¦Beiiiuxbnsi Really Fight Could See E! He Reg
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.maker (.200), Tom Umphlett s| THE EVENING STAR. Washington, D. C. (.201) and Juan Dells .226) in i THUaSBAY. JUNE B, IMA ** Olson Flies the outfield. , After 61 games the White Sox, C-3 THE BASEBALL are matching their 1954 pace, exactly at 39-22, but this year Home, BEAT they're only two games off the Lauds pace while last season they were By BURTON HAWKINS trailing by four. Detroit . moves in tomorrow night for the opener of a four-game series, Moore Punch The White Sox have been giv- IBusby retreated to the center r with a day game Saturday and ‘ing a past- field the inningj double-header Sunday. SAN FRANCISCO, June 23 his Senators fearful f wall in second , ing, Chuck Dressen isn't to haul in Roy Sievers' smash. (^P).—“This guy Moore really 1 but t ** impressed by their pennant pos- Wisconsin’s Athletic Hall of *¦' punches hard," Bobo Olson com- i l/ i ... get sports [ Additional Sports ilkS today ar- sibilities. “Ifthe Yankees Fame1 will entertain mented here when he any pitching at all, they’ll \writers at breakfast on by plane from York, sort of a the On Next Two Pages rived New ! In,” “Chicago morning of All-Star Game at [i been knocked out walk Dressen said. r the where he had ' Ims to rely too bunting.il . living by much on Milwaukee. The 13 in the third round Archie! are organization Moore night. while the Yankees loaded rmembers of the who last jwith guys who can stick ’em out twill be there are Ginger Beau- “He hit me on the nose with a ¦lof1 the park.” |imont, Bob Zuppke, BillySullivan, left hook,” Olson said, “and Ire- O'Dea, |WW4Uj Two hundred members of the PatI Burleigh Orimes. ¦Tjl J rj member hitting him back. And 'Old Timers Club of Johnstown. Ernie1 Nevers, Don Hutson, then I don’t remember any- ' Pa., will converge on Griffith £Strangler Lewis, A1 Simmons, thing.” Stadium for Sunday’s double- (Clarke Hinkle, George Mcßride, The blockbuster that exploded I header with Detroit. They'll Tom Jones and Ralph Metcalfe. Usually available in Olson’s face at the polo i present gifts to Ernie Oravetz of ** * « lin these fine mod- grounds ended the middleweight ; the Senators and A1 Kaline of the 1 It's a gruesome thought, but jM ern well - located champion’s hopes going Tigers. ALL PRICE of to i jiDressen can field a team whose w England to fight Don Cockell. Coach Joe Fitzgerald of the ithighest hitter would be Ed I t jpg— pet ;,jve r„es , Instead, manager Flaherity ’ Senators, $25 and Y. Ave.; 6.40x15 7.60x15 BOTH Sid socked for shout- i Gerald, batting . 14th N. Fitz .239. BP'* 6.70x15 8.-00x15 TIRE & said he would line up a fight in i ing “Nice going, McKinley” at c Otherwise he could employ Roy , l PL H choice suites in the - 6.50x16 8.20x15 TUBE the United States for Olson, , that sensitive umpire a few is (.200) & IS Wyatt and Trans-Lux. Sievers at first base. Har- »I Oepont per probably in August—with an- games ago when McKinley mon Killebrew (.083) second, fIHHi tire holds jc at Reconditioned • Exchange other middleweight. Icalled a debatable strike on Pete !jJose .000) Rocoppoble them at thte y£. Valdivielse at short- ?-" ~ !iV** jCPiiSWy^jLft^ “He’s got to defend his mid-! Runnels, squawked to Will Har- sstop, Bruce Edwards (.184) at dleweight title," Flaherty said.! [ridge when the American League tthird base, and Jerry Schoon- “I’d like to wait a little while !]j president attended Tuesday- and see how he feels.” - game at Griffith Stadium.! > . Harridge’s telegram » I *r \2NLft Flaherty said Olson’s next! ~ . to Fitz ! 1 ' n for these and other AEL-ALEX match probably the; . stated he was being fined for fine < will be with | Bp! fl location coll Hampden Blodensburg winner of the Sugar Ray Rob- using profanity, but the Senators Reg. $7.50 471# 2315 3300 Jeffertoe U Lent. 6erhe.de Rood N.E. Dam Hwv. • ;:ison-Rocky Castelani fight. I say the coach is innocent. 1 POPULAR BRASDB. Wheel ** * * Alignment , SKTMm. i d t d , In State of Shock ! « Sunday’s rained out double- W ! u*J r.M. e AM*ti rjt press you how. t Olson ducked the in header with Kansas City will be* 3.95 OL. 6-5200 LA. 6-3865 TE. 6-6807 lew York after the fight on- made up July 26 and a t At Our Block Off lOn Route t—Ncxt t mtn. from 27 with RfXLiqu?” Bethesda Store Wisconsin Ave • to Hoi Shoppe Pentagon on Rt. 1 he advice of Dr. Sam Sherman, pair of successive twi-night dou-, 1 looking him, ANGUISH FOR MRS. OLSON—Hillsboro, Calif who was after Flah- ble-headers. ... A snazzy Ford Mrs. Dolores Olson cries out in anguish at the tele- ,'rty said. convertible, a 14-foot boat with! vision set as she watches her husband Bobo trying •'Bobo didn’t know what had an outboard motor, a 21-inch “ get happened for three of four min-j television set and a portable ra-! in vain to up in the third round against Archie utes was hit,” Flaherty! Moore last night in New York. four after he [dio are prizes which will be won; Mrs. Olson, her said. “Dr. Sherman said he was! ; by lucky fans attending Sen-[ children a group a the and of relatives and friends watched in state of shock and should; ators-Red Sox Red Cross bene- the televised action in the Olson’s new home in this be protected public.”! from the fit game here June 30. Con- not Flaherty given San Francisco suburb. “I'm going to cry,” the Olson said had tests involving ball players and middleweight champion’s wife said after it was all him instructions on how to wage the United States Army Band over, “but I sure wish the children hadn’t seen the fight, but he never had a will be included in pre-game en- daddy canvas.” picture chance to follow them. tertainment. their on the The was made me stay by Jim Sargent of the Burlingame Advance Star.— “Sid told to outside When and ifDean Stone beats for four or five rounds and then the White it AP Wirephoto. lght my style,” Sox will be the come in and usual first time. His lifetime Bobo said. “That to mark was wear against Chicago is 0-5. , . The . him down. tience of an old-timer and wait- White Sox have a 13-3 night- FIGHT ing for “I thought I doing pretty Page his shot. was game record this and all Continued From C-l finally j good, thought I going season It came as the third i was to three losses were by scores. ear after the knockout and. as able to handle him. 1 1-0 round1 started. Bobo led with an , . The Senators have been eavesdroppers caught it, he said: overhand right and Moore hit “He caught me a couple of t! times .blanked 10 times and have scored “I’ll do anything in my power Bobo with three quick punches, ; but he didn’t hurt me. ¦ 1 three runs or less in 39 games. two joltingrights and a left, ac- .’ Then came that left hook.” I to get you a shot at Marciano.”j t | Nelson Fox of the White Sox B MB cording to own descrip- dickering Archie’s Not Like Maxim |is a .576 hitter against the There's still some to ; tion. Some ringsiders, including before a ! ? Reporters ;[ Orioles this season. Fox’s do Marciano-Moore Olympic Coach Owen, asked if Moore was fight is signed, sealed and de-! Jim dis- ‘ moving in low gear through the , batting streak ended at 17 games sented. last night when he went PP llvered, but Norris left no doubt first two rounds. hitless —PBIH got; “It was a left hook, another r! “Yes,” Olson agreed. “He was ; in five tries. That string! about it when he said: “It’s finally equaled previous major league draw left and a right cross for taking was sizing , his to be those two. and it will r his time. He high, three-quarters of a million dol- good measure,” Owen said, “butt|me up.” set last season. During lars or more.” 1 won’t argue the matter. Olson 1 1 Asked how Moore compares j his streak he batted .485 and —and I leaned to him—got clob- -iwith Joey Maxim, Olson said, boosted his average 59 points. Marciano Agreeable ** * bered.” [“This guy * Marciano, is different from who watched the Referee Goldstein Maxim. punches.” Dressen has been instructing ¦BEIIIUXBnSi really fight could see e! He Reg. 32.50 Set of 5 Irons on television at his home nothing except Olson prediction [ Carlos Paula to shorten in Brockton, Mass., until hee Bobo ventured a on his was quoted tolled the final He gave happen , stride while batting and recent by Press as say- count. e what would when Moore Matched and balanced m ¦ the Associated Bobo the first two rounds. But j steps out weight , results have been encouraging, ing: question t also of his class with SUPER “There's no that neither his opinion nor fj on heavyweight what with four hits in his last irons polished chrome SPECIALS! arrangements made ¦ that of to take the 4 Ju HR I will be for the two judges a champion, Rocky eight tries. Jose Valdivielso.j step-down ¦VSI ¦ me against mattered bitt Marciano: shafts and lea- to defend Moore in once Archie put the big finger guy who has batted six times since; IMm September.” r “The who lands the first i ther grips.