Parmacellidae, Limacidae, Agriolimacidae, Veronicellidae)
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Biodiversity Journal, 2021,12 (2): 325–334 New data on slugs and semi-slugs from Cyrenaica (north- eastern Libya) (Parmacellidae, Limacidae, Agriolimacidae, Veronicellidae) Fabio Liberto1, Abdelmuhsen Abusneina2 & Ignazio Sparacio3 1 Via del Giubileo Magno 93, 90015 Cefalù, Italy; e-mail: [email protected] 2 Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, University of Benghazi, Benghazi, Libya; e-mail: abdelmuhsen.abus- [email protected] 3 Via Principe di Paternò 3, 90144 Palermo, Italy; e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT The following work provides an original contribution to the knowledge of Libya’s slugs (Par- macellidae, Limacidae, Agriolimacidae, Veronicellidae). It is based on the morphological and anatomical investigations of some populations of slugs collected in Cyrenaica. An analysis of the existing bibliography on this topic is carried out and geonemic and biological data on the studied slugs are provided. We report for the first time Eleutherocaulis striatus (Simroth, 1896) (Veronicellidae) from North Africa, and Ambigolimax valentianus (A. Ferussac, 1822) (Li- macidae) from Libya. KEY WORDS Slugs; semi-slugs; North Africa; morphology; distribution. Received 12.10.2020; accepted 09.04.2021; published online 28.04.2021 INTRODUCTION geonemic data of the slugs sampled in these re- searches (Parmacellidae, Limacidae, Agriolimacidae, In recent decades, also due to long periods of Veronicellidae) are provided below in this work. war and political instability, there have not been many studies on the Libyan malacofauna and, es- pecially, on slugs. MATERIAL AND METHODS Two native slugs are known from Libya, Dero- ceras barceum (Gambetta, 1924) and Parmacella All specimens were collected by eye-sight on festae Gambetta, 1924, the first is an endemic the ground and under rocks. The specimens were species to northern Cyrenaica (Altena, 1962; Wik- investigated with regards to size, external morphol- tor, 2000) and the second to northern Cyrenaica and ogy and genitalia’s morphology. In order to study northern Egypt (Gambetta, 1925; Wiktor, 1983). and illustrate genitalia, the specimens were fixed in Recently, Nair et al. (1996) have published a con- 75% ethanol. Reproductive apparatus were ex- tribution to the knowledge of some slugs of Libya. tracted by means of scalpel, scissors and needles Between October 2018 and January 2019, despite and they were studied and observed under a stere- many difficulties, one of us (A.A.) managed to collect omicroscope (Leica MZ 7.5). Photographs were several samples of land molluscs in some localities of taken with a digital camera. The maximum lenght Cyrenaica (north-eastern Libya). The morphological, and width of the molluscs together with the shell anatomical study and bibliographic, biological and and some parts of the genitalia were measured (in 326 FABIO LIBERTO ET ALII millimeters) by a digital gauge. In the anatomical Parmacella sp. - Martens 1885: 188, Cyrenaika, description, proximal denotes the part which is clos- Bengazi est to the gonad and distal the part which is closest Parmacella sp. - Haimann 1885: 258, Cyrenaica to the gonopore. The proximal female genitalia, Parmacella sp. - Cornalia in Haimann 1886: 207, sometimes indicated in the plates, are not described Bengasi because they are not very informative. Parmacella sp. - Kobelt 1898: 362, In der Taxonomical references are based on Mollus- Umgebung von Benghazi in der Cyrenaika caBase (2021) and other cited papers. Parmacella sp. - Sturany 1908: 310, Bengasi Voucher specimens used for this study were Parmacella cfr. deshayesi - Ghigi 1923: 249–250, stored in the following Museums and private col- Cirene, fontana di Apollo; Uadi Derna lections: CBL = Department of Zoology collection, Parmacella sp. - Colosi 1923: 9, Cirenaica University of Benghazi, Libya; CL = Liberto Fabio Parmacella festae - Gambetta, 1924: 9-20, Figs. 2– collection, Cefalù (Italy); CS = Sparacio Ignazio 5 (anat.), Merg, Uadi el Cuf, Chersa, Derna, collection, Palermo (Italy); MSNG = Museo Civico Uadi Derna, Sidi Garbaa. di Storia Naturale di Genova “G. Doria” (Italy). Parmacella festae - Gambetta, 1925: 560 (Map), ACRONYMS. AA = Accessory atrial appen- Cirenaica dices; AG = albumen gland; AN = anus; BC = bursa Parmacella festae - Gambetta, 1929: 248–249, copulatrix; DBC = duct of the bursa copulatrix; E Figs. 1–2, Porto Bardia = epiphallus; FGP = female genital pore; G = penial Parmacella festae - Ghigi, 1929: 523–526, Pl. 8, papilla; GA = genital atrium; HD = hermaphrodite Figs. 1–5, Cirene duct; O = ovotestis; OV = ovispermiduct; P = penis; Parmacella festae - Hesse, 1934: 108, Derna, Merg; PA = penial appendix; PC = penial crest; PPG = Porto Bardia papilla of the penial gland; PR = penial retractor Parmacella alexandrina - Hesse, 1934: 102, 108, muscle; PST = prostate; PV = perivaginal gland; T Derna, Bengasi = tubules of the penial gland ; V = vagina; VD = vas Parmacella olivieri - Forcart, 1959: 39–41, Fig. 2 deferens. (anat.), Derna D max: shell maximum diameter; D min: shell Parmacella (Parmacella) festae - Wiktor 1983: 82– minimum diameter; ex/x: specimen/s; L: mollusks 91, Figs. 10–18 (anat.), Libya: Viananze, length; W: mollusks width. Sidi-Mahius (= Sidi Mahyus); Benghazi; Barce ca. 14 km from Tobruk; Egypt: Burg-el-Arab, Marit RESULTS Parmacella (Parmacella) festae - Alonso et al. 1986: 141–145, Figs. 10–12 (anat.) Systematics Tandonia rustica - Nair et al., 1996: 251–256, Benghazi, 32°05’N, 20°16’E, 32 m; Albayda, Phylum MOLLUSCA Cuvier, 1795 32°45’N, 21°45’E, 600 m; Shahhat, 32°49’N, Classis GASTROPODA Cuvier, 1795 21°51’E, 625 m Infraclassis PULMONATA Cuvier in Blainville, 1814 Parmacella (Parmacella) festae - Martinez-Orti & Ordo STYLOMMATOPHORA A. Schmidt, 1855 Borreda, 2012: 11, 16, Libya and Egypt Superfamilia PARMACELLOIDEA P. Fischer, Parmacella (Parmacella) festae - Martinez-Orti & 1856 (1855) Borreda, 2013: 66 Familia PARMACELLIDAE P. Fischer, 1856 (1855) Genus Parmacella Cuvier, 1805 MATERIAL EXAMINED. Cyrenaica, Bengasi, Benina, 32°04’12.6”N 20°16’27.9”E, 137 m, leg. Subgenus Parmacella Cuvier, 1805 A. Abusneina, 1.II.2019, 3 exx (CBL), idem 12 exx (CL L280–294), idem 5 exx (CS 5455/5), idem 2 Parmacella (Parmacella) festae Gambetta, 1924 exx MSNG. Parmacella sp. - Haimann, 1882: 619, Bengasi DESCRIPTION. The examined specimens of P. fes- Parmacella sp. - Martens, 1883: 147, Cyrenaika, tae are characterized by a shell with protoconch Bengazi covered with minute pits arranged regularly in spi- New data on the slugs and semy-slugs from Cyrenaika (north-eastern Libya) 327 ral rows; aperture without denticles or folds but a Haiman at the end of 1800 (sub Limax deschayesii) deep triangular pit is present on the extemal ridge from Benghazi but subsequently it was no longer between the protoconch and spatula (Figs. 1–5); the reported, and we did not find it in our samples. Its genitals are characterized by an epiphallus long four original distribution area is not precisely known, it times the length of the penis, two accessory atrial is probably the south-eastern Europe, nowadays L. appendices, one of them generally longer and flavus has been introduced worldwide. slightly bent, the other straight; genital atrium and In North Africa, L. flavus has been reported distal penis with internal walls crossed by longitu- from Morocco (Pallary, 1922), Algeria (Bourguig- dinal folds; proximal penis with a cylindrical or nat, 1861; Haimann, 1885), Tunisia (Abbes et al., cylindro-conical penial papilla, covered with very 2010) and Egypt (Azzam, 2003; Ali & Robinson, small tubercles; inner walls of the proximal penis 2020). and epiphalus covered with papillae and those of the vagina and perivaginal gland covered by larger papillae (Figs. 6–10). Familia AGRIOLIMACIDAE H. Wagner, 1935 Subfamilia AGRIOLIMACINAE H. Wagner, 1935 DISTRIBUTION AND BIOLOGY. It is widespread in Genus Deroceras Rafinesque, 1820 northern Cyrenaica from the surroundings of Beng- Subgenus Deroceras Rafinesque, 1820 hazi to Porto Bardia. Wiktor (1983) also reports it from Egypt in Burg-el-Arab. Deroceras (Deroceras) barceum (Gambetta, 1924) The specimens examined in this paper were sampled in semi-natural open fields in the surround- Agriolimax barceus - Gambetta, 1924: 7–9, Fig. 1 ings of Benina. (anat.), Parte orientale della Cirenaica: Sidi REMARKS. Parmacella was one of the first mol- Garbaa, Derna, altopiano di El Fetejà luscs to be reported in Cyrenaica (Haiman, 1882; Agriolimax barceus - Gambetta, 1925: 560 (Map), Martens, 1883), however, only in 1924 it was de- Cirenaica scribed by the Italian malacologist Gambetta as a Agriolimax barceus - Hesse, 1934: 108, Derna, Sidi new species, with the name P. festae. We describe the Garbaa, El Fefjà internal structure of the genitalia, for the first time. Deroceras barceum - Altena, 1962: 53–56, Fig. 2 Martínez–Ortí & Borredà (2012) revised the (map.), Fig. 3 (genit.), plateau de El Fetejà (recte systematics of the family Parmacellidae ascribing El Ftaajah); col oriental au dessus de Derna; P. festae with P. olivieri to the subgenus Parmacella Derna; Sidi Garbaa; Ain Mara à l’ouest de s. str. This subgenus is characterized by an ex- Derna; Wadi en Nsuria; Cyrène au pied de tended atrial entrance, running from the genital l’escarpement; Sidi Fanag près de Messa; Wadi opening to the insertion of the atrial appendices; the El Kuf, près du pont; Wadi Sudan, premier lack of intra-atrial stimulators; and the presence of affluent du Wadi El Kuf; wadi entre W. El two atrial