Clue # 2 Did you know? was one of the most powerful women in Egyptian history.

Cleopatra was much older than her brother Ptolemy XIII, so she quickly took control as the sole ruler of Egypt. As her brother got older he wanted more power. Tensions raged among and . Pompey had once helped Cleopatra's father regain the throne. He was also the military and political power in Rome. The two Roman armies fought at Pharsalos. Caesar won the battle and Pompey sailed to . He was hoping to get protection from Egypt. In Egypt, Ptolemy XIII had Pompey killed because he believed it would benefit him to side with Caesar in the Roman civil war. Ptolemy XIII welcomed Julius Caesar of Rome. Guardians for Ptolemy XIII forced Cleopatra to leave Alexandria and go to Syria. He took over as Pharaoh of the royal palace. Once in Syria, Cleopatra raised an army in preparation to confront and defeat her brother. Cleopatra wanted to convince Julius Caesar to help her win back the throne. Cleopatra smuggled herself into the home of the Roman military leader, Julius Caesar. Her servants rolled her into a carpet and carried her into the palace

where Caesar was staying. Question How did Cleopatra get into the home of Caesar? A. Rolled in a carpet B. Snuck through a window C. Pretended to be a worker

Question D. With force Caesar restored the throne to Cleopatra… .- -. -.. .- -. --- - ...... -. -... .-. --- - ...... -. .. -. ..-. --- .-. - -.-- ...... - . -. -... -.-. © Think Tank 2020 Clue # 3 Did you know? Cleopatra was the first ruler who learned to speak and write in Egyptian.

Caesar thought Cleopatra was courageous and fell in love with her. After four months of war against Ptolemy XIII, Julius Caesar won. Caesar defeated Ptolemy's army at the Battle of the and Ptolemy drowned while trying to escape. Cleopatra regained her power. Caesar returned to Rome and was made dictator for life and was his Master of the Horse or second in command. Many powerful political leaders were jealous of Caesar's power. In 47 BC, Cleopatra and Julius Caesar fell in love and had a child named Ptolemy Caesar. Egyptians called the boy Little Caesar or . Despite her relationship with Julius Caesar, Cleopatra wanted Egypt to remain independent of Rome. Cleopatra became a popular ruler and built up the Egyptian economy. When their son was just three years old, he was named co-ruler by Cleopatra. The two ruled together from 44 BC to 30 BC. Cleopatra was known for her beauty but many famous art pieces showed otherwise. Ancient coins depict her with a long hooked nose.

How old was Cleopatra’s son when he was named co-ruler? Question A. 2 B. 3 C. 5

Question D. 6 Cleopatra, fearing for her life, returned to Egypt in 44 BC after Caesar was…

© Think Tank 2020 4 Digit Code First number of code : The date in March that Caesar was killed MINUS 12. ______Second number of code : The age of Cleopatra’s brother Ptolemy when he ______became a co-ruler MINUS 9. Third number of code : What number is represented by ______“ _ _ _ _ . ” ? Last number of code : ______What number is the letter “A” in clue #1? 1. Where was Cleopatra born? 4. Pompey had once helped Cleopatra’s A. Athens _____ regain the throne. B. Alexandria A. Brother C. Florence B. Son D. Paris C. Sister D. Father 2. Despite her relationship with Julius 5. When did Cleopatra and Caesar Caesar, Cleopatra wanted Egypt to have a child? remain independent of ______. A. 47 BC A. Athens B. 48 BC B. Alexandria C. 49 BC C. Florence D. 50 BC D. Rome 3. civilization lasted over 6. Antony and Cleopatra formed a ____ years. military alliance against ______. A. 1000 A. Oswego B. 2000 B. Octavian C. 3000 C. Actium D. 4000 D. Pompey

© Think Tank 2020 M = = M = L K = J = I = 6 H = = G = F E 9 = D = C 3 = B A = = T = = T 15 = S = R = Q = P 22 = O N Z = Z Y X = W = 25 = V = U = = 11 =

© Think Tank 2020 1 2 3 4 5

1 D B E C

2 K H I/J F

3 P N O M

4 T R Q S

5 Z X V W

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