Present: North Ward Cllr H Chapman Cllr N Harrington Cllr N Kanabar Cllr K Knight Cllr N O’Byrne (Deputy Mayor)

West Ward Cllr C Bentley Cllr D Frame Cllr R V Hawkins Cllr G Moss (Mayor) Cllr G Wilkinson (until 7.31pm)

East Ward Cllr D Payne

In Attendance: Iona Taylor (Town Clerk) West Police Representative 3 members of the public.

97-18 Questions or comments from members of the public. a) ALDI signage. Concern about ALDI’s sign on Deighton Road obscuring visibility at the new mini-roundabout was noted. Councillor Wilkinson reported that he has contacted City Council asking them to chase up a resolution to this issue as ALDI were written to several weeks ago but have not responded or made alterations to the signage.

b) Junction of York Road and Lane. Councillor Wilkinson outlined the options which may be available to resolve the issue of cars obscuring visibility by parking in too close proximity to the junction. It was agreed that P.C. Jess Lane be contacted and asked if the Police can provide cones. Councillor Wilkinson will ask Highways Engineers to look at the possibility of painted lines, either double yellow or white ‘H-bars’, to prevent parking at this location.

c) Traffic Speed on Spofforth Hill Members of the public, concerned about speeding in this location, were directed to the information given at the recent Annual Town Meeting: “Ward Councillor Gerald Wilkinson advised that 2 speed indicator devices are to be installed on Spofforth Hill. These are in addition to a pelican crossing near Chatsworth Drive and a zebra crossing near the bottom of Spofforth Hill at the junction of Westgate. A site meeting is to be held with Leeds City Council’s Traffic Engineer to look at appropriate measures for the junction with Glebe Field Drive.”

d) Designation of land at Kings Meadow as Green Belt The Co-Chair of the Wetherby & Kirk Deighton Countryside Partnership spoke to this item to confirm support for the Green Belt designation of Kings Meadow View and made an additional new request for opposition by the Town Council for non-reciprocation of Green Belt designation from Borough Council within their boundary (see item 112-18c).

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e) Leeds City Council Site Allocations Plan Hearing. The Town Council was asked to send a representative, other than Ward Councillors, to the examination hearing starting on 9th July 2018 (see item 111-18).

98-18 Declarations of interests and requests for dispensations – none.

99-18 Police matters a) Crime Statistics The crime statistics for May 2018 were RECEIVED AND NOTED. They showed a total of 40 crimes, compared to 30 in April 2017 and 17 in May 2017.

b) Discussion of current issues with representative of Police. Of particular concern to the Town Council was a public disorder occurrence which took place on 5th May, the day of a meeting. Councillors suggested that issues on race days could and should be anticipated with preventative action, including reinforced police numbers in Wetherby, being taken by West Yorkshire Police. The representative of West Yorkshire Police attending this meeting was asked to take this feedback from the meeting and it was also AGREED that a letter to this effect be sent by the Town Council to the local Police Inspector and to the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner.

100-18 Apologies. It was RESOLVED that apologies be received and reasons for absence accepted from Councillors Brady, Lamb and Procter.

101-18 Minutes of the last meeting. It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the last Town Council meeting, held on 8th May 2018, be approved with one amendment to item 96-18. The amendment is to reflect the fact that it was the consultation period for the licensing application at Grange Park which ended on 25th May and this was not the determination date of the application.

102-18 Matters arising. a) Data Protection Act 2018 It was NOTED that the Data Protection Act 2018 received Royal Assent on 23rd May 2018 and that as passed the Act exempts Local Councils from the obligation to appoint a Data Protection Officer.

103-18 Minutes of the Annual Town Council meeting. It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Annual Town Council meeting, held on 8th May 2018, be approved as a true record and signed by the Mayor.

104-18 Minutes of the Annual Town Meeting. The minutes of the Annual Town Meeting, held on 31st May 2018, were considered prior to approval at the 2019 meeting.

105-18 Matters arising from the Annual Town Meeting. a) Traffic congestion on Deighton Road. Councillors AGREED that they consider speeding to be of more concern on Deighton Road rather than traffic congestion and that this is the issue which the Town Council should concentrate on.

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106-18 Co-option of a Town Councillor a) Applications received. It was NOTED that two applications had been received from local residents interested in filling the vacancy on the Town Council. The Council’s Co-option Panel had met with both candidates prior to this meeting.

b) Co-option of a Town Councillor. It was RESOLVED that Mrs Denise Podlewska be co-opted as a Town Councillor.

Upon clarification the vote was recorded as being 4 Members in favour of the motion, proposed by Councillor Bentley and seconded by Councillor Knight that Mrs Podlewska be co-opted, with 3 Members against and 4 abstentions.

c) Declaration of Acceptance of Office and agreement to abide by the Council’s Code of Conduct. It was AGREED that Councillor Podlewska’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office and agreement to abide by the Council’s Code of Conduct be received at, or prior to, the next meeting of the Town Council.

107-18 Financial Reports Town Council a) Payments It was RESOLVED that the list of 42 payments, totalling £38,275.59, as detailed in appendix on page 2673 be approved.

b) Income and expenditure. It was RESOLVED that the income and expenditure report to 31st May 2018, showing progress against the agreed budget, be approved.

Town Hall c) Payments. It was RESOLVED that the list of payments, totalling, as detailed in appendix 2 on page 2675 be approved.

d) Income and expenditure. It was RESOLVED that the income and expenditure report to 31st May 2018 be approved.

108-18 Budgets Committee It was agreed that the following report from the Budgets Committee meeting held on 8th May 2018 be RECEIVED AND ACCEPTED:

• The meeting was attended by all committee members. • The Committee considered the detailed income and expenditure reports for both the Town Council and Town Hall for the period to 30th April 2018. • Members of the committee examined the supporting information and approved the payments to be made in accordance with the schedule dated between 12th April and 9th May 2018. • Preliminary feedback on the end of year internal audit was considered. A formal report is awaited and will be presented to Full Council in due course.

109-18 Property Committee It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Property Committee meeting held on 12th June 2018 to be approved by Committee Members and received by Council.

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110-18 Planning It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the following Planning Committee meetings be approved by Committee Members and received by Council: a) 14th May 2018 (see appendix 3 on page 2676). b) 4th June 2018 (see appendix 4 on page 2678).

111-18 Leeds Site Allocations Plan (SAP) Examination It was noted that the Stage 2 hearing session examining the revised submission draft plan will take place from 1pm on 9th July 2018. The revised plan includes policies relating to housing allocations, broad locations, safeguarded land and phasing. It was noted that the three Wetherby Ward Councillors will attend the hearing sessions. It was AGREED that Wetherby Town Council should be represented by Councillor Chapman who was directed to the Leeds City Council website where information about the hearing schedule is given.

112-18 Planning and Development a) Wetherby Civic Society – Feedback from Public Meeting It was NOTED that the Society’s public meeting, held on 17th May 2018, which was convened in conjunction with the Campaign to Protect Rural had been very well attended with significant numbers of people turned away due to the Town Hall room being at capacity.

b) Wetherby & Kirk Deighton Countryside Partnership It was NOTED that the Partnership’s next meeting, scheduled for 9th June 2018 has been postponed. This is to allow the development of a proposal to bring together parties interested in the housing issues which Wetherby and the surrounding areas are facing, particularly in response to the turnout for the Civic Society’s recent meeting. It is suggested that the new group could operate under the name of the ‘Better Wetherby Partnership’ and bring together groups such as Wetherby Civic Society, Wetherby Town Council, Kirk Deighton Parish Council and others including Ward Councillors, schools and churches.

A first meeting of this new group has been arranged for Thursday 14th June. It was AGREED that Town Council representation at this preliminary meeting should include the Mayor, together with Ward Councillors who sit on both the Town Council and Leeds City Council.

c) Designation of land at Kings Meadow as Green Belt It was RESOLVED that Wetherby Town Council supports the Leeds City Council proposal to designate land off Kings Meadow as Green Belt and objects to Harrogate Borough Council’s refusal to reciprocate this designation on the other side of the County boundary.

113-18 Issue Log No. 63 a) HGV usage through Wetherby. No progress to be reported.

b) Signage to direct coaches to drop-off point at Cluster of Nuts car park. No progress to be reported.

c) Parking at junction of Hallfield Lane and York Road (discussed during item 97-18b). Councillor Wilkinson outlined the options which may be available to resolve the issue of cars obscuring visibility by parking in too close proximity to the junction. It was agreed that P.C. Jess Lane be contacted and asked if the Police can provide cones. Councillor Wilkinson will ask Highways Engineers to look at the possibility of painted lines, either double yellow or white ‘H-bars’, to prevent parking at this location.

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114-18 Insurance It was RESOLVED that the van insurance policy be renewed through A1 Insurance Services Ltd from 22nd June 2018 at a cost of £580.10.

115-18 Office Computer It was RESOLVED that a replacement computer be purchased for the Office Administrator at a cost of £315.83 + VAT.

116-18 Town Hall Budget It was RESOLVED that the 2018/19 budget for be accepted as proposed. It was noted that this is the first time that a budget has been set and that this marks a significant step forward in the financial management of the facility.

117-18 Safeguarding a) Policy It was RESOLVED that the draft policy for the safeguarding of children and adults at risk be approved as proposed.

b) Staff DBS Checks It was AGREED that Standard DBS checks be carried out on all employees by ELAS at a total cost of £331.11.

c) DBS Checking Policy It was AGREED that it should become the Town Council’s policy to carry out standard DBS checks on all new employees as part of the recruitment process.

d) Associated Groups and Town Hall hirers. It was AGREED that ELAS’ service be offered to all regular Town Hall hirers and groups associated with the Town Council who work with children and vulnerable groups of people, with the cost of any resulting checks to be recouped by the Town Council.

118-18 Correspondence The Clerk reported on items received, including:

a) Yorkshire Local Councils Training Programme. The training programme had been circulated with the papers for this meeting and Members were encouraged to consider attending one of the sessions.

b) Great Yorkshire Bike Race Notification has been received from the Wetherby District Lions Club that the Great Yorkshire Bike Race will take place on 16th June 2018.

c) Retirement of Lord Lieutenant It was noted that the Lord Lieutenant Dame Ingrid Roscoe is to retire and agreed that a letter of thanks be sent in recognition of her service to the County.

119-18 Committees and Representation a) Budgets Committee It was NOTED that Councillor Chapman has stood down from the Budgets Committee. It was RESOLVED that the committee be returned to a membership of four Councillors.

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b) Wetherby in Support of the Elderly (WiSE) WiSE has written to advise that it has a new constitution as it has converted to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. As a result, it no longer requires a member of Wetherby Town Council to sit on its board. This was RECEIVED AND NOTED. It was also noted that Councillor Harrington remains a Trustee.

c) Friends of Wharfedale House. It was NOTED that meetings of this group have lapsed, with no current intention of them being restarted.

120-18 Items for information. a) Mrs Gillian Hudson The recent death of Mrs Hudson (former Mayoress of Wetherby) was NOTED. For various reasons it will not be possible for there to be official Town Council representation at her funeral, however it was agreed that a letter of condolence be sent.

b) Extraordinary Town Council Meeting Members were asked to prepare for the possibility of an extraordinary Town Council meeting over the next few weeks to consider progression of the playground improvement project. After discussion it was agreed that this should only take place once the Council’s CIL Committee have had a chance to meet and consider related issues.

c) Academisation of Boston Spa It was NOTED that the academisation order for Boston Spa’s secondary school has been granted.

d) Visit to Privas It was NOTED that a delegation from Wetherby Twinning Association will be visiting Privas in France from 14th to 18th June. The group is made up of 16 people including 3 former Mayors of Wetherby and 3 Town Councillors.

The meeting closed at 8.12pm. These minutes were recorded and prepared by Iona Taylor, Town Clerk.

SIGNED: ...... (Chair)

DATE: ......

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Date Paid Payee Name Cheque Ref Amount Paid Transaction Detail

10/05/2018 Public Works Loan Board DD10 5-18 11,395.59 Town Hall Loan - Instalment 10/05/2018 Wetherby Riverside Bandstand 300521 250.00 Grant 10/05/2018 Market Place Caterers 300519 400.00 Civic Service Catering 14/05/2018 FuelGenie Business Account DD20 5-18 98.56 Fuel - Van & Cemetery 14/05/2018 Opus Energy DD29 5-18 7.52 York Road Depot - Gas 14/05/2018 Yorkshire Water DD32 5-18 10.50 Water - Cemetery 14/05/2018 Yorkshire Water DD33 5-18 1.50 Water - Garden of Rest 23/05/2018 Employment Law Advisory Service IB30 5-18 595.20 H&S and HR Services 24/05/2018 Petty Cash 300522 100.00 Transfer Current to Petty Cash 24/05/2018 Petty Cash 300524 100.00 Transfer Current to Petty Cash 24/05/2018 Sports Telecomm DD31 5-18 128.18 Telephone & Broadband 26/05/2018 ABC Digital Solutions Ltd DD18 5-18 171.92 Printing Contract - Inv 153886 31/05/2018 Trustees of Wetherby Town Hall IB34 5-18 3,300.00 Grant & Office Rent 01/06/2018 Leeds City Council DD1 6-18 437.00 Rates - York Road Depot 01/06/2018 Leeds City Council DD2 6-18 230.00 Rates - Cemetery 01/06/2018 Leeds City Council DD3 6-18 316.00 Rates - Market 01/06/2018 Caines Jewellers Ltd 300520 110.00 Engraving & Valuations - Chain 07/06/2018 Leonard Cheshire Disability 300525 578.94 Donation - 17/18 Charity 08/06/2018 PC Crew DD4 6-18 24.00 Care Plan - Inv 9876 09/06/2018 Opus Energy DD5 6-18 55.40 Electricity - York Road Depot 11/06/2018 Opus Energy DD6 6-18 8.23 Electricity - OMP 11/06/2018 Opus Energy DD7 6-18 17.40 Electricity - Weir Lights 13/06/2018 Mrs P Johnston IB8 6-18 2,525.00 Market Stall Erection - May 13/06/2018 Wicksteed Leisure Ltd IB9 6-18 108.00 Goal Post Inspections 13/06/2018 Professional Paper Supplies Lt IB10 6-18 45.06 Bin Bags - Invoice 485162 13/06/2018 K&M Property Services IB11 6-18 160.00 Repairs to Church on Corner 13/06/2018 Trustees of Wetherby Town Hall IB12 6-18 82.60 VAT Reimbursement, 1st Quarter 13/06/2018 Addplant Limited IB13 6-18 107.64 Portaloo - Cemetery T/17260 13/06/2018 J. Marsland & Sons Ltd IB14 6-18 6.80 Wood - Floor Repair, I0036735 13/06/2018 IB15 6-18 29.29 Paint - Nidd Approach, 228780 13/06/2018 Staff Salaries IB16 6-18 9,471.52 Staff Salaries - June 13/06/2018 West Yorkshire Pension Fund IB17 6-18 2,242.59 Pension Contributions - June 13/06/2018 Prudential IB18 6-18 35.00 Pension Contributions - June 13/06/2018 Pullan Landscape, Construction IB19 6-18 1,253.36 Grounds Maintenance 13/06/2018 Hartlaw LLP 300523 23.00 Disbursements - Big Toe

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13/06/2018 Moss Tyres Ltd IB20 6-18 51.00 Van Tyre 13/06/2018 Wetherby Flower Club 300526 55.90 Civic Service Flowers 13/06/2018 Employment Law Advisory IB21 6-18 297.60 H&S and HR Support Service 13/06/2018 PC Crew IB22 6-18 54.00 Computer Services 13/06/2018 Abbotts Memorial Company IB23 6-18 425.00 Gravedigging, Invoice 9854 13/06/2018 Viking Direct IB24 6-18 76.44 Stationery, Inv 228836 13/06/2018 Cllr N Harrington IB25 6-18 20.70 Mayoral Expenses 13/06/2018 A Waterfield IB26 6-18 21.24 Staff Travel to Training 13/06/2018 Vision ICT Ltd IB27 6-18 324.00 E-mail Addresses, Inv 8019 13/06/2018 HM Revenue & Customs IB28 6-18 2,314.32 PAYE & NI - June 2018 13/06/2018 Anthony Farrimond Photography IB29 6-18 80.00 Mayoral Photo - Cllr Moss 13/06/2018 Printworks North IB30 6-18 33.60 Annual Meeting Banner 13/06/2018 Yorkshire Purchasing IB33 6-18 95.99 Laminator, Invoice 601170022 Organisation TOTAL 38,275.59

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Date Paid Payee Name Cheque Ref Amount Paid Transaction Detail

14/05/2018 Yorkshire Water DD9 5-18 8.50 Water 15/05/2018 Opus Gas Supply Ltd DD8 5-18 453.25 Gas 24/05/2018 Sports Telecomm Ltd DD10 5-18 17.41 Lift Telephone Line, Inv 87584 01/06/2018 Leeds City Council DD1 6-18 95.00 Rates 13/06/2018 Professional Paper Supplies Lt IB1 6-18 114.24 Toilet Rolls & Bleach 13/06/2018 Professional Paper Supplies Lt IB2 6-18 114.96 Paper Towels 13/06/2018 Associated Waste Management IB3 6-18 53.64 Waste Bins 13/06/2018 I. Taylor (Expenses) IB4 6-18 7.49 Stamp 13/06/2018 Yorkshire Purchasing Organisat IB5 6-18 39.14 Mop & Disinfectant 13/06/2018 Wetherby Town Council IB6 6-18 2,847.64 Salary Re-charge - June 13/06/2018 Screwfix Direct Ltd IB7 6-18 99.99 Drill

TOTAL 3,851.20

2675 Wetherby Town Council Minutes – 12th June 2018 Chair’s Initials:_____


Date: Monday 14th May 2018 Time: 16.15 hrs Location: Deighton Room, Wetherby Town Hall

Present: Cllr Norma Harrington Cllr Victor Hawkins (Chair) Cllr Dawn Payne

In attendance: Iona Taylor, Town Clerk

1. Election of Chairman It was RESOLVED that Councillor Hawkins be elected as Chairman of the Planning Committee for the 2018/19 Civic Year.

2. Apologies It was RESOLVED that apologies and reasons for absence be received and accepted from Councillors Brady, Chapman and Moss.

3. Declarations of interests and requests for dispensations - none.

4. Consultations on planning applications. It was RESOLVED that there are no objections to the following applications:

a) 18/02224/FU | Single storey side and rear extension | 8 Hall Orchards Avenue Wetherby LS22 6SN

b) 18/02261/FU | New dormer window to side; alterations to integral garage to form a habitable room and extend existing driveway to front | 21 Priory Close Wetherby LS22 7TH

c) 18/02294/FU | Single storey extensions to front, side and rear | 10 Wentworth Gate Wetherby LS22 6XD

d) 18/01867/FU | Single storey side extension linking house to garage and incorporating part conversion of garage to a habitable room | 3 The Beeches Wetherby LS22 6ST

e) 18/02111/FU | Two storey side extension | 39 Third Avenue Wetherby LS22 6JR

f) 18/02464/FU | Single storey front extension | 1 Ashburn Croft Wetherby LS22 5RE

g) 18/01764/FU | Attached garage to side | 6 Buttermere Avenue Wetherby LS22 6YZ

h) 18/02599/FU | Single storey rear extension | 3 Raby Park Wetherby LS22 6SA

i) 18/02585/FU | Part two storey part single storey side and rear extension | 14 Pine Close Wetherby LS22 7XU

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5. Consultations on applications for works to protected trees. It was RESOLVED that there are no objections to the following application:

a) 18/02669/TR | T1 Rowan - Remove due to affecting light and to close to building, tree is located in the top right of the car park | The Old Mill Scott Lane Wetherby LS22 6NB

6. Leeds Site Allocations Plan Examination Information has been received from Leeds City Council about the forthcoming public examination of the Leeds Site Allocations Plan. It was AGREED that this should be reviewed by Planning Committee members to enable them to brief Full Council at its June meeting.

7. Items for information. a) Proposed development at Westgate. Pre-application details for a proposed development of 2 houses and 7 apartments on land off Westgate (behind the library) have been received. The developer’s agent has requested a meeting with Town Council representatives to discuss the proposal. It was AGREED that they be invited to the next Planning Committee meeting to discuss the proposed parking and arrangements for the new development.

8. Next meeting. The date of the next Planning Committee meeting was confirmed as being on 4th June 2018.

The meeting closed at 4.48pm. These minutes were recorded and prepared by Iona Taylor, Town Clerk.

2677 Wetherby Town Council Minutes – 12th June 2018 Chair’s Initials:_____


Date: Monday 4th June 2018 Time: 16.15 hrs Location: Deighton Room, Wetherby Town Hall

Present: Cllr Harry Chapman Cllr Norma Harrington (until 4.35pm). Cllr Victor Hawkins (Chair) Cllr Galan Moss (Mayor)

In attendance: Iona Taylor, Town Clerk 4 representatives of CFK Developments.

1. Apologies. Apologies were received and accepted from Councilor Brady.

2. Declarations of interest and requests for dispensations. a) Councillor Hawkins declared a non-pecuniary interest in application 18/03066/FU as the applicant is known to him.

3. Minutes of the last meeting. It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the last Planning Committee meeting held on 14th May 2018 be approved as a true record and submitted to Full Council for acknowledgment.

4. Proposed re-development of land off Westgate, Wetherby. The committee considered proposals for the re-development of land off Westgate, to the rear of the library, which was formerly used as a scrap yard and more recently for a car wash business. Access to the site is between 7a and 11 Westgate. CFK Developments are proposing to convert some of the existing buildings on the site and demolish others to provide one 3 bedroom house, one 2 bedroom cottage (conversion) and seven 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. The proposals are designed to be sympathetic to the site’s location in the town centre Conservation Area. Councillors paid particular attention to proposals for on-site parking, comprising of 12 spaces, and access arrangements. It was noted that the existing access is to be widened by demolition of part of the existing boundary wall. It was AGREED that there are no objections to the proposals as presented. A planning application is expected to submitted in the near future.

5. Consultations on planning applications. It was RESOLVED that there are no objections to the following applications:

a) 18/02823/FU | Change of use from domestic garage to personal fitness studio and associated office space with single storey extension and dormer windows to front | Land Adj To 2 York Road Wetherby

b) 18/02468/FU | New vehicular access, dropped kerb and gates to front | 4 Dearne Croft Wetherby LS22 7UP

c) 18/03091/FU | First floor front extension with dormer window | 9 Butterwick Gardens Wetherby LS22 6GX

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d) 18/03066/FU | Change of use of agricultural land for ancillary purposes (parking, storage and sales of products); relocation of concrete storage bays and retrospective application for formation of hard-standing | Park Hill Farm Walton Road Wetherby LS22 5DZ

e) 18/03079/FU | Single storey side extension to existing detached garage | The Herons 4 Sicklinghall Road Wetherby LS22 6AA

f) 18/03220/FU | Demolition of the existing single storey electricity distribution substation | Sub Station On Land South Of Cooper Road Wetherby LS22

6. Consultations on applications for works to protected trees – none.

7. Updates and decisions on applications, appeals and enforcement investigations received from planning authorities since the last meeting.

a) Change of use of house to form five flats, alterations including four storey rear extension at 47 North Street, Wetherby, LS22 6NU. It was NOTED that an appeal against the refusal of planning permission for the above development has been lodged. The Council’s previous comments about the adequacy of the proposed parking arrangements will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate. It was AGREED that no further comments be submitted at this stage.

b) Planning enforcement issues. An update on planning enforcement cases in Wetherby was RECEIVED AND NOTED.

8. Items for information – none.

9. Next meeting. It was agreed that the date of the next Planning Committee meeting be confirmed as being on 25th June 2018.

The meeting closed at 4.49pm. These minutes were recorded and prepared by Iona Taylor, Town Clerk.

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