Genome Composition Plasticity in Marine Organisms
Genome Composition Plasticity in Marine Organisms A Thesis submitted to University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples, Italy for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHYLOSOPHY in “Applied Biology” XXVIII cycle by Andrea Tarallo March, 2016 1 University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples, Italy Research Doctorate in Applied Biology XXVIII cycle The research activities described in this Thesis were performed at the Department of Biology and Evolution of Marine Organisms, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples, Italy and at the Fishery Research Laboratory, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan from April 2013 to March 2016. Supervisor Dr. Giuseppe D’Onofrio Tutor Doctoral Coordinator Prof. Claudio Agnisola Prof. Ezio Ricca Candidate Andrea Tarallo Examination pannel Prof. Maria Moreno, Università del Sannio Prof. Roberto De Philippis, Università di Firenze Prof. Mariorosario Masullo, Università degli Studi Parthenope 2 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1. On the genome base composition of teleosts: the effect of environment and lifestyle A Tarallo, C Angelini, R Sanges, M Yagi, C Agnisola, G D’Onofrio BMC Genomics 17 (173) 2016 2. Length and GC Content Variability of Introns among Teleostean Genomes in the Light of the Metabolic Rate Hypothesis A Chaurasia, A Tarallo, L Bernà, M Yagi, C Agnisola, G D’Onofrio PloS one 9 (8), e103889 2014 3. The shifting and the transition mode of vertebrate genome evolution in the light of the metabolic rate hypothesis: a review L Bernà, A Chaurasia, A Tarallo, C Agnisola, G D'Onofrio Advances in Zoology Research 5, 65-93 2013 4. An evolutionary acquired functional domain confers neuronal fate specification properties to the Dbx1 transcription factor S Karaz, M Courgeon, H Lepetit, E Bruno, R Pannone, A Tarallo, F Thouzé, P Kerner, M Vervoort, F Causeret, A Pierani and G D’Onofrio EvoDevo, Submitted 5.
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