■■■ 1 I ---- ■'!■■■ _ who laid out One Result of Battle for Bantam feated pugilist to bis oorner. Mean- Application ol Weight tbe Lake Shore Uhloago, Milwaukee and while MoGovorn's friends, and they are St. Paul lints While at work on the Daa Molnae, la September 18.—Four loglone, obaered long and load. Rome Championship. many extensions of the St Paul lines, men were killed end six Injured In a of them gained admission to the ring and he frequently ha I to dispute the of bead-on oolllalon which look plaoe on the presented the victor wltb a floral horse right way with war-Uke Indians. Among ble Hock Island road at South Amana. ehoo. wbloh was soon made a wreck, and fXSTARTCUTICURA RRUKF ARC works wee tbe RFRRDY CuRR TREAT- The train* were extra admirers engineering construetton H«tT— A warm both freight* and U Insisted on getting flowers or with CrnwRA Boaf, President Will Exercise of tbe Portland and Ogdeneburg railroad *n",ntmfC^r'th Cuticura Ointment, la laid the aooldent wai dun to a misun- Palmer Never In It For leaves from It at eonevnlre. Jcat as Was Read in the Raad of Cuticura Rrsouvkrt wilt through the White Mountain Notch. KJ*/'"?" derstanding of orders. The dead: Master of Ceremonies Peter an- rest Webb, Prnnty r*lief> P«rml» anil sleep, Mr. Host lesres a widow and a •mlInn pointI., I*?"1 to a Prerogative. Tom nounced daugh- speedy, permanent, and eco- Quinn, A. U. Polaon and William Moment. McGovern the winner, John L. Yesterday. nomical cure when all else fails. ter. The funeral will be et Dover, N. Floyd. Rnlllvan climbed through the ropes and v?!'-Tn. SltT- •1 **» «• CnrioimA H.. the home of tbe widow, where the Logansport, 18.—A told MoGovern to shake bands wltb Pal lnd., September body will lie taken by tbe family tomor- weat bound Pan train mer, who was now bit senses. Handle passenger regaining row. today ran down and killed Mra Harrison MoGovern ebook his victim warmly by the hand and MoVety and thraa children at a orosalng John L. Sullivan then left the ring with bis VENEZUELAN SITU/ 1‘IUN CRII- • THJE3 B » Conspicuous Dot Sot Until After of east of Loganeport. aeconda 10 A L. Meeting Tom on Was in Figure at Ringside. O’Rourke, behalf of DIxeo. Received Silence by tlie Washington, September 13.—Officials ROCHESTER FAIR. challenged the winner at 118 for CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK Council of Revision. ponnde here regard the Venezuelan ■'f-'gtion ae 18000 a side. Paddy Hulllvan, who Is critical. The crolr due at of Maine. New Korghers. Porilaud, Hampshire's Big Agrlcnltnral Usoar Gardiner's also manager, ohsl- Laguayra tomorrow as that trial Opens Well. tta winner on behelf of the New York, September 12. —Terry Me- lenged point is cnly two boors from Caracas no "Omaha at from 114 tiuvurn of Brooklyn 1* the hero of the Kid," any weight apprehension le felt that any Atnerioan CAPITAL, $100,000.00 H ocher tor. N. 18.—This H., September hour In pnglllatlo circlet Me whipped pounds np for 110,000 side. Interests will suffer by Ite olsturbanees. waa Children'* Day at the Rochretor fair Surplus and Undivided “Pedler” Palmer of London, thorough- * Profits, $25,000.00 and seferal thousand lUtle people were THE DIANA ARRIVES. Two Who Voted For ly end In doable-qntek time In the arena Solicits tlic accounts of entertained. There wee a Finds Banks,Mer- delightfully of the West near With Virtual cantile Chester club, 'i'uokaboe Up Firms, Corporations and continuous show and a auooaaful Report* Peary In Good Health atage this and earned the Party WAITT & BOND’S Individuals, and is to fur- afternoon, thereby prepared Acquital. balloon aaoeuelon and paraohuto and Excellent Threat. nish its patrons the best facilities leap by title of bantam cbainploo’of the world, Spirit*. Prof. Hearnett The despite the and liberal accommodations. racing although both contestants were aataally track was The beary spirited. summary: In the featherweight olaes. Sidney, C. U, September 12.—Tbe intflmst Paid nn fknncifc a. so —iurse Blackstone yxu. The Englishman, although forolng the Peary Arctic club chartered steamer Cigar Fannie b pace at the outset, was really never In Diana, arrived here today from Kloe, m, by Kentuoky Ktib, THE LEADING We C II A I. T, E NOE SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR SAVINGS. (Llanlel-) 3 111 It from the word go, and MoGovern North Gro-nland, August 29, with all any manufacturer b no 3 4 The Fair Movement Kiully Poole, (Uarlaod) 3 3 simply battered his opponent Into partial TEH CEHT CIGAR to show Interviews end Correspondence Invited. Boycott Blaze Away, b g ( Trout) 5 2 4 3 Certain Conditions The lad's srais two wltb Proposes Jen F., b m (Merrill) 1 8 Mu Insensibility, Brooklyn companions, Dative alllee, were -ONE-HALF-- CULLEN C. OF CHAPMAN. President. Brows. Harold, oh g (Kent) 4 5 8dle work'd like piston rods, and the pun- left In excellent health am).spirits, com- Preliminary to Conference. tbe yearly sales of THOMAS H. EATON, Cashier. lime—2.28 1-2, 3 25 1-2, 3.24 1-4, 2.21-2. ishment which he luttod out to Palmer fortably housed for the winter with pt-o- Sew blind. "SJftX.“r was terrible. vlelons for two and an E 8.88 Ctaes—Trot or Paoe—Parse years ample DIRECTORS: *310 The battle did not last quit* one round, sully of dog food, 111 wslrus having Head, w m, by AppPJack Sales CULLEN C. tbe actual time of two been killed slnoe 3 that Quality Counts; Prove It. CHAPMAN. SETH L. IARRABEE. (Stocker) 2 2 111 lighting being August for pur- L E. M. STEADMAN. PERLEV P. EURNHAM. Emma O., gr m (Merrill) 8 12 4 8 minutes and 83 seoondi, at tbe end of pose. Peary will remain In Ktih until Billie R BRICE M. EDWARDS. JAMES F. HAWKES b g (Sears) 1 4 5 2 4 which time Palmer wae lying helpless, February when with a party of natives London, September 13 —Tbe Parle oor- Ardia, blk in (Thompson) 4 5 3 8 2 1 S. CiSGOOB WILLIAM M. MARKS though half conscious, on the floor of the he will go to Fort Conger and thence be- London, September —A special de- WAITT & lespocdent of the Dally Chronicle claims Ve. br g (Kent) 5 8 4 5 6 BONO, Mfrs., ADAM P. ring, through the accidental ringing of gin bis journey toward the pole, either spatch from Pretoria says the British _ LEIGHTON. have Time—3.281-4, 2.871-4, 2.88 1-4, 2.34 M to good authority for the statement 1-3, note, whloh was read In both Baade 1.1 WAPU 2.23 8-4. tbe gong by the official timekeeper, the by the Greenland ooas' or from Cape yes- 53 Blackstone St., Boston. that Dreyfus will be pardoned, although Is as lode were separated when they had been Reels as be may determine. terday regarded there a virtual ulti- Jysi uit i#tp President L, JU bet will not exercise bis FREEPORT matum. The GRANITE QUARRIES fighting one minute. Each went to his Secretary Herbert L. Bridgman of tbe correspondent enyst prerogative untlljufter the moetlng of tbe SOLD. "It a THE WEATHER. corner, bat the error was rectified In leas Peary club, In oommand of the Diana propoeoe fire yeor franchise, a oouneell de revision, tie adds that Cap- Freeport, September 12.—There Is a than 13 seconds and the boys resumed expedition, will leave for New Pork quarter representation for the gold Heine mi l 1IUST GO ! \ tain and Breon were ths IKENRV Beanvals, Major well-founded rumor In that at tomorrow In the Volkiraad, for the British the hostilities the command equality Freeport Immediately morning, taking Peary's full Our stock of Summer Ru

t CORNELIUS VANDERBILT. IN TEN INNINGS. deebing grade crossings r k SECRET mm. HOUSE THIEF CAFTl'lED GOKIIAM. ♦♦♦ ♦»« of Owe of America's Richest and HUMANITY DEMANDS THEM! M iiBlrml and Portland Play Ucod Mall road May Be Asked to Provide J Best KMown Business Mew. On uuggt of the unfavorable weather 6imc a* St. John. More Gate Tenders For Then. yesterday It waa decided by tbe president Now 12.— Cornellua Ycrk, September Aldermen Confer Behind end truateee to poatpone tbe fair until Vanderbilt, died at 5.15 this morning. St. John, N. 3., 13.—The At the next and Fad Stolen a Team in September meeting ot the Mayor (Wednrslay), although many were There were with him at the time of his Montreal*. Kastern league team played Board of that Closed Doors. AlJermen It Is not unlikely disappointed. Wlto good weather there death, his wife, his the New England an order will It no daughter, Gladys, Portlands, league be Introduced appointing the Heart of Boston. question abouithe anaoeaa of tbe fair, and his son. tram, hem and won In the tenth a as there Reginald, youngest today committee to oonfbr with the Maine are many Inal hor.ea>nt«red fqr Mr. Vanderbilt arrived at his fifth I nnlng. The toora In the ninth was 3 to Central the and Portland and Rochester raoca.and the borae and cnttla depart- avenue home from with Mrs. 8 In the tenth Jaokalltr reached tint railroads Newport to regnlst] the orrsslng of some \ ments are making a line showing The Vanderbilt at nine o'clock last He on tear t at second fumbled streets night. bells, pratt In UeerlDg on a grade at the large main building la well tilled with in excellent health and Dowell's and he and Jack- Hare Come to Dreision Re- appeared spirit! ground drive They •peed at whloh the trains now . The And It To Portland useful and ornamental articles and the and retired noon afterwards. alltx were safe. Johnson was thrown order will the oom- Brought By beautiful probably Irstroot decorations, make a One appear- About five o'clock he was sets d with a out at llrat. theh drove a Their Fotnre mlltee ance. Captain Uooloy garding Action. to see If gate lenders cannot be The trustees of the fair have de- toe house- to Boat. serious attack of illness and grounder short which James Smith let employed for Rounders street In Deerlng Yesterday’s oldcd to have the baked beana that tba him hold wp* roused. Telegrams were sent I'm* and Jaokalite and Dowell and seme other streets whloh she Maine ladles of the oonnty ere sn much inter- ■ Dr. Walter B. James of 17 W«et 5tth oored. The score: Central orouts at a grade and gate- ested In, (Uov. Hoble’e $10 del premi- Dr. K. G. and several street, Janeway Montreal, 0 0008000 0 8-4 keepers will also be asked for the streets um), served by tbe ladles of the Metho- other physicians who arrived in a abort Portland, 101000000 0—3 No Formal Vote On whloh the Portland and Rochester rail dist tent on Tharsday, fcepember 14th, time. He Tried to Sell It Here Base hilt—Montreal, 7: Portland, 6. road orosrei In this manner. Just hack of the grand aland. The offi- f Everything possible was done for the rrors—Montreal, 1; Portland, 4. Untler- Contract. It was reported yesterday that three or cers of the asroolntlon will be present tes— and Lighting a patient but he grew rapidly worse and Duggleby Jnokallts; Kennedy four small on their to For Small Sum. and take dinner are and Burrlll. children way when the beana (lied at a five o’clock. quarter past •ehool had a very narrow escape at Saun- served. NATIONAL Lit A'. UK UAMKH. After the first stroke cf paralysis Mr. ders street crossing, and It Is mainly-to Tbe farmers’ meeting, to be held at reel deuce At New Vanderbilt leased the Lowery York—Chicago, 13; New York, guard against accidents to the school chil- tbe grand stand today, at the fair S. Seoond In Washington acd upon the advice of game, Cbloagn, t; New York. But Wilt Claim Sole Power dren that the aldermen will be asked to groonda, will be of much Interrst Farm- his lived there for three 0. Called end They phyriolans 0th, darkneee. aot In Ibis matter. The complaint re- Says Name Is Irvins? And Roslon ers Mol-uoghlln, Griggs and others will At months, refraining from entertaining, Philadelphia—Philadelphia, 13; to Make the Contract. garding the Pearl, Lincoln and Forest speak. and lived His so- 0 Second Police Know Him. however, quietly. Cleveland, game. Cleveland, 4; avenues orosslngs of the Portland and of ben- Philadelphia, 8. Nature ! journ In Washington was evident one | Hoobtster Is that only man At railroad. YARMOUTH. his ft tun to his residence Washlngon—Washington, 7; Cincin- efit and upon Is ♦ —r provided to oars for the gates at these over Intended man’s foot to be In this In he to nati, 3. Seoond game, Cincinnati, 4; J olty April appeared points and as he has (o mlnlpulate all ♦ held 5. captive in narrow irritating • many of hla friends to be nearly ai strong Washington, I'he Alder own held another wont ses- three at them, the publlo Is muoh Incon- The Mrs. slmes. At 8; Portland polioe maria a olever cap- I.ydta LeL’earp and daughter Ll*- X J and ns well as he ever had been. Brooklyn—Pittsburg, Brooklyn, ■lon last night. They convened in the venienced ths 1L by delay. ture of a crook yeeterday afternoon. tle of Worcester, Mass., are the guests of ♦ The foot requires such ♦ Coroner’s physiolan, Dr. Hamilton Mayor's oDioe behind closed doors at They freedom, At bare arreated a burse thief who bad the Mr. and Mrs. J. Augustine Bvabury. X as is allowed tho Williams, called at the Venderbilt borne Baltimore—Louisville, S; Balti- halt past wna o’clock and did not ad- by anatomically 4 3 nerre to st-al a line team right lu the Mr. Fred Groves and famHy of East f correct ’•Hu-man-ic” shortly after 1 o’olook this afternoon and more, Twelve Innings. joarn until halt-past ten o'oloek. The WESTBBOOk. Shoe. 2 At heart of Boston and get away with It. Deenng are ooonpylng Mire H. Hamil- ♦ The one shoe viewed the body. He found that death Boston—St. Louls-Boston, both proceedings of this meeting were Intor- combining ease ♦ uo uli-bi. lop man am- ton’s at Colleens' Island. ucu wu nuvuuut not cnjiiiureu oottage and had been caused by cerebral bera- gruuuuB. mat, all bad a chance to express them- X grace durability. X Died that be bad stolen tbs Miss Mabel E. Bates left the team, bat re- Marr, 1900, T We are sole airentn ♦ morrhage. He gave permission for STANDING. sieves freely on the point* oader discus- A band of gypsies have been encamped fused to make any talk him- town Monday for Lewiston to attend tbe uuriai anu sne oouy was em- sion ana took the In the woods on Saco on the regarding proceedings Won. Lost, advantage of opportu- street, Per cto self. A little lstrr la tbe evening be told fall term at Bates college. balmed. Brooklyn.65 87 nity. It ie understood tbet no vote was Trlokey property, for the past two weeks. .697 Mr. J. S. Is a Phil ideluhm. 7» ^ Deputy Marshal Frith all about himself Gloger building oottage Cornelias Vanderbilt, Jr., and Harry 47 .627 taken, (ml It was evident from what was AWMjruB/ OIUTDU HI vwai nun wr- Price 48 ,f*t and confessed that ha bad stolen the at Coossns' Island fur Mr. Louis Van I $4 and Ids arriv’d at g®**0".78 B&r. There wen seven teams foil Payne Whitney wile, Baltimore. T1 Al .582 •aid that all the aldermen have made up packed horse and In Boston. Uoren ol New York olty. ^hoo* and j Oxfords. mansion late In t!:e after- Umcluuati. 71 so .669 of women carriage X ibe Vanderbilt their minds lust what they will do when men, and children. One team' Z All leathers. Limit. 71 50 .568 afternoon this with Tbe Misses Alloa and Maude Cleaves of noon. Mrs. Cornelius Jr., £'• the electrlo attracted considerable attention. It Yesterday stranger Vanderbilt, lighting contract comes up Mats have a black, bushy beard and a rather peon- Koxbury, reoently been the remained at Newport. PlUsburg. 62 63 .604 for final notion In tbe Hoard of Aider- was a house on wheels not nnlike the Louisville. 68 67 .461 liar several gueBis qi tueir granufntner, Uapt. Allred Mr. said that all of Mr. manner, approached people l.Vpew tonight New York 61 73 .411 men next Monday evening. It seemed pletore saloon of 30 years ago that went and tried to sell them a horse and car- Cleave* Vanderbilt's children were jn the city Washtnatou. 44 79 ,;68 to be the general opinion last night that from plaoe to plaoe In the oonntry. DEAN BROTHERS Cievelami. 19 U4 .its riage worth at least hid) for a sum mnob Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bucknam are In with the exception cf Alfred and that the aldermen had come to the conclusion The first meeting of the Daphne » lit M&Th 2 tbal tbs pot toe were notified to look into al I. O. R M. They arc to enjoy a ter was an sad one. 'ibe sea on lor 1899. street. After tbe rehearsal Jr unusually league Indianapolis ing a lighting oontraot. It whs cur- son, Bridge ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦* the case. After some I search the horse days' trip In Washington and other points Mm***mm««*4 estrangement between him and his father secured the pummot with 75 games rently reported last night that tbe board the raemoera of the club enjoyed refresh- and were at of Interest. won and 47 buggy found .the IWton because of Jils marriage with Miss Vtilsun lost, a percentage of 614. will vote at Us next meeting to non- ments. illks. II.A. boat wharf where they bail just been un- SMALL’S bad never worn away and be did not Minneapolis took second bonois concur in tbe aounoU’s order or to post- The officers of the Junior Christian En- loaded from tbe boat. Tbe man was also WOOPFOKD. suspeot thab his father's end was so near. Manager Selee has been engaged by the pone action on It indefinitely and then deavor of Warren Congregational ohnroh, Boston fonnd and taken Into oustody. Ue told Of the relations between father and son, olub for another se sen. pruoeed to psss an order on Us own ac- have been selected for the ensuing term as the deputy that he didn’t belong any- OINTMENT. Senator Depew said: “They were on fair count making a contract with either one follows: PresIdent.Mlss Alloe Qalnby ;vloe where In particular and didn't oare to The Woodfords terms. I thli k It is a week ago today or the other. The aldermen president, Miss Florence Swan; secretary, kindergarten opened RIGHT OF MAN TO DIE. company talk THIRTY anyway. Finally he said tbat he Monday with a good atendanoe,under the that 1 saw them together at Newport." believe,nr some of them have so expressed Miss Lottie Lowell; treasurer, Barrett •uppossd he was In a box and ralgbt as Instruction cf Miss Uacker. Mr. Depaw stated tonight that ihe fun- themselvis, that the power to make Newcomb. Dr. Klckrrion Gives His Idraa well make a clean breast of the whole The members of the Woodfords Kickers’ eral would take plaoe at 10 30 o’clock Fri- Krgnril- lighting cantraots tests slons In the board A representative of the cotton mills at Use of hlroforin. business he gave bis name and told club enjoyed a dam boil at their rooms SAL ITS. day morning from fct. Bartholomew’s ing of aldermen and that the oommon ooun- North Adams, Mass., was In the city yes- so_ where be had stolen the team. over the steam on churob. A special boat will carry the oll has nothing to do with tbe matter. It terday endeavoring to secure families to Bearing laundry Ue had found It bltohed near State A body, family and friends from the foot of 12.—The Morn- Is believed that the aldermen decided last remove to Massachosetls and enter the Spring street, lueeday evening. very Meriden,Ct., September street In CURES of Boston, and had orlven it olf. pleasant evening, with games of whist West 42d street to Sraten Island. The ing Kecord will publish tomorrow a night to stnnd by this position. One of employ tbe mills at North Adams. Miss After riding about a while he had taken and speeches by several of the members bntlal will be In New Dorp, where the signed statement from Dr. Nehemiab them when asked point blank by a Agnes Bellen of Tyron, North BURNS, BRUISES, It to tbe Portland boat and brought It of the club, helped pass the evening. The B CK Vanderbilt mausoleum is and where lie Nickerson, whose views on the right of PHFtSS reporter If'thta was the daolslon Carolina, who hag been visiting In this ACHE, down here to has sell. Tbe horse Is a small affair was held complimentary to Mr. PAINS several members of tbe faintly, including man to ilia have caused such a eensition. of tbe board last night,did not deny that city, gone to Lewiston where she le IN SiDE, dark bay with a white cross on Its fora- Fred G. Jewell, a conductor on the new Commodore Vanderbilt tbe founder of Dr. Nickerson sat a in substance that this was the result of the oonferenoe. to he the guest of Dr. J. A. Donovan. Stomach, Groin. Sore and Files, bead a white oft bind ankle. It Washington ooonty who is or Inflamed the great fortune. The pall bearers had there la nothing In the article It will he remembered that this was City Marshal Dudley T. Swan and Po- railroad, Eyes, Scroifiiln. published about weighs BOO pounds, is "up-bead- spending bis vacation with his parents In Put ud tn a not been selected tonight, but they will by him in Saturday's Kecord to show the pcsltlon the aldermen took In tefer- lios cfllears Dresser and Wlthum are to green paste board wrapper. ed," and lu good llesh. Tbe carriage Is this city. Pi ice 35 cents. be tomorrow. that tha administration of ohlorform to enoe to lighting the Islands this summer. do polloe duty at the Gorham fair Ask your druggist for it. a Goddard buggy with rubber tires and The cable that operates the gates at the patients dying of incurable disease, They claimed the sols power to make grounds during the fair. rubber tup. It has steel flanges, rod Maine Central railroad crossing, foot 01 tends to lessen the last few hours of life. oontrncts for this lighting, and delegated The WeBtbrook, Windham and Naples The Mrs. H. A. Small Ointment Is lined with and Mechanic broke morn- Co., Cornelius Vanderbilt was the oldest son electric are Stripped wheels, green street, yesterday **Ky removing the agony from pain in oce of their number to act for the. board railway company to oonnent AUDCHM, MAI3TK. of the late William H. Vandeibilt, and has an extra g ouablon. lug. It became neoeipary for a man to cancer nr from the straggle for breath In the matter. NoWithstnadiug the with four tripe of thb Portland Hallroad )u24 tu.tbftsi* was born on St-iten November Tbe man arretted gives his name as dag all trains from tho crossing until the Island, in certain oasts of heart diesase or con- efforts which have been made by the company, leaving Portland at 10.10 and 27, 1843. James Irving, and says that tbe "Bos- oable was repaired. The gates are oper- sumption. 1 should judge it might pro- members of tbe oommon .counoll to throw 1.10, Inolnelve. Wednesday and Thurs- William H. his was ton police will know him all right." Ue ated from the gate houfte at Spring Vanderiblt, father, long the period. but this is a point this oontraot for lighting Peaks island day the electrlo cars will carry passen- at that time a and Carnellus at Is about six test tall, has black street. farmer, which cannot be determined to a cer- out because It was made In this manner, gers to Mosher’s oorner where barges jwlll busby the of left school and secured a beard, was dressed In a gray suit and a A large hose reel and a supply of hose FALL age 13, tainty. one of the bills for this lighting has been lake people desiring to attend the Gor- as In the blaok derby hat. Ue is about 38 years has been placed at the old Deering plaoe messenger Shoe and “My remark in Saturday morning's presented and paid, though It did not ham fair. city Leather bank. old. farm to protect the farm property In the Kecord were intended to show what I have tbe signature of the majority of the Cornelias left tbe Shoe and Leather The Uoston police will be notified o f event of a dre. The hose was coupled considered the duty of the physician dur- ooinmUtee on lights. SUITS. BRUNSWICK. the arrest this and asked to onto a street hydrant afternoon bank to go into the employ of Kissara ing the last few hours of terrible suffer- Some of the common counoll members morning yesterday bankers, but later his And an owner for the team. and the cistern which supplies the water Brothers, grand- ing from incurable disease, when we when they learned of the probable act- A little early? To wear, perhaps, for the house was father asked him to enter the railroad tilled. This was neces- yes. To think about, it’s none can act the part of a mlnhtering angel ion of the aldermen at their next publlo of the Maine Employee Central here to the too service. in ONE ELECTKIC LIGHT PLANT VS. sary owing long spell of dry early. You’ll want to learn no more merciful manner than by meeting were very angry and said that tell us that cannot they remember when weather. what's to be worn and get an idea The first plaoe he was given was that the sufftrsr would make Home if FOUH. rendering unconscious dur- they howl any snob trafllo on the Maine Central has been of styles. The time taken in of assistant treasurer of the New York ing the few hours that remain. action Is taken tbe aldermen. One by so heavy at this time of tbe yesr, both Tbe Portland Electric Light which to consider the snit, the and Harl^ih railroad. His rise was Company ANIMALS WHO SHUN HEAT. rapid consideration was of tbe aldermen sold last "You of order and the “My entirely con- night: in freight and passengers. The Flying has mode a proposal to the olty that is placing your and be succeeded his father as head of ml will fined to those oases of continued In are going to see some fun btforv this Yankee than king bring Fall before long* Monday afternoon had no less lower any competitor. It will In- Wkere They May De. Found on a the Vanderbilt system. curable you’re aware of it. Meantime we disease where there could be no lighting business Is settled. There will that four Pullman cars stall a steam besides tbe eight power auxiliary plant to Sco>H‘hlnft Day. can make Mr. Vanderbilt's active oareer was vou iiuytliuig in possibility of a mistake and when the be a warm time In the aldermen’s cham- other oars on the train, aod It was so take oare of any possible and “Wild animals are Summer Wear at sliort when he contingency oppressed by heat notice. practically clojed suffered the was In ber next patient absolutely dying extreme Monday evening long as to stretoh through tbe depot and work is to begin on this duplicate almost human in their actions.” observed Drop in any time. Pleased to see stroke of 1893. plant paralytic whioh the could a agony, phjslulau miti- across Main street. As to freight trains, immediately on the award of the oon- naturalist. “They seek shelter from you. bis enormous LETTER FROM PRESIDENT. Despite basiness be found gate or relieve. Shall he stand the sun, thirst much for water and fall by in help- the yarde are full. Saturday there were traot. With Its water power plant they time to devote to church uud New York, 18.—The execu- down at sunstruek. The Sunday lets Inactivity while pain and ogony September two freight trains mad) to when will thus have two last, tigers of up go, oomplete equipments India •ohoul work, which he begun in early the last breath tive committee of tbe Dewey reoeptlon and the lions of Africa seek jun- P* Dn TAILOR-DRAPER, wring from the poor a third, the epeoial, came in, aod It had either of whlob will be fully equal in car- life. He to the committee oat a gles that are nearly to man. WIL. gave freely Haiiroad sufferer? I no and no. Mor- tonight gave letter from impenetrable uAnU, 4« Free SI. say doubly to wait on the passenger tracks of the ing for ths olty lighting and tbe Con- where in branoh of the Y. M. C. A. and the work President McKinley which reads: pools they wallow for hours, sepTeodtl pnia and various anaesthetlos whioh main Una until the otbrr two were be a my out, solldateckJWould third. They will chin in the water rather than en- of St. Bartholomew's Protestaut "1 am In of the invitation to deep, Kpisoo- crltios to use have no effect on receipt profesi delaying passenger trafllo a quarter of also hare yoo Welsbaoh street dure the intense heat of the sun this In the and lights driving pal church in city. the of oanoer unlees a participate naval parade teoep- pain necessarily an hoar or more. which will completely oover the olty, an through the mass of foliage overhead. Lamson & Hubbard Mr Vanderbilt's great business career tlon and military parade and review on fatal dose is given. The physician in Mr. Philip R, Goodrich le In Massa- advantage that is not and oannot be Further than this, they may sometimes has made his life necessarily methodical such cases finds himself aom nailed ta Friday and Saturday the 88 and 30th in- be like deer chusetts visiting some old oounadee and provided by tbe Consolidated Electric surprised in the water. and he was noted (or his punctuality. resort to chloroform. stants In honor of Admiral Dewey and “In hot weuther fishermen often see other friends. LlgUt Co., os Ibey have no bid for light- Mr. Vanderbilt's death was cauS3d by “Id spite of ell tbe anaethem&s hurltrl regret that I shall be unable to accept. along the shores of the Adirondack and Most of the college football team Is ing by gas and eleotrlcity and It Is a stroke of the seoond which he “On tbe only Maine lakes numbers of deer. an- paralysis, at me tbe profession has and does In ex- Monday following I shall have These here. *Praotloe will begin In a few days. possible to make suoh an suffered. Tbe first attack was in arrangement imals make visits the July, treme oases resort to this means the very great pleasure of receiving him frequent during of -- — O *»• wv n MU UBUUI* with tbe Portland Eleotrio Light Co. In day to the water, where nibble at a 1 1896. The stroke which oauaed death oc- re lief." at toe nation's capital to which he baa they dates for the team. Six of the men who nisu win non curred about lire o'clook. Tbe uuujiihvviwu IIC1SUUUU OirtWI iuj, iwu ituu ugiiin mm nwiui across patient expressed a desire to proceed at onoe upon made up last year’s team Co. and the Portland to the islands or to the shore to was seuii-oonsiioue graduated, Lighting Use Light opposite until death. Dr. u. EIRE IN ELLSWORTH. the conclusion of your demonstration of so there will be some contests for posi- Co. It will be observed that tbe Portland cool off their overheated lilies. G. Baneway and Dr. Bntler wore with The accounts that have rauobwi greeting tions. Albert W. Clarke, 160J, Is Kleotrlo Co, thus “Cattle seek the woods and shade spots him when hx died. Ellsworth, Ssptember 12.— A honse and naptain, Light provides three me from time to time of the endid tri- when the sun to show its but stable owned epl brother of last year's W. B. the ‘begins fnry, Dr. reaebed tho ny James H utohlnga here, captain, lighting plants (and Consolidated a Depew Vanderbilt bute arranged 07 tbe generous and hospi- they are often driven out of »uch cool T^all were burned at an boar Clarke. (north) and no possible oould house at 7.80 o'oiook. Be early this morn- contingency places by a more ar- Style, 1899. remained but table people of your great olty and state There deadly enemy—the The oontents of both will he very few ohanges In arrive whereby the city oould be left lb mies of ten minutes. ing. buildings were base bloodthirsty aud keenly weapos- A &■ Hubaard hat deeply interested me and the energy the Lampson consumed. Tbe loss Is Insurance teaching force at the college this darkness. Put bow Is it with the Consol- ed insects—and resort to the hilts. Curi- Mr. Vanderbilt married Alioe Gywnn. $.000; and enthusiasm with whioh the celebra- $710. year, Tutor Smith hag been made an idated Kleotrlo Light Co. f What sort of ously enough, many insects prefer keep- the daughter of a Cincinnati lawyer. tion was undertaken and has been carried in assistant professor. Mr. John Burbaok, an have none ing the shade to quenching their thirst keepsits^cAor^andAiapeasno Be was 33 auxiliary they? None, years old at the time of hie f orward are assurances that such a reoep I for blood. When cattle seek a graduate of the college in 1896, will whatever and the best promise they make the pools other hat does. For sale by marriage. There ore lire living obildren. tion will be aooorded Admiral Dewey and streams, fishes gather around to aot as professor of physics during the Is that they will have one or think they | snap The first eon, William H.. died in bis arrival In Nsw York as up the flies killed the tails of the 1893, Deafness Cannot Be opou will ahsenoe of Prof. Hutchins in | by Dealers. Cared in Kurope. may another year. beasts. Leading while student in Yale university. fittingly express tbe love and admiration by local application* as they cannot reach the Mr. Uoodell of the of Maine Ulve the Consolidated the oontraot and _ _aeptleodlm University “The woodchuck* 'to the m diseased portion of the ear. There is ouly one In which he is held. rotir0S >itu will 1111 Prof. Johnson's ns Instruc- there Is no for 'MINIS'! RATOR’S NOTICE. way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitu- place competition street light- depths of its burro fuirrel t* ts STREET RAILWAY tional remedies Deafness is "I join with tbe state and munlolpal tor of RETURNS. caused by an in* French until Prof. Johnson’s re- ing. The city oan have an absolute home tree. The It.. s In the h ae subscriber hereby gives notice that he filmed condition of the mucous of the authorities and tbe ug has been lining people In heartiest turn from in a beside duly appointed Administrator Augueta, Eustaehlau Tube. Whe.i this tube is Kurope few weeks Ur. guarantee from tbe Portland Kleotrlo grass the brook in an alder bed.”— September 13.—Following inflamed welcome to ot the estate ot have a rumbling sound of hear- your distinguished guest." Norman J. who was one Washington’ Star. ate tbe returns made by street you imperfect Qehrlng, of the Light Co. and save 145.690 by niaklog the WIL1.IH M. SOULE, late of railways: ing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is Freeport, leading three in last year's msdical five oontraot even after in the of Portland and Yarmouth Street—Gross the result, and unless the Inflammation can be NO SECRET ALLIANCE. years considering County Cumberland, deceased taaeu out and this tube An Impression. and given bonds as the law directs restored to its normal class, will be assistant In chemistry. tbe lowest one year bid of the Consoli- lnoome, 137,481; operating expenses, —*•!? blitisilf bottom of the For sale ways got pocketful of then*.”—Chicago plus Jons <0 was <3,140. Westbrook, Aug. 10,1000. aepSdiwswS* drugghts ouuuty package. by L. W. drove’s slgnatuie Is ou each box. Sec. studsnte of h it iustitutlon. druggists Uecord. 1 |hll |

X,.t, -•»

.. '--I. ... .1 > ...... 1'? .1 .. ."■JJ.’-B

Sw*al corn la Toy lata thla year la tbhi »m renders toto Bn Bht for tfr- Harbor were BAISE TOW**. Stopped buoibnard, ehoeen by the DtlT. tbs oorn factories baa* aaa gTEANKIll. vicinity, and Incendiary. A* In the reo nt attempt to _GOLD corn thaaa ■» a* yet remind enough to feces Win ClmtcMB Ht IWilQ have UirmSt. Bovlora' eburob, kerosene wae Haa.olllbrniaatkmil by Oor Local running all at tbe time. itopnnto to Ihttr homo la Lynn. need, a beau onder tbe large carriage Portland & Yarnuuib Mr. S*U Btaiord has joined ItM wife, building being •aturaled and n flre Electric Co. (virrapoutUnU. MOttWAt, >tirt- Rf. who tor basa spending tie •O'Stot* totth ed by lighting paper, l’bls time the In- Gne-Haif Bopt. U.—Affatse at the we wag more Saved. r«A£8 leave bend of Elm street tor Norway, hto mother, bn Jean tonfto*. eendlary aucoassful, and auo- Yarmouth bank aia still *t 0.46 n. m-and half-lionr. ln#» wrapped la aiyatary. Mr*. 0. M. ChMtmrM and titter, at l*a*t In atartlcg a which ] 7^ y Iherea'ier till VINALHAVKN. Toe HdMirn of the blaze, 11-16 p. m Leave tor Underwood at official* toward the la L. XL Blake. of 13 ax Com, tailed on waa not done at Bt. Savlor'a Spring and ohnroh 6.46 a. m„ end half-hourly H ere »lier tl I 12.16: -The oloTneratone Inquisitive ourloua, metre to tana frten Jt tn ■ liven Wednetdtoi tL'he night watchman Gold Dust cleans then Vlnalh jven, Sep*, fl. rise to d’erovered the every fifteen minutes till 11.16 p. m. givon many marrelaas and Im- Borne are flamer about S Leave of the be laid with pwlte Dowy gsMIni Off Otmet o’olock Monday Yarmouth for Portlxnd at 6*ftO a. m.. Union thsrth will probable which tits unow morning, and stories, balls, flora, whtak la my |tel and the flre bad about the half-hourly the ea t* r till 'o n. m. tne leet I norms* fortunately not made everything appropriate errsmontre probably as they olrenlute. One thing wa On eeeonao of to Kate Bald- much Tbe Leave Ui derwoo t Spring for Portland at 6 diphtheria headway. walebman ezUn- a. and lumber hae ara aasnrrd of that are In no oar house m., halt-hourly thereafter till 11.30; then of Lhle week. Same of the dsposllors win tehaolnkato been out ofl' on til gnlahed the blaze with a few of better, with danger of l ei, and all hooks auitltad so palla every flteeu minutes tin lo.SO p. in. arrived and the tut will be bare tho first Sept. II. water. It wrs evident that there had far perfert’y gree with the ledger. half the in SUNDAY TIMR. *bte week. 1 be foundation la already bean a very carefully laid plan to set lire effort, of Tbs take la not yet so low rs Mil year, COUSHL Leave Portland for Yarnv u»h at 7.46 a.m., to the place. '1 racks were found leading and In plane. rot falling at the rate on* lneh per half the time and at hulf-houily thereafter till 1 o. 1 f p. m. Iy-ave day. Corn lib. toto Annie Farnham to thr building from tbe an the Portland for Tbe itseinrr boa for lack cf Sept.*.. rear, 4 Underwood Mpii >u ai 7.46 a. iu., A Sunday lotmol has bean started In suspended w»t called la Boston owing to marks where the man had and WatorflB tke channel. fsldny, crawled onder half the cost of every Alteeu minutes titer, a tor till lo.te District No. », un ler the superintendence tbe terlnet lUneiis of htfl daughter. Mitt the building were plainly earn. The Idea p. rn. Dwr are In the * very pleory oortb and Era Leave Yarmouth for Port an 1 a. Schools all coru- FarnhAm. t-mt the Incendiary attempted to lire St. at C.3.) m., ot 11 n B.-aditreet. adjoining town Bear the or other and etpeolally Frank B*nkt It i| home (HM Btdton, Suitor's ohnroh for tbs purport of soap any bali-yonriy iili 9 r*. in. Lca*e ■aer.oe hero Miss Mltohel and b'g streams, banners com- robbery Underwood lor Portland at 7 a. m.. today, taking poutfa enjoying a venation. boa been dispelled by this latest Spring and plain Mi t tie r otops are store or lea* attempt, cleanser. every fifteen minutes Ihereafv »• till 9,:u> p. m. ibe place of aesiataot teuober in the High lilts Allot) Hand baa rv tamed to Port- end the police are firmly convinced tbat damaged by their 'requent visits. Two Office and waiting room 440 street. •o ~ol land, where tot It an nftoP l these la some person who hna a well-de- Congress large mo be have been seen twe teaohar, paw- dtf eota* ing her vauatlon a tor home MM mania for Urea. ■«md for free booklet—" Golden Rnlee The Bodwell Granite company put to miles from the village. veloped George U. Darker, the nave (ocovered con- ntteOflWto day go Lake. CWc«i» Mm Dr. G. L, Crorkett ot Thomaeton spent Uammou, Fair. ♦ “The 365 sciousness It to Mr. Walter H. Bernes of Day test gpeab Island Route.” with his bate. ard in fair way recovery. Freeman Pott and Sunday parents wife of Boston, for- Sunday Monday at hie homo has* BwelnnliiK Sept, tl, sttam-r U Is rmcortu that ane Intends suing the «f 1890, Aucoctsco Prank L. brake merly hate moled toHol- ■ wlllleave Cortland Littlefield ground for ttaintnon estote for damaga. Paraonifleld, ^eM Wmrrrrm ji-_=.■? l■■ ——. Pier, Portia..i. u.liy, as to!- laudrllle, where be baa tootpttd n posi- Several from this attended tbs lows: the fonntletloa of hie new residenoa on The jail breskers. l'larce and Tamils place For tion as overseer of tbe ourp.mter work at Smith-mice wedding which last it J.on* Ialand, Mttle and Cbrbea Mein street near the are still at large, sad rup pored to be In aaehczed ■«. land, Harp.w.11, Hatley’a and wean. Ibe Oontraot for the the vlolnl y of (South Woodstook. where September Orr'a Island*, v.80 a. uu 4.-HJ p. m. building Kerar Fsl's, who bat tested there. It Mira Berta a er.nle the mother of Tamlin resides. Tamltn spent last week Witt Ketorn for Por<*and, leave o. r's Inland via building has been awarded to K. M. Dyer making sod la Is a former resident ef extr-D'lterepairs pre;>atxn< Mends In Gotham. above landiuga 6.00 a. m., J.00 p. m. Arrive of thle town. Norwav and from to do a big buelneet In the mills. Mr. WTIlle wife er.d and Portland 8.16 a. m., J'.tJ m. Owing to tba of the boyhood oorrteu a bad reputation as did Crrokerk, son, p. Illegality noth**, K. G. Smith bat gone to Boston to to- Mrs. Ktber Smith red attend ad Daily excursions 22 mtiea uowrtt the bay. i'are tie of »be hi. hla mother. He was at last eoovtttrd of dr.ughter hearing K. Telephone Com- tsidn reuiilon of tbt California ’SF the rouuu trip only cue. and In oocsldertllon of emmnticn which wae held at Gray pany Is postponed until some future date. pocket peddling, SUNDAYS. wes pioneers Iret Theraday and krldiy. J. A. Annie will more to Camden In a ills yontn released on oondltlon that Henry H. Smith and ton of llydt Park, Mrs Howard llavla, Mte* Alice w«d Leave Portland for Ho. Fl&rpswell and In- few weeks. ho wonld leave town and never return. are rlattlng relatives here I'cs’cr Frrrt vl-lteu friends In Purtlaafl IT’S termediate landings, at 10.00 a. m People are on tbs slert expeotlng a COMING Mist bra dooabter of Allen lest Wi fk. 18A1AH DAM1EL8. Gen Man. HUB A GO. break hy fclem to obtain funds to help Garner, Garner of lCexxr Falls and WUI Chains cf Mrs. ,1 O. Benn returned home last )e24dti Seta go, 7. —Mrs. M. K. Clark them In away. The oUloers. ex- I Sept. pitting Cold weather not Limerick were married Tutadtr. They rridey from Lewiston where she has IxWb *2 may | cept (Sheriff Tuoker, bare given up the vlsit d Mr. and Mrs. Charles Darla while will reside In HollitndvIU*, where Mr. hrralstk..r k. ski A si C that will make n cold ITImrf, been nine year* elnce she was In Eebago, MOUTH BERWICK. of Motto this full. 5c Mr. M. H. wife and PortluiKl, .tie. waving uvea several years witn nor eon breaking until notified that the ooaet wee Bawyer, daughter, g5 house comfortable like North Berwick, September 1L—The Lonlae, are relative* In Maagz- Id ohar. This, however, le not generally vlaltlag Portland, Oregon, exoeptlng about one first frost of any amount was Tuesday ebeaetts believed, it le tbonght the haek eaw lu Effect II, 1699. and a half years she has been in the gold night, tbe 5th Inah, and roly In low tec- The fall trim of Uoltlg High (ohool September uiey have been passed In by Tara 11 n'a tlor.e tol da ll».. 1A— .. began lost with Mr. L. IX regions In Dawson City. Khe owns friends In a big eake pns-nted n few Monday Xylan it rule the nfghle ate cold followed by as prlnolpal. WEEK DAY TIME TABLE. claims that promise to ho goad ones, days before. ATLANTIC FURNACE warm days for the season. Mr. Crockett has For Fore«t Teak* The ocrn (hope at Norway ant) Booth X’llny the Grammar City Landing, Island, 5 45, which ethers adjoining them have proved 1 be fslr at Pins Grove last week bo no 3i in AJiHriot .no and 6.4ft, 8.00,9.00, 10.30 A. M.. 12.00 Peris, are running full and the park v), Mias JSelUo M., 2.15, 3.15. to be and she has was favored with line weather and run- lllll baa tbs department. ns 5.15.6 15,7.30 P.M. good, rrfassd to sell crop U said to be thy Unset for years Primary Let give yon an | ning txrenirs were met by tbe receipts Air Ivory H. MadOpm aud faiaill 5^ Return—6.20, 7.20.. 8.80. 9.30, 10.50 A. M. them to thoss who hove offered to bay. ff estimate on either Hot 1.00. 2.35.3,35, 5.45, 6.30, 8.20 p. M. KKNNEBUNKPOhT, and something kft to teplanish the treas- CornUK wbo wera At hU For Cualilu«’« Bho was 15 1 Island. G.45, 8.00. 10.30, A. M.. days coming from Dawson ury, brvthyf, Mr K. Jf. ictunaad Air, Hot Water, Combination or Steam. 5; Kcnnebunkcort, Fept. Labor Maddox, 2.15, 3.15, 4.15,5.15, 6.15 P. M. City to Ptntl nd, Oregon, Came ont JDay John Hu Hobbs’s fin'i runner wannfrtB- borne Monday. Return-7.05, 8.15..11.00. A. M., 2.45, marked the real beginning of the exodus HBBtJIiTa OPARANTBBP; 3.45, 4.43. on tha Bonanza White Horse lory Is running with Its usual ospaelty 6.40 P. M. .King to irom of the summer For Little Kennebankper) with proratse ot a good winter trade. and Great Diamond ■•land* It apt Is, from ihsTe to Bennett on steam- guests, atd aro fast. The PERSONAL AND PECULIAR. they going The Vork association Will he Trefethen’*, Evergreen Landing, hotels will all be cloved the Baptist Teaks Island, 6.30. 7.00. 8.00. er Krrawlr, then took steamsr Queen by by twentieth convened at the Baptist oburoh the 18th 10.30 A. M. cf the mouth. Cottagers are to 12.‘i0 M. 2.00. 4.20. 6.15. §7.30 P. M. way of Sitka, ironed by Mayo? beginning and 80th of this month. This oburoh For Ponee’s glaciers leave, as well. tTM K. Small, tbe eeoretnry of the 1 Landing, Luu; Island,5.80, Is tbe PORTLAND 10.30 A. oldest church STOVE FOUNDRY M.. 4.20 6 P. organisation CO. 8.00, 15 M. to Seattle, thru tv Or, Sh# Is Herbert Cl Albert Ward Bntplst 1 2.00, Portland, >ngb, Welnb, In fiooheeter was born at Stookton Return—Leave Little non this stite and Is called the mother Fair, Olamund, 6.30, 7.40. visiting relatives and friends In Walker, Halph Dudley nnd others are 11.45A oburoh of the denomination In the state. Springe, Me., 8S years been a 9.15, M.. 12.25, 3.16. 5.30,7 20. 7.66 P. M. Kortlood and after ylsltlng friends In camping on Trotts' Island near ago,;&nd;has Return—Leave Great Cape It was organized In 17(18. resident of ilocbeeter the ten Otauiond, 0.20, 7.35. MotsvchusaUi is • few weeks, expects to Porpoise lor • few during past 9.10. 11.40 A. M., 12.30. days year.. 3.10, 6.25, 7.15, 8.00 return to Portland, Or, Mies Maldle Coleman It visiting her HAHPSWfflA. P. M. Ret u u—Leave Tie porters announce that (Uli T1»W mother until sahocl opens. The principal .object before tbe great INSTRUCTION. Trefetlien's. 6L»>. 7.30. 9.05 DAILY EUROPEAN HINTS. 119*5. A Park Assort ujou h-11 fats at Katherine West Harpewell, Sept. ^7.—Nearly all of M.. 11.35. 3.06. 5.20. 7.10, 8.05 P.M. wit] Its Miss Hither, formerly of nonnoil of the Improved Order of Hed Return—Leave East JVtb and oar summer company naee gone back to Evergreen. U.15. 7.25, 9.00 BeUc-ta, Sept, iQ,P, Portland, how ct iloaion, spent a few now In suasion at 119*0 A. M., 12.40, 8 00, 6.16. 7.05 P. M. town thslr homes. Seven from Mrs Lizzie Men, Washington, U iWISN IIOOI>Y'S Bctiosh 1m oamrcrncod Tuesday, days at the homo of Miss Alias Desks the For I'once’i Merrlmon’e left Tuesday. Mrs. Merrl- admission ot saloon-keepers to mem- landing. Long Island, 5 3), the 5l>, tiro Potter Ao vdeiey germ com. gad with Mr, Fred Day, tenor, of Words- 8.00, 10.30 A. M., 2. 0 4.20. G.56 P. M. -aces man will return to Portland to ber.blp. Select School of Shorfhani end X!f ca thv 6th, Mr, Jf.wewiand, «yla, tar, Miss Alice CbloU, soprano, and Mr. Saturday Typ:writing Return—Leave Ponce’s Landing, Long •pend tbe winter. J. Mitchel clerk at 6.05. 11.20 A. efpnj and Miss Hdrtmrdtos of Castlds an- Bess, baritone, gave an Impromptu reol- Ualvln, city Boston, WILL OPEX SEPT. 5 Island, 8.50, M., 2,50, 5.05, Schools on the Keck begin 11th. Is 6J56 P. M. Staking. tal at the M, h. parsonage even- Sept. to resign Ms position and retlro from Mouaay Those on the Pupils receive individual instruction In Short- Saturday night 9 30 p. m. for all Bummer vUUnras Mr. and Mrs. W. SL ing. Islands began Sept, fitb, politics. He Is to.become New Engtaml only, landings. Monday, the 4th. Labor hand, Typewriting, and all kinds of office work, §Does not stop at Evergreen landing. Willard, Portland Mo j Mr and Mrs. Miss Alloa Denke has returned from being Lay. representative of certain mining proper- and will be assisted in securing Jest C. K Orr, Webber and Urln employment. f»l’Ail)AY TIME Simon Davis of Boston; Carrie P. a few days' pleasure as Bar Harbor. Philip ties TABLE. Johnron have been friends in JlMreil, Mniiel of The funeral of U. H. Hawkins occurred visiting For Forest City Landing, Peaks Island, Bolster, Koxbury; weak. lit 3. B. Boob ot New York, will oo- MISS ELINOR S. Pro rieor Herbert Robinson, of New Pork at tne S Portland tbls MOODY, 9.00. 10 30, A. M., 12.15, 2.15, 3.15. 5.00 Thursday afternoon et o’clock, unaer hie old of tbe home at A. J. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Pennell, with enpy pnlplt Congregational No. 80 St, Me. H.OOj HoMnson, of Couveue. the dlreotlon of the Methodist pastors. Excbauge Portland, For their grnndeon, Master Tommie Frolh- obnroh, next Sunday, at Augusta Cushing's Island, 9.00, 10.30 A. M.. 12.15. Brethren of the Mssonlo older were pres- BUSINESS DEP’Tt Miss does 3.15. \0 > P. M. LIMERICK, ore at Mrs. .Moody any 2.15, ent. ingham, visiting Kllzebsth Ur. P. A. Crooker ot Searsmont, has and kind of For Little and Thomas's, every stenographic and clerical Great Diamond Islands, Limerick, Sept. 11—Mrs. Mary K. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chav. Morrill of Taunton moved to Angnsta. He will have his *ork. augiseodlm Trefethen'a and Evergreen Landings Hobbs and Peaks Island, 9.00, 109*0 A. daughter Mettle, of Aurora, and Mr. and Mrs. Uso. Kwell, who were AUGUSTA. ollioo with his Dr. J. 8.00, M., 12.15.* brnther, H. Crook- 2.00, 4.20 P. M. 111, are visiting at Edwin Mrs. the guests of U O. took their Cobb's, Morrill, er. In Maaonlo Temple. POKTLAND For Ponce’s Lone Hobbs's brother. Mrs. Hobbs Isa departure afternoon. There Is a marker Improvement In all ACADEMY. Landing, Island, 8.00. large Monday A convention cf tbe National Phllstd- 10.39 A. M., 2.00. 4.20, P. M. owaer In a cotton mill at wfaloh Miss Mabel of All the dlptherla oases at Auguctv. No new Aurora, Wiggins, Souta’ Fall term opens Soplomlier It. I8wo, at rooms RETURN nos her oases hare been reported and It Is now lo tb. Sons of built by husband and brother oburob. New York, soprano soloist, sung Assoolatton, embracing Id llaxler Building. a business course In-1 almost orrtr.In that no mere new Leave Forest City Peaks eererul years ago, und 1* now under the Tho Holy City” to a large and oases Pbilitella, the Philatelic Hons of Amerl eludes Shnrtlund with cars ul aticnllon to Lauding, delighted will ooour. Island, 9 20, 9.45, 10.50 A. M., the of her sou Erne who has at The Chamberlain house, 18 English Grammar and Uvtl Goveruiuenu £2.40, 2.35, 3.45, obnrge it, congregation tbe afternoon Servian of oa and the 5.30 1*. M. Jefferson street, wbeie two ohlldren were Amertoan Phllstella Associa- Private received. ran it since his father's death eight years the Methodist enureb, Sunday. Bov. Mr. pupil, Leave Ponce’s 8 11.23 with Is In For terms of Landing, 45, a. M.. ago. Bean of this ohornb 111 tbe disease, will be fumigated tion In session Datralt, Mich. inquire 2 60. 6.161*. M. preached et the Ooa- MISS E. A. and released from at onoe. FII.ES, Principal. Leave 11.00 A. u E. H. Johnston has reshingled and church in Ksnnebunk Sun- quarantine 120 Free Street Cnshtng’s, 9.55, 12.30, 2.45, This makes the eeoond house to be re- EXCURSION TO HANUEHKY HAKES. 3.60, 6.20 p. m. quite extensively repaired hla house on Sojatlonel>7 morning. Portland. August 28. 1899. sep2u3w leased nnd tbe others will be Leave Little Diamond, 9.10, 9.36. 11.45 A. Hark street, preparatory to moving In and Mrs. J. Is H. Allra of the West relea e1 In a The St., End, few Maine Central railroad will ran 12.50, .*.15, 6.35 1*. M. besoming a resident in oar village again. Portland, and Mrs. Nellie U. Jouea of days. Leave Great an excursion next Saturday from Port- NORTH YARMOUTH Diamond, 9.05, .9 30, 11.40 A. M.. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffersm Furlong, with Cushman street, were guaste et the M. K. WATKBVILLE. ACADEMY 12.55, 3.10, 5A0 p M. their ohlldren, were thrown from their parsonage last week. land and way to stations to Farmington, Yarmouth. Me. Leave Trefethvn’s, 9.00, 0 20, 11.35 A. M., 1.00, Osborne and 3.05. 5 25 p. M. carriage a lew evonlngs slnoe by the Hev. Mr. Merrill of the Barry Dr. E. M. Boyer, Phillips, and the The 86th Year opens Sept, 12, 1899. Special Congregational KlngstUld, Carrab^sset Leave 8 11.30 breaking of a bait and the dropping of a church has acd leaves here In of Watervllfe, narrowly eeoaped being attention to preparation for Bowdolo and other Evergreen. 65,9.25, A. M., 1.06, resigned, Rangeley Hakes. The tickets to Farm 3.00, 5.20 P. M. ■haft, and narrowly escaped a serious re- about two weeks. by a dleoharge from a shot gun, Sunday, leading colleges, Including Wellesley, Sml h, and are and Mi Holyoke. Best facilities for Scientific C. W. T. sult. As It was, Mrs. was Hev. Mr. former of the while boating on the Mesenlonekee. The ington, Phillips Klngstlsld good GODING. General Manager. Furlong badly JLnmb, pastor and Business Education. Board and Tuition bruised and ooeffnea to her oouoh for ohnroh. was of tiring seems to have been malicious. to itop over and the aep9dtf Baptist the Jguest Edwin Sunday Rangeley at unusually lavorable rates. For any deilred some dnys. Uoodwln last week. Uls family remained 8UMNEB. Hake tiokets are good for ten days, thus Information address We are every day expecting to hoar the until this week. Mr. Lamb le the soloist KEV. a P. SNOW, A. PBnrctPAI.. allowing ample opportunity to make M„ hum of the machinery at the faotory In at the C. E. convention In Portland thle West Sumner, Sept. 11 —Tbe house, aug22d&w3w Hollandvllle again, and It will be pleas- week. ell nnd barn of Irn Swift were burn,el trips to various points down the lakes. ant uiuslo in oar village, thla morning. The fire Is supposed to aOBHAH. MAINE EASTERN STEAMBOAT CO. M s; of our summer visitors have left have oaught about tbe oblinney as the PENSIONS. us. C. E. Boynton and wife left for Gorham, B.—Tbe trusties of house was 111 flames wbenjllrst discovered. Sept the Washington, September 12—Tbe follow- EVENING SCHOOL. Cambridge and Nota Nason for her school Cumberland County fair nave nearly Bay, wood, bens and furniture were all Fall In Melrose 1 ist Friday. completed the extensive improvements burned. Insured for IKK). ing pensions bave been granted to Maine Arrangement. It was that they hare been making tbeli with illlfleultv that the adjoining pooplet Street costume of and white DAMAKISCOTTA. upon pale-blue striped The free public School of the of and the few buildings ot K. U. Goble were saved. with overdress of blue cloth bordered Evening City grounds buildings past weeks, ORIGINAL. cloth, Portland will open at the Jackson School fc'eph 11.—Lincoln and will ha Them was of and the wind with bias white satin. Model Fred. 5. 1899. Damorlsoettu, Lodge everything In tine oonditlon plenty help by House Green street, on Monday Commencing Sept. Vti cf was favorable. evening Sept. No, K. P, observed Pythian Sun- for the coming fair next week. The track Daniel W. Oliver, Oeorgetown, (8. 18, 1899, at 7.30 o clock and continue in session at thb Ir at 1.45. Hon. Thomas Woodward and of the and are worked are women who sept7dtd family grounds dolly being everywhere suffer almost con- Leave BoothbayiHarbor at 7.15 a. m., New Orleans, Is at CHEAP EXCURSION landing La., stepping the upon the traek, also several tenia bave dally (Sunday excepted* a«. Mouse Island. Maine Hotel. stantly because they cannot bring themselves to tell been pitched, and a number of showmen THERE Southport, Riggsville, Westport .function and AiLrt Vlnal ot Newcastle died Sunday are on ibe grouuda. Trustee H. H. Joho- all about their ills to a physician. .TO 1804—Hebron Westport. Monday. Wednesday and Friday Academy—1899. Five Islands, and and Sat- morning of typhoid /ever. He had been aou, who has bad charge of tbs women Tuesday. Thursday Improve- Such can their and their at pick a few days 2d. a man at surely explain symptoms A School for urday Sawyer**/Island. Returning leave only Age ments, Is vary busy present, Special Preparatory Colby Bath letter to Mrs. Pinkham at College ami also for all at 2.30 p. m. On and alter October 2 Uorbam village la noted and Isas been Buffering by Lynn, Mass., for the con- prepares colleges. leave FALMOUTH. Montreal, Quebec & St. KUrtito! certification at Smith and Boothbay Harbor, at 8 a. m. and Bath at for for |te abode trees. -—- I Wellesley. many years, One fidence in her has never been Fall Term of 15 Weeks a p. m. West Kims and 'are reposed | opens Tuesday, Fa'moutb, Sept. 11.—Mrs, B. S. mapltg very numerous. September 1‘4, 18t>0. JA8. B. DRAKE. Pres, and (Jen. a JS mm am violated. Over a million women havo Anne de Beaupre Mgr. "J Huston Is the owner of the largest and Perhaps upon tbs Uwo of Mr, Win. H. g^* jm Send lor catalogue to Bath, September 6. 1899. soutAdtf host assortment of bouse plants that we Junes, School street, near tbe Nor- 4 ww 8'Jbbeen helped by her advice and medicine. a.KTD n HTU £1 N W. E. SARGENT. Principal. have seen this season. Her collection tf mal school buildings, stands one of tbe July 18, '99. Hebron. Me. m Mrs. Pinkham in to her vast geraniums, 60 kinds or largest and most bsuutlful elms la our mmmf mgs* attending Jlyl9eod2mo numbering more, Going by regular and contains mnnr rare town. It measure# 17 feet and U Inches is assisted women train. Sept 25th, good specimens, Including mwmmlcorrespondence by o return until Oct. 25th. Tim one with lavender colored blossoms. She at tbe bans, and 16 feet from Wuynflete School. the ground; WAsaggonly. If you are ill, don't delay. Her fares between Portland and Lewiston or STEAMER PEJEPSCOT has also a ruanr varieties of rex It measures 16 feet and two Inohes In cir- Auburn to A boarding and day school for girls, 163 Dan great Montreal and Quebec, 97.50 On and after Sept. 11th. 1899, will leavo WW Vfn£slf will cost and it will be a i'o forth street, Portland. Me., re-opens. 20, Port- begonias whose size and beauty proclaim cumference. Its branches are very hnsd, reply you nothing Montreal and Quebec, 90.00 Sepu land Pier at 3 ro. for Falmouth 18W. Junior and Senior Departments ; College p. Foreside, the care and attention which they re- some, and )t will well par one as it was to Miss Co St. Anne de Beaupre, 88.00 Prince’s visiting -practical help Ella E. L'o M. Anne de Preparatory and General Courses. Principals Point, Cousins, Littleiohn’^Chebeague, ceive. Mrs. Huston out a leaf oar to anil and view Beaupre, Including Mon- Bustln s large from pises It East who "I shrunk at home Monday. Wednesday and Friday, and Island, Freeport. a rex Into ten and Dr. Wm. bos returned from Brenner, Rochester, Ohio, says: from treal, 90.50 RETURN—Leave Porter’s Landing. Free- begonia pieces Inserted Morrill the rtoni other stations at low by special appointment. each our correspondingly at 7.«»0 a. m.; South 7.20 a. in.; piece >n the and eight out of National 0. A, N. encampment. the ordeal of examination by yet 1 knew I must , Miss Caroline M. Crlsfleld. Freeport soil, physician, ates. ustlu’s 7.3o a. 7.55 a. Lit- tbe tsu pieces are now rosttd and Mrs- Wm. and daughters of West- Miss Agues Lowell. 8-1 B>rt, in.; Cbebeague in.; grow- Wyar have treatment. troubles were backache, nervous tired For further particulars apply to agents. 8.06 a.m.; Cousin’s 8.10 Prince's to the auocecs ot are My tlejohn’s a.m.; ing attesting the experi- brook vliitdng Mia. Woodman. 8tale septcdtf Point 8.26 a. ro. Town 9.40 ment. menstruation and Landing a.tu.i attest. feeling, painful Wane’s L tiding 8.66 a. ro. Mrs. Abigail Wilton was the guest ot Mr, and Mrs, Charles X. Cobb, state leucorrhcea. I am so grateful ARRIVE—Portland 9.30 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Hofts Leighton on Sun- Street, hays returned f.-om a brief visit In liiddeford. to you now that I am day. willing (o international Co. Small Point Rome. Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Wilson and Mr. James Hooper, who haa been spend- have my name published to Steamship with Mr. help STEAM F.R PERtl V. daughter, Miss Helen, from Portland, ing A few days and Mrs. other to take their troubles were the guests of relatives here last Jones, Hehool street, ha* returned to his girls will leave Portland Pier at 2 p. m. for Orr*s weak. home in Cambridge, Moss. to you. Lydia E. Pinkham's AUTUMN EXCURSIONS Isltnd, Card* Cove, Aslidale, Small Point Vege- Harbor and Candy Harbor. Mr. and Mrs, L, N. and Mr. Geo. Stront, State, street Is School School Washburn quite table Compound used as you wrote Pads, Paper, RETURN—l eave Cundy Harbor at 6 a.m. granddaughter from Portland, called on 111 via above me has made me From Portland to landings. relatives here on Sunday. Mr. Randall Rider of Boston Is In entirely well Office. 158 Commercial 8t. AnH vprv liannv T alt nil WIaco Spoiling Blanks, Slates, 46-3. J. U. Man. Mr*. Hannah Morrill was oalled to Uorbam on business. Bastpert, Calais, Telephone MCDONALD, Portland last week tbe Mrs. Wm Cosbmoro has returned from by serious Illness as as I live." St. Andrews, Of her granddaughter. Miss Eva Morrill. A few weeks’ ylslt with friends In Canada, you long ^ubec and and St Juhu Composition and Record Books, Mr. Jj. W. Hloks has potatoes large Mrs. Lewis W. Edward* of Westbrook Mrs. Pinkham receives thou- Return, and Return, •nougb to reanlra only of them to and UIsi Leah Barker Wert at tbe fair tblrty sands of such letters from grate- Tickets on sale from August 88ih to & flU a bushel basket. He has al-o a mam- grounds superintending the decorations Erasers, Pencils, Rulers, Sponges, Portland Boothbay Steamboat Col 1 October 1st. Good to moth Is are made ful women. return 30 day's (quest that nearly seven feet In that Using in tbe large rooms of GOING WEST. ciroumtereaoe. the main baudlog Miss Nellie rom date of Issue, Portfolios. Russell, of STEAMER ENTERPRISE leaves AS Mr. and Mrs illohard Monntfort and aug24dto«tl l H. P. MERSEY, Agent. 138 Grace St., Pa., of follows: Mr. Bradford Brooks were the gneals of BALDWIN. Pittsburg, All Kinds School Books East Boothbay for Portland, Mondays, Mr. and Mre. Roland in a letter to uud at Leighton on Hun- North Baldwin, Sept, 7.—Mrs. Susan Mrs, Pink- at Low Prices* Wednesdays Fridays, 7.0 a. in., day. touching at South Bristol, f Christina* Larrabee and Mrs. are — Cove, Nancy Dyar botb ham says; From child- MISS A. L. SAWYER'S! Heron Island, t Ocean Mr and Mrs. Guy Wilson oalltd on sick. Point, Boothbay Har- at quite hood I suffered from bor, Squirrel Island. relatives West Cumber laud, Sunday Wa kidney , afternoon. nr* glad to say Mia* Marola Murob GOING EAST. Is foot, trouble and as I older School of Shorthand and gaining quite grew Typewriting, Leave Franklin Wharf Tues- IMr. K. A. Carteett wlf* and of Portland, OTIBFIELD. son, iny troubles increased hav- Centennial Block, 03 Bxckange'gt., SHORT & days and Saturdays at 7.00 a. !U., for Westbrook, visited his father J. E. Curt- Portland, Maine, LORING, HARMON, • DamarlscottH, touching at Squirrel Islaud, Otlsdeld, Sept. 11.—Schools la Otis rot Mrs. Car tret and ing intense pain running t Ocean Herou lleld Monday. aon.'affc r iwlfl open September 4, 1899. Boothbay Harbor, Point. began Monday, Sept. 11, with the a few wltb her Island, t Cnrlstm&s Cove, South Bristol, spading days aunt, Mrs. from my waist to my womb and the Instruction Preble House. Spun's Corner, Mias L. A. Wiggln, returned home Thursday. Thorough given in shorthand, Opp. East Bw'hbay. ltoltle menses were One ypewriting, correspondence, &c. sopCeodtt Leave Thursdays, at 7.09 a m., Buaknam; East Otlstleld, Miss Mrs. K. Jj. Blnfsrd has gone to Maasa- very painful. day, Portland, BlehPhe Dean; Otlstleld Miss tireos augl5eoa2mos EXECUTRIX’S AOTICE. for East Boothbay and above landing* except Goto, ebosetta to visit bar brother Mr. Leonard seeing your advertisement in one of Damariscotta. a ounce; Sooth OUsttetd, Miss Mollle Moody. our I wrote to subscriber give* notice that she t Pas sen ners conveyed by team. Mottle; Scribner Miss papers, you. hereby * Hill, Margaret Bv- Mr. and Mrs. L- M. Sanborn have re- THEhas been Executrix of the Returning to East Booibbay. sreMt Oak Miss Violet duly appointed Hill. Mayberry; turned to their borne In Gardiner. “When your reply came I began taking ADAMS & last will and Teif iment of Subject to change without notice, Ball kill. Mrs. & J. ANDERSON, CO., ALFRED RACK. Manager. Weston; Swamp! Mrs. B. K Mllllken retnrntd to her and followed advice WILLIAM B. SPRING, late of jyldtf Till*, MR* Gertrude Spun. heme In your Compound your Porllmnd, Worcester, Mate. Friday. Insurance In the ot deceased. All Mr. A. H. Smith, Mrs. J, W, Cook Mrs Her land and am now in perfect health, and would ad- Fire Agency County Cumberland, Weed, of Daerlng, visited persons having demand, agalust the estate of and Mias Haiti* J. attended the Lorlng, ber sister. Mrs. Henry Davie, lost week. vise any lady rich or to take E. 31 Exchange Street. said deceased are desired to present the same $9.99 WATCH. Christina Endeavor *' poor Lydia convention at Part- >rkei let*, home nearly for settlement, aud all Indebted thereto are re- 20 year gold filled case Waltham or Elgin as tbe Pinkham’s Vegetable which I can laud. delegates for Otlstleld, Y. In- or aome lima bis where- Compound, praise above aU Hr.i riu. American and Foreign Compantea quested to make paynteut Immediately. Kleke! movement, wan anted to be the best V. S. 0. E. tuM. c. Adams. LOUISA watch lor society. abouts were not kuown, but recently woid other remedies. It is a woncarful to women.” Hodaca Anpjcd.ok. SPRING. the money. MeKENNKY, the help deeu Tno», J. I.ittul lp eodtt Portland, Sept 5,18M. sepitUawith Jeweler Monnmeut Square. je9 '-•—'I" 1 1 I THE PRESS. man of today. He cannot begin burinesi about Portland haw enjoyed a most satis- _ginCBIAAXliOTfc m«)ICtAL —-1 on hi* own aooount against organised factory beeloese tbla l»**on. Portland li __I___Amwwwrm capital, and bs most content himself with oontlnoally growlug In popularity with we orrcit, PORTLAND Til 18. KATiTk, 5. WEDNESDAY. NFPIEHIIER being a mete clerk, with little prospect all alaaeee of summer visitors, and this f:ESSSSfr:‘. of ewer Wasb- was than this sum- 50,000 getting any farther. Mr. never mors manifest FOUR A TKMM8I b irne believes a large number of the ex- mer. MIGHTS, MAMMOUTH PRf DUCTION. MIDDLESEX VALLEY R. R. (Arand DAILY rRKSA— truata will to whenever CO., Rnivtl o# the isting go place* Heantirul Warld-F«med, —The of a rush of business at 1st Gold 5*. Int Amertean Drama nn.l or we report M'tft. Jfay k Sot., Commwoliig Nos*/ By tli* year, to in advance 17 at the end ef strike dull times. They are immense- |pijre|AND Elating. Sap?. 1tt>, Ttu- Kxrlullim Haima, th* woolen mills In Warren, In Knox One 1942 at par k lalerMt. the year. ly over capitalized, and only keep their *» and county, I* only one of tbs many signs Wadnasdij Thuradaj Raimaai By the month, 50 eauts. beads above water today baennae Just now This bond la unconditionally that*basinets In Maine. Prosper- BLUE The DAILY Pit ESS is delivered at these rates there is a tremendous demand for almost Is^good siutrunted. Principal A Interest JEANS Arthur. to subscribers In all ol ity has been abroad la this State for some SAFE by endorsement on eneli bond By Joseph Positively the only travel* every morning parts He oat that some of everything. point* the Uiir company presenting this i^autlul play. Portland, ami In Westbrook and Soulb Port- time. by Lehigh Valley R. R. Co. THE MANHATTAN STOCK SEE these trusts have arbitrarily forced np CO. The sensations! saw-mill scene. “Will it a wo- | The land. fade?” is Harboring, prloat to almost doable what would con- —A judge at Augusta has granted a | | New Plays, Sew The Rising fiuu Roarers Band. MAINE 8TATE PRESS (Weekly!- man’s first when Hpeetultiea. The Christmas Tree and stitute a fair prflOVnnd as an example divorce to a woman who had been mar- g question Santa Claus. By tue year. SI in advance, or Sl-26 at the | PRICE, McCORMICK & CO., he instances steel rails. One and a half ried but In that brief time wash The Men«l»r of tb* year. twenty days. buying fabric*. Boy Ann«, 25 in the end g | Fj.olng.TBaKeening.* People Company. For six mombs, 60 cents; lor three months, years ago rati* of fair quality were being her husband had been enterprising 70 Broadway. Ifew York. Ttieaday Modern HSro X test is in the washing, Wednesday Kvenlng,.Down (he Slone gu",#,,e Note ,h* 26 oems. ■old at 917 a ton at a of, j | protit perhaps, enough to squander all bis wife’s prop- PORTLAND Tharaday granitic.Onlliy Wlitaont mine mUry.^.frX.trT’ 8 OFPICK, Frlce* xe aod Meta. » 9>.&0 a ton. What was tbs consequence f erty. Cheap common soaps may to, Matinee loan I an •£*? Js^^sasns* are not delivered 216 Middle St. Subscribers whose papers Wu sent rails all over the world, Invading do more than a are to the office of [ damage H. promptly requested notify Great Britain, China, Japan and other —Little elder will be mad* In Maine T. WATRRHOUSK, Mgr. FAY BR. S & HOSFORO, the DAILY PRESS, No »7 Exchange street, this year’s wear. Pure Soap— ouhntrles. With the enormous fell. Th* prohibitory caterpillar pnt THE deposits EHel.l’nlon Water A JEFFERSON. L essees & X an Portland Me. his on the older business $90,000. _* g»n' of high-grade ore in Minnesota and Wis- tnjsnettoo early In tbs season. Light Company, Aral THIS consin, there 1* no reason why we ehould WEEK.! Patrone o( the PRESS who are leaving town mortgage, not be able to rails end other FAIRBANKS i gold, 9’a, TIutiiiees produce temporarily mav have the atldresaea ol tbelr CURRENT COMMENT. doe 10X4. Tnciday, Thundar & Nnf'-day. steel products obeaper then any other papers changed as often as they may dealre by nation. As a result of trust manipula- notifying tbe office $*9,000. Pulaski Una light tion stsel rails now srll at 990 a ton or A “CHHISTIAS" DAILY XEW8PA- THE Compnny, of Little SHUBERT STOCK COMriiriY thereabouts Of course, the protit Is ex- FKK. In Dannirlrr's We suppose there are people credulous Masterpiece. obltant. Rock, Aral mortgage, enough to believe the story that comes (From the Christian Work.) FAIRY It Is dlfflcnlt to see what suffi- gold, O'e, doe 19X7. Iro-n Ellsworth about the frog that grew Charles M. Sheldon, author of "In cient answer can be made to Mr. Wash- up, from a tad pole presumably, la a Hie Step#,” proposed "the raising of burne's That trusts do re- for the $20,000. Hudson, If. H., Wafer child a stomach. arraignment. •1,000,000 Immediate establish- ’* TRILBY. ment of a Christian Works Brat ft riot opportunities Is patent to every- dally newspaper. Coiupuay, PRICRS-TJ, 50 and #Sc. flnitnce*, 2.1c mot He. Ex-Gov. Is Dot to the Wo have an Idea that sum onn be better ! Alcgeld going body. tSInoe tbe trust orate set In thous- mortgage, gold, 9'« employed than by sinking It In establish- Week 18—John Drew’s Great < trust convention beoaute, apparently ands of commercial travellers bav* been dne 1919. Sept. Success, Jit ing a daily religions newspaper. Such 1 willSOAPj do as much to l trusts are to be defended there as well as thrown oot of employment, and some a paper wonld be of no use, and would preserve I them as a care. There ia attsoked. Altgeld never la vrtlllDg to ad- manufacturing establishments have been be a failure In advance, tbat catered only j year’s j j .FOR SALE BT. to Christian readers. There no resin in to tl at there can be side to a Is, although Soap gum mit any ques- closed to prevent overproduatlon, throw- Fniry 1 Mr. Sheldon may not think It, a bit of | the clothes, no alkali to rot the tion tbe one he | except esponeea ing many men out of work. This Christian selfishness In this proposition. ] ; threads and fade the colors— j \ It is much better that our dallies latter evil le not so apparent yet as It will should absolutely no impurity of any j! H. M. PAYSON It really begins to look as If the Dreyfue be edited by Christian men, and made 1 1 &CO., be later on when demand bas somewhat : kind to injure even the most j If 1; stands, will seriously affect clean and sweet, yet newsy, bright and BANKERS*, UNDERWOODSPRING verdict, aa It will in delicate fabric. It is the best abated, inevitably time. As and so appeal to the best motives ] \ j A Park In a Forest tbe Peris exposition. Apparentlr many able, White made. by the Sea. fer raising priors to the consumer It la of all people, than It should be attempted floating Soap 32 EXCHANGE STREET. which ware to make Three for the l concerns preparing to supply a paper exclusively and speol- convenient sizes ] lulyildtt On the line of extensive exhibits have determined to IlnaMy Christian. We have an Idea that toilet, bath and effect of many of the frusta. tn that j laundry. j t Only uu inns is neeuea is tne nest stop preparations. A wdfld-wlde boycott utilizing way can they pay dividends on their ot the forcis wc nave—tbe obnrob, the i THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY i ! would be something unique. PORTLAND & YARMOUTH ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. inflated capitalization. But the dlflloulty borne, the Sunday sobool. Put the Chris- C Chicago. Now York. St. Louia. Boston. Home Investments. life Into j j ✓ MUSIC afternoon and of the situation la not to out and tian thesz. as it should be put, evening bv the American Cadet Bsnd BI.Kt run rot’VTiii Tbe of the for point evenings. LAKUKrASI with Music appeal Dreyfus judges and the dallies will he all right. Any- VO, Hall, card and smoktag rooms onen flnTln ever. prove thr evils of trusts but to 1,1 for the convicted man Indicates provide way, we would rather sue a million raised $10,000 Ellsworth Electric Illuminating cll4ri18 *• w. Plllsbury. KISH A clemency OIWNBKB. Musle In 9EPTR.MBK11 ber of aores of the spruoe land and the VY, 17TH. is not satisfactory to the onuutry fretn a Pratt author of 4’s. due 1924. talk for tbe representative of a nation The Whirling Globe, etc. Maelatus Water Co. ft’s dnc 1016. The Elegaut steamer Pilgrim will leave Cus- yield. It oan be learned howlong the pres- moral point of view or to tbe army from There are First Nulionul Bank Stork. Oakland Water Co. ft’s due tom House wii irf at 0 t/elooK for Rail! ai*d Mer- that fer a hundred years has maintained a point It foity-elght Illustrations oy L. 1018. ent will but that 1b said to military of view. ought to be ryj Meeting l ark. Tills is far the l»«-st arrt supplv last, J. Water Co. 4’a due 10-40. by the right of freedom and self found possible speedily to improve it. | Bridgman. It Is published by L. C. Kcivport cheapest excursion that has been offered to the government, be lmprsotloable. An on the ===== authority Co. Boston Bangor and Aroostook Railroad First citizens of Portland and ns it w. I bat It Is at least Intelligible. When a Page (Portland: Lorlng, vlctniiy give subject says that with the mills of the Mortgage ft’s due 11143. them all an opportunity to see Merry Meeting man says we ore going to bold the BECENT PUBLICATIONS. Short & Harmon.) Philip- State feet of a Bangor and Aroostook Piscataquis using 60U,0Q0,C03 spruoe New England. have been made pines if we think we can make Division First Mortgage ft’s due 1043. Arrangements something year, the supply ounuot become exhausted Ellsworth’s Checker William with Uie Bath, Lewiston amt Brunswick Elec- Who's Who In Amerioa is tho Book, by Portland Trust out of otherwise he a sugges- Go. tric K. R. to them, not, tonvev passengers cars presents each acre of land Call of First 4’s due by special injoaae spruoe producing Timothy (press Henry L. Cain Jly^Odtf_ Hallway Mortgage from Bath to the Park. will policy that at least oan be undei stood. tive title of a useful volume of btographl- Passengers have yields 60 feet of spruoe each year. All & Son, New York; Portland: Lorlng, = THE ===== And other high class bonds. about two hours at the Park leaving there at osl sketches putllahed by A. N. Marquis 3.15 for the return those men Price and particulars furnished on trip. The friends of Gen. Oils are of the fcitate who are In any Short & Harmon) is a little treatise on Very much & Co. of Chicago, It is a book of nearly application. Bound trip tickets to Merry Meeting Park, manner Informed on the subjeot, be the of oheokers with admission to 70c. disturbed by tbe rumor that tbe President they nine hundred filled with condensed game many useful ; tnc)ud|pg Park, pages Bound ti ip to Bath 50c. for the palp mills or against them, will hints In regard to tbe and a de- Is contemplating the sending of some biographies of living men and women of game, C. W. T. GOD ING, be and n conservative some National Interviewed esti- of of Casco Bank scription tbe best Casco 8. B. Co. other oommander to the Philippines aud the United States, selected aooordlng to openings. sepiatd_Gen, Manager Bay mate made of the question. One of the Checker students will hnd It of .OF.. MERCANTILE are bringing all the pressure they oan to their prominenoe in all walks of life. Tho much arguments that Is pointed out the SUFRAGE CLUB jciouu » auc ucu 1UI tiuiu 1JUU. by value. vuuu^Oi work ts edited by John W. and EQUAL friends of the is Leonard, PORTLAND, MAINE. Lawton that he had ever criticized Gen. pnlp mills, the fact that bears the signs of thoroughness and an- TRUST Mr*. Carrie ClFipiumi Cat! the mills with the millions that are Harper Bros, have a new Otis’s ol 1s believed to being just'publlshed COMPANY, — plan campaign, It is better than tbe 1824. AT in vuufml in fha nlsnfa M 111 « — X _ X x ooraoy. ordinary Incorporated —WILL LECTURE have been edition of George William Curtis’s de- procured by them. While It which deals CAPITAL AND SI'It PLUS see biographloal dictionary, 57 St. is doubtless true tbe supply out'off In a few years any lightful Prue and I Exchange FRIENDS’ that Lawton has never with the of tbe (Portland> Lorlng, Me. CHURCH, largely people past. For Portlaud, jlylSdtl at In found fault with more than tbe other people, ss It will Short & Harmon. Wednesday Firming, Sept. 13, any public way uc W llUi ttllU Quarter Before O’clock. render the millions of rjinjAJl IUUUCB, ariOB, UiUIUmJ Flight O'.ls’s management, It Is true property valueless. probably business purposes the work Is Invaluable. Japan In Transition: By Stafford Han- SUBJECT —“WHO IS AFRAID1” that privately he has repeatedly con- ONE MILLION Admission loc. septlidat* —Maine Unlversallsts are Interested (Portland: Loring, Short & Harmon.) sonie (New York) Harper Brothers; demned It. Unless all the correspondents In the coming biennial session of the Portland: Short Si la a lhe Amerloan Hook Lorlng, Harmon) $150,000 FINANCIAL. in Luzon are guilty of Otis Company (New _ falsehood, General Convention at Bcston, October comparative atndy of the progress, policy, has been jealous of his division oomman- York, Cincinnati, Chicago) Is continu- 20-26. Nearly one-half of the Universe- and methods of the Japanese since their ST. LOUIS & SAN FRANCISO Lawton tbe ing Its edition* of German olas- DOLLARS. R.R. der, among rest, bandy frequently list denomination reside In New Eng- war with China. In his Introduction the and now offers HAVERHILL GAS Central Division First Gold 4's. Interfering with their at a slot, Heyse's L’Arrabbl- Interest Paid on operations land. 'there ars In the United States and anther points oat that there are three dis- orltloal lest should ata bound In oonvenient alze, with anno- DUE moment, they get Canada about 1000 societies, with which tinct Japans In exlstenoe —the old 1929. tations and the today TIME too much vocabulary. Jfor student DEPOSITS. Au ex- glory. there are oonneuted 60,000 families. In Japan, as It has been for two thousand underlying mortgage ou au of these volumes are SECURITIES COMPANY of language very volu- ceedingly valuable section (be main Senator Foraker has taken the 645 Sunday schools of the denomina- years; the new Japan, whloh has as yet oooaslon to ble and acceptable. Hue, protected by $7,3£0,000 consoli- tion thero are (Portland: Loring, been out in a the 62,000 teachers and pupils, hardly born; and transition Japan. Drafts drawn on National Provincial point letter to anti-imperial- Short & Harmon.) dated l’s of tbe system, aud by $£1,000,- and the number It is safe to that tbe most Bunk of England, Loudon. In large or COLLATERAL ist leugus ot Cincinnati that A tar clergymen 768. Compar- say Interesting TRUST OOO dividend oho, small amounts, for sale at current rates. paying preferred stock. few societies have and pertinent fact In Japan’s history the chief who denounced atively been formed Educational Nuggets and Patriotic Current Accounts received on favor- Bonds yield about 4.30. Filipino reoently during the last has been hi r sonth of tbe Potomac and generation able terms. as a is tbe man Ohio rivers. Nuggets are two little books of a aeries Agulnaldo usurper who treatment o( foreigners Rigidly excluded Correspondence solicited from Indi- demanded tint Agulnaldo should hand issued by Fords, Howard & llurlbert of for generations., when they were dually viduals, Corporations, Banks and 5 Per Cent —The State Board of Trade at its com- admitted the others to accounts as well over to him of New York Short & Japanese rapidly adopted desiring open k408,QQ0 the fund^which the (Portland: Loring, as ing meeting In Bangor will deTOte Its at- their metnotls and their religion, sought from those wishing to transact 11alik- for the Harmon). Educational Nuggets oontatns business of CHARLESF. Spanish paid retirement of the tention to the of and ing any description through FLAGG, subject foreign markets foreign teachers, foreign engineers, this Bank. leader of tbe rebellion of suggestive extracts bearing on education officers. To be a SINKING FUND GOLD BONDS, Philippine 18117, for Maine goods. If some ot the Maine foreign foreigner In while from Plato, Arlstlolls, Japan twenty, ten, or even live years 17 St.. Portland. Agulnaldo Insisted that the money men who are Hosseau, Herbert, ago Exchange sending cotton oloths to was to be a STEPHEN R. Butler man of power and Influence. SMALL. President Secured au Indenture of Trust cov- No. 14£-4. be kept Intact to carry on another re del- Spenoer, Harris, and Eliot, 'l'he by Telephone China and India, paper to and And now. to In Tran- England collection is made John according Japan MARSHALL R. GODIN0. Cashier. ing the total capital stock and property lion.provided the Spaniards did not by U. Howard. sition. ns the have learned c.b7dti keep Australia, and canned corn, beans, Japanese all of the Haverhill (Mass.) Gas Light Com- their promises. Senator boraker’s letter Patriotic Nuggets contains selections cal- the foreigner can teach them in apples and losbters to all the will science, pany. JoshuT brows & co. world, culated to instil literature, art, war, oo turns manufac- LIMITED ADIOIIXT OF has given rise to sn Impression that he patriotism from Frank- roe, The net for attend and tell what they know about the turing and, in short In all enterprises, earnings year ending June, does not of the of lin, Washington, Jefferson, Lin- wore wore than approve polloy foroe In business, some wise and valuable dlsons- Webster, they are relegating their Instructors to the 1899, the BANKERS, tbe and that he coln and Beecher. wttb tbe for interest on the bonds. e Philippines may oppose slon will be sure to result. background cry, “Japan ths outstanding <5 ; nd 47 Wall St., N. Y. c3 C la St., Boston it In the Senate. And tbe Japanese" Mr. Hansoms shows that even Prices on application. impression is Method 421 Ihaslnal SL, Phlidepha In Eduoation, published by the those who aonepted Christianity did so greatly strengthened by the fact that —When the first pulp mills were estab- and American Book only for the Instruction whloh the mis- FIRST Specialists In Investment Securities lished In Company, New York MORTGAGE dividend Zinc Stocks. Senator Hanna dots approve of It. Ohio Maine, poplar wood was mcch sionaries could give them. In the monthly paying end army Interest allowed ou to check but there are Chicago (Portland: Loring, Short same deposits, subject ■enators seldom agree If they oan help It. need, now only three mills and navy the state cf r flairs exists. at sight. & Is a text book for or 6 Per Gent 40 Year Gold Bonds In the State using It. One of these the Harmon), teachers, English German officers who fought We do not buy or sell stocks ou a margiu. for tbe Optional In Ten Years at 100 and solicited. EX-SENATOR WASHBURN ON S. b>. Warren prepared bj_Rurio N. Hoarfc, Ph. D„ Japan throughout China war are In- SWAN&BARRETT, Accounts of luvestors mllljof Westbrook, furnishes needed no terest, Due 1030. TRUSTS. Dean of the of longer simply for the reeson 186 middle the book on whlofa department pedagogy. • hat the Street, paper Harper's and military schools whloh were This Go. is oue of the big Industrials which jly3t dtf Write for List of Besnble Investments. Ex-Senator State college of Eeutuoky. The work is William D. Washburne of the Century Magazines are published, it founded through tbelr efforts have devel- is founded on souud principles aud is one that sepl3\V&8lmfc described Its author as first-class controls one of the necessities Minnesota writes to tbe Mew York Is found that by an attempt to oped Japanese officers. Every- of life and as Trib- tbs poplar pulp makes as the come develop In detail tha of where tbe policy cf discharging tbe for- long days aud go is assured of an une In condemnation of the trusts. As of better than oan application Increased business, which is a paper quality be ob- eigner as soon ns possible has been guarantee of psychology in the work of lhe security. Investors who ouy these bonds wilt CITY INVESTYOURMONEY Mr. Wash burse Is a and tained from ruce. teaching, and In a few a OF PORTLAND. large capitalist a; adopted, Jyears foreigner get » security that will have a market from work deals with foundations of method, In kind of an tbs head of n very extensive business his any official capacity will be Maine to the Rocky Mountains and one that WHERE ir WILL MAKE MONEY —The travelling libraries have of relative the exception. In the will be listed oh the New York block Ex- letter will attract unusual attention. Be- started. general principles method, fact, only foreign- $£0 invested in the ers who command real at change aud will go to 110 within three years. The first section went out this wtek to a value of school studies and exerolses, any respeot FHANKL1N SYNDIC A l’E will net cause It Is a destroyer of opportunities. are the you PHBent ambassadors of the pow- Pull a of 3100 a reading olub of West Eden, on tha Island reading, spelling, ohjeot lessons, geogra- particulars upon application. profit year. Mr. Wtehbarne especially condemns the er*. Clark Street Bridge will be closed to of Mount Desert. This srotlon was a phy, history, olil's, physiology, Eng Hub trust.! When be was a boy n youog man _**r. Hsnsoma shows how a aomplets In- public travel .Holiday, Aug. 21st, collection of heys’ stories and we shall soon grammar, arithmetic, language and dustrial system has been from at 7 o’dock a. m. and Dividends Paid Week eotered the race without a handicap, and evolved 1899, uulil fur- Every be hearing from Eden that toe 1 tea of the character building, 'l'he book ought to European and American models; bow RALPH L ther notice. Can Refer you to Clients of hit grit and oapselty won. Bat the Is MERRILL, ie of value to teachers. Christianity tolerated as a harmless GEO. N. FEltNALD. long standing. Bend for particulars, of trusts travelling library “bully” and ‘‘great" prove greet building up puts a stop to fair religion; bow, like other religion* It Is Banker, Commissioner of Public Works. and for the considered a useless burden to ‘the aver- WILLIAM F. equal opportunities youog —The transportation In A ar: t or Aug. 18, 1890. MILLER, companies and Prinoa of Georgia Ta'ca. age highly educated Japanese. Middle, car. Union Street, Portinod, Me. augiatf 144 FLOYD STREET, BROOKLYN, N.Y* Both tbe brlde.'and groom number hot ltKW AnVKRTIRKMKmTB. j NKW HDVKRTISBHBRn. mew AnVKRTlSRMRNTa. of fPlenda who join In wishing that tbe wedded newly pair may enjoy a long and m happy Ilf*. Mr. and Mrs. Spenoer left for an extended trip. They have taken rooms at the Sherwood In this olty and will he ft? The Grand Jury Report- at home after October 10. $)‘J{&ibbn MANS U M—PERKINS. ed Yesterday. A pretty borne wedding occurred 4’ yester- WE WOULDN’T RE- at 10.50 o'olook at 75 day morning the real- 1 PEAT our denoe of Mis Margaret Mangnm, Cum- yesterday’s whara her | of Black If berland, daughter, Miss Mary story Crepons Mangnm, waa united In marriage to Mr. another theme half as An Hoes Perxlns of New Alleged Policy Shop Keeper in York. Tbe bride true and attractive could was attended by bar sister, Mice Emma be imagined. the List. Mangnm. and the groom by Mr. Hsrbert PIANOS Oyer of thta city. the happy oonple left But CREPONS is the on 1.45 train the yesterday afternoon, for I Autumn Keynote of the New York their future {UPRIGHT home, amid show- Correct theme. er* of rice, and good wishes from all wbo Be Sold. Cowning Usual Larceny and As- knew them. On the oar In whloh they THESE f It’s marvelous the rode was attached the “Jnst INSTRUMENTS WERE NEW pl&oard E: changes that can be rung sault Cases. Married, and the wheels and running THIS YEAR and ARE of upon the BLACK BLIS- gear were all tied up with white doth || and TER THENtE. and ribbon*. My. Mrs. Perkins were THE VERY LATEST STYLE. I tbe recipients of a large number of beau- Here are maybe forty (Musthave been rented from one to three and tiful presents. months, f every way as good ns new. 5’ different varieties of New Doings of the District and Muni- BORDBK-LOVKITT. are They routing in every day, and as we huve no room < r Black Crepons. strains of iwlded lo Hit* a Llrely niuslo oame from the ■ ?ave give people Im'imHi and 5> Courts. shall mark them at a liberal discount t TERMS: CASH OR EASY PAYMEMTS. 1 Do not wash hands and face with a common opening of oourt lueeday morn- your Anderson, Adama Co., and Mias Beasts Style, Beauty and Adapt- ing, the following trayerte jury wae em- !They or if do, don’t when Maud Borden of this olty. ableness to laundry soap, you complain you panneled: Charles K. Alien, Gray; Fred every com- There were pretty floral deooratlona find them rough, hard and chapped. Ordinary laundry N. Berry, Brlilgion; Sumner U. Brewer, plexion there’s no rival to about tbe ohunoel rail and to Lohengrin’) Freeport; Van W. Carle, Gorham; Wig. Piano Guaranteed- 1 are for floors, butnot for the skin. waa Fully BLACK CHE PON.) soaps good scrubbing march, which played by Mr, Geo. F. v/oewi muiuu xi. nnPKejj a Saugller, the proosaalon walked th« As in the two sea- Ivory Soap makes creamy lather that rinses easily and (foreman), South Portland; Lewis E. up past alele preceded by the ushers, Arthur Dyoi takes the dirt with it. The natural oil of the skin llawkes, Windham; John H. Hougdon, sons we have secured and Chester Uoten, who were followed by llrunswlok; T. Alonzo Libby, Searboro; the choicest washed with is not removed, and the skin is the bridesmaid, Miss Kay Borden, a slstei styles. Ivory Soap Charles W. Mountfort. Falmouth; Harry M. STEINERT & SONS CO. I of the bride, and next was tbe bride lean, FREAK CREPONS left soft and smboth. E. Hiohards, North Yarmouth; Temple get on the arm of ber father. wen IT FLOATS. U. Snow, Westbrook, Supernumeraries: They T. €. no housing here. met at tbe altar by tbe groom, who wai McGOULDRIC, %r. % COPYRIGHT IBM BY THE PROCTER A GAMBLE CO. CINC1NNAH Thomas Towle, Portland; Charles E. bis These have the fine, Trurant, Harpswell. accompanied by best man, It U, 51T Congress 81. Tel. IIP. Portland. Maine. 2? Gerrlsh, Jr., and the ceremony was per closely woven raised The jury wss exoueed until Thursday •eptudtf formed Key. Luther 2h HAKIIOK NOTES. RAILWAY MATTERS. morning. by Freeman, pastoi blisters, bright with the of the ohurcb, during whloh soft mual< The grand jury reported at about 4.30 a wmmmNm lustre that is the charm items of Interest Picked Portlaud and was played on the organ. Up Along the Ruinford Falla and Rum- In the ofternoon. The following ludlot- of The bride, who was given away hy bei Crepons. Water Front. ford Falla and Rangrlry Lnkra. ments are made pnblla: father, waa dressed In whip At Thomas a charmingly [Every 4 different de- Godfrey, laroeny of Uto dol- A HAPPY SI.00, swlts HOME The State arrived aft 3.1ft trimmed with Valenciennes laa Bay yesterday Two annual railroad meetings were lar bill and a pocketbook from tbe person <*Mlre signs. and Insertion, and she carried brlda nf «»ery rlBtit minded man. and afternoon from Boston and at G a. in. the held in this of Lorlng S. Lombard of Portland on the city yesterday. ",s ow,‘ At SI.50, 5 Bradford de- T'remont left here for Boston. roses, her veil being neatly oaugbt u| PORTLAND & KUMFORD FALLSCO 14th of July.^ ?rMM?6o:„ndSrd,yon with roses. The bridesmaid was In whip Amonz the arrivals yesterday was the Fred A. assault and on signs. The annual Snow, battery meeting of the stockholders swlse over yellow, trimmed with Vallen b# Dullt schooner John B. Coyle with loe from John C. Brett at on 2d. <*n, at *"ol, moderate At 8 de- wcs Harpswell July mdEf?l.n<5im®* 31.50, English held at the ofUoe of tne company In olennes laoe, and she carried yellow and tlIat “>o» who the Kennebeo. She will finish her load Vieston It. Stinson, assault and bat- “•m only a small this The annual salary can easily city yesterday morning. white rosea. Aa tbe bridal party left thi T*3 ° signs. here and sail for Demarara. tery on Abram C. Uatobell at Harpswell 11,0 con,'ort 'vhl'»> »"Ch reports to the stockholders for the year churoh Mendelaaohn'e rnarol 5oma»*brtngf At SI.75, 16 Bradford de- Yacht arrivals were the Grampus and on July 2d. wedding If you are of June were thinking buying a lot von can- ending 30, 1890, accepted. wae played. The brlda reoalved many jhe Kathelruina. assault and °PP°«uni»y directors Angelo Uambroslo, battery Sver onr H.V* jo”™6, oUocklng signs. The fallowing were elected for After a short Mr Aeniember we are our Articles are at the otUoe of the on Petronllla preaents. wedding trip ownJJJJ ?SI,l8f; selling open Uambroslo, July ltb. property and therefore can make the At 4 he ensuing year: Hugh J. Chisholm, and Mrs. Lovettt will return to 61 Gran term* to suit SI.75, Cermans, United States shipping commissioner for William E. Sanford, alias William E. the purchaser. Portland, Me.; Waldo Pettenglll, Hum- etreat. silk figure. crews for the following vessels: Prank Sanborn, cheating by false prrteness. ford Falls, Me.; Ueorge-D. Hlshee, Rum- At T. Stinson, Portland, to one or more George E. Johnson, laroeny of $30 JACKSON—STEVENS. S2.25, English ford Fulls," Ma ; Fred K. Richards, Port- coal ports and return east: S. P. Black- from George W. Holden of Harpswell. on A quiet home wedding ooourred Tues- land, Me.; Galen C. Moses, Hath, Me.; LIEWEILyTITlEIGIITOII, double face. burn, ditto; Carrie K. Rogers, Portland August lutb. day morning at the resldenoe of the George C. Wing, Auburn, Me.; Payson Street. At S2.25 to to New York and return east J. S. John A. McKenzie and Thurlow Wood- bride’s mother, Mrs. C. M. Jackson o! S3.50, Silk tucker, Portland, Me.; George N. sepuaj?,8 Winslow, Portland to Norfolk, thence to bury, laroeoy of a boat from Stephen H. Lisbon, when ber daughter. Miss Lizxli Crepons. Fletcher, Detroit, Mich.; Charles D. Port Spain, Trinidad, thence to any Leighton, ou August 13. M. Jackson, was united In marriage t< MAINE CENTRAL R. R. lirown, Boston, Mass.; A. N. Burbank, We call special atten- other port s the master may direot and Paul Uustln of llrunswlok, larceny of a Mr. George W. I. Stevens of Morvllli New York; K. C. Bradford, Portland, tion to the SI.75 Brad- return to a port of discharge north of watch and $87 In money, from Christian Corner. The bouse was handsomely dec Me. The directors will meet for organi- Cape Bat terns. Housle. orated for the occasion. The ceremony Annual ford and Cermany de- zation on Monday, the 18th Inst. Excursion I’snt. 'I' W 1 111nn .7r f>nm mn nilur nf Frederick J. Hanson, larceny of oopper was witnessed only by the Immediate The financial of the railroad for signs. report SPRING — TO — the 6obooner Phineas W. Sprague, will wire from the Western Union Telegraph relatives aud friends of the contracting the year Is as follows: command the new focr-iuasted sobooner company, on February 15. parties. The ceremony was performed It 18 W.I8C8. FARHIIKOTON. PHILLIPS, which will be launched from Dunn & Walter UnwsoD, Edwaid Uavls and an Impressive manner by Kev. G. D. J. R. LIBBY CO. Elliots' yard, at 'ymmaaton. Me., on Passenger! earnings, $58,358.(3 $ (i4.617.bll Louis Bryan, larceny from persons un- Holmes, pastor of tha Methodist ohurot KINGFIELD, ( AItK AII Freight earnings, 380,386.74 312,28134 ASSET, Sept. £0. known. (These three respondents were at Brunswick. Mall earnings, 6,0)1.75 8,013.37 ““•nil" kangelei lakes The Norwegian steamer Michigan, Express earnings, 3,5(0.00 3,10X10 also Indicted separately.) Mr. and Mrs. Stevens left during th< 551900. which struck on Saddleback ledge, in Miscellaneous earnings,2,761.17 3,406 63 Joseph A. Cavanaugb, breaking, en- day on a carriage drive to Andover, Me. -ox toe Penobscot river recently, while bound tering and laroeny of sixty pounds of and on their return are to reside at tb< Total earnings, $31X.808.20 1380,887.83 Some are look- from to anu In to rubber from the store of Gut- home of Mi. Stevens’s Mr. and people already Bangor Greenock, put Operating expenses, 184,266.31 175,087.35 Myron E. parents, A JEWELRY Boston was into SEPT, for repairs, floated Simp- terson on August 15. Mrs. George U. Stevens, 73 Hartley ave ing forward to that time, and SATURDAY, 16, 1899, ton’s dock at water Net earnings, $116,841.07 $114,700.48 where dry high Monday. Tbeopbllus H. Barbarlok, assault and nue, they will be at home to theli Front Portland and Miscellaneous Income, 33,23 88 0,187.04 if want flowers around the Way Stations. It was so late when the dock was pumped battsry on Bela Carpenter at Gray, on friends after September £6. you Tickets to FACTORY. free that the exact nature of the 31. Mr. Stevens Is well known In this Farmington. Kingflbld and Fhillips damage Total Income, $180,473.66 $123,078.41 Angust olty house while there is snow on good to stop over Sunday. was not disclosed. The vessel will be sur- Interest and taxes, 61,676.67 06,381.8? William K. Sanford, laroeny of horse being employed as olerk and bookkeepei Rangeley Lakes tickets good for ten days. Excursionists will We have the only Jewelry Factory Oliver at the streets, now is the time to take the regular morning veyed by Lloyds’ surveyor, Shaw, and wagon from Fred A. Whittier, on J. K. Cobb's grocery store, Fores train in Maine in connection with a Surplus, $88,807.88 $57,606.55 leaving Portland 8.30 a. in. first and Mr. Johansen of New who 1 A will York, Dilvdends on May 22d. avenue, Morrllls. Mr. Stevens Is alsi Special run to Rangeley on class jowelry store. We can mako stook, 60,100 00 40,0011.00 prepare for them. arrival of Phillips will represent the owners. The damage John J. Aroblbald McDonald ldsntllled with tbe Portland lire Sandy River train at Phillips, re- you any special article you wish. We Barrett, depart turning Monday morning to connect with lirst 1s after We have a assort- can make a first class extensive and the vessel will be de- Surplus payment and Edward A. Cady, breaking and en- ment,and for the past two years has beet very large luuiuiug iraui irom Farmington. you Wedding of all llxed oharges King in 14 or id Kt. goiu in ou tained for some time making repairs. n railroad and of 35 of the hose at Morrllls Tick.!. and dividends, $38,807.89 $17,696.55 tering car, larceny captain oompany ment for the Kouud Trip: minutes. The contract will be probably awarded pounds of smoked ham, property of the Mr. aifo Mrs. StevenB were the reclpl From Portland KUMFORD FALLS & RANUELEX and Yarmouth tor Farming- We make all kinds of Diamond nunier ous ton *2.00; tor today. Armour Beef company. ents of valuable presents. Kingfleld. *3.00; tor Phillips. Settings, and if you have a stone you LAKES. *2.25; Kaugaley Lake*, *3.5u. Patrick Couley, breaking, entering and From prize we can set it for you. We have OFF FOB COLLEGE. PLAHEKTY—FOGG. Freeport and Bath for Farmington Toe annual meeting of the stockhold- of four dollars lu coin from tbe *1.50; tor Kingfleld, for all kinds of stones—Diamonds, Opals, larceny Mr. John F. tbe line *2.50; Phillips. *2.00; Union which has seemed a bit ers of the Kumford Falla & Fogg, popular Kangeley Lakes, fii.00. Garnets station, Usngeley store of tbe Morrill on June Pearls, liubys, Emeralds, Company, man of the Portland Kallroad From Brunswick tor Farmington. *1 .imi: tor deserted eloce the rush of summer Laker Railroad was oompany and all other precious stones. We travel company held at 8 th. *°r I‘hll!lf8' **-£0; for was united In to Miss p BULBS B.nge- a stock of Diamonds marriage Mar; le "fakes carry largo subsided, was a lively place yesterday the office of the company Id thle city yes- Edward and Marks, breaking entering of r —- ■ —- — Augusta for FarmiDgton, for bought direct from the importers and The Mt. a The annual to Flaherty Leering Centre, yettarda; „From *2.00; morning. Holyoke girls, terday morning. reports with felonious latent the store of George Kingfleld, *3.00; fat Phillips, *2.50; tor can save 20 cent. We have afternoon at the resldenoe oi Kange- you per merry crowd, were off the nine o’olock the for the year June Bishop’s lay Lakes, »a.5o. by stockholder! ending F. Cavanaugh, on June lOtb. as From the largest stock of loose stones and Congress street. The young ar I Such or double Hya- Auburn and Lew in ton for Three classes were were The couple single Farmington, can show kind of a stone. express. represented 30, 1899, accepted. following Walter P. Counter, having In posses- $1.00; for Kingfleld, $2.00; lor Phillips, $1.5$; you any receiving the best wishes of tbelr man tor and the senior representative was to directors were elected Homan Kangeley Lakes, $2.50. We can make your old jewelry look join .for .the ensuing sion obscene literature. cinths, Hyacinths, single Other friends for a long and mar stations lu proportion. like naw and do the best of hem at Wells. those who were prosperous repairing. Among year: Hugh J.Chisholm, Portland, Me.; John W. Sullivan, partlolpntlon In a rled life. Mr. and Mis. will restd 1 or double «. GEO. F. We do all kinds of and tickets were Waldo Rnmford Fogg Tulips, Narcissus, _ EVANS, Spect^le Eye purchasing noticed Miss Pettenglll, Falls, Me.; V. P. & Gen. M. lottery. at the corner of and Mgr.. C. K. R, Glass repiyring while you wait. Our Florence ’0), and her Miss Galen U. Moses, Bath, Me.; Edward Congress Mornlni [ F. E. BOOTtiBY. Berry, sister, x Do luuuvxiug xesponuencs were in- Crocuses, and all the rest of the work is far superior to all others as street, hill. Gen, Pass. & T. M. C. it. R. Enis, who enters the freshman class this Plummer, Lisbon Falls, Me.; Willard W. Munjoy Agt., we have all the modern dieted (or nuleanoo: Mary Young, sep!3d3t *• tools and — smaller Miss Mae also a Herbert J. NOTES. varieties that should be methods. year, Achorn, candidate Brown, Portland, Me,; Charles J. Creary, Leopold Parquee, for freshman Miss E. B. honors; Ethel S. Os- Brown, Portland, Me.; Denison, Thomas A. William McUlnnla, The marriage of Mlsr Abby F. Blan in the this Saeo and Webb, planted ground fall, Portland, Portsmouth Kail %%%%%% good, ’01, Miss Amy Peters, and Miss Portland, Me.; Fred E. Richards, Port- Michael J. Dunoon, Mlohaei V. ilarrl- obard, of Brookfield, Mass., to Her. OH Janet Stevenson, ’03. Miss K. C. ver W. of in order to bloom in the road Cummings land, Me.; Bradford, Portland, gan, Henry J. Godfrey, Henry Callan. Means, Enfield, Conn., who i , Spring. Company. SPECIAL of of Gorham went Monday, but will meet Me. The directors subsequently organ- well known In Maine, took place 1] meeting the Stockholders of MUNICIPAL COURT. We shall endeavor to keep a A the Portland. Saco and Portsmouth Rail- the at the new Union where ized by obocsing the offioers: party station, following Brookfield, Tuesday, September S. Th road Company will be held In Kittery. Me., In McKenney, was olvil in the Munici- the there will be more girls and trunks to the President—Hugh J. Chisholm. Yesterday day whs until the freezes, Company's hall on Monday. Sept 21, 1890, oeremoney performed by tbe Rev supply ground at 11 General Pettenglll. court but no oases went on trial. o’clock a. m., for the following purpose: square inch than at any other point In Manager—Waldo pal Joshua Colt of assisted th I. To see if the 'treasurer and Traffic Boston, by but it would be best to Stockholders will approve Manufacturing Manager— K. C. Judgment was rendered In the following pur- a sale by this of its Jeweler, the United Stat9s, Mt. Holyoke. Welles- Mruii frtrrl Rev. E E. Strong, D. D., of Auburn' Company road, franchises notions: and property to the Boston ami Maine Railroad, Smith and Vasear on this line. olvil chase now while the assortment MONUMENT ley, being Superintendent—E. L. Lovejoy. dale. upon the terms and conditions agreed to by SQUARE, vs. an action for rent of The financial report of the railroad foi Dyer Murphy, the Directors of the respective corporations. THE FOBGEB WHO WORKED SOUTH land, judgment for the plaintiff for DIVER ANDREWS RETURNS FROM is complete. By order of the Directors. the year Is as follows: F. R. BARRETT, Clerk. Fred V. Mathews for the plaintiff; L L SHKEPSCOT BAY. Portland, Me., 1899. PORTLAND. 1807-98. 1898-99. Other are for- Sept. 11, sepl.idtd Elder for the defense. people looking r^rfWYYiMViYYYiYYwWwYiYVtYYoVYsYYwWYYYYtVi^^. Direr S. S. Andrews of The forger who worked South Portland Passenger earnings, (19,959.91 (10,7315(1 Portland, ha Flannery vs. MoDonald, an notion for ward to the time when there Reduced Excursion Rates to New York and Old Orchard so successfully, has got Freight earnings, 68,190 09 til),833.% returned to Bath after making a searol I w | Mall, express &0., 1,775.65 houas rent, judgment for the plaintiff in ADALBERT J. as far as Exeter, N, U. On Monday In 1,984.78 for the bodies of the rlotlms drowned bj will be a cold whiteness on the SJOHOLU, FOR DEWEY RECEPTION I Miscellaneous, 583 64 583.11 the sum of $8. W. T. Dunn tor the plain- | that town Goodwin Bros., grocers, were the Blnklng of tbe yaoht Idena In Sheep AND tiff, W. U. Looney for the defense. of the | | with a oheok drawn on Total soot Ha found, bright coloring fields of PIANIST.. caught bogus the earnings, (81,500.83 (74,139.64 bay. none. Tbe yaoh INTERNATIONAL YACHT RACE8 expenses, 37 U. 8. DISTRICT COURT. Appleton national tank of'Lotvell, Mass., Operating 49,545 48,089.6' was sunk In 95 feet of water. Direr An returned from a course of | today, and are purchasing a va- Recently 3 THE MAINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY for sent a session of draws went down four with Prof. Hill of New g: $15. The forger young town Net earnings, (31,955.45 Yesterday’s the District coort times and searohei study York, is 3 Will sell Round Trip Tickets. Portland to !r (13,499,91 now to receive 3 New York and Knuru.m $5 oo, commencing with a note to Goodwin Bros, and was devoted to u on the the and tbe Immediate riety of bulbs for winter bloom- ready pupils for the fall boy signed Interest taxes, 20,199.17 81,371.71 hearing involun- yaoht rioinlty 3 September ae, isw. Tickets i:ood to return ! and wintor terms. Call or 80 witliiu with the name of F. C. It was tary petition in filed but found no traoe of the rlotlme. Tbi address, S thirty days. gt Higgins. bankruptcy against in* the house. These bulbs Free Me. 3 The superb Horatio Hall, Suprlus, (11,846 88 ing * street, Portland, Steamships 3; a forgery. Mr. Higgins is a young busi- (4,188.% Aaron B. Snow oi Jackson, by bis credi- cabin doors of tbe yaoht were closed, bu 3 MOO tons, and Manhattan, 2000 tons, leave Dividends on stock, 6,100.00 sepWMWOcFlmo* 3 Franklin Wharf. Portland, every Tuesday- « : ness man for whom this firm occasionally tors, District Attorney Dyer and Joseph the slide on top was opeu. He remorse require a very little care, and 3 Thursday and Saturday ate p.m .and return New tons 3 from Pier 88, East River, York, same J? cashes checks. The money was paid tc Surplus after payment Williams of Belfast, appeared for the four of ballast from tbe yacht before 5 Tickets and staterooms can be T one a 3 days at p.m- ; of all fixed will repay hundred times secured In advance. T. M. Bait left, the boy without question. Cashier Ela ol charges creditors. an attempt was made to more her, am 3 Agt., and aivldends, (6.846.28 DR. F. AUSTIN 3 J. F. Idscomb, G.P.A., Fraukllu Wharf. the Lowell bank states that several suet Petitions in bakruptoy have been filed then, with nsslstanoe from tbe launol over from Christmas till Spring TTil II TV 3 Portland, Itaiue. checks hare come in from different olties Arthur Bordeau of Minot and Francis and other the wn FREE by Dirlgo boats, yaoht OF CHARGE. with beautiful flowers. TENNEY sepll eodlm K. Girard of Biudeford. towed Into a core at the east side of port •RB Any adult from a cold settled later to TIELD DAY OF UNIFORM HANK, suffering On Thursday will ocour the jury trial and Bobln Hood’s oore. Information in to on the throat or regard breast, broncliitis, lunp on the in E. V. John of Warerly, Mass., a oousii The uniform Involuntary petition bankrupt- rank of Maine Knlgbti troubles {if ary nature, who will call ai of James A. Martin of Boston, one J and a list of cy filed agulnst David Straw of planting, over one of Pythias will hold thsir annual field F. E. Fickeit’s, 812 Danforth, E. W Guilford, the victims of the accident, has arrlrei WM. M. bis creditors. scene MARKS, 107 d by A special jury, first In at the of the and will re hundred OCULIST, day in Bar Tuesday anu Wed Stevens’, Portland, McDonough disaster, bulbs, with price, can Harbo^on 235 or Maine sit suah a main until everything is done b 10 Sheridan’s. Congress, J. E. Goo id to upon case, has been pos.-lhle neoday, Got. and II. This was deoidec reooror the Mrs. A Co.’s, 201 Federal SL, will be presenter drawn. O. and ex-Gover- body. Martin, niotht be had at at a reoent of the stall oillceie ol Stephen Perry of James Is REMOVED meeting with a bottle of Martin, prostrated on aocoun sample Bcscliec t nor Cleaves for the creditors and ths 2d has appear of the loss of her son. Mr. John ofl'erei To Commodious Office Rooms at Card regiment, which its headquar- German free of Syrup, charge. Hudson of for Diver Andrews to Book, Henry Guilford Straw, $100 return to the bu- ters in Bangor, and elaborate prepara- Only one bottle gtven trrona and person and continue the search, but owing ti AND— nono to Kendall & 514 tions are now under to entertain tb( children without order from way WEDDINGS. Important work, be was not able to an Whitney’s bongress Street, visitors. The programme far the field day parents. ce pt. Federal and Temple St*. No throat or lung remedy ever had sepi3d;n • Over Foster, Avery At Co. includes niug of tin 1 such a sale as BoseheeS German ]0th, execuu.- me afternoox WILLIS—SPENOER. Syrup in all parts of the civilized JOB Office Days, until PRINTER, and a Saturdays only September deep-sea fishing trip and sail arounc world. Twenty years ago millions ol One of the most brilliant of weddings 15tb, after which office will be PRINTERS* Frenchman’s on bottles were open every day, EXCHANGE, bay the lltb. Lieut given away, and your drug- the season took in Boston last Tues- place PE-RU-NA CLOCK REPAIRING. 8 a. m. to 6 p. in. Col. F. A. Robinson of gists will tell you its success was marvel- Bangor is now if day, the oontraoting parties First Cures Catarrh Wherever located. 2 ous. being [ have made a of clock 97 1-2 PorilauJ It Is the specialty repairing St., Bur Harbor the final really only Throat aud A sure, sale, time-tried Exchange making arrange Assistant Engineer Henry King Spencer, remedy that cures; n'E for years and are perfectly familiar with Lung Remedy enddorsed Catarrhal A fleet ions Examined Free inents for the generally phy- of every ’description. It in all of Us branches. Our prices are reason- Eyes field day. It is cstlmatec sicians. of the revenue outter and Sold all One 75 cent bottlewill cure oi Woodbury, by Druggists. Write its discoverer, able. Drop us a postal and we will call for your that over 1000 Dr. S. B. Latest knights wlil be present oc prove its value. Sold all ir Mbs Julia Ethel Willis, of Mr. Hartman, of Columbus, Ohio. clock aud return it when done without extra Uy Methods Known to Modem FINE JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. by druggists daughter He will advise free. this occasion. you charge. McKhNJSEx. the. Jeweler, Monument All order, mall or this city. and Mrs. William L. Willis of Boston. p by telephone prompt Square, Portland. janU’dtt i■ AugitseptlS attended to. jepcroodtflj F A,.-.. -i:;: ^ V;'^. „: out what the church are FUTURE EVENTS. BRUMS FIGHT UP AGAIN. log high people need. The ahsCt Infer an attack ^*h'r I niCEUAXBOSI. going to do only that tBI" •t»*mer, wboee fltpiM __»MmOWfc j cn the lay membership la contemplated muet he imioh more then 12-14—Cumberland doubled inVnoh •ept County Fair at Got* from the rumor that Professor Vsn An- a ae the bam. ehlp Oceanlo, of the Whit > Star of Columbia has been Bept 13—Keu:d»n First Maine Ctvalry at Bath. i rings, University, bunt at Uelfist, are two High Chnrelnncn to Make War asked to stand a for election hundredrv“*V.J“?W 8*t»* 13— Annual Meeting o? Loyal JUgiou at as candidate and Oft? ieet long, racb ehaft WON to the committee. It Is to THE Riverton. get welgblDB Impossible leeentj-ilee t ine. It eoeme MEDAL il-i4 Reunion 15 Maine at Ban- on the an of value as to Bept Regiment Standing Committee. opinion any apparent Inoredlble to the beholder, that this huge gor the strength which the high churchmen •haft 14— Rrun on of the Ma ne could.break, bat more dele? h»p- Bept. Fifth Battery will In the convention. Their rrora Its at Toct.s. develop I»ng derangement than from any partisans any that, outside of New York other aooldent In room Bept. 14, ift—Annual Convention of the Maine Hope to Heploee the Present Member* ocean traffic. Tbla AT and la GOLF. Woman Suffrage Association at Waterviiie. ulty, High Low Churchmen alike separated by an iron from tbe With Men that partition Sep: .la-21—ligfnrd County Fair at South Paris. from Thetr Own Faction believe the ordination of Dr. Urlgge great bold where the immense amount of 23—Democratie Dtntrloi Convention in was a false end that low HepL at the Diocesan step, the Is stored; end on the same lexel Portland. Convention. churchmen who J^ggage thue believe are con- la tbe electric machinery which lights the 8ep*. 26-Stale Board of Trade meets at Ban- vinced that the of th>» diocese government •HIP, no* tberj are als > other appliances gor. la eafrr In the haude of ohuiebmen which Bept re 27—Fair at West Cumberland. high condense the waste steam from the A OF than :in the bands of those who MATTER JUSTICE. Bept, 95-27, 88—Annual Convention of Maine (New fork Sun.) permit- engines into water for the use of tbe ahlp Woin: u's Chrlviian ted the ordination of the Union Semi- Temperance Union at The controversy In the except that for parpoies. Foil bind. votes drinking Protestant nary professor. With the of three mfc on to Orcusl for we are bound to Bept. lean District Convention church In tbla diocese between 28-Repub In Kplsoopal men the hluh onurohmen of this are that hot "Ingratitude is a cruel re- upon. The it is not a IVilwid. elty place which has become so thing,” strength gives the toralled "High Churah" and "Urond ■aid to believe that have enough In the marked the to a false it is not the Oct 2*7—Maine Musical Festival In Bangor and they mythical theological world, but is Ordinary Struggler Strength: worse strength to eleot nt least If not two a friend at the Poi tlanC. Chnrfh" factions Is likely to become one, living reality to thousands of human railway station one day than useless whipping of jaded organs at or three, of their candidates for the olerl- who Oct 3-5—Lincoln County Fair Damarlseotta. acnte again at the next Ulootatn oonyrn- belogv furnish the motive p)wer bf recently; and I never saw a more to action; it is the very brick and Oct 37—Gran :e Fair. F'ood and Trades Exhi- eal of the committee. means of membership which mil liens of our fellow instance of it than occurred mortar of an edifice." • to thoee who are ac- pleasing She became bit at HatU ilon, according The clerical members of the committee citizens derive the and In- not Oct Fair pleasure profit this summer at where I as she does on a wrinkle |0*i2—lor*sbam at Topshara. quainted with the and the were nnanlmonely el-oted last year. This cldeut to tbotr Tbe Ardsley, quite eloquent, always Oct. 11-12^ rmi-aunnai *cssi >n of Grand disposition year's outing. story live. We have links out the of year If the le carried of golf there, subject Johann and sho In the we of works of the Church Ao- present plan out, Aloeat;s and the saoritfoe of one lire Hoffs, garments make, which means LoU-.e Good Templars at Pittsfield. High people. the you know, and we the like left Mrs. the proceedings will be In striking con- for the life of another haa Its play game Wilkinton quite convinced fit is perfect. eortlng to the will rumors, prototpje supported trast to thoee of the last convention. Tbs and one maniacs, to hold our that in Hoffs her for That coat of nere, needs not to go ba^fc to (be struggling Johann lay hope yours has served you long voloed by thoee who predlot a sharp fight convention will be held on £7. Greek olnaslos uor law records as the future. Let us kept. consider higher tj up ifsomething depended Wilkinton ordered up a enough. take your measure tor a First District In the convention, the opponents of the learn a lesson of s^lf-abnegation. upon it And sometimes something case of the Extract that night, and new Congressional An asbettjs ourtaln was an order crdlnatlou of the Hev. Dr. Charles A. FOREIGN-LETTER. raised, does.” the practice at the links went on for a FALL OVKKCiiAT given to oloar a path In the pile of ooal, few Briggs have determined to organist) and days with Mrs. Wilkinton ab- The wearing of it will imnrovo and we entered the lower regions stand- sent.” your make a (Jrmt Changes and In appearance You can Republican Convention. tbowlng of their full strength. Improvements ing under the alr-ahafte which now m»- immensely. see all "■At last the came when the new styles from the foreign and This showing la to be In the nature of n the Steamship Service-Down Among teriallr ameliorate the condition of the e day the| do- men whose work dooms after two or championship question was to be de- mestic makers for fall and wear the the Stokers on the them winter pretest against Episcopal policy,, New England—The and on our The Republicans of the First Congressional thrse years of toll to tbe oertainty of a cided, we all drew short breaths counler, and have them made in a which permitted the ordination of the at haven a,,d that District of Maine are requested to send dele- Landing Liverpool. of rest, that bourne from which "’ere vastly excited. Mrs. way will please you. Kev Ur. and the ordi- no traveller returns. llftesn minutes \\ was gates to a convention to be held in City Hall, llrlggs prevented Kvery hitney in high feather, smiling nation In this diocese of John Jr., they shovel Into the white-hented here and Portland, cu Thursday. September 28/ 1899. at Tilley. (CorrespondeDoa of the Press. great there, and rather BFIliKVH B V the protege of the Hev. Dr. krnrik M. ) cauldron* on this ship, thirty six in num- enjoying KB, 10,30 o’clock a. m.. for purpose of nomin- being pointed out to the visitors as ,^be Clendenln, one of the leaders In the op- 30. ber, four to a’x hundred pounds of coa\ Merchant Tailor, a candidate for in Con- Loxdon, August the coming It was ating representative position to the ordination of the Union During the day they consume two hun- lady champion. The New England bore us steadily over fortunate she absorbed a bit of 375 Fore, Near Foot ot Ex gress. to fill tho vacancy caused by the resigna- Seminary professor. The fight, according dred ton of ooal, while st*amu-s of great- enjoy- hrge° Street. the sees and landed ua on ment when she did spptinltf tion of Hon. Thomas B. I eed, and transacting to the reports that are In olronlntion, Is great the er speed consume quintltle* in more than too, for just before to the a any other business that may properly come be- be made In the election of the Stand- seventh day In the harbor of Cork. Ocean uietrloal proportion. It is in front of play begun carriage drove up to Committee of the dioot as. m terrible lire* men the club PUBS ? ^“k/tomach, of tbe the smoking-room only known to the Liver la Men, Women or 4 powers Standing Committee: strange world. Poor stokers! Their an- that the medal in tbo female Childrenf Buxton.— Casco. 2 lay class ItlpanB Tubule* are without a 3 “At every stated convention a Stand- male element are sometimes and vloe Is tbs most rival and Cornish.4 Cumberland. tragical perhaps deplorable of all was virtually conceded to either Mrs. they now have the largest sole of Dayton. 1 Freeport 4 ing Committee shall be elected savor of hired labor In the world. Aft** the heat any patent medicine in the world. by ballot, Monti Carlo In cause and effect, Wilkinton or Mrs. and we Kilo:.3 F.ilmoutb.3 to consist of four oleigymen and four of Hades oomea a bba' from the Arctic Whitney, Hollts. 3 Gorham. 4 for professional sharpers take these voy- were all back 'with our layman. Vacancies In said committee, regions; for through a process something standing Keanebuuk. 5 Gray. 3 often minds made our occurring by death or shall ages for the sake of gain. like liquid air the system of condei sa« R I-P-A lf-S will not bene- Ll ueiick.3 New Gloucester.3 oommlttee, over Id chambers to the Wilkinton broke in her I to the rafrlgerator Eug- down play. Ct.R PAN 8, 10 for 6 c«nt«. or 13 for iS No. Yarmouth. 1 “In nas-of a In up fourth day no one wae slok and Ish be had of all pockets Millington.3 vacancy the Episco- markets. This process le too Intricate It seemed that she had lost her drugicists who aru willing ld *ow medlt ino at a Lynt*n.n Otlsii 3 pate, or ibe Inability or of the there wae not motion enough to make the for any but the scientist wj*** priced modcnito profit. Newfield 3 disability o7 her or in a They bnntnfi nein and prolong ]if*. Portland.4* bishop, the and duties to be We reached tbe strength skill, both, One relief. No. powers per usual promenade on deck upper deck by a wlsrd qrtwoa Accept no substitute. Berwick...4 rownal. 2 Interesting. minute. Overstrained nerves, the the word R-f-P K-s on formed by the in matters of disci- stalrcas* from the and Jute A the racket. Old Orchard. 3 Raymond. 2 bishop Tbesirvloeon a carpenter's shop Send 5 cent* to Cheirdcal Co.. Ho. 10 shall be Sunday, conducted ny the doctor said it was, and her a Ripens 8pruo# Parsoustield.3 Scnrboro. 2 pline performed by ths Standing wind gave our garmeuis a broadside gave pre- It., Near York, for 10 Munolonaqd l.uoo tiratlmnnlala little mlnietir from New .... saso. 9 Sebaco. Committee, except In those Orson where Jersey, ushered of paint whiob the skilful stilois quloklr scription which failed to benefit. He Sanford 8 sjoh removed with wesie So. Poitlana.5 powers and duties are or may be Id a norm, and with It some cases of mal ootton-dipped in tur- suggested that she take an ocean voy- Miap'eigh.2 S.audish.3 or so that not a specially delegated to, enjoined upon, de mer. But the pentine, vestige remained. or a rest. Wilt- I So. Berwick.5 Westbrook. 8 steadiness of the good age long Frightened tbe olerioal members of said committee; The hustle attending the at iuton to W.*ierboi\).4 Windnam. 3 became more landing nearly death. He has no In wbloh cases such and ship only apparent here, and tbe excitement of tbe Wells. 4 Yarmouth.. 3 powers duties Liverpool in- more extra cash tU&u he needs to shall be since none of that visit are pay — exsrolsed hy said olerioal mem- swaying usually felt In spectors' most es- York.4 wearisome, golf expenses.' — 128 bers alone; provided, that no sentence and the staircase pecially cn a hot day. The push for pre- ascending descending “Then Mrs. who was in 112 shall ba pronounced on a clergyman but cedents* In the the final Whitney, was Not once did the racks outtum-bousi, “SI1S WAS ENGAGED IN SHEDDING TEARS a experienced. dash for to remove the the of cheeks; by bishop. porters Identified pink condition—rosy WHEN THE on DOOR DELL RANG.” Any amount, or to suit Ths members of the Standing Commit- appear the table.', and no meals were and examined luggage, and the firm, round arms, bright eyes, and ali largo small, strangle the tee of this dlooeie at present are: Cleri- avoided; only there was a slight Sabbath with the Incorrigible oub-men are quite the other appurtenances to a state of grateful. Mrs. Wliitney—poor, kind borrower on Household Furniture, cal members, tbe Kev. Dr. sulllolent to on a Morgan Dlx, stillness observed calculated to Insure bring lit of nervous pr*s- health, a hearted little woman— shed a I’ianos, Stock aud also of bounding including sympa- quite O.gans, Fixtures, Cumberland Trinity Parish; the Kev. Dr. Thomas tratlon whiob no amount of s'.ryahnlne thetic heart, went to Mrs. Wilkinton number of tears that when it It. St. unusual retleotion; and people seemed at tablets nor of night Farming Stock, Horses, Carriages, County Harris, of Mary’s. days delightful travel can was Jkc,, Scarborough; and told her of Johann Hoff’s Malt all over, and there was no one to the Kev. Dr. Ootavlue of St. though reckoning their sins of omission, quite remove We sloped all this tlio same to remain witli the ownor. ’.Ve Appletun, by get- Extract; told how it had built her at her but her who George a, Newborgb; tbe Her. Dr. Jacob better ling off at Queenstown, and In lesi than up laugh husband, perhaps preparing themselves for as will pay off furniture leases and advance S of Christ an hour we tannd when she had almost of felt cut up as she did. She was, in Shipman, Churoh, New sins ourselves ensconced In despaired Monday’s of commission. at rates as low as can York. Cay members—U. MaomiUocb a line hotel lu Cork, where we first learned fact, engaged ill shedding tears when money be bad in Miller The talkative American was on of St. Thomas's, New Y’ort; S. board, bow lovely the Irish ate In their homts the door-bell jingled, and Mrs, Wilk- tlio State. All loans may bo paid by Nicholson of St. who astonished the and to came FAIR, Kims, James's. Hyde English by bis won- began undeisland the delight of inton gushing and bubbling in. installments, each Park; (ieorge Zabrlskie, of the Churoh travel Emerald payment reducing derful acoount of onr vaetnegi. The ln.tbe Isle “You dear girl,” said she as Mrs. of tbe Incarnation, New York, and Her- We linmedlauly prapared to v'slt Blar- both principal and interest, ileal estato woman, ambitious to cultivate Whitney went forward to greet her, man O. Von Poet, of St. Mary’s, Man- celebrities, ney Crstle, hoping to reoclve that "sweet “I know just how you feel about it. mortgages negotiated. Ilusiuess strictly battunvllle was also In evidence, as was the typlual persuasive eloquence aim*s'. Irresistible," Narragansett Park, The to the whiob la the It was mean of me, but I confidential. opposition Standing Com- Englishwoman who brings ap an Issue words of Fathtr Pront en- simplycouhi mittee as at present constituted ooncerns ables one to not help it. Johann Hoff’s is all you concerning every question, and makes one itself for the most part with the clerical Crow eloquent. said it was and more, dear; and I wonder how members. There ia an understanding demsstlo felicity 1s main- ’Tl< be may oleinber don’t feel right about this medal. It amounts to To a 1 (which law) between tbe tained In the British Isles, where the men lily’s chamber is as much yours as mine, dear, ami SHAWMUT LOAN C0„ o'erlonl members and the members Or beootne a member GORHAM, ME., lay »re as dogmatic as the women and the more Johann Hoff’s than either. I tbn: tbe clirleal members shall have com- Of Parliament." came over to ask if do 68 orer ail tueetton of the survival of the littest has you you not Market P rtlanJ. Mi'na. plete jurisdiction matters con- au'.&i St.eaf, sot reached the line which think we had better call it iiiy cerning theological questions and mat- point the "The groves of Johann ters Blarney Hoff’s as a sort of I regarding the cljrgy exclusively. ‘ooming woman,’’ in Auierloa has long Down by the purling compromise?’ This agreement put the blriggs matter Of sweet silent am I am sure,” said Mrs. & iinoo settled In her own way. streams \villiiig, Tuesday, Wedoesday Thursday and the Tlilsy matter and all ibe other • ••••••a Whitney. But after the visitor had matters In which the church Tbo vapid monotony of ship life was In- high oon- "TVs there the gone she wept again. ‘Of course it is troversallsts are Interested under the ns usual the daisy EVERY... terrupted by passing craft, And the sweet carnntlon Johann Hoff’s,' she said, ‘but Mrs. i clerical insmbeis if the committee. me of whlob we almost submerged; but The blooming pink Wilkinton gets all the and it The Standing committee Is nut now al- glory, 12-13 & And tbe rose so fair isn't Sept 14,1899. In the oontro) of me little episode ones >d more amusement right.” . . . MAN together the broad Thu churoh faction A who Is bun usual and soma little daffadowndilly “Now, I don't think it is layman unusu- terror; when, Likew's* the Illy exactly The Portland «fc Rochester Railroad ally well Informed In churoh thus n right myself,old man,” said the Ordi- politics mid ocean a schooner was sighted’ All iloweis that scant TO wilt sell Round oUesltlea the w mhersblp of the commit- ”SHE BECAME QUITE nary Straggler, “and I wish you wo’d fllS TRADE. Trip Tickets, including vhioh signalled to oar ship, as many The sweet fragrant air ELOQUENT." tee: fix it up -you and your Admission as follows: with of distress. It A. H. G. eveu newspaper, “The ltev. Dr. Dlx It tbe only man bought, signs _ being strong and well again; and put the credit of winning the w, reqnently hev. ecstomen R who can be set as an a how From Portland, 70c~ down out-and-out itopped perhaps mile away and two un- SALTING BABIES. strength and health had begun Ardsley golf championship where it high churchman In the whole member- to return come to tu with nod Wood ford s, 70c cewpt foreigners approaohad in a little from the very first, amTliow Will copy (ay ship of the committee. His churoh belongs. you?” Westbrook high ■oar-bout. A Practice, Still Followed, That Goca she continued its use “for Jet, (too to be In Many thought from their regularly; "To be sure, said the “ allegiance Is, moreover, qualilled not Whitney,” ! Put It In attractive Gpmb. Milts, 65c the ran and Hack to Ulblc Times. only,” said she, “is it a tonic, but fern present controversy by the fact that hungry look that there was a Ordinary Straggler's friend. And M f Westbrook, v 55c he has been a it is a food—a veritable staff to lean always staunch frPnd of tarred ship-load demanding suppllrs. “Salting” newly born infants, n prac- j this is how he fixc.l it up. Potter, and It Is to me uh ; make tin prise reasonable* Trains leave Portland for the Fair Bishop open Jur ship was stopped, as was afterwards tice that dates far back to Biblical times, question whether h would the jj Grounds at 7.80 and 9.45 a. M., 12.20,12 30 join high still obtaius in many parts of the old church faction In any action that o uld In suab eeeee the work fa aJwwye 6 aud 3.00 p. m. Returning leave Fair it n cost of tiro hundred and fifty dollars world. The Armenians in the Russian be construed as an attack on the Grounds at 7.57 and 10.19 a. m., bishop Inauelul damage. A rope was lowered of l end sasell.a* 12.57, or tbe The government Eriwan cover tbo whole satisfactory bring* tp 6.03 p. m. bishop's polloy. most pro- alth a Bailor suspended, and the 3.34, 6.20, nounced low ohutcbinan only surface of the babe's body with fine snlt, among the clsrl- nessage rce'.yed wus a letter to post. It Malta H. W. vt kUO VUIUUIUKO ID liUH care taken with the inter- DAVIS, Supt. AtT, jore the superscription “Mademoiselle especial being Dr. Shipman. The Hev. Dr. stices between the and all Harris is —Was it a love-leitor? The senll- fingers depres- THE THURSTON motor of a fashionable ohuroh at PRINT, Scar- ueutal passengers thought so; the more sions, such sb the armpit aud the bend of whose | borough, communicants rather edate felt sure that death had visited the the knee, so that no poiut ahull remain MR. nflfiuALL & like» ritualistle eervloe. He PORTLAND, RULLISItK furnishes chooner, and that this wus a to unsalted. jt It to them. Nevertheless me.-sige he~ls complete- the survlrlng frlenda The infant Is left In accurd with the unhappy in the salt ly bishop and the more The quietness of those on W. days the New for throe hours or T. KILBORN longer and la then CO. violent opponents of the CITY OF FOK'I'LI.XD. administration ingland was finally interrupted, as we of the diocese are Inclined bathed in warm water. to pnt upon lea red the land, by a spirit ot him the Inquiry, The Armenians of some Vfe shall the nunc inniiii- responslbll ty for the rejection for many years the districts, having represent leading of steerage quarter was Notico to Contractors. Mr. Tilley, whom they regarded us urbtddeu bat the abandoned the practice, are called “un- iaclnrers and importer, ns hcieioforr. COAL. tho ground; magnificent outward and visible exponent of their rafts ot later are so salted” and are the others. years proud of their despised by Our several lines or Specialties will be char- Foaled proposals for removing and cause. The Hev. Dr. Ootaviue A locominodatlon ledge pplegate for all olassss that this The modern Greeks also sprinkle their earth from Pay*on.&pd propos d streets will he occupies rather a middle as be- acterized by meeting (lie requirements of cus- ground, plrlt of Inquiry Is encouraged. The Seo- bal>es with salt. If an enlightened moth- received at the office of the C<>mmU>ioner of A Fail Assortment ot and Free tween high and low ohurch nut md tomers Public until Lehigh factions, Class Is considered by some, bo far as er the midwife is by advnnced designs, exclusive not Works, City Hall, Friday, Sept. he, Is believed to protests, ready with the 15th. too, be fully In nooord are and oonvenfenoe Is concerned, equal 899, at 1,'o'clock in., when they will lie tor with the objection, “But if it isn’t salted it will beyond being popular, and always unexcelled publicly il and read. A 1 on t In a sum Burning Coals Domestic Use. bishop’s ideas. o the first, exoept In Its association. open the be and will never amount to In and wuh securities to the Commis- ‘‘Qf lay members, I should L’his Is no puny any- quality. satisfactory say ship doubt uniqne In Its steer sioner will lie required of the successful Pocahontas (Seml-Bitumiuous) and Mr. von Post Is one of those who thing.” bidder. might ige uooomtnodatlons. Hitherto life has We bespeak for them your interest and gener- Flans, specifications, and further information be claimed by both fuotlona. Messrs. lot mude If this saltiug process is carried to ex- Georges Creek Cumberland Coals are been guy for them by songs ous may he obtained at the sail Commissioner. Kane and Zabrlskle are patronage. Miller, classed as mil the piano, nor have they had atate- cess, the poor babes don’t stand it at all. Bids should be marked “Proposals for Grad- low and addres-ed GEO. unsurpassed for general steam anil churchmen, although Mr. Zanrtskle ooins or stewards. Who In Portland dois The skin becomes as red as tire, the irri- ing” to W. FEKNALD, has sometimes shown a Commissioner of Public Works, who reserves disposition to lot reinem her having seen the steerage pas- tation is and the child dies in Oar SPECIALTIES Are use. himself with intolerable, the light to reject any or all ids should he forge identify high ohuroh Inter- sengers laud with stew-pans and ests. bedding convulsions. Yet there is a mountain deem It for the interest ot the city so to do. Genuine >nd personal effects done op In bundles Sept, to, 1899. dtd I.jkens Valley Franklin, “If I were to oall one tribe in Asia Minor that mercilessly salts any of these men brown over thelr.ahouldoi s? On this ship whom I have classed as its newborn babes for 24 which English ui.J American CanneL low ohurchmen, here Is a well appointed dining-room hours, broad be would shows that the limits of human endur- CARPETS. ohurchmen, angrily re- vlth stewards who, if they serve for Above Coals Constant- sent the classification. Vet the fact re- unoh boiled potatoes Instead of venison, ance are wide in some cases. This an- INSPECTION WATCHES. mains that the low ohuroh men within Mtrtrldge and grouse, are equally eatis- cient custom is still in vogue in many 17 jewel adjusted Pat. regulator nickel Elgin On Hand. the limits of this are jT ly olty praotloally aotory. parts of Germany, but the rites are mere- Silver ine case, $15.00. B. W. Raymond 17 and ** .... arrayed with the broad ohuroh side In the Altar a 21 haili oad ^ TELEPHONE loo-'i snooessful tour of thfsi domains In one a little salt jewel adjusted is the best Watch. of Dr. ly symbolical. district RUGS, support Jlrigga’s ordination.’’ ve had planned to see the great engines These watcue* will pass the inspection. Me- i The is rubbed behind the child’s ears, in oth- the Mouume it Suuaio. J OFFICE: high ohuroh plan of oampalgn In he following and to visit those KENNEY, Jeweler, mcrnlng, ers a of salt is on the convention Is said to be the displacement 'ark where the pinch put tongue joa f regions mainsprings of ■... 1 ot all the olerloal or a little paper of salt is inserted under r 7b Commercial & 70 Exchange Sts. members ot the com- he ship’s notion are fed by those olac li- M.warti mittee It _*w* excel t Dr. Dix, especially the ned and burned fellow creatures who the garment. gives understanding, the DRAPERIES, Hev. Dr. Harris. It Is belleverj tbat ah give excited the sympathies of all pbllan- people say, and wards off evil spirits. $35.00 K11WA 1C D. attempt wli be made to elect high oliurub hropls s. And Indeed, the Impulse for The action of salt In keeping meat members for the lay side of the commit- xlstenoe must he to men who are no is For Women. strong sound, doubt, the reason that this The above amount will be paid for informa- tee. but those who have the In thus tu and WINDOW Dr. oampalgn rilling spend half of each and to the Tolman’s Monthly Regulator has brought tweDty- strengthening sustaining power was SHADES, tion leading conviction of anyone shooting are retloent happiness to hundreds of charge very as to the details our hours under the level of the sea In wookcock or rufiled grouse (commonly called anxious women. of their ascribed to it. The usage became com- There is positively no other known plans They say, and relate in- uch an occupation. As one desoends partridge) cut ot season, or illegally selling the remedy mon in eastern countries, and it was not with all llie llule arcfnorlo* itiut (o make to medical science, that will so quickly and stances to show that what thty say Is he narrow IroD ft ilrcases the heat at jjo Mine. PORTLAND GUN CLUB. saf do the confined to S. B. ely work. Have ndVer had a si true, that Potter usually knows Irst bseomes so Intense entirely them. The prophet Ural claaa il«|iur(iuruK Adams, Secy failure. ngle Utsbop as to be Intolera- Close time The longest aud most obstinate cases before be a Ezekiel, to the of expires Sept. 1-flh. sepAdlm long oalls convention to order ile. Hat wten ussurd the chief engi- referring degeneracy ~ are relieved in 3 days without fail. No other what by facts the convention Is to leer heat Jerusalem, says: — remedy will do this. No no perforin that this decreased at a glvsn pain, danger, no In the of eleotlons and interference with work. The most difficult way legislation. atio ss the descent is made, we per- “Neither wast thou washed in water cases They that successfully treated through corres- ssy, too. few presiding offlosrs ervered.and readied the’various landings to supple the; thou wast uot suited nt and the most have the all, pondence, complete satisfaction bishop’s ability to sidetraok and ormed of Iron network, beside which the uor swaddled at all.” guaranteed In to every instance. I relieve hun- bring naught measures which have estless four ott each side, ap- dreds of ladies whom I engines, To many oriental tribes this means a never see. Write for not a place in his pre-ordainea of Kiinted with lntrloati further particulars. AH letters plan paraphernalia, omission truthfully the When asked if grave of pareutal duty.—St. answered. Free confidential advice proceedings thsy oar. It Is like nothing exoept a descent in all mean to Louis I auouse Post-Dispatch. 1 the of a I matters of a private or delicate nature. Bear bishop being pol- nto the crater of Vesuvius whets the In itician, with some a mind this remedy is absolutely safe under they reply appearanoe lolie Is like ;the shackle of thousand T. STEPHEN ot W. URN condition and alarm that do hut that “the : BERRY, •very possible will positively they uot, oome. Hut the euglneet asked If It were A little life may be sacrificed to a sud- leave no after ill effects the health. dear has a remarkable of fore- lot all Her* the den CO., upon By hisbop gift beautiful. vibration of attaok of oroup If you don't have Ur. mail securely sealed, $2.00. Dr. E. M.TOL- sight.'* hose great eooentrWn wbleh work like Thomas' Kclectrlo Oil the MA.N CO., 170 Tremout St., Boston, Mass, on hand for Free Street. Bock, Job and Card People who hwyr.*»i|amisted in 1 make a uolso la I^HI Printer, MKZS-f’hows proportion emergency. find; NO. 31 PLUM ST HEIST.

!!"»■• I-ijhVr- PORTLAND’S TAXES. Emery, Hark P., eitase, 960,16 MUSIC AM* DRAMA. MISTOOK ms DISTANCE. n Korn. I mucauasiBinn. Emery, Sarah A.. 680.3 EACH _Miaou.4 H Penn. William H., r 7T4.8C Those Who «he C om Year Over Pmr lug Fllr.patrtok, James W, 544.M Knglneer Mitchell damped (hr Wharf “BLUB JKAN8.” Jonathan 686 76 •MO. Flatober. H., bat Kell In tbe Dock. KIND The lust attraction at the Portland Fletuher & Do., 646, (X rj^^WtMW^*V^^k¥>VffiiV^tVi¥vVvV#v^iV«V«^V^ "■ theatre will Da Joseph Arthur’s famous Foster, Mary W„ trustee, -5 There !««■••• The real estate of (be Is rained (bis Fox, Edward, hulra, MO Ht Mr. MItehell, engineer at the hoisting OF drama, “Bine Jeans," which city DYSPEPSIA comedy Frye, George C.. works on Diamond year at *31 065,400, and (hr personal estate Island, has hirt the will he presented by a strong oampany on Gilbert, Joelah J.. «M.« at (13,805,860. Rate of taxation for hnppg knack of being able to jump Friday and Saturday. .-“Wise Jeans” Is (110 Ullkey, Alphonse L., BOB Ot A (100. The amount of at 82.00 la Gould, J. K. & 8J3 f« ashore quicker than any man on the re- REQUIRES one ol the tuweewss oyer put on poll! Co., I greatest GOLD MINE OF Gordon, Seth 63 Ot boat to the but GOODNESS cat* fW.144. Here follows a Hat of the Arms 0„ turning ally Monday ev- I the stage and it grows In popularity Gore, Uharka U., aeSaU, lit * be underestimated bla DIFFERENT the and Individuals ue-essed orar (630. ening distance and racoerdlng year. Everything about Greenongh, Byron & Co., went Into the water, sunt a* t4u Furert .... IN AN place Is clean aid wholesome. The char- THERE ARK TAXED (6,000 AND Hale, Clarence, 660.10 .... P Hamlin, Jamae 6*8 80 Queen eras making bar landing Id Iota all TREATMENT. are true to life, faithful repre- C„ acter* all OVER. Steamboat BM.W of the Stats Harpswell company, made hla accustomed jump and be went senlatlorw of the inhabitants Baxter, James P Hasty, 8B4. l( (11,791180 Edward, Into tbe water but quickly swung himself THERE of Indiana. The tawnlo efTsots am the Brown, John B. Hein, *3,284.80 Holt, Krastus Eugene, 770. (Si Heighten, Clark & 661.01 under tbe wharf and thus avoided finest rear on any stage. This Uapp, Mary J.. 0,140.70 Company, being Baris, William H. Jcse, Harriet 61. 87881 In New 7,1*7.80 C., crushed by tbe boat. IS ATLANTIC Will be the only olty Eagl.nd mm RAHCE. Portland Uas 9,480.00 Junk Ins. 6«4.6t I George E., I Bight Company Tbe men on honrd.'.oaHed to him to that this oompany will appear at popular Portland Water Company, 18,704.00 Keue.ll, Dexter W„ Eat., 667.18 Kllburn, William MS.Ht swim out but he would not do no until he BUT ONE prices, THE FOLLOWING A HE TAXED BE- T„ CeOrow Brothers, 517.0( get his hat. He succeeded In reooverlng 3 “Atlantics” are because MANHATTAN STOCK COMPANY. TWEEN 676.63 popnlar they are MADE *i (8,000 AND (1,000. Leighton, Llewellyn M., it and when tb ti leat was accomplished REMEDY RIGHT, and SOLD RIGHT. The Manhattan Stock oompany have Lewis, Hall & Co., 786 Ot 5 ^ jjg Adams, John M. Balm, (1.778.(5 Libby. Mary J. & Sarah 660.71 consented to be pulled out by tbe crew The knows become very popular with the of Anderson Alice A., purchaser whero the repair* may T»e ob- patrons P., 1,8,6.70 Locke. Joseph A., 668 M of the steamer. 5 Mows tnined WITHOUT DELAY and a Portland theatre. Yesterday afternoon Bailey, M., 1,672.56 Coring, Short & darmon, 673.06 THAT at MODERATE PRICE. «E Bank, Caeoo National, 1,186.90 they produced J the Vagabond to a good Lent. Alice Storar, 888.76 AN UP-TO-DATE PORTLAND AR- You want the right kind of a and Bank, First National, 8,138,60 cooking range you S’ alsad Lynch, Ulohacl, heirs, 033.70 matinee house and last mgut the Barker, Helen, 2,0.19.80 RANGEMENT. will profit by taking nothing but the serviceable 2P Heine Charitable Meahanlo Aesoda- GIYES IT, 3g kind,* wsetern drama Jaok o' the Mines Barrett, hranklln H, _ comedy 1,048.60 Uon, 745.60 must be a 35 THE ATLANTIC. S£ Berlin Augusta ladles little behind was to a house. The Mills Company, 1,208.40 presented large Mannloz. Ellen C„ 78CSC 'the times the of Berry, A. H Shoe Company, 2,1(0 00 Harks Id way giving their ba- specialties of Marion Sawtelle are excel & Earle company, 711.1K HYOMEI Bolster, Snow & Company, 1,280.4.0 bies an A man In tbe Marshall, Nathaniel M., airing. visiting test, , lent and she has made a big hit with Brown, Mrs. Ann M., 1.080.10 i By every * |; McAllister, Henry F., 669.8(1 olty, the other day, told of a strange those who have seen her work. The other Brown, P. H & J. M. Company, 4,859.60 McDonald, Elizabeth M., 7U1.76 he one last Hum hum & Morrill, 2 100.00 sight saw, day weak in Port- DYSPEPSIA 4 THE BEST. I aneotaltler also are good. Th Is afternoon Magqulre & Jones, BH0.80 Burrowes, E |T. Company, 1,984.80 Hiller, land, when a lady was notloed hauling a “Little Bata" will be produced giving Caeoo Halph W., 609.15 Tanning Company, 1,846.20 Moore, Clara A. and William K. baby carriage attache! to her Moycls Retail Store at the Master Paul the talented Cate, Ieaao H. M., CURE. Brady boy 2,207.00 Neal, exeautore and one — Central Wharf trastaes, 0B8.77 along of the bock streeta Kennebec Factory, foot of Chest* actor a splendid opportunity to display Proprietors, 1,7-28,20 M tree, Nathaniel W., TTATT¥\ jC Chapman, Culltn C., 9,068.70 Journal. his talent. “Our Irish Ameri- William H., 758.06 nut street. Tonight Chase, Edward 60 Meulton, Il/LA 3g P., 1,190 Nash, Ollrar M„ 616 85 can Cousin’’ will be presented. William hairs, DEMOCRATIC CAUCUSES. Clifford, H., 2,410.70 Noyes, Edward A., trustee, 703.60 Samuel B. SO Doalroe Ua« I'U_ NOTES. Colesworthy, Jr., 1,394 Tbe Demooratlo ward oauonaea In tb!a Consolidated Eleutrlo Co. of Light p»»r, 5>5.0C 10KEY Miss i! Maine. eiu |iivuoui/ mw wiiicu u; vunimiHU joiss Stevens, leading ludy 4,900.00 Pieroe, Anna L 810.31 Conk, Everett & Levi Green loaf far or of the Mr.miauan Stock oompany, was Pennell, 1,865.00 Plummer, Charles A., 645.00 Tuasday Wednesday A. K. St Portland Cox, Stove Son, IS I 2,62.1.00 REFUNDED taken ill and was un- Plummer, C. M. aud H. 80128 night of next waek. suddenly ya.-terday Cressey, CO T., Cyrus hat., 1,491 Plummer, Hiram 1., 548 82 able to appear In either performance. Cunningham, Jauies, 1,159.69 1'ope, Harriet M., heirs, OJ0.5O The Hoblnson has al- Curtis, John T\ Itst. 1,798.30 Scratch, aorntob. acratoh; unabte to at- Opera oompany Portland Publishing oompany, 504.0(1 tend to IF IT FAILS Daseis, K. t -d business during the day or sleep been in this nnd no B., 1,0i9.80 Portland Safe 625 00 ways popular olty Deposit company, during the night. horrible 1 Baris, Win. N. Esk, 2,179.80 Portland Store Ware Itching riles, Co. doubt large houses will Its oompany, 908.0U Doan's Ointment oursa greet appear- untxiug. Iicitrj, Plague. Merer Foundry Portland Stove Foundry oompany, fleu.ou TO CURE. ance at 1 ortland theatre falls. At any drug store, 50 oenta next week. Deerlng, Hew; et ala, 3,669.46 Putnem, William 070 lu Sit L., THE Deerlng, Henry & ten, 3.313 60 Hand, Helen A., 600.40 JEFFERSON. Dow, Fred MARRIAGES. N., 3,964.70 Kloc, C. M.. Paper company, 672 01 There were Frank 80 SEND FOR ONE DAY’S two entbnslcstlo audiences Dudley, Eat., 1,3.4 Ulchsrds, Fred K., 000.20 Kastman Brothers Ac at tee Jenerson, id ths afternoon and Uancrott, 1,013.00 Klchardson, Koerrell 577.60 In Westbrook, 11, Her. Wm. O. Daniel F. H., heirs, Sept. by Finery, Helre, 1.310.40 Sarah 571.9 1 Mann Augustus A. Black and Miss Mary Mc- TREATMENT I were Kicker, M„ evening, who more than delighted Daniel F. ot Finery, Jr., 1,163.70 Klncs. David T. and Albert 007.20 Qulllau Portland. at the skill with wbioh S., In Sent. 5. Bev. B. L. DuManrler’s Emery, Waterhouse Company, 644.70 l.tmerlck, l>y Howard, Kussrll, John, heirs, Francis Wstts Towue or Farsonsfleld and well-known characters were The, J, 470.00 Miss m Trilby” Schlotterbeok, Augustus U., 520.70 Lllllsu of Farnsworth, B. B. Shoe Co., 1,030.00 May Frye Limerick. FREE ! portrayed. It Is bat fair to say that Shaw. Ceorge C. & Co., 735.00 In Waldoboru. gept. f>, Horace K. Keizer and Farrington, Ira P. Ket.. 1,831.76 Miss Olire F. BULBS! Shaw, Hammond & 048.00 Gever. the oldest playgoers are Indeed sur- E. Carney, Farrington, Alary W., 8,<>48.60 John at 620.80 In Calais 6. Frank Murehlo of F. Small, Q., ala, trustee* Sept. MIlKown, prised at the artistic manner In wbioh Brendan. Francis 1,608.00 J. 526.00 N. 11., anil Lillian M. Sadler of Calais. THE RESULTS WILL Foster, Aloees Smith, Hopkins, trustee, la fikmv 5. T. G. Just arrived from Holland and Franco the entire east this play. 'Ike H.. 1,076.15 J. St. began, Sept. Hilton gad Mrs. presents Franklin Wharf Smith, Hopkins, Henry Ids M. Hutchins, both of Ansun. Company, 3,-loo.80 John Smith Mtats and J. B. ASTONISH the and most assortment work of Mr, Post as Bvengall le notable. Uondy & In Llonous, Sept. 2, Spoflard A. Carr and Miss YOU. largest complete Kent, 1,307.60 Brown heirs, 208.00 Nora M. Sawyer. Few expeoted that In a stock oompany llanlien, J. H. & ever offered in Maine. These Bulbs w ere Son, l,:iS8.50 Snow, Kellie W. 8., 661 00 THE K. T. BOOTH CO., ITHACA, N. Y. Hammond. Malcolm 1 190.60 oould be found a man so strong that he F., Spring, Mrs. Andrew, 642.61 selected Hammond, William Heirs, 1,480.10 under the personal supervision of could carry a part like this with the suc- Steadman, E. M. and company, (81.00 DEATHS. Healey, Janus A uguetlus (Cath. onr who visited Hie Bulb farms cess of n star. There Is not a weak spot Stevens, Augustus K., heirs, 735.00 seedsman, Bishop), 1,171.80 Stevens Sarah. 728.70 SEVEN In the oast and the merits tbe Hindu, Aurelius At Peaks Island, Sept. 12, Herbert M.. son ot of u company S., 1,134.66 Strout, Almon A„ estate, 743.40 Holland and France and made per- Hooper's, Oren, Sons, 1,050.00 M. C. and the late Adzed a Sterling, aged 28 most liberal support. Tabor, Jeremiah W„ 503.00 8 20 Hunt, Arthur 1,743 00 years, months, days. SUTHERLAND sonal selection of ench and hence K,t S. W. and 780.60 services at 1 m. variety, UNDEKWOOO WPiilNG. Hunt, B.. Trustees ihaxter, company, [Funeral Friday p at his late Philip for, 1.U0.80 Theatre Corporation of Portland, residence. Peaks Island. Burial at Evergreen. SISTERS’ had his of the choicest Bnlbs. Hunt, AugnstuAL, 1,643.80 In Elmer pick, As soon es the weather Is dear again The, 084.60 Augusta, Sept. 12, E. Skillings, aged Half Grower and Scalp Cleaner. international Com- 85 years. 5 months, 10 days. Scsamshlp Elies and William Are the only that will restore the hair We offer over distinct named va- and when the sun shines the Thomas, W., of funeral hereaiter preparation* sixty brightly, pany, 3,833.00 [Notice ] to its original condition. At all Jr., trustees, 875.70 In healthy droggigta. side to Underwood will have an Kendall fc 1,700.00 Tbomaston, Sept. 6, Mrs. Mary Robbins, rieties of and over 35 distinct Bprlng Whitney, Thomas, Ellas, exeontor, 525.00 no Hyacinths, Dune, John W. i£et., 3,116.40 aged years. added charm. Several days of wet Hannan 679.(0 In 7. John 84 Diboy, H. J. Thompson, K., heirs, Bangor. Sept. Carr, aged years. named varieties of besides many heirs., 8.788.40 Tomllrson, Edward, 583 80 Iu Rockland. Sept. 1, Isaac aged Tulips, weather have deepened the yellows and H. J. & Est., Littlefield, Dlbhy, Company, 1,840.70 D. W. & 726.(0 50 years; Mrs. Mary C. Walker, aged 79 years. varieties of Chiono- xads on of tbe J. R. Trne, Co., Crocus, NHorcissns, many trees, giving promise Ldbby, Company, 1,675.00 Daniel 528.50 In Keonebunk. Sept. 6, Mrs, Sarah Haselune, -THE- Maine True, W., heirs, 80 «f the gorgeous autumn dr*Si they will Savings bank, 1,301,30 Phlneos 002.70 aged years. doxas, Scillas, Anemones, Haniincnlus, Ac. Maine Varnum, Fox, Est., In Eliot, Sept. 7. Mrs. Mary L. Ireland, aged wear a few weeks bsnce. After tbe Steamship oompany, 1.03U.C0 True, s. A and J. 685.50 cloudy MoCartby, Charles, li„ oompany, 72 years. Call or send for our Jr., 1,081.40 Waldron, Franoes E., 576.46 In Wells, Sept. 1. Samuel S. descriptive catalogue. days the first part of the week, we may MUliken, Charles 1,115.00 Littlefield, aged B., U surge. 524.90 82 years. PORTLAND ELECTRIC LIGHT ex wet a of warm Coneena & Walker, I spell weather, when the Mllllken, Short, S,780.00 Welker, 680.00 Milllken, Tomlinson Joseph, Est., student of trees, birds or wild dowers company, 1,«95.C0 Webb, LI no ley M., 642.50 AlUliken, Weston F., 1,178.63 will be well fepala for an afternoon In Moulton, William, Webb, Klotuu-U, trustee, 852.60 H. T. HARMON & heirs, 8,080.30 Webster, 9.3 90 CO., and about Underwood. An visit Murdock, David F.. 06 Benjamin. evening 1,168 Webster. Sophia H., 610.S0 to the Mutsey, John, heirs, SEVENTY The list the con- casino and electric SHADES fountain may 1,660.60 Week* 674.00 following comprises Cor. and Federal Portland, Me. Newman. heirs of, Stephen H., nections that have been made and those Exchange Sts., be more pleasing to some; If so there Is Edward, ],0|3.73 West End Land 770.70 Owen, Moore dc com company, We carry two Hues compris- pay, 1,806.00 Winslow, Edward B., 862.47 to bo made within a few days. It is bow n gocd opportunity The cosy ersino Uxnard, Kdward and C. B. P., Winslow, William H., 747.50 ing all (he desirable colors, fine- easy to tell those that have been connect- Is open for nil ar.d the arch*turn gives Cram, trustees, 3,137.80 ed from those that have not the color Charles Wood, William, Est., 686.70 ly grouud in (lie best mttuuer of by some inspiring music. Payson, H., 1,818,30 Theodore of the Those from Paysan, Franklin U, and Edward Woodbury, C„ 537.50 lights. produced Woodman, Edward, 558,50 water aro clear and H. York, trustees, power white, steady. SCHOOLS AND 1,814.00 Wright, Augustus K., 669.80 COLLEGES. Payton. Henry M., halro, 3,486.4U Puri Lead J. R. Wright, A. K., oompany, 546.00 and Linseed Oil. LIBBY CO. Perkins, J. W. company, 1,806.00 BROWN BLOCK Portland company, 8,580.50 1LM. LKWSEN&CO. C03UKN CLASSICAL INSTITUTE. Portland, Mt. Desert & Manillas A. E. STEVENS A CO. steamship company. 1,080.00 WOODFOJIDS. FALMOUTH HOTEL. Tbe fall term of Coubrn Classical In- Portland READY MIXED PAINT I IRA CLARK & CO. Packing company, 1,006.00 w. k. Parke it & co. stitute at Watervllle, opened yesterday. Portland Hallrosd cards on company, 4,390.00 humple application. SIMMONS & HAMMOND. TO OUR FRIENDS Portland Theie aretwo changes in tbe instructors, Savings Bank, 4,785.00 Special prices by ibe keg or IRVING A. LIBBY. Portland Star Match Key. W. a Boyard, pastor of the Con- L. VVHI this year. The place held by Mrs. Fred company, 1,818 80 barrel. R. TOO MB & CO. Portland Steamship company, 70 tress street M. E. ah will lecture In LONGSHOREMEN'S HALL. Padelford as one of tbe 4,130 arch, Instructors, will, Portland Union Station F. E. GRAY. THE POBLIC, Hallway Ihe vestry of the Clark Memorial charoh, KE1) MEN’S HALL. this year, be Idled by Henry H. Spencer, company, 3 176.30 Preble Hutel Thursday evening, September 14. Sub- COX A WARD CO. who is also to tsaoh English at Coloy. company, 8,475.50 M. PERKINS & MJMLC. B. LEIGHTON. Proctor, John F., 3,011.70 let, “Uncle Sara." N, JL W. BENNER. has been inter- At tbe institute he will have Latin and CO., progress Putnam, William L., trustee, E. V INTON EARLE. for 1,104.50 OURfered with for the mathematics hie branches. The ether Handall, John F., estate, 1,611X10 Hardware Dealers, ATKINSON FURNISHING CO. present by Hundull ,V ARMOUR & CO. ehange is that of instructor In Instru- McAllister, trustees of,3.103.40 HEAL ESTATE THAKSFEKS. the fire in our 8 MAINE PROVISION & COLD STORAGE which occurred store mental music. That rlaoe was filled trv Hiobardson Wharf company, 3,640.00 FREE STREET. Ricker. Clara E. Keuniston of Melrose, Mass., Joseph S., 1,043.94 J>2« dtt WEST END HOTEL. last night, but as soon as the circum- Reurge P. Masim, last year. » Through Hines Brothers oompany, 1,155.00 James H. Morris of Portland for 52,- H. H. HAY * SON. hla to a stances will we shall resignation aanept place in the Hines. J. Henry, Albert s, and 133.33 one-third of an undivided let of T. F. HOMSTED. permit proceed David T. uud K. Notice to Wheelmen. SULIVAN & OSGOOD. West, hie place will be taken by Mlae Hight, 3,914.80 land and at No. 47 West to serve our friends as we had Kin ■ buildings street, the do WILLIS CATBS. hoped Helen Conant of Lewiston, the has fur Joseph Henry, 1,039.93 We, undersigned, hereby agree LOMBARD John et Portland. FISH MARKET. Small, C., ale., trustees 1*. and remember us a long time been one of tbe moat fc. a --- to refund the money on a'25-cent bottle H. GOOLD TEA CO. promised. Kindly popular Insley K. Jewett of BrownUsld to MV. W. ALLEN. ins true tore lu tbnt Smith, St. Ul xiouijr a uuuubuu a Aiuicn mm UII and we won’t a olty. Henry John, estate, 1,835.50 Arthur AL Deerlng of Denmark, far (AW A. E. MARKS. keep you wanting Smith, J. Hopkins and St. if it fails to cure MBS. OVERBY. YaLK’S NEW EKA. Henry ill white Liniment, bumps, moment than is John, estate, S.R83.E0 standing pine, hemlock, birch, ORIENT HALL. longer necessary. scratches, C. F. A WEBER. Tale's last of ber eeoond Frederick »k, poplar and bam orer six lnobee In brnises, chafes, cuts, Btrains, year cantury Storer, 1,058.05 FREEMAN MILLIKKN. Sweat, Margaret J. 11., 1.602.80 llameter on tho homestead of blisters, sore muscles, sunourn, begins in a week. Under tbe new ad- "premise* chapped JAMES CON WELL. Your servants, Thomas, Elias, 4,724.10 or ODD ministration of President bldwnnl U. Koonds In Hr 1(1gton. hands faoe, pimples, freckles, or aDy FELLOWS IIALL Hadley tbe Thomas, Elias and William W.. FOSTER, AVERY & CO. Alehala H. of to Kllen other ailments an external nntvenlty la to spend that year in mak- Jr., trustees, 1,202.10 Noyes Xopiham, requiring ap- TRAVELERS’ INSURANCE COL Elizabeth L|. Ward of ELIAS THOMAS. ing ready to begin tbe tbird Thomas, W., heirs, 2,083.20 Brunswick, for tl, a lot of plication. Lady riders are especially century Thompson, Zenas and H. W. SARGENT. DENNISON & CO. R. L. WHITCOMB & CO. in Gage, laud on the southerly side of Bowker wltli Arnica and Oil GKO. E. SAWYER. changed every respeot from tbe Tale 60 pleased Liniment; trustees, 1,209 MRS. A. W. FERRY. of 10 As soon itreet, Brunswick. it Is so clean and nice to use. years ago. as President Thurston, George F., estate, 1,050 0) Twenty- LAD Si ROSS. Albert W. Derrs bee of Fownnl to Hadley Is Inaugurated plans for tbe be- Twltohell, Champlin company, 2,048.55 five cents a bottle, one three times as S. W. SOLKKY. Union Mutual Life Insurance H. Hatch of Durham for a lot JOHN HOU IVAN. ginning if the construction of tbe new Seorge tl for 60 cents. company, ol Maine, 2,776.20 large W. W. MITCHELL. buildings to cost about £1,000,100 will be >f land on the westerly side of tho Hange Union wharf proprietors, C. H. CUPPY & The number of new customers added pushed. The structures are to 1,122.20 toad CO., expected Wesoott, George In Fownal. Monument this be completed iu time for the Yale bl-oen- 1'., 1,139,15 Square, week represents about 2000 lights, Sadie 11. Bennett of Lewiston to tennial in It le Whitney, Annul, 3,805.10 Frank PORTLAND, ME. making more than 7000 lights now in > 1UGL understood that tbe Winslow & bi-oentennial committee has Co., 3,056.80 W. Winter of New Gloucester for fl, a service. New customers are being add- already Winslow, Jaeab S., raised more tban |1,000,001. exclusive 1,907.22 lot of land In New Gloucester. ed daily. The total number now being cf for donations Woodman, Alfred, 1,081.40 pledges given condition- Lizzie D. Swan of Westbrook to Dr. supplied by WATER POWER ELEC- ally. THE FOLLOWING PAY BETWEEN TRICITY in Greater Portland is about THE VIRGIL CLAVIER A. D. Wltbam of Westbrook for fl, a lot SCHOOL, ft 00 and (1060. 250. The 44 above named have just been SOUTH >f land and buildings at the east end, POJJTLAjVD. Adams, J.. Lydia 1665.70 iVoitbrook, on the northerly aide of Main added._ A GRADED PIANO American Sugar He SCHOOL, lining compa- itreet. ny, 913.50 The olty office Is now supplied with a —AT— Anderson, Samuel J., 686.60 1 I -- official Will Open Sept. 1899. telephone for purposes. Ayer, Houston & Co., 525.00 th, A City Treasurer Knapp has tbe tax bills Hailey Noyes, 951.(10 To The f THE KINDER CLASS will begin and will be distributed this 13am, James, "j 617.30 Saturday Morning, ready they Clarence N. Baker, A., 614.40 Rochester, H„ at IO o’clock. 20 half*hour week. Noah B. bus been ft Sept. 23d, lessons, SS.OOu Knight ap- Bank, Cunal National, 648.00 pointed assistant collector. Bank, Merchant's National, 654.15 No at home ~ On nnd after practice required. Barrett, Mary E., "623 70 May 1, 1899, Mr. Ira M. Davis, connected with the TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, Office hours II to 12 and 2 to 4 after 1st. Baxter, Mary A., _ 634 72 bll bills of the Consolidated Sept* E. T. Burrowes & Co., Is bis enjoying Boyd, Charles H., 569.62 THURSDAY AND usual vacation. Brackett, John L., 15 680.80 j FRIDAY, Electric Light Co. of Maine for BAXTER Fannie BUILDING, Dr. J. H. Cyphers has gone on a gun- Brown, C., 504.1.0 and William 783272 light power will be made out L. RANKIN. ning trip to tbe eastern part of the state. Brown, W., »uE30M,W&Ftf__FRANK Burgees, Fohes A Co., 659.40 at Tbe H. A. T. will the prices as quoted by the society meet with Bailer, Moses M., estate, 966.00 Sept 12-13-14-15, ’99. •> Miss Etta Gregory, Front street, this Canal Lend and Wharf company, 581.70 ; Portland Electric Light Co. evening. Carroll, Ootavla C„ 728.70 In addition to this all North British & Mercantile Insurance Go. Carter Brothers' Mrs. W. T. Btudley and Mr. and Mrs. company, 630.00 lamp OP LONDON AND EDINBURGH. Chase, Llarid T., heirs, 663 60 The Portland & Rochester reuewuls will be W. V. are In Boston tor furnished Btudley several Chenery Manufacturing company, 945.00 Railroad will sell Special Bound Trip 3 be Largest lusuiiutc? Company in the World doing a Fire Business. U free. days. Chisholm, ugh J., 602.60 j Tickets, including admission to the Cedant. Fred O., 871.40; Dr. W. B Moulton, who hxa been Grounds, at rates as fallows: (0N80LLDATED •*,332,101.90 paid at the Great Chicago Fire, October, 1871. Clark. Ira F. & Co., 625 00 ELECTRIC Loum at the Great Boston 167*. passing tbe summer at Cushing's point, • 742,4)07.tiO paid Fir*, November, Connolly, Cornelius, heirs of, 884 10 LIGHT AO. OF MAINE. •860,000.00 Loom paid at the Great6t. John, A. IS.. Fire, June, 1877. has returned to tbe city. Corey, Eceo, Oil.On From Portland, Me., $1.85 Mr. D. O. Moulton has returned Corey, E. & Co., 766.00 Woodfords, 1.85 Weston F. Pres. from Millikan, ALL LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED BY LOCAL AGENTS. Corey, Walter company, 672 00 Westbrook June., 11 1.85 a business trip to Hartford, Conn. Wm. R. Corser, David F., 632.81 Cumberland Mills, 1.85 Wood, Treas. Repreaeuted in Portland by t : msylidtf MUNICIPAL COOK! CASE. Cox, Henry P., 583.70 Westbrook (Saooarappa)11 1.85 Cumurloge, Annie 616 20 HORTON Harford a esse of L., A HALL, 17 Exctangi Strut, AUSTIN & SHEARMAN, Judge had drunk to Davie, Annie T'., 562.80 j dispose of He Unea tbe man Waller -On yesterday. Davis, G., 7J1 30 Wednesday, Thursdn lVi R. CUTLER 28 tictunge District John aiutteodti LIBBY, Strut.! Curing |B and ooste. The tine was suspended Hearing, W., 907 10 September 13, H and 15, apeor... i.-uns John 709 with an admonition toTthe Deerlug, Capt. W., 7u will run aa follows: Leave "guilty party Hufue Portland, Heaving, company, 777.00 8.45 a.m. Lsave 6.00 that he had hotter leave the city, wbloh Dole, Charles 751.7n Bochester, p.m. HENRY E, Arrive Portland, 8 00 p. m. HUMPHREY, the man promised to do. Donnell, Uoraae F., at ala., 709.20 EVES TESTED FREE Dow, Cornelia U S52.60 Teacher of Pianoforte and We have made this a special branch Organ. of our Joshua Brown & Elizabeth Tickets business and eau give you glasses Co., the well-known Drowne, I heirs, 787 10 good going Sept. 11 to 15, ol any Thome*. Inclusive. Studio, 52 1. M. C. A. Building. description. bankers of Boston end New York, have Dyer, 520.70 Upturning uuttl the lSIh, warrauU'cl m 0Mue3r *•* Eastern Dredging company, 583.40 inclusive. Pupil of Woutars of Brussels, Bel- fund******** opened a branch office In Philadelphia, John Duacan's New * Adoip&a Edwards, Tim eteta e, 840 00 Sons, Agents, York Irani, ami Martin Krause of Leipzig. Germany. at <21 Chestnut strset. £ Instruction Edward A W alker company, 756 Ou ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥*¥»’ ¥M¥¥if H. W. In Huruomy «udCoiiutcr. McJ£EJT*’EY the Jeweler, DAVIS, Supt. point. mymi Ssavaieut Square. jwrlfdl 'iff

jt THE DAILY PRESS LOVH. "I will do my best, mother, as I always WIT AND WISDOM. MWrRLLANFOT*. TO LET. b* do." | RAI.B. tan s.waya lound at th# panort o • !_FOR *h*t Is lov®, greatest of ulsters threw— Forty worth Inwrtrd under title heed ■bur* «»f? Mrs. nulls made a movement of her Fnriy wnidi Inirrlpil under thin head Forty word srrtrd A bily rapture sealed by a klwt ©■we r.r «»« week for |W esah In ssdrr this hood K. W. Roberta lo^' congress scrssw shonldort to tbe others CmpHflol. Wtd, advRoe*. ona week for on* * The that expressed 85 Ceuta, caah In advance. week for m cosh A. B. Merrill. 247 poets ting of happineea In thla cents, In advene*. * her lack of faith N. G. Fessenden, 626 Brief union; at ita mother s knee in Joe’s “best.” lisping EFKB8 to drop u* a postal and W. 11. JvweU. 604 The child doth pray for lore, and "I am After Jce was gone be was missed by HOUSKKIwtwlll haute «8 Pleataol 1, OK 8a I.K -The ball oi s bon! cow * hw," call af’er 'her old rags, T’) l-ET—InOftobcf. at., lying on L A. Libber. 670 A bottles, “**h, 14 rumnt wllli »tc»l* the beach at beat still, email voles replies; “the rein# of bliss the home folks became of the work he hone*, br»a«, co; p-r. lead. 2i*'C and pewter. ,nef,, Dee-jug. near Tuker Sorsgun, & McKim, 405 Congress street Are in ''-'T; If Iletlreil will lat A my hands to guide thee lest thou mlaa had done sad been use there was no silent hlgheat a:>ot ca«li prices. jaMKs ,suv.*u or F. A. Jelilaon, 936 Centres svtesw S,® rout will (VlitSEI(.ORNEI-ILs IiAKRIB, The and the in WHITE & 00., Portlatul I'ler, la our ad K. Hatch, Exchange street On and on — Idea. Some of the family wharf. 13-1 Western Promenade simple shepherds leprous kings can command some capital, would like 10 H.^on 3 6, P. Dennis, 411# Commercial street Scatters to From boy containing rooms, bath, steam Ii-at. base with mirth his pearls before the swino ought go. general appearances iweeciHte hinnelf With a tn es- House I. 8. Cole, Cor. Boyd and Oxinrd street ,nL*!l partner I dk wharf, windows, nor mbs; stable w|;h 3 stalls: lit And gathers to his hesrt alt kwthly the war was likely to last for some time. tablishing a mercantile or bnsi privilege*; suitable for stoam- 1 I'r.-tmh.ll an I J. W. Peterson, 177 MUIdlestreet things. manufacturing boau,.aWith or business Being Arsenal 8t».. price reason- nes*. Address box 1636. Port- any eonu<-ot*d wi u tne able. For W. P. Currier, 76 Exchange street —Kosaeter Wye in ttiack and W'hite. There were letters, dutiful and kindly, *’BL’SINK?8t” wster. U> pirtlculars apply at house or to land. Me, |3-i Apply i’tfLBG MARK EH, tte J. W We&tntan 95 « un«n.«i«t street from Joe to hU father and mother. To his Heal Estate Office. Elm National Hank Build- Joi n II. AHeu, 381 Vi Congress street o5f ing. FREDERICK 8, brothers he sent messages which were Dennel & Co. 646 Congress « -m. Afil i*xO w^FKLY--lntroducli)g and sell- LET—First class rent on Danfnrth VAII-L._|'"i brand new «, eef SA LE—One 25 II. P. G. J. Hodgson, 96Vi Portland street received with broad smiles and aueh ex- ^Ulstiv big gaslight burners TO nesr High, has o rooms and ha poll engine and one 2d for kerosene h, all men sur.ace 1 T. At. G Island. lamps. No chimneys, no smoko, modern set f- laner lor s le cbeau. Ad- tautening, Long clamations as "Who'd 'a' believed It?” Immurement. bowls In .Cl ch«mi>*> n dress fit* lasts for «. W. 1>. 47 F. L. Brackett Peaks Island. any lamp, years; easily sold in hot and cold water, a.earn beau This is a BCHOLK4, Newbury street, "Joe a soldier!” "Think of Joe so house or office. Beware g„0(J II. M. Butisr, 68 Pine street being every of imitations; rent and has Just been new y -1 13-1 samples F. A. Perfection papered, painted J. ii. Vickery, 221 Spring street far from home!” free; Mfg. Co,. Cin- and whitened: rent reasonable. I.. M. pi IR ha H. t>. 1 cinnati, O. p-i LK-brlglit bay horse, with black McKenzie, cor. m Spring and Clark mi. LEIGHTON, M E»ch After a time he mentioned skirmishes uge sound and 48 9 street._13-1 Bohns, kind, 130o lbs, 10 years Capt, Long. Portland Pier. | and battles he had mm liarnca* if doslred. be G. w. Hunt. 8 Custom house Whan been In. Once he was v BAND chat: ce for men ami women In Port. TO f.ET— Lower tenement, 232 High 8t., on May | ■ 1 •l*,de- Preble John ('ox. 23 Monument wounded and wrote from a laud and to earn | or before Oct. 1st, now Dr. : aireer. ilns square The Drudge of the Family Be- 8 hospital. His v\ vicinity good wsges with occupied tty ”erl HAttHoltw- Foriland F. Iluichlitson. 12 Elm street *Jf Automatic Shoe ibe Lngerson. eight rooms, hot water heat, Cooperage J. came a but Was Brought fi name was in the newspaper lists. After Button, entirely new, seller sep.v j Cotripanyl F. H. 219 Middb* Boro, of sellers. Write without delav rate baih room, 1*11 modern conveniences. Ad- Perrick, street a Home In the Ills to MBS. A. L. j J. j. Thus*. 61 noil* street Wrapped Flair. seeing name in print, Joe's family Me. dress F. E. DOCKEKTY, Boa 12-1 jj CUAMBKBLAiN, Portland. 0-1 ] lflla, City. ! F°!5 M.l'ori1",* •w'1 Inures* In a well est ib- C. H. Mowed, J9 Preble street knew that he was no longer a private. "Professor, these are my 1,ld daughter’s I ness P* mercantile liusl- C. F. SfBBonds. 87 ludia street He was mentioned as experienced, genteel TO L*T.—A large, pleasant ‘root r om eoil,,,“ 01 o ol Lieutenant Joseph paintings.’’ **||KMKN>TBATOKS, 1 and bidi'iiV*” T. large lot land Miss Abhle Coombs, imi Brackett streot. ami reliable can te put In the way or maK- alcove on floor, with bath, ho; water beat; machln- Also at Hillis. There was a general pause In tbe ‘‘Dear me! Too had! Can’t do ine a 5 , locaMdi the news stands in the Falmouth. It was in the early days of the war, In you good salary by applying to i. M. MIL- also two square room*. MBs. 8KIL.I.ING8, SS^bXrLSm"«X"l,d ,h« «ntlro outfit. lie ft I Sonfc 'tSSS Preble. Congress Bquare and Hutted states ho- family conversation. Dr. Hillis was the anything to iter from it?” LAR. Pearl St., office hours. 5 to 9 P. M. 8-1 Congress Park. 12-1 " “»•»«*»' use. mods and the summer of 18(11, that Jack Hlllls en- keep SraeesnllU.',?^ : tels. Grand Trunk and Union Depots. It first one to speak. can also be obtained oi listed. It never e Chisholm Bros., Agents would have happened, S. K. t)E lLNIS Dives sittings daily f rent of sU or seven irinmrX0 .SET"!? ?!,!!£■ on all trains of the Man "Well, who'd 'a' believed it of Joe?” *\|118. 1 pO LET—Ups*»1rs rooms, £# ,X e Central, Grand Trunk 1010 *• at Congress 8k, circle X very sunny and 61 CONGRESS and Portland & his mother raid, if it had not been for The !ffln pleasant « Rochester railroads and of mother said, "Since he was the every Thursday eveub.g at 8. 7-3 ST.. corner of Linerson. 11-1 •fsa T'tb&'i 5Tif.n on ot the E^ng.^ agent* any Boston Trains. that foolish excursion. The excursion In one that could he only spared, I'm _ The P&EHB can also os found at tbs glad A NY ONE __12-1 fo.lowing Itself had uot seemed and Mrs. he’a go wishing a restful vacation will find LET—A verv desirable six room rent foolish, doing well.” And the father won- ^ SALK—,r»*rsfcy cow and places: there Is no better mace to obtain it than In TO Apply SOU 1IIWORTH BROS.. 106 Middle l^OK daughter: two Auourn—3. A Polltster. Ilillis bad been one of the moat enthu- dered for a moment. No one had said CASTORIA and around the now famons Wadsworth Hall; street. n.i Augusta—J F. the house will 2** Pierce, siastic of those to celebrate that Joe was doing well of hia wounds. Bears the R. be open during the lall months*, Altml—J. M. Ak-rs. preparing signature of CRAS. Fl.HTCmta, * A' E' Then terms. *6 per week. Aduress JOHN b. PIKE. TO “''WERB/Wm* Bailey’s l-laud—D. P. the of the new railroad from it dawned upon him that his wife LRT-Hou«« 8 Park Place, 8 Sennett. finishing In use for more than thirty years, and Hiram, Me. Baldwln‘yMe.EDqUlre Bath—JohtuU. Shaw. moant their son ___jg-t RENTSrooms; lower rent, 39 Clark, 6 rooms; low- to wss doing well to be pro- Bradley Junction the lake. MONEY TO LOAN—On first, and er rent 37 Clark, 7 rooms; rent 25 Berlin Falls, K. 11.—C. S. Clara. mated. was n* Kind Von Haw Always Monfht, second upper Orange, HA I,E—Guns anil Shortly Joe back again to •u on Beal 7 rooms lower rent 6 office |,'OH -porting goods of all Biddefurd—A. M. Burunam. But there was a recruiting office at mortgage* Estate at as low rate of -to stone, room*; kluds; new relating air rifle and field intere*t 42 1-2 f fur shot and lJridgton—A W. lugalls. camp life, and soon after came as cac be obtained In Portland; also FxchNnge ; deek room 22 Exchange; sec- darts; punching Hake City. In front of the door of thii loan* made ond floor 395 Fore. bags, limiting coats, gunning Bruns tv lek—F. P. Shaw. news of the battle of the Wilderness— ou stocks, bonds, personal property Apply to WILLTaM II. g’oses. new patent bachelor office a band wns airs. or auv 184 1-2 Middle buttons, put ou J. D. Glynn. plsying patriotic good security. Apply to A. C. LiBBY & WILLARD, etreet. 11-1 witbout tiew Bangor news in the public way, but no letter needle; cigar light, bc.ttblng out. Boothbay Harbor— C. F. Above its roof the Btars and were CO., 42 1-2 Exchange tlreck auelRdlnio (1. Kennlstoo. stripea from IUA1I.K1, 203 Middle|M. 9-y Brownfield—Jay L. Frink. Joe. TO LET—A furnished house for the winter, flying. And there Major Seely ha- * Cape Elizabeth—Dyer & Jos a “Probably he's been with nine rooms, situated in the OVEI,|, 28 inch ** ** promoted sgain,” pleasantly Diamond, frame, No. 63773, •• F. Marriner. rangued the young men. An Asrful fnsntt. western parr of the at Room | franio said merchant Simon Hillis, “and he's WATCHES HU INSTALLMENTS. city. Inquire 23, ,AA maroon odor, natural wood rims Cumoerland Mills—II. Jack was a Y. M. C. A. Bui G. Stare. Htlli* IT and month, but "No, sir. I’ll never wear ding.eeptftdtf Loo irlicn Gres, Uarlnr.1 saildle. wire toe Camden—Fred Lewis. bnay getting fitted with a new uniform.” anything but clips' he wns tall and and looked 20. So a Waltham and Elgin Watches. A large stoca a Is somewhat rusty, grip eons from Cornish—L.B.K large boiled shirt as long as I live!” pe right of night. Dr. Hillis laughed and examin- protest- of new model Watches will be sold on ■ ...- ...... u. he his name and was It narrowly easy pay- or without board at No. 11 MYRTLE BT.., oiu congress signed accepted. ed the man as he ordered an extra ments at reasonable street. 1 050. ed his polished finger nails. prices. All Styles. All opposite City 8-1 elephono g.j Deeming Center—A. A. McCone, was a possibility that hia mother had dosen. Prices. MeKENNKY. the Jeweler, faomiment Hall.__ Danianscoiia— M. 11. Carnage. The father sold, “We’ll hear from him never Imagined. Of Mrs. Hulls' font “But the man 9du I.RT—Very convenient House of 5 rooms, POK MALE—At Stroud water, house and 0 to Jift-t Deenug—W« a. Golden. in good time, and mind what I we'll negligees are a great deal R 10 sons Jack was her favorite. say, TO lo the rear of 16 Mechanic street. Portland. I*na an<1 nn line street Fair tie Id— K. H. Evans. Simon, the kwiei. lull line of trunks and > jCL6h rail- never get discreditable news of Joe. l»ags can always be This is ihe half ot a double bouse: roaa and Fore rtver. ANDKEW ?. While* Qa oldbst of the was any A found at E. easterly HAWKS. Farmington—II. family, in business and » _a ... « "I don’t 1>. REYNOLDS, trunk and bag a month. to A. W. Mlichen. care it they are. I’ve had Apply MOOKGOFsKl. 23 Freeport—A. mnrrlcd. He was already making great manufacture!, 693 Congress street. Cougreae Hampshire street. ____31 Fryenurg—A. C. t rye. true.” enough ot ’em. Just aa I was Square. Ladles’and dress suit cases ac KEEN on his merchandise because of the standing gems HOUSE FOR SALE—A green house Frye T, Whitmore gains on a corner a all prices. Old trunks taken In TOO LET—Down stairs rent at 116 11 65 feet burg—J. It was a and all the few moments ago an imp of exchange. Open North St, 7 long, ic feet wide, 3-4 span; four Gardiner—Bussell Bros. state of the and the fears for the Sunday afternoon, evenings. connection. Trunks re- a rooms and hot and country a bootblack came and Telephone bath, cold water, steam years old ; made of best material. Small hot Gf > n’s Landing—8. W. FLfleld. x Hlllla family were at the farm. The air along pulled back paired.20-7 beat, first class sun future. He was buying as far as his repair, till day, very sight- P>P«»; patent vemllatlon. Will Gorham— L. J. LermomL was warm my coat and said to the crowd: ’H m! fine views of me w^,er,.b?iler.*"1 and bis credit would reach. Ha enough to feel like spring, and for furniture, clean, mitable ly. city and suburbs. Inquire sell all for dollars more than the glass will N. H.—8. M. Leavitt * 90a money ^TORAGE dry, at THOMAS'S flfiy cool to make a Mighty pretty shirt waist he’s ^ for household etc. STAlli.E, No. 34 Lafayette 8t. cost. .L H. SMITH, Falmouth Fores/do 8-1 Gore—h. E. Kmsell. would most assuredly not enlist. enough fire in the big fire- got on, goods, pianos, Space* ain’t it 7* Detroit Free I'reaa. 10 ft. sq.. $1.25 per month; 12 ft. sq., $1.80 per Knightvdle -L. B. Bradford. Penn Karl rnoanflu Kaan errn/lnnfiul place pleasant, while the outside doors ____7-1 HALE—New and desirable with mouth; 15 ft. sq., $2.75 per other size* TOO LET- House at POK house, Keunebunk—J. H. Ous. Btood month; 18 'Wllmot 8t* of 8 rooms; all mod rn 12 from a medical While he open. at OKEN HOOTER’S J eonvenlences, room*. bath E. Miller. college. pared The best la Pond’* Apply bath, sited, sunny exposure; first class and toilet, with hot wafer, steam Kennebunkporh—C. There was a on the Extract, because It |< order, heat, finished Livermore Falls—G. Newman. his nails in a step porch. Mr. ^portion. luqulre within. 1 g in natural finger strictly professional tbe and most wood, light and dry cellar, sun all * Hillis arose and met at the door a man strongest, purest uniform article fV'lS WILL BUY household large Lewiston—Chandler Winshlot manner, he talked about goods or store O day. lot. o Sberm n street, COLES- loftily going made. Note bottles with bufT ft fixtures of KENT—On- of the most convenient houses Long island—8. 11. Mars ton. In soldier blue. His face was wrappers. any or will re- J■ WORTHY, 02 street. into the field as a if Uncle Sam pale and description, of ten rooms, with modern Exchange £ Limerick—S. A. C. Grant. surgeon ceive the sente at our auction rooms for tinprovenients; thin and his right arm was In a between State and Meilen on Lisbon—C. B- Foster. needed him. But as a common soldier— sling. sale on commission. 0088 A WILSON. streets, Cumber- UN DRY—$2,500 will buy my WANTED SITUATIONS. iancrstreet so 323 f iA laundry, Ltbson Falls--A. M. Gerry. “You don't know me?" he said, smil- Andloneers, 154 Middle street, corner bilver Apply Commercial street or small wwn; good business; enclosed “No, thank you.” telephone 84.V4 J. W. stamp Mechauic Falls—Merrill & Denning. And then Mr. Hillia Jim afreet. lcb3-tf PEEKING.17-tf for particulars. Address, LAUNDRY, Box Next there was Joe. It was the ing. recognised _ N«>. Deerlng— Noyes * gen- words Inserted under this head TOO LET—Tne modern detached Lurvey. who had gone into the army Forty tenement, 122 1MT-_au29-4 H. chase. eral in the family and the Smalley, * Park near |20.|Wate:boro—j. opinion neigh- one week for 23 cents, cash In advance. street, 8pi lug street containing BALK-House No Haven—C. S. Staples. with Joe. He was warmly welcomed, 8 rooms, and POR and cottage lots for sale borhood that Joe waa good because he MARRY bathroom, laundry, up-to-date A at Willard Noith atxatforu NU.—J. G HutoUln but he NELLIE. and a low to small Beach. Souili Portland. For lacked of character to be responded coldly, they thought, ME, plumbln* heating, price of H. btone. streugth any- °f adults. to particulars enquire E. Beach Norway—l’.F, and he was serious for Jim a young man; a position as And I will such a at Apply J.F. BABB, 272 WILLARD, else. No one knew his very Smalley. buy you pretty Ring fcmllyMiddle street, aug28dlmo Williams* KimbalL, thing deficiency WANTED—Bybook keeper or stenographer, references A thousand solid street, or the owner, auefttf Willard._ •• A. O. Noyes. To the rallying of the Hillis brothers he McKenney’s. gold Ring* better than did his mother. He had al- given. Addrdss T. H. It., box 19. South Port Diamond', Opal-Pearls. Rubles, Emeralds and E'OR KENT—House 144 Pine street, f’osaea^ BALE—Lot'2 l-2| Inch 2nd hand steam N.Conway—C. 11. Whitaker, sometimes an- been the end of the gave short, irrelevant, 13-1 nil other precious stones. and at PORT- FORpipe, suitable for water or Old Orchard—Cha-. Fogg. ways stupid family. land._ Engagement f J1*®" flT?® Immediately. Enquire running light swers. He told them about his wound, Wedding Rings a Largest stock in LAND SAVINGS BANK, 83 Exchange street. steam pressure. Just the stuff for cellar or Oxford—C. F. btarbird. No bright sayings of Joe’s childhood had AN TED-Situation a car- specialty. piazza Ylr by young man, city. McKKNNKY. The Jeweler, Monument posts, come early if waut some. REUBEN A. 1>. cragin. but added that it was not serious. Tf and of 8 _1-lf you Philipps-W. ever been recorded. When there was ex- penter draughtsman years ex- WR8COTT, 137 Lincoln Sk, foot of Klcnmond—A. L. Preoie. Then Jack said, I say, Isn't perience, can make 1)LEA8ANT well furnished rooms, central lv Myrtle. tra work to be Joe was out of “Well, Jim, designs, plans, tracings, Square.__mar22dtf 8 J. Rolfe. done, kept slto can take located, with table board at 28-4 Kumtord Falls—F. onr Joe out in fine feathers? You etc., elm. ge of work. Address good No. 5 to coming 1* o head Kockland—Duuu * Carr. school do It. “What does it matter?” R”x a l-pwlaton. Hr Cdngreaa Park, of Park street, MBS. BALE OR TO LET-At West Pownal R. see once ■ eTen If he is an Maine._m ANTED. Art* Wall Paper Co him Its while, SKILLINGS. FORR. six acres of good •* his mother would say. “You’re always Jly21dtf stailo**, l«nd. story A. J. Huston. don't lady would like a position In and half and stable at the foot of classes.” officer, you?” LET—Store No. 88 uow oc- bouse, ell, in good con- Sanford—Trafton Bros. your n'ANIKl>--Aan office as assistant bookkeeper, or any Forty words Inserted under tills Itead Exchange 8L, I see TO » dition. running spring water, several fruit trees “Yes, yes, him sometimes." office work. Can furnish best of references. cupied by Portland Phonograph o. Pos- Skowbegan— II. G. Graves. So continually had Joe heard himself one week for 25 cask In advance. session 161 and a fine rock maple grove ALFRED WOOD- “Do think he’ll be a gen- at 108 EXCHANGE BT. 12-1 cents, July h. CHA8. MCCARTHY, JR. South Portland—J. F. Mernmaa. depreciated through his childhood and you brigadier Apply MAS, 19 Peering streek Portland, Me. 31-4 il. Kicker * bon. eral before Eben asked, laughing. _6-tf he grew to manhood under- long?” bred O new 9 N. E. Gordon. youth fully XE^ANTED—A lady, past middle aae. wou’d WANTED—Maine gelding or mare not '| LET—hummer visitors take nonce the POR SALK—Elegant room bouse on “No, I guess not,” Smalley answered. Tf TT over be ■ *- Brown Couth Windham—J. W. Bead. standing that he was the blockhead ot like charge of a gentleman’s home. No 15.2; must sound, kind and true, Balne House is centrally located 69 Spring street, Woodfords, op?n plumbing, if ever a and have manners cor. hot water heat, ha. South Paris—A. D. 8turLevant the family. Sometimes Joe thought he “But he's got the title of hero objection to care of child, best references. good action, and appearance, street, OAK, rooms and bo.trd. Price Si.oo piazzas, windows, electric A. of state pedigree and price. Do not answer Inis P®r lights and bells, finely situated. Price low if South Paris—F. Sburtleff & Co. like else than the man got It, and he’ll keep It, too. Future Any positlou trust considered. Apply to M, South Waterhoro—G. G. Downs. might something farm, this office. 7-1 •‘Ad’’, unless your horse has sufficient speed to taken now. Easy terms. DALTON & CO. histories will mention how Lieutenant s-.ow better than 2.40. TOO LET 2 pleasant rooms,front and Saco —W. L. Streeter, but if he hinted at the idea ever so mild- Address T. O., Rot 700. M back.furn- Jly25dtf -EL B. Kendricks * Hillis, when officer after officer was shot Portland, Ished,light housekeeping man. and wbe. or baco- Go. there was a general and then Maine.__13-i two gents SALE at a very low pi lee. a uninier •* ly laugh, BUMMER BOARD. lodging. All cars pass, call 199 1-2 K. L. Preble. the men under con- Cottage cf four rooms with Joe turned scarlet aud silent. down, steadily kept A NTED—Dessert—Burnham’s Jelllcon,sold Middle 8t., Portland. HARRIS. 0-1 IjlOR furniture, very South Bristol—N. W. Carnage. at last led \ir” Pleasantly situated near the South Thomastou—K. W. the of the of trol, prevented a retreat, and by grocers, in stock at Chaa. breakwater. Walsh. Jack, youngest quartet words insetted under hesid McLaughlin Portland, an A within fifty feet of the s It the colors himself, and Forty this ( o., H. 8. to etcher Co.. H. H. Neverus Co., Co bouse No. 199 water; Vina! Haven—A. B. VinaL sons, was the of the house. He them, bearing POR RENT—Upper flat, Spring would make a fine clu^-hjuse: musr be sold at darling one week for 25 cents, cosh In advance. r.ant Patrick Si Co. Also Burnham’s celebrat- K *tre eight rooms, besides halls and bath Waldoboro—Geo. Bliss. the that was doing so once. One hundred and dollars takes was the brightest of the family, and, captured battery ed beef, wine, iron, end process beef room, wllh steam beat and all modern im- sixty-five West.Paris—8. 1. White. Liebig’s tt. Address 126 Franklin Port- much harm”— extract, Burnham's brand. 12-1 lot. In first class “Cottage, st, WUcassett—Gibbs * Bundlett. though the other boys were creditable, AYMOND SPRING PRICKS RE- provements; large order. lamLMe.” tf or HOUSE, at 44 Watervllle—W. D. Spalding. Jack would them when he “Then he'll be captain something DUCED FOR KEPT. AND OCT. Gives Inquire PEEKING 8T., morning, noon surely eclipse or SALE— now 9 Westbrook—W. B. Boothby. Jack and from New Gloucester depot to Students in optics and patients night* sep5-l-tf pOK Elegant room house, c'0r- made a choice of a business or profession higher?” exclaimed, eagerly, transportation WANTED-T" *- ncr or Avenue Woodlords—Chapman * Wyman. the K. 8. House, Poland the Shakers’ to know that Doctor Knowles. New York Deering and William st for now springing from his chair. Springs No. hot water Yarmouth rl lie—A. J B. Mitchell life. And he had enlisted! It one week’s entertainment and return to the city, with an assl*t»nt Is In Portland for the l^OK RENT—House 63 Giay street. Nine Open plumbing, heat, archlteot. you rooms plans, corner lot. was not to be “No, he won’t be anything,” Smalley N. G. for of lecturing and ad- beside balls, bath and store rooms; beautiful surburban home endured any longer than Depot f7. regular price *10 and 820. purpose upon optometry Price to The Maine Central justing lenses for defective Address botaudcold water, set tub*, furnace heat; suit and terms easy. C. B. DALTO N’ till such time as the work of the foolish said, sadly. Railroad will give regular eyesight. f»3 PORTLAND POST OFFICE R. II, M. No. 42 1-2 with good yard room. All In first class order. Exchange Junebdcf "Because, Mrs. Hillis, I came to tell transportation and return for *1.25, or satur KNOWLES, D., Exchange streat_ boy could be undone. day ticket round for 8t., Cortland, Me. 12-1 Enquire ai 44 PEEKING ST., morning, noon or it would be better—and trip good, Saturday, Sun- uight. On the evening of the day that Major you—we thought day and Monday lor 85 cents. This Is the most sep6-tf CORRECTED TO JULY 1, 1800. n Joe WANTED—Board had was com- I got furlough—and—I brought inexpensive and delightful trip in New for three ladles with a » THOUSAND Seely released Jack, Joe Eng Tf RINGS. land, if make It will never no other three OFFICE HOURS. home from the farmhouse. home with me, and”— you you regret It, family having boarders, ing Raynor wri e day in advance of coming, state wlia< rooms on second floor desired which could be TO To select from. There was a sound of slow moving LET. Diamonds, Opals, Peal. Pos'master* a Office, (Sundays excepted• 9.01 The liillis and the Raynor farms joined. tialn, we will n.ect and make partially or entirely furnished by applicants ; Rubys and all other precious stones, The from you promptly Engage, a. m. to 5 p. m. Jennie Raynor met Joe in the shadow of wheels at the gate. father, you pleased and comfortable. Remember Sept t romul payment assured >nd the arrangement stent and Wedding Rings a specialty. Largest looked the aud Oct are the banner mouths to be in tnc of satisfactory would be mock in the city. the Jeweler Cashier's Office, (Sundays excepted.) 8.00 a. a Of all the in the where be sat, through open probably permanent. Store Wo. 550 McKENNEY, hedge. girls neigh- country. and never was Address (i. O. P., 692 ( street. Congress street, Monument Square. marchiodtf m. to 6.00 p. m.: Money order department, 0.03 door. There wns a hearse at the gate, Shooting fishing better ongress ll-l borhood Jennie was the one who ihan at the piesent time. Address corner a. in. to 6.00 p. m.: Registry 9.00 a. only C. E. of Oak. Enquire of BALE—Here’s department, with the stars and stripes. KM AM.. North another! Elegant,-new m. to 6.00 m. was kind to Joe. The the draped Raymond.5-tf ANTED—Burnham’s made In a room on p. rest, taking \\T Jellycon, C1IAKV.ES FORnine house Eastern Promenade Later Smalley told them how Joe had minute without sugar. For sale perky. for General Ik (Sundays 7 Jo opinion of their elders for their own, North by $3900. Corner lot, sewer, Sebago. heated, livery, excepted.) after the HOUSE. Windham. Me. Now grocers in cases of 3*4 dozen assorted flavors a. m. to 7.oo m. 9.00 to died of his wounds the night __ augSdtf gas, bath, hard wood floor, very p. Sundays lo.oo a. ra. snubbed Joe on every occasion. On this LAKEOpen for the season of 1899. Quiet loca- -r 1 dozen flavor 1 sightly, bay 1.00 to 2.00 m. any or lozeu assorted, in and $1000 p. battle; how he, though wounded himself, tion. Supplied with unexcelled mineral water. 'took windows, piazza. Only down, balance evening, after talking over Jack for some at the Twitched Champlin Co., and to suit C. IL 63 Carrion to minister to and Good bass aud salmon fishing; desirable rooms. TO LET. you. DALTON, Exchange St. OeHverles, (Sundays excepted.)—In Joe said: had been ablo others, Jobbers 8-1 Junes-tf busiwcvs section of the city between and time, ates reasonable; correspondence solicited. L. generally._ High he was with Joe till the last. 8 Fit* India streets at 7.00. 9.00 and ll.oo a. “If I should I don’t believe EM AN. prop! ietor. l2w« FOR or will m.. 1.30 and enlist, je28d ANTED-I am now ready to all Mods pHEAP CASH, exchange for 6 hi other sections at 8.00 a. “And did he remember us? Did he \\ buy Suite of wo rooms, Wo*, o and v-' real estate, p. in.; in., 1.30 p. m. mother would try to get me off.” of cast off ladies', gems’ and children’s manufacturing plant lu Boston, at Office y.oo Mrs. Hillis sobbed. IO on corner goods In constant demand all Sunday delivery window, to 10.00 “Oh, Jennie send any message?” wUMMEK BOARDERS WANTED-At Clover clothing, i pay more than In 4'ougress and Oak by grocers and а. m., 1.00 to 2.00 in. Collections from yes.” hesitated. She felt k dale any purchaser provision owner to must p. street “Yes, he remembered; he mentioned Farm, Gilead, Me., situated in the city. Bend letters to MIL or Mhft. Dk- streets, for baotuess use. Eu- dealers; going Cuba; boxes at 7.00 and 11.00 a. that Joe the truth. After a vicinity of ul, 4.00 and 8.00 p. m spoke pause of White Mountains, on Androscoggin river, GROOfr, 78 Middle of dispose business quick; only small capital 6.00 m. you especially. He said I should tell you 8t.ang23d2w-tf quire to ruu business. Sundays, p. only. she continued, “But you won’t enlist, good rooms, excellent table, beautiful sur- required Apply to OWNER, was it was himself instead a ■ a X!TUn __ ...... __ vuA»juc.. 167. So. Wind bam, Me. 31-4 mau, woman, and child, who desires to be Is great demand. it secures tions. via Maine Ceutral railroad—Arrive at Jennie said she must home. Joe de- stupid laughing Party getting big go cured of this Southworth thing. A rare opportunity. Address 213 suitzer 12.45 and 6.15 p. m.; close at 7.45 a. m. aud 12.15 tained her the family and the neighbors, but an old wo- annoying infirmity. Address, Bros., p. m? by very slightest touch on Building. Toledo, Ohio. li-1 her sleeve. “Would man does not forget. Each year, when SHERIFF'S SALE. STAMMERER’S J?octetan*, intermediate you care, Jennie? If INSTITUTE, 101-109 offices and connec- the graves of this snd other soldiers are No. 10 Brown MIDDLE ST. A GENTS WANTED male or female, make via Knox and I go to the war or If I at Bt., Portland, Me., aug28dtf tions Lincoln railroad—Arrive stay home, do twenty to Odd 12J0 and duo covered with flowers, the old woman, (. Where Prof. Grady, the principal, can now be thirty weekly, Fellows, p. m.; close at 6.00 a in. and 12.0j you care?” UMBF.BLAKD, 89. Knights Pythias workman. Grand Army mem- aud ni. on arm of one found. m., 4.16 p. leaning the younger, but Pursuant to an order therefor to me directed Consultation free. bers preferred: call 0a. in., to 8 m., I care — p. including Skou intermediate “Yes, Joe, very much,” Jennie lion. S. C. WASTED M ALB HELP. began. offices and connec- not young, sits by Joe’s grave and says: by btrour, Justice of the Supreme auglOW.F.Mlm Sunday. F. W. PAKKFiUKST, Chase Hotel, tions. via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at answered, with flushing cheeks and Judicial Court, I shall sell at auction 417 Portland. 36-1 “Jennie, he was the one of public Congress Sfc, 12.45 p. in.; close at 12.16 p. in. downcast only my to the highest bidder,at Portland l’ier.Portlan t. WANTED—A young man lo learn the drug eyes. I Island Pond. Vt., intermediate offices and boys could spare to be a hero. He Maine, on Saturday, September leth, 1899, at business. Large store in the country; “It'll be awful hard to go if you don’t FEMALE HELP WANTED. connections, via Grand Trunk made our name known for ten o’clock in the forenoon, the steamboat flrst-elass place for the right fellow. Andress Railway—Ar- want me bravery. My rive at 7.00, H.46 a. m.. 6.00 7.00 to,” Joe said chokingly. “But, called “Corinua”; the same been at- B, Box 1557. 11-2 p. in.; Sundays neglected Joe! I’m so glad that you having a. m.;close at 7.30 a m.. l.oo and 7JO p.m. Jennie, you don’t want me to stay at tached by me July 22nd, 1899, on a writ to en- SPOT CASH-OLD GOLD. thoroughly experienced 7.30 m. loved him and that he knew It"—Wo- force a lien claimed thereon; sud which writ Ylf ANTED—A pressman at once. W. L. WANTED—Achamber eirl at the conaress Sundays p. home if it comes to be my to Square N. intermediate duty go?” Portland Is and We give you the highest price for Old Gold as CARD, 4t> Free street. 11-1 Hotel. at the HOTEL OFFICE. 13-1 Gorham, H., offices and con- I man's Home Companion. Company plaintiff Portland, Apply nections, via Grand Trunk railroad—Arrive at “Oh, no, Joe; couldn’t love a coward.” Freeport & Brunswick Steamboat ComDany we use it for making rings. McKENNEY the 7.00 aud 11.45 a. m., aud 6.00 p. m.; Sundays 7.00 “Jennie”— and said Steamer “Corlnna” are named as de- Jeweler. Monument Square. oet27dU \XT ANTED—Young man for office work. Ad- YY ANT ED—A young lady to learn the а. in., close at 7.30 a. m.. 1.00, 7.30 p. in. Sun- Something Like It. fendants; said writ being returnable at a term V T dress, stating age, D. II. W., Box 831. millinery trade. Apply at BltOWN She lifted her eyes. Joe’s face wap days at 8.00 a m. and 7.30 p. in. of the Supreme Judicial Court next to be held 11*1 BLOCK. 637 Congress street. Room 8. 13-1 near her own. Policeman—Say, mister, have you got a Montreal—Arrive at 7.00, 1L45 a m. and 6.00 very The twilight was at Portland wlthta and for the County of Cum wild woman concealed on the second ANT ED—A competent girl for general p. m., close at 1.00. 7.3J p. in. Sunday close deepening. Their lips met, and each felt beriaud on the second Tuesday of October, A. LOST AND FOUND. TRAVELlNG man ; position YY permanent; |60 housework. oetween 7and * m. 7.30 p. in. floor of your hocse? l>. 1899. A par mouth and References re- Apply p. that this was their betrothal. expenses. at 48 STATE STREET.13-1 Sxcanton. Vt., intermediate offices and cou said Dated at Portland aforesaid quired. CLARK & 234 8. St.. And so it came "No, sir; that’s my wife,” the man, September 9, CO., 4th, Phil A, via Mountain Division M C. R. K.— to pass that within less 1899. Forty words Inserted under this head Pa. nections, at a in the front Sept 9-tf ANTED— fix peri e uced stitchers on shirt Arrive 8.15 close at 8.00 a. in. than six months looking up figure win- one for YYr at p. m.; from the time of the M. W. TREFETHEN. week S3 cents, cosh In advance. waists, wrappers, skirts and muslin un- dow. “She’s her hair an elec- Bartlett, N. If., intermediate offices and con- chance meeting in the shadow of the drying by septlldSt Deputy Sheriff. CABINET MAKERS WANTED. derwear. We furnish continuous employment nections via Mouutaln Division M. C. R. R.— tric fan.”—Detroit Free w Joe Hillis came Press. at a and at good ages. THE CHEN KEY MFG. Arrive at 8.30 a ul aud 12.45 and 8.15 m.: hedge home from Brad- evening, Riverton, p. LOST—Saturdayblack silk lined. Finder will please First class men nee I BERLIN CO.. 2?4 Middle St. 12-1 close at 8.00 a m.. 12 JO ai*l 7.45 p. m. ley looking very thoughtful. After cape, only, apply. sup- return same to MRS. GEORGE at MILLS CO., No. 404 Commercial Port- Bridaton, Cornish, Uiram, Falls Nocaah’a Credit. BARBOUR, street, Steep per he said: Wfe«tbrook car Maine. GIRLS WANTED at once to work on via Mountain M. C. K. WHAT’S THAI? barn.13 1 land. aug24dlmo division, R.—close “I Mr. Slimpurse (hankering for a suit of MURDER, ill/ machines run KINO ft. 00 p. m. enlisted today, and I’m going into sewing by power. on One of Alarm Clocks, esc to T OST—$5 Reward wl!l be to re- MFG. 148 Middle street. 11-1 camp the first of next week.” clothes tick)—I—aw—presume you are McKenney’e paid anyone CO., Rochester. N. H.. intermediate offices and con with $3.00. Warranted to wake the dead. Mora -AJ turning to 91 Danforth street, a small via Portland & “You've enlisted!” acquainted my friend Mr. Nocash. ANTED—A girl Tor second nections, Rochester railroad— Jack exclaimed. clock Ilian all the other dealers combined. female Pug dog with the name Baby on its W. H. O.T competent Arrive at 1.45 and has a FIRBANKS, work. at 9a SPRING ST. 9-1 6.00 p. m.; close at 6J0 a. in. “What sort of rot are us? He running account here, I believe. McKENNKY. the Jeweler. Monnment Square collar.13-1 S„ Apply aud 12.00 m. you givln we do the eepCSdtf a of a Cumberlaiul They wouldn't take you.” Tailor—Yes; running.—New and YY'ANTED—By young lady experience Mills, Gorham and Westbrook f OBT—Gray white coon kitten, di ap- 778 situation as or Arrive have York Weekly. -Ai Congress St., stenographer bookkeeper. (Saccarappa) at 8.45 a. m. 1.45 aud &*K) “Well, they taken me, anyway,” peared Sunday morning. Sept. 10th. Will Graduate both branches, stenography and 111.; close 6.30 aud 12.00 a m. and finder please return to or S. 62 p. 5.30 p. m. Joe answered. "I belong to Terry's cav- notify C. COOK, 936-5. ME. typewriting and single and double entry book- South Portland and Wxllard—Arrive at Ne»l street. Telephone PORTLAND, 7.30, Nota Benei Her Yoath. WEDDING RINGS. _13-1 keeping : references given. Address Box 276, 11.00 a m, 8.00 p. m.j close 6.30 a and alry.” ul, 1.30 “Just said the One hundred ot them to All orders left with F. W. 37 So. Portland. D-l б. 30 p. m. “Joe, why have you done this?” his fa- now," sweet young Bos- select from. AH STRAYED OR STOLEN-A bout HUNTINGTON, all all In Union Rt., Tel. 6M 3, or at HASTY'S Stable, Pleasantdale and Cash Comer— Arrive 7.30 ther ton thing, “I overheard some men styles, weights, prices 10. 14 and M LOST.Sept. 7th, two yearling heifers, one a dark asked. speak- Kt. Gold, and beat stock of Green St., Tel. 626-2 will be attended and 11.15 Ain. aud 4.30 m.: close 6joaul largest rings brown Jersey, one re ! 8.15am.; close come near- anything in rings or of any design 2.30 p. m. spared. Your father's too old and Jack’s White—I think silver would pins special vou tuay wish at very short notice. McKEN- T OBf betwetu Union Station. Monument Sq. STAGS too and er the mark. He about a • IMMEDIATELY. MAILS. young, neither Simon nor Eben gets quarter NEY. tae Jeweler, Monument Square, Portland. AJ and Fort Preble, Ladies' glove buuouer Bowery Beach—Arrive at6.30p.m.; closest could stand the life of a common soldier. word.—Cleveland Leader. ianlSdtf and gold pencil. Finder address C O., Fort DIA MONO S-1N S T A L L MEN T S. 2.30 p. m. Preble for Machine Girl, I hope you'll your wits about reward,81 j have a assortment of Diamond Elisabeth and keep yon large Cape Knightrltt*-Arrive at and to understand The Head of tka Class. I OST—Between Bramhall aiul Danforth WE Rinas. Pins, Ear Rings aud Scarf Pins, Coat Makers, 7 JO a m. and 6J0 p. in.; close at 6.00 a m. and try what's said to you Ai streets by wav ot Brackett and 8 ruee, a all good quality and perfect. This Is a very 2.00 p. UL and not bring any”— she hesitated, came The Teacher—Where is the caribou $6.50" WALTHAM l'ant Makers, WATCH, black sa.In belt with gold buckle, rose wreath easy way to buy a Diamond as we make toe Duck Pond, Pride's Comer, No. found? auswer. Windham, Thomas, you may Silvrrine case, Waltham or Elgin movemeu design attached. Ftu»»er please return to payments so by that you will not miss the Windham. Raymond and South Casoo— Arrive •« YOUNG & CO. hear aaylag “more,” but finished, "any Tommy Tucker—T*>» found A good timekeeper, warranted. McKENNEY CARTER Jewelers, No. 521 Congress money McKFNNEY, The Jeweler, Monu- L. C. St 10.09 a ul : close at 2.00 p. m. BROS., < the and receive reward. 7-1 ment square. febtkitf 3113 [ in the »i -iue. Jeneier,Monument Square. )e9 street, Com and V—d. Caat Steel Stflo r.r»«**n Pmrtnrw •pmr.rrl. No. « drift Hr Corn, car Iocs.. 4*3 *3 Herman ateel..3* n 4 S.nrporud pi Btti, mi HNMCIAL MB MJlflfcllCUL BUST* B, Sept. IB 1499-Tts following an renlaced Hept 11th. RAILROADS Com. bag lots. 44 »*><*"»«•>.-.8* 6* __ 00§ mt 4y order of the Meal, bag lots. 42 «43 Sheet Iron to-day’s •ittwuiuuHi frovatau. ma.i Lighthouse Board. -. —. J7K. cogswkll. onto, cox'lots ... 29m So H C 5 vi ouit —...4*9 w Commander LI. 8. N. Oats, bag tots..... J>2» 85 «en Haute.IS', a 14 BOSTON A MAINE it. K. The market Is Arm. 1st L. H. Cotton rmeA. car low..OO 00 a. 23 OO American a 12 Inspector Lhtt Baals.S1 (dHttiM 3 uo*4 60 BOSTON Spring In EifMt and PHILADELPHIA. Cotton loto.. .00 oo Sep*. lOth, 1999. Seed, bag 00^24 Galramaed.t.’,» 7 4 io Uie — kxnr 3 75 25 of Products Soaked Bmn. ear Into.. ,.1« 50*, 17 00 Lead pattmv Memoranda. TKI filiations Staple Clear ami straight a 25 4 <*). WK8TKHN DIVISION. WEEkLV SAILINGS. .^ocked Bran, lots...... IT bag 50?St* 00 **••*..4.—. «r7> Oom—steamer Baltimore. Sept ll-Heh Benj F Peele. coal Trains leave Portland. Union Huvdon. for T.i kid ling, car loto.17 0o«18 yell<7w.42 V»o. Markets. 00 g»...B*. -. m.; Hear boro Roach. Pine 7.W. Tkersdey, Sitediy. Mixed Ukcho Uw S«mi Mtrtat Point, feed.. 6o«l8 00 Tobacco. lision with the British sieemer Cyrus Buuday 14UMI a m.. 12.1*0, 3AO. 6.26. 6.30 p. m.. Old Or- From snunr. Cofre*. Tea. No'.imu, Kalsins. By Tetesmpti. near PhlaJelphia Mooli;, Wedn.^sy Beat brandn.BO'& heifers 1 Sou Blanche It King and tui Favorite have 6.U6. 6.20 p. m Well* Beaeb, We. Rrrwlrk, Philadelphia, at i 0 in. In. —; bulls, cows and 8f>*6 4«»; Texa* suranoe eilected at office. Coffee—lava and Mocha. 27 n 28 Olte—Palate. been Hue Med for #2,600 lor to draw of 7.00, 8.46. a. m.. 8.80,6.26 8omem worth, steers 3 Roe4 26; rangers 3 BOctb 35; calves damage lor the West the Feebeater. 7.O0, 8.4 v a. m„ 3.30 p. m. Freights by Penn. R. R. and 22a;u» |P«rm.<.7i>«'8o at 4 4»o$7 26. Long Bridge. 12.30, 800th forwarded New York, 11— Schs Altera Bay, and Northern OlvU by connecting lines Sn?t~CnaSiaa'. Hogs—receipts 26,000; heavy hogs at 4 Sept Warren Adams and Laksport. Middle 3fh*».6oS«* OOP Burma Cotiio luin. lea, H.4i> a. m., 12.30 m. W»roo»'*r Passage Round Trip »ilR McCormick & Co., 316 St ) Teas—Japan. .1171’7.7.7.* 1177. SIf 88 4 80; mixed lois 4 20*4 at 4 whlehfstranded near Apala- p. (via *LfJtk (Price, 70;ll*hl XO®4 7o chicola Bonders worth 7.00 a. in. Meats and room included. '•‘at-Formosa.... MiM Bbora. aftodo at n Mmh 60. several weeks ago. have been condemned Manchester, Concord pig* and North. 7.00 a. in to F. P. Nn* fcfeptember 12.—The etook Molasses— Porto Rico. 83 a :m riB and will be sold at public auetlen. :<4i |». m. Dot^r, Km a »PP>r WINGk. York, F«Tle.soe Sheep receipts; sheep quoted at 4 it ▲gent, Central H os Molasses—Bar Heh Fenokee. frem Norfolk lor with ter, Haverhill, l.awrance, Lowell, 7.0.•. 8.46 Wharf, ton. mart et heavy under apprehen- badoes.. 80*33 Lard.5S.A0S ®4 BO for fat natives and Western; culls ant! Rnco, E A SAMPSON. opened Kablna. London Car coul, struck on Bonier Hhcal night while fc. m.. 12.30. 3.80, 0.06 p. in. Boston, 4.30. 7.00 Treasurer and General layers. 125^)160 tor.I loaf *0 common 2 ou«3 no; good lamhs at 6 25oO 16 Sunday Manager, «Mi State at, FWke sions of etlll than there Rabins. Lowe N«*at trying to make harbor. The crew o 7 men anc 8.46 a. m., 12.80. 1.46, 3.3*., U.06 i». m. Arrive Building, Boston, lighter money Muscatel. 5^ 7V8 sfoot.4ov4l05 comiuou a 75$4 60. Mask Lari- ceeded in reaohtttg life saving station No 1. on Boston 7.26. 1016 a. m., 12.46. 4.10, 4.2m,7.16, oeuadtf was yesterday and on some Orv FtSh anil MmsIutsI. 9.16 Pure ground.« 00®0 BO Bendy Hook Point, at 10o'clock. The schooner p.m. Leave Boston Portland 6.59. 8.00, Cod i»rtto. 4 Pommlic Markati. 8.20 a. selling due to the dexth or Mr. Cornell us hjarge 752*500 *•4-• ....€ (*>«« f»0 will be a total lose. 7.30, m., 1.2 a3 25 (By Telegraph.) Boston. Hept 11—Oapt Andrews, formerly of 10.66,11.6oa. m., 12.10, 6.00. Vanderbilt. Ihe selling doe fo the latter Pollock. 2 8 60 7.60. 60uft' Amerloao zluo.6 00 son Grace Andrews, hus le t tuts city tor Balti- y.30 p. m. haddock.. .. 0u®7 Kept. 12. 1899. cause, was vary light and warned to eml- 2(io«. 2 tft more to assume command of the barque Levi M bCNDAT TRAINS. ALLAN LINE Hake. .... 2 Rleo-Sali -Uplcn-Rtorch. NFW YORK—The Flour Ou16 3t*,176 Mila: exports 1.002 bids: sales o.tfo* itally Fcarlioro Hail Iflentrcal Herring, per box, j» Domestic rice.BVfc® 7 masted and otherwise will, it Is un- Crossing, 10.16. a.m., 2.0«>. p. ro. Koyul Mramens Shore paekags; sitede firmer, lah ly damaged, bear were any to lighten their loan ac- Mackerel. Is...... 9ft 0O&25 00 Turks Island salt, is lb hd.t OOli SO active.unchanged. derstood, be towed to this port alter boro Beaeli, PlSe olnt, 10.16 a. m., Mild Liverpool. Wiliter at 3 56c 3 76 ;wini«r discharg- Mackerel, Shore 2s... Urci pool.2 0oii 2 25 patents straight.* and will be converted a 12.66. 2.00. Old Orchard 8acu. Bid do count ol ^unt of 85 ing. Into three masted the upward tendency 3s. 14 Diamond a 3 3**a3 40; Minnesota 3 u4 05 ;Wtc a. I Calling at Queltec and Large 004610 Crystal bbL ...... 2 26 patents schooner. | ford, 10.16 m, 12.68, 2.0 6.0 6.80 p n>. Derry. ter extras 2 40® t 80:.Minnesota linkers 2 96 m Krone of money. There Is, of course, absolutely Pork, tteef, Lard and Po*«.fcrv. Haleratus..TrfBVi Norfolk, kept 11—Reh Crescent. Mebaffey, honk. North Berwick, Dover, Racier, 8 8 20; do km grades 2 25$2 40. Low 00 plots— which sailed 8th for Elizabeth port with iron, Havsrlilil, Lawrence, oil, Boston, 12.66 From no reason Mr. Vanderbilt's death Pork-heavy.00 OOtfeiS bush; 1« From why Cassia, purt...21®22 Wheat—receipts 83,26o exports 123, returned leaking, rthe will without 6.80, p. tn. Arrive in Boston 6.1«, 8.30, Pork—Meikun...... 00 00.412 00 040 bush saies bush anr today repair Liverpool. Steamships. Montreal. should .. ; 2.100,000 futures, O. 42 p. m. have any effect uron the market Beef—light. 9 60.0.10 00 .flutel 06 hauling out and proceed. .. 160,0**0 by exports; soot a eady;No 2 Red 7441 KASTRRN division. it well known that Mr. Beef—heavy.10 60 a 11 00 f o b afloat No 1 Northern whatever, being spot; Duluth 79Vfcft Domestic Boston and stations 9.t;0 am. *7Au*- ’Californian. J7~ half bbls... m H 26 Fr>>p«.i*»i7 Porta. way lll«lde- Aug. Boneless, 794scf o b afloat to arrive and snot old, No a 1° Tallin!, ui Vanderbilt was not active In the manage- lard—tcs and half C ford, Kiltcry, Portsmouth, Newbury- " bbl.pure.... t>Hr8V% ■ptav.a.14*1 Red 7 c elev. NEW YORK—Ar Goodwin. 17 Pansltn, Bl * lord—tcsand half «,n««. 14«1S 11th, sh’p Dlrlgo. port, Salem, Lynn, 9110 a. rn.. I2A6. 6.00 " ment of any of the Vanderbilt 63/* u.6Vfc bash: 133.85S Kremlin. schs • properties, Laundry search.. »r* Corn—receipts 193,050 exports Antwerp; barque Bray. Orcbtlla; p. DU. Portsin.* itli, 9.00 a. Bavarian, [newj [7 Sept Lard—Palis, mire... 714 * 7»* • Boston, 2.09. m., 31 *• that he had no and busli;sales 4o,oou bush futures; 57ft,oO bus): Jennie C Stay. Pierce. Newport News foi Provi- I2.4S. I 45. o.oo m. Arrive *(Jtllforni in, 111 speculative holdings r:‘* a olo*s.... .6*&7* !>. ito.t.m, 5.5? a. m, " lard—Pails, compound.„ 67/i» exports; spot steady; No 2 at 384* 1 o b afloat dence; Nathan W Lawrence. Green. 7 8epL Tainul. L*i Lard—Pure Washing- 12*0, 4.00. 4.50. 9.urg, Baltimore for Barnet. Calais p. 31 s Oct stocks and bondt, which were held for Chickens. Mm—receipts exports Boston; Lucy. Imad. 11.4# a. in.. 12*5, Ln. 19.15. p. m.. 12 40, *•_•Bavaria^ Inew] | 15JI 18 bush, sales firmer No 2 al for RomlouL Fowl. CHICAGO HOARD OF TKADK. 80,000 bush; spot ; night investment, being thrown on the market J3«j 14 No 2 white at No 3 at26o, Herbert Barba- Turktnrs. 2«V*c; 28g28Vsc; Cld, barque Fuller, Mitchell, MiNllAY RATES OF PASSAGE. 15£? 16 Mondays quoatlons. No ,i white 27*4c; track mixed Western 28*^ dos. Thexe was a little pressure upon N. Y. niddcford, Kilter}-, R„. Cabin— I’roSsM. WHEAT. i(427 syc: track white Western 26 irack 8ld, schs Annie Gus. Clara Jane. East- Porl.inowtli, to *80.00 A reduction of 10 Mi®33c; Lubec; 2.00a. Central at the wns of a ... heryporl,, llotlou, in, P°r al,owe 0,1 return opening, bat it Beans. Pea...... 1 6Q$1 65 white state —. port; Annie P Chase, Eltzabeihport for Bangor; ®®nt,w tickets, except 12.45 p. m. Arrive llo.lon, 5.57 a. in.. 4*0 on the lowest rates. Beans Yellow Eyes. ..1 66«l70 Reef is firm; 10 50 60; mess al IktrtbA F for Fall tentative description and the fact was family A10 Walker, PhtladetplU* River; p. ni Leave llo.lon, 9*0 a. Beans, California Pea.. ..o 00*200 September.XT' °XoA 9 Ot)w» Bit. Elm Baltimore for Boston. m„ 7*0, 9*5 SECOND Cabin-To Liverpool. London or December...... City. P. m. Arrive I? elicited that JotB of Beans, Red 15 7u»* 71M Aa J Portland, 10. 10.15 p in. Londonderry—*36. 0 *65.6u return. quickly there^was sup- Kidney.2 Cut meats steady; pickled hams 844® 10c. 12tb, schs U Sawyer, Hillsboro, NB. for 12.40 night single. Onions, bbl... .U.2 M“J'.78*4 74 M Stkiraok— in the market 0f*a 50 Lard weak ; Western steamed 6 05; hep al Newark; Joseph Eaton. Jr, Rockland. D. J. o. P Liverpool. London, Glasgow. port Liquidation general Potatoes k> MUl Kara\ llaii.-r.r- mli ImloK IT FLAiomua, * T. A. Boston Belfast. or bus. 45 a 50 COHN.. 6 06 nominal;refined steady Londonderry Queenstown, $2330. continued all the last je*> lltl Prepaid certificates $24. day except during Sweet Potatoes, Norfolk.I Go <2 00 September... 81 * 81 Vi Fork steany; mcss.l* 00*0 50; short clear al Stetson. do; Wlnnegaoce. Gardiner. Sweets, December. BOSTON—Ar schs Willard boar, when the of a consider- Jersey. uj.2 75 .I 28* 28* 10 25®11 76. llth, Baulsbtiry, appearance 1 or from other point* Jeot. No 2 Red 72%c. Corn—No 2 at 8l%C; No 2 f CENTRAL R. R* C0.*0 Kins. for Portland. A at 81 Vs %c.Oats—No 2 at “* in the advertising columns of the Sunday pples—Pippins,bbl. 200*2 25 yellow *81 2*«22% ; BATH—Ar Grace New Oct. £25 No 2 at 3 UKU,schs Davis, York; n SBec Apples, sweet. 2 00*2 75 White 33%~2ac;No white 23*24%; Annie F Kimball, FfJ^rrk£?sr Sept. 10, 1993. papers, has been shaken out. The decline ®Tuesday s iuorAUOM. No 2 at 56%c; No 2 at 36%fn 43c Philadelphia. Oils Tu!-)>•»tine amt CuuL Rye Barley BOOTHBAY—Ar 12th, schs Harry, Calais; TRAINS LEA 7E PORTLAND in B. K. T. was WHXAT No 1 Flaxseed 1 05 ; N W Flaxseed at 1 jam thought to he due to roal ami o7%; Niger, Daumrlscotta. F^«iMl) U< Qt> .ASTkJfSi I.igonia Centennial oil., bbl., 160 tst 11 seed 2 Mess Fork at 7 Ooenlng. Closing. Timothy 25; 20$ bid. sol. T For Gorham at 7JO unu fir*,<"**•■»"»*. I-owl-iton, (Lnw- liquidation and the withdrawal of sup- Rt-fined Petroleum, I2o tst..,, 11 Lard 5 short rib sides 5 ItenJamui Biggs. Bangor. M01 a UJQ. rng n BtUr -,ij September.~ 70% Pitne05; lo*f» 25; at 05$ MO and 6J0 m. Ko:'Ullm'’. Augusta, Wat- Pratt's Astral. 13 70% ft BRUNSWICK, Ga—( Id llth, sch R Bowers. p. erydle. an 12th. sobs 0 W Dexter and Junction aud Wocdfurds st 7jo, M»adb! Bemis, opinion 40a51 Butter firm—creamery 16$22c{dairies 18. Lewlsluu, Karraiugton, ltauauiey* y Wtu- Boiled Linseed CORN 13$ Lucknow, East pnrt- 12J0, MQ.MosndtUNp.ia. Bead field a oil. 48a/>3 Cheese crin at 11 a c. tlirnj). and Wateryllle. good thing, as the malntalnenoe of the firm; 1l% CAPE HENRY-Passed ont Tin* 7Ju a. in. uiu 12 00 uj. trains Turpentine. 62 ad 2 B*P*....31 firm —fresh llth, sch Mary p. j lor Dwiyf.le Je Lewis. 31% Eggs 4^1 a «14*4 c. A Randal1. from oil la u, connect ai “,r;,£x>:r*k"’ price at 203 constituted a menace to the Cumberland, coa!. 3 50 Ayer Heosekead Lake y!a 25*3 !**••••'... 28 Va Flour—receipts *21,000 obis; wheat 94,000 Junction with “lloosac Tunnel ?’ofvl {?• Foxcrolt, Stove and .uruace coat retail.. n 50 CARTKKET- Ar llth, sch Charlotte T Route" **arL»<>r- whole murker as s of May..29% 29% corn bush; oats 51 Sibley, lot Ariostnok and the at^raents the Fran bush; 763,000 »,ooo bush; Coombs. New York, to load for Baltimore. the West aud at Union .Station. Worcester for Countv, Kilu. 7 50 16.0011 88.000 bush. *• Moulton. Woodstock. »t. gteiriwu. rye bush; barley sou for Providence and New via dafals, earnings of the company did » t justify Pea coal, retail. .. 8 26 £Lh8WOKTH—Ar 12U», Mary Sears. Yoik, Providence Andreas, ht. John and «®Pt...V.. 21% 21% tJhipmeuts—Flour 9.000 bbls; wheat 48,000 Une” lor Norwich and Ne v via v Halifax Rockland. York, "Nor- and to all on suoh a prioe. Manhattan declared the Carriage—Duck. 20% 21. bush; corn 386,000 bush; oats 27*,OUO bush wich Line'* with Boston anu li. J.Mconoro points Washington Sid, seas Lulu W Eppes and Samuel Lewis, Albany It. lor R larlor car lo )lar Harbor and Cordage M»y. 22% 22% rve .00 bush; barley 6aK>0 bush. the WesLand with the New York all rail »t regalur quarterly dividend of one per American Boston. via John lb.10*1! PORK. DETROIT—Wheat quoted at 70c for cash NEW LONI)ON-Ar 12th. sch Clara. New for cent Manilla.13 *14 , “-—Express Brunswick, Bath, International Paper directors de- White; cash Red at 71%c; Sep York for Rockland. Trains arrive at Portland from Worcester Vj-J® P-, Lisbon Manilla bolt rope. a ifi Oct...000 8 00 at7l%c£Dec j hockfaud, Falls, Augusta, Wateryllle, to 73% NORFOLK—Ar llth schs Fdward at 1.25 p. m.; from Rochester at MO a. m., L.28 cided pay no dividend on the common Sisal. «loVi smith. Bangor. Eucksporf, Bar LARD. Sears, New York; Chas Pmklutiu. and Me pi m.; from iForham at QJQ, ftjQ aad ■""‘“"■t, ^swport, s TOLEDO—Wheat dull—cash and Sept at Davenport. Hreenvllle. Parlor car to tcck. bit. Paul earnings first week Sep- l-nck- Oct. Porthuulr Wm H !M0 a m, h. A1A, kup.m. HoeklandVllUow.'.‘ aim Har *".1 £ 22% 69%c; Dec 73% c; May 75%c. Clifford, Wylie, Portsmouth, llarbur. No 1 32 Ml (not James C li. m.—F' D tember Increased 948,300. Missouri Pa- RIPS. Clifford, as erroneously re- W. DAVIS. Supt. lJIOp. ovilie Jc., BumoriFdli. No 3.28 ported lOUil. Kemls, ct lie lirst week increased No Oct... £20 Csttoa Marks*. L-wlston, Farmington, Carrr.basseL September 939,- 10.20 Cid. soli Fanny C Bowen, Chase* Fall River. Rauteley, Bingham. Watortfiile, Skowhegaii. 000 Iowa Central 10 oz. 13 (By Telegraph. 1 PERTH AMBOY—Ar llth, schs 8TEAMKRS. lirst week September in- Margaret. * Brunswick, Bath, 8 OZ..A.11 New iJfLP: mw,lor Kre«pf>fL creased SEPT. 12, 1899. Robinson, York; Andrew Neblnger, Rob- Bkowheimn, Belfast. only $900. and NEW inson, do. l»o.erno**?1 andt'.n/iWai6rVi Joxcroft. e# Drugs Dyes. Portland Dally Press Stock Quotations. YORK—The Cotton market to-day was Gteeovi’.ie, Bangor. Acid Oxalic.12 quiet, 1-16 lower .middling upland at6%c; do PHILADELPHIA—Ar llth, schs Jenn'e E MattoWMBk®*B aikJ to Bucksport NEW YORK, Sept 13. Acid tart.8ro 48 Corrected by 6w*u £ Harrow, Bankur* 188 gull at 6%c; sales 00 bales. Lighter, Boston; Henry S Little, New Bedford. Situr«TayaUl1 Middle street. CUi *chs Rebecca it Douglass, Saco; Alma E luteriuilioDai Co. on call was firm at6‘V«u A turnout a. .16*i 20 CHARLESTON—The Cotton market Steamsiiip AS J.?.p,“-7%vr.Brun.8Hick' ■*». Rockland,^ Money percent; tt, Si Jo «.S* at 4V*a5|er ct Sterling Excnango weak, Becsewax— .37*42 C ual Natioual Bank.lOo 100 102 closed Ar 12tb, schs Arthur McArdle. Portland; K F MuU.Jiaiiiax. p?iSr.1^,wV>*?ll*5*tUrday8 10 Bumford Falls aeco National Bank.loo lo7 firm; middlings 6 3-lBc. Peiugrt w. Bath; ;uid all of New Bruns wick, Nova bcou Parlor car to Lewiston. with actual business id bankers lid EmmaCMiddletou, Kennebec; parts bids at 4 86 Borax.10*11 ..'umberlaud tun Swataia, Portland. Prinue Edward Island and Breton. The 8 m.—Express to Lewiston. Brimstone. 2 5 National Bank. 100 100 102 M KMl! 1118—Tim Cotton luafketto-day closed Cape ®JP* Parlor car. lor demand. 4 82 4 tor six- Marcus favorite route to and bL (&486V4 Wit 82% Cochin al.40*43 Chapman National Bank. 100 101 steady; middlings 5%c. Hook—Passed down llth. sch O D Cauipobello Andrews. u,x.. ’y Ntylit Express for Brunswick. st for Boston. N. B. Batli. Lewiston. Augusta. ty days; posted rates at 4 84144 87Vs. Commer- Copperas...lVi* 2 Fii National Bank .100 100 102 Withered, Waierville, Bangor. NEW ORLEANS—The Cotton market closed — Sommer Muosehead Cream Merchants’National Bank.... 75 102 103 Delaware Breakwater Ar llth, sell John Arrangements. ake, Aroostook Comity via Old- cial bills 4 82a.4 82 Vs. tartar...27 Vfc « 30Vi easy; middlings 5 15-iUc. Far Ex Logwood.12*15 National Traders* Bank.100 «8 loo Proctor. Howard, Norfolk for Boston. On and alter Monaav, July aid, Steamer |5!S!S' Harbor, Bucksport, at. Silver certificates uaJ&5tf%. Portland MOBILE—Cotton market Is bid, 8 P w111 leave Stephen, Calais, St. O « 22 National Bank.100 102 104 eaiy; middlings ship Hitchcock, from Honolulu for Railroad Whan. or Mon Andrews, HL umarablc.70 \ 5 New Portiauo, Bar Silver SIMs UUcerine. a<>*76 I’ortlaud Trust Co....100 145 l5o 13-16c. York (in tow of tog Protector;. day, Wednesday and Friday at 5.30 p. m. Re- ii°aiSJlalS County via Vance boro, Provluces and to Aloes Portland Gas ..... 50 85 90 PORT READING—'Ar schs Ira turning leave 8U ami all points on Mexican dollars 47W. cape 16*25 Company SAVANNAH—The cottcu market closed llth, Bliss. John, Kastport Luuec ‘I. S*®Co. K. K. Portland WaterCo..*...100 103 105 Lord, New York (and cleared lor om.ay ami Washington Saturday night traiu Camphor.4Uci 32 easy middlings 6 11-16c. Wiscasset); Friday. does not run to Government bonds easy. Portland Railroad Co. Isatah K 8iet* Heavy.2.>a23 County. Moosehead Lake and Bangor. 5.35 p. nam, general cargo, p. t. iiood d’mg.24525 New 4s, ..111% 111% m.; Range ley, Farmington, Rumtord Kalis IInion backs Hew 4s, coup.113 Lewi1*ton, 5.45 p. m.; Chica.o. B rge A, Baltimore to t. .*.885 39 lia% MINI A A I Montreal, Que- Portland, coal, p. Denver ft K. U. I'UKK MAN*'.SEPT. 18. bec and Fa n > Am calf...90.0,1 00 1st.106% 105 mathematical NEW TORE DIRECT LINE, by ns, *.0 p. m.; Mattawamkeag, Erie 4a. 71 Sunrises. 5 4 Bar Harbor and 1.80a. m Hali- Lumber. gen. % 72% 22|H|_k wa*~rw_.„ 30 Bangor, dally; Mo. Kan. ft Sunsets. 5 u,*“ fax, Ml. ton Partliiud VViiole«%le M»rktu< White wood— Tex.;2ds.70V* 70s* 681 j 6 00 Maine Steam.' -» Co. Joan, Washing County. Bar Harbor, Kansas & Pacific consols. Moon sets.11 16iHeight.mi- 00 Banner. Aucusta4.20 a. Hi. daily. FOBrLAND. 12. No 1&2, 1 in...$40 a $45 Long Island Sound lij .h, Sept. Oregon Nav.lst.113% 113% Bund ays, lUlo a. iu. liar Harbor auu Bangor; Values iu Sape. 1 in. 35@ 40 Suggestions 4JJ0 most inatances hare been exeeed- Texas*Paciflc, L. G. lsts....J14% 116’ 3 THIPS PbR Wtt K. u,ni.Halifax amt >tJ«hn; !0a.m. L-wlsion; • Common. 1 in. 285 32 do 12.26 noon Bar ngly steady the past week, while the volume of reg. 2■■■!— .it Portland aud New York. light; no light salted pollock Hi the market. The nothing from fit EfHici June iiG. I »!M). Clapboards— uenverftlL!U... 21% aT% Steamer Cumbertaud, Allen, St John. NB, via Mackerel situation has not —- changed materially; Spruce X. 329) 35 Erie, new.... 13% 23% Eastport. (or Boston at any time* under TH08. M. DLI’AR: UK*. Erie U S tlearner lifeigaffli?**- 05& recepts small and prices very strong ; the New Clear. 28« 30 Istlpfd.. 36% 36% Dolphin, emitting. But A3o A. M. and 1.10 P. At. i roin Union Station 2d clear..... 2f*M 27 Illinois Bell John B Wiee ._ fleet has lauded to date 13.214 Central.<112% 113 Coyle. Berry, asset to finish _ any circumstances for Poland, Mechanic Kails. BuckAeld. Can- England bbls, No 1... Lake Erie A tor 3&5 20 West. 19 j j loading Bermuda. ton. HixheUi. Rumtord Fail9 and Hernia. against 12,305 bbls last year, 7,887 bbls in Pme. 25 u 50 Lake Shore.20! S«h Carlo, multiply L____ 20IV. ta, Dick«ou, Hillsboro. NB, tor New With tltrougU ear on 1.10 m. train for 1897 bbls Shluglea— Louis ft Nash. York. p. and 58,010 in 1.SPG. Imports of salt 79% 79^ a substantial SEBAGO LAKE STEAMBOAT CO. Bends. X cedar .*..3 259 3 60 Manhattan Sell John by Mackerel to date 10.•'.Cl Elevated.114% 114% Douglass, Boston (or Hillsboro NB Aoba. m. 1.10 and 5.15 p. m. From Union bbls, against 6,278 Clear cedar.2 75 seh M W 5053 Mexican 3415* Reed. Boston. numeral as often Btation for MecUauio Falls and intermediate • b Is in 1898 srnl 2700 bbls in 1897. Lo. se X No 1 Central...114% ** Alltj The New and Fast Steamers Hay cedar..1 25«l 75 Michigan Central. Sch Everett. Kelley. Much ins (or New York stations. at spruce.1 &o,a/i 75 8ch ranee Bell **posslble steady for good to choice. Coal is Minn, ft 8t. Louts. 73% 74 Teraje (Br), Boston (or St John On & 16 p. «u. train runs Laths, spee.0 26 Sch Divide Saturday only through active but firmer under the influence of the 00^2 Minn, ft St. Louis pfd. 96 95 Delaware. Black, Bangor (or Boston, HAWTHORNE and to Rumtord Falls. re- sell Ida. Mill LOUISE. Lime—Cement. Missouri Pacific. 45% 40% Jordan, bridge loi Boston. the Protection cent rise at shipping point * aud higher freights; R. Lime New Jersey Central.116% 117% C. BRADFORD. l*aftlo Manager. coal toiuuigc to the East is scarce and c*®k.8fi@00 New York Cleared. among your fam- Ou and after will connect Rortland. Cement.1 00 Central .....1. 6 13*% Sept. 11, dally Maine. aofcO Northern Pacific as seem with 1.2ft p. in. train over Maine central E. L. LOVKJOY, ten dent, attracting increased attention; from New York com. 53% 6 % Steamer Horatio ily may Baperui Matches. Northern Hall, Bragg, New York—J F Railroad (Wtitle Mountain touch- jelb dtf Rumford Falla. Maine. Pacific pfd. 76% 75% U.eofnb. wise Divlsiou), rates are about 75c,l hitarielplaia aud Baltimore Stair at Naples. North and 4/ gross ....0O« 55 Northwestern.167% M7 Soli Kolou. ing Bridgiou. Briugton and Norfolk all Frye, Martinis-Ry*n * Kelsey. Harrison. at Hanson wim 85&9tc, uootfl 00; orders for Dlrigo..*.OOo 55 Gnu ft West. 26 Sch connecting stage Forest Fearl. Blake, Camden—Keusejl A labor. for Waterford, and at aim J. Cook's coal, not shipped, have been cancelled; at retail City.,.00^60 Heading. 21% 21% may a man and Naples W. easily securely coach lines for Kdes C etc. Metals. ttock Island.116% 117V* Falls, boo, O.lsfleid, dealer* are very busy, and some of them say FROM OI7B COUUKsrONllKNT,. provide the Steamers leave Harrison dav 8t Paul..131% 182 for futtxre welfare of every (except Bridgton k Saco River B. B. it looks like Cnpper— BOOTHBAY l.ku North at that better for October. 8t. Paul HARBOR, 11—Sid — Sunday p.‘m.; Brtdgton 12.45 p. prices 14« 48 pfd .178 178% Sept sebs J loved ones an Provisions aud common.00922^ 8tPaul ft Fonder.Jr, New Yo.klor fulfil admitted m,; Bridgtou at 2 p. m. and Naples at 2.4A p.n»., quiet steady. Apples firmer. Polished Omaha.117 117 Bangor; Alphretia. copper.00 « 24 >t. Paul & Omaha old. W***00' Dlgby NS (or AavnioiitU; Yankee duty— make a profitable invest- connecting at Sebago Lake Station tv ith 6.2ft Cbeete still have an upward tendency. Butter is ■o'1* .. ltocklaad for m. h cam lot .oo« .a>/i Texas Pacific. 20 Maul, New York. p. boat Express tram Portland 3 firm and oils M slieatli....oovi 17 20% ±r ment. and Boston. TRAINS A DAY steady. Binning higher. Wire Union Pacifio.. 76% 76V» 1111.1’ *£lV.Sa?ia Fau*h »*nlth. Boston for M BolU. Ellsworth ; E l Gates lalaIt ior Excursion ticket! to Naples. Brkigtou, North Nails now quoted at 3 30^3 50. Cordage firm. J Wabasn. 7% 7% Stonlngtop; UNION MUTUAL POLICIES Bottoms.... Wabash Red Jacket. R isk lau d for New York: Carrie THUS Bildglon. Harrison and Wateriord are for sale Tar firm aud pfd. 2i% 21% L higher at 3 5Q& 75. Buck firmer, Hlx, do (or Cat Salem the acme In Uoatou over the Boston & Maine Railroad. TO Boston ft Maine.....199 198 ,lo; Jills, lor Rockland represent of insurance progress. AND FF.Oil fresh beef for the Jnjgl-.~.16^17 In sch Eastern aud Western on steamers of higher Lest cuts; demand is New York and .sew Ene. pf.. port, Cambridge. Calais lor Boston. Divisions, 8traits. ...,...82,a'36 They contain every known feature the Portland fi. 8.Co. in Boston, Portland Union steady—sides 7^91.kc,backs 7417 ^c; liiuds Wd Urf«uy.308 208 of 9& a 14 Stniion and at all R. K. ticket offices. Aiuimouy.17 Adams 11,. and and are principal 11 Vie. fores 5^v&GVaC; rounds and flanks at 7li«S 00 Express.116 desirability value, ’Mthout Be sure aud <*#1 for Excursion Tickets and S-ok*.4 American Express.147 148 liridgton, North Bridgton and 47V»i®8c; rumps and loin* Joins at C4mb#0i "■«- restrictive conditions. No checked over “Febago Lake I3&itfc; Uat bolder U. 8. Express... 60 49% Kr requirement rattles VsxVi. Sid 12Ui. sehs E tile I 18c; >&4V*c. Lambs quoted at 94,19c. People Gas.115% 316% Merrtein. Newman Bos- except the je27dtf C. L. ftuvul biurea. Pacific* t«b. Oregon. Uro.s, regular payment of premiums, GOODLIDUE. Mgr. Harrison. Lobsters steady at JGc for boiled and loefor Mall. 41% 41V4 do;rtJremon Lablanc, ll“ Tar #> bbl.,....8 ts Pullman Palace.161% lttl and these of reasonable amount. Full live. S,u*,3 Portland. ML Oesar: and Machias Steamiioa; > Coal Sugar, common .. 1 go 161 C tar.. uo ia 26 % xd cost and results Wag* Harrison to Western Uuion. sicsivaR i.wrir o. particulars of sent any. STM. FRANK JONES. Waterford The foIietriugquatatKms represent its* whole- K,.oflLU! 1-tletj. *JKalloB.11# 12 85% 8o% WU u/l Southern ity pfd.. Ar at Service resumed March sale for Uus market; FUch.3-36 60 Sydney, NSW, Sept 8, snip Shenaedoah where. Friday, 31,1899. on > miles from each train. prices Brooklyn ltanbl 97% Fort to which date the Meamor Frank Jones * Kalla— Iron-Lead. ^Transit. 100% Murphy, Firm, load (Jr Sal, will leave Flour Pederal Steel common. Frau^isco^' Portland on and Natta- 68% 69% Tuesdays Fridays at 11.00 p. do pfd. 80% m. for Rockland, Bar Harbor and .2 4 fra 2 <30 81% Notice to Murine,.. Mao alas port I-eave Portland. M.C. It. E., 8.45 a. m. 1.25, 10 American Tobacco .*.127 326% Union ttlutual Cite aud intermediate landings. leave -8 4543 55 SS*.f OFFICE OF TUB LiliHTUOUne Returning t.oo p. in. .***&> 60 do pfd...... 144 145 l'NSFKl’TOC Macbiaseurt and at 4 a. ...4 3-«i4 .>6 First District Mondays Thwwdays Arrive liridicton. li.Ma.nL. 5.42 227 p. m. Tenu.Coui ft *y n>„ arriving Portland at U.00 u...... 3 SoaA Oil Iron..,..116 121% I’ortland. uneoiuiecttflg Arrive tlurmn, 11.39 a. m., 4 is. 255 p.m. ComtiitMt... & U. 8. Rubber.J\. Me.. Sep, 12, leap,| with trains Bnatou. «L U«us 75 48% 48% fugf kxeur. on ticket* a: re meed rat., cm Hale at «ter.Oo«,» To Harbor Insurance Company, Winter Metro4»ollUnM^trset H If v"5% 2o« Carvers Uroni the GEO. F. EVANS. JT. K. BOOTH BY, itmeiii M. It. Wiieut patents.4 ao®* 35 1 Westward). principal I', and H. 4k M. K. *«w»y.. 4H Continental dbtct’O .• Gen’l Manager. Geu’l Pass. 3% 435, Nottoe Is hereby given that the Breakers ■ ■ * Agent. J. A. BkNKBTT, Su|»c-rtutcucleiit. ns Buoy, maine. 1 Portland. For land. Maine. uar24dt! aaxiudti FELL FROM RIGGING. CHANGES MAY BE MADE. 1st MAINE CAVALRY iOVSRTUEHKm | HW ADVKHTISIiMKHT*. ItKW Ar»VKHTI»KMKi»TII. THE _K*W i———— PBESS. —

GIt« (he Police Station Much Christopher Prlrrson Dropped to the It Will Will Hold Its Reunion ot RKW ADVKHTlhlCMBRTI TODAY* Bferrymset- September 12, IMP. Room and Chance to Make Im- Deck 00(1 Wat Itaclty Hurt. Heeded •n* Pork, Brunswick. 4. R. Libby Co.-a. provement*. time to be Own. Moor* A Co. Christopher Petersen, employed on the Ibo First Mains will bold lb f»ren Hooper's Sons. Carnlry toow Rival fell from the to tbe Marshal I re* ter and sons or his work Kasim*n Bros. A Bancroft. rigging City Hr annual rsnnlon at Marry meeting park ABOUTbeginning Kendall A Whitney. deck yesterday noon, a distance of abont >redeeeseore hare been reoommenillng Brunswick today. Tbla rejlment has tbi CarlLamsoo. *1 VO 1*o., again in the and bis Miss Anna C. Wiley. forty feet, seriously Injured lege. or savsral ynars past that osrtaln changes croud reoord of bating lean allowed tbi §. %.£ibbii Adelbert SJofiulm. Tbe touw was at work alongside tile <• mads in the arrangements st the po- names of more battles on It# flag that and Pot Hand, safto A Portsmouth U. R. Co. gymnasium, training •tone M. M. Hamilton whloh is les station. These recommendations hare Maine Central It. K. sloop any other regiment In the grand old down that extra avoirdu- Llewellyn M. i-eighton. building stone abutments on tbe easterly ■ever been adopted, bat there seems to army of the Potomao and of baring lost M. stelnert A Sous Co. There's a Plant in Mexico tide of Franklin wharf. Petersen went >e a fair ohanre of their carried more men fron which a summer AMUSEMENTS. being killed In action and died pois of eloft to make rome repairs to the rigging ml la the near future. The board of Wound! Excursion to Merrymeeting Park. tban any other oaralry regiment That Into with a ease and lack of FINANCIAL. and when he started to ooioe down he iverseers of the poor will be transferred In the eerrloe. Twenty-nine battles were burst* flower report like a cannon. regular F. Miller. got bold of the halyards Instead of tbe 0 a much and office two borne William brighter larger upon Its flag by general orders There’s a of Autumn Merchandise exercise has put on. Joshua Brown A Co. Instead of both hal- purchase here, ratllnse. grasping loors shore, on Myrtle street,In the base- from tbe headquarters of tbe army of tbe he took of If the that’s liable to a effect. Time to be back New Wants. To Let. For Sale, tx»t. Fonnd yards only one, and, oourte, nent of the City building, plans Potomao, Issued March 7, 1868, and ell have similarly explosive getting and similar advertisements will be found under they commenced to ran through the pal- ire carried oat which are now under dis- were added uorlng tbe lest grand cam the hardness of muscle their appropriate heads on page h. It’s so out of the usual in the matter of cost. leys. lie fell dear to »te deck a distance union. This will give tbs olty marshal palgn In tbe spring ot 1888, whloh ended of about feat. The lessened and firmness of flesh that forty halyurds 1 chance to utilise the offioe now ooou- with tbe surrender of (Jen. Lee and the It consists of Outing Flannels, Blankets, Puffs, Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing 9yrnp. his fall somewhat but be Is e 7ery heavy ited by the secretary of the board of over- whole rebel army. These were engage Danish Ac. perfect health over of man over 10J and be Downs, Flannelette, Cretonnes, &q., requires, Has been used Fifty Years oy millions weighing pounds eers for a waiting room to his private mente wortay of tbe name of battle, bnl mothers for their cluldrou while Teething, struck on his face with foroe, Rloh'e and time to great iffloe. The present welting room will he besides tbsse tbe regiment or some por quite be see- with success. it soothes the new Twenty perfect child, ambulance was anmmoned and be was ised a OUTING Twenty CRETONNES. as deputy marshal's offioe and tlon of It, was In many a skirmish Is to the toiiens the gums, allays Pain, cures Wind new ing proper taken to tbe Maine Uenrrnl bosnltal.lUo.h he signal apparatus may be transferred whloh It met with casualties and FLANNEL, designs. Soft clothing Colic, regulates t>* bowels, and Is the best man) anklet wen badly swollen and paining | o this room. The' office In whlob to be worn while are icmedyfor Diarrhoea whether arising from present deputy's It escaped harm. More tban but firm; styles. Two weights, you Petersen Me wee under tbe < terribly. pot vlll then be thrown Into the one hundred times were men of tbit teething or other causes. For sals by Drug- guard reg- handsome it Influence of ether to determine whether printed in styles, 8c, 12*0 doing gists in eyery Dart of the world. Be sure and oom which Is too small to accommodate iment under Are where tbe bullets of tbs cte or not any bonee were broken. he of washable. are In short There’s a ask lor Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, 26 large number officers. The entire enemy did execution. They very large A bottle Lett night Petersen had regained oon- of the xpense contemplated changes Tbe first appointed colonel of this reg- lengths, running from 1 to 15 stock of athletic eelousnres and was comfortable. quite rill be very small bat will ndd much to iment woe John Goddard, but tbe aotlw ‘‘Golden goods CA3TURIA yards in a piece. Be BATTINC. he oom fort of the olllolals of the polios command fell to Major snmutl H. Alien here, the prescribed sorts Beam the of Chas. H. Plktchwl PERSONAL. Fleece.’’ signature | j lepartment. of Thomastou. who la now ol ENCLISH Glue governor for all indoor and out- In use for more than thirty years, and A splendid clean, clear rolled tbe soldiers' boras at Togua. Major Syd- FLANNELETTES you The Kind You Have Always Bought* WESTBROOK SEMINARY. ney W. Tbaxter of this an Each roll 1-2 door Mr. Charlei O. Smith, who has tbe olty was oflloei the Batting. weight athletic work, for In tbls charge of building the men’s dormitory egiment for three yean and wbei ounce over a CASTORIA sensation of the French Wool pound. and and at Heliron, spent Sunday with his fami- Opening of the Fall Term With flood enlistment papers were opened In thh running rowing Bears the signature of Chas. H. Flktckk*. Made for us exclusively, IOc ly on Glenwood avenue, Attendance. olty tbe first man to enlist was ex-Alder Flannels that used to be. football and and In use for more than thirty years, and golf Mr. and Mrs. J. Haley Smith of Hol- man 0. V. Dnra of Portland. Fifteen different Other grades at 8c, 12‘"ic, 15o The Kind You Have Always Bought, designs—28 and lis, are ths guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Westbrook Seminary resumed Us fee- There will be a goodly delegation Iron wheeling, swimming Inches wide. Price for any CASTORIA O. Smith, Glenwood avenue. ilors Tuesday morning with a good at- here at tbe reunion today. tennis. Beam the of Chas. H. Mrs. C. O. Smith and ehllJren have endanue. The opening of this term of ■tyle 10c signature Flktchbju AT MERRY Cotton and returned heme four weeks < ehool marks the commencement of the MEETING. A new worsted la use ior more than thirty years, and having spent DANISH This is a BLANKETS. crop. With of this honored Institution’s Fleecy The Kind You Hat* Always with fr eed* and relatives in West Bax year Better than suits, full Bought, Maine Street Stuff Flannel body tights Jer- ton, Hebron and Lisbon Falls. irganliatlon. Railway Association DOWNS. 'in ever before at the The at nara- price. Soft, seys with or without BRIEF JOTTINGS. ; Hon. James. P. Baxter has returned attendance the opening Meeting. texture on which iamI iK mtrilu anil n ill lu b nnmKa* Bia from a In Nova Scotia. fluffy, sizable; the white are hunting trip Is printed pretty patterns floral Sieves, 1 to enter the next ten A of the Maine racing suits, Ur. and Mrs. Charles U. Smith will pooled daring meeting Street Rallwaj very white and the colored are 1 arsuolatlon and geometrical; will wash with- The Gospel mission tent which has keen sail from Boston today on tbe Leylann lays. Is to be held at Merrymeetln; clear and clean in tint. sprinting fpan‘s, )eot.1rds, located at South Portland for the past line steamer Wlnnefredlan, and will be The fall term commenced In charge of park, Brunswick, Thursday afternoon out fading; 20 styles, Price per pair and sweaters. live weeks, is now located at the corner absent In Knrope until January 1. Ur. 1 he new president and principal, Ur. A. September 14. Cltonlars relative to thi Prlee 10c 48c, 7Bc, of Pearl and Li net lu street,olty museum Smith will spend meet of his time In 3. Perry, A, B., of Rutland, Vt., who meeting are being sent out by the score 81.00. 81.25, 81,50. Special styles and col- grounds, Portland. Union Gospel services at and Berlin vas elected to All the vacancy enureJ by tary, E. A. Newman of Portland. Gen NEW PRINTS. study Vienna, Heidelberg ors made to Will he at be of Hev. H, S. eral Gerald of tbe Lewiston order. be hed every evening 7.30. Ur. Alfred King sails from New York, resignation Whitman, Manager Cardinal ground, choice Cases of typhoid fever at Noe. 19 Madi- and will meet Ur.Smith In ,L.D. The new president wae Introduced Bath acd Brunswick Street Hallway oom September 21, For the Letters, monograms o the students at the eeislon has cai printing, 5C COMPOUND son and 44 Brackett streets, have keen re- Lond m accompanying him from there to morning by pany arranged to have the parlor new and emblems embroid- ported to the board of health. the continent. Prof. Yeatou. The president briefly “Merrymeetnlg" at Lewiston at 11 a. ro Blue ground, whito print- QUININE. hair; to id dressed the and assured them of and are Many of the city schools are very muon M. K. McCullum of Bath oame here pupils Thursday, dtlegates reqnesttd t< ing Be prevent its falling out, to give it ered on sweaters. crowded this fall. One room In the West to oommenoe duties as second its hearty support and sympathy In their meet in Lewiston at or near this hour m Monday White an agreeable appearance. All ubor seooure an advanced grounds, pret- school has 78 pnplls, having taken the mate on the steamer Horstlo Hell of tbe to education. that the trolley rids may be takm over Light, nsw was born Uarob tbe line of and to little who have used It—and are scholars of the liradley's Corner gram- Maine Steamship oompany on the Port- The principal 20, the L. B. B road Mer- ty patterns, 5o they mer school. Monday a handsome flag was land and New York route. He has been 801. He prepared for college at Newton rymeetlng park. 10 yd. Dress patterns, nicely thousands—p ronounce it a from MOORE & raised over the Lint's Corner sohool. It obief officer on the steamer Lincoln alnoe Mass.) High sohool, graduated put up in bands, 20 styles. OWEN, CO. STANDISH S. OK V. TO HOLD OUT marvel of excellence, at our is the gift of the parents of several of the ebe was -built and wag one of the roost tufts college In 1833 and took a special Price for the 10 ING. yii. patterns, Toilet Ooods counter. 1 >onrse at Harvard In 1887. He pupils. popular and efficient offloera on the Ken- taught Tbe members of N. B. Abbott 49c Cari Lamson Patrolmen Perley Randall, C. W. Stev- nebec line. bree years at Dean aoademy, Franklin, camp of Sons of Veterans, and Ladles' Aid so ens and James Trotfc of the Peaks island Mr. Sumner U. Brewer of Freeport Is llaes,, wae principal Canton, (N. Y.) VIOLINIST. to bold a and were taken from their beats School tor two and tor lbs oltty.are picnic outing Sat- police force, In the city in attendance upon tbe Sep- ilgh years J. B. LIBBY CO. J. B. LIBBY CO. From the Hoyal High School, past ten has been and urday, September 10 at Sebago Lake Berlin, CtcruiHiiy. yesterday, leaving only Patrolman Lu- tember term of the Superior oonrt os a years principal a institute of leani- The members of Sbepley camp, attention the** E. Skillings on the island force. The tbe of the president of private Portland, Special given to advanced student* juror. Uorlng odjonrnment who intend studying the violin are whlob he established at Vt. Wade camp, Westbrook, and Wentworth professionally. Islanders hoping to retain one police- court until Thursday, Mr. Brewer Is at ng Hutland, man the Ur. Is married and has three camp of Gorham and Ladles’ Aid socletlei Athliess, LAN SON STUDIO, through winter, .something they Hoobeeter, N. H., visiting bis sister, Perry have been Invited to attend. Abbott cnmj sepl3codlmo 0 Temple St. have not been able to do In years past. Mrs. Handall, the wife of Her. Mr. Kan- children. is Interested for the Is also making arrangements to observf Today the olty treasurer will pay the dall of that olty. Ur. Fetiy greatly the on of street for the two weeks luooess of the and is desirous of second anniversary the evening depaitment Mr. Harry conduotcr on the seminary MISS ANNA C. McCarty, November 17. WILLEY, ending September 9th. The pay roll ag- and -etalnlng the honorable reoord for work Portland rallorad company, Mr. Teacher of to blra by his gregates $3,400. Benamjln Barker, conduotcr on the Mijueathed predsoessor, MERHYMKET1NG PARK. Whitman. President is a Portland and Yarmouth railroad com- ttev. Dr. Perry There are so many who hav< alclans tbe vaccination In the athletlo lino people began leave for Brunswick to re- itrong enthusiast pany, Monday a desire to see this new PIANO AND of the aohoal oh 11 do all In his to expressed pleas ORGAN, public Iren. Ncrth and sume their studies at Bowdoln md will power encourage college. ure ground, that tbe Casco Bay steam Chestnut street schools wore visited. ithletlos In the sohool. It is his Intention 21 Parris Street. FROM THE CITY’S FARM. host company have arranged an excureiot N. D. Smith of this city will hold a o secure the services of u pbysloal dlreo- SHEETS sepl3 eod2w* that for soenery cannot be surpasset Wednesday praise service this evening, and Sunday There were some of the largest and best or for the seminary and the man to have anywhere. ah no > >AblS< afternoon at 3 o’clock at Mrs. Green’s potatoes on exhibition in the office of the < barge of tnls department will probably AND Tbe Pilgrim will leave hers on Sunda] houht', 16 Merrill street. secretary of the board of overseers of the trrlve In a few days. The gymnasium la morning at 9 o'olock for Bath by thi of By F. 0. 15AILEY & CO., Auctioneers. Tbe mem bers of the Signal Corps meet poor yesterday afternoon, that have been a be thoroughly overhauled and put in I PILLOW Inside routs. On arriving at tnat eu. SPECIAL SALE SLIPS. this evening to take action on the death seen in Portland this year. They were ■ londltluD for active use. terprlslng oily dose connection will bi of H. M. Sterling. raised on the city’s farm in Deerlng, and The faculty remains the same as last IMPORTANT made with Lewiston, Bath and Brans about 400 bushel? of them have been put rear, with the exception of Prof. Folsom, ANOTHER IMPROVEMENT. wlak eleotrlo railroad. Special cars wll Some are afraid of made in the cellar of the poor farm. Besides vho resigned his position as teaoher in housekeepers ready The firm of Oreo Sous la al- take the exonrslonlsts to Merrymeetln; Hooper’s the potatoes there has been raised over Jreek and Latin and 1* to take a post sheets and as often times have ways striving to perfect still further the Park. This Is tbe new pleasure groum pillow slips, they ICO bushels of sweet corn, besides the ;rartuate course at Harvard ooltege this ART : SALE. fine service which it lt« that bus been oonetruoted the past yea: already gives large amount whloh la need to supply the nil. President Perry is to take the de- but the kind we sell are not the The latent improvement is tbe at Without donbt It h proved reamy; petrous. In of Prof, great expense. of all th«lr drivers and table of the rather large family. partments formerly obarge elothlng delivery- the most beautiful spot In the State ol are Superb colli cli n of valuable men In a neat livery which adds greatly foleoin. reamy kind (tom not cut) and all herris REPUBLICAN CLUB MEETING. Maine, The excursionists have abou they liitfli ilass Oil P.*iiifiii£s lu be to the nppear&nce of their t arn a. It con- Mild a»f iii'cliou on Thursday sists of a blue broadcloth ooat with brars OIHTUAltY. two hours to look at the many attrao are laid and the cottons used are The Ward 1 Republican club will hold evenly stitched, mid Tiidi>y, Sept. 1 lib mid 1 Adi, buttons, and gold stars on enoh collar the and meet valuable col a at No. 37 lions, largest at 10 a. in. and iu. each The is a blue visor with O. meeting Lafayette street, t!,3U |>. lapped. cap lection of animal! In tbe state Is thi the best makes, as will see H. S. in on the The principal busi- here; very you by glancing *iay, at our room*, 40 Fxcliiinge gold front. Thursday evening. ELMER K. SKILLINGS. Casino Is a splendid building, costloj SI., where arc now on free ness to come before the clab will be the at the familiar names below. The are they PORTLAND RELIEF. Elmer K. of Peaks Island died $85.0C0. A good dinner oan be got ben prices exhibition. matter of selecting new quarters, the Skillings it Augusta yesterday after a long Illness. tor a reasonable amount of money. Thi » The picture) are of tlio Dutch, French.Italian Tho Portland Relief committed for the rooms on Atlantic street which were oc- low; low, when remember that cottons he became altlioted with the disease theatre and are very you English and American schools, by; favorite aid of tbe sufferers the Portland catas- been Until ponds all well wortl by cupied by the club last year, having and esteemed modern the entire In his Ur. Skll- the Is a masters, being have deoiled to reduce a number vhlob resulted death, seeing; trolley ride particularly are rophe dismantled during the summer. Among higher. collection selected by a well known connoisseur of the allow nnces on October 1st and ings was Identified with the grooary Ims- interesting one as It passes through sow the'places under consideration are rooms from the art centers of Europe and America make further reductions on January 1st. ness on Peaks lcland. He was a tine Tbe exonrslonlsts oan taki We a highly oountry. before the ad- the last two a de- This is necessary in order that the on Cumberland and Lafayette streets. purchased large quantity during years, formiug very fund, respected citizen, a kind husband and nlntio n Innnh knslrut; ftp ivof Rlnnon „» el,. now reduced to about $3,600 shall last During the coming winter the olub life we sirable assemblage of works of art wagulil- lather and had hcstB of friends. He 'l'bo steamer will arrive back a ! vance, sell them to you at reduced centlv framed. The sale will be without through the winter months. will take on more of a social uspeot than park, prices, eaves a wife and two children. tbe olty at 7 o'clock. This will mBke • reserve. soplldtd PORTLAND HIGH. SCHOOL. in years past. cannui HERBERT U. STERLING. Has trip for a little money. you puruiasemecuuun any crieaperuian The Portland High school has at present REPUBLICAN CITY COMMITTEE. fTo. bailey & CO. The many friends of Ur. Herbert U. can the all made. about 500 and there are a FESTIVAL CHOU US HKHKAHSAL. sheets, enrolled pupils There will be a of the you ready meeting Republi- will be to hear of bis Auctioneer* and Commission Serclanta few more to come in. The class Sterling pslned entering can city committee at No. 537 Congress Mr. Cbapman will oonduot the rehear now numbers about 180 pupils. Today Irath whlob ocourml at his home on Salesroom 4tt Exchange Street. when a time ssl of tbs Festival ohorus at the Y. M. C the pupils will be ready to settle down street, Thursday evening, Peaks Island mornlug at two yesterday A. ball A attenaanue I SHEETS. O.BAILKY. C. W. ALLK.N to work. tor holding the city caucuses will be de- tonight. large W. mlnotes past midnight. man* ft cided upon. The caucuses will desired as Mr. Chapman will give bn probably Mr. Sterling was a member of the ATLANTIC. LOCKWOOD. more before Bad blood and Indigestion are occur about the 2>th of the month. two rehearsals tbe Festival deadly Maine Signal corps, having been a mem- enemies to gocd health. Burdock ^Blood There still seems to be an extraordinary Tbe work la progressing tlnely and tb 7- 4—63x90, 45c 9-4-81x90, 5oc Bitters them. ber since 1825. destroys i apathy regarding the convention. ohoral work will be one of the most at He accompanied the corps when It went 8- 4—72x90, 50c STANDARD. of tractive parts of .the Festival ooucerta. Speaking Eyes. to Cuba. While In Cuba he did not suffer 9- 4—81x90. 55c 9-4-81x90, 50c lluiiic's Greatest Store. [rom disease,uut when he returned to the FOOT BALL NO IBS. TliU in the way we do our United States and was dlsoharged he was r The Cony High School will probabl; Optical bndiiciii. H e guarantee to take to his bed. compelled put no foot ball team Into the held thl DWIGHT a perfect HI or refuu