- • A preliminary list of the Fanniidae and (Insecta: Diplcra) from Turkey and the Middle East

by Adriaa C. Pom

..._ ... _ .....".;; ~..... ol 'h< 1'>...... Ioh'otiolo< 0001 F""';OIo< r.- T""" Il\< Middle £I" (CJt""~ S"';" l,oq, ubooon. llrod. JO' afllv ..""... Twk;"" _to llbaoich' .... F....w;." FonnU4l. ur>ol M_ I...... Ta.k,; .. Mi'll (Zyph "'...... /No''''''1 HI..doe - Tu

1. ImroclllClOooo The PU'PO" of ,hi> p"p'" i. '0 provide an """mor.,ion of the r.,.,ili•• Fan"ii· d.. ond Muscidae from Tu,key ""d Ih, Middk East CC»,"'" Syria, Iraq. Lebanon. 1".." Jordan). iftCl..di"i. sumnury of published rue"" and I list of lhe material ,hI! hI.' been ".died in ,lie: Brililh M_urn (NI'.'a1 His,ory). Londoo. 101lllher wilh some crilicll c:om"",oU- IU opec... 11. discuued. of which 6 1><:1001 IQ Ihe Fanoiid.., Ind 176 to Ih. Muse:icl... The li.t is prelim'nary boawc Ihese fomiti.. "'" I

J. Mllmlll'" __ Alrno,'III lh. mlloriollisted bclow is in Ih. Brili.h M....urn (Nllural Hi..ory). Lo"",on [BMNHt, I re.. opecimen. hi'" bc.n provided by prorcuor R. I(.INZELlAClI. Olrmllldl IRKS). and oth... h.... bcen .....n in Ill< Nltionll Museum or Nalural History. Wullinl10n [USNM~ Mmril! is lilted couMry I>y couMry. wilh the publi,hed """'rds rollo~ by tl'lo mllerill lIudicd, Full dall Ir< li...n for Ih. Turti.h mltmll; olherwise ""ly IocIlities Ire lisled. A ~rief .lllement of lhe conerll distribUlion is liven; full detoib moy be found in PuNT (19S6&). The .pellinl of Tur· kish 10000litios and pnwinoes. and lhe ~""oce of provir>ce$, follows GUlCIlARD &. HARVEY (1967); the correclions to tIl"r bbol dill I>Oled ~y, ...... lu'horo bI.... been lu,omltioally ineorpo'lled inlO the diU lis" Ji..n bere.

3. Sy#e..ltK$ Flnniid.. lod M_idae CIII be identified u,inl lbe PlI...."'I;" monol....ph ~y HE"'S'O (19SSa·196olc). Mo", _I advances in lnonomyand ehanCO' in nomen· elllure Ire do<::u....nted in PuNT (198""'). The el...ir...tion and nomendltu,e of lhe p"""nl lisl follow I'ONT (1986&). e.ooept tIlIl lbe COneric nlllle Csric... Ro~in..u· Dosvoidy is correcled bid 10 LIJpoctpItom Pokorny (spoei.. no,. """.167).

I. Faumistics T..n.ey. SurprisinJIY link his pmoiow.l1 been pUbllShod on lhe lhe Tutkish museid flunl. Severll recotds of I ...... 111 IWure an li...... by STEI" (in BUZI &. SnlN 1907, I Fanniidae, S Mu"'idle). ATKINSON (1916) noted 2 Fanniidle and 3 Mo",i· die Ibu..d...t duri"l the GllIipoli eampaip of Wo.1d W.. t. Amn... (1925, 3 'lit" ein) Ind lU:LERCQ (19671, 1967b. 4 spoc:"') recotded lbe bilinl Mu",id... ZooIoJi· ul and enlomoloPoaI e.m .""radic individual recotd.. lhe only IVlillble lut u by GEoR()HIOU (l9n, 1 FlnniidlC, 22 Muoeidoe). )3 are listed from Cyprus in lhe p"""nl piper (1 F niidoe. 32 Muscidae). Spoil. A few record IVlilable from Syril: STEl,.. (in BEZZI &. STEIN 1'107, 2 Fan· niid... 17 Muscidoe). H_,. il has not been possible 10 determine whelher III of lhCK I~ fr<>m tile modern polilical 5111. of Syri,o. Some of lbe record, si..n by HE""'" (19SSI·196olc) and Pum (19S6R) .... actually from Lebanon. The 4,pec'" recorded by BElZI (1909) Ire IIso fr<>m Lebanon. Of lhe recotd, si..n by GAD£AU ()E KERV'l.u; (1926. 16 M_idae), IocIlilies for U spoeies "'" now in Syril whilst Iho.. of 5 ,re now in Lebanon. a·H.....I.l (1968. I Fln.iid... 19 M....id..; 1971, 1 Fanniid... IS Muscidae) has publisbed I.... inch"'inl mainly lbe economie specie,. 39 .pocie, ,re li.t.od from Syri,o in the presenl pape, (2 Fanniidae, 37 MllJCidae). and .i f Iddilionll du~io... record..... n:j«:tod. 1 PATroN (1920) discussed 9 species of hou..m.. andlheir lilies rr<>m "Me",po· tlmil". Se....1 !ius of spoc:ies from Iraq hi.... been published. con..ininl mostly coo~omie .pot;"" KHAU.F (1957, 5 MUleidae). InRWU/' (l96S, I FOlIniid... 14 MUleid...), KAooou (1967, 12 Muscidae), AlDOL RAssoUl (1969. 7 Muscidae), AIUl·llA. (1980. I F.nniid.... IS Muscid..).•nd SAlIT '" S"Utl (1!la7. I F.nnii· d.... 3 MUleld"'), Th~ biooloo- of $,,",,oxy, ~10 pre..nl pipe, (I F.nniidBe, 16 MU$Cidle). LtbB-. NOlhinl hIS been published on 11>0 species of l..el>anon. thou'" I number of record. ftOm "Syria" h... ptOved lo be ftOm loc.Ililies """" in I.cbBnon (_ lbo..). 32 .peei.. Ire li.led ftOm L.banon in "'" p....nl po.pe. (l FOlInlicLae.31 Muscidl~). l...oL This is by fBr 1lI0 be" in....i..ted of lbe Mlddlo Euto... oounlrie$. A 1"",,"1 introd",,'ion '0 I"" onlOmoloo- Of 1"..1 WIS p..n by Booo;NHEI"U (1935). Ea,ly li'ts from ItelS in whll i' now Is,..llre by BRUNETTI (1911. 6 Muscid..). BUXTON (1924. 12 Muscidae. economic spoties). and BoMNIlEIMU (5 F.nniidl., JO Musci- dl'; lhis ton,li,.. some duplieBlion. IS • f synonym' an lisLcd IS vllid .peeies). 1I .pe<:ies of lh. I"nus MUWIl Llnn found du.in. tounlry-wid. su""')'> by GMU. ROSEN '" ASCHER (1957). Ind I 1fCoI' deal of wo.k was don~ on tI>e ecoloo­ Ind biolollY of MUKO d"",ettko Lin...... (_ ,"" ref.renen .iven und•• spe<:ies no. 44). Som~ wo.k hIS IlK> been don~ on th~ .hoot·ny pe.u of so""um and olber ""...1 crops «<0", Rondlni}. MOlIY reeood. _ .. inehided by HENNKl (19SSa-I964e, e,pecillly 1964e). and finally I comprehcruive lisl .... published by KlJG1.o, (1969. 5 FOlIniid.., 11 Muscidle). 92 q>«ies ... listed ftOm 1"..1 in lbe p....nt paper (5 FOlIniid....7 Muscidae). Jotdlrl. Nolllina h&S bun publilhed On tI>e .pecies of Jonlon. A In- >peeies Ire listed ftOm wi'hin !he currenl poli.iell boundlri.. of Jon1an in !he p....nl paper (no Flnniidl~, 1I Muscidle).

5. ZooeeocnPhy Tbe Tu,kish .peciou of Flnniidae and Muscidae faJI into ....r<81 di .cco,din. 10 their dislribu,ion, Q follo_,

(a) Widespread r.lacB..tie .pecies. ocamin. mote or le" thtouaJoout the r.I.....· lie u&ion (27 .peeies): F""flhr COfti-"'" Jlyd'DlMO de~IlpeJ G,opMtooY" nr«v!o,o Hyd'OlMO f/«",'" Unuwp/toTo J"'lIUJif,,,,,, HydrMQN .labrl...", U",nopMrO '/pINks Hyd,ot..." if'~"" UtpePYl_ HydrolMO ../ut;",. Urp. ,,,,'00J4u,, MUleo ""''''''''''/i, Sc~ZQ U'_1iD MUKO d,""~,,I

U""" I~Jlj... H..""y'" .",tticIJta

(b) Wid"'plCad P"aura;" opecie>. but lU,rkled to the $Outhem pin or 'he lClion (17 species), F"""ia ItIICO"i<:,,, ~'lrnir_ ...rh> lIyd'OIlMJI i>lllli,j//DIu C.../IQ,I4I ,/If" HMmO'oboMa ,,,,/pmpls

(c) Specie, wXl"'p..ad .hMUIh ,I\< Lempoco,...... or ,be Palaes""i. (M A..I'" fKV>'J ,,1o«>IoiIJ ""114,, Tllri<'opt d~ 1f~iM tkclplt D'ymdt/ YiaMIo UIfH! CQIISQIIPi_ Hydrol_

Whilst some of lhe!o ... found in the nOrlh·-.a' and south'lOUt pfOYincu of Tufkcy. the majority of =crd. are from ,"" BIKk Sea p,,,vinca. apoeially in ,h••..um PO" of the country (T.ab..,n and ErzuNm).

(d) Spec;'; occultilll only in .he temper.,. %One of Ill< wes,em !'.I....rel;c. mostly in E~ropo lla ,pec,"): nrlcnpl """,'all H,lbIII u,~"I, Hydro',.." mtrltfi.-Jj, Spii",,,,,,, bi..,lo,o HyJrOlaH /HI","", SpUor_ tfispo, MUI« OIlsi, Umroop!t(Jhrlo

(e) Medi'e"."ean tlid ICl14 (E) UJp«q1/taJa """,lard

(l) PIIae<>llOpicll

(s) Eumpeln upland or mon"ne l

Thi';1 c•.nainly lhe mM' inlOresling Ind u""xpeaed ~r<)up. A",," from l..JmN>. PM"I pcNiolk; (lOCO m. K'IlCllW> on

6. M"'io&l, ..ttriOlt)' oM .,n..tt..... ~IIC. The Flnniid.. and Muscidae include ....ny specie. th.l lie of ;mpottanoe in Ih. field' of human and .nimal l>ulth. l1>c mOSl ouutandin~ of lht$< is undoubtedly the ho.ae-Oy. M"fCQ d_,,/ro Lillnl 11 • mc<:hltliaJ Vc<:to, of p.tIIol"ns, 11 • c:ontamm.ator of foodOlUff, on

stall., is <00 "",lI·kno""" 10 need ,..petition hero. It breod' "";ly and abun­ dantly in dtcayint orpnie ,..1\... wlle ... the rermentation ra,e is hiVI. and is com­ mon whe,.."", "."dl.." of domestic and public h)'Jiene .'" low. It ill and ,•....re"in, the bacteria re>ponsible for comma­ "gb.. npMhalmi•. Other species of MIUaJI, M_llio and """''''Ma Ire common '-"l·n~ on ",,,Ie, hol'$01 and othe, >!od ""imal•. 8i1inl include the ".bl. (S,""'ox)', .h1tJ IrdlQ/II (Un"""'))' and other species of 5'_1<)'1, HINIMu,b<>I«l. H_ttX>JD. and M .."" """t"",r1, Stein. These seldom bit. man, bus can be n.. on <.o'de and (I'ho, "ock ...im.... Apan from ,.... d~bibl&tjnl Iou or blood th.' th~y c.""". they act u mechanical _tOil or v.riou. blood paruites. Spcc:ies of m.ny len.,. b...ed in the excremen' or hum.... and do....stic .ni"",I,. poultry. etc.•nd t....ir I.,.,. number,1JId h.bi" incrimin.te th.m a pIIIi"" _ton of fue.1 patho,.n" The only .Jricultur.1 pe'" .re found in th~ IOn", lI'lo", .re needed of oJI lhe IrouPS di..u in thi1 ...".;on. SO 'I'Iot thei, distribution .nd ,.;:olol;""1 rol~ in th~ Middle Ell, be more fully under· stood and their errecl on hu"",n ICli.nl;e:. mol'< c:ompre1l i ly managed,

I. Fu.a. cIIlk.t.rn (linDo_ 1761) Turkey. PotlT (19860); G.lIipoli (<;.anoJ"": Gf,oIlGIttOU (1971); PatlT (191160), Akro,iri. Pownil. Linwsol 1­ Lem.ss6Jj (BMNIl). Syri.: STIlIN (in BEzZI &. Sn;I~' 1907); "-VHAlllII (1963), Po~ (19!l6o). Ir",,!, ABUL·HA. (1980); PaNT (19860). Israel' BoDEr

General d;",rib",ion: Ko."." IS ,he li,t1e or 1<;$, bou..·fly, 'bi< ;•• COmmon .~. cia thrnn""'''l ,lie Palauraic recion. In """';"';00 with man, it i. found ;n all zooae<'l'lp/lic relio",.

2. F.""'. I«iulnlt. (Zell...... tt, llJ8) Turkey: PO,..,. (1986.<): HE""'" (195S!>. 'Kleinuicnj. ['f"k BoOEN~H"E.(1937): liEN"'" (1964<); KOO!,.ER (1%9); POIIT (1986>1). Ger>e,aJ diOlribution: Throulfloul ,lie P.lalk". Diy.rl>ak1f. 10.6.1910 (H. KlIRTl'llout ""othem p.oru of the PII••arctic resion; N.~rc'ic, Ar'olrop~l. O,i.nUl and AusI'al";.....Jions 4. Tu.... _ili. (H.liday. llJ8) Syria: S1'£[1'/ (in BEZll '" m[s 1907); EL·HAR[RI (1971); POST (19360). Isr..t BoOE~HElME' (19)7); Kl·Ot.H (1969); Po~T (19860). ee....'aJ di",ibu,ion; widesp..ad bUl not .bundanl in £"ro"". North Afn... Maoa· ronesian i'l.nd<. and A.ia ...l....nl. '0 Mon&olia.

5, F••III. ~I.,i. (F.brid.... 179-S) Tu,k.y: po:-;r (19860); HENNIG (195Sb. 'Kloirwien1; Gallipoli (!;anakkal•. - Goli· balu] (AnlNSON 1916). Syri': PONT (l936o). Thil i. an orroneou' ...... d. based On a speci....n I.belled Syrilo; Bei",[; ,hi. SPO<:le< i> no')'c Pal..are,ic and Nun:tio ...ion;; al", ....,hin. pan. of lhe OrlonUI ",pon, Sou[h Africa and Sou[h America.

6. T.IVtI. ",re"" (Fall", 1S25) Turkey: Gi~un, moun1ai", ",uth of Ke'&$Onda ]- Gi...un] (HE..-sIO 1955b); Po:-;r (198611). •

F...ily Muxiu., Sabf....ly MltSorin.. Tribt Rti....rdlii";

7. M_I"" I.,i.a (!lams, 1780) CIJIl' alimili. (Fall••, Ittl) Tu"'q: Po", (19861); Aaka,., Ankar•. 2.l119j4 (- -), Id. 19 (8MNH). Cyp",,, GEORGII'OIl (1917, ... "'a/",m,); PONT (1986&). Syria: STEIN (in DEm A STEII< 19(1); HENS'G (1962d); u.-llulII (1971); (.lIth...... QfSl",ili,): I'OOIT (1986&) Iraq: KAOOOU (1967, as QSSi",ilis). 1"..1: K\lCHEa (1969. IS Q"lnrj!is); I'ONT (1986&). G.,..r.l di;tribu,ion: Throushout tile P.l...."'l"' tepon, Nel",.ic or>d O<:eanian (Howlil) relion•.

8. M~Ki"" I"'IC_ (MtiCftl, 1816) Israel: KUGU;1l (1969); PaNT (19I6a~ ~n.,.1 di",ibut;"n: ThrouJhout , .... P...... """' "'lion, p",r..rinS upland and no

9. M,..",,,,, ".x-,.. (!lams, 178Q) (I"", ,....~ (Fall..., 1'11)) Cyprus: Gro..GIlIOU (1917. as p""lIia"",,); P01

10. M_i...... 1... (Filii.... 1817) Turk.y: Po." (19l16o): G.nipoli [<:on.khle. - Gclibolu] (ATlCISSON 1916); Smym. [- iunir] (G""""u DE KEMVI~ IU9); E!t.di. jlspon•• - E,irdi,). 1000 m (PFEIFFU 1927); Kony•• Al

11. SJ'~I""&io"':Ji ••udi..". (Wulp, 11l83) I"ac:l: IlENNlC (1%3&), KOOUiR (1969), PONT (19860). General di>lribulion: A "ircumlr<>pklll .pecie., w;lh only a sporadic oc:eu,rel'lU in ,h. ",,,,hem Pal••arc,i. ".ion (M...",no....1, Jal'ln).

Tribe ...... liio;

11. Aw;" JIMN Rood...;, 1B66 Turkey: Po~.,. (1986.a), G;~un, Sobink.orahisar, 1300 m. 8.7.1960 (GUlCllARD &. H"IlVEY). 3& (BMNH). O

13. TIlricDp. «"Iel,.. (Z'Il.<>Itdl, 1138) Turkey: paN" (19&61); GUmiah."., Sopnh ~idi. 1100 m. 26.7.1960 (GUICHARO &. HARVEY). I to (BMNH). Gene,.1 di"ribu,ion: A European spec"", ..."rioted '0 mounta;nou. and nonhem ...... , nOl ol'kn occurri., 1><1010' 1000 m in the Alps. R.mark" MII.. Ire needed 10 confirm lh. id••,ily of lhi••pee..... This r found Iba... "'e .._lin•• in the hea,h zon. Ind hi",... in ,he Alp' (2100.lOOO m), Pyrenees and TI",,: ho...... ,h. hind f.mu. h., LonZC' po"..o""nuII >et"Iac• ., in _ bu, no' in "",kiMS. T. d

14. TIIri«ips INk"...kil (Ri""'"hl, 1934) Tu.key: PO~"T (19860): Ankl.l. KI.11ll1 Llk•. 1200 m. 22& 26.6.1960 (GUlCHAJlO& Ib.aVl;Y). J & (BMNH), Giimuv.I"". Baybun IIQ. 1500 m. 20.1.1960 (GUlCHAJlO & HAaVl;Y), 29 (BMNH). G,,,,,,"I distribu,ion: K...wn only ftom Alto..nio. 8"lpril. USSR (Cri...... and Cou· e&lUi M.. [n.... te<:O.dll and Tu.k.y.

IS. T/tr{a,p, "'I~ (Wiedem...... ISI1) T".k.y, Po~"T (19860): T.lbzon. Zip"" DIg.. 1400 m, Il.1.1960 (GUICHJlIO & HAavu). 1 & (BMNH), G.n,,"1 di"ribu,ion: Thto.Shou. llle tempe'"l< IIUS of "'. PI!IcIse,i<: ",gion: N,"",'ic ",!ion_

16. TIt,ko" Jti:rif- (Robi....lt-I)a,.oidy, 18JO) Tutlcey: Po~ (1912. 19860): BoI•. Lak. Abanl. 1000 m, 13.1.1962 (GUIClIARD & IlARVI;Y). I~; Ttlbzon. T,"bzon ""'". 28.1.1960 (GUICI1ARD & HARVEY). 1 oS. I~: T.lb.on. 2i!lnl DI~ 1700 "', 9.8.1959 (GUlCHJlRl». 2 9; ...... locality. 1100 m. 13 & 11.1,1960(GUlCHARD & HARVEV). 2&, 19 (Ill BMNH). G.n,,"1 di"ribu,ion, T.mpe'"te and nonhcm Eutope....lwIW '0 Tu'key. run, ,h, Utal, and West Siberil. 11. TltricoJlS llizrirdl., (Zoltt<>l""l, 1138) Turkey: PONT (1986&): Giirnii$ll&..... So&1J>11 ~idi. 2-45Q..2S00 rn. 2S & 26.6.1960. 3 ~: Trabzon, Trabzon ..... s.l.. 23.7.1960. 19: Trabzon. Zi",,,. Dag.. 1400 rn. 13 & 1~.7.1960, 2 &. :w 9: Erzu",rn. Kopd0l' ~idi. c 2JOO m. 22.7.1960. I ~ (oil QUICILARO & HARVEY) (BMNII). Gen.ral diltfibulion: A nonh.m and mountainou, species in Eumpe. Ul.ndinS eutwardl lo Turk.y. tile Urall. and Western Siberia.

IS. Tltricop. uml­ zon. Zi"",a Dag., 1400 rn. II '" 14.7.1960. 2

19. TIIricop. """,tu (Wi""...... , IS17) Iraq: PaNT (19811a); Arbilliwa (BMNH). ~n.r.1 distribution: Eumpe, in [0...."" aral; Morocco.nd Iraq.

20, nri«>ps ,""/nu ($dmaIII, (888) Turkey; PONT (1986&); GiimuJ/l..... Boybun a..a, ISOO m. 20.7.1960 (GIJIClLARO '" HAllVEY). 19 (8MNH). Gmeral distribution: An uncommon species. mosHy fmm the middle zo.... ."d south·...t of Europe; Turkey. Remarks: Males are needed to confirm ,be iden'ir"""ion ofthil .pecies.

21. Dry_I••L,ko'" (K.-.I.,.;. 1871) Turll.y: PaNT (1986&); E=Nm. o.aak. 2000 m. 30.5.1962 (GUICILARO '" IIUVEY). I 9 (BMNII). ~....n,J distribu'ion: KlIQwn from ,be uplands of cen".l and sou,h.m Europe. ."d recorded ....w.rd... far .. Western Siberia. Far Eut of th. USSR. and Chin.: NClIJ"Ctic. Remarks: Males are needed '0 confIrm the presence of ,hi, spee ,h. tr....li... from 1900 lo 2320 m.

11. Dry_/a/_k."". (Sift.. 1916) Turll.y: Gim"n. V...... ,emal, 1600 m. 16.5.1962 (GIJIClIARO &. HARVEy). I & (8MNH). ~...ral distribution; Fl1Ince. It.ly. 1Au.lria. BU1",ria. USSR (Co""""" MU (new recordD and Turkey. "

13. Dry1Wi. ne... (HIm., 1780) Turkey: PO~T (19860); Anvin, 01:>0... Artvin, IlIOO rn, 6.6.1962 (GUICIlAIO &. U"..vEYj. J 9 (BMNH). General distribution: A common swelIl-11)' around man and domeslic uimals. thralllnou' Europe and 9<1...,,10 '" ,.... far Ea$I or

:Wo HytlrQ'.... upnuH (Witol...... IBIH) (s,,,, ••,Iuw.< (Mo;rn. 1116)) Turkey: PaIlT (19360); Kon)'ll. "hehchi.(- Ak~h;rl (Vlu.£!ou,hem pin of I.... P.I...rtli<: rqion; O,;"nll.l, Mftllropiul. N••rrtic (New York).r>cl Nool

15. lIy","",_ 'y"MWltri... (l.o1ttnltcll, 11l-l5) Cs,.: :sil>i no, .ub>

16. HydYo,... ".~I/~. (Fa1lricon'inan',.nd Na.rc1;".

27. lIybol_f"It>«ou M_at!, 1835 (sY'" .'MiJNs.f .lI1hoi>n) Tu'k.y. PoNT (19860.); 8 ..... Ulud.I, SOlI m. 26.4.1962 (GUICI..RD" H..RVEY). ~ (BMNH). Syria: 5"';IN (in BQlJ "STEIN (907); E~·H.....'.I (1971): (both u .",,/pt.): Po~ (1986&). Lebanon: HENNID (1962c. a> "'",ipn). G."",.I di>l,ibUlion: 11'I1Oulhout tit< Pala..",,;., "lion: nollh Indi. and N ..",tic. This i. ,ha spec;'" called om'/p

28. Hydnn_,I.~<.la (hllta, IBIS) Tu,key. POST (1986&): Anlo,. [- Ank.,.] (G.. DEAU D6 KUVlLU 1939). aone,.l distribution: Throulhoul ,he Pal...f<:1ic: "1;On, upcclally in lhe w.rme, p.lll. •

19. Hybo'tmI /:.... (Hurls, 1780) (.ya: k""",'",... (Wi04...... 1817» Turkey: PO~"T (l9ar..); D.n:Ilnellti, n'" Chan.k [- <;&nal­ """(0); PoNT (1986&); Je",...km r- Yenuh.!.ayim] .nd Rehobolh [- Reho"Ot] (BMNH). Gene,.l dist,i1)u,;Oft: A common species throuput the Pal...""ic reli<>n; northern 0';'0,.1, N""",,;e.nd ~N""ropio

30. H;yl_Mtt _dionli. Porclli....j~, 1881 Turkey: PONT (I986&); "'n"io, abo... "'n";o, 900 m, 6.6.1%2 (GlllCIIARO &. flAR\fEY). 29 (BMNIt). G.neral di"'ibulioo; Eurnpe, mainl~ in II>c: soulh, eutwltdS to ,he Ukrline, CIU,,"­ sus Mu [oe... re«)f'dJ, &rod Turl

31. l/ylTOitIU _,eori<. (Lio_ 17Sll) Turkey: Po~"T (1986&); Giimii,hane, Sopoh G...idi,:z.4jQ m, 26.7.1960, 19; TrablOo, Zip"" DI", 1400,1 &; Slme Iocolity, 2300 m. 22.5.1962. 19; Enurum, Kopda" Gcr;idi, C 2300 m, 22.7.1960, I 9; (Ill GUICIIARO &. HARYEY) (BMNfl). ?Israel: HU!ln; N.lrelic.

32. Hy/""tIU ".1Hk11ft Stei•• 1899 Turkey: PO"T (1956&): Enurum. Kopda" G...idi, c 2300 m, 22.7.1960 (GuICtlARD '" lIARYfiY), 19 (BMNH). G

33. Hydro/na ,el/IIW" Pon:~""i~, 1879 Tu,key; PONT (19860): nablOn, Zitana 0 .... 1400 m, 1•.7.1960 (GllICIlARD &. H"RYEY), I 9 (BMNH). "

Gc".,.al distribUlio~: Uncommon throuth m,,", of Europe. IOUI~ and SOUlh-ea>1 10 Mo~ .nd Turkey. RemarkS: Mal...re n.....d 10 confirm the id

34. Hy"""tIU ~

:tI. 1Iy1",,_ "mll,. Mucic, 1887 b ..cl HESIIIG (1962d): KVOt.ER (1969); PoNT (19861~ Ocncrol di>

36. Hy"""'tIU .01.".... Robion...Oan>idy, 1&JO Turkey: PONT (198&0); KonYI, Akscheh;•••Iley I· II.l:.$thirl (L1NDNER 19011): Siy••, $ercfiye, 1700 m, 4.1.1960. 1 &. I~: E....."'m. Kopd.ll' Go;icli,,, 2JOO m, 22.1.1960. 19: (In G"Ie""'D &. HARVEV) (BMNH). Oc.....1 di'lribu"on: Tllr<)uthou' mO

37, M~um~1HI ""....-(Li...

38. p.,w".....riJioIHIII. Porls '" U...... e, 1963 Turkey: POfiT (19860), Konya. A~.hehi, ••Iley [- Ak$Chi'J and Sultan D.p. 1000 m [- Sul,an D.tlan) (PFJ;IH£o. 1927. I"'bli~od .. /,.n/,.,;.. (Fobriei",) bu' lhis i. certainly. m;'idenlifica,ion of ,hi. Modit...an.... species); Bu ..... i...ik (M~'W<). 50 m, 1.5.1961 «lUIC....."" H••>,£Y). 19 (BMNH). Cyprus: Po~,. (1986&); TrOodo,. 1500 m (BMNH). General di,t,ibution: Sou,h Europe and !M Modi,o",anean, __rd. '0 ,h. Ukraine.nd Turl

J9. M_a ,./bi... Wi«l...... , I8JO (.,.., ~Am St"••b! ;" SdIuIoI oil Dri.....ki. 1911) Spio: BEUl (1913); TOWlecA.rl Schnabl (in S<;ltNABL &; D~'E~'C'" 1911)); Dei. 01·1le1ah. 1 milo. SW of G (BMNII). Gon••al diSl.ib>aion, North Africa. Middl. East bian P.ninsula, ...fllh.nin.n. >outhem USSR. China; ",frolropital and (h-;enuol "'lion>· A ..mi·d...n and d...n .pecie>.

40. M_a ..".""",Iu De G...., lT16 (sya:..-I.. Fabrici... 1781) Turk.y: Po~"T (19l16a); ElOnli'. 1900 m fllspa.na. - Etirdi.] (PFE'FFE" 1927, .. CO'­ .IM); Dard.nelles...... Oanu r- Canakkale].•umm., 1923 (A. D. F"AUa.). 19; "'m...ya. 30 km "'m.uya·M«:itMll road. 1000 m. 1.1.1960 (GUICIlARD ol IIARYEV). I 9; T.abzon. Zi,.,.. Dog" 1400 m, 13.7.1960 (GUI<;ItA ..D &; IIARYEV). 1 0 • 19 (aU BMNII). Sy.ia: G..DEAU D€ KUVrLLE (1926); I',l.-IIA.. r.' (1%8); (both a, ror>iNJ); PO~"T (1986.a); T.kic:h. 1150 m (8MNII). [....I, 8uxro>l (19~); BoD€NIIErME.. (1937.... ""'wmNJII. and ~rvi",,): G...TZ. ROSr;N &; AseltE.. {19S7}; KOOLER (1969): PoST (19860); N....."'th [_ Nue'.t\ (BMNII). G.ne.al disrribution: Throulhout the .....t.m P.Iae.~ic:.....t...rd. to ....tem Sibe­ ri•••IKI nonh.m pan of Indian ,ubcontin.nt; N••~ic .nd Afro,ropi<&1 (St 11.l

41. M_a lliul. HouP, 11198 Iraq: PoNT (19860); 8..hdad (BMNII). 10,..1: Ein Ge

  • of all rh. typc:·mar.rial in the _"""-comple. """"""I u.a, th. name _/>ellS is ,h. old... a..ilabl. name fO' the "broad-fro"'" .pec;" of PATEll9JN ol NO....'•. and th. name bI••o i' !he old..r av.il.ble name fo. the "n...o...fron," .pec;" (PoST 1976). Th. distribution of these spec;" !tu oor betn fully wo.ke.d out. but m.Ie, ..ith • n.rro..-fron, and ..,;",ed to !he Afrotropic&l bIse'o ha... betn found to ""u. W'iu.in the p.rae...tic ..n.. of rhe """""·compl<•.

    42. M_. UHrJau". W.I~... 1159 (sya: /iJru.a (Bnmeni. 1910)) I"ul: BUXTQN (1924... lu-a'o): IIOotNHE'M~. (1935. 1937.... 1;"""10); IIENNIG (1%4.); PoST{I986a). JO'dan: PoST (19860); recorded W'iu. • qu.". The .. is no m.r.ri.1 in the BMNII. • nd this .....Wkntly b.ued On • milUnd,..r.an

    41. MIUaI ,,""'....,... Sltioo isI B...kor, 1903 (.,.: ilUiz";. (AItOl.., 19(9)) Turkey: POST (1936&): A."oly' (AI.nya). 1~1 (Erdemli &. "6oo,li). and Ha,.y (Bcdirgel (LEa.ERCO 1967b); Dardanelles, ...., Chanak \- (,:&nal::~.lel.•um~r 1923 (A. D. F'MU.), I &: i~l. Silil1le-Vanicc, ,,'S m. 7.196] (E. JAMts), I 0; Adana, K..o,O$, •. 1., 1.6.196Cl (GulclIAaD &. H••V'EY). 1 <5 (all BMNH). CypruS' GroROlllOlJ (1977); I'oh'T (1936&); Lamao:> I" Urn..] (paralec'O'1P"> of iltsirni$) (AlISTEN 19O'J). and Lim&lKll 1- lemessasl (BMN H). Iraq: h'ITON (1920, "Mnopotamia1: Z'MIN (1951): Df:RwESll (1965); K"DDOl' (1%7): AaUL-Ha. (1980): Po", (19&60.); Ama,. [- AVAm'r&h). and B.&h<\..:I (BMNH). hr..l: BRUh"ETT1 (19Il); AlJSnN (1921): BUXTON (1924); MAI,Ul<;Il (1925): BoDENIIEIMER (19)7): Zl""'~ (l951); G""Tt. ROSE" &. ASCIIEIl (1951); HENNIG (196oIa): KUGLEl>. (1969): Pom (1986&); N .....'h I" Nut'.,]. Ekt Air., Bei..n (­ Bet She'on). Jeru\alem I- Yeru"".layim], Wadi Mllth [- N. HId.'"I, LII",n [­ LllIun],lrxl Tul K.r:un [- Tulklrrn] (Ill 8MNH), G.n.,"1 distribution, Oft the ""Ulhem «I!"I of 'he PI1&I, to Iran Ind Chinl); Ar",tmpi

    44, 1If__ dt>Iwt.Ik _ ..iu Li...... (I,""' _""'" Fabrici... 1794: .k;,.. MIC- 'I"I"l, lS!11: ../ ,. Walk.., 1853) TU'key: PaNT (19860); Glllipoli [!;anlkkllo, - Geliboluj (ATK'NSOS 1916); Ans<>rl ,- Ank"'") IIId Smyma [_ Innirl (G..I,)I;AV DE K~RVIr..u; 1939): bunbul, Sil,.." 3.9.1965 (B. H. eoo..S), I &: Bursa. 10 km 5 of KlrKlbey, 10 m. a.a1962. I &; Ankarl, 16 km W or Kmkkllo. 900 m, 29.6.1960. I ~; il;el, A1.I'", •.1., 28 " 29.5.1960, 2 &: Kony... Sultlnh&nl, 1200 ni, 15.6.1962, I ~; KItS, A'"r"', KI/..., .pr;n.. 800 m, 28.'.1960. I 9; (IU GUICItAJlD " H..RvEY •..".pl whe.. stl,«I) (8MNH). Cyprus: GEOROItIOU (1971); PaNT (19860); Plat"i.'~ PII""), e 1200 ni, TrOodol, e 1500 m, Limusol [- Lcmtss6.!, Ak""iri IIId Epi.~opi (BMNH). Syri.: G..otAV DE K~RVILU (1926); HOff,,""", KOItLeR '" J.."rnCItKe (1961); n .. H..RIRl (1968... d""","Iu. •km" ic;",,): K"DOOV (1967, I> d"",,"icmplox, d. >id"" IIId d. ndllJloJ: SU..lJlDY, EvH...ID.....1 '" DUWESII (1971); AIUL·H...I (1980. I> d"""'lt{CQ & nthidI»; PaNT (19860); $AUT" $Auu (1987); Ami'" 1- AI-'AmJr-,Ih), Ballhdad, Hinl;di ....r Ballhdad. Ind N....'il"'h (BMNH). ubo/lon: PaNT (191l6a); Amiou" (8MNH). brael: 8RU~t;n1 (19 Il); ANDREWS (1917); PATIO" (1920, I> d".""/""/QJ; BU!CTON (192~, I> d"""'ltkd, _ & 1td>uJq); 8000;;~U(IM~. (1935; 1937, I> d""",niclJ. lld1lk>1tY and puparillion); WOLF'NSOIIS (1951, 1953, I> d. vicinnJ): ASCIJER (1957, 1958. 1961, I> oicm" & 1td>uJq); KOOUR (1969); PaNT (19&60); J~richo [- Yeriho). Wadi Maleh I- N. Hade,a). Tel "',ad. Wadi en Nlh'. Deir el· 8elah 6 miles SW of Gaza, lllifa f- Hda). Je"""'lem /- Y~ru"'"layim). Nazareth I- N....tar). Tiberi... [- Te~rya~ Ludd 1- LocI). Jam [- T~I-"'y;». Nahr ~. ZOrh [- N. Tanniniml (all 8MNH). Jo,dano 8ul1On (1924, ... 1'idJw»; Pom" (198~); ·...mman (USNM); Shau"",ri. and Wadi Yabi. (8MNH). GeMr.1 diotribu'ion: Coomopoli'an: rhe COmmOn hou.. fly, and found wirh man all o~, rh~ wo,ld. Reman" Three su"'pecioes of MMIaJ d"",wka at<: now t<:Coanised: "p. ~"ics (cosmopoliran), ssp. caJ/twl Walker, IB49 ("'frQ'rvp;e.aI, impin!in! on rho.. pa... of ,he >ourl>em Palaearctic adjaeenr 10 Africa. see Pom" 19860). aM ..p. cruY//""et>l SI, >a'iously rt<:lted os .ub.pecie. or full ."..,ioes, are ""w reoopiJed ... eti",",ic fonn. of ..p_ do..,m/ .nd ..,.... h.~ all been reere (GRATZ. ROSEI' &. "'SCIIER 1957, as "". ""hHmolJl).

    45. IIfMSU I"";",,s Parcbimiy, 1910 (."., _"'IJ'OI",,,,..,m PIli'" 1920) Turk~y. PO",. (19860); "'nl<.l,., H...noJlan. 900 m. 29.6.1960, I 9; Ankar., Klv.khd~re. 900 m. 6 &; 8.8.1960, 2 d; Ank.,., 16 km W of K,nkl<.lle, 900 m, 29 &; 30.6.1960. I oS. 39; Toht, Nit..r Ire., < :lOO m, 31.7.19«1, I oS; Art';n. 20 km yu.ufeli·TQttum road, 100 m, 8.6.1!l62, 19; Enurum. Azort, 22SO m, 10.6.1962; (all GVIClrus, po." (19860); Moni (8MNH). I'aq: PATTON (1920. -~noporamia·. rype-\oc.oli'y of ""sopol""'k1uI'); DERWESH (1965,., "",opo,,,,,,;"',I.); AaOVL RAssoVL (1969); ... aVL-HAa (1980. as lo,wP'l'o &; ""!>''I'0lom;''',;.); Po,.,. (19860): Bathdad (BMNH). lebanon, Po>rr (19!6a): Hezine rl. ntIr Baalbecl< (BMNH). Israel: GRATZ. ROS'EN &; A,;>;lI"" (1957); KIJC;LE. (1969); Po>rr (19860); D.fn. (H.-G.lil). M~lIahl ~uJea (H.-Galil). Wadi Mal~h /- N. Had~ra). Nah' OS Ze,k. [- N. Tanninim). Khedei," [- Hade,a) (all 8MNH). G~neral di"ribllrk>n: Soulhern and wlrm lrel> or rhe P...... rctic. _(ward/. 10 So.iet Middle Asia and Monrolia. Reploced in rile el>~rn Palaearelic by btz,ii Par­ Ion It. CrOU.

    46. M"". 1",1tM. (l.oew, 1!56) Syril: Pom" (19860); I """,,not ""w lrace (he pape' 0' ""'l~,ial upon which Ihis record is b.o""'. and il should be deletod ....rroneo.... Ir.q: mu, (19D, "Mesopo,amial; Po~" (19860~ b,ael: GRATZ. ROSEN &; "'SCIlEl (1957); H(NN'<; (19Mb); KlIGLEt< (1969); PoST (19860); J~richo pl.in r- Yerihor (BMNH). Jordan: Po".,. (19860); .....oq. Shi,tw1 (BMNII). General dist. 47. M__ tniri. W..ft...... , ISJO (S,II; rilri~_..u 0' authon) T~rk." H(N1"'G (19Mb, "1k>IPOlllSj.. PoNT (1986.0); Konra, Ako<:h0.". Anyin. 1800 m. 6.6.1961. 1 0 ; A'lYin. lO km VlUur.li·Ton"", road, 700 m.I.6.1961. I .s; K.... Ararat belo," Serd.rbulak. 1700 m. 4.9.1960. I .s. 19 (all GUlCllARD 8< HAlkvEY CAupt where SlI,.d) (BMNH). Cyplll" Po.'''' (1986.0); LimllUOlj- l.emeui\'j (8MNH). Syri., GA~U DE K~RY1U-1> (1916): ~vHAR'R' (1968); Po....,- (1986a); Qu""iua (BMNH). l..q, PATTDN (19lO. "M ..opolami.j; PD~'T (1986.0); Da8lldld (3 't. delCrmination doubtrul). Lebanon: CADEIll! DE KERV'LW (1926). ,I.".,n. hrlel: BOOl:~II~I.'ttR (1931); GRAT~, ROOl>" 8< AsCII"" (1951); 1I~1<"1G (19Mb); Ku(a.u (196'1), PoNT (1986.0). C.n...1 dimibulion, W••tem Pll..arclic (Europe. Nortb Africa. op 10 lhe spe_ d .. ",/11, or ZI!.U1'I and 01 ; and the hololypt of ".i,1s aclu.lly belonp 10 yj"lptlt- nI. of Z,-",,,, .nd o'b.... T names I...... ro.. ba... 10 be ..""rxd. The lit.ralu.. ,"",ord, died .1>0"" (.'(:< be ba>ed on ,pecimeru of osirl, 0< ot ,;"1_;, or. mi..un of , .... , .....

    48. /If &ea. Wied...... , lllJO j.,...., _1" W __.... ISJO: ,m..;,iH Wal· k .... 11l--l9) Turk.y' Po,). Syria: U..HAR'R' (1968); PO>lT (1986». Ir.q: PATTDN (1919, 1910; a hwnillJ. "Mesopotami.j, ZIMU< (1951), KllAlAF •

    (1951); DUWESH (1965. as _b.tn. & p,im/lbM): KADOOU (1967); Aau~·HAB (1980, as ."...... d "'-tIll.); PeNT (1986&); Am.... [- AI·'Amlrah). R. TiS'is, ar.d Bash' dad (BMNII). lebanon; PaNT (1986&); 'Ain All, 800 m (8MNII). fsrael: P",nON (1920. ultuntiliJ); BoDEN/lEI"'£R (1931); GRAT'Z. ROSl'N &. ASCIlER (1951); KtJGl£k (1969): PeNT (1936&): a.like /- III-Oalil). Jeru..ltm [- V.",W· l&yiml. Tel·Avi., II.If. [- lld_I. [ki, el·!lelah I miles SW of Gau, Wadi el A)'jah 63 miles N of Juicho rv.riho). Ludd [- !.od). Lauon [- LOlrun] (B~NIl). lordl1l: BUXTO>I (1924): pom (1986&): 'AmJ'n&Jl (USNM); A""'l od 0",., l1ld Shaumori (BMNH). 0 .....'.1 distribution: Common in hot .reu of lhe soulhern PaI...."'lic (M".r<>n<­ ,ian isll1ldl and Medi'.lTan..... tU!ward. to 0.,." &JIe recenl ftCOlfliliotl &J'Id separalion of II>t >pecies 61..,,, (se• •bo..... no. 41) some of lh. malerial upon ..h;ch the lilerllure """"d, ci,ed above Ire bue<'. 0' both. of lh. 'POC'" bi~to af'o(\ _/HJIs. 49. M_. ""'fM"/N F...I", 1811 Tu'key: STW< (1916., 'Kkinuien1; PoNT (1986&); An80,. r~ Ank.'.] (G~D£AU DE KfRVIu.E 1939); E.dKhiu [Kayseri. - E~iyu 0.,.) (HfllllfCi 196o'b. pre.umably f,om STfl1<"s 1916 """.rial); T.ki1'dq;. 24 km MIIl

    :50. MIISC4 .ilripe"'" Mciro. lm (Ira: Miri. of .01...... ) Tu'key: PONT (Z986&); Illanbul [71, Blul>otn.l:i, 30.8.1965 (B. H. Coo""). I 9; Ku'ahyl. Aec", 0&&. 1300 m. 28.7.1962. 19: "ntaly•. f;nik•. 50-100 m, 1.4.1962, I &: E,k ....hi'. K.ymu. 800 m. 27.1.1%2, 19; KUlamonu. KUlltnOnu ..... 1000 m. 11.7.1962. 1 d: Ank.,•. Elml 0 •.,. c lOOO m. 28.6.1962, I 9; Anhrl. K".B6I. 1200 m. 22.6.1962, I 9: An!

    Adlno, Klf.,q.•.1" 7,6.1960. I d' Guian'.p. GU;lnlep·Urfa Hithwly £204. 185.1961 (P. H. DUNs), 19 (USNM); Konya, Su!lanhln,. 1200 m, IJ.lU961, I 9: Gir..un, B.oJ.blon DI&JllI. 1«(1 m. 9,7.1960. 10 .29: Gire.un, Scbinhrahiur, 1300 m, 8.7.l960. 1 d. I 9; SivlS. St",fi)'O ."., 1500" 1850 m, 4 8< 1.7.1960. l d. 29: Giim~h..... Ilaybun ."'., 1500 rn, 20.7.1960. 2 9: Giim~hane. So",nh Ci«idi, 24,SO m, 26.1.1960. Id. 29: Giimiilhane. V.run Go;idi. 1800 m, 25.5.1962. I 9: Enurum. Kopd..,. Go;idi, • 2JOO m. 22.7.1960. 2 d: Ka,., A,.r.t, Ka,lSu Sp""'. 800 m, 28.8.19«>. I 9: (Ill GUlCllAlO ... 1I~.Vl;Y ";«dw> ,ubcontinml; ..~inl throulh Sov;'l Middle ....ia. "'fplniOlln and 1.ln into Turkey. oouthem Europe. Mi4dle East Ind North Africo... fl'" the MlClro".,iln i,llnd•. Remlrill;: S under 0.1,1. (no. 41).

    SI. M"....IIid"l,ka (Loe..).

    52. M("dli. lIi/olk. (l.oew, 1l1S61 (')'II:!fJIriaa Stauy, 1935) Syri.: H~NN'G (1964a); U.·HUI.' (1971): PONT (19861). Lebanon: StGUY ('915. Ekirtlt. type·Ioca'ity of '1'/«0); PONT (1916.1), lo...l: H~NN'G (1964&); KUGLEa (1969); PaNT (19S6a); Ludd [- Lod~ Je.;"ho and J••icho plain [- y ••iho). Glli... (- HI-G.lill. Wadi So,", [- So •••). Dei. el·Belah I mile> SW of GUI. and El A'hroun [- Latrun) (BMNH). Joflribulion' Afrotropical n:lion. but ....ndinl in'o ,he PII..ltetic .. fl' .. Ell)'ptlnd the Mi4dle El>!.

    53. Monlli. Ji"""e~ (L.oew, 1857) Tu,~.y: "Kleinuien" i$ one of the type·IocII;Iie< (LOnlV IIS7). but i' h.. not been found the~ ,in«; PoNT (1986.1). I.aq: ADOU~ RAssoUL (1969). Gelle.al di",ibution: Tempe••te ..... of the P.I...n:l", ~I;on. e..t...nl. to the F•• East oflhe USSR. 54. N~ _Ifki,.. (fallririltS, 17$1) (s1"l' ojridiJ (Wi.d, a",1824): _ ..rio_ (M";p, 1826)} Tu,ke,: STEIN (1916. ·Kleinl.ien1; HENNIG (19630); F'oNT (l9861); Eseroi'. 1000 m Il0plru. - E8irdi,] (PHIFFE.. (921); Smyma 1* j.."i.] (G"DUll Ill! KuvlUJ! 1939): iSllnbul. Sili"";. Tekirdlg. 3.9.1965 {B. H. eou...1<>' I 4; Bolu. Lake Al>lnl. 2).7.1969 (W. G. TIEMEW""). 1 4: Ank.o.., Klrll"ll Lake.' IJOO m, 16.8.1960. 14; Tokl'. ladik atel. 600 m. 31.7.1960. I 4; Giimii$h..... Blybun lrel. 1500 m, 20.7.19&0,24; T..bum, Trabwn. 50 m. 2.!I.1.1960. 14. 19: T....bwn, T,"bwn lrel, •. 1.. 2.!I.l.I960. 19; Arlvin. Ib<>... An.in, 1700 m. 11.9.19&0, 2 9: Ka"', Ara,"', b<1o'" Sordlrtlullk. 1100 m. 1.9.1960. I 4; (Ill GIJ'CIL'ID &. H"..VEY ....pI ",lIere Olll.d) (BMNH). Cyprus: GOO"c;H1DIJ (l971): HE>I"'10 (I96Je): Po."'" (1936a); Liml&<>l 1­ l.cmes>6.]. ClIctkcs. F1nt18USUI- Amm6khosI01], Vermuo';l Hills. and Tr6odos. e 1500 m (BMNH). Syria: EL·HA..IIl (1911); HEI<.~IC (1963<); Po...... (19861). Iraq: ABDIJL R"""'UL (1969): PaNT (19861); Kurdi>lan. Hlji Ohu,an, 1820 m (BMNH). I.Inon: PoNT (19861); lkiM (BMNII). I"ICI: BoOENI1EIME .. (1931); HE1'H). G.nerll diouibulwn: A COmmOn areenbollle, found lhrouShou! ,lie PI1M'I':,i. "'Ii"n; N'lre,ic. N...""picll. Ori.n,.1 (n<>M"'m Ind;.n subc""li""n,} Ind ac.lnian (H.","ii) "8i""•. Reml'k" All lhe rer.ren«. ti'ed It><>... (.....pt r", Po,. 1936a} use the nlme:

    SS. N~ oIrlUv:o.s (Robi...... Da.-My, llJO) (.1'" --ur:jH ... a..bors) Syril: C"DEAU OE KEltv'UE (l926); EVHA"'''' (191\8); (both as CO'.udtld). This record "'., n"'ICUpIn<>n. This re«>rd "'0> no' _.1' by Pa.'" (1986&). Conerll d",ributi"n: pllIClmic reBi" •. bul Ibsenl r....m lh """, ><:llion•.

    56. Py,../Ii....pu (Harris, (780) {'y"'" MrOH (1\-1...... IlI26}; jzaitl M<>bi...... -~ .";d,., llJ(l) 1"..10 1I[1<1-I1G (19630. as ir.u,a); KUCI.ER (1969. as ir.utaj; Po..... (19I6a}. G.not.1 dislribu,iGn; Th,,,uShou, lemperllo IIUS

    S7. Py,..//i. oM. Rollin....nn..,;d,.•.11JO ('1'" udr1oerl_ of alii"""') Turk.y: 1'0.'0 (19861); Smym. 1- bm,,] (GADEAIJ 00 KUVll.LIi 1939; H[N~IG l%k); Ank.ra. 16 km W "f Kmkkale. 900 rn, 29.6.1960, I 0; Am..,I, 30 km Arn.'Y"·M«:iI6zii road. 1000 rn. 1.8.1960. I &; (both GUICIlARO &. HARVl;y) (BMNH), Cypru<: GLORGIlIOU (1971); Po,..,- (1986&); le6".ri$«>"••nd Lirnusol I" Lt""'...... ] (BMNH). Iraq: ABDUL R"UOUL (1969); ABlIL·H"B (1980); PONT (1986&). hrael: HfiN~IO (1963<); Po...,. (198t>a1. Go"or.1 di",ibution: Throup,out the P.laoan:l;" ,"sion; N,mh India, Paki.lan. h Ulonds funh.. into Iho Wlrm.. Kluthem ..... than doe. 'QPIU. Rema"''' All the ..f...n",o< oiled .ba", (O,""pl Po~'T 1986&) u>o the ".10. <1IdD_ 'I"" for Ihi. spec....

    ss. EtHhnyp/lon <:PIWII. (Mticn. ln6) Cypru<: GOORGHIOU (1971), PO,.,. (1986&); Evrichou (BMNH). Syri.: Erroneou. record in PoNT (198""'). ~ on BEZZl (1909). leblnon, BEZZI (1909); ..poned "' Syri•• but tho IoclIlily is ""w in Lebanon. l

    ~, !)4sJlPIIor• • lb-o{tu

    60. D1i>'. aillic. Zi,.in, 19<47 I'aq: PO,.,. (1986&): Il.rnach (BMNH~ Gentrll dist,ibution: Iraq. soulh.m USSII .,,'wlrd. 10 Mon8<'li. and Chinl.

    61. DI

    62. DIJ,,""'" 1"""'"'''' (Mei,.., 1116) Turkey: PO~" (1986&); Antlly•• Finiko, sa.1OO m, 7.4.1962. I &; Ef7:Urum. Awn. n5D m. 10-6.1962. 19; (both GUlCllARO It. IIARY£y) (BMNH). Ir.q: Po"," (198""'): K.rdi"",,. Se...n, (BMNH~ 1"..1: H~~NIG (1963<); Po~ (1986&). lord.n: Po~.,. (1986a); Jord.n Valley. Z

    &:I. St..-xp ,.kitna (liowl... 17stl Turk.Y' Po" (19&6&); Gallipoli (CanaJ;kale. - Gclib<:>lu) (ATI,n"SON 1916); 8011,1 (Lak. ANnl). Burdur (OW'n). Ayd,n (Gc.....""ik 8< Onakl"l. Denizli. izmir (KuJld...) (LECLUCQ 1967.); DardaMU". nur o.....k /- c;an..khIeJ. ,um"",r 1922 (A. o. F.ASE.). 3 9 (BMNH) (Al!STE" 1925); Edime. K.pn ...... 125 m. 6.7.1962 (GUfCKAaO.l HARVI;Y). 19. Cyprus: GEO.GHlOU (1977); PoNT (19860.); Lima>sol (- Lem",",s) (BMNH. Syria: HOFF"""". KOKLER .l JANfl'SCKKJ; (1961); EL·HAR'Rr (196&. 1972); Po,,..,. ( 19860.). 1,"'1: PATTON (1920. ·M.sopo

    6(. StO""fUJ/J ,itl.,.. R-..o, 1173 1....10 BOOF.NHEIMER (19)7... IIi.MS). GeM,.1 distribulion: Etypt; dry ...... of th. Afro'ropie.1 IIId Orienlal "'Sio"" R.m.rks: Thi, record h.. not been ..:<:epted by ,ub

    65. H...... toW. exit.. do Mrijere i. &UI, lllO3 I.aq: PATIO" (1920. °Mesopo,amia1, D.E.w(Srr (i965), AmUL·HAB (1980~ G.neral distribution: fa....t of th. Palaea'elie "tion; O.ientai and Australasian ".ions. Seychelles. A ",nou, pesl of Utile. known .. lhe burralo ny. R...... ,kJ: This recon;! h.. not bfcn a<:eepted by mOst recent aUlhon (IlENNtG 1964b. ZUMI'T 1973, POh, 19360.). no, has any ne.. ""'t.rill been $eOn; 'here ;, no mate,;"l in the BMNH. 11 .... mo>l likely bued on • misid.n'ir""'lion. •

    66. 1I"",."uo"'. Iml.... (Un...... l7SS) Turkey: PO~'T (1986a); iuni, (Er". S.,,-k &. Kuoada$l) (l£Cl,liRCQ 1961_): o ..d." .... 11... Cb.nak 1- <:Jnakkalc]••um".... 1923 (A. D. FkASU). I 0, 6 ~ (BMNH) (AIJS'rel< 1925). Iraq: PONT (19860): Ou,. ral'!lu,ah) (BM 1'1 H). l"ael: AIJSTEl< (1921): BUXTON (l92~): 800l01IIIE'MU (1935. 1931): KlKlLER (1%9): PO"... (19860): Bi,kel Alla (N. Hldela) (USNM): Ain f.l,-Sultu nu, Jericho [- Yeriba), Haif. r- H~'l, Kb<1 ....riou. pest of call", k"""", IS the ham fly.

    67. H"""lObM miwat. (Iltt&i, lmj Iraq: PArm" (1920, "Mesop<>llmia1: OUWE$H (1%5); A8UL-H ... (1980); ,hi. reeord hi' been quope in ,he Middl. East ....d. confirm.tion••nd ZUMI'T (197J) 'UU"'I t;ti/'-. mipI be the o<:'u.1 .peci•• invol· ved. It "'.. nOI record.d by lI[h'l

    69. lI".mataboJu atripa/pi. (lInoi, 189S) Turk.y: PoNT (19861), An,or. 1- Ank.r.] (GADEAU DE K~RVllLE 1939); Anhr., Elm. D.".• 1000 m, 19.6.1%2 (GUtcHJIRO &. HARVEY). I

    70. H__,olJo>t:. ui",.I.", (Mti,.., lSU) Turkey, PoST (1986&); Sam.un, Klv.al<·Sarnsun reld. 110O m, 12.5.1%2. I 9: Artvin. 01>0... Anvin, 1110O m, 6.6.1962.19: (bo'b GUICItAIlD &. HARv>;Y) (BMNH). Ccneral di.l,ibut.on: Throu&lIoul the more l.mpe'"~ "."" of ,.... PI1...n:tic ..pon, ...twards to \.... Far £&11 of ,h. USSR and the north of the lndiln .ubton· tinenl.

    Subf....ily PhaooiillH Trill< Alh.ripa;ai, G ..... Al/wrizo- Roodaai Th. Middle Eo't species of Ihis Fn", "" currently beinz revisc

    71. AI4tril_ (Atlttrizo-) 01,_ Ponl, 1981 T"'''''1' PONT (1986.»; "n'"Iy_, An,aly., •.1.. 1.4,1962 (GUI!;""'" & HARVEY). 1""'­ type: 1,J (BMNH} (PoST 1931). General di.ltibulion: Turl

    73. Atllnizo- (AI!terit-J ••_",Ii, (Wl...... lllOl (0)'11: ft"",;_ EaI4.., l.r"'0)l: pm,.,' (1946.0). Jord : Po,,,(19A6a). G.ne,.1 di.uiblllion: "rtOltOpial Jqion, ....ndinl inlO I.... P.I...... lic in I.... Middl. E." (\to "00 DUMINO 1947, u/",,,,,jNiJ). Nonh Artk. (E&l'PI. Liby.)• • r.d Mac.ron••ian iolar.ds (C.nanes).

    74, AI~riz_ (AI~'it<>-J I_/t.,. (1.on', 18S!) 1"••1: HENNIG (l%3b; 1964c); K\;GI,.U (l%\l); PoIlT (1946a); DEEMING (1941). Jord.n: Po," (1986.0). GI dislribulio

    75. A'~rjrolM (Aerilne"',.) _lali, Scbi_, 1868 (sY": .~eiJtr (T1oonIsool, 1869)) Cyprus: GWRaHIOV (1977); Po~T (1986.0). Iraq: KAODOOJ (1%1); PoliT (19A6a). IstUI: RlvSAr (1%2... exci.... in p&t1); K'J(H"'R (1969); PO"'" (1946.0). G.ner.1 di"ribulion: A common cifCumltOpiul spec;", ,..cbin. !he P.....""ic 'osion in North Af'icl, :'o'Iiddle £&sI. Cyprus Ir.d Cln.ry blinds. R.mork" T.... 'ecord or o••i>I rrom hr...1 si...n in R''''''AV (1%1) inch"".. bolh "'I­ &lIQli, Ind I«tISG (1979); PoNT (l9860). 1"..1: OI:l'""I~G (1979); PeNT (1'lll6.a). G<~rll dl<1fibu,;on: Orien'lI ond Afrolropal "'&Ion•• 1100 ..t.ndin! in,o ,h~ Ml(ldl~ """ Ind the Mod"~ffanem ",brqlon.

    77. AIMriz-- (AIMriro-) __ Rondaai, 1'71 (I'" i__ Mill...., 1913) Turl:~Y' F'PNT (19861); Adano. t;ukul'OVI (Y..ftAS 19M). Irlq: R...... CIlANORA RAo (1925, IS Wikd); Po,...,. (19860). I".." AVIOOV (1961, IS ucl...); RIVN..V (1962, IS ud... in pan); H~"NIG (19~); Rlv....v (1966); B~UM (1967, IS """"); y ..THOM (1967, IS _iiol; Afrouopal ond Orientll .e!iOlU. KIlO..... IS tbe sor!hum shoot.fly, ,hi. i. 0 serious pes< of "'ft/tum Skdli"*, in ..mi-Irid ,ubtl'Op;"11 o",os of ,be Old World. l< pI'Obobly <>«un ...... """'r S

    71. AI.riz_ (AIMnz-) I~ 11..... 1963 hrld: 11E""1O (1%lb, 1!l'6Icj. KOOLU (1969), DE£>tI"G (1981), Po,...,. (19861). G••erll di"nbution: Afro,ropal ..pon, EIl'P' Ind Isroel.

    79. AIMrizoN (A,Itffl,.",.) ..n. (Mo;rn, 1816) ($Y'" ,_,.,,,,,,.,_ 01 IU'bon) Turlr~y; STUN (in Bu.l:' '" S'n;1" 1907); F'P~"" (19861); Chibukli li""nbul. ­ t;ubuklu] (HENNIG 19611, IIso °Kleinaoien"). Cyprus: GEORGlUOU (1977); PoNT (19861), Sy,il: O..DEAU DE KERVILLE (1926); BEzzI (1929); SEIllRA (1939); IIE.'''''IG (19611): EL-lIHIRI (196&); PoNT (1'1861). 1,"'1: PeNT (19861), L~blnon: HEN"IG (19611). 1,,".1; BoOENUEIMER (19J7); 1I£I<"IG (1!l'6Ic); KUGLER (1969); PaNT (l986.a). G.""rll distribu'ion: ThfOU!h wlml and tmtpeTlt. plrts of ,Ite PII....""ic ",.ion. Remorlrs: Mo.. or the A'IIot'/t...... pecin listed he'" have been iderllir.... It vl,iou. time: _la. ond i' is problble thlt many of thl: lit...'ure re<:ord. for .",,;,. Cited Iba"" f~, 10 O1her spec..., especillly '0 SOC-C""'. the ooft/tum 'hoot fly.

    Tribe ...... ,.;i..

    SO. 1''''-''' _8:0/;_ ~i, 176J) (sya: '-aJu (Utt

    81. I'IuItHtUl ,;",,'a (Zottn$lNI, 1846) Tu,key; PONT (19&6&); 8nasa 1- Bu ....] (HEN~Ki 19631.). Syria: HE""'O (1963&); Po.'lT (19S~). G"""roJ di$lrib,"ion: Europe. Turk.,. and Syria.

    82. 1'~ JOIw.../j (Mik, 1881) Cyprus: GEOROlllOU (1977); PeNT (1986.1). G."",ol di.tribu,ion: Eutope, .astward••hrou&h the USSR 10 Kirthizia. n 1'''-1. /Jot."" (W~ ...... , 1817) Tu"'.)': PaNT (19&6&); Gumii$lla..., So...,,], Ge.;idi. 2.50 m, 26.7.1960 (CUIC'IAIlO '" HARVEY), 5 ~ (BMNH). Gene'al distribution: Throu&houl ,he Pal_n:lk: ",pon, in temper'le .IUS.

    84. 1'~ Aobic. 50...... 1>1 i. S..,n, Ham'iI<6y. I;MS m, 24.5.1962 (GUICHARO &. HA"VEY). 39. BMNH. G.""ra! distribution; USSR (A'menio ud ~'&i.) or>

    85. I'''-W luqlm LfMl>oo'J:, 1965 Israel: L vNEIIORG (1965. hol,nYP" 0); K,X,LER (1969), PONT (1986&). Gcneral dim;bul;"": Known only from Israel.

    86. ,._j. I«t. (Fall..., lm) (lribu,;"n: Europe. This is an ioola,e

    87. 1'~ ~JV"U_ 11....." 1963 Cyprus: PO~T (1913: 19860): TrOodo. (BMNH). Ge...ral di"ribulion: Known from oou,h ...d """ Europe. and Moroa».

    88. P,"",Ifi. ",lIiu (Fabriei.... 1787) Turk.y; PO"'T (1912. 19860); i"."bul. Sile a..a. 20 m. 10,1.1962 (GUlCllARD &. HARVEv), I d (BMNH). bra.l: Po,.,. (l9n. 19860): Salar [near V.,.w./,allyim] (BMNII). General Ul mO" of the "",t'rn Pal..a",," "Pon, in ,.mpe· rale .tu>, USl",.«I. 10 Wesl.m Siberia an

    89. P~ ...,.11. (SI';., 1900) Tu"'.y; Po~T (1986.0.); Smym. [- lunirl .nd Gillek, T.urus Ma Ir~l] (IlES,,"'G 1963<:). G....ral

    90. I'''-'U nifiJNI,u. (MuqlW1, 1835) braeL: HENNIG (1963<); KootElO; (1%8); PoNT (l981\o). General dimibulioo: ThfQu!hout tempt',at. and ...."" onu of Euro".; h ....I, This is lA ;ool.led record or the sp

    91. l'!uIow nfi"'.'ru. (Scopoli, 1763) (sya: ...ulJ.rls (Fall.., 1815») Syria: E"oncou. record in Po~... (1_), M$ed on B= (1909). Lebanon: 8EZZt (19O'J. as """'tI14ri>J; ..polled as Syria. bul W loality is nOW' ;n lebanon. General dim'butien: ThroUPOUI mo" of Europe, and extendinl not 10 W"'tm Siberia. Thil. i. an i..,1I1ed record of the spocies. and may be 1>aKd on misidentif

    91.1'''''''''''' Ul!no,o (Ham., 1780) (sya: .....,.,. CM...., 1826) Cyprus: GEORGlllotJ (1977); PoST (19S6a); P••lpeollis (BMNH), General distribution: Throughout mo't or Europt. IS r.r out and south 01 ,he Ukraine; A"",t>.

    93. P""""'. I..... vm...... , 1936 Turkey: PaNT (198110); Konyo, """'''''hi, ••1Iey [. Alqehir] (V'LLESEUVE 19J6b. hol'''Yl'''9: LI~D""E' 1901), Ge....ol dimjbu'ion: Tutlc<")' and '!"r.dthi~"lan (USSR), IIE.'''IO'. (1963d) ""'Old of ,..,'" from I$,ul was mi"d.."ifltd and .... subsequenlly desc,i_ .. ~,«kri by LVNUORr:; (no. 35 abo.... ~

    94. '''''''lift Iri-..lIll. (BoudoO, 1&301) 1s,..I: HENNIG (196)<1); KII(;I.U. (1969); FoNT (1986.»; Ain Arik, and Nlbi Slmwil [N of Verumll.ayiml (BMNH~ Gene..1 dil"ibu,ion: Middle Iftd lOu'Mm Europe. Nortb Mw. M ..lro.....iln i.III>d•• 1....1.

    95. PIuItHUa ..Ii"" (1I1tri1, 1780) (~ ...,.." Ro'"....·Onwoicly. 1130) Turkey: PONT (198lia); Zonl"ld.k. near Sof,lnbolu. 700 m. 17.1.1962 (GlIlCIIARD &. H"RYEY). Id (8MNH). 1.,..1: IlE"~·1G (l96:ld): KUGID. (1969); FoNT (1986a). ~ne..1 diSlribUlion: ThfOI of 'ho w<$lem Palaurelie ..&iOn. e..''''o«1o '0 U1beki"",, (USSR~

    96. If.lj"" .J>do (Z.n...... , 1146) Syrio: SnlN (l906); FoNT (193600). ~ne,"l diltribu'ion: Oecurs sporxly tbrou&h moO! of Europe.

    'J1. H.liu .11Wrie1Uis (51I'0\Il, 1906) Tu,keY' 1'0"1" (1983. 1986a); Diyltboku, Diylrblklf, 6.4.1911 (H. KlIRTPlNAR). 1 9 (BMNH). •

    Israel: PONT (1983. 1986.0.); Ile,b Olpn (BM Nil). General di."il>ul;o,,: Reanlly diSlinzuished from uxltl«ll18,a (P",yssler). this .pe­ .... iJ knoWtl only from"'" Canary hlancl•• Sp.oin, Malt., YUlOoJavia, Turkey and Israel.

    98. Heli"" ••_ (Zollersltlt, IIU8) Is'ael: HO'1

    99. "e/i"","rictJhJ, (Fall.., 1t25) Turkey: PONT (19S6a). but ideOlif>Cllion queried: Ttlbzon. Trlbzon area, •.1., 28.1.1960,29; Tt.bw". Zi,""" D.g,.. 1400 m. 14.7.1960. I 9; (booth GIJICHAl'.l) "­ H....ny) (BMNH). Cenerll di",ibution: Tempt,.,., upland and northern, lre.u of Europe. Rem.,h: These identifICations .'" doubtful. u femlr.. in Ihi. poup of opec.., ... diW",ull '0 OCpOfII' and Ilso ..ry in thei, colou' .h.tact.... MIles .... n

    100. Hell... ia Iw L~""o.ial (BMNlI). l..atl, KUGlER (1969): po."" (l986a): ,ecordN will, a '1....1)'. Cene,.1 distribullon: Known with cen.inly only from CyplU'. The iden,ir""lon from 1" ...1....i" eonr;"".,;"n.

    101, 1t,li"" cl.,. (M,ilO'" 1816) Syria: E,rone<>U' record in PaNT (J986a). based on B~:at (J909). Leb.non: Bf.l'.7J (1909); reportN" Syri., bUllhe Io<.'ily is no" in Lebanon. 1"••1: HE""lG (1964<); KUGlU (1969); PaNT (l98N); Je"...lem (w V'1Ushal.yim], Ain Arik. Haifa [_ Hera], and TeI·Avi. (BMNH). ~'..c".1 distribuliOJl: Medi~".nean SIIbrep>n. and Macaron..ian i.lands.

    102. 11,11"" wipi,.. MiloAlyi, 1'114 Turkey: PONT (198N): Denial;, Ml Baba O.gh" 1)00.1650 m, 19·10.6.1938 (R. E. GAnlOR"C·IIAlDI"j, I d; K..tamonu, Kaslamonu .re., 1000 m, 18.1.1962 (GlIK;''''RO & IlnRVJ;Y). 1 d: T"Ncn, Zip"" O.S', 1400 m, n.1.1960 (GU'CIIARD & HARUEY), I ~ (.11 BMNH). General dimibution' A liule known spoeies from Centr.l Europe. K...... /utan and tit<: Far EaSt of the USSR. Remarks: This spoeie. is closely rel.,ed '0 ",<>edlilllQf'i' (..., below, no. 106), .nd it is likely tb.ll,," III.\'eriol from Ak",hir nlCOrded by IlE""tCl (1964<) as ",<>edli",cnu, is in fact decipietu. "

    IDJ. IIdl... ~_I. (Ham.. 1780) {'J1I: I_Mm (Fall... 18lJ) Syria: Erro""Qu, record in PaNT (1986&), twccI on BEZZI (1909). Lebanon: 8EZlI (1909. as Iuc""",,); reported IS Syri., but the locl];'y i' Mw in Lobi-non. I"&el: PONT (1986&); Jo",...I.", J- Vc",shalayim) (BMNH). Ckne,.1 di..,ibution: Wid.."reod and common throuJh lhe wl>ole Pllae.laic 'c,;on: N"relic, Ncolropic.ol (M••leo, V...... I.). Onenla, (Indian "'b«>n'inont) and Afro'ropi<;al (Arabia, SotO"");

    104. IIt/;_ foirJp4t'-l_ (MIalIlal1, 1tJS) Turkey: PoNT (1986&): M..." K.h'l1JWl",a... erau",' Mu) (H£."",lO 1964<;). General diwibuliOtl, Middle and OOu,h Europe, Turkey, and USSR (G«>r';a. Tide· hiki....).

    105. n.li"" latitM'>i. Ri"'IoI, 1914 Turkey: PaNT (19&6&): Giimush...., Soganh ~idi, 2600 m, 27.v.1962. I

    106. H.liu tllNdliltplfJiJ (Schubl i_ SduIIhl .. Dli.m.ki. 1911) Turkey: no TurkiJh record, ...... accq>.... by PaNT (19S6Io). nor i. tl>o.. any Turkish matorial in ,he BMNH. General di.tribUlion: Mi mat..ial ....,uld pro... to be duplkGIQ lMeiton} [i.e. ~.io IIarri., 1>0. lID below). bu' ,ob$<· qu~tly (Hr.~'~"G 1964<:) he lis'«I 1 d ""Ilec'ed a' Ak",hi' by ltNONU as ",/Hdli... po d. like ,he other A...toli.,. mat.rial o( this ,roup. will pro... to be d.dplm' Mihalyi (.... no. 102).

    107. 1I.li". o/."IJi~"s(f.Il"', 182J) Turkey: P'Wl" (1936&); Giimii...... Baybun .tu. 1500 m. 20.7.1960. 3 O. 69; Gumu...... So,.nh ~idi. 2aX! m. 26.7.1960, 3 0, 79 (.11 GUll;lIA.D 4 H....vEY) (BMNH). G....'.I di",ibul;on: Upl.nd ...... of Cent..1 Europe. Sweden. In the Alps it i. round nU, th. upper tl~ limit and on heatlu al>o... the tree-line. l&50-lOOO m. lOS, HeN"" ",_pito. (St';_, 19l17) (s,...: nn4 (Sclmabl i. Sclulalol &. Olied,irki, 1911)} Turtey: PaNT (19860.); K.... A...... below Serdarbulak. 1100 m. 4.9.1960 (GI,IICIMRD &. H....VEy}. 10 • BMNH. Syria: HENNIG (1958); EL-H....'.' (1971); Po,," (19lI6a). Iraq: Kaooou (1!l67); Po~ (19S6a): Uinlidi neor BISMId (BMNII). lebll>On: Po~ (19861); lebel el Knli..e, 1600 m (BMNII). Io..el: H£N~IG (196ok): KUGL£1l (196'1); POsT (19861); Jeru..lem ''" Yenuluot.yimj, IMl DeSIOYI (BMNlI). Gener,1 dis,ribu,ion: P&l.....rctic relion, mainly in ,he middle Ind >ou,hem 'IUS, 11 rlr tu' 11 Kirshizil (USSR) Ind China. Remlrks: Thi$ )pecie. wll inld..,,

    109, HoliN "."0'" (S1';0, l1J93) . Turl:ey: PO~ (19860); Smym. ''" run;.] (11£1'11'11(; 1958): i

    110. Heli... ,..."'" (Hurls, 1780) (>1101: "Mp'tu'. (M';CO", 1'26); ..,I.n. (Zen.... !IIodt, 184!» TU'key: STEIN {in BMZI &. STEIN 1901. 11 dllplk",o. "Asi.o min.,: PaNT (19860); Konyl, Aksd>et .Iso HEN~'(; (951): Smym. [- luni,] (Ga""",,UDIl: KEIlV'U-E 1939); Adon., C;:ukurov. relion (YallA$ 19&.4); Kiit.bya. Dom.n~, 1000 m, 25.1.1962 (GU'CKAIll> &. HAIlVEV), 19; Deniu;. Mt B.b. D.th [- Il&t>.dlll. 13]0.1650 m, 19·20.6.1938 (R. E. GaTttOIlNE·llallov), 1<1'; Dcnilli, Mt o.onu 01'" [- Hol'IIZ DIs>I. 2160--2330 m, 21.6.1938 (R. E. GanIORNE·HaROv), 1 9; Gi<1!)Jl.. 50 m, 2&.1.1960 (GUIC'IAIlD &. IlAlr.vEY), I &; Trobzon, Trlb:ron 'Ol [­ lemesi' [- lew.onled IS d""Ii""a. H. Itlaeoo~

    111. Hdi...'i...lri. Rincubl, 1914 Turkey: Po~" (19860); Enurum, Kapd.gI ~idi,. 2300 m, 22.1.1960 (GUtl:IIAID &. HaRVEY), 1 d (BMNII). G••eral dist,ibution: Nonhcm and middl. Eu,ope. east to Tu"'.y, Tu'luncnia and WCSlem Siberia,

    111. 1I.li,.. U~-ar"'I. (Proysskr, 1791) (sy.: ,nc,.,. (Robin.....O"""oidy, 1830» CypruS' Po~.,- (1986&); Lim&$.Sllll- 1.<~s]. 1....1: HE1<1Out moll. of t.... PaLa.o.«:,ic ~Jion: N••rctic, Ori.ntal (A.ian m.inl.nd).nd Aust",l..i... (N_ Ze.I.nd) region•.

    113. lit/I"" '1Nl""'" H....." 1963 h,..l: HU

    114. H.Ii,.. J)"""_ lleJUli&,. 1951 1 1: HEIl"1G (J96oCc:): KOOLEIt (1%9): PaNT (1986&). Gen 1 dist,ibutiOft: Sicily and 1....1. lIS. H./I_ ,m.,,;Z_ (MftcnI, Il126) (oy.: f/.,rlP<~ (Roadui, 1866)) Isr..l: HE1<~'1G (1%4<); Kt:GLER (1969): (both ..f/""I/H'): Pa~.,- (19116&), G....,.I distribution: M;cldle and .....m Europe, 1"..1,

    116. Bro~IM. en_ph". (8n... " B~...... , IfI9.l) (.,.., impUi'. (P.DeI.Uf, 1898) Tu,k.y: po."" (1986&): Anka,a. abo.. H o&l.... 1500 m. 29.6.1961. I .: Ni&d•• AhalOy a~a. 900 m. 14.6.1961. 1 9: K , A,ora', below xn:la,bu1&~. 1100 m, 4.9,1960. Id: (.11 GUICItJlItO &. HAlt""\') (BMNH). Syria: IIE1<1<1G (1959a): EL-HARIRI (1911): (both as impth asl...,.di,o): Po."" (1986&). 0., ,.1 distribution: Predomin.ntly in ,.... Medite"anean .ub...JiOn, oxt

    Ill. B_,... I"",'.. (Wi_... 1124) (s~ c/I_1oc (W.lk.., 1849): ••riq.'. (Stft. i. lock.., 1903)) 1.,...1: BRU"'~TTl (191)); BUlITOIl (1924): BoDliNIIEI"lU (1937••• ,onJmJ &. .,,,w­ I/I'/I): EMDEN (1951, as ..p. C/IROC"'): HENNIG (1~S9a): KUGt.ER (1969): PaNT (1986&): T.l_Aviv district, J."'....m [- V.rushalayim]. Ludd [- LocI]. El Athroun [- Lat",n]. Je'icho [- V.riho[, Ai. Arik. and R.hoboth 1- R.kovat! (BMNH). Ge...,al dist,ibu,ion: OrienUlI and Afm1mpical regions. utending inl0 Nonk Af,ica, Macam"..i... island•• Ir.... Middle E..t. and partJ of Europe. Rema,ks: All t.... ljlOClmeRJ I"'ed he... ""long to t.... JO-eaJled ·fono" """"M, :u>oIop'io .... "'_ boo ~ t"t

    Su~f.mily My

    118. MydaH

    119. Myhu I...ri,;. (11 ..;, 1866) hJq: PoNT (198600): T 1so (BMNH~ ~n...1distribution: An uncommOn opecies in conlr.1 and ",uth.m Europe.

    no. My'" "'..... (Mrlc", IIH) Turkey; Po""T (1986.0): Bu"",. Ulud.1l- $00 m. 26.4.1962, Id: TrabLOn, Zipn. Oa"" 1400 m. 13.1.1960, I 9; (Ix>th GUIC....RO" H vU) (BMNII). G.ner.1 distribulion: Throuzhout lemperate or the P.loe.reli...lion: N.....· lie.

    121. My<>yiltl_',_t>-H (Flbriei... 1711) Turk.y: PO,.,. (1910. 1986a); Kon)"'. AhhelJir vallry [- AkjOhir).nd Sulan O.JII [- Suhn O.tl.n), 1000 m (pfEtFH' 1921): Ayd,n, Bozdopn, 2(10 m, 22,4.1962 (GUICIIARO" HARVU). I .I (BMNH~. Cyprui: GOORO"rou (1911); Po""T (1970. 1986.0): Limusol 1- Le_.] (BMN 11). Syri.: S-,-.",,, (in BUZI" S1'f;'" 1901: 1916): Po"" (1986&). Iraq: ABlXJL RASSOUL (1969); Po,.,. (1910, 19116a); BaJlldad (BMNII). I"oel: BoOC1

    122. 11...._ f-_ (Meicr-; 1826) Turkey: I'D," (1986&); Si ..... Sereio)'O ..... 1$00 m. 7.7.1960 (GUSCIIARD " HARvEV). Id. BMNII. Cyprus: I'D," (19360): Limusol [.. Lom"";,) (BMNII). Syria: S-,-."u< (in BEZlI" STEIN 1901: 1916): PotIT (19360). Lebanon' GAoEAU VE KF.RV'UJ; (1926)...port...... Syri., bu' the Loeali'y is now in L.b.non. 1"..1: BoOCNIIF.'''F.1l (1937); IIENNIG (l964ch KooLER (I969): PONT (I91l6a); Ileth 0.1'" (BMNII). .e.....,.1 di,"ibulion: Th_zhou, ,h. p.....""ic "'lion: Orient.1 (T.iWJIn) III H.I>«..._ "".. (Robinu..o...oidy, 18JO) (.y&: _ti. or ""'bun) Syria: ST~'" (in BF.:!..t' " ST'F.'N 1907.... "~liNl); Il~NN10 (19$6, ... ..spmINl); pONT (1986.0). 1....1: 80OC"IIEl.\lU (19]7...... ~tiNI). ..

    Gene,al distribution: Throus!oout moll of Europe. Nonh M,ic&. Middle Ease, Iran; Neart'ic.

    124. Hde__ 4,."',lIk. (Mri~ •• 1t16) Syria: Srn,. (in 8nZZ' &. Snm. 19(1), BEZ1J (1922). Lebanon: IlU'''lQ (1956); Po~ (19861). 1"..1: 1IE1'~-'(i (1_), """'-"K (1969): !'uN' (191l6.1). G."",al di'lribUlion: ThroUlhoul the hlaeomic: ~p>n; N••mic .rod 0,i••1I41 (Indian Jubcontinenl. ?Taiwan) ..aio...

    la lJ.btoo~_ m,e"'i,.. (r.lI.... 1813) (s,.., Iffiltis Mallodo, l!nl) .....1: I(u

    126. G,.,_ylARD &. H"~VEY). 2&. BMNH. Syria: Sn:u< (in BEZZ' &. sn;1.~ 1907); GAOEIlU DE KElVI~ (1926); EL-H".IIl' (1968), po".,. (1986&)- Iraq: KII".....r (1951), Droaw,,"1I ([9M): KAooou (1967}; PoST (l9861). Leb>,non: Po~T (19860); Ilammana (BMN lil- Israel, BoDl'_""C,I).lC,R (1937); HU<1<1G (19Mc); KUOWR (1969); PONT (198610). Gene,.1 dislribulio~: Throug/'OUI ,'''' P.Iae.rctic: ..Jion; Orient.1 and Au'tralasian ",sion,. Rem.rks: T"" m.leri.1 from Lebano~ .nd Turlley i~ ,"" BMNH belonp to the fo"" ·vu.•" of ZI"I" (1951).nd HE""IG (1959.). whieh is zcner.lly eonsidered '0 be Itue ",,,"ulolo.

    Subr...ily c:oeno.ii••e Tritlo l.imnophorilli

    127. S,;/DtO- 1Ii_,. (Sl.i., 1916) Tur\ey, Po~"T (19860.); Ank.r•• Tu" G6hi...... pt from JIltfCti> .round f~h_ter i~now 10 ..h I.ke, 9.8.197~ (P. S. C"UNSTONj, I J(BMNIl). General dimiblllion: Sp,a....ly in middle.nd ..,ntr.1 Europe; Turtq.

    128. SpilolCH ,.,."../1. (ZtllentdT, 1845) Turk.y: PON"T (19360.): G;;m;;,hane, 50&&01, ~idi. 2-450 m, 26.7.1960 (GUl(:III,RO &. HIIRV~Y). 19. BMNtl. (J"ner.1 di'lribulio~: Europe. in upLond and northern ...... ; Turkey. Rem.rk,: M.I..... nud<'ld '0 eonf,,,,, t"" iden,ity of 'his ,poe;".

    129. Spi/o,,,,,,, dis_ (f.lI.... 1823) Turlley: PON"T (19860); G(im(i,h."." Sopob ~idi, 2450 m, 26.7.1960. 2 &. I 9; Tr.b.on. Trabron ..... '.I., 28.7.1960, 2 &; Tr.b><:>n, Zipn. Oal'. 1400 m, 13 &. •

    IU.l960. ~ 0, 49; (.11 GVICIWlO

    130. Spilo,o"" u.."ti,,,. (S1";n, l~t6} Turkey: Polo, (1986&); GUmiiohane. Sop_I, Ge<;,di, 2500 rn, 25.7.1960 (GUICllARD &: H"RVEY). Id. BMNH. 0 •...".1 di",ibu,ion: USSR (Caucasu, Mu). Turkey.

    BI. U",~biP.fKt.,. (SI... 1& Btdtr, 19O1l) [...el: HQiN'" (1964<:); Kum.El. (1969); Po,," (19U,t): .e.r Jerisheh. Tel·","" (BMl'IH). Oeneral diltribution: Mauro...."n i.laod., Medii."...... sub"''''_, Iran. USSR fTadzhiki.tan).

    lJl. UltUNJpltou .a" (Witol...... llJO) ('l"" ".nriuta Stei. in _or, 1900) ht.." HENSI(:; (1964c ,lumlu,n); PeNT (19861). General distribution: Afrotropial. Orient.l or.cl Au.ltolo.io. "Sioru. tU

    133. U"'ItO,Itor. <>Hi,,,,,. (R""" , 1866) ('Y'" o"ell$M:ullil (J...... 1867» Turkey: PoNT (198601); Konyo kocbehi. volley [- Ak",hirl (Ll1"O~"ER 1941; HENN'" 1959a); "n,alya, Finiko, marsh, •.1., 8.4.1962, 1 9; Ern"...m, Kopdl*, G~idi, c 2300 m, 22.1.1960, I cl: (bo,h Guichlrd &. HaNCy) (BMNH). Cyprus: PONT (19861). Sy,;a: STE'N (in BEZZ' &. STEIN 1907• ., .w""",,~mji); EL-HU'R' (1911), PoNT (19861). Leblnon: liENS'" (19591). !o,...I: HEN"'" (1959a. 1964<): KUGl.ER (1969); PONT (19861); Wldi Sa,"" Galileo 1- HI·Gllil), and Mounl or Oli.... (now in Y.",lhIllyim) (BMNH). G....,"I d",ribu,ion: Canary bland., Medi'."anean ,ub,op.,n, 1..,,; Afrol,opical "lPon.

    134. Lim""pJto<_lJIymp"'" LJIId soulh.rn Eu,ope, Mo""",,>, b,...I. R.m""'" L. on",d. of S"!"E." (1916), from SyriR (O.m...... ) Ind Lebl.non (8eiruL), may belong lO 'his $pO'Cie$ 0' lo MtiNnG Schnabl (no. 142) 0' 10 both.

    135. LimllOPlwn< ,.t and T,lf\SCI-t>elS;". IJ6. u_,.". JM..IIiI~TtI (ViII...... , 1911) Syria: VIU.E1

    131. U-,..". p<>Jli,,;j'ro

    UII. u-p1toNl ,..lcifriup. (L>c.o, 1860) Turl

    139. U",_1toNI ,""1_ (L>c.o, II1~l) (sy.: ""t.~lil Sltl-o i. 8«1<..., 1903) Tu'key; Po~T (19861); Ad.n., t;uleurov..... (VAIA$ 1984); Anlllyl, Finilee, m.rsh, s.l., 1.4.1962 (Gu'CIlARD '" IIARVEY), 2 Q; An'.ly., K.ledi,ItI, ne., Gozipl$&, "250 m, 2().22.7.1961 (EJAMES), I Q: i;el, Gilinde.. [w Aydll>C\kl, ..1 loYcl, 2.1-27.7.1961 (E. JAMES), 3 d (.11 BMNII). Cyprus: Po"",, (198600); Umousol [- lemcu6.] (BMNII). Sj'ti.: STEIN (in BEU' &. STE'N 1907, If ""Iobilll). Iraq; PONT (198600); Bqhdad (BMNl/}. 1 1: IIE1'1<'G (1959c. 1964<:); KUC;UR (1969); (bolh as ""lob(51): PoNT (19861); P.rd Illtln. (- Pordts H.nn.-K.,.ur!, Ker", Villein, Jori<:ho [w Vonho], .nd Jo",..lem (w Vonuh.layiml. Goner.1 distribul;on: Afro,ropical "';0'1, ..achin8 into 'he P.I.urcli<: in ,he Con.ry Island., Emt,.nd Middle EIIl as listed .bo~.

    140. U_I>o.. riJM~ (f>1I.... 1'24) Tu'key: Po"",, (191600): An'.lyI, Finiko, 15 m, 9.4.1962 (GUICIlARD '" IIARVEV), 1 Q (BMNH). Syri.: GADl'.AU OIl KERV'U.E (1926); EL·HAR'o, (1963); Po"",, (19860), rcc:orded with • quory, lebanon: IIENNlG (1%Ca), idenliflClllion queried, Gcnor.1 dimibUlion: Throughou' northem and ccn".1 Europe••1", Macaro....i.n i'land., Nonh Africa, Middle East, eutwards 10 USSR rr..bhih.tonj. la!. U""",,*,,a 1'IlIi_". (Strt>bl. 1193) Turkey; Po"'T (19160); A",..Iyo, Finiko, marsh, ,.1., 8.4.1962 (GtllC'lARO '" IlARVEY), 1 Q; Kony., 6 milt$ N of flty$ohi' G61;;, 1200 m, 22.8,1974 (P. s. CUN$"JON), 2 d, 3 •

    9 (aU BMNH). I.....el: H~l<"!G (l~). Kl/CH...,& (1969), PoN'T (1986&). 0..".,.1 di

    141. U,.,ff()I'Joor. ull_ SduoIbl ;" Scbubl 11 Dlitdrid. n: Poorly known: only ...,.,Id... from ?Canal)' hl.",lI, Mediterra_ nean subre.ion, USSR (ITaclmikistan) and lap"" Remarks: L. en",do of STEIN (1916), from Syria (Dornase...) and ut>&non (Beirut). mlly belonglo ,hi. species or 10 oty.yiot lynebo', (no. 1~) or la both.

    lolJ. Usp' apicaliJ Mil, 1869 Turkey: PoNT (1936&); 80 km N of "nk...·!JIOJlh,,1 (.;';1 (CANZOl

    144. U.,., -u/,.,j/i, W~..,...., 1814 (S)'o;: i.x,"'.'. c....on.ri '" M.....hioi. 1961i) Turby: P!JST (19360.): I~.l. Tal"lUl (CA.'-ZONEIt' &: MENEGrr'N' 1966, holol)'J>O 0 of IIIt!X~'D'Q; 1961). G."",.I di,rrilru,;on: Mediterranean 'ub"'3ion. Tur.oy: Oriental and (keanian "'1'­ om.

    145. Li~ """,.1."'" (Robin...... ~y, ISJO) "Middle East"; po,,'!" (19860.): I d in BMNH labelled "MOldle Eas," 1~1·42 (1. W, S. MACFm). a.".,ra1 di",ibul;on: ThrousJI the Old World tropia. rueh;n. the Pal....",.i. ",.ion only in SpanM Sahar., Eg)'J't, and ,he Mddlo EOIt.

    146. Li.pc <.,.;. MftatoI, 1t26 Turkey: PoNT (1936.0); Ad""" (K.r.~) &: Tu, G61ii (CANZO:IT (19360). General di"ribu,ion, Contr.1 .nd lOu,hern Europo, Can.ry Island" North Afriea and MOldlo £.as!.

    147. U.pc UII4i<..u K_...., 1891 Isra.l: BoOCNIICIMca (1937). H~"NIO (1964cJ, KUOl£J< (1969), PO>IT (19360). aeneral di>lribution: Mediltrtanun wb>.pon and Ar,otropical "'lion. 148. u.~

    149. U.~ d 'he Middle EUI.

    ISO. U.~ ,lb.,..... Bm.., 1907 Tu'i

    ISI, LI~ ko_d 8 ..k..-, 1903 1"..1: HE:<:<10 (19601>. 19~); KuOI.U (1969); PoNT (198611). Gen.ral di.ttibution: Aftetrapic.1 .nd Otien~ ..JioM, tuch'''' the P.I...m;" f<'Sion in EDPI. Israel and l'iItt,

    IS1. u~ k_pil. (Wi...... I ..... 1830) 04' pecti,.{pu 8 ..k..-, 190:1 Tu,key: Adln., t:;ukur<)v••re. (c. VAllA$), 1 & (BMNH) [VAllA$ 1914, ... klKo­ Ipilo). CypnJl: PONT (19860., .. p«'lniperl.- Cherk.. (BMNH). Iraq: K"ooolJ (1961, .. "","o'Pllo); PaNT [19860., .. p«,iNpeJ). 1"..1: HE""'G (19601>,,, kKo,pilllj: KUGI.U (1969,,, It,,,,,spI&'J: Po~T (198611,,, p«tini(H')' General di"ribUlion: ."..me "'"them P.I....mic "'lion: Afrotropica~ Oriental and OCClni.n "!iOM. Rem.rk" In ,he rtCenl PaI.CI..';' cal.lo.... (PoNT 19860), 1 called Ihi< specie. ,..<,;~. 100 noted thlt kKo."i/tt I'r<)blbly did nOt <>«ur in the P.~Ii<: '"8iOn. Species·limil. in the ift«o.pl/o~mpl .. ""d the diJtribullon of the various .pec'" involval need fUrlher inVC$lip,ion.

    153. U.~ /0<..1 Rincd"hl, 1912 (.,.: litfHN or .... bon) Tutlc.y: PONr (19860), ~fded with. qu.1y. Tuz G6lii (c...1. (1911,1.$/1''''«1): KUGu.;~ (1969); PO..,. (19861). ~r its p...... noe in ,he N~, ""d M;,Idle EoJ< needs confirmation: Sudan. ,.

    154. LUpc /OIfIial/JU M•• 1816 TUBe)" Pollward. along l1I< lOu,""rn edge or l1I< PllAu"'lic: "'Jion la nUMh India and OIinl: '!Sud&Jl,

    155. Li'F _11th_ Loeor, 18017 Turkey: PoOlT (l986a~ io;el (fanu.) (CANZONEIlI dr. MeNEOH'N' 1%6); Sinop, Soy.1»II, 3.3.1973 (GEm,,}, 19 (BMNH). General distribution: Mall of Europe, Morocco. eastward. Ilonl the southern «I... or ,he Pal..arctic "'lion to ""nh India and China.

    l56. US~ ..... MxqutI, ISJS bl"': P"k",II" Loo", 1841) Tur\ey: P01''T (19860); LoEw (18017. 'KleilWien', one of Ih. '1I"H""llil'" of pu~ <""ill); i.W>bul (Mlr Nem, Kilyo. 1- KumkOyf). Ank... (G

    157. lis" __ Wi••••••• 1830 1>,..1: KU

    158. U." PJt- fallh, 1825 (SfII' IIm~ loeto, 1147) Tu'key. PoNT (1986R); Lo£W (1147. ·Klein..iet1·. 0 .... of the lype'locah'ies or simpli. clss;m4); Ank."" Gelbql (CANZONERI &. M£N6()H'N' 1'166); Ank.,.·Kony. road. km 70 (CA~NERt&. ME".GH'''' 1972); ISWlbul. Silivri. l.9,I'IfiS (B. H. eoo...N). 1 &; <;anallk.le, ....,K..'hkey, ",""le lmdden ditCh. 29.8.197~ (p. S. CRANSTtlN). I ,;. I 9; M"lla....., K6yugi1. .-l.• 16.~.1962. 2';. I 9; Anlaly•• Ant.ly., .-l .• 5.~.1962. IQ; An"ly~. finike. manh. s.l., 8.•. 1962. 6,;. IS Q; AnUlIy"-. Mana.vp'. $.1., H,I%1. I 9; Si.... [)eo", (M.... s;.-..j. 1350 m. 12-6.1962. I 9: Si.... la,. L..ke. C 1000 m. 5.7.1960. 19: (all GUI(,tA.O &. H...... £v em:pI whe.. 'laled) (BlI-lNH). Cyprus; PONT (1986a); Lint....,1 [- ~'I.•nd f."",ps.. [- Ammilkh6$to>l (BMNII). l,aq, PONT (19861); lW'.I- AHtu,ahl (BMNH). Lebanon: CA"WNERI <\ MENEGlUNr (1966); Po:

    Jordan; PO"" (19360.), Sh;"l\lon al'lll A.""l od Dru. (BMNH). Ge"",.) di.lnbution; wid..pread lhrou(houl lhe Pal..."'lic ...pon. and also ..len· din. ;nlo PI"S of the O,ienuol and Afrotropial'.&ion,.

    159. US" f"MU'" Viii...... , 1936 Turkey: Po",. (19&6.0.): Knoyl. AI.$Chehi, Valley. 1500 m [~ AQehirJ (VIU£N~UVll 19J6b. kololl'J"O "l· General distribution: Sj>lin. Italy. YU'OSlavil, Turkey. Itln. USSR (TtdzhikuWl).

    160. U.,u suJ~. Lot"'. 184'1 Turkey. SrnN (in 8EZZl &. STEIN 1907, "Asi. min,), PoNT (19&6&): Smymal­ izmifl (lO(w 1&47, 'yp<_lou.lity; IIf.1

    161. U.pe ...pnci/iaY ..... <1,,",111" C...... M..opioi, 196/i TurllbaJl, holo.yp< d), and Tu. G61(i (CANZON~.' &. MI'.N(GHINJ (966); I\nk.,., GlIlbw. 11.$.1961 (A. G. SOIKA), I

    162. U.pc tu,,,,,.Ich.bi, valley. 1500 m (- A1qzdo­ gin. 200 m. 23.~.I962. 19: Mugl•• Folhi)'O. 1.1.. 1("'.1962.4 &. J 9: Anllly•• Finik~. m....h••.1., 8.4.1962. 1 &; Ank.... Elma D.... ~ 1000 m. 19.6.1962. , 9: K'flChir. Kam.n ""'"•• 1000 m. 17,6.1962,2 &. I 9; Erzu",m. Kopc!lt' ~"'i•• 2300 m. 22.7.1960. 19: (Ill GUICHARO &. HARVEV) (BMNH). Syril: EL·HAR'R' (1971): PoNT (1986&): J~bel M....' (BMNH). L.banon: B(l;KER (1\104): HE""'" (196Ob): PoNT (1986&), [srael: HE""'G (I!/64e); KUGL£. (1969): Pa~,. (19&61); N..blu.!- SbedIem). Gllil.. (- H..·G..lil)...nd ne.., J~",...I~m ,- Y.",.hll..yim) (BMNH), G~n.ral diOlribu,ion: Throu8l>oul ,he Palae.>n;tK: "'8ion. IIId nonh India; N~In;tK: Ind pan. or N«Itropieal "'8ion•.

    163. Uf,._,iI••Ibi}'rotu (Z'llentHt, 1849) Turlley: PONT (1986&); Siv... bra Lak~•• 1000 m. 5.7.1960 (GUICIlARO &. lIARV'(V). 2& (BMNH). G~n....1 distribution: T.mperale a..... of ,he P..I....relK: "'lion; NearetK:. '0

    164. LifllO<~p/tIll. fry,lrroce,. (Robi..._O".....y, 18JO) Turkey; POtIT (19861); Mull•. ~r K6~&i" •.1., IU.I961, 2 d. 29; "nul)'., Manlv!"I, ."., 2.•.1962, 2 d; Ci,...un. $ebinklflhisa" 11OO m. 3.1.1960, I 9; (Ill GU'CIUlRD &. HARVEY) (8MNII). 0."",.1 diSlribulion, Quire eo"''''''" and wid..p....d ""Qug!l'_!",'.'...... or the PIJaean:tic "&ion; Ne.relic.

    165. ~p""" ""1<11 (Slrobl, 1893) Turkey: PONT (1986&); MUi1a, nut Kijy«Siz, •.1.. 16.1.1962, I d. 3 9; Anllly., Finike. :50-100 rn, H.I962, 2 &. I 9: AnUl1)'o, Finilonon: HEN>lrG (19611); PoNT (1986&). Isr l: HENN'G (1964<:); Kl)GUIl (1969): Po"T (19&60). Oe rll di'I,ibulK>n: Mediterrantan ,ubte,;on Ind M...,r<>r>e>ian ioland., 0..,,,,,11<1. lion, the ..,"t""m cdI'> of th. Pol...""io ..pon 10 la!W'; Arr<>lrop;c•.1 relion.

    1U. LiVDN,JwI• •",.1". (Roooialli, 18U) Turby: 1'0"'- (1936.0): Ad.n•• t;~k~ro". region (c. VAIA$). 1 & (BMNII) (VAIA$ 1911-4). Gene..1diSlribUlion: Me

    167. Li'p«.,ubt ...... (f.bririllS, 1n4) Turkey: Po",- (19g6a); Ef1urum. Qv""k. 2000 m. 30.5.1962 (GUIC....RO ol HARVU). J o1, BMNH. G.""..I di\lfibulion: Middle Md nort""m Europe. TU'key. N.....,ic (I'..... H.mp­ ,hi..).

    !f••• 5<""'_"" 1iIO'.II" (F.Il'" 1813) Turiley: PONT (19860); Anta)y•• Finike, m,"h. ,.1 .. 3.•. 1962. I d. 2 ~; Ank.,•. Beynam, 1000 m. 6".1%2. I un, $

    169. M..,.,.,../riJ _"i,.,. (Fall..., 1825) Tult.}': STUN (in BI'.ZZI '" SWl" 190'1. "A.i. m'n.1; PONT (1986a). G.n.,.1 d""ibulion: n"'ou&hou' moSl of Eu,ope. Tult.y. uuwa"h '0 Eastem Siberia and Monsolia.

    110. C""_ """"'!I'd•• (Fall..., IUS) Tultcy: Po"," (l9ll6a): Bu",", U1udaS. SOO m. 2U.1962 (GL.!K:IlARO '" HAJt.V1>Y), I &: "'win. ""vin. Beru. 1200 m. 16.9.19«1 (GUICllARO '" IIARYllY). I 9 (bo'h 8MNH). G....,.I di.I,ibu,;"n: Throu&hou, mO" of Europe••outh .nd ..., to ,he Uk"" .... Tr.noc.ucui•• and Tultey.

    171. C""""u. ol/1iaHm MriS.... 182/ii (oya: li,...#".. (Zttt ..s" 11145) Turk.y: AnlO'. [~ Anka,.] (GADE.A.U "., KEKVILU 1939 1Uot

    172. C""OQIio .". Meic'.' 1830 . Tult.y: POST (198600): Ank.,•• Idri. Dlt', • 1300 m. 30.6.1'162 (GUIt;HA." '" HA.VEY), I 9; Ank.'a. K.vakbde... 900rn. 5.S.1960 (GUI(IlA.o &. UA.V1>V), 19 (bo'h BMNII). Syria: Snm... (i" BEZZ' &. S11"'< 190'1; 1916); EL·HAIII' (1971); P01'l1" (198600). 1$ 1: 1lo00~IlEIME. (1931); KIJGl.£. (1969): Po", (19860). G ,al dimibu,ion: Th'ou&h moO! of the ....tem P.lae.",ic...... 1<1. '0 So..., MOddle A.ia.

    173. CM",,';' .'''.'''''0 St.in i. Borl.... 190J Cypruo: PO", (191160): NicoJi. [- J...,vIlo.i.jlOd lim.....,1 [- l."",u6Jj (BMNII). Syril; STII.V (in BEaI &. STI'l" 1901): EL·HA.II' (1971): Po.," (19K61). I,oq: PoST (19861); Abu·Oh",;b (BMN H). 1$,...1: Bo""~HEI""E. (1931); HEl"l"IQ (,%4<:); KlKll.£R (l969): Po... (19lI&o): le",' ...Iem t· V.","'.loyim]. IOd Rarn.,.im [. Iloda, Ram...yim] (BMNII). lord.n, "mm.n (BMNII). New recol

    17... C""OQIio 1~li. (RolIl....o-O"", 1830) ('YO:: t~.W. (Fallia, llnS), ,,

    175. c.,.,.-hI ."';/is Me12", Ins Turkey. PoNT (19&60); Sam.un" Ke,....,nda [- Gi",,,,n) (II~N"IG 1%lb); Muva. Fcthiye, sol., IU,I962, 1 0 .19: Antalr., ..." ...Iya, ,.I., 5.•.1962. 19: A"taJya, finike, "'atsll. s.l.. &.&.1962. 8 9: Anulya, MonavS"I, s,l.. 204.1962. I

    171•. 0><...... o/U,,,I. (Fall'" 1815) Turkey: PONT (l986a): Kutamonu, K.....monu _tu, 1000 m. 1'.7.1962. I 9: Ko",,­ monll/<;.o.n.Iar, XI.7.I960. J 9: T'abzon, ZiJllna 0.1'. 1400 m, IJ &I 1•.7.1960,5

    177. C«IOOsi• .J1~1t. Rood"';, 1866 T~rkey, PONT (1986&); ",nlOr. [- "'nka,.) (GADEAI! Dt; KE.VtLl.E 1939); (:an.H.Ie. Sui...... 660 m. 18.7.1959 (GI!IC...... D}. 2 d. I 9; Kiito./ty•. Dom.n~. 1000 m. 25.•.1962. 2 d. 2 1': Kiit.hyo. Murll 0'1>. 1500 m. 30.7.1962. 2 oS: B.olu. l.ke "'ban'. 1000 m. 13.7.1962. l 1': Zonguldol...... r Sofr.nbolu. 700 m. 17.7.1962. I oS. II': "'ni.r•• 8

    17'. C_U. p.mll. (f..I.... 1825) Turkey: PD...... (19&60): "'nk.,•• K.rlJ6l. 1200 m. 22.6.1962 (GuICIUl.O A II...VEY). l d. BMNII. G.n.r.l di.tribulion: Micldle and nonhem ..... of the P.l...... t;. repon. Turkey and ?Mot<>c:C<>: NelJCl;' ..pon. Rem.rks: further m.,,,riIJ i> ne«led to confirm ,he oa::u,renee of thi••pe<:les SO r., south.

    179. Cof,tWni. ,.,q;,.lph Mriren, 1826 Turk.y, STEm (in STEIN A II£CKEI. 1907. •....ia min.1; thi> record w" never repea­ lod .nd HENNlG (1962b) w.. u""ble to find Sn;'N'. m.teri.l. The reconl hu not been "CopIed. Ge....'.1 distribution: Throuput ""'" of Europe.•nd F.r Eut of the USSR,

    110. CO~r as ITkr>hI<); PoNT (19&61). General di't,ibu,;on: Throulhoul I.... PII...re,", re.ion, eastwards as rar .. Sov,et Middle Am.

    181. C«1Wi_ ,i;rilM (Fabriri.... InS) Tur\e)': Po", (1986&); Angora [- Ankara] (G"DEAU DE KEIV1UE 19l'); no loeality (L. O. 1I1(;G'NS), 29; MU&l", UIa (Mcu.,I,k). 100 m, 17.'.1962 (GUlCHARO " H".VEY). 1 d; Gimun, Sobinkarahiur, 1300 rn, &.7.1%0 (GUO:HARO &. HAIlVEY), I d (IU BMNII). Cypru<: po".,. (19116&): Lim.....ll· LemessiI.]and Aml,h", (BMNII). Syria: STEIN Cill Bu>:' &. ST1;I>I 1907); OA-DEAU DE KERVlll.E (1926): IIES>I'G (1962b); EL-HAR'R' (196l1. 1971); PaNT (1986&). Lebanon: GADEAU D6 Kuvn-u, (1926). ..ponccl IS Syri•. bul ono of his Iocalil;es i, Mw in UbI"".; IlE""1Q (1962b); Po".,. (19&6&); Ei. Ub,1_), KllGLER (1969), PoJ. "p,nd Ioodibn.

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