GlEEI PORTLAND _J PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 18G2-VOL. 38. WEDNESDAY 23, PORTLAND, MAINE, MORNING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1899. 1S2?K,?£S22} PRICE THREE CENTS. { —- ■■ ----- --- ■■■ 1 I ---- ■'!■■■ _<i_ ,m __IIISCELLAJlKOr*, _2 York city, waa abot and killed at hla Palmer staggered from tbe effects of this anmnaar at North N. W0\ l\ ONE BUILT OUDENSBURCL plaoa PlalnOald, J., ROCSD blow and McGovern, eoalng his opportu- PARDOS PROBABLE today, by Mra. Peter Flngerhuth. The nity, threw the over to tbe mark right M Death »f John waa BLUlim Knjln.fr R. Hast Who the reeult of an •hooting attempt and Palmer fell to the floor In a half un- Construe ted Rood to the from a Through Notch. ejeet Flngerhuth family coneiloui condition. Me made a desperate rrsldenoa owned by Hoehrloht Mra. ITCHING attempt to get up, bat they were Ineffec- New York. Flngerhuth and bar hoaband bare bean McGovern Defeats Palm- tual. MUovetn, after he delivered the September '3.—John K. arrested and a eon baa been held aa a itoet, t distinguished dell Anal blow, turned hie back oo hie oppo- engineer, Burning Scaly wheel none le wltneaa. er associated with the Easily. nent and waved hie hand* to hie second* build- ing of many Amorloan rail- Thu referee bent over Palmer and count- Important So London KILLED BY TRAIN. ways. dlod today at bis borne In Brook- Correspondent ed the second! slowly, and when he al- So Transvaal of n of tered the word “ten" Palmer's seconds Regards lyn complication diseases. He A of Beit Railroad Accidents In wes born In 1S88 in HUMORS Conplr Into Wolfhoro. N. H. Relieved Jumped the ring and oarrted the de- Instantly by Says. Weal. British Note. Mr. Hist wrs on of thcs> who laid out One Result of Battle for Bantam feated pugilist to bis oorner. Mean- Application ol Weight tbe Lake Shore Uhloago, Milwaukee and while MoGovorn's friends, and they are St. Paul lints While at work on the Daa Molnae, la September 18.—Four loglone, obaered long and load. Rome Championship. many extensions of the St Paul lines, men were killed end six Injured In a of them gained admission to the ring and he frequently ha I to dispute the of bead-on oolllalon which look plaoe on the presented the victor wltb a floral horse right way with war-Uke Indians. Among ble Hock Island road at South Amana. ehoo. wbloh was soon made a wreck, and fXSTARTCUTICURA RRUKF ARC works wee tbe RFRRDY CuRR TREAT- The train* were extra admirers engineering construetton H«tT— A warm both freight* and U Insisted on getting flowers or with CrnwRA Boaf, President Will Exercise of tbe Portland and Ogdeneburg railroad *n",ntmfC^r'th Cuticura Ointment, la laid the aooldent wai dun to a misun- Palmer Never In It For leaves from It at eonevnlre. Jcat as Was Read in the Raad of Cuticura Rrsouvkrt wilt through the White Mountain Notch. KJ*/'"?" derstanding of orders. The dead: Master of Ceremonies Peter an- rest Webb, Prnnty r*lief> P«rml» anil sleep, Mr. Host lesres a widow and a •mlInn pointI., I*?"1 to a Prerogative. Tom nounced daugh- speedy, permanent, and eco- Quinn, A. U. Polaon and William Moment. McGovern the winner, John L. Yesterday. nomical cure when all else fails. ter. The funeral will be et Dover, N. Floyd. Rnlllvan climbed through the ropes and v?!'-Tn. SltT- •1 **» «• CnrioimA H.. the home of tbe widow, where the Logansport, 18.—A told MoGovern to shake bands wltb Pal lnd., September body will lie taken by tbe family tomor- weat bound Pan train mer, who was now bit senses. Handle passenger regaining row. today ran down and killed Mra Harrison MoGovern ebook his victim warmly by the hand and MoVety and thraa children at a orosalng John L. Sullivan then left the ring with bis VENEZUELAN SITU/ 1‘IUN CRII- • THJE3 B » Conspicuous Dot Sot Until After of east of Loganeport. aeconda 10 A L. Meeting Tom on Was in Figure at Ringside. O’Rourke, behalf of DIxeo. Received Silence by tlie Washington, September 13.—Officials ROCHESTER FAIR. challenged the winner at 118 for CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK Council of Revision. ponnde here regard the Venezuelan ■'f-'gtion ae 18000 a side. Paddy Hulllvan, who Is critical. The crolr due at of Maine. New Korghers. Porilaud, Hampshire's Big Agrlcnltnral Usoar Gardiner's also manager, ohsl- Laguayra tomorrow as that trial Opens Well. tta winner on behelf of the New York, September 12. —Terry Me- lenged point is cnly two boors from Caracas no "Omaha at from 114 tiuvurn of Brooklyn 1* the hero of the Kid," any weight apprehension le felt that any Atnerioan CAPITAL, $100,000.00 H ocher tor. N. 18.—This H., September hour In pnglllatlo circlet Me whipped pounds np for 110,000 side. Interests will suffer by Ite olsturbanees. waa Children'* Day at the Rochretor fair Surplus and Undivided “Pedler” Palmer of London, thorough- * Profits, $25,000.00 and seferal thousand lUtle people were THE DIANA ARRIVES. Two Who Voted For ly end In doable-qntek time In the arena Solicits tlic accounts of entertained. There wee a Finds Banks,Mer- delightfully of the West near With Virtual cantile Chester club, 'i'uokaboe Up Firms, Corporations and continuous show and a auooaaful Report* Peary In Good Health atage this and earned the Party WAITT & BOND’S Individuals, and is to fur- afternoon, thereby prepared Acquital. balloon aaoeuelon and paraohuto and Excellent Threat. nish its patrons the best facilities leap by title of bantam cbainploo’of the world, Spirit*. Prof. Hearnett The despite the and liberal accommodations. racing although both contestants were aataally track was The beary spirited. summary: In the featherweight olaes. Sidney, C. U, September 12.—Tbe intflmst Paid nn fknncifc a. so —iurse Blackstone yxu. The Englishman, although forolng the Peary Arctic club chartered steamer Cigar Fannie b pace at the outset, was really never In Diana, arrived here today from Kloe, m, by Kentuoky Ktib, THE LEADING We C II A I. T, E NOE SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR SAVINGS. (Llanlel-) 3 111 It from the word go, and MoGovern North Gro-nland, August 29, with all any manufacturer b no 3 4 The Fair Movement Kiully Poole, (Uarlaod) 3 3 simply battered his opponent Into partial TEH CEHT CIGAR to show Interviews end Correspondence Invited. Boycott Blaze Away, b g ( Trout) 5 2 4 3 Certain Conditions The lad's srais two wltb Proposes Jen F., b m (Merrill) 1 8 Mu Insensibility, Brooklyn companions, Dative alllee, were -ONE-HALF-- CULLEN C. OF CHAPMAN. President. Brows. Harold, oh g (Kent) 4 5 8dle work'd like piston rods, and the pun- left In excellent health am).spirits, com- Preliminary to Conference. tbe yearly sales of THOMAS H. EATON, Cashier. lime—2.28 1-2, 3 25 1-2, 3.24 1-4, 2.21-2. ishment which he luttod out to Palmer fortably housed for the winter with pt-o- Sew blind. "SJftX.“r was terrible. vlelons for two and an E 8.88 Ctaes—Trot or Paoe—Parse years ample DIRECTORS: *310 The battle did not last quit* one round, sully of dog food, 111 wslrus having Head, w m, by AppPJack Sales CULLEN C. tbe actual time of two been killed slnoe 3 that Quality Counts; Prove It. CHAPMAN. SETH L. IARRABEE. (Stocker) 2 2 111 lighting being August for pur- L E. M. STEADMAN. PERLEV P. EURNHAM. Emma O., gr m (Merrill) 8 12 4 8 minutes and 83 seoondi, at tbe end of pose. Peary will remain In Ktih until Billie R BRICE M. EDWARDS. JAMES F. HAWKES b g (Sears) 1 4 5 2 4 which time Palmer wae lying helpless, February when with a party of natives London, September 13 —Tbe Parle oor- Ardia, blk in (Thompson) 4 5 3 8 2 1 S. CiSGOOB WILLIAM M. MARKS though half conscious, on the floor of the he will go to Fort Conger and thence be- London, September —A special de- WAITT & lespocdent of the Dally Chronicle claims Ve. br g (Kent) 5 8 4 5 6 BONO, Mfrs., ADAM P. ring, through the accidental ringing of gin bis journey toward the pole, either spatch from Pretoria says the British _ LEIGHTON. have Time—3.281-4, 2.871-4, 2.88 1-4, 2.34 M to good authority for the statement 1-3, note, whloh was read In both Baade 1.1 WAPU 2.23 8-4. tbe gong by the official timekeeper, the by the Greenland ooas' or from Cape yes- 53 Blackstone St., Boston. that Dreyfus will be pardoned, although Is as lode were separated when they had been Reels as be may determine. terday regarded there a virtual ulti- Jysi uit i#tp President L, JU bet will not exercise bis FREEPORT matum. The GRANITE QUARRIES fighting one minute. Each went to his Secretary Herbert L. Bridgman of tbe correspondent enyst prerogative untlljufter the moetlng of tbe SOLD. "It a THE WEATHER. corner, bat the error was rectified In leas Peary club, In oommand of the Diana propoeoe fire yeor franchise, a oouneell de revision, tie adds that Cap- Freeport, September 12.—There Is a than 13 seconds and the boys resumed expedition, will leave for New Pork quarter representation for the gold Heine mi l 1IUST GO ! \ tain and Breon were ths IKENRV Beanvals, Major well-founded rumor In that at tomorrow In the Volkiraad, for the British the hostilities the command equality Freeport Immediately morning, taking Peary's full Our stock of Summer Ru<set$ must bs ft two members of the court martial who end Dutch In negotiations which hare been pending of the referee, George Siler.
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