The Sacred The Sacred Paschal Triduum

of St. Mary Magdalen Church Wilmington,2019 Delaware April 1-4, 2021 Table of Contents Holy Thursday Evening of the Lord’s Supper Page 3

Good Friday Celebration of the Passion of the Lord Page 9

Holy Saturday The Vigil in the Holy Night Page 12

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Page 18

The Schola of St. Mary Magdalen

Sopranos - Melanie Dudley, Marti Kuypers, Karen McCaffrey Nancy O’Laughlin, Katie Yakovenko Altos - Kathleen Ifkovits, Jennifer Pintal Tenors - Ryan Ifkovits, Ian Stone Bass - Peter Campbell

Triduum Cantors

Peter Campbell Karen McCaffrey Jennifer Pintal Justin Pollio

Triduum Musicians

David John Ifkovits – Director of Music/Organist Christina Lawless – Timpani Christa Sechler – Oboe The Capitol Brass Quintet The Wilmington String Quartet 2

Holy Thursday Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Introductory Rites

Entrance Glory in the Cross Dan Schutte


Penitential Act Bob Hurd

Gloria Jubilation Mass James Chepponis

4 Palm Sunday: The Passion of the Lord 14 fixed

Liturgy of the Word

Reading I Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14

Psalm 116 Luke Mayernick Holy Thursday: Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper

4 j œ œ 3 4 & 4 œ œ œ œ œ ˙ 4 ˙ œ 4 w Our bless-ing-cup is œa comœ -mun-ion withœ theœ Blood of Christ.

Refrain Copyright © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation Music by Luke Mayernik, Copyright © 2017 Birnamwood Publications, A division of MorningStar Music Publishers, Inc.

Reading II I Corinthians 11:23-26

Purchaser may reproduce this congregational page provided a valid license is in place from a licensing agency, usage is reported, and the copyright notice is included. Alternatively, permission can be obtained from the copyright owner.

Acclamation Good News Acclamation James Chepponis

Gospel John 11:1-45


Universal Prayer


Liturgy of the

Preparation of the Altar & Gifts

Hymn Ubi Caritas Bob Hurd UBI CARITAS Bob Hurd Refrain: All

*U bi ca ri tas est ve ra, est ve ra: De us i bi Verses: Cantor/Choir

est, De us i bi est. 1. The love of Christ joins us to 2. In true com mu nion let us 3. May we who gath er at this 4. For those in need make us your 5. May we one day be hold your

1. geth er. Let us re joice in him, and in our love and 2. gath er. May all di vi sions cease and in their place be 3. ta ble to share the bread of life be come a sac ra 4. mer cy, for those op pressed, your might. Make us, your Church, a 5. glo ry and see you face to face, re joic ing with the to Refrain

1. care for all now love God in re turn. 2. Christ the Lord, our ris en Prince of Peace. 3. ment of love, your heal ing touch, O Christ. 4. ho ly sign of jus tice and new life. 5. saints of God to sing e ter nal praise.

Refrain and vss. 1, 2, 5 based on Ubi Caritas, 9th cent.; vss. 3, 4 by Bob Hurd. Text and music © 1996, Bob Hurd. Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved.


Holy Owen Alstot

Save Us, Savior Owen Alstot

Amen Owen Alstot

The Lord’s Prayer

7 Agnus Dei Roman Missal Chant

Communion Hymn The Supper of the Lord. Laurence Rosania


Good Friday Celebration of the Passion of the Lord

Entrance Please stand as the procession enters in silence. Please kneel when the celebrant lies prostrate before the altar.

The Liturgy of the Word

Reading I Isaiah 52:13-53:12

Psalm 31 Father, Into Your Hands I Commend My Spirit Randall DeBruyn

Reading II Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9

Acclamation Owen Alstott


The Passion of the Lord according to John


The Solemn Intercessions (Please respond “AMEN”)

I. For Holy Church

II. For the Pope

III. For all orders and degrees of the faithful

IV. For catechumens

V. For the unity of Christians

VI. For the Jewish People

VII. For those who do not believe in Christ

VIII. For those who do not believe in God

IX. For those in public office

X. For those in tribulation

Collection Offering for the Preservation of the Sacred Places in the Holy Land

What Wondrous Love is This? – Ric Flauding The Wilmington String Quartet


The Adoration of the Holy Cross

The Showing of the Holy Cross All stand as the cross is carried forward.

Adoration of the Holy Cross All are invited to venerate the cross individually. It is customary to venerate the cross with genuflection and/or bowing.. After venerating, please return to your pew.

Gabriel’s Oboe - Ennio Moricone Christa Sechler - Oboe The Wilmington String Quartet

Holy Communion Please stand as the Blessed Sacrament is brought to the altar.

Lord’s Prayer

Prayer after Communion

Prayer over the People

Communion O the Deep, Deep Love – Duane Funderburk The Wilmington String Quartet


The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night

The Lucernarium Palm Sunday: The Passion of the Lord 14 fixed

Blessing of the Fire and Preparation of the Candle


The Easter Proclamation (Exultet)

The Liturgy of the Word

Reading I Genesis 1:1-2:2

Psalm 104 Luke Mayernik Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil I

6 œ & 8 ˙. œ. œ œ œ œ #œ ‰ nœ œ œ œ. bœ ˙. Lord, send out your Spir - it,œ andœ reœ - new the face of the earth.

Refrain Copyright © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation Music by Luke Mayernik, Copyright © 2017 Birnamwood Publications, A division of MorningStar Music Publishers, Inc.

Prayer Purchaser may reproduce this congregational page provided a valid license is in place from a licensing agency, usage is reported, and the copyright notice is included. Alternatively, permission12 can be obtained from the copyright owner.

80-406 Palm Sunday: The Passion of the Lord 14 fixed Reading II Exodus 14:15-15:1

Exodus 15 Janet Sullivan Whitaker


Reading III Ezekiel 36:16-17a, 18-28

Psalm 42 Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil VII Luke Mayernik

4 & 4 j œ ˙. œ ˙ Likeœ œa deerœ. thatœ longsœ forœ runœ -ning streams, myœ soul, myœ

& œ ˙ œ œ œ soul, myœ soul longs for you,œ myœ God.w

Refrain Copyright © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation Music by Luke Mayernik, Copyright © 2017 Birnamwood Publications, A division of MorningStar Music Publishers, Inc.

Purchaser may reproduce this congregational page provided a valid license is in place from a licensing agency, usage is Prayerreported, and the copyright notice is included. Alternatively, permission can be obtained from the copyright owner.



Gloria Missa Pacem L. Randolph Babin

Epistle Romans 6:3-11

Acclamation Festival Alleluia James Cherpponis


Gospel Matthew 28:1-10


The Blessing of Water

The Renewal of Baptismal Promises

All Stand with lighted candles and renew their baptismal Profession of Faith by responding “I do.” The Congregation is then sprinkled with the blessed water.

Sicut Cervus - Palestrina The Schola of St. Mary Magdalen

Sicut cervus desiderat ad fontes aquarum’ ita desiderat anima mea ad te, Deus.

As the heart longs for flowing streams, so longs my soul for thee, O God.

Universal Prayer

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Preparation of the Altar & Gifts

Offertory Coronation Craig Courtney The Schola of St. Mary Magdalen The Capitol Brass Quintet

Preface Dialogue

Celebrant: The Lord be with you. Congregation: And with your spirit.

Celebrant: Lift up your hearts Congregation: We lift them up to the Lord

Celebrant: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God Congregation: It is right and just


Missa Pacem L. Randolph Babin


Communion Rite

Lord’s Prayer

Lamb of God Lamb of God LAMB OF GOD Cantor or choir: All:

Lamb of God, you take a - way the sins of the

Repeat as needed

world, have mer - cy on us.

Last time Cantor or choir: us. Lamb of God, you take a - way the sins of the All:

world, have mer - cy on us. Lamb of God, you

take a - way the sins of the world, grant us peace. Music: Missa Pacem, L. Randolph Babin, © 2004, GIA Publications, Inc.

Concluding Rites

Greeting, Solemn Blessing and Dismissal

Communion Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds John A. Behnke The Schola of St. Mary Magdalen The Capitol Brass Quintet

3126176-LAMBO-P Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Introductory Rites

Entrance Alleluia! Alleluia! Hymn to Joy

Gloria Missa Pacem L. Randolph Babin

18 Liturgy of the Word

Reading I Acts of the Apostles 10:34a, 37–43

Psalm 118 Bobby Fischer

Reading II Colossians 3:1-4

Sequence Christ, the Lord is Risen Today Llanfair


Gospel Acclamation Festival Alleluia James Cherpponis

Gospel John 20: 1-9


The Renewal of Baptismal Promises

All Stand and renew their baptismal Profession of Faith by responding “I do.” The Congregation is then sprinkled with the blessed water.

(8:30 am) Flow River Flow Bob Hurd

(10:30 am) Sicut Cervus Palestrina The Schola of St. Mary Magdalen

Sicut cervus desiderat ad fontes aquarum’ ita desiderat anima mea ad te, Deus. As the heart longs for flowing streams, so longs my soul for thee, O God.

Universal Prayer

20 Liturgy of the Eucharist

Preparation of the Altar & Gifts

Offertory Coronation (10:30 am) Craig Courtney The Schola of St. Mary Magdalen

Missa Pacem L. Randolph Babin


Lord’s Prayer

Lamb of God Lamb of God LAMB OF GOD Cantor or choir: All:

Lamb of God, you take a - way the sins of the

Repeat as needed

world, have mer - cy on us.

Last time Cantor or choir: us. Lamb of God, you take a - way the sins of the All:

world, have mer - cy on us. Lamb of God, you

take a - way the sins of the world, grant us peace. Music: Missa Pacem, L. Randolph Babin, © 2004, GIA Publications, Inc.

Concluding Rites

Solemn Blessing and Dismissal

3126176-LAMBO-P Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Communion (8:30 am) I Am the Bread of Life Suzanne Toolan

(10:30 am) Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds John A. Behnke The Schola of St. Mary Magdalen

The Sacred Paschal Triduum

Front ofCover art: Gio o, Last Supper, 1306, Church of Santa Croce, Florence. 2019 Gio o, Scenes from the Life of Christ, Lamentation (The Mourning of Christ), 1304-1306, Capella Scrovegni (Arena Chapel) Padua.

Fra Angelico, Resurrection of Christ and Women at the Tomb, 144

Music reprinted under One License. License #730720-A. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 23