STATE LIBRARY BOARD REGULAR MEETING Fourth Quarter 2018-2019 August 9, 2019


10:00 a.m.

Call to Order: Deborah Knox, Chairperson

A. Approval of Minutes (May 9, 2019)

Unfinished Business

B. Administration Report/FY2019 Agency Funding

C. State Aid and Scholarships

D. Grants and Special Reports -- No report

New Business

E. State Aid FY2020/Scholarships

F. Reports/Travel and Correspondence

G. Board Information

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STATE LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES Regular Meeting Third Quarter 2018-2019 May 9, 2019

The State Library Board convened on May 9, 2019, in the Bessie B. Moore Conference Room at the Arkansas State Library. Members present were Deborah Knox (Chair), JoAnn Cooper (Vice Chair), George ‘Bucky’ Ellis, Donna McDonald and Donnette Smith. Staff members present were State Librarian Carolyn Ashcraft, Brooke Crawford, and Jennifer Chilcoat. Lacie Kirchner, liaison with the AG’s office, was also present.

Knox called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. She extended a welcome to all in attendance.

Knox asked for corrections or additions to the minutes from the February 8, 2019, meeting. There being none, a motion was made by Cooper and seconded by McDonald to approve the minutes. Motion carried.

Crawford presented the report from Administration in Tab B, beginning with explanation that the FY20 Annual Operations Plan (AOP) was received on May 2. The funding level for our agency of FY2020 is: State Library Public School Fund (State Aid) $5,641,919 and State Library General Education (Operations) $3,615,572. This is the same as in FY19.

Crawford reported the agency is currently at 40 full-time staff, 1 permanent extra help, and 12 vacant positions. Jennifer Wann was hired as our new State Library Manager – Library Development. She started on April 22. Zoe Butler, Center for the Book Coordinator, retired on March 29. The CFB Coordinator position has been advertised and interviews are scheduled for next week.

Performance Evaluations for all staff for FY19 have been completed. The agency expects to receive notification in June as to whether the funds are available for salary increases based upon the PE’s.

Crawford provided a list of legislation that passed in the recent Legislative Session that are of specific interest to the agency. These included Act 153 [the State Library Appropriation Bill], Act 565 [the Transformation & Efficiencies Act]; Act 910 [the Transformation Bill] and Act 1028 [FOIA, open public meetings recorded for audio]. A brief descriptions of these and other Acts was provided.

Crawford referred the board to the revenue reports for the state general [B2] and federal LSTA [B3] revenues and commented that the agency is in good shape financially.

Ashcraft reviewed Tab C and the Standards for State Aid [C1], the Rules Governing Distribution of Scholarship Assistance [C2], and the Scholarship Assistance Application [C3].

Ashcraft referred the board to the report from Grants & Special Projects [D1], and stated that Dennis Nangle, our IMLS Senior Program Officer, had visited Arkansas on March 6-8, meeting with staff and attending the annual Children’s Services Workshop in Ferndale. Staff on the communications team of ADE attended the workshop and took pictures. Their pictures were utilized in publicizing the event on Facebook [see D3].

Hall and Chilcoat attended the IMLS LSTA Grants to State Convening held in Denver, CO, April 23-24. A shortened book camp on Foundational Principles, Allowable Costs, and Match and Maintenance of Effort were presented.

May 9, 2019 1

In concluding Hall’s report, Ashcraft pointed the board members to the letter from Teri DeVoe, Associate Deputy Director, that the review of our State Program Report for FY2019 has been completed. [D2].

Ashcraft covered the items behind Tab E, beginning with the list of ‘Public Library Systems Qualifying for State Aid’ [E1]. There was one change to the list – Jennifer Ballard is now the director of the Jackson County Library. A motion to approve the list was made by Cooper, seconded by Ellis. The motion carried.

The FY2019 State Aid spreadsheet was presented [E2]. A motion to approve the fourth quarter payment was made by Smith, seconded by Cooper. Motion carried.

There were three scholarship applications [E3] for consideration: Crawford County Library System (Margaux Burleson) and Bentonville Public Library (Rebekah Lawler & Anna Sharon).. A motion to approve the applications was made by McDonald, seconded by Cooper. Motion carried.

Ashcraft presented the recommendation for scholarship assistance [E4]. A motion to approve the recommendation as presented was made by Cooper, seconded by McDonald. Motion carried.

The board moved on to the reports and correspondence [Tab F].

Ashcraft reported [F1] on the various events in which she participated during the previous quarter. She reported on the work with ADE’s Strategic Communications team on the Together We Are effort. Gayle Morris (Public Information Officer) and Kevin Briggs (Production Artist) have been assisting with development and posting of social media graphics promoting libraries and library efforts.

Ashcraft attended the Texas Library Association 2019 Conference in Austin, TX, and participated in two panel discussions on April 16 and 17.

Ashcraft distributed a 2-page handout of “Legislation Passed by the 92nd General Assembly in Regular Session, 2019” and commented on a couple of the Acts that were successfully passed and the bills which died on the House/Senate floor.

Deputy Director Chilcoat reviewed her report [F2] and commented briefly on meetings and continuing education opportunities since the February meeting. She reported work is proceeding on the 2018 data collection and as of May 8th all public libraries have submitted their report.

On March 28 Chilcoat facilitated a one-day informational session on construction and building projects, utilizing several professionals from the field. There were 28 public and academic librarians in attendance.

Chilcoat announced that interviews have been completed for the Manager of Library Development position. Jennifer Wann of Mississippi was selected for the position and was present to be introduced. To avoid confusion (as we now have 3 Jennifer’s on staff), Jennifer Wann will be referred to as Jenn.

Jenn presented the Library Development report [F3] and commented on a couple of items. The AR Dept. of Education is now overseeing the voting for the Charlie May Simon and Arkansas Diamond Primary Book awards. The Children’s Services Workshop was held on March 8 at the Ferndale 4-H Center. Featured presenter was Sherry Norfolk and there were 242 in attendance. The theme for 2019 is “A Universe of Stories”. The 202 these will be “Imagine Your Story”. Storytelling is Ms. Norfolk’s specialty and, as she was so well received, we have asked her to ‘pencil us in’ for the workshop in 2020. It is scheduled for Friday, March 13.

May 9, 2019 2

Amber Gregory is overseeing the If All Arkansas Read the Same Book, which features Delia Owens and “Where the Crawdads Sing”. Ms. Owens will be in Arkansas July 19-21.

Gregory’s update on E-rate Services was provided [F4].

J.D. Hall’s reported on the Library for the Blind [F5] circulation for the six months from Oct. 2018 – March 2019 was 97,241 audio books. Patron downloads accounted for 15.3% of all circulation.

Michael Strickland reported [F6] that Information Services staff have celebrated Arkansas’s pre-history and birth as a US territory in 1819 with displays of artifacts and materials from the Arkansas Geological Survey, the University of Arkansas Museum, Archaeological Society, Arkansas State Parks and the Department of Arkansas Heritage. Strickland and Natalie Marlin attend the maker faire in North Little Rock on May 11th.

Katie Jones reported for Collection Management [F7]. The Arkansas Digital Library Consortium now has 46,565 titles in the shared collection. More libraries are expected to join the ADLC in the coming months. Staff are reviewing the existing Collection Development policy. Debbie Hall has been assisting with tracking agency changes affected by Act 910 of 2019. Spreadsheets are being created to track the new hierarchies and name changes. This project is a huge undertaking and a true team effort between Digital Services and Cataloging.

Lynn Valetutti presented an overview of effort in Digital Services [F8]. In regards to Traveler, the Network Advisory Committee met to review current subscription. They recommended the Credo Reference should not be renewed and ProQuest’s Public Video Online (PAV) should be added, beginning June 1st. A motion to that affect was made by Ellis, seconded by Cooper. Motion carried.

Ashcraft moved into the correspondence portion of the packet [F9] There was notice that Jennifer Ballard is now the Jackson County Library director. An email from Robin Morris, Conference and Events Planner, sent an email thanking Ashcraft for speaking at the TLA Annual Conference in Austin. There were news clippings from Poinsett County and Prairie Grove. The map of Public Library Systems [F10] was provided, along with the list of public libraries by Library Development District [F11].

Knox moved the board to Tab G, and Ashcraft referred to the contact information of the board members [G1] and liaisons [G2] and asked if any information needed correction/addition. There were no corrections.

The board by-laws, as approved on 2/9/2018, were provided [G3].

Ashcraft provided the board a list of the current committee assignments [G4]. For 2019, the assignments are as follows:

Executive Committee: Chair, Knox; Vice Chair, Cooper and Ashcraft Nominating Committee: Ellis and Smith Policies & By-Laws Committee: Vice Chair, Cooper; Smith and McDonald Government Liaison Committee: Chair, Knox; Campbell and Kirby Personnel Committee: Chair, Knox; McDonald and Cooper

The updated staff directory was provided [G5].

In reviewing the calendar for 2019 [G6], Ashcraft noted the future regular meeting dates would be Aug. 9 and Nov. 8.

May 9, 2019 3

Ashcraft reminded the audience to record their attendance by signing the sign-in sheet on the table at the back of the room.

The next regular meeting of the board will be Friday, August 19, at 10 a.m. in the Bessie B. Moore Conference Room at the State Library.

There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Ellis, seconded by McDonald, to adjourn. Knox adjourned the meeting at 11:45 a.m.

______Approval Date Carolyn Ashcraft, State Librarian

May 9, 2019 4 Administrative Services Manager – Brooke Crawford

Closing: FY19 – State was closed out on June 28th, 2019. We are currently working on the Closing Book. Part #1 was due on July 26th. Part #2 is due August 13th and Part #3 is due August 23rd. The Statewide Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) was due July 29th. Upcoming Deadline: Federal Closeout will be September 30th.

Budget: The actual funding levels were announced on July 19, 2019. Our funding levels were the exact amounts of our FY20 Forecast. State General Revenue: $3,615,572 and State Aid (Public School Fund): $5,641,919. The entire amounts are in the ‘A’ Category.

Audit: Our annual assessment from Legislative Audit was performed on FY18. The auditor was here from June 10th – July 3rd. The report has not been finalized yet, but the Draft version reflects no written findings and a couple of verbal recommendations. (See attached).

Human Resources: Authorized staff: 52 Budgeted staff: 51 OPM Cap: 41 Current staff @ 8/1/19: 40 Full-Time, 3 Extra Help, 12 Vacant Positions

6/17/19: Patricia Luckadue, promoted to Buyer from Administrative Specialist III. 7/29/19: Karen O’Connell, CFTB Library Coordinator, started. 7/15/19 – 8/15/19: State Library Manager – Digital Services position is advertised and accepting applications. 7/31/19 – Jerry Fields, Mail Clerk, turned in his notice to retire. His last day will be August 30th. (See attached).

Preparations for the Benefits Open Enrollment will begin soon. Open Enrollment for all state employees is expected to be Oct 1st-31st.

Performance Pay: Performance Pay increase was announced back on May 8, 2019. Agencies were given a 2.4% cap, which equated to $ 37,407.52 for ASL. Increase amounts were determined by the scoring below:

Score: 2……Increase 1.5% / Score: 3…….Increase 2.4% / Score: 4…….Increase 3%

Directors for all agencies received a 2% increase. All eligible staff received the increase. Ineligible classifications: written disciplinary actions, classed as part-time/extra help or those not employed as of April 1st, 2019.

August 1, 2019 This page intentionally left blank. STATE GENERAL REVENUE EPA0100 BUDGET DISTRIBUTION FY2020 BY COMMITMENT ITEM JULY 31, 2019

% OF COMMITMENT TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL % ITEM DESCRIPTION APPRO. BUDGETED BUDGET EXPENDED BALANCE REMAINING 501:00:00 Reg. Salaries $1,774,424 $1,766,268 48.4% $173,331 $1,592,937 90% 501:00:01 Extra Help $5,000 $5,000 0.1% $2,442 $2,558 51% 501:00:03 Pers. Svcs. Matching $600,757 $592,245 16.2% $54,630 $537,615 91% Total Salaries & Matching $2,380,181 $2,363,513 64.8% $230,403 $2,133,110 90%

502:00:02 Operating Expenses $1,128,409 $1,082,028 29.7% $109,756 $972,272 90% 505:00:09 Conf. & Travel $7,760 $7,760 0.2% $418 $7,342 95% 506:00:10 Prof. Fees & Services $0 $0 0.0% $0 $0 0% 512:00:11 Capital Outlay $0 $0 0.0% $0 $0 0% Total M & O $1,136,169 $1,089,788 29.9% $110,174 $979,614 90%

509:00:46 Books/Subscriptions $220,243 $195,243 5.4% $12,123 $183,120 94%

TOTALS $3,736,593 $3,648,544 100.0% $352,700 $3,295,844 90% M&R paid to ASL account $0 $8 $0 $8 100% FEDERAL LSTA REVENUE FEL0100 FEL0200 BUDGET DISTRIBUTION FY2020 BY COMMITMENT ITEM JULY 31, 2019

% OF COMMITMENT TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL ITEM DESCRIPTION APPRO. BUDGETED BUDGET EXPENDED BALANCE % REMAINING 501:00:00 Reg. Salaries $451,471 $451,471 14.2% $32,268 $419,203 93% 501:00:01 Extra Help $14,625 $14,625 0.5% $1,264 $13,361 91% 501:00:03 Pers. Svcs. Matching $175,797 $175,381 5.5% $13,582 $161,799 92% Total Salaries & Matching $641,893 $641,477 20.1% $47,114 $594,363 93%

502:00:02 Operating Expenses $2,453,239 $2,453,239 77.0% $15,927 $2,437,312 99% 505:00:09 Conf. & Travel $42,161 $42,161 1.3% $964 $41,197 98% 506:00:10 Prof. Fees & Services $10,000 $10,000 0.3% $0 $10,000 100% 512:00:11 Capital Outlay $40,000 $40,000 1.3% $0 $40,000 100% Total M & O $2,545,400 $2,545,400 79.9% $16,890 $2,528,510 99%

TOTALS $3,187,293 $3,186,877 100.0% $64,005 $3,122,872 98% B4




Carolyn Ashcraft ArkansasState Library 900 W. Capitol, Ave., Suite 100 Little Rock,AR72201

Dear Carolyn,

After 21 years with the State Library but 26 yearstotal with the state, I have decided to retire. Pleaseaccept this as my notice to retire effective September 1, 2019. My last day will be

August 30th•

Sincerely, ~.-£.F~ 1erry F:ds C1



Authorized by Act 489, Acts of Arkansas, 1979


1.1 All county libraries, including those in county or regional systems, shall be organized in accordance with Act 244 of 1927. All city libraries, including those in county or regional systems, shall be organized in accordance with Act 177 of 1931.

1.2 County and city libraries shall provide evidence to the State Library Board of organization and operation as a department of county or municipal government.

1.3 Public library systems composed of county and/or city libraries shall provide evidence to the State Library Board of organization and operation under the provisions of a formal interlocal agreement, as provided in Section 90, Act 742 of 1977.


2.1 Policies for city, county, and regional library systems shall be established by legally constituted administrative boards, comprised of trustees serving designated terms, conducting regularly scheduled meetings, preferably not less than quarterly, and functioning with recorded bylaws and policies which are on file with the State Library.

2.2 The library shall comply with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and shall provide library service for all residents.

2.3 The library director shall submit quarterly, annual, and special reports as required to the State Library and to local boards.

2.4 City, county, and regional library systems shall provide the State Library with a copy of a current long range plan developed for the purpose of guiding the public library administration in the attainment of goals and future planning.


3.1 The State Library Board supports the concept that libraries or library systems serving populations greater than 50,000, with budgets in excess of $250,000, can render more efficient, effective library service, and preference of support shall be given to the development of such systems.

3.2 All libraries shall maintain the one mill county or city library tax on real and personal property as authorized in Amendments 30 and 38 of the Arkansas Constitution.

3.3 All cities and counties should restore the library tax to the maximum permitted by law by not later than July 1, 1991.

3.4 Libraries should receive additional local support.

3.5 The annual budget for city, county, and regional libraries shall be filed with the State Library. The budget should reflect an amount equal to the previous annual budget, plus growth, with the allocation for materials reflecting comparable growth.


4.1 City, county, and regional library systems participating in the State Aid to Public Libraries program shall be administered by a qualified librarian. A Master’s degree in Library Science awarded through a program accredited by the American Library Association is recognized as the minimum qualifying degree.

4.2 Systems employing a new head librarian or director after September 1, 1988, must provide the State Library Board with evidence of a qualifying library degree in order to continue participation in the State Aid to Public Libraries program.

4.3 Public library staff members should be well trained and qualified for their position. They should be encouraged to participate in continuing education and training programs to improve library skills.

4.4 All libraries should have adequate support staff, with no employee receiving less than the current minimum wage.


5.1 The county or city government shall provide a suitable building for headquarters operation and adequate quarters for necessary branches.


6.1 The library shall maintain a current collection of materials to serve all citizens.

6.2 The library shall agree to provide interlibrary loan service to other libraries in Arkansas.

6.3 The library shall coordinate services for the blind and physically handicapped with the sections of the Arkansas State Library which administer these services.


7.1 If the State Library Board determines that a city, county, or regional library or system fails to qualify for participation in the State Aid to Public Libraries program, the State Librarian shall notify the board chairman and the library director via certified mail not later than fifteen working days following that determination.


8.1 Upon determination by the State Library Board that a city, county, or regional library or system fails to qualify for participation in the State Aid to Public Libraries program, the library or system shall have the right to appeal that decision at the next scheduled meeting of the State Library Board. Intent to appeal must be filed in writing with the State Librarian not more than thirty days following receipt of a notice of failure to meet the standards.

8.2 All appeals shall be presented to the State Library Board in an open hearing, with the final determination to be made by the State Library Board.

8.3 The State Library Board may provisionally approve a city, county, or regional library or system for a period of time they deem sufficient to rectify deficiencies. The Board may grant additional waivers upon acceptance of satisfactory evidence of progress.

9.01.88 C2



1.01 These rules shall be known as Arkansas State Library Rules Governing the Distribution of Scholarship Assistance.

1.02 These rules are enacted pursuant to the Arkansas State Library’s authority under Act 489, Acts of Arkansas 1979, Arkansas Code Anno. 13-2-201 et seq.


2.01 It is the purpose of these rules to formalize a process already in existence and set reasonable guidelines to make scholarship assistance available to every public library in the state of Arkansas to address the education needs of public library staff working toward the ultimate goal of obtaining a master’s degree in library and information science as defined in 3.04. These rules are specifically for the purpose of establishing standards for distributing funds available through the state aid to public library fund administered by the Arkansas State Library.


3.01 For the purpose of these rules and regulations the applying institution must be a “public library” located in Arkansas which is duly established and recognized pursuant to Arkansas Code 13-2-401, 13-2-501, 13-2-901 and those libraries which have been determined by the Arkansas State Library to be functioning as a “public library.”

3.02 ASL refers to the Arkansas State Library.

3.03 ALA refers to the American Library Association.

3.04 A master’s degree refers to the educational award given by a library school whose program is accredited by the ALA.

3.05 State Aid refers to State Aid to Public Libraries


4.01 To aid Arkansas public libraries in employing master’s degree librarians by providing educational opportunities for public library staff members through traditional, on-campus or distance learning.


5.01 Scholarship funds will be distributed to a public library that submits scholarship application to the ASL Board. Priority will be given as follows:

1. Public libraries eligible for State Aid whose personnel are employed as library directors. 2. Public libraries eligible for State Aid whose personnel are employed positions other than library director. 3. Public libraries not eligible for State Aid but recognized by the ASL as public libraries. 5.02 The applying institution (or its governing body) must be able to accept and administer the scholarship on behalf of the employee.

5.03 Individuals upon whose behalf the library is applying must meet the following standards:

1. Show evidence of completion of 12 semester hours toward the master’s degree. 2. Provide a copy of the agreement with the public library concerning employment in a public library for at least one year after completion of the master’s degree. 3. Furnish official transcript which shows the individual received a minimum course grade (based upon an “A-F” grading scale), of “B”, or if applicable, a “Credit” for a credit/no credit course. “Incompletes” do not qualify for reimbursement. 4. Agree to remain employed by a public library in the state of Arkansas for a duration of one year upon completion of degree.


6.01 The scholarship will be administered by the ASL Board.


7.01 The proposals shall include an application from the applicant library. The ASL Board shall review the proposals for approval. Proposals shall be consistent with Arkansas Code and existing ASL rules regarding an ALA accredited library program.

7.02 Funding may include but is not limited to tuition, materials, travel, lodging, and other items associated with educational costs.


8.01 The ASL Board will budget and distribute funds appropriated for each biennium from the Arkansas State Legislature according to the following:

1. The total amount of funds to be distributed will be determined by the ASL Board each year at a minimum of 1% of the appropriated State Aid to Public Libraries. 2. Funds may provide as many scholarships as are requested each year. All monies not disbursed shall be returned to the State Aid fund for distribution. 3. Funds may be disbursed to the applicant library at the completion of each semester. 4. Funds will be distributed via scholarship for each individual as identified by the ASL Board in accordance with eligibility. Each scholarship will include a set of assurances and provisions required in the eligibility standards.

8.02 The ASL Board reserves the right to approve and/or deny any scholarship applications.

-- Approved by the State Library Board, August 12, 2005 C3 Arkansas State Library Scholarship Assistance Application

Instructions: Complete this form to apply for State Aid funds to underwrite a scholarship award from your library to an employee who has been admitted to the graduate program in an ALA-accredited library school. Attach to this form all appropriate documentation, such as a letter of admission from the library school, a letter of agreement from the employee who will benefit from the local scholarship award, and a copy of the minutes of the meeting of the local library board at which the application was approved.


State Aid grant funds are requested to underwrite a scholarship award from this public library to an employee who has been admitted to a graduate program in an accredited library school. The applicant library agrees to award the full amount of the scholarship award to the employee. The employee has agreed to provide transcripts as evidence of credits earned each semester and to remain on the job for a period of one (1) year following grant of aid. If these conditions are not met, the applicant library agrees to refund to the State Library all grant funds paid under this award.

Applicant Library Name

Mailing Address

City/State/Zip Code + 4 digit extension

Phone Number Fax Number

Name of Library Board Chair (PLEASE PRINT)

Signature of Library Board Chair or Official Designee Date


I have applied to my employer for a scholarship grant. I am enrolled in a graduate program in an accredited library school and have completed the first twelve (12) hours credit. Supporting documents are attached. I have agreed to furnish transcripts at the end of each semester as evidence of credits earned, to remain employed in an Arkansas public library for at least one year following grant of aid and to fulfill any local requirements. If I do not fulfill these agreed conditions, I understand that I must repay to the applicant library all funds paid to me from this award.

______Participant Name (PLEASE PRINT)

______Participant’s Signature Date


I have reviewed this application and the supporting documents. I recommend that the State Library Board ( ) approve ( ) deny this application.

______Signature of State Librarian Date


In a regular meeting of the State Library Board held on ______the Board voted to ( ) approve ( ) deny this application.

______Signature of State Library Board Chairman Date Grants & Special Projects

No report


2016 LIB. QTRLY ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT, DIRECTOR, AND AREA SERVICED: Population TAX MLS Served UNITS * AWARD LIBRARY SYSTEMS WITH TAX, SERVING 150,001 OR MORE : Central Arkansas Library System Nate Coulter 337,104 3 NO (Perry and Pulaski Counties, excluding North Little Rock) SUBTOTAL SERVED 337,104 LIBRARY SYSTEMS WITH TAX, SERVING 75,001 TO 150,000: Mid-Arkansas Regional Library Clare Graham, MLS - UNT 185,869 5 YES (Saline, Hot Spring, Grant, Dallas, and Cleveland Counties) Washington County Library System Glenda B. Audrain, MLS - U of AL 144,223 1 YES (Washington County) Faulkner-Van Buren Regional Library John McGraw, MLIS - U of AL 138,855 2 YES (Faulkner and Van Buren Counties) Crowley Ridge Regional Library David Eckert, MLS - Kent State U 129,858 4 YES (Craighead and Poinsett Counties) Garland County Library John Wells, MLS - U. of MO 97,477 1 YES (Garland County) Fort Smith Public Library Jennifer Goodson, MLIS-U of OK 88,133 1 YES (Fort Smith District of Sebastian County) Arkansas River Valley Regional Library Donna McDonald, MLIS - U of OK 87,146 4 YES (Franklin, Johnson, Logan, and Yell Counties) Fayetteville Public Library David Johnson, MLS - U of TN - Knoxville 83,826 1 YES (Fayetteville) White River Regional Library Debra Sutterfield, MLS - U. of AL 80,516 5 YES (Cleburne, Fulton, Izard, Sharp, and Stone Counties) White County Library Darla Ino, MLS - U ofTN - Knoxville 79,263 1 YES (White County) Northeast Arkansas Regional Library Mike Rogers, MLS - UNT 76,966 3 YES (Clay, Greene, and Randolph Counties) SUBTOTAL SERVED 1,192,132 LIBRARY SYSTEMS WITH TAX, SERVING 50,001 TO 75,000: Lonoke County Library Leroy Gattin, MLS - U of MO - Columbia 72,228 1 YES (Lonoke County) Pine Bluff and Jefferson County Library Bobbie Morgan, MLS - University of Washington 70,016 2 YES (Jefferson County) Union County Library Michael O'Connell, MLIS - Catholic Univ of America 69,129 5 YES (Union County and contracted with Ouachita County and Calhoun County) Texarkana Public Library (Total Population 67,962) Jennifer Strayhorn, MSLS - UNT (Arkansas only 30,283) 30,283 1 YES (Texarkana, AR and TX) Mississippi-Crittenden Co. Regional Library Lowell Walters, MSLS - Clarion 66,786 3 YES (Mississippi and Crittenden Counties) North Little Rock Public Library Crystal Gates, MLIS - LSU 66,278 1 YES (North Little Rock) Southeast Arkansas Regional Library Judy Calhoun, MLS - Florida State U 66,173 5 YES (Bradley, Chicot, Desha, Drew and Lincoln Counties) Rogers Public Library Judy Casey, MLS - U of AL 65,021 1 YES (Rogers) Pope County Library Shawn Pierce, MLS - TWU 63,779 1 YES (Pope County) Crawford County Library System Eva White, MLS - TWU 62,267 1 YES (Crawford County) SUBTOTAL SERVED 631,960 LIBRARY SYSTEMS WITH TAX, SERVING 25,001 to 50,000: February 1, 2019

Arkansas State Library Office of Administration 1 of 2 PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEMS QUALIFYING FOR STATE AID

Scott-Sebastian Regional Library Rene Myers, MLIS - U of WI/Milwaukee 49,937 2 YES (Scott County and Sebastian County, South District) Carroll and Madison Library System Johnice Dominick, MLIS - LSU 43,718 2 YES (Carroll and Madison Counties) Tri-County Library System Marilyn Archer, MLS - Emporia State U. 42,738 3 YES (Howard, Little River and Sevier Counties) Baxter County Library Kim Crow-Sheaner, MLS - UNT 41,062 1 YES (Baxter County) Boone County Library Ginger Schoenenberger - MLS - Clarion Univ 37,304 1 YES (Boone County) Independence County Library Vanessa Adams, MLS - U of Missouri 37,168 1 YES (Independence County) Phillips-Lee-Monroe Regional Library VACANT 6/2002 35,454 3 NO (Phillips, Lee, and Monroe Counties) Columbia County Library Rhonda Rolen, MLIS - LSU 30,748 2 YES (Columbia County and contract with Lafayette County) Ouachita Mountains Regional Library Brenda Miner (MLS - U of OK) 29,052 2 YES (Montgomery and Polk Counties) West Memphis Public Library Rebecca Bledsoe 25,284 1 NO (West Memphis)



East Central Arkansas Regional Library John Paul Myrick, MLS - U of Alabama 23,678 2 YES (Cross and Woodruff Counties) Clark County Library Ashley Parker-Graves,MLS - TWU 22,657 1 YES (Clark County) Hempstead County Library Courtney McNiel, MLS - Florida State U. 21,974 1 YES (Hempstead County) Ashley County Library David Anderson, MLS - TWU 20,492 2 YES (Ashley County) Conway County Library Jay Carter, MLIS - USF 20,937 1 YES (Conway County)

Southwest Arkansas Regional Library Courtney McNiel, MLS - Florida State U. 19,230 2 YES (Nevada and Pike Counties) Arkansas County Library Donovan Mays, MLIS - FSU 18,214 2 YES (Arkansas County) Jackson County Library Jennifer Ballard, MLIS - U of AL 17,221 1 YES (Jackson County) Lawrence County Library Ashley Burris, MLIS - U of AL 16,735 1 YES (Lawrence County) Marion County Library Dana Scott, MLS - TWU 16,325 1 YES (Marion County) Forrest City Public Library Arlisa Price, MSLS - UNT 14,480 1 YES (Forrest City) Newton County Library Teresa Hayes, MLS - Case Western R. U. 7,936 1 YES (Newton County) SUBTOTAL SERVED 219,879

TOTAL POPULATION SERVED 2,753,540 Total Arkansas Population 2,988,248

February 1, 2019

Arkansas State Library Office of Administration 2 of 2 State Aid 2020 Distribution Recommendation Summary

Scholarships $ 150,000

MLS Awards $ 756,000

Multi-county Regional $ 564,000

Per Capita Distribution $4,230,000

TOTAL $5,700,000


The total amount to be distributed:

$5,641,919 Public School Fund 2020 Distribution

$58,081 Unblocked funds from Carry Forward ($89,151)

$5,700,000 TOTAL

FY2020 State Aid

Per Capita $12,000/co. 2016 @ in multi-co. Total First Qtr. Second Qtr. Third Qtr. Fourth Qtr. Headquarters Lib. Tax Unit Population 1.53620430 region MLS FY2020 Payment Payment Payment Payment Arkansas Co. Lib. Arkansas Co. 18,214 27,980 18,000 45,980 11,495 11,495 11,495 11,495 Ashley Co. Lib. Ashley Co. less Crossett 15,364 23,602 Ashley Co. Lib. Crossett (city) (Ashley Co.) 5,128 7,878 Ashley Co. Lib. Total 20,492 31,480 18,000 49,480 12,370 12,370 12,370 12,370 Baxter Co. Lib. Baxter Co. 41,062 63,080 18,000 81,080 20,270 20,270 20,270 20,270 Boone Co. Lib. Boone Co. 37,304 57,307 18,000 75,307 18,827 18,827 18,827 18,826 Clark Co. Lib. Clark Co. 22,657 34,806 18,000 52,806 13,201 13,201 13,201 13,203 Columbia Co. Lib. Columbia Co. 23,901 36,717 Columbia Co. Lib. Lafayette Co. (contract) 6,847 10,518 Columbia Co. Lib. Total 30,748 47,235 18,000 65,235 16,309 16,309 16,309 16,308 Conway Co. Lib. Conway Co. 20,937 32,164 18,000 50,164 12,541 12,541 12,541 12,541 Crawford Co. Lib. System Crawford Co. 62,267 95,655 18,000 113,655 28,414 28,414 28,414 28,413 Garland Co. Lib. Garland Co. 97,477 149,745 18,000 167,745 41,936 41,936 41,936 41,937 Hempstead Co. Lib. Hempstead Co. 21,974 33,757 18,000 51,757 12,939 12,939 12,939 12,940 Independence Co. Lib Independence Co. 37,168 57,098 18,000 75,098 18,774 18,774 18,774 18,776 Jackson Co. Lib. Jackson Co. 17,221 26,455 18,000 44,455 11,114 11,114 11,114 11,113 Jefferson Co. Lib. Jefferson Co. Total less Pine Bluff 26,175 40,210 Jefferson Co. Lib. Pine Bluff (city) (Jefferson Co.) 43,841 67,349 Jefferson Co. Lib. Total 70,016 107,559 18,000 125,559 31,390 31,390 31,390 31,389 Lawrence Co. Lib. Lawrence Co. 16,735 25,708 18,000 43,708 10,927 10,927 10,927 10,927 Lonoke Co. Lib. Lonoke Co. 72,228 110,957 18,000 128,957 32,239 32,239 32,239 32,240 Marion Co. Lib. Marion Co. 16,325 25,079 18,000 43,079 10,770 10,770 10,770 10,769 Newton Co. Lib. Newton Co. 7,936 12,191 18,000 30,191 7,548 7,548 7,548 7,547 Pope Co. Lib. Pope Co. 63,779 97,978 18,000 115,978 28,994 28,994 28,994 28,996 Union Co. Lib. El Dorado (city) 18,339 28,172 Union Co. Lib. Union Co. Total less El Dorado 21,548 33,102 Union Co. Lib. Calhoun County (contract) 5,144 7,902 Union Co. Lib. Camden (city) (Ouachita Co.) 11,219 17,235 Union Co. Lib. Ouachita Co. Total less Camden (contract) 12,879 19,785 Union Co. Lib. Total 69,129 106,196 18,000 124,196 31,049 31,049 31,049 31,049

Washington Co. Lib. Washington Co. (less Fayetteville) 144,223 221,556 18,000 239,556 59,889 59,889 59,889 59,889 White Co. Reg. Lib. System White Co. 79,263 121,764 18,000 139,764 34,941 34,941 34,941 34,941 Total Single County Libraries 967,155 1,485,748 - 378,000 1,863,748 465,937 465,937 465,937 465,939 Arkansas River Valley Reg. Lib. Franklin Co. 17,626 27,077 12,000 Arkansas River Valley Reg. Lib. Johnson Co. 26,176 40,212 12,000 Arkansas River Valley Reg. Lib. Logan Co. 21,792 33,477 12,000 Arkansas River Valley Reg. Lib. Yell Co. 21,552 33,108 12,000 Arkansas River Valley Reg. Lib. Total 87,146 133,874 48,000 18,000 199,874 49,969 49,969 49,969 49,967 Carroll & Madison Co. Lib. System Carroll Co. 27,646 42,470 12,000 Carroll & Madison Co. Lib. System Madison Co. 16,072 24,690 12,000 Carroll & Madison Co. Lib. System Total 43,718 67,160 24,000 18,000 109,160 27,290 27,290 27,290 27,290 Central Arkansas Lib. System Little Rock (city) (Pulaski Co.) 198,541 305,000 Central Arkansas Lib. System Perry Co. 10,132 15,565 12,000

August 1, 2019

Arkansas State Library State Aid Distribution FY20 Office of Administration Page 1 of 3 FY2020 State Aid

Per Capita $12,000/co. 2016 @ in multi-co. Total First Qtr. Second Qtr. Third Qtr. Fourth Qtr. Headquarters Lib. Tax Unit Population 1.53620430 region MLS FY2020 Payment Payment Payment Payment Central Arkansas Lib. System Pulaski Co. Total less LR & NLR 128,431 197,296 12,000 Central Arkansas Lib. System Total 337,104 517,861 24,000 541,861 135,465 135,465 135,465 135,466 Crowley Ridge Reg. Lib. Craighead Co. Total less Jonesboro 30,946 47,539 12,000 Crowley Ridge Reg. Lib. Jonesboro (city) (Craighead Co.) 74,889 115,045 Crowley Ridge Reg. Lib. Poinsett Co. Total less Trumann 16,894 25,953 12,000 Crowley Ridge Reg. Lib. Trumann (city) (Poinsett Co.) 7,129 10,952 Crowley Ridge Reg. Lib. Total 129,858 199,488 24,000 18,000 241,488 60,372 60,372 60,372 60,372 East Central Arkansas Reg. Lib. Cross Co. 17,037 26,172 12,000 East Central Arkansas Reg. Lib. Woodruff Co. 6,641 10,202 12,000 East Central Arkansas Reg. Lib. Total 23,678 36,374 24,000 18,000 78,374 19,594 19,594 19,594 19,592 Faulkner-Van Buren Reg. Lib. Faulkner Co. 122,227 187,766 12,000 Faulkner-Van Buren Reg. Lib. Van Buren Co. 16,628 25,544 12,000 Faulkner-Van Buren Reg. Lib. Total 138,855 213,310 24,000 18,000 255,310 63,827 63,827 63,827 63,829 Mid-Arkansas Reg. Lib. Cleveland Co. 8,241 12,660 12,000 Mid-Arkansas Reg. Lib. Dallas Co. 7,469 11,474 12,000 Mid-Arkansas Reg. Lib. Grant Co. 18,082 27,778 12,000 Mid-Arkansas Reg. Lib. Hot Spring Co. 33,374 51,269 12,000 Mid-Arkansas Reg. Lib. Saline Co. 118,703 182,352 12,000 Mid-Arkansas Reg. Lib. Total 185,869 285,533 60,000 18,000 363,533 90,883 90,883 90,883 90,884 Mississippi/Crittenden Co. Lib. Blytheville (city) (Mississippi Co.) 14,375 22,083 Mississippi/Crittenden Co. Lib. Crittenden Co. Total less West Memphis 23,951 36,794 12,000 Mississippi/Crittenden Co. Lib. Mississippi Co. Total less Blytheville 28,460 43,720 12,000 Mississippi/Crittenden Co. Lib. Total 66,786 102,597 24,000 18,000 144,597 36,149 36,149 36,149 36,150 Northeast Arkansas Reg. Lib. Clay Co. 14,920 22,920 12,000 Northeast Arkansas Reg. Lib. Greene Co. 44,598 68,512 12,000 Northeast Arkansas Reg. Lib. Randolph Co. 17,448 26,804 12,000 Northeast Arkansas Reg. Lib. Total 76,966 118,236 36,000 18,000 172,236 43,059 43,059 43,059 43,059 Ouachita Mountains Reg Lib Montgomery Co. 8,879 13,640 12,000 Ouachita Mountains Reg Lib Polk Co. 20,173 30,990 12,000 Ouachita Mountains Reg Lib Total 29,052 44,630 24,000 18,000 86,630 21,657 21,657 21,657 21,659 Phillips-Lee-Monroe Reg. Lib. Lee Co. 9,310 14,302 12,000 Phillips-Lee-Monroe Reg. Lib. Monroe Co. 7,169 11,013 12,000 Phillips-Lee-Monroe Reg. Lib. Phillips Co. 18,975 29,149 12,000 Phillips-Lee-Monroe Reg. Lib. Total 35,454 54,465 36,000 90,465 22,616 22,616 22,616 22,617 Scott-Sebastian Reg. Lib. Scott Co. 10,277 15,788 12,000 Scott-Sebastian Reg. Lib. Sebastian Co. Total less Fort Smith 39,660 60,926 12,000 Scott-Sebastian Reg. Lib. Total 49,937 76,713 24,000 18,000 118,713 29,678 29,678 29,678 29,679 Southeast Arkansas Reg. Lib. Bradley Co. 10,996 16,892 12,000 Southeast Arkansas Reg. Lib. Chicot Co. 10,945 16,814 12,000 Southeast Arkansas Reg. Lib. Desha Co. 11,876 18,244 12,000 Southeast Arkansas Reg. Lib. Drew Co. 18,651 28,652 12,000 Southeast Arkansas Reg. Lib. Lincoln Co. 13,705 21,054 12,000 Southeast Arkansas Reg. Lib. Total 66,173 101,655 60,000 18,000 179,655 44,914 44,914 44,914 44,913 Southwest Arkansas Reg. Lib. Nevada Co. 8,398 12,901 12,000 Southwest Arkansas Reg. Lib. Pike Co. 10,832 16,640 12,000

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Per Capita $12,000/co. 2016 @ in multi-co. Total First Qtr. Second Qtr. Third Qtr. Fourth Qtr. Headquarters Lib. Tax Unit Population 1.53620430 region MLS FY2020 Payment Payment Payment Payment Southwest Arkansas Reg. Lib. Total 19,230 29,541 24,000 18,000 71,541 17,885 17,885 17,885 17,886 Tri-County Reg. Lib. Howard Co. 13,377 20,550 12,000 Tri-County Reg. Lib. Little River Co. 12,451 19,127 12,000 Tri-County Reg. Lib. Sevier Co. 16,910 25,977 12,000 Tri-County Reg. Lib. 42,738 65,654 36,000 18,000 119,654 29,914 29,914 29,914 29,912 White River Reg. Lib. Cleburne Co. 25,264 38,811 12,000 White River Reg. Lib. Fulton Co. 12,123 18,623 12,000 White River Reg. Lib. Izard Co. 13,433 20,636 12,000 White River Reg. Lib. Sharp Co. 17,157 26,357 12,000 White River Reg. Lib. Stone Co. 12,539 19,262 12,000 White River Reg. Lib. Total 80,516 123,689 60,000 18,000 201,689 50,422 50,422 50,422 50,423 Total Regional Libraries 1,413,080 2,170,780 552,000 252,000 2,974,780 743,695 743,695 743,695 743,698 Fayetteville Public Library Fayetteville (city) 83,826 128,774 18,000 146,774 36,693 36,693 36,693 36,695 Forrest City Public Lib. Forrest City (city) 14,480 22,244 18,000 40,244 10,061 10,061 10,061 10,061 Fort Smith Public Lib. Fort Smith (city) 88,133 135,390 18,000 153,390 38,348 38,348 38,348 38,346 North Little Rock Public Lib. North Little Rock (city) 66,278 101,817 18,000 119,817 29,954 29,954 29,954 29,955 Rogers Public Lib. Rogers (city) 65,021 99,886 18,000 117,886 29,471 29,471 29,471 29,473 Texarkana Public Lib. Texarkana (city) 30,283 46,521 12,000 18,000 76,521 19,130 19,130 19,130 19,131 West Memphis Public Lib. West Memphis (city) 25,284 38,841 38,841 9,710 9,710 9,710 9,711 Total City Libraries 373,305 573,473 12,000 108,000 693,473 173,368 173,368 173,368 173,372 Grand Total 2,753,540 4,230,000 564,000 738,000 5,532,000 1,383,000 1,383,000 1,383,000 1,383,009

Fifth Payment (optional) is the distribution of the remainder of the reserves held Counties Not Qualifying Total Released for FY2020 State Aid 5,700,000 s, multi-county regionals and MLS awards. (Director discretion). Prairie Reserved for Scholarships (150,000) Searcy Multi-County Regionals (564,000) Benton MLS Awards, 42 headquarters libraries* (756,000) *Includes reserve for vacancies Miller Total Designated (1,470,000) St. Francis Balance for Per Capita Distribution 4,230,000 8/1/2019 ACTUAL: State Aid: 5,700,000 Scholarships: - Amt Paid Out - Source: Adjustments 4224000/2,753,540= 1.53620430 Balance 5,700,000 Fact Finder 2 database of 2016 official census estimates

2.07006254 Per Cap #

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Recommendation for Scholarship Assistance DRAFT

Cumulative # of Hours Recommend number of Anticipated date of Library -- Summer Award in the hours completion/MLS Library Name Individual Name School 2019 amount of ** completed award

Bentonville Public Library Courtney Fitzgerald UNT 0 $0 33 Dec-19

Bentonville Public Library Rebekah Lawler U KY 3 $1,350 24 Dec. 19

Bentonville Public Library Anna Sharon U KY 6 $2,700 18

Central AR Library System Nate Coulter UWM 3 $1,350 27 Dec-19

Central AR Library System Jessica Butkovic TWU 3 $1,350 15

Central AR Library System Amanda Hayes TWU 3 $1,350 15

Central AR Library System Elizabeth Newbern Simmons 3 $1,350 15

Crawford County Library Margaux Burleson USoMS 0 $0 13

Crawford County Library Sarah Munguia U/OK 6 $2,700 24 Dec-19

Crawford County Library Allison Harrison UNT 3 $1,350 33 Dec. 2019

Crawford County Library Robin Egerton TWU 0 $0 33 Dec. 2019

ECARL - Cross County Asti Ogletree U SoMS 3 $1,350 44 Aug-19

Rogers Public Library Hannah Milligan USF 6 $2,700 39 Aug,2019

Saline County Library Hollie Locke SanJoseSt 21 $9,450 33

Springdale Public Library Adriana Martinez UNT 6 $2,700 33 Dec-19

Springdale Public Library Tammie Evans UNT 3 $1,350 15

August 6, 2019 Scholarship Payments Made 1977-2019

Year Awarded Total Paid Name Library 1977 3,000.00 Allen, Debra White River Regional Library 1977 3,000.00 Shaver, Lolly Cross County Library 1979 750.00 Williams, Wynelle Phillips-Lee-Monroe Regional Library 1980 3,465.00 Buffaloe, Anne Faulkner-Van Buren Regional Library 1980 3,840.00 Clements, Anne Faulkner-Van Buren Regional Library 1985 4,500.00 Boyett, Harriett (Susie) White County Library 1985 4,500.00 Drew, K. C. (Chris) Chicot County Library 1986 6,000.00 Beets, Cathy Crowley Ridge Regional Library 1990 6,000.00 Ashcraft, Carolyn Mid-Arkansas Regional Library 1990 5,000.00 Khayat, Gwen North Arkansas Regional Library 1990 6,000.00 Thomas, Sharon Crowley Ridge Regional Library 1990 6,000.00 Warren, Mary M. Southeast Arkansas Regional Library 1991 6,000.00 Voss, Ruth Faulkner-Van Buren Regional Library 1991 3,000.00 Witt, John Arkansas River Valley Regional Library 1993 6,000.00 Hunt, Mary Kathleen Fort Smith Public Library 1994 6,000.00 Butler, Zoe Conway County Library 1998 6,000.00 Burris, Ashley Lawrence County Library 1998 6,000.00 McDonald, Donna Arkansas River Valley Regional Library 1999 6,000.00 Griggs, Mary Ann Mid-Arkansas Regional Library 2001 3,000.00 Kopper, Virginia (Ginny) Faulkner-Van Buren Regional Library 2001 3,000.00 Lott, Diana Jefferson County Library 2002 3,000.00 Kopper, Virginia (Ginny) Faulkner-Van Buren Regional Library 2002 2,250.00 Lott, Diana Jefferson County Library 2006 4,236.00 Bates, Anna Southeast Arkansas Regional Library 2006 3,177.00 Calhoun, Judy Southeast Arkansas Regional Library 2006 7,413.00 Cortez, Regina Mid-Arkansas Regional Library 2006 2,118.00 Dudley, Hadi Bentonville Public Library 2006 4,236.00 Mahon, Renee Fayetteville Public Library 2006 4,236.00 Rogers, Michael Northeast AR Regional Library 2007 2,118.00 Calhoun, Judy Southeast Arkansas Regional Library 2007 2,471.00 Eskridge, Randi Saline County Library 2007 1,059.00 Hancock, Willow Fayetteville Public Library 2007 2,118.00 Heaney, Paula Fayetteville Public Library 2007 4,236.00 Rogers, Michael Northeast AR Regional Library 2008 2,160.00 Calhoun, Judy Southeast Arkansas Regional Library 2008 2,160.00 Eskridge, Randi Saline County Library 2008 8,640.00 Hancock, Willow Fayetteville Public Library 2008 8,640.00 Heaney, Paula Fayetteville Public Library 2008 1,080.00 McGraw, John Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2008 2,160.00 Parker, Ashley Mid-Arkansas Regional Library 2008 4,320.00 Pekel, Sue Ann Bentonville Public Library Scholarship Payments Made 1977-2019

2008 3,240.00 Young, Audra Farmington Public Library 2009 2,400.00 Bailey, Robert Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2009 2,400.00 Donovan, Lisa Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2009 2,400.00 Hamlin, Kelly Fort Smith Public Library 2009 4,800.00 John Clark "Hotspur" Closser Fayetteville Public Library 2009 2,400.00 Price, Arlisa Forrest City Public Library 2009 4,800.00 Walsh, Caitlyn Spaulding Fayetteville Public Library 2009 3,600.00 Young, Audra Farmington Public Library 2010 2,700.00 Bailey, Robert Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2010 1,350.00 Donovan, Lisa Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2010 4,050.00 Hamlin, Kelly Fort Smith Public Library 2010 5,400.00 John Clark "Hotspur" Closser Fayetteville Public Library 2010 4,050.00 McCleod, Tara Crawford County Library 2010 9,450.00 Wallace, Darby Jackson County Library 2010 5,400.00 Walsh, Caitlyn Spaulding Fayetteville Public Library 2011 2,700.00 Bailey, Robert Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2011 2,700.00 Bell, Audra Farmington Public Library 2011 9,450.00 Carnahan, Sarah Razer Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2011 4,050.00 Donovan, Lisa Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2011 5,400.00 Drittler, Lauren Arkansas River Valley Regional Library 2011 6,750.00 Ino, Darla White County Regional Library 2011 4,050.00 Kramer, Kelly Hamlin Fort Smith Public Library 2011 6,750.00 McCleod, Tara Crawford County Library 2011 8,550.00 Rugger, Haley Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2011 2,700.00 Sheaner, Kim Crow Baxter County Library 2011 2,700.00 Wallace, Darby Jackson County Library 2011 5,400.00 Webb, Adam Garland County Library 2012 5,400.00 Allen, Katie Elbe Garland County Library 2012 6,750.00 Anderson, David Crossett Public Library 2012 2,700.00 Bailey, Robert Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2012 1,350.00 Bell, Audra Farmington Public Library 2012 10,800.00 Carpenter, Ronica Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2012 5,400.00 Chavez, Brittany Hennessee Garland County Library 2012 4,050.00 Cruise, Kristen Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2012 2,700.00 Donovan, Lisa Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2012 6,750.00 Drittler, Lauren Arkansas River Valley Regional Library 2012 10,800.00 Garrison, Amanda Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2012 2,700.00 Gowdy, Sarah Bentonville Public Library 2012 6,750.00 Ino, Darla White County Regional Library 2012 1,350.00 Kramer, Kelly Hamlin Fort Smith Public Library 2012 8,100.00 Miller, Kristen Pope County Regional Library System 2012 10,800.00 Owen, Sarah Central AR Regional Library (CALS) Scholarship Payments Made 1977-2019

2012 2,700.00 Rugger, Haley Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2012 6,300.00 Schuster, Mark Carroll & Madison Library System 2012 6,750.00 Sheaner, Kim Crow Baxter County Library 2012 5,400.00 Webb, Adam Garland County Library 2012 4,050.00 Zchiegner-Bleich, Fallon Bentonville Public Library 2013 5,400.00 Allen, Katie Elbe Garland County Library 2013 4,050.00 Anderson, David Crossett Public Library 2013 1,350.00 Blakeney, Jeannie Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2013 5,400.00 Chavez, Brittany Hennessee Garland County Library 2013 2,700.00 Crenshaw, Loretta Carroll & Madison Library System 2013 1,350.00 Crow-Sheaner, Kim Baxter County Library 2013 6,750.00 Cruise, Kristen Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2013 1,350.00 Gowdy, Sarah Bentonville Public Library 2013 5,400.00 Gowdy, Sarah Bentonville Public Library 2013 10,800.00 McNiel, Courtney Hempstead County Library 2013 2,700.00 Miller, Kristen Pope County Regional Library System 2013 12,600.00 Rasnic, Rebecca Crowley Ridge Regional Library 2013 8,100.00 Zchiegner-Bleich, Fallon Bentonville Public Library 2014 5,400.00 Bailey, Kena Fayetteville Public Library 2014 6,750.00 Bennett, Adrienne Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2014 5,400.00 Blakeney, Jeannie Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2014 4,050.00 Cook, Connie Jackson County Library 2014 2,700.00 Crenshaw, Loretta Carroll & Madison Library System 2014 5,400.00 Hancock, Kristina Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2014 2,700.00 Price-Harris, Arlisa Forrest City Public Library 2014 6,750.00 Wright, Roxie Southeast Arkansas Regional Library 2015 5,400.00 Bailey, Kena Fayetteville Public Library 2015 4,050.00 Bennett, Adrienne Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2015 4,050.00 Blakeney, Jeannie Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2015 6,750.00 Chase, Victoria Crowley Ridge Regional Library 2015 5,400.00 Christy, Wendy Saline County Library 2015 1,350.00 Cook, Connie Jackson County Library 2015 (5,400.00) Cook, Connie Jackson County Library - Repayment 2015 2,700.00 Cothren, Zac Cleburne County Library 2015 2,700.00 Crenshaw, Loretta Carroll & Madison Library System 2015 5,400.00 Dedmon, Laquita Texarkana Public Library 2015 5,400.00 Dennis, Carlye Fayetteville Public Library 2015 10,800.00 Fell, Devin Fayetteville Public Library 2015 8,100.00 Friedan, Leah Fayetteville Public Library 2015 10,350.00 Green, Linda Conway County Library 2015 4,050.00 Jelinek, Gwyneth Fayetteville Public Library 2015 5,400.00 Nelson-Lamont, Amy Fayetteville Public Library Scholarship Payments Made 1977-2019

2015 9,450.00 Price-Harris, Arlisa Forrest City Public Library 2015 4,050.00 Rawls, Maria Tess Cross County Library 2015 (4,050.00) Rawls, Maria Tess Cross County Library - Repayment 2015 5,400.00 Vanlandingham, Taylor Springdale Public Library 2015 4,050.00 Wallace, Greg Garland County Library 2015 5,400.00 Watson, Jennifer Saline County Library 2015 5,400.00 Wells, Kimberly Crowley Ridge Regional Library 2015 4,050.00 Wright, Roxie Bella Vista Public Library 2016 2,700.00 Agginie, Dessalines Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2016 1,350.00 Blakeney, Jeannie Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2016 5,400.00 Brady, Erin Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2016 10,800.00 Chance, Morgan Columbia County Library 2016 5,400.00 Chase, Victoria Crowley Ridge Regional Library 2016 6,750.00 Christy, Wendy Saline County Library 2016 5,400.00 Cothren, Zac Cleburne County Library 2016 2,700.00 Crenshaw, Loretta Carroll & Madison Library System 2016 5,400.00 Dedmon, Laquita Texarkana Public Library 2016 5,400.00 Dennis, Carlye Fayetteville Public Library 2016 1,350.00 Fitzgerald, Courtney Bentonville Public Library 2016 2,700.00 Friedan, Leah Fayetteville Public Library 2016 4,050.00 Green, Linda Conway County Library 2016 2,700.00 Jelinek, Gwyneth Fayetteville Public Library 2016 10,800.00 Leeper, Gladys Pike County Library 2016 5,400.00 Nelson-Lamont, Amy Fayetteville Public Library 2016 4,050.00 Price-Harris, Arlisa Forrest City Public Library 2016 5,400.00 Renollet, Erin Springdale Public Library 2016 12,150.00 Schoenenberger, Ginger Boone County Library 2016 9,450.00 Stine, Dara Marion County Public Library 2016 5,400.00 Vanlandingham, Taylor Springdale Public Library 2016 1,350.00 Wallace, Greg Garland County Library 2016 5,400.00 Watson, Jennifer Saline County Library 2016 5,400.00 Wells, Kimberly Crowley Ridge Regional Library 2016 5,400.00 Williams, Corinne Garland County Library 2017 5,400.00 Agginie, Dessalines Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2017 6,750.00 Ammons, Lyndsey Saline County Library 2017 4,050.00 Barlow Graham, Clare Malvern-Hot Spring Co Library 2017 5,400.00 Brady-Randle, Erin Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2017 8,100.00 Browning-Kamins, Lara Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2017 10,800.00 Eaton, Rachel Fayetteville Public Library 2017 2,700.00 Fitzgerald, Courtney Bentonville Public Library 2017 2,700.00 Jelinek, Gwyneth Fayetteville Public Library 2017 1,350.00 Leeper, Gladys Pike County Library Scholarship Payments Made 1977-2019

2017 2,700.00 Miner, Brenda Ouachita Mountains Regional Library 2017 1,350.00 Stine, Dara Marion County Public Library 2017 2,700.00 Wallace, Greg Garland County Library 2018 (12,150.00) Leeper, Gladys Southwest AR Reg Library - Repayment 2018 2,700.00 Agginie, Dessalines Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2018 5,400.00 Ammons, Lyndsey Saline County Library 2018 6,750.00 Barlow Graham, Clare Mid-Arkansas Regional Library 2018 2,700.00 Browning-Kamins, Lara Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2018 1,350.00 Coulter, Nate Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2018 13,500.00 Davis, Adrianna Faulkner-Van Buren Regional Library 2018 4,050.00 Egerton, Robin Crawford County Library 2018 2,700.00 Fitzgerald, Courtney Bentonville Public Library 2018 5,400.00 Garcia-Gomez, Nathalie Springdale Public Library 2018 13,500.00 Griebel, Matthew Chance Wm. F Laman Public Library 2018 10,800.00 Jones, Kristin Rogers Public Library 2018 6,750.00 Moore, Deborah Lonoke County Library 2018 7,200.00 Ogletree, Asti East Central AR Regional Library 2018 6,750.00 Scott, Deidre Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2018 5,400.00 Singleton, Andrea Van Buren County Library 2018 2,700.00 Wallace, Greg Garland County Library 2018 13,950.00 Waters, Tara Saline County Library 2018 6,750.00 Windel, Kenya Newton County Library 2019 450.00 Burleson, Margaux Crawford County Library 2019 4,050.00 Coulter, Nate Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2019 5,400.00 Egerton, Robin Crawford County Library 2019 2,700.00 Fitzgerald, Courtney Bentonville Public Library 2019 5,400.00 Garcia-Gomez, Nathalie Springdale Public Library 2019 8,100.00 Harrison, Allison Crawford County Library 2019 4,050.00 Lawler, Rebekah Bentonville Public Library 2019 6,750.00 Martinez, Adriana Springdale Public Library 2019 9,450.00 Milligan, Hannah Rogers Public Library 2019 4,050.00 Moore, Deborah Lonoke County Library 2019 5,400.00 Munguia, Sarah Crawford County Library 2019 5,850.00 Ogletree, Asti East Central AR Regional Library- Cross Co. 2019 4,050.00 Scott, Deidre Central AR Regional Library (CALS) 2019 5,400.00 Singleton, Andrea Van Buren County Library 2019 4,050.00 Skorija, Kate Fayetteville Public Library 2019 4,050.00 Windel, Kenya Newton County Library

989,173.00 Total Paid Out in Scholarships State Librarian – Carolyn Ashcraft

Since the May 10, 2019, board meeting I have participated in the following meetings/events:

 Meeting with ADE Commissioner Johnny Key, Chief of State Gina Windle, May 29  Meeting with ADE’s Kevin Briggs and Gayle Morris, concerning the interactive map on our website, June 4  Meeting with ADE’s Arijit Sarkar and Rionel Tee, to discuss current and future IT needs and government transformation, June 6  Declaration of Learning ceremony at Choctaw Building on Clinton Presidential Center grounds at 4 p.m., followed by dinner at Governor’s Mansion at 6 p.m., June 13  Grow With Google event at Laman Library in North Little Rock, June 19  Grow With Google event at Jonesboro/Craighead County Library, June 21  AARP Executive Council meetings, July 10  Meeting via Zoom with Kathie Buckman to discuss SLIS program with Emporia State University, July 11  Meeting with Susan Steelman and Lindsay Blake from UAMS Library concerning Individualized Health Information Program (IHIP), July 11  Meeting with ADE’s Kevin Briggs and Gayle Morris, INA’s Justin Kinchen concerning the interactive map, July 24

To continue efforts of the Transformation and Efficiencies Act of 2019, Governor Hutchinson asked all his Secretaries to hold weekly meetings with their directors in July. Secretary Key called the Department of Education division heads to meetings on July 2, 8, 15, 24 and 29th. We met our colleagues across the ADE and shared information on the priorities of year one of the Transformation and discussed how our divisions will align and collaborate. We looked at the deadlines for reporting needed data and looked at ways in which we will assess, analyze, plan and implement improvements. A Transformation Action Team (TAT) within the department has been established with team members drawn from each of the divisions. Representing the State Library will be Debbie Hall and Natalie Marlin. These individuals will be ‘champions for change’ and will play an important role in fostering sustainable change in state government culture. TAT will meet as often as necessary in FY2020, with a minimum of weekly meetings during the first 90 days of the fiscal year.

Future meetings/events include:

 State Agencies Training by AG’s office, Militia Hall at Camp Robinson, Aug. 27  ARSL annual conference, Burlington, VT, Sep. 3-7  ArLA/SELA Joint Conference, Hot Springs, Sep. 27-29  COSLA annual conference, Hartford, CT, Nov. 3-7

Acronyms: ALA – American Library Association; ArLA – Arkansas Library Association; ARSL – Association for Rural and Small Libraries; COSLA – Chief Officers of State Library Agencies; FDLP - Federal Depository Library Program; GPO – Government Publishing Office (formerly the Government Printing Office); IMLS – Institute of Museum and Library Services; LDD – Library Development District

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Deputy Director – Jennifer Chilcoat

On-Going Projects

State Data Coordinator

Arkansas’ data have been submitted, locked, and certified with the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). We are working on ways to present the data in an accessible fashion for use by Arkansas’ public libraries and citizens, and have complied with several requests for particular subsets of the data to answer the needs of library directors. We are also looking at producing infographics for use in promoting libraries. IMLS is currently in its annual window for submitting requests to make changes to the 2020 survey, and I have reached out to our library directors, and to other individuals tasked with completing the survey, for their input.

In 2016, the Chief Officers of State Library Agencies (COSLA) introduced the Measures that Matter initiative. Their stated goal was to “develop and implement an action plan to examine, evaluate, map and develop the landscape of public library data collection in the United States.” The Measures that Matter Action Plan was released in April of 2018 with fourteen separate action areas. One of those areas that is currently much-discussed is Action Step 2.1: “Review State Added Data Elements.” State-added data elements are simply data that are collected by individual states in conjunction with IMLS’s annual Public Library Survey (PLS), but which aren’t necessary to satisfy IMLS’s reporting requirements. Now that those elements have been collected and organized, the goal is to “clarify how states use added elements, as a preliminary mechanism for identifying new national elements that reflect overlaps in state level data already collected.” Another of the action areas receiving much attention is Action Step 3.2: “Build Data Governance Capacity.” Emerging from this goal is an initiative to establish a Public Library Data Alliance (PLDA). The PLDA would be composed of eight standing members from organizations like ALA, ARSL, COSLA, IMLS, and PLA, as well as nine rotating members, to include those who fill out the PLS, not just those who collect the data. It is expected that the PLDA will be functional by the fall.

EXCITE Transformation for Libraries

Our call for team applications for the EXCITE Transformation for Libraries Bootcamp, presented by the Connecticut State Library (CSL), yielded a healthy response. We have selected the six, four-person teams that will join us October 8-10, 2019. While we issued invitations to apply to our neighbors in Missouri, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Tennessee, those invitations did not always get passed along in a timely manner, causing some libraries to miss the application deadline. We are happy, however, to have two libraries from Tennessee represented: the Kingsport Public Library and the Rutherford County Library System (Murfreesboro).

Census 2020

The upcoming census provides Arkansas’ public libraries with an opportunity to positively impact their communities for the next decade. Census 2020 is placing an unprecedented emphasis on online participation, and there is a high level of distrust among many populations about the confidentiality of the submitted information. Libraries are well-positioned to be both providers of Internet access and trusted guides through the census process. I have joined the Complete Count Committee (CCC) for Arkansas, also known as Arkansas Counts, in an effort to make sure that Arkansas libraries are equipped to serve in these roles in 2020. Should resources be sufficient, we at ASL would ideally like to pursue two different objectives: 1) to provide, or facilitate the provision of, training about the census to public library staff throughout the state so that they feel confident and prepared to assist their users, and 2) to provide libraries in the Mississippi River delta, and perhaps stringing westward in south Arkansas to a couple of other Hard to Count (HTC) areas such as Hot Spring County, any additional capacity they need to ensure reliable Internet access when assisting patrons with the Census 2020 website. This would most likely include providing laptops for dedicated access to the site and Wi-Fi hotspots for libraries whose internet speed and stability are insufficient.

Site Visits/Meetings/Training:

May 4 Letters About Literature I participated in this event at the Old Statehouse Museum by providing general logistical support.

May 7 Nancy Pack, Director, Alabama Public Library Service I sat in on this meeting with Carolyn Ashcraft and Jennifer Wann to discuss/brainstorm ideas for partnerships, services, and programming at state libraries.

May 13, 14 Interviews, Coordinator of the Arkansas Center for the Book

May 15, 16 Arkansas Rural Development Conference Hot Springs Amber Gregory and I attended this conference to get a feel for the trending concerns in the rural areas of our state, and to share what we can do in those communities.

May 16 Census 2020 Meeting, Central Arkansas Library System Jennifer Wann and I attended this meeting about the 2020 Census, its importance in our state, and what libraries can do to help ensure a complete count. The meeting was conducted by Allen Green, Partnership Specialist with the U.S Census Bureau.

May 23 ALL-In I attended this ALL-In follow-up meeting and was able to touch base with those I have been mentoring. The conversation was informative and, as always, helped us get a feel for what training and support is needed in our libraries.

June 3 Kara Wilkins, Arkansas Impact Philanthropy Ms. Wilkins is the Communications Chair for the Arkansas Complete Count Committee, also known as Arkansas Counts. She, Jennifer Wann, and I discussed the various governing structures for Arkansas’ public libraries, ASL’s relationship with those libraries, and needed resources for libraries to ensure a more complete census count in the state.

June 4 Gayle Morris and Kevin Briggs, Arkansas Department of Education Carolyn Ashcraft, Jennifer Wann, and I, met with staff from the Arkansas Department of Education to discuss communications and ASL’s presence on the ADE web site.

June 14 Arkansas Counts Funding Call Debbie Hall and I had a conference call with Kara Wilkins and Abby Holsclaw of Arkansas Impact Philanthropy/Arkansas Counts to discuss possible funding sources for our Census 2020 outreach to libraries. One possible source has been identified, but no firm commitments have been made at this time.

June 19 Grow With Google Laman Library I attended the GwG session “For Nonprofits – Discover Digital Resources to Empower Your Community.” This provided an overview of opportunities to present public programs centered around Google’s tools to support business.

June 19 Scoring Congressional Broadband Proposals (Webinar) This webinar examined the various broadband bills most likely to become law, in keeping with the National Broadband Plan's goal of gigabit connectivity for all community anchor institutions.

June 21 Arkansas Counts Complete Count Committee Meeting Monticello This meeting brought together stakeholders from numerous communities of interest--such as the Hispanic and Marshallese communities, the teaching community, the disability community, and the social justice community--to discuss strategies for encouraging citizens in each community to complete their 2020 census questionnaires.

June 27 Arkansas Gems with Jon Hodges With several other ASL staff, I was invited to share my input for the 2019 Arkansas Gems poster and bookmark.

July 8, 15, 24, 29 Arkansas Department of Education Directors’ Meetings Carolyn has invited me to accompany her to these weekly meetings to implement the Governor’s Transformation and Efficiencies Act within the Department of Education.

July 9 ASL Audit Closing I had the opportunity to sit in on ASL’s audit closing meeting with Laurie Casteel. It was informative to see how the process works in the state government environment.

July 11 Measures That Matter: Action Step 2.1 (Webinar) This webinar introduced Chief Officers, State Data Coordinators, and others to the methodology used in collecting and organizing state added data elements, and allowed a conversation to begin about challenges that lie ahead in the process.

July 17 Measures That Matter: Kicking the Tires on the Action Plan (Webinar) This webinar outlined the work accomplished so far, lessons learned, and the plan to establish a Public Library Data Alliance (PLDA).

July 19-21 If All Arkansas Read the Same Book Tour with Delia Owens I assisted Amber Gregory and Jennifer Wann with Dr. Owens’ presentations at the Bentonville Public Library, Fayetteville Public Library, and the Central Arkansas Library System, and assisted with logistics at each venue.


August 16 Library Development District One Meeting

August 19-21 COSLA CE Coordinators’ Forum

September 3-7 Association for Rural & Small Libraries

September 9 ALL-In Follow-up Meeting

September 27-29 Arkansas Library Association Annual Conference

October 8-10 EXCITE Transformation Bootcamp for Libraries

Manager of Library Development – Jennifer Wann

On-Going Projects

Library Consulting Services Consulting topics included, but were not limited to: developing interview questions for a part-time circulation assistant; interlocal agreements for multi-county systems; using debt collection agencies to collect overdue fines; how to increase circulation through collection development; cash handling; millage campaigns; conducting a Community Needs Assessment; forming a 501(c)(3) for Friends of the Library; finding sponsors for middle school book clubs; disposal of surplus property; functions and role of Administrative Board versus Advisory Board; working effectively with the County Judge and Quorum Court; serving patrons with mental health issues; disaster planning; automating the library catalog; creating a Memorandum of Understanding between a Friends group and a municipality; programing for children with special needs and/or autism; preparing financial reports; hiring a consultant to evaluate special population service needs; and workforce development services/programming.

I will begin site visits with interested public library directors and managers within the next month to begin to getting to know and developing relationships with the public library community. Site visits are an opportunity for public library stakeholders to talk to me firsthand about their service needs and local challenges, and to show off their facilities and staff.

Board/Trustee Orientation I have begun studying the Arkansas Library Law to gain a better understanding of the organization of public libraries in Arkansas, and have observed Ruth Hyatt provide Trustee Orientation twice. The manual for that orientation program has been added to the ASL website and is accessible at I also provided a new Trustee with copies of the Constitution of the State of Arkansas of 1874; The Complete Library Trustee Handbook; and Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies.

Continuing Education Several Continuing Education programs are currently in the planning process including topics on children’s and YA services; funding a building project; and understanding and meeting the needs of patrons struggling with mental disorders.

ALL-In I have joined the ALL-In online community, where participants and mentors can share information and ask questions. We will have a follow-up session on September 9 that will consist of mentoring sessions and a book discussion of Humble Inquiry by Edgar H. Schein. We are also in the process of working with the facilitators of the ALL-In 2018 session, Sharon Morris and Kieran Hixon of the , on a capstone session scheduled for November 14 and 15 to conclude the year. The session will focus on strengthening participants’ peer coaching skills, deepening participants’ sense of purpose, and expanding participants’ networking capacity.

Webpage I am in the process of updating the Library Development webpages while the new ASL website design is in progress. Because I have a Master’s degree in Mass Communication and experience designing a public library website based on principles of Usability, this is an area I feel comfortable in. So far the Public Library Consulting Services and Library Trustees pages have been revised:

Site Visits/Meetings/Training:

May 7 Nancy Pack, Director, Alabama Public Library Service I sat in on this meeting with Carolyn Ashcraft and Jennifer Chilcoat to discuss/brainstorm ideas for partnerships, services, and programming at state libraries.

May 8 Trustee Training, Van Buren County Library I observed Ruth’s training session for the Van Buren County Library Administrative Board of Trustees.

May 16 Census 2020 Meeting, Central Arkansas Library System Jennifer Chilcoat and I attended a meeting about the importance of the 2020 Census on federal funding to the State of Arkansas. The meeting was conducted by Allen Green, Partnership Specialist with the U.S Census Bureau. Because the Census will be primarily conducted online for the first time, public libraries will play a key role in ensuring areas with low adoption rates of home internet access are accurately counted.

May 17 Customer Service Training, White County Regional Library System I presented Customer Service to Delight Your Patrons as a part of staff development for the White County Regional Library System. Topics included customer service basics, elements of customer service outside of our control (e.g. Dewey Decimal System), dealing with problem behaviors, basic safety, and recognizing the difference between problematic behaviors and more serious problems such as harassment.

May 23 ALL-In I participated in the ALL-In follow-up meeting and began getting to know the past participants.

May 28 Grow with Google Webinar I participated in a webinar with representatives from the American Library Association and Google about an initiative to spotlight the digital literacy programming offered by public libraries throughout the country. Google will be conducting free, one-day training events at selected public libraries in every state. Trainings in Arkansas occurred on June 19 (North Little Rock) and June 21 (Jonesboro).

May 30 Trustee Training, East Central Arkansas Regional Library I observed Ruth’s training session for the ECARL Administrative Board of Trustees.

June 3 Kara Wilkins, Arkansas Impact Philanthropy I sat in on a meeting with Jennifer Chilcoat and Kara Wilkins to discuss opportunities for a partnership to ensure a complete count of Arkansans in the 2020 Census.

June 4 Gayle Morris and Kevin Briggs, Arkansas Department of Education I sat in on a meeting with Carolyn Ashcraft and Jennifer Chilcoat and representatives from the Arkansas Department of Education to brainstorm and discuss social media and public relations for ASL.

June 5 State Library PR, Communications & Marketing (PCM) Interest Group Webinar I participated in a webinar about marketing and communications for state libraries. Topics included trade show displays and how to conduct training on marketing to public libraries.

June 6 Office of Personnel Management: Hiring Talent I attended the first of four required classes for all State Government Managers. This class covered the hiring process.

June 25 2019 Affiliated Centers for the Book Idea Exchange, I participated in the Idea Exchange for Centers for the Book at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. Topics included restructuring of LOC and how LOC plans to work with states going forward; discontinuation of Letters About Literature; national poetry initiatives; reading and writing initiatives for veterans; and the 2019 National Book Festival.

July 10 Office of Personnel Management: You’ve Got Problems, We’ve Got Solutions I attended the second of four required classes for all State Government Managers. This class covered the disciplinary process.

July 16 Office of Personnel Management: HRkansas I attended the third of four required classes for all State Government Managers. This class covered HR policies for the State of Arkansas and federal HR law.

July 19-21 If All Arkansas Read the Same Book Tour with Delia Owens I assisted with the author events at the Bentonville Public Library, Fayetteville Public Library, and the Central Arkansas Regional Library System, and assisted Dr. Owens with logistics at each hotel.

July 26 Mississippi Library Association Executive Board Meeting As Treasurer of MLA, I participated in the Executive Board as a voting member. My term as Treasurer expires December 31, 2019, and I am fulfilling my obligations until then.


August 16 Library Development District One Meeting

August 19-21 COSLA CE Coordinators’ Forum

September 3-7 Association for Rural & Small Libraries

September 9 ALL-In Follow-up Meeting

September 27-29 Arkansas Library Association Annual Conference

October 8-10 EXCITE Transformation Bootcamp for Libraries

October 22-25 Mississippi Library Association Annual Conference Arkansas Center for the Book – Library Development Staff: Amber Gregory, Ruth Hyatt, & Jennifer Wann

Letters About Literature

Two hundred and eighty students submitted letters for this year’s contest. The awards ceremony was held on May 4 at the Old Statehouse Museum, and over 100 students attended the program with their guests. All students whose letters made it to the second round of judging received a certificate and a journal. The students chosen as our 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place State Winners also received gift cards to Barnes and Noble. In addition to the state winners, we also recognized three letters as Diamonds in the Rough. These letters were not technically or grammatically perfect, but told a compelling story that resonated with the judges. Ruth Hyatt, Amber Gregory, Carolyn Ashcraft, and Jennifer Chilcoat participated in the awards ceremony.

Program update: The Library of Congress has decided to discontinue Letters About Literature on the national level. We are currently evaluating the future of the program in Arkansas.

Book Club Project

Several staff have been helpful in keeping the Book Club Project running smoothly while the Center for the Book Coordinator position has been unfilled. A special thanks to Brandy Bryant, Debbie Hall, and Jennifer Chilcoat for assisting the Library Development staff with the monthly mail outs and returns; and to Trish and Aiden Luckadue for their help with sorting and storing boxes for the mail outs.

Thirty-nine kits were sent out in May; 41 in June; and 40 in July. Participating libraries report that 296 patrons participated in library book club discussions in May and June. The number of participants for July is still being tallied as those kits come back in.

Arkansas Gems

The Arkansas Gems poster is currently in the design process. Jon Hodges of the Sells Agency is the graphic designer and Talia Blanton of Bentonville ( is the illustrator. Up to twenty books will be featured on the poster and bookmarks. The 2019 poster and bookmark will be debuted at the National Book Festival in Washington, D.C. on August 31. An expanded list of titles will be featured on the ASL website.

Coordinator of Arkansas Center for the Book

Since the last meeting, interviews were wrapped up for this position, which was open due to Zoe Butler’s retirement in March. Karen O’Connell was selected for the position and begins her duties on July 29. Karen comes to us from Georgetown University Library where she most recently served as Head of the Preservation Services Unit. Over the years at Georgetown, Karen’s responsibilities included preservation planning and programming, managing the rare book collection, and curating exhibitions for the Special Collections Research Center. She has twice been awarded the Lauinger Library Award for Excellence. Karen holds an MLS from The Catholic University of America, a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies from Georgetown University, a Certificate in Preservation Management from Rutgers University, and a Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature from the University of Maryland.

2019 Affiliated Centers for the Book Idea Exchange

Jennifer Wann and Karen O’Connell attended the Idea Exchange hosted by the National Center for the Book on June 25 in Washington, DC. The Library of Congress is reorganizing its departments; The Center for the Book is now a part of the Center for Learning, Literacy and Engagement (CLE) along with the Learning and Innovation Office, Library Events Office, Signature Programs Office, and Visitor Engagement. CLE was established by Dr. Carla Hayden, Librarian of Congress, for educational outreach & to act as an in-house “think tank” to other units of LOC. Under this organizational structure, the Center for the Book is the focal point LOC will use to connect directly to the states.

National Book Festival

The National Book Festival will be held on August 31, 2019 and the theme is “Change Makers.” Donna McDonald, ASL Board member, and Karen O’Connell will be working Arkansas’ booth in the Parade of States. The book selected to represent Arkansas is Buried Lives: The Enslaved People of George Washington’s Mount Vernon by North Little Rock author, Carla McClafferty. The selected title will be for sale in the Festival’s bookstore and will be featured on the Festival’s “Discover Great Places through Reading” bookmark and activity.

If All Arkansas Read the Same Book

Following the retirement of Zoe Butler as the Center for the Book Coordinator, Amber Gregory took over the 2019 If All Arkansas Read the Same Book project and author tour. The selection of Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens had already been completed, and the contract signed. Major activities included communication with the host libraries, Bentonville Public Library, Fayetteville Public Library and Central Arkansas Library System to plan the author events. Communication with the Penguin Speaker’s Bureau involved negotiating and signing a contract addendum to allow for the Livestream and recording of the author event at Fayetteville Public Library, submitting media requests and finalizing the author event schedule. At the time the author events were held in Arkansas, Where the Crawdads Sing had been on the New York Times Bestseller list for 44 weeks, 22 weeks at #1. The IAARSB author events were a success due to our partnerships with the host libraries. Thank you to the Bentonville Public Library, Fayetteville Public Library and the Central Arkansas Library System.

July 20, Bentonville Public Library, Bentonville, AR The Bentonville Public Library hosted 285 attendees at Dr. Owens’ presentation and more patrons participated in the book signing that followed. BPL extended a heartfelt welcome to Dr. Delia Owens by decorating the library like the marsh featured in Where the Crawdads Sing. Attendees came from not only Bentonville but as far away as central Arkansas, Jonesboro, and Louisiana.

July 20, Fayetteville Public Library, Fayetteville, AR The afternoon author event for Where the Crawdads Sing was an in-conversation with KUAF news director Kyle Kellams. The event drew 812 attendees, and 211 participated virtually via Livestream of the event. Libraries and book clubs who were not able to attend the events in person held watch parties across the state. Fayetteville Public Library generously offered their technical expertise to Livestream this event, and the recording of the author conversation will be available for 60 days following the event on the ASL and Fayetteville Public Library websites.

July 21, Central Arkansas Library System Ron Robinson Theater, Little Rock, AR The Ron Robinson Theater of the Central Arkansas Library System hosted 215 attendees for Dr. Owens’ Where the Crawdads Sing author event in Little Rock. Many central Arkansas book clubs attended this event in the beautiful Ron Robinson Theater. Coordinator of E-Rate Services – Amber Gregory

On-going Projects

E-Rate Update

The Funding Year 2019 (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020) application filing window closed on March 27, 2019. Arkansas libraries requested over $1.3 Million dollars in Category 1 and Category 2 services. All but 5 applications have been funded, and the remaining applications are currently in the review process.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) currently has two open Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) relating to the E-Rate program. The first concerns a proposed overall cap to the Universal Service Fund (USF), of which E-Rate is one of four programs. The second is a long-awaited proceeding on the future administration of Category 2 funds for internal connections equipment. The American Library Association’s E-Rate Task Force (ERTF) is working on comments for both NPRMs.

Adobe Connect Online E-Rate Meetings with Arkansas Public Libraries

Between April 19 and July 24, 2019, 26 Adobe Connect meetings were held with 16 Arkansas public libraries. Assistance was given with E-Rate Forms 472, 486, application review questions, E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC) updates, and service provider paperwork.

Arkansas River Valley Regional Library Bradley County Library Chicot County Library Crawford County Library Crittenden County Library Fort Smith Pubic Library Grant County Library Lonoke County Library Pope County Library Prairie County Library Prescott/Nevada County Library Public Library of Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Sevier County Library Sharp County Library Star City Public Library White County Regional Library System

Meetings, Trainings & Conferences:

May 4 Letters About Literature, Little Rock, AR I assisted with the annual Letters About Literature Ceremony for students held at the Old State House Museum in Little Rock.

May 15-16 Arkansas Rural Development Conference, Hot Springs, AR I attended the Arkansas Rural Development Conference to learn about services that may be available to rural libraries in Arkansas. While at the conference, the Arkansas State Broadband Plan was released, and participants at the conference were discussing this document that focuses on robust broadband for Arkansas and includes programs which may help with rural buildout.

June 12-25 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference, Washington, DC I attended ALA Annual in my role as vice-chair of the E-Rate Task Force (ERTF). At the ERTF meeting, I was elected as the new chair, and I will serve as chair for a term of two years. The task force discussed the FCC’s USF cap NPRM and what to include in the ALA comments. We also anticipated a possible NPRM on Category 2, and the ERTF reviewed previously filed Category 2 comments and planned supporting data.

The second half of our meeting we had John Noran of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) join us to discuss how to improve and maximize effectiveness of communications between the library stakeholder group and USAC. While at ALA Annual I also enjoyed hearing US Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor speak about her books and judicial career, and George Takei speak about his graphic memoir They Called Us Enemy about his time in the Japanese American internment camps in Arkansas and California. I also learned about the proposed governance and structural changes to ALA at the organization’s effectiveness open forum.

Conference Calls & Webinars:

April 22 & June 6 Grow with Google Calls Grow with Google held two event in Arkansas public libraries, and I participated in two planning calls in advance of the in-person events. The calls were with the Google team and Marijke Visser of the ALA Washington Office. Following the Grow with Google events, ALA and PLA made available mini-grants via the Libraries Lead with Digital Skills program.

May 14, June 11 & July 9 E-Rate calls with Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) I led three E-Rate calls with state E-Rate coordinators, representatives from ALA’s Washington Office, and USAC. The calls addressed review of pending applications, E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC) issues, US Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) codes, and Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) updates.

May 16, June 13, July 22 E-Rate Task Force (ERTF) Monthly Calls The E-Rate Task Force discussed comments to file with the FCC regarding the Texas Carrier’s Petition Public Notice, the NPRM on the proposed USF Cap, and the NPRM on the future of Category 2 funding. We also discussed the current status of the Tribal Connect Act which seeks to define tribal libraries.

July 24 Webinar: FCC Category 2 NPRM, Funds for Learning I participated in a webinar presented by Funds for Learning on the issues addressed in the FCC’s Category 2 NPRM. Funds for Learning outlined the consultant and school positions on some of the options presented in the NPRM. This was very useful to get a preview of how other E-Rate stakeholder groups will likely comment on the NPRM as ALA prepares library comments.

Upcoming Events:

September 23-24 Universal Service Administrative Company Annual E-Rate Training, Dallas, TX

October 16-18 Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition Annual Conference, Washington, DC

Coordinator of Youth Services – Ruth Hyatt

Ongoing projects

Children’s Services Committee

I would like to revive the Children’s Services Committee by inviting public library staff from all five Library Development Districts to join in the planning of Professional Development events that would be of the most use to their libraries. There are events already being planned for the fall and, of course, we have our Children’s Services Workshop in spring 2020. This year’s theme is Imagine Your Story.

Summer Reading

Manuals have been ordered in a variety of formats. This year’s Summer Reading Manual is available as a paper manual, on a flash drive, or via online access. Paper manuals will be delivered and mailed out in September. All other materials provided for public library programing by the Arkansas State Library will be ordered in November.

Charlie May Simon and Arkansas Diamond Primary Book Awards

The draft reading lists for the nominees are completed and have shared with the committees so that they can start reading early. Official lists will be released in August. Meetings will begin in September, and committee readers will begin the process of elimination that will continue monthly through January. Nominee lists will be finalized at the February meeting and released in early March.

YALSA Cohort: Transforming Teen Services

Dana Scott, Director of the Marion County Library, and Jessica Horton, Young Adult staff person for the Craighead County/Jonesboro Public Library, will be partner with me for the next two years for this project. This effort presented by YALSA brings together state library agency (SLA) youth consultants and front-line library staff for a robust training program. Once cohort participants are trained, we will in turn provide training to library staff throughout the state. Our training will begin with an in-person session in Memphis, TN October 29-31. We will learn to work together to provide the required 30 hours of training to libraries throughout the state over the next 24 months. We are very excited to be participating in this program and I would like to thank Carolyn Ashcraft and Jennifer Wann for encouraging me to be part of the cohort and the administration and library board members of Marion County and Craighead County/Jonesboro Public Library for offering me such wonderful partners as Dana and Jessica!

Arkansas Teen Book Award

The committee is working on promotional activities to encourage participation in the awards process. One project in the draft phase is a Cover Re-Design competition. Committee readers are currently reading and voting on the preliminary list. This list of 20 to 25 books for each level will be winnowed down to the top 5 before students are asked to read and vote.

Voting for this year’s top nominees started last fall and will continue through August 31. Voting can be done online at: Staff at the Arkansas Department of Education are working on a last promotional nudge to get the votes in as students return to school next month. The 2019 winners and the 2020 nominees will be announced at the Arkansas Library Association conference this fall.

Site Visits / Meetings / Trainings

May 1 May Day: Summer Safety This webinar was developed from our general library safety and security training sessions to target the unique challenges of the summer months in the public library. The long stretch without school and an increase in programming will bring large numbers of children to every public library with a corresponding increase in challenges for staff. Twelve public library staff participated online during the webcast and 4 others have viewed the recording via the adobe connect link.

May 9 Friends of the Library Pea Ridge Community Library A standard Friends Group training session with a lot of brainstorming! Members of the group told me as the presentation ended that they were feeling more excited trying to invigorate the group and encourage local participation.

May 14 Friends of the Library Grant County Library, Sheridan A standard Friends Group training session. This session is an overview covering how to begin a Friends Group, work with the library staff and library board, and how to revive an established group.

May 17 ALPS Infobits Garland County Library, Hot Springs I presented 2 sessions; one on difficult patrons and the other on how Summer Reading must change the way you think and plan for safety and security with larger crowds and an increase in unsupervised minors.

May 23 ALL In Follow Up Session. This session focused on peer mentoring, State Your HOWs (chapter 6 in Find Your Why by Simon Sinek) and book discussion on An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth by Col. Chris Hadfield. Jennifer Wann has now taken over as primary facilitator for the Arkansas Library Leadership Institute.

Upcoming Events

September 12 Trauma Informed Libraries Arkansas State Library This training event will focus on serving young patrons who have experienced traumatic events and working with those who care for them. We will have several expert speakers to give you practical information and advice. For more information and registration, see our CE Calendar. or contact Ruth Hyatt [email protected]

October 4 Top Swap Arkansas State Library This session is open to everyone who programs with patrons 12 and under. Come and share your favorite programs, craft ideas, books and activities! We will also discuss the reinvigoration of the Children’s Services Committee, collaboration within the Library Development Districts, the Children’s Services Workshop in March, and 2020 Summer Reading ideas. For more information and registration, see our CE Calendar. or contact Ruth Hyatt [email protected]

October 11 YA Gumbo Arkansas State Library This session is open to everyone who programs with patrons 13 to 18. Come and share your favorite programs, craft ideas, books and activities! We will also discuss the development of a Young Adult Services Committee, collaboration within the Library Development Districts, the Children’s Services Workshop in March and 2020 Summer Reading ideas. For more information and registration, see our CE Calendar. or contact Ruth Hyatt [email protected]

Manager of Arkansas Library for the Blind – J.D. Hall


In the first 9 months of the Federal fiscal year, from October 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019, the Arkansas State Library’s Library for the Blind program circulated a total of 145,581 books. Of this figure, 123,045 were by direct mail circulation of digital audio books, 766 were direct mail circulation of Braille books, 21,770 were patron downloads from the Braille and Audio Reading program (BARD), and 68 were interlibrary loans. Patron downloads accounted for 15 percent of total circulation. Circulation of books through Duplication on Demand accounted for almost 100 percent of all direct mail circulation.


Duplication on Demand (DoD) is a mode of operation in which copies of requested books are created as required and the media (USB flash memory cartridges) are reused when the circulation completes. This gives patrons immediate access to the National Library Service for the Blind’s entire collection of current and retrospective book titles--even the most popular best sellers--and the library can put an entire series of books in order on a cartridge for a patron. New books are added on a daily basis. As more libraries circulate books this way the National Library service for the Blind can produce fewer and fewer copies for the shelves of library collections and use the money they save to add more titles. In 2018 the National Library Service for the Blind added just over 4,000 titles. They hope to add over 5,000 new titles in 2019.

BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download) READERSHIP

There are 830 Library for the Blind readers registered with the National Library Service for the Blind (NLS) BARD program. Only 425 of those patrons actively download digital audio and braille books and magazines. In the first 9 months of FY 2018 they downloaded 21,770 BARD books and read them on 1127 registered Apple and Android mobile devices. The free Apple App enables BARD books to be downloaded easily to an Apple I-phone, I-Pad, or other mobile Apple device. The free Android App enables users to download books directly to any Android device with an OS of 4.1 or higher.


On July 1, 2018 the Library entered into a contract with the for the Blind to provide circulation of Braille books to Arkansas patrons. The Library continues to provide limited Braille service directly from its collection where available, with 766 Braille books circulated in the first half of the federal fiscal year. The library is currently in the process of excessing the first half of the 36,000 volume Braille collection.


Travel since the last Board meeting:

May 6-9 J.D. Hall attended the biennial joint Southern/Western Conference of Libraries Serving the Blind in San Antonio.

June 14 J.D. Hall attended the quarterly OIB (Older Individuals Who Are Blind) Board meeting.


September 19 Exhibit at Senior Care Alliance Aging Conference in Fort Smith

September 27-29 Exhibit at ArLA/SELA Joint Conference in Hot Springs

October 2 Exhibit at Arkansas Hospital Auxiliary Association Conference in Little Rock

Manager of Information Services – Michael Strickland

Display Cases

This quarter we will celebrate college football in the Natural State. Our display recognizes Arkansas's college football programs and honors their diversity. We are grateful to all of the participating colleges and universities who supplied us with display items.

On-Going Projects:

Updating List of Patent/Trademark Attorneys in Arkansas

Natalie Marlin and I contacted all of the Arkansas patent/trademark attorneys on the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) list and made corrections and revisions as necessary. We submitted the corrections/revisions to the USPTO office so they could update their national list.

Updating the Circulation Reports on SIRSI/DYNIX

With the assistance of Sarah Lipsey, Natalie Marlin, Win Gates, Jennifer Chilcoat, and myself have been updating the NEW USERS report and making other tweaks for the system to provide monthly statistical information.

Facebook/Social Media

The number of persons who “liked” or “friended” the Arkansas State Library, Information Services Facebook page saw a big jump this quarter. 63 new friends were added, and the page has now been liked by 1343 people.


August – October 2019 Management and Patent Webinars

Michael Strickland will be watching a series of management and patent/trademark webinars this quarter.

27-29 September 2019 Arkansas Library Association Annual Conference

Natalie Marlin and Michael Strickland will attend the joint Arkansas Library Association/Southeast Library Association Meeting being held at Hot Springs, Arkansas. Collection Management – Sarah Lipsey

On-Going Projects:

Arkansas Digital Library Consortium

Prescott/Nevada County Library officially joined July 1, 2019. The Public Library of Camden/Ouachita County and Mid Arkansas Regional Library have both signed their contracts and will launch within the next month. There are still discussions with three other library systems that may be interested in joining in the future, so we are pleased with the continued growth of this program in less than a year.

The Arkansas Digital Library Consortium now contains 49,159 titles in its shared collection. Since launch, ADLC has enabled unique 13,551 patrons to check out eBooks and audiobooks – including 109,302 check outs over the past quarter by 11,239 different users. Many patrons come from areas that lacked access to digital content prior to the OverDrive consortium.

ADLC supports the If All Arkansas Read the Same Book program by including digital copies of Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens in the shared collection. So far, Where the Crawdads Sing has been checked out 883 times by ADLC patrons in both eBook and audiobook formats. It’s currently one of ADLC’s most popular titles, closely followed by last year’s program entry, Before We Were Yours. We are delighted that the If All Arkansas Read the Same Book is so popular with ADLC readers, and will continue to collaborate with the Library Development department in order to the support the program and facilitate their work.

ASL Website Redesign

We met with Arkansas Department of Education’s IT department on June 6, 2019, to review ASL’s current status and needs. ADE was pleased with the direction the site redesign is headed, and gave us the greenlight to proceed with only a few stipulations regarding the final contract with INA.

At present, we are merely waiting for INA to complete the project estimate and to submit a proposed contract.

Collection Development

The physical Patent collection is almost completely withdrawn, with the exception of the microfiche, which is unprocessed and not in the system. As those materials exist in digital format in the HeinOnline Intellectual Property database, and we have been granted permission by USPTO to substitute digital for tangible, it’s possible to discard the microfiche collections as well, if pursued by the Information Services department.

Weeding projects discussed in prior board reports are now on hold indefinitely, as the agency’s existing weeding process has come under scrutiny by the Marketing and Redistribution Manager, Philip Cole. As of now, we’ve been instructed we can no longer offer weeded materials to other libraries in Arkansas, or to anyone at all, although we’ve been floated the option of selling the books, with the check made out to M&R.

It’s tragic to destroy materials in good condition that retain intellectual value, and are just no longer of use to the ASL. The other tragedy impacts our work flow; we’ve been instructed that every book or material we discard must now be “destroyed” beyond the possibility of reuse, with the added privilege of ASL staff having to execute additional onerous, time-consuming paperwork that has an associated processing fee. As of now, during our quest to narrow the scope of our tangible acquisitions and to bring our physical collections up to date, we’ve weeded well over 66,000 books, and estimate at least another 20,000 need to go. Although fire and deluge have a certain Romance, neither are appropriate methods of destruction for us, nor is destroying each book by hand. The sheer volume of materials alone precludes it.

While we seek clarification and consider our options, we are unable to dispose of the materials already selected for discard, and can’t begin our other planned weeding projects for the Reference, Library Science, and remaining Non-Fiction collections. However, we are moving forward with what we can do, and are still actively working on the catalog audit of the Arkansas Collection, and purchasing circulating copies and replacing lost materials where possible.

Federal Depository Library Program

On May 5, 2019, a leak was caused over a portion of the Federal Documents collection from plumbing work conducted in the upper floors of the building. Collection Management staff quickly worked to remove two ranges’ worth of materials in a fine display of teamwork and volunteerism in a crisis. Unfortunately, more than a few items were soaked, and other items affected now posed a risk of mold/mildew from their exposure to dirty water. Library Coordinator Wendy Briley worked with the Government Publishing Office for permission to withdraw the affected materials from our collection, and has already found replacements on offer by other FDLs for most of the items damaged.

This is now the second time within a year that particular pipe has leaked, so Briley is working on a plan to shift materials away from that area.

State Documents Depository

The position of Digital Services Manager was vacated on July 1, 2019, and is currently being advertised. In the interim, the Digital Services department is still suffering from vacancy and both leadership positions are vacant. The Manager position will be filled as soon as possible, but we will advertise longer for the right candidate if needed – one who will provide strong leadership for the department and is well- suited to lead the various special projects that need undertaken for the benefit of the Arkansas State Documents Depository.

In the meantime, I am assessing the Digital Services department’s current organization for needed changes, as well as evaluating projects that are either stalled or need initiated in anticipation of the new manager and to assess what I can begin personally. To provide needed clarity to our network of state depository libraries, I am updating our current guidelines and procedures for that program. The guidelines are derived from our promulgated rules, and both are in dire need of updating. The normal process is to formally amend the rules, since they underpin our related procedures. However, since we already have a rule in place, we’ve been discouraged from making changes over the past few years because of the executive initiatives affecting all state agencies, including Act 781, as well as the more recent government transformation. So that we can provide needed information in a timely manner, we’ll update the guidelines first and amend the rules once cleared to do so by ADE and the Governor’s office.

Traveler Statewide Database Program

At the behest of IMLS, we will begin rebranding our database programs, including both the Traveler and state employee collections, as “digital resource” programs.

Katie Walton is now the program administrator for Traveler. The transfer in duties to the Manager of Acquisitions was planned since Sally Hawkes’ retirement, since negotiating and managing resource contracts is a basic duty of the position. Walton is well suited for the responsibility and will serve the program well. However, due to the program’s importance to libraries and students, and its vast statewide audience, we will be exploring ways to more efficiently promote and provide information about Traveler. This will include reviewing the current RFP process and selection procedures, and looking into how we can enhance available information and instruction about the program. To provide predictability and consistency to our clients, we are currently investigating the best ways to improve passive customer service available through ASL’s website. At present, Walton plans to develop training videos that can be accessed from our website on-demand by clients, and will also be looking at developing a FAQ section so our clients can find answers to common questions immediately.

Finally, we’ll explore the best ways and platforms to communicate with all types of librarians who serve as local administrators for Traveler, and how we can collaborate internally with other departments and with the Arkansas Department of Education to share activities relating to training, promotion, and outreach.

Site Visits/Meetings/Training:

May 10 SirsiDynix Conference Call. Quarterly consultation regarding ASL’s SirsiDynix Symphony ILS. Participants: Janet Klutho of SirsiDynix and Division Manager Sarah Lipsey.

May 10 Arkansas Digital Library Consortium Meeting, Arkansas State Library. Led by Acquisitions Manager Katie Walton.

May 21 ExpressionEngine Training, Arkansas State Library. Training session on ASL’s website content management system, EE, conducted by Division Manager Sarah Lipsey on behalf of Manager of Library Development Jennifer Wann.

May 23 OverDrive Conference Call. Participants: Andy Bucher of OverDrive and Acquisitions Manager Katie Walton.

May 28 Implementing the National Digital Platform for Library E-Content: Expanding Access through Collaboration, Virtual. Live participation prevented by flood; recording viewed later by Acquisitions Manager Katie Walton.

May 30 Collection Accessibility, Conference Call. Discussion regarding availability and usage options of ASL’s state employee database collection for non- state employees. Participants: Maureen James of UALR Ottenheimer Library and Division Manager Sarah Lipsey.

May 30 Matthew Bender Conference Call. LexisNexis account review. Participants Division Manager Sarah Lipsey and Acquisitions Manager Katie Walton.

May 31 Listening Meeting, William F. Laman Public Library. Discussion of potential projects desired by LDD3 requested to be administered by ASL. Participants: Director Crystal Gates of Laman Library, Deputy Directory Jennifer Chilcoat, Division Manager Sarah Lipsey and Acquisitions Manager Katie Walton.

June 6 Planning meeting, Arkansas State Library. Meeting between Arkansas State Library and Arkansas Department of Education to discuss current status and future needs of ASL, and impact of government transformation. Participants: State Librarian Carolyn Ashcraft, ADE Director of Information Systems Arijit Sarkar, Division Manager Sarah Lipsey, Administrative Services Manager Brooke Crawford, Grants and Special Projects Manger Debbie Hall.

June 25 Saline County Public Library Conference Call. Discussion of request for consultation. Participants SCPL Director Patty Hector, Division Manager Sarah Lipsey.

June 26 OCLC Conference Call. Consultation regarding current FirstSearch/Discovery consortium contract. Participants: Suzanne Butte of OCLC, Division Manager Sarah Lipsey, Acquisitions Manger Katie Walton.

June 26 OverDrive Conference Call. Participants: Andy Bucher of OverDrive and Acquisitions Manager Katie Walton.

July 10 Site evaluation, Saline County Public Library. Consultation provided by Division Manager Sarah Lipsey and Acquisitions Manager Katie Walton.

July 11 Mango Languages Conference Call. Participants: Sabrina Richardson of Mango Languages and Acquisitions Manager Katie Walton.

July 12 BiblioLabs Conference Call. Participants: Roy Serrao, Mitchell Davis, and Jessica Duggan of BiblioLabs and Acquisitions Manager Katie Walton.

July 24 OverDrive Conference Call. Participants: Andy Bucher of OverDrive and Acquisitions Manager Katie Walton.

July 24 Interpersonal Communication. State-mandated supervisor training attended by Library Coordinator Wendy Briley.

July 25 HRkansas for Supervisors, OPM Training. State-mandated supervisor training attended by Library Coordinator Wendy Briley.

July 26 Hiring Talent, OPM Training. State-mandated supervisor training attended by Library Coordinator Wendy Briley.

August 8 You’ve Got Problems, We’ve Got Solutions, OPM. State-mandated supervisor training attended by Library Coordinator Wendy Briley. News clippings will be available at the board meeting. Public Libraries of Arkansas by Library Development Districts

Library Name Mailing Address City Zip Code LDD I Arkansas River Valley Regional Library 501 North Front Street Dardanelle 72834-3507 Donald W. Reynolds Library 300 Library Hill Mountain Home 72653 Bella Vista Public Library 11 Dickens Place Bella Vista 72714-4603 Bentonville Public Library 125 West Central Bentonville 72712-5298 Boone County Library 221 West Stephenson Avenue Harrison 72601-4225 Carroll & Madison Library System 106 Spring Street Berryville 72616-3846 Crawford County Library 1409 Main Street Van Buren 72956-4503 Fayetteville Public Library 401 West Mountain Street Fayetteville 72701-5819 Fort Smith Public Library 3201 Rogers Avenue Fort Smith 72903-2953 Gentry Public Library 105 East Main Street Gentry 72734-0803 Gravette Public Library 119 Main Street NE Gravette 72736-9363 Iva Jane Peek Public Library P. O. Box 247 Decatur 72722-0247 Marion County Library P. O.Box 554 Yellville 72687-0554 Newton County Library HCR 31, Box 8 Jasper 72641-9401 Pea Ridge Library P. O. Box 9 Pea Ridge 72751-0009 Pope County Library 116 East Third Street Russellville 72801-5198 Rogers Public Library 711 South Dixieland Road Rogers 72758-4513 Scott-Sebastian Regional Library P. O. Box 400 Greenwood 72936-0400 Searcy County Library 202 East Main Marshall 72950-9502 Siloam Springs Public Library 205 East Jefferson Street Siloam Springs 72761-2677 Sulphur Springs Public Library P. O. Box 275 Sulphur Springs 72768-0275 Washington County Library System 1080 West Clydesdale Drive Fayetteville 72701-8211

LDD II Crowley Ridge Regional Library 315 West Oak Avenue Jonesboro 72401-3594 East Central Arkansas Regional Library 410 East Merriman Wynne 72396-2947 Forrest City Public Library 421 South Washington Forrest City 72335-3839 Independence County Library 267 East Main Street Batesville 72501-5605 Jackson County Library P. O. Box 748 Newport 72112-0748 Lawrence County Library 115 West Walnut Street Walnut Ridge 72476 Mississippi/Crittenden County Library 200 North Fifth Street Blytheville 72315-2712 Northeast Arkansas Regional Library 120 North Twelfth Street Paragould 72450-4103 Trumann Public Library P. O. Box 73 Trumann 72472-0073 West Memphis Public Library 213 North Avalon West Memphis 72301-2995 White River Regional Library P. O. Box 1107 Mountain View 72560 Woolfolk Library 100 North Currie Street Marion 72364-1858

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Library Name Mailing Address City Zip Code LDD III Central Arkansas Library System 100 Rock Street Little Rock 72201-1624 Conway County Library 101 West Church Morrilton 72110-3399 Faulkner-Van Buren Regional Library 1900 Tyler Conway 72032-3240 Lonoke County Library 204 East 2nd Street Lonoke 72086-2858 Mid-Arkansas Regional Library 202 East Third Street Malvern 72104-3910 Prairie County Library P. O. Box 428 Hazen 72064-0423 Saline County Library 1800 Smithers Drive Benton 72015-3108 White County Library System 113 East Pleasure Avenue Searcy 72143-7709 William F. Laman Public Library 2801 Orange North Little Rock 72114-2296

LDD IV Barton Library 200 East Fifth El Dorado 71730-3897 Calhoun County Library P. O. Box 1162 Hampton 71744-1162 Clark County Library 609 Caddo Street Arkadelphia 71923-0609 Columbia County Library 2057 North Jackson Street Magnolia 71753 Garland County Library 1427 Malvern Avenue Hot Springs 71901-6316 Hempstead County Library 500 South Elm Street Hope 71801-5222 Lafayette County Library 219 East 3rd Street Lewisville 71845-8075 Montgomery County Library P. O. Box 189 Mount Ida 71957-0189 Ouachita Mountains Regional Library Polk County Library 410 8th Street Mena 71953 Public Library of Camden & Ouachita County 120 Harrison Avenue Camden 71701-3968 Southwest Arkansas Regional Library 129 Meadow Ridge Lane Hope 71801 Texarkana Public Library 600 West Third Street Texarkana, TX 75501-5054 Tri-County Regional Library System 200 W. Stillwell DeQueen 71832 LDD V Arkansas County Library 2002 South Buerkle Street Stuttgart 72160-6508 Ashley County Library 211 East Lincoln Hamburg 71646-3217 Crossett Public Library 1700 Main Street Crossett 71635-2962 DeWitt Public Library 205 West Maxwell Street DeWitt 72042-1942 Phillips-Lee-Monroe Regional Library 702 Porter Helena 72342-3142 Public Library of Pine Bluff & Jefferson County 200 East Eighth Avenue Pine Bluff 71601-5092 Southeast Arkansas Regional Library System 114 West Jefferson Monticello 71655-4933

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Phone Fax E-Mail address Librarian Library Name LDD I 479-229-4418 479-229-2595 [email protected] Donna McDonald Arkansas River Valley Regional Library 870-580-0987 870-580-0935 [email protected] Kim Crow Sheaner Donald W. Reynolds Library 479-855-1753 479-855-4475 [email protected] Suzanne Adams Bella Vista Public Library 479-271-3192 479-271-9051 [email protected] Hadi Dudley Bentonville Public Library 870-741-5913 870-741-5913 [email protected] Ginger Schoenenberger Boone County Library 870-423-5300 870-423-7117 [email protected] Johnice Dominick Carroll & Madison Library System 479-471-3226 479-471-3226 [email protected] Eva White Crawford County Library 479-856-7000 479-571-0222 [email protected] David Johnson Fayetteville Public Library 479-783-0229 479-782-8571 [email protected] Jennifer Goodson Fort Smith Public Library 479-736-2054 479-736-8567 [email protected] Darla Threet Gentry Public Library 479-787-6955 479-787-6955 [email protected] Karen Benson Gravette Public Library 479-752-7323 479-752-8366 [email protected] June Walls Iva Jane Peek Public Library 870-449-6015 870-449-5808 [email protected] Dana Scott Marion County Library 870-446-2983 870-446-2983 [email protected] Kenya Windel Newton County Library 479-451-8442 [email protected] Alex Wright Pea Ridge Library 479-968-4368 479-968-3222 [email protected] Sherry Simpson, interim Pope County Library 479-621-1152 479-621-1165 [email protected] Judy Casey Rogers Public Library 479-996-2856 479-996-2236 [email protected] Rene Myers Scott-Sebastian Regional Library 870-448-2420 870-448-5453 [email protected] Pat Halsted Jim G. Ferguson/Searcy County Library 479-524-4236 479-524-3908 [email protected] Dolores Deuel Siloam Springs Public Library 479-298-3753 479-298-3515 [email protected] Sulphur Springs Public Library 479-442-6253 479-442-6812 [email protected] Glenda Audrain Washington County Library System

LDD II 870-935-5133 870-935-7987 [email protected] David Eckert Crowley Ridge Regional Library 870-238-3850 870-238-5434 [email protected] John Paul Myrick East Central Arkansas Regional Library 870-633-5646 870-633-5647 [email protected] Arlisa Price Harris Forrest City Public Library 870-793-8814 870-793-8896 [email protected] Vanessa Adams Independence County Library 870-523-2952 870-523-5218 [email protected] Jennifer Ballard Jackson County Library 870-886-3222 870-886-9520 [email protected] Ashley Burris Lawrence County Library 870-762-2431 870-762-2442 [email protected] Lowell Walters Mississippi/Crittenden County Library 870-236-8711 870-236-1442 [email protected] Mike Rogers Northeast Arkansas Regional Library 870-483-7744 870-483-6833 [email protected] Janie Teague Trumann Public Library 870-732-7590 870-732-7636 [email protected] Rebecca Bledsoe West Memphis Public Library 870-269-4682 [email protected] Debra Sutterfield White River Regional Library 870-739-3238 870-739-4624 [email protected] Cassey Clayman Woolfolk Library

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Phone Fax E-Mail address Librarian Library Name LDD III 501-918-3000 501-375-7451 [email protected] Nate Coulter Central Arkansas Library System 501-354-5204 501-354-5206 [email protected] Jay Carter Conway County Library 501-327-7482 501-327-9098 [email protected] John McGraw Faulkner-Van Buren Regional Library 855-572-6657 501-676-0557 [email protected] Deborah Moore Lonoke County Library 501-332-5441 501-332-6679 [email protected] Clare Graham Mid-Arkansas Regional Library 870-255-3576 870-255-1212 [email protected] April Highfill Prairie County Library 501-778-4766 501-778-0536 [email protected] Patty Hector Saline County Library 501-279-2870 501-268-5682 [email protected] Darla Ino White County Library System 501-758-1720 501-753-0524 [email protected] Crystal Gates William F. Laman Public Library

LDD IV 870-863-5447 870-862-3944 [email protected] Michael O'Connell Barton Library 870-798-4492 870-798-4492 [email protected] Allie Stevens Calhoun County Library 870-246-2271 870-246-4189 [email protected] Ashley Parker-Graves Clark County Library 870-234-1991 870-234-5077 [email protected] Rhonda Rolen Columbia County Library 501-623-4161 501-623-5647 [email protected] John Wells Garland County Library 870-777-4564 870-777-2915 [email protected] Courtney McNiel Hempstead County Library 870-921-4757 870-921-4756 Rosey Byrd Lafayette County Library 870-867-3812 870-867-3812 [email protected] Phyllis Davis Montgomery County Library 870-867-3812 870-867-3812 [email protected] Brenda Miner Ouachita Mountains Regional Library 479-394-2314 479-394-2314 [email protected] Mary Renick Polk County Library 870-836-5083 870-836-0163 [email protected] Lisa Pickett Public Library of Camden & Ouachita County [email protected] Courtney McNiel Southwest Arkansas Regional Library 903-794-2149 903-794-2139 [email protected] Jennifer Strayhorn Texarkana Public Library 870-584-4364 870-642-8319 [email protected] Marilyn Archer Tri-County Regional Library System LDD V 870-673-1966 870-673-4295 [email protected] Donovan Mays Arkansas County Library 870-853-2078 870-853-2079 [email protected] Holly Gillum Ashley County Library 870-364-2230 870-364-2231 [email protected] David Anderson Crossett Public Library 870-946-1151 870-946-1151 [email protected] Sarah Beth Cole DeWitt Public Library 870-338-7732 870-338-8855 [email protected] vacant / Linda Bennett,staff Phillips-Lee-Monroe Regional Library 870-534-4802 870-534-8707 [email protected] Bobbie Morgan Public Library of Pine Bluff & Jefferson County 870-367-8584 870-367-5166 [email protected] Judy Calhoun Southeast Arkansas Regional Library System updated Aug. 1, 2019

Page 4 of 4 Arkansas Public Library Systems

Benton Carroll Boone Marion Baxter Fulton Randolph Clay * Sharp Madison Izard Greene Washington Newton Lawrence Searcy Stone Craighead Mississippi * Independence Jackson Franklin Crawford Johnson Pope Van Buren Cleburne Poinsett

Conway Crittenden Sebastian Logan White Cross

Yell Faulkner Woodruff St. Francis * Perry * Scott Lonoke Prairie * Monroe Lee Saline Garland *Pulaski Polk Montgomery Phillips

Jefferson Arkansas Grant Hot Spring Howard Pike Clark Sevier

Lincoln Dallas Hempstead Cleveland Desha LittleRiver Ouachita Nevada Calhoun Drew Miller Bradley Lafayette Union Ashley * Columbia Chicot

26 One-County System 1 Four-County System

9 Two-County System 3 Five-County System

3 Three-County System 3 No Countywide Library Tax

7 - Independent City Library * Arkansas State Library LSTA Administration July 1, 2019

Arkansas district This page intentionally left blank.

Arkansas State Library Board

Donna McDonald Deborah Kirby 10020 Highway 217 24803 Colonel Glenn Road Charleston, AR 72933 Little Rock, AR 72210 Home Phone: (479) 965-6124 Home Phone: (501) 821-4711 Work Phone: (479) 229-4418 Work Phone: Home Fax: Home Fax: Work Fax: (479) 229-2595 Work Fax: E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Home E-mail: Home E-mail: Cell Phone: Cell Phone: Term: 10/18/2023 Term: 10/18/2019 Congressional District: 4 Congressional District: 2

Donnette Smith Deborah Knox* P.O. Box 205 519 Driftwood Drive Harrison, AR 72602 Mountain Home, AR 72653 Home Phone: (870) 429-5617 Home Phone: (870) 424-3776 Work Phone: Work Phone: (870) 424-3400 Home Fax: Home Fax: Work Fax: Work Fax: E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Home E-mail: Home E-mail: Cell Phone: (870) 704-9561 Cell Phone: 870-404-1470 Term: 10/18/2024 Term: 10/18/2020 Congressional District: 3 Congressional District: 1

Jo Ann Campbell Jo Ann Cooper** 2711 Reeder 16 Algonquin Court Fort Smith, AR 72901 Cabot, AR 72023- Home Phone: (479)782-7314 Home Phone: (501) 286-7200 Work Phone: Work Phone: Home Fax: Home Fax: Work Fax: Work Fax: E-mail: E-mail: [email protected]

Home E-mail: [email protected] Home E-mail:

Cell Phone: Cell Phone:

Term: 10/18/2025 Term: 10/18/2021 Congressional District: 3 Congressional District: 1

George (Bucky) Ellis

1725 Cedarhurst Drive

Benton, AR 72015

Mail to: 126 North Main Street Benton, AR 72015 Home Phone: (501) 315-3396 * Chairman 11/2018 - 11/2019 Work Phone: (501) 315-1000 **Vice Chairman 11/2018 –11/2019 Home Fax: Work Fax: (501) 315-4222 Rev January 28, 2019 E-mail: [email protected] Home E-mail: Cell Phone: Term: 10/18/2022 Congressional District: 2

Arkansas Department of Education Johnny Key, Secretary of the Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Four Capitol Mall, Room 304-A Little Rock, AR 72201 Phone: 501-682-4203 [email protected]

Gina Windle, Chief Operating Officer [email protected] 501-682-0205

Greg Rogers, Chief Fiscal Officer [email protected] 501-682-4476

Alisha Lewis, Chief Communications Director [email protected]

Sarah Linam, Chief Legal Counsel [email protected]

Erin Franks, Chief Legislative Affairs Director [email protected] 501-804-3648

Dr. Eric Flowers, Chief Opportunity Officer [email protected] 501-682-4251

Governor’s Office: Attorney General’s Office: Allison Roberts, Ed.D. Lacie Kirchner Education Liaison Assistant Attorney General Office of Governor Asa Hutchinson Arkansas Office of Attorney General State Capitol, Room 120 323 Center Street, Suite 200 Little Rock, AR 72201 Little Rock, AR 72201 Office: 501.683.6434 Phone: 501.682.1089 [email protected] Fax: 501.682.7371 Email: [email protected]


ARTICLE I NAME Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the ARKANSAS STATE LIBRARY BOARD as created by Act 489, Acts of Arkansas, 1979. Section 2. The organization shall hereinafter be referred to as the “Board.”

ARTICLE II PURPOSE Section 1. The Board shall name the State Librarian. Section 2. The Board shall act as the policy-making and responsible body for the Arkansas State Library and its functions as defined by Act 489 of 1979.

ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP Section 1. The Board shall be composed of seven members appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the Arkansas Senate, for their interest in libraries and statewide library development. Section 2. Appointments made from congressional districts and at-large shall be made in accordance with Ark. Code Ann §13-2-205 (3) or other controlling statutes. **

** Approved 02-09-2018 by Arkansas State Library Board

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ARTICLE IV OFFICERS Section 1. Officers of the Board shall consist of a Chairman and Vice Chairman. The State Librarian shall serve as executive secretary. Section 2. Nomination and election of officers, with the exception of executive secretary, shall take place at the annual meeting. Section 2a. Officers shall be nominated by a Nominating Committee of members named by the Chairman. Opportunity shall be given for additional nominations to be made from the floor. Section 2b. Consent of all nominees shall be procured prior to nomination. Section 2c. Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting for a term of one year. No officer shall serve for more than two consecutive terms. Section 2d. Election of officers shall be by written ballot, show of hands, voice vote, or acclamation and counted by the executive secretary. ** Section 3. Duties of the officers shall be defined by members as need arises. Section 3a. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings and perform the duties generally assigned to this office. Section 3b. The Vice Chairman, in the absence of the Chairman, shall preside over meetings and perform other duties as assigned. Section 3c. The State Librarian, serving as executive secretary, shall keep the minutes of the Board meetings, attend all committee meetings, and perform duties generally assigned to this office. The executive secretary shall serve without vote in meetings of the Board or committees. Section 4. Absences of officers or vacancies of office shall be filled by members as need arises. Section 4a. In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman shall preside over the meeting and perform other duties as assigned. Section 4b. In the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, when a quorum is present, the members shall elect a temporary chairman to preside at the meeting and perform other duties as assigned.

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Section 4c. When the office of Chairman is vacated during the year, the Vice Chairman shall serve as Chairman for the remainder of the unexpired term. Section 4d. When the office of Vice Chairman is vacated during the year, the Nominating Committee shall nominate a replacement who shall be duly elected to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.

ARTICLE V COMMITTEES Section 1. The Chairman shall name members of the following STANDING COMMITTEES at the annual meeting. Section 1a. The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE shall consist of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, and the executive secretary. This committee shall prepare the agenda for all meetings, call special meetings when deemed necessary, and perform interim duties as assigned by the Board. Section 1b. The NOMINATING COMMITTEE shall be composed of two members appointed by the Chairman by September 1 each year. (The Chairman shall be excluded from membership.) The Committee shall prepare a slate of officers who have consented to serve if elected. ** *Section 1c. the POLICIES AND BYLAWS COMMITTEE shall be composed of the Vice Chairman and two members named by the Chairman. This Committee shall review all policies and bylaws each year and recommend changes or additions where needed. Section 1d. The GOVERNMENTAL LIASON COMMITTEE shall be composed of the Chairman and two members named by the Chairman. The duty of this Committee shall be to work with the State Librarian on all matters concerning local, state, and federal legislation and funding.

*Approved 02-01-80 by Arkansas State Library Board

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Section 1e. The PERSONNEL COMMITTEE shall be composed of two members named by the Chairman to serve with the Chairman to solicit and review applications and make recommendations to the Board for consideration for the position of State Librarian when a vacancy exists and to serve with the State Librarian to solicit and review applications and make recommendations to the Board for consideration for the managerial positions of associate or deputy directors when a vacancy exists. Section 2. The Chairman shall name such AD HOC COMMITTEES as needed to carry out the functions of the Board.

ARTICLE VI MEETINGS Section 1. Regular meetings of the Arkansas State Library Board shall be held on the second Friday of February, May, August, and November. Section 2. The annual meeting of the Board for organizational purposes shall be held at the time of the regular meeting in November. Section 3. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Executive Committee. Upon written request from three members of the Board, the Executive Committee shall be required to call a special meeting. The notices of such special meetings shall state the specific business to be transacted and no business shall be transacted except that stated in the call. Section 4. Notices of all regular meetings and special meetings, when possible, shall be mailed by the State Librarian at least ten days prior to the date of the meeting. Section 5. The order of business for regular meetings shall be: 1. Call to order 2. Reading of the minutes 3. Unfinished business 4. New business 5. Reports 6. Adjournment

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ARTICLE VII QUORUM, VOTE Section 1. A majority (four) of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Chairman shall count as a member for quorum. Section 2. All business transacted by the Board shall be by majority vote of its members. The Chairman shall vote to confirm unanimity, in case of tie vote or when needed for quorum.

ARTICLE VIII AMENDMENTS Section 1. These bylaws may be amended by majority vote of the members at any regular meeting of the Board provided the amendment was stated in the call for the meeting or had been presented in writing at the previous regular meeting.

ARTICLE IX POLICIES, CONTRACTS, AGREEMENTS Section 1. The Board shall establish by majority vote such policies as may be necessary to carry out the functions of the state library agency and to promote statewide library development. Section 2. Proposed policies or policy changes must be submitted in writing to the members and discussed at a meeting prior to the regular meeting when the vote on the question is to be recorded. Section 3. The Arkansas State Library through majority vote of the Board shall enter into such contracts and agreements with other libraries, institutions, and agencies as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of Act 489 of 1979.

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ARTICLE X STATE LIBRARIAN The State Librarian shall be responsible to the Arkansas State Library Board for the proper management of the Arkansas State Library, for the administration of the policies to carry out the functions of the agency, for the preservation and care of its properties, and for the efficiency of its services.

ARTICLE XI PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE AND AUTHORITY Section 1. Except when in conflict with the provisions of Act 489 of 1979 or these Bylaws, Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern the proceedings of this Board. Section 2. Act 489 of 1979, is the authority for these bylaws. “Section 1. … The State Librarian shall serve as executive secretary of the State Library Board, but without vote thereon, and shall attend all of the Board meetings and keep records thereof. The State Librarian shall have charge of the work of the State Library, and shall perform such other duties as the State Library Board may prescribe…” “Section 2. (a) There is hereby created the State Library Board, hereinafter referred to as the “Board”, to consist of seven (7.) members to be appointed by the Governor subject to confirmation by the Arkansas Senate … (b) The members of the Board shall be appointed by the Governor for reason of their interest in libraries and statewide library development.” “Section 3. … The Board shall meet at such place or places and shall keep such records as it may deem to be appropriate. The Board shall select annually a Chairman and such other officers as it deems necessary and shall adopt policies and bylaws governing its meetings, the conduct of its business, and the business of the State Library. A majority of its members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and all business transacted by the Board shall be by majority vote of its members.”

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ASL Board Standing Committee Assignments -- 2019

Executive Committee: Chair, Knox; Vice Chair, Cooper and Ashcraft

Nominating Committee: Ellis and Smith

Policies & By-Laws Committee: Vice Chair, Cooper; Smith and McDonald

Government Liaison Committee: Chair, Knox; Campbell and Kirby

Personnel Committee: Chair, Knox; McDonald and Cooper

[In accordance with the By-Laws, the Chair shall name members of these standing committees at the annual meeting held in November.]


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State Library Board Meetings, as scheduled State Observed Holidays

Jan 1 - New Year’s Day; Jan 21 - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert E. Lee’s Birthdays (Observed); Feb 18 -George Washington’s Birthday and Daisy Gatson Bates Day (Observed); May 27 - Memorial Day (Observed); July 4 - Independence Day; Sept 2 - Labor Day; Nov 11- Veterans Day; Nov 28 - Thanksgiving Day; Dec 24 - Christmas Eve; Dec. 25 - Christmas Day