DEALS $6999 Town, 8Th District Reach Historic Accord Powell Quits Highest

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DEALS $6999 Town, 8Th District Reach Historic Accord Powell Quits Highest m m g m m m m g m m Town, 8th District reach historic accord 0v Coarea L#yn# ^ In oflfNtlan, ttnta igzinbPItfrlrt Theee two taaaea trere baked laet town called far changing the act aa Eighth Diatrict would «ak the The Town Charter currently 8 3 ' Atnetft yatmd Tbamday fa fenti tile weefc hy negatlatara, who at the that any fatare terrHorfal changea General ASSembly to paaa a apecial roquiiea that the Eighth DiStrict M ff € l M r ^ i^yTV^ywyc ' - - '*SSSE; 4 « 4 efftn fa ftefaat Ifie pmpaaal ff and time indteated their atanorn would coaM occur only wKh the conaent of act that would; electorate approve a mer§er in a '###/ rflWWr' r* WffWWff "WSV"fATtf After mere fbaw rt% MtenffM ef trUtn N gtm to a yefe. The not ehange, and a aetllement waan't both Icgialativc bodica. a change the Eighth DiStrict’* aeparate rote bafore it can tabS n f ^ 4 ^ nefaflaflnf. and OetoOe* of IMA- agrwenienl le based ana ettapdf the Hkely. The Eighth Diatrict aald H would charter, which wat itmed by the place. However, if thie prmrlaUm la Inf, fbe fatm ef Manebaafer anftCM EiaMb DMrfet'a eatter matem far Eighth Dtotrlct negotfatora were agree to that change only If the town state LeDtlolure. to that conSolida­ eUminated — a t wat uneaccaa*- ^5 5 J2 J^? L fbe latrAa Baekland Wrehaetc. adamant that they would not tion could only occur with the fully attempted laSt year by town WWrflf^T Elebfb Vtmiee DMrfel Tbaraday could cnaurc that It would not be , J l E P r . ^ , oeetteme fbetr taef mmHt tmOfe The Met abataefa atwreame by ehange flpedal Act 2t8. which waa ronaolidated without ita conaent. At approval of ElMbh DiStrict votera. leaderS — then the Home Rule mw^ FWCMHi VM MB»M§fWvlM Ml neeabafart, fhrrlng a nweifng at paaaed by the atate Legialatore In the time, the town aald it knew of no o prevent conSolidation from oc­ provltiont would apply. 0 4 pDndsft la watlre pnAAeme eter lineafn CSeMer, traa ayer Ufiiittng ltS3. The act allowed areaa aerved way to do tbia. curring any other way except as ThiS method leqiiitet only one, - 4 l M < > U * Ore prtkoetkm okO ameer terrtee. fbe nghth Dfatrfet'a fagal right to by the town to Join the Eighth After a week of thinking, though, outlln^ in the Eighth DiStrict townwide merger vote — thoroby ffenwyar. ttnta dMafft bare yet mnand and prateetlng the Eighth Diatrfct by petitioning, without a way waa found. Town negotiator Charter. eliminating, the Eighth DiStrict'S RfrWK*' iR«^^BFi<Sw58F7i> Sisif&vss!.CorMr COotvoMf/H90 tabattfflMlby ntftffMara, andfbe Dmrlet — trhfch prayfdes Are giving the town a aay in the matter. Kevin O ’Brien aald the Idea came ThiS would prevent the conSolida­ power to veto conSolidation with the 29PPFnprfiXv?Sr» MObr 9M«^//MonwOM*- pad trM bayalabeappreyadbylbt preleetfan and satrer atrvice to Town offlctala hare complained from an reapected, aentor Jurtat tion proviSionS of the Town Charter town. gwofonow^ v-O/ m O* * * .4M^ 4.* CifMb Dftfrld efeefanate and fbe matt of non hem Mancheater — that the act prevent* long-range who Uvea In Mancheater. and the state’S Home Rule act from town BoerO ef tkreetara. from eantafldation with fbe town. planning for lown territory. The Under the plan, the town and the applying. PleaeU tarn le pnge I 8^8^/ 4 4 t4 f4 0 CMIfVVR|9 4»Oj5#t'm. fNPCM *ir U* » A UVEfKLV FEATUWE AFFEAHINO iV U ir OTHfA Tg&'&^jtrsh Vi#/400099904400/ ^fOOOjMfMO/, 00009 #1f TU fiO A r AND TMUWOAV W CLASSfFieO. MOTT OF TMM6 AOS AAf IfVCPffT w^wwf/ IfWHfvflVP" O fA U A AOS/ S U r 18«OfVIDUAl.S WfSHINO TO SELL THEIR TRUCKS ARE Mr.44M404.^ E H C O U R A O fO T O F H O H E # 4 9 ^ 1 1 T O F L A C E T H E IR AOS/./ _ _ _ / «* * 0m m 7 ddiVMWnMV 19*9 6 f# «^ W*w<b#*for/ d r». NWH w ^ y r IVfVvOVVv OMOM*.* dM M . 9 CdiWmaw i^^B cra B srm 04*. timeO/ Ow^ W/ f i4x4 ^!#'V0*9icw , Vtm ^Oy MAZDA 1987 DUM. U x - ▼<?XP^Af939e#r#*vm/ i.orov Lorbfn. "exeltrtfy# coofwr 0ff*5li MOO- ! 2 S L * 8 S & ------------------- try tborf booTotflfor- Zllyor.. AofontofK' J% r ! . •. .gm W S w..j..y' S S L F«r# C«nyertf#nt“. M# brotm trbb btf«* VTrOfV. IW w . MB^ ^ofbor*/ 319 Confor Ay#fi«bf« #f Dili## in i*i^r#iim02/M#r- . i U * T g » . S » w i f e r ? ffroM/ Monebotfor. F#r#/ 31f------------- /M«1n---------------- ffraef/ ffroef/ /M«neb«tler/ 4W7. §99804/ pOWwT §f99rfTI9/' ofber*/3l8C*n- 1! 4 x 4 xfiro <40. tyiMOi 4494139. O fim * ' Mbnebetlof/ 443- #4B#wWY Ww*/mt IWTQfrCffPWywFSSaIhamB^mS^m / 444-4321.* #/ rd »M 3148.* 4434138.* Mmtrbpstrr) Manchester A City o( Village Charm Hrralb M» «r. Coofor Ofroof/ u m m m r m /M00<O«4f#r/ 444- CWr ^V8r PwPPP WMM V^dMdAlffdVM. ^ M|^^0#My0/319^ft- *Mi0o fnforlor. #11133,'’ _______ A9#b<bo*for / 1^ •/*», $«fvfd«y_ - _ . ... fwr »T./ 1y 0ro1bor*/ 319 f « d 4 . TOVfVfA ifOOI'/^fOO^ 449-9134. 9./ /Monebotfor / Our LjM 87,223 t o y M/ i i& ftm o i9U . fr0<f(. AtffomofK/ MAMDMtW Friday, June 28,1987 30 CentS . ISRSW Trr. t m M w K . m - m i . 9wWVr §T99rfnw/WTWr90’/ /MAZDA jf07 02MO.(H R CoO BUKk M v atHf M of^ay. 0 «m >rigy «f vM «. lU M fh tt^ Lyneb ^ 990 w. Coofor MM 0^^*0 1987 oaara V^rTnWr MWtWDt TwT OHCf Orroof/ /W0O<b«*f«r. tnfb jvoy IfHorfOT/ ▼Wff/ 3*PVSWf?^VFy IFWW #8878, ONmwdd#/ AtvfMwM, 4444021.* #11188/ /M#r1#rfy #1r eonOlflonin#. f#ir«f«fy^ ftffrtf#vf«/ tfOllMrt/ 319 Confor ii^ / m W. COnw NISSAN MAZ0A 1407 #2300 OCS Ifroof/ Monebotfor. ^ S p S t ' ®4ff 9froof//M«nc0oo1«r/ •T/MDMO oborofOoO. Ooyor 449-9139/* 449-4H* * Powell quits Z»7P71innVMter«^l^ wMfo «*lfb wMO Mf«- 0 C K I 0 Equfppnd WHh: eyifdtfdf /ROKnnHHFISmi 0 iy 9 m im t^ rlof. #11197. /Worforfy MAZDA M87 03m. U x- A 6 8p«ed Trarwmmion Off, iHyfy&. V0rytl*tm . SroUwr*/ 319 C«0f«r ory tborf bo#. CoWor-' 9onrlto ro4/tr#y Info- m truiM. m rn n *y- 9fr#4f/ Mmth0*l0f. Mo brotm wim rfor. Mor1«riy frolli- A SI0M B«H«d RafRalf dnffWf « r 40-9119.*___________ 118^/ # 1 ^ ort/ 319 CoMor ffroof. A ANFrMghtAndPrbP/ /MA20A 1f07tl900. Aofo- ^ JH./ Monebotfor. l•n<botfOf. 443' CarePackegt highest court 0Miir<. TofO004o«Oy«y Conn. 8t1o* Tax, TNIa and Oaalor «r1fb 0f«y inUflof. FORD 1984 #190 olebo#/ Obloo Fa# ExVa. m cnrrTTTSH: #11292. Morlorfy $ 6 9 9 9 # w r fW / k fM M / off/ v-i/ oofomoife/ oottor •rofiMy*/ 319 C*tf*r tfo o rin # / 99W f trilb #roy inforfor. By Richard Cortlll dMf/ftn tm tA H . in c 0t- 91./ A94WKlM*1*y. 44I- # 11390/ M orlorfy ^LEER CAMPER CAP Tha ASSoclotSd Pratt m t M n rn tttm . w - m t 0O 90t dMM^NSMPB 001000 Oroftot/ tforI f 0 0 ' ifofbtrt/ 319 Confer b#m#or.97099. Corf or if./ /Monebotfor. 441- 4rdO0MeMM«M0 MMW OMyrolof,f. Iflf /Mofn or WASHINGTON - Supreme ^___________ S t S f f h il1 i 5?i5R nE n 4fM0OtA0/U ^f44* - l u i L c : ______ — ______ «fU0A0OW4*. ^44» §nOTT PW . JUPlUVUflP ffroM/ Monebotfor. Court JuStice LewiS F. Powell, a #Mf / 4 evfMdf / ddwvr Allyor trill* #r«y lofo- Mazda 1987 01m . lox- DURUNER BEDUNER fNniiw/ troKM. ttk . f f 00004 OMMyAM <f44«4 ory tborf boO. CoUfor- moderate who haS been the pivotal 4fOOOOt04M«AN *1 tjm rtof. #11291. /Morlorfy MAZDA 1987 03998 909 .0C tU O «* Offor Appfloi To vote in many of the court'S close emtffffwt. 444- •rofifor*/ 319 C«f»f«r tborfbod. 0l«el( trbb Mo brotm trlfb bolo* X ttjjmmm**., *am V?u/| cHOice fn Stock UnU$ Only... decisions, today announced he iS 44yN0WO4N4MO V.M4 Of./ Aft0f*<1fO*f«r. 449- #roy bifoi^. #11394, iMorlor. # 11094. /Mor- w »0tsfr m n sssi 44 00004 m/UMW Mf/MB 9139.* /Monorfy 0rolb*rt/ 319 forty Orofbor*/319Con- retiring from the nation’S highest for 91./ Afonebotfor. court. tm tn k y t. M«Mf Mff. fonofNAve. <0 ^ 4 w ziA^f&>rwr i § iw:'i0 i4 Confor 9frotf/ Mon- fff«f<M>.447-im. 44L«OAAOWt«M «f44«> 449-9139. * The announcement was such a tftorf boO. Oodo bloo ebotfor. 448-9139.* OFFIN e 'd k i ’m m i f»> 4 MOOOO40OYA1M/ 'f«4t» trMb #r*y loforlor. Surprise that the White House 8X01088 learned of his intentions only this M«fk MV. L«affwr Inf*- 8 f f i r / < a r * #11244. Alorlorfy 8A0A7 rt& r. ttawK MflM)/ faw ifommiMMXMM Orofbor*/ 319 Coofor morning. m(fM. ff2/fM. DHfan 91./ /M0f*<1*o«f*r. 449- I M U I M U Powell, who haS suffered from Fdfd. 40-gl4». 8 tt. MOAlZOOm » m * 2S9 8R0I 64M 169 proState cancer, made the an­ df^lf^ciyffV M«Af4r«y 8 /U/t^6A BfMg.~ iB nouncement in a printed statement CdffWfMM 4>. 4'anwr 4» . Shortly after he left the bench for «borf bod. OvnrlM rod #••••# ________ •fMTfaW/ brokdt/ fad. J y c t r n trlfb oroy Inforfor. the last time.
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