STATE LIBRARY BOARD REGULAR MEETING Second Quarter 2018-2019 February 8, 2019
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STATE LIBRARY BOARD REGULAR MEETING Second Quarter 2018-2019 February 8, 2019 AGENDA 10:00 a.m. Call to Order: Deborah Knox, Chairperson A. Approval of Minutes [November 9, 2018] Unfinished Business B. Administration Report/FY2019 Agency Funding C. State Aid and Scholarships D. Grants and Special Projects Other Unfinished Business New Business E. State Aid FY2019/Scholarships F. Reports/Travel and Correspondence Other New Business G. Board Information/Expense Reimbursement This page intentionally left blank. A1 STATE LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES Regular Meeting First Quarter 2018-2019 November 9, 2018 The State Library Board convened on November 9, 2018, in the Bessie B. Moore Conference Room at the Arkansas State Library. Members present were Deborah Knox (Chair), JoAnn Cooper (Vice Chair), Bucky Ellis, Donna McDonald, Donnette Smith and JoAnn Campbell. Board member Deborah Kirby was absent. Lacie Kirchner, Assistant Attorney General’s from the Arkansas Attorney General’s office was present. Staff members present were State Librarian Carolyn Ashcraft, Deputy Director Jennifer Chilcoat, Brooke Crawford, and Debbie Hall. Knox called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m. Knox asked for corrections or additions to the minutes from the August 10, 2018, meeting. A motion was made by Campbell and seconded by Cooper to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried. Crawford presented the report from Administration in Tab B, beginning with information on the rules and regulation review process. ASL had 3 rules submitted and all 3 were passed at the Oct. 2nd meeting. [B2 and B3] Crawford reminded the board that the budget hearing for the agency will be Wed., Nov. 14. The Special Language hearing will be on Tues., Nov. 13. [B4] Governor Hutchinson announced his Transformation of State Agencies Plan on Oct. 2. In the proposal the State Library would be moved from the Department of Education into a new Department of Parks, Heritage and Tourism. The ASL Board wrote a letter to Governor Hutchinson in which they expressed their desire for the agency to remain with the Department of Education, where it has been since 1979. [B5 and B6]. Ashcraft reported there has been no response from the Governor’s Office. JoAnn Campbell briefly reported on her participation in the Oct. 30 Forum the Governor held in Fort Smith. She had an opportunity to address the proposed move of the agency under the Dept. of Parks, Heritage and Tourism and the concern of the board that they retain their administrative authority with a Type 1 transfer, as had been done in 1979. Johnice Dominick mentioned that AAPL would be happy to write a letter to the Governor and to legislators to support the board’s request that the agency remain with the Department of Education. Crawford reminded the board that the Regular Session of the 92nd General Assembly will convene on Monday, Jan. 14th. The session will end in 60 days (March 15) unless it is extended by legislative vote. The final report from the FY17 Audit Review was filed on Sep. 13. See Audit Review Filing Report Notification and the Audit Review. [B7 and B8] Crawford reported that the staff are currently working on closing out the Federal funds for Grant LSTA17. Reports are due into IMLS by Dec. 31. November 9, 2018 1 Crawford reported the agency is now at 39 full-time staff, 1 permanent extra help, and 13 vacant positions. The positions of Senior Librarian in Collection Management and Senior Librarian in Reference have been advertised and interviews held. Cathy Howser has announced her intention to retire as of Nov. 30. [B9] All jobs are posted on Crawford reported the staff continues to work with Department of Information Systems (DIS) on the Data Center Optimization (DCO) and the Office 365 Migration. Crawford referred the board to the revenue reports for the state general [B10] and federal LSTA revenues. [B11] She reminded the board that the bulk of the expenses paid out of Federal funds were for Traveler (which is paid at the beginning of October). Ashcraft reviewed Tab C and the Standards for State Aid [C1], the Rules Governing Distribution of Scholarship Assistance [C2], and the Scholarship Assistance Application [C3]. Debbie Hall gave the report from Grants & Special Projects [D1], beginning with an update that the FY17 State Program Report (SPR) is due to IMLS at the end of December. She is working with the project directors to input the data. Hall stated the federal grant for FY19 (beginning Oct. 1, 2019) will be announced in December, but she anticipates level funding. The agency is scheduled for a site visit with our IMLS Program Officer in 2019. Dennis Nangle is looking to visit in March and will observe the annual Children’s Services Workshop to be held March 8 at Ferndale. Before moving to the items in Tab E, Ashcraft revisited the issue of State Aid for Calhoun County, which had been a point of discussion at the August meeting. She distributed a ‘fact sheet’ concerning Amendment 59 and its’ impact on libraries. This included an overview of Amendment 59 and the millage rollback. Ashcraft also provided an updated chart reflecting the ‘library millage report by taxing unit’. The chart provides a clear understanding of the current rate of library tax and which counties have made efforts to increase their funding. After review of historical files, Ashcraft informed the board that the residents of Calhoun County passed a 1-mill library tax in 1964. With the implementation of Amendment 59 in 1981, the millage has rolled back to 0.3. At the Aug. 12, 2016, meeting of the State Library board a motion was passed that the board ‘would consider adding Calhoun County to State Aid as a separate entity after they have increased their millage rate and met the other standards.’ There is no evidence that the residents of Calhoun County have tried to increase their library millage. At the Aug. 10, 2018, meeting of the State Library board a motion was passed that the Calhoun County Library should ‘proceed with discussion of formal regionalization with Union and Ouachita Counties and then report back to the board at the Nov. meeting for possible action’. No one was in attendance from the Calhoun County Library and no updated information was provided to Ashcraft. No action on this matter was taken. Ashcraft covered the items behind Tab E, beginning with the list of ‘Public Library Systems Qualifying for State Aid’ [E1]. There were three changes to the list, and it reflected the new directors at Union County Library, Arkansas County Library, and Scott-Sebastian Regional Library. A motion to approve the list was made by Cooper, seconded by Ellis. The motion carried. November 9, 2018 2 The FY2019 State Aid spreadsheet was presented [E2]. A motion to approve the second quarter payment was made by Smith, seconded by Campbell. Motion carried. Ashcraft presented a scholarship application [E3] from the Crawford County Library System (Allison Harrison) and stated all paperwork has been submitted. A motion to approve the application was made by Cooper, seconded by McDonald. Motion carried. The ‘Recommendation for Scholarship Assistance’ [E4] was presented which reflected the work of 12 individuals to earn the MLS degree. A motion to approve the recommendation was made by Cooper, seconded by Campbell. Motion carried. Ashcraft pointed out that four of the recipients are scheduled to graduate in December (Deidre Scott, Robin Egerton, Kenya Windel and Nathalie Garcia-Gomez). The board moved on to the reports and correspondence [Tab F]. Ashcraft directed the board to her report. [F1] She mentioned a recent discussion she had with Randy Dixon with the Pryor Center concerning the Channel 7 tapes stored in our basement space. Dixon reports that funds have been forthcoming that will allow the Pryor Center to digitize the tapes and they plan to remove the tapes in two batches. Ultimately their goal is to have the tapes out of the basement before the end of 2019. Once again, Dixon has expressed appreciation for the State Library keeping the tapes. Ashcraft stated that she had placed copies of the correspondence she sent to the public library community in August concerning the sales tax – service charges for subscriptions and included a copy of Opinion 20180720 from the Revenue Legal Counsel at DFA. Ashcraft referred the board to the rest of the reports [F4 – F11] for their review. Chilcoat provided her report [F2] and stated she was ‘happy’ to be in the position and enjoying learning about the State Library. She is taking on the role of State Data Coordinator (SDC) and is looking forward to attending the upcoming training provided by IMLS in Baltimore on Dec. 4-6. Chilcoat announced that the ASL has been chosen as one of five sites for the EXCITE Transformation for Libraries (EXCITE) Bootcamp. EXCITE is ‘an intensive team-based experiential learning program that will teach collaboration and innovation skills, result in programs and services that respond to community input and demonstrated needs, lead to cultural change at libraries, and sustain project impact through extended training.’ Projected dates for the program are in October 2019. Chilcoat is also making plans for a workshop to be held March 28, 2019, to assist librarians with the construction/remodeling of a library. Several professionals in the field will share information on how to work with architects and construction crews, what to expect in the effort, etc. More information will be provided as details are finalized. Chilcoat provided an overview of F4 thru F8. Staff are excited about the upcoming Arkansas Library Leadership Institute (ALL-In) to be held Nov. 14-16 at the DeGray Lake Resort.