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DEVOTED TO BASE BALL BICYCLING GUNS VOLUME 29, NO. 18. PHILADELPHIA, JULY 24, 1897. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. BREAKS AVERTED. ARE ON THEIR WAY HOME YIA TWO MINOR LEAGUES MAKE MID- EUROPE. SEASON SHIFTS, To Play in England Before Returning The Eastern League Transfers the Ro to Australia Much Pleased With chester Team and Franchise to Their Treatment in This Country, Montreal and the Texas League Though Their Trip Was a Failure, Shifts Denison©s Clnl) to Waco, Thirteen members of the Australian base For the first time in years a mid-season ball team sailed ou the 15th inst. from New change has been made in the Eastern York ou the American liner "St. Paul" for League circuit. Some time ago a stock England. Those in the party were: Man company was organized in Montreal by Mr. ager Harry Musgrove, Charles Over, Charles W. H. Rowe, with ample capital, with a Kemp, Walter G. Ingleton, Harry S. Irwin, view to purchasing an Eastern League fran Peter A. McAllister, Rue Ewers, Arthur chise. Efforts were made to buy either tlie K. Wiseman, Alfred S. Carter, J. H. Stuck- "Wilkesbarre or Kochester Clubs, both of ey, John Wallace and Frank Saver. which were believed to be in distress. The MU SGKOVE© S PLANS. former, however, was braced up and "We shall carry out our original inten will play out the season. Rochester tion ,of a trip around the world," said Mr. was on the fence regarding the Musgrove. ©-We shall probably play some proposition made when fate stepped in and de games in London and other parts of iCngland cided the question.
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