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A-4 ** THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. raiDAY. MAY «, 1958 Negro Drops Suit Police Recover Body In Housing Row Os River Victim tr Army Plans to Relax CHICAGO, May 4 UP). —A The body of Lewis Mawson, 23, of M street N.W., who Negro move into South- 3419 whose a drowned in the Potomac near east Side public housing project Chain Bridge last Saturday, has Civilian Security Rules touched off disturbances has been recovered, harbor police said today. Continued From First Fife!! church in Seattle—and was a idropped a $1.7 million suit against five Chicago newspapers Mr. Mawson and Patrick contemplated. fellow Mason. security cases is and the Chicago Housing Au- Sweeney, 40, a neighbor, were The latest official security risk Both the subcommittee staff fla. and the Urban League thority. in a skiff equipped with an out- figures for the Army are 457 em- said no wife' JSr ' evidence against Mr. Foster was Donald Howard and his wife board motor that capsized. Mr. ployes fired and 778 resigned and two children Sweeney made it to shore. Mr. under investigation. The introduced at his security hear- moved into the while ing. Trumbull Park project in the Mawson first struck out for the Army has 433,197 citizen em- (Jajisburghs) They Virginia shore. He apparently Mrs. Foster, who summer of 1953. the - ployes, of whom 37,801 in once worked were WASHINGTON 0 C (ANGIE7 9ARK. MARYLAND are the Civil ; first Negroes in the project. A changed his mind in midstream the Washington area. for Service Commis- sion here, told the subcommittee I police detail has been main- and went under while attempt- The Army Discharge Review she had been awarded the Army’s i tained there since to insure or- ing to swim back to the over- Board presently is re-evaluating commendation for meritorious t der. Other Negro families moved turned craft. all its military security risk civilian service for her work in in later. separations since November 10, setting up a troop supply unit COMDR. LIONEL CRABB Mr. Howard, who moved out 1948—about 700 of them—in at the Seattle POE after the Missing British Frogman of the project May 3, 1954, Glen Echo Ballroom light of the Brucker directive outbreak of the Korean War in —AP Wirephoto charged in his suit that officials Roller and of the Defense Department’s 1950. of the authority, which oper- Becomes Rink new policy calling for discharges ates the project, and the news- Glen Echo Park’s Spanish based on the character of a British Paper Says papers libeled him and his fam- Ballroom—host to Washington man’s service and not on his pre- ily and conspired to oust them. dancers for 25 years—today be- PROCUREMENT came the area’s newest roller induction activities. Page Diver May His attorneys, it was ascer- Continued From First Missing rink. Practical Housewares! The Brucker directive, after tained yesterday, filed a stipu- SALE tinued. (the stating that existence of in- “I haven’t seen it lation in the court April 27 Declining patronage and rising mere order). I have Be Captive of Reds formation falling within the information about agreeing to drop the suit. News- operating costs brought about the older that I believe is reli- LONDON, May 4 UP). —London papers that had been named are the change to skating. The rink scope of security criteria does newspapers speculated today -1 Give Yourself More Leisure able—sufficiently so that I felt the News, Tribune, Sun-Times, will be open daily from 2 to 5 not, in itself, constitute a bar to. missing frogman r acceptance retention Mr. Chotiner should be asked that a British American and Daily Calumet. p.m. and from 7:30 to 11 p.m. or in the the Question.” may have been caught by Rus- 1 Army, contains this key sen- in tence: James C. Hagerty, White sian sailors while engaged House press secretary, said Mr. underwater spying on the cruiser “The determination that ac- Chotiner which brought B. and K. to ceptance had called on two or retention is not presidential aides in 1954 in London. clearly in- | consistent with the behalf of airline clients against The Daily Sketch quoted terests of national an security whom the Civil unnamed royal navy officer as must be based upon competent Aeronautics had ruled unfavorably. saying the diver—Comdr. Lionel information which indicates Board "Do-All" Mr, Hagerty said Mr. Chot- "Buster” Crabb—may have been Food Grinder | . that the individual is iner conferred with Charles a prisoner on the Ordzhonikidze motivated or influenced by, oi- Willis, then when it sailed off last week with ls sympathetic a White House as- to subversive patronage, Soviet Premier Bulganin and aims ideologies.” sistant on and asked or if there was any White House Communist Party Boss Nikita The directive made it clear opinion on a pending charge Khrushchev. there was to be no automatic before the CAB of a violation Comdr. Crabb, 49, disappeared ........... guilt-by-association, gu t-by- i 1 by North American Airlines of April 19. That was the day after kinship guilt-by-character- for vegetables, or economic regulations. the cruiser arrived in Portsmouth i Kitchen time saver cooked or raw •^§l4 reference. ! yards Mr. Willis, according to Mr. Harbor with the barnstorming SOFA $324 plus 12 of fabric bread crumbs, fruits, cooked meats Wonderful 5 Some security experts say the i Hagerty, told the attorney there Kremlin chiefs. directive may 90-inch sofa has simple, interchangeable be of benefit to!| could be no White House The Admiralty announced last L Exclusive with us in Washington, this for salads, using leftovers. 4 K.; ¦ mWK V\ officials preparing allegations' use, .opinion in such a domestic mat- week that Comdr. Crabb was i clean lines and is built to withstand many years of hard cutting wheels, food pusher Ivory enameled fin- % against i !?' employes in view of the| j ter. He added Mr. Willis said “missing and presumed drowned” ..adjj&fe. A Army Special Regulations for! he “quite probably” called the a secret underwater experi- ish. Base has 4 rubber suction non-skid cups for civilian personnel, section par- on The foam-rubber 1, CAB to ask when the ruling was ment off Portsmouth, but his ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦l agraph seat bo-.k extra sturdiness. 6, which reads in part:, due body has not been found. HP .. membership in, Admiralty affiliation Also Met Maxwell Rabb The confirmed it with, contributions to and asso- had hired Comdr. Crabb. a re- ciation with members of pro- Mr. Chotiner saw Maxwell tired member of the naval serv- scribed organizations may be Rabb, • presidential assistant in ice, but declined to say what considered as reflecting adversely charge of minority problems, in kind of work he was doing. Thursdays till 9 P.M. on Federal employes.” connection with an application by California Central Wife Cleared of Same Charge Airlines 1 to extend its services into Both Mr. Foster and his wife Mexico. Mr. Hagerty said Mr. ~~ testified last November before the Rabb “at no time made any call I ’iMl 1 \ Senate Subcommittee on Con- to any agency” in connection stitutional Rights. Mrs. Foster, with this matter. who has a sensitive job at the, “In both cases,” Mr. Haßerty Seattle Port of Embarkation, I.! said, “the CAB ruled against suspended also was on security !jithe airlines represented at the charges, but eventually was time, by Mr. Chotiner.” cleared. Mr. Chotiner said he received Later, the subcommittee said $6,000j in fees in 1953 and 1954 the Foster cases cast doubt onlj jfrom Herman Kravitz and his fa- the view that individual rights'| ther, Sam. of Atlantic City, for- are only abridged for grave rea-|| mer Army uniform contractors sons of national security. It,now on the Pentagon blacklist. L added: Herman and Sam Kravitz, who « I “Since he had been previously reportedlyi obtained sl9 million cleared on the same charges ini uniform contracts, are central Regular 6.98 UtilityTable Special! Barrel-back Lawn Chair under the loyalty program, Mr. figuresI in the Senate investiga- Foster confidently went into a I tion. Both refused, on grounds of 3- table on big, easy-roll costers J|Ofi Unpointed cypress barrel-back lawn "VOC hearing lawyer will give extra serving, storoge space. ®l7r© chair, ready to finish to your own without a and possible self-incrimination, to “ * i taste. Sturdy construction. argued his own case. As a re- i answer numerous questions re- 16x22” shelves. White enamel finish. suit, the hearing board split 2 i garding their dealings with the to 2, and he was terminated as t Government in appearing as wit- a security risk. i nesses last week. They also re- “Later, Mrs. Foster was sus- ¦ fused to answer questions as to 5 I pended on the same charges of ' whether they had ever bribed her husband’s alleged associa- Federal officials in connection tions. But this time the family with their contracts. retained a lawyer, and the wife Mr. Chotiner said both his vis- was cleared and reinstated. its to the Justice Department were in behalf of Herman Kra- “Unless the national security * Is pictured as a capricious and vitz. The first, he said was in Feb- I fickle woman, it is hard to un- Trim Ivy l-ju. derstand ruary 1955 after Kravitz was Jr jHSHI why national security 1 * CARGO should condemn the husband 1 convicted in a New York Federal SLACKS SllMiiifii -I""* court of theft of Government- *¦ and clear the wife on the basis 1 PANTS SUITS w219 Jzr** _ lionolly art of owned furs that were to be used 4,99 >°t - B the same facts." | you'll 45 10 in making hoods for parkas.