of northward IMF, regions of sunward convection, with an attendant field-aligned current system, are found in the sunlit ionosphere on the day side of the magnetic dawn-dusk meridian. On the night side of this meridian and in the darkened polar cap, electric fields and field-aligned currents show filamentary structures. Electron precipitation in the polar cap varies from nearly uniform polar rain during periods of southward IMF to structured polar rain and sun-aligned arcs when the IMF has a northward component. The theta aurora detected by the imaging system on Dynamics Explorer appears in regions of sunward convection accompanied by downcoming O+ ions. This suggests that the lobes of the magnetotail are bifurcated by closed, plasma sheet field lines. At lower magnetic latitudes the systematics of the equatorward boundary of auroral electron precipitation are indirectly controlled by the interplanetary electric field. For low to moderate levels of KP, reasonable estimates of the polar cap potential may be derived from the positions of this boundary. 1. Introduction The topic assigned for this review concerns solar wind (SW) and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) control of magnetospheric electrodynamics. This is a very broad topic with several possible meanings. Many magnetospheric processes correlate with the dynamics of the SW/IMF. At high latitudes the SW/IMF affects the location and width of the dayside cusps (BURCH, 1973), the cross polar cap potential, the patterns of convection, the conditions for substorm onset and the structure of the plasma- pause. Even changes in the direction and intensity of the equatorial electrojet (GoNZALESet al., 1983) and the local time of equatorial spread Fcan be controlled by effects of the SW/IMF. In this paper we restrict our attention to high-latitude 1115 1116 W. J. BuRKE and M. A. DoYLE electrodynamic coupling effects observed in the polar cap and near the equatorward boundary of auroral precipitation. Other papers presented in this symposium address a broader spectrum of SW/IMF effects on the magnetosphere. It is useful to distinguish between processes in which the transfer of mass, momentum and energy between the SW/IMF and the magnetosphere are direct, from those that are mediated by internal magnetospheric processes. The cross-polar cap potential and the structure of the plasmapause are examples of direct and indirect coupling, respectively. Here, however, a word of caution should be interjected, as diagnostic sensors evolve and new regions of space are explored, observations are showing that there are very few pure transfer processes. Rather there are only true coupling processes in which one of the partners plays a relatively dominant role. During the 1960's and early 1970's two global models of the coupling between the magnetosphere and SW/IMF competed for the hearts and minds of magnetospheric physicists. The model of AXFORDand HiNEs (1961) postulated that magnetosheath plasma exerts a viscous force on a layer of unspecified thickness inside the magnetopause. Magnetic field lines threading this layer are dragged in the anti-solar direction, and are stretched to great distances in the magnetotail. As elongated flux tubes move out of the viscous layer they snap back toward more Bipolar shapes. In the rest frame of the earth, this motion of magnetic field appears as an electric field that drives magnetospheric convection and high-latitude, ionospheric current systems. The second model, originally proposed by DUNGEY(1961), postulates that the weak magnetic field converted in and by the solar wind strongly interacts via magnetic merging with the magnetosphere. In this model the magnetosphere is made up of two distinct topologies: closed field lines with two feet tied to the earth and open field lines with one foot tied to the earth and the other to the IMF. Many studies showed that indeed the level of activity in the magnetosphere correlates with the southward component of the IMF. The second phase of the model postulates that magnetic reconnection, which must occur in the magnetotail offers a plausible energy source for substorms. Observations from satellites in the magnetosphere suggest that both models contribute to magnetospheric electrodynamics. Through the low-latitude boundary layer (EASTMANet al., 1976) the magnetosheath plasma exerts tangential stresses on closed field lines. Direct evidence for dayside merging as steady (GOSLINGet al., 1982) and sporadic (RUSSELLand ELPHIC, 1979) processes have been directly measured by instrumentation on the ISEE 1 and 2 satellites. The purpose of this brief report is to summarize our present understanding of electrical coupling between the SW/IMF and the magnetosphere. This is done through a series of illustrative examples. The first example was chosen to show the global nature of the interaction as observed by the imaging system on DE-1 satellite. In the next section we consider the direct effects of electrical coupling of the SW/ IMF to the polar cap ionosphere. This section is divided into three parts dealing with the polar cap potential, the effects of IMF Br on high-latitude convection patterns and the effects of northward IMF on convection, field-aligned currents and electron precipitation in the polar cap. The final section examines indirect effects of SW/IMF coupling to the magnetosphere as illustrated by the systematics of auroral electron precipitation boundaries. Interplanetary Control of High Latitude Electrodynamics 1117 2. Global Effects of the SWl IMF The basic intuition of both the Axford-Hines and the Dungey models is that the solar wind interaction with the magnetosphere is global in scale. However, ground and satellite observational studies of the interactions are spatially restricted. In the observational sense, global models have historically been created piece-meal. Our situation has been radically altered by the imaging system of the Dynamics Explorer 1 satellite. For the first time we are able to witness the evolution of geomagnetic processes on a global scale. Plates 1 and 2 present a series of images taken over the northern high latitude ionosphere on 20 and 22 October 1981 (CRAVEN etal., 1985). Both days were marked by sudden commencements (SC) event at 1309 UT on 20 October and 0525 UT on 22 October due to rapid increases in the dynamic pressure of the solar wind. During the 20 (22) October event the IMF was strongly southward (northward) both prior to and after the discontinuity. Within the 12 minute resolution of the DE imager the SC's were immediately followed by brightenings of the auroral oval at all local times. Within Alfven travel times, the effects of the sudden compressions on the global magnetosphere are probably instantaneous. In the case of the southward IMF the SC was quickly followed by a main phase storm (Dst=-190 nT) marked by bright auroral oval emissions seen in the last four images of Plate 1. Subsequent to the initial oval brightening in the northward IMF case, optical emissions from the auroral oval remained at constant, moderate levels. However, a well-defined theta auroral (FRANK et al., 1982) developed across the polar cap. It is interesting to note that several hours after the second SC the IMF turned southward and a -190nT main phase occurred. 3. Direct SW/IMF Effects on Polar Cap Electrodynamics The direct effects of SW/IMF coupling to the magnetosphere are reflected in near earth space through the dynamics of the polar cap. A growing body of empirical evidence suggests that most of the magnetic flux in the polar cap is open. That is, one foot is tied to earth and the other to the interplanetary medium. This section is divided into three parts in which we consider: (1) the relationship between the cross polar cap potential and the orientation and magnitude of the interplanetary electric field, (2) the effects of IMF BY on high-latitude convection patterns and (3) the effects of northward IMF on convection, field-aligned currents and electron precipitation in the polar cap. 3.1 The polar cap potential The polar cap potential Φpc is the most direct parameter for SW/IMF coupling with the magnetosphere. It measures the rate at which magnetic flux is transferred from the day to the night side of the earth (SISCOE, 1982). The potential drop across the auroral oval ΦA give the rates of flux return. While on the average ΦPC=ΦA currently held models of substorms suggest that this need not be true on an instantaneous basis. Despite the fundamental nature of ΦPC relatively few measure- ments have been reported in the literature. This scarcity reflects the inherent difficulty of making electric field measurements, as well as frequently unfavorable orbital 1118 W.
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