- • A preliminary list of the Fanniidae and Muscidae (Insecta: Diplcra) from Turkey and the Middle East by Adriaa C. Pom ..._ ... _ .....".;; ~..... ol 'h< 1'>....... Ioh'otiolo< 0001 F""';OIo< r.- T""" Il\< Middle £I" (CJt""~ S"';" l,oq, ubooon. llrod. JO<d&n). with • ~ of publillled t<conlo . li>' afllv ..""... Twk;"" _t<titJ .. the __ Mu...... (""'''''' H;"",,~ L_... S F.nniKIu o:wllll.,... """"Muocid&e......... 0.. _ from T'Ilrt<!. with. ,ou! oH FOMiOlI..... 1'16 Muocidu from 'h• Kortf_, Einc kritiId>o llbaoich' .... F....w;." FonnU4l. ur>ol M_ I...... Ta.k,; .. Mi'll<t<n 0tI<!> (Zyp<m, s,.;.... In~. '-'\NoD.... I JO<da.oiool_ da.FJ\dl1. Ini, . • ~ Il<t Uunlut ..... <in.... Vencichni. des ,OruKbco M,,<tialo im lrili>h "'........ /No''''''1 HI..<wYl, L.-. J FontIDolo.IA'lolI" M_.__ 0"' .... TlUI;c;..-. bow,6 FINIiidu unci 176 "'utcidu ,n, d<m,...".,... Un'<nuohuol'.lIi<t. Key _ o;po.,. - F........ - "'->doe - Tu<U7 - MWl< E... - __-ph, 1. ImroclllClOooo The PU'PO" of ,hi> p"p'" i. '0 provide an """mor.,ion of the r.,.,ili•• Fan"ii· d.. ond Muscidae from Tu,key ""d Ih, Middk East CC»,"'" Syria, Iraq. Lebanon. 1".." Jordan). iftCl..di"i. sumnury of published rue"" and I list of lhe material ,hI! hI.' been ".died in ,lie: Brililh M_urn (NI'.'a1 His,ory). Londoo. 101lllher wilh some crilicll c:om"",oU- IU opec... 11. discuued. of which 6 1><:1001 IQ Ihe Fanoiid.., Ind 176 to Ih. Muse:icl... The li.t is prelim'nary boawc Ihese fomiti.. "'" I<rIOfllly nol well n:ptu:nlCd in coll«tiono of ColyplralC Oiple," r",m 'his Ircl. oxop' f'If I few ohviou. 'J'C'I'io.o of m<!<licll or ...I.rioll)' imponance. MOll of tl'lo records li...n h.", hi'" """'n'ly been i""llIded in distrihution ranJO$ published in a Call1loltlO of tl'lo Pal.ooaraic 'J'C'I'ic. of thno flmilies (Po..,. 19!6a), Ind llIe p....nt poper lim' to Implify those ...ry brief call1lol''••nllies. It is clelr tha' Tutl<cy hIS I "'1)' rich and ,,"ried flunl or 1_ families. yel tl'lon: is considerlbie .....pe rOf fUrlher r..ld in""Sliplions. The mllerial ""ail"hlo to m. WIS ulon,i.... yet ~ "IS wUect.d mo'lly by lwo .n'omolOlists ..hose: pri""ipol l1I....t _, Ill< Hym.noptua (GlIlCllAaD ok HAIIVEY 1967); il is oFt.n in poor condi· lion, and som... irnes consislS of ("","1.. only so Ihl' douhl. n:ml'ns IS '0 ,he ""lOt id.ntificalion of a nurnbcr of lP"Ci.... In W Middl. ElSt, almO'1 nolhinl i' known of Ill< .......ral non·rntdical fluna of Ihese fomili.....J«<p! fOl IIrlol who'" I I"Od list of .p.d•• h.. bccro published (1(.00""" 1969) and """'re ••Ionsi... now coll"",i· ono IWlit "lIdy. J. Mllmlll'" __ Alrno,'III lh. mlloriollisted bclow is in Ih. Brili.h M....urn (Nllural Hi..ory). Lo"",on [BMNHt, I re.. opecimen. hi'" bc.n provided by prorcuor R. I(.INZELlAClI. Olrmllldl IRKS). and oth... h.... bcen .....n in Ill< Nltionll Museum or Nalural History. Wullinl10n [USNM~ Mmril! is lilted couMry I>y couMry. wilh the publi,hed """'rds rollo~ by tl'lo mllerill lIudicd, Full dall Ir< li...n for Ih. Turti.h mltmll; olherwise ""ly IocIlities Ire lisled. A ~rief .lllement of lhe conerll distribUlion is liven; full detoib moy be found in PuNT (19S6&). The .pellinl of Tur· kish 10000litios and pnwinoes. and lhe ~""oce of provir>ce$, follows GUlCIlARD &. HARVEY (1967); the correclions to tIl"r bbol dill I>Oled ~y, ...... lu'horo bI.... been lu,omltioally ineorpo'lled inlO the diU lis" Ji..n bere. 3. Sy#e..ltK$ Flnniid.. lod M_idae CIII be identified u,inl lbe PlI...."'I;" monol....ph ~y HE"'S'O (19SSa·196olc). Mo", _I advances in lnonomyand ehanCO' in nomen· elllure Ire do<::u....nted in PuNT (198""'). The el...ir...tion and nomendltu,e of lhe p"""nl lisl follow I'ONT (1986&). e.ooept tIlIl lbe COneric nlllle Csric... Ro~in..u· Dosvoidy is correcled bid 10 LIJpoctpItom Pokorny (spoei.. no,. """.167). I. Faumistics T..n.ey. SurprisinJIY link his pmoiow.l1 been pUbllShod on lhe lhe Tutkish museid flunl. Severll recotds of I ......111 IWure an li...... by STEI" (in BUZI &. SnlN 1907, I Fanniidae, S Mu"'idle). ATKINSON (1916) noted 2 Fanniidle and 3 Mo",i· die Ibu..d...t duri"l the GllIipoli eampaip of Wo.1d W.. t. Amn... (1925, 3 'lit" ein) Ind lU:LERCQ (19671, 1967b. 4 spoc:"') recotded lbe bilinl Mu",id... ZooIoJi· ul and enlomoloPoaI e.<plotllio<1 dUMI !be 1920's and 19111·, prodllCOd four brief lis", PfElffU (1921. 6 Muscid.. fmm E&;jtdir Ind Ahehir), GADEAlt DE KERVILLE (19)9, I Fanniidae and IS Muscidae from Ankara and innit). VltUNEUVE (1931\b, 6 Muscidae in<:ludinl 3 new species ffOOl ll,..ONU·, colleclion) and llNDllER (I~I. I1 MuseidIC from Ak,."ir l..d the Sultln Dlalan M,,). MOll of'...... recold, .....'" repelted or revi.... by HENNKl (19SSa·I96'c:). vrho IIso added "'''''' new one.. II 'peci.. in tile P"'''' U.,. Lllreillo ...,re in<:h"hd in Ilod,., by c.NZO~·ERr & MI1NEGHl...r 1'166. 1972). YABA$ (19Sol) IOpOrtod 1 F"""iid.. and S Museidae from lbe C;ukurovl I .... 123 spoc:ies Ire listed from Turkey in lhe p....nl paper (S F...· niidae. liS MuseidIC). and ......... add~ionll doubtful recotds "'" discosse<l and rej<.c'ed. Cypn.. Apart fr<>m .""radic individual recotd.. lhe only IVlillble lut u by GEoR()HIOU (l9n, 1 FlnniidlC, 22 Muoeidoe). )3 species are listed from Cyprus in lhe p"""nl piper (1 F niidoe. 32 Muscidae). Spoil. A few record IVlilable from Syril: STEl,.. (in BEZZI &. STEIN 1'107, 2 Fan· niid... 17 Muscidoe). H_,. il has not been possible 10 determine whelher III of lhCK I~ fr<>m tile modern polilical 5111. of Syri,o. Some of lbe record, si..n by HE""'" (19SSI·196olc) and Pum (19S6R) .... actually from Lebanon. The 4,pec'" recorded by BElZI (1909) Ire IIso fr<>m Lebanon. Of lhe recotd, si..n by GAD£AU ()E KERV'l.u; (1926. 16 M_idae), IocIlilies for U spoeies "'" now in Syril whilst Iho.. of 5 ,re now in Lebanon. a·H.....I.l (1968. I Fln.iid... 19 M....id..; 1971, 1 Fanniid... IS Muscidae) has publisbed I.... inch"'inl mainly lbe economie specie,. 39 .pocie, ,re li.t.od from Syri,o in the presenl pape, (2 Fanniidae, 37 MllJCidae). and .i f Iddilionll du~io... record..... n:j«:tod. 1 PATroN (1920) discussed 9 species of hou..m.. andlheir lilies rr<>m "Me",po· tlmil". Se....1 !ius of spoc:ies from Iraq hi.... been published. con..ininl mostly coo~omie .pot;"" KHAU.F (1957, 5 MUleidae). InRWU/' (l96S, I FOlIniid... 14 MUleid...), KAooou (1967, 12 Muscidae), AlDOL RAssoUl (1969. 7 Muscidae), AIUl·llA. (1980. I F.nniid.... IS Muscid..).•nd SAlIT '" S"Utl (1!la7. I F.nnii· d.... 3 MUleld"'), Th~ biooloo- of $,,",,oxy, ~1<ilrtHU (I.i""*,,,,) (spoeies no. 63) hIS bun described by HUM""'OI '" M"I(I (1979). 37 .ped., Ire lisl<d from Iraq in 11>0 pre..nl pipe, (I F.nniidBe, 16 MU$Cidle). LtbB-. NOlhinl hIS been published on 11>0 species of l..el>anon. thou'" I number of record. ftOm "Syria" h... ptOved lo be ftOm loc.Ililies """" in I.cbBnon (_ lbo..). 32 .peei.. Ire li.led ftOm L.banon in "'" p....nl po.pe. (l FOlInlicLae.31 Muscidl~). l...oL This is by fBr 1lI0 be" in....i..ted of lbe Mlddlo Euto... oounlrie$. A 1"",,"1 introd",,'ion '0 I"" onlOmoloo- Of 1"..1 WIS p..n by Booo;NHEI"U (1935). Ea,ly li'ts from ItelS in whll i' now Is,..llre by BRUNETTI (1911. 6 Muscid..). BUXTON (1924. 12 Muscidae. economic spoties). and BoMNIlEIMU (5 F.nniidl., JO Musci- dl'; lhis ton,li,.. some duplieBlion. IS • f synonym' an lisLcd IS vllid .peeies). 1I .pe<:ies of lh. I"nus MUWIl Llnn found du.in. tounlry-wid. su""')'> by GMU. ROSEN '" ASCHER (1957). Ind I 1fCoI' deal of wo.k was don~ on tI>e ecoloo­ Ind biolollY of MUKO d"",ettko Lin........ (_ ,"" ref.renen .iven und•• spe<:ies no. 44). Som~ wo.k hIS IlK> been don~ on th~ .hoot·ny pe.u of so""um and olber ""...1 crops <see tbe ref.ren"". und., species no. 17. A,,,.,;'_ >«<0", Rondlni}. MOlIY reeood. _ .. inehided by HENNKl (19SSa-I964e, e,pecillly 1964e). and finally I comprehcruive lisl .... published by KlJG1.o, (1969. 5 FOlIniid.., 11 Muscidle). 92 q>«ies ... listed ftOm 1"..1 in lbe p....nt paper (5 FOlIniid....7 Muscidae). Jotdlrl. Nolllina h&S bun publilhed On tI>e .pecies of Jonlon. A In- >peeies Ire listed ftOm wi'hin !he currenl poli.iell boundlri.. of Jon1an in !he p....nl paper (no Flnniidl~, 1I Muscidle). 5. ZooeeocnPhy Tbe Tu,kish .peciou of Flnniidae and Muscidae faJI into ....r<81 di<tinet croup> .cco,din. 10 their dislribu,ion, Q follo_, (a) Widespread r.lacB..tie .pecies. ocamin. mote or le" thtouaJoout the r.I.....· lie u&ion (27 .peeies): F""flhr COfti<II""i, 5,,,,,,oxy. <ok/mlllJ FOMitI icel""o,,, H...rn,,,DbIa Ifti'''''' FOMitI wWul, Holi"" ,rot',;" MurdNIleWdo Myo.,';'" "'edi'obundo M~.w.o ""bukuu 11ebft:""""/>-"'" Jlyd'DlMO de~IlpeJ G,opMtooY" nr«v!o,o Hyd'OlMO f/«",'" Unuwp/toTo J"'lIUJif,,,,,, HydrMQN .labrl...", U",nopMrO '/pINks Hyd,ot..." if'~"" UtpePYl_ HydrolMO ../ut;",.
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