COMPACT.' CAR ~~. VAUXH'~'" ~- 6 Cylinr r · ~IX PAr~~ THE DAILY NEWS ~2s,·· Terra Nova M~.. rs Lto. &~ Vol. 67. No. 42 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S. NFLD., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents) Charles Hutton & Sons

* 3 Die- In l\1ay Train Crash Postpone ' Arms Testing

..•. -. ; . :' i:· . : . . . ~ ..: ..... '! Hearing

For Britain

Not ·In Russia

WOULD LIMIT PENALTY PerhaPs sirniftCillt!y, however, wu the Jaek iD l!le early stages ot any arewileat for retaining TRE COUNTRY PAUON

.Investigate Dlsappearanc~ • Cloudy Jilh snow begin· ning this evening; turning to rain. Milder. High 33. Montreal ...... 10 38 Moncton ...... 19 35 41 WELFARE COSTS UP Halifax ...... 26 It said expenditures for weUare Sydney ...... 14 34 services increased by approxi· St. John's ...... 20 29 mately $1,000,000 during L'te last &!~...... --~--- . • . . . ' 2

r··-:-"·------··------,. ------1 ! Newspaper History !'Peopfe :n.. T!::.. NEWS I Tr~man Wins Dubious Di~tindion; • I y i He s Worst-Dressed Man In Wax !, o~l Bell Ls land r A distinguished visitor to is not afraid of a nuclear war." i 'J 1· Newfoundland this week was ·,re looked up a few facts and By TOM A. CULLES ] movt!rnents to he natural, !low· 1 1i Nlrmal Chaudhurl, an expert on figures after the interview, to lllewspaper Enterprise Assn. . , ing." I' international affairs. tell yon more about a counth ! It was Wismark who expllin· • ~~ 11 Mr. Chaudhuri, a native of that is too often, ~is~~kenly. _ (NEAl-Someone: ed why the model of Danny Kaye •} } p t' 4 II India, was in St. John's for the thou~ht of as conSJStm-.: of 1 should tell Harry s. TI'Urnan · is all wrong anatomically. "His From Th e F1 es ar I, latter part of the week. giving nothmg !mt nee paddies. I about that old double·breasted. i. American tailor pads his should· t· three speeches. In between ~ed ChnJa, at t~e end of gray suit he is wearing in Mad-: ers out and makes his hips tap· 1 { .ly News Chapter 15 :I these speeches and an Interview 19o8, had a populal!on of 627,·1 arne Tussaud's ~ax museum. It: er." Of The Dal 1,with the CBC, we managed to 800,000. We _have ~o reason to. has earned him the dubious dis·: The exhibition spares no effort 1, talk with ~tr. Chaudhuri and ~ehev.c t~e figure IS lower now, l tinction of being the worst-~ress· 1 to make its models accurate and 1: we learned a lot. In 1960, She has a regular_ a~my , ed man'' in the waxworks. 1 life-like. Wherever possible Ber· 1: But first. his. background- of 3,~o.o._ooo and severai millions : Someone, likewise, should tell. . nard Tussaud. who makes all t~e I why he can be _rightful_ly cane;! of m1llll~ reserve. A~a111, these , Secretary of state Christian Hert· . heads. likes to hal'c at l':'ast one By AOOI SON 8OWN I an expert on mternahonal a.·l arc the figures o~ 1!1~8. . : er not to give ;\ladame Tussaud's i inten·icw •"sitting," he calls it I' I: fairs. In the way of education. Her alrforce has 2.500 planes, the brush·off. The Tussaud peo- ~ with the subjrct. · :·he received his BA at the Uni· including 1,800 jets. And she! ple are hoppina mad because· • • • o • f '-•••••••-••••••·----··-•••••··-·-·-•••••· ...... -•-••• · vcrs1ty' of Calcutta. From t here has a sma II su b mar1ne . fl ee t · It' Herter ~as turned down their re· Tussau d' s p1·e e1·s to n;P r 1o t!Jc• ·' SPBISG o•· 1932 ' Fu·e Hail earl)' Ill Apl'll and ' half time on ~lay 1st. . he went to the London School was in connection with the lat- 1 quest to do him in wax. which hare been worn h_,. th~ _,pril lith was the date of the i the following executive _elect· Deaths In April. included ~of Economics to get his MA, as ter fact that ~lr. Chaudhuri Pope .John XXIII, Queen Eliz-. subiects. which is wh,,.,. !larry famow riot 1t the House ofj· ed:- R. R. Costigan, president; those of· Thos. Demhey, Mrs. 1 well as spending some time at mentioned Formosa. I abeth tt' President Eisenhower' T1·u·l!lan's old suit comes in. Asstmbl)'. On the 7th, a public G. S. Grant. secretary; C.. B. Drusilla Rees, 85, and James ithe University of Edinburgh. "The only, reason why China , and Sir \Vinston churchill appar- \\'hPn Truman !,e· 3me Presi· a'lt'etlng WIS held at the i Archibald, treasurer. Executive Stoyles, at Lane~ Cove; Arthur\ He specialized in the study of hasn't taken Formosa is because Iently hal'e no objection to being dent in 1~4;; ciothin~ w~.- ration- ~rinct's Theatre and the follow· I· committee, Peter Kent, . A. P. Cull of St. Phllhp:s. 55. economics, political science and she d~esn't have a strong navy," exhibited as wax dummies. at: ed in J\ritnin and Tussaud's had 1~ resolution adopted:- . Rees, Rev. E. J. Rawlms, Dr. The S.U.F. Soe1ety celebral' lnternatlonal Jaw. he sa1d. the world famous wax emporiUm. no clothing ration coupon.<. For "WHEREAS a full public: H. A. Giol'annetti.. A delegation ed St. George's , Day with a He managed to f!railuate with We also looked up some Iwhich is now celebrating its 157th · his moM! Truman kindly nrc- mtetinJ of the eitlzens of Bell was sent to St. John's to inter· church parade to St. Cyprian's the highest marks while at Lon- figures on China's economic year. . sented t~· museum with n com· Island. fully 400 men. assembl· \'lew the government and ask where Rev. I. Parsons addressed don. He spent the war years in life. In 1957, her output of coal[ You ran Jearn -a Jot of curious olet~ o•.ttfit. which was b•·ou!!ht td in tbe Prince's Theatre to for the $4000 collected In loeal the congregation. London and worked for the was 150.000,000 tons. Her out· facts at Tussaud's: that Danny from Wa•hinP.ton bv Clern<'!nt At· resolutions against the coal taxes and half the motor Basketball was resumed at BBC giving talks on inter· put of steel was 1,640.000. The [Kaye is regarded as something tlee. then Briti~h premier. In his dislfaceful act of some of the license fees to be spent on the Arena on April 28 with nati~nal affairs. second five-year plan. passed by of an anatomical freak, that p~·sona: lu!!~a~~- unruly citizens of St. John's in local roads; also to make ar· three teams competing, Blues, Following his stay in London, the People's Congress in 1958, Marie Antoniet~ has a 42·inch But the most bi~arr~ aid of all attemptin1 the life of our Prime rangcmcnts with the B.I. Trans· Wanderers and Red Lions. Mr. Chaudhuri went to Paris to sets a goal of 230,000,000 tons bust measurement, that General , . came from .John Haizh. the acid ~linl.!ttr and destroying \'niuablr portatlon Company's directors , 1 . 1 tl work for UNESCO. He worked of coal b~· 1962, and 12,000,000 Franco is a half Inc~ shorter than: · bath murd~rer, who on the ave propeny in the City, though to remove the objectionable "usic exam na ons .were c~n· there from 1948 until about tons of steel. Napo:eon. . · of his execution wil!erl to Tus· ~-f realize that only a small: tax on motor cars using the dueled by Ronald Chamberlam, 1952. He then joined the staff Mr. Chaudhuri told us 1 The waxworks ~as rema~ned, s~url's th~ clothr, which ~Is n•od· 111 5 percentait of the citizens of St. Tramway wharf, on payment of ~t.~ .. f · ~~ci't AcRi~.M., Lex· of the United Nations as a dip- story, about a visit he paid to lin the Tussaud .family eve_r smce els !~ now wearing. H~ also left 0 John's were Implicated in tlris I an annual sum by the Associa· dmmer 1r 1 [ 1~9 YTh ege, ~nj Jomatic correspondent. an old friend in India in 1958. It was founded In London m 1802. ! instructions for keepin!l them matter: lion. . . on, .on pr .' e. success u' ln 1958 he travelled around The man was a Chinese doctor. I It is now run by Bernard Tus· neatly pres<~!l :>.nd brushed. "BE IT RESOL\'ED that we. , The committee received a c~nd~dates ~ere.-: VIolin,, M~~~ the world. visiting 25 countries Despite his many years of 1 saud, t~e. gr&at-great-grandson • • • tnr lora! Jubjects of His ~Ia· 'favorable reply from the gov. ~ et~e. Se~ 10~ ~~rn~, C;clha during the year. This was not peaceful existence, the doctor: of the or1gmal !\o!adame Tussaurl. ~!is •• jr.sty the King. place ourseh·es !'rnrnent and some work was ar .age, ons ggm~. nt~r· just a trip for the sake of tour- said: "You know, for the first: , • • • . , Jean LeDrew, Agnes Kelly, ' • · lhrou~ e 1 speal er un dahn? eHr mgt da. th · hair in:rertions. "Maybe it's be· :'

her populahon, Canarla has 1 mo\·ement to start soon m the 1 thrusts of Russian multi • stage: rMd employee, Iarmer and store·, atomic teshng ba~e at Regoan, MORE RENOVATION Jlland a more important part i Unit_ed States to get Reel China 1l rockets now are sufficient. to en·, keeper. With a bucksaw, he says, • w!Jere the bom_t:_wa~__:!_Pioded_. _ ! tn the UN than have other adnutted. There are many able large automatic staltons to: · 1 countries," he s~id. Americans wh~ are not going_ to be launched into outer space, ac·i WINTER IS THE TIME FOR HOME IMPROVE 1 ~~ asked ~~ut~ously about ~ur forget so qmckly the act10n cording to a Soviet rocket .re· 1 • fh. i political affiliations, and With- dunng the Korean War. search expert. In en intemew 1· -· -..:.J. 1.,.. 1out waiting for an answer, went India recognizes the govern- with the magazine New Times,. WaLL ~I..J'J.J.:&"'W'~'"tr(t'«~ on to praise Lester Pearson's ment of Red China, whereas, of quoted by the Soviet news agency 1 work in the UN. He obviously course, the United States does Tass, Anatoly Blagonral'ov .said I SPECIALS .couldn't ltelp but say it, no not. Mr. Chaudhuri assured us this was one of the results of Sov­

matter what our political feel· that India wants to be friendly. let rocket tests in the Pacific 1· lngs were. He did not mention the raised last month. , We told him it was perfectly expenditure for defense in 1 safe to make such a statement India. WAS NOW in Newfoundland. He laughed, China regards manpower as 1 Only 9.1 cu. REFRIGERATOR (Windsor) .... $299.95 with a puzzled look on his face. an ass~!. Another billion peo· ft. 95 Now that he had won our ap- pie means anollwr billion work- $199' proval of his qualifications as ers. She is not too worried 2 N 5 pee. KITCHEN CHROME SETS ...... 109.50 , a spokesman on· international about birth control, as are so '78·95 i affairs, we began asking ques· many other Eastern countries. BOYS PANTS II ' lions, ~s much as our limited "China is arrogant, despite 2 OIL SPACE HEATERS ...... ,...... 89.50 50 knowledge allowed, about that the rest of the world. China is BLACK ONLY 59· subject. proud. El'errwhere China has II ; We asked him about the moved, she has taken control," 1 5 pee. DINING ROOM SUITE 149.50 0 ' significance as he saw it of ~lr. he said. Size 24 to 34 99·~ I Khrushchev's recent trip to Although China has many s H India. 'modern weapons, ~he does not Reg. $2.95 .... NOW .95 1 5 pee. BEDROOM SUITE 220.00 00 I 176· , "I feel it was to rountrract hare nuclear weapons. But she · some of the goodwill s;,·, ·.ri k i~ not afraid of an all-out nu· ~------It President Eisenhower on his clear war. 3 8 pee. BEDROOM SUITES " ... 249.50 50 ...... ······ .. trip to India-another part· •1i \\'e askrd :lfr. Cbaudburi If 189· the cold war struggle." he said. he thought the Western world 2 II BABY CARRIAGES (Convertible) 39.95 "It was al~o probabh• to see realized the potential threat of 29·95 where India's sympathies lie, China, remembering how the should there be any major thought came as a shock to us, 2 N WARDROBES WITH MIRROR ...... 39.50 trouble with China." two years ago. 28·88 He went on to tell us about "It is not realized to the ex· the attack! on the Indian bor- tent it should be," he said. der bY, Red China. Russia would "Very few Western people GIRLS1 BOBBY SOCKS find tterself In 1 difficult posi· study it." tlon .If China stepped up these At present, there Is no dlplo- Si:ze 8 to 1OYz $70.00 attacks. By political beliefs, matic corps in Red China, only I .4 for $1.00 For your old washer when traded on a new ELDIS WASHER. Russia and Red China are very in Hong Kong, Mr. Chaudhuri close. But RusRia ha8 also been foresaw that within the next 1 Reg. 49c ...... NOW $189.50 ...... YOU PAY ONLY ...... $119·50 very frJendly towards India In dcca~e there would be shift of recent years. It Is a case of political activiti~s to Red China. keepinll broth~1·s, to baffle even It is far better t~ over es- the "kindest" father. timate a potential enemy. "China Is fcelin.g .her way- America underestimated Ja· she has. gotten quite powe~fu! pan, as did Britain. Western EVERY OTHER ITEM IN STOCK GREATLY REDUCED TO CLEAR. In recent years," Mr. Chaudhur1 domiution was once very told us. much resented by China. EASY CREDIT TERM$- FREE DELIVERY. He told us somethlni else, They are not unintelligent • ·something we first heard two people. Combine arrogance, yean ago. It was 1omewhat power an Intelligence and 1 ' terrifying then and It produced j you have a potential enemy l ttie sume reaction in us this !hat should be overestimated. I ! time. two rears Inter. 1 Cat! we" hope 'that China : STANDARD ,BEDDING i "China 'has more than six 'will ha\'e a change of atti· · billion people. Her attitud~ to- tude?· :\lr. Chaudhuri said wards a nuclear war is that she political, economic and emo· ·coMPANY "LIMITED might lose two or three hillion ·tiona! reasons of China were people. but she would still lie I not likely In change. When IOnOM OF CASEY STREET Dt~L 3361 • 6449 a big countr~·. ahle to stnrl o•cr : the West Is divided, China has ; again. China I~ prnbab'y !he j rery little reason to change. 1 only country In the world !hat ,Just continue growing and ' ST: JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND , The Daily News FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1960 job Analysis Of The Civil Service Official Of Woods Gordon Co. To Make Survey Will Eliminate Wasteful~------· ·I House Damaged Fire 1 By Small

Overlapping Sayc J.R.S. 1 i A dwelling owned by !'rank • I l'rrmirr Smallwoort mactc : up to a srrirs of ret•nmlllCnda· !ration of the Government. · · Grandy on )[arine Dri\'e, Grand Bimk. received interior followin~ >tatcmcnt Thurs· , lions that will be submi.ttcd "~!~· colleagues and I arc t,r damages f1 om fire Wcdncs· day: to thr (~ol·crnmcnt throughout hopeful that one result of ' i day afternoon. The blaze ori, "Whrn thr pcnnanl'nt Ciril thc per1r.d of the survc~· and this sun·e~· will be substantial saring In the t·ost of operating l!inated in a rlothes closet frrricr arr all hou~rd in the : at the end of it. These rccom· when an cleelric hot plate the Cil·il Sen·ice in this Prov·l 11rw Confrdcrati<>n Buildin2. mrndations would prcsumabl~· ignited some inflamables. by tht rnd of 'lan·h. it will rail fm· at.nalgam.atlon of jobs int'c.'' 1 be tht' fir~t timr in alm1"t a anct funl'llons. w1th a VIew to Wood~. Gol·clon and Com· I Cnnsid!'rablc damage tr.· hundred ,·rar~ that the Ch·i! prr.dudn~: greater cfficieltt'Y t>am· of Toronto are the firm I clothing and to the room rc· ~en ire w·ill hrare been hou~c1l in the Ciril ~ervice and the whsc chief, l\lr. Walter Gor· I suited before the fire was cx undrr the nnr roof. Frnm elimination of wasteful OI'Cl'· don, was Chairman of the 1 tinguished. rn~rr than ~5 huildin~s srat· lap:Jin!: and expense in carry· Royal Commission on Cana· i 1 The lnea I firr h:·i;:ade re t~rrd alwut thr l'ity of St. ing nn thr day to day adminis· da's ~:conomlc Prospcds. ~ 1 sponclrrt hut their · sen·icc! Jr-tm's ~nmc thirtern or four·· ·- -- ·- .. ______,__ _ ------.. ·-- l£'t'n hundred prnnancnt Ciril wrre not required. Xo in;ur· Ser\'3nt< will mo1·e into the an('e was carried by ::\IJ:. I Grandy. nrw buiidin;:. No Arrests In: 1 ''This .::i1·r< the <;n,·rnHnrnt 1n ideal o:,~•ortunit)' to makr 1 Jp · 1 rard11l ~--r--·n~nland anal)' Speaking Jis of thr Ciril !'cn·it'('. and tht Gorernmrnt in rct·rnt 4 Fuel Case • . .• 1' ..._: :" n; !1al'e ~inn I'Pl')' I'Rrr· ru! cl'ln;idrration tn thi~ mat· .\t·enrdin~ tn spokesmen askinl! anynne who might Contest .. ~ . tc:. Some weeks 1 ,~ 0 we in· fer t11C llC,ll' and CID no hal'c doubts about any fueiJ · .. ,, ,,. d G arrc~ts ha\'l' yet been made in oil that thry ha1·e bought ,-nrd t:oc .. rm of ·• ro '· ,or· from UllRlllllOJ'I'zed dealers to .1 don and Compan1· of Toronto · t·onnertion with the stealing Finals . ,.. to ~enrl onr of 'tht•ir >t'nior and t•irculatlon of Jp 4 Jet notify his department at ' · The Df the .1.11. . ; l rrrn to St. .lohn'< for dis:·us· Furl la;t X01·cmber. once . •. . \rwfoundland Girl~ Publir .. ... sion~ ..-ah the Gol·crnment. , .It wa~ not defmatel~· deter· ,\~ a result of this puhlil' "CHECKER OF YEAR"-:\Ir. Hartley Ayrc. Cencral Manager of A~·Tc's SulJermarkcts, is shown prcscnlin~ a dl<'I(Ue Speakin~ Contest took place at Thc>e dJscm;;;ons ha1·e been nunerl wl~err the fuel came appeal 70 banels of .II' 4 fuel to "Cht•ckcr of the Ycur", Miss Lorraine Summen. ~lemorial University last night. htid. a plan ha~ been !rom but II was hclle1·cd I'? be was confiscated from city ... --·------·- ana The winners were !'rliss Frances a;~·crd 11110 n between thr GO\·· .~ome of the .wt fuel that d1s·. homes. ' I w H White, a Grade II pupil of th~ Pr.~mcnt am! that company. appe~rcd from . Pepyerrell' A spokesman from the RC: Qffi.CerS To Queen Elizabeth Regional High 9 u s c ul G Tlm plan n·~u>res that a .\II' f Ol'l'C Base Ill 1 ~R. a~s!PtsllaCi)d' )a'C···scte~dOall~:.}rhnactdas tflalel' ' • • ons en era ' . . School. foxtrap. who spoke 011 tenior o!llelal of t!lr Toronto That ~·car approximatrl~· , " -~.. ,.... A d c thP suhject "A !'rlan I Admire" I : \ Co:npan~· 11'111 hr Stationrd in 100 drums Of t•ontami~at~d case was mainly the CdllCCI'Il tten amp : 1Sir Winston Churchill) and Confederation Building for .trt Fuel 1\'~S rcr,ortrd llliSSlllg of the CID bUt Cel'tain a~pec·ts cru· M . s k ! ~lis~ J~an ~!acKinlay, 1 Grade tht next ~·car or mfiH'. In CIJJll• from ttw bi~ .-\lll!'l'ican Base' that ai'OU~e out of their in·' Headquarters Eastern Com· Istensen ain pea er ' 10 >ludent of Bishops CollcJle, pany with ~ permanent em· here in St. .tohn's. The fuel; rstlgalions arc still been in- m:~nd ol Halifax adl'ise that ' :who look u her theme "Wbat I ployep of the '\rwfnundland was being used b~· the :\meJ·I· \'cstigated by them. ·all female officers of the Royal _,_-. Don't t'nderstand About My Gol'ernment who is alrrad~· in cans for fire fil!hting pt·ar· : Crnadian Ar~y :\lcdical Corps· Cl b A • Elders." --:·· thr Cil'il Sen·ice he will ~prnd t1crs. According to one of the of· Oalhtla) w1ll attend Camp A R t . ' ron~1drrable time in" eal'h When it t•amr tn the attrn·. ficials of the CID thei1· file~ ,A'dt•rshol with the Canadian t 0 ary u . nn1versary These two girl~. together with Dtpartment or thr Go1·ern· lion of Fire Commissioner ha1·e not been closed )'ct and \\'~1mcn's Army Corps dunng the li. ·- -- . 1 winners from Central and West ment. .J., rarcful anal~·sis of Frank Ryan. last fall, that' the~· arc still im·estigatin!( the Wl't•k ol 2·9 .July 1960, and that i ·, Xewfoundland, will compete In -. the job clas~ification and funr· · jet furl had been drculatcd : matter, but ha1·e not laid any· in all probability they will take! The special speaker at the 1 · the finals at the Rotary luncheon lion of •ach Cil·iJ Sen ant . in the rity he made se\·erall charges or made any arrests I trdning in National Surl'ivall' 55th. anniversar;· party of the , on ~larch 3rd. '11'!11 be maM. This will lead ; appeal• to the )!enerat public 1 yrt. 'su:,iccts. St. John's Rotary Club last night : ·- --··· · - -. was the U.S. Consul General. The winner will receive 1 . ..._. «. .. ~; ~~· :~""-"'J:r-::-.:~,.,.• ·~·:','"~·,-:r:·~:·~,:~:;(:· .. ' $10.00 cash prize; the Cham· ., I)lr. \\'. H. Christensen member 1 pions hip Shield lnr her school " 1 of the St. John's Club. He spoke '*.f~-·~-~~-:· ~· . , of the consular service and also : and a miniature shield for her- · made reference to the phascing. 1 self. .- ~ . out of Pepperrell AFB. .Mr . ...· .. · Christensen said in part: •• When I was asked to make this -\ speech, it was suggested that I Lutherans Plan ~...~·· ~ ''" . since it was my maiden effort it -...... ; i WOUld be USCfUI if it Were OCCU· · pational-lo tell you what I do. .' Opening-Charter ! ~ : inevitably reminded me that ··_.·:.:! ; when Sir Henry Wotton, three 1 hundred years ago, described an ·· Membership 1, Ambassador as an honest man Roll ! sent abroad to lie for his country,· At a recent meeting or the · he was promptly fired by King Steering Committee for the

1 James I, and rightly so. Since I· United Lutheran Church Mis· , am not an Ambassador, especial· sion. the decision to open the 'tly an 18th century species. I. a~ charter membership roll of the 1 going to trl] the truth~1·en Jf 11 future and yet unnamed Luth· ' makes my job sountl less roman- eran Church was made. The tic than it i~. In trying to make charter will be formally opened ~this sound a;; interesting a~ pos· on Sunday, :II:;rch 6. 1960 at a : sihle. I thought. in view of the Ispecial sen·ice marking the fact that our Rotarv Anne;; are c\'ent. • present, they might ·like to hear , how the ladies fit into the diplo- ! The charter roll will be sign· malic picture. j ed by all those who are interest· i To rererse the order of impor· 1 cd in becoming members of the

1 lance, however, let me tell you I new church. By signing the I what 1 do, but first I would like statement, the~· 11·i11 obligate

1 to mention brielly some history themselves to tile responsibili· :of the origins of a diplomat and tics of church member.;hip. Th~ whv countries appointed consul5 roll will remain open for seven contin.ued on the Boy's Regional High School: Bonaventure Avenue, throughout the winter, }'ounda· In the first place. . I \\' 11 CHlUSTE"'SE:\ . Sundays and 11.ill close follow· ~\'01\K ~as The Foreign Service of the Un·: • · ' • ing the service ()n Easter Sun· tionl ha' e been la1d and some of the steel has been put mto place. J. L E. Price Company are the arneral con tr•cton. " • ited State~ is a branch of. the : career corps of mrn and women t the Foreign ~rn·iC<' of the United day. It then becomes a peti· Department, professiOnal: specially selected and trained to' States. At the root or the work lion the Board ()[ American State a 1 to carry out the foreign policy of· or the Foreign &-rrice i~ dlpio-1 Misions of the United Luth· • the United States in dar to day 1 macy which is the art and prac·, eran Church In Am~rica for per· EX t enslon relations with other countries.' lice ol conducting ne;:otiations be-l mission to organize. u I Luth· Our modern Foreign Service was: tween nations. Diplomacy may i eran Church. By the time the created in 1924 when the diplo· ·be described as the art of pos·l charter is closed. It Is expected Courses malic and consuiar sen·ice were 1sible, and not to be confused with that at least 75 adults will have combined in what is known as I

the home has more the look of Past Combines a tall ranch than a cut up split. One of the reasons for this With Present for is the use of fieldstone all the way up the side of the one· storv section, with no visible Inviting Future separation between foundation and wall. · ' By DAVID L. BOWEN Habitable area of the li\'ln!! The flavor of New England and bedroom le1·els is 1,840 permeates this house like the square feet. Recreation room, nostalgic odor of burning laundry and lavatory on the leaves on a still, fall day. grade level co1•er 566 square , Principal contributor to the feet. pleasing E a r I y American theme Is the quaint porch run· Additional Details nlng half the length of the Entrance door o:Jens on an house. Backing It up Is a taste­ ol"<'rslzc foyer, with kitchrn ful combination o[ fieldstone to the right. glamorous Jiving , COLONIAL SPLIT LEVEL: This nine-room home is an unusual ,combination of worm, and clapboard In the walls room straight ahead, and Early American architectural style and effident, modern residential design. It hu four and the bay windows on the stairways up to the bedrooms • bedrooms, 21,3 baths, Kitch en is in front, living room to the rear. right side. and down to the recreation vale bath and a roomy walk-In These tlme·honored mater· room on the left. A wa.ll decor· . ..j ials and architectural features nted with shoji screens or closet. :\one of the other bed· rooms are cramped and ali arc .''" ' are blended with the best In a mural on the bedroom hal· ' modern home design io pro· cony is visible from the royer. bountifully provided with .., duce what seems at first blush The kitchen is efficiently closet space. In addition to a a contradiction in terms but laid out in a U·shape, with linen closet there's a storage turns out to be a residential closet off the bedroom hall. sink and dishwasher against :\lain bath has a vanitory ante· delight: a Colonial split level. the front window. A large The Home Is X-97 in the family dinette adjoins the chamber. House of the Week series, de· kitchen. which Is flooded with Downstairs, the recreation signed by Architect Samuel light from the bay window. room occupies almost ha if the Paul. It has nine rooms, four Side entrance i~ set at an ground floor level. A charm· 'b of them bedrooms, and 2~ angle In one end of the bay,. .. ing fireplace radiates warmth 'i baths. There's a fireplace in Formal dining room is con· from one corner and wide win· the famliy room. a sunken venient to the kitchen, yet out dows overlook the terrace. living room with an In-line . . of reach of kitchen sounds, Laundry room and lavatory . dining room which makes a sights and smells. Artually. are in the narrow space along­ . ...:-. ~ formal entertainment haJI 30 _y__ : . :. \ the dining room is simply a side the two-cat· garage. '· . :';... feet long. continuation of the Jiving An open cellar Is under the ~> . DON'T \VAIT FOR SPRING Although thE' split is per· room but one step above it fectly even-with five steps and set apart b)' wrought iron living level. Plans make pro· up to the bedroom level from railings. vision for a fail-out shelter l--· •. ,f in one corner to bring this ~ the entrance foyer and five UPPER LEVELS: Floor-i!lan for living and bedroom levels ...... steps down to the recreation Luxurious Master Bedroom modern adaptation or a his­ ·._,, shows dramatic combined len gth of living room and formal room-only a slight slope is The master bedroom is 16 torie architectural .•tyle cum· ·:.::.1 FIX UP NOW ON TERMS ... dining area, and gener ous size of bedrooms. ... required on the property, and feet long and has both a Pri· pietely up to date. '" Harvey's hove the answer to your home improvement programme - Three easy payment plans that help you to better your living now and let . . ' . you pcy later. . .- ' . .•- .... PLAN ONE (Easy Budget Plon)-Only 10~i- down and up to t2 months ... to pay the balance. Lowest service charge In town only . . _. 1 one percent per month.

PLAN TWO (The Merit Plon)-Only tor;, down and up to 3 years to pay : . the balance. Life insured toe. . . -~ ·. . . ~ . . i PLAN THREE {I.B.C. Plon)-No down payment and up to 3 years to pay...... : ...... Modernize Your Bathroom .._ __ ·---.1 ROOM FOR RELAXATION: Hare's an artist's view of the recreation ~oom, locki~g hom inside wall toward terrace windows. Short stairway to the entry foyer 11 out of s1ght on LOWER LEVEL: Hugl! recreation room has an interesting No matter how old your corner fireplace with large win dow space overlooking terrace. right. house you can have a fine bathroom at our low prices, .-.:::::=;::::::-:------·-'W-~ .. ,------~~::-::~~=-==­ I Send thls coupon for your STUDY PLAN I-STUDY-PLAN ORDfR CoUPON--~ STYROTILE-Individual plastic YOU CA~ GET a study plan You can take this study plan I Building Editor: I wall tiles four inches square. for The House of The Week by to ~·our bank or other mortgage I Enclosed is 50 cents. Please send me a copy of I Only 20c. each (Reg. 35c.). filling in your name and ad· lender and to your builticr ar.d h d I f Th H f Th W k 0 · dress on the coupon on this )\et rough estimates on th e cost t e stu y pan o e ouse o e ee , es1gn. 1 page and sending it with 35 of construction in this area, as f X-97 I TILE ADHESIVE-$6.45 Gallon cents to this newspaper. well as an idea of the cost in I relation to your budget. N J 0 SPECIAL-If your walls aren't This study plan shows each With this information you ( me floor of the house together with yil! know whether you will (Please print) I suitable for plastic tiles we each o£ the four elevations. want to preceed wit:; ~;.;ustruc- 1 recommend DURATILE In 4 front, rear and sides of the tion by ordering working blue· St 1 1 bouse. It is scaled at ltR-in~h· prints direct from the architect f ree ...... , ...... x 8 sheets (Tile Pattern). per foot. It include~ a guide on and asking for bids for the I "How to Get Your House Built" work. LCity__ ...... ,..,. ____ ._.. __ ._.. __ .._ Now 29c. sq. foot ~------~·-··------· (Reg. price 42c, sq. foot). BUILD A RUMPUS ROOM You too can have a Rumpus room, soy 16' x t 0' for os Renovate Your · Kitch en little as $t97.50 for all the materials you'll need, as little mry woman deserves a modern as tO% down. kikhen complete with built in cup· SEE OUR NEW MATERIALS •• boord, counter top and tiled floors. e Wood Textured Homosote e Wood Grained Donna· KITCHEN CUPBOARDS-Build them cona yourself at a fractjo'n of the cost with e 4 x 7 sheets Dcnnacona these full-size paper patterns. e Atlantic Gypsum Board e Masonite COUNTER TOPS-See our Uni-Tops e Fancy Plywoods one piece tops with splash back and All these materials lend them· raised rolled edge. An Arborite fin­ selves to all kinds of building ish with cracks and moulding. ond renovation jobs. FLOOR TILE5-DO-IT·YOURSELF JUST ARRIVED ... LINOLEUM TILE- t 2c. per SUPER SPECIAL 6" Grades C & B Cedar Clapboard VINYL PLASTIC-17c. per TWO ONLY DOMESTIC WATER PUMPS 8" Grades C & B Cedar Clapboard INSTALLATION KITS-$1.95 SELLING AT COST 10" Grade B Cedar Clapboard CEMENT-$1,95 gallon and ea. 8" Vertical Cedar Siding gallon (water proof), CLEAR STOCK. s66.76 Fresh Stock Cedar Mouldings 4 x 7 Sheets Atlantic Gypsum Boord.

OFFICE - Harvey & Co. Building, ON BELL ISLAND WATER STREET (Opp. War MemorlaQ See GORDON HIGHMORE . 'PHONE 3229 or 2151 LUMBER YARD - Hirvey's Pier 1 In DUNVILLE, PLACENTIA Back of Commercial Cable Budding 'PHONES 6911 or 2151 See WILLIAM POWER


Present-For You and Yours .. Keep the goodwill of Chit-Chat those around you by uercising hoth tact and tolerance in your dealings with them. There's a wealth of good reading in in· spiring new boob as well as old Mand-bys, 10 enjoy a quiet eve. ning by wandering through the pagea of imagination.

~ast .• , Hammers and tongs Future ... We can really grasp mstead of hbrary o;ards w_ould the meaning of "ex!!loding popu- Hollett-11iscock ·Wedding have been needed m medteval . , ' . times to "borrow" a library lahon when we constder the book. In the 15th century, fact that there v.dl be as many library books were laid on the children in America by 196~ as desk and chained to a horizontal there "ere people of all ages bar. in 1900! The Day Under Your Sign ARIES I Born Mmh 21 to April 191 LIBRA !Sept. 2! to Oct. llJ 1 )lr 11\Jnd ~~ il]•t 10 \IO&tl•i!'l, ~!J ri') Y'lu cr··•lo~·. h--~n ia.J1:lK $-:"mttl•i:•£· Ue'~tr '·tel'l1~ cita~ ... TAURUS !April 20 to Moy 201 J),1n'1 imitatl! fJtht:~. \'s,.. r.:1~ino~-!lty SCORPIO lOti. ll to Nov. 21) -)OU l1ne an .abnt'•bnl'e flltt. JJ.-,n't n,,~:::e'l "!•! frirn.-!t •:.t:e ~tt~· &EMINIIM•yll toJune2t) u r 1he l'J',lJ•.H1 r of new on~J. Jl .. tra~.-e Y'>Uf mf'nla' ~tonwhN-k tn .,, .,., hf'rt ) 011 ddourtd, l;tt bad.; nn the SAGITTARIUS !Nov,l2 to Dtc.ll) TO;,ri, JJ..,n"t hr. •mu~r ahotlt ~..r~ur po~1ot!fion,, Ot~ar th•ng' are rnnre Jmrcrt~r.t, CANCER !June 221o July 1 t 1 D•~cr-rriant "\"ibutio:u \1 ;arn 'tlf t•CUQnJl CAPRICORN !Doc. 22 to Jon. 20)' problems (I'Jr:-tinr to tlu: for~. 'Your chanu: for s:ttticr wb:at you want. h r..,t s:oori110,1o& ·- :.. :".~ . ... ~ .... . -·..

. .. ~ ·• ~ .·: .. . . .

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Taste the dtforence in tltis Bicb.-. Sauced lK.APJ'.E PUDDDIG

Pot~r ir&lo a 6-euf! auserol1 Cream 1~ c. lll.,le IYN!t 2 tb1p1. butt.r llf llu1 arui htat'illa mod. hot &me, .lonllll Mergarlne J7 5', u•hile f!reparin' baUer. Blend ;,. StJI ~rtlher J tblpe. fine ,,.nulatlll 1 c. •nc•llflelf ,alll'f sugor ft- llf fa C, IIIC.. 1 Ill I CLEAN •111M .tlotlurpon ftour Add dry ingredients lo 1'11 tlpe. Mlltlc loklnt creamed mixt1u1 alter• ,_.. 11ate~ with CEMENT FLOORS VI c. milk . WITHOUT SCRUBBING! eombining lighlly ! pjler eaeh addition. I Don't let cleaning floors that are Pour' baller over i greasy and encrusted with dirt hot maple syrup discourage yon. Here's how you t'n casserole. can do it without hard aerobbing: Sprinkle with Add 2 tablespoona of Gillett'• · Lye to a pail of water. Mop ot:t Y1 c. choppecl · liberally. The lye quickly loosens blanch.t almonds dirt, grease and grime that would Bakti n preheated otherwise require hard BCrubbing, Olltn 25 to 30 mins. and helps deodorize, too. Want Serve warm with more tips OD how you can 11111 pouring ertam. I inespenaive lye around the bome and farm 1 They can eave all Yield: 4 to 6 SertJ• Though she usually has been photogr_aphed hatless, actress Gina Lollohrigida · !rinds of time, work and money. ings. bas ·discovered hats. Here, she wears (wo from her current spring collection. J\lllt write for free booklet to: Shiny, tailored black straw (left), has high crowns and a narrow band of black Standard Brands Limited, 550 YouW'l .serve it with pride when you .say velvet. Another favorite Ia this smooth white 1traw .right) circled with flowers Sberbrooke St., W., Montrea.J. "1 made it myaelf-with Ma~icl'' ud .creen leaves. ! I I THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S. NFLD., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1960 ?

r------~~r------~ I I RADIO PROGRAMS 1 11 4.00-Bob's Bandwagon ' Paramount : Capitol 11 THE LADY AND TIE GIANT T·v PROGRAMS 1 i 4.55-News I I I 1; B_y Cfarence Budi11gton Kellm~d · CBN 5.00-Bob's Bandwagon HUDAY, FEBRUARY 19th. 1960 FaiD.\Y, Ftbruao· 19th, 5.30--Supper Serenade; I Today !I! Tomorrow .:. 1i I 0.45-Cartoons. 5.50-•'isherman's Foreeast "CURT JURGENS-- 11.00-Rompcr Room. 'lZO-CBC Sews 6.00-Bulletil\ Board 1\IA Y BRI'M''' IN "SILENT I~NEMY" WITH XXIX 1and loved to have about her. 2.00-Quality l,l-tcatre. '1.3~Top Of The Morning 6.15-Sportscast and Travel· "THE BLUE ANGEL'· L,\WRENCE IIARVEY- The whole matter of mv re· With all her lavishness there 2,30-Chez Helene. News and Weather guide DAWN latiJrs with was no shrinking in the amount • 2.45-:'lurserv School Time. 8.15-:Musical Clock 6.30--Supper Serenade ADDA~IS :\!~clam ,Jan~way! "The Blue Angel," Jack ~urn· 1 -- I had arrived at a point where of money hidden in my safe, 9.03-Morning De\'otions 6.45-News I :l.OO-Life \Vith Elizabeth. mings', CinemaScopc, De Luxe With puis!'· pounding, suspense I self . pre3en•ntion demand~d 'but, on the other hand, a slartl· a.:lO-Great Gildersleeve. 9.15-Program Pre\'iew 7.00-SIIillelah Showtime ' Color production or the famed the old axiom that truth is a :that 1 have some advice as to ' ing increase in. its total. I kept 9.!!3-Piano Pla~·time 7.15-Shillelagh Showtime 1 story of a wanton night club tbosand times stranger - and bow to conduct myself. track of it day by day and 4.00-0pcn House. 9.:l6-Direcl Reports 8.00-Cream of the Crop entertainer who ruins thP life more exciting - than fiction. "Why," 1 said. "I went to totaled it at least once a week. 4.30-P.M. Party. t.45-Records at Random 9.45-News of a repressed professor, 1tarr· :is proven with the opening to- borrow some monev for her." Before we even thought of the' 5.00-Woofer. 10.00-Arthen 110.00-VOCM All Time Hit lng Curt Jurgens, Europe's most morrow at the Capitol Theatre "Maliam is rich. \vhy should coming of spring the total'reach·J 5.30-Tidewater Tramp. 10.15-lris Power Parade sensational leading man, a.nd of Romulus I<'ilms' "The Silent , she borrow money? Has she ed the enormous sum of $800.· ' 6.00-Annie Oaklev, 10!5--For Consumers ! 10.30--Eventide Meditations Swedish beauty May Britt. Enemy." a Universal · Inter- ' borrowed money from other 000, and l, even in the favored I 6.30-News Caval~ade, 10.30-Xfld. School Broadcast 10.45-Sportscast i now pinyin II at the Paramount national r e 1 ease starrin;: 1 people~·· 'position of Madam's attorney, I 7.:l0-Amos and Andv. JO.o\11-('lifls Kitchen. · 10.55-News 1 Theatre. , :Laurence Ha1wy. Dawn Arl·. "FI'Om Banker Watts and could not tell where it all came I 8.110-This is Your ~fuslc:. 10.5G-llusir in the ~lorning. 11.00-ll\g Top Ten. The Twenheth Century-Fox 'dams, J o h n Clements and fi'Om Banker Willis and Ifrom. I was able to surmise, but 1 11.00-To Catch a •·amng Star · 11.05-Ciub 590 releue also features Theodore i Michael Craig. · others.'' , >urmise only, that some of it, . 8. 15-J:-; ational !\' ews. 11.1:1--Xfld. School Broadcast 1 1.00-Ciose Down Bike!, noted intcrnat.ional ~ctor 1 Based on the tnp-selling nov~l "Then, Orrin, mayhP all this . at least. was the procel'ds of in· 1 1!.30-San Francisco Beat. 11 ~It 45-Regina Bride and popular folk smger m a 1"Commander Crabb." by ~ar. money in your safe has brcn : •·reased borrowings from old 9.()(1-Saber o! London .. P.~t. ke~· role. 'shall Pugh, "The Silent En!'my"! bort·owed.'' l hanks and new lending by new n.:lO-Country Hoedown. 1:!.00-BBC' :Sews vous Miss Britt, wa.~ disco1'ere l fori is tile dramatic story of the: "J>ossihly,'' I asked. I banks. ' 10.00-Fourt Just )'en. FRIDAY, Febl'uary 1!1th. 12.10--.-\nnol"lrers Choice for American films by '1· l'cn·: emergency of an entirely new; ".Just let's supposr," ~hr (To Be Continued) l0.3tl-Fiying Doct:l. 1:!.15-Farm Broadcast tieth Centurr-Fox executh·e pro· i form of warl'a1·e. undersea de·' said. "that this money Is like . 11.00-Juliette. 1:!.45-~lid Da~· Serenade ; A.:\l. ducer Buddy Adler when ile I molition teams commonly re· ! contraband and illicit. And if 1' 11.20-This is the Storv. 1.00-Do)·le Bulletin 1 saw her in a small role In "War! !erred to as :'Frogmen," and' it comes •to some kind of . H t G t 11.30-Cavalcade of Sports. 1.15-.-\ Lo~e to remember 6.00-Suudial and Peace." , I more specilically, the story of · ·. 'lrd~m dentes she ! a e5 QV • 1.30-CBC Xews and Weather' 6.30-News Adler asked d1rector Jean 1one of the pioneers in the field knows k~ov.:s anythin~ about i ... 12.15-Jiin Coleman Sliow. 1.45-BBC \'ariet~·. , 7.00--News Negulesco to make a test of her l durin•• World 1\'ar 11 com- • .• tl Is found In your . GALLATIN, :Ito. lAP)- I ve: 12.3ll-:-.'cws Headlines. :15-Xatinnal School Broad· 1 7.30--News. in, Europe, and on. the basis olimand~r Lionel Crabb. ' 'safe. \Yhat the~. :\lr. Oni~?'' 1 h_atcd the government everi ___ 12.31-Sword of Freedom. rast I 8.00-Breakfast Club. this lest she was g1ven the role I This is the same almost · "I do not hke to thmk · smce I was old enough to know I ::Z.4:1-Tommy Hunter Show 8.30--Gaylen Drake of Marlon Brando's love in-: legendary hero of underwater: about it,'' I said dolefully, anything." says farmer John 3 15-Kindersarten The Air 9.00--It Happe~ed last nlgbt or terest in "The Yo~ng Llo~Js.", warfare whose body was f?und 1 };;ossie was pensive, not Willia'? Kni~ht. , 330-:\ews and Trans Canada 10.00--Coffee T1me I 1 Prior to her discover~. ~llss reccntlv wnshcd ashore 111 3 ' fll ,htrnrd, but thoughtful. That s wh~ Kmgbt. a 90· Southern State !llatinee 11.00--Turn Back the Clock Bri!t worked as. a photogr~p- British. harbor under mrs\erious J "~rrln.'' she ~sked, "do ro.u year-old bachelor. is giving his "'------' 4 30-\'arittl· Hour 11.30--Program Twelve hers assistant m her nahve circumstances. As yet no s:Jtis-· thmk.those tv.o :nurder~ ..ha\e estate to 12 nieces and nephews: 5.00-Conce~t Hall P.~l. ACROSS 5 Irritetora Stockholm where she was re- factory explanation of Com- a~ythm~ to do Wllh thiS. She four churches a:::! ~!:~ 'lalva- r 5.30--Fi!hPries BroaMast 12.30--!\larch of Events J 6Acts cruited b)' Italian Producer mander Crabb's unfortunate fhcked her hand at the sale. tion Army. so far he says he' Southern state 7 King of Judah 5.45--~wic From The Albums. 12.45-Sports Page Carlo Ponti for a role in a film death has been offered and :·what ,,reason have we to has passed out $15,000. He still · 8 River In this 8 Masculine ~:( 6.00-CBC' :Sews. J.OO-Arthur Godfre1 state ·-.;.· . he was then making, wisely the motion picture thmk s~.. . has 545,000 to go. appellation 6.05-lnterme:ao 1.25-News In all Miss Britt made eleven d .' t t g h ":\!ed1c1ne show,'' she said 1 Knight who lives on a 160· 13 Venerates 0 Island (Fr.) • 'I • oesn 1 even n· o uess w a1 ll "1'1 t •I i ' 14 Shrub 6.30-Supper Guest 1.30-Bob and Ray motion pictures in Italy before might have preferring promp Y· Je wo men " 10 , acre farm near this northwest tO Hebrew < -: occ~rrcd. IS Feminine month . . . . 6.45-C'urtain Time. 1 1.45-Quote • Unquote her discovery by Adler. Follow·j to deal only with !'hose nerve- were. throttled were connet'l· :'tlissouri town, got the money appellation II Native of .-·; 7.00-CBC Xew' and Weather 2.00--Viewpoint lng her role in "The Young h tt · d . h c bb ed With the show. There was a from the sale of 300 acres of 16 New Zealand Media 7.15-Random Chapters I 2.15-Couple Next Door Lions" she pl3\'ed the female !sf. a ermg . a~ds h':" enb dra ( lm'fc thrower with the show. farmlanrl P•JTot 12 Angers 2o 42 Hops' ltillla : . · /1rst o~amze 1s an o Tl · " t th · . Festive ';.30-Tops Today . 2.30-News lead m "The Hunters." ''human torpedos" and left the ' ~m.,s . equa 1 o ~ same "So I knew I had thts. big. 17 English 191ts Lake 26 Present!,. 43 Pace .... "; 4>-Do,·\e Bulletin 2.35-Panorama dramatist Ot:eeehobee 28 44 I In "The Blue Angel" ~!iss f h 1 1· thmg aJe equal to each other. 1lump of money" he explamed · Htlckne:ecJ Sea east• 715-ll~sical Program 1 3.30--News , • • ; surface o t e water to exp ore , l o . t d ' · 18 Plowed Is the second 29 Redact 47 First mao ' : Britt emerges as a star in her r · ld 1 ' cnce scar ''as connec e , "I knew I wasn't going to need ; 20 That thine ':'.30-Top~ Toda)' 3.45-Junior :.!iss . own right plaving the role of a i antaslle new wor s. · c with the show. The first mnn i it except some to live on and l ' 30 Lair 48 Festival ' ~ : . · To portray the amazmg om- , was a snooper, and maybe he , · • · · , , 21 Lt>gal point freshwater 31 Small flap 49 Female sheep 7 45-Do,·Je Bulletin 4.00-Spothght on a Star seductress wh1ch IS expected to mander Crabb award-winning d t . , d1dn t want to rl1e and leave 11 · 22 Orpiment Jake In the 32 Hammer (pl.) 1 1 1 ·.-J 111:1--Ra~·hide 4.30-Polka 'Party launch her as one of Holly· i director Willi~m t'airchild -~' sn?o~~ h 0 ~ 111~~ 1 m ou~ in one piece and have taxes get • : 25 Long llshet U.S. heads U Peer Gynt'a ~·.t i Slothful 830-~lusical lnt~rlude 5.00-Word Play wood's top stars. Starring op· 'who also wrote the screenplav- neJg G?dr oo ,,·, ksle secb•olnd ,-most of it." ! · 27 Renovated 20 38 Piled mother • 1\.~Kitch~n 'I .,. B 'tt · J • man. 1 con ce , resem e , 31 Zest 23 Expunged 39 Washes lightly 52 Narrow lnle& ' Corner 5.30-News c .. 1' pos1 e .u1ss r1 1s urt ur. chose one of England's most : ~. d . . , 'I b h : 32 Golfer's term 24 Breakfast 41 Undersized. 56 Symbol for · A55- Wrather for ~larintr~ 5.45-Checkln' In g n W·h d l' 'A . ' '"1 3 am .anclla),1 .-aye c 'IOSCO"' IR I 1 F' f . . e ~· ~ rna e us . mm~an promising youn:,l stars, hand-. snooped.'' 1 ·' " .. eu er~ -. ~~·e or· 33 Was borne foods tattle ruthenium !I 00-A.•k the weatherman 6.00-Capitol Cloakroom 34 Century plant ...~'- l 1mollon picture debut m Twen· some Laurence ll'lrvev in one: "\\'! 1 . . 'hi", . mer membe1s of a Ukratntan na-. ' !I O!~-Di5cussion 6.30--C'heckln' In ( Cont'd I 't'eth C nt · F ·' "Th E · ' '' 1 13 you sa~ 1s possl '· 1 lion list o·rtan· ,. n h · b 35 East (Fr.) r.-'r'ft""''J"""'!""'!"'W", '•_( 11.10--\\'inniP<'R ChambPr 8.00-Broadway is my Beat ' I .~ Ur}· ox s. e. ne.~~: ?I film history's most demand·' "And you and I ha\'e snoop. I a . ,,., IZa 10 3\e .een 361reland Below,. and th1s \\lth. mg . ro'es, and, ed.'' I to d.eath for ' Orcht$lra 8.30--People are Funny I fol!o\1~~1 dramati~·ally senten.~ed ~urder~ 37lrish sprite . ' . a starrmg role m fhe Inn of , ph<·st•allv H·tr\•cv 1_ superb . "\\' .• commt ted durmg the v. ar, ac 39 Rave 11.15-Xation~ Bmine~s ~·ou~ 1 I' So . .· i 9.00-l'ould this be tl le S.IX th Happmc!'.~. . " ·capturing' ' " · ' e\W\' ' · fe~ling' and:' "You·· e lave. upposerl t b the ; cor< mg t0 th e ''te t tra de umon . 40 Axllla1'7 1 0 !1.30-..~ngs of m~· People . 9.30-High School Program Jurgens I pr 0 b bl · r · • ' e s · c newspaper Trud T~c men were branch · s a ~ one 0 , nuance of the hernic officer's' astute lawyer who thinks up ' · · . · 10.00-Cameos 9.45-Nai'Y Swings 1 the most well known inlet· • , , • , • ' , • ., 1sentenced by the L\'O\' d1stnct 42 Monouccha• 10.30-CBC Sl'mphon'' 110.00-Final Edition II I l . h f'l . lchar.~etct 111 a pctfotmance that, callers and c.x:Jcdlent.,, she. court sitting in th nearby town ride na ona s ars m t e 1m m·, ·11 t r th 1 · · 1 "\\'! t 'f o k ' · e 11.36-CBC' Nationai.Xews, i 10.15-Sport5 Final dustry, having made films all i WI .. rae as one ~ e mos i sa". la I scar snl'a er I of Belz, for massacres of whole 45Whlte ·. · 46 Exposed Roundup and Talk. i 10.30-Jack Paar th ld d . . . , exciting of the yea1. 1 here to open the sale agam, 1 hmilies and the killing o( in· : ~ Leather tllonr ovelrd e w~r Ban ~amVt~lmng! It is ob'·.ious in the danger· anrt the cupboard were bare?" 1. d·i,•idua'l Soviet citizens in ·il· 12.00-Sign off-0 Canada-The 11.00-l\luslc 'til Midnight res ences m avana. 1enna, d . t . th 1 ' "Y · · 1 d' ' t · 1 52 Registered ~1--l--J-- Queen. 12.00--Sign Off th F h R' .· d . ous 1111 Crl\ a cr !'equences a : 011 re ea mg up o some· , !ages bevond the rh·er Bug in Ihe i e rene 11 1era an now Ill it is Harvev under the sea and thing", I said. · · · nurses (ab.) Los Angeles · . . , h 'rl spnng of 1944, '53Momln& • ------· not a subslitule, and yet the " 1m le?d•nr• up.' s e 'a' . ------· moisture • • VOCM CJON . • , • 1 1 ·handsome Briton ~rrms as at . "to Osrar finrti~,:: an em~ty LO;>;D0:-1' fReutersl _ Prime · 54 Verb form -~ DA ~,ASCUS, ~d~r,t~ d.\Pd-Pr~s- home benc~th the (l(•ean :ts a i safe and lhrowmg a conmp· ~!inister ~lacmillan is a candi· : 55Repeat . ntiDA \', Frbruary 19th, FRIDAY, February 1!1th. lden 1 •• asser sm ,e nes av t.le r· ·h b · II t 1 · , tion fit·· ' · · . . ' 57 Rate of ' u01 't d A h R bl' .,1 • Is · cmg a) e to opera c tiS· · date for the forlhcommg election 830--:Sews and Weather · e ra ..~.Pll tc \\'1, ncvrr dil·itP "rar anti emote at the! "You.'' I said se,·en'ly "a:·c f h 11 r 0 r d u · • . motion 11.35--Brukfast With Bill. 6.30--The Bob Lewis Show. allow lsraeh s:nps or goorls to • ? . 1 t, ,· t . • , or c ance or o x or nner 18 Appropriates 0 1 •.•• '.''ad·s 6.35-Weather. transit th Suez. c nal 1. same ttme With the utmost 1 :~mq \I an~ P "' sity, it was learned Wednesday. "--·'•" 6 4"H dll N and h eh d a f .h n a realitv. . mg that money out of the safe The chancellor whose post is DOWN '\'.~Breakfast with Bit' . .,- ea nt ew1 speec to t ousan s o c eenng · · d h'd'ng · som , . , 1 Chare .. :- .. 1 11 11 I • · ~...... ".···w·s and \"aterfront Weather. S Tian at the northern Svrian A~. naval >Prt'Ptm·y to Crabr :an... ~ · . ~ ."'"' •·-.... primarily honorary, he~ds ~he 2 Son of Jaeob ' ' ..' ,._,,. '' 6.50-Bob Lewis Show. ci~,. ol Aleppo he declared' that Admtr:t!. bealltJful Dawn Ad· Rt~hl the ~er~ first guess, 1executive body of the umvers1ty. I Bib.) . ·~' '135--~~:~tf~';; with Bill 7.05-Loeal Weather. Israeli goods ~~ized in anv U.A.R dHms adds a f,•eling of quiet sh~ retortedd :\I da ld i He is elected for life by convo-' !Ellipsoidal ::"L~ 0 0 .• :,.. ~- f '1.30--News and Minitorlal port will be confiscated· for t!Je. dignity to th<• film with a can·· S<·ar an · a m w ,u I cation-a large group or senior 4 Mlllia.l 11011 '\'.55-:Se,.'l ,... F If f p 1 ·t' A b ef full\· etch<•tl performance of knO\.v I had abstracted it. , university graduates. ~lacmillan . ~ 8 00-Torba,,· Weather '1.35-Wea, .. er orecast. we are o a es m~ ra r u· · . "HowL'" she snapped j . I 2 ••N d 'II it I I gee•.. gr.P:Jt con. 1pctcnce. 1\'ot. rontcnt 1' · • • • • • graduated from Oxford m 1919. ... 8.05-Breaklast with s1'tl 7.~,....., ews an " n or a. " ------. ~ ' 8 1 Shl 1 L - --·--.. - ·.. wllh be111g one of f1lmland's 1 . . - ... · · · - ·~:: .. ~ li.:!5-:Se\\'s · 5- PP ng Repor 1.35-Editorial Comment. 1most attractive leading ladies, That question had .mertt. '• a.30-H' It Tune of I he Day 8.30-News8.20--Bob Lewis and Minltorial.Show. 1.40--Sports. '~!iss Addams can capture top IH ,ow wou ld th ey k now I t was 8 33-Sportscast 1.45-Art Baker';; Notebook. ; dramatic laurels for her acting. I. I had not, they :would not 11.40--Brcakla~t with Bill 8.25-Kiddies Corner. 2.00-News Hi!lhl:ghta and I And as the Admiral charged I be sure, the combl~ation to 8.!\5-.:Sews 8.40--Bob Lewil Sbow. llinitorial. 'with respon;ews' Highlighls and 3.01-West~rn ,Jamboree. I fme!~· sharlPrl. mlen.'e perfor·lwell, been friction between :)~i 10.15-Jim Amerhe Sholv, ! ~linitorlal. 4.00-Gen. Prov. News I m~nre of ~r~at statu~e, as does. them. It might even cause Stze.\'1. i ln.D1-!\Iartln's Corner. ~·~g--~anch :-~~rght d ~:h•·~~~~l I Cral~ . at rommandder each of them to suspect that 11.00--.1 im Amerhe Sho''· ' 10.15-Right to Happiness. "· - ell'!l 1" 1 s an ra 1 ' op as>l; an on un er· the other had abstracted the CONSUL is the ONLY CIA 11.15-\\'r~tern ,Jamboree. '10 .30 - News JI'1g hi'1g ht s an d Mlnltorlal. water nuss10n~. mone•·., tl.:l:;....:-;pws I ~linitorial. IJ.Ol-Boh Lewis Dance Pari:J Also ~dding tn the entertain· "And," Lossie said, f()IIOW· in its price class with ample P.'ol. \10.35-Boushewives Choice. ~~~··o"a-1 WWriglheys Show. ·~: mErnl .~alue or~ "Thhe Sitle':t ing m.v thought~ as she ~o 12.00-W•~trrn Jamboree. i 11.00-Ncws Highlights and · - eat er. nem~· ~rP we c arac efl· often did, "if It didn't cause mom for SIX ~SSENIERS l!!. 30--~ew~ 1 )Jinitorial. 6.05-Bulletin Board. i 7alions by Terence Longen, Alec trouble betwixt them, It would 1!!.33-Rambling with Records '11.01-Rev. Matthew. 6.10--Nationa) Newa. • MrCnwen, Sidtwy .James, Nigel be !fie insurance.'' !!!.~Fisherman's Forcast : 11.30--Ncws and MinltorlaL ·e.15-Sports. IStorl' nnd Gianna ~!aria Canale. "For whom?" 12.5G-Rambling with Records: 11.35-Nflrl. Quiz. 6.30-Ciub 93. Writer-Director William Fair· "For vou and me", she ~ald. Wf 1.15-Sportsust , 11.45-Swlft Mone~·man. 7.01-Ciub 93. 'child ·las done an outstanding , "We w~uld hold it as a host· ~r.:r .. :· 1.!!0--Rambling with Records 112.00--News Hlghllghta and 8.00--Newt In a ~linute. i job of bringing to the screen in· age." • 1.30-Xews Minltorial. 8.01-Best from the 1 all its excitement and tense· "Unless," I said tartly, "they 1.45-Passing Parade c<·ntt>r of tfw 1 pate to soles and turned up

Mlnitorial. '1 a~tion at all titnes. 1 ht:l' uos~. "An•n'l yuu b1~ 10.01-'I'he Falcon "The Silent Et!flil)'" was ably • enough," she asked, "to take 10.30-National News. : ~roduce

1 said promptly. "under th@ e~·e ' of Captain Zacharias Wheel· ... Iright." PIIWU-61ltl hom- Et0110ll'f-.,.. ~•r 1o 35 llriloo oo 1 (olton of rH IOOMIMESI-lrinr·stiei 111 ... 11.1 mt .. ; "When do we do all this?" I COMPARE ALL ITS FEATURES iasked. ·:q- No othn' car in its price dms offm m lmlclt "Right off quick," she said. CURTJURQEN8 m COIIJJII-;room for six passengers ... AND YOU'LL DECIDE lfS THE AIIO She was never one for postpDn· big, lng things, big luggage space ... and a powerful yet MAYBRIR "No," I vetoed. "I think ga'-savi11g engine. TO-MORROW they will be putting a lot more You'll be impressed, too, by C//11SUrs .. •or1:he · money in this safe. They haven't luxuri011s appointments-padded d:i~h ... I . put in the money I got from AI· padded sun vi~ors ... glovc compartment UBt MA'IENAWNADIAIIS .bauy ret.'' · 1 that lm:ks ... extra pared tray.~ .. BLUE! aN CliOS·MICUn ; \\'ell, that was.!nat. We wrnt "",,· ~nd much, much more. MUll I -.tJ!jilli · home ann the half million dnl· EL:: ! Iars remained in my ~afe, at .4nd's such a plr(Zjure trr yon ••• i leRsl for the time bPin~. ami drivt-respon~ivc stccring ... rxclu~il'e tempi "'" THWDORE BIKEL :life went on as mu~L l\lr. Han· "glide-ride" ~uspcnsion ... plus )'OU ... C:INKMA5col='e . num's lawsuit against P, T. pam and scr\•ice wherever yotl go. · Barnum c~me to tri~l and, as I le«.'f COlOR b1 DLLUXE }' ml II find the va/uc-padud Car.~ IT!~EC ...ON1C &OUNO have warned him, we wPre de­ J'OU! fPated. The judge held; as I had C01l.!UI is tlu rig~! car fur YOTJ! foreseen, that t h~re wa" no • IIJ.illo,IA1fl't. Also UP-TO-THE-MINUTE NEWS. Also - UP-TO·THE-MINUTE NEWS. cause for action in exhibiting P'JI~FI:t1' Cb..SIJL an Imitation of a humbug, But :Zt,.,.. .. lll. TIMES OF SHOWS: TIMES Of SHOWS: the trial bad served Its purpose. Papers all over the nation . C-20260 EVENING SHOWS,. 7 P.M. - 9 P.M. EVENING SHOws,· 7 P.M.- 9 P.M. printed accounts of the case nsu , SEE THE VALUE-PACKED CONSUL-AT YOUR fORD DEALER'S •. MATINEE, 2 P.M. and ·crowds of the curious flock· BF.m~H MATINEE: 2 P.M. ed to see both the original giant and Mr. Barnum's imita· IEiT ~II RACTION lion of it. IURT LANCASTER - KIRK DOUGLAS - LAUR Madam aJneway seemed un· GEORGE G. R. PARS.ONS LTD. LAST TIMES TODAY 1touched by the money shorta!le. ENCE OLIVIER In "THE DEVIL'S DISCIPLE" ' wa~ no abatement in her AcnoN - THRilLS - SUSPENS-E. ''THIRD MAN ON THE MOUNTAIN" • rPJ:al ~nlert?inin~ nr in h•r ·Cor. ELIZABETH AVENUE AND PORTUGAl COVE ROAD, .. ·, ·ritirs or in hrr generosity ST. JOHN'S NORTH PHONE 91015 to )oung friends she cultivated I · I THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S. NFLD., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1960 ------~------·------·------~~~

. FROM '



Dressy Square •Toe Oxfords I I e Combination smooth and grained calf leather uppers. I JAM I e leather soles, rubber heels. STRAWBERRY and RASPBERRY e Black or brown. I 22c. Tumbler I

. .,.... , I APPLE JUICE I :;··.·.. -~· -·- ...... ·~ 2 Tins for 33c. . 'i .~._ I lpPI I ~ I .. . ·. f.i : . .:. _... CORN ON C·OB I '· :_~~. .\ I jI I I • i". -~ . . VACUUM PACK Electrical Utilities Ltd. I 32c. Tin I .. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS -..··­ For sa?ety's sake, and convenience, let us LEAN RINDLESS ' ... ;. check your home or place of business right I I .. ·';., .... -. away. No job is too big or too small. Our prices are reasonable and our work expert. BACON Sizes 6 to 11. I I Don't delay-call today. 46c. lb. . . ' Regular $8.50


.COOKSTOWN ROAD .....a..· }·,I,,, ... •~'"1 ,. .~ ..... ~ . . .. .'.. ..·, .• "L ·------· ...... •: • j...... -~ :. 't" ~.;-. The picture to the left shows the exterior of El~ rtric U·~ilities

- ~ •. I ..,.. .. · ·.;- .. _, on Freshwater Road, which is well stocked with Electric Fixture

for the people of the Higher Level Shopping Community. This

store carries a better line of Electric Washers, Refrigerators

and other appliances. Go in and .visit their Hardware Depart·

. ment which is located on the basement floor. While visiting

ask to see their large display of Household needs. Electr:cal ..•.. ·. '!-i'·-~- ~- ' .., ,. . :' .. ' . . -:,.,_ ..... ,.- . ; ~ .. .;~_..,_..,. -- ·-.. con,racting is another Specialty of Electric Utilities. VIsit them ·-. ;_:· ~ / .. to-day or dial 2864 for all your electrical needs.


BLANKETS BY ESMOND BABY VESTS BY CHERUB, Butfon $_1.25, $2.85 & $3.98 sac., Front, Tie on Style and Pullover BABY WASH BLANKETS ...... $1.49 sse. and 98c. ' Packaged Gift BABY WASH CLOTHS Also BABY VESTS ·INTERLOCK SETS ...... sgc. and sse. sgc.

BABY NIGHTIES PLASTIC PANTS POODLE CUFF BABY sse. and sse. 25c., 39c., 45c., 69c.; BOOTIES ...... c. J and 98c. 98

BABY SOCKS BABY BATH MATS, BABY JOHNSON'S BABY AS STUBBORN AS A MULE ! CRIB SHEETS, DIAPERS HEY, 'MOM and 39e. 49~· AND DIAPER BAGS. Also SOAP, POWDER, And shouting "Giddap" won't help ! Drive in BABY SWEATER SETS. CREAM, OIL & LOTION. today ... our auto service is the best ! We take WE the iflean streak out, make y1ur car your buddy again. Bring it in today. GIFT WRAP- l·Oc· GIFT TIE -1oc. CARDS- sc. CAN'T e WINTERLUBE e DEFROSTER e GLASS e HEATER .<·~ .. AFFORD Shop And Compare Now ~ .. e ANTI-FREEZE e BRAKES TO MISS • BATTERY . • LIGHTS Remember., "It To Shop Cross's" SNOW TIRES Pays At • • CHAINS . e .LONG'S HIU ·; ··- \ THIS DIAL ...... 4342 OAKLEY'S. e DUCKWORTH SERVICE STATION LTI>. STREET

.I DIAL 93681 • DIAL ...... 3257 ~~------~ --~ .. -, ., ... , ...... ~ ...


Mar. 15. FURNESS WITJIY AND ll\1arrh March 21. LeavinJI "Novaport leave St. .John, COMPANY . Boston :\larch 22 and Halifax 1 N.B. March 15th, leave Halifay, Newfoundland leaving Liver-/ March 26, due St. John's March u. s. Gambling Missile Subs and Planes 1STEAMSHIP 1\.S. March 18th,·· arril'e St. pool Feb. 8, due St. John's Feb./28. Sailing again same day for . i I John's March 21st, leave 114. Leaving for Halifax and 1 Liverpool. I March 22nd. Boston Feb. 16, due Halifax r :"'ova Srotia leaving Liver· • '62 '6 MQV EMEN JS 1 ·4 ' High liner leave St. .John, 1Feb. 18 and Boston Feb. 20. pool l\larch 23. due St. ,John's • CLARKE STEAMSHIP CO. X.B., :'

I l~ .,_ ·, . \ .•. r Hor:sD DOG mlssllr~. mounted as herr on a 8·~! ,let bomber . ~ 1111 be ~. ":':-t and lhfo la~ln 8·58, "'Ill a maJor U.S. atraleglc delerrent HAT HAPPENS ••• ,~·-.1 durin• the mi~sllr l(ap years or 1953·54. -~ ~--.J . "·i ... , 11,- R.\\' CROMI.EY :Polaris-type nuclear submarines. . .. ;,.{ :So'\lI pm\>'r that in the crucial yea:·s Since Russia would hit first in -- ::...!. ! . . • .. :. t!•;~.,;; tltr •\tpcrsonic bomber an1· future war, all Red plane.~ lhr .. ~· ~ ~a.i Polari.<·firin~: ~ubmnl'ine ~u;t missiles would be al'ailable ar. m~re dial to national de· i for the first attack. ·.-.~ ~ ...... • fcn•e than the intercontinental' As for the li.S .. a fourth of t~1e I • .; 1 l>:>:ii,tk mi•.<-•ioo. the l'nitNl States will/ periods of extreme emergency. . -:.·:: h~' ": These should esca11e destruction Polari~ in ... _..... '. ! T"o hunnrrd and lot·t1· a sneak -attack. A fourth of ~ .. ~ t ::.OO.milr·r~n~e halli~tk: mis.•ile> - those on 15·minute alert might • ...,... , ,.-1 ... ~·'~'~t·d l"i atomic-powered oub· 1 escape de>II'UCiion if U.S. defcn· .. :: m~"mr<. : ses are not caught nappiM...... :: .... .\!>out ~ ll-52 bombrl'-'· man~·~· A third to a fourth of the U.s., ~n:c to stand ;;flO miles of Russian; ICB~Is should escape 'destrucl·j t~-;~t 5 and lob in Hound Dog: lion. mi,sil~•- 1 Presumablv three-fourths o- nnc hundred sixteen 11500-mile· 1 the Polaris·firing submarines will ~n- '1our B·5.iR bombers. Eight : be hidden and therefore could h1md:ed 1\-lo.<. come throug!l the first blow un· .\~ut !!.'iO Titan and Atlas in· scathed. tercontinental ballistic missiles, This SO\·iet first blow destruc· · .. ,,. . . -~ r· ···--······, tno•t nn hard and semihard sitcs.,lion would leave the U.S. a com· [ ...... ;.. -.: ... ~· : . ~I ~;;;;::·:;·. .. .·. 1_.\ "hard">ile is one which could l•ined striking force of ICBMs. -· nn;,. 1'!' knocked out bv a direct · Polaris-firing submarines -and hit· It', dillicult to .:harden' a missile • firing inter-continental ~~~~ for liquid fueled rocket.;'· bombers able to wreck terrible T11 eh·e aircraft carriers- de•truction on the . r~.:h v.-ith atom-carr)•ing bomb· If the U.S. strategic plann~r~. tr<. whose consensus I am reportmg, -':ainst this. the Russians in ha1·e things figured right, the l"!\.1 presumabh· will ha1·e: U.S.-e1•en after absorbing the Somt j;,'iO ICB~Is. Initial blow-should be able to l..tsc than 1;s operational in· hit the Soviet with more destruc· lercmitint>ntal bombers. Some tion than was thrown at us. ma,· cam· Hound Dog·lypc mis· Further. most of l~te Russian ~iic.•. • attack force would be one·shot Probahly a ha\l-do7en or less, deals-ICBMs shoot just once. eacce era or Temperance Thoughts Funds additional to the million Wilen we repeatedly urge , may be sought by institutions ••• w P!'Ople to discard their old or bodies whose work can be v.·ins' tales and superstition re· Integrated with that of the com· ~arding alcohol and its effects mission or whose help would be and to tr~· to get the facts, useful in reaching the overall many cannot grasp that they goal. bnen't the facts. Aller all. have This overall goal Is stated in the~· not been drinking for the broadest possible terms so ~·ears~ Who is in a better posi· that nothing which can be tion to judge its effects? This thought to contribute to the line of reasoning may very well understanding and relief of ai· hold for some items of food or coholism will be neglected. drink but certainly does not for Scientific knowledge or alcoho· drugs. For the)', including al· !ism as a disease and as a social coho!, bring changes in judge· problem Is to be examined and ment, control. ~a1·iour and re-evaluated. The many organ!· personality which leaves the zations which deal with alcuhu· imbiber the worst possible llsh or bear upon it in signifi· judie or effects. To the scien· cant ways will be b~ougbt unde~ tist and the objecti\'e observer fresh study. Nothing is to be "" must turn for information overlooked - lobbies of all So much bas been written and kinds surrounding the use of uid about alcohol and alco· alcohol, the Temperance move. holism in the last quarter cen· menl, sales programs, Jaw tn· turr that some are bewildered forcement methods, health. w~l· by 'the nrying ''iewpoints even fare, and educational agencies A GENIIIAL MOTORS VALUI Models illmlral£d: LI:SABRE 2.DooR HARDTOP amon1 scientists. Add to this will be systematically examin· tile fact that millions will not ed. li1hUy diacard their comforting The goal is to learn how al· fancies, and the picture be· eoholism has reached Its prP.· With Buick if llappfns the moment you Jeave the curb-an amazing sense of comes nen more vague. The sent state and proportions 1n T!te incomparable smoothness North American Association of the United States and Canad~ Alcoholism Programs may now and to search out better ways of responsiveness and control, a feeling of absolute confidence, the knowledge of bl\'e a answer to this dilemma. dealing with this problem. of turbine dr£ve ... the reliability They have been awarded' a When this Is completed we complet~ road mastery. Buick's power to please sf arts with tl~e jet-smooth get-up­ grant of one million dollars by wonder If the public will azcept tlte U.S. Institute of Mental their findings or if man wi'i and-go-ability of exclusive Turbine-Drivt~ transmission. No jerks, no gears ...just Health to investigate and report cling to what he wants to be· of Air-flo ahuninum brakes ..• on what is being done already lleve and what will excuse hi• and what should be done in the self-drugging practices. ,Just silent-spinning turbine blades. And it stops with the power of Buick's swift· future to deal with this public how deep Is our determination niake Buick '60 the best jJer- health problem. They wlll..-each to rationalize rather than r~: acting Air-flo brakes •• ~ heat-shedding aluminum in front, fin-cooled front and into every state and province form? where relevant work is under (This coiull! Is complied by rear. Go for the drive of your life in the new Turbine-Drive Buick '60 ••• at way in the treatment and re- the Newfoundland Temperance former ou the road ·today. habilitation of alcoholics, In re· Federation to whom enqulrtes your local Buick dealer's-today! aeareh Into the causea and con· may be addressed). sequences or the disorder, and in public and professional edu· COAL STRIKE ENDS cation about it. DEAL, England CAPl-A staY· Undtr a scientific director. as down strike by 127 coal mined!t .. ,et unnamed. the commission 11'11.1 called off by the union Wed· will function from a maior nesday after they had 1pent six American university center and days 2.100 feet underground. The will employ "tuk " to union had feared for t!leir health. a deal with pllrlicular upects ot The miner3 walked out to protest alcobolim. These "tuk forces" the dismissal or 140 workers no will be set up at appropriate longer nee~ In the diggings. pelnts In the U.S. and Canada. ANKARA, Tlll'key CAPl-About 50 deputies traded blows in Par­ liament Wednesday after a row ------for the best In drama see "General Motors Presents" weekly. Check local TV lilting for time and channel, ------about Illegal payments. An op· • position member suffered an in· - jured eye and other deputies were cut about the face. The opposition THE TERRA Nov·A MOTORS, LIMITED had accused e former minister of provldin~ illegal benefits for his REAR NFLD. HC'TEL ST JOHN'S . ,. . brother·ln·law. L ------~------,---r- ,...... --,---- ,--r-.....- -

10 THE DAILY NEWS, ST, JOHN'S. NFLD., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1960 Prince ·Of Wales Take Senior Title 'Taylor Gets Three In :4-2 St. Bon's Defeat ·Crown Declared In Fast, Close Checking Contest

1 ·---·----· ··-· ----- 1 Bill T.aylor paved the way and the Prince of Wales . I Church Service . Senior Intercollegiate Hockey squad followed it yes­ terday afternoon as they copped the championship with lub Bowling a 4-~ victory over St. Bon's at the Prince of Wales Arena. C · Taylor scored three times for the champions besides MONDAY, February 22nd. giving a great two-way performance. Alleys 1 and 2: • . Adrian Smith and Hubert Hutton tallied for St. 7.15-St. Thomas' (B) vs. l Bon's while Ian Campbell was adding a single score to Salvation Army (B). ' h "h · k • b T 1 Af S n- ' d h 8.30--Cochrane St. (B) vs. t ~ at-tr1c ' y ay or. ter t. uun s score t e Kirk CB). lone opening frame tally, Prince of Wales took a 3-2 9.45-Salvation Army tAl vs. lead into the final stanza 'and added the other goal in Church of the Asccn· ; thl" third period. . sion tAl. The best ·of three games finals went four outings. Alleys 3 and 4: After Princr of Wales captured the f)}lener 4-!! the ! 7.15-Ccrhranr St. tAl \'~. second meeting finished in a scoreless draw and St. . Wesley rAJ. Bon's forced the series to thl' limit with a !!-1 win in 8 · 30-~;P~J:;-~~):Bt vs. Fil·~t the other game. Yt•sterda~:s victory had the Prince of SE:'\IOR l:"iTERCOLLEGIATE CHAMPIONS-Prince of Wales defeated St. Bon's 4-2 to cop the honours yesterday afternoon at the Prince of 9.45-Go\\l'er St. (B) \"S. \Vales repealing on the ~la<.'pher.,on Cup. Wales Arena. ~lembers of the winning squad are, left to right, kneeling-Don Barbour, Ian C.1mphell, Dave Butler, Jim Scott, E:trl Howell. GeoH Cathcdl'al \B\. The rontPsl was rug~ed · - ·- ..... ------. Alleys 5 and 6: :with hodydte!'king bl'ing the line while St. Bon's htld n Campbell Da'-e Johnson, Brnce Bradbu~.; Bob Johnson. Standin~t:-Phil Currie, J)fO\)~rty manager: Crosle~· Guuwcll, Jack Prover. Bill Taylor. 1 "· • ... \•'": 7.15-Sl. Thoma~· (:\\ 1·s. order of thr day. Both t~am~ a(l\·antagr on defence...... '..;..."! Keith Winter. Howie ~leeker, coach: S. C. ~lcCurdy, Principal of Prince of Wales Co lege; Doug Butler, Boh Williams, Bruce Tricco. John Drink· ~ ...... .'hen they set back I hoop for thirteen first hal! but shortly after he followed .TacqueG Plante cleanly. 1Canadwns. . . Graham ~olll~an, ~aptam 1 won b Adrian Smith of St. i handed and caught the eorner 5 • \lie school boys from the base ' points. With Ron Dodd play· Squires to the sidelines with Detroit were playing with ~ix I Aldcom's hrst penod goal the St. Bon semors lias n.ame~ Bon's ~nd Earl :\Iarsh of Bis-1 with a low drive that nipped 4!46. . inl! a stalwart game from his his firth personal. at the time, having pulled goal·· early in the game was a P_artly- the .1\lost ~alua~le player m h.ts i ho s Smith took the senior I the leg pad of Howell on th• .. . ! The lmh got awa\· to a : guard position with three field Ron Dodd stole the ball late 1·e Den·s Rl'gg· n w'th 39 seconds Iscreened shot that shpped section while Bishops Captam ! P ·d d · d th "K .. • wav ln. • · . d. • ' 1 . 1 1 1 " f d. Dou~ JI use wa the ~1VP 1awar an rece1ve e ev 1 • • • • • low start 1n )ester ay s sen· ; goa s. In the final quarter to g11'C the left to piav and Canadiens lead- through the le>gs o Cana 1ens · . ~ ~ · . s . • •Kennedv Tro h . from Chariie , Once agaw Blll Taylor tLed ior High School j!ame as thev 1 The close battle continued see·saw lead to the Patricians 1·ng 3 2 • defence man .. lean-Guy Talbot Iwmner m his secllon. Tom IG t ·h.\ tpl l . . t h : it up for Prince of Wale1 Tay- tr '! d b . h. I 1 h hi I . . Doyl t d Holl 'han with . ran w I e te JUniOr rop ,. . lll e Y sel'en pomts at t e on nto t e t rd quarter w th again which they held on to The other Detroit goals both and Plane. e presen e 1 • · t d b B b G d ' lor was left unguarded on the 0 0 quaner :!1·14. : th~ Irish staying within a few until the final whistle. early in the first period.' were Richard scored on Bernie his troph)' whil.e C~arlie Grant:;:~ presen e Y ' ·' doorstep and rammed home The Pepperrcll boys used / pomts as they traded basket The red· headed guard for b Gary Aldrorn and Jack Me· Geofrion's passout from the passed House his all a rd. . . · . . . . , the rebound from Dave But· the1r he1ght to good adl'antage 1 for basket. the St. Pat's team, Ron Dodd, boards and Backstrom tied it up The trophy for the top Jumor Followmg the lndlndual ler's close-in shot for 1 2·2 ·. -- . ~ .J...... ; k. mo1·e out front early in the 1 PepperrciJ led 43·42 when ' netted eight points in the final eHnzle.. R' h • d R hI in the middle period. slapping Goalie Peter Roberts or :1trophy presentations Rev. Br. ·.· score . t: f h ' ' enn IC aru an a1 P p . f ~· I 'th Ch I' D p . . I f S B • .af~ o~g t. ~on test. ' the St. Pat'5 center Bob I quarter to account for half of Backstrom tied the score 2-2 in Iin a goalmouth pass from Tom crncte 0 k' a e~ WI t a; le Ic a~cy, rmcl~a d ~h ~ ~n s: Just one minute later Ian -. ~ th e :tr1~1an\ 5~arted on . Squires rouled out, but It _was hi:~ team's points to grab the the seconrl period and Phil Johnson. ~~~ rna -~~gG t ~ presend atn o ete P[es~n ~I C e • ba~f ~r· · Campbell g?t what prove? to .. .-.;'J t' come ar tra1 a ter a bad only then that the dctermmed I wm. . Go,·ette scored late in the third Goyette's goal. a backhan~er., w 1 e Cy • c ett17an .an 1m 1 son up o eo . a~p e . e: be th.e wmnmg goal for P_rmce f1rH quarter and ~lOI\ lv but . Patricians took ol'er the lead. 1\llan Brownmg played a ·. d h 1 d f r 1then set the stage for DetrOit's) Byrne of St. Bon s \\ere dual! captam of the wmnmg Prmce of \\ales Da\·c Butler tipped ' ' 't-. ~~ surely rut the Pepperre'll !Pad Ed. Goob!c hit for a field soiid game fo rthe Pepperrell per~o ~ a .~p~eare fr a tmr i 11th hour e!fo;l. winners of the senior goalie of Wales ~ea_m. ~Jr. S: C. Me- , a close i~ pass to Campbell a~ - ...... _ '. I 1 1 1 1 It tht half way mark to only goal and the St. Pat's ~quad . squad in a losing cause with Ito r t e ' nmng goa · ! w r. T r A Pts.; trophy. Do~g Saunders present-. C~rdy, Prmc1pal or P~mce of he coasted in on the St. Bon·~ 1his fine rebounding along Then came Ullman's blazing : ~!onlr~al 34 12 10 209 140 71!1 ed the semor awards. ' Wales College_ was eha1rman for. ,;oal and Campbell picked the

\ibll<UrnMURBWOczwmmDCUUDWUbbUUD with Bill Christensen. . shot that caught the corner or 1· Torontn 21 zt 8 1:>4 152 M: Ttte trophies for thr :Mo~t · the presentallnns. : short side for 1 3·2 Prince of • Bob Squirps and Erl. Goohl"l the net with one second left. in 1Boston 24 '.!:/ 6 1A9 1!18 54: ------· ! Wale.~ edge a5 the wecond * wer.e .the hlghliner~ for St. the game. unman tapped Del-l Chicago 22 ~.;tO 1ii6 loO 54; Mercantl•le Iframe rnded .. Pat~ 10 the fore-court. vechio's passout from the back. Detroit 21 23 12 150 158 54· The lone fmal frame ~cnr" Referec5 .r. W. Frazier and Hoards. 1 Xew York 13 3.1 10 149 209 36 i , , c~m~ I.'HTl~· . .Rill Ta~·lnr round- Francis Browning call~d 29 - · !'rl out hi~ three lloal p~r· $ foul• Ol'er the route with the H• k 9 c 8 1 .formanrp ;mtl th" sroring. Patririans being nabbed {or Curl;ng.· IC man s op . - 'Ta)'lllr ffiO\'Pd in quickly and 111. The Pepperrell team slip· M !11rabbed a St. Bon·• clearing pcd six charity tosses through : pas~ 15 feet out. He fakl'd the hoop with st. Pat's making 0 • v• to the left and lift eli the puck Bob Squim 17.1 I'O~T Of INTIIV lAST COMT) go:~ o:.::.~e. Nfld. Still Has One pening ICtory i-~P~tt~=a~i~~:l ai~rea~g~.;o~n~~ Ron Dodd 16, Ed Gooble B, , I 1 aylor was the top per·

Phil Grouchy 7, Eric Cooper :1 Thr~ goal~ by Donny ''etm~n1 '· lopsided wm a•. Donn,\' ,. t an I formpr for the Collegians see- You cant beat VALUE like this! 1, Alex English, Gerry 0'· . w· I s h lb PI ·~ . • . . ' . 'e m ing action both on defence and Reilly, Ron O'Neill. tn n c 00• oy ay ! pace4 the Hickman's squad to a, reg1stered h1; hattnck. . up front. Geoff Campbell Pepp.rrell· Blll Christensen 8·.1 wm over the def~ndmg cham· I . T!le was 4-1 late m t.he played another good defensil'e . . . r ptons E. F. Barnes m the second. !mal period before the po~er game for Prinre of Wales with lB, Ge~rgge 1B2JednGI~~Y14N, Alia~ beNtO~ASNtDtAtl' Qhu.e.h CPhl -1 /lk·l thhe ca.nadlh~n !Jigh school cur lng gal!le of the best o! f~,·e games II house ~ickman's squad mov_ed Dave Butler Jim Scott and HILLMAN 4-DOOR SEDAN B • h full TI rown n • ew '"• r as. e er lg sc 0? 1 ~ c amp10ns 1ps. . series for the Mercanhle Hockey, away m a blaze of glory w1th. b'n · . Dick Charles Dicker· mol'ed mto a place he :V'th Tommy . Kroeger Al- crown at the Prince of Wales · four goals in the 3 minutes. : Camp e shmm11 up •car eatures Borsa~ f~rst sk1p~d 1 lr~~t Wit · son, Tom Blednlek, Art Davis, :'llorthern OntariO Thursday n1ght berta to en easy 13·3 w1n over arena last night. · The first game or the serieo i S · . h D C 18 ·~ th • Jeff Knowles. , after play In tbe ninth round of Newfoundland, who have won Besides the three go-als by : which was played on Tuesdav I h ~· Bon sd fad on rane .1 ·r ce On] e gam in eight Starts ,. . · ' t e1r top e enceman Whl e 1 'I s 1 Y on e • Yetman, two goals went to Bob n1ght was declared a 2-2 he fol· 1Hubert Hutton looked ood Or e economy 1 Next were ~askatchewan, Man· Cole and Tiny LeDrew, with, lowin~ a meeting of the ~lercan· b th H tt t kg h' P 00 15 ClVI ervlce itoba and Prmce Edward Island Dave Batten getting the single· ' tile Hockey executh·e earlier in ° 1 wayts. uotbn r d each with 5·3 record~. Nova Sco- t lth , k regu ar urn on e orwar . · ha , d on. e 11ee · line besidt>s drupping back to t1a and Ontano ve 5-.. recor s. Cole and LeDrew rtgistered · The addition of :\like Dillon to _, . f B d B N w Brunswick has won four and f · · k I · · ueteuct' u t .. u. u ragg e . . . Irs! perwd goals by the H1c . . Barnes has that team ugreemg Ia ed well tor St Bun's while lost four, Bnl!sh Columbia has man crew to take a 2-0 lead 1to allow Don Yetman Dare Bat- ~d~. s .11 d.d· .1 f tl W t... and lost s'1x Newfound· . · · · '' nan lui 1 l uws o 1e RCAF And Mental· on nO • into the second penOil. : ten anJ Carl Brown toget 1wr uck carl' ·in land and Quebec each have won Donny Yetman from Dave Bat· with another membPr of t'te P , . ~. g. d on! sing! gam ant1 lost aUt · d .• . . h L} ,\h:G~tt•~:an was ~ stan · r I e e . ten and Bob Cole unasslste maue · lllckman te3m to perform Ill t e . out in tl St Bon's nets lie U!e1r· other seven. :it 4·0 before the Clark brothers· senior leanue if thev wi~h with- t ~e lJ · tl e · d 1 1 111 0 Prince Edward Island upset; Peter -and Don t•ombined lor the. out takinge anv point~ from Hick· \\'as ad ush· es 111 l~ell~ c. n Last Night 0 t ·· 1'n l·nth·rOtlttd pla1• 11·1'th · d • · penu w en e .o eg1ans Won n auo n . only Barnes goal 111 the secon ! man's · . • • an B-6 victory, scoring tjree and 1 stanza whim both teams were 1 buzzed all. around !~1m and · The RCl\Jo' team and :\!ental r'ISH·C:NR team in the second one on. the ninth an~ lOth en~s I playing fil'e aside. The third game of the finals is • ca~e u~ w1th many ~me portant wins in the Civil Ser· game of the Civil Serviee Hoc· respecllvely and holdmg OntariO: Four unanswered tallies in the set lor ~fonda\· ni~ht with the :-..1< Get ligan had Ta~ lor g1.~1ng Hospital crew picked u·p im· key League last night at the scoreless on those ends. : final stanza gave Hickman's the fourth game for Tnesday · 1 ahil afterntoo(n.h. ~iater great Scorinll for Tl·c;lsury whn score 3·3 hy catching the top ST,\NntN •· r W L'sencs saw the DAIL"i_ :'pnt.wi~Jic .von! I Whilr two of thr individual: (;('rry Dny1c. ,\dri~ 11 ~mith, carvalueatyourdealer:snow! )ly the lnss were Cy Walsh, Wal· goalie, Tim Shea made the first ~ol'llll'rn Ontano • , • were _second and CBC tlurd. In I, award winners are knnwn thr' Hubert Hutton. :>llkr. Dono- . i)' Lawrence and C.vril Galway. move. Alhcrtll •o "•. •~ th e f 1rs t p;ame. of th e _1es1 t of i namr of the winner of lhr: 1·an. Kr1• Krou~h. PPter The Airmen s~orcd four times Two minutes lal"r Bnyd Sas kair lJPwan o o • . 1 •.Vsrtt~lru•lurfl'r•• fUll'-''" lfttuimu,._ Hillmon Canvl'fllble, eholct nf tl!orlno Iin each of the firri('s will vote on thr First PeriG'd: 1. st. g., 11 •5, virled.the win in u cleanly play· Pat Barron drawm~ the as~tst. :'\e.1~ Bl,ttlls\\lc_k 'NE vs · · h • t · . ed contest that saw Tom Walsh . The fast skating teams raced Bl'lltsh Columlllll, R 2 6 '' . \ Ill ton!~ t s cncoun cr award winner. .-\nrian Smith. 1.25. renaltie~: . of Treasury getting the onJy1 back and forth the ice looking ~ewloundlnnd 8 I 7 11'111 hal'e the finals foecerl mto Boh Cole mav mol'c into a; ~purrcll. ~.04. Hutton. 13.~1. HILLMAN. . penalty In the second period. for the winner .but were stop- Quebec 8 1 7 the third a~d decirling ga~e. forward slot ro'r VOOI anr!l Second Period: 2. P.\\'.1'., A •aTT•II •uv ••c.r.u•• IT'8 ••TT•II •utLT The win for the RCAF team ped by the spectacular goaltend· VOCM wlll h~ve, no lmeup team up with high scorin.g Ed; Bill Taylor, 4.45; 3. ~t. Bo?·~...... • . . changes for tomghts encounter gar Sqwires and Noel Vinicombe Hubert Hutton, 6.02; 4. P.W.C. Roo tes Products: Hillman • Hwnber .• Sunbeam was :he1r tghth. m t~h1rteerh en· lng o. both gonhes. . :IIacpherson . and ).!e~or~l while the NEWS . have . one for tonight's contest. Gene Gar· Bill Taylor, (Dave Butler), cl!!ln ers o mo1 e . em ree Finally after an all out ef·, meet 1n the th1rd game o t ~ 1doubtful starter. R1ght wmger land is expected to move up 11.44; 5. P.W.C., Ian Campbell, ~omts I~P on the secoud team! fort by Cyril Gallop_ and ~eg: Girls' High Srhool Atlii~H;·! ~:rrol Hand. injured his ~nkle front for the NEWS with Dee, (Dave Butler), 12.-14. Penalties: F ISH-CNR. ILcggp pr~duced the ":mner w1th i' Lea~ue at the ~lemonal l:m·: 111 the f1rst game ot_ thr lmals ,l!urphy drupping back. Crane. 5.39, D. Johnson. 7.0:!. ADELAIDE MOTORS, LTD. . --- Legge domg the scormg for the vers1ty Gym to-mghl at 7.00. Iand may be out tomght. • I Third Period: 6. P.W .C., Bill • • I I A ~oal by ~~ Legge with 5-4 verdict. Macpherson dropped thei·· NEWS coach Steve Garland I Adl'ance sale of tickets' fori Taylor, 4.53. Penalties: Dro1·er, NEW GOWER at ADELAIDE STREET, less t.han a m111ute and a half . Three of the penalties went I first decision of th.- .)·oung ~Ca·, didn't nnme a re1'lacrment for Ihe big game tonight has been: 10.40, Donovan. 14.29. ST. JOHN'S, .NEWFOUNDLAND in the ~ame j!a1·e the ~ten tal to the Hospital crew, two of! snn to Prinr.P of Wnies whil~ Hand if he is mi~sing hut it PX-~ brisk anrl a full house is expect-· . STOPS Hospital rrr.w n hard fought 5-41whirh resulterl·in goals for Fish·' lor thr Mrmorinl girls it. wil1 pectrd that Carl ''21'' :Xoftal ed at the Prince of Wales HOWELL ..... 3 3 7-13 TELEPHONE, 3015·6·7 victory over the second place 1CNR. be their first game. and Dave Saunders will don the Arena. I !l!cGETTJGAX II 12 8-25 I

,, .. TH!: DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S. NFLO., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1960 St. Pat's Capture The Tobin Tie Cup • i • Curling Notes Invitation: MIXED BONSPIEL Defeat St. Bon's S-2 For Saturday February 20th.

2-4 1 C. F. Horwood J. Burgess . ~Irs. G. Sparkes ! i !\Irs. A. J. Dunne 1 Crusaders And Irish Bye In League Finals : T. J. Byrne F. R. Noseworthy I 1'. Pettcn )trs. F. R. Horwood . I First St. Bon's loss Of Award Since 194 t F. E. Hue J. C. ~lcCarthy Leo Stead W. N. Horner By DEE MURPHY, Grab Top Positions Mrs. C. Whelan Mrs. Pippy Daily News SJlOrts Editor I K. L. Fortney A. E. Hickman Senior ~Padch" came through lnst night. Rev. Br. Nnsh, Principal (,f St. l'alrick's lin II School. spoke at the Robin Short Hits For 18 Points re{'tllt presestation of trophit'S to the School and he :~tnted, "High School "Pncldy'' nnd Junior "Pnddy.. h!l\'C pnssed their examinations this vear. Senior "Paddy" has yet to complete l1is t•xams." · Ibe St. Pat's senior hockev team look nine minutes of the first period lo jump into a 4-tllcacl o\"Cr St. Bon's nnd went on to defeat the Bluegolds' 5·2 in a fast encounter at the Stadium htsl nigh!. The win ~ave the Irish the Tobin \\'. H rrmanson Tie Cup for the first time plm a bye int~ the Senior llol'lhin Tic Cup and a final'~· brrth SL Pat·~ skated from the f:"•t wh1otlr to the final buz· ~lr.'. l.rstpr 1~r The~· turnrrl in a ~real twn- ' r:. 1'. c;oddcn \ _,• "--~- :<~mr with pl~nty of b~cl; 11. F. Horwood . chcd:1•1c and forcrh~ckin~ and W. Pound .-,.· ... . :-· . j th!; plus H'I'Cr~l ~nod stops hy ~ ~-~ ~ ..\. ,J. l.ush nf11'1l'111Pr l'al lbrrin~tnn in (;. Burnell : ·.·) ~: ~h p~rio:l made thr big di!­ frrrnrr. ~Tt·s. L. Carter ... "'.· .. 'R. Johnson ". .•· .. In ihr f:r,t round the lri~h ' ...- . ~ . trl~rd !'t. Ron·~ 4·3 with . ~~ i ..... h~:,Lc hcin~ thrir hi~ acl1·ant- : -..: _..... ;·.. 'i a~~ anrl ·lail ni·~ht Sr•nior ' "J'a.:riy" tur11•d it on a~:1in. Til~ . ,,· tr~~ll now !Oil h"rk and ~w:lit I -; ~ l'•r ou•cnmc of the ~rmi·fi•1::l~ D. )!. J..owe .. ·~ '. k'-c• '~"., St. P.nn'!i ;1:~11 F(\ikl!nn~. · ~II'S. W. Watson I • ~ 1 - ... . ,lre Krnn;· >t1rtcd thr r:l<'n· I \\'. .J. ~lahone)· - .... ! !r: ~.1. P:1t'~ ~rorf'. K~'nny in· ·Another ...,.- ·-...... - :rrr•'l'lt'r! a P"'-' in the llhh·~olcl : ' ' '-.. 7·"~r .:\111i rtrun- il tn the l'orn{'r. Er •?rrd It tn rrptcr it with P• :"'1 l·on•H>II,· ra:c·hill~ the ri:i•: ~itlr f,r th1• Iaiii". I.:n: t1 }\t"}lr m,.dr it 2·11 ln~\o . . . I ti.rt four minu:rs liitl'l' o•1 lhr ~"~" l thr !Hick in . - . t!lr ;;1. Bon'< 7nnr RIHI hil .Jim J;;·rr.~ w11h ~ 1'"'' in thr rnr· r.rr. B~ me·, rrlay went out to .lnhn Frrn· and the smollcs Sen· ...... ~ ' . . .,. ior pia~ e~ ~lipp•d around a dcfr.:rlrr for il low gnal~ettin~ c;. l;iannou ~~r~. A~·~~~~. Provincia~: !Grads And bla~t to han i1 3-0. ~!rs. 0. W)·Jie -~ .. " ~h~:r Fitzpatrick hr<•kr from i ~!issF.. c. L.Bonne Wilkin~ wms . ,II t:i! 7on~. 11 ith !.en L'ou~hlan 1 ~Irs. _C___ A_ d C 8 And Memori"al . .. . : hano;in~ on for the fourth lri5h Gre·en And Ford .. . i ~rorr. He ~ot away from Cou~h· ; ..·.:; litn at center with the St. Bon's , ~~!rs. ~!. Cl~:~:;o~· \:.oh;;~i: aps n ee ees II' Meet Toni~ht : A. J. Dunne D. S. Ayrc , , .._ ~- rran;uard !allin~ and went in -...... 1 1 ~Irs. A. Hood ~~r~. J. R. Parsons :.;,_':...:. .. ~ alone for the score. 0 J PI ... -, - Top 'P. Pollard Mr.~. F. J. Kiclly : To-night at the ~!emorial g~·m .. There WNc no ~oals r~~is­ Take Spots Ulll.Of - pen ay ...... ;:..:. .. . ,: tr~ed in the second frame a> I No. ~ iee rcsened for Sen- at 8.30, the Ex-Pupils LNglle ~lt•rl' Grc~n. St. Bmi's ~onlie. finished with the top [ iors. will continue with first plare S: Pars ~~·ere out front 4-0 BOB MacKENZIE J:oalie in St•nior while Bart Ford of 1. 1 Grads taking on ~!ernorial. ~n10~ inJn the la;t period. a\'Cm~e llock~y 11-11 The All-\ew£onmlland de£ ending Imc.-c~· c Jamp- A win for the Grads will a~· The goal that ga1·c Bart Ford Barrington came up with one ' St. Put's drol'e home 11 third period gonls last night to •J. A. Stoneman iom, St. John's, and the Conccplion Bay Junior Cee- ~ure them of top spot in the lht ~oring crown came with of his best games of the ~·c~r. ' finish out front in th~ hnlh·ichml scorin~ race. ~!rs. J. K. Pratt Bee~ open the East Coa.~l PrO\ incial quarter-fin~ls at ~Iandin~; whilr a win for the :;: Bon·! haring Dave Barrett He miscued on both St. Bon's ~Irs. 1 l'inal statistks for the re~ular sdicdulc of the A, Cox \'. Clouston for board in~. Jim ~lalonr ;:oals but had. marie the b1~ the Stadium to-ni~ht. In the \\"est Coast quartt'r· ~!emorial ~als might set up 1 e>ff I tcn!:IIC from the D.-\ILY ~EWS records:- ':\lr~. Burgess G. Tessier ~lapped a blucliue drive with i sa~es ear_ll('r 10 the game. In I :\!iss J. King ~Irs. R. Templeman, finals Grand Falls !ranis to Corner Brook to-ni~ht. three-way tiP with ~!acCurti~. • Tonight'~ game will start · · ---·--- · .. ··· ~lrmorial snd the Grads. ford ~tandilli: free to tap home 1 the opcmn~ stanza ne look~d thr rebound for a s.o Irish great on Boh Redmond !rom 111 TE,\~1 STA:'\Dl:'\GS : K Warren J. K. Pratt at s.~O and a full house is PX· Forwards: The ~arne will Collo'~ the lead. close and robbed both Tom )lur· ' P \\' L T GF GA Pts. Pl.\1 'W. D. Gunn ~lrs. C. Howse peeled tn turn out for the .John l'l'rr;· ...... 6 Girls' High Sehool game hr.· Tom ;\lurphy got st. Bon's ·ph)' and l\'o~l Sparrow in the St. Pat's 9 6 3 0 38 ~1 12 99 · c;, ~latl'\amara R. Hermanson· contest. The tram' will pla1· a l.uu l'oiH'r ; tween ~lacphcrson and ~lcmor- on tile scoreshcet with les~ than middle frame. St. Bon\ 9 5 3 1 46 25 I L I L2 . ~Irs. Chas. Doyle ~!iss ~1. Kielley: best of thrre g~mr~ Sl'rir< for ~like l'itz:1 play- na 1 Batten ...... 14 7 · rach stanza. II~ was at his best · Burl Funl. S!. Pat's 8 7 9 l6 2 wood vs. J. Burgess game play-, ers will srr ar·tinn in the pr·o· Eel KeiJ;· ...... 15 .Jim penny ed at 2 p.~n. play the followmg ·incial pl~ydnwns with >~t< of II in the S('COIHI fl·amc. Boh \lad~t·nzie. Sl. Bon's ...... fl R 7 15 1:1 1 Rill :lk Donald ...... rtllks; .J. G. Bcarns . .\Irs. Stone- drfrnt·emcn and forward iincs .Jack Faulkner II Don .lohn><•n wn~' the hi~ eng Jack Withers. St. l'~1t's .. 9 II 14 () CONCEPTION BAY ~ , man. Geo. Wells. ~Irs. Wilansky. · nlOdng in and out nf thr linc- \cv Pike 10 in the St. Pat's dc!cnsil'e setup i :fom :\turphy. St. Bnn's .. fl II :l 14 27 Goal: . while ('J~:•.rlic \\'alsh sparkled Sp~re Joe An?crson. • . : up. Ed Kelly is slated tu be Bill Suilnan ...... 1 Clayton Panons 11 fj up front. \\'alsh didn't score any Dou~ S(1uircs. Fcildiuns ...7 7 13 II NFLD. GREAT LAKES , utilit1· man for even· game. Ed Pumphrey Stan ~Joores . . . 12 goals hut his two-way perform· Frnnk Power, St. Bon's . 9 4 8 12 6 'l'ROPIIY• 1 To~ight :\lcrkrr · has F.g Defence: Leo Rvan . . . . . • ...... 1:1 ancc plus a great jo\.1 of check­ Last :' 2-,J 418• 2n5" •878 Stack 8·, Wal~on 9. I.ou Power and Fitzpatrick 1 If J h • Th' tl G d " Tonight's Games and Goobie. Brotklehurst and.. Liverpool John's Bostoa Hal as 111 • o D • N1c. k IS e, .uar s .... ·' 14 4• 67 100 • 860 St. & til to to Guards Totals: 9 39 4.33 305 .872 7-9 Connolly arc intact while Bob to to His St. John's L'pool ':\!cCarthy vs. Coupland. Badeoek of Guards will skate st. John's Boston llalifn ~-- ···.. . Bearns vs. Butler. with Don Yetman and Dave ":\fewfoundland" Feb. 21 Omitting call 1 Bluegolds and Torn Murphy p t' c Williams vs. Winsor. Batten of Feild. . "Nova Scotia'' . 1 Feb. 24 )lar. 1 ~lar. 5 ~far. 'f TOM MURPHY 'shone up front. 1 rae Ice· orner Stirling vs. Davies. Bill Taylor. :\Pi son Kcarle~·. '"Newfoundland'' ~lar. fl :liar. 16 !liar. 22 !t!ar. 26 Mar. 28 [ St. Pat's: Goal, Pat Barring· 9-11 Bill :lfalonc, Eril' St. George. "Nova Scotia" .~tar. 23 :liar. 30 Apr. 5 Apr. 9 Apr. 11 1 5-1 game. , tun; defence. Don .Johnson, 1 :\!oyse vs Giannou. Xev JIPndr•rsDn. (>raham \Jar· ":-N·oml I Stt•n• f)t•laner. Dil•k Power., Clift vs. Josephson. tin Bt•m :\IITir-k and GPnrt "No1·a St·otla • Apr. -• · 1ay 4 · 1 •·Jl j t 48 I I t f · Tl F 'ld" s · · · · t'... · ,,:,•mplatm• oass~ge to Europe "' ~· us ~ecom s a cr or a 1• .lim ~lulmw, .Juhn Fitzgerald:' ll' •el 1an emor Hockey, Reid vs. Norr1·s. Petl'r' round nut tlw >;e1· Pike and Cla>·ton Pal·~on~ l FURNESS RED (RQSS LINE .. final stt tn hold a big ed~c in I Bob ~lacl\cnzie found the score I George, Tom "Bell Island" , on the 5econd. Stan ~lnorc>. 1 pia~·. In the last twn minulrs 14·0. He was the top player for ! l\lurphy. By WILSON BUTLER Ift·ont with 10 points ; Leo R)·an, Alrx Thl~tle and i of the 11ame the Bluegolds test· St. Bon's both on offence and Referee: .loe Smith. . - In the schedule' for this : Allan Dawe round ·out the 1 SAILINGS TO AND FROM rd lri~h JIOalie Pat Barrington 1 defence while Lrn Coughlan Linesmen: .Jack neat·du:an , Infantry continued their ' afternoon just one game thai I team. I scv~n ti111e~. 1stood ont '"' rl•'encc for the and Charlie Feild. winning way In the only Pee j at 4.30 p.m. when Nelso~ face I Referees for tonight'~ _Pn· 1 NEW YORK, SAINT JOHN, ~ALIFAX SUMMARY Wee League game yesterday off with York. ' counter arc John Doyle and • I TO . First Period: 1. St. Pat's, afternoon as they moved five Saturday morning at 8 00 I Ted Withers. ST. JOHN'S and CORNER BROOK . i Derm Connolly, (Joe Kenny), points out front of the pack a.m. Repulse and York pr~e-l For the interest of fans the · 5.43; 2. St. Pat's, Lloyd Kelly, with an easy 2·0 win over Slg- .tlee; at"8.4ll a.m., Black Watch uniform 1111!l'bers or the two (Mike Fitzpatrick), 9.01; 3. nailers. and Gunners practice teams are listed below: S.S. GUERNSEY St. Pat's, John Perry, (Jim Ma· Paul Mullins and Derrick Nonday at 4.30 p.m.' Snipers ST. JOHN'S lone, Jim Byrne), 13.57; 4. St. Barbour were the marksme)l · and Commandoes practice Goal: Lv. New York ... ·...... Feb. 24 March 15. Pat's, Mike Fitzpatrick, 14.54. for the winners countlng botTi · Lv, Saint John, N.B ...... Feb. 27 March 18 Penalties: None. goals In the first period and Tuesday at 4.30 p.m. Spit· · Eg. Billard · · · · • • • • • · · · 1 Second Period: S eo r In g: within one minute of each fires and Lancasters practice; Bob Lane Lv. Halifax ...... Feb. 29 March 22: • :-lone. Penalties: Coughlan, other. Mullins dented the ' at 5.15 p.m. Nagnlflcent and Defence: Ar. St. John's ...... Mar. 3 March 2~ !.07. twines at' 11.15 and Barbour's Vanguard practice. Joe ·slaney • · • • • • • • · · 2 • Third Period: 5. St. Pat's, marker came at 12.15. Charles Doug Phelan · · · · · • • • · · 3 Lv. St. John's ...... 5 March 28' Bart Ford, (Jim Malone), 16.211; Guzzwell picked up an assist Jim Malone · · · · • • · · · · 4 Will call at Outports as inducement offers. , 6. St. Bon's, Tom Murphy, nn Mullins score. HoJ C AA Dick Power · · · .. · · · · · 5 (Bob MacKenzie). 18.11; 7. St. The loss for Signallers y rOSS o • Cargo accepted for Corner Brook discharge IBon's, Noel Sparrow, CTom leaves them tied In the celler • Alleys 3 and 4: subject to ice conditions existing at that port. Murphy), 19.49. Penalties: with Snipers and Gunners, 2.00-Salesladies I Bowling League v~. E:lgi~-~ , Green 10.09, D. Power 12.48, each with 2 points, while Com· errs. For rates, etc., Telephone. 2073 • 5890. I Fitzgerald 14,41, Gillies 14.41, ma!ldoes ar1: alone In fourth 1 3.30-Carpenters '~. ;o>c'A ~- , · Barrett 15.4lt. . place with 3 points. Black ; Occupational Leagut men .• I STOPS Watch is thh·d with 4 and ''eys l and 2: · 'leys S and 6: I BARRINGTON 8 6 11-25j Troopers In the serf!'· ,,: .. ' : 2.00-Rcckcts v~. TI'Uc·kmo:· 2.00-Salcsn·~, · Shipp~!-, . Furness, Withy &Company. Ltd. JACK WITHIRi PAT IARRINGTOt,ll lGREEN .••••.. 11 14 8-33 tion with 5, Infantry a1·e oul 3.30-Gl'ocers vs. Plumbel's. 3.30-Clel'ks vs. Students. '_,______1t THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S. NFLD., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1960 Jacoby rAPTAIN EAt.t Sparkling Modern On Bridge

• SKILU'UL PLAY MAKI!S CONTRACT Sturdy Chrome Sets With BY OSWALD JACOBY East's double of four clubs is not recommended and he was properly punished when South Extension Leaf Tables proceeded to make the hand. West opened the ace of dia· morids and continued the suit. 1 East took hi~ king and Jed the : queen of hearts. West ducked

1 and dummy'& king won tbe I trick. ! Soulb needed to take tbe · spade finesse some time and MORTY MEEKLE Isince he was pretty sure that Bv DICit:' r f.''·· • : East held the king be took it Immediately by leading a low . · spade and finessing the ten. I m~ next play was the king of 1 'clubs and the !art that West 1 showed out did not disturb him I . in the .~lightest: in fact he had

• rather expected it. 1 1 lie cash!'d his are of ~pade;. · ~entered clumm~· with the ace o! ----;---- ... • I NOR'PH IS .QJ72 Available in a chotee of attractive colours. the stain resist· .Ki5 ant tables are sturdily built with double chrome legs and • 106 ofoA654 extension leaf. fhe choirs are comfortably padded and \\'EST E.~ST upholstered with durable washable plastics in colours to .865 ~K94S .... 10142 ¥QJ match the tables. These handsome chrome sets are avail­ + A9542 +K73 able in a choice of four choir or six chair combinations. -" Xone I,.J987 BUGS BUNNY By LEON SCHLESINGER '"':.),I 50liTJI (D) .. ·- -,.. - 4 CHAIR MODEL 6 CHAIR MODEL • A 10 .. • 96 3 ~ .... 4 +QJ8 ·.. ·: ofoKQ1032 l\o one \'Ulnerable - .., $82.oo lloulh Wttt North East loft 1• 1• IN.T. ., PaiS ~ t 3 "' ~ + 4 "' Pa~ Pal'S Double a·.. ." Pus Pass Pass ' . .t • Opening lead-t A. -...... " ...... ~ . ..,. .. : , ... - ... Beautifully Styled clubs, led the queen of spades I . '. ~ ~' ~ and ru!led when East covered --<" with the king. . ""t'. ""... There was still a little pla)· I . ". . 4.: left. He got back to dumm)' br trumping his good diamond and .. · discarded a heart on the jack PR;S~ILLA'S POP By AL VERMEER Cedroom Suites . of spades. Then a club finesse picked up East's jack. He still -· · had a beart to lose but the ten tricks for his contract were -.. i home. --' Q-The bidding has been: ·1 East South West North 1 • Double Pass 1 N.T. , Pass 2 t Pass 2 N.T. . - ....' . : , Pass ! 1, You, South, hold: ...... 4 'K 10 3 2 +A Q 9 8 7 ... K - 6 5 What do you do? A-Pa111. l!ou ban already ...... ·-- doubled and shown diamonds • • : . "l You ooly ban 12 polnl1 In high . . ... cards. TODAY'S QUES'l10N Inatead of rebidding two no· trump your partner has rebid .• ~ - . ... ~\ to two hearts over your two­ FRECKLES AND HIS FRIEND! ty MERRELL BLOSSER .....· ... ·.: AMPLE DRAWER SPACE, LARGE, BRIGHT MIRRORS ! diamond bid. What do you do in . ~ ' .; · thia case? 3 PIECE WITH SINGLE DRESSER ...... $ 89·95 I Annver Tomonow

1 3 PIECE WITH DOUBLE DRESSER ...... $152·00 Household Helper ·.. _ ... TERMS AVAILABLE ~ :~JI.:.. ~ ' . ,. ~ 1181 :~ !:~:-~ .· ·-·"... .1: . •'.i: ._...... \ Luxurious, 3 Piece THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE By W. SfiRUGGS Chesterfield Suites


¥'"'-·I I Thc:·c ~u.;y pups will be a 1 3 PIECE CHESTERFIELD SET ...... $182·50 great help in dressing up the kitchen. Do in gay colors. Make e set of six towels to . 3 PIECE (FOAM c;:USHIONS) ...... $25 7.00 1 add to your linens or ln. pairs • for shower gifts. Pattern 7188: 1 transfer o£ six motifs about 6x7 i . Iinches. Easv embroider)'. 3 PIECE DAVENPORT $ET ...... $146·50 Send THIRTY-FIVE CE:'IITS, tin coins l for this pattern 1 (stamps cannot be accepted l to !1 2 PIECE DAVENPORT SET...... :...... $124·50 ST. JOHN'S DAILY NEWS, Hausellold Arll Dept, &8 FRONT ST., WEST, TORONTO, ONT. SPACE SAVERS ...... $ Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, 49·50 PATI'ERN NUMBER. ALLEY OOP' Rv V. T. HAMLIN JUST OUT! Our New 1960 Allee Brooks Needlecraft Book TERMS AVAILABLE contains THREE FREE Pat­ terns. Plus ideas galol'l! lor • home furnishings, fashlons, ~~Its, • toys bazaar sellers - exc1tlng, un~ual designs to crochet, knit, sew embroider, huck weave, quiii. Be first wltb the newest ·THE GREAT EASTERN OIL -send 25 cents now! COMPANY,. LIMITED.

• 'l M DAllY N!WS, ST. JOHN'S. NFLD., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1960 13 Supermarket 1 Rotary CONCEPTION BAY NEWS Speaker At Club Checker Of The IContinued from Page 3\ 1 Court of St. James. Nathaniel fled that !ie is the official repres- , politics-which is having it both' Hawthorne w~s Consul at Liver-: entative of the United States. Year • !' way: It most certainly is not to pool: Washington Irving, Minister l From that time on, ali his actions' . Successful leaves For Gh ost Returns Presentation be confU!ed with Wa{ tance to gain indep~n· w:1ich are taken into_ ~cc~unt. in' As the Company winner, : thin~~ of life. whereas we older: This i~ the f1rst lime ~ New· and have endeavoured to get, s •I s •, , posts. i.e., Embassies. Legahon.~.:

Mr Beaulieu 49 alld his part- '1 William Seward, once explained' crate abroad. Xeedless to say, eighteen Yf!lrs ~f ext~aordmarily be seen throu!!hout the week of ner ~n the roof, Robert Belleau, , the appointment of a private citi-: an officer Is expected to ha,·e a warm re~~honshJpS with the P~ ~! February 22 to 26 inclusive. 38 ere among some 10 registered Izen to a diplomatic post by ob- thorough knowledge of the pol- ple of :-.le~lfoundland. I har 1 -f: ______-;----- __ _ HARDWARE te~ms In the city whose 'winter- serving that 's'ome persons are, icies, interests and culture of' need mention th~ tho~sands 0 : fnl for tilese senhments, and let from time job 1s to remove Ice from needed ahroad and some are sent other countries as well as of the marriagt>s belwC1!n l.lmled Stale~ me, in concluding, also remind the sloping rooftops, neede abroad, and some are sent' policies and interests of the Un-' s~rvicemen . and :\'ewf~un_dlan j yo_u that :-/ewfoundland has lo~11l This old city's houses crowd because they are not needed at 1ited States, They are tools-of- g1rls-;-a t~shmon~· ~f the mtima~~ friencls 111 em-y state of the umon the sidewalks and because of t~e home." You may draw your own, the-trade. . relahonsh1ps betlleen our t\1 ~ that 1 am proud. and fortunate, danger of ice sliding from the conclusions! ' While the work of the ~ore1gn ;eop!e._ In many year~ ~f Mal-, I~ represent in this fa~ulous ~ro· Chester Dawe Ltd. slanted roofs people must be con-I Interestinglv enough_ the mid-, Service officer may be defmed as mg with matters relahn~ to 1 vmre. and of course. m the r.s. stantly alert as they walk through die of the i9th century found' representing the Unite~ States 1United Stales defen>e base~. ~ Consniat., G~neral at 5!. .Join's. TOPSAIL ROAD the streets in winter. j some of the most illustrious !iter- 1 abroad, there are certa!n formal ' ha1•e n~'·er ~ad the deep person - - - SHAW STREET 1 With every thaw the men can I ary figures of the United States, aspecls of our _work which I feel' ~el_ sahsfact;on ywt .~omes from T0 N I G H T be seen swinging wooden mallets I serving their country in foreign' I should menhon. When a For ( hv1nl! and 11orkmg \Hth, and for. on the rOOftops to remove the Ice [Iands. James Russell Lowell was! eign Scr1'ice officer arrire_s at !!, neople who. ha1·~ been ~o thou~ht- THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL, LONG TERM before it falls on someone. Minister to and later to the i post. the host ,r:ove:·nmenl IS noh- , lui anrl frwndb · a~d helpful,~o , -· - --· · · · -· · · -- United States serncemen. - •)I AMPLE 4' X 8' . FINANCING . 1 fellow Rotarian, Don .Jamieson. , 9:15 P.M. • · •once characterized the comin!! of 1 THROUGH 11"""''"' I Trust D•rectors I the Americans as e "friendly i~-j C.B.N. FREE • 1·asion" and he went on to sa~· 1! I FIBRE PLY , was a "remarkable experinrent I in international relations." PARKING %" ...... 13c. per squ. ft. IBC I agree that It has been re­ W' ...... 16c. per squ. ft. : Imarkable and those minor notes HEAR of discord, which ! suopose ere SPACE %" ...... 20c. per squ. ft. i..... PLAN Iinevit3ble even WJ!h the most ____ _ happily married couples, , have been resolved in t~e friendly Ispirit that has characterized the AlSO QUANTITY OF NEW AND SLIGHn Y DAMAGED \ relatiopship betWC1!n the govern­ IN ) INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DOORS AT SHARPLY ; ment and people of Newfound- 1 land and the members of the Un- STOCK REDUCED PRICES I ited States Armed forces station­ 1 ed here, and. may I say, my pre· e DON1 WAIT FOR SPRING • , • DO IT NOWI 'i decessors at the Consulete Gen· era!. : In particular, I have been I! greatly touched by the fact that . Premier Smallwood and several iof his ministers have emphasized Han. : that the real tragedv of t!1e phas- 1ing-out of Pepperrell wil! be the ALVIN HAMILTOM ; ending of numl!rous friendships MINISTER N. R.·Crump M. W. Maokenzie C. F. Hanington OF NORTHERN AFFAIRS ' between our two peoples. AND NATIONAL RESOURCES I think it is appropriate that l i At the Annual MeetinJi of The Royal Trust Company held in Montreal on February 18th, In tho radia series 1'8. 80161 CONFIDENCE 'BRINGS YOU' IN ••• TEL. 91171 new Directors elected were: N. R. Crump, President of the Canadian Pacitic Railway Company: >hould say her~ before the bus- : M. W,, C.:.t.G, Prrsidtnt of Chemcell Limite


· I'UR RE:'IiT--~ew modern :: 0 IW:i"£!Mtil.Al£1111--· .. ------1(Whole)!· Sheriff's Sale ' hedroom Bungalow, all m o d e r n conveniences. NIGHTLY Call 90026 Nnd. Cancelled Please dial 93168· H. ENTERTAINMENT Armature The Sale herrin ad1·ertisrd Works • WASTED-Immedia!ely Girl ' has · ec : cancelled between ' for family of 4 adults. No 1 FR!D.\T: 38 ' Kevin :lin her and Michael: : cooking. Phone 4912 for "Dance Contest" I!~III!MjM.. l:.sambrick I Maher (trading as :llaher B,ro·: : interview after 7 p.m. ---"'=- Street. i thersl. plaintiff, and Chrislo·. : febl!l.20 S.\Tl:RD.\1: PLYMOUTH ?ial 7191·2 · pher ~lulroon'ey, defendant. · "Big Dance Broadcast" 11.30 1 9 53 W. GORUM/ WARRt:!\1. . F;njoy carefree , Help Wanted-Female 00 BUILDING MATERIALS Sheriff of Nfld. 1 driving. Let us ~ EARNS S23 W~:tlKI. Y PLUS $400 Sheriff's Offiec. show you what t\ FREE WARDIWBE IN ~l':\1».\ \': • :CHESTER DAWE, LTD. Court House. real service is. YOt:R SPARE Tll!E­ "The Girl Can't Help it" I ' SHAW ST. and TOPSAIL RD St. John's, :\'!lri. Dril·e in IO· .Jusl show Fashion Frocks tarnng Jane :\lansfield day! !I For all your Building to friends. ="o mvestment. Bal.rd Motors Ltd. Requirements cal! can1·as~ing or experience . DISISG • D.\~CISG MERRYMEETING ROAD i ___ao-'6-l _9t-t7_1 __ ncce~sary. \\' ri '": N ortb , Road SERVICE American Fashion Frocks AT TilE DRUG STORES 1 \\'c are equipped to I Ltlfld. 1 1 Berkel Scales. HOME DELIVERY Lamps, ,Switches, Lighting sions and storage buildings. · - -·- - 11 ' Fixture;, etc. p,, ·sons intrrcslecl in acquir- Berkel Slicer. 1 Wall Washing , 1 ., I WAREHOUSE: PRINCE'S ST. ina lr;.ilrrs for residential OC· Save your WALL WASHING - Wath Cake Cooler. • Barbequed Chicken DIAL5085. cupntY and persons oprratin~ cleaned by new machine. 1 Interested parties "Ribs" ! ------or intcndin~ to operate tratlrr Energy· Results perfect: saves paint. ' ' • Also complete plate FIRE INSURANCE Jlat''' 1\'0Uicl hr wrll acll'iSCCI to -New Method Rug and Wall ITelephone 90722 ramilt::mr thrmsc!l·rs wtth the Use Cleaners, Freshwater Ro~d. ; Dinners. CROSBIE & CO., LTD. Rc~ulalions hdorP incurrin~ 'Phone 9!033. 1 .. ____ ....____ ·-·-- • Sandwiches a n d Agents for c~pt•nrlilur~. . · ELECTRICITY ! octs.un __ ··--· _: FOR SALE Salads for Parties etc. UNDERWRITERS AT I I• u1·thcr mformailon ~onrcrn· : NEW Mt:THOD RUG CLEAN· I LLOYDS. ing the he harl 1 ERS-Rugs and Carpet i Youn • All Delicatenen LOW RATES upon appltcatlon to. . . LIGIIf C. POWI. ' made to look lilte new. · , g The Pro,·inl'iill Plannm2 nfftcc. 1 Von Sci. lcr proceis adds .: Specials. DIAL 5031 0 Lay1ng Hens I· Duckworth Strrrt, C ., • • " v • 1 ., • • • t 1 (Orders $5.00 or over de· -- " wars to life of rug>. Clean· livered Free of charge). 1 HARDWARE STORES ' St. John's, • ' IC' Jap Reliahie Electricity ,~ ed in home or at our plant. over moult and in good !One door west of the l\llrl. S;n· 1 J A d h I 'Phone 91033, New Method. I ' in~s Bilnk Building). Tele· n an roun St. Jo n's Rul( Cleaners, Fushwater produdion. Bell's Delicatessen HARRIS·& HISCOCK, LTD. 1 ' phone :'l'o: 81l280.) . I'""-·-----·-··---- I Road. ,Telephone 98137 or 566 WATER STREET I General Hardware f. W. PO\\EI.l., ; ------1 ; Distributors lor Sunbeam llepul)' ~linister ol Municipal Sh , tEAL ESTATE- Valuator of 1 write P.O. Box N1298, Electrical Appliances, Affairs. 'I arpening city; farms and outpor pro- Sports goods and Sports February 16th, 19969!r. perties. Over 40 yea~· ex· l St. John's. wear for all occasions. feht9 , perience. John TJ. Dr1s· • ·!..: Services o GREAT EASTERN DIAl 5016 , ------·-·---~-- coli. Auctioneer and Real .." . ------Pro1·ince of Newfoundland ALL TYPES Estate i'.gent. Dial 90312 . OIL & IMPORT ERNEST CLOUSTON, LTD, i Hanrt saws, band saws, eircu· "!' ...., ~·.l .... :-1. McCLAR\ AUTOMATIC THE BANKRUPTCY ACT Jar saws, lawn mowers, gar THE CENTRAL BARBER DRAFTSMAN c~~·,IIIIJ- i ! ... ,_.,,,_.. ,.c. '2-ll CO., lTD. WARM AIR CONDITIONING , , den equipment, knives, ~r.i& \ SHOP-We are now oper· L-~~~...... ~ ...... -- ...... --- Radio, Television. Wasben, 210 WATER ST. · NotiCe to sors. barbers' clippers. Rt i ating eight chairs. You ''Thl trouble with child psy~olog is, I G&P't Refrigerators, Deep Freezera DIAL 4183 toothing of worn saws. · ean be assured of the best ... ; ----·. understand lil.__ Electric Ranges, possible service plus the ~· Creditors WANTED .. Floor Polisbert, HEATING '"" I We also Specialize In . least possible watting, 24 Gramophone• SKATE SHARPENING 1 New Gower Stmt, opp. An experienced Public Address Systema, .. : In the matter of the hank· ._-'\ Concave sharpening on thf Adelaide ~lotors. .· Tape Jleeorders C. A. HUBLEY, LTO. 1' ru)ltn· of Alexander Caton, ARCHITECTURAL IEPAIRS AND SERVICB PLUMBING and HEATING Drv .Good.~ Dealer, Stephen·. most modern equipm~r.t FURNITURE REPAIRS- Re· "If 6 LINES CONTRACTORS vnie, Newfoundland. ' available. It can be pairs to sp'ring-filled mat· I sharpened we will sharpen JPAL 1001 &o JOOII Rep. General Eleetrlc I tresses. Ch~ tcrfield suites DRAFTSMAN 36 King's Road Dial 2910 Notice is hereby given that i it." ' also rebuilt. Fifty years' . ~- WATER STREET Al~xandrr Caton, Dt'Y Goods ; experie11ce. .Keats Mattress required by . ~---. is St. .... tan26.t,. RADIO· TV REPAIRS Dealer, stephenville, Newfound· 1 JARDINE BROS., LTD. Factory, 16 l\lount Royal Ave. ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig land, made an assignment on ! 165 Water St. 'Phone 5567 Dial 92753 or 2656. John's oHice. I GREAT EASTERN OIL the ninth day of February, 1 Gunsmithin"- Locksmithlnr dec30,(1m)...... · 1960: and that the first meet· i Keys Made to Order ... ,. REPAIRS to Watches and :Applications sho11ld be : ' LAND SURVEYS COMPANY, LTD. on the first ~ay of ~lmh, 1960 i dec 14,1m ' Will 1 ... \. REPAIRS TO RADIOS, TV ing of cred1tors be held Clocks. Send c.o.D. orders •made in writing giving LAND APPRAISALS AND ALL ELECTRICAL at 3:30 o'clock p.m., at the ' - .. ------to Sheppard Services, P.O. DRAUGHTING APPLIANCES office of J. A. Winter. Q.C .. the I Box 1401. St. John's, Nfld. .full particulars includ. DIAL 3001 to3005 Official Receiver, at the Court i TO DAY'S Cit~ delivery and pick·Up ~ ing salary expected to WHiTE PRINTING House, in the Cill' of St. ! • at Laite's Furniture Store, MIMEOGRAPHING USED CARS John's in the Province o! New· i SPECIALS 210 New Gower Street. foundland. ! BOX 403 Dated at St. .John's, New·, EXPERT Repair$ to watches PHOTO COPYING AEDLAIDE MOTORS LTD. and clocks at Laite Furni· FOR A CAR YOU CAN foundland this tenth day of' 1958 AUSTIN c o Daily News. TYPING February, 1960. · ture Store. 210 New Gower DEPEND ON CALL 4-door Street. C.O.D. order to ADELAIDE MOTOltS LTD. w. A. CRANE, I Gerry Halley Trustee. P.O. Box 1401. St. John's "A Complete Store AI Y~ur for quick sen•ice. P.O BOX 354, For Fast DIAL 3015 feb4to29 ' Surveys Ltd. McBride's Hill. GROCERS (Retail) St John's, Newfoundland. FOR SALE - 36 ft. House TELEPHONE 90876 McKINLAY Trailer. Priced reasonable. Taxi Service HUTCHEN'S GROCERY 'Phone 89, Extension 64137. MEAT MARKET MOTORS LTD. HOTEL TAXI 53 William Street LeMARCHANT ROAD Dial 7451 and 6062 TOP QUALITY PULLETS ~~~~~~~ 2 months price ...... $1.15 Dial2424-2410 DO L. HEALEY -·--- 3 months price •... •• 1.50 QUEEN'S ROAD Cras1 Roads and Water Street 4 months price ·.. .. ·: 2'00 ' Open rrom 6.31 te a.a. DEPARTMENT OF THE 1 z Dial 3026 5 months price ...... 2.50 l ~IT U.S. NAVY SPECIAL- AMES IN CROSS ''--:::--:=::::=::::~ INSURANCE AGENTS 2 months price .. $1.30 ------.. -· PROJECT: Contract NBy 3 months price .. 1.65 liOW AND BROKERS 26862 Communication Facili­ 4 months price . . . . 2.15 Newfoundland ties, U.S. Naval Station, Argen· 5 months price . . . • . . 2.65 "'" ,. "'"'"' JOB BROTHERS tia, Newfoundland. For information 'Phone, write Services .... or wire 4620· F. & CO. LTD. SEALED TENDEHS, marked PASSENGER NOTICES • Water Street as to content addres~ed to the 44 Monroe Street, St .. John's, Dial 2658-4123 undersigned will be received CONNECTION BAY RUN AND until 3:00 p.m. E.S.T. · H. CRANE WEST RUN PLACENTIA BAY MEEHAN & CO. 1 44 MONROE STRF.t:T, Regular 8.10 a.m. train leav· T. A. Bldg., Duckworth Stl THURSDAY, ~larch 2~, 1960 .. ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. ing St. John's Monday. Feb. ' Dial 71146-7047 Plans, specifications and J ----·------22nd, will make connection at (@i lender forms will be on view FOR SALE Argentia with Motor Vesse!J REG. T. MORGAN PARKDAlE at Builders' Exchanges at Hali· for the Bay Run and West Run INSURANCE LIMITED PHAR!\IACY fax, Moncton, Saint .John. N.B., WAll THERMOMETERS Placentia Bay. Temple Bldg., P.O. Box 168, Elizabeth Ave. Montreal. St. John's, NewfoUnd· IF,, 3U Duekwortb St. Dial 91120 FREIGHT ACCEPTANCES I land Board of Trade, DCL Plastic, six inches long. Dial 10371 or 'J'J56 Branch Offices at Halifax, Mon· FREJGIIT SOUTH COAST treal and Toronto and may be Attractive. Going at a SERVICE MOBILE GROCETERIA MURPHY'S Freight is accepted daily at DRUG STORE obtained from DCL Plans Sec· bargain for $1.00. Write Dial 9M90 lion, No. 4 Temporary Building, the Railway Freight Shed for 119 Mllltary Road Slore At Your Door Ottawa, on deposit of $70.00 G.P.O. BOX 11, or regular ports South Coast Ser· I· Dial 6446 payable to Defence Construe· vice but in order to guarantee DRUG STORES tion (1951) Limited movement by this trip of the FLEMING'S A security deposit or a bid Phone 5980-H M.V. Nonia freight must be at WELCOME WAGON Dial 92931 bond in the amount of 20% of febl7,19,19 the Railway Freight Shed not M. ·coNNORS LTD. 26S Pennywell Road f 334 WATER ST. the tender price must accom· ------­ later than 1.00 p.m. Tuesday, I HOSTESS ; Dial 2206 · pany tenders. Feb. 23rd. Will Knock at Your Door FREIGHT SERVICE Estimated Cost Range $500,· GARBAGE 000 to $1,000,000 (U.S.) with Gifts and Greetings AYLWARD'S TRINITY SOUTH from Friendly Business PRARMA~ From St. John's via M. W. Kehart, DISPOSAL Cor. Monchy & Empire Ave. Neighbours ond Your Wbltbou4'ne to Old Perllcan, Rt'\D~f, CEC, USN, We are prepared to dis­ Dial 900'711 Not'th Shore Conrrption Officer in Char~:e of Con· pose of your Garbage at Civic and Social to Carbonear. struction Area Public On· the occasion of, DUNN'S Trucks also available for Works Office, New York, reasonable rates. I . PHARMACY ,_. 1"1 Ill-'•' M IOJ]g haul srrv1cc. Room 633, Federal Office i ' ...... , .. &.loot. New Comer to the City. , Cor. Mayor alid . Hates lleasunablc. Ruilrling, 90 Chul'ch Skeet, : For further particulars: • -4ttru~ The Birth of a Baby. • '-===:...------·--~ Merrymeeting . Rd. For further in! ormation New York 7, N.Y. l "Coukl we h1ve JOIU' permiuion to elope?'~ ___..J 94865, 3582 or 90943 Dial 7388 DIAL 7908·11. fcb19,20 , Phone 4955-F

I . .. ' ... ' ...... ,


KINSMEN .. THE WANTED Boy~ Club TY-PIST (Mrs. Wm. Gillies) COUNTRY Experienced Steno-typist capable of accuracy and Newspaper- BINGO BAILEY'S NEWS STAND speed. Excellent working conditions. Highest on Duckworth Street will be closed, FRIDAY. SERIES No. 24 STORE wages. Open SATURDAY at 2 P.M. Apply to. TODAY'S NUMBERS: ST. PAT'S AUDITO-RIUM BONAVENTURE AVENUE B I N G 0 • -:~~ 1'"-"'rMtt _.0, ASSOC·:. ON o;:: r~~H ON 1...,., ,..ED TO RENT 1 20 38 51 68 TONIGHT, February 16th ~ 18 36 50 71 TWO MODERN 13 24 40 59 65 - 12 28 45 60 73 2 29 37 ~ 74 USUAL GAMES APARTMENTS 1 25 44 53 69 LDml!l~l 6 26 41 56 75 Cards . . . . 50 Cents ONE 6 ROOM 8 16 42 49 61 TONIGHT 8.30 • Bank Unclaimed $150 00 ONE 5 ROOM 5 23 39 46 63 43 62 Cash Wheel lc. Wheel JUNIOR QUARTER-FINA.LS 35 54 66 DIAL 91174 17 64 2 for Sc. Wheel Choc. Wheel CAPITALS vs. CEEBEES . ' - ....: :- ~- "\ Admission: ...... : Super Special ... $500.00 OR. 92180 .I' . Balcony ...... $1.00 .·,.= i Nightly Door Pri~e $25.00 General Admission ...... SOc. ' : l . ~ ~ TICKETS 10c. EACH Tickets on General Sale To-day - -.)i. . Wed. Door Prize - 17905 - Unclaimed 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. '::·.~.. , JARDINES' Snack Bars :-_,'! Help Kin - Help Kiddies Thur. Door Prize - 15591 - Unclaimed .. - . -.. . .·. -.... ~-. ,.." i. • • ~ Quick Service Home Delivery ...... ; . . . } WATCH BROKEN? Ladies of St. John's --- Ban It ExpertlJ ora cordially invited to a . : :,: ~ ••paired Bert Southern Fried Chicken & Chips ... i' .... '. CBIONOMETEU Showing ~ . 's .o\UTOIIATICI (Half Chicken) ...... $1.35 .. 1 C.&LEI'I'D&a . .-- -~4..;. of an . ' AU GIYfn . f i AUCTION I Fish & Chips ...... 60 " . -·~ 1-tdlate Atltntlon . .. ·. ~ .;.: C.O.D. OltDERS WELCOMED , TUESDAY : .. i Educational ·Film . .. .. Chips...... ~5 ... . ; . . ...: . -··.. February 23rd . :. .. \ SIMON LEVITZ & SONS LTD. on . . :- . 1.30 p.m. . ~ Ill ft' ATD IT. ST. ,JOBN'I Hamburgers ...... 40 ~~-~ AT . ,...... ~.... · -; .. -~ Cancer Hot Dogs ...... 20 ;'Villa Nova' 1 WANTED. ot the : Manuels l Coffee ...... 15 ! ONE FIRST ClASS MECHANIC Theatre 1 ONE AUTOMOTIVE PARTS MAN Paramount :50 ·HEAD Tea ...... ,...... 15 on Hightst wages. Ideal working conditions. CHOICE BUTCHERS' Soft Drinks ...... 10 Sickness and accident btnefih for self MONDAY, February 22nd, 4:15P.M. PLUS BOTTLE DEPOSIT anti family. CATILE lte!trlded ot 18 years Sponsored ·by the St. John's Unit of the Canadian Apply' Minimum Order S3.00 of age or aver. Cancer Society, Courtesy of Paramount Theatre. ------THE ROYAL GARAGE LTD. CAMPBELL AVENUE SNACK BAR DIAL 7164 ftbli.U R. M.S. NOVA SCOTIA .WANTED STOP-LOOK TOPSAIL ROAD SNACK BAR ...... DIAL 90109 Saiting for Halifax and BOston February 24th. Would you like to help - You can. you know if (CUT OUT FOR REFERENCE) AN EXPERIENCED you are a Cook or Cook's Helper and would PAssENGER SPAC! AVAILABLE enjoy a paid week's trip to the Mainland. The first and Second Class Militia Units in St. John's are looking for you. Join' now - Those qualified can be given the SALESMAN rank of Sergeant on enlistment - If after summer ' Furness Travel Office • camp from 9 - 16 July, 1960 you do not wish · Capable, energetic person between 25 and 35 NEWFOUNDLAND HOTEL to continue your training you will be released. .i years of age. Must be able to ossume r~sponsibil· REPORT TO THE MILITIA RECRUITING ity. Permanent inside employment with excellent DEPOT, BUILDING No. 3, BUCKMASTER'S FIELD, ANY MONDAY OR THURSDAY opportunity for odvancement and highest wages. MOTORISTS! EVENING. Repairs to Generators, Regulators, Distributors, Apply t&. feh19,mar19 Sttlrters, Horns, Ignitions, lights and Carburetors­ Car Tuning, S-park Plug Cleaning. Bottery Charg· in;. TAif£ r,.,, our ,o,. THENEWSALVATIONARMY COLO 14.!UOiol LOW PRICES - MODERN EQUIPMENT. REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL PHILLIPS AUTO TUNE UP ATST. JOHN'S 201 BLACKMARSH ROAD DIAL 93672-A APPLICATIONS requires for September, 1960 ~tf!B~

1 • PRINCIPAL REMOVAL NOTICE ·Applications in writing are called for the position of • VICE PRINCIPAL : ROB.ERTS MEDICAL GROUP HARBOUR PILOT • CLASSROOM TEACHERS • IN THE PORT OF ST. JOHN'S I DR. H. 0. ROBERTS and .SPECIALISTS Applicants must be in possession of a Master's DR. H. J. BLACKWOOD OR. G. H. FLIGHT Minimum qualifications Grade Ill. All applica­ ! Not inserted by B.L.C. Foreign Going Certificate. tions, stating age, teaching experience, qualifica­ I ------. DR. J., M. EDGECOMBE OR. N. J. LUSH. !! ------,- - Ts'i;P-~l;;.~-T~~r,.;-1 The soliciting of support from members of the tions ond other relevant data, should be addressed 1 with a 1 Commlttion Is not permitted. · tba I fORWARDS , .\E\'ER · FAll. SWJVtL NOW LOCATED .AT THEIR NEW ADDRESS THE SECRETARY, ADAPTOR ' I Applications to be. addressed to the Secretary, -. I COAL and OIL 'I' I (Ten Year Guarantee): I St. John's Harbour and Pilotage Commission, St. S.A. St. John'i Board of Education, 11 ' IIIIStalled cost . .. .. $1-M I ·9S~LeMARCHANT RD. John's, Newfoundland and are fo be filed not later · 1 S A C 11 · : Dl'al 906]] 1 Postage Prepaid .... $.1.00 1 c · o • •. o ege, . 11 ; NEVER-FAIL sERVICE' than March 15ih, 1960. 1 1 'HONIJ-2230 • 4481 · febl9,20,22 ..__ A•d•am•s-A•ve•n•ue•,•St•.•J•oh•n•'s •• --···· •. ~4.. ~T~~:~:~.L:.~~~· · Ls:_!~~b~~E~~~::! ----~----.. -~ ... ______..

l ' '· ' •


------~======~~FJ L M MILLEY'S LIBRARY' ANY TIME IS LIME UP TIME m111. SOUND i ------·------SWEATERS Your Warehouses and Stores will always look fresh and clean Wah Disney's with an application or two occasionally of our English Lime. 191 5 "light in the • Forest". j THE LON_GEST DAY Packed in Air Tight Steel Drums of 125 lbs., there is no Waste

1'ess Parker. Joanne Dru. · Cornel1us Ryan .... $4.95 1

LADIES' ' Wendell Corey ' or leakage. It is most 'economical to use and is highly recom~ HUNTING THE BISMARCK i lADIES' "BAN LON" 1792 Solid Gold ; . C. S. Forester ...... 3.00 mended for many other purposes. Cadlillac. !THE ARMADA "ORLON" Paul Douglas, ·.cARDIGANS Judy Holliday. i GarreH MaHingly .. 7.25 GET OUR QUOTATIONS. CARDIGANS 1795 "African Lion". 'JUST .ADD WATER All shades A Walt Disney Nature AND STIR All shades - 14 - 20. Adventure. Pierre Berton ...... 4.50 14 - 20 ...... ~ ...... $5.95 DUST BEFORE THE WIND I Robert Homan ...... 3.251 1 i BRIEF VOICES GIRl$ LADIES' ,,..,.,AI ) Ethel Monnin ...... 4.25 MY WICKED, WICKED "ORLON" "BANLON" I iWAYS PHONES 5143 • 5144 QUEEN STREiT PULL~ OVERS j Errol Flynn ...... 5.75 CARDIGANS •IT'S GOOD TO BE ALIVE 7 to 14 All Shades Roy Campanella .. . . 5.00 t~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::::::;;:;:==::===:::::::::::;::==::::=:::;::===-1 --..... ,...---::=-::~:.;-. All shodes 14-20 sTEPs To IMMATURITY Pow_ er ProJ·ect ------7-9 ROWEN STREET, Stephen PoHer .... 5.751 Churchill Park Area lA SILVER PLATED Begins Soon I' Phone 93821 .SPOON ' John, Duke of CARROT RIVER, Sas~. rep)_, GIRLS' CHILDREN'S ~ Work on the Squaw RapJds power Bedford ... _...... 4.25 i project begins this spring on the , ··oRLON" NYLON and WOOL THE ROYAL TOUR I Saskatchewan River. ... ·.. ed this Distrit-t would be re· ' · The $46,250,000 hydro • power . . . . ' sponslble for sending 5.000 I 195 9 ...... 3. 95 , scheme .is due _for completi.on in, CARDIGANS pairs of eyeglasses to the Lions I YOUR INCOME TAX- II~. It •s the f1rst of a senes of! CARDIGANS • Club in Bombay India to be ' Ed'f •proJect~ by the Saskatchewan there sorted out' by th Cl b ' 1960 1 •on ... ··· ·· .... 2.00 · Power Corpot·ation planned to 4 - 6x WHITE, PINK, LEMON, BLUE Sizes 1 to 3 and Eye Specialist to b~ gil·~n : o· k & c ·L d 'keep _the prol•ince suppl~ed with. All shades to needy in that country. To I( S Q., f .. electncal energy well mto the ~;~·~;i·r: I date Canadian Clubs have ship- : (1970s. ~ ... 'ped 150.000 pairs of !{lasses to I Though 0\Wshadowed by the -., '•. The Booksell ' . ·...... ltndia and their objectii'C is lot ers •SIOO,OOO.~ Soul~ Saskatchewan .. il::~~ ,;':~; •.. · ...... -.- Iequal the amount sent by Unit-. Spin 4425 2008 3191 Dnm proJ('Cl whtch _began last ed States Clubmen, the amount i or or . year. Squaw Raptds develop· ··. ·"\. 1Sth~ ' • MILLEY LTD •. ,of 200.000 pairs. i -·-···---- ____ i mcnt almost as. Important. . PLANS .. -. . , l[r l\1 r a ] 1 f : Jts power plant IS expected lo If you .plan to remodel or .....~. ~. . : S. : • •• 1 o g_ n rcporte< t tat or· . produce approximatelv 1.000.000, MATERIAU modernize your home, it - . .. ~ ------;------j lbe f•.rst time the Newfound- i-----D~ATIIS 000 kilowatt hours o[ electl'ical• CONTRACTORS ! land Clubs wo.uld be. responstblc , • energy annually at peak capacity, will pay you to let us handle - . - 1 all extended a ~clcomc to the for _the ~fulhple Dt~tnct .con·. KI~G-E~1tercd into rest 'Y_ed- The corpo 1·ation says this figure EASY BUDGR the complete job for you. _,.-. delegates and L10ns !ro!D t~e ~enhon. of all. the Lton~ Clubs. n.csday, February lith at is greater than the amount or 16 Lions Clubs. of the 27 m th1s tn Dtstnct 41 m 1961. It ts Ihe' 1 oronto General Hospital after electricitv produ~d bv all the TERMS ••• JIO Call us or Jtop i• for fult :.,: lions Gather Here District, who ':'ere a~le to at· hope o! all Lions someday to a long illness, .John King, dear-; SPC power plants in ·1958. MONEY DOWN detail~o tend this meehng. Ltons came be able to hold such a Conven· ly loved husband of Sarah t nee ' :\lore than 1.000 men will work

1 from as far away as Springdale, lion here in Newfoundland. but ~Iiller!, formerly of New Bon· on the cons!J·uction o! a 2 000· ·r on erence I Port aux Basques, Stephenville' at present due to the lack of. avcnture, T.B. ' I foot dam across the Sas.kat-' • Crossing, Corner Brook and ! proper accommodahon for the . · chew an. Jl will be 110 feet hioh · Horwood Lumber Co., Ltd. FO C f 1 ...... · . . . :other centres. 11000 Lions and their wives who 1 ~I.LI.IES-;ass~cl . peacefully and will back up a 46-mile res~·- I '' 'hr r•ll <>f D~>.m·t l•OWI'· lh~ ~~s~tor~ II ere _welcomed t~ 1 District Governor Reg :O.Ior-, ':'auld attend such a _Con1·cn- a~1 : 1 ·1 at St. Clare s ~tcrc~ Has- l'oir corering 73.500 cubic acres .. VVATER STREET VVEST PHONE 3011 •. :. Rc: T. ~lot ~an of the St. the Cit~ h~ Counctllor ~ob :\lc gan extended a welcome to all, • bon, the 1961 Convcntton wtll; p~t,ll, after a sho_rt Illness, Hen- : .t .. ;·.:·.' !.Jon~ l"Juh. Liun,; !rom J.eod on bt-half o! the City, and i especially the Past Districl ~be held in Rockland. }Iaine, but. n~tta Gtlhes, ~t.!e of th~ late ;, . r•l<·r :'\cwfoundlan~ mutual problems at Cluh. and Pre~tdent WUlard I the whole District Safety COlli· June, and there the District all of St. Jo_hn s, and ~Irs. i • r~~uiar quarter!~· mrctin~. •Pottle o! the Bell Island Club. mittee, which Committee is Governor will preside over one Th~mas. ~I emI. San Francisco .•

-- -··-·--- ····- · · - ----· · ··------·--- ·trying to co-ordinate and carry. of the main dinner meetings Ca!•\orma, .and seven grand- 1 1 out a Provincial-wide them~ of:_ and a special Newfoundland St. cshttlc rel n. FFubneral at, 9.lh5 fa.m. : - i ' 1 • ~~· h · • -11 a urc ay. e ruary ,ot rom RED GLACE CHERRIES ...... ,;. •: i .safety a~op~ed by all Cluhs IP•erre, • tque 1on emp asts wt her late residence, 1 Millbrook i . -~ ·.. ·~ .. ·- ... , m the Dlstrrct. Reports. ':"PI'e be made. . Street to the Basiiica of St 1• GREEN GLACE CHERRIES ,:. ..: • I i presented of safety proJects: :Many other Important mat- h B t" t f R . · '._ 1 11 15 ...... -. , being carried out in othPr : ters were discussed and it was ~1° n le ap or equtem I ..- , local communities by Clubs ~ generally agreed by all. to b_e ' ass. . CUT MIXED PEEL ·~- .• ::0 NOTICE -~· ..... I ~ Our Offices, Showrooms i such as school patrols and as .. a very successful meetmg; •t COLBERT -Passrrl peacefully . ~ ·' CUT MIXED FRUIT ...... and Warehouse will be : sisting in the marking of places; was decided to hold the next away at \\'estern Bay at i '": .. ~:_ .. . which were . These pro-, District meeting at Botwood on: 8.30 p.m January .10th after : open for your conl'enience CUT LEMON PEEL . ~- ~ ": on Saturday. Pay us a 'jccts are hoped to be stepped: 1\lay 24th, with the Lions Club: a long illness. !\Irs. Thomas J. ~ - .... 'up in the next months and the · o: that community being hosts, : Colbert. Ll'fl to mourn besides : ·... t- . ~ •• call or phone :1916 lor all ;. : ::..·; co-opl'ration of all organizations· at which a rel'iew will be madr ; hl'r husband are three nieces, ! CUT ORANGE PEEL _.., your Plumbing and Heal· :_ ... in anyway connected with .· of the activities for the year i 1\lrs. William Simms. 90 Pleas· ' . . I ing needs . 1 .... =~ safety has been assured. , 1959·60. and final plans com·; ant Street, St. John's; Mrs. ' CUT CITRON PEEL . _...-· ___ .-.-.- .... . : pletel for the Halifax meeting. i William Haweo, R.C. Teacher. 1 - ... 1 .. ;. ... C. A. HUBLEY 1\la~ Simms of Corner Brook, · ~ Bartlett's Harbour, St. Barbe PINEAPPLE RINGS _...... ;.._! LIMITED who IS also the Newfoundland I PARIS (Reuters! - Atomic AI·, District and Mrs. Richard :--.;~:s Dlree~or. of The International fairs Minister Pierre Guillaumat· Beales, Pinware. Straits Belle DICED PINEAPPLE PLUMBING AND HEATING Association .of Lions Clubs of told the cabinet Wednesday no lisle, Labrador. R.I.P. CONTRACTOR, Canada, whtch organization is significant increase in radioac·) CRYST ALIZED GINGER ~5t beading up the appeal for used tivlty had occurred anywhere as CORNICK - Passed peace­ ~ --~ ~i KING'S ROAD DIAL 3916 1 .,;:.;.: f eyeglasses all across Canada, a result of France's atomic bomb, fully away on February 1St~ .• MARASCHINO CHERRIES "'·~...... reported a real enthusiastic re- test in the sahara tast Saturday. : Kathleen P. Cook, beloved wJ!e .. ::::--; -·~ ... ·-....,.·: ~~~~~~~~~~~~§§~§§~§~~s~p~on~se~by~al~las a result of ~N~ew~f~ou~n~d~la~nd;ers, which he expect· theThere thousands were no illo! eEfectsmen atamong· the, toof mourrW. Max thetr _Cornick. sad Joss, Lea~ingbestdfs ·. !_-~" . atomic testing base at Reggan, j' her husband, mother, two sons, ... _:1 ~-. -; w!Jere the bomb was exploded. William and Peter, and two ------· -~brothers on the mainland. ~- .• ~~;i , Funeral on Saturday from Bar­ GEORGE ·NEAL LIMITED --~- : =-..:i ... : rett's Funeral Farlor to the 'Anglican Cemetery. Forest Rd. ST. JOHN'S 'PHONES: 2264 - 4440 - 3420 (Ottawa and Toronto papers Wo~d~ most v~rsatile copier please copy).-lel. ' at ~ the price you might expect VISCOG KODAK'S HEW DOOR· OUR MACHINERY DEPARTMENT VERI FAX MATS SIGIR TV REPAIRS SPECIALIZES IN REASONABLE RA lES COPIER GUARANTEED VVORK Now sse· ONLY PHONE 94123 CAP SC-REWS AND ALL FASTENINGS. '165 ~lectronic -ARCAk)l TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT. Centre Ltd. VEE BELTS AND PULLEYS. 90 CAMPBELL AVE. After hours 'PHONE 73_1 t FLAT BELTING.

Now ••• tl'tn If yours Is o ...,._ your mail without dictatioa SAWS. _ .. office, your. savings on re­ and typing ••• being able to typing alone will soon e~ follow the 101 daily short cuts MANDRELS. this SIIIJ!risinaJy low cosL Verifax copying has broupt to GLASS And think of the ronvenienct­ thousands or offices. AND ALL INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY. Phone today for free demon­ e PLA"'E GLASS • -bcin& able to make S photo­ stration in your oflice. Learn 9 SLIDING GLASS exact copies of anythins in I liow a Verifax Copier lets you minute for only 3!1~ each- DOORS Our Building Supplies Department can supply you with do jobS beyond the scope of 1fllhout omlulo/11, · MIRRORS, All Sizes ordinary photocopiers. No ob- . e everything yo.u require for Home, School or Public Building. -beina able to answer much or Jiption whatsoever. . e BEST _·QUAliTY CAI.l FOR FREE ESTIMATE A. H. MURRAY & Co., Ltd~- A. ··G~. BA-RNES Ltd. ST. JOH~S ·-· .AUTHORIZED VERI FAX DiALERS IN NFLD. BlACKMARSH ROAD DIAL 94085 and 93690 - '



• .s