VOh.Vf..i DOVER, MOREIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1876; NO. 32 Ilusiniss Curds. THE IjRiON'ERA 770. 1876. JTBLIMIIU) llTBII 8ATLJI1DAV ir AS GOOD AS THE BEST II. A. BJ3N.NETT, M. D , HALL GEO. RICHARDS & CO..{Freeman Wood, 3 --AM)- murlKQcudprunlMs. U'l.on-lu3o*<\<\t IIi,i •,f n. VOGT. IIOMXEOT ATI-IIO M coinplainniil, owl Mary Juno Wcmlvcrl >irnaiiiETOn, .•U..C..I ' nnrl Amos O, WoolrRrtoii «ri? (hrrmlaii PHYSICIAN & SUKGEON^ CHEAP AS THE CHEA|EST. laPlnrnalik- to Oolobcr Term, A. P, 18TC, SPRING AND SUMMER! on Morris$t»»t naar 1 Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts. J. W. BABBITT, CALEB H. TALENriSH, .Sol TEIUIS ,t' lunscai INSURANCE AGEN1 V vlrtuu nt llw nbofr Htntfd writ of fii (Onpoailo Dover Dmilf,) B fuclitn in my liaodu, I tb=U Dipmu for m TO ALL WliO .. ,Y THE 1JE8T BOVEIt.S.J,, DRY GOODS ot J'UIJLIC VENDUE, ot llm Uu»?d Flnl OOOPS AT TJUv l,ijl?]?i«B? PHICER, CiO TO 83.01 aaiM of woman and Children, and or tbi PEACT10AL TAILOH Hole], iu Morrktbiw, N. J., on EioaBdEnr Bpcdaltlea. i Months, - • 1.01 MONDAY, the 7ih day of Augusi OUlco nonnl i 71., 5 A. JI., 1 to 8 and 7 lo 8 P. U, isaOpil , W. -T. A.D. 1B70, httiveec llio liuum of 12 31. end I FO11KICIN nuil DOMESTIC. ' " ck P. M., that IB to nay, »l 2 o'clock h tin A Ilin chilling bUAlDnai . moon of aniil ilny.air.ht. follofflllb'CIPB " J. K, — VBf, haa Imilt up a HlRi; tract or jmreel of land nnd1 iircmiBtn, ri M T iiinanicB-ttid linut in Hit- irurld : PASSACE TICKETS andl lucrcaalno trndo and now lead..
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