. I'linr,lt,M. mini accrued ui buld IUB braatb'- A Jtruiarlinblc .Masonic Inracit-rti• Tlm lube Ntntc. ed with tlie liouse Bipimil, To-day THE IRON ERA Business Cards. THElflLD FOWEB POM TIC. hardly a driiikingmim ialeft tboro." Wo trunslai? from a Ocrmaii ekelob of Hc threw. The fiiuL MuKDiiic fuueral tlittt ever We call Mnino Ibe '• Pine-treo Stoic' II. A. UENKETT, M. 1) , "It is nu outbreitk right in camp; itJBLUHBD ETEBI BltU&DAY Tf ••*•' DncoruUon Day. imwicau traval tbe sabjoiocd account "Two lives nnd a sii—sixteen !" nnid ireurred in California took pluco ; Liiko Btato'* would be on equnity op reason among the forces. It in vet »trcw wllli fliw.jl-i tlio RriiTii >r un incident alleged fto have occurred tlio planter, putting down tbo uumber, SID, >ni<] wus pi-ifurmcl over a brollii ropmitf aud dmtinctivo appellation. lipplen' rebellion, aud tbat is wlmt BBNJ.H.VOGT. HOMCEOPA.TIIIO OftliosowLonublyljlcd, HDMPHBEYB' Mississippi sWa^oat n short time bile ft murmur of sutisfaction rau iund di-owuod iu the liay ol San Fian- Iier forestB nre gradually falling before no ono ever MIW in n tein pern lira EDITOR AXD FftOlUEl'OB. uatloii'H lire tu save, revival, and I've snen nvery one since PHYSICIAN & SUIIGEON, HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS the tulvnoriug utiokn of tha luinbormau, Ofloo oa Morri* Btnat new Blaokwell. Cu I II in ilia'* patriot dead. iefvre tlio War : .', through the crowd. All ntit nf ike 1840," an nld gcntlomau in One^u uuid. Cor. Blackwelli Warren Sts., Been IB general line for twenty/eara. .rinjt»wcot(!Ht fluwer* t'mt bli>um I HHconded tbo Mimissippt, sajs tlic One of the bystanders gathered up llio latcs that on tlio body of the tleoeaticd but bor hko.11 can never be lost out o"Wf e always thought before tlinl tlm TERMS OF SUDSCRIFTIOH ETcrvwticre prural the i : HA Pi-:, - (Oppouto Dovor Bank,) rilMPLK,E€0^ In f]iriu(-iitiii'i glorious day, writer, on a Btcnmerifc hoard of wiicti dice aud put them ia the box, and tbo nw found a silver mark of a Afiimn, hor mountuiii-gimrded territory, nor can minNters bad go', to begin Iho thing DOVER, N.J., medicine* luown. They a i-ej INtWbHt o deck llio lionur'd lonib, orn Judge 3 o»d Gen. K , hoy throw again. pan whieli nore ongrnver] tlio mitlult- ibeir cbnrms ever be lessened by tin id drum up recruiU. But this is cu- Diiouoi of Women and Children, and or the tiit people VBnt, Marias I i in one v. Wloro rusts tbi.fr sacred clay. "Two sixes mid 11 live—seventeoa t" imcb of fictllcicent and civilizatiun. relv ttio work of the drinkers. They've jnel'ear, - - - 82.00 Ej« and Kar apeciaitiei. if Pimnfylvnnin, witb,botb of wbura I ( bin nninc. A little furtlior invealigit- jbelled." The old gentleman lolJ tlio •cr Tbo excitement now knew no bound?, ion rev-enied to tbe beholder the most There nro more than fifteen bundrod of 3ii Months, ------1.00 Bnoum:7U«A.M.,llo3»ud7lo8 apttlne tbe w;11 tried pre ptlon or 1 van «liglitljf ncquaiulcd. truth. OatHoruellsville way, unch men 18-30pd ' To Freedom * noblest too, "A bard set, these Natchez man," Enid and tbe "brnvob" resounded on every iugular exhibition of MUHOUIP rmbl'im> liotn laid down upou the better ninps in tbe Hon. Horace Bcmie, Uiinnl Cum- Taree months, --- - . — — — BC I'lio-satnnl u« Llliartjr— lio Cuptain, who met us on the cabin hand, 'ibo boy, aa ho took up tbo box Imt wna ever drawn by the ingenuity of use; liundrftlu more nre too small to b( sHioter Haiglit, find Cliurloy Tliom- ORE D. ftKITB, B. 0. HSOl*, JO. Our pcurlpGi l\'»nliinfj.or. enumerated iu a general Burvey; while Hon took the inititivc in tho mow,- in in to throw for tbe tbird ond last time, wns in upon tlie iiuoian akin. There Dr. P. A. HARRIS, Jj tilm WIIP Iufiepcndcnce HOD, lairs. " TUfre'B Borne of tbem dc many ntbei-s lie bidden in regions thai ment. They aro all called jolly good SMITH & MEQIE, rnr. ID p-ure, tlm first mi he, ilonn ]i'nyinf[ fi high game. How an nearly culorlcse oa it was passible for tliinpr io tho history or traditions of fellows, nnrl never dreamed of mooting lii.vo noLyctbceu explored. Tbaautboi A.TTOBNEYS AT LAW. IVIJO spurned an otrurud kinply ctowD, HUCJUIIIOBOCI) foolnlcinild ncrursep." hiui Lo be with hia yellow skin. oe Masonry equal to it. Bcunlif a frionil without Hwal'owingsomothin^. PJIVSICIAN and BURGEON if Water-power in Maine enyn, in tlial OFFICE 0VEI1WEIUOVS HIT BT01IE, Anil Hut Ills buuilm-n frto. Out rollcu tlio dice, and up cumo throe Tbey stopped gimiily beaiufio, as one of DOVER, N. J. "Let's go dowD ond look on awhile," otted on Inn left mm, in red nud blue voi'k : " There aro Imt tbroo or four them eaid in a meeting, be badtuodo BLAOKWELIi BTHEET, tribute bring lo all, g^ctituJ llio Judge. .- iies. whicli made Qfty-ouol IIE, which fime could uot rftVcn, 'TICS AT HI! SUlDSHOg OM OBCIUBB ITBKET. districts on the globe, not more extou. up hia mind that ho was a fool for buy- Tlio gou'rium mid tlio I'rare, "Tommy, my boy, I coriFgratulnte ing got outside of so much liquor ia 117 DOTnB, ST. T. in Itu- saloon we found four men peated nil tlie emblems of the ontirc Hive than Maine, nnd equally habitable 'lionnbl; ruHi'il at Jaty's call, seated ota table, mouDtJ wliicb u crowd oul" cried tbe planter, "You arc pprouticcBliip. There was tlie Holy his day, aud it iras about time to utoj;. Our country'* lifo lo nave, in otber rcKi>ects, upon which an equal . in Corning, at tbe first; meuling, L. W. THURBER, 1 yonr owu and your motlier's master 1 J*OHIf I\ STICKLV, .tiiiv'o tliem miwln prido eliUl bo of tjjcctutova was gatlioreil. TIIL UIUV iblo, pqunroand compnsa,'tbc tweuty- number of leeephtHps for impouudinp there was a rush of drinking men, prom- SDPEBISTENI1EHT OF 1'OBUO SCHOO« Fill uj) llie necessary pajiei's'. Oiiplaiu, ;0UIUBI1I1U> aip Uu'ui-SM, wove tlie **bi'ovy pluyora." * Ecugo HH<1 gnvel. iiin-tnli, of not inferior capacity and inent men, too, to tlie platform to sno Counsellor at Law OF UOllItIB COUNTY. nnd I will sigu tbem. Tbcse gcutlemen who .would sign first, and to-day 3,000 rum every Btnlii DfelaToiT tree, Tbo game wan pukcr, ami tlie money There were also lhe Mns iitio Pavement, lurfiicc, h to he found. TbeKenncbec AND Tlio linpc of all tbo world, 'ill he the witncHucs." out, of tbo 0,000 personB there bave I onr am. moHAniis & co.> sroim, :bmigoil hands rapidly; Wo bud uatbeei) •proaoutiug tho ground floor ol King River tiuti mhre lakes connected witb it taken tlio pledge. Here, as everywhere, MASTEIl IN CH^NCBRl, ye I Btlofe wllli lliiwpn Uiobk-r ' looking on long when. 900 of tbo players, I will not attempt to describe tbe Solomon's Temple, tbe identical vessol tbe drinking men tove begun and car- DOVEB, N. J. . Where »Wp OJC bonor'il dond; :,ban tbe gignntie Oriuoco, nnd tbe Pen- ROOKAWAY, N. J. 1 middle nged man,* wUjo I lenrncd was a scene tbnt foHoved. In tbe general hich Burronnds it, and tbo blazing star jbfloot tban the Oregon', or tban all theried on tbo Rorfa. .' Tlicir frtKhiiiochilntlon with tlio 1CM :ottoii pluutar, bat 6|8watilpllnr aijainst Kntiiifnct.ni], nne (if tlio rousbeet luoHing ntlio centre. On his riglit arm, dud rrioiidniiipii'ur tlitim died. •ivonrii) Africa, eo fnrnsis known." In Bath olmoBt everybody hss Bigucd. J. J. VREELAND, IP hanil of one o . Tbo men in tbe crowd proposed a s'tibscrlp- irlnticitlly eieciitod iu tbo Batne in No liquor IB Bold, no drinking is done, BLANOHABD, Wbo lorn tuoni not ? Bwoct emblem* lion fur tbo freed nngrncfl. Tlio piopo- Carpenter and Builder;' md tmtb; itter bliowtid four Mpgs, wbilo bo bud J\O liquid, were tlie emblems portii But tho Kounobec nod the Ponubsuot id Httlo excitement is apparent. Tboy ATTOIINEXATLAW, orin KiLion «'os received witb BUCII favor tliat .0 tho follbncraft's degree, viz: TboITO only two of ball a dozen important take it all us s matter of course. Iu Their baoi wore bom of lkavui-'s |;ure ligbt, Q]J four queens. He was "cleaned 8 Jobbing promptly attended to. tKO MA8TEB IN CHANCEItY, in loss than live minutes fifty dollnr tho love! aud tbe plumb. Tlioi-o riveifl in Maine, each of which 1B con- Cnmpballtown every man, women, nnd Tboy toll of Immortal joiitli. jut," uuil nine ns though he wero Ruing child fans taken tbo pledge, mid in Hec- DOVEB, N. J. By.HpBMTH.Bt.Vltiia'DFSDee, ,iw wero oollectcil.—Appkton'i Journal. ilsa Lho five columns representing tho ucctcd will) an eilensiva lahpnystem of IfaODt on BLaOKWELL fit., next to Qagefc Offlea over A. WiglitoD'. IIOTA and tin itorc, -'- nlcwaled tore throat. . . M TUcj point tbe fl(g tbat gMa onr oyos, to lcii\o tbe tnbie. tor and Monterey almost every ono. ;MllotiN and Eruptloas, CO Ob, may It wave for nyo 1 orders of architecture—the Tuscan, ils own. Tlicse two rivers dmiu tbe . Ha!»v'a lumber mill,.- 17-lr BfiikmllilrML . .. FAMILY CUES. "Are j(»u broke, Colimel.?" oskej one AMERICAN .IDniVAl.lSTS IS UK1II "Waverly has had the reputation of Contracti taken' Mid malarial ruroiibid. Cwtr, Morocco, with above 3S larce tljtai unj Ho wrong O'LT BIIIDI Its Rlorioui djei )t tbo man. ' • - Doric. Ionic, Corinthian nnd Composite, contnil portions of tie Btate, the Ken- ieing one of tbo hardest drinking towns Willie beami the Btar-btBtij. m the Erie road, and some of tbe fov rttanniiotdtrocUoDa, ..... $10.00 'Deud I" wna tto laconio reply. In removing his garments from Inn nebec being tho outlet of tbe groat IRA C. COOPER, Caie Morocco, Of »large vUli and BotV, fl.OO nd may Ibo bopva tltat cmblum g\iea ' ' As American jourunliBmis advancing iroabers taunted tbe temperance men of • Thenc remcdlw arc »pnt bj tUecane 'Never mind ; I'll l^nil you." body, tho trowel presented itself with Huoisobead lake whose varied ntiroc- Of Freedom to tbo world, .. . ., in exteut, importance, and influence, so Elmira with tbe condition of things in Corner of BlaCVwoli and 8aaieK Bte. . alncleboxor vlaltto nnf part or lite [o'er Tail while yot ono patriot "*"• 'No ; I Ciiu mako n raise, I reckon. ill tbo other tools of operative Masonry. tiona have already received due notice Wavnrly. Col. Oaldwell told me tlmt a Mason and Builder. eewntry. free sTcfaara-c.'onreeelptof its con dilators more and more appre- in tbo pages of this Mngnzine, Far to DOVEB.N.J. '" To eoo 111 folds tiDfitriM, - ' Hero, Pump I" ; )vcf hiB heart was the pot of Incense. gentleman said to him :< "If vou bava Contracts taUon or all kinds or tlaion TTorJt c.ated b,v all clafisos of the oommunity. )n other parts of bis lx)Jy uus the bee- tbe eastward, on tho cunfloea of New any BUCCCBS in TYavcrly, I Bhall bdicva ad Jobbing. •. •• - - ; •-," Here, niUFsn I" ' responded an old :lmt tie temperance puzzle lias been B. JOULEY, Proprietor. EBA-EUTIOKS. In tbe bygone lime, when every news- iive, tbo book of constitutions, guarded Brunswick, the Sf, Gtoix Kiver and tbe LIUK, PLABTJIH AND CHitEKT, icgru, nB lio emerged from ono corner laprcr bad to bd tbB slavinh orgen of ono lvcd." Uorae| and Calrllgea to Let. ^ Furnlihed'kt ibort notlat. >y the Tyler's sword, pointing to tboScliiii-dio Lakes ;t to tbe north of tbeno, md at J. H, BROWN'S drop Btoro, corner of Hntnnn eipGiieaco, like tbe storm- T tlio soloon. • u- otber of the dominant political parties, ihe St. John and tho Eaglo Lakes ; to "But," tho Colonol said, "wehave al- Jtnciwell «od Busier Sti. and VotifZlit & S1I1- 1 inked heart; the All-bceing eye, tbe ready been asked to go over to Wavorly, ure, new comer drnff itora, Doror, H. J. , liglits oftt sliip atBCO, too often illumi- '•Bring'tlmt girl and tior youngster cditnra were looked upnn— nye, aud tue west again, following along the nates only tba patli we bavo passed over. inolior and nib, tho hour-glass, tbo and asked by nome of the hardest drink- lerc, tbat I bought in Natobez. Wait used, too—OB tbe tools cf designing poli- Cnnada border, tbe Atleguasb and tlie ers En tlie place. "We weut, and, I tell GraEdin House. 'I have tUroe^ many a woman's Iietd," few minutes gentlemeD, rilrciso some ticians. Through tbo efforts of the ytlic, tbe forty-seventh problem of lnkes of upper Fiecataqnis County ; and you, they were,ready for_ua. Home OoTHtsellorat Law, booetod a youns noblemnn of Franco. uclid, the sun, moon, stars and comets; 2,500 names are on the pledge roll in 100 YARDS PROM D. L. k W. DEPOT looey." • journaliBlt, tbe mon ot politics woroele- mally. well around on tlie New Hamp* AND MAJ3TEB IN GHANOEBt, "Tea," replied Tftilymna, "awayftom Tlio old negro went on bis errand n ai\ votrd to promiuont pieces in the councils .he three stupa wbioli aro omblcmntlcnl that place."• •• • MRS. A. BEEMER 'on." . . , „ ibiro line, the Androsuoggin ond its I, 3ST. ST. toon l-clurned with the girl and her of the UDMOU, and were looked up to and if vonth, manhood and ngc. Admir(- "Watkins people," Sullivan Offlwi in Iho *t*tionU Union Bink Building v iltca. Theses arc only B!X out of some said, "supposed tbat pretty much all T. F. OH AN DIN, Prop'r. Ii new read; with all ttio new ntylei for Girls don't bo afmiJ to .work.i Bulb revered by ttio people; wero nindo lend- ibly executed wut the, weeping virgin, OFWjrjJST., .< DOVEB, N. J. enned in tbo harvest fleld.'and'got just youngntor. Tho "girl" proveel to bo 11 ifteen BystcmB whicli nre recognized by he drinking men had signed lust week, ers of great political organization!!, and ccliniog on a hrokco column, upon but last Weiincsday night we took in Excellent K*eoramocUtlonii for tranBtont or SPRING-of 1877. , pooti Boaz as nay girl tu tho neigh- stately mulatto woman about thirty-five tho geographers.—EDWARD ABDQIT, in A. OILLBN, eroi&ncnt lioirdori, aliu % Ihory sod boarding borhood. jpnrs old. Hor "yonngster" was a flue, uut forward to be the successors of liiab luy tho book of the constitutions. Harper's Attgaeiitc/or June. tbe gleanings, ninety-eight of them, in- , . . • General . abln Btttoliod.to tboboune. FMieiiRcri tikoa George Wtisbiugtuu is tbe Presidential En bet right bund she held tbo pot of cluding such men os Commodore- Foot nd from Dndd'i Lake ind Like Hop*tcong 'ashionable Millinery Great thoughts arc not prodafod amid iteltigcnt-iooking boy eleven or twolvo ud Giipt Cass, and Wntkins Jjasn'tanv , tbe Mtisonio emblem of a pure Furnishing Undertaker -RonablBCliarjiM W-il AND Qoise nnd mirtli; tbe mind's thunder- rears old, whose comjitaxion showed him chair. Wbeii tlieviotorieato wliicb they rinkers left." ID Tioga county, Fa., it bolts, like the oloud'a ore forged in hoc) ao largely contributed wero won, heart, and in her loft hand a sprig of TRB TOUD OP WAFBiitaToK.—Washing- 1B tlie same story. The tipplers rebelled LICENSED AtOTIOXEEB AKDCOMMIB. IV. S. A i;. F. DeC A MI', to ba much more \ nearly allied to the Goods. silenoeand darkness. " ._ ;"•• theeditors were ignored, nnd were thrust cnoia. tlio emblem of Ibe jiumortality ton's tomb Tvofl recently opened in order jucccRsfully, nnd it Is tlira that Burprined whito.jrace.tban.to Mi.e,blacl£,, .. . , tbo barkoopere—those who do, not suc- SIODEB OF DEEDS, IEQ0TIA TORS & PROSPECTORS THE Bluo Olosa paus are tbe latcet. Tlip.v iuto tbo background for mere mousing if tbo soul. to institute some necessary repairs. Tbe ''Here, gontlemeo, eaid tbe plan.tor, unusual weight of tbo saroophagns con- cumb themselves—just" as it surpricra All order! promptly attended to*. For Iroi'OrM And Hineral Propertv, writo nnd ppcll correctly. No person 1 they entered, "yoVsoo tbia girl and plnce bunteis. In time tlie joiimnlista y cnlb her Blood winged the ministers and probibitioniHta, In BUCZVELL BlBEET, ' Dover, (f. J.p atest Styles & Newest Designs whose cdnciitioa^ lias been neglocled tuluing tlio remains arousod tho curiosity tier boy—two ns Qii^Diggers PB you can giflw tired of snob uniformly slmbbv Time, with his scythe by his side, whicli "' !i seventy-eight men who drank ^OWEHVILLE, N. J. sbonld bo witlioatone; treutmuiit, and tlie. ablest among them if tho offlciiil wbo was sapoHntonding for thirty years went up in a body SEABLX 0IT08ITH RATIONAL TJNIOK BANK find anywhere. I paid eight hundred cuts the brittle thread of life, aud the 1 BOHCUS M.CHACKEW, - , • BtittElHO, DOVER, it. 1.. Bitter speeoti between tlioso wlio liavo delled pnrlifun, diolatipu und advocated tho work of removal, and it was decided and signed, and many of theso had been X H ANEFAOTt«B« OF PI 0. «t B0ONI0N. K. J. } dollars for them yaatordnjiit Nafoliee. oup glass at his fret, wliicb is ever instrumental in beginning the move- The largest aud moat rninploto stock of Milli- me* loved is biileouB in tlie memory, tbe right as it wan given tbem to see tbo o open the sarcopnogus iu order to P ment. - In Morris Run every liquor K. E. DIOAVP. FD. F. cry ind F»HOT Goods to bo found in'Dover ike tbe siaht of grefttnosa and beauty Who will gira me Blxjlidpdred- dullus reminding us tbat our lives aro wither- umpriilng light of their own intellects and con- ascertain tbo cuuae. This was done* dealer shut Ills shop and worked with Carriages and Sleighs, tinking vica and rags, ']•'•.„ for tbpin." •" 9'b9'bo witherehdd aud nttanuate dd sciences. At first tbe change for tbe away. and the remains wore found to be petri- bis former customers to induce t'tioso . Of Hrerjr Description. Bonneti, HatB, Flowers, Feut- nlrepQrapuatai"t nsked Igures of tbo Destroyer wero plnccd PASSAGE TICKETS era, lliblionBt Jjaces-?—real Ornpiile always witb' opportuniiy. Will you sell Lbci bettor was regnrded by tbe profeosioual fied ; ia fact, a solid atone resembling a who bcld off to sign. In Troy every- ur. Blackmail and Bergen Bts! DOVER, N. J. and iraltntloii—Neckties And as yon don't know when tbe'oppor- ono. itnid tbe long and flowing riuglets of body has Higued. and in Cherry Flats 1 politicians 09 an insurrection against a Btatuc, the features perfectly Datura], two or tbreo drinkers who would not . . . AT. _ . . . ' , • i . ' and Bows, * Collars, tltiTllI came along, koop your grap-- ''No, can't do, it: I p^pm^secl riot to. he dis• eh ns the fraternity will never witness meetings." , . • , CAHEFCLM MADE. ... D IBEIAHD, [ oak for botb of tbem. Oomo, wlio'll so despised one of Ins national platforms, cophagus. Edwnrd Baker, on aped .liat'of chugM viil bfl ftnnlibed on application. AXDcli bnojlucdn Baid of lhe eBoimoQs ipaiu. Tbe biotber's nnmo vat ooniatnptiop of tbbupco, and yet joa ;ive mo six hundred for both T" that bo did not regard it decent enough colored man, who lias resided upon the UC EffiBWIKTH HE llAltDWAItE STORE. IDOWU.—Philadelphia Press. A drummer for a house in William Byi-BftBiirpriwd'to find tow teff mon Tbei.planter, wailedla moment for afor him to spit upon i yet Horace aini since ho was a boy, and whoitrect, K. Y., told me that lie bad juut Dot«rM»rrl.C«anlj!I.J. use it when your supplygivcs out and reply, »nd then said ; .* • • Oreoloy was rowardcil with n scat A Chn|ilvr 011 Itmeft, listed iu removing tbe remains from :omo from a trip through the ojl region, VOOBHEES BROTHERS, jLadies'Furuisliing Goods. Well, I must btjTB Boma money. •A man can't get it drink iu most of tho A comprobonsivo . Behoof inspector (!nugrasfl by tjio [icoplo of bis district, to. In one of tho boolts nttrihuled to Sol- the old to' tlie present ono, stated that Bferjfhlng of the besf material indimdoup Come, wbat say you to a rofilG—tLiirt.v olncea," he said. "I've been on the road OHAS.. S.. EMMOHS, rreprietor. DBkcd an Abordeen clous if an? one could tbe fartlior cousternation of potldlors iu omon, eternni wisdotnjs compared to it is Hurtv-^igbt years since their last tor ten yean, and mv customers, goner- tell hiin anything remarkable in the ll(e hances nt twenty dollars a cbance f Outpolitics. Qrecloy's open roeolt en. .' OHEBTEB, MOIUlifl CO..'H! J. ' Hardware, Iron and' Steel, es tbepltinlaUons of rose-trees at Jericho. removal. At tlmt timo they bad rested illy, are ready to take something after of ItloBCB, Boyat "X * si** i i>° ^nswitk yonr t ciisb, 'gentlsme.t. Tli"o first coniugcd other editors to do likewise, t ealo, but tliey all refused me this trip, Tt'li ll oiir'tf tlli larpxt total. In. tbi tbe onlv min that'broke all tbe cum' 'riuceeB NourmaUol, tbo most lovely n tho old tomb thirty-eight years, and t would bavo been bard work to get »ntr. uaUU rtrert,«l»»Uoi>< of the Jrif n tlie list bos the flrst'ttiraw 1" l ithi.Uie, ve« bfi^r^UsJii them^ nedjn_» Btato of prenervatlbi n only. nil»Jn il.n Tim njtbinto4rinltaf,wawantcdiU-,lBnjtbincto4rinltafwawantcdiUlB0 VEGETINE. selves niid tbo nnUonarinrBe. T/lttors caual filled with' rose water and rowed ^pg Juntrj baa made it famous u a resort for OAKBIAQK UAKE1CS vrbert); .said' whether the t V, • The pianter ,hiiaseli now..0 : n Pittsburgh last winter. There had . .'•AHU ';. ';. :i •achagood medidrio." Ianf58'tearsof ndy's snuff-tox "iinmedintcly to exolaim TO:'. .°i' ,.? United.-8Ut»....In tbo United Stat Bbesr.npproved iof't tbta^ proceediog-, pS OiltBtQfO THE NEW VM31 PAINTB' >: Thrw yearn ogd I yru\ token Blck with ihanccs, nnd he • was- J< beeu a few desultory temperance meet* ,^ GLASS,. J /ollowcdby b>8 B^^oji^-flna.printonhaw lor^ Wuen the1 Sdldun • SaloJin, "wbo tiiid ao \ t.'.' JSTO EVERT HOUSEHOLD. ings, and Francis Murphy went tuero to Builders. n and _attlia doctorscalTeaLtjtoi.ao. Ffirweeks ;brao fellow-playew^wbb'eacb'topii'hue < ! [ wu confined to my bed.. I Ind three dil- 'Tbifl is. tho season of tlie year :when beensopleiiitfui (ia''x>exrite i3ocomnicnil Bpeak in January,. One day three very chance more.* ppinully, tb: moon"^oublo .willi h'ard:'fiajed ^bglia /those wbo took active part in, or saw (erent pbynidianB,'without any help, r I ra-the boarding house lodger has access to iheir prcaance ns Seniitors bof ng rejrnrd- King Rielioi-d and'liiB: turbulent Oliri prominent taen, hard drinkers, in Pittn* celvcd no relief i I was a'fiwi.t Buffenr; " spring chicken." and wuen tb^'niUBcles chances wore/lak.o^-by."tbo';« tbe effect of, tbo praying cruundo, .say urgh went to bis room in the hotel and Jobbing promptly attended to. of Luni, ud tU ' 1 ed as a ma tcr of coarse, lnn friends, took Jerusalem'in-1188, bo tbat the present tempentuco revival at finally X became entirely helnleBs. Theloitof his jaws me aa tired as if lie bad been when tun plantercr.ifdbul:'• signed, and at his request spoke nt tlio S. J. PAI.MEB, Archtlecl. ildotor told me there Van no help; hi said he Bancing ant tbe window all night by! tbe the once drapiBed Journal Utsprison in, tbp puia nbt enter ibo Toinple;%whicli be EhJnrn, N.,Y., while less noisy, is., fur oxt meeting, From that moment tha wi^wntirm . i " (ht pofifiiblj. eayo ray life by ejecting mor- 1 p more wonderful En its results. Proba- ; «H.tbwii, 8ept.»l,'l87).. ' estimation ol tUe public, until now" two ofanely calledV^raosqiieV^Yq till // bo had drinking men took possession of the 1« _.nb in"my animandleua, TJieeneourago- r rofanely called bly there never was n temperance move- «,' M«* w »..uu* a^f • . . ^' 'L ol them are members, of the cabinet of. movement. In, Pittsburgh and AUc- ment for Borfng my life by hKvlng this done Gentleman (to * neglected youtig lady id ltd wnljj* washed?with.roso wntor, ment so Unique ia all respects as is this was Bo'emnll a chance I could not consent to Genera! E whispered Borne thing in President Huyes, Villiam"' Mnxwcjl one. That H is successful, the 150,000 bany 30,000 names were put on tlm 1 n a sapper room)—" May .1 hate the rd,'r4durit";(iBBu'res"'us'that BOO camela pledge roll, and the liquor bnsineits re- ran the ride About thia titae'my GOU rendlonor of helping you. to-'mime.tqqgtte ?" Judge JT-T^'B ear,;j.nil-lh'en wont bi the EvarU, the Sgoretnry of.Staio, tbniigb personR who have sicced tbe pledge, al- jour adTertiHtqeDt in our paper', a tentlxaony Bio, no more than Buflloient to carry tbe most all of tbem witliin three months, ceived saoh a blow tbat manv dealers HAVING AND HAIR CUTTING 1 'T tbonk yon, sir,' bub I huyo no use for table ani laid two ten-dollar gold, pieces best known uBa .nwer.eomtn^noedaclive a perrori ,who bU boon «ry idclf with purifying liquid. • Al&o.'dftar tbe taning testify. -To ono who spends three, or have Coiled and. moto gone ont of thB be one which- nature, anpplled." ^o on it. •. - }' .jj*^ -•* "•;>• :•••••-''r.t,; life ns njouinaHst, ani for 'several jenni bnBineu, From Pittsburgh it began to iboutthB sane complaint,, ondwmi cored. anger neglected. -..'," " ,1 1 ji.ConstnntipbplG6il e by'3Ub'MhJII_ i four, days iu these towns in sou tbem ify ion went rlgbt away to.tbe.apothccu- y "Name, sir, Rliij'se'.','. '•'...:.•. -^ j : anil northern Penneylvania, oxtend cast and north. Drinking men • Toung\laily,.to..n gentloninn—''Pic% i45B,/tbo .Ouurcli or|.8t.'.;.Bo|)litn was in Hornellsville andElmirosonttoPitts- ttort anc) btraght n bottle of VSOETIKB. Be- "Never mind the name.; Put it down the "ehrnpstnons with wbieb tho work is fore I had QBel tho ffrat Dottle I found great jp my fan; hand me' a chair, »nt!;KHi; p A fancy for.tbe lawjpa.liim from,', tb'o jolemnir purifind with roseWtpr before carried oil ianpplrent, Tphile thedemon- liurgb for speakers and wero furniabed 3USSEX STREET, relief i I conld uDra-myBelf'ln bed; 'After aglasB, of water,"';Gentleman (itulL desli. to the bar, " Had bo remainpil. at ti'viw convbrtedlmlp'a'mosqno,1',.'' :'"•' • tratrvo .e.xcitoment whiob. cliarootorired ibout six weeks ago. Only an opening -xxHnsrTi—...-.. , , , . taking thre.ir bott.ei.-X was abla ,to alt up nnd na,nt)—"Do jofa fateine foraaervant?" •'Eu- whatVlor the' girl 'herself f" j Uiofunner until bla tnleota bail matuieil meeting was needed in caoh place. Ibewoenth'e UAKSION BOUlBandlXpot,) • F'. The .high prioBtot.tiifl'HebrpivB'wore bo'crasad ; e movement Js entirely' laok move about my room. I continod taking the Ladyn(Berene]y;—';Notj( I mistook yon "Yes; let's give ter a chance." •' j in"g , Excited tbe people certainly are; Then tue tipplers took the matter ia Vcgetine, and I wu' In tt'fei^iW^cka'reBtoi |; be might have.been a!.<3iWn«t "Ecer ,' crpwn) of 'rose* mben ;be offt-rea up their own bands ond constantly spread "All right 1 p^e\for Ninette;/AnD mg ago, perhaps e.t prosont been ^esj- p perhaps deeply and intensely intcreatod TbirJaei baa been to mrfannerbealtbl '!TbD"V£0ETIKEt»i oertatn sncriBc^s' ii fiio dis- expresses the feBltng better.. But' the the movement. It baa reached &a far sicr Th»r.rjb«it my Ufa after the pbysiolani. mid there was Tbe following is a copy of a note to ow_-;;.,-.•'-;£,::::,y'\' -;:.x , dont. Therein .no.tclliug.wlint wigljt a j'nntl iiwjisijerbaps inrempm* great?peculiarity of- the present move- eait as MidtUetowo, although not ma oil >o% forlnie;; "I &ft had no doctor HMCI "the clerk of n,pari6h uot a hundred miles .'!Thul'H fir^tbBtboy,*1 utd;Jndgo Imvo, hnppeiioil.'.Oolfux,.*wbo. WIIB no ment, uad tho 0110 which distinguishes is yet seen east of Biogbampton until. : IT I fwl imwcU I tike a dow of VEQETIN irauee'of-tliiB foot- tbat tbe SynodI of Middletown is reached. Eut tbe district oreign and Domestic Segara from London : "Mister, my wiefiadod, j :, quietly, as belaid twenty dollaijn lttwyer,aud a younger mannwasBpc*4l>or it from all other temperance revivals, is and I reoosimspd it to my friends.-.' -, %> and wonts; to .-.be, .berrid. to-morror. at NiKine.V(wbich'.\i'n8"bold"in. the tliiitl betweea Horoelhvillo andBingbanipion, ((iiirATsbBHiiiB »ti onlhetable. ,/;;!'j'' ^ ' *"'•';'1' | of tUe NationnLHOUBO pi,Iteprcflenta- to be found in tho man'who began it, Tour Vjro'irntE might to lie in erery fam- woooor clock. "You knows where to dig ' ny,i enjoined cvery^ Jew'; to wear a nnd their method of carrying it on. and north as faros Itbnca, and south in r,'~ Mr doctor woe rorprlried,t o two mo in tives, jtiet jvben Eyarts emerged Jrom •^r^EEi^'pO'UtARSf: it, oloBoby my otber wicl ;but Iotdt be „ '"Good, I 'brart'tjrbravo 1".cried, the on his breast; as a dist'nguiebed be oil aud coal regions in Pennsylvania OEO. A. PRESCOTT. good heaSth'f Hanny* VEGETIHE ifl a good plnnter and Bevoral of-tbe.by'siaodars. obficurity in bis fieoondpixiresaion . ,Carl, Tbefo Is hardly', religions element in mediolne.) I toll him It cored me. 1 Ho says v ! mark oUDfetfbrliy.y' In many couptrios is fairly burned with ft, and in every'eass ••ItlgtntQ."- I cannot fee! toothankful . Put. ont your t'onguo a littlo farther.'1 "Ono for-Tpmniy,;which maltes tl,e 80. SchurMbe 8ectctary.,of tbo .Interior,' it. Tbo cleri surprised at the drinking men hnve began and ear- . CARPENTER and BUILDER, v L the; Jews still ..celebrnloi Ibo fesUntlof the success of a movement bbegu n witwithh- D0T.r,-' ' — ' ' Vcrygratcfnllyyonrs,.,. ". . 1 a physician .to, a tavc.i invalid. ..."ANow, centlemcn, -let's see v}oia lnck has heen'an active editorfand publisher tied on the wotlt, aided, of course, by ifis. OATHEKINE COONS. lit tin faribet stilt, if yoa please." "Why, Paster .Flowers, during which they or- out their helpelp, , aannd cuqdpcted iuiu' T-oyToayothers. But it is tbeir.work. No an- "iTors."- .^1;...... ,( . I over eince lio Bottled in.'thfs country,' tbut.tbebttb v an nnot t alwayla y s commendd, FABMEB'S' HOTEJj. Seneca FalU, Eetieca Ooanty, H; Yf :- doctor, do jou think a.Trom&n'B .tongue > lamps,^cb'nndclicrs, and tagonisms are created ; no opportunity has no end?" , "'Ari"end, p'orhaps,' Tlio dice were hrougbt and tlie 'throw- mamtiiiniOgbiBrQlationsn heds,..witb -roses.. Tb'uB-~it linpiieued ThTheii r partt iu i it so faf r seems to h he con-is g^ven liquor sollen to organize oppo- finud to tbo opening of occtinga with sition ; no war is made on einisoboards. madam," ropHcd the doctor, ?' hut no ing begun.. Each cltaucft entitled .the even whenv he «a» in tbe Unitad •• States wero hqteful to tho csBaation." v.-.1. i' - '-...' J _•; .v -._ t prayer. , Thuue mfietingn; too, ate, very Men wbo have, been drinking simply holder to tbteetbrowa.';;-:•' , -<• . ••;Senate, and severing them ioolyvcrj; atrango .things to tlie old temperance get together ond My, ''Here, we're all and eieeuted, ana niMnal famlahea. lV BM^tlon to Urn fact that ha hail tahen ilja All aJwaneaof the Wood. IfVEOETINE .vlbirty-aix was the tigb'tat thrown .nn- r man. Ono never bcors tlie old harrow- lU'rfilierB'lnJir, [deuuevparify- and euro Two sable' philosophers took shelter recently. in order to-devote.nll hip,'time in tbe wiitingsof tbo iFdtlie'nt^wbo' in tbe. same boat, now let's stop this l under the some tree during- a heavy iil tbo holder of 4ba eievontb cboucfl, niid altention to ihodlBonargeof. lii» new ing stories of the offoot of strong drink ; nonsBDBC,"and then do*it. Tbo blue •LANSand SPECIFICATIONS HOl'EIi, oil BLACKWEIIi Etj aoh SiMUHM)ringtte raUentioperfect shower. After some time, one of them Fcssetl that they could not understand tlicro ore no tributes to cold water; no ribbon and the meetings simply give a health after trjing different physicians, many threw. Ho ecored forty-two. Then [a niid'onertiiifi duties,^ That tbo couolfy. rnrniabed, and eontraeta ta«.ea foral l work. remedieit, praflfring for.yeijrs, ii it not com plained tbat be felt, tbo Tain; "Nelmr less number WOB thrown, until number that''pious' people Could •tbinkwilli dllusions to, tbo' etornal dnmuation' of sort of tangible organization to tbs Tho lio.t reference, plren as to eapwllj In oloaiTfl proof.lf yoa'.ares,.rollerer,iycm... mind," replied" tho otlier, V fora's plontV will protit by'the piveencGoJ twdoditiri^s .cc/itabiin.tj'of roses when they romonv him who dies a; drunkard's death; and movement. ll twenty-one scored fprty'-iiino. .' v'. ; .', : beyond all, Excepting *in. Middletown, my Mneh of lUe w*»411S!S. {I"f* beenrea?., IVhyin this medicine performing of trees.-, Whendia;ua is wet through in' the Cabinet, thero' is not'a' doiib|. 1 1 ; bered. tuo* crown of tborns ;• flftertrards^br i nawar.upon tbesaloof Hijaors. Tbe best judges say tbat not less tbon. ;aana(eel.w ^ . ^., , .MR '?? /?''Vi •achgraionntV It w wli in the blood, in Ibo excitement •bow became intense. AnDiher .edif-or.iind, publisher wboi bos thin limtHo feoltii^ seems "to .have died fiO.Opp persons In tliis State, and 90,- ••- s&pnlaang A&ML .It.can,truly b« collfid 5 Thobfslorilorif of.,tbf.,tb6 outbreak, and ieie- 1 The esrly ago cMif» » often potsed iu Forty-nine mia bnrd. to lieat jtbo high- flcbieved'.n^prominont pluoe.io.spublic ; : ; : eut in tbe little town 000 in Pennsylvania, have niffned tbo C5o» and &aul Board wfll be (nr-„ QMIT "BLOOD PuiintB, Tho great ri ent'tbrow possible.'beiDg.niufl HIXM— 4"-.:•• ;'A^^v r!; :;:)! sult«.6f the mbvemeut in, tbe little town pledge Binco the first Pittabnrgh meet- olBbtd 1>J th8 to or ireek, on rccwnablo source of diBeaea originatcfl In tbe blood | and sowing in the mind- flie vi*c6a'tbntnr a lift) is James O. Blaine, now. and^fqr of-Van Etten\illo may "be taken as an ex- A. Beemer, no'medfdnQ that doet not act. directly upon mont nnituble to'tha inotinition; the flfty'-fop'r,.! -"/i-..;'r ,'t/.;:'.".{*•"••.- '."*. . Homo timopost al-eaijonlol Maine, but ..Tbo-y bad ii. to'u^lr Bubjobt iii thn iu- ng. and that drinking mon bavo signed lerma. Sly ample of what baa been done In a liun- in a larger proportion tban usual in a to purify and renoTate, has «ny jnrt claim middle age goeabu in,.nourishing aud Agaiu^ and again tbe dioe rattled in who was for yenrs aa- editor in Washing- quiry room\h\»'week.'* iloqdy,>rrcatied dred or mote, other places in tbe Boutb- REAL. ESTATE AGENT, , Livery'; Stable on public attentiim;- '•'... Cj. ] •; " mathring tfaesa TICCS ; and the last., age J tempernnco revival. Hundreds of deal- conclude lo gathering, ia^Taia "and the box, until it came 'teVunmber twan- Pa., and who emlgi-ftted to .tile with h\in, \ia& £an!tev:Bang' with him,. crn tiecof counties pnd in northweatorn era bavo Rono ont of the business, and anguish, the bitter fruits of these Stirirfeo Btati ns a jounmfitit. :A.:; r Hiimor can be enr^d the dose 'of tbo eliavo, the knicbt of the him, perilous be^mlglit be snolicd ii weeks ago one of tbo best fellow'i' there by taking VKHTCE, ;It gftYoino • fgood rotor commenced bathing tbe man's lore luclc'thnn 1.*"^' ' '; \ mightier tban the sword nmong a free tnmo ichneumon, which I kept nnd fed HEWINQ MACHINE NEEDLES,.... BTUKtito, and I felt' better in eTory reepect. . "Come," Tom," s«ld the planter.. under the cauVaa.-V/Jortow Bulletin'. was going along tbe ttreot one morning, with milk; One diyl brought him a DOVEB, N. J.: face withirnra, whenihe>os aomewhat people, but in6iicnccs thinkinp, intelli- and met another., The first'said: Olii, •ATTAOHMENM, ..*«. " • • Yoiirfl, withreBpect.•* .. M taken back' by an exclamation, " Look ' Tom catnc forward arid pickbtl up ttio gent voters tnoro in nhe week, 'tbna all Hinall water sorpont alive, being dcflirons Usi. ELIZA AHN FOOLR DIDHV ."WAST IT.—At an^ auction o -'You're looking bettor lately" than I've to know bow far his instinct would osr- outl I bate signed the pledge, and'l box. Tbo.woman preiaed her lips firm- tho eloquent orators alone could do in a aeon you in a long time.' 'Well, I am won't hflTfl tbat staff BO near my modtb 1" tonsbbold articles' the auctioneer held nn better. Fact is, I nayon't been drinking ry him againBt a being with wlioblio ly together and ohupe'd lor hands as if ir.. '. • ' •' ' ' ' ".' a thermometer and pleaded for a bid.anytbingforabcat two weeks, and I'vewas hitherto totally rinncqnii.nted. His Not Ipngngo nbont twO'hnndred ol in'prayer. Tho bo? trembte4 like an first emotion Boemed tobeastontshmcub Jobbing in General. NOTHING EQUAL TO IT. ; tho poorest inhabitants of Lower Gornal, t AB an nnnvoidablei sequence tbo No one seemed to want it, and ho turned about made np my mind tbat I'll stop.' mixed witb anger, for his balr became MOBBIOTOWH, K. J. SeJglcy, ntlcntled oarXy servico at lheaspen leaf/ but snook-'the -dicO; and American .people have callod M theto a fnnncr-liinkirjg man- nnd said 'Just what I've been thinking of my sell, erect: bnt, ia an instant after, ho slip- 'Soirrn BIUM, JIASB.; No»..Mth,: ifi7G. Haven't webocnmakfnadamnodfoolB of Any nrticlo not on hand will beprtxaretl ; parish obnrcb, one hundred loaves being thww—tureo I ••"•//( , •'. • highest places of honor and, trnut, the •'Take "it,-examine it," and'givetno a ourselves long enough f, Oat of saoh a pod behind thB reptile, and with re- Ma, H. Bi BiKTiuii * .. r~|V- , , •, - 1 markable agility, leaped upon its bend, . DBUI BIS—I 'tune been troubled witt riiBD by SirUordcp" StrPaul • to thogo For a motn'ent^e stared at the dice mon wlio'-bnvefreed tbemfrom tbeTyoke quarter for it.'. "No-rno," replied tb convoraation OB tbia the movement' In promptly necording to order. J. SOHEABER, * iJotci poor tbronghlbsd trado. The seized. it and crushed It between hfs Bcrofalft, Canker- and X^ver Complaint for though bo ©ould:"iiot believe-bin eyea, that wnn fosteneij upon them br profess- map, littoiilns ?ET. '-'Wbatl Pan'tjou Van Eitenvlllc vaa begun.. These two, teeth. Tnis essay, nnd now ailment, BBKT, POSTAOI PAD), TO iXT three yean.; Kotbb.((e«r Adb^nrjpod ..^r-preachea tp.th.em'bn tho toxt, "Yothen.ho' [ .._.*vVri^hft' bo, x and Btcppod with a few others, sent to Elmira for until I commenced asms; the VEQETEKE, . seek me, not beennse I of ibo miracles. ional politicians. ,'antatberoomctcr?" "No,'eir;Ihad epenkcrs for a mooting. Tbe'tnen who seemed, to bavo avakoncd in him liin oKkxcxmornucx- 11 bnek pule and dgeflfedgeflfed . •"". '. / ';, innate and destructive voracity, wbieu nmnow:g>t^giilorig.firBr ratev and Btill but becuuso of tho -loaTeai - ' ooo a jear or two agb| and I worked,am packod tho house wore, or bad been, m 26'CTS. (W, & 0. i od?R tho VTEOETINET I comider there {ii "Come, Xomm^thrbw agaih," nrged SHE COULDH'T DO IT.—Xejtcrday drinkingmon. The old.straight local till then bad given way to the gentle- "Wbot gender is sugar V ashed !«. worked,-and fooled around and fooled ness he hiid acquired frqm bisednca- tbe'brHel to her nothing oqaal to Itforauch complaints, Can ,lfo;p1ilntet'>; J .SJU't ^V.'.:1''-'/.'."';v' morning, when tb# mistress of an Ed- prolubitiouists and tho clergymen had April611,1873:...'! , heartily recommend it to/eTerjbody. .., '. .jieher-of •*• (rxinaroar.'olftia. '__'.* Whal mund street resiJenco proponed-tlmt »no nroiiud, attd 1 could never keep it recn- Jittlo to do with it Col. Caldwcll and tiou. I bad obonl my hauao Bevral atockol Touri truly, V.M. Lrxrtl M, FiositD,' kind of sngHr ?" asked a boy. " Wbnl ,. "It's no use, manter; looaldn'Lthrov laled worth a cent. Bang it, I couldn't kiuds of carious fowlp, among wliioh bo of tbe hired 'lielp polish' the front win' another Bpcaket.frpm Klmira Trent there bad l«ccn brougbt np, and which, till 1 1 Mo. 16 Lsgrasge.BL, finuth Ralem, Man*. kind I" repeated the teaober ; " whiil toity-ninenow,V-A J.. ;].. '" .. IIQWF, Snrub replied that nho could n'I and spoke. Botb ipcaVers bod , been 'iixiii'xsraiw. * . hait^atto do.Trith it,?" V\VDJ» if.tta vcu open the ornery tbing. tbon, be had suffered to go and come 'True, true. Bat joa have your ont pusaibly tbtub of it. TboJady demand' drinking men until within a few da.rs unmolested : bat, a few days after, when maple eogar it's feminineCgeiiider," said < VEOETIHE thoroughly, eradicates eyery <(1 chance.. Thraw.that.'! .. cd an explanation, and, tbo girl said : T^ A. WOO»EN WATCH.—WO •were nbown Tbo only argumont they urged was th lio found himself ou ber of 'tbo boys' went to tho proprietor him, dfiplayedUiBelng told by a com- g are tuc. If he saw rae.mbblnp; tboglnss cow, whicli wu ran.ove r by a irnin nn^ I thought you bad most of I" was the panion t6> Shut up,bel'ut the r.t ^ tatcnt to tie mutter. It docs not n ' ' right In with lliem. aigned tbo pledge, that,, I'm thinkin'that a wbolo nagtlr obe ^ilh shut his bar, and 9Tery person connect- wicked joutaalUt thut there must bo a M. & I. SEARING. i at, noyni, voald bate tbo pronbef ;«rflmiah t" tliugc'tlxadJee., POT msonent eratf more than on Q-aace,~KnoxtiUe QhrtK big bole oat tliere lomewbexe. M-ir All tlie t'ftiilt »f Lluiwr. j PORT OnAM. Tlie Water Supply, j WttHl'iDRtoa*" (iad Hacfcalfstovn *ill u Cue rwuri) of (bi! Nrwurii Wnlei Jt-» il j wrte Itecrfralitm Paj. THE IRON' ERA. Dr. Ct.rn.iJMi:. UW»J™ tJ in; Mix. EDITOM :—In your Port Oram corrrs- J. MARSHALL & BALL" tbo Criminal Court Monday ^ndenea o( May Ctli there it so much that j if caleulflteJ w tod n»ri- churoe of lurccnc.v of a galvanic him ! >niBle»d the puhlic that I feel rouuJ 111 Il Show twice llio number of HCSBESS sens of any houso iu thocily PFAJ 2U TW1, EJitor o etumie l<>- JJ:iTor Vutx-a, AM. Milter Hi Un Cuaal, at Tnutlou, ou Fridujr last, ii. Ur VoU* avid ILutLow.m uot, RU having been in the W^ILJ it Is Eup[xwed *50 /ruin IV." T, C. Maddux, anH acont your comspoadeut iu btvcroj ireportaut Economy is flea itili to .r nu Lo kuew, iio ulLt-r mttuber of t about twit woekB. A Luge tiroif>e wo* OTM fnoiDr. A. Hill, but lie wai not tried itcMR. Bounl BTIH enmuiitlMl lo thb or to any otli on them. The evii.i!iit*.ww to the ef-1In tlie Gr»t place lie u s 0 little the left e,VL>, nc3 a dnrk tear uonu<1 tbe j We cull your special attention to our elegant aisorfmeut of fur ciljUiniug a future KU^ipl: •»ttr Uc bei) ti pen-lnife, ft)na r of spe'ete-: Fiuti-ruii)'. St tliilt he wi'Dl into tbe Man of tbe jon you, Kir, in regard to article p r.Ncvrutk- Ho UinDgbt it * i mvetiti- j cit.H , t Loot »if Ihe Osfor.1 Viic-ii Diwinitiou Uiiy was flrht insti- nil fe.Ml.lo p].u>», a duly i etraclL'tl tbe urtu-IuB.' At tLc close uf tlie j mid not be UKfid on Iiie-djuiu for ntich * fain p*Koii. The opinion Practice the First and Secure the latter Intnl. lliero were many v,ho objected to State's i-riifcnce the J'risoner, being] tbe ltnird. The a wns of thu utniobt itrililj-, etc., HHtl «SJUM]JI the ofthe Co incrvas that he had bi'tu foully BST t $12 BUSINESS SUITS, j TSS tli'.' iMiiuiidil custom, because tbey sworn to tell tlie trutli, aiUre^ed lie t il wnuld .juduultedly cbsni^tL'r of individuals ^vho&o b^nor bus de:,l(»ith.—Warren J tlnni»lil it vonlrt Imvt) tbcrfit-ct of open- jurv claiiniiiR that he wiw guiltless of careful tlimi^bt lie fore tiuy Ocfinile nctioil ever I^GU aliovo Ruvpacifin* ^toir, sir. the . purchasing jour ii.t; iiimuiilly (lie i»lil pores between tbo an .'crimiiml intent. Ho *M «» tiuiL-a said be tutcii, nnd ccitilulj not witlioul Justice J. A. Morose, of Paterson, nur-, ratiiotl ti' t.*arn, tboiiRh Eeeuiingljr try M. A- M. B. 1. of Port Oram have published ALAllOE'lvOTELrCl.ua'AiaoDTHESTOr " >ultii)K lbs wiabt-M of the penjilf. ritfd on the 15th «r June, I^t year, Mnscn! N.Tthuiul Ibo Sou tli, und delay the BOiuif to lii'le liis emotion. He ia nearly nothing on bnsjjicicin. All that tbey have 1 Aid. UilK-r. iu* ri.iiiriiiAu nf the Fii-Onco Fuiiatiholz. ofObicaRO, to Pncbrl Waruen- unii'h OoHircH fraternization of tlie two fortv TP»n» old, anil bn« a caro-worn, pitblitlifti are facts beyond i3ifj>iilc There imiaiftuL'. uiil L<ifiai fjuen* vhk-h ilii's couple are the puttie*. The pltr* il'Lr w.Vrt, i.nJ tliu rjvereuco paiil to tlit prepare u loiter to be bum to tlia member.* tioiH niuniiiK back to Ml s niicest. m L.mupctod will, il vhouM he Kulreil. HeIKIT>IUoj>the mnrringe of str tic drink wt totally irreajmusi- cnu'lil iu a condtusod form. Tba letUr H'. •- I,-!-- Hi.: .L'l-.nt i(Mnit» itrugglptl it WM not n-inly io commit himself to uny ccrtitiiioy to liennlj- a iKtmtlml accordiug CtJT AND MADE IN A BUPERI0E : liii> Iii tlmt fiJiiilitioti he roiuwittcil above referred to was taken to tie ofllce of ti.v V unsii-ri—nlit-n? t!.u Nurllumer irtiuuhii phtn nt pruiieiit. < the Hebrew rite, aud thnt Jn*having been thp'ar.teliarj.',-,,. Tins iwri«d from tlie printed by ftnifenili* r (.:..:,,! np liiniifc fur mi uinliri.lwl na- ITib l<> the Bill <>( Ayri. lust, .during tlit Do< riL-eideut Itiindotplj, isf lUt* Citunl COUJJHI- ft. 1 htn 18 yearn DM wlicn the ctrcmnuy Ko piiins Imving bneii fipured lo lnalto theso fully 'equal to tlie lost .hough it iraa UIHICI*- 0 was e t; :. iuii! w!•<•«• tlK-.S-MiUjfTuor J»'il for »-]iie)jt)»i'i.rUw.'njili»nP. is n Manic to Io fM :a i-, guvn mUroKtiuj; duUuls of llic coiupnuy'ii iiN |K-rfnriin.[l, the niiirriiK ill tfil. uustom made work. In COTTON MIXTL'HEs wo nave pants for 51 per pair. wV.: It,-Wlii'vo.l was riflit—tlin qucs- liim. He w«s us inciiiwWc be said, of stoo.1 by the coiiiuiiltct. nt their inettiiiK. J^ABBITT fomiiiiK tli"' iiitpnt, which is tlie essence ti TI -AiM we .litn.nil*. tlie graves of Hint it would be printed nt the office of the origiiuiliy covcivd 1,£u iutlieoip- l(lit-r-i ?" 1MS liiwri a per- IEOS EBA. nil in fun t i" it* iiiol-'ier'n aims. IU lwtl dum uan ruiiiL-d tt-u ftti for tin purpuse ut ia 1837, thu Vuiujf rict attorney cbnnu-teriied the suit as to promote fraternal feeling iu the hndin the Vnl p.y of Virgi on heht'u thnt lie was t'o be either. U>u feeder vms co^trocld] wlikli Lriuyo the a of lac moht oulmgcoua that Iind ev AYo purchaae our goods entiroly. for canh, and m the tendency of tlmii eniilJ tho speeches of a tliousund 'tho fell off-prisoners. Tn the second place your correspondent i GrecowtKRl Lultu. Thu vutt-r been broiifibt, and the Ron era 1 opin- CLOTHINGr HALL! « rieos uro downward, wo are prepared to give you corresponding pntea. fdiitt-Miif n. It is n inflgi.aiiiiu.ms net of Ic beard the sound nf the hummers, e w»s appointed originally nn that committee •i this Like aro idho piirlly otued ion about the court in that tbe high e'.i.irity by icen vbo. having suffered, io thought, of the workoieo on liii|]i'r,ini-e Cwiivfrt- Woi J5.(H» » 20.00 uiii'.iv snlilitTs who nre bnriiid fu your nud 71 if I Jocks, the J fcctuliove States. It in composed of COO members 4. (XI " 0.00 " ' 807, 809, 811, 'BROAD. St, NEWARK, N. ]. Ex-Jmlpe Ge»rRt M. Curtis, a critni- In regard to the public discUMsion that he elected by 171 PtvNljvteriea. The edu-CHECK "IW Hart 3.S0 1J. •,'iitifnl city of tlm ilrail, whether tlu-y ml lawyer, in Saw York, wbo wns re- icals of nn goinR on in regard to the TGI) fuct abnvc the Duliiwari Ji.iHt M.,i>- tin- Uli'ie or tbo Gray, will be nlilii cational Rtrongliola of Freebyterianism WOOL •' Km G.tX •rutty hef'ire the public "s ni counsel fair: I believe tlmt lit; is the ont j oni TLo totiil cont of tlie ctui.il w.ia ^S,UO0,O0a it ))L-einEsa Sorr 12.00 ' s FLAKKCL Scrra fr i > Mi.-i'tt'd. He who dies fur u cause hi tho United States inrnncoton. Them 'tir.Towpli Cnhnrii, lirn joinedI the Tern. ho han any ninliition iu thnt direction, o: In np^Uiun of tLufemiUlity of tlm iuu< where ita great dignitaries reside, and FlSE ClIECEN AND BTQI. — Kan a l.t-lit-vt'S is just uiuy lmve dune wrong in ILTQIH'O BrotliL-rlinod, and will flbnrtty has imulo any attempt nt it; but in doing MI for brioumg wulei ta Newark the Auvertitu wucnee it drawn tho inspiration of cul- SUIT«OF AU. coLOim froru 13.00/' LARGEST STOCK! w_" NEWEST STYLES! • •i«i.i|L'Jufc'iu Hie strife, but be bas emu- •iifiauo hi a ernwile ng-Mist tbe litjiior " in" a ily carryinf! out n threat made by ni.tt.fi mi sin. -He amy lave died a snj'u : U il ptxa)\fto to Wj> nu open pomluit ture. The Bynod. of Now Jersey num ruffle In his {Mithusiiuitii. ndmcucy of ne raontiiN ago. botmuite lie Iwing tiers 43,700 comma mounts, being ex Citrirtiiiu—u» liouett man. Tin* fuiit tlm new eitiifiu bt; bns eaj.om*t!(] Judge indcr E ,pousifin hod the ruby lofit hi« ripbf Inu fmni ronliuniii-itloii? II wiu m duubi 1'n.t tliu Southern soldier stoked bis ... ^.^ :.. j jiroctjedinjjn of tin 3eBtl«il by oulj one other, that of I'tila- Curtis will virtnully give up for a time to tnke any pnrt iu t 10 >"e ara giveu to iufctfrotn the* in- jlpbin. lit- nn liia cause manifested bin sinceri law practice to tftkn tbe rostrum met tin K, and would not be allowed tlie uw inipurttMtons, that DON'T BUY RASHLY! M. L, FELL & Co s tv. Bny. if you pleas.), tlmt bn WUSDUB nat wimt lie ciilU "the dQDiou li' Uihi-t), that lit; ilid »-Bw«t wrong, bu irceu of impDrily wn he removed, »uch an lie mlliipix'nr shortly at ofHce _ _. . Letters reiuaiiiiug iinclnliu BnTDEOPINAT fiiy ut tlio name time that be wiia bones rjuwr. prowctilion of TiioniM Oran id be then ugbUr LOUAO and othor drains, but coii ntul lir.LVf. On tbe gnivo of sucb a ouo ,„, Rochester, II ., Svruiuis. e anil and tlitre fuiid thnt hs v~il'il discuss tl open wntur-way fur thut or any diatnui 111 (he Post Office at Dover, A. J. tfiir, may fall from kindly eyes and flow .ther pluoc^ in thin State, und is already subject before a larger au kept free from eudi uviiwiictw nu wnuol MAT 2.1th, 1877. IAIIDTI CLOTHING HOUSE, ti\ bo btrtwn by lovely liauda witUuu jircpuring JUCIB OIK? figures for aaturt- fnrehiOD or proveutud wiUiuut a guard on Abmm "Burnel, Jennie Dally, l" iot cijiosurj o of the causes,, Jinigerge s and Your correHpomU-iit thru reviews tba trial John EvauR, Eliubeth Francu, the public bo' • entiro liuu t Cuii jieujtle be preTeiiUd BAKER & BEEMER'S results of iuteTJipprnnce. la an inter- of Mr. Oram, allowing t- Hattie Ooodiiough, Carrie Squires, MORRISTOWN, N. J. «rw a strong feeling created in hii Ttom drowuiuff docs unit cuts, or from udint An April lVIIIumt Know. pfeir a-ifli i WlWurU reporterd yesterdad y ElhnTrillion, Moggie Trison, Mr- Curti . vhich fa falfie. Thflamountsreportod it for bathing ai.d uluthcit washing t niit^ Qrnce Veo. ALL W.OOL SUITS ^8.00 An old hunter write* thus to the by tho committee were the «nuc nil the way whnt in to piumit the cmal frota fre«ziii(j K-wbcilBr Ei|»»M : .'"HIP April ol 1877 I hn J becomo quit** Sotisfiud, from To nbUin *n.T ol ibe above letters Biy "ad through. Ife goes on to tell whnt alargt ring llio winter iiud KO Hlo|)piug tlm BUI^ felfijiUii l»uR I'e retncimbcroil us tbo flrslmy long ncqiiaiu'unce will] all CIIIBSCS of rcjiKKcntdtion of tha society WRB present oi nrtisul" tud giro ditto of thlv Hat. •\iiiiifci- lum-f tliiin linlf a century tbai iiiuu, [inliticiuii!!, juurniilibte. morchuuts thnt oecflsion. He MHO tells how many voted idy? We bniw a full report of tht'aaand«l L'liumpvcni JiLd finlxhL'd it» course with i in] others, tlmt Iho demon rum for, nnd how many voted uguiriBt tho accused, Ihe other invuRtigatloiiH made ou the trip ^•TBOYS' SUITS"$3.5O H (n;l fijvtiiiftu tbeeattli a fall of snow— iicuija nianil, iihjrsiea} anil Hnz»: and alkQ the unmes of eaato who did notwill be made at nn earl; doy. MAKH1K1). !i-,t t'vcir'n flitke. And nmtmR tbe re-bmikruplcv to its victims. There i tnU tit nil; l>nt he fails to give the renson mTEHKAD-At tlu M.E.Par- theyiiave just rcceivetl for SPIUSO nml SOMMUH, comprising evtrryUiinj L. D. BABBITT has full charge of tlie Custom Depwrtment. i:i;'i\rtlile evfciits of this joitr, tills is oni escaping this fnet ; it is fit tho bottom why IbtRo members did not vote, but per- HOuaRe. Htuuliupc, ![iv 191 li, 1877, bv Rev, T Afi-eiit part of my life wan spent with •f ull evil, it ia tlie ntie great, intolcra pa he did not know and it In just e- - " MontctBtr tci'ditationn, it-s awful powery, on HI Jt' table i.tlcutiuu hiu bt-on dmwu ilut KQ PANOTGOODS In relen.lrss perst.'ct[[iaii of its devoteex, think in in very had tmtfi for him lo t from fiction. In "81, BAFE. ODORLISS ASM TEAS, CANNED FliDITS, CBOOIiEEX to Isicta." wan evident, knt »n nir of roytitery was nmn- Clothier and Merchant Tailor, ou the Ulh '.[ 5Iny, Ibon. «imo n fnll n DUKA11LE. SUGABS, VEGETABLES, FISH, Mr. Curtis Fpoko iritli visible eirneat- iv, sir, as ta tbo strong fcollnjt thnt MI snow a fout deep. The iiruhardH wPrn :d ia Mr. Oram's fntor. it WOB done i ifested as lo the ibjcctivd point tif tho eiten- Can be mrd without SPICES, DRIED MEATS, . BOOTS, oss, binuye^ Hjiaikliugwith euthuaiasm P cblmncy-flncH. an it My stock of claflifug fitubruiiea sniU fnim a cliild ta a man, ttbiott I bare with in lilosaoin, tlie little birds bud trail Lliis woy; It WAS a regular old electioneer- and tbe eoiititctioim ta bo imVal- Inns gax-i. Bvnd emotion. An be finished speaking he iu tlicen linn] tiincB. MT FIUCBS Aim Ja poLLotrn : Riirm P.IIUP and destroyed many of ou dftjs previous to the night in (jufRtioj n It van Itt Vnllej Rjiilwfty i»t the coming ,cirrnliraandpiioe-I AI«aj«ii »no slock of FINE GROCERIES. rBICES LOWEB THAN EVEH. little birds. I wwmirly taught to ill owed the writer several latters from circuiterciiuited thronKh'tbthronKhtbe vivillnul e and tbe mints AQHN'l'H CA3SIMEIIE SUITS, [roiu 87 la 811 lir agne and th WANTED lnvc them, mid wlieii tie sound of my prominent lempt-TaiJce advocates thank iu the nefa,libor)>iXM?, nn--' d s -"vatediid i DIAGONAL COATS ami VESTS, from Olo 11,1 iug him fitr oHpaiming their cause, con also reite KYKKY WHERE. OASSIMEDE RANTO Iwm - - 21a I rid,) wihacd thmtiRii the woods it wu tlio ball cm the tiigtit of tlie trlnl, thnt if the Ihnt the riwd wax to l»e exlenitcd to Allmny, Adl C K Tim tlio ilnitlfiintn of tlm -obin or any grutiiluling tlienisclvL'9 upon hk co-op- society cnnTleU-J nnd eipftlled llr. Opctn, connectlcu l>«lug made with tLo Uontehi CHINCHILLA OVW10O.VIS, '• 810 1! orntinn And inviting bim to visit tlieii DIAGONAL OVERCOATS. " cl Uif little viublers in tho giovc thereby iujitring hia cbomcter, that he wouli ilen«ion at G unite a, N. Y. There niny bu a SAVE 25 PER CENT 9lo II respective places ot residence. Thi instituto legal proceedings against it aud miaof triilb iu this, but we apeak by ill YOOTHS'SOTl'S, from Ota IE icwdepnnnre into tho total prnhibition iu tbe whole concern; even our bnll was BY O0IUO TO HEWAEK TO BUT YOIJB. - BOY'S SUITS, " ... ird aud vlohilo no confidence when we eft) 41a 11 camp is a great surprise to Air, Curtis'a „ t» sold, nnd not a ubingta left to coVor CHtLDBEN'S StniS, Iron . J. 3 to On Siinilay iiiplit lust a pnrty of Q\s ' ' ' mid palitic.il iiBsociatcs. our devoted he*Ia. .Thin, Hi t, was portray ti that tha new owner* of the Montrlnir pro- CABD3 all al.»Ir». „.,_ pni-sdi muii nt>nl t<> tlie jail itt Bland U. 1'oilpald. J.B;HB»TOI 1 with all the elocmence of our most gtlted ne, withlu a BUort Uuio, to build tlio ui A tAROE STOCK OF ' • . : '. villo, K.V..unrl with rtruwn pistnU rle irntor. It «u «l»o reported thnt tliero were teen miles neccHWiry to connect their prcMtni iiiini.lt',1 nnJ rpwivcil tlm Itevs. They A'miter I-cssou f«r Ilcr, .honmmlfl of dollnra to bucli him up in the iFOREICN ANDiDOMESTIC RIECE GOODS cnt'Ti'd tlie jail mid Hfieeil am. A dark-haired elonderyouag girl, with work of destruction. Thla h tha my the it tbo Like with the New Y< Adjourned Sheriff's Sale! In Clmncury of New Jursw. Fi. h. r.ir **1POI CLOTHING! 'J licvi 1'IIP. fflio iilteinpled lo ranr- arge brnwn eyes nud a pletumnt fare, feding referreel to by your corttspondent Midliiud at Middlctowii, Tlio route Biirveyed of nil groilea oml materialH. Btrjcj nttcJUoii iBpniJ to nlj CoBtoipL.repartncDl, I itoud at the privmer'a ducic in the Jel- morigacctl preraUep. ntiercln Henry C f Juno. "How ia it that so yon OR n girt U yoi oQut UMO th« chiuf aOor in UM draou, 'tfewtbn wuiU » toaoliJa In • it* public diould have come tn tblB.?" 1 "."•".* bUtb th ' Men's Business Suits, Hew Stylo Plaid nnd Stripo Retailing at Wholesale Prices. H'nidrf'fls nf thousnnJs of pcrsoua in 1 Cussimere, - ,------'-> - - - $7.50,9,10,13,16,18, "1 diJ net iii tend to getdrani, Judge, ; Ha IbmiM?* th.t he has rtriten to gi»B PBI0E3 MARKED W PEAW FIOTOEBi limia tiro scckiap public relief because tuii] the ffirl. "I wont to. • vdman' " lhVcn(dh'af Blind In' the DOUWAK river Bluo Flannel Snits, Double ond Single Breasted Gaels • TQurremiura*i»lTKoii ODDCIM itfttetooct of JL L ; "f tin; fuinioo eiistiog thcrn. house nud wu drank some beeitogether, the rnallCT'waicli hwattaictdw tnncB Uiia'yearh ' '—*-'•-' ^ >-• and Walking Coats, ----•--__._. - - $13, U, and Bomobow I don't remcmberlwhftt f Tbc Brotberhnodd of LnoprootiTLomt o En- QOtorioty, wbiob he mox no ether member so^nd Black Cheviot Suits, with Cutaway and Sucks, on Extra happened nfter that uotil I found^mj. ' EeWWr. Wo soU Clothing nt LO-WEB PEI0KI i u ere;* has spent £24.000 on tho Boston - * fright to do without authority from tin self in tbo cell." ' •',• '..' ' per 5oBi«.:and U»f«t!U»f«Hit• lt& t fce._ h _w. ieri^'chinxb^'cf BulvMc& ia mokini' KnoSnit, -..-.------.-.- tl'3, H IE fin!tl givo -Hons- TALms .for- thd- mnncj I 'id Maine aud Betiding hlrlkea. 'How old nroynu ?" „..-.! ft one-eiaed and pattiwn view of li Dreas Suits, in Black Clotl, Diagonal andFlaid Worsted $18, 20, 25, 30 than.anyiretail^concern .in Now Yq»il e*crrn men were hilled and othoi 1 alteecther. and norno of which1 does not «i •IOJUgoing on rixteen, air. ' ';'• AUr^tnmibomag%iTSm,VUiO Jud> YOUTH'S Sons, (IS to 20 ysnn,) - - .--... $8,10,12,16, ns[Wo HANVFACTTJRB'AIL'OUII^OOPS, am) I wounded, beneath n (shin which slipped 'Sixteen! how do you llkuyotir bear ths aembbnod aftrxth,' tietfam (*._ r tjdn(helongld g Wit* r^roadcotapariy; waa Bova' Sons, (10 to 14 years) Miiod Omaimere, Plaid, . • .-.,.. rau hjiro tho udvnntsco of buying tbco I fu.io its Rlajs at Chesler, Pa., on Tucs- ucigbbon ? Look to your right, tbni.ii ot the fends and bad feeiioffl Ui»t hata been uy. RtUred up, and Ibe frieuOihipi i Uutt bin, IMOU dwtro'fdby'flrol^tVMi.^-' '-•: - Black and Blue Tricot, - - - $5,6,7,8,10,12, '•' PM0ES. year nest step. It wont take tery long uwred. How.rir.I chwgBiOpainbULM for you to reach that stage if joa con- CsiLDHEi'aVEST8nrra, (4toOyeura) ..... $3,4,6,6,7,8 TTiri o at Glovoravillo,, N. Y., bnrned beine tot great extent toecniM of * pmt tinue an you hove began. Now, look Ifl All tlie Now Styles Cassimero Ponta from - - - - - '-' . $2 to 7 Weuty-twt o bnildingbildi s ii tho heatt of tli deal of th« 111 foelln g wokin o*t tot it fafl»n dwetetemailltqdtdUie Warren Cetinty J o yonr loft; tbnt fonearl y tho aaH, hnt it village, furty six Lmai dims beibi: a few of tho ollnw* waoaclM-wItbi * hi the liuttweWe motiUw, al aa average e 500 Pair Working Pants, heavy and rtrang, - - - $1.25 per paii "-•^positively the LOW&T h» TIIE om. is HID Biire end'of the dowuwur^ paU(." went lo worklika men *ho had any burued out. of $6 ioeh to lh» connty. * '•-' • • • - ifFittyO-Titirp, ., PJme inko nnHeo fliiit niir GOODS DTO SVH, The joung girl sobbed, but »Iu aotl for tha welfftn of tha nointy, Mid bi —mt, Nnrmsu hunt np tho pwtioiilan lo the cue, • _ /\Wy, wlthaboot tbemmepop- W. DudgA, tltni B. Htlri. OcOTKefie.E. E Moij«. Hoi™. , ViSHIONAHLY CUT, WELL HADS nurt wjail • Tlie Eastern wnr is gotUnB hnt. Tho JOSEPH COLYER, In uvorV'iesprot U> GiMtoia Work, Aud made tp I TlnF,!;innn jire prepaniip to attack Kara, nlitton M-'liorriaT'eipeiiM U«t year fo Huorr D. VRR Nmtrturf. Hmnplun A.Ooor- "Tmi are young," renumed" Hw Hon lac« them to MO wbetter ttiT-wwe «o. ?"'"> J*° 5«'R"d. TUo Dojcr Bank. ax treuilj fur Now York Cily ltatiiil ^Tmile. n 3d Southern Russia is threatened b ar. "This iayoiir flrntoflimoa; I hope a* not. then would not be H much ntym^tiaMU30,to428.:or abbnt Uiree THE BROAD STREET CLQTHiEp, the TiiritUi fleets. il nil! ha war last. Ton ciiiigo.'." bad feeling to-day In Kfi»rd to tbe nnlorto- a half Ua»B as tonch aa Uorria, w*rrt W. Hobitral&reodaiiM. Itei'nrnibli t Diforo' buribf; elsewhere :be enre an nate kETsir. - But he, uuX tboee who acted •BlbgrXmi.i.A.'joy. 1 Thirty iiemon were drowned bj the The (jiil ]e/t tlio court-room I *ilh givoue a call. ..It will certaiijjy pny yo wHh'Um,dl.tjwlthamcna ofttuU. • Tlwy V of Ibelt • •„.. • -i t^.B. HUBBEIX, fiot'r. 8J5BB0ADST., NEWARK,';Mi J wreck of a vessel plviim between Adfil- ...inginft hcnil. hnt tho wnmnn on the right Imifibed and tbo woman on (bewoaldnottookBt tbe proof altoptillb. Ibey wew uttitown Foblifl Boheola for lhe part ten T)T urine of tlie ibare itated writ of flt-n Remember ,wo" aro up BTAms^.eQtriuit tiidcnud the Albany Isles, ou tbe north. uifiL - - r»nuett«dta'dotouiii«ut4DguB; tut they JL> hrln mnw h'andivl ibail expose Tor wto JOSEPH VT. BALLENTINE having mods arnwiganionta lo remiiii cu.st coast of Auatnilta. left leered as they waited far their to>a. threw v tliftt'tboy yean-will tale nhiTHO of tho Miami Uaiw- at PUBU'1 V^NDtUL *» the Uttiltd 6U with Mr. Colyer, will be happy lo Beobia Morris County: frionda tan ;[on Broadway, North-west* Corner powdUy eanldofthOMwha--win trying to itty,' Ohio, lin'th*lit ofBoptirober,.,-,;. lew, ID KorrntowiHa. J., on " attood to them poraonally. . 19-8in , of Grand Kt., and Eroailway. Pour iorD nod lhren womi •\VlnppiE5 editors OH nn inducement ferret oat tbe wfao.0 tntb inilwawe, Verflj, rlrownrd at Mnlaqnmvati.lt, Cape Breton, for .licm to apologia)) for «m»«lhiog »lr, it Is true thare tan o man LM blind «a him ' TheTh lehlfh-'Variejlhlh'Vri HatbandHtbd SfiSoffit MONDAY, the 2S& dty of JUNK nnt, n Bt-nnin, on Knnilny lnBt, by the up thnt tnny Imvn npponrcd in tboir nowi- have been notitfad of a d A. IJ. 1877. bet«e«n tbt faonri or U M. in . that does not wuttto KB,' And tbeal dr, he o'clock f.«.. thai ttfotaj, at 9 o'clock la Ibe R of a boot wbilo on their way topnpers is not tbe Draneing thing }t tuoy assalla tho ebwac(«p of meuifctm'wha * HlRSHKIiMD, jfARKER &*CO.] of wgei ftnetfloon of Mlad*j,-»ll tlmt I net or rureel ; clmrcb. havo beeu in fnnuur yenm, aHhouga-m wn will meat Bonday'to take Mtlon a[ hod fctidnrsmlK t teroin»Itcr partioaiarry , 4.63, 465, 467 BROADWAY, ' do not know that there was veiy.miicl tturangh oothajedocuon. •< ' ' drwrlbMl, iKnatB, tjriu ni twios tn the low r. T Burnum nnJ the father of Clinr- fun in it, A man tried to whip an Illi- {HARNESS} PEOPLE'S STORE lev Rosi bnve issticil a cifd .offerinp •ocietr Urnrattilia Out UOJINEB SBANU STliuiliT. I ':' ' D nois editor the other doy. The Peoria meainr« of i«p«t uaordedtaoaotdtdta ttiqrUby yooyonr A tmptaj bu be«n tcnori by AMham SlO.000 tor the relnrn of the cliild ftn Domocrnt offtmtlod Llio snperVi»ot of _ 'iwn/atf'Abra! PRICE ^ largo Wliito'jtriiiblo BuiUing formoily occnjiioil by Lonn & TAlxor- ^ I jitcilping not to attempt to discover th oorrwpondant, and he ayesrling^ dnrr« *», Van ninety with a «pital of •10,000 to lion a coroer of tnt Nu Kiekapoo townahin, nnd tbe ««—* I ppewmae , by tb* poalo, with ma uato eeamb for the tnaaKre reputed to hnt bean •«t rait thirty-two identity of tlie person returning him. could not get BatisfaotlCo. M 5 buried on Cnbtree Island, in Tenon loam. •take and ii ' X>;mi«l II. Ctinmberlnin. Into Govei the ciiiUir tjad waitoit long cii ., ^BuBut itt looks ts the writer as UhUh«U« 4 got NEW STORE I NEW GOODS •hiphi , BB ' County, durin' ' g tb-—'--e Ber'alnUon• . DRY GOODS ^ CARPETS. ;.',i!OTiE nor ot South Carolina, xrna aHmitl&l t ancerLiai that his visitor did dot on tha wronn aidid e of .th tha grindstonerindstone. [Inki fo a hickory itomp 1 LARGEST STOCK, ItBST 0001)3, . tlie NPIV York Bur nn Fridnj*, in So.for tbe purpose of trading hnllKixuibel Saiex verf.nU >UH patnnlu UM three- ifdilla of iforwaid tirook* HARDWARE STORE. I of potatoes or n SAOIE of corn tnwi for •mwrftha>tora: . ; , : ' . "., LOWEST PfilCI )'n'in«Coii:t. In tnliinp Ibe connBOlor" 'enrt-nwida pl*7«m 'WliQ«atlr#M WM at ee tba teTrnl^iirMfl thereorr toto twglnb - Srem Goods, Oashmemn, BUk, Bourcltag, out 11 lm repeated it nloml after tti a wear's nubscrift!on, ho8tilitl«d.'j wisre .j'l^ttoiwJwawQfiMjwgnitloo -—-' ft, eonulnln* Ihfcty.fonr kml on«-Ulf im Hewtonth* other day OIM lictJmloal 9US iaponaiw, Stnpcs, Brocade*. Luatrca, Top. "Chief -.Tustlcf. licgnn, 'While (be HuporviK* wuttorn- HairUbnonUa y a wWehich I«' W ' ~ 111 M Sn. S.rt.l.lo.. Balm il.o ib ilr, IIm>> very »orry HatHat la did not tWni andauother |ia AtHeiabnrgh 04 the day I. ponlonorib«l»o IIDII, Cspaiiclciti Oissonft.H. AIPHCUH. VUIIIUF ELAOKTVELL' Sti,' HEA11 MOnnlS | ing up Iiis coat sleovea ttic editor fatiHed. {bed l» > dM in na t would have ba«ii mote crtdiUblo to hlm- A. FItEEUAN. Shcl-iflT. Htl and Ul concerod, talMMD'I men,\t th« ArtldM of ineorporaUon for the Dehiden [Pt«;W cUaneJof Impfirton anil at AUCTION, undFOJ f.-rrwl in Ft. Itcno iu the Iudian - Terrf- the sanctum wall, wbk'h.the editor.trill 8ALE0HEAP. Domootlca.Shi'ftiiig, "" * FARMER'S' TOOLSi | tui-v, und Hint one. officer end twel »imot role, will rtia' W thej can. It moll Waler,ODnpuijr nan been filed Jo Ow office nerve up toliis readers a«tt weekjritociS f b hitltf l Sbirtiof!, Btripe%. Denim", FrinU, inuii ate tuQlneiit to nmlie tba transfer. ploui foot note-*. ,Them ' ' " " .. -BalheiLwuMinp with twoo* (rood »mtt» Wnrp, UinututDuC && Tbo n-cent a ^ LINDSIiBy BnELpINa, BL,VCRWkLIj Bt. • , Butltlors' Hardware, SHoJ, bot be did tot got ... to tho m.mbcn of Ibe toclet/ln which'.tb« fAoA has been redbce^ t, fl domeBtlca aoald ootbo nwtAine*!... 'A] TV? Tiataii cnriaua.iyis'. of, «rrr>(riff jdetet before ho discoTcred th'rtt tbo kiudsof fioodBaro Mtuewbnl Jowor and AO»K> nn the teuiptmnfin business in Oregon.. troublo originated. rbtch $14,000 baa DMH mbacrlbcd. It editor nan armed. Tlie man who wants aeema probaUe that U10 workfl win bo built *ra cheaper than before tha advance.' AI] Hot only fire tbo denlcra m liquor com X wotilil ftamaiilflh him to nmt pmetlM, th« l«jft printA are nrllinR at 7 cU. per 5 ,BIji\0K3MirH'B AND OMlHtAOB | o act nntirfnctlon at tliis point left the) ^dbjwdoJnsh-wilUeUpodxxa^pl WEDNESDAV,' WAT aotb, isn, ivllwl to tnko miL a Ucensc, but thejfflpo without finifltiog IIIB Imsinei*. and Onlcm hava been lstuted by tho Receive and 1 wide DDEHO OAKDHO, now stylo . flrinki'n of it plto.- 3Weh follow, win to tbe Brethren, an& hit preMrLtnnllnn-wi- iUlhcU n at three o'clock KM?. ' ' MAKER'S SUPPLIES. rolled dawn stfliru, and hid liimsclf be-' i more «ffecU»e. I wwuW nlIiw - aavlu^ o him if tlie Puillijwbnrg M iwer nud Benprr Gam. CHEAPER THAN EVER. colon, for 8 eta. 6m LARGE CAIU'ET iwh disposed to imbibe taust firstpay : OEOIlOT H1CBATID3, President. ROOMiifullyrtookedwith ,,' wid mi nntirely new stock of gooAei *o»PP»f bind a carriage ib Iront of nn ndjoining when ue writes ngsin, If he idioutd ever d> Kin/ to Htiirtlhewciknanil nninh op n lot ; in tit tho new and lcsdin things iu their -he tn iho county nEunra, which en >T*r, N. J., kU718ih, im. . SU-lw K c building. It MflinB iiunepessnry to BUJta, alwuttho abota named wteioty.to writ* f mnchinca that wcra never completed. tiwla. It* have tho nolo ngency for this HOnSE rDBNISHHG GOODS, . titles him to tbp prMleRC nf driuhing 0ABPETS, OH* CL0TU8, thut the rensun tbe mi[ierviaor of Kioka- nothing but what he known to be the truth. riU will girc employment tn a Urgo mim Boction for J. Bmrn & Boif,8 , to bis Leait'a content for twelve m on tlm, l>JO township wanted to wbip tbe edi- A MSMBXS m Qooc 8IANDO*O. ..$15,516, S17, S18f Sift- MATTING; RUGS. MAta, BEVOLVEliai FisHDiQ TACKLE,!*" j ber of men vtbn have been lying idlo for sev IUIH it ianpennVoffencefoT a denier to or of the Peoria Democrat was because itui innllnjr uf the StoefchoMcrt nt : ; LINOLEUM, DHUGOET, LADIE3' and MBSESVPrNE SHOES, HOII liquor to any.oDo who has not been the latter, In on unguarded moment, und end.montha, will bo helil at thu Poll line BBIUPIELB Giitpn. bcgii thusliceusedr The Stato Historiod Bocioty mctat their rw>rmiHF nniviiig just in time to save bia cj- TJ* AKHwenToPBiTEaAllknowa—Awell-knowL tha statement, and the only way wo can Adjourned Sheriff s Sale! Inform tbe dttanof jDoier 111J >I*J'| ing pap«r on the life of tbe eefebnbd John menUi tonka «nl lay carpet*, cut nail fit oft Our-Custom "WoW ccnfiun. It npjienre (tint a tmlf-wiflcd Hid iimcli esteemed gentlemal n off hthiis ercomit for it {1 Oat a licensed hotel waa re- Tortii Circuit Court,- Wiltitm H.Hurlatt TS. dotti, linolonm, matting, nako und hung thnt ho hns opened a QUOCEttVAND W> brotlierof Ednninsnn mnnleral William city, who by a peculiar accident became CICVM SjniniM. Judge Bpminea wu t' cently itnrW in that tillage. Probably tho Timmtt Htunult tail William -filnnntt. Ff. •VTSIONBTOnEon' ' ' ft, bon. cl tor,"£In enae. Rotnrti.blo to 81mw nnd thu I Puludeikr aMntved him- impoveriflhed, wan oao dny notrery long eldest eon oritar. Timothy Syminei and m thermometer bad a "high" old drank that Oar lUMOTttncDt !n alt departments is much self (u bo convicted nnd BCUfenced foi fihico without food in Ills hoaae for htm- nr(t TociHlay in Jtjpar?, A. D. H77. liirner thnn can bo found outride the Urge i.inRMuitnmRfioda-oftklLVD.ULgti^n bom in 8outhold,Long Ishnd, 1713. Ha ly. SUSSEX STREET, tho ariincmlher tbim his unfnrtunnte nclf and fnmily. though his acquaint- 2^H. W.HUKT, Atfy. dtleii. and no one ondetwlla na- Eximina. ing good stock, perfect-fit*. nnd mip«*i removed to Bmeot COontj in early life Tho «*1e on bchalf.Jif Ibe nbore-mraed par- brother. TIID latter died n feff (lava nces and friends novtr imaginea that Dae notice En hereby given to tho Hack- tion of goods nnd priocfi rcqueHted. '' '-1 rl.raiu.Hhip. A long experienea in'-th itudied IAW and becuaf a «uad jnrirt beddea en ii ailjnarnml ,n j,t« pUea mt tb» Untied n«ot BLACKWEIiL, ftna, ». '• ago, uiiii on [lie death bod gnve a cir-ie wait brought to aaob distress. He ettatown Herald inhwribeni to pay op what cumstantial nroouDt.ofboir nnd where rent Lo his closet Bad proved for help, fcringanenligfcteiftl legislator tod » Ftnrdy i»ttilbioUDWori^wn,N.J.,On jtfloubtplpasofttllntliinjiariici. D 1 they owe. £10. Iliggina hoagiv W. S. BABBITT,' CASNED GOOm I-OIIEIBN ASD lio murdered 3hn mil that very day he rccoived tbrongb patriot. . He contributed Terr maUriaHj And M« the case pt gowlfl of ouxpwn ma lio invitation to come nnd take .ft "•qnare MONDAY, rate llthf 1877, OOUE AMD BEE OUB LABQE STOCK. B0M£3Tia, PBUIT, to. [hepost-oQloe A letter containing a $10towarda tho anocess of U>e eoloniM la the MOERISTOWir, N. S. lit-Gov. Cnrnonter, of Iowa, hnn ro-liill. Hi) does not knnw to tbia bnnr ical" with him, wbich we intend to accept otnttn ibehonra tiffc. and S o'clotk'p.M. Jlerolution. Hit yottcgertilAtiehtCT married Jloniitowo, B. J., April 1th, 1877. ' nigncil the position of Second Comj: aor tins lie tbe slightest idea whore tlie before hug, a^d m ho probfibly doe* not riEHHOJ JL TOEFUAK,Sb«UT. ' l General William Hcnrj IIwiiBon, late Presi- [IBPAIIIINO OFi. trailer ot the Trcjinnry, umlrr very hat et\cr came trvm, anH be implicitlpity yb boo - v whnt a contmct nQ hut before him, we DitftHUrch3d.iin.jpU • . . rr.hiin 1VO0DPORT HOUSE. ; orubli" circumfltunoefi. Four Iownus iv Godd bebeurdd il nweree d thnthnthtt tdent at Che Uolt«d Ststts, and Jndga Bjmme* hope Ita deHnqiiBnU will tee that h«ia prop- GEO, GREEN 4 SON, lield important iJositinnn, and it ... irayer. Tho cloud that overshadowedhd , nsidod with hla i*aght«r aod •on-In erly fortified will '-cash or pmdnce," TIIO.HAS BRIGHT, Proprietor. " "d Tt'milTed tn vaente one of them. Third lim has Biaca been reuoved, and h« isduring hit but yc*W, ud hU rtmairm Auditor Tnbor wns selected on Ibft TIC- WOODPORT, MORRIS Co., N. J. : low employed whero ho earns a support buried hi tho'eeroetcry »t VoAh Bend. There la macthuig practioJ about tho fol- fthii nld ntaiilliiltd lintel If ai>m for tba i»Bnt, tim. Ho is an old man in needy cir- or biff family. i. tMl.piHIollirlrdulnhlafnr Ibm. itpkliiK s }*"• cnrwitnneefi. Qor. Carpenter ia Toooff iwbg, from tlio 8uasex Ilegiatcr: Tho COHEASBSEEUS antli»1innntcrR.iilpnce. Sllaatnlat ltob«d nud not poor, BO ho quietly teat in his Some Intonating irpeelcaeA* of coin were * tl PnwWord Plolm Cemetery are in- ori«k.Unp4loonit Ita rralartfl «f Ut* and moon, f A great number of Russian ladies io turned up whils flowing on tha land of UmrSICE UlrisifW BTOIiEal U» tifn aerator, racvlhnt hrnilloa *nt Oatifas. and flpe ' TesifHintinn nnd • requested tba . Mr. 31. PetrrsburgbaTe pledged thBmwiTU it*d to keep Decontloa Cay by working all Uorriatown.K'.J., April 8th, 1877. .• 17-flm drtnamaann ntiaDTpHiBd hj any la |haitei|l< n ItlUUTuiaaal>n...': " , St ' Tabor miglit be retnined. The Secio- mutaally ueitber to wear silk nor •ntiu 8. JohBaum Ew]., of this pi Me. The; the eemetu; ground* and graTOB of former n»]r coatl.r ornaments, nor to give baljs, rs fonnd liut JIond*y. There was onethoir friend* to improve and beautify them.. BLACKWELI. Sfc, .',.'. ; ( e are tbie to offer good termi to sinwl nnd Oovl flurpenlor goes bfick to Iowa irto indulge (a other luinrieuinriea dttt-indttting Irish! ten dollar Portngene gold piece dattd rnirE.ani-o.l tneclirn or tb( B^Miiiilm of len'aDaooniaDictH^'7 * : i >? The ladlct ire Invited to attend aome time L the New JKIVOJ Iron Minlne Oompam for • TO KENT LOW. ;; fo resume jmttnatism, nitt; tha prisesQ\] ,he present wan b°l too deroto ththa 17:13.' 'Th8rew«re*ndinber'-6f French icd next door to AUia t UOOIBJUI,'. U, .ton. noiinding in bin cant ntid tlie ennscouB- nrjno. the dsj^with tbelr offering! of flowcra llw.leclinncf »no« Hoard olDir^ior-fruUl lR&lTAI.La»rrtcninii'a Ut alON Kill Tfioittflntion.pf'tlie 'jiuWIa .laltoewy', mnt!y wliirnhirh they would otberwisoltavbih e ; ncs's of llivinff tlono nn hdnonibioniiliqa PurtUBoWpUceii of ;1rai\Slfib; fotind 'neat ^ithjThioh to. dodpra}* th.eJgraY,e| o(..p»elr directed to onr fitock. - A call, wtilcb !» suuli objects to tho numing togcibcr. SoroaoMhcm'ciiledrt* far buck llr. ana'Str*. E. D. Chose. Wrin«3iy, Ha? SO*. »t 1 o'clock P;M.; . 'or plrllcDl.ri, lnqulr.1)f *'*:'.) dKarfalblnlM[,'Vnl.«nailDeg olllbatlh y vrhioh i= tntftlly nnproooOontod in.'Oov^j nh'oV ' • • - - .their gouo- friend* whohaVebeed buriedjnihojiem L. C. BIEmnBTH, Becreiiry. era meat iwoali. Mj, 9 l$n.-~BaoketUtDwn Herald, ' ' "','•' J. H. 4 O. PIERS0N. '•d it to their OIIVOQIACO to bn p,fcSTjfc »d a »fi«} ry. • i tor.N.-J:,Mir8lh, 1477. Jllw ; ESdSJ.B.«.f.Okl>*l»l""*1' Wednesday next in Decoration Day. Cheater. THE IRON ERA. DECORATION DAY. THE HURDTOWN old woinan'naniod Vorlfy, I Morris County Courts- Berkshire Valley. Programme for Decoration Day. Park Greou bos gone up 10 per coal. T^'odneBdity neil, nr>w KPnemlly known who liv»i» near by. '• •__ n,. • I cir.ctJT oovtr. I BUIT iu your bst itu;uc a loouJ to tiiiu Since mir nrticlo ou Decoration Bay, pub' Tho metllug of the Y. SI. C. A. on Tues- gATUHDAV. MAY 26IU, 1817. Morrirtown hue fully determined to observe iironghout ihe uuiinn ils "Decoratiou Day," TLP forogoiug partioulaniWlave gftimdJ' E. JJ, RWiiiiper and James C. iffect "Uiut tWDiity-thriie pcn>0Dc wera bup- Bhed fl.iowhere, van iu type, we hi day evening hvut, was cot rery largely ai- Decoration Day. _uii)tb«fajnilyaaiipenon>ir^jignearvlic» TB.-MOUDOHBudJ, ou Utn chiiiu, the plain. ti/cd by imineriiiou at Lougwood on tli ;CCITLJ tha following programme ^ lended, owing portly to the bad weather aud TBEPKOPLB A fine asjorimuat of linen , Itwrithiuputriot- ifl»ort that they Lave' iwb Uuin, aid they prevjdUa BabLotli." Kow, an I know sonic Tuo memorUl wivlao will begin in Uioand partly to the lutouese of the" hour. WB NEWS )uitersaiPiereon's. io Htntlmeat, «ud bnllowcj with tlie OJtinoriw cr* toll to us ^i gjfnlgb\tptWdt m , Coudit, et uU, \*. WiUiam S. thing of tbo OLCurrcnco it may bt iuttrestin rtubyturiun ChutcLdt hulf-ptut one o'alcck, leara tbe usBOciation ia dutirouii of porebnfl- of Utow devuUd OUBS to the cunao of conn- i follows: ing a second handed orgmi or melodiou. ADVERTISING RATES. Ita CherterY. M. 0. A. will elect thsir aJai'r of, £L S. DbCtmp, dee'd, to fiomo of your numcrouy rtadurB to give try And humanity who Itavo now piuwad from wy occunwnMk ftS^Mol-rei^aud wl Tenliot for dofendont. true report of the strvicu rrfco-cd lo. tioino J. I'rajcr by Eav. A. If. Pohnor. T.wiu propbofiiod when ou; frii-ud Sir. Frinr rat officers next Tuesday evening. For seriral wocki Jia^tha goad people td sricr- | t wf. |8WM.| 8 WXB.| IHO. CBortal lmowledjta. It is tlie mitiou's tliauk- iw things jmrt aa -fangala^'jktiluMW rehUid William Bartfoy »«. Wm. J. Norihrup, el timo hint Winter n Mr. Riygfl from hcyam !!. tiiugiug. left town, that tbe Y. U. G. A. would die TinrdUnrn and vicinity bare been greatly 'A, Itwiffitis "f Hol] of Honor by WilHaai Tho pickerel in Greenwood Lako.rowid offoiing for iu snlvnllun. nnd Ihe tributo of a waoourt hot doaMiwhat wo wire told. We ils., the jury was diamiAaed aud tho Court Milton, I thiuk nenr Hope, ennm down to it, but wo aro hjppy to state thew era a be unusually ptenilfiil tliln MBHOII. uloful people to thomi whn ptirclmsed it at icitcd aiar what uina think it .witchcraft, T. Lcporl. iiwj. -•"-• • t.p»oiflely served its decision. LonffffooA and auked poruiinsitin to hold a 4. Onitioii, by JInj A. B.Howftll.ofEnstou. Tew left win) lire active in tbe intfm>t of the I 001 2 M an eh a RMriHoe. Tnroughout the test of the and others a aoperafttural visitation, at the Milton ftayhart, of Taylortown, has pi W^inm Hartley TH. Htcpheu Rtilefi, ig Hint night iu the School house, Tli G. lt(4iilitif* «jf iJecyrullon Day Potm, by . Pltoso rtiineiulfr tlm' aumMl B CO 4 60 nrwejwH thiongli ihe vbirl of buuinem >UN of Mr. Klijah Niqapk. Htmrlug some i SO 6 50 :hasod the Tucker farm at Powerville. ir plaintiff for J43I.17. it wan grnntf il and the meetings con „ ^ „. Ihia niuorialiou will It In!.! .-n !SI res Hnd parpl«hie«, scarce bDedinn in tla I irioriOT that seemed to us highly <). A.lilrcwt l»j H*.'v. W. V*. Dullowoy, Jr. J7S 4 2.'. 5 '« em Uedle and wife viwted the new Tie Darie 6uwing Machine Company of tinned for threo or four weeks in succession the first Tuesday-iu tbo month of iTiiiie, K D,L.fcW.B.B.TIltET/BLE. contro^ersary with tie Sun. Strange the her name three, time*, and iho bad a feeling iio girl nlluded to. Sho is a 'very.prylty stealing nLocs nnd receiving, three indict- lorhood hiifl nn a])]K>nmuce of iiotivlty not 12. VtleniUHof 1812. bu bf tba tueu_wiio flufleryil come up ID. Miiyor and Common Council. null them. nM OOTM WJIBO rer: )un doesn't fire back. that Bome great- trouble wu coming upou uokitig jouup la.ly, and sa fcr ftwilt, fiJir lontfl, jail threo months. ;uown here for a great many ycni-H. btfure tin nlK>, and *e tarn Tram tho bad pic- her with her birthday. This premonition M. Citizeui Iu earriugM. Lumber busiuesH bdng mllicr (jniot, jicit- Tbroml Will, *» *• H. | Oiw> Eipr« npo O[ip*ored nboie the ooM»1trpt.ne, one W'illium MoGrath, tramp, for assault I iJioulil lougcrotbin have ncliiiowlc- Liwn of Mr. Lemuel Tleraon of Morris- lure which we'enn nover forgot, to pay to impressed tier so strongly that die nlno told L1HB or MA11CII. lo tarn their nttcutlnu to girdtning, nud f MA.M.! E»«t°n ExprMi, 1.00P.1I ; EnL rouU naturally suppose die Vut iu gopd battery, County Juil thirty dnyn. toiirtesy of Oiwro nud juurwlf, •a, broko both ot bit sboulden by (aliieg lemoif a tribnle which bliuli show the her companions at'echocl and others that she 1 Down nijokucll to li.-rgnn St., tbencn t( would rehj>ectful]y Bolicit enmll joba iu that ritr.il, UI?. Hi Oiwrjo Eijlroii, «.17P. imllh find-waft inertlyifotialg «)ion the'bed. Nell C. Lmind, breaking and entering nnd Editor, iu writing MI rloarly, nouudly, imil hocml Hill Cemetery through Bluckwell St., from a balcony lait week. KaUitpdeofDurheatta. dreaded to see her birthday come beuauu 1 Hue. -- — --'— 1 Eipra., MS P. H.| Huiii- 'ram her Toco une w«Jd' ioliHuppoBo "tor •twiling flour from Baker's milU, wax sou- ttinfactorily ou tbe Temperance ttaud-point x Ht. nud McrUrh>u Arenuc. Aftt-r tho Tbo Post Office will ctae at 12 H. on When tbe fatal blow came—when forbear- she wan'going to be taken very lit upon that ilecoraling Hcrviueti in thin cemetery Iho pro- >rm so emaciated aiMeSorabababy her fiarnf- meed to Htate Prison for two years. i reference to nwcct cider. Mr. H- A. B. bling, proprietor of the Pea- Wednesday, Decomtioo Day, aud open at 6 ance oeaaed to be a virtue, and to withhold day. On the evening of the 18th of October, DtRHion will move direct to Orclinrd SL Cum- noa Dons HIM usr:, r-Mid the phyaieiaa,«tthatf8* Imd endur- Fred. Sohaffuer, for bigamy, County Jail ThapoBtordiiicourHed to m on totnperanoo slery tlironeh Mi-Furlan Avenue, HUBHM. nek hotel, IB having a bnndHoiuo sign mudtt, ilock P.M., for oue tour, Ilia avenging arm would be diuhonor—no tbo dsyBpon;which'jbebeoam«6fU«n yeaw i] Kiich Buffering for' apnotoykJng moutba. xtj days and flued f 100; tho Court taking Dicfiereou nud Orchard Hta. After docowt- io work of which Is beiug excelled by our Hirriibars Dpectal. 4.3S A.- V.:' DoTer Ei 1 ility from the WOHIH of Pnul "It IB good ,„,,, 6J» A.H.; BurtalUta.. *0.7.1»/ The Boonton Y. M. 0, A. observe* Its au- iaople were mon willing to peril life and { age, BUB wan taken 111, and sinoe that time tu the room wore qnilo * wot^ber of pewoug ID fuv'orabie view tlmt lbe prisouer helievej nti Ihn tmvoH in tUw eemetnrj-, Ihe Una will professloiinl'' painter. to cat flciili nor to drink wii m ru-fomicd mid returu to Bliiekwel! SL Tin. u • EMtonEjpnsu, B.41A.H. j JIDKbimpb ilVenary to-morrow. Through the efforts meow* in defence oi tbe right, aud fewif anv die tuu been oonflqed to tbe houso, and has from Ihe nelghborhtiod, nud tbStja v»nn uoth- a had n right to marry the second time. ~ We noticed tthon driving iuto town ihe been out of herbed.butft very few times. nny ililng whcceliy tliyl.rotlicr Mtiitub 01n*tnnl nnd 1'cowrwct tits., wh«ro tho mnidu Eipnu. >•» P.I-: Tbrooeh Hill. J.M r.». Hon. John Hill it u out of debt made greater, saatifloei than those of ,Bau- iug iu the pbdn aumutDdin^* [$ the hod tu iPPEAI.fi. ', will Ito lonmilly JiwriiiKseii, nnd ench Uom- itbcr day, a tlgu hung in front of Mr«. B.r.mii. K .». US P. X. i £H<« ACOT»- doTph.' Bb«Mhlj|nand&«-bardenef the- followragherJuwt ifcknefts t [ Jtsfi E, Jnncl'o 7.13 ' 6.01 pt*pheO Badd and Hobert Loriion, dlfi- iadiugH during the name service by mem- F«UK lro|>rculoii. perfect health. How she has lived through ird Iu nu ndjufntng roomj' front of tlw PfOBbyterinn church at ono Ijj.M 6.M •'• PortOran "7.16 5.10 orrncd Church neit Wedn(Jid«y evening.*'' way to fame, hiywitb anguish of woundi and itfiird. • • / •- • Bofcr 7.30 S.S6 « ILntft aeusaliou oraWd^ era of tho nocleiy. All arc invited to nttond. ts cenoritHr snppuBL-d hj a certain clnm ot " Doc." SUndforil, of till place, is trtop- nga of hunger and thirst, for days and tho complicated dlneaBea that have proyed Thomas Smith and D. L. Sriant, setUcd clock p. H, when a procession will bo icn», wliti are not pruiilcal or cxpcrlencou, her for seven months and a half In ; . , TBETA. d, headed by tho Mount Hope Corn«t tnoiDjipr>i>iia ran nut Invurkbly bo enroll, tug with tha BUeriH for thirty days, having glii* upon the awful Held of Gettysburg, jt of Court and discontinued, mt v>'u are plc-nncil to m; that QstZEH'd AUOCRT OEHTEAL E. B. OF HEW JEESEY, 1 ion looked up for tbnt period at bis own long thnt hla nohli Ufa could not bo saved; mlly a mystery of itself, thnugh not the one ClJTl j Jnraee Tbole and O. F. G»ge, settled, '' Morriatown Items, 3aud, and after marchuig through the prin- •HianBiiaHiB BRAHCH. ilch it is the purpone of this article to 3 ruro Dynpeptta mil LlTcr Com plaint'io all \Xu how Price, after winning a Major's brovat bf ibunimi fiiigt-r, which neeiiie^ twpiiily tin ' WiUiam Bradley wd Michael McQuire, Thermometer reglnltrfn Stager, of Montville township, to bo Tamily thought aho woa dying, •udjt wBuld' tells how McDavlt, bravest of the brave, fell other, and bur form B! iiby the ooveriug botwoon the parties and appeal discontinued. till Joly 4th. After tho eiercIsoB in the church the mprisoncd for ten dnjs and fined ft, for if it wore not possible fCJ^cij-lo. lfoi> To All, Pariirnlarlj- InTBlIda, ChanoellonviUs while nobly striving lo made uo niorement of l^ej iblawilhblih - Dnvld Jacobui and 0. M. Tilua, vordkt Fiftaeii beer saloons were .licensed lost meeting will-retire to tbo cemetery where Imaging a net In. the Putsalo ri»er. 111 the Doctor came, but Buijijflijly slld'would ipriug ia & trytog suaaoii. Indications of tick- nded Captaiu, aud whoso reiting it detection, tut (ho* trtnu^p) "thnig "be- Tor former ( no oauao. ' - night to Bell hot whiskeys until July 4 tli, D decorating committee, consisliug of thir- The bottom of tho Byram tnin«i« two pt better. At preiient eho BubiiUtta entirely sbonld at ouco bo altcnu^d to. Fatal die- place U nown; tow Bailey, after tweatr' neiith tbe clothing flitted U^Knd fro, oftima JeromeII. Young.appellantandBonJ.W. 1877. m young ladiee, will etrcw with flower* tbe i tnay'bd ciustdby eilonhig tbckuwoleto ; Weekly Statement of Iron Orr undred foet' bolow tho level of Blackwell fights,' lost^ieg att'Aldldbhbtlldle, and by the buntini g littlo milk given her each day. . 'heyDudtho rGaot^ofeilhjBtflief haudit(irhvr luttou appellee, non-suit for appellant. . Thu Jersejmnn editors have just put up a iveB of our fallen horoog. AU are Invited locome consllpsted and Iho cjslom to remain treet, DOTPT, and the surface ot tho mine la of an artery bled to death in tbe lionpita] ouu Wcro'tblfl nil it wouhl lo'coiibiderecl rc- vt fiqd much rostorUiiuiiso could move Alfred E. DeCamp ajpd Alexander fletzel, red Uot oditorial mtiator in place of the be present and pnrticipntu. uad|aordorcd condtlion, nnill tbnd Chef onday iu tlie road near Itooknway, where beenulrcady twice tried; at-tlw ftrat'trial J.Ji.Sbnrp k impronng the Potent il because they fciiwd that wtu might lmto ^lont high, oadittMl.Tfttttrn/Wid left Morristown. ut of tlic film ano and ptoducee a ueihlij- tono tei Jnncllan Stotlou.,) had probably dropped from a wagon, may his wounded body to Fruderiokuburg, a dis- iry^pva verdict for plaintiff which was oiine, which'will be retaiued the coming too flvstem. People nover need suOTur frnm ot in (bo bed uftlia sipk girl, ait ex>uuina- •' *' , All theitn^ tha poor gltl \ Icldo ten feet Icng.was obEervisd e ( i hid ty the owner on application to this tance of twelve or more miles; and bow Bfttaiiddand a ncwtriul granted f the next season :ty Hr. Abmin firoiison, and will nq my dlscaso ariiriDB Inini a disorderedconilltlcn Run'no re,.', 108 18 lion «m|i nt'once iniulo' bnt ittcvcnled iiolh- Hcitiug tho >euded from the nose of the Junior editor of DftbB liver lflUey «DUld take Ihia excellent Ice. DoIIart at tor periling hie lifo In fielda of ear. n« tha jury disagreed.. .Vtaak Henry C. oubt be rnu to the antisfactioa of all who medtoino whuu they luel tlio nntt iudlcalloDg of ifounUfnView, IDS IS lug. A littlo hitdrlliorewuBnosDiiiiotionof greatest «JIJ^ raihepitt ot tlie beholder. the Banner yuatcrdaymoniing. nago fell a prey to disease in New Orleans. itney, Williaui Silos Whitohend and Francis n*y h.ym. him with their pntronage, na I italy. Famlllci ICSTIDR IIO mo for tlio Waterloo,.- '••• Ur. Adam Davenport, of MiJlbrooV, i» tha llie hpraid, an o'leume crentt^ro beueathtt Now and then til:e ir montUi sliuulU toko three or fonr Me go on fortherand find how Hughson was Ihild appear .frosphilntiff, and Mesuni. Jacob 'hie Booh! of Health, while examining UiB cliere faa has the reputation of being a good •r of a white coir, two weeks old, which ;lli»tiug it.vio;ontly*-:Apolh^. searoh wiw slop 'in 1U pranks ; "jicd S?:^ boxes of tueso pilla nitli them. Thur have an ightered In tba Wilderness, how. Tuttle onntta, Joseph' G. Fctta and Albridgu C. BrUt-raiU pond on Thursday, broke through hotnl kei-pfri'' The Wagner House is occu- moat Icstantatieoni elTtiut. Tlmj nil) rollove a curiosity from the fact tbat it baa the imediatcly made, hut to thValiata'and attitude tho bed clothe* ' Tell by disease, bow PlijniKUfid gloriously imithfoT Ui8-defenw. -Tbe following gon- tbe ico, lut cBcapcd by 'climbing up the ied by, \U, Jtjhn. E. Buudou of the Antor ho patlout of licmlatho in one nr twoliuum, •".'•: LOCAL JOT TWOS. md "I" distinctly marked on that would.create the column on temperance in last week's Jemev- ipd wit! rapidly clcinte tlio iivorof nurruimu'- : tve up his life at Fort Davis,' Palmer st lemWVcro drnwn'aa atnuk 'jnrout< Ellas l^nw._kil* W City, wbo is nu,ldn? th* nKbllo.anJ trill oflbcliully mevont a billions i side In red hair. , ' - , -". - ordinary Blued "fcrUe' To-morrow la Trinity Sunday. ChanoellDrarUlo,. Fmman at Antietom, round. - No Booner, however, hud the Bearch t). Itoy^ Thomas Nugont, James B. , ian. ' HDUI preparation to accoioinodate tbe ei- lack. The; ore sold by sll drugglitB. A fellowcalUnghl-n-vlf Henry WoUpWa woncd tbitn the Btrongo tbltiij^ beneath the Vlille thus qulet^at The males did not arrive at tho post office Fowon, Wolfe and Welte in South Carolina, rames yaudeiTocr, Ellas Dufford, James 'W. pectcd aUMh.>. , ; v Blue Flannel suit* all grades at PiemnV forged check purportiug to liava been A Tloie-IIi>nor*rt Bprcltie.—The longpnd in Georgia, Miller at Gettysburg i pnmktiOHbefajo., '_'-'•[ ' ictber,-1re'lield'fra^ BrmiiL, Zoanpk 0. Bird, Hugh Klm^h, Jnbn PK> ns tisnnl yaatonlny, the females Whlla Vects atFfrnon'B cut in tbe lateit awn by Mr. Joba IAWIBSS of BtAnhope, This Binjuihir apparillon>7^"l£now' .nijt iuidrjceiTed,a violent MB *VIIUBU DlekeVwn luu-igidii- Uken ccesslul career of Dr. WISBART'S 1'IME THEE BrantlntnoOumberland, Deau at Prodericke- u J. -Parker, Monroe. Howcll, Archibald t. taking poMCBsiou of the plaoo. n CUUDIAL, ii.coalrnHted vriih tUc speedy lylee. ion tbe casblcr of a Newton Bonk. The lint eke to call it—continued, its pmuW for nt."MrV Last night the Common Council prohibited nrge of tlie boats In conn en linn with the 'burg, Rinney in tbe Seven Day's fight, Mul- PreenandAVilllam II. Budd. . The data was o'rpsfj tfoiuf, and na doubt he'will be glad I lapse of no»trnraa deroid of efficacy which A pound and ft LaU treat wu caught near lack wu drawi [uu at Winchester, Boff at, Wanblngton, it ooo week. Bo met! men'it would nssUnib rlththoaame co water nt their meetings nnd ordered a liarefroin tune to timobeim puffed into a urlol one Bhftpo and Minetimea nJiotlicr,.nppeanuS Opened by Mr. Clilld Mr. l'ottnopeuud fo a licoomhiodate'aH who widi tbem to boats udgge Lathropp,, of this countyy, p ^Braadwdl in, a Southern hospital. Ik- ; Tound-crow^^yb^vpfiWloe, aud It iw jupply of idls]ilco, Lundy will there-' notoriety during Iha twentjr odd years that times very miuute, ami thea agiiin na tli^dafeuce on TburHdny,. . , ii fching tequlhltcu.—limner, ilobratcd medicine has been sold, afford a rtght kind of a TailrntaVeeeiver. He la sides wo ftiia the namea of Gage," Oillen, tye tho. hat^ch .j blow tlnie.thatjt rortpoij theC A ipiu a rail, judging from tlie. furro iuili- 1 Tha jurymen not In ;anel-wen ^ismiased' a proof that the American public continue* to ying tho employee* of the' Central thalr riersoo S(||JiUm, Corby,j John and Jacob jwoa cdtiipletoiy, cruahed- '»•'& til next fepriug. repose Ita confidence in dcxervfng article! only. week, selling at low palcea. w cote4 pp lhe wirdiofl of lbe quilt, for^uoLbiuK ill June r>lh next. 'Our Only Terms- agcit ae they earn them, and is gradually (teed, Andrew and Qcorg* Love, Bcorisg, an was OIHO laid* lipon" It timmoiid 'flummerclothmBliAa'Pi.M, .. ,__ ly teriua of subscription an two The Pino Treo Tir Cordial Inn lone; been roeog- Mayor Blduurdf VM ro-f l«trf • Siiectcr oaterivl could UsWn. While if would be )lied as Ihe leading rpeclllc for ConinroptloD, blhldjltb HagtfBrtjl, OABiler, PoidJ^mJahnC^Etrlet, mis violently Ithmm: in biajatr, in i, J. D. Ioe'sUjipod,on thaaidowojltneflr y^U or on« dollar, three of tbe Bound Brook BailraUlai> week. apparently frisking in one parUcolur spot, instance.instance.' AtbnAt'bne time thigtrthi'gtrl "foifoil aadeef, ilronchitls, CotiRliR, CMB, AnLhino. Dlpthcrla, iKHmey'a r** poiiofi ft:r. ^ing pott|o Bonnell, and. Smitt, •Q^etenna sowdt*; Tills year our people are matlog prepan- Banner office this morning'and nearly onths for fifty cents, tn advance. Our rule is il all other illmBci oftlie luojtliing organs. EU Woman, Bf Anatoli, bw ftT«t'WoalJ be mode to, atrika it, when Int tbe uymteriotut opewiilastaattliltatljj continuedti , ]ga tawfe, Bnre abA eaeap/eostlng-abotit , HIM of whom died of wpundtji^ the BurprUe of all It'would bo fouufl to be tiona for tlie large aomber of elty visitors stop Modin^ the[paper &t the ctpiration IK, moreover, a ccrlaiui tpcudj, auu SBIU pkH B lowing that they were byso agency of hen. Theannunl festival^ to the-|oddo« I-ojs •oloolc romudi- fur Uysiicpm, Livor Dleordern. i do. an ncre. Vaafbt k Killgore are onolher part of tie bed. A slater wbo at- v vbo/nafte thia,vU%o,tteir haffl eV^rj year, tha liide foVwhich It Is paid; Bathntif you At different tinJn >t4n' tti" UJIDR waA r>> win be" hold here neitwaelt.' I. IcrorulonB,ABeciion», UriuaiyTroubloB.armTpl Preparation* tare bean ntkde for the ob- jenls for Dover and Vialnlty. Coantry [rnly this IB "a noble record, and Randolpb tempted to Bleep witnier one olgbt jumped jdoiUgthe heaWdteffiu^ ini^Biddale nh^to continue it, It would b« well to renew iipsy. Debility, Constipation, and Femilo itatlonary, effort! were aiiAf M.strike it aud. urnnoa of Decoration Day at Bookaway. lerchanUBnppUed wilh pest poLwa jai mt does her duty fn honoring their monojy from lhe bed in fright, my Jug tlut she felt i e," in the upper part of tbe Tillage, In arsTilM^iptioDi BtleaHt onawoek before mpfiunta. CnMtantl<»Mumultttng«*!,ltwe catch it, hut all ,-wer* tuUU. Although, the ooohannual reoummoa of Memorial Daj. being put la complete; c-plor for |ta Bummer tlmo expires. Krery subscriber's account in nnlmneanhable cnaractcr uatabiishes Ilis ;'Atlut Springhitf returned to.the htuta'cf * "iat II nnt nuir eutlral* fr*alcatel the w *» wfctDo It U auapted, bnt also Uiat Governor this full the N. V. Tribune Bttfplace an not y dealers. Prlru II per dingle vial, or (5 per horror of tba thing.' pnciae* five rials and Sa viol Of powder. Bcboola of tbls place. ' 3 will make np in Ihe latest style, at prices proceed to the Cbureh, where tb aiiM'for this? We Jo not pnbllBh'this up in tho moat complete manner, with all returns with two-fold forco and prostrates :hed port of tho train causing a fearful Wc.ley UiUi hu a field ef rye on Mount On (he Sunrlny ulfibt following. Ibo fint Iho modern improvements in the post office 'ollUlon, and throwing soma of tho coal cars Bent bf mall on receipt cf price. Addrrw mt will ostonlah Ihe people of Dover and memorial wrvieo will be hrfd. This is in-' irtidofor the purpose of creating a Bonaa- ita violira. If nny of tho nun; readers of imphwys' Homeopathia llcdiclne Company) ippenninco, lifter juut n week of tbo'iitnuige lino. It is sltuntod on Mala St., adjoining Hope Avenue the stalks ot the greater port icinUy. - :. V: '•': •••• [ tended to be mode aa complete as possible lion It has. happened right-at our.doom tho IRON Em can tell us cf a. remedy that on tho East bound track. To make I Broadway, Now York. - 27-1 y inifCHtatiomi, the Rirl wfls tieurd murniin> Iho drug Btora of Postmaflter F. J. Van matters worse, just at this time, before a flog ,of which stand aix feet high. The venerable Blihop Odennelmer visited snd4he eienisea will consiEt of.pnyerby nlmoil, and it can easily bo verified by scores will effect a permanent cure they Will confer lug KOiiaelhlui g very Irtw.-nslIl a tlioi n Wagner. It is a brick building ono story in DO'UW boBont out'to warn other tralun of thi WhltoYosta and orereoaU nave olsp Jobn'i. Ohurob on Uonda>j?ening and HOT, A. M. Palmer, the reading of a Doccr- of reliable witnesses. It is simply B won- great favor on a much afflicted people. ithb Bome uuiieon penon. - AA miuute later height, and of very neat design.' ' ralabap.a Port. Morris coal tr»in, ecminL for the mastery tbh week, and eacb'has en- confirmed a clow of thirteen fwmms ID tlie Day poem by Miss UaUie Taylor, the derful occurrence, and we publish it as aaoh, Tlio Iron bnstnciu of thin place Is about nnnn EEBE EEEE BSSS EEEE Boding of the " Itoll of Honai" by WilUatn lie turned her face, all smiling, to her fn- tho Bome ax it has been for some time. East from the main lino, ran into tho K n E J: 3 a E Joyed a leason of preferment. presence of a large congregation.... It Is a> hoping to attract the attention of men of On Thursday of thin week the long talked R It E K R E Uport, Esq., the ontian by aUj. A, B. lier, anil wild, VFiither, I'll bat yoa'n dollu Cooper, Howltt & Co. havo. made «nlo of wreck lhat hnd 'been thrown npon ita TW'locomolU* enginoora of this Bute tubject of general eoDgratulatlon that the 1 science, and to induce them to investigate of rale of the personal property und real linUH EEB KF.E B888 KEE lowoll, of £wten, Pa., and brief addreiwH yon,will.notica the tking tiffin to-ulRliL thousand tons of common ore lately to track, completely blocking up botb tracks. B K E E BE JTO contributed «21,000 to the striking en- Dod Siibop seemed considerably Improvid it thoroughly and. relieve, If'possible; this i of E. V. Haughwout, Euq., the well R It E E S HE >y Beta. B. B. Rooney and W. W. HaUoway. Tho almiigo' thing then dlmppeared, and wm Tho engine of the Special was almost com- i health. Dor girl and her tUBIctcd family. , • 'tho morning of Wednesday, May dutii. If H&fajritfxg tie e hole were Bold to cmstomerB (those whldi 1 ie time It would soem to be. between tha : orator' of the day, won his title In the fleklP hat; tJ-\ :^i\.'A: a C./i ' i '. LOUKB, boat bouse, pavilions aud mstio positing of tho fish in tho water in person. . Confectionery, ,holders.will-fcr.bold in. the Comity Hull, iuld not were resarved for family uaa. ,jUtfeYJut beneath tlu upper ono, bat IU kny hitfo flowers to contribute who cannot was recanUjr tha Chief Burgens, or Major, of Wowery and Lunger have begun work on' houses, etc., etc. Tho mansion Is snrrounuV BonWowni"*|.ftidfly, June let, at alena Tho HOT. Mr. Bbd, of Syria, wbo has hasty removal would 'reveal nothing. Then nicntly Hand them, pleauloform either i dty, and Is said by those who have heard the new road. '•'•.•>'••<. twen 2* years ia that country aa a Miidon. as the bed would bo stripped piece by piece, iUi mort beatitiful and spacious lawn: The Finance* oftlie County, of the following >lndlei of the cemmittM n to be a talented speaker. Tbo others 2Mr.^Lb>am;L. 01axkt Jwo'hlnnewhaU;«» Miss Florence Wtu>,-MiBS Abbia Oondict, Baker Jt Beemer, dtUrmined to pleosa the iry of tbe American Board, will oocupy tha 7 |t Vonld seem to be under tha next one, and while walks and drivei lead, to all partu of will bflsecn elfiewliorii a up.icin) meel ire wwell known to our people that it is 1 faTcompfetad that the Mechanics* met there ladies of this Motion ID dress goods,, have pulpit of the Itoeks-wav PresbyteVian church finally in t£e UCIL When'the latter would tbe property. In the rear rff the mariilonfr ing of the Board ofFruchoIilors will bo beta Miss Annie Elliott, Mrs. 8. D. Rose, Mrs. L. iBOCMBftry^to commend thotn. : • evening.. 0. Blerwirlh, Mm. VI. A. Waer, M«. A laid In a. large aawrtmect of all kinda of !o-morrow morning, and of the Dover Pres. be searched the:jpr*ceed[ng8 would stop, ba( leof tholargeut and most complete fruit m Friday of next*week.' Tbe object i BLANK BOOKS, Tha atona, ear shops, and other bturfnes* not started a gnrejartl hero yet. byterion ohurth to-mouww evening. H« npcntho.W clothing.btiog replaced th. gardens to bo found in Hew Jersey., The mainly to take into connlilorntion tlio niin Scoring and Mrs. J. Gilot, and the flowtn fabrici for Bwoiner wear. .. t , * : . puoea of th« town, we understand, will be therewiHaA beany'icrvlccs 1 will deliver as address to the I*dlea Mis- singular dtaiokstratiemi would' Kcomm.encc) mnnslon la most elegantly furaisbed^hrough- ;ea of the county. At tho liuit.maetlng will t» called for. . Stationery. &o. Tha Mlnen and llecba&ics' Atbociation osed in tbe aftcmoiin, leaving all free to on Decoration Day. sionary Society at Rockaway Saturday after- immediaUljr. OnTneaday night last, ehe out. Tho dJahoa In the dining room aro of the old Board, on tho olh inut, Mr. E. an making arnngemcnU for tbe eclebratlon participate in this mrvice of remembrance c r Conductor jraUan The Engineering and Mining Journal ssys ll noon at 8i30, and to ths children of th« called outfin terror, "Mothor, the thing is Uio mort costly description, comprlaing I7i HuCghwont, tho nllring Concty Calleclcir, of (heir Amraal Day," at Port Onun, tba our noble dead and their worthy deeda. tnnnel la 'UB nleelt lost week of tho pig iron market: Tbe TlclmlbnuuUof SalUth School SabDOth afternoon. ' wratohfflif"wel",iaiia Immcdiateiy Vent into lota Ono cilia* dinner ut, in blue and itntcd.Uint wlion the tnies dtirt from th. latter part of **xt month. Bides are as nmooth p** beard. Thomas Iron Company reports salea of aboi Mr. Iloaglaud, proprietor of the Union very bid spam, . Upon esomining her gold, A beautiful article, is composed of K!Q townships wtropiiM in, thcru T.ouM bo a FOEEIGN ASD DOMESTIC Mr. Jwwph P. ^VoodhuH Mt town "Uncle Tom'aOapln" *t Rockaway. ja* fdmripttt gcratflhes were found, which piccca. ..Tho library contains man/standard biloneb in tlio County treasury "of $1^058. ,400 tOD« on tbe butls of fl9 for No. 1 looked'vtfVbey hut been nude by human Mr.'Jas. F. BobInsoa,'onsTof theproprif works, finely bound.1 One of the chief fai- Tilts sliitcmcnt won rondo tij Mrty 1B( foundry. The demand is generally Tery w«k for AlUwna, Pa., where he will opei The popular drama of "Uncle Tom' tore of 'tlV'dreen' Uke Hotl>l,'wnH n t. tea, coffee and aploaatore, n(l t light, and eucli transactiona as do take plnoo Cabin" won given in Independence Hap ported M '' mlBslbg " but wetk.' His pnrtnerf j nro mostly at low prices and are kept private. wiat> him unbounded puiiing In a new., bjower, eunalo furnac* by. well-known. artiit^J.-Amoag B nnd the i f Hr.Van-Hontenrbu revolted tktter-Troia otiuR of. the -BOHNI. on' Mft*crn desiring to diepooo of large lota (i and pwparlngfor hear>'paper raffl caatingk l •' - Ing Star Beotioa, Kol 9, Cadets of . TieaAiIngUa s, alttiottgfa not hint d«W. B«d*wha»4*ttNColorMo, feybg them in'•«The Village Ohnrcfi"' aha^'Tho, the (In, the Collector rflid cash would have to offer cotisideittble con; 17-tf DOVEIt, N. J. The VearkVt The • Onion' Founiby aow .east the heavies* that he bad been dragged and robbed, th New Children Croiwlng the, Brook," both' by hoid TJIJOUCO. When Iha now IJmril anOB, nnder Ui> direction of Mr. B. Davsy. BxacUy. Rgnlar,* are quite BO. They gen- iwaorii. "We quote No. 1 foundry at f 18.5C etUd in (he Morris Canal, who were her paper mill rollerecMt in Ihla coniitrj—they Vcik, etc; But Mr. Van Hoattn finds tha lionlter i '' nrnnd Rtilra of Vcrtailllofl," j on 'tho' Olu, tbe momuera rensoued (lint ns OmsideTlBC M •" ^ partldpanbi w^ii erully appear about ten o'clock In tho forc mul $10; Ko. 2 foundry, 917.50 and JIB k«*#«HL made A3 oranion to Qreenwoo. weigh about fifteen ton*. The work turned nmatenn, and that for many of tii«n,thU hia mliuing partner had poUccted money be- •Moouliyht Bccno," "Tea Party in 'Holland," tho old liwrd with $90,009. had nocm,,faiur In the afternoon, and carlyin the n debt of 19,000 nud hnd a bulutioo of »0,«K nfidforje, $17 and $17.50. AMERICAN WATCHES! Laka'on^VedEcai.y of thle week. ," out by Mr. Hoagland ii being shipped to was a first appearnnra, the production of tb bfl to the firm, left bilb. unpaid that h 'Beading the News," "Card Party In erenlns- Sometimes thojcontiou.s half r they worulod to bolleva hy the ""Tfee'ioal carrying tallmed*. Uirtoghthei Scotland and varlcua other points in Europe play WM .really'good. Uttle Bowtla Sav. Bsjd were paid, borrowfo^AU the money h ," by GalverboiiBO j " Morning Blur," hour, a* othere for throe or fonr boure. old Collector's xtntoinout, than tha mm ol MRmittA, VOBOHT &, KTLLOORE : npreb^tethes, tnulmously rtaolved o •Banner. * ' f'. i; - " r' ' •. could from different parties and than eloped. _, jnn," "Fortiine;" "Copids.f "FIPO- M Eva and T. Palmer as Top«y, wera rcsll, Hanj Btngolar testa hare baen made. Onb $70,000 hhould bo iiimdont for thinymr.nnd GENTS :—Laat Summer I bought 3 boxes ThefoUowing offiors of Vlctmr Lodge, I. So here Is another." minting man" accounted Ing from tho Storm," by Vftchilt! j land- Monday to mspe&d mining nperstionaand th. fireUlAM, wbUa Miss A. Stardevani as day tbe motbor tried to Mrike It with a palm nf PestToison. X let my neighbors h*Y* to senpo, by Talbot t a group of qualln, by Tail, tboy therefore votnl th»t antciuut to ha mis- ahJDBwnt of cool from Juw ICtb lo laly 1." O. of O. T., of thli place, were installed bj Ophelia, Uiai Fanny Matttn as ElUa, Mr. It. leaf fan; but it WM eaight will great force iry it and tried it myself. It acted like and others equally valuable.' 'Tho aala'wlll d hy tux far Iho Fitnent* cxpflnsM. Since The Bteamer, Oompaay ha™ tbair ngowr Lodge Deputy fi. P. Goald y tho uU. Itor.l to o»eti»j »«(t Uondny erefiing.' Tko amage- evouing: 8- J- P»lmer, W. 0. T.; M* FleUhtr, Wm. McKinnon as Oeorga Harris Bmn^Dai Waneri Ooun^r, whi> prafenaei t Iho amount of ®3,131.C0 bnvo come in for n'fto bow quick it.killed them. Glad yon Hart W V. T. i Wro, Campbell, Chap, \ B. ud Wm. rarlimai M Uncle Tom, wera Tery meft at Lake Hopatbong, Monday, June 4th. morning it ten o'clock.- The propwty Jnd WoteneoeBtVy to be inada forDeeoralion eomtnunjeate with apiritji, visdted the Uilnc payment, s f; Ibut the county is reall fave Mcnred the ngency. If this ia naed by a I*«; W. ft ; Sa!di« Power*, W. T.j Leon- good. AH the other charaeters did U«ir lembcrs and Infited gneitii will take the lhe adornmenta of the mansion cost over one py ,.DBJ molfca the preseDuef allUietueniben arid tried oommunication.abd nays ho ol h verybody there will bo no lack of potatoes 1 aornlng'tminVfor Drolrevilla, vrhera con- hundred and flfty-flvo thousand dollars, but thnt mnoh in ijcbt, iDHlenJ nf linvinp; n nocesgaryV''';; " : ' ard Oillan, W. F. S,} J.-ffaloh, W. U. f beat, and tbo whole ofaowed that a goed'dw toined two inUlligiblo syllables. The lattc iliiM Toll. Vnurs, ic, vetanocswill'be in waiting to tako them to oulr about ono-tbird of that sum will bo pltu of S(l,000. Thin wakes a ilifferciico ol Kr. JM: r. Kelley, OUT city Manila], bu Samuel Bbarp, W. I. fl.; John Ford, W. O. of care and attention hod been given th experiment we merely give for what' it i» Dover, Mny 10th. 1S77. ihe I>ie, Skeleton! clothed upon with realized, It id thought—Advertisers ¥9,000 in tbe bnsii on which tbe tax l taronled an effectta and tery cheap., sppar- O i Mertoa OIUM; V. A. 8.) Mary Rogora, vftrions part* Tbo aoenery, painted Jby worth. • . . . : . *" ! «avory,|neot'wUl bq in ordor.j The disciiB- $70,000 for tbln yenr WUH axed,' nnd us tli W. D. M.; LibbieGillen, B. H. B:i Chxjrtina local artist, was &Uo isry good. Thefaooi iln the meantime great rt,clt«menthan been atas for applying Paris Green fcj pcUto aion will probably bo diverted from iho monnt is now deemed inBufUcleut, tbo qnes- The new Btcatner, " Sylpb," was Uunchot wasBlled With people wrf aU-pw-od^r tensed In the peighborhood, and hundreds In reporting ths vlnt of tie Nawpk ^Tatcr vinua. No,oac trouWed withpotatobua" utual tbcological obannel tn Urn piscntoriAl tiou ol inrrensiiiR it hoforo tlie upportion- In Greenwood Lake last week. Sho is 6fi lly. The east of char&ctciraeeaa h*>e.b«en to look at the strange proceeding* Board to this section lost week* Ihcf Jency . —-VUGS from $1S COD afford to b« without on«. There h Chatting in all Trades but Oura- tb)lhbAi«cf«(>reifiiii|vtl«, will bo l feet, long and twenty wide. Tho old boat. prised ths following i . vV'; ! irlliont beL'r able to diticoror anything that ortas related to mlnliterial'work,and piny City Align* «\yn of Eoontonr-Arriving nt lest quality P. S. Roderer * Hespw, tboobo. doalaro, wpn- vV'.; BilutthooouiiiiB nicotine of the Board. Potet(IU»*..UU.L £ with chronometer dlits this oH;ai»g«, for'experience haa TJndeTom ...... ; W llSw bnggage, etc. Messrs. Wooley A Ban hav< Wtek an aeHenltaral department, which BcJdw Dr. Bright two other physiciana, Hi. inform .Her. E. V/. Btoddard, of BtiecEeuniia. the tow-patli to weu| tho boat nt tho lower balance lnaoz. case, reduced taught ua that sho«nuken «ry ofUn ava John II. Taloindge, a Now York druggist leased tho WindeaiBro property for ono year, prnpoM.ioiklngapennanent featoreoftlK O««Js Shelby,. J...M. D. Btrsi Oorson, of Milton," and Pr. Andress, of end. Pluming down from Uifa point, the thcmnelvefi ot ttcmioy lipportunltleB their A larjre number of ponons Iu this count; it will bo romembcrcd, last year sent a lot o Last Saturday night fifty boarder* cane pupfr, and ink ma- ttrmr* to send ia any Rt oLuV. -> B.. Dar Sparta,-have been there, and these bav great Boonton Iron Works were 1c full view, Undo offers for rte«ivl»g th«I« curtomew. rrhrhinohi s FletcherFltletchrh ,, -W. D. Mattox. anil in Hussex and Hnulenlon countioi a goods to Morrintown cousinting of drhgs and the different hotels. ladies' solid gold American *«••- •• • ' • " iaiewst. ' •" W D Mtt Wialgreatly mystified as anybody elaf and '•prencnted • umlaucboly spectacle, Dully the pntHo haa palmed off on them the GumptiGti o CU F. H. Tljppett cu-i-iibiiulnR tlmt their olilclcenn niu ilvli perfumed, pocked in boics marked T. B, W atoheq from $30 up. CU.,... An tho part of tbe family no deception cob nffrnpidly with what in now oille.l cbolc highly eugijoBtivo of the depressed condition ".Dnw Stpilnaiy. gmlualed sr'ptcachfl best French' Calf Boots 'and Shoe*, the Mr. Wil Oho. TalmadDe. FlnglerA CH.,MorrUitowii, N. J.,andvu]nou Attention. Deacon Ferry,...,.* ''ly b« eharged, f6r it IB not in tip of a certain kind. •' • • i , of tho induEtrioB of tbo country. Not a Oenta' solid gold American laat week. Including itadili ou smull. dolpu Veteran Corps,* y«t it U conadenUj Dentilku . ] ... . ••'..•,:". .* •.'.. canp^ed pfthabest FrenchnldU^d Ssmbo,'.', ,...,...... J. L.H"Uoi,)l nub]ie curioflily. T\e*\&e* no one is ehargad itirti e localityllit . : mods. They procured an alt., chment, tn CLOCKS. JEWELRY. SI'FC- Qulmbo,. hoped that tbo reputation of this twdy for TACI.KS, KVK-«il,ASSI?S.(lc:ul Tbe Kew Jnq Btat* UedUl ,lfc»My am be bought *n*1>»t bv*her in the m f'.'r.';.'.'..".™a £ llaito' a" price lo wflM pijrtoas opwaiions/arid rfbS iI good turn out upon decoration day will u ECJUALlVr LOW PBlciS. Sill thorough mumei amd earefnUy inipccted J .TopflrMnsbleated with good eyes there TVudneaday t\#3UA tit* foDowiBg «***> 1 Mian, •niBtince is toUclted of nwe.' Is a comet now visible in the eveulng, just throe cakes and costn only ririy •>' »UUBoa Coinity; i W Itnt th be diminished. or write (or price-list. lent forenun. Onr faciliUw fi En,... ftbovo tho northern horizon, bolow the jwl^r oenta, is sufQuieut to supply maleriu'f or at the enanlng yoari Fnaftdent, p. B. Dald»in Bla,.... ' grtat dcBlor'«m}oc- a ^) i y Krrt VIoo Preatieiit, J. 8. (Mft| SWo rtyllah, dumbla and good-fitting tonastotbe cause of allthiBllhi , hnhtt noone lent twraly Oulplinr ftitbr, which iuld ga A Co.. uid Inys his damages for thai* Tbo shores of tbe Ford pond, near thi N. H. WHITE, 441 BROAD §t.p The qmvrl inh, at N»w FimndWd r . enljtn^onB m&ladi«i. Bold b* nil DruggiitlL full Talao, f 35,000. ud ii Dow suelag ths depot are lined with dead Oah, and the BKrotary, William Piemm, Jr., Correspon Bfltlirfaction in eien respect ' Call and ei> Sheriff oo replevin ia tbo Hndsoo Connr opinion or many in that lit vratct bM beta NEWARK, N. j. SSSetbe styli «/ pH?« of our ^top. Btittons cnes in thu Tidnity, who exproas the. nienaedwork thin Y^k,,giving employment HiU'>lhlrud'VniidcerS>e,Uic)iorbroini, ing Bwrstary, MUllam Ehaer,jr;; Vita* holjtf (ho| the Ttetini of *tls tortoje has U«n to sbcmt tbUtf u«n. W7o«u q PP. M. & E. R. B. DEPOT. ww-w' BEEMER & PALMER DOVER BANK. AGRICULTURAL. MASTER'S SALE! QUANI) DISPLAY OF QE0BGE W. DRAKE, J. NATIONAL UNION BANK n ClimiLVtv uf >•'"«* JtriLi-. Fl. fa. for I*Ie ur the hrgest and maat saccessrul dealer in OF DOVER, SEW JESSE*, nfirliiii:.".! urnin^f. ll'Uiriiu Garret Dc- WATCHMAKHt and JEWELEE, XlXllll'OllATlHl III' 2'iIE .ITATl'iU' \ From czi*rieuce 1 believe the caus»e 3Ii.lt, "rii.auiiiHluar(i!..ii uf I Ii Jl. Vnndfirlioof DRY GOODS. COAL, WOOD is Tuvto in tbe driver than in tbe bemae. BOOTS and SHOES Capital, - §200,000 In tli is 1 reior to horiei tbat have not Adainiirn'o^itc.. of i*raiioi9 A! Co nil eld) HASONS' MAIEBIAI.3, St^awd JetiuO. Hill, John It. Viper, Leoii tint ercr tliJ tmslnct* in io tilt* "iii ion liu nk a i 'I'otct tcTiirtiJ a coi.CttiiS'3 liabitol balking. KutiiLtr Jr., ami Gwrpfl EateLier, Ir» 'J'btrp TVehavcnscdoar bpst endeaTcr tciilivi. sivfii i" ilm jiuivhasii-.ii.ti wl'1 HDJ Mah-r 11. Timm. Administnlort1 , Ac,or inaio our stock of SPRING GOODS BLUE STONE, FERTILIZERS, aiitlt und oilier 3ectiritir»; tlif oalJnotliiD At.nct.u-, liitrb-siiiiitert horse will blurt j I'd 11 y C." Tlia'l'. ;>x, has Ju«t Duii>1u.l etfvckiup lii* store nitli »ti*i«. Aliiui.1 drhtri? almaicJ, fcnr-| .to.tof COLUMBUS UKAUH, l'Vcs'L intr t::nt th- hnrse will rim away. He| Dress Goods, itl/JISED I'tASTEB, JAY. S. TBI3AT, Cashier: FllOST BRICK, will jerk ill' Ihe lionw stiililonly and MlVullcrlUilrtwtl O IVhlcls CLlrp"laiS£$ AllTtlltDff ila ILlC liD^, 'tt pi^lbt Ol vinl. Tillv. Tliis irrituies tbo li.»r.se.iu»l Shawls, Skirts, Prints, SXJLPSUn SOAP. rtniEcTons. UKOUCE BICHAIIBS, ErDlIMM LlSDSLE, }].• «ill iMt j.r.jctc.1. TII.-H fccmu onnny and Cambrics, &o., &o. VARIETY of HAKE and STYLE, K STXRUNO REUEDV.rOK DffEASW AND FLAG STOM'S, CURBING INJURIES or IUS Suwj A HEALTH HCDaoN iliUULlSD, JiS. W, lillOTDElttOI 31. H. BICKEllbOM. "- iWIN IUM I .id HUIT.1HOBITV OF MATEHIAI, e»Grbe- BEAUTIFttR CF.TlfX QlUFLEXlOXi A ELLAIl HTErt, COPIXO. B1IX3, USTELS R. BKIOS, CoMJUiica UEACH is unsurpauiecl. An elegant line of ISAAC SV. SKAnisa, ««t **• »«*"^' fure offi-reO. THE CEI.EUHATiiD KCUABU ME&SS OF fUVENTIKC AN'ft AND dlSTEBS NECIiP, HESJir u.viuiii, . , , JAjii^y r j A;... RlCUABD Or.Ol!OK, JOHN W. JACKSON REUEV1KG RlilUMATJSU AND GOUT, AND I..\»1ES 1TP.S, IB Hour WCPABLOX, JOSIAII MEEKO, •iiU, timt J MONDAY, tho 23th day of May 3. O. BttJXt'X S AS UXEQUAUO; DlSlhFECTANT,.D£0DO- WHANN'S PHOSPHATE, aeti , . MiioN; Mi:«ii. OI.UVKS, P1HKOE», «tr. Ai.i-ur.u8 llEKUEn. ) 1 "lullll »1 I! .t fi|>ewl by mil. A 1) 1S77. L>i!t.v«-!-n llie hour* «' 12 M. tlZEK AND COUNm-UlUTAHT. Dover Savings Institution, w nnil iu L..I.» tlat II uuJ Ju-riiifl; I'. SI., llmf is Ui-ara'^i-ViWiV .WCS, UhtS£8 ASiJ CHJLDIIES'S Bone Dust, Guano; l'tnulrett OH. i,i tliu ;,(i.-ri.f.iiu «I wi.i Jay. all timt O-rlain GUnn'g Sulphur Soap, betidei en&. |i,llllB iUB •ill,! not I1Q- We liave tie largest asaortmeut of OFFICE IN DOVER BASK. Ladli-a' Fk)lld Q«\/\ U'ltrU* at 840 and eating load diieases of the slin, banisbct de- LAKH FLASTEE, &c. • 1 li.ul v •ii'i. almreo SHOES, fcdi of the complexion, and imparts to it Tlio Miner,' Siivings Him n .lK|.,i.ni Wirrnnlcd always ^ fit,ar e to he fonnd In rid "upward*. WM?HH*0I' A".l.(*H*ADESn«»er gratifying ckarneis and smoothness. ! nowo miCUEAP before. Sraiit.lul Jitl,:"" "t WOOD sawed in stove lengths. OF DOVEU, N. J. 1 lltlr *!(ire in tliu JJ read at jitufusion Sulphur Bath* are celebrated {or curing tliiirriuil.^ tin- S|iiritedj, J ;;' of RtyUs Hud iiuisiircinents, tui 3LACK WALNUT and FHESTH CLOCK8, eruptiont and other disease! of the ildn, u ,wrn OT TOT: NATIONAL DsinB BAS IT OKEJirLT EEDCCXb IHJVIIH. we)) as Rh^iimaiism and Gout Glenn's nd fcrtv-lsm WINDOW SHADES. ;APER TIUN AT ASV OTIIEII BTOBE Stdphui* Soap produces the tune ctTects UL- 1 will lie M'<1(ln rt^p™"* v'fo oa A In if. lit: : iiu put to ii Iicivy !r-ad il by tt'illiai IIlLCurn'in IX MOHUIS COUNTY. ai a most trifling expense. This admirable STOVE. - • - $4.50 t LflforelriO flriliUyaofMAiiun, JUNE,BE R.i!!iir, :,i:iii;..,' thu H1;IU uiug spectfic also tpeedUy beals tons, hruim, icalit, whuli- FLO011 ass TABLE OIL CLOTHS. ro me * cill befurr purcLulng eluftliite. burns, sprains nnd cuts. It remove* duidraf EGO, .... 4.25 }'«:',.I an _. Opor. Jail; ton » p'cbcH i. ». lo : I and prevent! the bak from falling out and l«'iiiV j-iv.ii;y »v(Tlf>ii'!'-ii ,.-• is i.UigPil J>Ji,M» 7u illV'i'i'jiv i'tiTlsV; (I > HI.iVl*lV"nVf-Ast (IVTII SIDI2 THE PARK, ol every dcttriplinn. A'co turning gray. 3HESTNUT, - -.4.25 n'clockr. M. t» ].!•!; VlLlHltlj ... M.I-t I.MuUli><>. In l'*dinpn>»t|ern IWHIXI, mtd» to ordar. disinfected, anl diseuea communicable by Order* may no a<..lre«aed throngh the Pwtl HENRY MoFAELAN, JOB, llotlpror, •' M0EEISTOWN, N. J contact with lite person, prevented by it. DavldJoukinB.'i "tlil!i:i'M.li:t.'lc' lit.r.^0 Will Iiall:, IHCrt'lV j "„,,„.,.'(„„„ .,rl.,|-tm.rh)..f Joint Yi:.iliiSii'!«lnl: Children's Carriages. SILVER-WARE, IUcoLuaDax2B,orlcrtat A.B«pmer'aolB OEOnaE M0HAKD8, bivill-i' Ills -.hoiltil'.-i'-i ll iVi> It.•I'll ln-lli-:Pil ihemv (U) K.mlii IItirtv-itiat il.^ivc m-al li-n re!. lOili, 1377. The Msdlcal Fraternity sanction its tu& Uari-lB.Jnrtllnc Ji, A or the most flcpnl d^»ifitinnd patlorna. •• II Ulacktfrull Bt., near SHIBCI, cr ni tbo yard. El'UUAIU HNDSLE1', "rlveMeiDlctersnn. th,. J ,v Wtnrv. I "'lie- in-1 ;. I.VJIV ilnl | elm.... JU.l il.i.v-.w.ii l.nU Iu * lint ,.r h.«*- I. W. COKDICT, UliuicJ ' . *' l l : u L J Prices-25 end 50 Cents per Cake; per BLACKSMITH'S COAIjComitantlron band, 1 v..iil'llri.Mi-*'i« stiwti.'ai-i». W'i! l»r In'-' - "" ' ^' ';'"'-' biiwii-Mtffl^lww' |j tsffl- CLOVER -®a SHERIFFS SALE! FOHKS AND SPOONS, JAMES H. SIMPSON, in" .Mtffiil I" "void tlifin, f»u»d HIT n; ^.j^l.V..«i.VU!\ii'-i'il**.ii»il-i'".*j'-'ak "7\ i»w*-. 1 articled fnr tatrif nor. JUnKED DOW TO Box <3Cak8s>, 80c and $120. ALPHECS BEKUZB. l.t.TXlMOC O.B.FAt.VBI COLUMBUS BEACH, H. P.« IUM'1 yii»al>!« illiiimit. »"<• '•"*"* l>*1 j HK•!!«• (ft) it -ri'l. iWty in .i.ifre.-*-..,! HUC.-II DOTTOM THICKS. Agiat for tba a-Boy tbt Uit* tike and Hunt? W. H. LAMBEBT, 6oU br all Oruipau. L B. JOL1V, . ., . , iiinLf.illy (TIMOTHY SEEU- February Tisriiu A. V. Wil. PIAMOXD SPECTACLES, Stoves. Stoves, i:. J'h-v would CAIXI1II. VALENI'ISE, Alt'y pro so. jdCEIJ-ULOID FBAJIED ETE-OLAB8E8... SItrMcrAn-aN. Preaidett. - •• Thii tnltlttilini !« norf oPwiii»a »nd ivu fliiflurriel. ii" livn luilli'iidli'i«; min ttli litos ssumo t chain,iiiM, aauu u tliiuy links; thence (») ilufin>n SI Plutvs., Bone Dtlfit, 6tc. t'W Jomcy Huiiremn Coorl. Marrin OIIDI EPHBAIM LISOHLEY, Vice President or iniHiui'UH. ,»j -\ .jr k>1i Ii; Vak'ntluo TB. J»mci Martm ^ Oltico, iu Dprof Dtafu jif •«' f ' 11. currraTOi, tnfai Kjtt -iv,i.i. JAT B. THBAT, Troa.urw. - . ;. Inl**c«l Birol) cimimchW hiiMiOff upon tl! ?er. *Ifi Aw^'lL" uf'nob'lc iuFcbitikr;Term Dorer, Fob. IT. IB78. , .. , IMt lime liupoillni on Ibo first di.vor MareK,Junt j It. H. IIOKEESOH, V. 1877- ONION HALL antl Doo^niiwr, which uvor ilw'i n nr tl 1 ,ir|i'«i UP in".III '" ,..II.,l*.|l — - ..,— .. id Ih-i-K»*"n>t; tliuiicu (lfl) rtL-s imt tnu chain« m a lieap nr CALcB H. TALE.STINE, AU'y pro at. i£ *«'UtaA meiit iri» mmlflUT first. H-M-ulld out, s [cw Jonw-T Supreme Court, Morris County. ^a / * turner <.ii"n I'd <*f litm] (wmi-cu-il I DOVISH, JS'. j, •'Tuko your time," aii.l jiitiit>i!il on tho IIT Lt'vf linns ti) Satlnuii'l Corwin, M«rcli9, Cal«t> Ii: Valentine re. Cl»rt«f Mirila and EEPAIBIJ{G A SPECIA1TT, LIME AND PHOSPHATE car. lii n few Eeconds «iich horse was ; tln-iiL'C alonp n llncoriald Im (U) norlb jBmoit Martin. Fl. f*. do bon. et tcr. In FALLandWINTEB. Hot Air Furnaces, fpL-lin^ liii colliir, nnsl in muHi Ipsstime mi Ji-KHM* aii'l Itiity miuuici fjm tigli- Dov«r, K. J., April Ctli, 1677. ca«o. Itotunublo to EcbraRrj Turn, A. D. Of Iho latent And tnuat tinnmved ntvlt-n, fnr tli.iii wouM 1m rcquiivtl t» whip tlicra . i'liai/tt m>J ("Itv-llvi: liuta lo uliojpor NblTLV DUHE. warming publloftnil private bull.liii i. A lurgtt """CALEB H. VALESX1NE. Alt'y pro «. DscemUtr llth, lilt. 3 BEEMER & PALMER Tli^New;/Empire tln>v wore tlrmviitK tlioir Imnl. Tor !••»• ilK-nfo (1^) Hi mill ciR.ity.(i»L. ihfirepa Ksfiortiuciit of BtoTos, choait for cuth. t\Tni;liuii.Hnua .Itirlcea llulta ;iUt:iic>- (i:i) Br vlrtno OMUP above mated writ* of Bari ro nn iniiand lo fnrnltb FAIUIBlUt am iW w tliat jire coBflrnml Imlkcrs, prnb- Lci»B In mv bandB, I nball expose for«l o « WUITL0CK & LEWIS. Hot-A$i%Oas SHERIFF'S SALE! 1 COOK, PARLOR, HEATING others In ear-load loll an eitri quallt; o[ t fi hlily uti esftitiiuotion wuuUl shnw some m'ftl'i »fty-ll»p liourcM nml forty-«T» Cimiieiry or So* Jeney, Fi. fa. P>r tale - UiiLIC YESUUE*t tti" Vailed BUles Hole Biicii Hitiw us I luive i.nmoJ. iind l>v re- uttsuttet lire ctiuini to i heap ot ftonos murifiOi'i'il nrtiiiipcs. wla-rdn Julm Htiayze i SlorrUtuwn, N. J., nn UNION F0VNDBT nlnvinc tlifi I'iiiise, tho lior^o mulil jinib- 4 nil Julia 6 \VcUb iro coinplninsiittt, »B MONDAY, tlie lltb dny o[ JUKE next, STOVES, RANGES, LIMB nlily lie cared of Ills babit.—Our Dumh ...fsiiici'curwiii ID J.ISBO.1 Allen in llie year TLwlnrc V. Skellungi-r, Join V. Knni. .. D. 1877, botwL-en the lionrii of M M. «nil _ AMD 1S:)!(; ^oQc-nlrinnHiiHl Allcn'aliiw (iS)tmuU Ana» H. lii» wife, Goo. Hininnii. Slnrin C, liii 'lock F. a., Uiat U to «ay at 2 O'CIKCU in tbo Dealers in ie, Ateci a ratlctj' at rrou Ihe Hlenartavllle QuarrlM. Tills Ltrao Animals. ilttv-siv-n (lt-cii'iKCaMulivi'ii uluiuH aud fm-tT wire. Henrf t. J. iinanlman, llarbar* Anu [frnoonorsaid dav.ftll timt lot, tnctorpai ucominiiuilrd us tin, »lrani{i-1t In inarkot, am lutiH la a iiniut In th>- tout re nl tlic rnfid X-ail- Ofjriie,Hamson W. awrgf. JiHIM C. Jowntr, lor lain, nnd nrei'mse* liprciturtcr purlieu • ill ta said .1 lots t.tci Uiaa enr boloro or SI/ of ii Ci'.n: lu«irumSB-e«miiiii I'laini lo Hettibln Tul- Hun let K. Ins wife, Kl(i« At. .skf/lkw", Mar/ n'rly d«cril>?J. xitnalo, lying and betuir ia tba MACHINE SHOPS, ttao lino at tbe Morris & Used aati Cuoali lev, btiiiB tlie iK-siiinliiK corner or a trftoml Jintliis «ifo, The Itnver Jlauk, Jacob H. ti.wn»liin of WaslntiKton, in tlio county o DllY GOODS, ' rottils. AIRO , . A irritpr in Mm Prariicj! Firmer uruiitv.flvc 13-1U0 ai;rt'«, nonn-vcil tu SUrjjflret Cia-npr, Eavkt KHIOKR BaU'r. Cn«rloe A. lurrl* and Hlato of Kcw Ji-r*i.y, lintted ar-1 KEItOSENBOIL, tliinln that i building for iv feTimiirv ihbfrbvTiiomas J. llalicr. Derotnltor IBIti, Clart, NatliBQ Mt^er, R'ilham Ta^art, Tuc tiotinded n« follow*: llccinnina at a Hta Jl. Iloailaud, Proprietor, 1AMTPJ1N8 AND lhC6; ilii-nco abiiw llio mlJillo-uf niid road I'-irHi Kutiuiul Iliak urMorrintoirii, Jacob C. nrner to William Uttlu'a Turin In Ttuas Grant nlioiiM bo Iventylij twcut.v-fimr feet, BRITTANU WARE, will, a working floor in tin1 cuotre; two III!) nrutli nulj-fniir dicrwn nntl ttilrly mill' Allen. IIunryBln, Mo«« A. BronkHulil, Had- no and ran a lirst Rbng UIH lino nortli forty- Groceries, iiH.M wi-it (•iRht'i-li.iin* t» rim fourth corner nl isoii il. Ctmtitit. MUpbun K. Con not, Karl P. iclit UOCTWI and Un mlnuto* yatt tlilrtt-on cr'tln, cucii t)vf by tweutv-fmir fcut. mi mil 3[arffi.rt-t linker'* tot; llienco »h>aa h>» R<;rly liaii ur tha ri^'bl of irav of the Cl»*»tcr KsilronilCompunv; thciico r of tlic rencf; (3) itlll alons tlie fence TIN & JAPAN ;WARB, DELIVEItED 0.1 DOTEn. l.iti.m. Tiiroo-font IIIIHIS, ca|)|i"!il b,v ill- «lun mill HBl.torw.aytJBJwjntli tn'attly-n.r- !•"».»•»•'»"• ..H.LtTILB.a.rr. i forlt-one *i»d * half deRrcoa. w;t two Cnlll aud Dry tSind Rolls, veiled miiH, nrtiteot tlio lmililius froin 7 HondlsfUcD linka to n corner of fence IMo In tar toails, per ta«bol,( M lbs.) . 15J 0' il^iiiu [ind Hiirlv tniniitbs west thirty chil TOY vlrlno nf tho abova stated writ racb» ill mv Ii ,nHa, I MIIAII ciposo Air nal ..,. AtHKct (iaot ar.con cbafna and (nrty links TIN ItOOTTCG, Aim. » Largo Aiuortmont of other Stjlei forior must be closelv civored with lln-ncu nbiig »id lurnjiike fl it PUIILIC VliNDDE »t tbo Uuliixl tit.lei to a ntiku In tlio funco; (6) north tbljtj-llro Ilnno Diwt. nercnt. 1.00 of Cooking Stoves, Itahue1-/ Parlor weather Ixunlintr, nml tlic iiit.-rior slnt- Jcrtol, in MdrnaiuiYu, N. J., uu dcRretB i-BHt t«o dalnn aud Mrtr links to a ROLLING MILL WORK EAVES, TBOUOHS, Norlb Him LmnpLlirw,iarlibl, ,1.30 • - Blevtm,ri'o,jI >.,••••• *, , iiu pluutToVbeKJimiiiK, contjinlnfi nlnulj-Biv Son Ii Hirer Fiimhing LIRio, |ier bbl. ,1.7a tftd on Iho iiitido uf tlio stmlilinn." fiD 1 •losumonilow fence: (Of along theiarao*oot , ,_jdaU liindi oHobbiiic Inm-rld ii-r.'s dixl "In' qiK-liuiiitrfiltt. ot nn ncre - forty-nine itul ft half deprcen east •annUs Lime ucliforoa to any pulnlon IlioCuoat that Hir is atliuittcj • auvury |Kirtinl lie tlie name more or lest. Etecptinc snJ MONDAY, the 28th day of MAY done lu tlic boat raunncr on J nt tlio >l,ort< chains andflfty llnkatoa alake; (7) aontb flit; notice. Jliglicf t prices paid for old Irou. . u criti. Tin' wnrkiu? flonr slioiild bo cicrvlnfi llicnrrom liowovor, ftto t cont>. Ii., I lint Is to Hay ot 2 o'cloc1k . ALL SIZEd OF Copper leil and pAtrtcT tnten In vxebiu two or tlircu d'et iu liotglit, Hero iua,v r.fe in MiiiliHi'lJIclfriFCiii, by 'W<1 titled J«- [• allciuouii uf eaJJ day, all lk*t tract' |8) soutL tlilrtynnd ibrue-qmrUrdogroci ea»t for gooda. luind and sold In nny quantities. 11.1«]|, sml rctttrfled in IIDOU 0 8 paRO 191 iln or idDd mi J urcmiBCH lierclnafkr \> hirtj-two cbairiB to a nuke tii Jamea W. be kfpt Ibc corn aiicllur aiul linuclwill 1 Ooofrliii lfO31 (0) Bloutr lila Hoc norlli .lxty UEAIUNO k PULLBVB. . . iVLEXA>*DER Union will receive promptaltoiillon. Adilro for lloiiring.oultiiig ut splitting corn, "OIMIS, Murris Countv Cltrfc * Ofllw. riy dcicrilutt, •Itnile, Wag aud bung ; DtccmUi-2Uh.W0. Hardwiiro, tfiificry,; Tha ah'ive dr-Hciibiil preinUen are apart tlic tDWunlnp of CtiL-iter, in ibo County elgbt dt'Rtoci woat fwentj-ono clulnj an J11MNG MACHINERY DEEMGK & PALMER, 1»KLS, lioiins ur tuiliu^, with n few l>ar- Itie liornro i Slcrrii aud Btalu ut Wow Jnrwy. KPTPiity UnkB to ftttah e and (|oncs In Wlllii HARDWARE, Glias, TToodcn, Copper, Plain' end Jupmtrn reUof sliOiledoorn, ci-acltcil pens,or olhcr Little line; (10) tlona bla lino nnrlb alxi Forl.unr.v Cih. 1S7TJ ' DOTEB, N. THE Finitt Lor bceini al a Rl>b(> on tbe norll - vet taut one ch.tn and' fifty Imka to three . AKD WM. HABBIS, ~ TINWARE, fee*?. TIJG steps /«r e»l«rii)£ the grunu- ruoiuMj.H.irtTWiJwIliit Oil Clotln, Cftruch, Lnmpi, Faints ini] Oil*, WILLIAM T, LF.POI1T. Mo of tbe luruplke, uctwoc CIluntuotB corner to WlllUm Llltle; (U) RtHI rv slioalil bo hin^tl, tbut tho Oour can- Zi.plian.nh Urske'i tiud Bon/imiit McOan>j>'i alone hia lloe north flfty-uli deflicw ««tflfli WATCH MAKER and JEWELER lird Cages, Foatjicia, I'ratfs Astral Oil (irns. lint. l.r> L'IOBOII \vithi>!it throwing tlieco Muster in Clisncer icing » corner of riiuioit Caria laod mU ruD- MOBRIS COUNTY Dnlcd Mnr latli, IS77. [Pra. It. Hfl.! oiehtchaioB l» tbe plict or fienlUDin«,eon -Hoisting Apparatus Iron and Steel, uprijjht, to prevent HCCSHS to tlicbuiltl- tiiiiR tlioncoainauaaiil toriiplkoll) Koutli HUT. laimiiR r.laetr-threit vcica and iCTenty-flvc SUBBDX Stroot, HEALER IN COAL, ' iny by miou. The cuat of HUCII U build- enty^lsbt degrcci writ ono chnlu and nt*eut.v innrircdtb* of »n aero of land, be the Mint W link* • Iht-nto [?) north tirckn ileffre0B (OPPOSITE THE 11ANBIOK HOUSE.; intr. lie «a>% is soon Huvuil in tlie (limiu IHBI BC«on clinliiB ami io?oiitj-Uvo • ' - lloolln^, Plumbing and .Toll i-ilit'ri waste and the ii«w jjrL'sorviilJoL 1877. SPRING. 1877 linncu (3) nnflii »aTcnt.»flelit dtffMtei t-a» Furnliked atSUorteit Notice. (jus Pipe rind Fittings, uf (,'min, ami ftcouvouien t plnco is se- uuchtte >nd wtont.T-flve IIDIIH; Ihnnco (4 MACHINE & IRON Co Vi*oi-kiirotapUy»tUnilc^ to..,,. iuitb twelto dcgreti oaBl *evun cbaltm1 1nun EONNSLL'B TATENT HTEAM COOE1N0 oureil fur wol work. P. H.H0FFMAN", oTeni,v-H*o link* to Iho plaoo of beg "" "" et Turned and Grooved to Order. FURNITURE. CARPETS, 01 it .Scales at AIai|u(ac> A Imslu'l uf cfirn.ta tu ici'd to n horse THE SECOND Lor buRlm at a stake * ^Sktmaxiua.m^it. DOVER, N. J. dortl) ni'. ".";„ "* - ---licatlon'or tho KlKiru-iiitmrd Adm jbovfi dcduribod with tbc neit one licreln < elock cbottpl.r and iti good c»i SUITS MADE TO ORDER scntiad «ampowi ih^presout lioneorotuiici Tlio "farmer wlio' ontnru II|«MI -winter laltlTlicodoro V.Skallengwr^ ; Cor. Blachrvell and Morr^ Slr^els fueilinp with uortiot'j hn.i niiiilo a sori- AND VfAKttAMTED TO'FnS- ;)Afl M mi*miuUikn, It la.riitbur troublesome i'to tUeTaa'd Thw. p. SwltonRi-r _ nlop nitjiithaJroi in some canes'to wned out l'not crojis. XiBlocsufilio Pirnt DapSat Church INSnBANOB^A SPEOIALTY; ,._ copy of lliii Jraei arins mmgled • bit' miilohUie oldtn ll 1 bat wbon llin lard lmq bcon [ftiniired LATEST STYLES Rcliootcy'i Uomita.ri, by dwn> dated Manb '28 ,, .leroafter, iu'-Uvc of •! RAIL WAY,TURN TABLES, lipaWfy tits (treriotis jp.ir, and en Iti rat- 1B72, and roconlod In UMk O Sorduedr ••-- Oliarterod lax 1849. nnMtpauliaptaccainthoConntvt)fll(irr.s fu 78, Ac, and it tlioroin dnncrltici] «nn two months, aud alno vltLin I It a Mid twent NEW BUILDINQ cl in *;rinio hued crujis, with a viuw o or aooDB ros BpRinnlnB et a ponl for a comer on tlio -.-. E. 4 G. H. Ross i Breesd, ' ibtadfertlBinglliiiKimolii thiylitox £i irrowinf, mots on it tlio following sousou •ido of Iboold WasliinBtnn tnrnpilie In a llm rthoncininpBrfortlilBSUte./'arU.euuK JlioNonil'llltASSCABTINaS, oftlnie {iUeHurroaatoJud^liiff auy fur keepiug the weeJs thoroughly snbdnod, of Imil Ut* orEliB.nl). ¥unt.){,.dui:'di llicnei [KSDR.VKCiE TAKEN AT Afl LOW BATES J INSURANCE AGENT. osxnui nsx AMP tin there i.i no (rouble in raising o crop. (!) nortU IneWiulcerccH imtt tiro cbalnn am .lotloe to to iionccoamrT);»nd iranv credi- BUSINESS SUITS. tor aliallnezlocl to exhibit life orhtr debt. ilo< atvontv five link* ; iLenw (S) oortb tieventr 1)HE HBK WAIIRANT. (oment on BUOWSX wararr, MBZT TO OIOBOI FOEOQIGofall DESOEIPTIONE MEATS/AND y eight dogreDi irost nlnoiy-two links; tkcnc< Insurance Agents, mand a»J claim nit bin ttio nalil periud of, nln< ~ tnpWc dcercaa oust two cba.DB anil flu' •; • • BIODiBDt & 00,'a kTOBE.) , inontbB, public notlca lulus $ven m ftforCBB ^ (OHEAIEItTHAll'EVEB.) The s~erage3gB of siieep does not SPRING OVERCOATS, „._ link* folfie norlb Milaortbenirtttiro,..^ anchcrodllur ohall bo fororcr debarrot} ur t 1 f!i rcneb CI«5-Ui« best la lbs world: fso. B. BW8, STSPBUI URMSS, A 00L08SAL WORE O0UPLE1BD. Iho best in liio'nia'rioi!, Wo'niaiiaas'peeliiH *:cil»rtb^«pare stat^-.Un live Mreurs— TUB Fomvrn LOT bcRini at a point CALL AT orncx intDKE of billing all our ona meat, aha tberebre »na« Ib'?1^ whica Ciic mr/aofcifn nhe|iticrd'i CONSTANTLY OS HAND. ..hrtli-wuil udgu of tbe street pmi'lnK T\ LOKDON nnil MVEBPO0L irad 14 : A. J OOE, Collector, lballtlaiir,Ui«be>l.) AHklojiior, .... , rail aoy3« *beep,' old wethere which Cliealcr hotel tuthcConTrofjatfaniilCli GLOBE, Copilal SWW,tm and SUCCASUNNA, N. tlin end of tbo stnue w»U ntlnchmt ._ ., £/« tet>t on purpoje t» direct tho bleat' cburoli iirxmUui, (from Biid paint tlic ueoilli DOTBB, N. J. •]-' :MECIIAMC\L mum READY-MADE SUITS LANCASEIBE ot MANODBSTEIt,. leg fl.-wka ID tb-> ui:frc^iientcfl wilds. NAT IONAL IRON BANK , . [nuiK TBB Botnmno iuciucu C«W3 tsreao avemj;.; age ol about 15 kept on lmud na apon, ea tlioy arpcir in tin I of my own nunufncturous CHEAP us tin uleH oust to the nenroKt corner ul sm ,-.,•!. CapitoU10,000,OOC COMPANIES REPRESENTED. Tbf completion or Knlglt'a "Amtrican Me- naikula; and abld st temotlilile nrtcci. I ;*ars. Binpi nn their horns tell tbe ..._ic*.)jtUoHco (l)norll. Urty doBiOCi. «t cbanlcalDictloDarv"i>iau event ID thennnoli . Tim lilgLpat n»rkot pHcoa nald-incatU, tit I CHEAPEST, and mndd fa a BCTEEIDB fifty miiml/t« cut oua hundred ami nluety-u > • cr aildreis • ' STATE HBE INSURANCE Ci>., DriiUrstnra in this conotr.v, M it tnarka tbu nnrater of tlieir y«v«r. ,Jl,00.00O nuccecding jcar uuotlior in aJded. lLonco (3) olona tlio samo eon Hi tlili-lyultn audorUVinjj. tuo labor un wlitcb bn " ' 1». II. HOFFMAN ili'grFiiR and ten tAlnnlci (m*t twenty fevt; BOIAL OP LIVERPOOL, nvor a pcrioit of CIKIII ye^xA, It ti i Tha*. by nllowiug three yenrs heforn tlionco(3)BlillaloiiRUicBanio north flit/do -.,,,jf.JA8.'i£ BONSALL, Seo'j Merohantrf Miltnal' Ins. Oo., of Kowai roluaupweuIoKaaliBthoiaak iqwlvcdln ih« their oppcaranie.nnd cuuntiugthomim- MuriiatoirD, March l»h, 187T. croiw and flftj mtnuicH ciat elitr ltol; itioticc CapibU $10,000,000. bcrof rinRB, tho age of tho animal if (4) rorth Ihlttj-oioo ilogrccs and ten wlonti H.J., ABMU-OTM ;> •eoo,ooo: (f Aroferfcon and foreiRO, bari .PpNAOM AND E^ifOESi! i - known. Pifjs have been known to Jin wfBt slotig tho Rams twenty foot to » corner o [, N. FEANKIJN OF Pan,»DBajHIA, laen'a lCntiul ISB, 0o-, WKewajk, Icdnitrikl prwu°— -' —- through SO vcai-9*but tbe average tcr MtdrflMtdclmrflUh lot;; UioneUioocqn (41.4)) nortnorthh olghly-lwolghlytt. V Onpilal«5,0b0,000. »* uvun Mtmlnwl, and H,J... Aneto ma . , 600,000 prorenrauta tborcia notoct. sZnrfu^..^ nu,« bilbHojiallsanabrlelael.' WEALSO'KAIB Frank Cox's dcarooK and Ion mlonlm enst three tiuodrod •clcntifla tllBCOTtriei, aod tocli of evcrjcra[i ana rbrtj-ronr rcct lo a corner of W. W. Hodgca HOME, -.-!..•: :- " CCO.OOO. land: tlionro (Q) foulli elovenilegrci»cait two I doom It Jnntly dne tbo Murrl) Coanly llnli Sennsiila Hntnsl Iuj. Co., ofHawnr bavu bt'OD BtntHudj and dnallr, all tlila iranicn EMPIRE ldladti Tt nloj; 1 id HedRe ld collection, gathorcd Irain tho whblotleld Df i A^rictiUuro is nn cmplojrmcnt todflTor^ai.«>»iri biaiii7uit 1 LIW nnd Firo InnnrancQ Ootnpnar Ibst tbli STAB, Jereej dij, ' " 600,000 H.J., OspM, 100,000 piled lolenoo, haa been uatyectal to oarefal most worth,? the njipiiculion of mnn Ibenco (7) noiitli BeTonty-a*i?des''<' !Banil r«r rotislnn ani} coudoniation, aail, bj rouatii o PUUli/rBJWG^WORk jnlnuiL'B voat two haouri.il and eislity-foii pnbllo acknowledgment bo made of tho rcccip Una InsumnM Oompan, of Hartfori the tnoaf ancient, tint] tiic most suitubh Iroia tlirni tbls day of Ibo Tull amount o'" HUDSON OOCHTT, Jenoj City, niReniouiily coutrlYufl aytttcntB of indciitii (out (u Ihe Tourtli caniT nl (Iio liotel lot Oonn., Aitels,- . 6,000,000 •" rendered inralnkblo for purposes of mferancoj ' fo his nature It is tlio nnrso ot thence (8) nnrtb uino dunri-ns and thirty mln Insurance ($1,500) on thcBoutli Klmrt Ctii -•-•.'••• Oopilol SSOO.OOO. and reioarob. Add to thin tuii Isbora vf artlit - The Vimon hu proved itauU not only good, I uttflwoit one bund rod and gorenty-nfuo tea iwaonn in evcrj nge nnd condition - "Warren 8t, vrltbont rebate of lutcrtit, for loss by Iho fli Oontinental Inauranw Oompany, of Kl anil eoeniTer,' am) tlinre IB litllu fowl fur ma 1 hut beat. Il wns awarded first tiromiunu a I to tho tblnl corner of tald lot: llicnco (U veil that tba wort hail omit 1100,000; thai *, PLUMDEBa fcr itii bnub of'tbe Ind'e. fife ; itia tho source of health, Btraigti hntitli flr»ifonrdionlcn vest tiro hundred sntl nn tlin lOtli imt., and tn etprm onr gi-atcfi STiKDAED, Treaton, " 300,000. tlio followtticPatra. durine the Fall of ISTSi York. OuplUl, .; 1,000,000 imati ofS0Ji00inb)ecla; conUina7.#0oticrai Palmer, AmLeret, Bnrte, Sortliftrifpton, Bel-1 and richncM ; ami of n ihoiiHanil sobc POVBR. mly-tliren rcot da!* tnohoB nlou3 u,o «CCi apprcdatloa of tliulr liberal and prompt aetloi IURI;and that Ithtbreo voluraoa'[ncltnlai,S(K ohertown nnd Plttffield, JIABS,, aiidfpn^ll .. (Icltghts nud hniicit pk'usiirc.i. It it tin IIDO otaaij hotel lot to the i>ilsa or said B.o.MAnaii, Untuil BeaoCt lifn Ini. Op., of Sowark, TWRoii. II la more nn cncjulopmtllatliaii a die Flinn and ipeciaoatloiugWeii itliea.reqolr mistrew mid suliocil of nobrintv, tempi n.,v0t; Itoneo IJ0] nortli tUlrlj-uliio'doKru L=lto-of Comnwudntiou, at Now: York gtalt HIBEBNIAJ 200,000 iiiu»rj; H la, in fad, a mcohuilcal and talcn- mice, religion, uml, in Hhnrt, at all v rortUMndtof freih tnd pickled nest forty-four leol nx inchaa Lo tlie placo m^caror &iatlr St. Preab/terlaa Omrcl H.I.. AisoU. " e.OOO.OOO iflo library, earrffj np lo iho tBtefliilntcii. A Fair, hold at,Elmira,,- , ' .^ , , tw.H.—Sncnitfa. HorristoWD, N. J., January 20lh, 1BTJ. nut Mtlmalo uf tlio comprehonitivA natnro • In ISM, ftt CilumtSii Oaiiafy fSr, Scho- HBMliOLT,' aoojoOO. tho work.;iBd Ila impurUDoe to intttnLor ;ROOFINQ; .GUTTERS, &C, TUB Finn Lor licgina at iho auvonlb com baric County, atitt Union ADrieQlttorelfiowlJ I ongloenrii J , and arUaiQB of every dans nnrl In & at Hiivaua. At a tnrga trial at OrototJ Fulli, I Iu (in intero-tiug wiiosof cxiicrii ... tlio lot-firtt ibovo doaenbiid in Ilie lino " rlen, can onl* imitliincd by carefal namli r»tci.~ Und« «t Wai. W. llcibrMi Ihi-uoo (l) noil Morris Ctsunty Surrogate'!! Office i of Iho ' " " N. Y., itwasthB ligbteiitdraft, and onlyoin I rnceatly mndo on thn frtrni of tho 1_ _ elcToii ilcercos edit- throe Uutidred utid U . MAllOU 31«t,1857. AGiEiuKlHEAVX fttionol to volnnioB llioraselTOH that did not dog ma mt'dtio^orIodgnl I Agricuitnriil Society, of England, tin fuel lo llio n-cil niilo uf Hit? WdMlilogtou lur ; lr: • --AtWiinlMiuiB i.lkn; tlicnco (J) alone *aid road loutb elgb Wood'-aaid Iron.Tumpg.and Pipe nuinurinl vulno of wilt wus unjniatnlsablj In Ibo matter of GGK-RO C. Ejlaml, tlio Eioc 1VAGON.WOOI) T^OKK, At this trial, ,_, ^^ duRivci wcat uao hnndrcd feet la » eataar ol 1 L indicated. Xn ncro of wheat drcsaeil jut purchBNotl bv Bald Tboo. P. 8fiollonger fm iitor (if Chirks Votmicr, dtoM. tinrrogato worked a four feet out f?r ^o Sour, J0 with SCO poumkot common Bait yWdcd WHEELS,«low as «fl.B0 per »(. ,A11 Kndi Wm. W. Ilrdgca. liy t1o«d datod Sent. SUtl Order to Limit Creditor*. heavy gnws. - At Klmlurhook, N. Yj H»i* 39 biinlicls uf grain with a proportion' 1870; thonco [A) along tlin line ofnaiu lot uurtl PURCHASEDand SOLD of FINE COLOia for oarrUga nnd vagon ~VN fliipllcntlon of the"aboro-named __. TMUDUDR,, Also 0IL8 .and, VARNISH,'both quiefaeatho-WarriurtheamiitdociiulDDteiU nte amount ol straw, nhilonii ailjoininj Tho bent In rant- 'a\aa clogrws wcii Llireo liiimlrcd and 11 vi 1 otmoro or kmn to llio lino of tlio lot J nlnr, It ia'nrJerad byIhf Hnrrogaln thai Foreigb ind Poincutio. TuHncmint, CwHrri Attheabo*B.Fftirs,itjwfts in compclilion ncrc, loft iinmnnuro 1, proJiicmJ only Ii " Exuuntnr RUa I'UOLIC HOTICB to ' 1 kct. now sell- Lru,,- etc Taint,' Oflcrins und Vamiib IJUHIIOIS per aero, with tho straw irnper- JO JO dcawnbuO; tln-nvo (1) alting llio i >rihacat»li>i,r>,uUI-- ..jrlli Eovcntr-Qro flORrfci and furiy mlnntt .„ tboir (tcbtk, itomanila and clilmi igninet tbi Bnuhrt and etxipLogJciwitfl,-ft fuUaloct. \ oror thom" nli:,ir>na«*!rt fectly flevelopocl, emoaabimdrea htl totliopoiulor Iteginnlat Ming, nndcromtli,wUlitnniiWTnontlitrrDm tbli Choice Lots in Dover, All of the abora goods from tile imt mule. yytn«i«rimcelathest>oTelWd jjU)riOTitMoV«snyothflrS beinnpirtor tbo lot of Unil whlcli wan ci»n date, by Rotting up a ennv of tliii order, willi i:i u ) rj> 1 1 * i toawen'wit!i'wnfl,1pnc e oiir abilit nmOBg*hieltiiw the following r.iU -- twoaty d*»8 borwHcr, in Cvo nf the tncixt pub. forialodioap,and* • ' '' «laiow?iDy>Jnter8;'; X ;-; " • ; Cr.offs AKD CUT-WOLMS.—\V« bclievi Vftjcu to the said Tboo. P. Skolionaer bj Win (lD«ni«ndiU work In 'thW lm^.or tn It.willnio».*iUithaOutterBi«atanj'.i.aBtft I W. HcdsM and tri1<-. by <'ood dalod Jan. IStli lin placeR m tha county of-Morrli far two tlio crow is a much nbu .ad hivd. Ni . per pound. All kinds of month*, and alsr> rritliln the »id twentj Cay FIRST-CLASS CATUtlAGE AND in TBinu, oTon II inero WBTB in print otl 'i as Uie;Kai«a jilwsjB; Uirow, to tho centrt ltlTa, tlio remainder of tba lot cunvevod by (a uf a almllar.palnre, would be rcr? nrttt on of of UT Quant. ." "' I OHO doobfa nbont tlip ont-worra. If tli ifpcd butafl embraced i J Ibo tonriw fol ' bv ndvrliBfuH (beaamein tbo Inns EM, on flonnt of ila scope, iti great nhnbtrufil ^•VEGETABLES'^ of tbo nonipaiMrs of Uiii Slate, for tbe sntn llua* TloKuiveloKuives startrtririBtfltit&tfMoclilncrtrt i st>nd torn is washed in wurm mtler, ii snare nfllnio Clio Surrngaio jndglns any fu HOTJFfRS ,TO LET. r«|jon#,and tb» intitirnrlljinBiwinriiiandh whioh smno fi-csh pino tnr is well stirroi THE SIXTH LCT it tbo wrao vhieh WBJ con >ut at present Iti TUIOO IS enbinwil; bj> tboJ .moTodd, ilieraforl s ^ bat ckg in miy Kw Yitfod to tba Mtno Tb«o. P. akuUanncr bv Clir tber nall«o to bo nnnocean, 17); and if an ..„„. snsbloa mo la Im1 a o »l>. anil Ihcn driod in pliislqg the cut- rccciTod Tresli every day upon Uiulr nrrii creditor aliall mplccl to exhibit b!i or her debl 4UIBI. Dallvsvv AMU l>u l^i oar ^^j.«t|MH^u BI JSAaa^i. Of RTrtSS.. •' ','" •'•••. ' f.ird A. Wvodbnll and wire, by deed date«f S«pl, f anbyy ariielarliels cannccU'tcanpccU'il] with tbB.bniiueanI , am wurms iviU rarely disturb the cr«p, . inmnrltet. • : 25tb, 18711, and ro corded Iu th.. Unrria Co null lomand and cliiw vritblo tba oaid porlod itlsfaetoiy rererenco 2! ill' llotords In book V H of iloeds page 73, Ac, «ni line tnontbii, jmbllc nntleo bolntc RlTen benona f&ToriuR mo with thdrbrdtri tna which in at imcB M larce.sn well III nut rated** 1 (Juick plnnting en a ne-vlr turned sod 1 Frejemari Wood, ' anon tar famisbinjr.tliotD fith M articJ clotel? brought dawn io tbe prenont tllneiaii : utrrftiotiON antciwr:'+hioh l»noii«fl» f tliunln in iloserlbcil *• r«ltuwa : Ilusinnlnf; I; jCnroaaid; 'saeii crodltar ebsll be fnirci ,. i Aiira. -,- ".. • 'a. A. jwrnsaTbiti "in all iu opdhitlaitk, .'.TbeBdi'Cia UB nM wilt give tbo worm.? wort enough 01 ilin niftUIe of tbo pulilld mad Imwog tnii dubtrml of hid or licTSCttno tbwe/ora igah a Insllca ol tto Pail, km Polios M» iilrala, ricejaacatbeolifebeolifeftiedatanjr.elfei or lowprcd without Uirowinij oat of g«r. the roots of tho grusa. .. Obcit< r lo'pMiraokKt a eiroer br land ,uow < UeMlil E« ecu lor. - 1' - .OrderOrderi by letter ffor dr-dag* aiij K phllwwplieri.cbiiinlal B.'.tni lato of Peter Brown and Puter Uoliuh; Ititi : , Sale! monti will bo auitablj filled Mf tU nd triunUDo nnri and tfpmeftha^rinffiTOa'vlMnoutol'finr. C3~ I hare attached to my bnsineBb it t Brow ii nd Puter Uoliuh I Ihent E. E. WILLIS, Snmgale, amonti will bo auitablj filled Mf tUllUK fur rnaninK north Qfli-Uce dogrwa out tblrt A tree rnpj front tbu ninuliw. lB-10w [n Obabetry nf No« Jency. 7i, fa.- For i»lo _ bitt- pnrpoioo tlity are WaatvdWaatvd ,aoJ aoJ" tending he Pole iaaaadjustaliliiit .the Jionws do >»* FGDDEII Cnop.^,—A Hnccesaion of foj mortRijccd,: premiwiu . Wboicin Jamei,J. OTcnfonr Ua woight, wliilo at work.. Stickle Houto Stables, across the w»y, chains and ninety llokii to A BJBKO an dn«* onuugli to. corer tcft, amonntJ , - low dor ci-ops should bopbnlod this month profewlOT'. vstdansuu.i, ibaIUHLn, cavnnu Iiuov fbnnfliiuunl IUn •ajcll'lUTQUweVfttriifineP J cliun LtYEltV STABLE and will keep forf n earnerr;; tbenctbenou t3)'Durtu"twcnt(a)'nurtu*twent)] , Hrniiie and Joe If. blvtlne are coraplolmnlii t« in retpMtfnUy solicited.' te team ivtm thta MiidiJnb lir thB to! ftii- ilnir.v (siiws, liorne.s, *\\w\\ calves an i weH sis cb»in« and furty-two linkB t( and Chirks P. Mfryuttand Slarj E. hH wife. |WA> A.«i1 *ABta>*IU_i^^J<._ m '^•>0l aL 11. S ' "^" '^ . deiteln" !;; '••••• ••«•• IV : Estitblishctl Fortr.onc Years Ago. H.r.8ANDER8bK Bhd, a oonstant.Bapplcinciilarj poora* of i do not ctirrVIt 6nttair t*l"• °- pi[j'i. For nil' f host" nuinmfa a Rroe on baml this Summer A flue lot of drivin and alouca;tbence lluba ; Iheaca (?) SMnt! HEaalo onbe aiite which mayhsvoanraipoT It uoon not run to the brood nr fumil' fiftv-DTt dCRroca thirty ninutu veal cronains T tieMiiadJanmfltUou.;ffpttceatta«r/ii]tt (i&.d riwd tnenlyoiBb i obili* to a U.cknry trot; Blatu Hotel, In MorriatowmN^^,pn < Tb» »ork la ll bVftlf of IIPHH to have o largo or.hinall litter nl tlionco (8) aontli flfty-rflBbtat-reo i west D I no- By r,rtne of an ordei of the Orphans' Court 1IQXDB.Y, MAY 2Btb, • •• j t pigs, Imt it dp|i£!ii(l8 nltopcctlior on tin loon cbatnt and ninctt-Qye links to m. «t*ko; JOHN JELLIFF & CO. raaalwluw.. J or tlic Oouuty of Morris, ninde FcLru&ry tbenco (9) loutb Uifrly-ronr dogrcoi tblrlj UD. 1877. iHtwccoiUia qooVa ol.U U.anil SUCCASUNNA, N.; J. condition of (ho sows when bred. II ! Apply, lo.... TIB Ihpy arofat they will ulmost Invariably lir.th, 1877. tlie subftcriber. Executor of Jo mlnutet caat nineteea elm ini and neventj-a, - offur tboir Immense stuck of •'cluckP,U.* •••••• ' •-:-. --. •• ,',!.',;••::: TIMBER, Bai% dec'd .will BGU tt PUBUO VENDUE llnkt UIA atalaam) stone*; ibtnee (ID) aoul Iiave hut tow pigs: nml if turn- nro not, f PIERSOS A. rnEEltAN, ShoritT, rTlHE inbBcrit, titct plcttar«,!u iaforroinjr 11 U]IOD tbe prciiilsos, on , Kilty-flight dccreoi weet t».ictnlnaand twenL EAfiTL\KE and QUEEN ANNEtiTYLES Datod April 30th. 1877. . •• . , 3l-J L tho ciUwL * rauecaaiinimsn d inrroiind- ' 18A«oitPwcfe,»Kw-Toii Mm i-pmiltwill bi* HIR rrvniw. 'Old nnv elebt linki to a atatn; thence (11} BODUI hrv rJo. nononroif AKD ooMP-my,-DortiD.' Trill pnclile Ijotlor. nnd luvo more nm oio (Iccrocncifet U'DB oluins and mty tiiihw to ADJOURNED SHERIFF'S BALE 1 better pigiibnu young OOCH, . ; • WEDNESDAY, June 6th, 1877. x hickory tree; Utence (13) norlb atijMWo ilo- In Chancery of NcvT JcneV,• Fl. fa.' fnr ule of THE HlVEBfilDB rREya.CAllBMDOB; I jrreei eait twentf-onf cbqinii and suty-onu nioi-tnKod tiremiMi. . WherolnTh* Untnat 6; HAZEtMNE, PUEUSHEIW AOENT Iniitotbo nflddleor said roaditud thoplacc Lire lnsaraiieB Compiiiy of Now Toik are btlvccii tha hourfl of 12 and 1> o'clock of said 1 ": '•HOItn]8TOWN,3I.J.-;.J;-ii.-. Irrigation ia non-hero elne in Ibo Unit- Jay, Ilnl 1« at •! o'clck P. M., aU Ibo land, of bfffianinj;, containing ona bandrcd and FUBNITHI.E cotnrlafnantH.aniDLneT Dojb and An Kin O. 1 forty-two Kent moro or kia. ed ytnlo-i BO extonsirely practiced aa in find real cKlata thereof the tata JOB BUR'H P, tS«gnr arc (Wendanta, Bolumaltla • to Tba aald party oftbefiratpart to said inden- coapmsrso ALL THE LATEST NOVEL- Fcliruarj Term, A. D. 1877. 1 < California ; nnd Di'ero it is, perhaps, car- Hea HGIEGII, sltuaUd i»ar rre of mortgage then-by fnrlLor Intdoilcd to SQES u)4 lfEATEn8/ba«e ina! beun pa* Morris Co. $urrogatejr'Officel- rioil tn nn iinprntHnbleorajiis. Anouerao conreyand mortnano all choir right, tltln and TIES and BEST TOHKMAK8HIP,a l V^o.DtiiratiAM.soi;; BQd tr* Mmwqaentlr tboTEIlY SEWE8T verj low price* for 1 - DESiaN." itOOPINO,'FZ.tnmi>a »nd fnra ranin canal through several uaun- DEAKETOIIIE DEPOT, lotcnw1 l In «Dd to ihoao UO.IB which are d<- c ulo n botialt ot tlie abovo>narofi( pai - tbosaid Thfo, P. •IOBH1RO, al iht-te^etl "HAED'-PAH Pritei,. • lim, with tho neci;33^ry braactios, will il thfl MorrU and Eaaez nnflroad, la tin. i d ornH \nl&t p]ttt at Itw Uitd OOr tlce* of Uu ,nn tt *>T"? dMcdptloa 1* Iho matUr of OeoTfto CbamberUiB,"iamin.' pnliii! n cost of $35 on every ncre of land bnnlilp ol Koiburj, llorria OonolJ, N«» uribcdlo ft deed mada by ihoBaid, TbfO, JKT (J A. SH-I •©»•=... Uorriitoirn, N. J.. on il«o new, and cheap. Call audiea onr Good* ilalraiorofJaooli rowliaon,'0o««iu«L fiur- Iwfore pnrcliiulf--'---1-— ' ' ' •' nflVcicd. • - ' • Jmty. One La, Jylni, nortJi o( raidnil Sie)lcD«. r and wlto to HicbacI Fiiliy, .Unia roRattf. otder tolimil credUora.:1(Jl,,,;*" road, Laowu as tlie " Uiad Lot" and contains April 6tli, 1B73, and rreonlod ia tba liorrln i tLon,'LiniiAiiY, oisitfo nooH AND "\H application of tbo abnTO-mmoaAdniln.1 i. DMft77, bttweeo Urn h.mra or MM. and F k. J. \ p a CnAMBERFDmiTrurtE,offTtr7dc«cripti6n ( iitratw.ttfionlerodbjtbolS.rrtwtethit A Knasns forinnf *^nrcli!iaed a revolvn ?1^3, 4c^Un, mid ptrtleicf theflntpart C °' ° PIEBSOS A. 1 U for liia wifu nnd inninlcd on target pmo- to laid dpo3 mcrrfnR to themeelfoa certain Carlcd flair and other UATT1MS3ES. Beat .. Oct. mH,19H. oSSitSlvorK"^! f " ^} JSr*'° mlnoral rignti ai by reference lo Ibe record r Wring In Uitir ddrti, flfmstidi »td oliifm? ir'ders f oft Sowing and^ ipliiil^ lico. BO th.it shi? cnuld ijefoncl her liouao and onivqitartern&rt of tholtomert«a3F«na DiUd April 30tb,lS77. in miflo of Uis nhseuce. After tbo bullet Bafd deed t« arorcMlrl wilt fallv nppp*r. Iffilmt. ~tbd »aine,-nin]*r*-oalfc. withrn' nlde of said deuensod, baWei tho riEIlSON A. FREEMAN, BhtrlfT. iblbl.LVob tbli Jil*. b? siting qp .Mnpr of Itnd been jinlfo'I ouf tinrifi leg and tlio fated Marcli Slat, 1677. [Pr. t*. I2e.i Country- Cottages furnished at Master's Sale! pmv buried bo HiiiJ thiil; she'd bettor IMBER AND WOOD iHnalLeanntUaldaortliI« 111. ..nU alJ.oTUR. broof oroocl ninniw""-^."»%*»«. - short notice. AMEIIICAS MINDJU JKT fih(K»t-ffitbnn nsr. standing (henon, (lih tract in napposed to be n Cbinwry ofNowJpMej. Delweaa the Co»J til for.^n iiiaqtbi, and aho njlbio, \ha aald "Walnnl DroMlDj; RaBo'Soitci, inirliip' Inpt, inlRilnniiri nf the Sinking Fniiti oTVew Jet' qKELCHABa!E^ " •Wnlj-cajf by oUlTortlilnft tho uina iD, (he x'lilunblc by roiuon of iron' ore velnii am' aer, e itttplalnnnti, and h.llaa M. White-and BOH E«A, .«!<; o? tw-ndtf»P*MM of ihii mau., lonosits tliETeon. • • • ^ ro[QlSOtoSi:'G. . , Tho'iJuaof UnnriBs PiiKiind otlie Otnew,doftndanl*. PmrirRciaB,.!j »r.[fl or thfl (tamo mcc Jif tlmo (trt Hurrogiie 1ni!KI i'fiB Rccoh-p Lor coiUprlwja all tho balnncs • CdHoRe Fnrmtnm in ill cnlora. llandt Tbo wle nn bflliklfor lUx kTynvcnaram pmiin I.I y criftiinti g niili innnmrriibinnnmrriibii o $55 to $77 ifTatif fnrtljoi' TICAIM t« be niinoceiHW)' i^i iftko UatnoHUiatl Funa of mid dsowed, Stiiiu, from lift lo I-VJ. - iBitjoarncd totakttpiacaal tin CNtTKIt Tibj «vdlt«r-«1it]| iWRloct. to aiblUt hia nr MUJIII tri[rlmnirior.o hu» been curried .'id irll'.fci'on'rroi. ii.ft'ftr'c.t. ( iiith of Boirt mllroaa, together in'ti tiia JIAKTEI. and PIBll QLASHES, COttNIDES, 'rdafjtfnfC^ARAxraEB'MnubvtB' r debt, domaaa abd claim BJtbln UIDKUII tint HO Biia'PHyfullv in Eurilund llmt 11 (10ODTT1T FBEB. liiaitig* ntnl improireineiitti tlioroon, and 1imrFUlN I MONDAY, tho 38th day of jifty »d maytubmUl,, lb>We%lli,'Br.._,. jioumJiiifj mill enHLing •Sl.ODp, will pro- :otitainn TflrTNl'1-FOOH ACBE8/ moro -or TUninVUE at every J cnplifiir miJa fc T itABjUTfpffllTED TO SWK '• lm.ir». imbl. Hoouerj, Immense aorgo. ot. 'JttCJttCD lui lunclluncli floiir•'us u yriLjiug'nai!! Di : EM. • A. O. SUTTH, Exoontor. P. O. k rdor frota Bpoclat ilciisai." .How U tha tlmt A. D. 187T, at two n'c!t*i~i. ^. *•.;'- j' Klllr^rfoVlnWfiiSnrin.W.-P. nt3B6ELLa nib V fiooillasrntiona, ' acr) ono map. l'/lie wortrthh $3,000 $3000. DaW llirch 2fitb, 1877. 31-6w .f ' B. M. UICKIX60N, "" ~ * St., H. T. P. 0, Box, 3013. nly tor.,. b-'i! aeeuie BABQAISB. l&-3m Mt.psjdlor ljol..l)» BOSNELLV, LUYDU .,« .FLL. liH lalElRlil St., Nsw York,