Geology of the Troy, Miss., 7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangle Chickasaw and Pontotoc Counties Mississippi by Charles T
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~ Geology of the Troy, Miss., 7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangle Chickasaw and Pontotoc Counties Mississippi by Charles T. Swann, R.P.G. and Jeremy J. Dew Mississippi Mineral Resources Institute 310 Lester Hall University, Mississippi 38677 Mississippi Mineral Resources Institute Open - File Report 09-2S August, 2009 On The Cover The Mississippi Office of Geology drilled the MMRI-Reeves, No. 1 well in support of the MMRI’s surface mapping efforts. The cover picture is the drill rig set up in sand pits in sec.22, T.12S, R.3E. A set of core samples as well as a set of geophysical logs were obtained during the drilling operations. The well was begun in the lower Clayton section (Tertiary) and reached a total depth of 403 feet in the Demopolis Formation (Cretaceous). -i- TABLE OF CONTENTS On The Cover ............................................................................................................................. i Table of Contents . ..................................................................................................................... ii List of Tables ............................................................................................................................ iii List of Figures . ......................................................................................................................... iii Abstract...................................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction. .............................................................................................................................. 2 Stratigraphy................................................................................................................................ 2 Selma Group. ................................................................................................................................. 4 Ripley Formation (Cretaceous). ........................................................................................................... 4 Prairie Bluff Chalk / Owl Creek Formations (Cretaceous). ........................................................................ 14 Clayton Formation (Tertiary). ........................................................................................................... 17 Loess (Quaternary)......................................................................................................................... 18 Elevated Bench Associated with Chuquantonchee Creek (Quaternary).......................................................... 18 Modern Flood Plains (Quaternary)...................................................................................................... 19 Mineral Resources. ................................................................................................................... 20 Conclusions.............................................................................................................................. 23 Acknowledgments. ................................................................................................................... 25 References Cited....................................................................................................................... 26 -ii- LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Comparison of Stratigraphic Models for the Ripley Formation in or near Chickasaw County, Mississippi..................................................................................................................... 7 Table 2 - Stratigraphic Components of the Ripley Formation in the Troy Quadrangle................ 14 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - The shaded area represents the Troy, Miss. quadrangle as it relates to the nearby geographic features of the area... ................................................................................................ 3 Figure 2 - Geologic map of the Troy 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle. A digitial version of this map is available through the MMRI web site.. ...................................................................... 5 Figure 3 – Interpreted stratigraphic column from the MMRI - Reeves No. 1 stratigraphic test wel core descriptions and geophysical logs........................................................................................ 9 Figure 4 - A typical exposure of the transitional clay beds in a road cut exposure (location GFC- 52) along Mississippi Highway 32 (sec. 33, T12S, R4E).. ......................................................... 10 Figure 5 - Fossils and nodular limestone in a road cut exposure of the calcite-rich Troy beds within the western valley wall of Tallabinnela Creek east of Troy (sec.22, T11S, R4E)... .......... 11 Figure 6 - The Chiwapa Sandstone Member of the Riplely Formation is most noted for the distinctive beds of sandy, fossiliferous limeestone. In the map area these lilmestones are present only as discontinous lenses ( GFC - 001, sec. 33, T12S, R3E)................................................... 13 Figure 7 - This photograph is of the marls and chalks at the base of the Owl Creek section that, were they thicker, could be mapped as Prairie Bluff Formation. Hemiaster wetherbyi is a common fossil at many locations (GFC - 003, NW 1/4, sec.36, T11S, R3E)... .......................... 16 Figure 8 - The Shiloh Bench contains wetlands (as above) that are particularly well developed north of Shiloh Church, the local landmark for which this geomorphic feature is named (sec.12, T12S, R3E).. ............................................................................................................................ 19 Figure 9 - Quaternary flood plain deposits on a tributary to Owl Creek (GFC - 179, sec. 7, T4E, R12S). These channel sands overly fine-grained swamp deposits of probable Pleistocene age. .......................................................................................................................................... 21 -iii- Figure 10 - The mineral resources of the quadrangle are summarized above. The clay resources are unproven and should be investigated further. Hydrocarbon production is largely natural gas.. ......................................................................................................................................... 22 -iv- Abstract Cropping out within the Troy, Mississippi, 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle are sediments of the Cretaceous and Tertiary section, loess outliers, an elevated, fluvial bench associated with the Chuquatonchee Creek and Quaternary flood plain deposits associated with all the fluvial components. The Upper Cretaceous Ripley Formation is the oldest unit mapped and comprises a majority of the map area. The MMRI, Reeves No.1 well sampled 241 feet of Ripley section. Three informal units are recognized within the Ripley, the basal transitional clay, the Troy beds, and the upper Ripley section (includes the Chiwapa Sandstone Member). The transitional clay is a subdivision that “transitions” into the older Demopolis Formation (chalk). Above the transitional clay are the Troy beds, a set of fossiliferous, interbedded limestone, argillaceous chalk, and calcareous sand beds. The upper Ripley sand unit is predominately medium- to fine-grained marine sands. Within this sandy matrix are isolated, sparry, limestone lenses representing the poorly developed Chiwapa Sandstone Member. Unconformably above the Ripley Formation are the Owl Creek/Prairie Bluff Formations, of latest Cretaceous (59 feet thick). The Owl Creek and Prairie Bluff are facies equivalent units that interfinger in the Pontotoc / Chickasaw County outcrop belt. The Owl Creek is a clastic unit (silt, clay, subordinate sands) comprising the entire section in the northern outcrop belt and the more carbonate-rich Prairie Bluff Formation comprises the section southward along the outcrop belt. The two units were not mapped separately due to the thin (usually ten feet or less) basal Prairie Bluff section. The Prairie Bluff consists of argillaceous chalk to marl that becomes lenses within a matrix of fine-grained argillaceous sands in the up dip areas of the map area. Outliers of this lithology extends well eastward into the older Ripley outcrop belt partially overstepping the older Ripley Formation. The mapping also established that the Owl Creek outcrop belt continues well into Chickasaw County, further south than indicated in the published literature. The Clayton Formation is the basal stratigraphic unit of the Tertiary section. The Clayton consists of fine- to coarse-grained, marine sands. These sands are typically massive in outcrop and very argillaceous. Because of the clastic nature of the Clayton lithology, this section should be assigned to the Chalybeate Member of the Clayton. Limited outliers of loess were identified in the western edge of the map area. These outliers are considered to be of Pleistocene age, although no fossil material was recovered that could establish an age for the outliers. A fluvial bench was mapped on the north valley wall of Chuquatonchee Creek. This bench, referred to as the Shiloh Bench, is also considered to be of Pleistocene age, but as with the loess, no fossils were identified. Quaternary flood plain deposits were mapped and are associated with all the fluvial components in the map area. Natural gas is produced within the quadrangle from Mississippian carbonates and sands.. Construction sand is an abundant resource with the clays of the transitional clay having potential use that should be investigated