WELCOME V OLUME 5 4 N UMBER 4 M AY 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier – digital edition Welcome to the digital edition of the May 2014 issue of CERN Courier.

News that the BICEP2 telescope has found evidence for an era of cosmic inflation, just after the Big Bang, sent ripples deep into the particle- community, where research looks closely into the nature of fundamental forces and particles in the early universe. News on these particles continues to flow from analyses of high-energy data from the LHC’s first run, as well as from Fermilab’s Tevatron. At the same time, analyses of low-energy data are turning up surprises, with indications of four-quark states, for example at the BESIII experiment in Beijing. Meanwhile, there was much sadness at CERN at the passing of the last of the founding fathers, diplomat François de Rose, whose vision for the organization remains just as compelling 60 years on.

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BESIII TRIBUTE PARTNER(S) Precision studies CERN loses its last home in on the founding father, FOR LIFE EDITOR: CHRISTINE SUTTON, CERN XYZ particles François de Rose A training project DIGITAL EDITION CREATED BY JESSE KARJALAINEN/IOP PUBLISHING, UK p17 p24 for therapy p21 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 TURBOVAC i Contents Covering current developments in high-energy physics and related fi elds worldwide CERN Courier is distributed to member-state governments, institutes and laboratories affi liated with CERN, and to their personnel. It is published monthly, except for cerncourier Turbomolecular pumps January and August. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the CERN management.

Editor Christine Sutton V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 m a y 2 0 1 4 News editor Kate Kahle CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland E-mail [email protected] Fax +41 (0) 22 785 0247 5 N E W s  Web cerncourier.com • LHC and Tevatron teams announce fi rst joint result• CERN Advisory board Luis Álvarez-Gaumé, James Gillies, Horst Wenninger and ESA sign co-operation agreement • CMS sets new constraints Laboratory correspondents: on the width of the Higgs boson LHCb’s results become more Argonne National Laboratory (US) Cosmas Zachos • Brookhaven National Laboratory (US) P Yamin precise ATLAS uses t → qH decays to pin down the Higgs Cornell University (US) D G Cassel • • DESY Laboratory (Germany) Till Mundzeck LHCf investigates proton–lead collisions OPERA sees a fourth EMFCSC () Anna Cavallini • Enrico Fermi Centre (Italy) Guido Piragino τ neutrino Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (US) Katie Yurkewicz Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany) Markus Buescher GSI Darmstadt (Germany) I Peter 11 s CiENCEWatCh  IHEP, Beijing (China) Tongzhou Xu IHEP, Serpukhov (Russia) Yu Ryabov INFN (Italy) Romeo Bassoli 13 a s t r O W a t C h  Jefferson Laboratory (US) Steven Corneliussen JINR Dubna (Russia) B Starchenko KEK National Laboratory (Japan) Nobukazu Toge 15 a r C h i v E  Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (US) Spencer Klein Los Alamos National Laboratory (US) Rajan Gupta NCSL (US) Ken Kingery F E a t u r E s Nikhef (Netherlands) Robert Fleischer Novosibirsk Institute (Russia) S Eidelman 17 BESIII and the XYZ mystery Orsay Laboratory (France) Anne-Marie Lutz PSI Laboratory (Switzerland) P-R Kettle Results from precision studies in the charm energy region. Saclay Laboratory (France) Elisabeth Locci Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK) Julia Maddock SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US) Farnaz Khadem 21 A network for life Marcello Pavan TRIUMF Laboratory (Canada) PARTNER – an innovative training project in the fi eld of hadron Produced for CERN by IOP Publishing Ltd IOP Publishing Ltd, Temple Circus, Temple Way, therapy. Bristol BS1 6HG, UK Tel +44 (0)117 929 7481 24 François de Rose: strategist and visionary Publisher Susan Curtis

©BICOM_12152.01 0.02.2014 The last of CERN’s founding fathers, a loyal Production editor Lisa Gibson Technical illustrator Alison Tovey supporter and a dear friend, passed away at Group advertising manager Chris Thomas Advertisement production Katie Graham age 103. Marketing & Circulation Angela Gage

Head of B2B & Marketing Jo Allen Art director Andrew Giaquinto 27 The World Wide Web’s 25th anniversary Advertising Time to ensure that the web remains open, free and accessible. Tel +44 (0)117 930 1026 (for UK/Europe display advertising) or +44 (0)117 930 1164 (for recruitment advertising); A giant leap in vacuum performance! E-mail: [email protected]; fax +44 (0)117 930 1178 31 F a C E s &P L a C E s  General distribution Courrier Adressage, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland E-mail: [email protected] 38 r E C r u i t M E N t  In certain countries, to request copies or to make address changes, contact: It has never been easier to improve your processes than today! Our new China Keqing Ma, Library, Institute of High Energy Physics, PO Box 918, Beijing 100049, People’s Republic of China 43 B O O k s h E L F TURBOVAC (T) 350 i and 450 i with integrated electronic drive will allow E-mail: [email protected]  Germany Antje Brandes, DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany you to optimize pump-down times and consistently hit your target regarding E-mail: [email protected] Italy Loredana Rum or Anna Pennacchietti, INFN, Casella Postale 56, 00044 Frascati, 46 v i E W P O i N t  pressures and gas flows. Designed to offer the best performance:size ratio Rome, Italy E-mail: [email protected] available in the ISO 100/160 size range, they feature a rotor and drag stage UK Mark Wells, Science and Technology Facilities Council, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 1SZ design to achieve maximum performance and unparalleled speed, especially E-mail: [email protected] US/Canada Published by Cern Courier, 6N246 Willow Drive, for light gases. This new product line is supplemented by the most flexible St Charles, IL 60175, US. Periodical postage paid in St Charles, IL, US Fax 630 377 1569. E-mail: [email protected] multi-inlet turbomolecular pumps TURBOVAC 350 - 400 i MI. Intended for the POSTMASTER: send address changes to: Creative Mailing Services, PO Box 1147, The TURBOVAC i series 350 i, St Charles, IL 60174, US I NTERNATIONAL J OURNAL OF H IGH -E NERGY P HYSICS requirements of analytical instruments, multi-inlet pumps are prepared for 450 i and 350-400 i MI at a glance cerncourier

Published by European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, V OLUME 5 4 N UMBER 4 M AY 2 0 1 4 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland individual design customization to provide an optimum process adaptation. Tel +41 (0) 22 767 61 11. Telefax +41 (0) 22 767 65 55 Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum GmbH Printed by Warners (Midlands) plc, Bourne, Lincolnshire, UK Bonner Straße 498 © 2014 CERN ISSN 0304-288X D-50968 Köln Cosmic infl ation: The sun sets behind BICEP2 (in the foreground) and the South Pole the view from BICEP2 On the cover : T +49 (0)221 347-0 Telescope (in the background). In measuring the cosmic background radiation, the

BESIII TRIBUTE PARTNER(S) F +49 (0)221 347-1250 Precision studies CERN loses its last BICEP2 experiment has found evidence for cosmic infl ation (p13). (Image credit: home in on the founding father, FOR LIFE XYZ particles François de Rose A training project [email protected] p17 p24 for hadron therapy p21 Steffen Richter, Harvard University.) www.oerlikon.com/leyboldvacuum 3

Anz_TMPi_CERN_EN_2014.indd 1 30.01.14 17:32 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 cividec News Instrumentation

CIVIDEC Instrumentation is a R&D company born from the cutting-edge technology of CERN. We specialise in turn-key t OP P h Y s i C s solutions for beam diagnostics based on CVD diamond technology. LHC and Tevatron teams announce fi rst joint result

The collaborations working on the world’s Top quark mass measurements of researchers, and a detailed understanding leading particle-collider experiments have ATLAS of each other’s techniques and uncertainties. joined forces, combined their data and Each experiment measured the mass of the Diamond Detectors produced the fi rst joint result from Fermilab’s CDF top quark using several different methods. Tevatron collider and CERN’s Large Hadron The analyses involved a variety of top-quark CMS Collider. Scientists from the four experiments decay channels, employing sophisticated involved – ATLAS, CDF, CMS and D0 – DZERO techniques that have been developed announced their joint fi ndings on the mass and improved over more than 20 years 2 combined result 173.34 ± 0.76 GeV/c of the top quark at the 2014 Rencontres de March 2014 of top-quark research, beginning at the Moriond international physics conference Tevatron and continuing at the LHC. on 19 March. The four collaborations pooled More than 6000 researchers from more 165 170 175 180 their data-analysis power to arrive at a world’s mass (in units of GeV/c2) than 50 countries participated in the four best value for the mass of the top quark of experimental collaborations. 173.34±0.76 GeV/c2. The four individual top-quark mass Experiments at the LHC and the Tevatron measurements by the ATLAS, CDF, CMS ● Further reading collider are the only ones that have observed and D0 collaborations, together with the The ATLAS, CDF, CMS and D0 collaborations the top quark – the heaviest-known joint and most precise measurement. (Image 2014 arXiv:1403.4427 [hep-ex]. elementary particle. Its large mass makes it credit: ATLAS, CDF, CMS and DZero; one of the most important tools in the quest CERN/Fermilab.) While this article was in preparation, the to understand the nature of the universe. CMS Collaboration released the world’s The CDF and D0 experiments discovered to 18-million events with top quarks since it most precise single measurement of the the top quark in 1995, and the Tevatron started collider physics operations in 2009. top-quark mass in the semileptonic decay Beam Loss Monitors produced some 300,000 top-quark events each of the four collaborations had channel, using the experiment’s full during its 25-year lifetime, before it fi nally previously released their individual sample of data at 8 TeV. Combined with Our beam loss monitors provide bunch-by-bunch loss information with 1 ns time resolution. Single particles can be re- shut down in 2011 (CERN Courier December measurements of the top-quark mass. the previous CMS results, this gives a mass solved as well as 1E9 particles per bunch. The diamond detectors and the front-end electronics are radiation resistant. 2011 p43). Now the LHC is the world’s leading Combining them together required close of 172. 22±0. 73 G eV/c2. More details will top-quark factory, having produced close collaboration between the four large groups appear in the next edition of . Alpha-Spectroscopy C OLLaBOratiON We provide state-of-the-art solutions for alpha-spectroscopy and use them for detection as Helium-3 replacement.

Fast Neutron Monitoring CERN and ESA Sommaire en français Our diamond detectors are proven to operate at cryogenic as well as high temperatures for the detection of fast . Premier résultat conjoint LHC-Tevatron 5 sign co-operation Le CERN et l’ESA signent un accord de 5 Electronics coopération We provide Broadband Current Amplifiers with 2 GHz analogue bandwidth, a noise figure of 3.5 dB and a gain of 20 dB or 40 dB, agreement CMS présente de nouvelles limites pour la 6 Fast Charge Amplifiers with a gain of 4 mV/fC, a Gaussian pulse shape with 10 ns FWHM and 1000 electrons noise, and largeur du boson de Higgs the famous Spectroscopic Shaping Amplifiers with a gain of 8 mV/fC, a Gaussian pulse shape with 180 ns FWHM and On 28 March, CERN and the European A shared stand at the Hannover Messe – the Les résultats de LHCb gagnent en précision 7 Space Agency (ESA) signed a framework world’s biggest industrial fair held this year (300 + 40/pF) electrons noise. agreement for future co-operation on on 7–11 April – was the fi rst tangible ATLAS utilise les désintégrations t → qH 7 research and technology in areas of mutual implementation of this bilateral agreement. pour cerner le Higgs Readout Systems interest. Future areas might include the Left to right: ESA astronaut Andre Kuipers LHCf étudie les collisions proton-plomb 8 Our digital readout system ROSY® uses a 5 GS/s ADC with 8 bit resolution, a FPGA-driven real-time processing unit development and characterization of talks to Enrico Chesta and Giovanni Anelli innovative materials for applications in from CERN’s Knowledge Transfer Group. OPERA observe un quatrième neutrino τ 9 and an embedded Linux server with Ethernet connection. extreme conditions and for cutting-edge (Image credit: Rheinland Relations.) Une équipe fi nlandaise dresse une carte 11 scientifi c performances, the development des émotions of new micro-technologies to be applied opportunity to celebrate the memory of a in miniaturized distributed sensor scientist who was a founding father of both BICEP2 trouve une preuve de l'infl ation 13 systems, and the development and organizations: the Italian, Edoardo Amaldi. cosmique testing of high-performance detectors During the ceremony, ESA’s director-general WE PIONEER CuSTOMIzED SOLuTIONS for high-energy physics experiments and Jean-Jacques Dordain presented CERN’s play in fostering it. These letters were fl own space payloads. director-general, Rolf Heuer, with copies of aboard ESA’s Automated Transfer Vehicle 3 This year is CERN’s 60th anniversary letters by Amaldi in which he lays out his – a spacecraft named in Amaldi’s honour and ESA’s 50th, making the signature an concern for peace and the role science should (CERN Courier June 2012 p25). CIVIDEC Instrumentation GmbH | Vienna

Schottengasse 3A/1/41 | A-1010 Vienna, Austria | phone: +43 1 9229307 | contact: [email protected] | www.cividec.at | 5

Untitled-1 1 13/03/2014 10:04 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 CERN Courier May 2014 Silicon Drift Detector News News • Solid State Design • Easy to Use L h C P h Y s i C s • Low Cost LHCb’s results become more precise CMS sets new constraints on the TM FAST SDD By the time that the fi rst )

long run of the LHC )

width of the Higgs boson + + – 2 0 0 + –

Count Rate = >1,000,000 CPS 2 B+ → K μ μ B → K μ μ ended early in 2013, the 5 5 LHCb LHCb /GeV /GeV 4 LHCb experiment had 4 4 4 Resolution Peaking Time –1 CMS preliminary √s = 8 TeV, L = 19.7 fb × c

After the discovery of a collected data for proton–proton collisions × c –8 125 eV FWHM 4 µs Higgs boson at the LHC in data corresponding to an integrated luminosity –8 3 3 16 gg + VV → zz (Γ = 25 × Γ , μ = 1) –1 –1 130 eV FWHM 1 µs SM (10 2012, all of the measurements of 2 fb at 8 TeV, to add to the 1 fb of data (10 2 2 2 2 140 eV FWHM 0.2 µs of its properties and tests gg + VV → zz (SM) collected at 7 TeV in 2011. The fi rst batch qq → zz m > 330 GeV 1 1 41 d B /d q 160 eV FWHM 0.05 µs of its -parity have of data allowed the LHCb collaboration d B /d q 12 Z + X proved to be consistent with the predictions to announce a variety of results, many of 0 0 of the Standard Model. one important which have now been updated using the SDD Spectrum 5.9 0510 15 20 0510 15 20 keV property is its natural width, which is 8 larger data sample and/or by including 2 2 4 2 2 4 q (GeV /c ) LCSR lattice data q (GeV /c ) 55Fe expected to be small in the Standard Model events/0.05 different decay channels. At the 2014 eV FWHM – approximately 4 MeV. A larger width rencontres de Moriond conference

Counts 125 4 + + + – 25 mm2 x 500 µm could indicate, for example, additional in March, the collaboration presented The differential branching fractions measured by LHCb for B → K μ μ (left) and 0 0 + – 11.2 µs peaking time 6.4 non-standard Higgs decays into known or more precise results from a number of B → K μ μ show a small tendency to have lower values than the theoretical predictions. P/B Ratio: 20000/1 keV unknown particles. different analyses. 0 Energy (keV) At the 2014 Rencontres de Moriond in The fl avour-changing neutral-current Now, the analysis of the full 3 fb–1 of or a tetraquark state. March, the CMS collaboration presented 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 decay B → K*μ+μ– is an important channel data, which was presented at the Moriond With the data from 2011, LHCb Resolution vs Peaking Time Dgg 180 new and stronger constraints on the total in the search for new physics because it is conference, gives results that are consistent unambiguously determined its quantum 25 mm2 width of the 125 GeV Higgs boson by Distribution of the -gluon discriminant highly suppressed in the Standard Model. with the small asymmetry predicted by the numbers JPc as 1++ (CERN Courier March 170 * applying a novel technique on the data Dgg for events with a 4-lepton mass larger While there are relatively large theoretical Standard Model in both the K and K cases. 2013 p8). At Moriond the collaboration 160 Standard SDD collected at the LHC at a centre-of-mass than 330 GeV. The expectations of the uncertainties in the predictions, these can However, even if this confi rms that the went further by presenting a measurement 0 + TM energy of 8 TeV. Following suggestions Standard Model are given by the solid fi lled be overcome by measuring asymmetries difference between B and B decays is small of the ratio of the branching fractions for the 150 FAST SDD from several theorists to measure the ratio histograms, while data are represented by the in which the uncertainties cancel. one of for this channel, there is a tendency for the decay of the X(3872) into ψ(2S)γ and J/ψγ. of the production rate for Higgs-mediated black dots. An increased natural width of the these is the isospin asymmetry, based on the differential branching fractions to have lower This ratio, Rψγ, is predicted to be different 140 ZZ events with a mass considerably above Higgs boson would enhance the high region differences in the results of measurements values than the theoretical predictions, as the depending on the nature of the X(3872). 0 * + – + + + – 130 the mass of the resonance (larger than of D gg as indicated by the dashed line for of B → K μ μ and B → K* μ μ . The fi gures show. LHCb fi nds Rψγ = 2. 4 6±0.64±0.29, which is Resolution (eV FWHM @ 5.9 keV) approximately 200 GeV) to that on the peak, which a total width 25 times the Standard Standard Model predicts this isospin Another interesting result that LHCb compatible with other experiments but more 120 0 1 2 3 4 5 it is possible to derive precise indications Model value is assumed. asymmetry to be small, which LHCb has now refi ned concerned the exotic state precise. This value does not support the Peaking Time (μs) on the maximal size of the Higgs boson’s confi rmed in 2011, based on 1 fb–1 of data X(3872), which was discovered by the interpretation as a pure DD* molecule. natural width. For this analysis, CMS therefore is only sensitive to the off-shell part (CERN Courier September 2011 p13). on Belle experiment at KEK in 2003. The Throughput 1,00,0000 exploited two ZZ decay channels of the of the cross-section. In the case of on-peak the other hand, a similar analysis for decays nature of the X(3872) is puzzling because ● Further reading Higgs boson: H → ZZ → 4 leptons, where the production, the Z decaying into neutrinos in which the excited K* is replaced by its although it appears charmonium-like, it M Patel LHCb Collaboration 2014 0.2 μs four leptons can be electrons or , and does not have large transverse momentum ground state K, showed evidence for a does not fi t in to the expected charmonium LHCb-TALK-2014-034. → → I Polyakov LHCb Collaboration 2014 100,000 1 μs H ZZ 2 leptons + 2 neutrinos. and does not generate a signifi cant MET. possible isospin asymmetry (CERN Courier spectrum. Exotic interpretations include the To maximize the sensitivity of this analysis, The on-peak cross-section measured from July/August 2012 p6). possibility that it could be a DD* molecule LHCb-TALK-2014-047. in the 4-lepton channel, CMS took advantage H → ZZ → 4 leptons is used for both channels. 4 μs 10,000 of the kinematic differences between 4-lepton The fi nal result of the analysis is that the production occurring through gluon–gluon two channels have very similar sensitivities.

Output Count Rate (OCR) Output Count ATLAS uses t —> qH decays to pin down the Higgs fusion (as for Higgs production) and through In the Standard Model scenario, each of

1,000 quark–antiquark scattering, which constitutes them is expected to exclude at the 95% 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,0000 a large background to this analysis. The confi dence level (CL) a Higgs-boson width Input Count Rate (ICR) collaboration employed a matrix-element about 10 times larger than the natural width Since the Distribution of the diphoton invariant mass 16 ATLAS data 2011+2012 likelihood discriminant Dgg similar to that predicted by the model. The combined result observation of a Sig.+SM Higgs+continuum bkg. fit mγγ for the selected events with four jets or hadronic selection used for the standard Higgs analysis to help is an exclusion of 17 MeV (35 expected) Higgs boson at (mH = 125.5 GeV) more. The result of a fi t to the data of the sum SM Higgs+continuum bkg. separate signal from background, and carried at 95% CL, which corresponds to 4.2 (8.5 a mass around 12 continuum bkg. of a signal component with the mass of the

out a simultaneous fi t of this discriminant expected) times the width in the Standard 125.5 GeV by –1 Higgs boson fi xed to m = 125.5 GeV and a ∫L dt = 20.3 fb , √s = 8 TeV H –1 background component (dashed) described versus the 4-lepton mass to measure the Model. Previous direct limits obtained ATLAS and CMS in July 2012, both 8 ∫ L dt = 4.7 fb , √s = 7 TeV cross-section for off-peak production. from the measured width of the H → ZZ and collaborations are making every effort to by a second-order polynomial is

The fi gure shows the distribution of the H → γγ peaks, which are dominated by the pin it down and decide if it is indeed the events/4 GeV 4 superimposed. The small contribution from discriminant Dgg for events with high mass. detector resolution, are much weaker (of the Higgs boson of the Standard Model, or the SM Higgs boson production, included in the The 2 lepton + 2 neutrino channel has the order of a few giga-electron-volts). fi rst member of a somewhat larger family, 0 fi t, is also shown (the difference between the advantage of a larger branching ratio, but as predicted by several models that go 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 dotted and dashed lines). Please see our web site for ● it comes at the price of more background: Further reading beyond the Standard Model. Working in mγγ (GeV) complete specifications and owing to the presence of neutrinos, the CMS Collaboration 2014 CMS-PAS-HIG-14-002. this direction, ATLAS used the six million vacuum applications fi nal state is not fully reconstructed. This N Kauer and G Passarino 2012 JHEP 08 116. tt- pairs produced in Run I of the LHC to a Higgs boson, t → qH. currents, are highly suppressed, but in more F Caola and K Melnikov 2013 Phys. Rev. D 88 054024. channel is based on the presence of large look for the possible decay of a top quark or In the Standard Model such decays, complex models they might be present, albeit▲ AMPTEK Inc. missing transverse energy (MET), and G Passarino 2013 arXiv:1312.2397 [hep-ph]. antiquark into a light quark (up or charm) and which proceed via fl avour-changing neutral with a small branching ratio compared [email protected] www.amptek.com 7 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 CERN Courier May 2014 News News

with the dominant t → bW decay. Doing for t → qH would lead to about 11 observed non-signifi cant excess in the 124–128 GeV G r a N s a s s O the search using the dominant decay mode events in a topology with two high p bin worsens the observed limit to 0.79%, at gathered data for fi ve consecutive years, from The detection of the fourth ντ is important – T of the Higgs boson (H → bb) would lead to and four jets, of which one would be the 95% confi dence level. OPERA sees a 2008 to 2012, during which the CNGS beam confi rmation of the events seen previously. 19 fi nal states that are very hard to distinguish identifi ed as a b-jet. In addition, about three This is the fi rst experimental result on this delivered a total of 17.97 × 10 protons on it means that the νμ to ντ transition has been - from the majority of tt decays. Therefore events with two high-p T photons, two jets, a channel and its precision is limited, mainly target, yielding 19,500 neutrino events in the seen for the fi rst time with a statistical ATLAS made the choice to use the H → γγ lepton and missing transverse momentum by the available statistics. When data become fourth τ neutrino detector. The fi rstν τ was observed in 2010, signifi cance exceeding the 4σ level, so that decay mode – which has a clean signature of (from the leptonic decay of the W) would available at 13/14 TeV – leading to an increase the second and third ones in 2012 and 2013, OPERA can now claim the observation two photons with high transverse-momentm also be expected. of the tt- production cross-section of almost respectively (CERN Courier July/August of this extremely rare phenomenon. The (pT) clustering as a narrow peak in invariant After making kinematical cuts to ensure a factor of four – and with a larger integrated The OPERA experiment at the INFN Gran 2010 p5, July/August 2012 p7 and May collaboration will continue to search for ντ in mass around 125.5 GeV – the power of the compatibility of the selected events luminosity, either a much tighter limit will be Sasso Laboratory has detected a fourth 2013 p8). the data that remain to be analysed. this decay mode being demonstrated by with the tt- fi nal state, ATLAS obtained obtained or, perhaps, a signifi cant signal will example of , with a the Higgs-boson discovery. Unfortunately the diphoton mass-spectrum shown in show up, giving evidence for physics beyond neutrino (νμ) produced at cern the use of this decay mode is hampered by the fi gure (p7). This rules out B = 1% the Standard Model in the Higgs sector. detected as a τ neutrino (ντ) after travelling a small branching fraction, only 0.23%. immediately because it is clear that there a distance of 730 km. PT2026 NMR Precision Teslameter Putting numbers together, and taking into is not an 11-event signal at 125.5 GeV. ● Further reading The international OPERA experiment, account the acceptance of the detector and A detailed statistical analysis gives an ATLAS Collaboration 2014 arXiv:1403.6293 which involves 140 physicists from of the selection, a branching ratio B of 1% expected limit on B of 0.53%. The small, [hep-ex]. 28 research institutes in 11 countries, was designed to observe this exceptionally rare Reach new heights phenomenon, gathering data in the neutrino LHCf investigates proton–lead collisions beam produced by the cern neutrinos to Gran Sasso (CNGS) project (CERN Courier in magnetic eld November 2006 p24). Generated by decays of and made in the interactions measurement The fi nal run of the LHC Fig. 1. The nuclear modifi cation factor for of a proton beam from the Super Proton in January 2013 prior to 0.8 π0s. Filled circles indicate the factors Synchrotron with a graphite target, the LHCf √s = 5.02 TeV π0 The Metrolab PT2026 sets a new the start of the current obtained by the LHCf measurements. Other beam consisted mainly of νμ that would pass –9.2 > ylab > –9.4 standard for precision magnetometers. long shutdown provided 0.6 lines are the predictions from hadronic unhindered through the earth's crust towards collisions between a beam of protons and LHCf interaction models. Gran Sasso. The appearance and subsequent Leveraging 30 years of expertise building a beam of lead ions, allowing the LHCf DPMJET 3.04 decay of a τ lepton in the OPERA experiment 0.4 the world’s gold standard magnetometers, experiment to make further studies related to pPb QGSJET II-03 provides the telltale sign of νμ to ντ oscillation R the interactions of cosmic rays in the Earth’s EPOS 1.99 through a charged-current interaction. it takes magnetic  eld measurement to atmosphere. In particular, the collaboration After the fi rst neutrinos arrived at the Gran 0.2 new heights: measuring higher elds with was able to measure the distribution in To obtain the soft-QCD component of the Sasso Laboratory in 2006, the experiment better resolution. transverse momentum (pT) for the inclusive forward production, which is sensitive production of neutral pions in the very 0 to the parton density in target, unavoidable forward region. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 contamination from ultra-peripheral The PT2026 offers unprecedented  exibility Despite several experimental indications pT (GeV) collisions was fi rst calculated using Monte in the choice of parameters, interfacing at the HERA electron–proton collider carlo simulations and then subtracted at DESY, it is still not well understood those in nucleon–nucleon interactions. from the measured pT spectra. once and probe placement, as well as greatly how the density of partons (quarks and The LHCf detector is designed to the ultra-peripheral collisions have improved tolerance of inhomogeneous ) in a proton target increases or even measure the hadronic production been taken into account, the pT spectum elds. And with Ethernet & USB interfaces saturates when Bjorken-x in the target cross-sections of neutral particles emitted measured by LHCf in the rapidity range – essentially the fraction of the proton’s at angles close to the beam direction – the −11. 0 < y lab < − 8.9 a nd 0 < p T < 0.6 GeV (in the and LabVIEW software, it  ts perfectly into momentum – is extremely small. Such “very forward” region – in proton–proton detector reference frame) indicates a strong modern laboratory environments. phenomena are known to be visible in (pp) and proton–lead (pPb) collisions at the suppression of the production of neutral

events at large rapidities – that is, close to LHC. The detector covers a pseudorapidity pions. This leads to a value of the nuclear le - Photo: Scott Maxwell, Master www.agence-arca.com the beam direction. Furthermore, in the range larger than 8.4 and is capable of modifi cation factor value, RpPb, relative to case of nuclear targets, the parton density precise measurements of the forward the interpolated pT spectra in pp collisions at in the target is expected to be larger by high-energy inclusive-particle-production √s = 5.02 TeV, of about 0.1–0.4 – a value that about A1/3, where A is the nuclear mass cross-sections of neutral particles. Now, is in overall agreement with the predictions number. In hadronic interactions, partons the collaboration has analysed the data of several Monte carlo simulations of in the projectile hadron would lose their taken in January 2013 on pPb collisions at hadronic interactions. energy while travelling in the dense nucleon–nucleon centre-of-mass energies ● QCD-governed matter of the nuclear target, of √snn = 5.02 TeV and a beam-crossing Further reading and particle production mechanisms would angle of 145 μrad, for an integrated O Adriani 2014 arXiv:1403.7845 [nucl-ex], submitted change accordingly when compared with luminosity of 0.63 nb−1. to Phys. Rev. C. The OPERA detector, built from two identical super modules, each containing a target section and a large-aperture muon Pantone 286 Pantone 032 Les physiciens des particules du monde entier sont invités à apporter leurs CERN Courier welcomes contributions from the international spectrometer. The target consists of contributions aux CERN Courier, en français ou en anglais. Les articles retenus particle-physics community. These can be written in English or French, alternate walls of lead/emulsion bricks – seront publiés dans la langue d’origine. Si vous souhaitez proposer un article, and will be published in the same language. If you have a suggestion for with 150,000 bricks in total – and modules Magnetic precision has a name www.metrolab.com faites part de vos suggestions à la rédaction à l’adresse [email protected]. an article, please send proposals to the editor at [email protected]. of scintillator strips for the target tracker. (Image credit: OPERA.)

8 9 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 Sciencewatch ACHIEVE C OMPILED BY J OHN S WAIN , N ORTHEASTERN U NIVERSITY HIGHEST VACUUM Finnish team maps emotions PERFORMANCE Agilent TwisTorr 304 FS Common speech has many expressions – The patterns found for basic (top) and The new generation Agilent 300 l/s turbo pump with Agilent Floating Suspension e.g, “cold feet” or “a broken heart” – that nonbasic (bottom) emotions associated with words. The body maps show regions where • HIGH PERFORMANCE: Proven best performance on the market, associate emotions with parts of the body. in a remarkable study, Lauri Nummenmaa of activation increased (warm colours) or with New TwisTorr stages optimized for H2 Compression Ratio • INNOVATION: Agilent Floating Suspension, the breakthrough Aalto University in Finland and colleagues decreased (cool colours) when feeling bearing technology that reduces acoustical noise and vibration asked online participants to report their each emotion. • RELIABILITY: Ideal for demanding instrumentation, academic bodily sensations by colouring human and research applications silhouettes in response to emotional words, Asian samples, suggesting that emotions are Learn more: www.agilent.com/chem/TwisTorr304FS stories, movies or facial expressions. The felt in the body in universal ways. Toll Free Number for United States: 1 800 882 7426 responses were digitized on a map of a body To participate in the ongoing online Toll Free Number for Europe: 00 800 234 234 00 Scan the QR code represented by 50,634 data points. The experiment, visit http://becs.aalto. with your smartphone survey was conducted as fi ve experiments on fi /~lnummen/participate.htm. for more information 701 participants. different emotions, from anger and anxiety to © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2014 The analysis revealed statistically sadness and surprise. The results were highly ● Further reading separable body maps associated with concordant across West european and east L Nummenmaa et al. 2014 PNAS 111 646.

Deep water melanopsin, which plays no role in vision Seeing the vacuum but absorbs orange-red light, affects mental Jules Verne imagined an ocean deep performance and contributes to a unique underground in his 1864 novel Journey The idea of energy in the vacuum of quantum “photic memory”. to the centre of the earth and it turns out fi eld theory is familiar, at least to physicists. that, in a sense, he might have been right. Now it has been imaged in 3D for the fi rst time. ● Further reading Graham Pearson of the University of Moonjoo Lee of Seoul National University and S L Chellappa et al. 2014 PNAS Early Edition, www. Alberta in Edmonton and colleagues found colleagues used single barium atoms as a pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1320005111. a sample of ringwoodite – a mineral from spontaneous-emission probe for the vacuum the Earth’s mantle transition zone, which lies energy density inside high-Q microcavities that Nanotubes improve 410–660 km below the surface – in a diamond were built as a 2D array of 170 nm holes in a from Juína in Brazil, which must have been 75-nm-thick silicon-nitride membrane. photosynthesis driven upwards rapidly, possibly by a volcanic Excited atoms sent into a cavity emitted a explosion. If this inclusion (about 1% by with a probability that was proportional Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) weight) is representative of the transition zone, to the vacuum fi eld-intensity at the cavity’s can increase photosynthesis in chloroplasts then its high water content indicates that this position. A measurement of transit-time – the parts of plant cells where the zone contains 1.4 × 1021 kg, or about the same broadening then gave the distribution of the process takes place. Michael Strano at as all the world’s oceans combined. vacuum energy in the transverse directions, Massachusetts Institute of Technology while the spectrum of the emitted photons and colleagues have found that SWNTs ● Further reading gave it along the atom’s fl ight path. This passively transport to, and irreversibly D G Pearson et al. 2014 Nature 507 221. allowed for the construction of a full 3D image localize in, the lipid envelopes of extracted of the vacuum energy density in the cavity. The choloroplasts. They can absorb light over Smarter in orange team could also measure the amplitude of the a wider range than chlorophyll, forming vacuum fi eld in the cavity, which was as large excitons that can feed electrons into the Melanopsin, a light-sensitive protein in the as 1 V/cm, therefore putting a value on the photosynthetic machinery, therefore vastly retina, seems to play a role in the cognitive emptiness of “empty space”. boosting its effi ciency. function of the brain. Sarah chellappa of Poly(acrylic acid)-nanoceria or the University of Liège and colleagues used ● Further reading SWNT-nanoceria complexes were also functional magnetic resonance imaging to M Lee et al. 2014 Nature Communications 5 3441. incorporated to reduce levels of reactive look at brain activity in 16 people while they oxygen species. SWNTs can also be turned Los Alamos National Labs performed cognitive tests after exposure into chemical sensors, making chloroplasts to different colours of light for 10 minutes not only more effi cient but also able to 201.25 MHZ 2MW RF FPA followed by 70 minutes of darkness. The act as photonic chemical sensors. They Contact tests were done under green light. can even be incorporated into complete People exposed to orange light had more living plants. Paul Utay - Michael Troje activity in the prefrontal cortex, which is The 3D image made of the cavity [email protected] 214.275.2319 involved in higher brain function. This ● Further reading vacuum-fi eld intensity. Learn more at CWRF2014 provides the best evidence so far that J P Giraldo et al. 2014 Nature Materials 13 400.


p10.indd 1 09/04/2014 15:34 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 Astrowatch


The news came as a surprise on BICEP2 B-mode signal has discovered in the CMB. The signal 17 March, making a “big bang” in the –50 is more than 100 times weaker than the physics community. Within hours of the intensity fl uctuations of the CMB, which announcement, physicists around the world –55 explains why these tiny variations at the had become aware of the existence of the 0.1 μK level have not been detected earlier. Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic –60 To achieve this precision, the BICEP2

FULL PRODUCT DETECTOR Polarization (BiceP2) telescope at the South declination (deg) experiment is equipped with 512 detectors WARRANTY* –65 WARRANTY* Pole, and were hypnotized by the fi gure cooled down to 0.27 K and installed at * After product registration on www.flir.com showing the swirling B-mode polarization of 30 20 10 0 –10 –20 –30 the South Pole. At an altitude of more right ascension (deg) the cosmic microwave background (CMB), than 3000 m, the site provides the closest and by the profound implications of the Map of the B-mode pattern observed with the conditions to space with cold, dry, stable air. discovery. The observations not only provide BICEP2 telescope, with the line segments The strong B-mode signal found by the fi rst direct evidence for infl ation, but also showing the polarization amplitude and the BICEP2 experiment corresponds to a determine its energy scale and bear witness to orientation. The red and blue shading shows tensor-to-scalar ratio r = 0.20 + 0.07 –0.05, a quantum-gravitational process. the degree of clockwise and anticlockwise with r = 0 disfavoured at the 6σ level. This The idea of cosmic infl ation was twisting of this curl or B-mode pattern. is very good news for theorists who feared a originally proposed in 1980 by Alan Guth, (Image credit: BICEP2 collaboration.) much lower value of r, which would prevent then at Cornell University, to solve several the detection of B modes. The high-value cosmological problems identifi ed in the also be “frozen in” by infl ation, producing of r implies an energy scale for infl ation 1970s. In this scenario, the infl ationary characteristic gravitational waves. From of around 2 × 1016 GeV. The BICEP2 epoch is an extremely brief period just infl ation to the recombination epoch – when measurements therefore offer a glimpse at after the Big Bang lasting a mere 10–32 s. electrons combine with protons to form physics at an energy approaching the Planck During this minuscule fraction of a hydrogen atoms – there would have been scale, where all of the fundamental forces T450sc-Series_193x125.indd 1 28/03/14 09:49 second, the universe would have expanded 380,000 years during which photons would are thought to be unifi ed. This explains the at superluminal speed by a factor of at scatter off electrons and become polarized. burst of nearly 100 new publications citing least 1025. Infl ation would result from The net polarization of the CMB therefore the BiceP2 paper that had appeared by a hypothetical infl aton fi eld acting as refl ects inhomogeneities in the hot plasma of the end of March. The Planck satellite and a cosmological constant to produce an the early universe. other facilities now have the challenge of accelerated expansion of the universe. The Whereas both density and metric confi rming these exciting results. infl ation ends with the decay of the infl atons fl uctuations can produce a gradient fi eld in BiceP2 is the second stage of a into Standard Model particles. the sky – the so-called E-mode polarization co-ordinated programme with the BICEP and During infl ation, quantum fl uctuations – only metric fl uctuations can produce Keck Array experiments. The four principal of the infl aton fi eld would be stretched and the curl component of the polarization, investigators are John Kovac (Harvard/CfA), amplifi ed to produce the density fl uctuations the so-called B mode. Although there are Clem Pryke (University of Minnesota), Jamie of the CMB observed by the Wilkinson foreground contaminations that can produce Bock (Caltech/JPL), and Chao-Lin Kuo Microwave Anisotropy Probe and Planck B modes at lower angular scales, fi nding (Stanford/SLAC). satellites (CERN Courier May 2006 p12, B-mode polarization on the scale of a few May 2008 p8, May 2013 p12). Theorists degrees implies the presence of primordial ● Further reading have speculated further that quantum gravitational waves. BICEP2 Collaboration, Ade et al. 2014 fl uctuations of the space–time metric would it is this type of polarization that BiceP2 arXiv:1403.3985 [astro-ph.CO].

Picture of the month

Each year the Hubble Space Telescope releases a new image to celebrate its birthday. This year, the subject of its 24th celebratory snap is part of the Monkey Head Nebula. Otherwise known as NGC 2174, this cloud of gas and dust lies about 6400 light-years away in the Orion constellation. This region is fi lled with young stars embedded within bright wisps of cosmic gas and dust. Dark dust clouds billow outwards, framed against a background of bright blue gas. These vivid clouds are actually a violent stellar nursery packed with the ingredients needed for star formation. The image is reminiscent of the “mystic mountains” released for Hubble’s 20th anniversary (Picture of the month, CERN Courier June 2010 p10). (Image credit: NASA/ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA).)


p12.indd 1 09/04/2014 15:35 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 CERN Courier Archive: 1971 VERIFY AND OPTIMIZE YOUR DESIGNS WITH A LOOK BACK TO CERN C OURIER VOL . 11, M AY 1971, COMPILED BY P EGGIE R IMMER ® COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS D E t E C t O r s CERN heavyweights RF COUPLER: This model computes the transmission probability through an RF coupler using both the angular coefficient method available in the Free Molecular Flow interface and a Monte Carlo , the largest heavy liquid bubble method using the Mathematical Particle Tracing interface. chamber in the world, was inaugurated on 7 May when it passed formally from the Multiphysics tools let you build simulations charge of its designers and builders at Saclay that accurately replicate the important to the charge of CERN. There was a large characteristics of your designs. The key is the gathering, in the Gargamelle hall, of those ability to include all physical effects that exist who had worked on its construction and those who are now to use it in experiments. Before in the real world. the inauguration ceremony, Gargamelle had already taken 14,500 photographs of To learn more about COMSOL Multiphysics, antineutrinos and neutrinos and the quality of visit www.comsol.com/introvideo its performance makes for an excellent start. Left: The Gargamelle hall during the inauguration ceremony on 7 May. The pressure tanks After everyone had had an opportunity can be seen in the foreground. (Image credit: CERN 78.5.71.) Right: The body of the Big to admire the huge chamber and see the European Bubble Chamber BEBC shortly after its arrival at CERN on 23 April. (Image photographs of the fi rst tracks, speech-time credit: CERN 173.4.71.) began. R Levy-Mandel (Director of the Saturne department at Saclay), A Lagarrigue scanning and measuring S/M units (there (Director of the Linear Accelerator is potential for fi ve) linked to the PDP-10 Compiler’s Note

© Copyright 2013-2014 COMSOL Laboratory at Orsay) and Ch Peyrou computer. each unit will have its own Before the advent (Director of the Track Chambers Division at precision cathode ray tube scanner to make of electronic CERN) traced the development of the project the measurements, and the fi lm image will be detectors, more since A Lagarrigue, A Rousset and R Florent projected optically so that the operator can fi nd than 100 bubble fi rst sketched the outline in 1964. The the events to be measured and guide the system chambers were Director General of CERN, W Jentschke, during the measuring procedure. immediately built throughout concluded, wishing Gargamelle well in its after an event is measured the computer can coming years of physics research. reconstruct it in three dimensions. the world and To cope with part of the output of the The role of the PDP-10 (which will have more than 100 experiments to be done in the 3.7 m European 96,000 words of core memory, two large million stereo Temperature is our business hydrogen bubble chamber [BEBC], CERN disk packs, two magnetic tape units and pictures were is setting up a new data handling system, a line printer) is to provide each S/M unit taken. Invented ERASME, Electron Ray Scanning and with the necessary computing capability in 1952, for the next 30 years these chambers Measuring Equipment. An important step to control the measuring process, fi lter the played a key role in the reconstruction of physics has been the signing of a contract with measurements, reconstruct events, output in post-war Europe and the growth of wider Digital Equipment Corporation for a PDP-I0 the measured events data, and communicate international collaboration. Globally, their use computer. with the operators. propagated an impressive evolution in particle ERASME will consist of a number of ● Compiled from texts on p127 and p132. Electric Plate Heaters physics and associated technologies. Omega progress of scanning and measuring photographs, TV The exploitation of digital computers for Untitled-1 1 Long-life electric heaters based around our 31/01/2014 09:57 data handling started with bubble chambers. superior Mineral Insulated cables. These plates cameras of the Plumbicon type, which have One of the major items of the CERN recently become commercially available, Bubble-chamber fi lm was easily transportable heat up quickly and provide superior surface from recording sites to collaborating institutes temperature uniformity. improvement programme is the construction could be used to convert the spark chamber of Omega, a large “universal” detector using information into electronic form for direct and universities for analysis, and joint efforts electronic techniques, to be used in much processing by a computer. With a dead with industry produced commercially available the same way as a bubble chamber. it will be time between 5 and 10 ms, their data taking measuring machines. permanently positioned in the West Hall and potential is over fi fty events per PS cycle, Gargamelle was noted for the 1973 discovery will accommodate a variety of experiments. implying that fi gures approaching a million of weak neutral currents and operated until The main component is a large events per day become possible. 1979, while BEBC produced physics until 1984. superconducting magnet providing a fi eld of An additional factor has been the possible 18 kG over a useful volume of 14 m3. For initial use of multiwire proportional chambers. They were two of the last chambers constructed. operation, optical spark chambers would fi ll MPCs can operate in high magnetic fi elds The fossils of these venerable dinosaurs can the magnet aperture and events would be and have a very short resolution time (less be seen in the CERN garden alongside the photographed. The advantage over bubble than 100 ns). Initially, MPCs will be used for Microcosm exhibition. chambers is that the system will be triggered to triggering, where they can be more selective See also CERN Courier July/August 2004 p26. photograph only interesting events. than scintillators. • Innovation at Okazaki: Cabling, Temperature Sensors & Heaters | okazaki-mfg.com To eliminate the time consuming business ● Compiled from texts on pp127–128.

15 okazaki-cernad-193x125-May14.indd 1 31/03/2014 14:38

p14.indd 1 09/04/2014 15:36 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 All-metal variable leak valve New particles Gas inlet valve for precise and stable pressure control Series 59, DN 16 (⅝") www.vatvalve.com BESIII and the XYZ mystery

In continuing its precision studies of the energy NEW High reproducibility of small gas flows for constant system pressure region of the τ and charm particles, the BES collaboration has begun to investigate the Reliable and repeatable leaktight closing to a mechanical stop puzzling XYZ states.

User-friendly and maintenance-free BESIII is the latest incarnation of an experimental programme Bakeable to 300 °C that began in 1989 when the Beijing Electron– Collider (BEPC) and the Beijing Spectrometer (BES) detector started oper- in open and closed position ation at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP). The focus is on the physics of charm and the τ lepton, which are accessible at the centre-of-mass energies of BEPC. The BES programme is the only one in the world to focus entirely on this area of particle Manual actuation or physics through the collection of record numbers of J/ψ, ψ´, D and The BESIII spectrometer. (Image credit: BESIII/IHEP.) stepper motor controlled τ particles. During the past two decades, thanks to the luminosity CERN Courier - BOP GL 2014_Layout 2 4/8/14 9:02 PM Page 1 available fi rst at BEPC and then at BEPCII, the BES collaboration ring, superconducting micro-β focusing quadrupole magnets, has made many important, high-precision measurements. More superconducting RF, and a design luminosity of 1 × 1033 cm–2 s–1. recently, this has led to investigations of new particles – the XYZ At the same time, a brand new detector – BESIII – was constructed NEW A NEWGENERATION of BIPOLARPOWER particles – that appear not to fi t in with the standard picture of with a small-celled, helium-based MDC, a new TOF system, a 6V 125A charmonium states. CsI(Tl) electromagnetic calorimeter, a resistive-plate-chamber Model BOP1KILOWATTfrom KEPCO One of the first major contributions of the BES programme muon identifi er and a 1 T superconducting solenoidal magnet. came in 1992, when the collaboration made a much more precise In the first year of operation, 2009, BESIII accumulated Model BOP 20-50GL Magnets measurement of the mass of the τ lepton and cleared up a big disa- 106 million ψ´ events and 226 million J/ψ events (CERN Courier greement between the particle’s mass, its lifetime and its branch- June 2009 p7). With the ψ´ data, BESIII was able to observe clearly 0 ing ratio to electrons – quantities that are related by the Standard the process ψ´ → π hc followed by hc → γηc and measure for the fi rst Model. Then from 1993 to 1997, BEPC and BES were upgraded. time the individual branching ratios, which allowed comparison and coils BeS became BeSii and received a new main drift chamber with theoretical predictions. (MDC) and time-of-fl ight (TOF) system. The collaboration soon Later, BESIII measured the mass and width of the ηc, taking into www.scanditronix-magnet.se embarked on a scan of the ratio of hadron to muon-pair production, consideration for the fi rst time interference between the resonance BUILT-IN ARBITRARY WAVEFORM GENERATOR which measured the hadronic cross-section at 93 energy points in and the non-resonant background. Previously, the CLEO collabo- the range 2–5 GeV and improved the precision in this region from ration had pointed out that the masses and widths of the ηc were BOP 1KW BOP-GL Series 15–20% to less than 6%. different when measured in ψ´ radiative decay and measured in • True 4-quadrant programmable voltage and • Standard modification current power supplies of the 1KW These cross-section results, together with many different proton–antiproton or two-photon production. Including the inter- • Capable of full source and sink operation • Optimized for exceptionally measurements from Fermilab, CERN’s Large Electron–Positron ference effect produced results that were consistent with the latter, • Achieve low dissipation and high efficiency, low current ripple and noise collider and the LHC, are used in stringent tests of the Standard and the most precise measurements to date. Moreover, BESIII was when sinking power from a load • Improved stability Model. The cross-section measurements are required to determine able to observe for the fi rst time the M1 transitionψ ´ → γηc(2S) (drift and temperature) • Recuperate the energy for re-use. the value of the fi ne structure constant,α – which is not constant and measure the mass and width of the η (2S) and the branch- Bi-directional power factor correction (PFC) • Ideal for driving inductive QED c circuit allows transparent energy interchange loads such as large magnets – at the mass of the Z boson, αQED(MZ). The new cross-section ing fraction for this process. With the J/ψ data, BESIII confi rmed without dissipative sinking or motors measurements shifted the value of αQED(MZ) and also moved the the X(1835) seen by BESII and observed two new resonances, the • Keypad controls for automatic creation and • Pass smoothly through zero mass of the Higgs boson predicted by the Standard Model to be X(2120) and the X(2370), in the process J/ψ → γπ+π–η´. display of waveforms and complex patterns without switching providing more in line with the measured lower limits on the mass at that In the following years, BESIII accumulated another 1000 million • Meet EN61000-3-2 harmonic limits true ± voltage and ± current time. BES and BESII also produced many other results on J/ψ and J/ψ events, 400 million ψ´ events, and approximately 3 fb–1 of data • Built-in EN55022 Class B input EMI filter provided ψ´ hadronic decays, ψ´ transitions, and D and D s decays. at the ψ(3770) resonance. The ψ(3770) decays more than 90% of For more information visit: – The upgrade of BEPC to BEPCII began in 2004 and fi nished the time to quantum-correlated DD pairs, which allow measure- www.kepcopower.com/bophi.htm – in 2008 (CERN Courier September 2008 p7). The facility ment of absolute branching ratios, as well as of DD mixing. The ▲ KEPCO, INC. • 131-38 Sanford Ave. • Flushing, NY 11355 USA • Tel: (718) 461-7000 became a two-ring collider with 93 beam bunches in each collaboration recently made the most precise determination of Fax: (718) 767-1102 • Email: [email protected] • www.kepcopower.com


p16.indd 1 09/04/2014 15:37 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 CERN Courier May 2014 New particles New particles

80 80 data 120 data ) 2 80 total fit 40 total fit 100 background fit Z (4025)

) c )

2 60 2 ) ) 60 comb. BKG 2 2 PHSP MC 80 20 60 sideband PHSP signal

events/(0.005 GeV/ c WS 60 40 40 0 40 3.9 4.1 + 2 40 Mπ hc(GeV/c ) events/(4 MeV/ c events/(2.5 MeV/ c 20 events/(0.005 GeV/ c 20 events/(0.01 GeV/ c 20 20

0 0 0 0 3.95 4.05 4.15 4.25 4.02 4.04 4.06 4.08 3.85 3.90 3.95 4.00 4.05 4.10 4.15 2 ± 2 0 – 2 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 Mπ±hc(GeV/c ) RM(π ) (GeV/c ) M(D D* ) (GeV/c ) M (π±J/ψ) (GeV/c2)

max ± + – + – ± 0 *– + – + 0 *– Fig. 2. Distribution of π hc mass for e e → π π hc events for the Fig. 3. Distribution± of mass recoiling from the π for Fig. 4. D D mass distribution for e e → π D D events at a ± ± – Fig. 1. Distribution of π J/ψ mass for e+e– → π+π–J/ψ events at a combined data at centre-of-mass energies of 4.23, 4.26, and e+e– → π (D*D*) events at a centre-of-mass energy of 4.26 GeV, centre-of-mass-energy of 4.26 GeV, with a peak visible at centre-of-mass energy of 4.26 GeV, with a peak visible at 4.36 GeV, with a peak visible at 4.02 GeV/c2. Dots with error with a peak visible at 4.025 GeV/c2 on top of the expected broad 3. 8 85 G eV/c2. Dots with error bars are data, the dotted curve is the 3. 9 G eV/c2. Dots with error bars are data, the dash-dot curve is the bars are data, the dotted curve is the smooth, non-resonant phase-space distribution and combinatorial background. Dots non-resonant background and the smooth curve is the fi t. The – smooth non-resonant background and the smooth curve is the fi t. background and the smooth curve is the fi t. with error bars are data and the solid curve is the fi t. corresponding mass distribution of D+D*0 looks very similar.

± P + the branching ratio of D → μν, which allows determination of the The π J/ψ mass distribution, shown in fi gure 1, revealed an unex- respectively. The data prefer that the Zc(3885) has spin-parity J = 1 . pseudo-scalar decay constant, fD+, using the world-average value pected structure that was named the Zc(3900). The mass and width Some of the Zc states described above might be the same state. 15 2 data of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element |Vcd|, or deter- of the Zc(3900) are 3899.0±3.6±4.9 MeV/c and 46±10±2 0 MeV, Interference has been neglected in the fi tting of the peaks, and it ψ total fit mination of Vcd using the lattice QCD value of fD+. The energy respectively. The decay contains both charmonium – the J/ – and could shift the masses and widths obtained. However, there are background ) region of τ and charm is extremely rich in the variety of physics a charged pion, suggesting that the Z (3900) contains four quarks probably at least two separate Z states. 2 c c 10 topics available and BESIII is accumulating world-class data sets (CERN Courier May 2013 p7). The discovery was quickly con- So far the X(3872) has been seen in B decays and hadron colli- to study them. fi rmed by the Belle collaboration and by an analysis of CLEO data. sions only, but its quantum numbers are such that it should be able Other charged charmonium-like particles had been found earlier to be produced in radiative decays of the Y(4260). Figure 5 shows XYZ physics π+π– ψ + – →γπ+π– ψ 5 by Belle but never confi rmed, so this is the fi rst confi rmed Z state. the J/ mass distribution for e e J/ events from the events/(3 MeV/ c The X(3872) was discovered in the decay of B at KEK by Data taking continued through to June 2013 at 13 energies combined data at 4.009, 4.229, 4.26 and 4.36 GeV (Ablikim et al. the Belle experiment in 2003 (CERN Courier January/February between 3.9 and 4.4 GeV, bringing the total luminosity to approxi- 2014c). The clear peak has a mass of 3872.1±0.8±0.3 MeV, to be –1 p8). This was the fi rst member of a family of exotic particles that mately 2.5 fb , and the analysis of four other processes has now compared with the mass m(X(3872)) = 3871.68±0.17 MeV listed 0 + – + – do not agree with the predicted masses of charmonium particles in been completed. The fi rst is e e → π π hc, where hc → γηc and in the Particle Data Group tables. Although the events could be 3.80 3.85 3.90 3.95 + – 2 this mass region and decay in a peculiar way. Rather than decay- ηc decays to 16 exclusive hadronic states (Ablikim et al. 2013b). produced directly, it is highly plausible that the X(3872) is from M(π π J/ψ) (GeV/c ) ing as expected into a pair of particles with open charm, such as a This is similar to the previous analysis with the J/ψ replaced by radiative decay of the Y(4260). – + – ± + – + – + – D and its antiparticle D, they decay into π π J/ψ. In 2005, the hc – another charmonium particle. Here again the π hc mass There are many possible theoretical explanations for the XYZ Fig. 5. π π J/ψ mass distribution for e e → γπ π J/ψ events, 2 the BaBar experiment at SLAC discovered the Y(4260) in initial- distribution reveals a narrow structure, named the Zc(4020), particles, including the Y(4260) and the recently discovered Zc with a peak at 3872 GeV/c . Dots with error bars are data and the

state radiation (ISR) production, where much of the electron or as shown in figure 2. The mass and width of the Zc(4020) are structures observed by BESIII. They include four-quark models smooth curve is the fi t.

positron energy is radiated away leaving the energy remaining at 4022.9±0.8±2.7 MeV/c2 and 7.9±2.7±2.6 MeV, respectively. No with molecular states comprising charm and anti-charm particles, 4260 MeV (CERN Courier September 2005 p8). Like the X(3872), s i g n i fi c a n t Z c(3900) is seen in this process. ± tetraquark states, and hadro-charmonium, as well as hybrid states Résumé ± – the Y(4260) has a mass that does not agree with those expected for The second process analysed is e +e– → π (D*D*) , where a par tial (charmonium states with an extra gluon) and a model of initial Le BESIII et le mystère XYZ charmonium and also decays to π+π–J/ψ. reconstruction technique is used that requires the identifi cation of single-pion emission. More experimental results are necessary to The X(3872) and Y(4260) are members of the XYZ family of the π±, a charged D from the decay of a charged D*, and one π0 from check the predictions of the various models and to decide which Le BESIII est la dernière réalisation d’un programme – particles, which now contains numerous members, although many either the D * or the D* decay (Ablikim et al. 2014a). The analysis is ones, if any, describe the physics correctly. d’expérimentation qui a commencé en 1989 avec le début de of them are not yet confi rmed. The discovery of the par ticles, which based on 827 pb–1 of data at 4.26 GeV. When the mass recoiling BESIII entered the era of XYZ physics by acquiring about l’exploitation du collisionneur électron-positon de Beijing (BEPC)

± –1 do not fi t into the standard picture, has sparked a great deal of theo- from the π is plotted, an enhancement is seen, as shown in fi gure ± 3, 2.5 fb of data at around 4.26 and 4.36 GeV. Currently, more data et du spectromètre de Beijing (BES) à l’Institut de physique des

+ – ±

± retical interest and many theoretical papers. so the process± is interpreted as e e → π Z c(4025) , are being acquired and many other analyses of the data collected hautes énergies. Le programme se concentre sur la physique du * – * In December 2012, BESIII jumped into the world of XYZ physics Zc 4025) → ( D D ) , where the mass and width of the Z c(4025) are so far are in progress. Future results will help decide among the charme et le lepton τ, qui sont observables aux énergies dans le

2 by beginning to take data at 4.26 GeV – the energy of the Y(4260). 4026.3±2.6 ± 3.7 MeV/c and 24.8±5.6 ± 7.7 MeV, respectively. various models, or rule them all out. centre de masse que peut produire le BEPC. Au cours des vingt ± – Running at this energy has the advantage that Y(4260) events might The third process is e+e– → π (DD*) , where again a partial recon- dernières années, la collaboration BES a enregistré un grand be produced directly rather than indirectly by B decay or ISR pro- struction technique is used, requiring that the π± and a D be identifi ed ● Further reading nombre de mesures importantes et de haute précision, qui ont

–1 M Ablikim et al. (BESIII) 2013a Phys. Rev. Lett. 252001. duction, both of which have a much smaller cross-section. (Ablikim et al. 2014b). The analysis is± based on 525 pb of data at 110 récemment ouvert la voie à des recherches sur les mystérieuses – Analysing the accumulated sample after one month of data 4.26 GeV. When the mass of the (DD*) is plotted an enhancement is M Ablikim et al. (BESIII) 2013b Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 242001. particules XYZ, lesquelles semblent ne pas s’intégrer dans la

+ – + – + – M Ablikim et al. (BESIII) 2014a Phys. Rev. Lett. 132001. ± ± taking, the collaboration found 1477 e e → π π J/ψ, J/ψ → l l seen, as shown in± figure 4, so the process is interpreted as 112 représentation standard des états charmonium. + – ± – * M Ablikim et al. (BESIII) 2014b Phys. Rev. Lett. 022001. events – where l is an electron or a muon – and obtained a cross- e e → π Zc(3885) , Z c(3885) → ( DD ) , where the mass and width 112 2 M Ablikim et al. (BESIII) 2014c Phys. Rev. Lett. 092001. section consistent with Y(4260) production (Ablikim et al. 2013a). of the Zc(3885) are 3883.9±1.5±4. 2 MeV/c and 24.8±3.3±11. 0 MeV, 112 Frederick A Harris, University of Hawaii.

18 19 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 PARTNER A network for life

PARTNER – an innovative project to train young scientists in aspects of hadron therapy – has proved to be a great success.

The Particle Training Network for European Radiotherapy (PARTNER) was established in 2008 to train young biologists, engineers, radio-oncologists and physicists in the various aspects of hadron therapy. This deceptively simple statement hides a vision that was truly innovative when the project started: to offer a mul- tidisciplinary education in this cutting-edge discipline to train a future generation of experts who would be aware of the different scientifi c and technological challenges and move the fi eld forward. PARTNER researchers at the network’s fi nal meeting at CNAO, PARTNER went on to provide research and training opportunities the Italian centre for hadron therapy. (Image credit: PARTNER.) for 29 young scientists from a variety of backgrounds and countries, between 2008 and 2012. The publication of selected papers from room being mobile. The isocentric gantry consists of a 90° bending PARTNER in the Journal of Radiation Research offers the oppor- dipole that rotates around the axis of the beam entrance, while the tunity to assess the research outcomes of the project. treatment room can move ±90°, thanks to an arrangement that keeps As a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) within the the fl oor of the room horizontal – like the cabin in a panoramic wheel European Union’s 7th Framework Programme (FP7), PARTNER (see fi gure p22). This design reduces the weight and dimensions of was naturally focused on education, with a training programme the gantry greatly and hence the overall cost. encompassing science, technology and transferable skills (CERN clever solutions are also needed to ensure the correct positioning Courier March 2010 p27). At the same time, the young scientists of the patient for treatment. This is par ticularly impor tant in the case became engaged in research on a variety of topics from radiobi- of tumours that change position as organs move – for example, when ology to motion monitoring techniques, dosimetry, accelerators, the patient breathes. A standard technique to reposition the patient computing and software tools. All of the research projects shared accurately at each treatment session involves the implantation of a focus on the impacts of clinical application, and many brought radiographically visible fi ducial markers. These markers must not signifi cant advances to the fi eld. introduce imaging artefacts or perturb the dose delivery process. In particle therapy, however, the interaction of the therapeutic beam Ingenious technologies with the markers can have a signifi cant impact on the treatment. In A key technology area is the development of affordable hadron- this context, PARTNER conducted a study at the treatment set-up at therapy installations. The next generation of accelerators should HIT to compare a range of commercially available markers of differ- be smaller and less expensive. At the same time, they should allow ent materials, shapes and sizes. Some of the markers offered prom- fast, active energy modulation and have a high repetition rate, so ising results and will soon be used in clinical routine, but the study that moving organs can be treated appropriately in reasonable time. highlighted that markers should be chosen carefully, taking into PARTNER contributed to the design for the CArbon BOoster for account both the tumour localization and the irradiation strategy. Therapy in Oncology (CABOTO) – a compact, effi cient high-fre- The combination of image guidance with a mask-immobiliza- 6+ + quency linac to accelerate C ions and H2 molecules from 150 to tion system was also investigated at HIT on patients with head-and- 410 MeV/u in about 24 m. neck, brain and skull-base tumours. The study demonstrated that, Gantries – the magnetic structures that bring particle beams onto for the same immobilization device, different imaging verifi cation the patient at the desired angle – are a major issue in the construc- protocols translate into important differences in accuracy. tion of carbon-ion facilities. The only existing carbon-ion gantry is At the National Centre for Oncological Treatment (CNAO) in installed at the Heidelberg Ion-Beam Therapy Center (HIT). It is a Pavia, PARTNER researchers carried out a comparative analysis fi xed, isocentric gantry 6.5 m tall and 25 m long, with a total weight of in-room imaging versus an optical tracking system (OTS) for of 600 tonnes. A design study supported by PARTNER and the patient positioning. The results showed that while the OTS cannot FP7 project ULICE (CERN Courier December 2011 p37) proposed replace the in-room imaging devices fully, the preliminary OTS ▲ an innovative solution based on both the gantry and the treatment correction can greatly support the refinement of the patient


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Left: Gantry concept with a movable treatment cabin, developed within the ULICE project with a contribution from PARTNER. Left to right: PARTNER researchers during a radiobiology course, attending the annual project meeting, and working on detector prototypes. (Image credit: ULICE.) Right: A PARTNER researcher working on treatment planning. (Image credit: PARTNER.) (Image credits: PARTNER.)

set-up based on images, and provide a secondary, independent Faster calculation methods are essential to re-compute the treat- their quality of life adversely. The assessment of quality of life in verifi cation system for patient positioning. ment plan quickly when needed, but they should not reduce the patients with these tumours is so far unique, as no other study of Research results State-of-the-art techniques are also needed for treatment accuracy of the treatment planning. The PARTNER studies also this kind has been published. planning – the tool that allows medical physicists to translate demonstrated that a chamber-specifi c correction could be imple- Side effects such as toxicity are an integral part of the informa- PARTNER was a Marie Curie Initial Training Network the dose prescribed by the oncologists into the set-up parameters mented in the treatment planning, bringing a small improvement tion that determines the appropriate choice of treatment. Realistic, (ITN) Programme co-ordinated by CERN, which ended for the beam. A PARTNER research project developed a novel to the overall accuracy of the verifi cation of the plan. long-term data on such effects are difficult to obtain, mainly in September 2012. The project is under the umbrella Monte Carlo treatment-planning tool for hadron therapy, suitable combining treatment modalities has become a standard because of the limited duration of medical studies, so decision- of the European Network for Light Ion Hadron Therapy for treatments delivered with the pencil-beam scanning tech- approach in oncology, and it is impor tant to understand how hadron making processes in medicine rely increasingly on modelling and (ENLIGHT). In 2013, results from several PARTNER nique. The tool allows the set-up of single and multiple fi elds to be therapy can fi t into these combined treatment schemes. Within the simulation techniques. One of the PARTNER research projects research projects were published in a special issue optimized for realistic conditions for patient treatment, and also PARTNER framework, three emerging treatment modalities were focused on the implementation of a general Markov model for the of the Journal of Radiation Research. In line with the collaborative and allows dosimetric quality assurance to be performed. Another compared: volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT), intensity- analysis of side effects in radiotherapy, and developed a specifi c open-access spirit of ENLIGHT and CERN, this peer-reviewed publication study led to an accurate parameterization of the lateral dose spread modulated proton beam therapy (IMPT) and intensity-modulated language to encode the medical understanding of a disease in is freely available. The papers collected in the issue demonstrate the for scanned proton and carbon-ion beams, which is currently in carbon-ion beam therapy (IMIT). Their combinations were also computable defi nitions. The proposed method has the potential to variety of subjects and disciplines dealt with by the PARTNER researchers. clinical use at HIT and CNAO. evaluated. The results clearly showed a better dose distribution in automate the generation of Markov models from existing data and • For the PARTNER results, see JRR 54 suppl. 1, also available online at Set-up errors and organ motion can infl uence the dose distri- the case of combined treatments, but their actual clinical benefi t to be applicable to many similar decision problems. http://jrr.oxfordjournals.org/content/54/suppl_1.toc. bution during a treatment session. To deal with these potential remains to be demonstrated. Making optimal use of the available resources is a major chal- variations, additional margins are applied to the tumour target, lenge for the hadron-therapy community, with secure data sharing forming the so-called planning target volume (PTV). This proce- Biological factors at the heart of the problem. The Hadron therapy Information Shar- ● The PARTNER project was funded by the European Commis- dure ensures that the tumour is irradiated entirely, but inevitably In the biological fi eld, studies were performed to understand better ing Prototype (HISP) was developed within PARTNER to provide sion within the FP7 People (Marie Curie) Programme, under Grant increases the dose delivered to the surrounding healthy tissues. the impact of hypoxia – oxygen deprivation – on cell survival, for a gateway to patient information that is distributed in many hospital Agreement No 215840. PARTNER researchers studied the generation of a patient-specifi c various types of radiation therapy. Hypoxia is well known as one databases, and to support patient follow-up in multicentre clinical PTV from multiple images and were able to achieve satisfactory of the major reasons for the resistance of tumour cells to radiation. studies. HISP demonstrates a range of different and important fea- Résumé control of possible target variations, with no signifi cant increase in It also enhances the risk of metastatic formations. Understanding tures, and uses open-source software components that are impor tant Un réseau pour la vie the dose delivered to organs at risk. radioresistance is a key factor for more effective cancer therapy for the platform’s sustainable extension and potential for adoption. The great attraction of hadron therapy is the possibility of a pre- that will minimize local recurrences. Different levels of oxygen The PARTNER network made important contributions to key Le réseau PARTNER, réseau de formation pour la radiothérapie cisely tailored dose distribution, which allows tumour cells to be deprivation were studied, from intermediate hypoxia to total oxy- research areas connected to hadron therapy, geared towards the opti- européenne, a été créé en 2008 pour former de jeunes biologistes, hit while sparing the healthy tissues. Sophisticated measurements gen deprivation or anoxia. Cells irradiated under chronic anoxia mization of this option for cancer treatment. A unique multidiscipli- ingénieurs, radio-oncologues et physiciens aux différents are needed to verify the actual dose delivered in a specifi c beam turned out to be more sensitive to radiation than those under acute nary training portfolio allowed more than 90% of the PARTNER aspects de la thérapie hadronique. L’objectif était de proposer un set-up, and air-fi lled ionization chambers are extensively used in anoxia. Measurements also suggested that ions heavier than car- scientists to fi nd positions soon after the end of the project, thanks enseignement multidisciplinaire afin de former une génération de this context. The conversion of data from the ionization chambers bon could bring additional advantages in therapeutic irradiation, also to the expertise acquired at the most advanced European hadron- spécialistes capables de faire progresser ce domaine. Le réseau into standard dosimetric quantities employs a quality factor that in particular for radioresistant hypoxic tumour regions. therapy centres and to the networking opportunities provided by the PARTNER a offert entre 2008 et 2012 des possibilités de recherche accounts for the specifi city of the beam. The ratio of water-to-air The initial clinical experience at the CNAO facility provided the ITN. The medical doctors from India and Singapore went back to et de formation à 29 jeunes scientifiques issus de pays et d’horizons stopping power is one of the main components of this quality fac- opportunity to study toxicity and quality of life for patients under their countries and hospitals, while most of the other researchers divers. La publication récente de certains résultats dans le Journal tor and – in the case of carbon-ion beams – its biggest source of the protocols approved by the Italian Health Ministry, namely for are now working in hadron-therapy facilities in Europe, the US and of radiation research fournit une bonne occasion d’évaluer la uncertainty. PARTNER researchers developed a fast computa- chordoma and chondrosarcoma. The preliminary results showed Japan. The specifi c goal of training experts for upcoming and opera- réussite du projet en matière de recherche. tional method to determine this stopping-power ratio, with results that all patients completed their treatment with no major toxicities tional facilities was therefore successfully met, and the researchers that were in good agreement with full Monte carlo calculations. and without interruptions, and that proton therapy did not affect ensure that the network lives on, wherever they are in the world. Manuela Cirilli and Manjit Dosanjh, CERN.

22 23 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 CERN Courier May 2014 Tribute Tribute François de Rose: strategist and visionary

When François de Rose died in March, CERN He continued to take an interest in and show his enthusiasm for scientifi c discoveries, even in his fi nal years. In 2010, when he came lost the last of its founding fathers, a loyal to CERN to celebrate his 100th birthday, he promised to return when the Higgs boson was discovered – a promise that he fulfi lled supporter and a dear friend. last year with a further visit to the laboratory. During this last visit, he expressed with modest sincerity his great admiration for the physicists that he met – a mutual admiration that led to some often Visionaries have the freedom of mind to shape the comical exchanges of compliments. future when other people’s horizons are obstructed François had a strategic vision for science, a vision that drove by the present. François de Rose was a visionary. him to contribute to CERN’s creation in the hope that scientifi c In the aftermath of the Second World War, when collaboration between countries that had been at war would play Europe was in ruins and everything had to be rebuilt, the diplomat a part in maintaining sustainable peace. A humanist, he always understood the importance of reviving fundamental research and, used cern to counter the arguments of the eurosceptics. When above all, of co-operation on a continental scale as the driving force he met some members of the French parliament during his visit of this ambition. In a Europe that was just star ting to get back on its to CERN last year, at the height of the European crisis, he said to feet, it would be no mean feat. Nonetheless, François, alongside the them: “When Europeans unite, they can do great things.” prominent physicists of the time, put his energy into making this Optimistic and full of energy, he performed some substantial vision a reality. They lobbied governments for the creation of a cen- feats even in his later years. To mark his 90th birthday, he played tre that would work towards this goal and winning support, CERN At the inauguration of the PS in 1960: François de Rose (left) and François de Rose in the CERN Control Centre, during the celebration at 90 holes of golf in one day, and when he was 96, he travelled around was established in 1954 – an achievement of which François was John Adams. (Image credit: CERN-HI-6002058.) CERN of his 100th birthday. (Image credit: CERN-HI-1011311 – 41.) Cape Horn to Patagonia with his two daughters. He regularly had extremely proud. “The result is even better than its founders hoped opinion pieces published in major daily newspapers. To those who for,” he was often heard saying. His pride was even greater know- Atomic Energy Commission. There he met several renowned phys- this capacity, he gave a speech at the inauguration of the Proton asked if he had a secret for reaching 100 years of age, he responded ing that a visionary’s ideas, however strongly he or she believes in icists, including the American Robert Oppenheimer, with whom Synchrotron (PS), which for a few months was the most power- that it had simply required “patience, because it took quite some them, often take years to become reality and are sometimes never he forged a friendship, and the Frenchmen Pierre Auger, Francis ful accelerator in the world. His visionary nature was evident in time”. He never failed to display elegance with a touch of humour, realized at all. Perrin, Lew Kowarski and Bertrand Goldschmidt. François took this speech, which he gave in front of an audience of well-known which charmed those who spoke to him. During his last visit, he A strategist and a visionary to the end, François de Rose passed up their cause. European physicists and some of their American faces and legendary physicists including niels Bohr and Werner promised to come back for the next big discovery. “But you’ll have away on 23 March 2014 in Paris at the age of 103, having recently counterparts were convinced that fundamental research in europe Heisenberg. “The people who will meet here,” he said of CERN, to be quick,” he joked, “I won’t be around forever.” Sadly, he was published his memoirs, Un diplomate dans le siècle. With his pass- needed to be brought back to life, and that this could only be “who will come from the member states and beyond to work right again. ing CERN has lost the last of its founding fathers, a loyal supporter achieved if the countries that had just been at war co-operated. The together on a wholly peaceful and impartial mission, are united by and a dear friend. instruments that were needed to further the study of the infi nitesi- the same passion for knowledge and subject to the same rules of ● Further reading Born in 1910 in Carcassonne in the south of France, he lost his mally small were particle accelerators, which were too expensive utmost intellectual integrity.” Today, CERN welcomes research- For the speech that François de Rose made during the inaugura- right eye in a childhood accident, which prevented him from fol- for any individual european country to build. ers from all over the world and its membership has recently been tion of the PS in 1960, see https://cds.cern.ch/record/840127?ln=fr. lowing the family tradition of a military career. His father, Charles François and a handful of physicists embarked on a tour of opened to non-European states, but a few years after its founding, de Tricornot de Rose, had been the founding father of combat avia- Europe to appeal for the creation of the fi rst European organization such an international future was still a long way off. Résumé tion in France, the holder of the fi rst military aviation licence, and for fundamental research. Their objective was to pool resources During his mandate, François negotiated CERN’s extension into François de Rose : stratège et visionnaire had died in action in 1916. for research to provide researchers with the tools that they needed French territory, which was agreed in a treaty signed in 1965. To After obtaining his baccalauréat, François embarked on a career and so curtail the brain drain. Pierre Auger, director of UNESCO’s commemorate his role in this milestone, CERN gave François a L’année de célébration de ses 60 ans, le CERN a perdu le dernier de as a diplomat and joined the French Embassy in London in 1937. Natural Sciences Department, organized an intergovernmental piece of rock drilled from the site, engraved with the words: “À ses fondateurs : l’ambassadeur de France François de Rose s’est He enjoyed recounting the splendid receptions that he attended at conference in Paris in 1951, pre- François de Rose – La science ne connaît pas de frontières” (“To éteint le 23 mars dernier à l’âge de 103 ans. Humaniste, fervent Buckingham Palace in the days when King George VI still ruled sided by François, during which François de Rose – Science knows no borders”). partisan de la construction européenne pour maintenir la paix, le the British Empire and the future Queen Elizabeth II was just a the fi rst resolution for the crea- François continued to pursue his diplomatic career for many diplomate avait embrassé la cause des physiciens européens au child. Many years later, in the early years of the 21st century, it was A humanist, he tion of a european council for years. Notably, he served as the French ambassador to Portugal lendemain de la seconde Guerre mondiale. Par la suite délégué fascinating to hear him tell anecdotes from his career of days long- always used CERN nuclear research was adopted. from 1964 to 1969 and as the permanent representative of France au Conseil du CERN, président du Conseil de 1958 à 1960, il passed, rather like reading an animated history book. to counter the The rest is history: CERN was to the NATO Council from 1970 to 1974. He was well known as a avait négocié l’extension du Laboratoire sur le territoire français. During the Second World War, his fl uency in English led him established by 12 european specialist in defence and nuclear matters. For a long time, he was Il considérait la création du CERN comme l’une de ses plus to serve as a liaison offi cer for the British military. However, it arguments of the states in 1954. an eminent member of the London-based International Institute grandes fi ertés et ne manquait jamais une occasion de soutenir le was after the confl ict that his career took him down the route of Eurosceptics. François became France’s for Strategic Studies, whose expertise in international strategy and Laboratoire. European science – an unexpected detour for someone who had delegate to the cern council military matters is world renowned. been discouraged by his maths teacher from pursuing a career in and later served as president of The diplomat would remain attached to CERN, which he Corinne Pralaorio, CERN. For a viewpoint written for CERN Courier by science. François was sent to the US to serve on the United Nations Council from 1958 to 1960. In described as “the most beautiful feather in my ambassador’s cap”. François de Rose on the occasion of CERN’s 50th anniversary, see page 46.

24 25 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 Web@25 The World Wide Web’s 25th anniversary

Twenty-fi ve years ago, a proposal fi rst laid held in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Offi ce of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. There he set out the principles that out the principles of what was to become the inspire the movement for a free fl ow of information, such as afford- able access, protection of privacy, freedom of expression, and neutral World Wide Web. networks that do not discriminate against content or user. Fittingly, the campaign is using the web to pass on the message, and it has already seen signifi cant mobilization on social media In March 1989 at CERN, Tim Berners-Lee submitted his proposal with half a billion people worldwide hearing Berners-Lee’s call for to develop a radical new way of linking and sharing informa- a digital bill of rights in every country. cern promoted the launch tion over the internet. The document was entitled “Information of the campaign on its website with a series of opinion pieces from Management: A Proposal” (CERN Courier May 2009 p24). And early contributors and enthusiasts of the World Wide Web, which so the web was born. Now, Berners-Lee, the World Wide Web are republished here. consortium (W3c) and the World Wide Web Foundation are For more about Web@25 and the “Web We Want” campaign, visit launching a series of initiatives to mark the 25th anniversary of the www.webat25.org and webwewant.org. original proposal, and to raise awareness of themes linked to the web, such as freedom, accessibility and privacy. Résumé Twenty-fi ve years to the day after he submitted his proposal, 25ème anniversaire du World Wide Web on 12 March Berners-Lee, together with the Web Foundation, NEW DESIGN 2014! launched the “Web We Want” campaign. The aim is to promote Vingt-cinq ans après avoir proposé le projet qui est devenu le World a global dialogue and changes in public policy to ensure that the Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee veut attirer l’attention sur certaines www.detector-med.com web remains an open, free and accessible medium, so that everyone questions qui se posent dans ce domaine, telles que la liberté, Registered design around the world can participate in the free fl ow of knowledge, l’accessibilité et la protection de la vie privée. Le CERN a soutenu le ideas and creativity online. lancement de sa campagne sur son site web, en publiant les articles Berners-Lee announced the campaign at the Palais des Nations in d’opinion reproduits ici. Geneva on 10 December – Human Rights Day 2013 – during a series BEAM MONITORS of conversations on a variety of issues in human rights, which were Marina Giampietro, CERN. Installed at the beamline nozzle, these ionisation chambers are conceived to precisely monitor the beam parameters (position, shape and intensity) and verify online the treatment planning On the open internet and the free web specifications. They can be composed by Integral, Strips and Pixel ionization chambers The internet created the platform and share, learn, collaborate and innovate. opportunity for people to communicate, to However, with this capability comes considerable responsibility. Basic collaborate and to share at unprecedented human rights – including the right to freedom of expression and the scale and speed. The creation of the World protection of privacy – all need to be balanced and preserved in order that Wide Web opened up these possibilities to the this incredible resource can be a safe and exciting place for creativity, world, enabling individuals to participate and for people of all ages and interests. The accessibility and openness of QA DETECTORS play their own creative role in the sharing of all the internet are crucial to enabling new ideas to fl ourish and compete Designed to speed up routine dosimetry and quality assurance procedures. human achievements. with long-standing traditions, and to ensure that the evolution of the web This has enabled interactions between continues to proceed at a pace limited only by our ideas. - Instantaneous measurement and analysis of particle beams depth dose distributions all sorts of people – from all sorts of domains, including business, This responsibility rests with all of us – whether politicians, lawmakers, at different energies and modulations (Bragg Peak and SOBP) government and scientifi c communities – for all manner of activities scientists or citizens – to ensure that the incredible progress we have made - Measurement of the beam position, shape and intensity at the isocenter like never before in human history. The web has evolved from simple in the last 25 years, starting with the work of a few, and now capturing the information sharing to transacting business through socializing and more innovations of many, can continue in an open, trusted, safe, free and fair way. recently collaborative problem solving in citizen cyber science. In these ● David Foster, Deputy Head of CERN’s IT department. (Image credit:

ways it harnesses the capabilities of humanity to do what we do best – David Foster.) ▲ R&D CONSULTING We are keen in collaborating with research and medical facilities 27 for the development and industrialization of new technologies and devices.

Untitled-4 1 12/03/2014 11:32 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 CERN Courier May 2014 Web@25 Web@25

Minimizing the muddle graphical stations was free in the research group. Today I sometimes have the impression that no development is ever made Reams of material have been written about FASTBUS system. Tim arrived as we were dotting the Is and crossing the Ts The web was practical and universal, and the other networks quickly without constantly interrogating the web for advice, before even thinking where, why and when the World Wide Web of the FASTBUS routines. withered away in a form of Darwinian selection. The web quickly drove the through the problem: “Someone will surely have solved the problem in a was born, but what about its conception? He was obviously a smart young man (smart-clever rather than quest for desktop computer stations with screens with graphics capability. better way, no?” is an all-too-common approach. Gestation was rather like that of an elephant smart-sartorial!), full of fi zz and, as a bonus, entirely likeable. When he I still opted for size and sharpness, staying with black and white for several In those early days I rarely discussed my networked profession and – diffi cult to know it had started and taking presented his ideas in our section meetings, few of us if any could understand years, while all of my colleagues seemed to be rubbing their sandy eyes after life with friends and family – the web was just a new tool of my trade. almost two years to complete. In fact, I think what he was talking about. His brain would overtake his voice, and holding up only a few hours of 15-inch colour experience. After another long stay at CERN in 1993–1994, I went back to Stockholm the title of Tim Berners-Lee’s book Weaving the signs saying “Tim, slow down” rarely had the desired effect. We sometimes The web brought a singular revolution that quickly changed every in February 1994. Sitting quietly reading on the subway, it was with an Web, published in 1999 with Tim dubbed the asked him to put things in writing, which didn’t necessarily help either. One of aspect of our screen work: a global, all-topic search possibility. Computer indescribable surprise and awe for what was to come that I discovered an inventor, is a better metaphor. When do a spider’s fi rst few threads become a his erstwhile colleagues recalls “we knew it was probably exciting, maybe even code, a formula, a result, a cooking recipe, a person, a phone number http address on a regular advertisement! Within months, commercial web web? And when, if ever, is the job fi nished? important, but that it could take hours to fi gure out”. Listening to one of Tim’s – everything was at hand in little more than an instant, with no physical addresses were all over our billboards in Sweden. In 1984, Tim was recruited by CERN’s Data and Documents (DD) division presentations today, one can still detect the run-away style, even after his displacement. We immediately started setting up analysis team pages Back then, the good old Bitnet chat had a rule. The Dutch Master and he elected to join the Read-Out Architecture (RA) section in the On-Line training in public speaking. However, I remember an occasion when his delivery to share progress more effi ciently. I was in the DELPHI experiment Operators insisted that “Relay is a ‘privilege’, NOT a right, and Relay abuse Computing (OC) group. I was the RA section leader and Tim worked with was impeccable, in a play performed by the Geneva English Drama Society! Team 5, the “Higgs hunters” team. It was mostly pages with some expert will NOT be tolerated!” I often wish the web had it too, including commercial (and without!) me for the next six years. Mike Sendall, the OC group leader, Tim’s main activity in the RA section was his Remote Procedure Call documentation and links to plots, programs and data, but we also all boundaries under the same heading. agreed our work plans and held our purse strings. RPC, whereby a program on one computer could transparently access invented countless ways to make information on the web dynamic. It took ● Richard Jacobsson, senior physicist on the LHCb experiment. (Image credit: At the time, CERN hosted lots of small and medium-sized experiments procedures, routines, on other computers, even if they used different time and pain before it deserved the word interactive. Alban Kakulya/STRATES.) using a variety of mini-computers, personal computers, operating systems, operating systems and programming languages, and whatever the network programming languages and network links. Back at the ranch, the OC group connecting them. He wasn’t too pleased when I asked him to specify the was endeavouring to provide data-acquisition systems, the software used FORTRAN binding for FASTBUS routines, that is to defi ne precisely the by equipment closely connected to the detectors, for as many experiments properties of the routines’ parameters as seen from within a FORTRAN Not at all vague and much more than exciting as possible. The conundrum, as in other areas, was how to embrace program. Only later did he appreciate the value of that unwelcome task, heterogeneity without having squads of workers generating exclusive when preparing the standards that would underpin the fi rst two Ws of WWW. In 1989, when Tim Berners-Lee invented the the world’s web servers. We still thought we could keep track of the web’s solutions to intrinsically identical problems for bewildered users. Just the He knew that the job, however tedious, had to be done and done well, with World Wide Web at CERN, I was responsible expansion. Apache put an end to this, as starting one’s own web server kind of anarchic jumble that Tim found challenging. the devil lurking in the nit-picking details. for the laboratory’s multi-protocol e-mail became so easy. But we were still writing search algorithms of our own, with Several of us believed that standardization, where apt, reduced waste and Come 1990, another CERN reshuffl e and Tim stayed behind in the new gateway. I remember discussing with Tim integrated dictionaries for natural language searches, with help from technical frustration. But the s-word was anathema in some corners of CERN, on the Computing and Networks (CN) division, while the rest of us went off to naming conventions for applications, and students. We enjoyed, at the time, a certain pluralism, because we had grounds that it stifl ed creativity, and we evangelists incurred the wrath of a few Electronics and Computing for Physics (ECP). Shortly afterwards I drifted confi guration rules for the fi rst mailing lists multiple commercial or public-domain products to compare and evaluate, mandarins. Yet conformity seemed to rankle less when it came to electronics. away from ECP, but I will always retain happy memories of the 1980s and the that he requested to allow pioneer websites to search engines, web calendars and editing tools. We didn’t use “Google” as Commercial companies were already competitively producing computer pleasure of having Tim in our section. He was not the only singular character discuss World Wide Web code. a synonym for “search”. interfacing hardware that conformed to ANSI/IEEE international standards. in that multifaceted team, but with his congenial personality he could work We attended technical meetings sponsored by the European Commission The explosion of websites around the turn of the century highlighted Hurrah! If you know the hardware you’re going to get, you can prescribe with anyone. At least I don’t recall having to fi eld any complaints, apart from – myself for e-mail standardization, and Tim for the Information the importance of identifying trustworthy information online. At CERN, we how to handle it. I had worked with the NIM (US)/ESONE (Europe) group that “what on earth is Tim proposing?” Well, now we know. Services Working Group (WG) – where he presented his code, and some understand that presence on the web doesn’t necessarily make information defi ned standard software routines for CAMAC interfacing and was on the ● Peggie Rimmer, Tim Berners-Lee’s supervisor from 1984 to 1990. (Image Scandinavian universities even showed an interest in installing it. valid – it must be recent and from a trusted source. Sophisticated algorithms committee developing hardware and software standards for the speedier credit: Peggie Rimmer.) Tim conceived, wrote and presented the web as an open, distributed, are developed to promote web content by devious means, such as clever networked medium. He believed that the web should be accessible by use of metadata to “arrange” the importance of search results, spread false everyone, everywhere – embracing from the fi rst web conference at rumours, manipulate public opinion. Browsing today requires a discerning CERN in 1994 development for people with disabilities or a sub-optimal eye and a knack for research. Good old Bitnet, and the rise of the World Wide Web network infrastructure. He presented the web – in his proposal to CERN in Today, CERN software developers write grid middleware, March 1989 – as a platform for scientifi c collaboration, and 20 years later data-management software, collaborative tools, repositories for Although I presented my PhD thesis a mere All of this was a heterogeneous mess, of course. But at the same time, reinforced this commitment, announcing http://webscience.org as a home data-preservation projects and web-based applications. They use, 17 years ago, the last back-up of my thesis, it was pleasurably low level, and it was awesome. You knew what was for scientists online. among other standards, the http protocol. A collaboration with relevant programs and data was saved on a 7-inch happening behind the scenes when retrieving data and documents, you And Tim Berners-Lee continues to strive for a free, open web today. Setting W3C working groups would lead to technical benefi ts in these times magnetic tape reel. This of course meant that knew the hops that your “Relay” instant messaging made on the Bitnet, up the World Wide Web Foundation was just one of the many steps he took when resources are limited and the web has become much more than a I did my graduate studies at the time when the because you simply had to know. Data, documents, social interaction – it to maintain this ideal. On 12 May last year, at the United Nations in Geneva, document repository. word “network” was most often used in the was all there. It was cool and in some ways effi cient, but not practical, and it Tim announced the Web We Want campaign, which will form the centre of the The web has changed human society more radically than Gutenberg’s plural. Each and every network was endowed scaled very poorly. debate around today’s information-surveillance methods. printing press. It is a valuable platform for education and free exchange of with its own set of applications and accessibility And so the World Wide Web arrived on the internet. With the web came As a CERN scientist, I share Tim’s ideas for an open, collaborative web. ideas. But it can also be a tool for propaganda and surveillance. for e-mail, document exchange, remote interactivity and even chatting. an immediate sense of need: you needed a fancy personal homepage, I believe that CERN’s software development based on web standards Now more than ever, we at CERN should keep in touch with the evolution Yes, computer-mediated social interaction came long before the World complete with graphical interface and colour. The personal homepage was should be linked to the relevant working groups in the World Wide Web of the web: after all, it changed the world as we know it at the end of the Wide Web. In the late 1980s, connectivity exploded at universities and quickly perceived as a way of asserting one’s very existence. I was on a Consortium (W3C) – the main international standards organization for the 1980s – it could do so again. research laboratories around the world. One noticeable side product was text-based, black-on-orange remote terminal, and I still remember putting World Wide Web. ● Maria Dimou, CERN computer scientist and early web contributor. (Image that young academics started dating each other from across the globe! together my fi rst homepage late at night in early 1993, while one of the Up until 1998, in the Web Offi ce at CERN, we were still able to count all credit: CERN-GE-0712019 – 01.)

28 29 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 Werkstoffe_193x262_uk:Mise en page 1 22/10/12 12:33 Page 1

CERN Courier May 2014 Faces & Places

www.goodfellow.com a PPOiNtMENts TRIUMF announces new director

After a seven-month international search, Jonathan Bagger will lead TRIUMF from on 18 March TRIUMF’s management board 1 July (Image credit: JHU.) announced that Jonathan Bagger would be the laboratory’s next director. Bagger is the US National Research Council’s Board Krieger-Eisenhower professor, vice-provost, on Physics and Astronomy. Metals and former interim provost at Johns Hopkins He received his PhD from Princeton University and will lead TRIUMF for a University in 1983, before taking a six-year term starting from 1 July. postdoctoral research position at the Bagger’s research focuses on high-energy Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. From physics at the interface of theory and 1986 to 1989 he was associate professor at experiment, and together with Julius Harvard University, before joining Johns and materials Wess he is the author of the monograph Hopkins University as a faculty member. Supersymmetry and Supergravity. He has TRIUMF is Canada’s national laboratory medicine. The appointment comes at an served on multiple committees, including for particle and nuclear physics, focusing on exciting time, when TRIUMF’s new strategic chairing the International Linear Collider probing the structure and origins of matter plan has recently secured fi ve years of core Steering committee and being a member of and advancing isotopes for science and funding from the canadian government. for research a W a r D s EPS Accelerator Group announces 2014 prize winners

The European Physical Society Accelerator (FEL)”. Shintake contributed to all aspects of Group (EPS-AG) has announced the winners the project, including the electron source, the of the 2014 Accelerator Prizes, to be presented C-band linac and the undulator alignment. on 19 June at the international Particle The fi rst lasing of the FEL in June 2011 Accelerator Conference, IPAC’14, in Dresden. (CERN Courier July/August 2011 p9) was Mikael Eriksson, machine director of a crowning achievement, made possible by 70 000 SMALL FAST CUSTOM the Max-IV Laboratory in Lund, receives numerous technological developments. the rolf Wideröe Prize for outstanding The Frank Sacherer Prize, for an PRODUCTS QUANTITIES DELIVERY FABRICATION work in the accelerator fi eld, with no age individual in the early part of his or her limit. He is rewarded for “outstanding career who has made a recent, signifi cant leadership in the design, construction and original contribution to the accelerator and commissioning of the MAX-lab fi eld, goes to Agostino Marinelli of Goodfellow synchrotron radiation facilities”. For more SLAC, for “recent important, original than four decades, Eriksson has been the contributions to accelerator physics, Cambridge Limited driving force behind all of the MAX-lab especially to the development of techniques synchrotron radiation sources, at all stages, that signifi cantly improve parameters of Ermine Business Park ON-LINE CATALOGUE from design to performance. The design and free-electron lasers such as their spectrum Huntingdon implementation of the MAX IV storage ring and longitudinal coherence”. Marinelli’s is today paving the way for a new generation achievements include the theoretical analysis PE29 6WR UK of extreme, low-emittance “ultimate and experimental demonstration of the storage rings” to achieve diffraction-limited gain-modulated FEL – a novel concept Tel: 0800 731 4653 or radiation sources. to generate two or more colours from one The Gersch Budker Prize, awarded for a electron bunch, so enabling a new class of +44 1480 424 800 recent, signifi cant and original contribution FEL experiments. to the accelerator fi eld, with no age limit, ● For further information, visit www. Fax: 0800 328 7689 or recognizes Tsumoru Shintake, of the eps.org/members/group_content_view. Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology asp?group=85227&id=143442. +44 1480 424 900 Graduate University, for “leading the design, construction, commissioning and operation Top to bottom: Mikael Eriksson, Tsumoru Shintake, Agostino Marinelli. (Image credits: [email protected] of the SACLA X-ray free-electron laser Johan Persson, Mayumi Nishioka/OIST, Gabriel Marcus.)


Untitled-1 1 07/01/2014 10:37 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 CERN Courier May 2014 Faces & Places Faces & Places

C O N F E r E N C E W O r k s h O P ‘La Thuile’ celebrates Testing quantum Bellettini’s 80th mechanics

The week beginning 24 February saw 100 physicists gather for the 28th rencontres 50 years after de Physique de la Vallée d’Aoste – the annual “La Thuile” meeting – and to celebrate the Bell’s theorem 80th birthday of Giorgio Bellettini who, Giorgio Bellettini, left, with Pier Oddone, together with Mario Greco, started the then director of Fermilab, in 2008. (Image series in 1987. At that time, fi rst data were credit: Fermilab Today.) appearing from the Tevatron and there was Experts and young researchers from around exciting news from other fi elds, such as the (e.g. at CERN’s Intersecting Storage Rings) the world converged on the european centre RF Power? supernova SN 1987A and high-temperature and the signifi cant impact he had on the for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics superconductors. Today, the La Thuile series physics climate of Fermilab during the and Related Areas – ECT* – in Trento is organized jointly with Giorgio Chialrelli Tevatron era – “the Italian Invasion”. Among on 24–28 February for an international and Gino Isidori – and measurements of the the scheduled and impromptu speakers were workshop on Quantum Mechanics Tests recently discovered Higgs boson are among Sergio Bertolucci, now director of research at in Particle, Atomic, Nuclear and Complex the hot topics. CERN, who started his career as Bellettini’s Systems: 50 Years After Bell’s Renowned Left to right: Reinhold Bertlmann, Catalina Curceanu, Beatrix Hiesmayr and From the start, the meetings were student; and Chiarelli, now co-organizer of Theorem. This workshop was also funded GianCarlo Ghirardi. (Image credit: Johann Marton.) organized around in-depth reports on the La Thuile series, who was one of the fi rst by the EU COST Action “Fundamental current work in and a few benefi ciaries of the programme that Bellettini Problems in Quantum Physics” MP1006, the particle and antiparticle state, has focused on whether /energy could special topics from related fi elds. During started to bring summer students from italy which is building up an international network been shown to be a unique laboratory provide an explanation for the collapse. the years they have featured either a session to experience physics in US laboratories. to explore the foundations of quantum theory for fundamental studies. In particular, Several talks referred to condensed-matter on physics and society or a round-table This programme, which began with only four (CERN Courier June 2011 p32). Bell’s theorem is violated because of a systems, showing that genuine multipartite discussion about future directions in particle students in 1984, is currently recruiting about In 1964, John Stewart Bell, a theoretician tiny violation of the matter–antimatter entanglement plays an important role in physics. This year it was “Which facilities 20 students a year. at CERN of world renown, published a paper symmetry – CP violation, which was understanding the physical properties to understand neutrinos?”, featuring a During this session, people also remarked on a fi eld he considered to be a hobby: the found experimentally in 1964, the same of these systems. The orbital angular theoretical picture of the fi eld by Francesco on the usefulness of the traditional La Thuile foundations of quantum mechanics. He year that Bell published his seminal paper. momentum of entangled photons provides a Vissani and reports from CERN, the format. As Nicola Khuri pointed out, came up with an experimentally testable Theoreticians have since shown that the highly controllable system, which can reveal Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in concentrated exposure to a broad survey of theorem that must be fulfi lled for any local generator of time (the Hamiltonian) is not the power of entanglement in multipartite Beijing, INFN, Fermilab, SNOLAB and the the latest developments in the fi eld is very realistic theory, but is in contradiction symmetric with respect to time-reversal and multidimensional space. Institute for Cosmic-Ray Research, Tokyo. stimulating to theorists, with its overview to the predictions of quantum theory. symmetry, for a certain toy model of the on 25 February there was a panel The La Thuile meetings are also a base of current progress. in recent years the In simple terms, Bell’s theorem gives a universe, and that this tiny difference discussion on the role of superposition or for outreach to the Province of Aosta, which long-running Moriond meeting series has device-independent toolbox to prove when measured in meson systems has a huge entanglement in the universe. The panel and takes pride in the fact that the region is moved to the same La Thuile venue, with quantum systems outperform systems that impact on a cosmological scale. the active participants had different views, now well known to physicists worldwide. help from Greco and Bellettini. can be described with classical theories. There were also talks dealing with the only agreement being that there is still On the Wednesday, the president of INFN, The Saturday morning session, rather This seminal work initiated a new line of biological systems. These included topics not enough known about quantum theory to Fernando Ferroni, gave a public lecture to than being a traditional wrap-up, included research, far beyond his expectations, which such as light-harvesting complexes in capture the underlying picture. RF Solutions. high-school students and teachers in Aosta on in-depth reports on the ongoing LHC has led to novel applications such as quantum photosynthesis, radical-pair creation in Last but not least, Reinhold Bertlmann “Higgs e dopo Higgs” (“Higgs and after the refurbishments by Gianluigi Arduini, and on cryptography, or might lead to a possible navigation in birds, and charge separation and GianCarlo Ghirardi gave talks on their Higgs?”). The La Thuile series is also unique the prospects for high-energy physics beyond quantum computer. in organic solar cells, discussing whether personal encounters with Bell. Bertlmann, in providing, through the Young Scientists the LHC by Michelangelo Mangano. This led The recent workshop was devoted genuine quantum effects could be a particle physicist, told the story of how Forum, an opportunity for physicists who are to plenty of discussions, which will probably to Bell’s heritage and brought together responsible for high effi ciency. “Bertlmann’s socks” became a subject just starting out to present their current work. continue until next year’s meeting. theoreticians and experimentalists from Given that all experiments are so far in of physics, and how this brought him to On the Thursday afternoon, there was a ● For more information, visit https://agenda. many different fi elds. Happily, these agreement with the predictions of (standard) the foundations of quantum mechanics. special session to commemorate Bellettini’s infn.it/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=7102. researchers succeed in fi nding a common quantum theory, it is tempting to think that GianCarlo Ghirardi, one of the three contributions to the fi eld in his early career Sebastian White, Rockefeller University. language to address fundamental problems, this is the fundamental theory. However, this founders of the collapse models, emphasized working out the respective advantages and leads immediately to the problem of how how Bell realized from the beginning M E E t i N G disadvantages of distinct physical systems to explain the absence of superpositions in the importance of his contribution to and developing approaches that might lead the macroscopic world. collapse models the foundations of the subject, which are ISC’14, the 2014 International sessions. The prestigious PRACE-ISC and to a unifi ed picture. provide a mathematical framework that currently under extensive investigation. Supercomputing Conference, will take Gauss Awards will be presented for the best Superposition and entanglement seem to explains the transition from a quantum to a The workshop certainly benefi ted from the place at the Leipzig Conference Center on research papers. The ISC exhibition, which is be the basic ingredients for an explanation classical world, and provide new predictions presence of these two researchers, who had 22–26 June. The comprehensive fi ve-day a three-day event, will again feature exhibits of various quantum phenomena for physical for the regime in between. Some talks experienced the exciting half-century since programme consists of half-day and full-day from leading high-performance computing systems at different energy scales and of dealt with these predictions for different Bell’s seminal paper. tutorials on 22 June, followed by a four-day companies and research organizations. different complexity. There were talks physical systems. it was noted that it is not ● The workshop was organized by Beatrix conference that includes four keynote talks, early registration fees are available until dealing with neutral K-mesons, which are only massive interfering systems that might Hiesmayr (University of Vienna), Catalina the ISC Research Paper and Poster sessions, 15 May. For further information, visit www. entangled in their strangeness property. provide new experimental results in the near Curceanu (LNF-INFN) and Andreas and various topics and interest-specifi c isc-events.com/isc14/. This system, which oscillates between future. On the theoretical side, discussions Buchleitner (university of Freiburg). 28 Sanford Drive, Gorham, ME 04038 USA Phone: 207-854-1700 Fax: 207-854-2287 E-Mail:32 [email protected] www.megaind.com 33

Third_Page_2013 Tuesday, March 12, 2013 15:46 page 1 MagentaYellowBlacCyank cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 CERN Courier May 2014 Faces & Places Faces & Places

s C h O O L v i s i t s ITEP hosts winter school of physics When the Swedish minister for On 4 March, the enterprise, Annie Lööf, centre, Macedonian minister visited CERN on 3 March, she of foreign affairs, The 17th International Moscow School of toured the LHC tunnel with Nikola Poposki, visited Physics (the 42nd ITEP Winter School) Malika Meddahi, left, deputy CERN. After signing the took place on 11–19 February near Moscow. head of the Accelerator Beam guestbook, accompanied The ITEP Winter School of Physics, which Transfer Group in the Technology by the director-general, dates back to 1973, became international Department, accompanied Rolf Heuer, he was taken in 1994 and attracts participants from by Richard Jacobsson, a on a tour of the CMS leading research centres and universities. senior physicist on the LHCb underground experimental This year the programme included lectures experiment. (Image credit: area. (Image credit: CERN- on Higgs-boson physics, fl avour physics CERN-PHOTO-201403-042 – 10.) PHOTO-201403-043 – 01.) and new results from the LHC, as well as cosmology, dark matter, quarkonia and neutrino physics. In addition, there were The Lithuanian minister of education Olman Segura Bonilla, left, talks on higher-spin gauge theories and the and science, Dainius Pavalkis, right, the Costa Rican minister of status of the International Linear Collider. visited CMS on 13 March, accompanied labour and social security, Students from eight countries – Belgium, by Rytis Paulauskas, permanent visited CERN on 21 March. Belorussia, France, Germany, Kazakhstan, Zhi-zhong Xing, who lectures on neutrino representative of the Republic of He was shown the ATLAS Russia, Ukraine and Vietnam – enjoyed physics, in the school’s traditional ski Lithuania to the United Nations Offi ce underground experimental area the russian winter and presented their competition. (Image credit: ITEP.) and other international organizations in by the deputy spokesperson results at the Young Scientists Forum, Geneva. During his visit, the minister also of the ATLAS collaboration, where Alexander Novikov and Max Zoller ● For a list of lecturers and their met Lithuanian teachers taking part in Thorsten Wengler. (Image received diplomas for the best experimental presentations, see http://ws.itep. CERN’s teachers’ programme. (Image credit: CERN-PHOTO-201403- and theoretical presentations. ru/?page_id=169. credit: CERN-PHOTO-201403-048 – 17.) 057 – 06.)

L E t t E r s There is a sense of calm and spaciousness in these Who invented quarks? B63 349). In that paper, perhaps delayed by at the cern proton–antiproton collider. images of CERN’s central The offi cial story CERN( Courier March yet another sceptical referee, Petermann In fact, the proposal to build the UA2 computing facilities in 1958 2014 p37) is that they were invented by discussed mesons as made of a “spinor/ inner silicon detector was submitted to (top) and 2013 – but there is Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig, anti-spinor pair” and baryons as “composed the SPS Committee at CERN by the UA2 little else in common. The fi rst “central” in that chronological order: Gell-Mann’s of at least three spinors”. concerning the Collaboration in March 1987, and was computer was a large, vacuum-tube- published paper was received by Physics delicate issue of their charges, Petermann approved at the research Board on 3 June based Ferranti Mercury, installed in Letters on 4 January 1964, while Zweig’s delightfully writes: “If one wants to preserve 1987. As the article indeed mentions, the Building 2 on 30 June 1958. Its clock speed unpublished work is a CERN Yellow Report , which is highly contributions of Erik Heijne and Pierre was a modest 1 MHz and it had a RAM dated 17 January of the same year. But, as desirable, the spinors must have fractional Jarron were crucial to the detector’s capacity of 2000 20-bit words. “Mass” Napoleon is said to have said: “History is charges. This fact is unpleasant, but cannot, success. Jarron designed and supervised storage was provided by four magnetic the version of past events that people have after all, be excluded on physical grounds.” the construction of the AMPLEX chip — drums, each holding 32,000 × 20 bits decided to agree upon.” There are other unoffi cial issues concerning using CMOS technology, which allowed – insuffi cient to hold the data from a single This offi cial story might be wrong in this gorgeous chapter in the history of science. the detector to fi t in the 9 mm space around proton–proton collision in the LHC. It was its dates, since Gell-Mann’s paper, at least Who rejected Gell-Mann’s paper? Was Zweig the beam pipe. The detector was fi nanced replaced in 1960 by an IBM 709, which according to the same hardly trustable forbidden to give a talk at CERN at the time? by the institutes collaborating on the UA2 was installed in the fi rst computer building source of the previous quote (i.e. the internet) If so, by whom? I am only allowed to write up experiment and was already operational in (B510), and so the inexorable growth of was, shamefully, rejected by Physical to 300 words, that’s it. Thou shalt not know 1988 for the fi rst run of the collider with the computing at CERN began. Review Letters. That would not change the the answers. upgraded . The modern computing centre in chronological order, which is irrelevant ● Álvaro de Rújula, CERN, and IFT/CSIC/UAM, Also, this detector’s main purpose was Building 513 now has responsibility for anyway, because the dates were so close. Madrid. not “to solve the diffi culty of identifying the vast amounts of data from the LHC Concerning dates, it must also be recalled single electron that comes from a decay of experiments. By 14 February 2013, the that Gell-Mann wrote: “These ideas were UA2’s inner silicon detector a W boson close to the primary interaction day the LHC’s fi rst three-year run ended, developed…in March 1963; the author would i read with interest the article vertex” (W decays to electrons had already the centre’s mass-storage systems had like to thank Professor Robert Serber for “Microelectronics at CERN: from infancy to been seen by UA1 and UA2 at the end of surpassed 100 million gigabytes of stimulating them.” maturity” in the March 2014 issue (pp 26–29). 1982). its purpose was to identify single physics data. The offi cial story is demonstrably wrong Reading the caption to the fi rst fi gure electrons of energies as low as 15 GeV, which – While the bulk of the data is archived on one point: André Petermann published (“Two decades of microelectronics at CERN were expected from the decay W → tb, on more than 50,000 tapes, the rest is a paper (in French!) in Nuclear Physics that – enabled by the LAA project.”), it might be t → beν (at the time, nothing was known stored on a disk-pool system that is was received on 30 December 1963, shortly believed that the LAA project contributed to about the t-quark mass, and the decay chain optimized for fast access by many (Image credits: CERN-CO-1269 and before the dates quoted in the fi rst lines of the successful operation of the detector made would have been observed if the t-quark had concurrent users. CERN-CO-1302162 – 06.) this letter, although not published for some of 3072 small silicon pads, which fi t just been lighter than the W boson). time (A Petermann 1965 Nuclear Physics around the beam pipe in the UA2 experiment ● Luigi di Lella, .

34 35 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 CERN Courier May 2014 Faces & Places Faces & Places

O B i t u a r i E s Princeton in 1955 in nuclear-reaction theory scientifi c staff to take a more visible role under Eugene Wigner. He worked for 10 years in international experiments, at labs such at the Chalk River Laboratory, then one of the as SLAC, DESY, CERN, Brookhaven Alick Ashmore 1920–2014 world’s premier nuclear-physics laboratories. and KEK, bringing TRIUMF into the He joined the physics department at UBC big league of particle-physics research in 1965, and quickly established himself as and establishing the reputation and Alick Ashmore, a highly regarded former the world’s fi rst dedicated facility for X-ray the champion of a bold project to replace competencies of the laboratory staff. By the director of Daresbury Laboratory and a synchrotron radiation research. During its UBC’s 3 MeV Van de Graaff accelerator time of his retirement from the TRIUMF major fi gure in the development of research 28 years of operation, the SRS supported with a 500 MeV cyclotron. The brainchild of directorship, and after the decision by facilities in the UK in the 1960s and 1970s, cutting-edge research in physics, chemistry, Reg Richardson of University College Los the canadian government not to proceed passed away on 28 February. materials science, medicine, geological and Angeles, it was a challenging, high-intensity with , Canada was able to join the Alick was born in Cheshire, England, and environmental studies, structural genomics machine incorporating many innovative LHC programme, push a rare kaon-decay graduated in physics from Kings College, and archaeology. it played a critical role technologies, such as H – injection, multiple programme at Brookhaven, establish a London, in 1941. After working at the Radar in supporting Sir John Walker’s research extraction, energy variability and separated neutrino group, and generally support Research Establishment, Malvern, in 1947 he on solving the structure of an enzyme turn extraction. By the late 1970s, the its particle-physics community to access joined the physics department at Liverpool that opened the way for new insights into TRIUMF cyclotron reached its design foreign facilities. KAON was not to happen University, where he led a research group metabolic and regenerative disease, and intensity with a broad science programme in Erich Vogt. (Image credit: on Canadian soil, so Erich passed the baton working on the 156 inch synchrocyclotron – resulted in a share of the nobel Prize in full swing, competing with the other meson Alex Waterhouse-Hayward.) to the Japanese JHF team and followed with a machine that was also used by cern staff chemistry in 1997. facilities at Los Alamos and what is now PSI. proud interest the construction and fi rst before the fi rst CERN accelerator came into In this way, Alick led the transformation of Strong collaborations were built with Japan a transfer of cyclotron technology from operation of the Japan Proton Accelerator operation. Daresbury Laboratory from a high-energy and the University of Tokyo, with Japanese TRIUMF to a local manufacturer. The TR Research Complex – J-PARC. In 1960 he was appointed by Queen Mary physics laboratory into an international physicists providing a muon beamline. israeli series of mini-cyclotrons were developed, and erich was a fantastic educator and College, London, to lead a user group on centre for nuclear physics and synchrotron collaborations enhanced the proton and soon acquired a reputation for reliability and motivator. More than 5000 students enjoyed Nimrod, the 7 GeV that Alick Ashmore. (Image credit: Daresbury radiation. He also saw signifi cant growth pion-nuclear programme, and collaboration performance. the three 8.30 a.m. honours physics lectures was under construction at the rutherford Laboratory.) in scientifi c computing there, through the with uK groups provided the best study TRIUMF was then well established he gave each week for 45 years until he High Energy Laboratory (RHEL). He inclusion of work related to applications of on the nucleon–nucleon phase shifts in the and well regarded for its scientifi c output. turned 80. He would always adjust his travel continued research begun at Liverpool atomic research on a range of materials. computing to structural chemistry, X-ray 200–500 MeV region. However, Erich had a much more ambitious schedule to minimize missed lectures, and on the spin-dependant parameters in Alick enthusiastically pursued funding crystallography and atomic physics. Erich became director of TRIUMF in plan to move the laboratory to another the TRIUMF student programme always proton–proton scattering using the 50 MeV for the expanded use of NINA by Alick was awarded Commander of the 1981, serving until 1994, and foresaw the level in international science. The KAON managed to survive budget trimming. proton linear accelerator at RHEL, and installing a new experimental area for order of the British empire for services importance of broadening the science proposal would raise the proton beam energy The TRIUMF family will continue also spent time at CERN, measuring using synchrotron radiation in material to science in 1979, and retired in 1981. programme beyond nuclear and particle to 30 GeV at a healthy 100 μA intensity. Erich to build on his legacy of excellence, proton–proton total cross-sections at the and life sciences. When the Science His leadership was shaped by his benign, physics. He supported a material-science convinced Europe, the US and Japan (which strength, collaborative spirit, and above new Proton Synchrotron. Together with Research Council closed NINA in 1977 sympathetic and gentle character, and was and chemistry effort using polarized muons, had developed similar projects) to join all, friendship. Perhaps the recent Eric Taylor of AERE Harwell, he proposed to concentrate UK resources at CERN, strongly driven by an awareness of social and pushed a radiochemistry programme KAON. The Canadian government invested announcement of a federal-funding the fi rst approved experiment on Nimrod: Alick was instrumental in organizing the fairness. He was highly regarded and widely to support medical imaging diagnostics. in a study to better defi ne the technical commitment for TRIUMF from 2015 to small-angle proton–proton elastic scattering. particle-physics users from Daresbury admired by the staff at Daresbury and He nurtured a collaboration with AECL aspects, cost estimates and partners for 2020 (p31), a full year ahead of expectation, Alick was promoted to professor in and several northern uK universities in by his colleagues and students at Queen (now NORDION) to produce and deliver the facility. erich became a travelling was recognition of his sweeping vision for 1964, and during 1965–1966 spent a two collaborative projects: the Omega Mary, where the group he started more radioisotopes worldwide, yielding more salesman and advocate, rallying the world the lab that he let go knowing TRIUMF sabbatical year at Brookhaven, where he spectrometer and the european Muon than 50 years ago has now evolved into the than 50,000 patient doses of short-lived to his cause. He expanded on the so-called would continue to prosper. participated in experiments on pion–proton, Collaboration, both of which had highly QMUL Particle Physics Research Centre. radioisotopes delivered each week to hospitals “HERA model” of co-operation, whereby Thank you Erich for the many lessons and kaon–proton and proton–proton scattering successful programmes at cern. Alick enjoyed a long and healthy retirement worldwide for the past 35 years. erich Canada joined DESY’s HERA project with for your trust. with a Brookhaven-Cornell group. In 1968 Alick also led the development of the with his wife Eileen in Cumbria, where envisaged the importance of developing small accelerator and detector contributions to gain ● Jean-Michel Poutissou and Ewart he became head of department at Queen Nuclear Structure Facility at Daresbury – a he was deeply involved in local events and cyclotrons capable of producing radiotracers access to the nationally operated facility. Blackmore, senior scientists emeriti at Mary college. tall, tandem Van de Graaff accelerator. organizations. He enjoyed walking in the in hospital environments and initiated Erich always encouraged TRIUMF’s TRIUMF. in 1970 he was appointed director of This delivered outstanding nuclear Lake District and travelled extensively to visit Daresbury Nuclear Physics Laboratory, physics, including the discovery of nuclear family, for relaxation and education. He is N EW P r O D u C t s where the 5 GeV electron accelerator, super-deformation, providing a new survived by Eileen, who he married in 1947, NINA, supported a mature particle-physics insight into the dynamics of atomic nuclei. his fi ve children, 13 grandchildren, and seven Hiden Analytical has announced the fi rst ATEX-certifi ed Roots pumps with a point and the Scalance W721-1 RJ45 client programme. Additionally, synchrotron Following this success, Alick initiated great grandchildren. compact Hiden HPR-30 differentially magnetic coupling. The tried and tested module, users can implement wireless radiation was also being used on two construction in 1975 of the Synchrotron ● Peter Kalmus, Queen Mary University of pumped mass spectrometer, which enables roots pumps principle has been developed machine-networking out of the cabinet, embryonic beamlines for molecular and Radiation Source (SRS), which became London (QMUL). real-time measurement and control of further for this certifi cation and named with cost and space savings, for example, gas composition in vacuum processes in OktaLine ATEX. These pumps are ideal for in conjunction with the Simatic ET 200SP the pressure range 1 mbar to 10–4 mbar. evacuating explosive gases according to the distributed I/Os. The components support The system is fully PC controlled and ATEX directive (94/9/EC).The hermetically transmission rates of up to 150 Mbit/s. The Erich W Vogt 1929–2014 programmable for automatic operation and sealed pumps have very low leakage rates second product line comprises the Scalance data reporting. Multiple input channels of less than 1 × 10 –6 Pa m3/s. The complete W774-1 RJ45 access point and the Scalance enable process data such as process pressure, series of pumps covers pumping speeds from W734-1 RJ45 client module and is designed TRIUMF lost a dear member of its family canadian federal government entrusted a in nuclear and particle physics worldwide. temperature, etc to be fully integrated with 280 m3/h to 5190 m3/h. For more details, visit for transmission rates up to 300 Mbit/s. These when Erich Vogt, co-founder, visionary three-university consortium of academics This defi ned his management style and the the acquired mass spectra. For further www.pfeiffer-vacuum.com. devices are enclosed in a compact and robust leader and father to all, passed away on to build a meson factory at the university laboratory work ethic. information, e-mail [email protected] or aluminum housing. For further information, 19 February. He was 84. of British columbia (uBc). erich believed erich was born in the centre of canada and visit www.HidenAnalytical.com. Siemens has announced two new product contact Peter Jefi miec, tel +49 911 895 7945, Erich Wolfgang Vogt and TRIUMF have that co-operation would pave the way for received his undergraduate education at the lines for industrial wireless LAN. With the e-mail peter.jefi [email protected] or visit been inseparable since 1966, when the canadian scientists to play a leadership role University of Manitoba, earning his PhD at Pfeiffer Vacuum has introduced the world’s compact Scalance W761-1 RJ45 access www.siemens.com/iwlan.

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More than Zukunft denken. F o r advertising e n q u i r i e s , c o n ta c t CERN C o u R i E R recruitment / c l a s s i F i e d, ioP P u b l i s h i n g , te m P l e c i r c u s , te m P l e Way, b r i s t o l bs1 6hg, uK. te l +44 (0)117 930 1264 Fa x +44 (0)117 930 1178 e- m a i l s a l e s @ cerncourier . c o m Forschungszentrum Jülich, member of the Helmholtz Association, and RWTH Aa- P l e a s e c o n ta c t u s F o r inFormationJoin a b o uus t r at e son, c o l o uTwitter r o P t i o n s , Publication for d at e sthe a n d d e a d l i n e s . 23 000 chen University have set up the strategic research alliance JARA (Jülich-Aachen Research Alliance). This created a new platform of interdisciplinary cooperation latest physics and monthly unique opportunities between a university of excellence and one of the largest research engineering positions visitors centres in Europe. The Institute of Nuclear Physics (IKP) at Forschungszentrum Jülich and the Facul- ty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences are jointly seeking a qualified applicant for teaching and research in the area Experimental Physics – Symmetry Breaking Director-General In accordance with the “Jülich Model”, the successful applicant will be appointed professor (grade W2) of experimental physics at RWTH Aachen University. We are seeking an internationally recognized scientist to work on experiments on www.twitter.com/brightrecruits the breaking of symmetries in the micro cosmos, especially on the leptonic CP- violation possibly through neutrino oscillations. The position will be embedded in the JARA section FAME (Forces and Matter Ex- With 2,300 staff members, 1,600 other paid personnel and some 10,500 scientific users from almost 100 countries, the European periments). FAME is trying to understand the fate of antimatter in the evolution of Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, an Intergovernmental Organization with its seat at Geneva, Switzerland, is the leading the universe. Its main experimental activities lie in the development of a dedicated international Laboratory for fundamental research in particle physics. The annual Budget of presently about 1 billion Swiss francs is funded by 21 Member States. CERN is presently operating the Large , LHC, the world’s most powerful particle storage ring for the measurement of the electric dipole moment of the proton and accelerator that provides new insights into the origin and the structure of matter and into the forces governing the Universe. light nuclei and in the search for antimatter with the AMS-experiment on the inter- national space station ISS. The section is extending its scope into the field of lep- The Director-General is the Chief Executive Officer and legal representative of the Organization. He/she is directly responsible to, tonic CP-violation. The research group will be part of the Institute of Nuclear Phys- and shall execute the decisions of, the CERN Council, the Organization’s governing and decision-making body composed of the ics (IKP-2) at Forschungszentrum Jülich. representatives of the Member States. Contributions to the teaching duties of the Experimental Physics at RWTH Aachen The term of office of the present Director-General, Professor Rolf-Dieter Heuer ends on 31st December 2015. The Council is therefore University are expected to the amount of two hours per week (2 SWS), for exam- inviting applications for the appointment of a Director-General for a five-year term of office starting on 1st January 2016. ple with courses in the bachelor and master programs in physics. THE POSITION The successful candidate will:  Successful applicants will have completed a university degree followed by a PhD and should be able to demonstrate additional scientific achievements in the form • provide scientific and managerial leadership to the Organization;  of a postdoctoral qualification, activities within the framework of a junior professor- • lead the implementation of the approved scientific programme, with emphasis on the full exploitation of the scientific potential of ship or research work at a university, research institution or in another social the LHC;  sphere.

• develop strategic options for the long-term scientific programme of the Organization as an integral part of the European Strategy This position is also available as part-time employment per request. RWTH Aa- for Particle Physics;  chen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich are certified as family friendly em- • be responsible for implementation of the European Strategy for Particle Physics in collaboration with the European national ployers and offer a dual career program for partner hiring. We particularly wel- laboratories and institutes in the field;  come and encourage applications from women, disabled people and ethnic mi- nority groups. The principles of fair and open competition apply and appointments • maintain and develop close relations with Member States and non-Member States,More and with the world-wide than scientific user will be made on merit. community of CERN.

REQUIREMENTS  Applications comprising curriculum vitae, list of publications and short summary of past and planned scientific activities and existing experience in teaching should be • Capacity for providing scientific and managerial leadership for CERN, for representing the Organization in dealings with governments and other bodies in and outside the Member States and for effective23 building of consensus 000 within the Organization, sent by June 13 2014 to the Member States and internationally; Dean of Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences • Outstanding expertise and a high reputation in particle physics and/or closelymonthly related fields;  unique Prof. Kowalewski • Excellent communication and negotiation skills. Applicants are requested to address a letter of interest, with a detailed curriculum The jobs site for RWTH Aachen University vitae, to the Chairperson of the Search Committee and to send it to the CERN Council Secretariat [1], before 31st May 2014. 52056 Aachen visitors The Council is scheduled to make the appointment in December 2014. To allow the Director-General Designate sufficient time for physics and consultation and familiarisation with CERN, a position within the Organization can be arranged for the year 2015. Further information: engineering www.fz-juelich.de and www.rwth-aachen.de For general information about CERN: http://cern.ch Additional information may be obtained from the Chairperson of the Search Committee; please contact the Council Secretariat[1]. An appropriate remuneration and benefits package will be offered. In line with CERN’s equal opportunities policy, both men and women are encouraged to apply. 1] CERN, Council Secretariat – L00500, CH-1211 Geneva 23 Download your copy today Tel. +41 22 767 28 34 – Fax. +41 22 766 62 22 http://cerncourier.com/digital [email protected] CERNhas gone digitalCOURIER

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CC May 14 Classified 38-42.indd 38 09/04/2014 12:23 CC May 14 Classified 38-42.indd 39 09/04/2014 12:24 2011 BR Odd Sizes for recruitment.indd 5 09/04/2014 11:13 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 CERN Courier May 2014

Senior and Junior Researchers, Postdoctoral Research

The International Institute for Accelerator Applications Assistants, Engineers and Technicians at Extreme Light FACULTY OF PHYSICS at the University of Huddersfield is offering a new and Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) unique 12 month taught Master’s course in Accelerator Science, providing a comprehensive training in the subject. As one of Europe’s leading research universities, Ludwig-Maximilians- Its graduates will be well matched to jobs working with Universität (LMU) in Munich is committed to the highest international accelerators, or to proceeding to a PhD. standards of excellence in research and teaching. Building on its more than 500-year-long tradition, it offers a broad spectrum that covers all Students learn using the computer packages (MAD, COMSOL, areas of knowledge within its 18 Faculties, ranging from the humani- LabView, GEANT4, R and LaTeX) that accelerator scientists Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) will be a new Center for Scientific Research to be built by the ties, law, economics and social sciences, to medicine and the natural actually use. Through short projects with these they learn skills National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH) in Bucharest-Magurele, Romania. sciences. useful in their later career, and appreciated by those already in the field. ELI-NP is a complex facility which will host two state-of-the-art machines of high performances: The Faculty of Physics invites applications for a This is complemented by short laboratory experiments, meeting • A very high intensity laser, where beams from two 10 PW lasers are coherently added to get intensities of the order of the subject hands-on: magnets, RF power, beam deflection and 1023 - 1024 W/cm2; Professorship (W 2) focusing, signal measurement, and more. • A very intense (~1013 γ/s), brilliant γ beam, ~ 0.1 % bandwidth, with E γ > 19 MeV, which is obtained by incoherent Compton (6 years/tenure track) Students also write a dissertation on a research project, chosen to back scattering of a laser light off an intense electron beam (Ee > 700 MeV) produced by a warm linac. of Theoretical Physics – Particle Physics suit individual talents and plans. IFIN-HH – ELI-NP is organizing competitions for filling the following positions: Senior and Junior Researchers, Postdoctoral research The course is suitable for students with a Bachelor’s degree in assistants, Engineers and Technicians. The job description, the Candidates’ profiles and the Rules and Procedures of Selection can physics, or similar, wanting to specialise in Accelerator Science. commencing as soon as possible. be found at www.eli-np.ro. Students will be coming from very different backgrounds, so the Special emphasis will be given to candidates who work on the intersec- course is designed to be flexible and allow for divergence. The The applications shall be accompanied by the documents requested in the Rules and Procedures of Selection for these positions. tion of fundamental particle physics/gravity and their observational University of Huddersfield has a strong system of student support: aspects. This includes the identification of the low energy consequences services, libraries, sports facilities and pastoral care. With students The applications shall be sent to the Human Resources Department at [email protected]. and possible experimental signatures of microscopic theories of nature from over 120 countries on the campus, students from outside the in the framework of particle physics and cosmology, such as the study UK soon settle in. of fundamental physics beyond the standard model and of its phe- nomenological and cosmological implications for current and future For details see https://www.hud.ac.uk/research/ experiments. researchcentres/iiaa/researchdegrees/mscdegrees/

LMU Munich seeks to appoint a highly qualified junior academic to this professorship and, therefore, especially encourages early-career CCMay14Cl_ELI_13x4.indd 1 09/04/2014 09:51 scholars to apply. Prerequisites for this position are a university and a doctoral degree. With an excellent record in research and teaching to European date, prospective candidates will have demonstrated the potential for an XFEL SEIZE THE CHANCE outstanding academic career. European XFEL is a is a multi-national non-profit company that is currently The initial appointment will be for six years. After a minimum of three building an X-ray free-electron laser facility that will open up new areas of years, it can be converted into a permanent position pending a positive scientific research. When this facility is completed in 2015, its ultrashort Fermilab offers Intensity Frontier Fellowships to outstanding X-ray flashes and unique research opportunities will attract scientists from all evaluation of the candidate’s performance in research and teaching as researchers in the areas of neutrino physics, muon physics, and over the world to conduct ground-breaking experiments. We are a rapidly well as his or her personal aptitude and if all legal conditions are met. FOM announces the search for a new other topics in the Intensity Frontier. Fellows will receive funding to growing team made of people from more than 20 countries. Join us now! allow enhanced participation in Fermilab experimental and data Under the terms of the “LMU Academic Career Program”, in excep- EXCITING OPPORTUNITIES DIRECTOR OF NIKHEF analysis efforts, in relevant areas of particle physics theory, or in tional cases and subject to outstanding performance in research and future projects. The fellowships provide the ability for researchers to Find out more about our exciting opportunities for scientists, engineers and URL: http://cerncourier.com/cws/job/J000008202 teaching, the position may be converted from a W2 into a W3 Full spend significant time at Fermilab working within the Intensity graduate students. Help develop X-ray instrumentation and other systems. Frontier Department, with the goal of expanding and sustaining Professorship at a later date. Help create a research facility of superlatives that will provide X-rays of The end of the fi xed term appointment of the current director Frank Linde will be reached by 1 December 2014. FOM, the formal an intellectual center of excellence within the laboratory and unique quality for cutting-edge research in physics, chemistry, the life the department. LMU Munich makes a point of providing newly appointed professors sciences and materials science. employer of the Nikhef director, has started a search for his successor. with various types of support, such as welcoming services and assi- Successful candidates will ordinarily be resident at Fermilab for The deadline for applications is 15 May 2014. stance for dual career couples. WORKING AT EUROPEAN XFEL 50% or more of the duration of the Fellowship. English is the working language. We offer salary and benefits similar to those The international search committee will interview the top candidates in • Term: 6 months to 1 year. LMU Munich is an equal opportunity employer. The University conti- of public service organisations in Germany, a free-of-charge company pension June 2014 in Amsterdam. • During the requested award period, candidates must be nues to be very successful in increasing the number of female faculty scheme, generous relocation package and support, international allowance for employed by a U.S. or non-U.S. institution. Fermilab employees More information can be found on www.fom.nl and on www.nikhef.nl. members and strongly encourages applications from female candidates. non-German candidates hired from abroad, training opportunities etc. are not eligible. LMU Munich intends to enhance the diversity of its faculty members. JOIN OUR NETWORK Should you have any questions regarding this search, or want to bring • Renewable to maximum of 2 years, with new proposal. Furthermore, disabled candidates with essentially equal qualifications suitable candidates, especially women, to the attention of the committee, • Financial support: up to 50% of researcher’s overall will be given preference. Join our network of international research institutions, programmes and you can contact Dr. Wim van Saarloos, director of FOM, at compensation, with remainder from researcher’s home institution. collaborations. Discuss problems and solutions with colleagues from all over [email protected]. • Awards may include a travel budget. Please submit your application, comprising a curriculum vitae, docu- the world. Application Information mentation of academic degrees and certificates, list of publications and COME TO HAMBURG Applications for the current round of awards will be accepted until research statement, in both printed and electronic form, to the Dean of Economically and culturally, Hamburg is the centre of Northern Germany. With 11 May, 2014. It is anticipated that awards will be given out twice the Faculty of Physics, Schellingstr. 4, D-80799, Munich, Germany, its long history in trade, Hamburg has always been an outward-looking city yearly. Applicants should be notified by 25 May, 2014. [email protected], no later than May 31, 2014. and one of Germany’s gateways to the world. Work and live in Hamburg, one Applications should be made electronically via: of the most beautiful and interesting cities in Europe! CCApr14Cl_FOM_10x2.indd 1 11/03/2014 14:59 https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/3940 European XFEL GmbH, Albert-Einstein-Ring 19, 22761 Hamburg, Germany Further queries should be sent to: 1250-467-12_CernCourier_Professorship_Theoretical Physics_22-04.indd 1 02.04.14 12:50Mailing address: Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany [email protected] www.xfel.eu 40

CC May 14 Classified 38-42.indd 40 09/04/2014 12:25 CC May 14 Classified 38-42.indd 41 CCApr14Ad_Fermilab_13x2.indd 1 10/03/201409/04/2014 10:44 12:26 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 Bookshelf

Chair in Accelerator Physics (Associate Director of the Cockcroft Institute) Fun in Fusion Research KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Salary: Professorial (minimum £60,266) By John Sheffi eld Reference: A907 Elsevier Call for Nomination And Hardback: €50.95 E-book: for Next Director-General of KEK Lecturer in Accelerator Physics €50.95 Salary: £37,756 to £45,053 One thing the reader learns from this book KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Reference: A909 is that the path towards achieving controlled nuclear fusion is not smooth or free from the invites nominations for the next Director-General whose Closing date: Thursday 1st May 2014 term will begin April 1, 2015. vagaries of funding agencies. You also realize As a founding member of the Cockroft Institute and with the UK’s highest how incredibly diffi cult the problem is. KEK is an Inter-University Research Institute Corporation ranking physics department in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, Lancaster The fusion process is well understood University is seeking to appoint a Chair in Accelerator Physics (Associate Director open to domestic and international researchers, and of the Cockcroft Institute) and Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Accelerator Physics and a number of experiments around the comprises the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, to further consolidate the Institute’s international profile. The successful applicants world have verifi ed the principles. However, the Institute of Materials Structure Science, the will be expected to advance experimental research in accelerator physics in close it still has to be demonstrated that a gain in Accelerator Laboratory, and the Applied Research collaboration with Institute members in the Physics & Engineering Departments, energy can be achieved. There are two main other universities, and Daresbury and Rutherford Appleton Laboratories. approaches to accomplishing this. one is the Laboratory. KEK pursues a wide range of research You must have a Ph.D. in accelerator physics, particle physics, electrical magnetic confi nement of deuterium–tritium activities based on accelerators, such as particle and engineering or a related discipline, with an outstanding research and publications plasma and the other is laser compression of nuclear physics, material sciences, biosciences, accelerator record and a high level appreciation and grasp of potential future international a cryogenic layer of deuterium and tritium accelerator developments. physics and engineering, etc. in a pellet. Sheffi eld takes the reader on a Informal inquiries about the institute may be made to Professor Swapan personal journey in the quest for a fusion The role of Director-General, therefore, is to promote Chattopadhyay, [email protected]. For information about the Lancaster device capable of producing net energy gain, with long-term vision and strong scientific leadership, the University Physics Department: Professor Peter Ratoff, recounting some amusing moments from highly advanced, internationalized, and inter-disciplinary [email protected]. The Lancaster University Department of Physics is strongly committed to fostering his career as he oscillated between europe research activities of KEK by getting support from the diversity within its community as a source of excellence, cultural enrichment, and the uS. interspersed between the public. The successful candidate is also expected to and social strength. We welcome those who would contribute to the further many stories, there is an historical account a major problem in fusion research, which magnetic and inertial fusion. it conveys a establish and carry out the medium-term goals and plans. diversification of our department. of modern fusion activity, covering both has resulted in there being today only a few strong message that fusion is well worth the The term of appointment is three years. When science and politics. major facilities, such as the Joint European effort, even though it is likely to be decades His research career in fusion started Torus in the UK, the ITER international before energy is delivered to the Grid. It reappointed, the term can be extended up to 9 years. when he joined the United Kingdom tokamak device being built in France, and will appeal to those who have an interest We widely accept the nomination of the candidates Atomic Energy Authority laboratory at the National Ignition Facility in the US, in fusion and in the psychology behind regardless of their nationalities. Harwell, close to Oxford, in 1958. There he where a laser-fusion machine is operating scientifi c activity. began working on shock-wave experiments and producing interesting results. Sheffi eld ● Robert Bingham, Central Laser Facility, Rutherford We would like to ask you to recommend the best person to reach the temperatures necessary for describes the “dinosaur chart” he created Appleton Laboratory and University of Strathclyde. who satisfies requirements for the position written above. fusion. In these early shock experiments, when accused by a congressional staffer Nomination should be accompanied by: 1) letter of as in all fusion experiments, high-voltage that fusion scientists never wanted to close A Course in Field Theory recommendation, 2) brief personal history of the systems were the norm – and where any line of research or a machine. The chart By Pierre Van Baal CRC Press candidate, and 3) list of major achievements (publications, large amounts of electrical energy are shows how projects are closed or cancelled. stored, sparks and explosions can occur. A parallel in accelerator physics is the Hardback: £44.99 $69.95 academic papers, commendations and membership of Sheffi eld recounts several stories of such Superconducting Super collider (SSc) in the Also available as an e-book councils, etc.). The nomination should be submitted to the explosions, sparks and fi res. He was always US, but most of the machines described in the Quantum fi eld theory is a mature discipline. following address no later than May 30, 2014: amazed that no one was seriously injured dinosaur chart were being used for science, One of the key questions today is how Documents should be written either in English or – this was not a result of stringent safety unlike the SSC, which was never completed. to teach and organize this large body of in Japanese. precautions, but sheer luck. Today, safety The book is, in a sense, a short history information, which spans several decades and offi cers reading these stories of capacitors of the quest for fusion, mainly through encompasses diverse physical applications Forms are available at : accidentally discharging megajoules of magnetic confi nement, and the various that range from condensed-matter to http://legacy.kek.jp/intra-e/info/2014/030109/. energy would swiftly close down the site. stories paint an interesting picture of some nuclear and high-energy physics. Since the Sheffi eld’s early experiments on shock of the characters in the fi eld. A number of Hiroshi Takeda turn of the millennium, interested readers

w waves were indeed shut down, but because them are well known in fusion circles, but have witnessed progressive growth in The Chair of Director-General Selection Committee they were a dead end in terms of fusion. little known outside, so this will interest publications on the subject. More often than High Energy Accelerator Research Organization www w Nevertheless, by the end they had amassed readers who are already working in fusion not, the authors choose to edit their own notes Inquiries concerning the nomination should be a wealth of data on collisionless shock or plasma physics, where the stories extensively, with the purpose of presenting a

addressed to: w waves. This science of collisionless shocks and characters will be familiar. A few whole series of lectures as a treatise. is now an active research area in space exceptions include Edward Teller, Andrei Indeed, it is common to see books on General Affairs Division physics and astrophysics. Sakharov, Lev Artsimovich and Marshall quantum fi eld theory of around 500 pages. General Management Department The imagination of fusion scientists shows rosenbluth. Most of these publications give slightly KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization no bounds when it comes to thinking of new There is some useful information about different perspectives on the same subjects, 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Japan 305-0801 magnetic-fi eld topologies to contain plasma the various fusion processes and while but their treatments are often synoptic with a temperature of 100 million degrees. the book is not comprehensive, it gives because they all refer to some of the Tel Fax From software engineers to administrators, from fire fighters to +81-29-864-5114 +81-29-864-5560 health and safety officers – every kind of thinking is welcome here. However, the closing down of machines is the main ideas – even if briefl y – behind classic presentations on fi eld theory of the Email: [email protected] Take your career somewhere special. Take part ce r rn.ch/caree 43

163769c (CERN) A5 Portrait.indd 1 07/11/2011 14:57

CC May 14 Classified 38-42.indd 42 09/04/2014 12:27 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 Bookshelf

20th century. The proliferation of books Hans Christian Ørsted in 1983 he published Selected Papers is at odds with the current practice where (1777–1851) is of great (1945–1980), With Commentary. Freeman students are obliged to summarize a large importance as a scientist Dyson considered it to be one of his number of different subjects through shorter and philosopher, far beyond favourite books. This sequel to that previous texts, or even by systematic searches through the borders of Denmark and volume is a collection of Yang’s personally CUSTOMIZED SOLUTIONS FOR: various databases. his own time. His discovery selected papers (1971–2012), supplemented In this respect, A Course in Field Theory of revolutionized the by his insightful commentaries. its contents is a pleasant novelty that manages the course of physical research, and in time refl ect his changing interests after he HADRONTHERAPY, impossible: a full course in fi eld theory prompted technological inventions that reached the age of 30. it also includes from a derivation of the Dirac equation to changed the life of modern societies. commentaries that he wrote in 2011 when he LIGHT SOURCES the standard electroweak theory in less He was also remarkable in unifying was 89. The papers and commentaries in this AND RESEARCH than 200 pages. Moreover, the fi nal chapter two cultures – the sciences and the arts. collection comprise a remarkable personal consists of a careful selection of assorted This fi rst comprehensive and contextual and professional chronicle, shedding ACCELERATORS problems, which are original and either biography of Ørsted offers cultural and light on both the intellectual development anticipate or detail some of the topics sociological insights into the european of a great physicist and on the nature of discussed in the bulk of the chapters. network of scientists in the 19th century, scientifi c inquiry. We are pleased to welcome instead of building a treatise out of a when divergent national paradigms you on our booth n°47 & 52 at collection of lecture notes, the author prevailed. It also illuminates Danish 100 Years of Subatomic Physics Beam spot size when passing took the complementary approach and cultural and intellectual circles in the By Ernest M Henley and Stephen D Ellis (eds.) through magnetic quadrupoles with opposite constructed a course out of a number of so-called Golden Age. World Scientifi c polarities and anti-periodic modelling around the beam axis. well-known and classic treatises. The result Hardback: £58 is fresh and useful. The essential parts of Space–Time Symmetry and Quantum Paperback: £32 the 22 short chapters — each covering Yang–Mills Gravity: How Space–Time E-book: £24 approximately one or two blackboard Translational Gauge Symmetry Enables the Also available at the CERN bookshop lectures — are cleverly set out: the more Unifi cation of Gravity with Other Forces By 1911, radioactivity had been Example of Modular thorough calculations are simply quoted By Jong-Ping Hsu and Leonardo Hsu discovered for more than a Power Converters by spelling out, in great detail, the chapters World Scientifi c decade but its origin remained and sections of the various classic books Hardback: £65 a mystery. Ernest Rutherford’s on fi eld theory, where students can E-book: £49 discovery of the nucleus and www.sigmaphi.fr appreciate the real source of the various Yang–Mills gravity is a the subsequent discovery of treatments that have propagated through new theory, consistent with the neutron by James Chadwick started the current scientifi c literature. Despite experiments, that brings gravity the fi eld of subatomic physics – a quest to the book’s conciseness the mathematical back to the arena of gauge fi eld understand the fundamental constituents approach is rigorous, and readers are never theory and quantum mechanics of matter. This book reviews the important spoon-fed but encouraged to focus on the in fl at space–time. It provides achievements in subatomic physics in the few essential themes of each lecture. The solutions to long-standing diffi culties in past century. The chapters are divided purpose is to induce specifi c refl ections on physics, such as the incompatibility between into two parts – nuclear physics and many important applications that are often Einstein’s principle of general co-ordinate particle physics – with contributions by mentioned but not pedantically scrutinized. invariance and modern schemes for a many eminent researchers, from Steven The ability to prioritize the various topics is quantum mechanical description of nature. Weinberg’s overview of the subject to John wisely married with constant stimulus for The book aims to provide a treatment Schwarz on string theory and M-theory. the reader’s curiosity. of quantum Yang–Mills gravity with an This book will be useful not only emphasis on the ideas and evidence that Relativistic Hydrodynamics for masters-level students but will, I the gravitational fi eld is the manifestation By Luciano Rezzolla and Olindo Zanotti hope, be well received by teachers and of space–time translational symmetry Oxford University Press practitioners in the fi eld. At a time when in fl at space-time, and that there exists Hardback: £55 CCMay14Ad_Sigmaphi_QP.indd 1 09/04/2014 16:08 PowerPoint dictates the rules of scientifi c a fundamental space–time symmetry Also available as an e-book communication between students and framework that can encompass all of This book provides an teachers (and vice versa), this course – physics, including gravity, for all inertial and up-to-date, lively and including some minor typos – smells non-inertial frames of reference. approachable introduction to pleasantly of chalk and blackboard. the mathematical formalism, ● Massimo Giovannini, CERN and INFN Selected Papers II: With Commentaries numerical techniques, and Milan-Bicocca. By Chen Ning Yang applications of relativistic World Scientifi c hydrodynamics. It presents a well-organized Books received Hardback: £65 description of the subject, from the basic Paperback: £32 principles of statistical kinetic theory, Hans Christian Ørsted: Reading Nature’s E-book: £24 through the technical aspects of numerical Mind Since receiving his PhD from methods devised for the solution of the By Dan Ch Christensen the university of chicago in equations, to applications in modern physics Oxford University Press 1948, Chen Ning Yang has had and astrophysics. There are numerous Hardback: £39.99 $69.95 great impact in both abstract fi gures and diagrams, as well as a variety Also available as an e-book, and at the CERN theory and phenomenological of exercises, which support the material bookshop analysis in modern physics. in the book.


p45.indd 1 09/04/2014 16:23 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 CERN Courier May 2014 Photo courtesy of EFDA-JET. Website: www.jet.efda.org Viewpoint Origins: the early days of CERN

François de Rose recalls the Schuman, who was then French minister of foreign affairs and one of Europe’s founding fi rst discussions that ultimately fathers, was immediately in favour of it. A second goal was to reintroduce complete led to the birth of CERN. freedom of communication and the sharing of knowledge into this branch of science. It should be realized that, in the wake of Hiroshima, people were afraid of science In 1946 a commission of and of nuclear science in particular. the united nations Security “The physicists have known sin” said council was entrusted with Oppenheimer, and the consequence of the task of making proposals using scientists’ work for military purposes to bring atomic energy under international A loyal supporter of CERN, François de was the imposition of secrecy and the control. it was one year after the devastation Rose last visited the laboratory in July 2013. lack of communication between research of Hiroshima, and the idea of such control (Image credit: CERN-GE-1307171 – 01.) centres. By immediately taking the opposite had been approved by all the governments. approach to fundamental research in its ©2008 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. trademarks are the property of Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. The commission was made up of infl uential Scherrer in Switzerland and possibly Werner statutes, CERN was following the great scientists who had the knowledge that was Heisenberg in Germany, if I remember tradition of science knowing no boundaries. Got Radiation? needed to understand the problem fully and correctly, but we were given a cooler reception The ambitions of these pioneers were more of politicians and diplomats representing the in other capitals. Nevertheless, the idea was than fulfi lled, since CERN is today home to See what you’ve been missing governments’ interests. It was in this capacity now on the table and was no doubt starting to scientists from all over the world, including as a diplomat that i represented France on take root in people’s minds. Moreover, it came the US, China, Japan and Russia, all working the commission and was able to establish on top of an appeal on similar lines from the together and in teams on the same research, trusting and friendly relations with many of European Centre for Culture in Geneva, led the results of which are published in full. my countrymen who were scientists, as well by Denis de Rougemont from Switzerland Another of my memories concerns the The Thermo Scientific MegaRAD series of radiation hardened CID as with foreign scientists, fi rst and foremost and Raoul Dautry from France. It was then extension of the CERN site into France. imaging cameras are capable of operating in high dose environ- among whom was Robert Oppenheimer, that Isidor Rabi, a Nobel prize winner, made After the construction of the 28 GeV Proton who was to play a very important role in the his crucial speech at the UNESCO General Synchrotron, it soon became apparent that, ments and provide excellent image quality to total dose levels over creation of cern. conference in Florence in June 1950. in the time-honoured fashion, this was only 100 times the tolerance of conventional solid state cameras. in the course of the many conversations i Speaking on behalf of the US, he more or less a scale model of more powerful machines had with Oppenheimer in the US, in which said the same thing that oppenheimer had to come. The area that Switzerland had we were often joined by other Frenchmen, said to us in private. been able to set aside for cern could not • Color and Monochrome imaging to beyond 3 MegaRAD who were my scientifi c and technical This speech marked a defi nite turning be extended on the Swiss side. Luckily, the advisers, he confi ded his worries about the point, persuading the majority of European site ran alongside the border with France, • High resolution CID imager technology future development of fundamental physics scientists and their governments to adopt and the land in that area was essentially in Europe. “Almost all we know, we have a resolution authorizing uneSco to being used for farming. The continuation • Small remote detachable head learnt in europe” is the substance of what “assist and encourage the formation and and development of CERN’s activities were he said. He himself had been a pupil of Niels organization of regional centres and therefore dependent on extending the site Look closer at the Thermo Scientific line of radiation hardened Bohr in Copenhagen. “But in the future,” laboratories in order to increase and make into France, thus requiring a parcel of around The world’s only color rad hard camera he continued, “research is going to require more fruitful the international collaboration 500 hectares of French land to be made cameras. Visit www.thermo.com/cidtec or contact us today Innovative Preamp per pixel CID design allows high industrial, technical and fi nancial resources of scientists”. Pierre Auger, UNESCO’s available to an international organization with about new innovative imaging products. that will be beyond the means of individual director of natural sciences, took matters its headquarters in Switzerland. I prepared radiation tolerance and excellent image quality even European countries. You will therefore need to in hand and, at the end of 1951, managed a dossier, which was submitted to the then in low light conditions. join forces to pool all your resources. It would to organize a conference of all european French president, General de Gaulle, by the Tel: 1-315-451-9410 • Email: [email protected] be fundamentally unhealthy if european scientists and government representatives, minister of foreign affairs, Maurice Couve de scientists were obliged to go to the uS or the which i had the honour to chair and at which Murville. That is how CERN became – and I Soviet union to conduct their research.” it was decided to establish the european think remains to this day – the only research Early in 1950, convinced by this argument, council for nuclear research. centre to straddle the border of two countries. Francis Perrin, then high commissioner for The fundamental ideas, namely the goals ● François de Rose, a French diplomat, was involved atomic energy in Paris, and I began to visit that all the pioneers of what was to become in the creation of CERN from the very beginning. the main european research centres that CERN set themselves, consisted fi rst of all He wrote this Viewpoint at the time of CERN’s 50th would need to be persuaded. We met with a in promoting European co-operation in this anniversary (CERN Courier October 2004 p74). Sadly, favourable response from Edoardo Amaldi vital area. CERN was thus the fi rst venture he died in March, in the 60th anniversary year of the in Italy, Niels Bohr in Copenhagen, Paul on a european scale and i can say that robert organization he helped to found (see tribute p24). Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific


Untitled-1 1 29/8/08 08:58:42 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 cerncourier V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4 Contents 5 N ew s F e a t u r e s 31 F a ce s &P l a ce s  LHC and Tevatron teams announce first joint result CERN 17 BESIII and the XYZ mystery • • 38 ec r u i t men t and ESA sign co-operation agreement • CMS sets new constraints Results from precision studies in the charm energy region. R  on the width of the Higgs boson LHCb’s results become more • 21 A network for life 43 B oo k s h elf  precise • ATLAS uses t → qH decays to pin down the Higgs • LHCf investigates proton–lead collisions OPERA sees a fourth PARTNER – an innovative training project in the field of hadron • therapy. 46 V i ewpo i n t  τ neutrino 24 François de Rose: strategist and visionary 11 S c i encew a t c h  The last of CERN’s founding fathers, a loyal supporter and a dear 13 A s t r ow a t c h  friend, passed away at age 103. 27 The World Wide Web’s 25th anniversary 15 A r c h i v e  Time to ensure that the web remains open, free and accessible. cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 4 N u m b e r 4 M a y 2 0 1 4