International and Civil War Data, 1816-1992 (Wages of War)

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International and Civil War Data, 1816-1992 (Wages of War) UK Data Archive Study Number 3441 Correlates of War Project: International and Civil War Data, 1816-1992 (Wages of War) 1 CORRELATES OF WAR PROJECT: INTERNATIONAL AND CIVIL WAR DATA, 1816-1992 (ICPSR 9905) Principal Investigators J. David Singer University of Michigan Melvin Small Wayne State University First ICPSR Release April 1994 Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research P.O. Box 1248 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 1 1 BIBLIOGRAPHIC CITATION Publications based on ICPSR data collections should acknowledge those sources by means of bibliographic citations. To ensure that such source attributions are captured for social science bibliographic utilities, citations must appear in footnotes or in the reference section of publications. The bibliographic citation for this data collection is: Singer, J. David, and Melvin Small. CORRELATES OF WAR PROJECT: INTERNATIONAL AND CIVIL WAR DATA, 1816-1992 [Computer file]. Ann Arbor, MI: J. David Singer and Melvin Small [producers], 1993. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 1994. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON USE OF ICPSR RESOURCES To provide funding agencies with essential information about use of archival resources and to facilitate the exchange of information about ICPSR participants' research activities, users of ICPSR data are requested to send to ICPSR bibliographic citations for each completed manuscript or thesis abstract. Please indicate in a cover letter which data were used. DATA DISCLAIMER The original collector of the data, ICPSR, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for uses of this collection or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses. 1 1 DATA COLLECTION DESCRIPTION J. David Singer and Melvin Small CORRELATES OF WAR PROJECT: INTERNATIONAL AND CIVIL WAR DATA, 1816-1992 (ICPSR 9905) SUMMARY: This data collection describes international and civil wars for the years 1816-1992. Part 1, the International Wars file, describes the experience of each interstate member in each war. The unit of analysis is the participant in a particular conflict. When and where each interstate member fought is coded, along with battle and total deaths, pre-war population and armed forces, and whether the member in question initiated the conflict. Each war is characterized as interstate, colonial, or imperial, and major power status and/or central system membership of the warring parties is noted. Part 2, the Civil Wars file, describes when and where fighting took place, whether the war was fought within the boundaries of a major power or central system member, whether there was outside intervention and, if so, whether the intervening state was a major power, on what side they intervened, who won the war, number of battle deaths, total population, and total number of pre-war armed forces. UNIVERSE: Wars from 1816-1992 in which at least one member of the interstate system took part. NOTE: Part 5, an SPSS Export File, contains three alphanumeric variables (WARNAME, ABBREV, and NATNAME), not included in the raw data version of this collection. This data collection replaces WAGES OF WAR, 1816-1980: AUGMENTED WITH DISPUTES AND CIVIL WAR DATA (ICPSR 9044). EXTENT OF COLLECTION: 2 data files + machine-readable documentation (text) + SAS data definition statements + SPSS data definition statements EXTENT OF PROCESSING: CONCHK.PI/ UNDOCCHK.PI/ FREQ.PI DATA FORMAT: Card Image with SAS and SPSS data definition statements and SPSS Export Files Part 1: International Wars Part 2: Civil Wars Raw Data Raw Data File Structure: rectangular File Structure: rectangular Cases: 204 Cases: 426 Variables: 36 Variables: 40 Record Length: 75 Record Length: 79 Records Per Case: 3 Records Per Case: 3 1 Part 3: Codebook for All Parts Parts 4-5: SPSS Export Files Record Length: 76 Record Length: 80 Parts 6-7: SAS Data Definition Statements Record Length: 72 1 THE CORRELATES OF WAR PROJECT: INTERNATIONAL AND CIVIL WAR DATA, 1816-1992 PART 1: INTERNATIONAL WARS INTERSTATE WARS EXTRA-SYSTEMIC WARS Principal Investigators: J. David Singer The University of Michigan Melvin Small Wayne State University March 1994 1 Study Description This is one of two datasets which comprise the Correlates of War: International and Civil War Data, 1816-1992 codebook and study. This part presents data on international wars. The other part presents data on civil wars. This dataset describes the experience of each interstate system member in each war. The unit of analysis is the participant in a particular conflict. The file contains 1278 logical records for 426 cases. Each case contains the values for 40 variables that describe the experience of one participant in an international war. In order to be considered a nation-participant in the interstate system, certain minimal criteria of population and diplomatic recognition were used (at least 500,000 total population and either diplomatic recognition by at least two major powers or membership in the League of Nations or United Nations). Qualifying nation- participants are classified for the period 1816-1919 as to whether or not they were members of the European Central System at the time of the war and, therefore, active and influential in European-centered diplomacy. They are also classified as to whether or not they are dealt with by other members of the interstate system as major powers. The geographical location of the war as a whole and a participant's activity in the war is coded as well as the severity of the war as determined by its duration and the number of battle-connected deaths. The pre-war population and number of persons serving in the armed forces (exclusive of police forces, unorganized militias, and gendarmerie) is also coded. This part of the dataset describes two types of international wars: Interstate wars, in which a nation that qualifies as a member of the interstate system engages in a war with another member of the interstate system. Extra-systemic wars, in which a nation that qualifies as an interstate system member engages in a war with a political entity that is not an interstate system member. Extra-systemic wars are further divided into two sub-types. The first sub-type, the imperial war, involves an adversary that is an independent political entity but does not qualify as a member of the interstate system becuse of limitations on its independence, insufficient population to meet the interstate system membership criteria or a failure of other states to recognize it as a legitimate member. The second sub-type, the colonial war, includes international wars in which the adversary was a colony, dependency or protectorate composed of ethnically differnt people and located at some geographical distance or, at least, peripheral to the center of government of the given system member. Both imperial and colonial wars are so designated both in the data and in the list of war numbers in this codebook. Users should note the following change in the codeing rules from Resort to Arms regarding extra-systemic wars. The inclusion criterion +______________ of 1000 annual average battle deaths sustained by system member participants per year has been relaxed. Extra-systemic wars are now included in the dataset if the annual average battle deaths sustained per year by all participants (both system members and non-system members) is at least 1000. Related Publications: Singer, J. David and Melvin Small. Resort to Arms. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1982. + ______________ Russett, Bruce M, J. David Singer and Melvin Small. "National Political Units in the Twentieth Century: A Standardized List." American Political Science Review. + _________________________________ Vol. 66, #3 (September 1968), pp. 932-951. 1VARIABLE LAYOUT AND FREQUENCIES NAME RECORD START END DESCRIPTION, VALUES AND FREQUENCIES WARNUMB 1 2 4 War Number (see attached list) CCODE 1 7 9 Singer-Small Country Code of Participant (see attached list) YEARENT 1 12 15 Year Participant First Entered War Actual year of entry coded. MONENT 1 17 18 Month Participant First Entered War Actual month of entry coded. 0 - missing DAYENT 1 20 21 Day Participant First Entered War Actual day of entry coded. 0 - missing YEARLEF 1 24 27 Year Participant First Left War Actual year of exit coded. MONLEF 1 29 30 Month Participant First Left War Actual month of exit coded. 0 - missing DAYLEF 1 32 33 Day Participant First Left War Actual month of exit coded. 0 - missing YEARENT2 1 36 39 Year Participant Reentered War Actual year of entry coded. 0 - missing MONENT2 1 41 42 Month Participant Reentered War Actual month of entry coded. 0 - missing DAYENT2 1 44 45 Day Participant Reentered War Actual day of entry coded. 0 - missing YEARLEF2 1 48 51 Year Participant Left War Again Actual year of exit coded. 0 - missing MONLEF2 1 53 54 Month Participant Left War Again Actual month of exit coded. 0 - missing DAYLEF2 1 56 57 Day Participant Left War Again Actual month of exit coded. 0 - missing WARTYPE 1 59 59 War Type 274 1 - Interstate War 98 2 - Colonial War 54 3 - Imperial War CENSYWAR 1 61 61 At Least One Central Sub-system Member in War? 211 0 - no/NA 215 1 - yes CENESWAR 1 63 63 At Least One Central Sub-system Member on Each Side? 337 0 - no/NA 89 1 - yes MAJPOWAR 1 65 65 At Least One Major Power? 148 0 - no 278 1 - yes MAJESWAR 1 67 67 At Least One Major Power on Each Side? 334 0 - no 92 1 - yes Was any part of the war fought in: WESTHEM 1 69 69 Western Hemisphere 385 0 - no 41 1 - yes EUROPE 1 71 71 Europe 285 0 - no 141 1 - yes AFRICA 1 73 73 Africa 333 0 - no 93 1 - yes MIDEAST 1 75 75 Middle East 287 0 - no 139 1 - yes ASIA 1 77 77 Asia 273 0 - no 153 1 - yes OCEANIA 1 79 79 Oceania 396 0 - no 30 1 - yes MEMCENSY 2 12 12 Was Participant Member of Central Sub-system? 237 0 - no 189 1 - yes MAJPOWER 2 14 14 Was Participant Major Power? 262 0 - no 164 1 - yes POPULAT 2 16 22 Pre-war Population (thousands) Actual number coded.
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  • The Russo-Japanese War: Origins and Implications
    James Madison Undergraduate Research Journal Volume 7 | Issue 1 2019-2020 The Russo-Japanese War: Origins and Implications Benjamin E. Mainardi James Madison University Follow this and other works at: Recommended Chicago Author-Date Citation Mainardi, Benjamin E. 2020. “The Russo-Japanese War: Origins and Implications.” James Madison Undergraduate Research Journal 7, no. 1: 6-14. This full issue is brought to you for free and open access by JMU Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in James Madison Undergraduate Research Journal by an authorized administrator of JMU Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Russo-Japanese War Origins and Implications Benjamin Mainardi The 1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War was the first major conflict of the twentieth century and a turning point in the balance of power in East Asia. In the short term, Russia’s defeat helped precipitate the 1905 Russian Revolution and the 1917 October Revolution. More broadly, the aftermath of the war informed Japan’s imperial ambitions in Manchuria—the early stages of World War II in Asia during the 1930s—and continuing Russo-Japanese enmity over Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Island chain. Studying this historical conflict in terms of international relations provides valuable insights into the nature of the conflict and how the past continues to shape modern geopolitics. As a case study, the war offers important lessons in the difficulties of sustained power projection and the exigencies involved in adaptable war planning. Equally important, Russia and Japan’s intractable imperial ambitions coupled with their failures to credibly communicate resolve serve as a cautionary tale on the consequences of inept diplomacy.
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