Collars Hlliraiiine Illuijiii 1
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y "n "i tKHPt W'4 ..' F -.v 2, 1017 ?- LEDGER-PHILADELP- MONDAY, JULY jfv.-a$- r"T- EVENING HIA, RED CROSS HERD WITHER OR NOT COMISKEY WINS THE A. L. PENNANT, HE STILL WILL BE AFTER MANY WEARY YEARS OF DUNDEE OVERCOMES KNOCKOUT WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEND THIRTY STRAIGHT ' FRUITLESS TRAVAIL COMISKEY HAS PEAR AND PROVES TRUE WORTH FOR FLEET TYRUS v; - SWELL CHANCE TO LAND BUNTING WHEN HE BEATS WILLIE JACKSON Today Six Years Ago Cobb Slashes About in Mire of Despair Eleven Seasons; Scotch Wop Was Ready to Administer Same Treat- Stopped at Forty Consecu- Siallings's Blowout and Bustup Suggest Contests ment to George Chaney, but Breaks Hand and tive Sad Reflections on Miracle Days 11 Bout Is Postponed Until July IN THE NATIONAL TIE Hr GRANTIiAND IUCI3 '' "pT IB eldom that a boxer who hn felt tlio effects of n knockout wallop ever AN OLD ONH REVISED A eroro nnd tell for Cyrus eome sleep-pro- - these pant few weeks featuring Byron back and decisively defeats tho person who administered the nieven morn rotiserullve hitting games (In view of Uic umpirical situation j duclng punch. Terry McOocrn tried It with Young Corbett nnd went to sleep n rt.i ntntul Cobb will have passed nnrl Owens.) and Tvrus to round had been a tscrappv fight; , second time, and others Imvo met the some fate. Tho only real rome-bar- k on ihe rernrd for batting safely In tho hm The game that day from round having the, eloge to night; record that In, nmpng tho really Rood fighters vn when Ktanley Kotrhell Cohli holds the mark, Thf home eluh and visitor had battled hlgli-wal- In May of in round nt last, knocked out Hilly Tapko U'llllum knocked out Ketrli In their first battle tin' laurels The vmtnrit had tallied the fourteenth nflr 1111 He started the streak on May to and And, while the ehanee for victory seemed pretty nearly past. Another Just na sensational, but without the knockout attached, was. put on In old-lnn- e stopped Julv 2 Thereto! e. It Is Just six The frenzied arm tn chnrwt, with the woolly roar, t New Tork last Friday night, when Johnny Dundee outpointed, outboxed, nut- - eari agn Iralav that Cobb fell down at madly til least the tteing score. In St Rose up and clamored for slugged and outgeneraled .Inrkviui In a d bout The Jumping Wop Ii straight Tho Tigers still play qny one rjontl. ( Willie c.i The first two fanned the breezes, but the last caught clearly proved his superiority way ba k to top of th" lightweight imliv. and a the team seems to have bounded off the wood; nnd boxed his the lnn pitchers Ty may He cuffed tt on the trademark and it division where he belongs he edge nn tho Drowns' nnrf bellowed as he slid into the pltlc, get ? hoodoo The Buns stood up bv the Julv hailed the hero who had hloehed their bitter fate. It was a wonderful performance when one considers tho condition .tackon ( obb l'red Toney and Mike Mowrey And doughty T Cn 1 J moment as he look'd around tn doubt, was Yfcr" Jft--- ""' th-- ! big honors yesterday Ty made The umpire paused a mors than confident. He had stood over the prostrate form of Dundee at magSV r" B hsred The runner's ou ' ' a a doubl and then, shafavj, qua kin voire, crelauned. the Otympla A. A one nlghf last winter and heard frank O'Brien toll off ten r two hit In the first game, And in two singles In th final frame Toney. whi That night his wife awaited him, quite pained at his delay, seconds, which gave him the erdlct by a knockout Ho had beaten this snm man vear pitehed a no-h- contest against she got a little note vhieh these sad words did say: fcefpre, repeat Dundee, on thl' Until and there was no doubt In bis mind that bo would Urn Vaughn of tho Cubs going ten Innings CHORUS tho power ) n yesterday the other hand, entered the ring with the knowMgn thai Jackson had without nllowlng 1ill or run. "Honey, drar, listen here, I'm afraid to go homn from the pnrf. nd strength to hit him on the Jaw and knock him unconscious He knew that pilrhetl bold games nf the double-heade- r won Every day the ptrpcrs say 'there' an umpire slugged for a taH.' one mistake on his part would result In another disastrous defeat and ho woub'l between Ihe fteds nnd thn Pirates nnd alone, wailing aloud tho dark: hnth Ills games, while Mowrey made n. sin- So here I sit in the clubhouse in fee carried from the ring. Ho had to watch that right hand nnd keep nway from no place like home, sweet home, gle off Kppa ltlxey In tho ninth Inning of 'There's ' 'the blow. It was tho fear of that dreaded knockout on ono sldo nnd supremo the Phil game, the hit fcorlng two runs, Hut I'm afraid to go home in the dark.' many Ho employes by a fronfidence on the other. Dundee overcame that fear nnd took chances. enough to beat Moran's ago Comlskey his artistic .career at the top Is another was benefit game for years Chnrles to won by a large margin nnd put nn end to those stories that he had "gone back." score It a EI.nVIlN" pennant Since that feature tHat seems have been oversub- several organizations. Including tho Militia his lust scribed, or undersubscrlbcd, as' the case N'ew nnd tlms no club owner has hustled harder for of Mercy, tho Red Cross, York spent coin to may be. WAS stated abovo, few boxers have been able to reverse n knockout Ilrooklyn Institutions and the a flag and no one has more As rhnrltablo achieve his purpose In 1908 he came . decision In a second meeting. Dundee did It, nnd It makes him one of Dodgers 5EL. ---- within one lone game of arriving again, WILLARD WORTH HALF the best and gamest boxers In tho business today .May Equal Former Records only to be turned back by Wild Bill Dono- long spell nf vain endeavor, MILLION, SAYS TOM JONES hitting to- van After that Bout With Chancy at Shibc Park Will lie Sensational Affair ' ' Cobb previous to this season the Old Iloman has his best chance to win f!i day at as! onlv fourteen points behind again r'HIC'AOO. July 2. According to Tom rhnitgci prove worth thlrty-fnu- high- manager pride of Bonnie Dundee will have another to bis 400. and r points behind his Today he has but three rltals left the .tnnts. Ihe who wns ousted by Jeti THE In year U'lllard tha world's heayuelght champion has week at Blilbe Park, when he meets George Chaney , the Baltimore est mark mado toil, tho he batted Ited So, the Tankec3 and the Tigers The lietueen IW) 000 and f Aon hum nr nhlrh $i;n. (2(1 hatted more 300 for eleven blow ln mm is In ratih In banka knockout king, In a d bout ('hnimv Is one of the toughest men Johnny his thin Red Kox hase Just suffered a hard consecutive years In 1112 he batted 410, the loss of their star pitcher for an Indefi- has met time, lie is er careful there Is llkelv to bo another In- for some and unless the nitt year 310, and to date has not nite period fmllani Rrlenso Outfielder Ailllson hita his" port-sid- e knockout, Baltimore George a wicked punch concealed In gloe creased over the 310 figure He seems to The Yankees are too shy In hitting power l.riVEI.AVI) Jilts Peter AlltfOn , out. once It lands the other fellow ceases to take nn Interest In the pioceeilings. excellent ehatire tn equal his 400 In the oiltlleld to win, unless thl.s weakness n, m i . i ,1 he M.tnphls rluli nf and in th, h' ii ,,. ,nn i SURE-THIN- Mils season record for Is ,if,, i,v lancl Terry McGovern, of this city, ran Into a wallop to the chin nnd went G PENNANT mark and nlo his lmproed nir i, CHESTER'S Is, doubt, Tigers are too back to threaten C the with dull and sickening thud Others met the same fate, ami eoneeutlve game' Cohb without The far to mat a hae a trulv wonderful hall piaver. and Phila- unless they rome forward at unexpected onge You never can tell It would not be at all surprising If Dundee took the HAS STRUCK A SUBMARINE; MUST delphia fan are ever willing to give him speed What will happen In the boxing game full rredlt And the White Sox have been moving steallly forward, with Jackson and Collins Is an Ideal match and ohould bo every bit as thrilling as the Williams Securing a hit In both games of the It TEAM ON 4 double-head- with Washington their two star batsmen, well under normal get together tho fur files and DEFEAT UPLAND JULY on Satur- Herman combat Every time a slugger and a boxer day. Jack Mrlnnls has hit consecutively In averages the boxing fans know It. For that reason a large crowd Is expected to witness the sixteen contests Ills best previous record Through 1315 nnd 1516 the While Sox proved to be at their weakest through the big open-ai- r show of tho season and It Is fortunate that a big place llko tho this .vear was seventeen straight a high first With Holiday Games may he they will flounder sgsln aro seats every ono nnd tho lighting First Half Ends Pennant water mark until Cobb started on his flying etretrh.