Courier Gazette
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WB Rockland Gazette The Largest Rockland Tribune Circulation Union Times In Eastern Maine Consolidated March 17, IA97 The Courier-Gazette. TWICE-A-WEEK . TUESDAY AND SATURDAY. Two Dollars a Year Rockland Maine Saturday April 17 1897 Vol. 52. N o. 20 THE DAMARISCOVE LIGHT- KNIBHTS OF PYTHIAS GIGANTIC SCHEME INTERVIEWS WITH THE GREAT. states that an American gunboat, fort fi-d with IN A CORNER OF THE LIBRARY. quite a I it of self-loading muskets, is only T lielr Silver Anniversary at. P ortland .— Wlint London Money Is Talking of lining Our Own Correspondent Secures the Honor watting for darkness to occur, when her com The two longest words in English are dis- Particular* Regarding a New IJghthoiiM* Annual Herndon of the Golden Cross. for tho Hheepaeot Valley. of a Talk With tho Suitnn. mander proposes to take a crowlur an l force proportionableness and establishmentarianism. to be Rnllt.ln Thin Vicinity. a passage of the Dardanelles. And so the The Pythian Knights of Maine, who will Bunnell, Silver At Co. of New York will A Wiscasset dispatch dated Apr. 10, had CONSTANTINOPLE, hours w eir on, trouble accumulating on troub A dispatch Imm Washington, D. C, »*\* celebrate their silver anniversary, grand lodge, publish at once Annie H in t’s “ Sunbeam the following important and highly interest In the full of the Moon, 1897. le's head. The setting sun, pimpling the the life saving officials have completed t» eir in Portland, July 8 and 9. with appropriate Stories,” illustrated by Dora Wheeler K eith. ing inf( rotation concerning a scheme that Threading his way through several streets waters of the Golden H orn, tells us that day plans for the new *tats<m at Damariscove exercises, will make the affair a genuine cel promiS's great things tor one of our neighbor full of foreign dogs, your correspondent is done, while the weird voice of tht muezzin Longmans, Green & Co. have just published Island, which is t j be erected this Summer, ebration and fraternal gathering of subordi ing localities. The dispatch is here repro knocked at the palace gate and was admitted rising amid Athe O riental hush calls us all to Thomas W entworth Higginson's “ The Pro before the fall comes, at a cost of about nates and lodges all over the state. The duced. by a Turkish official with a scimister counte pray. Sighing deeply I lay off the robes of cession o f the Flowers.” The work is beauti $7,000. It aiH be a very nobby station, grand Edge was formed when there were nance. Shortly afterwards I was introduced state and seek the retirement of my harem, fully illustrated with photogravures. complete in all its appon'roents and quite only five gavel weilders in Maine, those of An audience o f interested parties packed to Abdul Ham id in the luxurious privacy of only to be arouted at a late hour by a boy A most desirable book would be a life of unlike any o tb tr station on the Maine coast, Mavoshen lodge, No. I, of this city, Indus Mutic H all to the doors Friday evening, to his own apartment*. with a telegram stating that the local W . C. L Prof. Drummond, and it is believed that he or for that matter unlike atty other station try 2 of Lewiston, Hramhall of Portland, Nor- discuss the statu* of the Wiscasset & Quebec WE KEEP A FU L LINE OF “ M -m -m ,” observed the Sultan, holding U .o f Jay (Jorners, Vie., has passed a resolution left ample material for such u biography. It that Un le Sam haa erected or is apt to erect umbega and Presumpscot Valiev ol Cumber railroad Seventy-five up country stock my visiting card up to the light and carefully demanding that the Sultan of Turkey give the looks as if an intimate friend of Prof. Drum very »• on. land Mills. holders came down on the afternoon train scanning the job printing with which it was In th t office of Capt. K im ball at the ballot to the women of Armenia, or else re mond, D r. James Stalker, would write this Those of the members of that grand lodge and those locally interested turned out to a ornamented. “I think I have heard of your treasuiy department there are a number of sign in favor of somebody who is more cligi life. 04 POULTRY WIRE now living are to be assembled together man. American newspapers, whose space-writers vety lir e looking pictures of that rugged site hie.” Dr. Cobhatn Brewer, who died recently at once more along with the dignitaries of the The meeting was called to order by Vice have occasionally oflered a number of sug on Damariscove N a n i. Every inch of the The head of Abdul H am id Khan, Successor the age of eighty seven, was the author of state and national organization. It will be a President Card of Head Tide who called to gestions as to how the Ottoman Empire ought ground, some 150 feet by 225 feet, has been of the Prophet, Father of Sovereigns and that excellent book of reference, "The Reader’s F l y W i r e show of the strength of the order in the Pine the chair W. O. Brainerd of China. Mr. to be run. May I inquire to what I am in surveyed by the government agent and a fine Ruler of Ihe W orld, dropped dejectedly upon Handbook, and the Dictionary of Phrase Tree State, which has 106 lodges, and 10,055 Brainerd stated that the meeting was wholly debted for this— er— intrusion?” B a r b W i r e map in colors has been prepared by the life hi* breast, and your correspondent, closing and Fable.” Dr. Brewer's “Guide to Science” members, having grown to a respectable size informal for the purpose of getting at the Your correspondent now gave utterance to saving service. The scheme has been to his note book, softly withdrew. Passing the was also the most instructive of hooks. Galv nized W ire in 25 years. exact state of affairs. a low salaam that he had been practising at adapt the construction of the station to the open door of the harem I thought I detected The gold braid of the Uniform Rank will The first speaker was General Manager W. the hotel. Le Due de R ivolt’s work, “ Lea Missels,” general character of the site and the t f f r t a number of languishing glance* bestowed B r a s s W i r o be prominent the first day in parade, and al Fred P. Fogg of Wiscasset. M r. Fogg is “ I have called, O Father of Sovereigns,” I is the most magnificent of book productions. will be, from an architectural standpoint, to upon me by some fascinating creatures ready the lodges that have those ranks are just back from a trip to London in the in replied, recovering an upright position, “ at It contains fac similes of missals of the early have the rock foundation of the station look grouped about a plashing fountain, and I Copper W ire signifying their intention to attend. Thia terest of the railroad and this was the first the instigation of the American people, who ages up to the beginning of the seventeenth as though it had grown out of the narrow rim made as though I would go in, but a ponderous will be part of the program, with a reception disclosure < f his efforts on the other side of are viewing with alarm your growing fondness century. There are 300 carefully worked up I r o n W i r e of rock that fringes the water at that place. negro, of a dark, chocolate appearance, put to the honored guests and other diversions, the water. Ilia scheme is dating in its mag for amputating legs belonging to people who prints, superbly colored. J. Rothschild is The building, which is to be a story and a the point of a long curved sword in front of not to mention dinner attached thereto. The nitude, yet sufficiently well grounded to re could use them to better advantage. Several the editor Steel W ire. half in height, will be erected on a combined my diaphragm, and so I came away, thought second day will be for the ordinary knights ceive the endorsement of German English of our most prominent subscribers have Mrs. BaBington Booth’s “ Look Up and plan. The site is very elevated and the fully niuezkin upon the annoyances that hourly who will be introduced and swap badges in hankers :ontrolling immense capital In written to inquire if there is not some other Hope" was a small volume intended for the architect of the building found it necessary beset the Sick M an of the East.—-W . O. If you are In want give u * a. call. I t ’s about true brotherly style, and form fraternal friend opening he reviewed the past history of the way.” consolation of the inmates of prisons. The to have the house for the life boat on such a Fuller, Jr., In New York W orld. tim e to clean up the lawn and make the garden and ships that will last, though miles separate road, discussed the difficulties which had Inen Abdul Hamid rolled bis eyes and inter A. D . F. Randolph Co. are the publishers of a level that the boat could be convenient slid you will want a the Knights for yean to come.