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COMPACT.' CAR ~~. VAUXH'~'" ~- 6 Cylinr r · ~IX PAr~~ THE DAILY NEWS ~2s,·· Terra Nova M~.. rs Lto. &~ Vol. 67. No. 42 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S. NFLD., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents) Charles Hutton & Sons * 3 Die- In l\1ay Train Crash Postpone ' Arms Testing ..•. -. ; . :' i:· . : . ~ ..: ..... '! Hearing For Britain Not ·In Russia WOULD LIMIT PENALTY PerhaPs sirniftCillt!y, however, wu the Jaek iD l!le early stages ot any arewileat for retaining TRE COUNTRY PAUON .Investigate Dlsappearanc~ • Cloudy Jilh snow begin· ning this evening; turning to rain. Milder. High 33. TEMPERATURES Montreal .. .. .. 10 38 Moncton ....... 19 35 41 WELFARE COSTS UP Halifax ........ 26 It said expenditures for weUare Sydney ........ 14 34 services increased by approxi· St. John's ...... 20 29 mately $1,000,000 during L'te last &!~...... --~--- . • . ' 2 r··-:-"·--------------------··------------------,. --------------- 1 ! Newspaper History !'Peopfe :n.. T!::.. NEWS I Tr~man Wins Dubious Di~tindion; • I y i He s Worst-Dressed Man In Wax !, o~l Bell Ls land r A distinguished visitor to is not afraid of a nuclear war." i 'J 1· Newfoundland this week was ·,re looked up a few facts and By TOM A. CULLES ] movt!rnents to he natural, !low· 1 1i Nlrmal Chaudhurl, an expert on figures after the interview, to lllewspaper Enterprise Assn. , ing." I' international affairs. tell yon more about a counth ! It was Wismark who expllin· • ~~ 11 Mr. Chaudhuri, a native of that is too often, ~is~~kenly. LONDON _ (NEAl-Someone: ed why the model of Danny Kaye •} } p t' 4 II India, was in St. John's for the thou~ht of as conSJStm-.: of 1 should tell Harry s. TI'Urnan · is all wrong anatomically. "His From Th e F1 es ar I, latter part of the week. giving nothmg !mt nee paddies. I about that old double·breasted. i. American tailor pads his should· t· three speeches. In between ~ed ChnJa, at t~e end of gray suit he is wearing in Mad-: ers out and makes his hips tap· 1 { .ly News Chapter 15 :I these speeches and an Interview 19o8, had a populal!on of 627,·1 arne Tussaud's ~ax museum. It: er." Of The Dal 1,with the CBC, we managed to 800,000. We _have ~o reason to. has earned him the dubious dis·: The exhibition spares no effort 1, talk with ~tr. Chaudhuri and ~ehev.c t~e figure IS lower now, l tinction of being the worst-~ress· 1 to make its models accurate and 1: we learned a lot. In 1960, She has a regular_ a~my , ed man'' in the waxworks. 1 life-like. Wherever possible Ber· 1: But first. his. background- of 3,~o.o._ooo and severai millions : Someone, likewise, should tell. nard Tussaud. who makes all t~e I why he can be _rightful_ly cane;! of m1llll~ reserve. A~a111, these , Secretary of state Christian Hert· . heads. likes to hal'c at l':'ast one By AOOI SON 8OWN I an expert on mternahonal a.·l arc the figures o~ 1!1~8. : er not to give ;\ladame Tussaud's i inten·icw •"sitting," he calls it I' I: fairs. In the way of education. Her alrforce has 2.500 planes, the brush·off. The Tussaud peo- ~ with the subjrct. · :·he received his BA at the Uni· including 1,800 jets. And she! ple are hoppina mad because· • • • o • f '-•••••••-••••••·----··-•••••··-·-·-•••••· . .. -•-••• · vcrs1ty' of Calcutta. From t here has a sma II su b mar1ne. fl ee t · It' Herter ~as turned down their re· Tussau d' s p1·e e1·s to n;P r1 o t!Jc• ·' SPBISG o•· 1932 ' Fu·e Hail earl)' Ill Apl'll and ' half time on ~lay 1st. he went to the London School was in connection with the lat- 1 quest to do him in wax. which hare been worn h_,. th~ _,pril lith was the date of the i the following executive _elect· Deaths In April. included ~of Economics to get his MA, as ter fact that ~lr. Chaudhuri Pope .John XXIII, Queen Eliz-. subiects. which is wh,,.,. !larry famow riot 1t the House ofj· ed:- R. R. Costigan, president; those of· Thos. Demhey, Mrs. 1 well as spending some time at mentioned Formosa. I abeth tt' President Eisenhower' T1·u·l!lan's old suit comes in. Asstmbl)'. On the 7th, a public G. S. Grant. secretary; C.. B. Drusilla Rees, 85, and James ithe University of Edinburgh. "The only, reason why China , and Sir \Vinston churchill appar- \\'hPn Truman !,e· 3me Presi· a'lt'etlng WIS held at the i Archibald, treasurer. Executive Stoyles, at Lane~ Cove; Arthur\ He specialized in the study of hasn't taken Formosa is because Iently hal'e no objection to being dent in 1~4;; ciothin~ w~.- ration- ~rinct's Theatre and the follow· I· committee, Peter Kent, . A. P. Cull of St. Phllhp:s. 55. economics, political science and she d~esn't have a strong navy," exhibited as wax dummies. at: ed in J\ritnin and Tussaud's had 1~ resolution adopted:- . Rees, Rev. E. J. Rawlms, Dr. The S.U.F. Soe1ety celebral' lnternatlonal Jaw. he sa1d. the world famous wax emporiUm. no clothing ration coupon.<. For "WHEREAS a full public: H. A. Giol'annetti.. A delegation ed St. George's , Day with a He managed to f!railuate with We also looked up some Iwhich is now celebrating its 157th · his moM! Truman kindly nrc- mtetinJ of the eitlzens of Bell was sent to St. John's to inter· church parade to St. Cyprian's the highest marks while at Lon- figures on China's economic year. sented t~· museum with n com· Island. fully 400 men. assembl· \'lew the government and ask where Rev. I. Parsons addressed don. He spent the war years in life. In 1957, her output of coal[ You ran Jearn -a Jot of curious olet~ o•.ttfit. which was b•·ou!!ht td in tbe Prince's Theatre to for the $4000 collected In loeal the congregation. London and worked for the was 150.000,000 tons. Her out· facts at Tussaud's: that Danny from Wa•hinP.ton bv Clern<'!nt At· p..ss resolutions against the coal taxes and half the motor Basketball was resumed at BBC giving talks on inter· put of steel was 1,640.000. The [Kaye is regarded as something tlee. then Briti~h premier. In his dislfaceful act of some of the license fees to be spent on the Arena on April 28 with nati~nal affairs. second five-year plan. passed by of an anatomical freak, that p~·sona: lu!!~a~~- unruly citizens of St. John's in local roads; also to make ar· three teams competing, Blues, Following his stay in London, the People's Congress in 1958, Marie Antoniet~ has a 42·inch But the most bi~arr~ aid of all attemptin1 the life of our Prime rangcmcnts with the B.I. Trans· Wanderers and Red Lions. Mr. Chaudhuri went to Paris to sets a goal of 230,000,000 tons bust measurement, that General , . came from .John Haizh. the acid ~linl.!ttr and destroying \'niuablr portatlon Company's directors , 1 . 1 tl work for UNESCO. He worked of coal b~· 1962, and 12,000,000 Franco is a half Inc~ shorter than: · bath murd~rer, who on the ave propeny in the City, though to remove the objectionable "usic exam na ons .were c~n· there from 1948 until about tons of steel. Napo:eon. · of his execution wil!erl to Tus· ~-f realize that only a small: tax on motor cars using the dueled by Ronald Chamberlam, 1952. He then joined the staff Mr. Chaudhuri told us 1 The waxworks ~as rema~ned, s~url's th~ clothr, which ~Is n•od· 111 5 percentait of the citizens of St. Tramway wharf, on payment of ~t.~ .. f · ~~ci't AcRi~.M., Lex· of the United Nations as a dip- story, about a visit he paid to lin the Tussaud .family eve_r smce els !~ now wearing. H~ also left 0 John's were Implicated in tlris I an annual sum by the Associa· dmmer 1r 1 [ 1~9 YTh ege, ~nj Jomatic correspondent. an old friend in India in 1958. It was founded In London m 1802. ! instructions for keepin!l them matter: lion. on, .on pr .' e. success u' ln 1958 he travelled around The man was a Chinese doctor. I It is now run by Bernard Tus· neatly pres<~!l :>.nd brushed. "BE IT RESOL\'ED that we. , The committee received a c~nd~dates ~ere.-: VIolin,, M~~~ the world. visiting 25 countries Despite his many years of 1 saud, t~e. gr&at-great-grandson • • • tnr lora! Jubjects of His ~Ia· 'favorable reply from the gov. ~ et~e. Se~ 10~ ~~rn~, C;clha during the year. This was not peaceful existence, the doctor: of the or1gmal !\o!adame Tussaurl. ~!is<inl! from )!adame Tus. • <> •• jr.sty the King. place ourseh·es !'rnrnent and some work was ar .age, ons ggm~. nt~r· just a trip for the sake of tour- said: "You know, for the first: , • • • . <nnd's i~ P~ndit X•hru. whose on rKord as bt'ing !'ntirely op- , done on local roads before the ~edl~~· ~a!!' ~ur~h~' }h~IIa ing. He was establishing his own time in my life, I'm proud of , T~ssaud s uses only hum a:. ha_1r ef'ig,· \I' a< l"'l'ently withdrawn po;ed to the mob rule II!Cd in proclamation of a .general elec· 1· urp ), nan ay or.