THE<KT, H£8, B* THE SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING Co. SPORTING LIFEENTIRBD AT PHILA. POST OFFICB AS SECOND CLASS HATTER. VOLUME 10, NO. 21. PHILADELPHIA, PA., FEBRUARY 29, 1888. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. the first bout in sixteen mlnutef and Parker Ihe sec­ ? ' :tid Ihe indications arothntbe will come, or Home other liKe plan, or b>«« b.ll outside of ond aud third in three and fonr and one-half min- 'I !** Ins confreres. Height, 6ft. ten or a d<>zon of the large title* is btnnd to go under. nlm, respectively. Butler then objected to lh» I 1 ... mds; thirty-sixth in balling and Men of aenge Cannot bo LAT_EJ[EVS. leftree'a decision aud refilled to go on and Ihe relere6 thhd in l.tM.u,-. MANY MEETINGS. expected, year after year, to put ap money lo ;wy for salaries larqcr liian tha declared Parker the winner. Frank KnftrWH, an unknown quantity, hail-t ftom iiatrucaReufatonn will warrant. It is i ot human Cleveland. He i, left-banded ami weighs 180 pounds. UKture, nor ii H biwinein, aud ba-e ball professionally Complete Collapse of an Opera Company. K Iwanl 8!apI«Cc-n. un^Aiibtcdly ttie first hasenmn of n>u.n Important Base Ball Meet­ A Matter oflmportance Ihe Ohio League eh,"11. li?" was born iu Canada, and be inn on a bruinc.--? basis, and it cumi.tt he done Just as Tuts SroRTiNj Lirr. is going to press we to Four Minor Leagues Pre­ by tbo oltl methods. New one* must WintioJuced and has an experience on tbe diamond dating as fur uac'-; will havo a dffj'atch frrm Washington announcing the as'84. He mad? more i mis than anv oilier man in !M), loo. Vie m»y lu-xt ye.ir hnvn 10 tiko our base collapse and disbandmrnt on da'urday night uf the ball from afar, and Iho Now Englairi Liugne will ings Called. Minor Leagues. the League 121. Height, 5fr. lO'.^in; weight, 180 paring for Work. excite our interest National Optm Cctiifauy. Thus tho mo«t frigautic pound*; fourth in batting and t. urlh in fielding. IVom t!ie number of old \Vaterbury ami fo< Ibardy nfeiatic c&ti-rnrike in the world ends Kdward Delehaitty, second base an.l change p;ayt'i-s in it, aud, by tho way, I want to t;-l! a coupto In cixupMe failure. catcher, of your conesponu'liti down t:i?t that llu-y will get played with Mansfield in '86 and '87. Height, 5ft. left St. Paul's New Athletic Club. An Official Notice From the llin.; weight, 175 pound*; eighteenth in batting and Ohio League Membership In­ if they don't cha.-ige t!i«ir idvas of Ihe relative Another Kicking Plttsburg Player. fourth in fiel.iing. He w: ill fuliy replace Nichoison. strength < !' (heir teams down tha' way. Mii::-. heater, Itii-hani Van Lyi-n and T.ovell arc going to fiylit it out, tliey say, Caudaur Challenges Teemer. Special to SroRTlSQ LlFfi. Board of Arbitration Con­ Snnt, lijird base, played with Dnlulh creased The Central League but stick a pin iu the prediction that Woiceeter wing PiTisDVBG, Feb. 25. The Pltlsburg Club b«« another iu '86 and '87. Height, 5ft. lOin.; weight, 175 pound-; that }.enuant. dissali tied man already. sixteenth in batting, with 116 run* to hi* credit, and M.llcr is making a big Mcond in Tiny are not acq:ip.intc;l with some of the man General Intelligence. kick for fV25 advance money which he claims w«a cerning Reservation fielding. Circuit Completed, Etc. Burcham has si^nfd evidently. In young Hamilton promised, but the management Bays it waa not to be Win. Otlerson, thort stop, enjoy* tbe distinction of he h.tsayonnK fellow \vbo, bvuidcs being a haul hitter, given him until Mr. Niiriick'a return. CIUCLE. Privileges. being al.-oul the smallest man in the profession, Ins can i:ft to iirst l-nse as qnick M any ma:i who plajB HASE r.AIXVMEETlNGS. weight being but 124 pound?. He was with the Alle­ NEW ENGLAND LEAGUE. ball in Ibis country to-jny, barking nobo.ly. Ue has gheny Reserves in '84, with Clmttano >ga in '85, with the making of A fielder, too. Ijt Blanche TVlilps Rlley. Bridgeport, Conn., in'8lj,.\nd Kiihima/.rai iu '87 until lie was r*c>.mended to The Hoard of Arbitration and Joint Rules Special to STORTING LIFK. Appended Results of Friday's Meeting— Umpires Cho­ me laet year by McCetu-hy, of Imlmiapo.'ts, a"d will ia an official announcement from he was sold to Brook iyn for £j(JO. He stands thirty- eventually laqd in a pood position. One cvrre.-pondent Committee Called to Jleet. DAVTON, O., Feb. is. The Ln Blauche-Riley fight the Board of Arbitration of the greatest import­ first in tmtlingand fifth iu flrlding. sen The Schedule Meeting Date Set. Special 10 SroitriNo LIFE. fayf, "ai umal, lluinhini lia* no pitcher." Wrong With March will cotue the final jireparatiops her.j la*t night rraullcd in a victory for the former, ance to each aud every minor league, which, by Walter llrodie, left field, hails lr,.m Virginia. He agnh>; he has one you-.g O'Connell a wbo kii< cktd Riley senseless in the played wilh Alloona and C'siutm libt year. Wilh Iho toy merely for the season of 1888. On March 2 tho League second round non-compliance or inattention, would lose a most BOSTON', Feb. 25. A special meeting .of the whcn ho came to u*, in Ibe middle of the reason, bnt 8ehedu!e meeting Ttie tallle, wliile it lasted, wa* a furious one. James latter club hi* baUiug average was ,3(>-2 and his fielil- New England Lciigne was held nt the Parker the most elfective man ia the will be held at New York; en Holland, of Delaware, act d as referee. important privilege, as Thursday, March 1, hi Hig .961. Height, off. lliu.; weight. 180 ponndf. League alter Lovelt and tho Jth the Association will meet iu Brooklyn House, last evening, with President Edward Gmbur. In cef'-.hf r Hi igys he bus ftnoih-r fipd a- the lusl dni/ to claim the right of reservation: Sname-l Niclioi, a loc'il pix-di:ciion and a member 01 thrower «s sure as a rille shot, to arrange its championship dates; and between last j ear's learn, is booked for a higher market in the Chcney, of Lowell, in the chair. The clubs and a hitt> r, too. Tbe THE BROOKLYN TKA3E BROOKIVN, Feb. 23. KJitor SPOBTIXO Lire To ie.-oHl of these UK n has never been publitiii.^il, a-* the tho first and twentieth d-iys of the mouth all TTAom it 3linj Concern: Under the Qualified Articles near fu'ur*; IhuVn no better. Height, 5fr. 9in.; were represented as follow*: Manchester, Dr. J. Kiwtorn League lee >rds fur '67 tave not b en computed1. to the National Agreement a* auioodcd aud weight, 16"! pound*; twenty-fifth iu batting aud fourth tho other leagues in the country will make their As Slzed.Up by a "Well-Known" Ball Player adopted la fieldiii?. li. Reidcl, Purk 11. Kclly; I.owell, J. A. Cud- In Last-running Woic^stcr will lay way over any schedules. by the Board of Arbitration at its meeting In Decem­ worth; Worcester, W. W. liurnliam; Lynn, tiam in that League, Whesler, Derby, lii iggs, Ham­ With an Opinion. ber, till Irairues or associations operating under the Hen Stephens, one of the new men, i* 5ft. loV^in. In addition to the schedule meetings other Henry Murphy, Gcorto V.*. Bracket!; Salcin,. ilton, Wheelock and Stu-ehan being expert base run­ The Cincinnati C merical last Sunday con­ Qualified Articles desiiitig lo avail themselves of the htyh and weighs 170 pounds. He played last >ear ners, and Jieister, Klauragau and the iei.t aro by no Jmpottant events are on the card. Chairman right of resrrvalion aio required to nolil'y tho secre­ wilh F,nn Claire aud Milwaukee and come* highly re­ William Donnell, A. W. Pntnam; Portliind, W. tained an interview with a "well known" ball commended. means *low. By Iho way, Harry Wiiecler is in floe Rogers has called a meeting of the Board of pkiyer who, in speaking of the merit.* and de­ tary of the Board of such decision on or before Ihe W. Bumham (by proxy). It was unanimously shape Ibis spring straight as a string. lie is auxiona Arbitration at the IK>COIK! day of HATCH next. Notice innstbe Bent to C. A. C. liuckf-nbercor, the manager, wil] play second voted t) authorize the president lo get buck into Iho big League Fifth Avenue Hotel for Sat' merits of Brooklyn's team for next year, said when Detebuuty catches. In '82 ho playej wilh ibo and secretary again, and ho ought nrday, March 3, at 11 If. Byrne, secretary. Fifth avenue and Fourth street, to make application to the National t) play as p>od bail this year as when h-j wiu with the A. M., and Mr. Phclps has that it would be one or two seasons before it lirooklyu, N. Y. By order of the Board, Cnsi Club, of Detroit, iu '83 aud '84 wilh Indianapolis, JUo^d of called a- meeting of the Arbitration for protection under tho ciiHinpii-.u Ciudnna'i.s. Hj was always a Kood bitter joint rules committee at would become toe chief factor in tho American JOHN I.
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