October--December ,884.] BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD, Authors and societies are requested to forward their works to the editors as soon as ublisked. The date of ublicaNon, given in brackets ], marks the time at which the work was received, unless an earlier date of bublication is known to recorder or edilor. Unless otherwise slated eack record is made directly from the zvork that is noticed. A colon after initial designates the most common given name, as: A: Augustus; t: Ben- jamiz; C: Charles; D: David; E: Edwar@ F: Frederic; G: George; Z-I: Henry; I: Isaac; : okn; I(: I(arl; L: Louis; 2V[: 2Piark; N: Nicholas; O: Olto; P: Peter; R: Richard: S: Samuel; T: Thomas; VU: VUilliam. The initials at the end of each record, or note, are those of the recorder. Corrections of errors and notices of omissions are solicited. Anderson, T.J. The paucity of neuropter- Anthony, A: Cox. ttydro2bkilus triangu- ists. (Entomologist, May 1882, v. 15, p. lars at Swampscott, Mass. (Journ. Bost. II7-II8. zobl. sot., April r882, v. I, p. 26.) Some why there few students of Records the capture of hydrojbhilus trianularis at roptera. G: 29. (39 I) Swampscott, Mass. R. //. (3595) Andrews, W: Valentine. The cynthia silk- worm. (Amer. nat., Aug. 1868, v. 2, p. Anthony, A: Cox. New England 2bhilam- 311-320. )6eli. (Journ. Bost. zool. soc., April 188z, Discusses the which have been mentioned v. I, p. I8-9. figured [altacus] cynthia, and says, "the Gives brief account of the life-history of species of writing about is the figured, tolerably well, in Dun- 2bhflam)Oelus. R. It. (3596) can's Exotic , Plate x4, fig. ." Describes briefly the egg, four larval stages, and of this species, which feeds ailanthus, and discusses its value in Arnhart, Ludwig. [-Ein secundiirer sexual- sericulture. G: 29. (359) charakter von ackero.tia atrogbos. (Ver- Andrews, W: Valentine. Ravages of the handl, k.-k. zool.-bot, gesells, in Wien, octomaculata. (Amer. nat., Feb. I879, bd. 29; Sitz.-ber., p. 54-55, fig.) 869, v. 2, p. Describes and figures evaginable organ, of doubt- 666-667.) fll flnction, at the sides of the first tvo abdominal seg- Reprint, with slight omissions, in C: V. ments of the male of acberontia atropos. G: 29. (3597) Riley's "Insects injurious to the grape-vine. No. 6" Mch. (Amer. entom., I87o v. 2), p. Ashmead, W Harris. Anti,aster mirabilis 15I-I52. in Florida. (Amer. entom., June I88O, v. Notice of grape-vine in New York city fl'om which n. v. the leaves entirely stripped by larvae of alypia 3, s., 1, p. 52, 5 era.) octomaculata. G: 29. (3593) Ant't'aster mirabilis raised from eggs of microcentrum retinerve in Florida; comparison of athe'linus sp. with Annual meeting of the Entomological club figure of mytilaspid. 13: t9. ill. (3598) of the American association tbr the ad- vancement of science. (Can. entom., Ashmead, W: Harris. Mite preying on 878, v. o: Sep. [Oct.-l, p. I7o-178 Oct. orange scale. (Amer. entom., Apr. 88o, [Nov.-], p. i9o-192. [Rec., I348. v. 3, n. s., v. I, p. lO6-io7, I3 cm.) Minutes of the meetings of the Entomological club Description of eggs, immature stages and habits of of_A_. A. A. S held Aug. 878 at St. Louis, Mo.; tyroglyphc,s grloverii, vhich preys upon cpccidae annual address of the president [J. A. Lintner] pro- leaves of citrus, t3:29. M. (3599) posal of amend merit of constitutioi{ election of officers communications and discussions. Contentsfur analyzed under followt't,g capl[otg'.. Ashmead, W: Harris. On the red or circu- E_wOOLO6CnL CLVB [ete.]. President, z878. lar scale of the orange, ckrysom2kalusficus Annual address tree., 365o]. GROT0Z, A: R. and ms. entom., Nov. v. W-THrV, A. G. [Exhibition of moths, and the Riley (Amer. I88o, 3, number of broods of certain bombycid moths] tree., n. s., v. 1, p. 267-269, 67 cm., fig. 46.) 369 ]. SXTH, Emily A., et al. tOn the life history of Rev. [by C: V. Riley], entitled "New leman;urn acert'cortt's, and of dcstroyinff this species of scale insects." c#., p. and simihtr insects] [Ilec., 367o]. --RLV, C: V." [Ab- (ob. 275- stracts of palJers prop'osed to be read to the 276, I2 cm.) ciation] [Rec., 3667] .LXNTNER, J. A., et al.[On the col- Superficial descriptions of egg, larva, and female lectin of noctuid mths by "sugaring," and devices scale of chrysomphalusflcus, with references to the lit- fi)r collecting] tree., 3663]. SMTU, Emily A. [Dam- erature, remarks the first appearance of this insect ae done to oaks by argyrolepia quercifoliana] tree., in Florida, its probable origin and spread, its food- 3669].[On instinct displayed by insects] plants, and natural history, and against it; figure [Rec., 366]. B: /9../lr. (3594) of infested leaf of citrus. 13: 29. r. (36oo) 228 [36or-368] PS UCIIE. [OctobermDecember 884. kustin, E: Payson. Collecting styl@idae. lBarlow, T: Atropos 2ulsatorius. (Amer. (Journ. Bost. zool. soc., April 1882, v. 1, journ, agric, and sci., Oct. 1847, v. 6, p. p. 12-13. I95-196.) Describes day's collecting ofstylopidae, at Readville, Direct testimony that atropos pulsatorius makes Mass. The xnales of far outnumber the females. tapping noise, t]: 20. s. (36) R. //. (36m) _us;in, E: Payson. Notes on collecting t$arnard, W Stebbins. t?ucculalrix co- certain bu2restidae. (Journ. Bost. zool. coons. (Amer. entom., Mch. 188o, v. 3, soc., Oct. 1882, v. 1, p. 45-46.) n. s., v. 1, p. 76, 7 era.) Itabitats of and modes of collecting buprestidae. Letter from "W. S. B.," with note [by C V. Riley] G: D. (36o) hibernation of bucculatrix pomifolilla; situations in u.tin, E: Payson. [Use of air-bubbles car- which its spun. 27: 20. 21/ (36x) ried by water-beetles.] (Can. entom., Sep. 1879, v. 11, p. 176. laarnard, W: Stebbins. Camodea.fragilis Reply to inquiry by J G. Morris to the purpose Meinert. (Amer. entorn., Aug. 188o, v. 3, served by the globul of air which certain water-beetles . s., v. I, p. 199, 22 cm., fig. lO4-1o5.) carry with the when they dive; method of retention of this bubble; its gradual disappearance supposed to Occurence ot campodea fragilis and degeeria lanugi- be due to its inhalation by the insect. 27: 20. (36oa) at Ithaca, N. Y. food-habits and systematic posi- . tion of the of both tbrmer; figures species. 2kusin, Mrs. R. M. Darlin.tonia californ- B: P..M'. (36i3) ,'ca, Tort. (Bot. gazette, Aug. 1878, v. 3, p. 70- 71, 6 cm.) lBarnarcl, W: Stebbins. The cotton worm, Notes the presence of large numbers of carnivorous (Our continent, 22 Mch. 882, v. 1, p. 93. !arvae in the pitchers of darlingtoria californica, both I16 cm., fig.) summer and winter. W: 2". (3604) Importance of the rawges of alelia art'llacea and Bacon, W. D. Season of 1816. (Memoirs difficulty of preventing them; habits of the larwt and Phil. of its p;arasites, especially of lach[na alett'ae; of soc. promot, agric., 1818, v. 4, P. 219.) transformations of the alelia; figures of larva, pupa and Means against cecidomyia destructor. imago and of injured cotton plant; habits and nigra- 27: 20. 2hr. (3605) tions of the imago of the aletia; improvements in devices for the application of poisons to the plants. Bailey, James Spencer. [Noctuid moths /1: 20. 3/. (364) coming to sugar and decomposing matter.] (Can. entom., Nov. 1879, v. II, p. lBarnarcl, W: Stebbins. Dominican case- 203-204. bearer. (Amer. entom.. Sep. 188o. v. 3, n. Reply to inquiry by A: R. Grote whether cucullia s., v. I, p. 227, 9 cm., fig. 118 to "sugar"; capture of cucttllia and plust;a Food-habits of coscfnoptera dominicana; figures of "at sugar"; noctuid moths tound feeding decompos- eggs, larva, imago, larva-case and anatotnical details of ing animal matter, especially partially decomposed this species. 27: P. 3/. deer hides. 27:2. _/kZ. (3606) (3615) Balding, G: On the urticating properties Barnard, W: Stebbins. European tussock- of the hairs of l@aris clrysorrkea. (En- . (Amer. entom., Mch. I88O, v. 3, n. Nov. v. tomologist, 1884, 17, p. 256-257. s., v. 1, p. 77, 8 cm.) Describes poisonous effects of hairs of chrysalis of Ravages l@aris chrysorrhea the skin. G: .D. (3607) Ithaca, N. f. ,o ;nr,8 ;1 ttl sU2ria;iido On ?c e.1,2sl , Ft. ducation des larves org'.yia; of males discovered. lBarbier, de dytis- 27: 20../hr. cides. (Feuille des jeunes naturalistes, (366) June 1883, an. 13 p. lO3. lBarnard, W: Stebbins. [Habits of phyma- Mode of rearing larvae of dytiscidae. G: .D. (3608) ta erosa.] (Can. entom., Oct. 1879, v. lBarbour, James. Cultivation of wheat. p. 196.) (Amer. farm., 17 Dec. i89, v. I, ed. 3, P. Carnivorous propensities of ph.ymata erosa; tSferis 3Ol-3O2, cm.) rapae killed by it; habitation of the insect. 84 /7: 20. _M. (3617) "The two principal enemies to vheat the hessian fly and. the. smut"', discnssion of these:.. hessian. fly [ceczdomyza destructor] first appeared tlns locality Barnarcl, W Stebbins. Notes on the devel- in 798; "Lawlcr" wheat is proof against it. 27: 20. 2h (3609) opment of a black-fly, simulium, common in the rapids around Ithaca, N.Y. Piero. (Amer. lBargagli, Note intorno alla biologia entom., Aug. 188o, v. n. s., v. di alcuni coleotteri. 3, 1, p. I91- (Bull. soc. entom. t93, cm., fig. IO3.) ital., anno 16, p. 94 1884, 92-96.) Description of eg.s, larva, pupa and imago of sim- 20tinus fitr obtained from the nest of ve.sa crabro; ulium sp. figures o" eggs; habits of larvae of this spe- notes other beetles belonging solely to the Europe. cies and of imagos of the genus; method of raising fauna. G: D. (361o) larvae of this species in confinement. 27: 20. kr. (36x8) October--December 884.] PS YC//E. [3619-363o] 229 rnarcl, W Stebbins. Parasitic rove-beetle Beling, Theodor. Beitrag zur biologie eini- aleockara antkomyiae, Sprague. (Amer. ger kiifer aus den familien dascyllidae und entom., Aug. 188o, v. 3, n. s., v. I, p. 199- ;barnidae. (Verhandl. k.-k. zool.-bot. 200, 13 cm.) gesells, in Wien, 882, bd. 32; Abh., p. Occurrence and habits of beetle alleged to be aleo- 435-442.) chara anthomyiae, at Ithaca, N.Y. //: 29. Jr. (3619) Describes larva and pupa of elodes coarctalus, serri- cornis, pomaNnus substriatus, and 2#arnus auriculalus; ]Barnarcl, W: Stebbins. Parthenogenesis in and pupa of elmis volkmari and aeneus. oryia antlqua. (Amer. entom., Sep. 188o, G: 29. (362) v. 3, n. s., v. I, p. 227, 6 cm.) Berg, Crlos. Analecta lepidopterologica. Statement of conclusions drawn fi'om finding many Contribuciones al estudio de la fauna de la of the female and of the male of orgyi'a Re.pfiblica Argentina y otros pa/ses ameri- antiqua in winter and spring; this species believed to have enemies, to be perfectly fitted to withstand the canos. (Anales Soc. cient, argent., 1882, climate [at Ithaca, N. Y.], and to reproduce parthenogen- v. 14, p. 275-288. etically. 2: 29..r. (3620) Separate ,Buenos Aires, 1882. t.-p. cover, 16 p. [t.-p., p. 275-288 ], 25 X 16, 18.5 arrett, C Golding. Notes on British ter- lO.5. ojbkoridae. (Entom. too. mag., Jan. 1882,, Synonymical and other notes species of hettrocera: v. 8, p. 77-18o.) describes species, viz. oeceNus 2lalensis, mallo cordubensis, chloridea molochitina, aconNa Includes notes upon laty)tila bertram and tterotho. ta, erastria nubila, trothisa (thalpochares) margarilae, monodactylus, both American species. andt01usia bonaerensis, all from South America. Some G: 29. (3621) species of North American noted from South America. G: 29. (3626) Basott, Homer Franklin. Arrangement of N. A. Dr. nat., BOrg, CArlos. Miscellanea lepidopterologica. cynijbidae by Mayr. (Amer. Contvibuciones la fauna ar- Apr. [22 Mch.] 1882,, v. 16, p. 329-330.) al estudio de (RILEY, C V. Entomology... [Apr. I882], gentina y parses limftrofes. (Anales Soc. p. cient, argent., 1883, v. 15, p. 151-169. 329-33o.) Separate, Buenos Aires, t.-p. cover, Reviev of[author's] List of North American cyni. 1883. 21 16, tidae" (ojb. ct't., Mch. [a4 Feb.] 882, p. 246 [Rec., 3356] p. [t.-p., p. 15t-169], 25 X 18.5 X Mayr enumerates in his list probably less than half the lO. 5 North American species of cynilidae; geographical dis- Synonymical and other notes species of heterocera tribution of the genera mentioned; note [by C: V. (all exclusively South American except dndatghia bico- Riley] the value of this list, wtfich will replace, loralis, which"also occurg in North America) describes far it embraces the North American species, that species, viz. sphinx baruta, psolojMera meisteri, given in C: R. Osten Sacken's "Contributions to the dirph ia t'sa, hyperch irla la a, 'cratlacus fulvt;ven- natural history of the cynilidae of the United States... Iris, coenopeta fucosa, chadaca missionum, rhopalodes Article 4th" (Proc. entom, Philad., May 1865, 4) argentina, tomoiMeryx viduaria, and lqgynopteryx P. 379-38o. /: P. A/. (3622) valdiviana, all fl'om South America. G: D. (3627) et al. Homer Franklin. Bethune, C: James Stewart, [Food- lassett, [Former injuries habits of larvae of Colorado potato beetle by issodes strobi at Waterbury, Conn.] and other insects.] (Can. entom., Nov. (Can. entom., Sep. 1879, v. 11, p. 176-77. 879, v. 1, p. 29inns strobus greatly injured by pissodes strobi at Waterbury, Conn., from 864 to 869, but very little Remarks by C J. S. Bethune, W S. Barnard, J. A. since. 1': P. Axr; Lintner, VV Saun[lers, S H. Scudder and H Corn- (363) stock, the feeding of larvae of doryphora "decemlineata ascletias and other plants and another, and ]Bates, H: Walter. Contributions to an in- the carnivorous propensities of larvae of noctuidae and lycaenidae, especially of heliothis armigrera; phytopha- sect fauna of the Amazon valley. Lepi- gic variation of doryibhora decemlineata. doptera keNconidae. (Trans. Linn. soc. /: 29. J/. (3628) Lond., 1862, v. p. pl. 23, 495-566, 55- Blaney, Dwight. Entomological notes from 56.) N.H. and oolo- Extr. [from p. 5o9], entitled, "Mimetic Laconia, (Ornithologist forms among insects." (Amer. nat.. May gist, Aug. 1884, v. 9, P" lO1-1o2, 2ocm.) v. I, List of butterflies taken in Laconia, N. H., with notes 1867, p. 155-156. the habits of few species. G: 29. (3629) Classification, relationship, systematic position, and habits of species of heliconidae; discusses mimicry and Bowclitoh, F: C. Notes on certain coleo- its in these and other insects; fl'eedom of the ptera. Bost. zool. soc., July 1882, heliconidae from attack account of their odor given (Journ. why they mimicked by other insects; v. I, p. 27-28. discusses for mimicry between species of heN- Describes briefly the transformations of eucrada conidaethemselves notes the species ofheliconidae of humeralis; records"the hibernation of several bures- the Amazon valley; describes the genera calligho. tidae in the loose bark at the foot of the trees and mia, najheog_enes, and melinaea (of the heliconidae), and tions the liking for sugar exhibited by turpur[cenus ithomet (of the erycinidae). G: 29. (3624) humeralis. R. /-L (363o) 80 363 -3647] PS 7"C11E. [October--December 1884.

Brauer, Friedrich. Biologisches tiber blut- Cameron, P. On a simple method of mount- saugende insecten mit besonderer bertick- ing objects for microscopic examination. sicht.igung ihrer mundtheile. (Schr. d. (Proc. nat. hist. soc. Glasgow, 188o-1881, verelns zur verbreitung naturw, kenntnisse v. 5, pt. 1, p. 4-7.) in Wien, I88O-I88I, bd. 21, p. 255-273. Mode of mounting specimens dry in Canada balsam Habits and inouth-parts of]Suh'cfdae, cule.v, simttlium, in pieces of cardbo;ard to be-pinned in collection phlebolomtts, tabattt'dae, stomoxys, fflossita, asilus, of insects; mode of drying small larvae for preservation and .pedicuhts; phthiriasis. G: YD. (363i) in collections. G: YD. (364o) Canalize, Ernest. decemliz- Brunner yon Wattenwyl, Carl. [La dorydbhora [Neues eala.] (Ann. soc. entom. Belg., 1875, v. organ bei acridiern.] (Verhandl. k.-k. 18; zool.-bot, gesells, in Wien, bd. tomptes-rendus, p. i2-i7. 1879, 29; Separate, entitled, La dory23hora de- Sitz.-ber., p. 26-27. cemlZeala. Lecture faite k la sfance du 6 Notice of or.an of doubtful function the femur f6vrier de la of certain acrid;dae. G: ]9. (363 e) 875, Soci6t6 entomologique de Belgique." Bcuxelles, 1875.-1 6 p., 5 X 16, Brnsh, E. F. Ameisen gegen skorbut. i8 X IO. 5. (Dcutsch-anaer. apotheker-zeit., Apr. Oprmses the prohibition of importation of Anerican potatoes into Belgimn, claiming that lhere is little to be 1883. jahrg. 4, P. 49, 7 era.) feared in Europe from dor.,y.phora. G: YD. (3641) Wood-choppers in Maine eat of black ants remedy for scurvy; concentrated tincture of the Canalize, Ernest. La dorydbhora decemli- ants, other preparation of fomntc acid, useful for the ea/a. Lecture la du purpose. /?: _p. _&r. (3633) faite h s4ance 6 fvrier t875, de la Socitfi entomologique de Bel- Buckler, W: Description of the larva, &c., gique. [Bruxelles, 1875. 6 p., z 5 X I6, I8X IO. of kfdroecia icdilas. (Entom. too. mag. 5. Feb. I882, v. I8, p. Separate of author's [La doryphora decemlineata]" I95-i97. (Ann. entom. Belg'., 875, 8; Comptes-rendus, p. Describes larva and pupa of lvdroecia nictitans. xz-7) [Rec., 364i]. G: D. (364) G: YD. (3634) Carrington, J: T. Sallows. (Entomologist, Buckler, W: Some points in the natural April 1883, v. 16, p. 85-89.) history of 2adbilio mac,ao,. (Entom. mo. Modes of collecting the insects that frequent the cat- mag., April I88, v. I8, p. 244-z49. kins of sallow [salix] in England. G: YD. (3643) Account of the egg and different larwfl stages of taj t'lZo nacleaot,. G: .D. (3635) (2hapman, T. Note on a dark variety of cicindela can@eslris. (Entom. mo. mag., Buekton, G: Bowdler. Note on the action April 1867, v. 3, P. 251.) of potassium cyanide on organic colouring Note upon the capture of cfcindela cam.p,estri;, matter. (Entom. mo. tnag., Sept. 1884, v. fttnebris, it, Scotland. G: YD. (3644) 2I, p. 82.) Christy, Robert Miller. Memoranda on in- The mode by which potassium cyanide acts in ldlling sects in their relation to floxvers. insects and in changiug their colors. G: YD. (3636) (Ento- mologist, t883, v. 16: July, p. I45-i5o Bush, Isidor. Phylloxera galls: inconstancy Aug., p. 177-18i. in their appearance. (Amer. entom., Sep. Details of observations upon the methodic habits of v. n. insects principally fossorial hymenoptera when vis 188o, 3, s., v. , p. 226, 6 cm.) iting flowers. G: YD. (3645) Apparent change in the preferences of dkylloxera vZtifoliae for varieties and species of vftis which to Edwards, H: The caterpillar pest. An in- produce its galls. /]: 29. _air. (3637) teresting communication from a well known lBuler, Arthur Gardiner. Descriptions of actor and entomologist. (Evening telegram some apparently new species of arctiidae IN. Y.], 3 July 1883, v. 7, no. 5543, p- 3, col. 2, from North America. (Entom. too. mag., 25 cm.) Nov. 1881, v. I8, p. Ravages of and against oryfa lettcosl/grma 135-136. in New York city. /J: 29. _&r. (3646) Describes arclia dodgei, ockreala, and rhoda, species. G: YD. (3638) Edwards, W: H: Description of the pre- paratory stages of pa]t7'o 2#kileeor, Linn. Cameron, P. On parthenogenesis in the (Can. entom., 1881, v. 13 p. 9-14.) tenlhred,idae. (Entom. too. mag., Oct. Jan. v. Describes egg', larva, and chrysalis ofpa]Sfliodhht'lenor. 1884, 2I, p. lO3-1o4. See also C V. Rlley's No(ces )adhilio thflenor Gives list of the thirteen British species of tenlhre- (Amer. nat., April [2 Mch.] 88r, I, p. 327-329) dfnfdae known to be parthenogenetic. G: YD. (3639) [Rec., 3668]. G: YD. (3647) October--December 884.] t'S 7"CItE. [3648-366

Edwards, W: H: On the length of life l:'auvel, Albert. Annuaire entomologique of butterflies. (Can. entom., Oct. 1881, v. pour 1877. 5e annie. Caen, r877. t.-p. 13, p. 205-2t4.) cover, 148p. 5 X lO, Xl 7. ft. 1.75. Paper read before the American association for the Contents of similar nature to those of preceding years advancement of science, at Cincinnati, J9 Aug. 88, [Rec., 3651-3654]. G: 29. (3655) containing many notes the longevity of diurual lep- idoptera. A. /f. 29. (3648) l:'auvel, Albert. Annuaire entomologique ..dwards, W: H: List of species of the pour 1878. 6e ann4e. Caen, 878. t.-p. diurnal of America north of cover, 37 P., 5 X to, 1 X 7. fr. '75. Mexico. Boston, Houghton, M(in d Co., Contents of similar nature to those of preceding years t884. t.-p. cover + t.-p. + adv. p. + 12 p. [Rec., 3651-3655 ]. G: 29. (3656) [without pagination], 2 X 25, I9. 5 X 14.5. Fauvel, Albert. Annuaire entomologique A list of the 6z species 9f diurnal lepidoptera of pour ann6e. Caen, t.-p. America north of Mexico, witti their varieties. 879. 7e 879. G: 29. (3649) cover, 136p., 15 X o, 11 X 7. fl'. 1.75. Notice.. (Bericht...d. entom., 1879, p. Entomological club of the American asso- III.) ciation for the advancement of science Rev. (Entom. nachrichten, Sept. 1879, Presidenl, z878 (Joseph Albert Lintner). jahrg. 5, P. 233.) Annual address. (Can. entom., Sep. Contents of similar nature to those of preceding years [Oct.] 1878, v. to, p. 171-176. [Rec., 1348. [Rec., 365-3656]. G: 29. (3657) Increase in the number of knoxw species of North American insects xvithin forty years; progress made :Pauvel, Albert. Annuaire entomologique and malting in the knowledge of tim life-histories of insects and in the extent and. value of entomological pour 188o. 8e ann6e. Caen, 188o. t.-p. collections and of entomological study and the publica- cover, 139 p., 5 X IO, it X 7. fr. 1.75. tion of its results; the encouragement of entomological Notice, by [In'._] K latter]. (Entom. nach- investigations by the United States government; richten, 188o, jahrg. Lit. mendation of biological investigations. 6; rev., p. 49-5o.) /: p. r. (365o) Contents of similar nature to those of preceding years [Nee., 365-3657 ]. G: 29. (3658) Fauvel, Albert. Annuaire entomologique pour 1873. Caen, 1873. t.-p. cover, t.-p., Grote, A: Radcliffe aud Wetherby, Albert t ft. 2 + 22 p., 5 X to, X 7. t.5o. Gallatin. [Exhibition of moths, and on Contents:Calendar, with blanks for memoranda; the number of broods of certain address-list of coleopterists of France, Belgium, Hol- bombvcid land, Rhine provinces and Switzerland lists of entomo- moths. (Can. entom., Sep. [Oct._] i87 v. logical societies and periodicals in Europe bibliography, lO, p. 176. [Rec., t348. species and synonymy, captures, excursions, habits Exhibition, A R. of and other notes mostly tnodes by Grote, bombycid moths of species, coleoptera; from Georgia, specifically named; actias ltna, samia of collecting and preserving insects" necrology; telea and books for sale. G: cecroibia Aholytgkemus and salurnt'a t'o double- changes desired 29. (3651) brooded in southern United States, but citheronia realis only single-brooded there statement, by A. G.Wetherby, 'auvel, Albert. Annuaire entomologique that many oI the above-named moths also double- brooded pour 2e ann6e. Caen, t.-p. in north.western [northern central] United 874. 1874. States. //: p..&r. (3659) cover, 4o p., 15 X lO, t X 7. ft. t.75. Contents of sinilar nature to those of preceding year [Rec., 365]. G: 29. (365z) tlarrington, W: Hague. List of Ottawa coleoptera. (Trans. Ottawa field-nat, club, t'auvel, Albert. Annuaire entomologique 1883-I884 [Oct. 1884, v. 2, no. 1, p. 67-85. pour 3e ann6e. Caen, t.-p. List of species of coleoptera belonging to 5e4 1875. 1875. and cover, t.-p., op., X IO, It X fr. genera representing 67 families which taken 14 15 7. in Ottawa, Ontario. G: l). 1.75. (366o) Contents of similar nature to those of preceding years [Rec., 365-3652 ]. G: 29. (3653) Harrington, W: Hague, Fletcher, James, and Tyrrell, J.B. Report of the entomo- Pauvel, Albert. Annuaire entomologique logical branch for the season of 1883. pour 876. 4e annie. Caen, 1876. t.-p. (Trans. Ottawa field-nat, club, 1883-1884 cover, t.-p., 5o p., 15 o, it X 7. [Oct. 1884], v. 2, no. I, p. 134-14o. fr. 1.75. Notes species of insets from Ottawa Ontario, and vicinity; notes Contents ofsimilar nature to those of preceding years chiefly upon hymeno- [Rec., G: ptera, lepidoptera, diptera, coleoptera and arachnids. 3651-3653 ]. 29 ('3654) G: .D. (36&) 232 [366z-3674] PSYCItt. OctoberI)ecember 884.

Instinct or reason displayed by insects Riley, C: Valentine. Notes on dbadbilio 2bhl- (On).] (Can. entom., Sep. [Oct.] 1878, v. leor. (Amer. nat., Apr., [2 5 Mch.] 188, IO, p. 192. [Rec., 1348.] v. 15) (RLY, C: V. Entomology '*Instinct and differ in degree and not in kind." [Apr. 18813), p. 327-39, fig. -3. 27: P. M. (3662) Describes egg and newly.hatched larva of padb[lio hilonor; figures imago, lar.a and pupa of this spec s; Lintaer, Joseph Albert, et al. [On the col- tbod-plant (art'stolocbia)and geographical distribu. lecting of noctuid moths by sugaring", tion, and its occurrence in swarms. G: Z). (3668) and on devices tbr collecting._] (Can. entom., Sep. [Oct. 1878, v. IO, p. 191-192. fimith, Emily Adella. [Damage done to [Rec., I348. oaks by arg'yrolebia quercibliana.] (Can. Remarks, by J. A. Lintner, the successful result of entom., Sep. [Oct.] 1878, v. lO, p. 19z. attempts to collect toctuidae by the process known [Rec., 1348. "sugaring" by A. G. Wetherby, the question of the Statement that oak trees in Wisconsin and Illinois rarity of certain species of insects; and by 2Emily A. injured by the larvae of argyroletia quercifoliana. Smith, E. 13. Reed and J. A. Lintner devices by /7: /-L ./hr. (3669) which collect inz-bottles might be handled conveniently, and the proper of lanterns. B: P. /Z. (3663) Smith, Emily Adella, et al. [On the life Moseley, H Nottidge. On the sound made history of lecanium acericorticis, and on by the death's head moth, 'acheronlla means of destroying this and similar in- entom., Sep. v. atr@os." (Nature, 20 June i872 v. 6, p. sects.] (Can. [Oct.] I878, I5I-I53, iI 5 c1TI., fig.) 1o, p. 176-77. [Rec., I348.] Rev., by A. \V. B[ennett, entitled "The Abstract of communication to 2Entomological club of A. A. A. S., by 2E. A. Smith, with remarks by T Bass- sound produced by the death's head moth." nett and C V. Riley life-history of lecanium acert'cor. (Amer. nat. Mch. 1873 v. 7, P. 173-174.) h'cis; the of carbolic acid of kerosene, applied Outline of prcvmus researches to discover the mode with fire extinguisher, recommended for the destruc- of sonifaction of acherolia atrotos; experi,nents bv tion of coccidae. 37: P. dI[. (3670) vhich the author is led to believe that 'the sound is prd. fluted bg expiration through the proboscis," the air 8uffrian, E. Synonymische miscellaneen. being ex'pelled from dome shaped c'tvit in the upper bd. part of the head. YG: Z). (3664) 3 (Entom. zeitung Stettin, t867, 28, p. 445-449.) Packard, Alpheus Spring, jr. The hessian Co,npares the varieties of cicindela sexullala with Habits and natu'ral those of campestrt, with especial reference to the fly. history. (Amer. elytral markings. G: Z). (3671) entom., May I88O, v. 3, n. s., v. I, p. 118- 121, t2 7 cm., fig. 46.) Townsend, C: H Tyler. Further remarks Advance reprint, with slight changes and omissions, upon the variation of the elytral markings of section entitled "Habits of the hessian fly" in in cicindela author's "The hessian fly, its ravages"... (Bull. sex-gut/sis. (Can. entom., 4 U. S. entom, comm.) [Rec., 2207] p. I2-i.g pl. July 1884, v, I6, p. I25-7. seasons and nutnber of broods of cecidomyta destructor; Additmnal remarks in continuation of the author's method of oviposition; habits of larva. 'On the variation oI the elytral markings cicindela 27: f'. (3665) sexguttala." (Can. entom., Nov. 883, 15, p. 2o5-2o8) [Rec., 3559]. G: D. (3672) Packard, Alpheus Spring, jr. The hessian fly entom., I88O, v. n. (Amer. June 3, Trelease, W: The fertilization of aquileia s., v. I, p. i4o-i4i 44 cm.) vulgaris [Rec., 22o2]. Advance reprint of section entitled 'Summary of the Rev., T: entitled habits of and remedies against the hessian fly." in by Meehan, "Fertiliza- author's *The hessian fly, its ravages"... (Bull. tion of aquileia." (Amer. nat., Feb. [25 4 U. S. entmn, comm.) [Rec., 22o7] p. 38-39, and of Jan.] 1881. v. 15, p. 134-x35, 4 cm.) paragraph entitled "Probable limits of the hessian fly" w: y: (3673) (1. c., p. 38) summary of the life-history ofcecidomyia destructor; its parasites, present and prospective geo- graphical distribution, and it. 27." .P..r. (3d66) Trouvlot, L: The American silk worm. (Amer. nat., I867, v. 1: Mch., p. 30-38; Riley, C: Valentine. [Abstracts of some Apr., p. 85-94; May, p. I45-149 pl. 5-6. p?tpers proposed to be read to the associa- Description and figures of different stages of telea tion.-] (Can. entom., Sep. [Oct.] i878 v. olphemus, with account of its life-history; its o, p. [-Rec., mode of exit from cocoon, expanding of wines, oviposi- 177-178. I348. tlon, hatching, rate of groxvth and consumption of food, l[ornia is parasitic bombus, and differs in several number of molts, mode of molting, food-plants, enemies, points from other meloidae; application of vernacular power of sight in larva, presence of immature eggs in to larva and imago of cor.ydahts cornulus" ob- larva, structure of silk-glands; effect of temperature jections to A. S. Packard, jr's explanation of the an- pupae, and of exclusion of air from pupae" figure of in which bomb.ycidae issue from their cocoons. ophion macrurum, parasite; processes of ilk-culture 27: P. M. (3667) with this species. G: 29. (3674) International Journal of Peptides

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