List of Swiss Cultural Goods: Archaeological Objects
List of Swiss cultural goods: archaeological objects A selection compiled by the Conference of Swiss Canton Archaeologists by order of the Federal Office of Culture FOC Konferenz schweizerischer Kantonsarchäologinnen und Kantonsarchäologen KSKA Conférence Suisse des Archéologues Cantonaux CSAC Conferenza Svizzera degli Archeologi Cantonali CSAC Categories of Swiss cultural goods I. Stone A. Architectural elements: made of granite, sandstone, marble and other types of stone. Capitals, window embrasures, mosaics etc. Approximate date: 50 BC – AD 1500. B. Inscriptions: on various types of stone. Altars, tombstones, honorary inscriptions etc. Approximate date: 50 BC – AD 800. C. Reliefs: on limestone and other types of stone. Stone reliefs, tomb- stone reliefs, decorative elements etc. Approximate date: mainly 50 BC – AD 800. D. Sculptures/statues: made of limestone, marble and other types of stone. Busts, statuettes, burial ornaments etc. Approximate date: mainly 50 BC – AD 800. E. Tools/implements: made of flint and other types of stone. Various tools such as knife and dagger blades, axes and implements for crafts etc. Approximate date: 130 000 BC – AD 800. F. Weapons: made of shale, flint, limestone, sandstone and other types of stone. Arrowheads, armguards, cannonballs etc. Approxi- mate date: 10 000 BC – AD 1500. G. Jewellery/accessories: made of various types of stone. Pendants, beads, finger ring inlays etc. Approximate date: mainly 2800 BC – AD 800. II. Metal A. Statues /statuettes / made of non-ferrous metal, rarely from precious metal. busts: Depictions of animals, humans and deities, portrait busts etc. Approximate date: 50 BC – AD 800. B. Vessels: made of non-ferrous metal, rarely from precious metal and iron.
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