KCS Developments Ltd Historic Settlement Study Wetherby KCS Developments Ltd Historic Settlement Study Wetherby m b Heritage & Planning Ltd Leeds E:
[email protected] m b Heritage & Planning Ltd : Registered in England 06873383 HISTORIC SETTLEMENT STUDY WETHERBY JULY 2017 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 This Study report, prepared on behalf of KCS Developments Ltd, sets out a desK-based summary of the historic development of Wetherby in the Outer North East area of Leeds and identifies Key built heritage assets, designated and non-designated which may influence or constrain future potential housing development. 1.2 Baseline data on historic development and the identification of designated heritage assets has been informed by reference to the following sources: § The National Heritage List for England (NHLE) § The National Record for the Historic Environment/National Monuments Record (NRHE/NMR) § The Heritage Gateway online resource § The West YorKshire Historic Landscape Characterisation Project - West YorKshire Archaeology Advisory Service (January 2017) § Leeds City Council Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans § Historic Ordnance Survey (OS) mapping record 1.3 The summary provided below is essential a ‘snap-shot’ overview of historic settlement morphology and principal built heritage assets that may be affected by future development proposals. It identifies areas within and adjoining the two settlements where potentially significant effects upon the historic environment are anticipated, for example where development would impact upon significant elements of the setting of a heritage asset. It is intended as an initial baseline to inform more detailed site-specific studies for the settlement. The archaeological potential of land falling within the setting of the study areas is not considered within this report.