VOL. VII. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, MAY 26,1877. NO 24 . I'linr,lt,M. mini accrued ui buld IUB braatb'- A Jtruiarlinblc .Masonic Inracit-rti• Tlm lube Ntntc. ed with tlie liouse Bipimil, To-day THE IRON ERA Business Cards. THElflLD FOWEB POM TIC. hardly a driiikingmim ialeft tboro." Wo trunslai? from a Ocrmaii ekelob of Hc threw. The fiiuL MuKDiiic fuueral tlittt ever We call Mnino Ibe '• Pine-treo Stoic' II. A. UENKETT, M. 1) , "It is nu outbreitk right in camp; itJBLUHBD ETEBI BltU&DAY Tf ••*•' DncoruUon Day. imwicau traval tbe sabjoiocd account "Two lives nnd a sii—sixteen !" nnid ireurred in California took pluco ; Liiko Btato'* would be on equnity op reason among the forces. It in vet »trcw wllli fliw.jl-i tlio RriiTii >r un incident alleged fto have occurred tlio planter, putting down tbo uumber, SID, >ni<] wus pi-ifurmcl over a brollii ropmitf aud dmtinctivo appellation. lipplen' rebellion, aud tbat is wlmt BBNJ.H.VOGT. HOMCEOPA.TIIIO OftliosowLonublyljlcd, HDMPHBEYB' Mississippi sWa^oat n short time bile ft murmur of sutisfaction rau iund di-owuod iu the liay ol San Fian- Iier forestB nre gradually falling before no ono ever MIW in n tein pern lira EDITOR AXD FftOlUEl'OB. uatloii'H lire tu save, revival, and I've snen nvery one since PHYSICIAN & SUIIGEON, HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS the tulvnoriug utiokn of tha luinbormau, Ofloo oa Morri* Btnat new Blaokwell. Cu I II in ilia'* patriot dead. iefvre tlio War : .', through the crowd. All ntit nf ike 1840," an nld gcntlomau in One^u uuid. Cor. Blackwelli Warren Sts., Been IB general line for twenty/eara. .rinjt»wcot(!Ht fluwer* t'mt bli>um I HHconded tbo Mimissippt, sajs tlic One of the bystanders gathered up llio latcs that on tlio body of the tleoeaticd but bor hko.11 can never be lost out o"Wf e always thought before tlinl tlm TERMS OF SUDSCRIFTIOH ETcrvwticre prural the i : HA Pi-:, - (Oppouto Dovor Bank,) rilMPLK,E€0^ In f]iriu(-iitiii'i glorious day, writer, on a Btcnmerifc hoard of wiicti dice aud put them ia the box, and tbo nw found a silver mark of a Afiimn, hor mountuiii-gimrded territory, nor can minNters bad go', to begin Iho thing DOVER, N.J., medicine* luown. They a i-ej INtWbHt o deck llio lionur'd lonib, orn Judge 3 o»d Gen. K , hoy throw again. pan whieli nore ongrnver] tlio mitlult- ibeir cbnrms ever be lessened by tin id drum up recruiU. But this is cu- Diiouoi of Women and Children, and or the tiit people VBnt, Marias I i in one v. Wloro rusts tbi.fr sacred clay. "Two sixes mid 11 live—seventeoa t" imcb of fictllcicent and civilizatiun. relv ttio work of the drinkers. They've jnel'ear, - - - 82.00 Ej« and Kar apeciaitiei. if Pimnfylvnnin, witb,botb of wbura I ( bin nninc. A little furtlior invealigit- jbelled." The old gentleman lolJ tlio •cr Tbo excitement now knew no bound?, ion rev-enied to tbe beholder the most There nro more than fifteen bundrod of 3ii Months, ------- 1.00 Bnoum:7U«A.M.,llo3»ud7lo8 apttlne tbe w;11 tried pre ptlon or 1 van «liglitljf ncquaiulcd. truth. OatHoruellsville way, unch men 18-30pd ' To Freedom * noblest too, "A bard set, these Natchez man," Enid and tbe "brnvob" resounded on every iugular exhibition of MUHOUIP rmbl'im> liotn laid down upou the better ninps in tbe Hon. Horace Bcmie, Uiinnl Cum- Taree months, --- - . — — — BC I'lio-satnnl u« Llliartjr— lio Cuptain, who met us on the cabin hand, 'ibo boy, aa ho took up tbo box Imt wna ever drawn by the ingenuity of use; liundrftlu more nre too small to b( sHioter Haiglit, find Cliurloy Tliom- ORE D. ftKITB, B. 0. HSOl*, JO. Our pcurlpGi l\'»nliinfj.or. enumerated iu a general Burvey; while Hon took the inititivc in tho mow,- in in to throw for tbe tbird ond last time, wns in upon tlie iiuoian akin. There Dr. P. A. HARRIS, Jj tilm WIIP Iufiepcndcnce HOD, lairs. " TUfre'B Borne of tbem dc many ntbei-s lie bidden in regions thai ment. They aro all called jolly good SMITH & MEQIE, rnr. ID p-ure, tlm first mi he, ilonn ]i'nyinf[ fi high game. How an nearly culorlcse oa it was passible for tliinpr io tho history or traditions of fellows, nnrl never dreamed of mooting lii.vo noLyctbceu explored. Tbaautboi A.TTOBNEYS AT LAW. IVIJO spurned an otrurud kinply ctowD, HUCJUIIIOBOCI) foolnlcinild ncrursep." hiui Lo be with hia yellow skin. oe Masonry equal to it. Bcunlif a frionil without Hwal'owingsomothin^. PJIVSICIAN and BURGEON if Water-power in Maine enyn, in tlial OFFICE 0VEI1WEIUOVS HIT BT01IE, Anil Hut Ills buuilm-n frto. Out rollcu tlio dice, and up cumo throe Tbey stopped gimiily beaiufio, as one of DOVER, N. J. "Let's go dowD ond look on awhile," otted on Inn left mm, in red nud blue voi'k : " There aro Imt tbroo or four them eaid in a meeting, be badtuodo BLAOKWELIi BTHEET, tribute bring lo all, g^ctituJ llio Judge. .- iies. whicli made Qfty-ouol IIE, which fime could uot rftVcn, 'TICS AT HI! SUlDSHOg OM OBCIUBB ITBKET. districts on the globe, not more extou. up hia mind that ho was a fool for buy- Tlio gou'rium mid tlio I'rare, "Tommy, my boy, I coriFgratulnte ing got outside of so much liquor ia 117 DOTnB, ST. T. in Itu- saloon we found four men peated nil tlie emblems of the ontirc Hive than Maine, nnd equally habitable 'lionnbl; ruHi'il at Jaty's call, seated ota table, mouDtJ wliicb u crowd oul" cried tbe planter, "You arc pprouticcBliip. There was tlie Holy his day, aud it iras about time to utoj;. Our country'* lifo lo nave, in otber rcKi>ects, upon which an equal . in Corning, at tbe first; meuling, L. W. THURBER, 1 yonr owu and your motlier's master 1 J*OHIf I\ STICKLV, .tiiiv'o tliem miwln prido eliUl bo of tjjcctutova was gatlioreil. TIIL UIUV iblo, pqunroand compnsa,'tbc tweuty- number of leeephtHps for impouudinp there was a rush of drinking men, prom- SDPEBISTENI1EHT OF 1'OBUO SCHOO« Fill uj) llie necessary pajiei's'. Oiiplaiu, ;0UIUBI1I1U> aip Uu'ui-SM, wove tlie **bi'ovy pluyora." * Ecugo HH<1 gnvel. iiin-tnli, of not inferior capacity and inent men, too, to tlie platform to sno Counsellor at Law OF UOllItIB COUNTY. nnd I will sigu tbem. Tbcse gcutlemen who .would sign first, and to-day 3,000 rum every Btnlii DfelaToiT tree, Tbo game wan pukcr, ami tlie money There were also lhe Mns iitio Pavement, lurfiicc, h to he found. TbeKenncbec AND Tlio linpc of all tbo world, 'ill he the witncHucs." out, of tbo 0,000 personB there bave I onr am. moHAniis & co.> sroim, :bmigoil hands rapidly; Wo bud uatbeei) •proaoutiug tho ground floor ol King River tiuti mhre lakes connected witb it taken tlio pledge. Here, as everywhere, MASTEIl IN CH^NCBRl, ye I Btlofe wllli lliiwpn Uiobk-r ' looking on long when. 900 of tbo players, I will not attempt to describe tbe Solomon's Temple, tbe identical vessol tbe drinking men tove begun and car- DOVEB, N. J. Where »Wp OJC bonor'il dond; :,ban tbe gignntie Oriuoco, nnd tbe Pen- ROOKAWAY, N. J. 1 middle nged man,* wUjo I lenrncd was a scene tbnt foHoved. In tbe general hich Burronnds it, and tbo blazing star jbfloot tban the Oregon', or tban all theried on tbo Rorfa. .' Tlicir frtKhiiiochilntlon with tlio 1CM :ottoii pluutar, bat 6|8watilpllnr aijainst Kntiiifnct.ni], nne (if tlio rousbeet luoHing ntlio centre. On his riglit arm, dud rrioiidniiipii'ur tlitim died. •ivonrii) Africa, eo fnrnsis known." In Bath olmoBt everybody hss Bigucd. J. J. VREELAND, IP hanil of one o . Tbo men in tbe crowd proposed a s'tibscrlp- irlnticitlly eieciitod iu tbo Batne in No liquor IB Bold, no drinking is done, BLANOHABD, Wbo lorn tuoni not ? Bwoct emblem* lion fur tbo freed nngrncfl. Tlio piopo- Carpenter and Builder;' md tmtb; itter bliowtid four Mpgs, wbilo bo bud J\O liquid, were tlie emblems portii But tho Kounobec nod the Ponubsuot id Httlo excitement is apparent. Tboy ATTOIINEXATLAW, orin KiLion «'os received witb BUCII favor tliat .0 tho follbncraft's degree, viz: TboITO only two of ball a dozen important take it all us s matter of course. Iu Their baoi wore bom of lkavui-'s |;ure ligbt, Q]J four queens. He was "cleaned 8 Jobbing promptly attended to. tKO MA8TEB IN CHANCEItY, in loss than live minutes fifty dollnr tho love! aud tbe plumb. Tlioi-o riveifl in Maine, each of which 1B con- Cnmpballtown every man, women, nnd Tboy toll of Immortal joiitli. jut," uuil nine ns though he wero Ruing child fans taken tbo pledge, mid in Hec- DOVEB, N. J. By.HpBMTH.Bt.Vltiia'DFSDee, ,iw wero oollectcil.—Appkton'i Journal. ilsa Lho five columns representing tho ucctcd will) an eilensiva lahpnystem of IfaODt on BLaOKWELL fit., next to Qagefc Offlea over A. WiglitoD'. IIOTA and tin itorc, -'- nlcwaled tore throat. M TUcj point tbe fl(g tbat gMa onr oyos, to lcii\o tbe tnbie. tor and Monterey almost every ono. ;MllotiN and Eruptloas, CO Ob, may It wave for nyo 1 orders of architecture—the Tuscan, ils own. Tlicse two rivers dmiu tbe . Ha!»v'a lumber mill,.- 17-lr BfiikmllilrML . .. FAMILY CUES. "Are j(»u broke, Colimel.?" oskej one AMERICAN .IDniVAl.lSTS IS UK1II "Waverly has had the reputation of Contracti taken' Mid malarial ruroiibid.
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