er Devoted Presented Fairly, Clearly ,-, .l.r Community And Impartially Each Week Local Coverage KllH Complete News Pictures

PnbUahrt NO- 52 On Prtdt) CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 6^1962 Rntend w Ind Olia IltD At P o., OaiUrrt, H J. PRICK TEN CENTS Bidders Huge Road Receive Awards Program Will

ll(iii«in» Authority i t Ids ( out nuts on Commence KI«I«TIV

CARTERET - The Housing Authority Tuesday night award- Kl'ND RAISINfi COMMITTEE MF.K.TS: IWt to Riclit. Mary Kamiiiski, Mary Grrristrad. Walter Schaffhwiser, Margaret ed five contracts totaling J630.- Hall, George Klaiiss, Ollj,. S/rlanowski. and .loan Kuliirkii. Deverin Asks Council 110 for the construction of 50- unlts for the elderly on Hudson and Union Streets. Miss Alice Voter Support The awards will become ef- Presbytery \M Scholarship Fund . ('on y Rev. Klodnytky inm Told Of side fective upon approval by the In Primaries ii|' .Illllll t. Mew York Regional Office Zawadzki To Get Award the Public Housing AdmlnlMeetings Set \Raising Plans Announced CARTERET—Thomas Deve- 1 tuition Irin, incumbent candidate (or '62 Plan lur (In "•''• CARTERET-The Very Rev , , ,, ., t . to |the Democratic nomination (or .,,.,. i in- optn- Th lal K iSl t m nM t went CARTERET - Mrs. Strwart, Interested persons may contact I lilQQ Dr. Vladimir Klodyncky. pastor llu. Patock constnictlon Com- Hall, chairman ,of the Fund members of the committee. ithp Borough Council, In a state- CARTERET — An lntenstvi 1 For Tuesday 1 I1(.(j. of Newark's Ukrainian Ortho- pany, Shrewsbury. $387,700 for iRaising Committee, announced The Minue committee will merit today asked for the sup-' road improvement program Is ..'hi.iiiv I, dox Church, will receive a ctla- CARTERET — Miss A(ice port of his candidacy in the • I ii ill A.M construction work CARTERET The plans for the fund dnve of the sponsor a turkey dinner to be ~*"v*.^v~* ...... -,.-- r -—-—., _- now in the making and with lion from the QI^, bidders were, tery of Elizabeth will meet at'.private Nicholas Minue U em-! served at 1 P. M. on June 24 Zawadzkl, daughter of Mr. and;primary election April 17. the $90,000 in the road budget ^SfH^on. Antl - Defamation N Mflltrse and New „„. Presbyterlan church,;orlal Scholarship Fund M a at the American T.edon Mem.;Mrs. Stanley Zawadzki, 348, This is a primary for the and'aid coming from the state, League of B'nai B'rlth. al Its Bnmswic|< structural Avenue, has. party to select the Councilman Alexander Such, .,, iii'rmib noied S4.923. 9 nn P \s T,,o.rf»v rhnrrheRimeetln& of tne grou'•' at -— -- - annual board meeting April 10 u M Lnurule6 the iiamcu valedictorian of the 1962 candidates Who will run under told the Council last nighihtt that wn* *eit --"- " r --•"--: "-•• -.•'»»•'•.; Cantello Plumbing and ^ " >• - ™saay. jAmerlcan Legion Memorial'.the Melodalres will follow ln thp wntown club Nmilk graduating class of Carteretjthf Democratic party label for this year should be a record one molved in D° ' Heating Company. Elizabeth, of this district will be repre- 'u dinner. Mrs. H1 h Sch o1 and Mlss Dr Kl0(lnKlodnyckycky . AR fllend nf reiasowsKi Mrs s uman- K ° ' Doro-| Council in the November elec- in the way of street rebuilding Inll hour y ' $101,909 for plumbing; Nicholas Rented by a Ruling Elder andj FUnd raising activiti be A. Szelagowskl, Mrs. S. Uman 1 Rpv JohJohnn Hundlak1 1 1 8 . astor of Walter' Schaflhauser and thy Stein, daughter of Mr. andjtlon," Mr. Deverin stated. "As and resurfacing, li side was ' J " " ' *' P Schwalk, Inc.. Metuchen *91, a Teaching Elder, the Pastor, divided into two mum cate- ski. 11 St8L. DemetriuDpm rluisi Ukrainian Or "'-'- """ Rooseveltja life-long Democrat who be- Birth Kt- . ^. Ukrainian Or fl7flm ffo0!.r hontlriheatinKg anandd ventilationventilation.. ,„„,..., ,. .„,. Ad .,„,.fe„ TllTheo gories: the actual solsolicitatioi n Klauss are serving on -" Bids will be received for the thodox Church, frequentlyMud Urmer Electric Company, Wlth tqUiU votte an<1 , ]of funds and the fund raisins the dinner-dance committee. Avenue, lieves in and adheres to the resurfacing of the following' preached In Carteret. unmet. tuuHiuu^, to the Tickets to this affair will go Besides ranking highest, in philosophy of the Democratic !• OVIT"' Perth Amboy. S43.70D for elec- Presbyterian form of govern- L, contributions streets, he said: Ash, frott presentation will ...... «_ il..L . . ... parly, I would ike to state my first, Tlie ment nets its name from the fund arc being solicit, d from on sale during the coming week, their classss, the ggirls have: both Daniel Street to the westerly "In recognition of tilcal work. position ln the primary. As an I'Viotis steps made approved New Testament Greek word, business and professional uer- All funds raised by the Fund bfef n leaders in many organto- line of Park View: Hagaman discovered act*, of Commissioners incumbent candidate, I must stopped by miming of the project in honor "Presbuteros", meaning "elder", aont by letter.' The household Raising Committee will be all - U°nsU°ns. Both were officeis m the Street from Coolidge Avenue to manlty and heroism displayed of the laic Joseph A. Hermann, and is the pattern after which v on the support of the peo- the southerly borough line; '.Vt Uby Dr. Klodnycky in saving fhst mayor of the borough, the United States' form of gov- to ho J *-" • IUWWIU^J •'» ™"'^ HIM II1H.VUI UI mr i*M.illKM. UK OLatcn Louis Street from Jersey Street 0 to ...„, .. _. „ to Avenue; Intw- ..n.'ther thi rc. from disaster the Jewish com- permission wll be sought from ernment is copied. 'from vfiii-uns MuuBiniAf., ^..iw.... for contributionsto Carteret students to further section of Washington Avenue, \'v .irt by tht, mimlty Of the city of Chmel- Hermann's two surviving sis- The Retiring Moderator, Rev.|comainers the nyk, HIP Ukraine, In the year ters. Designation of the hous Robert Weiman, Pastor of the'friU be placed In stores, restau- their educations in ™* Louis and Cypress Streets; Her- I.,.mi] the came ranis and other public places, fesslonal and technical schools. I 1919." according to Louis Ollck mK jtl his memory had been second Presbyterian Church, ield offices in music groups. and any others in ^ man, ADL director by the fire comptmies. Rahway. will lead the devo- Ta* Day on May 5 will mark Mrs. M. Gerristead. publicity Zawadzkl represented _ Strert. de- Miss Zawadzkfi le my candidacy I have been a —, A fence located on one of the uonal. The new Moderator is the closing of this part of the director, announced that three Mis, Zawad k ™tea faithful Democrat, and as and Leick Avenue Irom Roose- Dr. Klodnycky was in activv l of the l|la ucels of land purchased for Rev. Douglas Bartlet, Pastof Of fund raising effort Hilda! will be awarded ^ ^^r SciencSLef InstitutliieS councilman I have done my ut velt Avenue to Randoloh Street. ttl( iCouihlin, i. nitlltatJ' servlneum-e in World War ' project is to be offered to the Grant Avenue Presbyterian Junior College Sciencelmosl t to act In the best iinter- Councilman Such reported \layoi Pri'd"- *•''/W " TI I ll ITlll e '" * |' States shortly thereafter More the borough for $1, with the church Plalnf ield. Members Walter Schaflhauser andltest. The prizes will be "-|Seminal, ,lnd Princeton Univer. eMs of all the resldent_sof Car also that the state has ap- lhan 30 years hf : lpt>(l ' dite **° ' '' municipality removing thf and friends of the churches GeogGeOigee KlausKiauss are co-cnanmen^raveco-chairmenjgrav<'da_ walnuwamuti plaquesymqucn. Dw,. n.pmil.a, raroavaVflrni ahe also iteret. I lully realbe*tharealfae^thatt K a|piovcd the William Street pav- 1 of( ttii iie fund raising com.nittee.Uohcommittee.ljohn Fenick, Walter Schaft""-•,- ^ • ^_™« a^, , ^alavan.. . .. 3h e . I!'..! .,?.'... organize the local church He [,.nc* at its own expense may uttend the business ses- o public., sei-vanseivant one cannoant t be irij and the project will-be ad- ' aim held paitomt** in Penn At the March meeting John gion.s, but only representatives Voluntee,'s are needed to assistihanser and William Gerrtetead .gayed inthe AUStote Orches vertised ln the near future. Be- act jin the household solicitaUoivhave donated the prizes. ,^ and New Jeisey O^eia Or- all things to all men. During Sudla, executive director, had mHy vote -ichestra, my tenure on the Borough sides William Street, others In t Nurem. mm Q$$M tadtad \ma set for pr'pale the me of the Carteret flhap- High School Evaluationjctte, a member of thf yearbook of all the resident* of Carteret Cypress Street to Fillmore A*e- pew- ttltTm n,n KM. t n»t «i»v* OI,HI« .staff, and president of the and have done my Utmost to nue, and a plan is being studied lav 1 and on itt.r of the NBtlonal c^^ Senior Judaean Pioneers. act accordingly to do all of the remaining iin- mature pnKsed '•Tbtke has been great prog- proved area of Carteret ?AVB>> :li;>t hiivlng Discussed by PTA Group ress nkde h Carteret in thenu?'- Pennsylvania A " "• \va.- an act Rev. H. Addison WttMem^er - Tne Carteret \2> Various iactora which m- "- y«RMtiJ,tiJtt m «MueM«it m& ttttwtttttw But > j lie court U) pwjecto* eisroHjnBBto its tt#«iriiimmlty muitthe northerly ,'"d ip Comnu'--- rt* Vilbf »nd confl- Mlrnft, School. >:';i the elK- «verairlMP u*t m»f aiie»d In AU temporary (treets. irtwntHfc releasi^ Citiaens *4^!year; $LParocRjal SiWb -».—. K qt Foe; ty &id ttfc'wbHtf] a lOOian S»1O. oal B,,ul HUWCU uviumi. me will) uuiim.-vj.uiLi me uui- - ,- Committee RejicWi etsluattnji^gisterg i s which averageage 40 per tut we should en- the road department. Council- 0 18 2:1 22; 1(g 5teTS wmcn ., ;. Past en- 11 ,1s a statement released by I stall curbs and gutters and lights »ndlea street superintendent and a.« would be a shooe-in. Eleven mem- Workers preparing for Daily Bonkoski was looted chairman agreed with the report which •s. Mae He said that a 100-bed hos- t\\m 'municipal"chairman, It will be CARTERKT - "The only people being^ mis- Vacation Bible School will at by its membe s and prepared stated that a final solution can Zawislowski and Mrs. Willnin Stil ithe best thing anyone oould do.bers lead in this campaign are the : or Chamber of Com- tend a preview cbnference at the final 26-p;ge report which .only be decided by the local w 111UII11 OlUNew- ' Carteret." jthe Junto! [supporters of Mr. Jackson who Baggillio. ,-d S86 for the bene- Bloomfield College, 7:30 P. M.. IBoard of Education and school Fourth Degree Ja«kson. speaking before ap-imei :f ean the committee submitted to the have not known him long if the liKal edition in the Tuesday. The ladles will .it- iBoard last No ember, administrators. Mr Bonkoski .umbu-N honored Proximately 50 persons at aim pointed out tnat the Council enough to see through his "act" War: Football League!tend Evening Presbyterial din-! The council .vas conscious of ., jnjQ at tne house party, stak'dtatea,, "Douglas;P(i|uougiasruiJ) nai.n'i '""- —•>—icim QvcmiiK ricoujtcnai um-; TUC council .vas conscious oi must .start to educate the pub- of righteous indignations. Given z t"!l. etion during a must be replaced asiwlim tin Jaywes held a car-!ner at plainfleld. Wednesday, the Rencrai apiroval the report lic to the problem. The parents enough time, however. I'JH sure : eet superintenden;ndent if any of;wash Siiturdav |6:30 P. M. Mid-Week Lenten received both frqm the Board of students presently in only (these supporters will 'see the . liiuii Sunday at 1 ,, ...uded by Waysj Wednesday, 7;30 P. M.. Borough's problems »re to The ;n)UP smlcei and school adnirtistrators. light" as so many of his past iImh School, Tren- h Clutirmihdedm bWilliay Waysjm followei d Wdby ad Trustoes730' Pmeet M - the first to fourth grades should .•Milting Mitchell solved" I and M .'It US The PTA co.ncil. wiliicri pro- (Continued on Page 3) friends, myself included, have "Tlie streets of Carteret are'Bensulork. •ondiu-U'd the proj- mg at 8;3o p, M. moted and ralied public sup- i h;> start as a Mas- Station! learned. deplorable condition. They/ict at Ki. port for the 1 -cent elementary "At the meeting of the Gen- Joseph Kreid-have been | for the past four from 8 A M.-° 4 jV DRIVE eral Organization, which Mr. u,: jUs^ye"". and to condition exists Al pr ul navigator- mainly because of Zenobla. 'are beiiw turned .m to Leadership Seminar] ;mamiy Decause o( ^nunw. »- r ", uieMdent of ththe.see sex County ChapteChapter of Catnonc Jo pica! "He must be replaced as mu-temu- terr GaMo,G M •. V'presiden ] '^t lsmeniWar VeteraM will hold a cloth- — -- -,,"'V' I CARTERET - Members ofj Al * nlclpal chairman because he .ponding Caiuni »P U to help vious increasing enrollment ni|th Carteret Business and Pro t\t}dUd 1 '" who i» activeihas'no.hasnot provideorovlded the leadershileadership Assmmt ion. a? tu JB* "*™ •"«" ,,nInnlps. the local higl school. Bonkoski fessional Women's Club of »» —,jy. leper colonies. >: Columbus and'exptcted of him. nation toward ThTheRosare Rosaryy Memorial PosPostt ;pointpointed out tt.e following high- Carteret will attend a woman; •Sonety, is past "The toUl lack of interest wide endeavoi Auxiliary will hold a party torjltehtej of the .tonun.ttee Reportt leadership seminar April 14 at! Foes To Debate •ixiiii ul Car* As- and concern of the street prob-' The Jajeee veterans April 9 at Lyonsj (U Tliere .ire presently 1010(Rutgers University. CARTER E.T Raymond T 1 i»M president oflem on behalf of Zunobia caniwin be held ' Hospital. i studentA s ii n ti' e higlll h schoohl l withwitithhj MisI s GineerH r SherrSh y ai|a|d Mrs.) Abazitt, candidate for the Dem- Holy Name. I (Continued on Page 3) 8 at the emu an anticipate 1650 average byjRichurb d Donovan are In'charge ocratic nomination for c:oiinctll 1967. A peak •nrollinent of 1750 of applications for the seminar. he would be only too 'can be antiipatect eventually Mrs. Ethel Quin has glad to debate the leveling off o ;iu average ofjelected chairman of the club's jues with his opponents. He has 1650 after W0. (nominating committee. asked his eamoaicn manager to MAX HEBEHIKIN contact nil counci)iiianic candi-j JOSE B. GAGO dites for nn agree ibl» time and| Carteret Mai\\ In Marchplkce, so that th- DemocratlC| voters themselves en iudge the, U.S. Metals Retires 2 Men merits of each candidate. and plant His statement follows: "Both] OARTERET - John Towers, vice president With Queen's Guards manager of the U.S. Metals Refining Company announced Mill r All SucDUIMh HI1andU M11.1r Ro.rayj ««vJack« j 1 lUttUajCl UI »» "•" — f A il 1 l962 lwu ....,,.-,. • CARTER]!' Raymond M. In 1957, the Queen's Guar.. d t son have shown a complete lack] the retirement of twWo employeeJ s as 01 Apt 1 1, placed 5th in Washington; in of leadership and have been Jose B Gago, 68 Ati'a"aic Street, was'hired in-is)34 as a ,Zazworsky, .011 of Mr. and Mrs. reoatrman in the yard department. He was later transferred D. J. ZaziW'irsky of 141 Edgar 1959 they ranked 4th; and in walking' blindfolded through a 1 to to Sictonteal department as a carpenter. Working his Street, iniinlK'd yesterday with 1960 they were rated third field of resources lor good gov- 1 way upToitotdass carpenter, he remained in Uus classi- the Queens Guard Air Force among the nation's ROTC drill ernment. Their maneuvering is fication until his retirement, . ___ Rare drill U'am in the Na-, teams another ex'-uiiDji' of tlvir too too late attitude. They Max P. W. Heberlein, 1120J-' tioiwl ROTV dull team coippe-] The Queen's Cgiurd is OIUI ot „ stand for absalutelv nothing, t D C jtitloii in Washington, D. *^-ithe units which was chosen to; •xi)PPt the voters to support iZazwoivsky H a student of Rut- ' " ' represent New Jeisey m Piesi- do,loth|lu, with M company. After re-i gers and i( majoring in elec- dent Keimedy's tnaumiral Pa-:^,^ Mardi Cms Queen m>air morpe interest^ fa „. "hi„„s lllodegre...e fro...... m vth«. : the first unit, to CARTERET — Miss Mary tiical enuit lii'i'JJ' rade. It is DuliMcal wars wl'htnlpriefcerg Mining School, G«r The Air t< .. • ROTC Queen's in Armed Forces Ann Hila, daughter of Mr, arid ~ participate U)o iiitrtv than serving. the!ma,^i jjeberleir jOuard is tl. number one drill Day ceremonies at McGutre ^ mw ' Iciated with the ...... ,« lutp,- den |treet, was crowned Mardi team in tin nation. In April, Air Force Base and,the Armed ,,} ,|m tl 1981 the turn Placed Irlst Jn p^ ti^ later, Queen of Georgian Court Forces Dny ceremonies at Camp witn no Dodge Copper the annual (.'lierry. byi Kilmer. to . facMon or segment. in|Mr Festival National Drill Compe- Heberlein was hired Miss Hila, a graduate of Car- Membership in the Queen's of Carteret e tition in Wilmington. D. C. tlle f u in 1933 as a " " teret Higgh School and a Junjof, Guard is on a competitive basis 1T)1>r|. no eotnmi m nts wha^so- After w«rk- Tliis victory over fifty-two1 , t Georgian to all s'i'd'-nts *.ho '»«' enrolled ,vf,r , »»k tlv' suonoi't. of to asQie,soS of research, helhe Ughlish , maj01, wltn a mX[ jcompeting trains is the first WH,,( fvno.fhtnrfilljj in the Air Force ROTC pro- ted staff metal-;minol. Bhe qualified for ft«4' jtime a drill unit has won both ••••••• •-jlu-tKl,1.s. The train- i ..„„•.. t0 ,«,,.ve t.ivm. Mv ql»t- lu'^tot"*'a "Jxisi'tion he held until dramatizing Segisoiv thi national rlmmmoushlp «nd,^ , , hei' ( b m 8wt in inn i« one "' h H nositive ap- i. retli'emeiit. . do's solilcxmey from "li ] the. Arnold •-iro^'h. and I v"' do my best The retires were guests of^ 8uen0" in Spanish, t Award. extlu 'Q csrrv it out. ""'v opinions on Towers at a luncheon in 1' iQueen'a Ou«rd .became "..unw-n sport. •\il bmoiwh met,t.firs will be un- on March MEETING MONDAY Hiiis'd and mv voice shftll be t at the lunch CARTERET -Tht ,, ,•to *• A)(Q pi6sen in t^ose orobtsms wh«re tionally famous for their 8ui- h-ard a w Ml. N y KW-ta, as- American Ladies Auxiliary w(] ROTC team tn capture the na- which lnvolvesjthe welfare of th» majority °*!gistant supertntendenVand Mr. have ite regulai- meeting lnvolvesjthe weit...... jstant supertnten dVd M v 14-inchithe people is at stake." rifles, and WMtin» m&nanlc»l depart-|day. In the fixed ;•"» iwuity, janitor, and aludeiiU In "'<• ' "•" Uitii technique in putting out dltirmil u>m impeeted the Chief TODAY, APRIL 6, 1982 LEGAL NOTICes Ik) Tht Director of Writ,.. .,. , PAGE TWO M pild in annual ,,. M ORI)INAN( R IMIO.QO, Tht Cletk of •>;,, n| AN ORDINANCE fan Department arm;; •, .' ° AN ORDINANCE an annual salary nf tv.y ' Huge Road ••AN ORDINANCE (1) Tht Borough Auditor , „ 'be p»ld an annum »,,.,.. •'• AKD BROtn,.MT THE craft! M Continued from Pace 1> week. I4#mw. "I OftO and Council should find (61 YOUTH CENTER (ml The Assistant to the ]A, In tile Bormi'th Hall ,.•', ' Rrcreitlon •wit If that kind of money Is paid an annupl silary nf ».-„ J month. ..ayallable in the borough Mayor (nl The Clerk In ii,f h, .' Stephen eklba &?reed with him mel'l Of the A"M*ir ..' ] ' paying that tlif plan has b«en shall be. paid an inini., . " IT or ,4400m ' ' .spiked about 'ong ?nough. Thfi AND iq i The Working Fornui . Council will attempt to set up 01' ('AI1TEFIF71 Street and Pmd u>.,,.. SKCIII1N 1 ^ shall be pilri a' tli»Jti,, ." X meeting with other organtea- tn ?•):! of $3 .M per hour, i ,'jions and romf up with a ». Section R .. •to whlnh i,m , t. la htfphj jm» . ' +|.,.8lx ordinnivp!; were passedi .'«oh first readme The first is toi SSCTIOH II. Th» !«'•" RECTION « ikl Kmii.n-M J^Biend •he zoning ordinance plovee* of the Borough « Si"*ane DI»|K)»JI1 .; ,h»V I" P»'d »» fo|ln*f paid as follows .jihile the ottifrs would amend (ai The Deputy u The superintendent •: • *"the salary ordinance of certain; known a* the Awlsin nK« Dlspoaal Plan' <1,, , . ^^ leer?; amtnd municipal | Borough Clerk, i" •n annual aalart nt iv , inn-"' Warr of Assistant Ruperlntriitiiv • , ••court salary: amend fire ,l>) The AMimm ' 'l" Sewa«e DUprnmi ralary and amend lor of Tain »ha.l p:\ld an annual salary <•• t, minntl salary of tw Ihe C'.aaa A Mslntf:^:, , Jw de;it. salary. The com- • I-1 TheClert In 111' dull bt paid at the >,»,, . plete text of the.<-e resolutions 12 SS per hnut; t.M» •ii;,;.-, ,. . Jgfcn be found elsewhere In the i- 4 Tlir Hitwt Shipfrtn lur «ho*e dtitlri «-r . 'I 1Vir< of a utility man, nlm,: . newspaper , nf Roiutt vlrt in di The Janitor in the " «" : anmml salorv ot WAOnoo. at the baalr n't n; > hour; the trmk dnif , . *' The Council will proclaim ai l [8KCT1ON 4, S«-tlnn 5 of fhf or- ttl»rv of isawo. rw, Mf.l " ••'OT:^T^MHP" ... lieu of fees, bm hf shall he fn- general Mtllltv man. < L thing possible will be done to tltled to receive all fees now al- p«ld at tht baalr rut* t'v pick up all trash. Pick-ups will lowed to him bv law hour; the Oenernl I ,, ; . Dominic BBCTION 5. Spdlnn « nf the or- employed ln the Re»v ! •. ' "lie made daily from the curb, dinance to whlrh thin I* an amend- aha'.l he paid a' '-' b**• Plant ahall bt paid »• • ,• j Edward "!S*y^^ g^L ArSo.d W—r. f— Mm •IJ^CgP t '*nd if not gathered up the same ment la hereby nmradrd to read u •3 jj per hour rate of U17 per ho ir . LEGAL NOTICES ''5day. he asked residents to be follows: ,„) Mm employed .»'f 2."",°" Uborera shall be |i«;: SECTION 8 The Director of Rec- ^ad Maintenance ai.d narM«e tiaatr rat* of 13 0« ;»• patient because the job was Amboy and attended|K. Brown, Mayor Steven Sklba, reation Khn 11 hp paid an annual and A^i R'tnova! »:••'•• "'^ Th* bade numbers '•: - tlon 21 ot the o r week for Borough n•„• ^i big one Deverin Asks schools there. He is a graduate Councilmen Sullivan. D'ZurlllaJ ihli ordinance salary of 42600 0(1 »t ,he b»«lc rstr of I-"I t* (»l The Assistants to the DIr'c- hovir *ho are pajd on an tw ,- j Borough Attorney John Koli- ahall be 40 hours Tl;e n •,• ;of St. Mary's HiKh School and Hutnlck and Szymborrtl. Clerici^^* tor of Rpcrfatloh ahfill be paid Rn; (Continued from Page V iht A: true* divert <^' •"' BIKIJT may In Its dl«rrf'> 1 was appointed attorney to annual Milan, of 116.W 00 i * Das was appuiiucu an»uw »u • attended extended sales man- Pat PotoeniE, Municipal Chair-'""- ' O..V,,,.... 21: Tt>« Policemen _ Blree-'andRo.dDei.ame,,; wd, the rat« ot time . , rirst retdlng. The aaJd ordinance (b) The fo'.lowlne romp'n<.itinn!: agement and business manage- Patrolmen of the Police Depart O«b.« log Aa« nrni .ta, D^ hniiln for eafh l«mr a:; fn £ the Planning Board to help "it maintain what we have To do man Douglas Zenobla and Bor-will be further considered on eecontl ahall be paid for th« various w-1 ment courses at the Research ment of the Borough of Carter* ptrtmem. whn» d'ltlei •''.»•" work* orer the baau- « i,. ,'•' I get off its feet," as the mayor this without burdening the lo- iough Attorney John Kollbas...... -Mt- (other man the Chief of P tlvltles under the BupcrviMon of lhrv«e of a utility m»tv '•]%% Puwiaut to N J 8 A 4. Institute of . the recreation dPiu\r:mfnt: paid «• the basic rve of V -« I termed it. McCarthy's Sporting cal property owner with adfll- iPresidents of clubs Thomas Lleutr:iimt*. Hcrgemts the Bnrouih may, i< • - •r , 1 llAJIUt. 11L.> ... --.. other ntllctrs of higher rank (1) BASKETBALL- I per hour. tion additional to '!iw « »• Goods, Woodbridge, was award- tlonal taxes, we must S«K aa- A resident of Carteret for the V M,, Council ChMUbfrs. Borough; ,Coughliii. Charles Hall, John may I .-reaftfr be appointed) ah Referees—senior I.eame. MOOi (I! TT.e employees of the Street set forth, pay ln put'. <>; * ed the contract to furnish ath- ditional ratables. With tne .past 15 years, he Is married to Hall, Cooke Av«nut, Cnrteret, N. J.I each <• paid on annual aalar; per (tame; Rffrree»-Frfj!.:i!»n,j On.i'.n* Dtpartmen' a.ia-1 o* the ntcenan1 prenilu:n .,• ;,• letic equipment for the summer opening of the J>°uUiern "J" |Marko and Charles McKeman, at which tlm* and placf all persons 1 the former Lillian Coughlln compcisatlcn of $5200.00 lor t.. Bophoniort , Junior LOA^IPS. M 001 psld as follows: um» for hospltallu'.'.oo :-,, playground schedule on Its low trance and exit Tfcthe Turn- iVice-munlclpal Chairlady Ann lntereattd will bf given an oppor- first '-fitf "' aervlce, listing Jror.. per (tamp; Reftrees—Mldiet. i'»b! The Worktnp Foremsn iha.l be and aunrlrmi lni\inr,r« ' r _ . . . «... _n__ T KUU mro rVior InP PTlLlrC iftnd is the father of three chil- tunity to be heard the t;ne ol the appointment with and Olrln I^airue, |3 00 per prvin*;' paid at the baste r»'e of t « officers and tmp'.ovefi bid Of $4,034.21 pike, I am sure that the entire DeVito, Committcemen Robert PATRICK POTOCNIO I |dren.vHe is a communicant of an 1; rdaic of M00.0« i«r year of Inatnictor*—Midget League C'.'.n-\ 'per hour; the driver of SECTION ». flection 14 ul • ., MinuMiime tract, as well as thtne iorfor-- arcn. we is » tumiuuU.v«,,, u. Elliott, Walter Surowka and BorouRh Clerk servl' •' tlicreafter until auco a»l»ry Ic, 110.00 per session: lnstnirmra, s!rf,. .weeper *h»!; b,, p» d atdlimnce ta which thU Is m »r mer Arsenal tract, will attract St. Joseph's Church and it aJoseph Bonevico. Mrs, AnCn. P. 4/8/O or ciT.iwiniitlop sli»H ttMh the —Cub Le««\ie C'llnlp, $8 fn per IT,flit ii hereby (.minded to •• Barney, Mrs. Eileen Ebert, Jo- sum 'f $(5100.00 per annum, pro- »e»ston; Tlmrkfeiier^. S2nn jier «U' ^V'dm, w''« S follows: many new favorable industries member of its Holy Name So- vldeu niiwcvcr, that the preient n r [ciety and PTATvri , ORDINANCE 9H game; Scorck«!r*r'. •' ' P' i ; £2' hSTf .-.-..•..., m.; to this community, thereby ln- -'-'•• —•* seph Teleposky and Alex Fa- AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND \N Incu: hrnu of office of uniformed, junif. school t'ustodUr.s. W 00 14. Thi> ordl:;.i:.. f I He is a veteran of World War zekascas,, ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN OR. poll nen or Patrolmen who b»vel per evenlne. m r creasing our ratables, To that, of 1228 per n ' . M0, f felroactlfe to Janu^r DINANCK TO ESTABLISH. REC.U- i-;i'-h of office of uniformed j (21 BA9KBAI.I - POFTBAIX- end, I am completely dedicatedill, having served in the U. S. 'The result of the commit- e whereter allowid b; IRX LATE, KQUIP AND CONTROL i.«i <" Pstrolnien who have Uniplres, softbai! find J\inlor '$ Poll •'••••' tor three years laat past, Tht foregoing ordlnanre u and will devote my efforts to Navy aboard the U.S.S. Oberon tee's vote was as follows: Mr. THE POLICE DEPARTMXNT IN leajrvie, $6 00 ptr nmf; umpires- Defn be paid an annual talftfl' of ba5)t- , ,. _ -..„ troduced at a meeting of •:.•• secure the best type of indus- in the European and Asiatic Deverin 18 - Mr. Abazio 12 - THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET; h Babe Ruth «nd Joe Mnl«!rlt TO ADOPT HULES TOR ITS GOV- I]) park employees sha.i ft paia , Bommh ( car:'-f theaters. Mr. Such 4 - MrM.. JacksoJ n 4 1610 tieaRiie, Moo r*r p^me: \implrfs-l fll of he 0 try to come to Carteret. We ERNMENT: TO FIX AND EN. Little Ijtai.'ic. 13 00 pt: came:; as follows: h^'Aprll 5, 1M3. «h*n it WM ;. LIQUORS FORCE PENALTIES FOR VI.™ *- SBCn 5 Section 22 111, of the must not wait for Industry to, Mr. . Deverin iss sales s superp - [There was still no objections 8iipiTTlsor- f.l!:!c Iieacn' and Park a.ia.1 or , . Th* salil o- TION OP SAID RULES AND TO .,:&:•- - which this ordinance If o n tu Jt rewllM Joe Medvlrk I faRUf. SSOd pn courage and seek out and seviso- r for the Breyer Ice Cream I made by anyone us to this REGULATE AND DEFINE THEIR nn »!: . m.fii: la Hereby ain^iiui^ s.-orclieeper, 12 00 per; cure the best there is. Co., and is on the board of method of selection." DUTIES AND TO FIX THKIR 10 re, ,, -., addition to the <-omn«ii- Wi(. -Drive-In- , COMPENSATION" "I do not intend to encage directors of the Raritan Bay 6i- :i j-rovlded for by Setuuns (31 TOUCH FOOTBALL— in any name calling or person- .Community Chest and Cerebral LEGAL NOTICES BE IT ORDAINED BT THI MAYOR u . w, 21 and 48A (3), Uut; Instructor. f9 00 per session: of 1208 per hour: tht Serving four AND COUNCn, OP THK B iROUGH ,,::uer of the Police De-j Referees .mul head lineman, 'alsy Fund-raising drives. Cl ahall be paid at the bnMc n.t ^^ Umf tai pllM a alities in this primary cam- .OF CAKTKRET lur ."lit shall be paid 1150.00.! 12 50 per came o? «.« per hour; and 'h« par. fmted w,n u ^ ^ ORDINANCE *« ISECTION 1. Section 18 of '.he or He is a member of Carney i* . .:•'.!:» for the care and up-; (4) OIRUS VOI.l.EY BAM - time laborers «ha.. be paiti »t Beer, Wine and paign. I go before the people AN ORDINANCE TO AMETO ANdlnance to which this ord'.: ince •• b# hear(1 ken ' their uniforms. i Buperrlsor-Iinrnrtnr? s:ii on ner the bane rate ot II ?8 p* J10ur. PATRICK ?m iwitwith my record anandd ask theCouncil 1280, Knights of Co-ORDINANCE TO SUPPLEMENT «n amendment Is amended 'o rend SfollJll 48 A (3) ot session; school custodians, H00 All Park employees »hal! be un- Borough c>:< lumbia. Ancient Order of Hl-AN ORDINANCE ESTm.ED "AN s follows: SECm. Liquor Needs support of all of those who like • to which thU la an per session der the direct nupervlslor. of the ORTIINANCE TO ESTABLISH. SECTION 18- The Chief if to- "<« ord:i. me, want to see this community iernlai.5 and the American s hereby amended lo (51 PXAYOROt'NDS- Street Superintendent of Roads^CJ^ 4 6 si BOUT? AND REOITI.ATE A TTRK lice shall be paid an annua salary amending; Senlor MaJntPnanie man, *2.15 or compensation ot »8150.* pro- rea: o'. li:l ":;n The PINGRY SCHOOL Coughlin Hits OF"CARTERET. 'lhat this crdinance the Police Department of the lor- sKCTMN ISECTION' 1 Section 1 'bi nnd lei ough of Carterft for a period r at hhall :.iki ;fect oil January 1, 1942 VITA-VAR PAINTS 215 North Avenue, Hillside, N. J. (Continued from Page 1> of ^ Sinnlfmrnt to an ordinance .-mltted by iaw. ,,,,,,»u ,, __ least three years pr.or to his .p- « and Jackson wiled stacked over 200 entitled "An Ordinance v> Es'abllsh.! :ng orJ'.nantf vas Intro- annountfi that >;»n "I.- nt-.iiate s F.rp Depart-' polhlment. The Ijr | people hfird me ask for thfc meeting of '.lie Council ment in the Borough of Carteret"iSECTION 2. Section 15 of thf o:- be heard 2Mi-2:n Washington Avcnuf Telephone EL 5-6990 the fiawfc'orihr ArtWhve cam-, __,s of J6100M pei prior to his uppotntmem. • PATRICK PC11 mittee, These same 200 heard' num, and that nothing h 3. 8ef-tl.ii 20 of the jr- Buroush C'itn. ,Cart«rei Trl!.Kl 1 -.'- 4 41 contained shall reduce the to which -his ordlnanc.3 l< C P, 4 6/63 me say that this method of de- or compensation now be'm: termining who would receive K^rved'bv'thTprewntVncurnl.-"' anwn'dmSm la Hereby amfjded ant Enelnefrs of th* Jin D( '•* Wad af follows: • 1 SECTION 20: Tie Desk Sergeant I ithe party designation would bt partment: and provided further; used. There was no objection and Rounds Sergums be ap- that such salary or compensa-j pointed from the Pullcnieii or to this. tion shall include the amounts Patrolmen who hate sen-d for »• to which the Engineers shall be leusi three years pflor to their ap- "On Sunday afternoon and pntltled as officers and members paintment In thejPolIf" De;jjrt- Monday evening the committee of the Volunteer Fire Company IMICI more particularly mentlored ment of the Boroiljh o: Cnrteret. met..The members of the com- In Section 20 end 37 ln the or- Said St-r^esnU anal ''•'•'•' be ;ia:a mittee were Prosecutor Edward dinance to uhlrii this ordinance an annual salary y coapetisntion J. Dolan, Jr, Surrogate Elmen '.•> a supplement. -el In addition to th« ppnsatlon provided for by para cra;ih ib) and paragraph (d). each Engineer shall be ' paid J150 00 per annum, for the care and upkeep ot his uniform. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall ufce effect immediately after passage uid publications as provided by law, nnd shall be retroactive to January

Will they grow up In a free worldt Would you want them 'to grow up in vacation fun it the. tny other kind? The asawer Maiiborough-Blenheim hotel, this to that quMtion ii why mil- spring. Sundecks, entertainment, UOM of Americani regu- dances. Pool opens late spring. i <: larly visit the Savings Hen Ocean Wine. Twin beds Bond window at their with bath Irom $12 Mod. Am, $6.50 European each person. Ask about Inclusive Plan. Write or call 609-345-1211) in N.Y, 24849.

What 63* a day can mean leicnbcim to their future... and w. Cintnl Boifdwfc • AtlHtk City WASH Investing 63^ a day at 3^% interest help Uncle Sam today. It helps keep just thinking can bring some pretty nice things into our economy strong and provides one your future. In six years—$l,500down of the most dependable means the OwnenklpVuiuiiiMiit, WEDNESDAY on a new home. In twelve years- Government has to manage the costs lotlah Wtiiti 1 Sou, ltd nearly $3,500 for college coets. of national defense. Buy a Bond today. You can lend But things being the way they are, your country a real hand now ,by e it's pretty hard to consider your own laving this way for the future. Chemical progress is autoclaves, test tubes, distilla Always, the old things have to be improved, and' future without giving some thought , Five ways U.S. Savings Bonds tion towers... hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds new things have to be proved. It takes more trm^»« to your country's future, too. Millioiu benefit yon personally .., processes, polymerizations, products. The thinking never stops. And so chemical pr°ete'-! of Americana have done this and are 1. You get 3%% inUMst to maturity. BUt mostly, chemical progress is thinking ... men never stops. It's that way at Koppers. putting their savinga into United 2. Your Bonds a» replaced free M lost. Color Processing thinking. Little men, big men, medium size men... For this reason, Koppi joins with tha Manulac^ States Savings Bonds. 3. You g»t your money whenever you by KODAK nted it. 4. You can save automatically in lab coats, business suits, overalls... all of them, mg Chemists' Association Inc. in the observance o The money you invest in Savings where you work. 6. Your investment is Quality Black & 1 always, thinking. Thinking up new products.. .'new Chemical Progress Week from April 9 to 13. Dm" - Bonds is one of the beet ways you can ed by the U.S. Government. White develop- ways to make chemicals and new ways to use them. this week, we would Ilka to remind our neighbor ' ing on premises Thinking up more comfort, more convenience, better the many everyday contributions made by the Che"1

Bnvinia Boo* LM|>frrtdom in yMr fibre with health, for everyone. > cal Industry t6 American life. • re firapront. JOIN OUR NEW Th»f»-P'<>of, ' Kv.ry Sari Merchandise Club Bund >uu bu%y US. SAVINGS BONDS W iiifiou and will be ifOMortd oi. • pwUk m*s» In co»(itfgH»n with *t a i. Trtowry KOPPERS CHEMICALS 299 Amboy Avenue FIRST NATIOHAL BANK IN CARTERET PHOTO SHOP WOODBRIDGE 64 Cooke Avenue "A Good Bank in a Good Town" (Neit to ALCsUB IN1 Carteret MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS'

25 Cooke Avenue - KI 1-5100, 5108-9 - Urterrt ASSOCIATION INP, . ,i , ,. . PORT RBAOINQ. N. Member Federal Ueposlt Imuraiwe Corixiratwn KM-5219 FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1962 PAGE THREE

|ment Corp.; The Wllken Co. "nc; The Fibre Metal Products Sisterhood to Have OBITUARIES Co.; Welsh Mfg. Co.; Davis Sunday Sermon PAL Auxiliary |Camp-outs Set (Democratic Club Emergency Equipment Co,; in-j Bingo Party Sunday ^ dustrlal aloves Co.; Alrjax CARTERET—Final plans for Corp.; Watchmocket Optical Set by Pastor a bingo party, Sunday, 8 P. M., Sets Committees For Boy Scouts Elects Officers •r of First Presbyterlar Co.; Universal Safety Equip- CARTERET - Dr. Andrew at St. Demetrius' Hall, Roose- Church of Cartcret, offlclatlni CARTBRET—Committees for CARTERET — Plans were CARTERET—Electlon of "M- ment Co.; Metroweld Dlntrlbu- velt Avenue, were made at a Harsanyl, pastor of the Hun- the year were appointed at a mft(k for tw0 weekend camp- fleers was held Monday night Interment was In Cloverleal those board meeting of the United for Mrs Memorial Park, Woorlbrtdire outt s at a troot n committeitt e meett - st a meetinti g of the Third DlSDlS- cars; the w!n Hebrew Sisterhood of Carteret, meeting of the PAL !,|'"nf "« lng of Boy Scout Troop BVtrlct Ladles' lescort. and the Harberle and Monday, at the Synagogue ol iThey Include: M KSTELLE MAY MtTCHEM, • . ji iD)/uiii9uirsponsoredu bu.yT thnier Cnrterevriivturvt anaiidu unanimouslmini iin'"»»1T»yj •re-elected tor :';llllllll»y. ' Barth Colonial Home for satis-i"on of th« Sermon on the. I ,,,.,-nl Home. CARTERET - Mitchell. E« LovinR Justice. Mrs Leonard! Mr8, Barbara Hrycun*. Mrs, crafUmen's Club, at the home a second term were: p M factory services rendered. iMount with the topic. "Chris-1 Kramer, vice president, pre- ...,. ,. r nnrt - Mir May 'nee Woodi, aco 7.., Anna Marek, and Mrs. Margejiargejif Edmund Mantle. Mrs. Joanne Rlvrrs, presl- n Family of the late .tlanlty Must Shine". The ser-1 sided. For tickets or additional m-formcd Of ig Mulberry street, March The first one is planned for dent: Mm. Ann" Barney, vice Hill Information, contact Mrs. Bazsa, fund raising; Mrs: I. irtivw Hnr- 3i. 1962. at Alexinn Bros. Hos- Raymond G. Woodward pon will be preached at the 10 .1 37 to 29 at Fnrrlnrton president: Mrs. Katherflr* Kramer. Id' A. M. worship service in English Cam nd the Mcon<1 M&t i,.rinenl wn« onnl. Elizabeth. Mother of I ir i.u««.w .«H «,. n»^h. "-* P- * *' treasurer: Mrs. Mah Jongg tournament en-'Kolakowskln , and Mrs. Dorothy , . i , recording secretary; , Rrfnrnmd C|niB Mitchell, Charles and Ed I CARD OF THANKS and at the. 11 A. M. service In trlp May25 m6n B lhpCBtll McM1ck e s 11:111 trees are reminded to complete , The Hoiv,wRr(i Mitchell; also survived by! ELIZABETH VASZIL Hungarian. Services will be pre- De Angelo, social; Mrs, Plor- kl])5 prfSfl.-0 camo, N. Y. Mrs. Rose Ruela. corresponding the tournament with 1961 rules ,11 members three grandchildren ceded by Sunday School and ence McMickle, Mrs. Helen -r^rr „ , . secretary, and Mrs. Anita (nee KOcsl > and not to use the new rules for ftrc 9tm (pw VM n 1 We wlsn Junlor REV. LANSF, E. TAYLOR Indi>'s Aid So-lnrrut grandchildren; niece of ^ express our Sln- Confirmatton Class, 9 1962. Zawadskl, and Mrs, Carolyn lcle, exlillnR ,n the troop and Hate, second vice president , ,j,illn Combft,|Mrs. Blanche Huff, Mrs. Berthp. cere thanks to our relatives,Ai M- Mrs. Rivers \i Cabaret night Is planned for Dudka, cheer;. Mrs. Prtscilla new applicant, are welcome. Mrs Julia poire, Mrs. Elizabeth Vnll fvlfl|1{1(1 and neighbors for their Saturday at 10 A. M. the S ill" iJune 9 and not fov June 12 as klnd Kondrk and Mrs. Sophie Ro, Appllcatte may M n v ^alka. Mrs .Ftmrrnl was Tuesday 2:00,P.M expressions of sympathy, Senior Confirmation Class will [previously reported: tll(>lr mftn [manm , hospitalityhoitality. .Julia Peto. from the Synowlecki Funeral y W" ot kindness meet and at 11 A. M. Hungar- ,from xhomas Dunn, scoutmas- and AlexandeAx r Such, candidates • . Mis Calvary Baptist Donor time Is drawing near an an( ne 1 tl i VPIC Frank Home, 56 Carteret Avenue, Car- ' ' beautiful floral tributes '*"! School will be conducted, and golden book, Mrs. Morton Mrs, Lena Collcchlo was wel- ter willlam Sllvka has been running on the DemoCifltlr pri- i sohnvdB teret. Rev. H. Addlson Woeste- "tended in our bereavement in The Eastern Classes or the I .lttttt Sprvif*AC Zarett; merchandise mart, Mrs. comed as a new member. Lil appointed junior assistant mary ticket, Each spoke on hta tne (Jpfttn ot our dcarl Individual platform and noltcy. Pinil Oombos meyer offlclatlhg. Interment, y beloved Hungarian Reformed Church ln Mwvln Lebowltz; table nap- Manlollo awarded a special Ritt scoutmaster ;fe WMlinm Kntitor Evergreen Cemetery. Elizabeth * > mother, grandmother, and America will have its annual CARTERET-At the regular k'n, Mrs. William Knlfel; may to Barbara Hrycuna. of the great response Plans were made for a "I' sister. meeting, Sunday, 2;S0 P. M. In morning worship service of the ** used to earn donor credit. Hostesses were Mrs. Doris^to the paper drive conducted by heater party sorn-ime Iri July, CARD OF THANKS We especially wish to thank the Perth Amboy Church, 331 wtth Mrfi el 1 111 Calvary Baptist Churoh, the Mlcholsky, Mrs. Josephine the group, plans have been , " '1 , „." \|K- Mrs Bessie RAYMOND Q, WOODWARD Rev. Andrew Harsinyl; Dr.Klrkland Place. The meeting Is T pntatlve I :r' pastor, Rev, M. H. Waltmon, High School Kolakowskl, Mrs. Anne Rome.- made to contlnu.e collecting chairman, f .'jTVX iiiR Roosevelt We wish to express our sin-Homer; Dr, Weber: the Staftlopen to all church members, will take his text from the lewskl, and Mrs. Koridrk. papers and residents are asked'^so madr for a picnic ip,p> M at Ferth cere thanks to our relatives, and Nurses at Perth /Dlmboy but those who wish to stay for (Continued from Page 1) The April meeting will fea- to keep it for the Boy Scouts. heW ln Al«u»i wttn Mrs. »auy m the aul 8 HM B° friends and nelahbors for thelr;Oeneral Hospital; Lorantfy fellowship dinner should of John and preach on ture a hat social and prizes will The boys are grateful to all whoP » chairman, lt wffl be ft , chlw .•He Htiili'ii Island, kind expressions of sympathy, Ladles Aid Society; VFW Star make reservations with the erence There will be a train- ibe awarded for the nicest, orig- have done so in the past as it Mrs. Marge Tallaran Is in Perth Amb i " Anderson form-rly their many acts of kIndriess/LandInK Post 2314- Lumured °y church, HI 2- BS U5UBl a most double tne preBen Inal, and funniest. Meetings are has made It possible for them charge of the Easter party «t 9 tti£ next meeting, May 7, 8,,P. [Mih Amboy and in the spiritual bouquets and the Plastic Co. night shift girls of ™ - |ThiSf e nBoo °k? o*•',f JohIn' is being used hlgh school enrollment in 1967 held the fourth Thursday at to go on camp-outs and get beautiful floral tributes extend-;Lum\ired "Plastics Co.- Lone The thls gr fwApl11 study Fire Hall 2. needed equipment. M., at Kollbas Hall, The Council will offer to each' „: .MM Anderson, cd durindi g our bbereavement In Star Social and Athletic Club; meet Wednesday, 7 P. M., ln the T - There are classes fnV Ml ages lof lts local im>cMtons m Op- : dniiKhter. Mrs. Jo- the death of our dearlv be- CO workers at Bell Laboratory upper room for discussion and The evening worship servlceiportunlty to have the lay com-j! ;,.. nf u-vlttown; a loved brother, uncle and Rrnnd-,Transistor Department; Good-, preparation for the Quarterly) at 7 P. M. jmittee findings presented to Its Alfivd of Carteret; uncle, Raymond O. Woodward yciy Service Store. Perth Am-'Youth Conference. The Men's1 membership at the May meet- :,t.i!d:m »nd two We especially wish to Ihankboy: Arid Department A.AC cu>b will meet Thursday eve- The church Is preparing for of each local. The Council : irhiMmi R«'V Charles MacKenzle of the Co.; Honorary Pallbearers; Ac- nltlK its revival season, April 11-18. continue to promote news- Let's All Pitch-In And s, viri's took place Presbyterian Church. Avenel;|t| e Pallbearers; Carteret and The Lorantfy Society Is plan- T V T publicity and explana- \l Thursday in the American Society of Safety En- Woodbrldge Police Escorts; ning a bus trip to Washington, prayer meetings are being in the homes of various me^i-ijif1"* talltR before *W local .,:.;,' "KuinTiil Home, gineers. N. J. Chapter: Htand-those who donated their cars D. C April 14. For reservations rou whlch with the Rev. ard Safety Equipment Co; | Synowlecki Funeral Home contact Mrs. Blrl. bers of the church. On this pasU8 P requests such a an( Monday, members met with presentation. Make Carteret "Sparkle Worstemeycr, mln-SafeGuard Industrial Equip-, Family of .the late ' Mr, and Mrs, Steven FJizabeth (nee Kocsl» Vaszil} Jackson and family at 993 Rebecca Bidders, Place, Iselln. On Tuesday, wlthl CARD OF THANKS \ (Continued from Page D We Have a (Continued from Page and1 Do your part by brightening up your home. The appearancp E8TKI-LE MAY MITCHELL the construction period of the be We"wr«h to"eipre*Vour"sln-l witnessed by his absence | family at Avenue, project for the elderly. Woodbrldge. On Wednesday, at Wonderful Selection ot Easter Cards rre thanks to our relatives,'from the Borough Oarage dur- Another resolution passed of your home is an expression of confidence in yourself. It the church to be included in rlends and neightxtrs for theiring working hours on numerous! calls for 15-cent an hour in- our usual midweek prayer ser- kind expressions of sympathy. nays pgch yeftr creases for maintenance per establishes you as a good solid member of the community. vice. On Thursday, at the par- CAMERAS fvnuYOUpR ynm/MONEYN COSMETICS 'heir many acts of kindness sonnel. Resolutions are effective and "He has not followed the di- sonage, 84 McKinley Avenue, Hill and the beautiful floral tributes upon approval by the BUYS MORE with the minister and his wife Make it a place you can be proud of... clean up your prop- rections of the Mayor and office of the PHA. Councllmen and for this reason PERFUMES the drath of our dearlv beloved and son. On Friday, at the Sudla reCommended the Supplies a chaotic haphazard type of mother, urandmother, sreat home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen|ra)se fOr maintenance person erty .. • give your house a fresh coat of paint... go to work on () Htlon no e5tlsts ln the 'Barkaszi and family 56 High- Rrandmother and nlere "" * nel following a study of the 1 SUNGLASSES We especially wish to thank road Pro"ram- field Road, Colonia, Then on wage scale of area Industries those needed repairs... remodel , improve, plant new shrubs, and R«-v H. AddLion Woestemeyer,' "Zcnobla promised a syste- Saturday, they will meet at the and municipalities. He had INABEAL mlnlster of the First presby- matic street cleaning program church to be included with the been directed by the commis lawns, gardens. When you do this, YOU not only increase the DRUG STORE terlan Church. Cartnet: Dr in November 1960. He said the men's prayer service, usually loners to make'such a study SUNDRIES held, at this time. ! Michael HolUman: thhe Staff and map were beinbi g pre value of your property, but you also make it a better place in und NurseNu s of in Flrothi-rs Pared, Where are they? There Rev. Lance E Taylor, pastor Hospital; Cartcret FoicsU-rs of are many streets which are of the First Baptist Church of which to live! So pitch in ... let's roll up our sleeves and I PHARMACY America. Court 48: Local 441. n<-vcr cleaned' by Borough Parker, Florida, will arrive on IUF -CIO. Phelps Dodiie; those rquipmi'nt. Tuesday. April 10. to conduct 'The Homf of Service" who donated their cars; Car- It is my desire w have these the Revival. He is bringing his *^ get to work. 1 cu teret Police Escort, anl 8yno conditions corrected and If I wife. Kay. a,nd his mother, Mrs. STEPHEN SKIBA, Mayor wletki Funeral Home for satin- Rm elected, I will work toward Carrie Taylor with him. While; hter ^ to M and ")H7 RonsevHt Avenue (larteret B UHotu factory services rendered. replacing Zenobla with some- here, the mother will stay at;Mn_ Mward ToblasSen, 160 the home of another son,l . Hmkc KI Family of the late one who has the proper attitude Carteret A at Perth Am Estelle May Mitchell.,interest and concern for the Charles Taylor, who with hto'|bo Generai Hospital] March ALEXANDER SUCH, Councilman ~~ roads of Carteret and for the wife are members of Calvary; 30. safety and comfort of the peo- Baptist Church Rev. and Mrs. Mother • Daughter ple of this community." Jackson Taylor will reside at the par-; Twin daughters born to Mr. cl sonage during their stay here.iand Mrs. Zollle Davis, 19 Mer- Breakfait Planned ^ The public is urged to hear this;cer Street, at Perth Amboy SPRING and EASTER < Wind Up Your Evening ftffcSli— Alex i . th dedicated man. The aervlcesjHospltal, April 2. clki annd Mrs Douglg M King of lowing the 8 A M. Mass at the each ^ &t to Mr. and Mrs. the AlUr and Rosary Society of church there will be a special song! 8t Joseph's Roman Catholic' The society recently attended Kinlow, 59 Mercer at The service for the first thirty Chester CLEAN-UP WEEKS-APRIL 9th - 23rB Church have be*n named co- a day of recollection service at Street, at Perth Amboy Gen- minutes. chairmen ot tht> Mother and the church. The Rev. Patrick DauRhU'tiCommunlon breakfast M. Lyons, O.8.M., served as The educational board of the] shurch is planning an Easter: CARTERET DINER to be held Mother's Day, fol- moderator. mnrlse breakfast to follow the Sunday School children. jsual sunrise services. Also, anl The church is planning spe- Easter egg hunt and party on] cial services for Good Friday OPEN 24 HOURS Your Easter Outfit Monday after Easter for all the^and Easter Sunday. FREE - featuring - Is At Alys... announcing the OPENING of the • Fresh Seafood • Dresses CARTERErT OFFICE WATER Dinners § Millinery FIRST JERSEY SECURITIES CORPORATION • Thick, Juicy 771A Carteret Shopping Center • Handbag Roosevelt Ave., Carteret Steaks MUTUAL FUNDS ANALYSIS Blouses t Good Coffee Real Estate Syndication Brinp in a Sample of Your Drinking Water* : Girdles Investment Securities • Chops and Roasts Bra* Phone—541-8928 y Save $50! llomarl Completely Lingerie DOROTHY TRAUTWEIN, Resident Manager ORDERS TO TAKE OUT Hosiery * CHARGE Call KI 1-29091 Automatic Water Softener Sportswear KKASONABLE FREE CUSTOMER ii|Mi> Ualli lium 9 A.M. to i P.M. "\L uilh 200-lb. Urine Tank PRICKS PARKING AREA nut Wrdiic»d»j5 it t P.M. ft Proclamation H)8 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret WHEREAS, our community prides itself^on Alys Dress Shop being not only a desirable place to live but also m Pershing Avenue, Carteret — KI 1-6800 one where men and women can find fruitful Regular Yoy Muwt See Our ALYS SHtfKIDAN, Proprietress employment; and I239.9S WHEREAS, the people of our community en- Spring selection ot' joy a high standard of living, and share iji boun- j am OcMMoi Ma M Water ties of food, clothing and shelter, and other Baked white enamel iini»h on heaiy blessings in whjse production the chemical in- gauge:'• •teel. 36%-jnclie« high, same as dustry plays an important role; and your kitchen base cabinet*. Signal light CHILDRE9T-by- S SHOES flashW ied when brine tank needs refill- WHEREAS, this community contributes in ing. Insulated, sweat-free tank. Concealed an effective manner to the country's gen^a.1 controls and sfllt content indicator. Auto- welfare through the output of varied chemfcal matic cycling makes the difference. Set the I HOME time clock to regenerate the softener to pro- goods and services;- and vide all the soft water you need, and as ProM-tiv IMPROV WHEREAS, all of us are proud of our fellow often as needed, for your homel The re- {! citizens who perform their labors in the plants generation cycle takes place while you ^ ttnest in children's shoes sleep. of the chemical industry; * Add an extra room or bath . remodel NO MONEY DOWN 4 Here you will find vour kitchen ... make any home improve NOW, THEREFORE, I Stephen Skiba Mayor of the Borough ofiarteret, do hereby proclaim on Sears Modernizing Credit Plan Children's Shoes in ment The cash you need is quickly forth- the week of ApriVfi-1?, 1962, as the "jprown-up" styles coming via low-cost loan from us. Let Sears Arrange for Installation (they love. Well fle- CHEMICAL PROGRESS WEEK sifned to provide *6ur Factory Trailed in carteret, and urge al| civic and fraternal proper fit, tomlort groups, all educational and scientific bodies, all tive, Mr. C. Naefele, will analyze and support foi grow- CARTERET Brine Tank news media, all chambers of commerce, and all your water for hardness »•><• recom- ing feet. Charge It! •an be placed adjacent to othev groups to encourage and promote the cele- mend the exact equipment jiiu rred soitener lor basement or util- bration of Chemical Progress Week, using as the Come In Thursday nifbt, all day Fri- • BANK * TRUST CO. ity 100m use or, if desired, theme of their activities "New Wotlds Through day and Saturday, and any day nest •Your Bank Since 1923" brim tank can bt located up Chemistry," and to do everything within their week ... there's ne obligation. BRANCH OFFICE; to SO feet from h MAIN power to bring home to each citizen the unpor- CMteret Shoppln* Center JO Cooke Avenue 875 HOBAM BANKING HOURS: Jance of the chemical industry in his daily BANKING Dally 10 A- M' t0 • '' f1' Open Won M living the BOOT SHOP 'itaur •* MO*; IB A. M. U> « t, M. SEARS PERTH AMBOY Fitter ,nd I V. M. to IT. M. trld.y » LOT STEPHEN SKIBA, Mayor 1 v Borough of Carteret • 'iiin Street Wooridge uembtr FMem Re«™ s^m and I,,, , (Ned lu ttuulnuilli'i) Serai Deposit Insurance Corp. 'kll"i ' >* Sewaren Mbs SUmin, a tndoatc of ward Herbert, the late Director On April 11 Sunday will be re-scheduled lege. Her fiance is a graduate son and Mrs. John F. Ryan. of Outdance Department of the of Union High School, at- The next meeting will be nt 445 Long Branch. Rev. Bonham School. Monday from 8:30 to Perth Amboy Hlfh School, WOODBRITX3E - Demo- shortly. 11:3( A M an(11:30 to 3 p M Perth Amboy Public Schools tends Rutgers University, and Forbes Street, Rahway. Mrs. served as associate pastor to > - - - - attended Patmon State Col- crats from all sections of the The Weblos nnd Den 3 ended who was a leader ln promoting Is associated with Duffy Mott George Rtlllwell will be the the Avenrl church until his call ChtUren must be five yean lege. She li currently attend- Township who are supporting the evening with "Goodnight the mental health movement in Company, Inc., New York, hostess. to Lone Branch. Mrs. Francis of age by December 31 to be ing Katharine Glbbs School Edward J. Fatten for the Demo- Cubscouts". EASTER the Raritan Bay Area, will be Nekarda and Sue Burrows wmieligible. Parents are requested In New York Cltr. cratic nomination for Congress The next meeting's theme sing "More Like the Master"^ bring a birth certificate. under the chairmanship of Mr. Boylan, a graduate ot ln the new 15th Congressional will be "Troubadore". AUDIO-VISUAL at the 7:45 P. M. service. Or-proof of vaccination, proof of Freeholder Karl Me taster Funds Thieves Loot Home', SHOES! District will rally on next PROdRAM SET ganist for the evening will be »t least two polio innoculatioru, Metuehen High School, WM for the lecture were obtained formerly associated with the Wednesday, April 11 to hear huft Selection of Mrs. Charles Miller. and any other available medi- from voluntary contributions Falls Asleep at Wheel, Family Was on Trip 1 COLONU - Thr Sinai Jtoyen Funeral Service. He is the candidate discuss the cam WOODBRIDOE — Klrby Mc- Chapter of B'nal B'rllh Women A Mother-Dauehter banquet,lC*£ from friends of Mr. Herbert, currently attending the. Amer* paign issues here, It was an- Driver Strikes Pole IDowell, 121 Wall Street. Menlo will hold Its first meeting under POPULAR STYLES sponsored by the Fellowship and from the teachers in the kan Academy of Mortuary nounced today. the new officers. April 11 at for Promotion Committee will be Mrs. Fred McCoUey, publicity, Perth Amboy Public School WOODBRIDGE — Joseph Park Terrace, who returned Science In New York City. Mr. Patten will appear at the School 21. Featured will be a held May 15 from 6 to 8:30 Reservations can be made on System tvho were actively as- Grippe, 64. 545 Roosevelt Ave- Monday from a trip to Texas, sociated with him ln personnel Patten for Congress head' nue, Carteret, reportedly- fell reported to police that some- presentation of an audio-visual BOYS & GIRLS P. M. in church hall. Commlt-;bulletin boards at the church program projecting the many tee members are. Mrs, Walter or by contacting Mrs. Merwtn. Sewaren Civics Group and guidance work. quarters, 104 Main Street, un- asleep and lost control of his time between then and March der the joint sponsorship of the car on Woodbridge Avenue,, 23, thieves had broken Into his facets of the B'nal B'rlth or- Merwin, reservations; Mrs. P. Mothers and daughters deslr- The Planning committee con- ganization. P. O'Connor, program; Mrs. ing to take part in the enter- To Meet Wednesday sisted of Mrs, Cyril Hutner, Woodbridge Democrats for Pat- Port Reading, early yesterday home and made off with an Howard Ely, decorations; Mrs, tainment are asked to call Mr». 'Woodbridse and Mrs, William ten and the Edward J. Patten morning and struck a Public expensive haul. FLHT-AIR William Bendy, posters and O'Connor, ME. 48724. Mrs. Mor Association of Woodbridge. Service pole. Stolen from his home he said Mr. Patten is scheduled to The accident occurred at 4 was a $500 Japanese camera he auditorium of the 12 assorted rings, three string! „..• "--™"""-• -", P „ Jr., Miss Ruth Waterbor, Dr. appearr atat, abouaboutt S:38:3U0 VM.PM. tto AM. and Grippe was taken to of pearls, seven bottles 521I,, ,« ^»H L «ttpmiudlft Vexelman-Robertson and deliver hta Ulk and to partlci- ths Perth Amboy General Hos- ; DtllMrtfi Anywhert one portable type See the Best BROADWAY PLAYS ^ meeUh,: asproblems ol^^ w- S™tz, ail of Perth pate ln a question and answer pltal in the Woodbridge Flrstjwhlskey, g Amboy. period that will follow. Aid amb'jlance. lit was treated writer, a Swiss watch and 1 t "HOW TO SUCCEED" ... "SOUND OF MUSIC" rest to everyone living here There will be a minimum of for a lacerated thumb ami "MARY, MARY" .. . "MILK AND HONEY" are to be discussed. i other speech-making, according released. Finest Funeral Desijni MANY OTHERS The committees will make Te'Senior Scouts Plan to spokesmen for the sponsor- Created With Care .. ports as follows: Playground Round Trip TRANSPORTATION .. THEATRE 'Knolltoi? Meeting Ing organizations, to allow Mr chairmen continued. "For this "HOP" TNTO Always we strive to ommittee, Mrs. George Arway Patten to meet personally those TICKETS . .. DINNER in New York and nd Mrs. E. S. Snell. co-chair-j WOODBRIDGE—The Wood- reason we are holding a public i make each funeral who attend. A program of re rally to which are Invited every New Jersey men. This committee vill re-bridge Senior Girl Scout Plan- freshment* U planned. I spray, wreath, blanket port on pl«ns for a°n Easter-egg ning Board met on Monday voter, regardless of his or her (Cocktail With Every Dinner) or floral piece we de- roll program The road lm- evening at Scout Headquarters. Heading the committee in political persuasion. We are confident that after meeting WOODBRIDGE sign worthy to serve For Immediate Reservations rovement committee, Edward An evaluation was made of the charge are Auguste DeCasils Quactenbush. chairman; -Juliet Lowe Program" held ln 262 Main Street and Henry and hearing Edward Fatten all for your as a loving tribute. Telephone MErcury 4-7583 g residents who are concerned ragweed exterminatiotit n and honor of the founder's birth- Zajac of 80 Bridge Street, Se- pollen control, Mrs. P. S. i* day. waren. They are, respectively with the grave national and In- ternational problems of this EASTER SHOPPING ten and J. O Timar. co-ch&lr- Tentative plans were made the presidents of the Wood- 21» Smith St, Perth Ambor j men; waterfront committee, to have a meeting, May 23 or bridge Democrats for Patten space age will come to realize * Convenient Free Parking at first hand that he is best WALSHECK'S Jsrt ( Doon From Fennrrl'uiul REOPENING FOR BUSINESS Stanley Karnas. chairman. 24 at "Knolltop" Brownie and the Edward J. Patten Asso- * Fabulous Selections Ballnad Puking Ut qualified to represent them in FLOWERS Camp, Roosevelt Park, with in- ciation ot Woodbridge. * Friendly Merchant* OPEN MONDAY AND he legislative chambers ot TILL I F. M. Welcomlnf back all our iterested Intermediate Scouts Mr. DeCassis and Mr. Zajac 205 Amboy Are. ME 4-1636 Washington." t Charge Plans * in Woodbrldft- Two Can Reported jwho want to becorne Senior in a joint statement, said: Stolen on Tuesday.Scouts. "The Democratic organlza At the next meeting, April 14 tlfln in Woodbridge Townshlt WOODBRIDGE — The police at headquarters, an election of is solidly behind Edward J. Pat department here Tuesday re- officers will be held. The rep- ten ln this contest. He is a mar celved two reports «f stolen resentatives will learn the art PIZZA of proven stature with a record cars, ^f making of distinction as a teacher, 1 Delicious Plea Made to Or- Joan Pease, 619 I#man Ave- which they will teach their , ,oruonf .. ,h 1 an der! Eat them in our Dlninf nue. reported that during the troops to make for Mother's ™ »? » "" L*L * OPEN DAILY night someone made off with Day. pubUc ot fflan)r yeara 8tandln«' Room or take them out. You 4 F, M. to Midnight her 1958 Plymouth station The Girl Scouts attended "Because Woodbridge ha! are always welcome at Joe's. grown so rapidly ln receni Closed Tuesday wagon, which had been parked Career Night, at Knights of Col- in the front of her home. Mike umbus Hall and are Invited, years, many new residents hav TOP QUALITY PIES Melnlohook. 3U Oak Avenue April 11 to the Nurses Audi- not had the opportunity anew said that his 1960 Chevrolet tonum at Perth Amboy General | meet this courageous and dlv Corvair was stolen from his Hospital. 'tingulshed citizen," the cc- JOE'S PIZZERIA driveway during the night Jot uiLoreuo, flop. 77 Main Street Woodbridge BIKE TAKEN ME 4-6198 NAME... WOODBRIDGE — A red and white bicycle valued at $30 was stolen from ln front of School 11, Bana Kreger, 556 Linden Get Your Home Avenue, told police Tuesday. CIVIL ENGINEER WANTED Civil Engineer with professional engineer's anew Ready For BIG CAR COMFORT AT COMPACT PRICES license, experienced in design, economical op- EASTER! in the eration and management of sewage disposal HEAD OFFICE... systems, refuse collection and disposal systems, Have Your '62 LARK and land reclamation projects. f RUGS and FURNITURE CLEANED ENDURANCE-BUILT J. Arthur Applegate, Call Mr. Hartnett and.,. byDuracleari lie. I ME 4-4500, Ext, 227 ' Colors come alive.fabrics all revive! 363 Division Street BETTER SERVICE Workdojie in your home.¥.everythtng usable in a few hours Perth Amboy NO messy soaking! (Qi NO harsh scrubbing! MORTON MOTORS FOR ALL OUR NO harmful soaps! • Mothproofing with INVESTORS! 6-year Warranty! SPRING CLEARANCE

for FREE estimate call Of "Quality Value" DURACLEANMOREY CO. Phone ME 4-2386 Late Model CADILLACS JIM MOREY, Proprietor Cruttenden, Podesta & Miller 1961 CADILLAC 1961 CADILUC 1961 CADILLAC t-DOOB tlEETWOOD 4-UOOR HARDTOP IIDAN Members: New York, American, and Pacific Cout StocK Exchangti 4-DOOR SEDAN DE VILLI Thlt lUvlMI Ibony Black, In lotgeoua ooadlUon, thla king or th* roynl family <.; looks and drives like the. automobile deftei dewrlpUon. CuJUlao—•upwb (bony Black klnu .of th» ro»d. Majeetlc Ebony black wldi in Interior Changing our nam^Vom Cruttenden, Po^esta & t'o with an tnttrlor that is in Brlttol Blue Witt) an Interior tint it fathlon am} comfort ANY TIME YOU'RE IN CHICAGO .., truth, th* l»p ot luiury. Full of plush leather and the tin- ut ita best, rally "«quipp«d. to Cruttenden, Podesta & Miller (effective with the pow«r, Including t-way power am of fabrloi. KTDry conceiv- Including power wlBdows and We'd like very much to show you our Mat, power wtqnowa and far- able extra, Including power factory lniUlW »lr-condl- new head office on the fourth and filth move and expansion of our Chicago Head Office) HEADY MIXED ton inaUUad "air-condition- •windows, 8-way power teat tlonlng. If TOU w»nt to be- floors of the beautiful new La Salle- Inf. On* look and you'll /now and f»cwry-lnat»lled alr-con- come acoustoqied to the Jackson Buildinjg—"Th* N«w Hub . gives formal recognition to Glenn R. Miller, our why it d«wrr«j tha name of dltlonlrig. No fliitr beat, thlt U far you »4SJ3 of the Midwett Financial Communityl" "ttu matUrd m On car anywhere. :± f4<9J long-time partner in charge of securities underwriting, 5k" 1960 CADHXAC a major and steadily expanding area jrf the firm's 1960 CADILLAC TWO "VteB* SPECIAL- HARDTOr COWE HARDTOP COUPE EXECUTIVE CARS aiamoroui, Itt g\»»tolng Bb- coast-to-coast operation. la mperb condition Finished. ony Black. . notary lnntllKl air oondl- lation of Itt kind in the securities busman end, we believe, tlorjlng. You'il drl*e this "r>r •teerlus, seat belU, floor mats and elegant oil thai wilt bt at Cruttenden, Podesta & DIVISION! or WUDON IUTUUU. INC. ot cart" with pride and cushluu topper*. ' the height of atyle tor th* fastest and mobt eilicient. EXPANDED RESEARCH' MUiftctton Utii year* to Mane. FACILITIES—to lacihta'.u sound security evaluation *nd Membere: New York, American, Midweet Sootcfe 80. FtalnfteU portfolio analysis' ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING-* and Paciric Co»»t Stock luhiniM revolutionary advance in fast, accurate preparation ot taty- all) HUuU SUM FAowd I MM turn I-»M to-comprehend customer reports MULTI-CHANNEL DOCU- Wl MADISON AVI.. PERTH AMBOV. N. J. • H|llMt" ' MfiNT CONVEYOR-tupplemented by pneumatic tubes for OTHER WBLDON PRODUCTS: Crush* SUUM. RUck MORTON MOTORS liastast ooasim hanrthns ol rtntnmori1 nfrt»r» Offices In ii citlti. C'Mtt to Coa&i Top. QravaU Sana •ad Ma««o CADILLAC SALES & SKRYICE 285 NEW BRUNSWICK AVKNUK HI 2-0100 PERTH AMBOY Amboy. Burial will be In St. [ Joseph's Cemetery, Colonla. Surviving besides the parents Cub Pack Meets \?>*i>*ch*rckw*mmrMs IV1TUARIES laic a brother, Kenneth; the Set Meeting Tonight To Vi»U Airport I paternal grandparents, Mr. and MrR Andrew NP\ni/ V ClininfmtPr WOODBRIDOE - Tonight, FORDS - The glrta of 8cout tun B«w»J. Port*. *nd " viuuiuaoivi 8;00 the Women.g Aawxlatlon Troop 179. sponsored by Bchool mil.the mRtcrnRl irann 3 performed-rally at the Fort Lee Children's sitting provided during a lew under tho direction of Mrs. C. Home, Fort Leo. ~

P. Muccllll nnd Mrs. Domlnlck' • ,„ , . "I"., >' ,h. nj:t .Zlnw: i>n 4 directed • by Mr'.KN ROUTE Vita sta ht'ci or the Pa t '" <•"• Mrs. =»»*m J™,,?' •"e Hungry and resided In Wood- •Russell PinRror and Mrs. Pryor Youth - Yos, sir, and I'm vear show that a lot 0 p.opie same address and the late Ml- hrld 20 y M , 1 and D<• "Thursday at Perlh Amboy Oen- van, secretary; (huok Williams, president; Arthur Hanson, administrative, vice president: after all the Masses Sunday at and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet > \< M lit the frai Hospital, were held Mon- Mayo«„.,„.r. Uloll^Walter Zlrpolo7irnnln , I U'th U e- .church, according to Car- lliimt. (juy (( the Flynn ti Son Fune- Israeli Speaks mine Borzelll, chairman of the Singing in America, Incorporated, will celebrate Ii ii «>" to ral Home. 23 Ford Avenur, Cub Scout Committee, Fords, with a high Mass o[ r< International Barbershop Harmony Week from 1 ,,M,u»r. i« '""qulftn at St. James'Church To Men's Club Richards Names Smoking by Students Hit April 7 to 14, 1962; and , • 1 v;irt. two BUrinl was ln Resurrection , „„ • 11 1 Leunpeter Injured WHEREAS, the Iselln, N, J., Chapter of the .11 «ndcmctcry, New Market. AVENEI^The Men's Club of A idcnt '.-,.; «r;md- Thf deceased was un cm- r'>'W8Rtltm B'nai Jacob held lampaign Head By Committeeman Vogel WOODBRIDO»« >*«*E» — ^John F.j SPEBSQSA has been affiliated with this unique M^ sumlcy pioyee ol the Richmond Plumb-Us mn,nthl,V breakfast at the WOODBRIDGE - Appointed, E - A crack- Leimpetcr, 43, 81 Grant Avenue.| ' II mid Hie Fixtures Division of Rhrem Avpnel-Colonlo Jewish Com- WOODBRIDO .singing society for three years; and [m i campaign manager for Elbur (j on persons selllnn or glv- Icarteret was reported in fair ;,;,;.„; Mr» MiBUhcturtng Company. Mo- '»'<»"/ Center. Dr. Alfred own Mwp1 thlrd ^"'Richards, Republican candldatellng cigarettes to minors was icondltlon at the Perth Amboy j WHEREAS, the SPEBSQSA is an organiza- •• ••.•,h<,v tuchen. A native of Fords, ho ' » «ener»tlon Is (General Hospital, following an was a lift-long resident of "" eifor the Third Ward Township sought Tuesday by CommiUee- of iaccldent Monday night on Car- ion dedicated to the enjoyment of the people teret Road, Port Reading. ot North America through "Songs of Service" by addressed the group. Scharwath, 302 Prospect Ave- Charm Diplomas His condition was first re- imiiias. l" church. Mr. Vogel told the Town building and encouraging close harmony groups, Dr Moycl was educftted ln , WOODBRIOOE - Mrs, Molll ported critical after the-hos-; , d:i'(i Sat- Surviving »re his widow nue, Avenel. Committee that he see "boyUUV!1s ' Isrnel and England. He served Wootj Mappen of 119 Freeman Street, pltnl had reported he suffered and the encouragement of harmony airing all ,iv Ocneralwilma 'Jugam two sons _„,„_ ,r;_ ^_^ Ime, :;,»,U A(r/ In announcing the appolnt-ianappolntland girls walking to Wood i^tiTday »t wavns »nd Davit of Mr, Scharwath, Mr. bridge Junior High each mornJ'^d d'Plom" to 90 membtermembers a compound fracture of the the people of the world; WM ot her charm Cour8e at Perth skull, and multiple lacerations Mrs. Theresa fhlef economic R, ngl,d ,d ine smokinK cigarettes" 1 the facs. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Walter Zirpolo, Mayor According to police, the acci- of Woodbridge Township, do hereby proclaim Fords; three brothers, P p f'OmmVer" hVonmmentei_ linlln,, WoodbridgeWoodbrldge., PorPort ReadlngJdenKeaaing.ldent occurred shortly after 6 tlcnl the week of April 7 to 14, 1962, as BARBER- ;.i; Park, oeorge md John of Fords, and ^Uoiuhte «lth lts;ous, and Inspiring campaign younger, he Bomrnente^ perth ^ ^ *"lKhbo;inir countries: Israel's' manager.' I Police Commissioner >Riornas area, ling east on Carteret Road. In-1 Joseph of Nixon. o{ Rarltan Bay SHOP HARMONY WEEK in Woodbridge Town- ^ m accepting the appo.ntmentx Coste lo said he v, 11 notify! nted her wi[h % gln vesttalln, of flcer, Donald : iniicrly ot ' k n K ship, and extend best wishes to the Iselin, N. J., ? u "l1 i* T ™-™ *^ ^ „ ( \^' \£™\ JJ J The Voorhee. Room at the Click, said the car hit a utility, d in iwlm JEiTtEY JOHEPH YlllASiK t"1^;";^'";h;Israel^ i1 r^lpeopleM s "I have accepted the honorlhandlhonor .handlee tobacco that the . itr decorated in aipole, turned over on its side; Chapter of the SPEBSQSA for continued suc- IlVlLA uetDllllt:u FORDS- Funeral MMUCS (or ,.,i,|mM,sm 1FI buiidmg a nation ind responsibility of serving as lal** willl bbee enforcedenforced. **" skidded over 100 feet, went, u spring saiden motif which was cess in promoting all fonrns of harmony In our • ••"^' -Jeffrey Jovph Yulutv.. infant 0!|, of a dewrt Hi« appearance campaign manago.r for Mr., "If they say their . pan- through a cable type puard . :...i * ^11, Yuhasz, 67 Moffett Street, who C0,,,sulnU. Vinced tnal he 18 the on|y quail- Magistrate Kantor is very busy, were given corsages age ditch. MotU' .-in. died |Mt Thursday nt Perth f>cUon of new of[|c,,rs re- ried candidate to represent the but I'm sure he wtll be Aillin" 1 Amboy Omn w (1 .usiuoned by the committee in Dated the 3rd day of April, A. D. 1962 '" ii .v ^ "oMHtnl. '"e tnsuite\^d |Inn juies „ Is-i Pr ,)ame(j Tnlrd Ward._ Mr. Rlchard.s has'to increase the caseload." th- e 1M iharue ^f the evening headed'MEETING MONDAY •••'."• " held Thursday at the Flynn & presldeut. Prrd Sciiutzmiin, also shown In the past great committeeman said. WALTER ZIRPOLO, Mayor .[•v I'iiul fjo,, puncrai Honv. 1 ijy Mrs. James Breef and Miss; SEWAREN — A meeting of Furds HIT- understanding ln his dealings y,- Vogel also asked that a Iliad tery. Cathlecn Zimmerman. ] the Sewaren Democrats and man Kunkes. treasurer, and *ith others." committee bP named to screen Miss Charlene Steuber was Civic Club will be held, Monday Burial was in St Maiy's Ci-me- Barney'Ueb. wcretary. Ajso ftiJpointed were Frank books and magazines on the piano soloist, and Mis* Unda8 P-M. »t the Sewaren School. Sun'lvlng beside hl.i parents A movie will be presented Kovacs, Woodbndue, publicityjnewstands and said he is rer- L|\M I 1.5 the pgtrrnal traudinotlier JeMarco v.i April 28 at the local Jewish cna|rm»n; Wendell HooverJtaln newsdealers will coo-)erate. 1 Mrs. Anna Ytihasz, Knrd' cenU-r "Midnight Uce" will be Port Reading assistant publi-j committeeman Joseph A. the feature. | chairman and Raymond Manzlone asked the Committee ~^ p , RKWAV C ty n Fre(1 eterson """" Sclii'uerman, Avenel. treasurer. ito to Governor Richard' _ . ,. ..•ml Hos- ,^ SPRING'S IIKRK t0 wr stewa Port FORDS - Fun.:! t wl;Uii District campaign managers are Hughes and Gov. Nelson D-"1"' Mrb- v-rluutt 'rid.lV Ht «.', WOODBBIDC5E Eric Mil- Houclc, Ise- for Donald Rewajr, Infnnt t a lat daTe York, the Hulllf. 44 "' Spring Is HERE! oUIl Mr.VII.. anB d Mrs. Robern t Heway. hlnkolf, 594 Barron Avenue KIKI1. wrh 1018 Rahway Avenue, wh police Sunday that some- . of Monday at 8t. Peters had entered Ins ;M m? co. KEro«, TO E 3S.T3 We Are Restocked and Ready To Serve You! f;;ur\V|1KKE •! U vears where extensive danume to the ntes who qualined for aca- progress and is open for en- Burpee couldn't afford to put out anything that isn't good! .» A'.dnw, Quality Keeps I s in llusitusf... service area took place. Chief ;ire among the 4-, undersradu- rollment :A tl,:ee • Bulldlni M.lrrlili Ooori & Windows Eton, ir/Wins his report, UeS who qualified for academic Speaking of lawns, sow that seed early, freezing will not hurt -'•!• Kauo, said 90f; of the fires vuw due honors ftt Nowu'k College of • Millwork H'allboard it—early sewn seed will work into soil without raking or scarifying. Hiinrlni to carelessness." Engineering. An early fertilizer is good, and why not check on your need of lime: F;anlc • Roeflftf Library Plans • Inkulillon Phwood bring in a soil sample for a free soil test. , • Mouldlnc Knntlf I'lnf EASTER LILIES $3.00 UP Book Display It is important to get pre-emergence crabgrass controls on early. • Hardware Kilchrn AVENEL — Mrs. Daniel Levy, They are doing a good job when applied right. We carry sijc brands • Faint S3.00UP HYDRANGEAS president, discussed plans for that we feel are the leading preemergenee crahgrass control ma- D01N(i IT VOVRSF.U? S3.00 National Library Week at a terials. We are confident that one of these brands will fill your Ltl Hi ulflM Toil on n'» MErcury 4-0125 ORCHID CORSAGE meeting of the Board of Trus- 71 'J Hu: - ronunirtlnn. iltrriitnn %n< needs. rtpairi 431 Rah«a» Avf Hoodbrldff r Cut Flowrrx. Hoses tees of Avenel Public library I last week. l|ns|, ,tal, •WWMMMMWMMWW y We Are Authorized Dealers for: at the Mrs. Frank Mazzur, librar- llnM. ian, is planning displays of all VITOGRO-Tht new Improved BALDWIN'S FLOWERS the new bodks which will not O. M. Scott I'rodiirts ; i,t St. St. N. J. be circulated until after they Vigro have been displayed so every- Family Brand Seed , . WHS in \k 4-4757 Fertilizer for Grass n.diiift one visiting the library during Classic Brand Seed I..•:!>' of this week can see just what is Crabgrass Preventer •.:df(j in 'to be offered in the way of new Play Brand SceB >.,- .in. reading matter. There will be WONDERLAWN PRODUCTS j . at the a variety of books including Halts .v ;:ntll technical books, latest navels, Wonderlawn with 50% Merion Blue Grass and many books of interest to •a'.s ago. Public Auction Sale Scutl • '1 ' Utility Mixture •il t n: st the younger set. Among the news books is a Bonus ;'•' Ruf-Tuf Mixture A, I am movlne from Kiwlbht«»-n, I will sell at set of seven donated by the So- Turf Builder Pulilic Auction dality of St. Andrew's Church, 10-6-4 Fertilizer (100% organic nitrogen) a classical handbook, donated :.! Hudson. F»RM MACHINERY AM) KQl'lPMENT. 1IOVSEHOLD ' Scott's Spreaders Agrico Products liliam Pow- by the Democratic Club of the llamld f. ff5?|SIIIN".S Md REAL ESTATF on thr Prem.W. at seconl district, Third Ward, 9 1 RITCHIE'S SPECIAL ! ! Careful driver Then you LASATTA AVKNUE. EN(JLISIITO\VX, N. J. 4,nd of special Interest to the Mrs can save with SAFECO youngsters will be, the Junior Our own special mixture of grass sfed that complies with ex- starting: u( National History Magazine sub- periment station recommendations and]is formulated for our local and hme better insurance (scription donated by Mr. and ; A, M-SATUKDiY, APRIL 7-11:00 A.M. Mrs. Frank Massur, conditions. lton protection, tot). The Library will be closed on Our roses, evergreens, and. shade trees will soon be ready, along William [Holy Thursday and Good Fri- with bedding and vegetable plants, geraniums and spring bulbs. day. There will be no board meet- GARDEN CENTER HOURS DURING APRIL: mufer cultivation. Ing during April; the next meeting is May 10. WEEKDAYS-8 A. M. to 5 P. M. *UNI)AYS-r9 A. M. to 4 P. M. answer to Crabgrass -be/or* yw stt hi careful Pr»f«f yw /own fro* jrufcf mi imtq$ with... :« . jrc Pre-Emergence homeowners INSECT CONTROL Agrico Crabgrass Control J-^.-. wjH, FERTILIZER Now is the time for effective action nail down cellaneous Items. against Crabgrajss. An application ot Now is the time to protect your lawn granule' AgricojPro-Emergence Crab, Agrico against the ravages of the root feeding grass Control sere up a barrier in the soil grubs of tht Japanese and June Beetles, high insurance costs with (Jeneral's "All- that kills Crabgra'ss, Goosegrass, Foxtail a e and the Rose Chafer,Seasonal rains help and Similar seedlings as they sprout. fo-One" Home-owner's Policy. If y»" <" work the pesticide deep into the soil to The dry granules of this preventive can destroy these pests. Agrico Insect Con- a careful, "preferred risk" homeowner be effectively applied right up to the two- trol with Fertilizer also kills Wirewormt, leaf stag* (when Crabgrass is about you deserve important cash savings, too. Sod Webworms and other toil insects 25 Ib. bag l-

Martinson's Coffee ORANGE JUta 8 can Hecker's Flow ^ ^ > 5 149 Or. tba TATERTOTS * There's an easy way to roll up Deep Blue Tuna *« Swoftton morelree time for relaxation. Many already have discovered it. Mueller's Spaghetti ^39 MACARONI & CHEESE 3 If you like service that scores high Hunt's Tomato Sauce 3~49< DAIRY SHOALS in speed, friendliness, helpfulness, Idval Sliced do ail c& your banking here. Skippy Peanut Butter ^ - 35< SWISS CHEESE 3 Red Cheek Apple Juke S \ Krofc CoJo/ed • Whrto Slk*d D«luM AMERICAN CHEESE 3 Tetley Tea Bags -•» BAKERY FEATURES

Fab Detergent * <* «•* Fr#nth, Dutch, Moio Games Dog Food APPLE PIES '-'c^ I All prktt tff«ctiv«

1 M 90 MM GftffN STAMPS FREfi SO UH GRfEN STAMPS Will SO UH ORIEN STAMPS FRtfi 50 SAH 0«KN STAMP «Mt pvidieM o( \ pound fxxtnj» SAVEHERE, FOB »* puuhoM ot • Igmoil.i |lalMl with pu'thaM ol MMl|« Hwwkoy ImWvt. RADNOR OR SHOW LAW* SAFETY LOUfUA SUnER ROUND ROAST •RASS SEED SECURITY HSCM tOdnm _... SUCCESS Addrtu Right down our alley! bpiin Sot Apr. 7 bpiftt it, Ap«. 7 to 1 Coupon Mftke every payday your day to U»K 1 C.Kpw, ; LwrU CwpL> Shopping fsmity ramil, move ahead financially, start Mvlng lystematlcally . . and SINKING HOUBI; Honda; tfw i *M. . i r*. rruuj i *M. -1 rM. tt*rt »vUiff now. FREE 100 UH Gr*«n Stamp* FREE 100 SAH Oretn Stamp* Uiddletex County t, Largeit Bank NtfB 100 UH GfM« Stomp* i nf CURRENT DIVIDEND SAVE 50c with tfci* Coupon SAVE $0< wild thi* Coupon FREEI M S*H OrM" "" *Mi puuhuu Old R>d MM Dinnarvam wMh putihou 0

inll college Ala- resented by seven members at , ,.,.| .d iil.i master* the Spring conference of the V( COMPLETES COURSE: Jamn W. Morey, S22 Or&dy ; HI John'" "n|v",. .Sixth District of the New Jer- Junior and Dad ... Sister and Mom look their very Drive, Woodbridft, owner of the I)uraclr»n-Morey Com- vult II' has tau«ht| spy HUte Federation of Wom- en's Clubs at Scotch Plains pany, has returned from llecrfleld, 111., where hs attended best in fine apparel values selected easily, convenient- ;,.,, jti'art in nintry Club. a factory training school sponsored by the Duraclean ly here. Yes, oome In with the whole family and Company. Mr. Morey learned of the latest development! Attending were Mrs. Qeorge relax ... you can shop for complete Easter ensem- Molnar, president; Mrs. George and research In the field of absorption cleaning of carpet .,,,!,,, voletl tocort- Frlck, recording secretary; Mrs. and upholstery. Carpet construction, man-made flben, bles for everyone in the family, right here In one con- . state Court Fund Chester Baginskl, art chairman; auto cleaning and actual on-locatlon cleaning supervised venient place ... all top quality, newest styles and rn by Duraclean staff members were popular sessions ,'.m In Hi" Mrs. Kowang, garden chair- attended by Mr. Morey pictured above receiving his at budget-pleasing value prices. w idwood and Bea man; Mm. Oswald Nebel, pub- diploma from Grant Mauk, president «f the International ',WMT victims of licity chairman; Mrs. Aftert organisation. FOR CAREFREE SHOPPING! ••nil. Anderson, and Mrs. John Jan , van Tassell wll derup, USE OUR LARGE, FREE PARKING LOT inimi of the noml In the district press book con- AT REAR OF STORE test, the Fords press book was Christian Scientists Horaog and Mrs awarded first place In the dally By Parking Our Own Can Elsewhere We Keep 1 VIH nprrsent the Qu0 *)C0Ut ftx/llOlt land weekly newspaper class. This Area, Available for Ow Customers. M . • statf ll^^^m/ »H I.//in#l.iThe book WM compiled by Mrs city m Material on Islands Nfbeli ^^^ ^Kl[mn_ Announce New Program p% sre Mrs. Wer- MSNLO PARK TERRACE - The next metttng will b« WOODBRTOQE — A new Publication, Is In charge of the || »;KJ Mrs. Jerry Kach ,jen Of Cub Scout Pack Wednesday, 8:15 P. M. at the radio series designed to high- project, 40 exhibited material based on;N>rds Library. Election of of- light the essential vitality of in announcing the release of FOR WOMEN flwr FOR BOYS business mectlngSone 0[ the islands of the world » w"l be held; offices t6 be flll(>(1 Bible teachings Is announced by the new programs, Mr. Davis /ram" prfM"nt«l!,t t meeting last week. A »™ president, first vice the Christian Science church, jald: "Mankind needs as never , ,10ns of Irlsh] | "Qlft Prom the Earth", president, and corresponding m0V f< Starting Bunday more than before the healing and com- •:yr< of the (troup was shown. secretary. LINGERIE 700 stations will broadcast the fortlng message of the Bible, • ,i MfElroy. Den- EASTER SUITS By Barblzon Kayser, Brian Kellermann was In- weekly 15-mlnute series c«Ued Our program* will show how „*<. and William Navy Oabardine, Seamprufe, Schrank, ducted into the Pa«k and n-JWV Commander Hits "The Bible Speaks To You." practical and vigorous the Bible ,ii;;«e» were dem- celved his bearcat pin. Other Sizes 8 to 14 U.98 Slumber 8ue, urs. WlUlam At'Radical Right*' The programs describe how teachings ean be In meeting Cubt receiving awards were prayer can meet tamillu prob- today's problems." Oontlneatals, Jr. ! \t:yi VanTassell. FORM - Murray Fleck, lems confronting people In all Locally the series may be and Preps ~- 10.61 • IMS .,;. AtiUmldlO ws« ton, Steven Hanoook. Eric 811- GIRDLES & BRAS ,•• ..rmati vfrman, Robert Crawbuck, , . ; •>••«• v» ins. jkim IEIIUII w»u- uciliu o»er nflia »"u nnin- By Janteen, Pormflt, "•J*0 loved selections from the Bible, PM, 10:30 PM Sunday «nd Oary Dtvles, Richard Pollack,{today that he tttA a alnrt Playtex. Maiden Form M.tim.i »'"*» |>«» "' ultra-right been on the air every weekend third Sunday of each Hanes, Kayser, Larkwood. Seaman, \n- 1 1 night Instead of the usual ,* "'. ort«nluUons In thlsl since September 18, I1 It Is month over WQXR and WCJXR SUCKS because of the , _ . t . ^ . produced by The Mother PM at 11:05 A11. movies of her •recess. Mr. Brooks characterized the Church, The First Church of • —-•»• Continentals and New Ivy GLOVES followers of the radical right Christ, Scientist, in Boston, For tailored wear the severe I Look, Jr. and Prep By Kayser—Nylon and as "Kremlin-type mentalities Cotton—Spring Shades, Massachusetts. Will B. Dtvls, white shirtwaist with the Peter | Sizes iM up decked out In red, white and Committees on Pan collar is good. »i,iv,i: the oecu- FORM - "Buy a book In- stead of candy for taster" Is blue clothing" who "by Com-I :'.'ti education DRESSES & the slogan of the book fair to munlst-typ« thinking seek tolj icry of the ETON SUITS be held by the PTA of School undermine our freedoms and|| Coordinates -s »lw told our faith m an open society Enjoy an Evening 114 1 frora 10 Prom 4.98 fact, about > AP" » "^ " through breeding distrust, su- At By Betty Barclay, Mod- lto tntl ut AW OBU1 4 Pil. Many booU spicion and hysteria every time ern, Bobby Brooks, Cay vl tn 1 i Questions " ^ °^ ^ ^ the proceeds they open their mouths." WASH SUITS Artley & Carol Lee iw1 class per-!wl" be used to buy ne« books 5.98 up trip were for HWi school Ubran The PUN CARD PAJRY 1 to 8 2.98 to 5.98 entries of the health Swallick winning potter contest will be displayed. PORDS-Thhee Partway Jew-1 m F ^ Mother • Daughter Uh Center TOPCOATS Fashions DRESS and U. 8. predlcu record • Wine With Hat to Match. ouuajrautlaTi torlor INltnI. tn<1 Maffl!3!h Jonfl' Tavern, Inc. By Cinderella ..... 4.98 up Corner William * New Streeto • Liquor SPORT SHIRTS Sizes 3 to 6x .... From 5.98 Brunswick Avenue. Tickets will] || WOODBRIDGE • SsndwichM By Kaynee tc McGregor HOME COOKED be available at the door. BLOUSES Jr. and Prep Sizes To Complete HU Outfit... "Betty an* Joe'-ftcM B 4-97M By Rhoda Lee, Ship 'n1 1 SOCKS, TIES, BELTS BUSINESSMEN'S Headquarter* for $1.98 up Shore, Pilot 2.98 up HATS, RAINWEAR, BHOE8 LUNCH SWEATERS and DINNERS WVWMVtMVMMMWIJ 1962 kMUUMMWM By Old Colony, Helen Serve* Daily 1895 Christensen's Harper ..... W8 up I «. M, TUI Clttlat, 11*1 4. IS EASTER V frtm S:M P M. to "The Friendly Store' FOR MEN To Complete Your Outfit.,, Ctoelm (Mldnlfbt) CARDS MMMMMM Handbags, Costume Jewelry, AUTBINT1C Hankies and Shoes PUBLIX PHARMACY DRESS SHIRTS i'\KAK»i.r..; »1 Main Street, Woodbridge (White and Colored) 'ii fun lo t)wn Pbone MS 4-«IO* HOMIMAOK SPAGHETTI By Arrow, True-Val and ran FARKINO IN BIAS Usagiu, Ravioli, Ptaa Pks Wlngi 145 • 6.SS FOR GIRLS Ulk. dn tlltkt. ui ihrt« trim*. Hot *r Cold Sandwkhet Mothers.. vti{ blrdi now. SPORT SHIRTS NOW . . . PROMPT "HOP" INTO We b>T« a tot tA SERVICE ON ALL D«W Baiter Brown Long and Short Sleeves. SPpVG COATS TAKE-OUT ORDEE8 ihM itrlei thli By McGregor, Tni-Val CALL ME 4-M44 iprint, «nd we Ul«w 3to6x.: 10.98 up and Wings t.M • 5,91 you're jolni to UIu 7 to 14 14.98 up BREAKFAST, WOODBRIDGE them, and for your LUNCH, DINNER AND TIES GIRLS' SUITS ttmd !• Our OUn Dslly ftt* i4S A. M. THAT'S (Arrow, Wembly. Botany) by Marie Dale EASTER m NOT U0-Z.OQ 3to6x IDE'S PET SHOP VILLAGE INN 0 Convenient F«e Parking ALL! ... 7 to 14. 14.98 up ''"• M I'rrlh Amber Bar & Re$taurani 0 Fabulous Selections SLACKS 1 •'« I rurn J ( trittli) 0 Friendly Merchants CINDERELLA HI ! 3419 I Green It., Woodbridge By Haggar & Dickie (Ctr, Balwty **••) 0 Charge A large selection In . DRESSES stock 5.00 • 15.85 Including WHITE COMMUNION BELTS DRESSES 3 to 6x, 7 to 14 3.98 up By Hlckok ..„ 1.50 - 4.00 Bouffant Slips & Petticoats "CAROF by Style Undies.... 2.98 up SOCKS JANTZEN SPORTSWEAR By Interwoven .... 59c -1.50

•Whefrji you come In to purchue^ To (jomplete Her Outfit: your next pair of thoet, we are HANDKERCHIEFS THE YEAR" Bloose«, SklrtjJ, Gloves, going to give you one, of the (Plain or Initial) THE 1962 BUICK V-6 following: .' Box ofJ...... fl.00-ll.5t Handbags, Hats, Socks, THK ONLY AMERICAN MADE CAR WITH A V-6 ENGINE Valuable Gifts FREI Hosiery, JEWELRY Buster Brown Shoes FREE! By Shields FREE! New Designs Just Arrived BEAUTIFUL BUSTER BROWN HONG KONG ROCKET LAUNCHER FOLDING FAN! SPORTCOATS & JACKETS FOR INFANTS Miracle Tread Shoes for Women Latest Styles by TRUVAL, MARLB9BO and Mct>BEGOR

ROBLEE SHOES for Men To Complete His Outfit,.. Coat and Hat Sets, 6-12-18 mos 5.98 up Floruheiin Shoes for Meu RAINCOATS • HATS • SHOES Crip and Diaper Sets-by Carters, Nanette, Health-Tex. DKMVKHltD IN BUY NOW WHILE Toddlers Sportswear—by Playpet, ti • Your chuice.of Dual-Path a" - the Bulck Special briims vou Health-Tex. iU ) e

I ••* ''""it running mat* for me ••;•*•• 1 1 FREE CUSTOMER ,r| 'I'^ii* special aluminum V-8. • New trlmi. new eotors. e'* ' sum OPEN in M J." Skyl*rk llylln«' w»pired models to choow from-every ( 9:30 AM '6:00P.M. ouick jporu.mjnded fun <>: \i\i\ si\, PARKING s MreM Bulck through and through. "Option*1 " STORE HOUKS: FRIDAY TILL 9 P. M. AT HEAR ENTRANCE "*' u«w tlovot •VnH UMUU» ; OPEN ALL DAY TO OUR STORE Orrs AU WAV WEHNESI.AV8 WEDNESDAYS ii ooimniiHU. v J.1 Ht[i: CUSTOMER fAKKlNO •'OLKOWITZ MOTORS stolf At Krar Kiitrance l» lf JJrr " " "»»'"y'

p«rtment of Municipal OOT Sponsor* \Knighu of rytnia* j W0TIC110 CREDrr6iu « DeC1610Il lemment had R rtwiy made and , i . n * Cn« flittriW Moot1 ••»* Hjno >nd Fnnelt C. IWiy, lai a result til the sections per- (ConUnued from Page 1) Imitted secession were rep«alid. Launching Party i« wwirut «ew;jr«M»4_t ^J, by^ direct of lTdvi t MeWB,# *_ Sbere U nothing in our consti-SHowem, "thromli some mfc-Ftotfll8EWARKN—Saturdai 44 of the Uniteyd Statenights: nuaWOODBRIDGl district mminE ?— o fTh Knighte an-Is CMS*Brown,, sumgiby directiou ont ihtot CountDnmy t. tvtton that fives the people theiidventure" the anall portiso of Se-of Pythias of Woodbrldge, right to form a municipality. providing for the formation ot Coast Guard city was not Included |waren sponsored a springrPerth Amboy. South Amboy, Wrong Impulsion mifHU ind .or men ncctt, b» ,p,,.,,., The great prlies In UiisilauncMng party at The Pines, New Brunswick, and PlalnfieJd of On dec<«Kd. uo*-• *"?" •,^P»ymtnt of wch now,"..: In a discussion with within di maothi'u lira. *ni then «id bldi will be rsstJANCB or sncH Boroe. „, •«'»undlng. , the Township's coun»el|Metucheni wlth approximately will be held. Tuesday at the of or ttiey will *• lor-!pubUelpubDdT7 opeiwopened »nd r*rttd»lM »;» ththee W__MAS by , b^d bt SUttment ~.» th»ir fragmenting communities for TADf TOKTHBINOTIC I ttot - 1.4, 4'5, 12. ». M/SJ •li p»y-'tta»t nicb «l»t«m«nt Z and "^rhaV'^^onlnelthel r side benefit*.. !hls wife. This was the first Parkway meeting preceding the dinner conducted by the flo- district session. Plans will be! NOTICE would not look so attractive to Discussing the right of dinner conauciea oj me iw«» ~— — . if unit Legislature to create munlci NOUM - —.-, • - — Ulla, which has been located ln'made for a theater party and foOMrisi onllnuiM wu regularly Tonublp 1 r«o. 11 MRd uid idopWd u tmtadtd «t 3£ Nathan L. Jacob* thenfl* "**. Chief Justice Weln- duitat th» mi lan-lMt. n ATtnue. C ' 1.1. Sewaren for five years, and lt'reporu Trill be given on - nfenltr mettmt of ib* Towntblp 1 Mid: , _Jdi must b« Kcojnp»nl«d brji Artnuc. Berkley u henbT f^ourked to Senator Tool«n ltj ™^ was a «ucceM. (night club party held early OommlttMot•fl tHu i TTowlUblp Of too 41 n ta |0ub or Ctrtlfltd Check was his understanding that if! " «>&T« «* " w*nt«. object to of the flotilla as a subsidiary ofjlor- h4s **m ln dln lf ew Jtmy. April, 1BO. payrnect events UM tottl !of bondi tnd ootw. together wltb u * the remainder of the Township Proprietary rights". • the regular Coast Guard are: - • 3' J' DCNIOAN. bidder nut 1,100 u a down ptymtr.-. to flntoce 4.'TO flnmirf »id PU'- •Wrnld have "nothing whatao-' In rebuUlMrrebuULM . LyptntlkUpokypp e instruction courses on small]^^ avviwiwapv Clerk >rrl:r, u; about the powers of the people boat handlin?, patrol of races,!8"*1 A*-MVfci»ARY boat handlin?, pBtro , on vw/wB t»W to say." and pwntloned the Declaraittn • * COLONInnirwmA — ThITV«e Golonla T "That is correct", th» •regattaj, and the Inspection of OBDOIAKCS arrmJtD row! 1M r«t« whifh ii: not eice«d|ln| the »*lldlty of of the situation In Woodbrldge son drawing it up was so care- e>t »t per KTinumjcan bt oomiDCnced Mrs per centum ' i Township", the attorney went less and Inept as not to Includinciuaee! ^^^ ~ - Dorothy F lit this court should not be|D- LuflewiK. principal, School 7 :hln the run from Uw d»u o; :;,,. : on. "' - 11( 1 te by aid Ui notion of thli it«tfi:,i-. Placed ln the position to correct announced registration for kin- ir'Vt n"5«nrty Ro."d."tolomi', Sewl"Brbrt« of a*"KTOIUP Com- '^,! JJ ^ ; ^r!t npTnill'of i Utafutio"nV n to uld! B J. DDN1OAN 'Misadventure' Placed In the position to correct ao Jeney, md that detenrilnttlon oflmlf.w of tbt TowrnhlP of Wood- pott i. J noi »^ unectt-'All miltn with rrsptet ' ...... lHorff«rt/.n rhilriren wilWilll taktakee uld Zoning Boari! of AdlurtmentSbrtdgt. '•-& Townuup. KJU ,_, ^ , .i ,.. , h crdl-i Townihlp Clerk of ' , the mistakes of the Leglsla-!n April 12 from 9:30 until Boud U the the Supreme Court—the with a smile: "We do it all the time." 11 A.M. Any child livingg with-j . At this point the hearing was in the Fords 7 district who will halted and Chief Justice Wein- be at least five years of age on jtraub said the "matter will be or before December 31, may .[considered In conference and aenroll. WOODBRIDGE...' j| decision handed down." Parents are asked to bring Headquarters the child's birth certificate, record of smallpox vaccination for MotorUU, Attention! It's easy to pick out an ag

66 MAIN ST. Home Cooked Woodbridge I MEALS Served From I Formerly General 11 A. M. to Appliance) 7:30 P. M. We Now Give Buslnrssmen'i LUNCH

Orders to PLAID Take Oui BAR & GRILL STAMPS Package Goods With Everything We SELL or SERVICE AUTHORIZED HCA BUD'S HUT SALES and SERVICE Route 1 Phone AVENEL, N J; ME 4-2913 PLENTY OF IBEE PARKING Proclamation 1962 CRUSADE WHEREAS, cancer strike1: families in every community, state and nation, and WHEREAS, cancer will claim the lives of some 275,000 Americans tfris year, and WHEREAS, the American Cancer Society, through its programs of research, education and service, has helped save the more tlian l,QQ.O,Qt)Q this he your new hair "American Boy" and "Spirit of youth" Americans, alive today, c'lipd of cancer, and Ivy or Continental Styles in ptire woolen* *ltd WHEREAS, today one-jialf of fill cailcer pa- Orion Blends. Smart Blazers with accent tail- tients could be cured, with research offering the oring and distinctive presto. prospect of new cures and the hope or future SUM t to 12, from 11.M It's IOMA iwgic, the way those everyday food items turn into hair dryers, coffeemakers, blanket U to 2t, from U.M , cancer prevention, and M to 40, from UM WHEREAS,' increased voluntary contribu- tools, even trips abroad, when you shop atA&P! Becaiise now A^P gives you something mo SUCKS BY "J & J" i tions to the American Cancer Society are needed Continentals or Ivy Styles In Smooth to attain these aims, therefore ' • \ than'high quality and low prices. Now you get Plaid Stamps, for (he world's biggest selection W«r#ted Wools and Orion Blends. BE IT RESOLVED, that every citizen of Slict I to 12, I'om I.W l! 2* to 14, from I.)) Woodbridge Township be uri^ed to observe and gifts. Plaid Stamps add up fast to the gift of your choice-whatever it is! No other stamp m participate in Cancer Contnl Month.. through • KKEJi EXVEKT ALTERATIONS support of the American Cancer Society, and by world can compare to Plaid Stamps for gift selection .. 3,076 gifts.. all guaranteed. So save cw • (TS'tOM K1TT1NUS • SIZES TO FIT Tilt: UABU-TO- learning from the Society the life-saving facts HT VUUNO MAN about cancer; vital to personal protection from at A & Pr-and save Plaid Stamps, too! Start saying this week at A & P. this disease. In witness whereof I -have hereunto set >-3^ Your dreams come true wi my hand and caused the seal of the (Seal) Township of Woodbridge to be affixed this 3rd day of Aprii, 1962. ' PUID STAMPS NOW AVAILABLE AT A*P IN * ^*^jR ttt^S^ PLAID STAMl WALTER ZIRPOLO Mayor Opposite CB:B. Farklnf tot GREATER NEW YORK-NEW JERSEY METROPOLITAN AItt '^LSj^^ Township of Woodbridge M.iNl.Ai aiMl FWBAY TIL t T. U. • PAGE NINE


REDEEM The enthusiasm with which w many of you greeted Plaid Stamps was certainly gratifying. Regular customers ... new Customer!. . . all of you made the introduction of these fine Coupon No. 2 A&ING CANCER DRIVE: Jack Infald (rljht) owtifr o( th* Isflln Theatre Is showing film itampj a tenific succesi. All of ui at A&P iay Thank You and Come Again! And if you pertaining to the Cancer Society'! fund-nlslni drive to A, George Terry, Iselln chairman. For 60 Free Othett assisting In th<> ratnpalrn are Crank Johiuon, Mrs. Esther Klsylia, Mn. Bernlct want to be real neighborly, bring a friend along for thoie wonderful Plaid Stamp* — and Garbo, Mrs. A. W. Murray, Ml«s Irene Kennedy, William Qulnn, Edward Champlel, Ml*. Plaid Stamps! the great value» A&P hai lined up throughout the itore this week! Rath Thompson, Mrs. Jean Thajcr and MM. Alter Frohwlen. A captain Is needed foe tht Westbury Mctlon.

Rtfilir Style FRESH IAMB FROM AMERICAN FARMS Avenel Group ibs of Beef -6?: Elects Officers AVENEL PERSONALS Fmt Oiti AVENEL—The Adult Com- ka1 panions h&d an election of of- MRS MARTIN —Wednesday the Sub Junior I(IHI l'« - - Woman's Club meets at 1:30 ficers at the home of Mr. and 14 Ofori* Street, %un«l P.M. Mrs. Robert Waggner, Tappen UI 4-0451 —Thomas Toat, Jr., son ol Street, and named Mr. Wagg -The annual state ofIlclal,Mr. and Mrs. Thorns* Tool, orned Beef "sr«i 655 nw president. To serve with vlsit Mr AUda f LAMB w™- m u. nmii.™ '-^iJwl W *' Pr«»eh. Bemton Avenue, spent the him will be William Trimble.'TeRnecki itate councilor and'weekend at the home of hie REGULAR STYLE vice president: Mrs. Manuel her stafl ^ ^ing held tomor-!parents on leave from the D. a Clbrlan, secretary; Mrs. An- row nlght by the gons and Navy NorfollC| Vii whwe ^ OVEN-READY. ,,?uy ?«rle.n> "^^"^"-Daughters of Liberty. Pride ot attends Radioman School. moked Pork Butt 59: Michael Florlo and Mrs. Frank NMv Jersey Cmmcll ^^y., ^.hool 23 m »m mert, U 89 Bash, good and welfare; Mrs.mand mterhouse Is chairman .Tuesday, 8 P. M. Instead of eal (hops 79£ Clbrlan. Paucity, and Mrs. of lh(, ftt(ftir whlcn ffU1 ^ held AprU 17 as originally scheduled. ;cecll Cnartrand, chairman. ,at 8:15 P. M. at Avenel School Paul Scovelle, chairman of 531 An invitation Is extended to 4. A covered dish supper will Middlesex County Mental all adults to join the organize- be featured. Health Association, will present real Shoulder Roast 11 lllm 49,' tlon. The next meeting is to be _The Awnel plrc company ""» talk, Election o! of. held April 16 at 1:30 P. M. at meet ^^ at tne firehouse. Ilom will take place. 47: the Waggner home, j ^e^ay the Junior Worn- eg or Rump of VMI :C59' At A&P you'll find only our Famous "Super-Right" A Chinese auction will be En's Club of. Avenel holds elec-j Ann P«g« held April 12 at 8 P. M. at Ave- tion of officers at the local first tlited Bacon *-<:••< Quality Lamb. It is all Fresh American Lamb nel School 23. ! id squad building at 8:15 P. M. 12 01 ' a NOW! 39! Mint Jelly and at oar special price, an exceptional Value! | A first anniversary hop will —Woman's Association meets at Iresh Codfish Stooki be held for the young girls' Tuesday at the church audl- 'group, the CdVnpanlong Club at torlum, First Presbyterian the Iselln Junior High School Church, at 8 P. M. VIVIEN'S May 12 from 7 to 12 P. M. -Ladies Auxiliary of the Av- Music will be furnished by the enel Fire Company meets Kiddy Shop ,F1-Bratones. Tickets may b« Tuesday at the firehouse at purchased from any member of 8 p The Latest the girls' club. EL MONTE "™ 2 49 Proceeds from the Chinese CAT SAVES FAMILY auction and the anniversary Clarendon, N Y,—Awakened EASTER ORANGES hop will go towards a bus trip ,by the meowing of their pe to tour Washington, D. C, In cat. Mr. and Mrs. Bober FASHIONS May. Jamts discovered that the! Florida Valencia I A new member has been ac- house was on fire. This enable loryoui IREEN GIANT PEAS 2 37 cepted Into the Companions them to awajcen their chlldre Swnt Jilcy Club. Miss Karen Haydock was and all escaped safely. recently welcomed. Prom now on. as a result o; and ... Bootaie's meowing, this kitt RING IN A SANDWICH wLll receive some special treat- ment. PLAID IIBLETS CMtKPSstf Sweet Corn ;,4 Buffalo—Biting into a sand- 1 wich she ordered in a restau- Wise Woman STAMPS granulated Sugar ,55' Tomato Soup 31'32' rant, Barbara Boergers, 19, Student - To whom wai found a gold wedding band. married? CHICKEN OF THE SEA » :i ,29 Asparagus l Betty explained to the restau- Professor — My boy when TOO! Carolina Rice 35' TunaFish Wfcit*-S«y fat rant employes she would like to will you learn Minerva was the C e have a gold band but would goddess of Wisdom? She wasn't [wanee Tiuuee "' 4 43 Sunsweet Prunes 25 Fresh Broccoli like to receive it another way. married. urrys Cookits Nabisco Loma Dooie ^^ Fresh Carrots £10' arwfl't V6g»AII IALIARD Har-Kist Tuna ' Qraiflwood9! Red Cabbagt Fresh Dates Z Z 25' the MarcalPapirHaikiM pMsbury Flour Dairy Confer Buys \ Rei Heart Dog Food J "' ELECTRIC afelRtiMtOoHM REDUBIDI tiiiyfUM—lid «twNt 1* Addition to tht fttms Appearing in This Ad.. Fresh Butter 69r 67 ••* only ONE A&P HAS REDUCED OVER 100 PRICES THIS WEEK! Imyknek true1 — Lirgt Sridi A Look for Hit "Rtdietd" Shorf Morton ii tht itor*. and pick your favorite*! t . . Fresh White Eggs 2 95 There is liistM Qnlity ' • m Wildmir. Brand A I dot AA only one Jane Parker Baked Foods Large Eggs 2 ** 89 WELCOME Sharp Cheddar Cheese 65' WAGON PEACH or PINEAPPLE Sharp Sliced Amiricaii ££fiZ lbW° Thu wHk niy C Imported Swiss Ctieote F»^"d **•& fi Danish Bloe Oh^ese ^ >W PIES "° 59 Natiral Swiss SJie* ^j^^ \ It retrt of experience (o»- C Romano Cheese f^w<*r-°<»«««> terlnt rood will In btulaeti Protein Bread Witchtn 23 Hot Cross Buns and community life, | BIllO Gheeie f«neTQytn+y-D««.i*i. for Information OD j Welcomr Waion in Topi for Thrift: FROZEN FOOD An automatic el«ctrlc range prevents ['"••'« trend TV • COLONIA 4 overcooking,ndjurtstemperatures by Grape Juice c—' A * 5r • AVENEL •f MM Ittelf, and lets ydu knov^ when your • ISLIJN Libby's Whole Baby Okra • I0.J. trawberries meajta ready to serye. Iri1 short, cook- I Call Atf tri^ tibby's Green Kale TcL.«Crnmid. 2 Ing la a cinch the electric way... And ME 4-8355

Libb'sZucohiii^ash 2;.:J5' you'll find that broiling under an elec- if rou reiWe to ••, MM*.^ - Howard Johnson's Fried Clams MM 10 ei- tric range's reflector coll* duplicate* • WOODBRIDGE ttfUM I £ J5« Rod L Fleunder Fillet Dinner CHOCOLATE • SEW ARM FLAVORED DRINK mouth-watering outdoor barbequlng... Heinz Quick hot drink with th« milk YOU LIVE BETTER-ELECTRICAUYI • PORT READING Realemon righUn it! Just add hot water. OhlokonBrtth Delicious and nutritious! Now • FORDS Lemon Juice Brown Mustard thriftier than ever! Enjoy it! rouw 13.4/50*. pkf. Electric cooking - . * CALL MEJ-2759 #27' is clean and modem CARTERET 113 Main Street, Woodbridge, N. J. ?[X 1HC CltXI AIIANIH I PAClMl l» HWAN<, ..! easy and dependable! RESIDENTS " »• M«, T««, w*. Tbu... - BUM Till « r. M. _ 8.1.1"*" "" " CALL 833 Roosevelt Ave., Carteret, N {. {wfarkets ft Public Service Electric and Gas Company ME 4-9340 8 A. ». to • *. u. i DiPiwDiBit rooo WIRCHAMT smci i8t» faxpaying Servant of a dreat Statt P M M.« m.... VU*A Thiiri. — Mdt; Till 10 V. M. — PAGE TEN to //„ The Crow's t0 m Art Exhibition Sunday MKNLO P-ARK TEHHACK - Nejon. and Mrs ,»„,,„ With Nurses' Art Show ALICE CUTHBERTgON p weU Th, PTA Of School 19 will W>n- ° - 1606 Oak Trn> Road AVENEL — Annual report* line for orders for the Easter soran Art Exhibit!"" ol vailea Iielln, New Jersey 'by department heads were dig- candy sale by Mrs. Atkins and talents Sund.iv al *'A"1'^CHRISTENED 8tN|,, Tel. I Happel, Adnms .»-Hlrr COUTS, DUSW'IV >il.- ' ""r> Marcfllls offlcmtrd kas been Rrnduated from Clare- iup ported 18 number combination with the Avenel Woman's Club, Street. Mrs. Fltzsimmons was rcml\ chalks. «rmiiiu> '' 'CPremony was pi'idm,,, ftont Secretnrlal School, New 1 sponsors a girl in her junior guest of honor on her birthday tur* . and mnmit^. proxy sponsors, who j, 1 1 1:1|l ur with Merck ftbers for the School for thyeae r of Woodbridge High _^n Sunday. Mr aira Mrs. I Amoiis Mir Wwul • » ' J»CE Medina. O/.onr p, . Miss Virginia ;BUnd, Chi., D* covers comSchool to the Institute which isfltzslmmons were quests at the artisls displayini! "•"i^ llie; Joseph Meslna, Isiim n Iheld In June. home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph •Bcmiftt Blumonihiil K'i • 01 J° nodparnnts an; \n lien schein, daughter of Mrjplet. e with buttons and button ld i J h f M d Mrs Joseph .,, (1 [holes, zippers, hooks and eyes Mrs. Prank Oenesko and Mrs. De Sena, Nixon. K. Dernoll, Jr.. Otto .1 I>-Tti"ll. john Clancy, Burbank Mrs. Jacob Schein, Wood- s William Dean were named to, _Mr and Mrs Walter Kron. III Mrs Edwin I-iuiiwdi. M' ( clinnf» *as held »ftn has been pledged by and snaps are being completed 1 m?™ CW Chapter of Kappaifor these children to assist In Walter Mitchell Mr. - Hini,ndlmony at tlie in., CW Chapter of Kappaifor these children to assist In the auditing committee by Mrs. w Wood Avenue, were hosts, l Ete Sorority att CornelCll l TJnlTJl- jtowhlng the children to drew E*an- ' 'Saturday evening to Mr. and K Powell Jr.. RHym.mti skibni- QUesta included: Mir\v, sky mid Mrs. Riisw'll SMIIM^ ,,ud son. Vito. mtty where she Is a fresh-jthemselves. Mrs Graham re- Election of officero s will take Mrs." Emll Callendo. and chll _jan Dr. Herbert L. Moss,—""ported' a" tota*"*"l ' o"f' 33 """"•yg " jdren, John, {Caren and Linda Mrs. .John Ix>fwnir.s •»" Mr -»nd Mrs Joscp! felvania State Collegge of Op- First Aid Squad building. Mrs. ur«pd all members of the PTA Jr. and Joseph Km "fctnetryfc , d DDr. MosM s iis A puppet show will be preEga- n and Mrs. Martin Gutow^ iCaliendo Sr. and Phillip Call- president of the New Jersey Op-sented for the children in theski are In charge of the affair. endo both of Newark. ito tickets ;ts Ibis is R\\ of I.selin. Beotln- jthc only rimd-vaiv.ti« prniect Joseph, Michael Smetrlc Association. ... Air- Perth Amboy General Hospital] Hostesses were Mrs. Mazza —On Sunday Mr. and Mrs iH 3/c Alexander P. Sak, Jr., around Easter time by Mrs. of the year. Tickets may t>r jncqucHnp. were H| nm j/c niaoii»" »• —. — •. »»m.» «~w. >....„ »., —an(j ^jr6 GUtowski. Winner Kronert and children, Wnlte: |purchR.seri from block captains. Worden Avenue, Hopelawn. was Robert Milos and Mrs. Jame8]oj the specjai prize was MTBan. d Carol were dinner gueste iiamed honor graduate of the Mam. Mrs. Milos invited In- Kee. at the home of Mr. and Mrs m.^,--^ .„._,,_ |at the school, or 'at HIP doooorr VOLl,NTEERS SEK|M Bnlce Mc be United States Air Force supply terested members to attend a I —— [Martin Oliver. Newark. READY FOR ART SHOW: Above are members of the commltt* for an ar, show^to bf Two door prize, »•." ISELIN - ipectal course at Am&rlllo AFB, drama and music workshop to —Mr. and Mrs, Robert Neali ^WtontoVfch'oil'irrrS'^nii>aru Trnwr S«ndW fpnj J U 8 >V «v •* awarded. Texas. Airman Zak, who has study excerpts from an open, Synagogue Lists Adams Street, attended the an Gallery Restaurant, Route 1. IWt tortght. Mrs. Richard Powell. Mr,. John The oh.*, m- been assigned to Otis AFB, it was announced that Mrs, nual dinner and dance of th strom, Mns. Morris Colomhrlta and Mrs. Joseph Groeh^ jeludes Mn Mass., attained a final grade of Milos and Mrs. Al Atkins were Union County VFW, Saturda: 'chairman: M not yet 84 to win the honor. He U a named to the committee for Rummage Sale at the Cranwood Inn, Oarfiel WILLS Sal Rappa. J graduate of Woodbrldge High ie fourth annual art exhibit M,-s interested may romu. AVENEL — A rummage sale -Mrs. Wally Bowen, Iseli COLONIA Thee next (ten- ell,, Mrs P Robert Oreen. Trieste Sli n•• j?chool. [wnsorede by the Charles Z. Prang Klein Wedding Oroch Mrs iregory School of Nursing, was planned at a board of di-was a guest, Tuesday afternoo ,,i,l meetino of PTO of schools Joseph at the home of Mrs. Alexandi 2 and 16 will be held Tuesday,1 Jottings: reruuftmwyAmboy.. Thilr ee cjumi. exhibiu tw wilml rectors meeting of Sisterhood B nfti acot> at tne Cuthbertson, Oak Tree Road. Those who attended the be conducted May 17-20 at the ' J Avenel-Co- 8 P.M. in the auditorium of J wtsh School 16 », panel discussion sponsored by >erth Amboy Hospital to bene-!'™'* e Community Cen- —On Sunday. Mr. and Mr;Solemnized on Saturday IS OUR It the nursine scholarship fund.SteJ1. Mrs Sidney Nochimson, Cuthbertson and chHdren, Ric' "The Importance of" Wills" the Woodbrldge Township Busl- ( FORDS — The wedding of ,KareKaren Ann MartinMarun, Fordsrwiu>,,| •- nes sand Professional Women's The club, Interested in the ways and means vice president, ard and Maureen, were gues [announced the sale will be held at the home of Mr and MrsMiss Karen Margaret Klein, cousin of the bride. Bridesmaidsjwill be the topic of discussion Club Friday were very •' Mrs, held by the Central New Jerse Kettrny Avenue, Nixon. CSIPO Breltwleser, aviation machin- tR6 sewmZinfgf mWtTthe'i w lne y|deemer Lutheran Church Islatne r m brtde wore a gown tM Mapfa Strtrt lonated a • !,branch of National Women's affiliated will hold a RegionalL h long The bride graduated from ist's mate third class, USN, son •hillppines. f satin and )ace wit PERTH AMBOT, N. i of Mr. and Mrs. Riccardi, 20 " n, A j'League at the Albion Hotel, As-'christian Growth Institute at sleeves. A crown of aurora bo- Woodbrldge High School and is PUBLIX April employed by the S-T-M Supply Brookf ield Avenue, Woodbrldge was set as the aeaa-bury park AprUn and 12 Mrs :Qur Redeemer Lutheran realls and pearls held her fin- WORLD WIDE TRAVTl Company Inc.. Hopelawn. Her Is serving with Training Squad Melvln Schlesinger urges mem-jchurch, Friday'and Saturday, gertip veil of French illusion, PHARMACY 8PBCIALIST8 SINCE 190: Crow's Nest and then "Window bers interested in attending as;announced Mrs William Kocsis, and she carried a bouquet of ihusband -'attended Sayreville ron Three at South Whiting 91 Main Street, Woodbrldfe Field Naval Auxiliary Air Staon Green Street. I'll get back delgeatss to contact her at MEIpresident of the Priscllla Mis-roses with a center orchid. |High Scnool and is employed tion, Milton, Fla. to Woodbrldge some day an4-5874d . Isionary Circle. Maid of honor was Miss by H. Prang Trucking Co will drop in to see you." Here and There: Last But Not Least: Joseph C. Dunn, member o TURNPIKE Born at Perth Amboy Gen- DRIVE-IN THEATRE the law firm of Florio, Dunn eral Hospital: Prom Fords, a Westbury Park News Marclano and Lypinski, Hobo son to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ken, attorney for the Sewaren ALICE CUTHBERTSON Seiken, 31 A Aldrich Drive; a TODAY TH1HJ TUESDAY Port Reading secessionists, ha; son to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Case, 1606 Oak Tree Road moved into a house in Port 70 Seventh Street; a daughter Iselin, New Jersey Reading built by Ray Bertolam to Mr. and Mn. John S. Toth, TeL U 8-8169 ROCK HUDSON The rumor 1$ that Dunn is t< 40 Jefferson Avenue; . . . from —Mr. and Mrs. George Bev- ( O Ml be appointed City Attorney Iselin, a daughter to Mr. and DORIS DAY the Supreme Court decides eridge and children, Roseann Mrs. Warren Crapse, 10 Waran- d George, Jr., Worth Street, TOW RANDALL the secessionists' favor... Arm wick Street;. . . from Wood-? Specialist Pour Joseph M. Po! along wttlr Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bridge, a daughter to Mr. andliam Hassett and children, Jan- anks ypk, whose wife, Ute, and parMrs. James Bryan, 148 Lock- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mlchat, et and William, Wwtbury Road wood Avenue; a son to Mr. andwere guests Sunday at the home! Polyak live at 164 Strawberry nuvu OIWIUBI a nun tu ii*i. nun were guesuf ounuay no uie nome Plui "« BLACK HORSES" Hill Avenue, Woodbridge, re Mrs. James Allen, 162 Wedge- of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Aiello, Box once Open t:W wood Avenue;. . . from Hope- Jersey City. Show Ttau 7:15 cently completed, a 30-wee lawn, a son to Mr. and Mrs. REMEDY FOR "LACK OF CASH" microwave radio equipment n Robert Halbert, 35 Luther Ave- pair course at The Sign nue;. ,. from Avenel, a daugh- School, Fort Monmouth. Th ter to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ko- 22-year-old soldier Is a 19.vacs, 36 C Street;. . . from Co- ROLLER SKATING FORDS graduate of Woodbrldge Hig Ionia, a daughter to Mr. and SPECIAL RATES TO School and was employed b GROUPS PLAYHOUSE Mrs. Julius Parinhas, 51 Jeffery HI 2-03U Alpha Industrial Service In 14. Road; a son to Mr. and Mrs.ErerrNlt-ht den before entering the Army ivid Newstadt. 140 Stafford Exeept Mondaj ... Glad to hear that Joe Greco THURSDAY, APRIL I local attorney, is back to clrcu- 7:Stf to 11 P. ML 85' First Bank's loan officers know lation after his stint in the Hitlnto, ittwdtj, SPANISH SHOW that when you need money hospital. SoniUjn A HolMayi 2M PJL to t FJL50 to relieve a financial headache, . At The Typewriter: FRIDAY THRU TUESDAY Don't forget to make your QUALITY you need it in a hurry. SOUTH AMBOY ARENA (S Days) reservation for the testimonial Stevens * 6th, Booth Amboj dinner tor Lincoln Tamboer SIMPLICITY May 8 at Greenbrler Restau- Youil appreciate how quickly rant, North Brunswick, to mark "SERGEANTS 3" they can turn your loan request his 3Bth year of service In the With Frank Sinatra and Woodbridge Township School Riding Tractors into ready cash. system.. .Received a note from Dean Martin, Esther1- Robinson who used to Walking Tractors llvt on Rowland. Place, Wood- SATURDAY MATINEE Speed, plus understanding and confidential bridge,1 and now resides in New W«y, Ckpuclni Milford, Pa., where she is ex- Riding Mowers Barbin SUnwjck In •THE (GREATEST SHOW handling of your application... ecutive vice president of the "WALK ON THE WILD ON EARTH" are always basic ingredients ^ Orange National Bank. Esther receives our paper each week Rotary Tillers From % P- M. of First Bank's loan service. and with the growth of the Township has difficulty in WEDNESDAY, APRa 11 If you need money for any sound purpofle, finding familiar names. She DELIVERY! apply here... where you get action... wrjteV. "If you doni dig up IMMEDIATE "HuRgariai Show" some old time news pretty soon and cash ... fast. j I won't know what you are Complete Service talSlng about or whom. It's got OPEN MONDAY Ud so I look at the obituary I WEDNESDAY TUX » P. H. column first (there I find a familiar name, though I don't NOW raau APRIL u like to). Next I head for the VkV 1HEU TUESDAY U'« VIP! that nukM tbtm FID?! Ikurtnce HUTCJ A new twist In tb« an of - ' Jut Fonda GENTLE PERSUASION "WALK OK THE WILD I Adler SIDE" Rock Bullion • Dorii Day lonj Randall LISTEN WJtjlNG COMMUTING HOURS & Sons "MEMO TO MOTORISTS" , Woodbrldge, N. J. NOW IHBU TUESDAY "LOVER Highway 136 ONI ENTIRE WEEK! MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY North Brunswick Rock Kudwn • Dorii Dij NOW THRU TUESDAY "LOVER COME BACK" Phone AX 7-2474 COME BACK" WCTC-1450 "KING Or THE He Owed Hii LU« t. ROCK HUDSON ROARING Wl" VbU Hlfed ttan! ON YOUR RADIO DIAL DORIS DAY RITZ Theatre IXTEM Audle MurpW. DaniJUirjn CuUW, N. i. Kl \-M rrtiUj wd Saturday joam O'Brten TONY RANDALL NOW THRU MONDAY Ipwlal B inuii F«*tor« "J BLACK HORSES" APRIL « . I . "TAMM1 AND THE B*jr Bolfw . Annette BACBILOB" tommy Bud* - H Wynn "BABES IN TOYLAND" COME YEAR! B1GGB8T Irst Bank - Alto - DOUBLE-HIT SHOW! mac NOW THRU TUESDAY Uanl ud H"dj and TRUST COMPANY Saturda; Kiddle MstlnM William Hold«a Rouano Rraiil "DAYS 8f THRILLS France Nuyen OUYU DclUvUlaod FORDS, N. J. PERTH AMBOY, N. J. "THE SNOWQUEEN" aid UU6HTER" "SATAN NEVER SLEEPS" 'LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA" i* < PLUS CARTOONS MfMMft MOIWAl OIPCMIT IN»U«»NC« CORPORATlOU KMdl* Sun. at P. U. YEAR'S BIGGEST KIDDIE SHOW SAT. AND SUN.! : SUrU WediiCBday, AprU U Adaduitto M>' l? Wait Dluw'* Tommy Uik The Aiuulnf tun at tnt Moit WBDNMDAV THRU MONDAY Alto Rtndn DM In UnuMiU Hon* ot All Time! AJPML U-U run uaftn Cartoon reaturc Undi* DM - Joan Otrlu TAMMY TELL ME TKUE" "SNOW FIRE" - n«* - "SNOW QUEEN" TftOWU W IU IKY" CARtOOM- STARTS WED., APRIL U-"LOVER COME BACK" Klddll MltiuM lit. * lUB 1 PM 'i m Independent-Leader Carteret Press A Newspaper Dedicated to the Best Interests of the Residents of the Edison Township and Fords Beacon Communities We Serve.

PAGE ELEVEN WINDOW ORTChapter Student Nurses Present' Green Street Installation '100 Years of Nursing' On By The Staff _ CARTERET — Student* of keen interest the Such-Abazla- Set, May 8th |The Charles E. Gregory School contest. If Jackson wins, it FORDS—Plans were discussed Colonia Schools last wet Rt a p _ , , eral Hospital presented their ,,, lh(. hiit of JOhn Rolibas, who already * ,'' miicRtioii in the palm of his hands, via 0( the Metwood Chapter of io Yrar9 f pro re5s ln Nurs ." .,',„„ Tiling/; are not rosy In the 'Wom™'» American ORT for in- Set Kegistration ° ° « - C1 ing prouram at Carteret High '",,! Carteret either. There U talk that "illation ni«ht, May 8 at the COLONIA - The annual|Sch00, Mf. k (jiip ci.nfildnte for mayor may step out Jewish Community Center, spring registration of children1 . ... . ,,me houseclcanlim. • • Sumner Wecner, Orove Avenue, Metiichen, Mrs! expecti-d to enter kindergarten The tableau covers hlghllghU is (taininu In stature throuKh hk Samuel Kaplan and Mrs. Wll- classes at tliree Colonia schools In the history of ntirsing and Mrs Irene. Toth, wife of Ham Hojer are co-chairmen, 'have been announced as fol-1presents ln colorful costume ths taken »u<-h a llkttiK to the new other members of the com- low: iherolnes and founders of nurj- hH> ,,, ,„,, whom she met via her husband re- m[itfe aU«,ndlnK |nHuded Mrs At School 20 registration haslinn as well as various, careen : i,, ,» HI .iff an Easter packase to them. "Maybe Lloyd Kalugln,, vice president been set for April 12 and 13 in mirsinu today. ' program was first put on ifrom 9:30 until 1] A. M, and ,„, ,, ,,,-ket U> come to see them.' she said and membership chairman' at the hospital In January to '!• from 1:3(1 until 3 P. M. N,, matter how busy. Ann Niemtw has n Mrs Joseph Rayman member- nursing school 21 will conduct reK-;—;t;~ A „ visit th" Borough Hall. She is deputy ship co-chairman; Mrs. Stan- ^commemorative postage stamp rhuiiis nre xettiiiR so crowded at the ley Oiwnspan, program chair-! iist.ration, April 12 and 13 from! |9 until 11:30 A. M. and fromi'issue, d by the U.S. Postal De- , .„,, ,|,,v m.iv have to build nil addition. man. and Mrs. Donald Wein-i of the V ,„,', . ,,f our newspaper reporters, Is on ^week's traub, pi-omani co-chairman:' isehi'dule has been arranged Li™!, Mrs Herbert Alter and Mrs. pro- iwherpby those whose names be-} Lionel Wnlpert. in charge of pin A to K will register, Aprillgram on ' „„,.„„ jn tr.r.r In the Diner', Club *«'rv»'ton.s: Mrs Harold K' and those from L to Z will', Mlss E clare Monahan, Dinrr\ (li/i-Srhrnlr> Import Drink .'.rr""b.(' n°r?! decorations: rev.ister, April 13. guidance director at Carterw I,, ,l,ifh Minif 1.000 bamrndrrn from all nvfr thf Mrs Murray Margolin and High School, arranged to pre- At School 22 registration will '..•'niillf-tl Ihflr «»n p/fP»ratl»™ to a panel o( Mrs Muriel Seransky. hospi- sent the program to all girls at tality take place Tuesday and Wed- ,,, «lnnrr* "rf^ed »00 prim and . U«. the high school to Inform them A uitiMi al comedy, 'Trial of nesday frnm 9:30 until 11:30 ,,,„„ |,,r Inn at l*rTr!iiK, md ': »uner Cotnar. Sfrvf In ister, Wednesday. of Perth Amboy General Hospi- A membership tea was lii'ld .:.,, miii; Add iif i-ubfK. fill with rhampmif Children who have reached tal. Mrs. Edwin Quln, brancjl I**-1 Tuesday at the honir of the age of five years on or be-president, headed the reception ,1, uilh ehrrr). ThU should rrilly Unlr «mid In M:'-. Riiymond Chftlt, iiresident. fore December 31 are eligiblecommittee. She was .assisted ..,, \.it,,-l The "(imllihl" ai ronrm-trd b» lluih Mis Alvm Klein, liuiirdinnslrfp for school. Parents are required by Mrs. Prank Barbato, Mrs. , |h, ihr.r r'minUint, SI. l/oul>, Mo, !» *lmplr In eliiiirman of the chapter, was to provide the child's birth cer- Joseph Symchlk, Mrs. David ,,,l .Imiild 4PI>f>l to thf Mirilnl Ian*. Stir ', orthe Kuest speaker In •- jtlfieate, proof of smallpox and Wohglemuth and Mrs. Sumner " ,,l ,,,„..! ..i.munN «f Dry Vrrmoutn .nd (iln. Smr p,,, ,„;<,"' ' . ' 'l7-point "prom'ftm n t nf B KINK PROGRAM: Students of The Charles K. (irr^ory Sohmil of Nursing ;it I'erth Amboy General Hospital brought their diphtheria vaccinations and atlWeiner. „„!,, »,!!, a t»i Haynian plannemedd the aftnii"' bor, public health nurse; Marilyn l-iska, Fords, as Florence Ntahtiiiffiilf: Karen Jorgensen, Fords, ;us Clara Barton, and JTownship Board of Education nursing education at the Perth i Mvliinnrd tU** »nd a da»h of hlttrrv >; or.and hostesses wen- Mrs Green. Nancy Krohweln, Menlo Park, Army Nurse. rulos. Amboy Hospital, introduced ths , ,„ ,i.,-h n( «"da and muddlrv Thfn add Iff and l'j ha urn. Mrs, Ji-rrv Hollander..---——-————-—r:; ™^J^^^^jjjjj^jjjjjjjjjjjjj^^^jj^^^^^^^^j^^ ~ , Pi'Mram. Parts were played by ,,!,,„ (,.ntiKih with fruit and fnjny II,, W> hrai and Mr.-. Joseph Holtzman, U,,IM,. \ScMidhridnfltf livlns at Ihf fnrnfr of Krancin Tin- next renu,iir meetuiK ITllCdl I ICIUICU narrator; Marilyn Liska, Fords, , HHI l'. MisPhillip U Mappeti of \V(Kid- Church. Rev. John J, Egan.iBaret Wong, Hons Kong; Nan- 1'•[! WntMitv Au-nur. Wnodbmt.."- 1.' .im- - Luke Manella of the Holy Trin- ellen, Navy Nurse; Paulette . . As part of a skeleton crr» fir *ill \tuy ervhtions for InMall.ition uinht ity Fathers, Hyattsville, Md. ItStanish, Laurence Harbor, pub- •n'.mji- witti scientific fxperlments miimum will be taken by Mrs. Hubert will start Friday at 8 P. M. and,11c health nurse; Elaine Rlhl- : ia!i-i,iiird jovenimfiu tmUllatidi.s UVIIIK Alter and Mis Wolpert be continued Saturday at 7:30|man, Linden, .school nurse; Eva' • ,' MII ihi "areal Whit* Continent-' in not Hie April board m,eun« hus P. M. with a special mass sched-Tompkins, Freehold, school

,];:.,; M.-rV«,,«.t staying there kno» they be«i art for April n at the uled solery for the retreatantsichild; director of nuisingM8(Je« ••.D.I missliin to perform . Cime infont»(wJjMP"1 H Mn ChMW 135 At- at 8 A. M. Sunday. line Kindly. Woodbrldge; grad- :.. adv gently She I* Marxartt Huithn,, '1"lt|r fltr«'t. Mrnlo Park Ter- The week-end program is in-uatc nurse Julia Miskolczl, ;iiii-^uv at the Sllni and Trim Slenden/nn rare tended to afford the benefits!South Amboy. of a retreat to the many menj Patricia Varga, Carteret, nt.jiay Annue Avenel MarK»n-t had formerly for whom the making of a re-; i d the part of today's stu- Pur hesu-r Turkish Bath* In Bayiwal*r. Ii)ii n CL*L I p aye ireat would otherwise be di«l-:dent nurse; Bernice Muchl, .. t ;hw country in 1957 and «tUl djx-alw »it:t \ iitlCfl, Mllllar | cult, if not impossible, Carteret, and Claire Kontje, • S:.r if III chame of the m.iM*K<- and tfiim A communion breakfast wuT managers, • o.,'h mm and »omfi; C'hrSteiiM-n , 4 J/Ji«iiL'i.' C*,*..n Bftyomlei were stage <••.,• M.Mn Street was thf only Nf* J,:srv .111(11 Cnfl IjlOUD be held after the Sunday mass piano acCompanlment wa» at Howard Johnson's, Wood- j Deck, •d:s ir.onth's LiAUf of ••.Srvfiitrrn ' on H'-ler. .,,..,.., ._, ..„ . ,„ V Ipmvl( ed by AU a bridge. Bernard M. Hartnett,; , ,. . ,V dB™,l>,,,^ . , f [h,. ilmdWard,, Soutn Ri (1 and Diana Bab M.\'(I U:M:II-'. Demixratic Club business administrator, pur-!(,ock| Mf,tuchen. The 5tudent chasing agent and newly-ap- ill.-! a: hit.M raid's with Edward chorus sang "To Be a Nurse" K-n, \uiir (•rrinrr and SUn I'ulUr bark In Woodbrldir |pointed temporary industrial I'.itti-:. <•. H^it-Nftidnul fiindldate and "One Little Candle". r Inutln varatlun* in Florida, tportlni. hfitT Un» and (mm r'li- !!!••* 15th coniirt'ssloii-' commissioner of the Township,! in/ >t"iidi-rful. Mr. and MM. V Klhn. ('lajton Slrrfl will be the speaker. Thij break ,i! and Undershenff! •:!•':•!, lut rrtufned from a Kuropfin trip, rla Jft r Morn- Si :1iur a.i nuest .speak-' ffastt , which h is sponsored by the'Cnrd Party Winners K » ,N .iirrwhrlmfd »lth thf M>rv^cr, rqulprnfiit, »nd IIS uvv FI'TIHK INDL'STRl'VI PARK- Area officials toured Baritan Arsenal by bus and by helicopter last Thursday in parish's Holy Name Society, is' , ' J L uriu. Nim^hlnj. on Ihr U»ln from Milan, lUly to Thf am, ,.il spruu dunce is to ordrr to deUrmine the best Industrial use ot the site. Approximatelr y 36!) acres of the arsenal- in the southwest corner- under the chairmanship of Jo Announced oy I'"" l ~»,i/rrl.,,,d Hr trlb u» th*t none of Ihf American be held J'.: <• 9 at the Ma.sonlc| Z. L wfrfhruK Township. Lett to right are Alex Curcio',. Edison;; AssemblymanAssemblyman Normann Tanzman,, Woodbr.dWoodbrideeBe;; Joseph |seph Shershen. • AVENEL — The winners of II \, " t'i\nr rumpitrr with It O*rr MM »rr fx- Temple, Woodbrldge, Frank j p"sororri County Industrial Commissioner and also a resident of WoodbridKe; Township,Business Administrator Ber- card party Monday night "I '', Hit brcjMjPii Sunday In Kfnnr \"f» «*fn Ihr Murpiiy, i•: .iirman. stated. Com- ' ' nard M. Hsrtnelt and Anthony M. Yelencsics, Edison Township mayor. Fire Company Fund. !at the Woodbridge Home Cen- 1 '••: I I'liirn DrmiKrattr Auoclatlon honor* ll» namr- miitn ni> -iibers are Mr. and n . c , "r, , , ter given by the Junior Worn. I( "n •„( Mlw Uir (irnr Krdon'. Hf'i * rh»rtrr.Thomas ilu'.lrr Fashion Show Held By Emblem Club 351 |Rev. George Sliults COLONIA — Saturday theiUOunced by Mrs. Herbert Han* Groups Set j '" i ilir|w,KKit,ridff Xsoi-it, trlfr. Julia, charter mrra Colonia Volunteer Fire Com- nagan and Mrs. Al Atkins, For Donor Luncheon WOODBRIDUE - Emblem Commentator Set§ Confirmation ( luh ithf auilllaryi: dmufhtrr. Mri. ]i.imes iialvHno. and Sam pany, District 12 will begin its|CCMhairmen. |ciub 351, Women's Auxiliary of [tuck and piano accompanist COLONIA - The 1962 Con-third annual fund drive by col-! The door prises- were won by i "ffirrr In Ihr Kmblrn Hub, and anothrr |Camerallw)1, take Hadassah groups will Gifts-were distributed to alline! d during the Morning Wor- been sent through the mail. Herbert Boder. Table awards pl«ce July S9 at Avenel Park. 'iiiltht at Trinity the annual donor lunch- • Van Ja- ship service, it 11:00 Sunday at These collections will continue went to: Mrs, Stanley But- :•' --i\ that the Horace Buchanans' cocktail The chairman i» Thomas But- Church hall »ith Mrs. James 1 and assorted prizes were; the United Church of Christ, through April 14. The companyjkewicz, Mrs. Paul BozylinskI, . Mr, - James Webb as'""" """ '• • .'.»ur> liner 'VBB Independence «a* \er, with Mm. U'd USalle as lawarded Valley Road and the Parkwayis 100 per ceit volunteer. Mrs. Joseph Horvath, Mrs. Jo- ico-chaiimen. ;r Mr Buchantn who rwides at 102 Hickory ;co-chairmun assisted by James Circle, Clark. The pastor, Rev. purpose of the'drive is seph Rhodes, Mrs. William H0 Modeling the fashions werej *'^ ''tat mat*" on the craft After the QHUHIIO,. UO USalle. Mr and W ^i™. , NO BIKE NOW George A. Shults, will conduct to set up a welfare and untformiWaldbaum, Mrs. William Ku- Mrs, Gabriel Huns, Mrs. James v <••>•- (\nnti man ho»trd hh friends on » Mrv Frijnk Murphy. Walter So- *J™Harol- d Greenspan, co- the (examination on Bible ln-fund to provide financial help! fall, Mrs. Russell Snowfield, 1 1 Mayer, Mrs. Albert Urnari, Mrs. WOODBRJDGE-Gary Murm '••• ;»' :(i.n area, which Irkluded taking' In the bieski, Mrs Tiiblu, Mrs Robert* " announced 900 wo- fornjation, Christian belief and to the families of deceased fire- Mrs, Jack Gaydas, Mrs. Robert George Van Dalen, Mrs. Nolan, 285 Colonia Boulevard, Colonia, ilii* u> suo-eed in Biuinej* Without Really Siienk. and Mrs Thomas But- 16 chapters are ex- practices and church history men and firemen who are un-Milos, Mrs. Hannagan and the Mrs. Prank Fiwrotta, Mrs. Jotol- d police Monday, that some- •:; d::;her at thr "Pamoui Kitchen" On the lpr ,ed w attend able to perform their duties be- Misses Kathy Krasovic and 1ee Maza. Mi-: William o,« had stolen ^ red^and before the congregation. *u(\ Mrs U)ul» Cononico, Mr and Mr« Carl ( Fund rauiim campuniii dm-.* ^ cause of illness. The uniform Agnes Steed. Mrs. MUos and Featured on the. program will Pljtcher, Mrs. Vincent Ricciar- black bicycle from School 20, Members of fhe class are: •»-d Mrs Ijan Cantor Mr and Mrs John ner-datuv hoiuiiint! CummlH«e- fund la to provide uniforms for Mrs. Emery Toth were the non- Colonia. The bike was valued Stephen DuniVing, Karen 1 Mi- 1-Yi-d Ripke. *bfr and Mrs Jack Vander- man Robert be Ira Hirschman, author and done, and Mrs. Anthony Maz- player winners. at $20. [Koons, Glenn parsons, Geof-|new firemen, :'i Mrs Stanley Perwka all of Carteret. held Sept zeo. : frey Rames, Fiederick and ftdivm Gold Medal Bajikflbull Tournament ^outc 27. fdiN IjKancy Ray, and Janis Schienl. *<'ccpu-d Kmdly call the Edison, Carteret jare Mrs Tobin The class will be confirmed .'('•creaiimi officei lor further deUll» , All The committee will be an- The money raised through lion Palm Sunday. '•• f'Hncrr Fund, . . . Suecew w Mrs Wil Uni jnounced at a UUT date ... . sllDnort TREES ADD BEAUTY '«• •*"* »e*ly insUlled den mother of Cud,'; Mr and Mr* Robnt Barrett this luncheon will support "' M:, WulU-r McFadden, activities chairman were welcomed as new "lundi!.- jMjcees and J«ycee-ette« sponwrtd a (b*rs . .„„!"»"! «»rtii..r"rVnter ln Jeru- TO YOUR PROPERTY! '"' P«i«itlil member, recently at the Hun- t Th* dart luw« vrw wt- wng^MMIal Centei in jeru ConifratuUtioiu to memoen. ol the In- (by Mrs. Walter Drlbm (Increase the Value Too!) j •«!»• N'vrniuon Dept AH-8t*r Baiketbal! t»a)n Kills who were tapped for the National By MARIA J ' High lau week i Shade trees add lasting beau- ty to your property. We love HA1K U,, BRUSHING During the nine years we have been , Frank PalinkM, John trees and know how to plant Brushing and Allen Kfri tecelted thr M AUrt your hair is in business here in Colonia we have and care for them, Do feel one of ili« Sroulliif award lor rrllftou* wnricr by must Impor- MltI It free to consult us! v""• M»rl»nio^ri o|T8t. Anth«nj', i'hurch. , , . CALL ON US b r u bh can -muke a big hl w-'umr dUin»y(fd with »ur,pre«ent Job, be very every da|. We just want >to let you ' I'"* ,U|I FOR ALL differ- "u mly tw rtnotber. e«peeUUy K wmelblni "' ' •''nkr: ence. Everj- 1 >uur one knowi know we appreciate your business. m '»n^-*lth a P.O. Bo> number. A (Bund thU out but week. Imailne \\I)SC\IM\< dally brushing Is » neceulty, but

•Illll, don't just brush down, Bruih up, AND1; MUCHA, Proprietor Nuniery stock: Tree* d to uy hk bON WM o* U» lm- "' We're always *»ad to answer itartlng >t tie iQota, and bt lure liv Commttfe«man Charllf Molnar Shrub*, Rose Bushen, (a keep your brush clean. danoct. Hr uy* be b not any questions you may have on Having A Party? Call FU L9292 h« lrlins . Hi planting and " landscaping, jardwiiiw. Bene- A healthy scalp is a necessity ll.lll pUntini Tree surgery. fit from our specialised train- (or bair beauty, If you lute SPECIAL DISCOUNTS trouble with dandruff Or dry Uwn buiMlnt and liif, experience. It i« J»ur Parties • Clubs • Churches • Etc. D. C. tn April! He I* a indent scalp, make an appointment for ly iroomiiig. Gardening guarantee of success! < m., . ' lrt In «toetrle«l lwrlm a professional Ktlp treatment.

r s HI hUl |lhl ' '" * «« He I. a reiular reader ANDY'S (Carvel) W \ Charles Addalia's MARIA'S h»» been telectcd (or bl|h hpnon In the f0f lrlcb "«bb»um tend* alone the following ORE1NEB. Director ""'Uis Hair Fashion ^«t «he Uttlr. oU lad, who paid her Income Uk€ 44 Green Street k" '"ui,t , ' "« »b»t thb |oe* to torn, friendly 824 Wesjt Avenue DARI - FREEZE Store r CENTRAL GARDEN SHOP Woodbridge 1095 St. George Avenue, (lolonia Port Reading ' 1075 St. George Avenue llV,MlJil| t • • • TEL. HE 4-1089 ,,,'J{m* ^ UUB column will be apprwtawd Ii you Phone KU 8-1644 Cl»«d Wtoatioayi COLONIA ,„,, ' 'lewny" cotictrning people and uicidenu Open 7 Bay* a Week fro* 8 A. M. Till Du* „„"" lu Window On Qretn Street." alon* with u d lll|r adre«i. If you »o desire we will not publiih I" i\ no matter how much pressure isj SO THIS IS GENEVA!, o brought to bear. Letters to the Editor Knowing Mr. Nemyo, you can rest

assured he- will. He's that kind of a «i Hoad.;danger ^school chnd^.^ectlvesofservice,,^ .f |]f JblBOH ftOfctlf fjtp- man. 65 ness. , Very briefly this Jfnrbs cartm Another Honor P along Meredith Road to and! covers: Editor 'from School #24.Oi 1. Supporting the ( Within the past few weeks, students Independent Leader occasions, we have [ty Scholarship where and administrators alike in our school Woodbridge, Nth. eJ .Editor, - < ?Sto£o£^ |from each resident „,\, orable publicity. tbi InHtpcndtM-Ltadtf tad Ellwn Tsnibtp IhUd fn to 5"ic schools? Do, We know you have a t™™- bridge for the purpos, „:,: rsrdi Bnpnn published wttklj •• Ttmrwliy The latest honor was given Dr. John members of the Board of Edu-dou, responsibility In maklng^m scholarship, u, a, ll-Jd lirren »tre« ME Mil] send their children to thM'clslOn as to this largo ox- student*. I.e., lhc*r ^ Wnndbrtdie, N«w JtrMj P. Lozo, principal of Woodbridge i Ttai Cartertt Preu pnbllihn) IHU) on Public: schools? pmditure, for road improve- main ained average „.„!. Ml RoowteH AttBDi HI I-Wt Senior High School. Once agaih he has Yours truly. ments in the towmhlp. Unbare college material ,,, Kenneth B. McCain, movements should » "»« unable to continue thn, ,,, Cirttret N*» Itfiey been listed in "Who's Who In Educa- ,.nPre there Is the «r.-ntost need because of the money mv ,lv(l WOODBEIDOE PUBLISHING COMPANY tion," a coveted honor among men and (Note: This letter addressed R)ld ffhere the taxpayers of ourj Also under this yhB., Uwrenee t. Ckmplon, women in the educational field to commltteeman Joseph Nem- tnwnship will get the most bone- project, our club wns : President and Trcmrarer yo was sent to us for publica- fu Oniy you Bre aware of the to make a donation tiro, A top educator, with an exceptional- 'tion) lovoral township need !purchase of an nir-i U; Cirrltr, II Cmti f«r ly fine background, Dr. Lozo's capa- April 1, 1962, ,t „. confident too. that ing unit for the pedi ... 66 Meredith Rd., ! know the condition that rx- at the Perth Ambny i ant r«r KM; •!« montbl. «U»; «"••, bilities were also recognized recently Colonla, N. J. Hospital. A drive for f. JK»f "nil. tophi bj null. U ewti Ul um on Meredith Road and trust n la (dunce, when he was elected to a three year [Dear Mr. Nemyo: that money can be *t aside be started In the urn: and being aware of term on the executing committee of the Wnr e not,,™e throug»..—h the pres-expressls y for tho .llmlnatton that the medical staff [, that tho Township is contem- of this traffic hazard. In tnts Middle States Association of Colleges conditioning would bi> dating $1,000,000 of Improve- cage w do not fool that any ; and Secondary Schools, Im^ntTto'ssVoads scheduled tolj^nporary'lmprovi'iiirnt would asset In treating tin' , ibe rebuilt In the Township. We satisfactory. Since tho nil-(during the summer IIK The community, we are sure. Joins bp trust that Meredith Road is in- vert Sf,rves no useful purpose, j urge all civic organic: us in saying congratulations and best eluded on your list. jit should be ellmlnntrd entlrelyJdustrles and Indium Decision wishes to Dr. Lozo. , „„ vou know. Meredith Road, and the hump in the road -— Colonla. is nn Important nrtory brought down to the proper The final phase of the efforts of the 'between Now Dover Road nnd grade to conform «nn tho ad-paign. between New uuv« ™»u mw B.»... .« ^«. r Port Reading-Sewaren separationlsts Cttncer Progress Year that Roneral area, and Middle- Joinm* properties, rhe cost, In-, 2. Entering a Kx;, iselln aren. Ivolved. while se slxtn Dl5lrlct Musi The American Cancer Society and ill »,.m,,» In tho isrtin aron. Ivolvod. while swminrtv hlgh|Slxtn Dl5lrlct Musi(. to secede from the Township and form on Meredith Initially, would JK• n, Hed «, 3 ^Supporting a have their own city, took place Tuesday In the National Cancer Institute have "preventive cancer' •the dignified, quiet Supreme Court designated 1962 as Cancer Progress htaher war after saving to protect our c1tlwra;glsl Training Fund so Chambers in Trenton with Chief Jus- Year in an effort to point up the ad- W Beside' tho 'need for «nd our children for many,age students t0 OTk . tice Joseph Welntraub presiding with vances made against cancer in the last 'normal repairs to the ap- ^«" to come. as a Profession. 'nroaches of Meredith Road Please do what you ran to 4. Instilling within • a full court. Now all that remains is 25 years. from both New Dover Road and eliminate tho hump on Mere-munlty ft greater feel:; •the decision, which, it is hoped, will be Alan Rockoft, Woodbridge Township 'Middlesex Avenue wo nro all dlth Road which all of our American heritage- :! forthcoming within a comparatively Cancer Crusade Chairman, said today deeply concerned about tho px-|nelRhbors humorously refer to concentrated patrloti: lstlnR safety hazard located di-;as "Boot Hill". gram, short time as the sale of bonds for that while his group cannot offer any- rectlv in front W the wrlU>rt| Yours truly 5. Establishing a capital improvements will be affected thing as spectacular as the man in residence At this point in the Benson R. Balcn, school for blind dv, — 68 Meredith Road, [Chile— the first of it< .:.; by the decision. space science has given us, they can Under the Capitol Dome road, normal two-way traffic is reduced to one way because Colonia, N. J. I Latin America. This newspaper has contended, and show, in human terms, dramatic and of a raised culvert which dates'cc Mayor Walter Zlrpolo We bring these to yo.,: a By J. Jtsepfe GrlbbiBs tion because we feel .u remarkable results. Twenty-five years back to the Veteran's Hospital Township Committee still contends, that the good of the (one of the leading un^ days once established here, Woodbridge Independent ago about 160,000 persons were alive 'within our area, your jr.. whole is the major consideration — mainly for slurry operation.! If you are interested enough Leader. DEATHS:— Official vital sta- greatly parallel those f! cured of cancer. Today there are more TRENTON—Dally mall bags but only between 5 and 10 take the time to search the that the trend is not toward fragmen- lellvered to the office of Gov- tistics reported by the State 35 Qeoree Street 'Avenel Junior Woma:.1? In New Jersey, according to records, you will find that a tation, but toward consolidation. ,• than 1,100,000. The number is increas- ernor Richard J. Hughes are Department of Health reveal Avenel. New Jersey,We ask In particular there were 517 suicides among arguments presented to the number of serious accidents ing each day. julging with requests from ci- have occurred at this spot over April 2, 1962 support of Point -4 smi There really is no Utopia! As Sena- tizens for a State-sponsored the 60,527 persons who died In Legislature. The cure rate for cancer climbed the years. Approximately twojThe Editor your readers to Join ;:* • lottery to finance the Increased New Jersey during 1961. nip years. nppiu.Miiini.ri.r i«"i [vitalizing patriotic ir*ar- tor John E. Toolan, special counsel for IDLENESS:— Another major years ago one of the municipaljThe Independent-Leader from one out of seven in the late 1930's cost of government, secure It was one of the nine lead- 'It seems that in the ;M .dent in the Idleness problemj arbaRe trucks with five men,Green Street the Township, so aptly told the money to pay for rebuilding ling causes of death in the State R j alone we have read ii'...:-.v to one out of three in the late 1950's ;!among inmates of the New Jer-: Brd turned over because of |Woodbridge, N. J, damaged seashore property and{the largest being diseases of arj0 tides stating the Aw, ^Justices: 'sey Reformatory at Borden-this road condition. Another Dear Sir: ... Today, according to the Society, it ' the circulatory system which tookj - "The ultimate result of fragmenta- )rovide an outlet for town Has been achieved. .time, one of the school buses This year the Junior Wom-]ment of various citi/i' could be one out of two if all cancer ;he lives of 28.874 persons. Can-' [ambling urge In people. j The State House Commission,|went off the road here and a an's Club of Avenel has under- have been able to con:.: j I tion is that neither side benefits," :er was second on the death were diagnosed early and treated At a recent news conference, lupon recommendation of Johnimajor calamity was mlracu- taken one of the most chal- hand the number ol !'.. Of course no one can predict what Governor Hughes commented list with 11,066. Vascular lesions promptly. W„ . Tramburg11BmuulBl , OIBIStatCe vu...... Commis-.lousl. iiuuaiyv avrnruaverted.. yuimDuringj y:iperiod luuos lenglllllengingi BI1anUd UJU'llindynamict piujrtiprojects'playea i".vd- »•on• ipatriotic ' on the fact that whereas most the decision of the seven Justices of affecting the central nervous sloner o{ institutions and|of inclement weather- fog, in its history. Called "Four stores and individual ;• •.. While the final conquest of cancer jf such letters originated In 1 s*tem, or strokes, claimed 5.* 'Agencies, has approved two new;stormand ice --countles1 s num-pius one", the project encom-io my personal attir,*,. >:. the Supreme Court will be. It all boils iHudson County In former days, 1 is not in sight, the Society and thi lives. indastriindustrieKs for the State Usee IIn-,bern ibers of privflUDrivflU vehicles have passe™.«ed on either side of the response to public and professional introduced this year, as in for-in 1960, the department said. ed metal items. Approximately roadway. These guid post? ; into a sewer on Deesville Avenue, Ave- 50 lnma s ould MONROE A.WEIAM education which has resulted in earlier mer years, by Assemblyman COAL PIPELINE-—New Jersey P t« * be employed'are very unsatisfactory. since nel. Lucidly this act of vandalism was ! William V. Musto. D, Hudson, lawmakers have been asked by In the new siiop. The cost ofjthey further restrict t'l.e flow detection, prompt treatment and bet- Resident Partntr •discovered before it did too much Convential methods of tax- both the railroad Industry and tooling and machines would beiof traffic and ad ter, more available facilities. atlon have reached a level the Brotherhood of Railroad approximately $90,000. versely effect the appearance MEMBER NEW TOBK AND >' damage. which has evoked increasing Trainmen to support legislation The proposed shops have of the general area. ,Si>me o AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGES Among the goals of Cancer Progress>hich has evoked increasing be n found to be What kind of individuals would do ,. ,,, . , ., ,,, _ . . public resistance to increases In which would prevent construe- ^ successful in- theth m are tiltetiltdd tot tht e s:do as tinn of ™«.l nitielins acr !dustrlaI enterprises In other the result of being hi' and '> a thing like that? Was it the stunt of Year are, "to intensify the efforts be-1 taxes* , Assemblyma- n Must- •o de• - tion of fta coal pipeline acrosOSSs Perth Amboy National Bank Building [clares. The need for additional the State. reiormatonereformatories anda prisons iursomn e have been eom^etely .warped minds that need psychiatric ing made to persuade the public to act other states and have given ex- jknpcked over adding to tivdis - U the 5 Corner* HI I-M50 revenues confronts the Legis- The proposed pipeline would L.n»«cellenft wor—ik . opportunit4.._u_y _.!»u:hovelewith | d appearance of the r. ad icare? Or just young punks who think for its own protection, to improve the lature annually: he argues, and carry coal slurry, which la a some built-in training value, way. J3 VEAES IN PERTH AMBOT the programs requiring the ad-mixture of 70 per cent pulver- ?,they are being funny? care of the cancer patient, and to step claims Commissioner Tram- Another factor which ditional expenditures cannot ized coal and 30 per cent water, burg. should certainly consider is ih •;'. It was most likely the work of young up all prografns to speed the final vic- lightly be set aside. •ora West Virginia through iBATS:— More than 350 bats In early colonial days, the New Jersey to the New York 1 ^hoodlums, who, if the were caught, tory over cancer." Final victory will were caught in New Jersey andi thirteen colonies, lnclualng New Harbor area. iwould most likely say: "We did it just, come from the laboratory, and while I tested for rabies In the past! Jersey, establUfhed and oper- The Associated Railroads of ^ghteen months, the State De- '| 'for fun." "{ today we are in the midst of the most ated lotteries for schools, (col- New Jersey claim! one such jpartment of Health reports. leges, churches, bridges, d6cks, pipeline would eliminate jobs, : Some fun! massive research attack ever launched Seven bats captured in dif- canals, turnpikes, poor relief, of 1,236 railroad employees and ferent parU of New Jersey were * It took four men to gpt the ties out against a disease, there is still great and government buildings. Theassociated coal yard workers. found to be rabid during the Come on practice was continued by vari- This would mean an annual l|of the sewer. If the vindals used as need for expanding the cancer re- past year. A bat pkked up in ous State Legislatures until al- ; payroll loss in railroad coal search effort. Hlllsborough Township, Somer- !!much energy in doing something most the end of the nineteenth handling of $8,655,922 in a state set County, in September, 1960 These are worthy goals. The best century. j which already has many un- ^worthwhile for their community as was the first confirmed in the employed, it Is claimed. ;;they did in dragging the logs to the way to observe Cancer Progress Year Claiming the public Will no State to be rabid. Other bats condemn gambling If it Is for a The railroad argument Is WE'RE AT YOUR 'Viewer and jamming them in, this space is to have a health checkup and to confirmed as rabid in 1961 worthy cause, Assemblyman | that the pipeline operation came! from Moorestown, Point make a contribution to the American woild be mainly automatic as SERVICE! Jwould be dedicated to praising them Musto predicts a £}tate lottery Pleasant Beach, two from intermediate pumping stations Cancer Society's April Crusade to be .some day will be conducted un- Bloomfield, Irvington, Wood ^instead of holding them in contempt. wo[ild be unattended. The pipe |der State auspices the same as Ridge and Martinsvllle Som- Have you ever thought , ; Commltteemanj Joseph Nemyo, conducted in this municipality April 8 line would Involve a total em jparl-mutuel betting, bingo an" erset County. j ployment of about 50 men of tb,e various facilities 'chairman of Public Works, said he will through April 14 oft a door-to-door rifles. Among degs, tats, and .'hu- and services a bank Jpress charges if the culprits are found sollciation campaign] mans, rabies Is i always fatal GLAMOR GIRLS There Is evidence, however, can offer? Think it over that bats may carry the disease without succumbing to it. Jf now, and next time this is confirmed by further you're in need of finan- research, It will mean that cial assistance or in* rabid bats can be a self-per- petuating reservoir of rabies. formation, come on in The State Department of ... wt're glod to be of YOUNG ADULTS Health warns all local health officials to be on guard not service I only against bats but to all creatures with which bats may oonte In contact. JERSEY JIGSAW:- Deaths In ' By ELLEN THORSEN ton, Betty Ann Flllipscuk, ,rd Ziober are/among the ither seniors inducted. New Jersey during 1961 totaled j The Woodbridge Senior James F r e u n d, Sharon 60,527 while births reached The list of Juniors in- JHigh School, last week.Hawkins, Karol Iffland, 135,908, the State Department ^bestowed the greatest hon-Iriuth Jackimiak, Jack Ja- clude: Joseph Bednar, Eliz- of Health reports. . . Garden lor it could to many of its cob^, Carol Kozo, and abeth Bernstein, Allan Ca- State commercial hatcheries produced 18,320,000 chicks In •students. This was the tap* Brenda Kurtz. lavano, John Casteral, Ju-| - 11961. . . For administering an Woodbridge dith Coyle, Bonnie Denys, «ping (or National Honorj Windsor Lakis, Joyce Paul Du Brow, Eric Ever- oath or taking an affidavit, •Society The following iLello, Karen , Markulin notaries public could charge a eon, Robert Fales Eileen Juniors and seniors should Linda Mastrangelo, Mari- fee' of lift; cents instead of a Feeney, Evelyn Finklestein quarter, under the Hierlng bill National Bankl •be commended for their on McClelland, Joseph Me- Siard work and good lead- Robert Forester, Tanya before the Legislature. . . The hesy, Richard Melanson continued decline in number of ership attained in order to Gawuan, Ellen Outman, Isharon Ofsonka, Antoin- farms In New Jersey brought ••eat li this goal Janice Handler, Ardavast ette Napurano, Evelyn Pa the estimated total In 1961 u> • Seniors inducted were Hononyan, Jo Ann Hoyda, 15.200 compared with 15,800 in nagakos, Andrea Pavuk plane Aquilu Ann Balm Carl Kalinowski, Russell 1960 and 17,000 In 1959, ac- MAIN IAKUS OFFICE Earl Prosek, Joseph Schulz. tiki, Abby Brown. Ronald Kress, Irene Lovas, and cording to the New Jersey Cwy', Cur. Muurc Avc. ufld Btrry 1112 Oak Tree Howl Cwrald Stevens, Howard Reporting Service. . . K^uht- Gary Lucas. WOODBBIDOE, N. J. ISCUN, N. J. to, Karen Carlsen, Pa tlon of trading eUmips is tin- torown, Kare Sumka, Judy Teaella .tluli Ch Suzanne Mack, Lois Ma- CKI.HV purpose of a bill introduced In frlcia Casserly, Roger Chu Marilyn Ting, Joanne Vac Member; Federal Keterve Hjtltw »n« Federal Detwilt Inturtne* y g, tis, Carol Miller, Joyce the Legislature by Assembly- «doba, Marie Degllllo, Keith Mt Widi "The doctor said we uhould drop in twk» » day to ca, Margaret Widmaier Judith Wycoff, and Wil- (Continued'on Page U> Oeutsch Carol Dress, Don (Conftnued on Page IS) cheer you up/* Susan Witalis, and Rich ft Peight, Margaret M PAGE THIRTEEN Hie Clown and Princess Ticklefeather Set l i0 Junior High llrboraU ,«„„,«„„ „„ the Announces GOP Candidates For CP Tots Prizes for Local Woman Honor Roll ,di,,Kluc Soniur COLOKIAJ-William J. Burn's, 1 8 K mtfl HI I'M. en April COLONIA - The National'^. * ' '"' " Spends principal, Colonia Junior High ,', li.nuiir of Co- Council of Jewish Womon, Con-^''^P Timp OH Hobby School, has announced tfte Address Group scholastic honor roll for the (I fourth marking period as fol- nun ^ 5 "" - - «'" ™« T.p Honor, lows: on um a ny R0NALD s met. at the VPW Hall tOioT""' t""T »i'" ""' ™ - BARBOE wrltti-n Grade Nine: Beverly Barart, "'.r Republican candidates onj£*£ ApriU ^""'^ COUINIA - By definition. 'Michael Basarab, Andrew Best, 1 yc who ,v |)nl'l> I' lif: county and municipal levels.! ' -,..' „ "hobby Is an occupation or in- Tlcklc- MBIV Ca.tserly, Anne Crump, Thnrvald Olsen. former may-! Mrs Nathan Pflrnass. chair-iterest to which one Rives his Joseph Dai, Leonard Dula, Jan- I'lllHTM* of South Amboy, who is seek.|™an\9rTnC^ th"1 ^'"i'Pare time," but I'm not so ls Erdfarb, Tom Falk, Benjamin have for the sheriff's post said lnl!.h!L°*st w.ere M" oprald Cftn- Onrbowskl, Linda Oreco, Joce- sure that this definition is true pl«yp«l pint! dak, Mrs. Jerry shombait, i...... lyn Hnrtman, Richard Jogt, I ;l IIH'I'S [Gary Daniel. Mrs. Irving Rol- in the case of Mrs, Samuel i "I think that It is htuh time Kushman. She says that she 'Nnnrv MficDonald Emory Mc- band, Mrs. William Fnrber, Mrs. After teaming that, the rlfrht thinklnst people spends only a little time pur- Olnnls, Linda HerskowHz, Len- Seymour Tepperman, Mrs. Stu- suing her hobby of [lower ar- nra Herudek, Eileen Indyk, ]••>•• nf Mldrilesrx County bp Riven a art rind. Mrs Arthur Dnkl'.v" rhnicr' once and for all to end ranging, but It seems that after Lynn Itrtowltz, Marc Lippman, Mrs. Burton B^ek, Mrs, Hunter •Mil. puhlK'Hy- He TOimty Kovernment by dictate, developing this interest a short Lucille La Spata, Donald Nut- W|i«on. Mrs. Morton e ago, Mrs. Kuahman IR ting. Steward Reale, Heather •., inii,|,ii riiTiis au- niul I am sure that now with tim Mrs. Max Zawafaki and Mrs! nt entire Republican slate walking off with many a prize Raskin. Irene Retfalvy, Law- is the flruillwd the electorate will navld Rndnlck Th" costumes In ggarde n showws which mlmlnhn t mice ttudntek, Roberta Solllsh, -inMiiof Uif y»f- plionsp to vote for outstanding «'ere styled bv Mrs Altwt'indtcati e that she devotes a Stano ReRinn, Robert Tlppitt, *s7tn and Mrs. Uwrence Fried: great deal of her spare time to| Peter Tola, Ronnie Tessler, ,il,.s iii otlirr top- men nf integrity and Industry. Carol Uudzielak, Janet Urban, on The obnoxious machine which land. Production simervlsorlthls hobby, particularly during was Mrs. Parnass and Fho WRS the summer months, Ainn Wnrshowsky, Nancy Yele- lms rind a stranglehold on the assisted by Mrs. Rolbnnd The Mrs. Kushman developed tiik. Miiry Jean Yonone, Sonlta ven- County for far too long must nroRram was designed by Mrs.[this interest after movltiK to iZimiee, ClHire Zmlgrodski. niiip, singer, RO." Ben Koloen. Behind the scenes |Colonla from Perth Amboy. .,„ has .successfully | Crude Eight: Roy Alafl, Robert Perry. Metuchen, were Mrs. Phillip Lowy, Mrs. Living In the city she had no ; f,-l()iiK study of iMiirein Burrows, Oeorge Crj- ; Board of Freeholders aspirant,iPrledland. Mrs. Michael Lem- oportunlty to have a garden, :,vv with Her deplored "the sltuatloYi created stuy, Oayton Clcalese, Bru«e merman and Mrs. Humid Ml- but now on her property she Davis. James Dolan, Susan ,,,,1 I'liirrtnini bv the exodus of teen-agers lovsky. The play was directed lcnn grow all kinds of flowers navies, Floyd Farano, Hanr .-,. iivniliiblc from driving *o Staten Island week- by Mrs. Ruth Rodfters ..., inDcrs. Colonia Fnrkus, Sharron Freeman, Pa- ends to evflde the New Jersey The group has presented the arrangements. Her interest Inniiiii Avenue, minimum age drinking law." jtrioia Oawdun, Robynn Green- play at the EgenofT Nursery In developed further when she span, Carol Henry, Julie Her«» , ;v Si me. Avenel, lned tne Gar I believe that if proper cariEiizabeth, Children's Country ,J° ^n and Soil Con- feld, Edward Qraboski. Valeite Constiuitlne Vlul- ;servatl cherks were made and the>Home, Mountainside and |n °n Department of "the Indyk, Joyce Kestenbaum, Jud- ,., HI Ft' 1-4378 names of the youthful offendersithe future at Koos Auditorium 'Federated Woman's Club of ith Kline, Valerie Koropatnflc, BOZO THE (TOWN AND PHINCKSS TtCKI.KFKATIIER taken and reported to their'April 24 'Colonia. Alan Klmmel, Peter Kereaten, IN DEBORAH SHOW: Slated to appear'at the Wood- parents that many tragediefti In discussing this interest, Nancy Lazo, Donna Luth, Joan would be averted. Our youth1 (lulmomen Hear bridge High School April 14 »rp TV xtara Boxo the Clown the Colonia woman said that Masterly, Patricia Matuska, Is Important to us and I would there is a difference In the Christine Mester, Pamela Niclv »nd Princes* Tlcklrfrathcr. sponsored by thf Deborah like to see strong and perma- llM|uf of rolonl ln School Library flower arrangements a florist HOBBY PROVES INTERESTrNO: Mrs Samuel Kushman, |ols, Joseph Pryoj, Diana Pol- » ""PPnrl of the Debonh Hospital at nent measures taken to cor- makes, and the flower arrange- ston, Jack Protz, Frank Began, Br, Mill*. rect the lackadaisical attitude ments she makes for competi- 47 Hlfhland Road, Colonia, is shown above putting the Eloise Rosenberg, Karen RO- Gilbert P. — - shown so far in this vital mat- Fills Vacancies tion. The florist can camou- finishing touch to one of her (lower arrangements, selle, Eric Ropke, Susan Bone- of ter," Mr. Ferry said. COLONIA Mrs. 1rvinKjflage arrangements with bows ola, Schundler, Cynthia Samp- Edward Tomalavage, Colonia, Witt, PTA library chairman of and various accessories to make son, Deborah Schectel, Roberta Democratic IJub Isehn Schools Set who is also running for Free- School 22, has appointed nine the arrangements more elab- Seidner, Margot Sheffield, Valll . nif of the Fed- holder. Is a strong exponent of new members to her library orate while Mrs. Kushman, at Dr. Brancale to Address Snyder, Linda Bchwartzberg, :.s Club of CO.-, the two-party system. committee to fill new posts and a garden show, is judged on Owen Tamburr, Pamela White, : Endorses Patten May Registration ;c was "Thf Art "The forefathers of our coun vacancies results from per-.,th, e arrangements of certai—n George Zarayckl, Noreen Zto« ! { e nd sh rubs ( nly cer bro. •;.ni," a practical! COLONIA — Philip Peck, ISELIN — Registration of try Instituted the two-party sys- sons moving out of the com- }™ ™ ? , ? " School 20 PTA Meeting tf I tain kinds can be used ifi com- to motivateiproiram chairman, advised the kindergarten pupils in Iselin m. knowing that one party munlty. Grade Seven: James Abrams, - friends, and Greater Colonia Democratic elementary schools has been rule would harm the average ! petition) without the aid of COLONIA — At the PTO ex- 111 be hostesses at the April Welcomed to the stiff ,Eve Bartczak, Karl Bien Cathy imifd with in-Club undertook an unusual up- announced by Donnld C Whit-icltlzens; therefore, one of the any accessories. Working ma- ecutive board meeting o£ School meeting. past week were Mrs. Bolen, Frank Beck, Jonathan humorous ex- proach before endorsing the niter, principal of School 24, as,main Issues In this election tape and 20, Mrs. Howard White, pro- Mrs. Sidney Freund, presi- Sptizer, Mrs. David Cohen, Mrs. ^ d, but cannot show iBonnel, Susan Casteras, Anth- candidacy of Bdwaid J. Patten follows: the preservation of the can use gram chairman, announced .ent reported that the tele- two- Frank WMte, Mrs. Isaac G_atn-ji an arrangement. She learned ony Cutugno, Anita DeGroat, K Allebach re- for Congress from the 15th At School B, Green Street system," he said. n that Dr. Ralph Brancale, Men- ision set, purchased by the Michael Grossman, Mark Hess. Joso n er, Mrs. ^,v.--iCharle- s Cuzzo. Mr-. s her lesson once at a state show SijarTDistrtctCongrMwIonal District of New Max 7 for those children whose P J- Wlsnlewskl. candi lo Park Diagnostic Center, will PTO for the school has arrived Frank Johnson, Martha »Kan- dal(1 for Helmet Marum, Mrs. Morris at Rutgers University when, in- iicc held at'Jersey. They lnvlU>d Oeorge last names begin with the let, Township Committee speak on the problems of mal- She also reported that the next ner, Beverly Klein, Margaret frnm tho Firtn Wardi s ke on Berman, Mrs. Stewart Allan, stead of winning a blue ribbon, rvinlry Club at- Otlo*«kl and Mr Patten to ad- ters A through L: May R for P° executive board meeting will be Keepan, Anthony Lanza, Pa- | she received an honorable men- adjustment in youth at the numbers of the drew the membership and those beginning M through Z organization set-up and pro- held on April 18. tricia Morrow, John Melton, C dU He nOt d the d r Op seph Marino and Mrs. Joseph|tlon because one small bit of April membership meeting. Mrs MlchaeUniiwer any questions of those! At School 18. Indiana Avenue '' ^ ,. f rf , 1 !" Mrs H. F. Welsh, hospitality Mermelstein, Nina Miller, Chris- 1 1 Vlichlck. The new recruits arejscotch tape was peeking out Mrs. Thomas Gillam, mem- '••• )>rlM in the present. _Th_ey both appeared , ni, , ^ ^^i™ ;^" .^'",^ chairman served refreshments, tine Nocciolo, Stephen Offen, May 9 for thoso bo lnnlni A p|1 to presently Interning under the;ofher flower arrangementg ! bership chairman, announced M the "Sky-;and left Immediately after tlvelr through L- May 10 Tor ih ' convince eligible friend* midance of Mrs. Witt. Alan Paul, Diane Peterson, .., professor of science, '•'in;.; Hill bfiHIlLild*-, will be thf guest brings records as follows: sponsored by the garden depart- show will be scheduled for the Sppncer, senior patrol leader. Is majoring in Medical Tech- "I Presbyterian ' at"the rprirmeeting" mformation.'itnd proof that the University College of Rutgers, controls the circulation of close ment of the Fords Woman's May membership meeting. Vol- the state A green bar meeting was held nology, rhUd has had at least two polio University, and coun- to 1,700 books. Club, unteers for singing, dancing Mm fofor foreiforei nn ud HHee at the home of John Cody, InnoctilationsInnoculations. If parents have «« ti ^ The Friday story-hour ses- H»r one hope and aspiration and skit acting may contact assistant scoutmaster with Shnv Dunce Contest has )xen on theh fftcu! y at Rut sions for first graders have be- MOVED OUT OF TOWN any additional health informa- , ' " is to qualify to become an ac- Mrs. White. Herschel Tarver, scoutmaster, ORDERED SOLD K)K SHRVICE t tlle Rrp since 1947 and teaches come high interest periods to Announced '°" >' requested to bring credited judge at flower shows, Mrs. Edward Peterson, li- and troop officsrs attending. Take over complete house of fur- Aimirtii J c Edwin He was educated at the children due to the inge- niture released from storage Urn •it to the school but In order to do this she must brary co-chairman, announced -'Hi of Mr. and ISELIN — Osry Wallen and Johns Hopkins University, re- nuity of the librarian story- A weekend camping trip has unpaid balance of 1189, origin*) first win five blue ribbons, take that plans have been com- cost $549; consists of living roomr 11 a-mlrr. HO Lucille Corlo were winners f rt'l!lstr»"nn — - ceivlng his undergraduate and tellers. They have found that been planned for April 13,' 14, o i five flower arranging courses, pleted for the book fair sched- bedroom, kitchen outfit, dlshe*, •'•" :> stutiuned at the slow dance contest at the; • ^ PhD degrees there. He has live turtles, goldfish, minerals, and 15 at Martinsville. accessories and refrigerator; pay^ sponsored each year by various uled for May 1 2,3. The books A;th the United teenage dance, Friday night *',/,„/,>,, . Society published extensively in profes- chicks and pots greatly stimu- The Troop will meet tonight, (5 down, 3 years to pay Account woman's clubs, and subscribe will also be on display {ft the No. 378, now held ln wvehouM. • lias received 8chool 18. according to an an- ' ,».,siona«l IUM.™magazine™s an«.»»..d Is a mem— - late the embiTo readers and 7:30 at the New Dover Meth- y to five different garden maga- May 2 PTO meeting. Fnone Mr. Sorber. MA 3-843S, •I'j'icriutioii from nouncement by Mrs. Constantj Meeliltfl Set Wo/K/flVy ber of the Botannical Society of odist Church. Further instruc- BuBhberg Bros., 72 SprtngfMM' 1 make them easier to understandings' Avc, Newark, Open dally to < ifficer Pirsl Bhlsslas. Chain OfHIlls Wo jSELIN The Udles Aid America, Sigma XI, American the relationship between story) Mrs. Donald Sweetser, room tions in the first aid course, P.M. Mon., Wed., Frl. to > P.HV '•! Wuch'T com- man's Club dance chairman the First Presby- Chemical Society, and in the mother chairman, announced|belng taken by the entire troop, Free Parking, : society nf words and real things. Present (SELFISH arlie's Flight", Runners-up were Robert Per- ((.nftI> Churcli will meet on American Asociatioiti n for the story readers .ire: Mrs. Michael "That girl has gbt a sylph- that the 3rd grade mothersi will be given by John Barby. :<"'"i 3 Airman guseh and Peggy Kleman. The M,,,,,^. .it the church. AUAdanvcement of Science, Asman, M''s- Edward Thaler, like figure." "ii wii-cted us winners, were awarded medals ,. *be^ m m aie uwd to come Foreign exchange students Mrs. Arthur Olelt and Mrs.j "Yeah, and she keeps it all 'U Morv Op-»n dsllver dollars and tho nm- (>Rrly M| the short business will be present to add personal Arthur Hoffman. ito her sylph too." -"'ith Hr n'- nem-up. silver dollars. ' meet ing "may be held from 7:30 Information to Dr. LeCompt«'s M.! 1 4 •<>'•' bt-cnuse of Balloting and voting for the t0 )p M remarks. "•' in:d quality King and Queen will take place, A(u.r 'tnp business meeting The public is invited to at- 11 '•'••«iv df devo- tomorrow night with winners to|a ••Syrnposiuin will be held tend and refreshments will be ••xt'inplary be announced at the final danoe|ln the sanctuary. 8 P. M. Theiserved. of the season. April 13. Women's Guild will also attend] . , and an invitation has been ex-Mystery Night Listed fly Temple Beth Am M SHOE WITH THE BEAUTIHH Ht for the THOMAS JOSEPH evening will be Mrs. Beth Vig COLONIA - On May 12 The of the Avenel Presbyterian Temple Beth Am will hold a Church. Mr» Vin. who was 'mystery night" at which there First sent to Puadue University by will be professional entertain- the Avenel Church, will lead a ment, refreshments and fun. COSTELLO panel of women, who also at- Tickets are available tnrough 1 Panel of v Murray Heller and will «»n be the elastitized top tine 15 Days in April! tended thf conference at Pur- distributed to captains m each due University Slides will be Funeral Homes development. Bouiifir shown. of this stylish pimp Green St. & Cooper Ave; State & Center Stjs allows us to say... Iselin, N. J. Perth Amboy, N. 1 We Are Happy To Announce That Tel. LI 8-4641 HI 2-0075


25 Autumn Court, Colonia the broader base heel lets you walk , comfortably aik FU8-6790 fashionably $ SAVE BY At>RlL 15th Is now aHHodated with our office 13" EARN FROM APRIL 1st! ax a naltHiuan and will be glad to ""(ht • Extra Earnings , . . FULL be of service to you in either buy- • on insured savings placed dur- ing or selling real estate. "II1(V 'Jays." Your savings earn more ... |t>i chwartz Shoes ') "III nth • when you save by the 1Mb. 6. E. HOWLAND "One of New Jersey's Finest Shoe Stores" IN H Kin BR 6-5900 IN WOODMUXlf IN KOIIOM William A. Kochek, K-P- 1519 MAIN STREET RAHWKY, I J. (Au i OfBci) (Attooist* 6mo«i Ajnbo; AfOtl "* It REALTOR Colonia Shopping Plaza OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P. M. H* Ambojr tTWIM Lincoln Highway - RoTite 27 - Colonia W},,. 13 Eastman Street, Cranford, N. J. '"• Name Means You"' PAGE FOURTEEN At least three the member Sub-Teen Hop. the charter following parallel: Asking the this year have reached 176 driven of cars are dry, claimsicomlng school year were Don-VFW Teen Dances bands will l There will be Editor's Letters Capitol Dome compared with ill up 4p the AttorMj General Arthur J aid Simms, president; Joseph latlon of c Mayor to enroll his children In May 17, at (Continued from Edit. Page* (Continued from Edit. Page) same tliw last year. , . A lawSllU, .. "Plant your bulbs andBrunello and Mrs. George Will Resume Sunday the public schools is like asking Houck, exocutlve vice-presi- Honor ro giving their employees the dayone to don rags to understand man Peter Morlates. Bergen. . prohibiting holding of school your slips and your seed th« ^" dressed boy and g n only sented to I off. It was enjoyable to have Oovernor Richard J Hughes sessions on Lincoln's Birthday. sprint, iut do not plant your- dent; Mrs. William Thackara, Post 2636 will resume ™ Except for the the plight of the beggar, and vice president; to at-'have nchlev a day to shop, visit or travel and the Legislature have thank Washington's Birthday, Me- self," warns the Medical So- second Mrs. Sunday/2 P. M, with the having one starve to under- Robert Jumper, td band but I believe the reason for this stand the cries of the hungry. Pennsylvania residents near morial Day and Veterans Day,Iclety of New JerseyJery. . . The ",Cascades ss the tend. No one may "' us and whe proposed in the Legislature State of Maryland has adopted president; Salvatore .The committee has aton lunrht holiday was forgotten because If sending one's children to theAllentown who volunteered their A.ic U/.....I...V. . intll 6:30 P M. treasurer; Mrs. Btanley Weller, tne Ilnftl j I am sure if they rmd remem- Woodbrldge public Mhools isservices to rebuild storm-dajn- , Oovernor HuKhes has signed jousting at its official sport and Subjectors to play <<* their parents' consent. mount Con legislation which will more New Jersey lawmakers are look-corresponding secretary; Mrs. dance, April 15. bered, there would have been analogous to begging and starv- sections of Ocean City. Plyod Parin, recording secre- more flags on view. However a ing then we who cry out tor the ing around for a typical New A CHILD'S available for Jersey sport. tary; and Robert Redler, parlia- large for those who doeducational Improvement do to[Oovernor Hughes mentarian. remember the ereat country we with Justification. My children Control Month. . . d e To Be ORT Subject ^Z live in not only by displaying do not attend the 'Woodbrldge universities. .. A public hearing :Sd£TA«iW. «" J)5 sS to a drlve-1 betucihu Slaterom^, . oufj SprinUK. "••"••"g Lake.• 1ion the request for increases in PTO18 Profils *993 COLONIA - A their flans on Patriotic holidays public schools, but if they did hM been Judged first prize win- subscribers by posltlted iti but also In their everyday liv- I would be more than a little subscribers by When tr ing. resentful to know that there sponsored by the Gov-1 asked her 1 Very truly yours, are those who picture me ait ir's Commitee to Empl Jersey will be helcl , ing of School PTO Alex Ro-i Mrs. Arnold Brrrman. get »ny mi Banking Commissioner oTihe annual LOT6 MAZZA starving oeggar forced to be the Physically Handicapped ' istate c PIBCP. sia.-l Mm here to g< Chairman, State Project satisfied with whatever educa- s R. Howfll at 10 A.M. "We, came Junior Woman's Club tional crumbs are tossed my DO, I "Mommj House Annex, Trenton. man. of Avenel way, Jersey, State Firewarden B. Thomas when she < ' Jean Ambrose Wesley Davis warns. , Deaths CAJMTOL CAPERS:-New Jer- school library fund. mothers of the third piled. .March 29, 1862 , (Mrs. Joseph Ambrose) by auto in N«w Jersey thus far sey roads arc safer when the Nominated for office for the students. 310 Lord Street Avenel, N. J. Letter to '-he Editor: N I will,back the Mayor's stand ~" *'2!SP in regard to the school budget. I agree with the public that more school room is needed. Split sessions cannot possibly give the students the education they can obtain through full sessions. However, I feel that the school needs should consist of a room, desk, blackboard and a good teacher. I do not think It is necessary to have the elabo- rate auditoriums and cafeterias you now find In the Township schools. I understand the stu- &*!&A dents dine off china and are WE GIVE taught typing on electric ma- chines. I question these expen- ditures. Must tile walls be in- GOLD FOR THE cluded in construction? via.**-...*.- I, as a taxpayer, could lower the budget considerably by lust BOND doing the luxuries the students enjoy today, which really have no bearing on their education. I was one of the voters who backed the newly elected Board members, having been under the Impression that they, too, National were behind the Mayor's sug- gested budget cut. I found out Stores DOLE too late, as did the rest of the public, that immediately after being elected they decided to push the budget w it was orig- inally, They turned their bacfcs on the Mayor's recommenda- FIRST NATIONAL or SAFEWAY-FIRST NATIONAL STORES PINEAPPLE We, the public, voted against the proposed budget at twflk consecutive elections, We were™ -VWTH TH/S COUPON- SLICED or CRUSHED placing our confidence In the Mayor's judgment yet we find he is still being criticized lor abiding by our final decision by ballot. GOLD BOND The Mayor is following through on what we wanted, BO why not give him a chance to STAMPS prove himself? Sincerely, WITH A PURCHASE OF $5.00 OR MORE Mrs. George Yates LIMIT ON! m ADULT - CIOAKTHS, TOtACCO, BEEO, 73 Califon Drive UQUOI AND FRESH MILK IXIMPT FROM ITAMF OFFER Colonia, New Jersey April 2, 1961 Editor 600D THRU SATURDAY, APRIL 7th, 1962 Independent-Leader: Some observations on the letter by Mrs. Rost Swarte which appeared In last week's edition of The Independent- 450 EXTRA Leader:* Mr. Zirpol6's wealth was an important factor which favored HELLMANN'S MAYONNAISE •his election, for, as many of GOLD BOND us deduced, a wealthy man has less need of lining his pockets) and, In this particular Instance, ample time to devote to his STAMPS duties as a public official. BUY ALL YOU WANT... NO COUPON5 NEEDED- VERMONT MAID SYRUP Mrs. Swartz lauds the Mayor for relinquishing his leisure time and voluntarily taking Offer Effective through Saturday, April 7, 1962 upon himself "the grueling time-taking efforts, the sacri- EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS fices, and the undeserved with puichai* of • abuses of public office," Yes, we FINAST SOLID WHITE TUNA BELLVIEW BROOM admire the Mayor for this, but! no more than we admire the 1 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS PRICE similar sacrifices made by all with pur(haM of « 6 owntt jar our elected officials, most of SALE whom hold dotm full-time Jobs COPLEY INSTANT COFFEE in addition to their municipal MILANI ITALIAN DRESSING posts. His sehjess dedication Is EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS not unique. with purdiai* of • 6 OURCO can IT REALLY CLINGS I As for Mayor Zirpolo's facil- FINEST FOOD PROTECTION ity in the business world, I JOHNSON PtEDGE SPRAY cannot help but think that all the cries of "Dictator" which EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS DOW'S SARAN WRAP have recently arisen stem from with ptirchoH of • quart GAUCHOor the fact that the Mayor is try- FINAST ALL-PURPOSE CLEANER ing to run the township ex- ICHOCO NUT actly as If It were his business No, I don't think the Mayor is EXTRA GOLD BOND SUMPS COOKIES a dictator. He iust hasn't come with purchoM •( a 13 ounct can BURRY HAPPY FAMILY around to; the fact that In his GOLD SEAL GLASS WAX Capacity as Mayor, he is not, the BROOOKSIDE; CHUN owner of 'the firm but rather EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS pe president of a large cor- with purchtio of on» pkvnd or SNACK BAR poration, which is In effect ton- trolled by its stockholders. His SCHULLER'S THIN PRETZELS MILD CHEDDAR CHEESE Inability to sense this difference Co t Food . accounts for his now Infamous EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS Nine H 2 : 29c Mountain D Yummies 2 35c H6rtwx remark to anotjher public offi- with purchow of o 30 Mint* llio - °9 -"•• Bouillon ^ cial, "You'll toe the mark jusi Chicken of the Sea «*•«,*T.M '235c like everyone else in this town.' FINAST BLUEBERRY PIE Sunshine Hi-Ho Crackers StorKist Tuna £ And lastly. Mrs.; Swartz ac Kraft Margarine •"»« libby's Tomato Juice -«•« 31 cuses me of halibwness and BXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS Carolina Rice •«• falsity because I challenge thi with purchtM of • II OWM* ill* NuSoh Fabric Softener Mayor to enroll his children n Mueller's Elbow Macaroni 2ZAh River Brand White Ri< the Woodbridye public schools FINAST ORANGE CHIFFON CAKE How hollow and false! I do no deny thf Mayor the pteioga EXTRA GOtp BONA STAMPS tive of sentilng his children to with purtkiw ill pound M Frozen Food Values at First National private schools This Is, oi course, his right and privilege FINAST POTATO BREAD However, his vociferous stand against increased edutatlona HOWARD JOHNSON spending leaves him wide open EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS Fried Clams 63° Finast French Fries for such a challenge. I find 1 with purdw* of ont pound difficult to understand why so HYGRADE All bW FRANKS many Woodbrldge citizens, al. TODAY THRU SATURDAY, Ap,l| j | ., .fftttin at «« Now Umf. Poail pf c SNOW CROP of whom sincerely *a.nt onlj KAISERivor and RMldddtow HOUSEHOLn itoiti. W, Dr*M rvFOI« HiLt fl|ht I* tMnh quoitHUi25 ft. . N«n» Finast Tuna Pies 2:; 39° Orange Juice the best education tyi thei: told to d«ol»u. noceut without dues Mor* foil For tour M«noy "" roll ?* III'' lit'

PAGE FIFTEEN Alabama and Texts as it voting uontend, on the othei hand, Manufacturer* has taken frm Washing^" requisite—but arjues the ban government reiponslblllty'and many raffle »nd door prlies c0ilofti 21 should come through direct th&t ConKreisional approval o' stand aifalnst new -ederni aid the statement contendedontended , lua were awardedawarded , Co-chairmen ooff !3C»001 Al FaiPair Adults legislation rather than through the amendment on the poll tax to education proposals now that where children ot federal the event were Mrs. William1 Tne«dav, Wednesday 'Continued rrom Bdrt. Page) Constitutional amendment Issue would merely ser'e as thepending before the Hou.sp Edu- employes are concentrated so Cohen and Mrs. Herbert Cook. 0OH Over Poll Tax Develops; opening wedge for a whole new COLONIA' - PTO ai wiiiiNnwrocki, Barbara Pilaskl flood of objectionable cation and Labor Committee. ift8 to Impose an excessive bur-; other member, of the com- han^oook fair ^Tuesday and Karen Prudcn, Robert Puc- clvli In The latter rourae, they anjue.^Rhts legislation, •" a statement filtd with theld1 ™ on educational facilities of mlMee wm,. Mr8 Arth ^ \Wednesday to coincide wlth'cl, Perrtsue Rablnowitz, "would piovldt an Immutable .committee the N*M contends * community. Most of thee DixiDixie oppositioni"no crisis exists" in the educa-! man and Mrs. Irving Selserman, National Library Week. Mem-:Barbara Rlppen, Robert Against Federal Aid to Education precedent" for using the Con- x ca are invited tr is comlnii from the which tickets; Mrs. Milton Oerber and Sechrlst, "O ... l,,,,i, HIT DOlCK BDHll tlon.1 field which woulC Ju«ir,; , j the federal government assum- Fa h 0|1 Sh Mrs. Louis Lewis, and Mrs. ?,TS Stan- ing responsibility for a servicr RV Local Sisterhood Prank Davis, publicity; Mrs. Al purymse loom. kovltz, Edward Stano, Su- jf this "completely outside the an-n of ISKLIN-The annual fashion Klvlt7" rafTlea; Mrs. Cohen and! Officers for the 1962-63 termjSan Stitzer, Thomas Ten of the proposal by Sen Sprs- comes nil thn more apparent truly national tasks." show of the Sisterhood of Mrs. Klvltz, table and doorwl" be erected. Miss Ruth-Eyck, Martin Weisman, 1 sard Holland iD-Pla> for a.whcn It is realized that such Educational Impro ,lhe congreRatlon Beth Sholom was:prl«es, Narrator was Val Mon-'MaR'^r, music supervisor will|i| Yucklnous Complete one 1 1 NAM said "is not am Constitutional amendment l() an amendment" as the one on :".*:" ".,*" "men(lmfnt Wednesday evenlnn, at the tone mid George Menger was direct a special chorus of fifth jne ^ oj students mduct- '.ban the poll taxes on mounds;poll tuxes "would have little' e' can be induced ,,, ,i pro «„(!„„„, ». , ., , . , - , — •""••"• ovumScotcnh Plainrmins vuuiiuCountry CHIDClub, uiamsnlanisti . HUandU MAIsixtMh KIKUgradCe studentsGiuueiu; , and' that such a move is imi-clvil chancr of ratification. n ta lnto the „ „ „„ vancemen™ t *f^"°of Colore.d *°1People *?", «™ ' but rather a develop- At, RITay of balh|ng sull)Sp ptayi The modcls wfcr(, „„_ Irvlng'Ml!M Cella Artyma sixth """".I* "Tights and a new form ot dls- ment which must come freely,ciothe8, sport clothes and cock. Adler, Mrs. M: E. Pranzblau, studenU will perform Hungarl- Society, 1 .^crimination analnat thr entire | Even if ratified, they say Mr-'American Jewish Congress and naturally under the impactteu dresses were shown. To Mrs. Oeorge Houck, Mrs. Vlctor'an, German, and Turkish folk 1 amendment could beJAmerlcan Veterans Committee. of conviction that a revision, of climax the evening a display Lepedis, Mrs, Leonard Levy.'dances. Congratulations and . .. state wished to'Antl-Defamatlon LeaRue, }n- the basic concept of teacher'of mink stoles, fox capes and Mr. J. E. O'Connor, Mrs Max group favors banning abolish lt> electoral system ln'Urnatlonal Electrlcul Workers A film related to readlnR;good luck to &\\ those training would be beneficial to bride and bridal party Were Pearlman, Mrs. S. A. Schtft- Icallcd, •The now used only in Vir- favor of direct election*. and the United Auto Workers "ho cause of education. shown. A J2 gift certificate man, Mr. P. M. Traynor and Iseniors who were accepted Arkansas, Mississippi,1 The hard-core Southerners' The, National Assoc'ntion of Years" Is The only case In which there was given to everyone attending Mrs. M E Weiner '••shown. [into the many colleges. As 'you depart from Wood- bridge and go on to college im •M ' ^'*4&\'» remember that you are an example of a Woodbridge High School student. Be a good example. * » * EXTRA Do you enjoy basketball, 0U8&0LD BOND STAMPS, ping pong, and other sports? Like to ]ump on a 2 Best Values 550 STAMPS! trampoline? Well, you can CO0ftSE,THAT BRINGWON* every Wednesday night from 7-10 o'clock at the FUtiiFfcEl: GIFTS TO YOU, Your Gold Bond Stomp Bonus In The Ad gym in back o£ the Aventl Presbyterian Church. UR HOME, YOUR FAMIUTI Don't like sports? Oh, "twisting" is more your style!! Well, there are dances at many of the schools and churches every Friday night. There are al- so some dances that are held on Wednesday, Satur- day, and Sunday. Some of the dances which are held are as follows: * Natio Sunday, 2-5:30 o'clock, V.F.W. Hall, Iselin, tad School 20. The following dancei will resume after Baiter: April 27, 8-11 o'clock, 8t. Cecelia's Lourdes Hall; WHERE LOW, LOW PRICES ARE NOTHING NEW May 2, 7:30-11 o'clock, Avenel Presbyterian AT FIRST NATIONAL STORES Church; April 27, 7-11 o'- clock, St. Anthony's, Port Reading; April 25, 8:30- BUTTER 10:30 o'clock, St. John Vi- DEL MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL anney Church, Colonia. I'm sure one of these DOLE'S PINEAPPLE dances should fit your idea of a "real, cool dance." MOTT'S APPrf JUICE • • • CAMPBELL'S TOMATO JUICE : A "Youth Night" will be . held at the Avenel Presby- LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE terian Church on Friday V-8 VEGETABLE COCKTAIL *<« ««•- ;night, April 27. Ross 'Rhodes will be the guest ClirAD Granulattd Clb'CC. speaker. Refreshments JUUHH Domino or Jack Frosl J btg J«/C will be served and all in- terested youth of the town- DOLE'S PINEAPPLE JUICE 21:1:, 25' ship is invited. I am sure 2"" 43c ^ou will have a good time DEL MONTTE PEAS of fun and fellowship with GREEN GIANT PEAS ' Onloni I7oi.«n one another. * * » HUNT'S TOMATO PASTE 4:: 49c The Woodbridge Congre- TOMATO SAUCE ««•»•• 6::: 59c gational Church is spon- pk,oii 37c soring a progressive sup- KNORR'S SOUPS per this Sunday. They are lalso planning to attend a Llbby's jshow at Radio City during PEAS Garden Fresh cam 'Easter vacation. ; • • * PRE-COOKED SCALLOPS «-"• ««- 2:.;; 35c DEL MONTE CORN The CYO of St. John's KELLOGG'S VARIETY PACK •• |Vianney R.C. Church has 9Vi 01. a basketball and bowling FINAST 100% KELLOGGS RICE KRISPIES .earn. Special ice skating Season's Finest Fresh Fruits and Vegetables MINUTE RICE P-C~W-I.H«W , 45c and roller skating parties are held once a month for WHOLE WHEAT MIRACLE WHIP ' — qkJQ't jor the members of the CYO. 1 pound ^ g I4OI During Lent," a movie will DEL MONTE CATSUP 2 boll BREAD 2 loaves ™ • c 2Uoi be shown after the religi- PRIDE OF THE FARM CATSUP boll ous service. The dances will be continued after k Lent.

The First Presbyterian phurch of Iselin is plan- HELHNG HANDS* ning a retreat to Jubilee | Ranch in New York for the J weekend of April 23-25. ALL NEW CROP [The theme will be "Living jin the Risen Christ." They CALIFORNIA'S FINEST SPRING :also have fellowship meet- jings every Sunday night from 7-9 o'clock, and once, TENDER LARGE SIZE a month they have a spe- cial activity, FULL TIPPED-SPEARS • * * BISSEL PERFECTION St. Cecelia's has a vari- ous number of activities to go along with part qf its four-point program. Soci- CARPET SWEEPER als, culture, athletics, and RED DELICIOUS religion are the main parts of this program. 3 55 oply PPLES NOXON METAL POLISH 01 I ' 39' $5.95 St. Andrew's sponsors and Polii can many roller skating and ice skating parties, as well JUICY FLORIDA SPIC & SPAN & oi* ,6oi as occasional dances and LESTOIl SPARKLE SCENT ^, Tin All Puipou Clionn °qC'C • pkfl' 26 4c Off... 13 o*. iln3J« other activities. RANGES 1039 4) * * HANDY ANDY LIQUID ft Off Q I - The Junior Party| at 31 oi. AJAX CLEANSER With Ammonia 15 01. Sin 01 Woodbridge High School is can 23c 2< OH ... 14 »i. w" J to' W« going to be held tomorrow, This is one of the big- Fresh Carrots 10 MR. CLE/tN 15ot. ^Qc 28 or. #QC P«ot gest events Sor tne junior AJAX,™ CLEANER Pipviltrr LiquiLiquid D.l»t|t«D.l»t|t«ll l!» «7 si» 07 10. Of)... 28 6i. il» J&« 15 01. six* lass. The theme has not, 100 as ot yet, Deen revealed. FELS NAPTHA LIQUID off COMET CLEANSER 0 --31c Well juniors, have a good 1. 22 01. i II .<. can M« time, ' Florida Corn 3 25 fopulor D*l(i9<«t Cltonir • • • Vinl our If you have any sug- l KLEENEX TOWELS ""d*i SKllo'n-, HANDY ANDY /U«.M gestions for this column or W C TK. OulU AbMrblnf Hfi Taw«l 'O» Election of any news that you would like to submit, please feel J Watermelons 2 29 free to do «o at any time. YOUR FORMER YOUB FORMER We are very interested in IORMKK SAFEWAY SAFEWAY your ideas and suggestions VOLE FOHMKK 101 North Bumdwaj, South Auibtiy and would welcome them. SAFEWAY Carteret Shopping Center MUTUAL Mfnlo Park Shopping lUhwk* AMUII* WnarfbrldM PAGE SIXTEEN TODAY, APRIL 8, 1962 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LKGAL NOTICBS LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL N0TICH LEGAL NOTIOIB thenc* IS) floutneasterit The Reason Burk* and with in* The foregoing ordinance w»» lntfo- BT OWto OF TOT MATOR parts ot ordinance* lnoonttlttnt P. U. fcitern Standard time for «tu Junction ti tb* crater t Our language Is called the duced »t a meeting ot the Council TND COUNCIL. with tbe provisions of this ordinance purpow of conducting n and No*'* the center line of p»!i,' and th* Beginning ' mother t OUOH OP CARTERET, NEW April S, 1982 when It was adopted on A MW fOT «1K:tlon ™ ««™Sound: and thenetbene*t (4) NortbtrlT Maoii street to Thornall Street; line of Kaitaman Street ,,7 "<» ORDINANCE *95 at wlilrti time i\nd place nil persons ... j man and one woman Avenue; runnlnR thence Ml »Jong ? jmaiY, DECEMBER 18, 1858, along 8tat«n Ulan thereto and runnlnR xLl "« AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND Interested will ue given nn onpor- first reading. The snld ordinance will ot the locul County executive com- Island Bound to tM n^ing„ thencee "(J| ) Northerly along the center line of rillu-.ore •""""* '" place of Beflnnlni. Burk 8tIMt; Westerly along said Born,,.'"' AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED tunlty to be heard. KNOWN AS ORDINANCE «93 " be further considered on second mid Thornall Street <4 « a point and Intersection the 11 mittee *f the Democratic Party trom the OMterly righgt ootV,, "K •AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISH- PATPATRICR K POTOCHIO, BI AMD n IS HERBBT OIIDAINBDrpofllni! tor ftnnl adoption «t » meet- each (lection district, tor the term running thence (3) westerly »lons center line ot Cartmt Avenue, ran- BT THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF Ing of mid Council of 'lie • DIITXIC1 NO. Jt-(VoUng plae*. Mid Burke Street to Washington nlng then;? (5) BasierU nlnnfi; ceo the New Tort and ING THE MIN1CIPAL COURT Borough Clerk of on* year and one. man and one Division ot tbe Central OP THE BOROUOH OF CAR- C. P. 4/8/M THI BOROUOH OF CARTERET. IN<, f— tertrnt on April if. m »t » ioman 'of"uSHnSl Counti^ e.ecu- Oolumbui School.) BMHNNOta at Avenue' running thence |4) North- ter line of Cartfret'Avrnus to the Central L MIDDLESEX COUNTY, NEW JER- Ch9m cr NeN w jeneyjeney; tthench e , i" •ntRET" ,; , ,,-^ -••••?""• • " "' ••'"' --H tlve„ committevuramuHer o<.f. th.,.e, Republicanc,.»«>«'«n» "»• Junction of" Tuft* Oreik~and erlj along said Washington Avenue point or place of beginning. (2 8IY as fcll«w«: along aald right of wa/ur, B8 IT ORDAINED BY THD MAYOR NOTICK TO 11,1Hall1, Cookcooke AvenueAvenu.C»rteretN, Carteret. N, jJ . Party from each elelectiof n distric' t for »U»WWu4* M.Randolph Street; running thenc* StOTION 1 Beriion II,of the Zon- (5) »«t«rlv iilong said Randolph center Une of Chestnm R,, AND COUNCIL or THE BOROUOH at which tlmp and place all persons;, tPrai of „,„ v0|vr II) We«t«lj Hong Tutu Cn*k to DISTRICT NO. tl:—(Voting plBC*, NOTICE la hereby given that waled ing Ordinance or the Borough ot Interested will be given an sppor th* Hew Jersty Terminal Railroad Street to • Heald Street; running OF CARTER FT; American Legion Memorial I BBerl- y along tald center for Curterft, adopted D*c*mber 10, 1»58,tunlty to be honrfl. Also to elect: and sonunulng along Mid railroad thenci (6) Nortnerly along said line n( ( 8BCTION ! Section 5 of the lntfr wt m nut Strwt to th* «nt» THI itBStfRFACINO OF THI and an amen'lefl Avenue; running thence It) South- S'^rl! alon, « th,,e "nterenter lln* OfAventw. thenc* |»| aouther'. salary of $4WK).OO to br, pslrt In the VTBW PBRSHIHO AVK . FROM lowing Additional paragraph and Middlesex County Srrrrof «te'« Jbour*, One Sheriff th* BtaMn Island Sound; Hunt* (1) erly along said Pershlng n 1 NOTICE TO CREDITOR* Three Members of the Board th* BtaMn Ialand Bound: thunc. ill tt\x ilnni aald Pershlnu Avenue to g"°"^ "'» 8l*.™?"et" i'.n„ th,he . southerl.m.tri.rlyvsaid line ot Colgan Aver,,,",' avne mminer as tbe salaries ot ROOSEVBLT AVE. TO MIRCIR provision to wit Kwtcrly and Northerly along the Noe and Maple Streets to the place line of th* Rahwuy River; thence 8T, HAOAMAK ST. PROM OOOL- "3-14". The classification of the Howard Burns. Administrator of of Choien Freeholders center un. of Wortyik" other municipal officers are p»|d laid suten Island Sound to th* or point of beginning (2) NortheUterly and easterij along tbence <«) easterly along , AVE TO THI BOUTTOERLT followinlouwwinRg landiniums annndu yumim- n i»"= Jose FernftHde7 Buceta, a/k/a Jose On* Mayor and which *liall be In lieu of *ll plat* of Beginning. •aid line of Rahwny River to be t*r line to th* said wester•» BORO LINKN . U>NOFET,I,OUTOWW STST. hereby chnn«ed from previous Buceta «/k/n Joseph Bucet«, de- Two Councllmen fees, cn^'* unrt nnv other iUlOW-1 DISTRICT NO. «:-(Vot1nt place, easterly right of way line "f tb«Park View; thence n, i,, FROM CARTBRET AVI. TOclasulflciitlon M in Highway BHM- cedted, by direction of Elmer R. •"ances wlntHonve; •-•• Uunlclpnl| DHTR1C1 NO. «!—(Voting pUC*.... Nathan Hale School.) BEQINNINO New York and Long Branch Divi- along said Unt of Tin Vir*' WA8HIN0T0N AVB. UDUIB ST. ne» |HB) Zone to cl».«lflfatlon In Brown, Snrrosate of the County of Cnur cprk «'n' '• -uld an an-i Tht polling ilitu for the varlou* Cleveland School.) BM" ' at at the Intersection of Roosevelt Ave- sion of Central Riiilmsd ot NewBeginning. FROM JERSEY ST. TO WASH- Re«Wentl»l R-B Zone. Middlesex, hereby Rives notice to nua! salary ot tS215*l. I waid* and election district* of th* th* Interjection ot tb* Southwes, t nue and Hajward Avenue; running j.r8er8e,,; ; th,nc, (3) smitherl? alohg INGTON AVE INTERBECTTOlf OF Beginning nt the Interjection of the creditors of the said Joje Fer- SECTION . . ordinance Borough of Carteret are a* follow*: corner of Urch Stre*t; thtno* (I) thence u) pfortherlj along Haywerd ^44 linli e ott saiid rnllrond to the •hall t»Kf effect on January 1, 1J6J WASHINGTON AVB. LOUIS BT. the southerly line of right of waynandez Buoftft a/k/a Jose Buceta DIITRICT KO. is:—(Vnt|n. _ a/k/a Joseph Buceta, to bring In Southerlj along Perilling Avenue Avenue as eitended to a point on CTntM Un, „( Roosevelt Avenue wherever permitted by law. AND CYPRESS 8T. HERMAN AVB. of the New Jersey Terminal Branch POLLING DISTRICt NO. 1 thence (4) Western nlonj center arteret Blgh School.) BForv3 FROM WASHINGTON AVI. TO of the Central Railroad of New their debts, demands and claimi Polling place at the Washington and continuing In a straight lint to the Southerly score line of the Rah The foregoing wa* Intro- way River; running thence : 1 I1! duced st > meeting of tht Council LONOFELLOW ST, LEICK AVK Jersev and running thence; HKfllnst th> estate of the said de- OWHU ifiMtu *"*.JftSDUUUUI (uauv-i i\aj" wnj nirci, luuumg ,,,..,..»,.. ,-, HHQ uoi. iwiuacvriSB^SL "».««' 2 2SVJS. Unt O f SSBS"nilmor* Avenu! - e* ceased, under oath or affirmation, .-- , Westerly along Btaten Island Sound Southeasterlj along the several center line of Harmnnn Street ana of the Borough of Csrtertt held FROM ROOSEVBLT AVB. TO(I) 8-51 Df(?rrf» 36" E along snld School District, for legal voters r»- c«nt»r lln* of C*ruret A,,U11. R/INDOLPH ST southerly right of way line of thewithin ili months from this date M ,, ' first rinding. The said ordinance Borough of Carteret, by the a general Northerly direction along tbe *>me with the extension of r will be further considered on second!Clerk of the Borough ot Curteret, Railroad of New Jersey a distance any nctlon therefor agalnM the mid POLLING DMfRICt NO. I DISTRICT NO 12;- to th* center lint of r,>> of 525' more or less to a point and Administrator, th* boundary Un* of th* Borough of Charles Street: running thence (3)Carterel High Schocii I thenc* (1) Southerly along , readlIn s tor final adoption at a meet-1 Borough"" Hall"", Coolt" e Avenue"""", Car- Polling place at the Oolumbu* along tald Charles Street at extend' betflnnlnR of a curve; thence; Dated Mnrrh 8tn, 1962. Carteret to Roosevelt Avsput; at the Intersection of the center ter lint of Tyler Avenu* u> • Ing o * .j A rn^i ^_ • ^.^ center line of Washington Avenue; along said Southerly line of th* iy along center line of Tyler Ave Jersey and running »-, I SECTION 1. Section 2 (b) of the NOTICE TO BinilKKS said Sawyer Mfip 99.01' to the paid, as directed. Legion Memorial Home at Roonvelt Pr thence IS) latterly along Mid ctnRahway River to tht Easterly line Southerly Hong tald ti.: • I ordinance to which thli 1* an NOTICE i» hereby given that sealed! ensterly line of Hudson Street Oenernl sperlflcatlons for the fur- Avenue In the 8chool District, for mje to the center Una of Carteret ter line of Washington Avtnue to of tht Right of Way of tbe Central line to the southerly im» 0[ I amendment Is hereby amended to bids will be received for (formerly Sawyer Street); thence; nlshlnc of these supplies are avail- legal voters residing within Qeneral Av«nue; thence i9i Easterly along Borough ot Carttret, i,ta ,l the center line of Perilling Avenul Railroad of New Jersey; and run- r read M follows: THE CONSTRUCTION OF DUG- H> N-7 Degrees 42'W along said able nt the Business Office. •lection Districts #11 and #1* center line ot Cnrteret Avenue to Westerly along aalrl Borouct OUT! FOR BASEBALL FIELDS. easterly line of said HudBon Street All bids must be accompanied by and tht Beginning. ning thence (J) Southerly along «ld the center line ol Cyprese Street SECTION 2 (b): The Mayor, with DISTRICI NO. l:-(Votlng placet the center Un* of Blair t In the Borough of Cartcret, by the 50.00' to » point and northweBt n certified check tor 10% of bid Right ot Way line to the Southerly and the Beginning the approval of the Council, shall Washington School.) BKHNNmO westerly boundary ot tht Clerk of the Borough of Carteret, corner of lot #5 of said Sawyer total. DISTRICT NO. I:—(Voting place, property line of lands of the Amerl designate and appoint an officer at tht tunctlon of Noe Creek with ot Carteret; thence n> v Borough Hall, Coolte Avenue, Car- Map; thpnee: Th« Board of Education reserves High School.) BEOnonNO at the can Oil Company; running thence DISTRICT NO. l3:-r(Votlng place or member of the Fire Department Staten Ialand Bound; running along *«ld Blair Rosd »ni i to the office of Fire Marshal, who teret, New Jersey up to B;Q0 P, M, on (8) N-82 18'E along the the rlBin to rejret nny, all or part Intersection ot the center Une of (7) Easterly along said line of the Cleveland School i Beginning at the courses of the BorAigh l.-.r,« of these bids nnd to waive any In-thenc* 111 In a Westerly direction Burke Street with the Easterly line American Oil Company landt to theIntfrsectlon of the center line ot shall be officially referred to as THURSDAY, APRIL I!)TH 1962 northerly line of said lot #5 99.01' along aald Not'i Creek to Pershta- crnte, line of Casev's (>.••; the "Chief of the Bureau of Fire at which time they will be opened to n point In snld ensterly of said lormalltles in the best Interest of Avenue and running point ot Intersection with the South- Pershlng Avenue with tht center (4) Northerly along taid the Board. Avenue; thence (2) Northerly along erly line of the Bradley Tr&ct ot line ot Terminal Avenue and run- Prevention," who shall hold office, and publicly read. Sawyer Tr.ut; thence; Pershlng Avenue to Roosevelt Ave- thence (1) Southerly along the East- Casey's Greet to IM Specltlcatlons may be obtained i9) N-7 Decrees 42'W along said Bids must be plainly marked "Bid erly line of ffnihiastsa Avenue to Land; running thence (8) Easterly ning thence ID Southerly along the and &hall receive a salary of nue; thence (31 Westerly along Une of Rahj ci (6650.00 per annum, payable seml- from the Borough Clerk at his office! easterly of said Sawyer Tract 217' Proposal." the center line of Cypress Street; along illd lnlinee of Bradley Tract to center lilinne of PPershlng Avenue to Une of Rahwaj River, Rooaevelt Avenue to the Westerly Easterly along (aid short ;:* . monthly, lew such deductions BU- aforesaid dally between the hours of j Josephine O'Brien, Secretary running thence (2) Easterly >long LbLb . IntersectioIttIroi n witih thth e EasterlEatlyyy the center linli e ott LarcLrchh Street;StreetStreet;; Easterly alongg (aid sh more or less to a point In the Une of Cnarle* Street; thence (4) Rh Rir to tte e- j thortied by law applicable from 9:00 A. M. to f*00 P. M., eicep:) southerly Una of Roosevelt Avenue Jolm Kollbas, president the center Une of Washington Ave- line -if Washington Avenue; runnini g thence |1) Southwesterlly alonl g tthhe Rahway River to tte een-n j Northerly along Char 1M street and center Une of Larch Street to theHermann Street; thence •'>• : time to time to Borough officers Saturdays and Sundays. ; • formerly Woodbrldge Ronrt); Cartfret Board of Education continuing In a straight Una to thenue to th; center Une of Pershlng thence (9i Southerly along said Easter1" lint of Washington Avenue n,,,,,^,,southerly, boundar„.,«««... yj lin..«^»»e and- limits of erl—y . alon- g- center Unt of and employee* s&l&rler, The said A deposit of \tr;r of the Bid Price thence.; Dated. April 6, 1!W2 Avenue: running thence (3) North- salary Increase as provided by this shall be submitted with ench bid as I iioi N-72 Degrees 52'B along said C. P. 4/6, 13/62 to the center line of Burke Street the Borough of Carterct; thence (3) 3treet to the center line ol P K ! Northwesterly along said southerly velt Avenue; tbenct amendment shall be retroactive to evidence Ot good faith and security j southerly line Of Roosevelt Avenue ^« !S £,,h^? ,,^i n X *wnu. to the center line.of Thorn- and the point ot beginning. NOTICE thence (5() ) Southearterlyy alongg the||alall l streetstreet . Noe 8twet8twet . mnnmmnnmg boundary line of tne Borough of along center Unt ol Raw-tit I January 1962. In addition to ot due delivery, which deposit may| n distance of 6.00' to the point or nue to said easterly nn,! i be cash or cwtlfled check. place of beginning. Notice Is hereby given that the RahwaRh y RRivei r t o BtBtatetn WWand|d thence l4, westerly along the cen- DISTRICI NO. lt>:-(Votlng place, Carterat to the center line of Ash the compensation aforesaid, the Sound; g line of New Tork and Lra said Fire Marshal shall be paid SuccessfxU bidder, will he required! Known nnd designated as Lots 5. District Election Boards In and for tt < !t Une OlM&p1 StM t nd N< High School.) BEGINNING at tht Street; thence (4) Easterly along the Borough of Carteret, Will 5lt InStaten Island Sound tn« place tet line ot Thornall intersection of tbe center Unt of said center line of Ash Street to Division of Central Railroad at I $150.00 per annum for the care to furnish a performance bond In nn' (i. 7 and 8 In block 242 and part of ? i° S S! ^S "street M tne cen ' » * Jersey and the Beginning the places hereinafter described and of Beginning. Street; running thenc* (5) Norther- Carteret Avenue with the center the center line of CooUdge Avenue; and upkeep of his uniform. amount of not leu than the total lots 1 nnd 2 In block 241 of the PATRICK Pi SECTION 2. This ordinance shall of the accepted bid. lax map of the Borough of Car- designated on ly alone the center line of Thomall Une ot Cypress Street, and running thence southeasterly along the cen- TUESDAY. APRIL 17, 1962 DISTRICT NO. It—(Voting pl*c*. Street to the center line of Burke thence (1) Northerly along said cen ter line of Coolldge Avenue to the take effect Immediately after passage | The Mayor and Council reserve:,, teret, New Jersey. ! and publications a* provided by l&w.'th,e right to reject any nnd all bids. iSECrlON 2. All brdlimnces and between the hours of 7 A. M. and 8 CnliimbuF Sfhool i Beginning at th* Street: running thence (6) Westerly ter Une of Cypr-ai Street to a point center line of Terminal Menue; C. P. 4/«-l3/« I CHEMICAL PROGRESS WEEK APRIL 9 APRIL 13

What Your Friends and Neighbors In The Chemical Industry Are Doing For You.. •

• Over 50 per cent of the products now sold by the chemical industry werr not in commercial produc- tion in 1939 and many were not Known then.

. § More than 90 per cent of the estimated 4,000 drugs and pharmaceutical* now imed in the D. S. have been developed only within the past 11 or 12 In. Over 80 per celt of the volume of agricultural chemical* used today is accounted for by mate- rials unavailable in their present form at the time of World War II.

j Thkfltuage Sponsored by the Fo/loiotng Local Chemical Indmtrm ... , ' The American Agricultural Chemical Co. F M C Corporation (FORMERLY WESTVACO) <

Koppers Company, Inc. PLASTICS DIVISION Metal & Thermit Corporation PAOE SEVENTEEN WORSHIP Cancer Crusade t the strength, Goal is $7,000 TOGETHER WOODBRITXJE - The 1963 Canror Crusade began officially for your life... Sunday and will continue THIS WEEP through the entire month. Door-to-door soliciting for do- ANTHONY'S R. C. 8:00 P M., First Monday ol nations will take place next CHURCH EVANGELICAL AND Trinity Young People's Pel month. Teachers and Workers REFORMED CHURCH week. Industries, businesses, Port Reading lowshlp, tvery Bunday, 7-oo clubs and organizations will ne Conference M James Street KM. SUnltUoi Mil.™, Putor 8:00 P M.. Second Monday P. M. solicited throushout the month. ll"« *• Masses, 7:00. 8 1... ME 4-1151 Trinity dills' Friendly So K". LeilK tint. Mlnlitoi Middlesex County's Roal Is W«NP and 12:00 noon. clety, second and fourth Tues- and 4th Mon- Order of Sunday 8enrlcet day, 6:48 P 14. $50,000. Woodbrldge, under the Masses at 8:00 A M 10:00 A M., Sunday School chnlrmanshlp of Alan Rocltotf, . v M Mover* In honor of at An- Trinity Cub Scout Pack Ji. hns a i?onl of 17.000. tlon of Mrs J Waldheim at 10.00 A M., English Service Den Meetings, Thursday, 0:30 thony etch Tuesday at 7:15 her home. 184 Cooper Avenue 11:00 A. M., Hungarian Ser- P. M.; Pack Meetings, fourth District chairmen are: A. P.M. Iselln. vice Monday, 7:80 P M. I George Perryl, Iselln; Carl „ or ftVKNtX THE CHURCH OF 4:00 P M., first Friday ol 7:00 P M., Youth Fellowship Trinity Senior Choir Prac- Wheelrr, Fords; Joseph Dl Mar- Month: Women's Missionary First Sunday of the month, JESUS CHRIST tice Thursdays, 7:30 P, M.; slco. Aveivl; Joseph VlMano, ^trnfl ntrlda Grove Rofcd Council under direction of Mrs2:30 P M., Ladies Aid Society Saturdays, 3:00 P. M. Woft-dbrldKe; Joseph D'Mertno, R. Workman Monday: Religious Training, Hopelawn Trinity Junior* Choir Prac- Port Reading; BaraL.Harrls, iMtpfe B«r»l» MinlitM 3:30 Colonla: Wasll KofilowsK Be- Bkaud B«Bj»l». Or unlit COLONIA GOSPEL CHAPEL Tuesday: (Flrrt) Lorantlly tice. Saturdays, 8:00 A. M. waron; and Stanley Manh.Vo- 8. ». 10 Sunday Mornlnit Worship 186 Ipman Avenue at West Guild, 1:30 fessions. OUR LADY OF PEACE 10 and 11 10:30 * • Street, Cotonla Tuesday: (Second) Officers Forty percent of the funds Sunday Bchool. 9:15 A M. Sunday School and Bible and Elders 7:30 CHURCH bed this year will be used to PLANNING CANCER CRUSADE: Above are some of the chairmen or the 1962 Cancer Classes-S:! A.M. Tuesday: (Fourth) Brother- New Bramrtek Avenue, Forts pport the national cancer fund drive which opens next wvek. Left to rlf ht: A, Geor(« Perry, Iwlln: Carl Wheeler, a P CONQREDAT1ON BETH hoodno , 7:37:30 IUT. Jottfk Bnouwikl, factor osram; 14 per cent will go to Oospel Servlw Sunday. 7:30 ?,?' ° Fords; Alan Roekoff, general chairman; Joseph Dl Maraico, A vend; Stanley Mann, profes- 8HOLOM p M Wednesday: Junior CholrJ Sunday Masses, 8:00. 9:00, ssist the New Jersey program sional committee; Joseph Vlssao, Woodbrldge. Missing from the picture are Joseph De Marl- J 10 10:00 and 11:00 A. M. and 12 nd the remaining 46 per cent Fellowship. H Ctpu AmiH, Iselln Christian Women's Home ' no, Fort Reading; Barry Harris, €0 Ionia and WaMI Koblotftkl, Sewaren. takkl ••mar* rnnktl Bible Class Thursday. 1:30 PJH Wednesday: Adult Choir. 7:30 noon. HI be used In the county. Dr. ITarMrt Kutnrr. luitot Vounx People's Meeting Frl>- Friday. Brownie Troop, 7:00 WeWeekdae y Muses, 0:45 and Total donations around the Sabbath Services Friday eve- day 7:45 P.M. Friday: Girl Scouts, 7:00 8 A M.;; FridayFri , 6:45, 8:00 and JEWISH COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN SCIENCE thy poverty come as one that iBtion are used as follows: 34 8:00 Saturday: Confirmation Class 8:48 A. M. CENTER OF COLONIA CHURCH travelleth, and thy want as an Wih Se»»«l er cent for research; 28 per Saturday Morning Service. ST. JAMES1 R. C. CHURCH 10:00 A. M. Monday (18 tnman Avenue Masonie Temple armed man," ent for public and professional Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge Novena, 7: SO P, M. RasM DarM Schctntdl 1511 Irving Street, Rahway A correlative passage to be ducatlon; 20 per cent for terv- Et, sir. Mur. Chirta O, ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL Male Choir Rehearsal, 8:00 Services Friday night at 8130 Bunday at 11:00 A M, read from "Science and Health ces to the cancer patient; 10 ;d at Uie Co- ST. JOHN LUTHERAN McCorrlitln, FMU» CHURCH P.M. Sunday School 10:30 to 12 Sunday School 9:30 A. M. ,wlth Key to the Scriptures" by ier cent for fund raising and 8 CHURCH Ret, Wllllua Boot, Hoy and Hamilton Avenues Junior Services Saturdays Mary Baker Eddy states (p.- - school ereryi AuliUnt Putar Altar-RoiMT Society, first f m 10.30 to 12 Wednesday, testimony meet- per cent for administration. 45 7:45.8:45 Wl Af«b.y , Perth Amboy IU» Domia J. Rtlllf, Fords rO Ing at 800 P. M. 240): 'If mortals are not pro- Locally, the money Is used for Kit. RaMI Stclmru, Pastor AutiUnt fulor Monday after first Sunday at Hebrew School Tuesdays and gressive, past failures will be :: 15 Confevj RtT mUlun H. Pajn*. Vicar 8:00 P. M. Reading Room Tuesday iublic cancer education; dl»- Worship. 10:30 AM. Sunday Masses: 6:45, 7:15 Holy Communion, 8:00 A.M. Thursday, 3:30 to 5. and 5 »*•-— „- repeated until all wrong work irlbutlon of medication*, can- Bunday School 9:00 A. M. 8:45 10:00 and 11:00 A. M. Holy Name Society, second 6:30 P. M. Is effaced or rectified. If &l 30 and 8:00 Morning Prayer and Sermon, Monday after second Sunday nesday « to 7:30 P. M.; Friday :er dressing the Vlsltmg Nurse Weekday Masses, 7:00 and 11 A.M. 7 to 9 P. M. present satisfied with wrong Association and many other ST. JOHNS 7:30 A. M. at 8:00 P M. NEW DOVER doing, we must learn to loathi Church School, 9:45 A.M. METHODIST CHURCH Westfleld ;ervlces. The state division of EPISCOPAL CHURCH Novena service! every Tues- Tuesday It. It at present content with 190 New Dover Road. Edison 4tl East Broad Street he American Cancer Society Sewaren day, 7:30 P M. TEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCH PTA meeting third Tuesday Idleness, we must become dis- Bn. Alkvt R. Swwt, Tutor Sunday 9:30 and U A. M. handles professional education. • :«S A. M, Sunday School. Pfelffer Boulevard and of each month at 8:00 P M. satisfied with it." , niMiRF.GATlONAL Sunday School 8ervUes Sunday School 11 A. M. Programs are set up for phy- 11:00 A. M, Morning Prayer Oil REDEEMER Krochmally Avenue Female Cholf Rehearsal, 8:00 9:30 to 10:30 A. M. sicians, dentists and teacher* M ,tt WOODBRIDGE Wednesday. 8:16 P. M.* and fifth Sundays LUTHERAN CHURCH Perth Amboy P.M. 11 A. M. until noon GOOD BUSINESS to provide them with the latest Readlng Rooms, 118 Qulmby 1 >"•* •'•""' •**•••" 11:00 A. M.. Holy Commun- Z« Fourth Street. Fords Joseph R. BiiUn, Fartoi Confessions A farmer, paying his flrsi Information on Cancer. The "" M.n"« i« ••* ton. Second and fourth Sundays R*f. EMon R. Stohi 10:00 A. M., Sunday School FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Street 10 to 4:30 weekdays; visit to the seashore, asked OrfuiliU: Eddie Jaeobion aai Every Saturday 11 A. M. un- state program also handles all .,., . -,, Mttun. . William F. Forrest, cele- for all ages. CHURCH OF ISELIN |to 9 P M. Mondays. boatman If he could buy som K h Rev MUl Bubara rrtueht til noon 4 to 8 P M. and 1 to local bookkeeping and account- ' lbur"1 **"' brant 11:00 A M., Worship service. Uak Tree Road LESSON-SERMON of the water—to take home t< ing. Matin Service 8:15 A. M. t P. M., and sometimes on days show his wife. , 9:30 p. M, Thursday, choir Communion Service before Holy Days of Obligation. Rrr. Koiir D. PastM The power of spiritual Main Servlc* 10:45 Nursery open 10-13 for chil- Sunday Services thoughts to dispel apathy and The boatman assented an Holy Communion dren birth through 3. Mornlng Worship: 8:48 A. M. idleness will be brought out In charged the farmer a quarter. COW3 AND COMFORT First Sunday 10:45 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ST. CECILIA'S CHURCH 7:00 P M.. Evening Worship and 1U15 A. M. Christian Science church serv- A few hours later the visit London - The British oowt Church School,, Third Sunday 8:15 CHURCH are so pampered they no longer IWllB Btblel TEMPLE EMANU-EL Church School: Nursery ices Sunday. returned to the shore. By now tttond grade Sunday School and 120 Pleasant Avenue, Edison Rahwav Avenue and Carteret through third grade, 8:45 A. M Bible readings in the Lesaon- the tide has gone out, and the'fleep on strew._ Foam-rubber •IT. Jaba WUai, Putot Classes 9:30 A M. Road, Woodbrldce ! . .;e'. Sunday Masses, 8:30, 8:00 Rabbi MarihiU Hnrwlti Kindergarten "through alxth Sermon "entitled"" ^Unreality" jman' gazed "open-mouthed at ,mattresse6 are the latest thing Rn. Aln N. Memeth. P»rtoi the spectacle. In smart Jdairy barni. . coffee Hour,1:45, 9:15, 9:30. 10:00, 10:15 Sabbath Service- lunai Mtrih, Mlnliter AuliUnl grade. 10:00 A. M. Junior High will Include these verses from • • ' -'~ <- - ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST "By gosh, mister," he said, Officials*of a factory at Port 10 4J. 11 00.11:30 and 12 noon Friday, 8:30 P. M. Tetrj L. Hiwi, Oriinlit Fellowship. 10:00 A. M. to It Proverbs (8); ,'How tons wilt ORTHODOX GREEK 'you've done a good business Glascow, Scotland, reported "in FeUow- Weekday Masses. 7:00 and Sunday noon; Adult Bible Study, 10:00 thou sleep, O sluggard? When ( CATHOUC CHURCH TR1N1TT EriSCOFAL today." that they are turning out hun- 1:00 AM A. M. 8enlor High Westminster wilt thou arise out of thy Broad and Division Streets CHURCH 9:30 A M, Church School Fellowship, 7:00 P. M. to 9:30 sleep? Yet a little sleep, a dreds of these mattresses for 11:00 A. M., Morning Wor WOODBRIDGE GOSPEL Perth Amboy Woodbrldge, N. J. P. M. little slumber, a -little folding Goldwater is named major farmers who want their cows 8 00 P. M..I SUT. lUpbea Stdor, Putor to have a good nights sleep. i CHURCH Rtr, WUUus II. Schmiui, S.T.B, of the hands to sleep: So shall general in Reserves. Sunday Matins. 7:00 A M: Keetoi :00 P. M., Junior Christian ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH Staff, first Center Frecpeet Avenue and Early English Mass. 8:00 A. M Alton Brindei, Ortulrt Endeavor Avenel ; Rldgedale Avenue Church Bchool. 9:00 A. M. Sund»y Servlcea 6:00 P. M., Junior High R*T, John Etfin. Paitoi us first and Kit. NUr Bartrn. Vespers. Saturday nights and 8:00 A M., Holy Communion United Presbyterian Youth. Weekday Masses 7:30 A. M ; 30 P. M. : 9:45 A M., Sundt before holidays at 7:00 P M, 9:30 A. M, FamUy Service 7:00 P. M., Senior High Sunday Masses, 7:00, 9:00. for all ages. Ernest Chlldren"» Holy Communion and Sunday School United Presbyterian Youth 10:00, 11:00. and 12 noon. .Superintendent. Adult Bible first Sunday of every month. 11:00 Aid, Holy Communion Meetings 1 Confessions Saturday, -.1 .».'•. ^i : .1. second and Class at same hour, teacher. and Sermon (first and third Board of Finance, second 7:30-8:30 P. M. !•; t.v. B 00 P M. Runyon Kraft. WOODBRIDGE Sundays) Morning Prayer and Tuesday C.-;«. first Sucday 11:00 A. M, Morning worship METHODIST CHURCH Sermon, (Second and fourth Junior Choir, Fridays, 1-5 CONGREGATION service. Nursery Is provided. Mt. Ttooaow f. C^lieiinwu » M. B'NAl JACOB Sundays). Lord Stftet, Avenel :o-.-J Thursd*/ 1:00 P. II, Senior youth MMSSM runVrdrVoatii Holy "'Superintendents, last Tues- troopa. « day. Rabbi Philip Bra* Qeorft I 10:00 A. M-, Holy Com- 8:30 P M. Friday 7:00 P. M, Evening Gospel OtfiBirt tod Cbolr Church school, 2nd Wednes- (holr munion. 10:00 A. M. Saturday, Junior Service. iuan Shvnyd 01, Wednesday, 7:45 Superintendent of Chunk raoM Organhatlons day Congregation ISEJJN ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sunday S*nriee§ Trinity Vestry, third Mon- White Church Guild, tecond CHURCH 9:30 and 11:00 A. M. Morn- day, 7:30 P.M. and fourth Mondays CONGREGATION ADATH IS Berkeley Boulevard Worship. St. Anne's Unit, first Mon- Ladles Aid Society, second ISRAEL EVERBLOOMING ROSE BUSH >T RAPTI>T ClintCH IstUn, New Jersey }:30 (4t. _.h. grade up), and day, 8:00 P.M. and fourth Wednesdays Amboy Avenue, Woodbridgo Rabbi Sumiel Ntwbcrfer irkfi ind Hl|h t«T fflllUJD UlbT. PMtOI 11:00 (3rd grade down) Church St. Margaret'! Unit, first Woman's Association, first 8:00 P. M* Friday Sabbath 8unday Services: j School. Wednesday, 8:00 P.M. (Thursday IVnh Amboj Services ft;-r Komlchuk. 9:45 A M, Sunday School 6:30 P. M, Junior Intermedi- Episcopal Churchwomen, first Cancer Dressings, first and 9:30 A M. Saturday Services : A '•'.. Morning Worship for all ages. ate Fellowship. Monday, 2:00 P. M. third Wednesdayys Plus your law cut for "nuthin"! 9:30 A M. Saturday, Junior school ! 11:00 A M. Morning worship 7:30 P. M., M.YJ. Trinity Altar Guild, fourth Boy Scouts, Fridays. 7:10 ; Bip-.lst Youth Junior Church conducted In Thursday 8:00 P. M. 'P.M. 'Congregation.! |lower auditorium by Mrs. WU- GRACE EVANGELICAL Oospti 11am Kirby. LUTHERAN CHURCH 7:« P. U., Bvenlng Gospel 800 New Brunswick Avenne Sun- Service. Perth Amboy 3sk for home trial r of each 1:00 P M. Tuesday: Cottage Rev. Herbert F. A. Hecht, paator Prayer Meetings. WORSHIP SERVICES oftteEXCITIHGPANm 9:30 and 11:00 A M. •V.iy 8 M, Prajer 7:44 P M. Wednesday: Bible Study. (Nursery during both service*) he ELECTRIC Let w shM you how nsy lawn and garden care can be with 1 PANZER compact tractor and we'll give you a An tutomitio atMtrio nnfet prwvrt*. FREE Eyerblooming Rose Bush, ready (or planting. What's more you can cut your lawn, drive around the neighbor- ov«rcooWn8,adjusrt«t«mperatur«t by hooffVkeep PANZER a full day if you wish - FREE! ltitlf, and let* you know when your learn about PANZER'S 7 dramatically different features Mona Andre that make it work harder, handle easier, last longer me*I I* ready to terve. In short, cook- than any other compact tractor. See how its 25 attach- "Known for Her Artistic Skill" ments let you till the garden, spray trees, sweep the Ing Its.* cinch tht •Itctrio wty... And lawn... do most any job you want! Call, write or ask us in person for a no-obligation you'll flnd that broiling under an elec- PANZER home demonstration ... get your FREE Pre-East^r tric range'* reflector colls duplicate* Everbloomlng Rose Bush!

mouth-watering outdoor barbequlng.M OFFER YOU LIVE BETTER-ELECTRICALLY! t KLEINS A New Hairdo FARM AND GARDEN CENTER "Everythlni (or Tour (Aim and Garden" to Suit Your TeL ME 4-0021 34 Main Street. Woodbridge Individual (Opp. mu> IbMtre) OPEN SUNDAY

Personality Op*a BtUf ( AMI P.M. W. TUI » PM. (ai ne additional eost) Sit. Ml • PJtt. - Run. > A.M. -1 FJtf.

AU Age Group! Parklni Is Never a Problem Her* p $J.M liildrtn .,.._ $!.{• KuircuttiQg by Help: For AppoUfUnent Call ME 4-2894. Mona Andre's Eectric cooking is dean and modern Beauty Salon ,.. easy4 and dependable! 545 Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge OOMPAHV

AM. - Clos«I FRIDAY. APRIL 6 1962 PAGE EIGHTEEN Ciszak Plumbing St.EliasFive || g# St. Joes Holy Increases Lead Out of Tourney The St. Ellas rARTERET-c1««k-s Plumb- t was eltitii- increased cheir team e .v on Mondi ina mnm fmals of the Open lr ,d to four full R»nif? in the nated .i iv iournament Name Sports Day rr'.-fM Unes Cln.wic bowling aunday -j ?: J.imfs team CARTERET _ D,, . ,„,-„- hv downinn the J and O W «>•• |'cr 4S to 47 The has been busy theM -,-,„•,„„, m nvo out of three o J^ bv 22-18 'al half weeks aa new henri CARTER FT - The 8t. Jo 1).- Jainei sccrrd «Jersey Bowlers coach at Carteret Hie gpph Holv Name Society will Many Chan^ in Tn.r-ki'ix'- was losiiic three costly ume ••I,- final period to molding together a fr c sponsor a . rrt< Day on Sun- R,mft ;o Zubnck uuilders. iwint ;ier;:-.d and win tenm for the openinu comp ..i ni day. APMI R-h at tn(> Hlgh n-ai-.k Sinmko of Cwalf! Na:y ied the winners To Aid the season next \\< hnrl iv «<14 • :.M4 niftht and Andy tt,Mi oi U' points ft'id School BVT. Carteret Majors CARTERET-Bi«vlcrsinNew|sayreville. Mi«W-/ fl, ltn Oppnnv: ff-tlvities will '«• "-Mon of UIM, : oiled 50B - 22S for Cis- * T10 scorrd 13 points for Jersey will join Hie American rebuilding Job hut CARTERET — A ....«• Macello of the J tore a Malf frfe basketball 1 created ha Cancer Society's ft i-'lit against.nis outlook will be !•„, throwing onwrt in four CIMSH. position nwht m.u-1,' ... . n Tdrvision rolled a bift by participatiiiK in a coming the Car fin si't in a losing cause. grade school agf. hl?h school quite a few changes :: ••Beat the Champ.-' Tourna~~ -"' jj^nnl~ s Koplni is- i|-,, •.landings •fe. opri class and an old- levf{ Major League 7,wn-;ick Bu'Hrj-s ,ipset SisRo Cardinals Lose ment which will be staged diir-; turning veteran .trim rounds will be held on gg the Cftrtflret I/Bn. a new and F^dor's- Truckina in all ins -Bowl Down Cancer week |tn|5se a>on. A thin -n, timers r'a« over 351 Quail- th< 'op spot linn cames. Sam Pletecin led under the auspices of the Bowl-• Kopln will undoubted^ , Saturday morniriR at the hlgn'lMnn sweep (l: ol Karnr oiiiili rolled fill Joans won ti'f - - ol a"has the approval of the Amerl- f^e pitching Mi at 2:00 P. M Tro-. th favorK| Ir>Bl Liquors s Auto Service won two playoff can Bowmisr confess and the clude Henry RZRS. best two-cji-of-thi'i'-(TJi-Ul-lUin e f"--- can LA'll-.'-i •—- • u»i» •iv.iu.T 1 will be awarded In each ., 1L. ; „,, s from Tony's Shell 8ta- defeating the A & 0 Women's International Bowl-,(uu season of aw. Jim Matyl with scons of 211, and thereby went into a series-by tion Ordinals 67 to 46. :n the R«C|inj, Conjtrew. will br held dur-,hts belt. In uddltin,, Trie "finals of the basketball 233. 833 led the winners. ue for second place with League iing the week M *Prtl "-pected to (jet pic,,;-. tourney will take place on Sun-! Almas! Tni'-klnS put them- Bisko's Tony Denawlec had The winner^ rolled up a big tnrougn April 2B from big Ed Man:i. 581 set for Sitars. Marty day at 3:00 P.M. between St,^^ ,n a Rood posRlon ,-18 lead and coasted along: jjemrjer8 of :hi' association dous three-letter si.,;- James of Woodbridge, winner . , , ,. ,. Casslo .current average leader. wlnnlnl? ftl1 lhrfip ampfi * an eny triumph Martin wij] ^ conta<-ted by countyjof the greatest "f,,.,, over St Ellas and St. Joes, win- '»* * 1 had a bis 638 series and as tao Gurkin was hish scorei for the:chBptcl.8 of the N>-w Jersey Di-,Cent hlston al th, • ner over Holy Family. over Cutters Amoco and lump- result increased .. with a total of 18 | order that the pro- chool, according •„ "TEAM- Midget (b« B. first-half cham|iinrn 1 mnt row.Vir vlsion n lg The Cheerleaders contest willing over the same team into s s H sensational 002 mark for the Mark Binstein had: be carried out and joe Comba. •u-ii Knlirrt Mullaii. llalph Peter Rram may be held between the half of the thlrd poslUon. Ed Mikos rolled 'season second honors. ,|1P countles benefit from the comba, Nathan II basketball game, teams fromj. _ o »ed bv Dick 17 points for w g2 wt ' Clark Electric For the loseis Richey Potts ioo per cent proceeds Prizes principal, will nU St. James of Woodbridge, St. Z* I „, Nescot's 621 set The &Bme(i to dr°P tflPm fiflh : to seventh position. lust t-vo ;)ie iwomen. On a handicap basis,;should round out also be seen during the day at '" "wnth nnt:ltinn "lst "vo never [weeks ago the team v.ns up in Wat Gr.ffon Evidently you :tney «-ill try to better the swr-1 experience on th« the school. won t^o ?ames fourth place tried to zuide one." effortortss of the nanationat l all- season. Men's Shop. champions. These two Others battling Matty Udzielak emerged as istar champions Dkk WWebeb r of StosSt.,postt s wil be CCary u,\ the high man of the night in Louis and Shirley Garms of ^iba and John Mai k- game and series as he rolled Chicago, will bowl in May at a new infield iss-i- n th. 248 and 639 as his team scored !•:„. i .,!„«/. ir, ha nniinunced. with Donnle Davisor. clean victory over Stan's 14-Year Old Bob:time and place to be announced. Kenna, Art McM,.! Tavern. 'Every bowler entering will be 'granted an 80 per cent handi- Rlchey Stuart th, There was some very fine cap of the difference between (for the infield positK bowling ln the match between his current league average and moment. the American Bar and the Eco- Letso Hits 673 nomy Aluminum W>rp, with a 200 scratch. „,„ ,-,,., high :n the nation and This is the first year that the .the American Bar winning the CARTERCT- ho Dlace the NatS ffid be good enough for the Boviing Proprietors' Assoca- KolibasTa\erii jodd game by seven pins. jur,.or Entry in the National coma ^^^ Uon h&s mdertaken the task, Recreation doings..doing . Colum- of helping the American Can-i 1 bus School #2 won thh e MidgeMidtt deciding (?amr will be played cer Society provide programs of j Holds Pin I ( Class "B" championship, by on Wednesday at 7:15 P M. Touniaiaor: roiled a Familv I,YO Research. . EducatioEaucationn andu Se ot-i-r i AB_p_T ., winning two out of three games To the winner will KO a playoff 'tional 2824 thrn-gi,~r ::r:es 'from the Royals. Columbus'tVophy last Saturday afternoon *t the r drain ^ i v ls supportetl als0 CARTERET _ B> School won the first half and1 ' „ H:1.! Bowl Lanes. The total was by the Brunswick Corporation out a big 1043 scoi-. Royals won the second half.! Another umpire clinic will comprised of eame? of 931, 1019 Bows to and the AMF Pinspotters, Inc. bas T^ern conUnu-d and a playoff was necessary to take place ton|ght .,, th(, N|1. and 874 scratch and a handi- . The following establishments he lead m the Can, decide the winner. Columbus than Ha]e Schooi un(lf.r tnE rti. cap of 150 added to this total CARTERET - Despite some m Middlesex County are par- trial and W"... i« School £1 team won the Class rectlon of Joseph Comba eavf- the boys a gross series of -jarklnig performances by Al ticipating in this national com-;at he Hin BOWI )<• A division and two trophies will Umpires who worked in last. 2974 Rieler and Pat Hart, the local petition: Brookside Lanes, Edl-!oHill holdf 1s ^th Ramise high. teainm- ;•• •• Hol"_ . _Famil •.y CYn.»^O- u..l.«IKn1ibasketball:! Mn ^nes.. __ HilTT:lH BowD«...l\ Ulll go to the Columbus School. year's names are urged to get Bnbby Letso. the sensational >' dropped a tou?h one- Lanes. Kendall Park anl the high team scor- 14 year old youngster had team Itopping the previoi. rcfresher C0Ur decision to the St. Hed-|Majestjc Lanes. Mld-StateBowl Senior play"oFall deadlocked ^ .... -» TI-> n; an^ OT(; for point 1024 held by St. Dm:- as the Prank fit Joan team won „.._.., , „ SCHOOL, Mid el "*-"> A 1-rag...- .'hamps: I runt row, (M*<«. *J»n In the big gam. the first game. 67 to 46, but! H1*n S0"00' baseball squad COIl'MBI'S K C«-,ch Knliert :ind Allan MI-D^KIW. St-rond row. trank >erse .. F.d FrokO JMattei's Sunoco, Ed Mcl lost the second game a their JJeP«rln« for,th e f110 ,on hrkson S B l p'lak Ron Chh-ra. Wrs White, Cl.arl.-s (ir.-ind.-U and Gerry Sapienu. ,„„ |ough had a bii; 'IV. :•• top scorer Mark Binsteln did M"«tay against Sayreville s. not Play and the A & O team'frst h°mp- ««»« wl" '"": teriioon " > final seconds but' CARTERET - The St. JotsjTom Lawlor's ^34 • P y an Mataw n Team Oth'-r boys rolling' on the .-i drive-in shot by eliminated the Holy Family andjOinda's 214. liio :.- wow°onn 5599 toto 5511 '"Th. Thee aiw'anthird and,™ »" «">"* " « - , hafi ghown much impr0V( mrnt team -.vr-re Jackie Kieban. who ilinski who appeared advanced themselves to the the odd game m ti- . against Hoffman and Rahway. hit a 538 serifs on sames of the Sports Day Tour-I Two 608 sets «-'• REPORT Of CONDITION OF "CAR- Some fine pitching prospects 202, 174 and 16?; Teddy Kieban to-be fouled. 1111Bla „, ,„,, „,,„.„ „„, ( . . TERET BANK AND TRUST COM- Jerr PAN?" OP CARTBRET. NEW JERana- dd somo e hittingg ppower could rolled a 518 series with a 212 >' Melech. ihe locals' high nament by scoring an overtime]Greg Sofka and lir: SEY, A MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL [mean a good season. game. Fredy Brelow's series of scoring forward, had a rough victory by a close score of 51spectively, as ib RESERVOF BUSINESE BY8TEMS ON. AMARCT THEH CLOS 20THE, tim 557, with a 212 game »nd Cheti *' Setting started against to 49. Amoco scored a c.-,- 1962. PUBLISHENE DO NIN MARCACCORDANCH 20TH E Charter No 1113] WITH A CAt.L MADE BY THE FED- Reserve District No 2 Kcby with a series of 538. the Trtnton defense and was; The St. Joes fought back over the J nnd G T V ERAL RESERVE BANK OF THIS REPORT OP CONDITION OF THE The scores were returned to held below his average for the^fter trailing at the end of the! Tony Calabrest- t DISTRICT PURSUANT TO THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN CAR- ,th.: Chicago headquarters of season. [first half by 28-21 to score 18;games of 225 and 3' PROVISIONS OF THE FEDERAL TERET, OF CARTERET, IN THE RB8ERVB ACT STATE OP NEW JERBEY, AT THE 'th.- American Junior Bowling In a preliminary game the'points in the final period to'set but the Hill Btwi ASSETS CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON MARCH Cor.eress for compilation and Holy Family Grammar School Ue the count. itwo games to Ide;il U Cub, twliDces vltta 2 could have in mind. Ana al Other BsseU 10.481 !I6] Cherepon. Boh Puseal. lh-nnk Mcrton, Bifhey Greentort LIABILITIES under one roof, too! You just ad d»po«ni of in- TOTAL ASSETS $7,433 »20 601 ' ' partnerships, wf n't find better pickings in size, i _vi,.jratlonB LIABILITIES UN AM) sizzle and savings anywhere time and sartngi deposit* Demand deposit) of Leschek Coliimbu^Team Frank & Joan's of tndlTldusll, partner- Individuals, partner- under the sun. And you couldn't ships, and corporations 7,287,216.61 ships and corporations Jl.Hil.M4W pick a better time than now- SnodU of United |Time and Savings SIN DAKS CORVAIR MONZA 4-DOO1 SEDAN Butet Ooiernmtnt deposits of Indi- Evens Series In Semi-Finals duringyour Chev- (Including postal viduals, partnerships jwinning the bowier of the XEHET — The Colum- CARTERET—Prank & Joans, rolet dealer's Fun From mim «fcrwr» U> mn-footed seal, !U< < •avtngs) ...i and corporations (142W CAR iMpoelti of Btates and Deposits of United I month award for March. Rosi',. gchool No 2 team evened Pizzeria advanced to the semi- and Sun Days. got tht gifl of making sport 0/ mosl am <^ political subdivisions . 303,197.39 BUtes Oovernment tochek, again rolled « Kami'- . defeating .finals in the Perth Amboyi I Including postal s&v* ff serjeg by Other deposits (certlted Io of f 205205. . ThThkk wawass heherr secondsecond' ^ FH ^,^ ^ .c.C.A. Gold Medal tqurna-; and offlcers' checks,! , inns) 174.246.64 itUn D M c 2255 n in the Y I Deposits of States and 200 game of her career and she ;Midt B ' BBaslcetballa ' League ment by scoring a big llf-95! I political subdivisions ... 6O2.867.sp [had not bowled a 200 before . $10,854,382.32 Certified and , this'week. ' Iwin over the Bayonne teamjlast officers' checks, etc 64,035.13 ,his sejason. , The wmna.8 led right from Saturday night. , [ (a) Total TOTAL Dl- > Second high game of 191 jthe beginning and hel.•. beeh.«n examineHiiinined by ui and to thtti«e GMeoy Chevrolet, lie. beenn BOWL - MOR Kl 1 -5450 Brlgg't Cbevnlet Jn.CtamM.ln. MB e»«nlued by us »na to, to* beit of our knowledg* »»d MUM U best of our knowledge mi b«llel M U»lii St., Wui.clbndjt (rue aud correct. H toMevelt Av«^-KI 1-5UJ HI • Is true und correct. JOHN 81TAB, Tel. filAim "COAJ! - ma. oa • BMBNEB BALEB » Halo 8t—PA 1-1400 Mid4leies I M BIfiS HAKO1J? OHBI8T8NBBI, WILLIAM BABIOB. 24 Lefferte Street, Carteret* N, J. Dlreeune Ic. t>. PAGE NINBTTEEN

oy Eagles Win N. L position helped the MlHc Excavating JHIS Welding team take 'frfl from Is- Cecelia K. of elln Bhop-Rlte. Menlo Park Orten Wins '• Oak Tree Drugs, usm<> stevc 'Continued from Sports Pa|»> -: CLASSIFIED :- y/eightlifting Title OnUpTrendS?&game wlnner *m. D»f n, 41 Burylo'g 21S «ame to cood ad- °f 13 and 11, respectively. Joe tATM - INFORMATION -of 235. Hla overall total was 605 TEAM STANDINGS ' WwaMs PfltrPetcoo PlaflPlatinr g over St. vantage, clipped two names Varey, the King Pins' star, sank Junior Crown ueorge Pharmacy in a one from Ollver'i Tavern, although six field goals and a foul for 13 ^pounds. W L Illl ftf l» wonto DuitlDi (u ids: Until ^laea matoh. Pftt Rogan ,hot 200 for ,he Tav. counters. AVENEL-Orten BporUwear Ralph Pape of Fords was the Duer»cheldt Ins...... 57 33 U tttb .additional word l| A. M far th* MUM w«t'« went all out on the final day of ; With the league rapidly com- ernmen. The two wins enabled in two semi-final games tH in idTtoct •tblletUen the 1982 season to win the Ave- ;'C»»-" II pound champion. Th, MaJestlcUnos S4>/2 ing to a close and only four;th<> Druggists to closn in on played earlier, the King Pins Theirs Tavern lor(1 wks l nel Junior Bowling. League r - „_, uaK .,,„ nr,.., .,,, 1U|, D ° no, Duerscheidt third placeand Olivers Tavern upended the Bt. Cwlla CYO NOTI: NO CLASSIFIED ADS TAKEN OVEB rHONti lifter pressed 145,'oak Tree Drum \v, M rnnce 1 championship by one-half 170, and cleaned and Fireside Realtv II n " increased It, league With Dick Funk's 214, Cross 28-20 and the Mrnlo Park MUST n *m w. game In one of the closest tW0 and one half RMne8 Keys tw 195S for a 510 total. and FiiQUB1PV%d ™l II« IS i 1° - ^staurant * two quintet rode over the Colonla races In the history of the pop- off w'1"," veteran lifter Will Frozze de- in . , THephm MCrcwr Mill M,,ttir 43 by tflklng u o gRmfs from Bftmej from lJelln Llltl|1)( r Hftwks 2g 25 ular circuit. fended his 148 pound title with'cwnnV\iteM'in» liit Hi- Majestic Lanes. Other two (tame winners are In trie Initial clash. Joe Varey ititt hlgh m n for K n nV i Boys representing* Orten dur- imd. which R press of 190 natefc.of 200, Mlele tSffi"! • H ^ ^TZl^ ^. SS? JZJZ?*."??* ™« » «». ! « ? • rr M18C. TOR SALE • Ing the past season were J, id clean and Jerk of 240 for a 44!i 45',4 game with Charlie Daman- Realty, St. Cecelia's Nn. i over with nine points, while Joe Hlg- " """^ kls 21 Dick, S, Armstrong, T. Murphy, **.. ",, •; 3 and Mike Wachter's Oak Tree Cleaners, and Duffy's ^\m followed, sinking six. The 1 HOUSECLEANER. Fridays RENT A WATER SOFTENER Pi stanzlola, and M. Hoffman. best man on .the court for St. only. Call KI 1-7530. Only 7B cents per week Call Trailing the fine Orten team [mil' s'1 Cecelia's were Joe Quh'ea andj I 4/5-4/12 collect. Suburban Soft Water m u,e (|nai team standings Dave Carmon with productions1 Co.. OR*n|e 4-0534. were st. Andrew's CYO, John of six and five. In the second; 4/5-4/S8 »nd Bill's Suhoco Station. Ave- No, 51 cuperatlng after the first It Was Tom Wleczerakl Hie !second to Poroski and Allan nel Lions Club, Avenel Shop- 38 52 defeat took the next two :ple taste,, darling It must be something I left oat." 16-PT. HARBOR BOAT with Rlte st cteorge Pharmacy, tuta 202, to the finals with a 12 point Become the AVON Representa- 65 pounders, m m Inboard motor. Fullyrjaldone's Cleaners and the (or Mauro Motors 35 5.5 Canevarl's 209, and Mike 'La- thln }j° 'Plash,' Bob Wools was the «ve In yourntlghborhood, Take u Third place finishers and mak"f°e a piFe taste like this, it equipped. Call MS 4-78(1. Democratic Clvld Club. ISELIN-Wlshbow Brothers, komskl'» 20« *e« tl» bl« Pln" Hawks' most effective scorer orders for TV-advertlsed, AVON 3/29-4/5 132,1 must be (omethlng you put in." .'^"14 markers. Cosmetics' new and exciting _ The distinction ot bowling products from your neighbors. 'the high set of 5&1, the high REAL ESTATE -'ngle game and the best aver- a'Patent leather belts are seen New; Zealand dedicates me- Call Mrs. Krug, MI 2-5146 for FOR SALE :e went to Robert Mftalc of and Jerk weight. lly come Into and Is as- 245 game, high for the night,'on many of the newest frocks. morial to Byrd. home Interview. .venel. The young kejler wu 4/5 POUR BEDROOM HOME iy far the most outstanding pin Woodbrldge Proper, large eat- ilasher In the league during TELEPHONE SOLlCrTORS. In kitchen, living room, reo le past season. From home. Middlesex Coun- room, hot water radiant base- Avenel Hardware won th« ty. Call FU 8-4570 between 5:00 board heat, 220 wiring, good Bantam League crown with P.M. and 8:00 P.M. neighborhood, dead end street, lomparatlve ease with A- Story. 4/5 deep lot, combo storms, priced . Van Llew, R. Sean, T. Moran .to sell last at 117,900; F.HA ,nd A. Leanza formtnf th* KITCHEN WORKER to assistland V.A. terms to qualified 1 lUdeus of the wtnntai oom- BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY with cooking. buyer; Hurry Call Central ilnatlon. NURSES AIDE for alternating State Broker, 7V 8-1212. 4/5 Also vying for the champion- shifts. Non-smokers pre- ship during the aeawn In tb* ferred. Call ME 4-1389. Maple- ,COLONIA — Seven-room spin Bantam circuit were Metro ton Nursing Home, 100 Craske level homi with garner, largi Motors, Avenel Coal ft OU Co., Street, Woodbrldgf. recreation room, extra largi Many extras. PrincipalsP""*8 Patricia, Wffllara Pwm 3/39-4/5 patio, Ctal & fial Oil Delicatessen Jewelers Painting Roofing & Siding only. Call FU 1-4388. Insurance, Abbe Lumber, AT«- Adding Machlnw nel Fire Co. and the last plM* HELP WANTED 4/5 IT'8 W18E TO OEDF.R team, Avenel Plumbtaf A Httt- AD&1N6 MACHINES Complete Interior, MALE AND FEMALE MISCELLANEOUS ing. ROOFING FOR 8ALE TREAT SHOPPE Exterior Painting P. Cocum dominated th* REAL ESTATE! SALESMEN Bantam loop by rolling the W|h (13 Rahwaj Avenue Paperhanging SIDING AND SALESWOMEN WAUTEDjO.OOO YARDS OP TOPSOIL set ot two games ot 303, tt» $39.50., litlmitei Chtertullj Glitu AVAILABLE. ME 4-8388. Woodbrldt* If you will work hard, Central high single game of ISO, and ALL WORK First Class Work CHIMNEY State will spend the time and 4/5 for NOW! ilipp, Whit« inarch) the top average ot 139. money to teach you the real FULLY GUARANTEED! FLASHING SERVICES Trophies will be awarded to SMITH - CORONA Guaranteed lehjgh • SALADS at Their Be«t estate business. We pay high ROOF, GUTTER and all boys who participated in th» Typewriters FU 8-1667 commissions, otter you a very 95 • SODA FOUNTAIN INTERIOR AND EXTERIO 1961-62 bowling season tt a DOWN DRAIN modem office with a successful WOODBRIDGE NUT OR 20 • FRESH BAKEKT GOODS J. SOVAK PAINTINa, paperhangln banquet to be held May 20 at fcW GOLDBLATT'S REPAIRS firm that Is interested In the Rihw»j'» oideit IitebUihcd carpenter and cement wori the Cranwood Inn, Oarwood. IBISINKSS MACHINE STOVE Fully bunred good will of Its clients. Call Mr. Open 7 A. M. to 10:30 P. M Jnralw 101 Morrisey Ave. Free estimates. Call KI 1-5054 Parents and team spouaon wflU CO., WD. DIBenedetto, Broker, at FU 8-1 INCLUDING SUNDAYS 14 East Cherrr Street after 4:30 P. M. ISO imboy Ave.. Woodbrldgi PEA Avenfel 1212, Central State Agency be guests of the leagues durlnf STANLEY A. LADDIE 3/22-4/19" the presentation eeremonltf. ,Vf,i to loniplkt) COAL Closed Wednesday All Da; HE 4-7165 ME 4-4557 1743 St. George Avenue, Rah HI is A SERVICE ,way. LANDSCAPINO [MTT8T BE INSANE Trl. MF 8-0010 BUCK 3/39-4/19 Lawn Mowers LAWN MAINTENANCE •There's a man outside," said COAL Drugs Photography WALTER PEDERSEN the attendant at the asylum, • MALE HELP WANTED • ME 4-1222 who wants to know whether Beautician Hand and Power Lawn Henry Jansen & Son 3/22-4/26 Mowers Sharpened and we have mlwed any ot our QUICK SPLICE MOVIE men atl nts attly RAYMOM) Repaired Tinning and Engineering Drafts- a former manufacturer of| P ? ' ' NOW ustom dinette sets, we are 'Why does he want to know KIT, $198 Sheet Metal Work men [that?" asked the doctor, OPEN JACKSO1S — Headquarters for — low offering reupholsberlng on Brine This Ad and Roofing, Metal Celling "Well, he says someftody ha» • Bri«i & Btratton Survey Party Chief kitchen and dinette chairs, u«- ,ng top grade leatherette' and ron ott wlth hla wlfe/' CUnton-Lawson A Power Only 98c and Furnace Work Hair mid SOJV Product!-<— Gu Englnei Instrument Meu plastic. Twenty years eiperl- :nce In this Une assures you Designs For Fut Berrlc* 588 Alden Street Rodmen Druggists Schwinn Bicycles of quality and service. For free Cristauro Rolls Just OIT« Vt » C»ll stlmatti phone LI 9-2865. Woodbridge. N. J. iJQuallfled. for Municipal Work (Continued from Sports Page) 88 Main Street gales ft Service [ Immediate employment, 4/5-4/26 Qeorge Silva 218 18 Telephone MErcurr 1-12W [Joe Balsamo // J )acn ALBRECHT'S lapply: BRICKLAYER - Brick stepsjJoe Balsamo 818M SIMONE BROS. Woodbridge. N. J. Menzenbach front bricking, patios, ;lla ana /fa Engineer's Office Joe Beauty Salon LINDEN. N. J. KEY SHOP walks, garages, drivewayi, bomb j"? c Telephone Mtrcurr 4-OSM Municipal Memorial Bulldlm «hw>)r Avt., Avenel 1Ke 1Z4 Wafhlnrton Avenu 1 Main Street shelters. Repairs of any kind " . "-"™T.'i HU 6-2726 Complete With Spice T. BERENCSI. FU 1-9306. f rn'c S^nl*k •- MK 4-MH Carteret, N. J. Woodbridge, New Jersey ... ,,„, Joe Rusavage 214.02 EXTERMINATING T. R. STEVENS 4/5-4/26 Terry UBtm 213.24 HU 6-OO59 Tel KI 1-7163 Roolni and Sheet MeUl Work Phlne: MJrcury 4-4500 GAWS PHOTO 685 ST. GEORGE AVE. 4/5 IF YOUR DRINKING has De-^d Oldenborg 212.40 Builders Walter Franlt 211.27 TERMITE CONTROL 547 Amboy Avenu* WOODBRIDGE come a problem, AlcohoIlc«i Llqoir Stores Anonymous can help you. Call S»> 0™"° • 20759 • EXTERMINATING Woodbridge, N. J. A CAREER FOR LIFE 206.40 An; Type tad StjU BI M51& or write P O Box John Dafgek • • SCIENTIFIC SERVICES ME 4-3651 Dom pl e111 204.31 Telephone HErcnn 4-1881 with the AAA Automobile Club 253, Woodbridgf. 4/5-4/26 » - LET US Ray Baker , 201.32 Custom Built Homes • LANDSCAPING of Central New Jersey is of- VII Urctric Hornet HAVING TROUBLE with youi|oeorge White 200.22 ' 8obt Your For Prompt Service fered to SUCCESS MINDED WOODBRIDGE sewerage? Electric Seweroot- iTony Gaudlo 199.4S Post mil fcim Homes CALL ME 4-0258 Plumbing & Heating men who are DETERMINED to er removes roota, fllth, sandiBob Blanton 19828 Krte Estimate HEATIN6 PROBLEM [better themselves. Training Liquor Store, Inc. Alr-CoadlUonlni and MWW l™™- clogged Sonny Bahr 197.11 from salary, leads, bonus plan Financing Arranged ARMBE£ LABORATORIES Warm Air Beit j Madursk. „.„„ 196.40 (ill For Appointment WE DELIVER! InduitrlU Btbkmt t Service to Complete [dlgginfdlgginf,, no damagedamg s — p 'Jim Hallo 192.S0 Dr. Robert V. Bielarski Motor Gutrdi membership,.fire and casualty roR FREE RBTIMATIS arid efficient. Call Tony'i Bob Boardman „ 177.31 Ueating Installations Complete Stock of Domestic JAMES BRESLIN MK 4-2145 or MI 4-I2H ' Insurance. First year average NOODBRIOGE HOME Director - Entomologist Plumbing and Heating. ME 4 and Imported fflnei income of $5,000 to $6,000 FOR BENT KEBO8ENE 530 Itahway Avenue 4/5-4/26,' Colonia, N. J. should grow to $12,000 to $15,- 8007. UG CO., INC. Woodbridge, N. J. Been and Uqaort WOODBRIDGE — Clean and : Mm b,rrj Hill Aunu C»D 000 ln five years. For personal ANTIQtrES FU 1-2620 Service Stations Interview call U 9-3873. cheerful, unfurnished three* N. J. MErcnrj m AMBOX AVENUE 4/5-4/12 CAMEO SHOP. 200 Freeman [room apartment. Storeroom WOODBBIDGE. N. i. ME 6-0028 4-1400 Funeral Homes • 1 . Street, Woodbridge. Fin* se-|and garage. Private entrance, Plumbing and Heating LIGHT MAINTENANCE and lection M old furniture, «pln-,$65.00. Middleaged or buslnea Ceramic Tile TOM GARAGE general work. Good oppor- ftlng wheels, desks, cradle, pic- couple. Call weekdays attei)6:Q0 Moving & Trucking tunity for'retired man. Apply hires, lamps, china and old p. M. or all day Saturday and t glass. We buy and sell Come Sunday. 703-B St, George Ave- AVENEL J. r. Gardner A Son % iselln Theatre, 1404 Oak Tree nut, near High School. rUNIRU Move "IDEAL WAY" Electric Sewer Service 485 AMBOY AVENUE toad after 6:30 P. M, and browse. ME 4-1022 HOMII 4/5 4/5-4/261 COAl S OIL CO. FLYNN and SON Phone FTJ 8-191* 1900 Woodbridge 121 Railway Avenue, Avenel AGENT NATIONAL VAN MErcnrr 4-3540 CERAMIC TILE 411 East Avenut LINES We're Specialists In Perth Amboj N. ) 1286 8i George Aye. CONTRACTOR Giistrictln • BEAE WHEEL ALIGN- 23 Ford Avenue SPECIAL WINTER BATES Mosaic tiles {LOCAL HOVII MENT and BALANCK Fords, N. J. ffl IU • BRAKE 8EEV1CE Phone MEET •< of All Rind! VAIlej 6-0358 '6000 PLUMBING MAS Watch Repairing Middlesex County's First Coagrcssman Avenue, Fordj UHHTIONS A LOT TO DO <>F; 6-483* WITH • ( ISIOM 'Heating-Air Conditioning HEALTH AT EXPERT HOME, AND EDWARD J. PATTEN & Fuel OH IKlMKS THAT IS WATCH REPAIRING QUALITY HEATING TRUE Done On I * (;\UAC;KS Music Instruction Premlsei & AIR CONDITIONING [ Running Learn To Play The Modest this distinguished teacher,, lajwyer, and Prices HEAR SLOWLY? PIANO-ORGAN AIL WOfcK dedicated public servant K&O HEATING ACCORDION GUARANTEED GAS OIL - ELECTRIC Frlnte Instructions by MARTIN LAWRENCE WAKMAlBorllOTWATEB Qualified Teacher*. JEWELERS ME 4-1086 Tankless net IitlnutM - Time Beginners wd Advueed PATIOS Students Accepted. 14 M»in St. Woodbrldie Coils CHACUY TAKg JME4' DISCUSS THE ISSUES Call ME 4-5446 "PLUMBING! U 73 8 ^heroically Authorized DRIVEWAYS d HEATING Printing That affect YOUR future and the future of YOIR children. Cleaned Sales & Service •HOME IMPROVEMENTS- CONN ORGANS \\OOOilVl\OGi /Vt'i* Jf'ii'-l AT SIDEWALKS KIMBALL PIANOS • Additions to Homes JARDOT Radio & TV Service FOR QUALITY VENEL • General Contracting 'PIANO COMPANY & OIL CO. • Home Improvements Set Need Nw»»M REPAIBT PRINTING PATTEN K 4-1400 CONSTRUCTION CO. • New Construction Woodbrliu Cmll Woodbridge OPIN D4ILV 10-1 - «*» '•• ME 4-4368 104 Main Street Ill 2-6739 LEVELINE DIAL I KCK KST1MATKS CONSTRUCTION CO. BITTIH6 Learn the Beautiful- ME 4-1111-2-3 !• m;mrin!,' Arranged 475 Uiicol Sounding Wednesday, April 11,1962 Iselin STEEL GUITAR! IS) Avenel Strwt, *TM»l MIDDLESEX 1,1 8-86U3 Hawaiian, Western or . 8:30 P.M. Pedal Style Repair PRESS CLASSIFIED 0 Le.Jou* by » professional fu»u»MM Tilted M V, " Ewryone Invited Plenty of Refhshments for AM with years of ptoylnf »"« C»r fadlei Herilced rromptlj THE WOOUBKIDGE ADS teicblnf experience. CO. Sponsored by Woodbridge Democrats for Patten and BUW/6 HOME For »ie« iruw 8 to 80 16 20 {irtm Street The Edward J. Patten Association of Woodbridge BRIM B. J. ROEMMELE Woodbridge *•'. 4-0012 9!! RESULTS BACON YO 9-»' PAGE TWENTY increasing tendency MarrlaBiT The blessing of en-of Peace Church, Fords. Since —The sixth and ninth Com- Boys League. speaker. Mr. McKlnney spoKe of the designers roe# \ttngs and Benedlc- Saturday Is the first Saturday mandments, will be the topic —The Women'6 Missionary oon the work still being done in clothes for the l'ni>h Uon wtlptte place. of April, the Society will attend for tonight's adult inquiry class Council of the Iselin Assembly Vietnam in the spirit of Dr. _ matron and the f ISELIN PERSONALS —Trwi%Stl««lotiet tes, the young eight o'clock Mass In a body at St. Cecelia's School, Room of GodChurch will meet 8 PM. Dooley. under. tomorrow at the church. people'»;j»ranoh of the Women's«>d receive Communion to 101, 8:00, Rev. Robert Mayer, —The Home and School As- W()mnl wh0 There are also Missionary Council of the Ise-gether. parish assistant, who Is the ln- —The Senior Choir of thesociation of School 6 met last -••- ""7:-. ,rM,d8 Raiments that can ol itructor lor these clashes, an-First Presbyterian church will eveninilng at the school. A slateshould be delighted ovei 1 a small space and ALICE Cl'THBERTSON the cancer dressing unit of th lln Assembly of God Church, The Ladies Aid. Society •„,,, nounced the aim of this lesson] meet Wednesday evening at the o0f1 officers for the comtaK in the past few years me MOMwrinkled for the woiim, 1601! Oak Trrr Road Federated Women's Club of Ise-met Mdndiy at the church. the First Presbyterian Church will hold Its regular bi-monthly 1* to give the Christian concept church to rehearse special len- school year was presented bywn o weftr nl,]fS |W.S and those travels much and nn-f,,, Iselln, NPW Jersey i The next meeting will be held, in lln will meet at the home of the virtue of chastity and the nominating committee for travel a greet denl 1 ' **planes. Drip and dry H,,,,,, . Tel. 1,1 R-84«9 Monday, 4:46 at the church. meeting, Monday, 7:30 P.M. In ten music. wno 1 Mrs. Herbert Williams, presl the sins opposed to It. the membership's approval. those whose M"1""are, also a boom to travi'u,. "* . —Members i>f the Iselin Re- —The Ladles Auxiliary of the church meeting room. —The High Scr"»M Catechesls wa8 when dent, Chain O'HUls Road. Th< -On Saturday at 9:30 A.M. were not slim and tall we at 'jublican Clui) who attended VFW Post 2636 will meet this —The Choir of the Iselln As- —The Iselin Social Club will of St. Cecelia's Church will regular meeting will be hel llglous instructions for pub- a disadvantage. All >" MM "^ the Comity GOP. in New Mar-April 18 at tlie Iselln Free Pub evening at Post Headquarters. sembly of God Church will hold meet this evening at 103 Trentomeet, Tuesday from 1 to 8 P.M. st>( 1 The boys will assemble In thelie school children in grades 2 tractive garments '" j^ ket were Mrs Sidney Blanch- lie Library, Middlesex Avenue Lincoln Highway, 8:00. rehearsal tonight at 7:45 Pil.Street, . Plans will be completed w n has ft certain something Instead of the usual Friday church, and the Klrls In thethrough 8 will be wlven at 3t.;fashloned for » "'" f ( Bird. Mrs M \ Lorenz and MrB. —The pre-marital conferenc —The Rosary Society of St. for the benefit dance to be held "Yeh. but father says ]„ t ,N Clara Poster Newman. Cecelia's' Church participated night session. Preparations are April 28 at thp Oreen Street safeteria. At the last class Cecelia's Church. Altar hoy measurements weir tlmw 01 a for those planning to marty meet at 11 A.I i's Oeorge had sometiun ' —Mrs. Michael Romano. Long within the next twelve months In the annual lenten retreat being made to present a Canta- Flrehouse. The proceeds of theWayne McKinney, of the Tom Branch, was a weekend guest at St. Cecelia's Church, wi exercises, Sunday at Our Lady ta for the Easter services. event will benefit the Iselln Dooley Foundation, was guest : Of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Bll- held on Sunday afternoon. O ' Itags, Jr., WrlRht Street Quests Wednesday, 8:30 P.M., two On Sunday at the Billings home Catholic doctors addressed th ; tjere Charles Brnz. Sr., Iselln. group and answered question -'and Charfps Ben?.. Jr.. West- on the medical aspect* of mar EACH FILLED BOOK IS WORTH field ried life. Tomorrow, 8:30 PJM IN TRADE } —Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Max- a panel of married couples* w DOUBLE FOOD STAMPS IN ANY well and children, Ruth Ann. give the benefit of their own Faith, Hope and George, Jr., experience in answering th DEPARTMENT ' Charles street, were Sunday questions of the group. Thi EVERY WEDNESDAY dinner &uesU of Mr. and Mrs. series will conclude. Sunda ^^ Russell Harris, Nixon. 2:30 PM. In the church. Thi —Happy birthday to Thomaa topic will be "Spiritual Love Catlin and his son, Douglas, ARMOUR STAR • SWIFT'S PREMIUM Cooper Avenue, Quests In their Honor on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ovid Catlin, Cranford. Printed Pattern —Quests on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 9136 Maucerl, Bird Avenue, were Mr. 14J4-26V4 and Mrs. Joseph Montalbano FOOD MARKETS ajjd children, Charles and Carol, Brooklyn, and Mr. and WBKmmammm Mrs. Frank Maucerl and chil- dren, Frances and Raymond, Helta. AMKHIISTM I AMD C Al C —Mrs. Harold Maul, Cheese- quake, was a guest Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. LEGS OF LAMB _ and Mrs. Robert C. Scank, Lin- k coln Highway. Other guests during the week were Mr. and SHOULDER CHOPS Mrs. Otis Dougherty and sons, Keith and Kevin. Menlo Park; '• William Scank and children, RIB CHOPS Jackie and Loralei, Rahway; •AT ROSE WAND Jfre. Joseph Maucerl and son, MCKED IT SWIFT Sdward, Mrs. George Maxwell, LOIN CHOPS Mb. CROSS RIB ROAST CANNED HAM NhTlfc. Kirs. Harry Evans and daugh- ter, Dorothy, and Mrs. Alexan-

der Cuthbertson and children, IAL •,'•£••••/>/ Richard and Maureen, all of Iselln. —Mrs. 0. T. Catling Cooper SET Avenue, was hostess on Friday evening at a social gathering. OF 12 GUEST GLASSES MARGARINE Guests included Mrs. Paul 2 Guys Byrnes, Mrs. Richard Bohleke, TOMATOES Deluxe 11-or. giants. GoM beadtd Mrs. Arthur Vlscomi. Mrs. John Up and white Filigree deugn. Mayno, Mrs. Ted Bowman, >*j p Miss Dolores Galasso and Mrs. FIRM-RED RIPE FOR SLICING Value 1.98 Alexander Cuthbertson, all of Iselin; Mrs. Richard Roscoe, Avenel, and Mrs. J. F. Smith, Colonla. . —The Daughters of America, li Perpetual Light Council 96, will CARTON meet tomorrow, 8 P. M., in CHEEZ-WHIZ the H. K Flrehouse, Charles OF 4 With $2.00 Stceet. or mon —Rev. John M. Wilus, pastor Printed Pattern 9136: Hall KRAFT of St. Cecelia's Church, has an- Slie» 14V4.16H. 18%, 2 Senate Office Building, Washington J5, D. C Home—345 Elm Avenue, Rahway CAMPBELL'S HOUSE OF RETBESENTATITES MEAT VARIETIES Representative Peter Freltoghuysen. Jr., ^2" Joseph R. Costa 123 Hulcrest Avenue. Edison. StBBTJ, MANKCHEWITZ k GOODMAN Thomas H Lee, 140 Front Street. South Plalnflell 7 Georgs Otlowskl 541 Kennedy Street. Perth Amboy MATZOS-WA* x 37* ft I ' William J Warren. 875 Main Street. Fords. EGGMATZOS SOST0""* «^^49( . Woodbridge Township Committee MAYOR—Walter Zlrpoio. Colonla BORSCHlMANHCHIWni,GOODMANfcMOTHBH «. 29* FIRST WARD—Charles Moimar, Woodbridge SCHAYMANISCKVMRfcMOTHBK U^t 29' Robert M. Vogel, Woodbridge STRBTS, GOODMAN, MANISCHfWITZ SECOND WARD - Joseph Nemyo. Hopelawn 10 Herman Fallon, Fords MATZOHWAL MJf " ; £ 37* THIRD WARD — Robert Jacks, Woodbridge. STWM, MANOCWWIU k COODMAM i Joseph Manzlone, Avenel FOURTH WARD—Thomas J CosteUo, Helta . POTATO STARCH ' Dr. Ralph Barone, ' Meftlo Park Terrace MOIHBS-W k wmi WOODBURY-BATH SIZE FIFTH W^ARD — George Emery, Colonla .< John Evanko, Colon!* PEANUT BUTTER HORSERADISH Boroygh of Carteret BIG TOP SPONGE CAKE MIX n-n Facial Soap 6 ? 55 MAYOR—Stephen Sklba I President of Borough Council-Walter Srilrvtn MACAROONS o^^o^ COUNC1LMEN tWIT TOUCH NH lo rhonuu Deverln Walter Sullivan John Hutntak John D'Zurllla TEA BAGS t.,29 WESTON rr'35' Alexander Such . Adam 8ymbon« TowisMl if Ulsoi // FOOD AT, wnApRFIEL? KEARNY WATCHUNG TOTOWA E BRUNSWICK WOODBRIDGE NO BERGEN ""'"'I^T^WM ""ninuw MAYOR-AnU»on» M U I * WOPoiMiiSt 17i Pc.-.v ..« M RouU-22 Hci.1,-46 Roult 18 Ro.iU 9 and 400 Hit, St an<) ALIENTOWN BORDENTC President of Counett-^tU 1 McDonald 2 GUYS MAKKE1S •* ' * , ^ Palenon Plank Rd 7 th Si P.k. Kc.Jt« 201 couxoiuam OPEN DAILY TIL 10 SUNDAY TIL 8 FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY APRIL 7 SATURDAY TIL 11 !e reserve the right to limit quantity Not ,., LI i , , WiUlam F Ashton PWH MarchlttO 3 Bernard J Dwyer frM* ^"ummii not rcipumible lor typographical trrorv Norman PI-MOW Or