Triduum 2017
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St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church Music Schedule for the Paschal Triduum 2017 Holy Thursday – Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper – April 13 Processional Lift High the Cross #294 Cantor Reception of the Holy Oils #1015 7 Kristine Gloria Mass of Wisdom Janco Responsorial Psalm Two Psalms for Holy Week WA Gospel Acclamation Praise to You, Word of God #346 Washing of Feet Ubi Caritas #418 Mandatum Chant #368 Universal Prayer Trilingual Intercessions Offertory Ubi Caritas #417 Eucharistic Acclamations Chant Mass WA Communion Draw Near Gather #935 Ave Verum Corpus #132 Recessional Pange Lingua #344 English: 1-4, Latin 5-6 Stay With Me (Choir Only) #392 Good Friday – Celebration of the Passion of the Lord – April 14 Responsorial Psalm Psalm 31: Father, Father, into your hands… #354 Cantor Gospel Acclamation Praise to You, Word of God #346 7 Katie Showing of the Cross Behold the Wood of the Cross (Chant) WA Veneration of the Cross All You Who Pass This Way #111 Adoramus Te #102 Adoramus Te (Choir) #101 Jesus, Remember Me Gather #404 Communion Were You There? (vs. 1-5) Gather #511 My Song is Love Unknown #763 Holy Saturday – The Great Easter Vigil in the Holy Night – April 15 Gathering Jesus Christ, Yesterday, Today, & Forever #274 Exultet Roman Missal Cantors Responsorial Psalm 1 Psalm 33: The earth is full... #191 1 Katie Responsorial Psalm 2 Psalm 16: You are my inheritance #191 2 Barb Responsorial Psalm 3 Exodus 15: I will sing, I will sing… #191 3 Karen Responsorial Psalm 4 Psalm 30: I will praise you, Lord… #194 4 Jamie Responsorial Psalm 5 Isaiah 12: With joy you shall draw water #191 5 Heather Responsorial Psalm 6 Psalm 19: Lord, you have the words… #193 6 Donna Responsorial Psalm 7 Psalm 42: Like a deer… #193 7 Carolyn Gloria Mass of Wisdom Janco Gospel Acclamation Gregorian (no procession) #192 Kristine Litany of the Saints Chant #190 Blessing of the Water Springs of Water/O Sons & Daughters Baptismal Acclamation You Have Put On Christ #192 Sprinkling Rite Aspergers Me (Choir) #127 ConVirmation Veni Creator Spiritus #425 Universal Prayer Trilingual Intercessions Offertory Surrexit Christus (Choir) #979 Eucharistic Acclamations Mass of Wisdom Janco Communion Christ Our Passover #367 Draw Near Gather #935 Ave Verum Corpus #133 Hallelujah, Amen! #509 Recessional Jesus Christ Is Ris’n Today Gather #540.