dim IMMto edewlioB. The Gremeboro' Female College Vvw HfllltO ft Co; Mary MeRae. Bramhall, WoklkMf^f , at the foarth class. BmtiM of tha mM above the lea* moat aoon Uke iU pUoe in the frost rank of oar "*<>«*»., About 3 o'clock A. It. IiwaiMm, Nh IS .The SuU ft mall Mrlnd on Thompson ft Hunker; Delhi, Smlw, Bumr R p < of ths MA, 444; ilmtiN of the light tbon the aefl, 9 Thla Uctore was delivered on the eroding of Ue Bute iiwtitutiona. *!.*.*. .*"* t« the .(tat* No. M Litarty street, the the 17th inatem. 1.Wf the trip from Santo F» is Mm ft Co; Argo. Douglass, Haitian*. ITS, T D Whitoor'f-v; fact.total, 460. It wlB bo risible at a IWuea of nine in 8t ; which u occupied by Staoles, Oardweil k Co., teeo Cardeumi, R P Buck ft Ob: Jo h illumineted are of M ac- M tart., John's church, for the in u * days. Xaoophon, Wording, iiIIh, peessalting degreaa, Philadelphia. The village which the Institution located wfeolnMUi dealers, m4 the remaining three 11m Indiana on the route war* The Tomtiun, Mobile, Sturges, Claei msa ftCo*7m from K to 8. Vessels inside Pal* beaefltof 8t. John's Orphan Asylum. The chnroh moat ftleo tend to increaae its We were dry goods quite paaoaaMe. Ciller, Thorn teading W, fronting WW crowded. popularity flours by Genling k Petthuff, importer* of fanoy goods. Cheyenne*, vhe wan eneampad about Fort Atkinson, Nichols, Leightoo, CherryHeld (Mo), peon ft Bonier. Oaballo, within tha bay. will not see it, but wfll hare tha with the of Oreena- The are in the third one of those were and are so JaaoPeaaook. C H Pier- The (est was taken the exceedingly pleaeed appearance originated floor, being remarkably friendly, expected to remain Schr#.Mary Depuy, Riohmond, liarfat an Oorregidor la riew op to tha aaehoraga at Ma¬ from 22d chapter of St boro', and with the general air of refinement and ooMptoa bi the la-t named,'persona and m flrat [ calculate will amount to about fib 000. the to be placed in the hands of bankers, members of the as¬ Ship Fortitude (of Portsmouth), Lord. Havre, 42 days, account of the strength of the tide current..[Boletus an announcement have you to still lives the venerable of the Wkeeiie partlv injured by sociation, to be invested in railroad stock in the Atlantio with to Ofieial de Fllipinaa, Jan 28, 1853. might prepared expect, great city, poet the lire and water.T be^"Messrs. are Pacific aiaiu trunk passengers, master. Experienced heavy westerly will, of tie But will " of whose at Staples. Cardweli ii Ci and Kailtuad, provided the pans the entire you course, disappointed. you Pleasures Memory," pre age, (ninety likewise and estimate the don- to their New a The gales passage. Spoken. not be the consolation that will rolled over his bald dis- injured, damage thtough Mexico, making Albuquerque point. Bark Leone 55 to Chamber- disappointed, by you yean* having ripe forehead,) uut h"lu* t»uoUed it. at friends or thin route are down on W<>igtuuian for his ad¬ (81c), Ralle, Palermo, days, Ship Narregansett, 8hankland. from NYork Oct #4 far from having contributed to the welfare of him from taking his long accustomed walks ®f* of lin. Robinson ft Co San Francl»eo, Feb 21, olT Cape Horn. experience qualifier llOOOlwh^rtUe.. 10,000 about a per ceot dawane having bean done to vocacy the GB« route. A strong effort will be rntde Brig (ilobe, I>eavitt, Sinai. 28, to A Patrullo. Mwy Gibbs. from this institution. This lecture shall not be of a theo¬ about the metropolis. Mr. Rogers sat in Westminster thmr stock. A strong body of police belonging to the to beat him a* a delegate to Congress. April Ship Akbar, NTork Feb 24 for San Franois- nor of an and Sheridan were oat 14. off the Double Headed Snot 000, Equitable, #5 0J0- Schr Isaac D Garmo. 32 hours. Foreign Ports. of God an- di-tmct. Umnecuou,oi »i 000. in of Roberts, Norfolk, Cowhi.Sid rights There perhaps lias never fine day, between 12 ami '1 o'clock, he may be found , *6,00«; Hartford. $5 000, , Another Firk Oodenfbubq..The fire Schr Jane M Brainerd, Russell, Portland, Ct, 2 day*. May 8, bark John Wesley, Curtis, (from Ma- been a time when ideas with regard to duties in re¬ at the Garrick in Manhattan, $6,000.Total, $^5 000 That of Messrs. morning, broke out in the rear apartments of Sclir E F Ct. 2 taopao), Amsterdam. Club, King street, Coveut Harden, (te'd & 1 ihe aud Brainerd, Russell, Portland, days Callao.Arr ference to God and man, were so unsound as over a French or with ng with follo.riD^ companies, Johteiday[easts. Jenner & Randall's druggist and apothecary Schr H S Leobard, Portland, Ct. 2 April 11. bark Allioth, Baxter, SFranclseo, they poring newspaper, chatting for tii» siiqjh stat«sl below: Hudson $5 000; Ne«v at about 5 and their entire Buckingham, days. hid .th for Chincha are to day. This question can have but little bear- Albert Smith over a mutton and addi- River, siore, o'clock, destroyed stock, Sloop Nathaniel H Green. Mintum, Norfolk, 2 days. (and I-lands): 13th, ships Deflanee, however, this in cnop sherry *m $5 °°°; Kuipire City, »5 000; Mohawk Vnlley, they only having been spared time to save their safe and New 1 McCerran do. (and »ld 20th for Chincha Islands;) 15th, ing, upjii country, which freedam tions. It is not an unusual tiling to find him at one to UCO; vesaut #5.000.Total, *25 000. their books Tbe fire seemed to have communicated with Sloop Washington, Rogers, London, day. Hampden."Sylvester, Panama, sld 22d for Chincha Is!- of conscience is tolerated. It be a end of ear or Muy BEIX>W (and might puzzling poor Charles Kemble's trumpet, vis-a- TusruioKiaL to Hon. John W'heklkk .An el«gant eane the paints, oils, camphene, and oilier inflammable sub¬ and*); 16th, Dauntless, Miller, SFrancisoo,(aad sld 19th for question for some to explain to as what is the origin vit with Buckstone, the comedian, old stances, hefMe 'he could be to bear, Ships Oswego. Williams, fromNOrleans, 17 days. Valparaiso); Doane, eld of discussing manufacture!I by llall, lilack h Co., was last eveuiag pre¬ engines brought T J from 22d Commonwealth, Acapulco, (and of rights any kind. If you can judge of the con¬ actors and defunct I)rury lane. to the Hi u. John Wheeler member of Conirress and so intense had become tbe heat therefrom, that the Regeis (of Bath), Herbert, Uverpool, Aprfl 19, for Chincha Inlands and United States); bark Sher¬ of them their this world of Cornwall lives sented were soon on fire, and four stores and with passengers. wood. Foster. San Francisco, sld 20th for Chiacha ceptions by practice, Barry "in Harley street. Cavendish fictn this city, by the Young Men's Democratic General buildings adjoining Alt>o two ships, four barks, and nine brigs, unknown. (and peace and protection would be changed into square, where he is spending the happy evening of Conimittte of 1852 of which Mr. Wheoler was the Tammany Hall were pretty much destroyed. The build¬ Island*;: 17th, ships Rittler, Stump, from Philadelphia, one of is the divine law. It chairman, jhe stick is malacc*. and ings burned weie Tammany Hall, belonging to Hon. Da¬ 8AILED. Jan 14, for San Francisco, put in for refreshments: 18th, anarchy. Right his life, beloved by all who are fortunate enough to elegantly massively C and is not a sentiment, an or au one most moume-i with gola tor three or four inches, oa which are vid Judson. Mr. Alden Villas' two stores, Messrs. U S tteamer Vixen' ships Alexander, Baxter, Valparaiso; 19th, California Paeket, impres¬ know of the glorious song writers in the G. two on Ford Hemisphere, Pray. Quebec; do; Chincha sion. The foundation andopinion,measure and rule of therai edfiguiesof Tamm»ny Hall and the Temple of J. & R. Bell's stores, all situated street, Charles Holmes, Pillnbury, Point Leprear, NB; barks Gardner, HipnogrilTe, Howes, Islands; John English tongue. " near tbe corner of street. A share of the Q , Sld all mast the law of God. Human law Presented to the Hon. Catharine large kibe (Ham), Schwenzen Hamburg; Alice (clip), Reming¬ Lewis, do; 22(1, Cape Cod, Sears, Iquique. right be Walter Savage Landor is at home in Bath, having Ji hnu rl?uw,,ltl>> heeler, I. the Men's Democratic General goods and furniture in these buildings, with the excep¬ 11th. Khips James Corner, Chincha Islands; 13th, Coqulm- itself would have no unless it had " by Young ton bhanghai; and others. by force, anteriorly been expelled irom Italy on account of his dan¬ Committee, of ls5J us a slight token of their e .toam of tion of Jenner & Randall's, was saved in a damaged con¬ bo, Dunbar, do; 15th, Senator, Cooper, do and United the sanction of divine II there were no doctriies." At rare intervals he dition. The of the were Wind at gurnet, WNW, and fresh. States; bark Ellen Parsons, Bates, and authority. gerous liberty goes Mm a. a xnitleman and a democrat." The ferrule is occupnnts buildings destroyed do do. ZD, "Orland," law, there would tie neither right nor wrong, because up to London, and then his hosts of friends flock al-o ot uoid, with a steel tip It is beautifuUy got up, and substantially as follows Judson's Tammany Hall build¬ man's own cannot make nor r» ing, ba.-ement Mr. L A Pierce, book [Bv Magnetic Tbleobafh. CiRD»is-In port May 12, bark C B for opinion right wTong. aronnd him, and make his tine old face radiant with fleets much credit upon the committee, Messrs Gun- story occupied by Thb Portland fl Hamilton, Means, Every whether of or civil, or social ut iher, Breckinridge, F.ench. Mctt.hon, Herrick and seller, and Messrs. liaker's meat shop. Second story, R. Highlands, May 26.Sundown. days: brigs James Crosby. Pendleton, for de It right, religious, smiles the profuse hospitality poured around him. W. law office John Nash The outward bound vessels have all gone to sea. days; Melazzo, for 8 lifr, fias its co-relative duties, and and duties, a Cox, wb<> wi re appointed to carry out the ti-hes of tue Judfcn, E*q 's. barbershop, Nichols, days; Sarah, rights In the village of Twickenham, in modest brick and in the rear of this Pollc Justice Itacon held his Wind l'refh from the West., Weather clear. Griffin, for Boston do; Brown, for as to individuals, balance each houfe the roadside, muses Alfred the (.et.eraJ on.mi'tee. It can be seen for a f«w dnye, in the story Enterprise, Searsport, applied mutua'ly by Tennyson, window o: Bali, BU:k 4 Co. courts Tbe third story was used for a village lock up, do; Denisrara, Merrithew, for Portland, unc; James Wal¬ other. Society itselt is a compromise of rights. VVho Poet Laureate of England. His own or " black which had but one tenant at tha Marine lace, for New York 2 for do 4 publisher only Tiik New York Ciit Diiibotost..Yos'erdar we bole,'' time, Telegraphic Report. days; Tribune, Kiilman, is the absolute freeman? It is the savage who lives meet* him once or twice a year, as he eschews Lon¬ (N'hw) and who was fortunately rescucd more scared than hurt. Borrow, May 26 days; schr Blade, for Boston 10 days. Sld 14th, in the forest. advance in has been a don and loves As the of recened a copy of -Trow'# New York City Directory" for Mr. Vilas' Jenner & Sabao, Nichols. Boston: Wm New York. Every society privacy. yon walk by .iide the lt>o3 1854. Mr. H. Wilson. Tns an building occupied by Randall, drug¬ Airived.Brigs Mermaid, Surinam; Fuschla, New¬ brigs PSafford, of and the inore a years compiled by and himself as a choe store with J. castle Deal.Air Queen for H diminution individual liberty, society the Thames on Sunday evening, at the sunset hours, nual of this wark affords us much gists, by McNaugh- (Eng). May 7, Victoria, Hunter, Hull, the more and more are the cur¬ somet ime.- the white hat of the bard of . . Locks- pie-entaiion always ton's and Hon. A. C. Brawn's law offices above. Messrs. Orleans. improves, multiplied Alfred, pleasure with a very oons-.derable amount of na Bell's F. & S B F.lcivkur.Arr bark Mobile tailments of human lilendent on oiie another, and society must all is rare. travelling through "Empire Colt. Two of the witnesses in for NYoik, ldg. the readiness of exquisite enjoyments, a» an u.fallinle guide whilst the typographic^ execution terday morning by Jucge Hamburg.Sld San Francisco. depend upon every member to relia- Hone should try very hard to get a glimpse of the of 4ie book renders it an memento of our suoces- the case were examined on Wudaesday, and when the Herald Marine May 4, Elizabeth, eaduring were Correspondence Havrk.Arr bark Mary some of his own rights, arid even ea e and com- illustrious Thomas Carlyle,the great Sartor Rnartus MTe in mechanical art. The ob Court adjourned, the jury, as in such cases, required Philadelphia, 26.1 PM. May 8, Annah, Wade, NOrltaaa, o triumphs arrangement to remain to themselves. were found May 9th, ship Geo Hurlbut. Major, do. Sld 9th, ship Jennie w Sinishort, the common good. Theu comes the law of modern Europe, he would tind it a difficult matter, seritd in the editions of formeryears is maintaine