NAME: DATE: LOCATION(S) VISITED: Examine edible from the produce aisle or at the Farmers Market and use your knowledge of anatomy to determine plant organ(s). ** How do you know? Answer this question using diagnostic features and relationship to other plant parts. Complete common & scientific names when not given in the table.

Anatomy of Edible **How Do You Know? Name of Vegetable Scientific Name Part

Carrot Family Apiaceae Daucus carota Carrot Apium graveolens Celery

Sunflower Family

Artichoke Cynara scolymus

Belgian endive Cichorium intybus

Lettuce Lactuca sativa

Mustard Family Brassicaceae

Brussels Sprout Brassica oleracea

Cauliflower Brassica oleracea

Cabbage Brassica oleracea

Kale Brassica oleracea

Kohlrabi Brassica oleracea

Radish Raphanus sativus

Turnip Brassica rapa

Spinach Family Chenopodiaceae Swiss Chard Beta vulgaris Beet Beta vulgaris Spinach Spinacea oleracea

Farmer’s Market Tables.doc Table 1: SUPERMARKET BOTANY continued

Anatomy of Edible **How Do You Know? Name of Vegetable Scientific Name Part Lamiaceae Mint Family Lavender

Buckwheat Family

Rhubarb rhaponticum

Lily Family Relatives Asparagus Asparagus officinalis Garlic

Tomato Family Potatoe Eggplant Petunia

Squash Family

Family: Cinnamon

Family: Vanilla

Modified from Lab Manual for Applied Botany. Levetin, MacMahon, and Reinsvold (2002)

Table 2: Lane County Farmer’s Market Seasonal Crop Calendar (a chart will be included in the hard copy but can be seen at the following URL)

Farmer’s Market Tables.doc Table 3: Plant Family Foods After each food item in the MENU below, write in the standard plant family name to which the food belongs. If the food is a fruit, botanically speaking, write the specific fruit type. If not write which specific plant part is being eaten.

Breakfast Prune Juice: ______Apple sauce: ______

Buckwheat cakes: ______Huckleberry syrup: ______

Strawberry Jam: ______Maple syrup: ______

Cinnamon Rolls: ______Lunch Avocado: ______Radishes: ______Cilantro: ______Fried okra: ______Lettuce: ______Steamed broccoli: ______Tomatoes:______Rhubarb pie: ______Poppy seed rolls: ______


Cashews: ______Corn chips: ______

Peanut butter cup with chocolate: Black bean dip: ______Supper Baked potato: ______Roasted chestnuts: ______

Split pea soup: ______Mint jelly: ______

Almonds: ______Brandied pears: ______

Coffee: ______

Farmer’s Market Tables.doc