Congressional Record—Senate S4951

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Congressional Record—Senate S4951 June 12, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S4951 six billion, one hundred seventy mil- will to give more Americans the oppor- reached the age where he could legally lion) which reflects a debt increase of tunity to own their own home. box on the mainland circuit. As a pro- more than $5 trillionÐ f fessional, Bobo won the World Middle- $5,118,943,216,631.00 (Five trillion, one weight Championship by defeating hundred eighteen billion, nine hundred ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS Randy Turpin of England in October forty-three million, two hundred six- 1953 before 18,869 spectators in a 15- teen thousand, six hundred and thirty- CONGRATULATIONS, OUTSTANDING round fight at New York's Madison one dollars) during the past 25 years. STUDENTS FROM ENID HIGH Square Garden. Ring Magazine named f SCHOOL him fighter of the year in 1953. He held the title for two years; losing it in 1955 THE ``HOUSE THE SENATE BUILT'' ∑ Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I rise to Sugar Ray Robinson. RESOLUTION today to recognize the outstanding per- Olson's career record was 117 fights, Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, I rise formance of several students from Enid 99 wins, 49 by knockout, 16 losses and today, during National Homeownership High School in Enid, Oklahoma. The two draws. Four of those losses were to Week, to urge the Senate's commit- following students participated in the Ray Robinson, who is considered by ment to affordable housing. I ask my We the People . The Citizen and the many boxing experts and fans to be the colleagues to support a Resolution ex- Constitution national finals competi- greatest middleweight ever and among pressing the Senate's commitment to tion in Washington DC. The students boxing's all-time greats. Bobo Olson the ``House the Senate Built'' project. who participated in the competition held the middleweight title longer than This proposed partnership between the are: Aaron Bonnett, Beau Brumfield, any other boxer in the 1950s and fought United States Senate and Habitats for Cheyenne Combs, Keneisha Green, as a middleweight and light-heavy- Humanity will lead to the construction Heather Hansen, Tim Healy, Erin Hick- weight. He never shied away from a of a simple home with and for a low-in- ey, Kenneth Ingle, M. Brandon Jones, challenge. Bobo was inducted into the come family in all fifty states and the Heather Kline, Thomas Lentz, Becky World Boxing Hall of Fame in 1958, and District of Columbia by the end of 2001. Lewis, Meredith Meara, Yvonne was also among the first class of ath- Our colleagues in the House of Rep- Midkiff, Katie Oden, Derek Podolny, letes, sportsmen and sportswomen in- resentatives have already made this a Brandi Pride, Diana Rogers, Ryan ducted into the Hawaii Sports Hall of priority. Three years ago, members of Seals, Jamie Thibodeau, Carl Tompson, Fame in 1998. After retiring from box- the House unanimously passed a Reso- along with their teacher Cheryl Frank- ing in 1966, Bobo worked as rec- lution which expressed its commitment lin. reational director for the Operating to build an affordable home for a fam- The national finals competition Engineers Local Union in San Fran- ily in need in each of the 435 Congres- brings together 50 classes from cisco and in public relations for the sional districts. Since that time, in throughout the United States and pro- Teamsters. Now happily retired, he and partnership with Habitat for Human- vides the students the opportunity to his wife Judy reside in Honolulu. ity, homes have been built in nearly testify as constitutional experts before Mr. President, I join boxing enthu- every district. a panel of judges. The students from siasts and the people of Hawaii in con- Habitat for Humanity's work is re- Enid displayed remarkable under- gratulating Carl ``Bobo'' Olson on his spected and admired. In its twenty- standing of the ideals and values of the induction into the International Box- three years, Habitat for Humanity has American Constitution and are to be ing Hall of Fame. He remains a soft- housed nearly 400,000 people in 79,300 commended for their efforts. Again, spoken champion, and his quiet inten- Habitat houses worldwide. Under the congratulations to these outstanding sity and commitment to excellence ∑ continued leadership of founder Millard Oklahoma students and their teacher. offer a lasting illustration of good Fuller, Habitat built 13,682 homes in f sportsmanship for all of us.∑ 1999. CARL ``BOBO'' OLSON INDUCTED Spend some time with Mr. Fuller or f INTO INTERNATIONAL BOXING at one Habitat's worksites, and you HALL OF FAME MANSFIELD PACIFIC RETREAT will find that the passion for providing all sleepy children a decent place to ∑ Mr. AKAKA. Mr. President, I rise to ∑ Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I rise lay their heads is contagious. Millard honor Carl ``Bobo'' Olson, the leg- today to salute the successful comple- wisely states, ``We have the know-how endary world boxing champion born tion of the Fourth Annual Mansfield in the world to house everyone. We and nurtured in Hawaii, who was in- Pacific Retreat. The focus of this re- have the resources in the world to ducted yesterday into the Inter- treat centered upon ``Urban Air Qual- house everyone. All that's missing is national Boxing Hall of Fame in ity Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region.'' the will to do it.'' Canastota, New York. This is certainly Pacific Rim air quality is very time- I suggest that the Senate has the will a well-deserved honor for ``The Hawai- ly and important matter for discussion. to make affordable housing for all ian Swede,'' a distinguished champion Environmental and public health re- Americans a reality. We can show our whose life and 16-year professional ca- search in the United States and Asia commitment by lending our own skills reer represent the grit, tenacity, skill has increasingly shown that people liv- and strength to the construction of one and love of sport that have made box- ing in urban areas are exposed to high Habitat for Humanity home in each ing popular worldwide. levels of pollutants. This exposure can State by the end of next year. Born in 1928, Bobo Olson grew up cause many impacts such as develop- I encourage you to work with your quickly on the tough streets of down- mental problems in children, asthma, local Habitat for Humanity affiliateÐ town Honolulu in the early 1940s, pneumonia, cancer, and even pre- there are over 2,000Ðto identify a com- sharpening his boxing skills at an early mature death in the elderly or sen- munity and family in need of a little age. Bobo and I grew up in the same sitive populations. The U.S. has re- extra assistance to make their dream community, the Pauoa and Punchbowl moved lead from its fuel supply for sev- of homeownership a reality. area in HonoluluÐa neighborhood eral of these reasons. Soon, because of We all remember our first homeÐthe where families of different races, many the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 pride we took in mowing the lawn for of Hawaiian or Portuguese heritageÐ which I shepherded through the Con- the first time, family barbecues, the lived side-by-side and shared our cul- gress, EPA will be issuing a com- excitement and nervous anticipation of tures and traditions. We all closely fol- prehensive urban air toxins reduction our first dinner party. I believe that lowed Bobo's rise to champion and strategy. I am hopeful that this will be every American deserves the oppor- took pride in a local boy who had a model for other nations to consider. tunity to feel the pride of homeowner- reached the top in his sport and han- I applaud the Mansfield Retreats' ship. dled his success with humility and participants to discuss these critical We have the know-how, the re- grace. issues in depth, and I look forward to sources, and, certainly, the need. Let He began fighting professionally at their recommendations about how to us now show America that we have the age 16, and won 19 fights before he resolve these issues. VerDate 01-JUN-2000 02:15 Jun 13, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G12JN6.015 pfrm01 PsN: S12PT1.
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