MUSEUMS/DOSSIER History Painting in the colletion of the Museu Paulista A sinuous path: Museu Paulista and the appropriations of Fundação de São Paulo, by Oscar Pereira da Silva1 MICHELLI CRISTINE SCAPOL MONTEIRO2 1. The article is the result of Master's research funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation (Fapesp), grant Universidade de São Paulo / São Paulo, SP, Brasil No. 2010 / 02865-0. 2. Bachelor in History from the University of São Paulo (USP), holder of Master’s and Doctoral degrees in History and Fundamentals of Architecture and ABSTRACT: The article analyzes the painting Fundação de São Paulo, did by Oscar Pereira Urbanism from USP, with a research internship in Italy da Silva in 1907, from the perspective of its relationship with the Museu Paulista, where it is at Università degli Studi on exhibition since 1929. Taking the painting as a statement, the intention is to situate it within Roma Tre. E-mail: <michelli.
[email protected]>. its contexts, highlighting its re-significations, which arise from the multiple perceptions regarding what was affirmed by its image content. By exploring the relationship between the painting and the Museu Paulista, it will be demonstrated that Oscar Pereira da Silva’s objective was to rep- resent the embryonic act of the city and of the Paulistas and transform his work into a significant historical narrative document. However, the difficult insertion of the painting in Museu Paulista’s narrative made this achievement full of tensions. By analyzing important moments in the painting story, such as the addition to the Pinacoteca de São Paulo’s collection, the transfer to Museu Paulista, its appropriation by the Faculty of Law’s stained glass windows and by the materials commemorating the IV Centenary of São Paulo, this paper will demonstrate that the passage of time associated with its musealization renewed and evidenced its social appropriation, enabling its integration into the imagery both of the city and of the state of São Paulo.