dim IMMto edewlioB. The Gremeboro' Female College Vvw HfllltO ft Co; Mary MeRae. Bramhall, WoklkMf^f , at the foarth class. BmtiM of tha mM above the lea* moat aoon Uke iU pUoe in the frost rank of oar "*<>«*»., About 3 o'clock A. It. IiwaiMm, Nh IS .The SuU ft mall Mrlnd on Thompson ft Hunker; Delhi, Smlw, Bumr R p < of ths MA, 444; ilmtiN of the light tbon the aefl, 9 Thla Uctore was delivered on the eroding of Ue Bute iiwtitutiona. *!.*.*. .*"* t« the .(tat* No. M Litarty street, the the 17th inatem. 1.Wf the trip from Santo F» is Mm ft Co; Argo. Douglass, Haitian*. ITS, T D Whitoor'f-v; fact.total, 460. It wlB bo risible at a IWuea of nine in 8t ; which u occupied by Staoles, Oardweil k Co., teeo Cardeumi, R P Buck ft Ob: Jo h illumineted are of M ac- M tart., John's church, for the in u * days. Xaoophon, Wording, iiIIh, peessalting degreaa, Philadelphia. The village which the Institution located wfeolnMUi dealers, m4 the remaining three 11m Indiana on the route war* The Tomtiun, Mobile, Sturges, Claei msa ftCo*7m from K to 8. Vessels inside Pal* beaefltof 8t. John's Orphan Asylum. The chnroh moat ftleo tend to increaae its We were dry goods quite paaoaaMe. Ciller, Thorn teading W, fronting WW crowded. popularity flours by Genling k Petthuff, importer* of fanoy goods. Cheyenne*, vhe wan eneampad about Fort Atkinson, Nichols, Leightoo, CherryHeld (Mo), peon ft Bonier. Oaballo, within tha bay. will not see it, but wfll hare tha with the of Oreena- The are in the third one of those were and are so JaaoPeaaook. C H Pier- The (est was taken the exceedingly pleaeed appearance originated floor, being remarkably friendly, expected to remain Schr#.Mary Depuy, Riohmond, liarfat an Oorregidor la riew op to tha aaehoraga at Ma¬ from 22d chapter of St boro', and with the general air of refinement and ooMptoa bi the la-t named,'persona and m flrat <lieco until tlu»y receive the long-looked for present* from ton; Dorchester, Weetworth, Cedar leUnd. H D Brook- nila ia front of tha river. Polo CabaUo i* a mall pre- Matthew, from the 15th to the 23d verse. taate which characterises it. Our visit was a har¬ * poiio«m*n on duty turf a private watchman Major Fitzpatriek. man ft Co; UnnlleM, Bopart, St. John, KB. P I Nerlne ft eipitona Mat. lying laaa than two milaa of tha oaatora ar I need not say how gratifying it is to me towitness ried one, our stay was limited, bat rendered agreea¬ employed. nound that neighborhood On the alarm being Bisines* was very dull in Mew Mexico.everything at Son* E B Nash. White, Jacksonville, laulj ft Pettit; innar extremity of Oorregldor, and within a league of tha so nnmarou an assembly, called together by feelings ble the kind and doly appreciated attention of given the engine, wen promptly on the spot. and through a low ebb. A general disposition prevails among tfan Char'es Robert, Po*t, Kingrtoa, J T White ft Co; Gover¬ light on that island. Tha purpoee of tha light oa it li la of Christian charity. 1 need not how my heart friends.by We the exnruuna of the firemen the flemee were prerented Americans to leave; but the busiaea* men think there nor, Chase, Philadelphia, Jaa W McKee; Florida, Mott, Indicate to vesaels tha daageroaa bar bat rean the two sty made many pleasant acquaintances, fiom ex the floor ea which the fire had be¬ will be a decided toward* the fall. Harbor Eneas ft which sufficient of water fhr rejoices to perceive that ''the first love" which and shall ever cherish a recollection of leading beyond improvement Isle, Hutching*. ialanda, has only depth cherished the Infant has not pleasing gun. h..rtune'e'y, a hatchway that i* used for hoisting Considerable excitement prevailed in New Mexico on ARRIVED. fishing boats. Orphan Asylum abated, their end ,Dto and from the W|< the of the Pacific Railroad. for the The SW n and that It was an¬ courtesy. lownung good, upper flonr, subject They go Norfolk, RMioaoad and islet of Fratle lies S 15 I of Puto CabaUo, charity has not grown eold. tl**t ^ «»» rent, and was therefore route from 6t Louis to Albuquerque, and thenoe Steamship Roanoke, Cavardy, distant, and tha also serves to enable vessels to nounced that I deliver a this F f ^ by Petersburg, to Ladlam ft Pleasants. light keep should lecture, evening, London Literary Lions of the Day. lea* UeetruoUve thin It might otherwise hare beeu. The Walker's Pans to San Francisco. A railroad association 36 with pas- tha mid ehannel between them on dark nights. Ma for its benefit. A lecture has become somewhat of a hrw in tire are Fe Ship Christian, Hammond, London. days, [From the Boston Tr*n<cript ] whose premise, the originated insured, but of capitalists has been formed in ^nta The amount aengers, to Boyd ft Hincken. May 15, lat 42 40. Ion 58 44, telands may be approached without danger till half a afls common and technical term, and if you supposed that In a charming mansion in St. Jainea's place, ***. Jet f^,11 .ble to estimate the damage receivei subscribed is largely above one million of dollars, and is spoke hark Mary Morris, from GUigow for NYork distant, though it is better to keep the mid channel oa I was likely to afford the entertainment which Bueh secluded somewhat frjm the roar and tumult of the ,h">[ calculate will amount to about fib 000. the to be placed in the hands of bankers, members of the as¬ Ship Fortitude (of Portsmouth), Lord. Havre, 42 days, account of the strength of the tide current..[Boletus an announcement have you to still lives the venerable of the Wkeeiie partlv injured by sociation, to be invested in railroad stock in the Atlantio with to Ofieial de Fllipinaa, Jan 28, 1853. might prepared expect, great city, poet the lire and water.T be^"Messrs. are Pacific aiaiu trunk passengers, master. Experienced heavy westerly will, of tie But will " of whose at Staples. Cardweli ii Ci and Kailtuad, provided the pans the entire you course, disappointed. you Pleasures Memory," pre age, (ninety likewise and estimate the don- to their New a The gales passage. Spoken. not be the consolation that will rolled over his bald dis- injured, damage thtough Mexico, making Albuquerque point. Bark Leone 55 to Chamber- disappointed, by you yean* having ripe forehead,) uut h"lu* t»uoUed it. at friends or thin route are down on W<>igtuuian for his ad¬ (81c), Ralle, Palermo, days, Ship Narregansett, 8hankland. from NYork Oct #4 far from having contributed to the welfare of him from taking his long accustomed walks ®f* of lin. Robinson ft Co San Francl»eo, Feb 21, olT Cape Horn. experience qualifier llOOOlwh^rtUe.. 10,000 about a per ceot dawane having bean done to vocacy the GB« route. A strong effort will be rntde Brig (ilobe, I>eavitt, Sinai. 28, to A Patrullo. Mwy Gibbs. from this institution. This lecture shall not be of a theo¬ about the metropolis. Mr. Rogers sat in Westminster thmr stock. A strong body of police belonging to the to beat him a* a delegate to Congress. April Ship Akbar, NTork Feb 24 for San Franois- nor of an and Sheridan were oat 14. off the Double Headed Snot <veys, spoke ship Thomas H co. Mareh 20, lat 2 24 N, Ion 29 17. logical aUtoldtely religious nature; i trust, Hall when Burke pouring Thi^ Fifth and S ward, pa Don Auihroai'i Aiinijo and Governor I .an* are spoken Perkins, from NOrleans for Same saw at the same that it invectives aiii.-t Warren all trolled the under'V.*the of their of as his either of it is can Liverpool. d»y, Ship Alboni. of NVork, from San Francisco for OaOae. time, will not be al their Hastings, and ground, superintendence opponents; wh«m, taought, schr Almida, of Apalachionia, supposed from NOrleans for Apjil 20, lat 36 22 Ion 123 40 W. together devoid of some reflection* that miy London was ringing with the applause which elo¬ ori«in the Are in unknown, beat him. NYork. lat 31 Ion 78 N, IVS?Tbe are a* ctu-e One the Gardner, May 21, 50, 30, spoke brig William, Ship Oxford, Mlnot, from Glasgow for NYork April 29. be useful, and perhajm not uninteresting- The simple quent mHM m that nmnslna He is although diltereut rea.ons given the of the of passengers. Sergeant think? that Gardiner from Darien for 3 out; was |Mf premises have been examined the pro¬ cannot l<e upou toruu, but that Governor (of ) Falrliaven, days let 43*. Ion 22 14. ofthe is this: Saviour ofthe world therefore and of anil , by Amijo prevailed had not freed her wanted no expoM passage The part parcel !»ye-gone days, very tL''-, the insurance Lauo will do so The of Dona Ana have leaking badly, eight hours; Ship Cleopatra, Shreve, from Boston April 23 for Baa had who false trices, ou what per otbci^s of companies with which the people county assistance. 46 10. enemies, persons under pre good authority happened during the last have "fceeu and attribute tne Are to nominated him as a candidate for to Franclhco May 1, 'a' 36, Ion were iealous of his The Saviour's answer policies made, they already delegate Brig Aire, Williams, Curaooa, May 8, to J Foulke ft from NOrleans for influence.
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