er Devoted Presented Fairly, Clearly ,-, .l.r Community And Impartially Each Week Local Coverage KllH Complete News Pictures PnbUahrt NO- 52 On Prtdt) CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 6^1962 Rntend w Ind Olia IltD At P o., OaiUrrt, H J. PRICK TEN CENTS Bidders Huge Road Receive Awards Program Will ll(iii«in» Authority i t Ids ( out nuts on Commence KI«I«TIV CARTERET - The Housing Authority Tuesday night award- Kl'ND RAISINfi COMMITTEE MF.K.TS: IWt to Riclit. Mary Kamiiiski, Mary Grrristrad. Walter Schaffhwiser, Margaret ed five contracts totaling J630.- Hall, George Klaiiss, Ollj,. S/rlanowski. and .loan Kuliirkii. Deverin Asks Council 110 for the construction of 50- unlts for the elderly on Hudson and Union Streets. Miss Alice Voter Support The awards will become ef- Presbytery \M Scholarship Fund . ('on y Rev. Klodnytky inm Told Of side fective upon approval by the In Primaries ii|' .Illllll t. Mew York Regional Office Zawadzki To Get Award the Public Housing AdmlnlMeetings Set \Raising Plans Announced CARTERET—Thomas Deve- 1 tuition Irin, incumbent candidate (or '62 Plan lur (In "•''• CARTERET-The Very Rev , , ,, ., t . to |the Democratic nomination (or .,,.,. i in- optn- Th lal K iSl t m nM t went CARTERET - Mrs. Strwart, Interested persons may contact I lilQQ Dr. Vladimir Klodyncky. pastor llu. Patock constnictlon Com- Hall, chairman ,of the Fund members of the committee. ithp Borough Council, In a state- CARTERET — An lntenstvi 1 For Tuesday 1 I1(.(j. of Newark's Ukrainian Ortho- pany, Shrewsbury. $387,700 for iRaising Committee, announced The Minue committee will merit today asked for the sup-' road improvement program Is ..'hi.iiiv I, dox Church, will receive a ctla- CARTERET — Miss A(ice port of his candidacy in the • I ii ill A.M construction work CARTERET The plans for the fund dnve of the sponsor a turkey dinner to be ~*"v*.^v~* ........ .-,.-- r -—-—., _- now in the making and with lion from the New Jersey QI^, bidders were, tery of Elizabeth will meet at'.private Nicholas Minue U em-! served at 1 P. M. on June 24 Zawadzkl, daughter of Mr. and;primary election April 17. the $90,000 in the road budget ^SfH^on. Antl - Defamation N Mflltrse and New „„. Fii.st Presbyterlan church,;orlal Scholarship Fund M a at the American T.edon Mem.;Mrs. Stanley Zawadzki, 348, This is a primary for the and'aid coming from the state, League of B'nai B'rlth. al Its Bnmswic|< structural Avenue, has. party to select the Councilman Alexander Such, .,, iii'rmib noied S4.923. 9 nn P \s T,,o.rf»v rhnrrheRimeetln& of tne grou'•' at -— -- - annual board meeting April 10 u M Lnurule6 the iiamcu valedictorian of the 1962 candidates Who will run under told the Council last nighihtt that wn* *eit --"- " r --•"--: "-•• -.•'»»•'•.; Cantello Plumbing and ^ " >• - ™saay. jAmerlcan Legion Memorial'.the Melodalres will follow ln thp wntown club Nmilk graduating class of Carteretjthf Democratic party label for this year should be a record one molved in D° ' Heating Company. Elizabeth, of this district will be repre- 'u dinner. Mrs. H1 h Sch o1 and Mlss Dr Kl0(lnKlodnyckycky . AR fllend nf reiasowsKi Mrs s uman- K ° ' Doro-| Council in the November elec- in the way of street rebuilding Inll hour y ' $101,909 for plumbing; Nicholas Rented by a Ruling Elder andj FUnd raising activiti be A. Szelagowskl, Mrs. S. Uman 1 Rpv JohJohnn Hundlak1 1 1 8 . astor of Walter' Schaflhauser and thy Stein, daughter of Mr. andjtlon," Mr. Deverin stated. "As and resurfacing, li side was ' J " " ' *' P Schwalk, Inc.. Metuchen *91, a Teaching Elder, the Pastor, divided into two mum cate- ski. 11 St8L. DemetriuDpm rluisi Ukrainian Or "'-'- """ Rooseveltja life-long Democrat who be- Birth Kt- . ^. Ukrainian Or fl7flm ffo0!.r hontlriheatinKg anandd ventilationventilation.. ,„„,..., ,. .„,. Ad .,„,.fe„ TllTheo gories: the actual solsolicitatioi n Klauss are serving on -" Bids will be received for the thodox Church, frequentlyMud Urmer Electric Company, Wlth tqUiU votte an<1 , ]of funds and the fund raisins the dinner-dance committee. Avenue, lieves in and adheres to the resurfacing of the following' preached In Carteret. unmet. tuuHiuu^, to the Tickets to this affair will go Besides ranking highest, in philosophy of the Democratic !• OVIT"' Perth Amboy. S43.70D for elec- Presbyterian form of govern- L, contributions streets, he said: Ash, frott presentation will .. ... «_ il..L . ... parly, I would ike to state my first, Tlie ment nets its name from the fund arc being solicit, d from on sale during the coming week, their classss, the ggirls have: both Daniel Street to the westerly "In recognition of tilcal work. position ln the primary. As an I'Viotis steps made approved New Testament Greek word, business and professional uer- All funds raised by the Fund bfef n leaders in many organto- line of Park View: Hagaman discovered act*, of Commissioners incumbent candidate, I must stopped by miming of the project in honor "Presbuteros", meaning "elder", aont by letter.' The household Raising Committee will be all - U°nsU°ns. Both were officeis m the Street from Coolidge Avenue to manlty and heroism displayed of the laic Joseph A. Hermann, and is the pattern after which v on the support of the peo- the southerly borough line; '.Vt Uby Dr. Klodnycky in saving fhst mayor of the borough, the United States' form of gov- to ho J *-" • IUWWIU^J •'» ™"'^ HIM II1H.VUI UI mr i*M.illKM. UK vj.in.ru OLatcn Louis Street from Jersey Street 0 to ...„, .. _. „ to Washington Avenue; Intw- ..n.'ther thi rc. from disaster the Jewish com- permission wll be sought from ernment is copied. 'from vfiii-uns MuuBiniAf., ^..iw.... for contributionsto Carteret students to further section of Washington Avenue, \'v .irt by tht, mimlty Of the city of Chmel- Hermann's two surviving sis- The Retiring Moderator, Rev.|comainers the nyk, HIP Ukraine, In the year ters. Designation of the hous Robert Weiman, Pastor of the'friU be placed In stores, restau- their educations in ™* Louis and Cypress Streets; Her- I.,.mi] the came ranis and other public places, fesslonal and technical schools. I 1919." according to Louis Ollck mK jtl his memory had been second Presbyterian Church, ield offices in music groups. and any others in ^ man, ADL director by the fire comptmies. Rahway. will lead the devo- Ta* Day on May 5 will mark Mrs. M. Gerristead. publicity Zawadzkl represented _ Strert. de- Miss Zawadzkfi le my candidacy I have been a —, A fence located on one of the uonal. The new Moderator is the closing of this part of the director, announced that three Mis, Zawad k ™tea faithful Democrat, and as and Leick Avenue Irom Roose- Dr. Klodnycky was in activv l of the l|la ucels of land purchased for Rev. Douglas Bartlet, Pastof Of fund raising effort Hilda! pri.es will be awarded ^ ^^r SciencSLef InstitutliieS councilman I have done my ut velt Avenue to Randoloh Street. ttl( iCouihlin, i. nitlltatJ' servlneum-e in World War ' project is to be offered to the Grant Avenue Presbyterian Junior College Sciencelmosl t to act In the best iinter- Councilman Such reported \layoi Pri'd"- *•''/W " TI I ll ITlll e '" * |' States shortly thereafter More the borough for $1, with the church Plalnf ield. Members Walter Schaflhauser andltest. The prizes will be "-|Seminal, ,lnd Princeton Univer. eMs of all the resldent_sof Car also that the state has ap- lhan 30 years hf : lpt>(l ' dite **° ' '' municipality removing thf and friends of the churches GeogGeOigee KlausKiauss are co-cnanmen^raveco-chairmenjgrav<'da_ walnuwamuti plaquesymqucn. Dw,. n.pmil.a, raroavaVflrni ahe also iteret. I lully realbe*tharealfae^thatt K a|piovcd the William Street pav- 1 of( tiit iie fund raising com.nittee.Uohcommittee.ljohn Fenick, Walter Schaft""-•,- ^ • ^_™« a^, , ^alavan.. .. 3h e . I!'..! .,?.'... organize the local church He [,.nc* at its own expense may uttend the business ses- o public., sei-vanseivant one cannoant t be irij and the project will-be ad- ' aim held paitomt** in Penn At the March meeting John gion.s, but only representatives Voluntee,'s are needed to assistihanser and William Gerrtetead .gayed inthe AUStote Orches vertised ln the near future. Be- act jin the household solicitaUoivhave donated the prizes. ,^ and New Jeisey O^eia Or- all things to all men. During Sudla, executive director, had mHy vote -ichestra, my tenure on the Borough sides William Street, others In <niniee sewion w11w111 m [the plan to be paved this year me ^^ *»* WhorUed to swk sealed Tlw Woraen,, Miss Stein was a dilegate to Council I have talsun the posi- . uddress by MOMS L. Kove. war bid* fMUhe f«nce, and a m uddress by MOMS L. Kove. war bid* fMUhe f«nce, and a mini- ur,™re the iCitizenship Institute, a major- tioiv that I am a representative are: Carteret Avenue from .. crime, prosecutoprosecutorr , >t Nurem. mm Q$$M tadtad \ma set for pr'pale the me of the Carteret flhap- High School Evaluationjctte, a member of thf yearbook of all the resident* of Carteret Cypress Street to Fillmore A*e- pew- ttltTm n,n KM. t n»t «i»v* OI,HI« .staff, and president of the and have done my Utmost to nue, and a plan is being studied lav 1 and on itt.r of the NBtlonal c^^ Senior Judaean Pioneers. act accordingly to do all of the remaining iin- mature pnKsed '•Tbtke has been great prog- proved area of Carteret ?AVB>> :li;>t hiivlng Discussed by PTA Group ress nkde h Carteret in thenu?'- Pennsylvania A " "• \va.- an act Rev. H. Addison WttMem^er - Tne Carteret \2> Various iactora which m- "- y«RMtiJ,tiJtt m «MueM«it m& ttttwtttttw But > j lie court U) pwjecto* eisroHjnBBto its tt#«iriiimmlty muitthe northerly ,'"d ip Comnu'--- rt* Vilbf »nd confl- Mlrnft, School.
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