Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, Volume 152, 2018 33 DISTRIBUTION, HABITAT CHARACTERISTICS AND CONSERVATION STATUS OF LEPIDIUM HYSSOPIFOLIUM DESV. (BRASSICACEAE) IN TASMANIA by Mark Wapstra (with three text-figures, six plates, one table and one appendix) Wapstra, M. 2018 (14:xii): Distribution, habitat characteristics and conservation status of Lepidium hyssopifolium Desv. (Brassicaceae) in Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 152: 33–52. ISSN: 0080–4703. Environmental Consulting Options Tasmania, Lenah Valley, Tasmania 7008, Australia. Email:
[email protected] Lepidium hyssopifolium Desv. (Soft Peppercress) is a threatened vascular plant that is widespread in eastern Tasmania. It is virtually restricted to anthropogenic habitats such as disturbed grassy road verges and the drip-zone of mature ornamental conifers, with very few sites in “natural” habitat (presumed to be some form of native grassland and grassy woodland). A review of database and herbarium collections revealed 87 locations for the species in Tasmania, of which 33 are locally extinct, 30 are of uncertain status and 24 are confrmed as extant. Most subpopulations are localised and of low abundance. Te species appears to be resilient and robust to most forms of disturbance, although is absent from areas subject to heavy grazing. Removal of overtopping ornamental trees appears to result in local extinction in the longer term. Complex management of sites along road verges is not considered warranted but continuation of some long-term monitoring at a limited number of sites and active in situ management to minimise risk of heavy disturbance or destruction during road works is appropriate.