Ilusiniss Curds. THE IjRiON'ERA 770. 1876. JTBLIMIIU) llTBII 8ATLJI1DAV ir AS GOOD AS THE BEST II. A. BJ3N.NETT, M. D , HALL GEO. RICHARDS & CO..{Freeman Wood, 3 --AM)- murlKQcudprunlMs. U'l.on-lu3o*<\<\t IIi,i •,f n. VOGT. IIOMXEOT ATI-IIO M coinplainniil, owl Mary Juno Wcmlvcrl >irnaiiiETOn, .•U..C..I ' nnrl Amos O, WoolrRrtoii «ri? (hrrmlaii PHYSICIAN & SUKGEON^ CHEAP AS THE CHEA|EST. laPlnrnalik- to Oolobcr Term, A. P, 18TC, SPRING AND SUMMER! on Morris$t»»t naar 1 Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts. J. W. BABBITT, CALEB H. TALENriSH, .Sol TEIUIS ,t' lunscai INSURANCE AGEN1 V vlrtuu nt llw nbofr Htntfd writ of fii (Onpoailo Dover Dmilf,) B fuclitn in my liaodu, I tb=U Dipmu for m TO ALL WliO .. ,Y THE 1JE8T BOVEIt.S.J,, DRY GOODS ot J'UIJLIC VENDUE, ot llm Uu»?d Flnl OOOPS AT TJUv l,ijl?]?i«B? PHICER, CiO TO 83.01 aaiM of woman and Children, and or tbi PEACT10AL TAILOH Hole], iu Morrktbiw, N. J., on EioaBdEnr Bpcdaltlea. i Months, - • 1.01 MONDAY, the 7ih day of Augusi OUlco nonnl i 71., 5 A. JI., 1 to 8 and 7 lo 8 P. U, isaOpil , W. -T. A.D. 1B70, httiveec llio liuum of 12 31. end I FO11KICIN nuil DOMESTIC. ' " ck P. M., that IB to nay, »l 2 o'clock h tin A Ilin chilling bUAlDnai . moon of aniil ilny.air.ht. follofflllb'CIPB " J. K, — VBf, haa Imilt up a HlRi; tract or jmreel of land nnd1 iircmiBtn, ri M T iiinanicB-ttid linut in Hit- irurld : PASSACE TICKETS andl lucrcaalno trndo and now lead... s_ tri fioo ccity l)inH and bulnff in tlio lownalup Of WajluiiKloi 11. uison it MID rnou' SURVEY 0 E, IIIB HrfB vltli ttic...! larajoal"larg l aitorc' "", '[arco« ' 't H H A U. 3XT E! (S S3 FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, etc LOKDOK oiil LIVBItPOOL nno, Ctstvcl, . . ._ .' '. IQ no^iE, - . *• 000,000 -ontivitiiUB iwoiilj-tliriiD hmnlrodthB or an tor l'HVSICIAM and SURGEON, ALL OHDEIW PHOUITLV ATTENDED TO; HATS and CAPS, irland, bo tlio same tnoro or-lent. Thoabor —:—To:—— STAB, Jcraej City, '• DOO.OOO JfiHnnimri lot. or bind ma conviiyed \>y Wllllan DRESS GOODS DOVJEB, N. J. OIIILDKEN'S SCITB A SPECIALTY J. Hlownrt and ivlfo to Mary Jaua Woolvcrto A larRe nnd wttll arlL'ctuil aloclt of tho wilo ofAmoa O, Woolvortou, tho deed bear omcE *r TUB r HUUEL wian HUDSON OOUIITr, Semy Oily, iff (Into tbo twenty-second day of Fobrnnrv i i» year or our Lord ono thounanil eight lmn< IUII. PLICI L INS SHBEX BIIlEITa. FEOM & TO $9. HAMJESS, SADDLES, Oatiilnl 6300,000, 8DHVEY01I and COIiBOTtt ot I.NSDnANOE DHDGS AND I'.HIILY MEDICIM. red ana aittv-twu. ' .. DEnOEH 8TUEBT, EuVEU, N, J. WHIPS, BLANKETS, STANI)A«1>, Xtalim, " 300,000, rlliltSON A. FHUEMAK. HhcriiT. laluo alBO[linont of FINE OtOTHWO fo Dated Muy fllsl, 1B7U. [I'r. f. #7.21). IIIIK P. S Ordcrrdcra lott at M. U, Diult-tsou'Di a itore. urn) HOUSE OLOTHTKG SHAWIS, SKIETS, itre. MEN, TOOTH'S' and BOYS. rEOI'LKH, Kcivnit. " 808,000, aiy nitidoncidn o wilill rccoivl i f prommpt attention ttti , ' Uaomlof , Sljeois,PlyKew,Cnrry Corobd, BrnnbeH, norm Coi uil'liin] Uuoilx, Drioil ruiil "-' !gint for tlio je.UJr. aiHlPlroIiiiut- CITY COAL YARD. Trad, Coffets, HIISI fH, HJIICON and cwrj- - —..(liiluntu by (ixiii tha—t tli«o Jobbing pnmp.lly atlended to. ipaulca. 1M Ihiuf,' In tlin Unicer? line. W"JLwill rcacb_ tho piiroli&Bor Iu perfuut order Indies nadj'-iuuJo SUITS ill thorn on BLAOlWELIi St.," noil to Gngo 1 - - . MiiioHilJ,MornsCa,.N.J. op Monms OOUSTI. Loliigh, Scranton, i Bituminous SPRING- of 1876. DOVER BANK. •or rlnlmoBB In DEaiaN ami VAJ17ET\' r Jtjl :3F- 1 ' • ' ]fllco over QEO. niOUAItDSi Cofi STORE, Hot-Air, Gas & Base-lMirn- SI1XE tlicy taii't bo bout. Corner or BUckffell tgA SIUIOX Sta, Fashionable Millinery O O A. X., IIOITFIKS TO LET:NcoiiroitATF.. D DI* THE STATE .OP SEW DOVEE, N. J. : Irnti, Klcol ami Mi nine llalorhls of all Idmls. Jng Cooking Stovo. Hsiivcmd in all pirtn ot Ilia City and vicinity 1 JERSEY. DOTER.' N. J. ' AND tiwilvt timl fuse, H.rum unit Qnn Pino and HX MAVI: nr3iri;tvr.n OUB nrni.vii STOCK or M. tlUi7.II. id tlw LOWEttV LIM1KET PRICES, 111 HHtiRH, Cut KmlB, Bnilik'iV llnrdiraro, Dlncl:- iucccssor Io Sc?lii-» llault n:m I. B.JOUEY, Proprietor. THE BEST BAKDia STOVE IN THE WOULD qnnutilics Jo utit piucbnucra. * iiltli* nnilCf..|ientcin' Tools, HI cum i'aokl Freeman "Wood, rvii. a. w. cofciaxs, Also, ft Lsrgc Auorttacnt or olhor Glylos <3oo«lsi. rnll hinds. o the "Ilulan Bank at JlOTei'.'. Horse".fi li?d CarrUgf • to Let. of Caokmg HiuvnN, nanj(on,. l'orlor THE llclng liti^o nhotiiiulo buvcrSiiTc ni<> rnn Juutit'O of Ibo Tcic* t,inl Polico Ila iwlr OFFICE ami JlEfilDENCli opposite tlio fitoven, Ac., • • • OiUIBOAITE. offrr nil fioody at choiipcut rni-iu. INMANLINE, ', iapital,- $100,000. .atest Styles & Newest Designs Fur hnuAag In ojoti unim, DtiriiH irltb itanin SCHOOL, HOUS3# FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE. (MIL. ItLAOKWlCI.Ti nml SPftfJEX St., .TTENKON OTYEU TO THE POIICIIABE Wt \mvp Ibo bent a^nrlmrnt nr IEAHLY OrPOBITE NATIONAL TJ1JI0.V DAKR Aim haw troiij amoKo and Mulpinir, llii[;li NATIONAL LINE Oo-im|sellor at Law, . MIME HILL, N. J. Aha, a cliolce Htoekir dirniirr Llian Onnuel Oml. Also DOVER. N. J. ilo of nil Bonds-to tbo tollection of all BII1LDIKO, DOVEIt, M. J. sotes, CtioekB, Ao. A1M Agont* for tbo cftlo of Children's Carriages,' AND 1USXGB IN OHANOEBt, Hionr. Hnrdwnrc, Cutlery, LIVERPOOL and Irjrtti on J. 8. Morgan & Co., London, England, FIBE WOOD.' IRON IN THE BLOOD. ana DciftuU JJankiiifr Conijinuj*, Ireland. OHleo In Hit National Union Bank Building laaa, Wooden, Copper, Plain and Japanned Tiio larfiogt and raoxt complclo stack of Mllll- 3LACFu-.i,L8r.l DOVEB, N. J. THWAJIE. cry flna Taurj Onods to lit* round in Dnvoi' DAM'I'Atnt'Ot:!. DF GREAT WESTEBN Boys' Wagons, Oil Clotlil. Oarpeta, I.impi, Pilnta mil Olll, DIRECTORS; BRADBURY PIANO. itrd CaRCn, FonfliM-a, rmit'e Astral Oil (i -- Rminetn, Hats, Flowtrs, IVnt- COMMON and FRONT BRICK Hobby Horses, &c. nplnjlvr.) Alao, cru, Uibbpna!, Lnces«rvn HAII STEAMERS. r. ir. EiuKEnso.v, jonx AND HIE nml Iiuitntion—Net;ktit)» ASSESOKHS HO0KIID TO orFItOM ;ENIIY 1UKE1I, JAMES B. LEWIS, ATTORNEYS A COONSELLOHS AT J)EAI.l:H IN UOAI.. FXllK. HH10K and CKAV, ami Jtows, Collnrs, • #. [. C. WillTLOOK, G. G. "•"'"- : LAW. SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN. tooting, Plumbing aiulJob - Lace, mid Klnen i^otinno^UtoTlmui Liverpool, Quccustoivn, Glns- SS-tf . • fllMOU MISEL. Cor. JJlaekwell and Sumei HUk rervtoir. dilUtD. AiDBttttY'S store DRAIN TILE, OVEN.TILE, LungSDnd ClicBt, aro Dcver Savings- Institution, BOOTS and SHOES. Waolwell Bi., Dover, N, J. Hut iets, CrnpoH. Mourning Honimt Bow, JLonrtoiKierrj', London, •••• DOVER, N. J. Workpromptlvottoudod to.* aii.lHolls. > speedily and pcrtuiib- DOOTELl'S PATENT STEiM COOKING of Dr. WiMar'a Italxnui Itiistalor Card in. OFFICE W- DOVEIt BANK- Dcfieraoei 21th,'187 J. 1-ljr 1 J c. MAGIi:, Jr., APPAItATUS. . . . A lino flsaortmcut of . • Masc n i Material, &'o, For TICKETS ami I'arliciijurs Apply to i. a. HEiQHDorn. - i. o. sum] an 1 leave HID 'c'ama behind, OH ATTOBNEY AT LAW, 'fllrbank'li Bonlcs at Manufac- Ihignons, Switches, Braids, &c, innrit ^eiijLTliGp, but Inrifloii^ , - -- ^ milmi/t huRii and uHiivR Irritation, tluin removiiitr tlio !. MNDSLEY & SOS, OPFICEliS: turer's prices; - Alro', a Tory lurgo variety a 'OIIMIIAKCR - . . . VEK nBOJVN'S DKUG STOHK : lie Celebrated LISTER BRO.'S Did Iron, Copper, 2rats, L«ad, Ha» and Street, near R. R. DOVER,JV.J. 'AME8 B. LEWIS - - . . \u ATTOBNEY [troonbaekn tnljen In. cxehnnso for Rooda. ZEPHYBaOODS, CONSUMPTTONCAN BECURED VAItREJ)fiEOUil - .....,- Oor, Bloo^woll and Susiei Sis l.y B tlmrly resort to ting ntRDflurd rcntcily. ai :o: JAME3 H. BHDF.N i Co., ' And A fine stock of in prnvi'd liy InmclrrdK »rtpntlmmnala It jini *»• "."©6.VEB. N. J. llookamy, Marrh 1,1873. ' * jadles'Furnishing Goods. BUILMNa LOTS FOE SALE 111! PC" onW wvnpwr.. 60 ela. amf»1 a lint DRAFIS on L1VEBFOOL onil Mil TllUSTEEH. tic; Inma liolllc, taucli tlio clioapcr. KETU KOYALBANKo! IREtAND at LOW- .Tolin Hanco. ;. or tint boet tnatorlal one! mado v W. J'OWl.K&BOSS. rropriotorB.Boalon.flrasfl. ad lw of ll.o Kallonal Unio "compotont. ' ' cm Urn »«aa Icadltiff from . EST KATES. '• ' • . • • Jnmca Jl. Lowin, Sold by dealer, generally. -^ - 37-ly JOB..11. Orittendeu, Jan. H, NelBliboitr, ;••• ••: LHif DOVEKfo.MOlIIST.UOPE, 3!-lf ox. lYigtitoii, ' . Chan. U. Tunis, . . THE SUCCASUNNA IB. ItodL'ivr, , titciibcn 0. Jlorrv, A. O DOVER, N. J. " »vld JfluKbiB,"' ' O Dflica nrer A. Wlghlon's aUjje and tin storo, E. J. RliEY svi-3 B. JurdlQG, JnH. A, Qociali', . By M. Sigler, jlvciitoi Plckoraon, Hicham irnikiUB, bflB JUBI openod u DOIT DAHEJlYon Stave and Tin Ware Store,, tlchard StcphonH, •13. N. rjorraa Fnr|)l|hlnB^ Undertaker. . SUSSBX STJtEET, AT LOW PRICES. lgbertF.On.in, Stoves. Stoves. F. BaEilortou, LICEMED AUOTIOHEBB ASDCOinHS- RA e.CO;OPER, next to Mollor'a Opor* Ilonic, .whoro n c... „ arlcj) .T, RftolliiR • THE OLE STAND. • invltod from .all, old; fdotidti ami cnatomrr DOWIN'S HALL BUILDING, M. C. VliKlpclt," BIONET. 0? DEEDS, in4 tbe fiver-nr tbo Ronorsl.public. At al FALL and WINTER. All ofilora promptly «lt«ital to: Mason, and Builder.. ;imca » full ami fcoeli eupjilyuf • • • '* •••-'.• Thin Tn nil tu lion in nm nretu)ir bnalnesn.. ^ BREAD, P^VNOY 0AXKS, HOhh3> . W'niTL.0CK& LEWIS. id Jobbing.- •••.-•• . DIaotwollHtreot, Dovar, ODlee, in JJ0Ti>rUntil!. WMK, PLASTEn AKD CEMENT, • BUN3, CONFECTIONERY; BTO. E nuhBcrihsr taki a plesRure lalnfnrmli Intercut filmll coram rumitiiff' lipon all _ the dtizonr. or «[..=mmimiann„ d Hurroiio mti, dmwBitPil on ibo ilrst • ' FumUbcd at iliora noUoo. - • ''>f. • • ' ' " !iiyor,'.' Dover. a Sans every muruicg. Hpcclal paitin vrill bo IUU Hi. wfiiueuUbllMnncTiilat tho »l)ov«Biaiiii, Carriages and Sleighs, J. « .;•-••' I7-U. Of tliR hint'and must iirinrored RtylfiH, far idor tljo HtipervinEon nf Sir. J. filUTH, wcli Tfimlnu publicu.Jprivate.i»iJk]lnj(B.:A luge ikcn to pIcbHO all bntli an to quaUty anil pri< iown BR nu oiporlanccd stoTo ilaalar ana tin* OfllTflrjr D«wrlp|l«ii. aianrtniDDt.ottjtovDi.cbaaproroaBli. •< • • • 10-3ni. :'.-••». Deolora In- •mltb. Tho ptocli.df enmlrt coiiHlHtliiffor tlin S.R.OSMTJN, • COOK, PARLOR, HEATING ittfltO id moM unjiroTcd to.BUdiir.il and torjeaSt., DOVjan,». J. H. P..SANDERSON ;7&rTENTtNNIAL!' 1876T . Pirlloutar att Q plld to Iipalrlor and Dentist, 'CHEN STOVES, ONE Hlnttnj; •• '3 no\r ready Qfrain for tbo Fall and Wmlc DRY GOODS, ^b, N. J., fto,;Alao a variety of X Trade ViUuVlirgnlj iiicreiiBDil iilocli of , have Jiiot bwniput io TOftY NEVVEar MANUFACTURED lie Proprietor forUorn B County ovBit ^AnpiuTony. WAG oftWOOD woiut FLUiUUllva anil Aiiaja and Aaa]?»a of all deictlptloDa or Groceries, * BREINIG&HELFRI UoliIFlllltisnSrcclnlly. : KEROSENE OIL, LIGHT AND HEAVY. . "if Qoode DHKSAPJDIUINEltALS LANTI Jnnld Nltroua Oxicla Gaai Aoi.'ic., Ao.' Ao .Crockery," LEHIGHVALLEY jmEETANIA WAItE, JOB.J. b»YlnK jnet re 1"JP Sucenamma, K. J.. Oct.'jlnt, 1875. STOCKof ' .. e Itowa j alBO T/ncli. Grandin. Afnl jwnortinent of mult, nt whool fttotory ratoa. READY-MADE CL0TION& Glass Ayiirc, Memo Co^Qty Surrogate's Office. IOO IAUDS Fnosr D. L. 4 w.- - " JIAyS3d,lB7(l. . FIEST-0LAB8 CARRUGE AND , tho matter of WillUnvII. AHon,- Ailminlntra- iDilBumiucrnoar v ill offer thom k at tbo I,PT>E«I mi Mt/DH follows; I Allen Palm!er.& Son; TIN & JAPAN WIRE, • SLEIGH ORNAMENTS. • tor or Maiirico Allon,,deceased. Hurogr'-'" Ordor to Limit Creditors, - - . KS- PLOWS and: ICarpcntors """-:' •;• •::*• T..F. GUANDINt Piop'r. Hiring liatl a long oiporiocco In tho Can-lag. N applies tfon of ttoaboro-niinod Adminit- (7.00 to (18.00 TIN^OOFINa, 3USIECU ;nj\blei me to tx> a, compflfenr Jnilge Wood& Willovjr Ware trator. it i« orderoi] bj thd t>urroxato-4hnt in'a Wora'.odCoaiH nndTeata, 7.C0.' 13.00 Exo«ll(iiit a^oomnKxUUoiiH f»r. Jranatont or if any »rliela oenncctcil wilh llio linslneia, anil lliOo taid Aiimin.itratcr. glvo Pnblia iNotico to Farming Utensll8.-®a my penpm InvorloR ma will "thofr onion may Hi's Ela'jk OoatF, ------5.0O • 12.00 porpiucnt bourdon., ilno a livery and boarding LEADKK8, m,l all UB&B ot JoUdng la in? Hoc, litftta of tho enlnto nt said da«Kteni to "cntHflVBalts,, - ; - -....-,. u.00.' 12.00 tuple Bttacboil tn thuhouao. -Pan saucer* taken .' KAVE8, TROUGHS, i llieir ..Oolite,•'domanils ami claluiH -"* ia tlia ucBtmuitvar nau *t tho BimiioM toy'e Salts Ilvu 1.00 fobbing promptly atteridetJ to, ur goods.' ... taby McU bjntnti 'tho mostpnbllo placoi. In tho conoty of Mor. W. S. fcK . F. DeCAMP,' ilhcy are n»Bto(l nut lei - " • oilra, - 1J» U!LDER?jifip«(ABE ( rla for two HKHIIIIS, and ola« nltbin tbo said S.J. PAtlMEK- A-tclillect. ALEXANDER .WIGHTON.; ' tji Covor-tha »monnt. twonty days by advertising tho earaa, in tlio iEQOTIATOItFS k P3WBPECTGBS 0. 1-lvr pycifillpyc'ifllj eolldUeolldUdd . ' ' "" EBA, nno oT tbo now,™pom of Ilia 8t»W, OP EYEBY BESCB1PTIOM. ' Iron and Steel, ' . .JO natna epaeo o/tlmo (tha Snrrogtte Jadfi- lor Iran Oroa nil lliniral Property, • '•' • •'n;p.'HANDEiiaoK, ' IR nny fnrlbor notico to 1M nnnoc«iBiry)j und \ents' Fnmishing Goods. ' .'*. Oppiwito lJovorDopot 'any creditor BlaU nogleot to »biblt hu or ir (lobt, dDtnand and claim iri^bln tho laid itB anil cuntlaacn irlll plaano lwA in WEEVfLiLiE, N. J. Gns Plpo find Fitting!), 'rind cf rfDO raonllis, publto notlco bcitiu tcecdingly low, nml a goncrnj ossortmentot inlBdllnt K. J. nOBEBTi M. & I. Searing 1776.. :;• 1876. ;iven ta aforcealil; aach ornOitor ebillbofor- Organs arid MeMeons V. p. nVBOONTON, N. T. Agricultural Implements, A M E R| ijot oirrt»l ot tii*OT htr nctltin tliofcfor nguinsl CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, : c -WATCBES. fttor. . ATENT PARABOLA NEEDLES ^. and; Tuned : CARPENTERS. EDsi TsminzEXH' euin'rAfo URNITURE, CARPETS, OIL ft N E. B. WILLIS, Snrroffnio. • PLOWS, nAnnowfl,'«EEB miiLia, WALTHAU. ELGIN &. HOWARD WAICHES. A'trno copy from tin mlnutcB. , TiMO f partor'HorrtaOiunty.' • Ad HagonalB,- Worstedo, :V«rtIpgB,-Aa, [DAS SCHAPEBB, anunxB, arADKtt, noea, roBKR. Pricoi rcdacoc! twenty to thirty per cent. New PASSACE TICKETS catalogue) trttb prlCQrion 1-31 AmO'kuL Watch- andBUlLDERS, MAOOINIR, Ilonn ItakcR, Hay JLOTHS^IHATTINGS, 4c, Ac, , a'to terra i. Jljnto Got a Wntch witlioat Pbo Minors* Snvinjs Bank old Ity the yard and cut gratis, CloUilag made LiVWN.aiOWBHB, Itollort, Win? oDoy m odvanro. dull or nriln Tar now pilco nnlcr in tl.obtisC'Blia lstBit itjlo at ill or, l. N. II. WHITE, Ko. Ul 31rond street, illoo. -^ All,p<(racns tleairips 'anjlliing in the Vaaos.cnoQDET.Ac. arintklcncti, ; OP DOVER, N.J. * iRAM, HANCE & Co.'s STORE, cmirl.,N J. 4-Iy lovc-raontloncd lino of goods are iclvJied to 'OOKKT .,; roll carbs, encambbr I'nmjifi, &e.' All B[«B ?owder, Fuse and I ATTOBNEY AT LAW, 3 jwifnz OP Tin* NATIONATJ. XJ^lOJi P. ll anil 6iinline tlii»'itook and .coneidor tho PORT ORAM, N. J. lUAIN TIPE, DIRT BAItKOlVS, &c. THE; OELEBEATED lcrs, wbioh sre ianoh LOWEB tLtn ever SCISSORS and RAZORS; 1 ILOVER, ^TIMOTHY, AND JOX, oxiiEn ifira t will bannltlon d D o xr- in xt., xaV a . T^OIt nil tlio principal linos ot u t on IQ ships befarotltoilratdarBof tat, Ji'si, 8EP- f«ro sold Io Dtmr. Do not forgot tho plow. * - from Now lorktnUvortKKil at LOWEST Materials constantly on ra nd Dccumss. t.EOAST OP TOilsn ASD KEES OFKlioE. i»niaiidSi)CrclttcatiouBrurbQUdlns8,Oan.racti HELD SEEDS. •• VTESV AlflO DHAPIS ON dflEAT BItlTAIN Open dally from o'clock A. M. to 1 AND IRELAND. : -.- 10 . i. Ulifln and realerlalB farnis>icd, - • A full osiortnicDt* TfiOItBtJI.N'S aARDES BDCEEYE MOWER. WM.SIMOIsr, SEBpa.lLISTEIfa tmjALLENTOWNBONE, CloCKP. IT. . q A. aLAJJCHAiUrS • B. P, UWE, dl«9ojvci bono, blood oud porn- MANAQEBS; SUSSEX St., nearBlnckwell. M.H.DICKEES0N, Jobbing in ,General. thn EDAOO, dDnblo rcfluetl pnodrtttr, planter, HENBY ITriFAELAlIi , iror.y.J.,April2Sa,-1870... ,. , 48-ly EESTAURANT ' lor. Wabkwoll arid'Morris Streets, IRVING AND HAIR "CUTTING to., At loffeat trade prices. = .*• aEOROE EICHAEDS, ladica and ecntlctnqn, BLACHWELL St,, Doccial)flr2ith,1870. • ' . I-jr. EPHBAIM.. LINDSIiEX, BLACKWEL.L St., OOTEn, N. J., bDtffeon supacx and Morris SM. Vborhees Brothers, J. V. BENTLEY I. W.'CONBIOT, ' DENTISTRY . HAELWAEE MIECHAW S, pnver ond n JAME3 H. 8QIPS0K, DOVER. N. .1, A PIKE BILLIAHD ROOM F. .isT. JEISTKIWS, COOTMBUH BEACfl, 0-5m , ',; MOlBBISTOWN,'If. J( W. n. LAMDEBT, iliaeliil viiib two cltrinl tabto.. 21-11 DEUGGIST, '. FAMILY BIBLE, I. E. JOLLY, SLATE ROOFS! A LEX. KM0DSE, icwjotorcli-ctrotypnTIIHEFERNCEridro plaic. _l . , B. " pages moro or tuo text lunn any brdmtry :EXIlT»fcPAIlrAN, Prmldont. ' iiisoricTuniui or 4 irlo Dtbld rnbilBiisii nn<] cmbcllhlird v/Hh CT11IUIM 1DIDSLEY, ROOMS. a iho icjul.nts of OhtiW and vldpit; Uml farly TWELVE H UN DEED ENGRAVINGS on THE MOST DURABLE nd SODA WAIEB, ill tlroff ntore U now comnHtud with .a freib COAL 'ooiliiadtjlco!. It In tbo grAnd^t Uibio in JAVB. TREAT, Trc (rock of tho pnre« DRDari tbnt (bo muUl ia vortd, itnd is A comploto on cyclopedia- of NEW IMPROVEMENTS Dover, Foil. 17,1873. nU Fjk HbiT0UGT AltHOLBS ililical hnnnlcdffo, and conlalni among ottior NSERTING, EXTRACTING, BottleoltlcdJ LaccrLaeor, AA| oo»n iriidi Portermrtai . lUtlnta, ParPar- .— dtmruotton of an IlinBtnitcd Prononnekiu Eiblo Die- ra and'•'•• plB-nie" 'tta supplieauppllcdd i nwrcmpMvM , atnhotethote-- ily rollablo remedy. TO MEET THE TDCES AT THE C1IEAPEST. ™to ratei'^OWdor"s lofBt at tIhVo jTtlck'l.._e Hdnaed , Tbo beat of fftdt Water with the finettfor rolt-n'to Iho Rlad?iof tbo Bl'blo, t coraplcto FILLING,"*?. ittonilotl to ptomptly- syrups, fresb noil cold, nght from tbo fountain. Iblorf or tho Uootiaof the Ulblo; CitUa of tlio IATIONAL UNION; BANK 'boIuudsmuostnEd tbo Boat. ; Jlblo #lt!i Mnpntllocnt yiona and Bcscriptivo lilltiOnal charge for oitraotlcr wbero I hwo by Btrlot attention U bnslncaa'anil EEDUCED PfilCE3 for 1876. OP DOVEIt, NEW jlEBSEr, BEEMER & PALMER'S Hconua i lielfKlonB Donomfttitiom nad Orcods , ...tv tcelb am iiKerlcd. WoatonowmaH- AU-BN, PALMER 4 BON, •eliablognwla tainaritjoarpilraaigo. . or tlio World; Hibllcfll Nitoral Hlntory and i(t brantifol ieti or tooth for. THE HARDWARE STORE. • ' . •.: '. F. K- JENKINS. Jccnery; flonaordancc, Mdreloal Bf fcrenota ; o now prepared TfHli eilra facilities for put- Cbcater, N. 3., ITay 37th, IWS.' . 3*-tf :ARDPRI0Eg, TOR CASE ONLY: PanlrasinMotrs;.Faniily Kecerd; Fac-afmiles E. LINDSLEY& SON, Agents, Capital, - $200,000. lit on HLATE ItOOFIHO In aU the tarloiiB FIFTEEN*pOLUARS. mbinatjona DI ntjlos and colon which may bo VOOBEBES BKOTHEUS, iconrioit of OhriHt; Sorlptorq hiDlcnltloa Hankinghorira From0 A.M. to 4 P.M. Prompt miGUDdor rcqniml and which Hoofing Slain it, plilpod, llapn, ami mauy gther tl.fngn, cni- ;•#•••.•• tUmtton -Rlron to tbo nnrchnso oadsnlo oi ' eminently iinaiiflod to produce. Blow, por ton 95,75 Stovo, por ton $SAH icing - " • • - Thn boat iitallty of Slato trill bo nxM aud idi nml other Soouritios;. tlio collection o\ Ll. 1VOISE i ir TTork. warranted to ptodaco ill tttQC. ' fi.M I.nmpt G>Q BOUND IN THIS •WOltK, - aca No, aoii^inut, J.IO vftrioUH BtjIcB of binding, from $7.00 to $20. 1}AII(6, EtHLPEKB1 HA11DWABE, BIU)OKSID£, Jf.' J. COLUMBUS BEAOH, "15 If ' 'Dover. N. J. P. JAS. W-BHOTHEIITOK jantv.K, J., that i afialns„ t bintl AND ITS HESODftCEfl.- Complcto in Ow ^ited. Iban »ny •tho: cheap Bibles. AiOETir R. Btaus, COLDIIBCB BBACIX, u«t bo eiuililtdd to tbo iubgcrlbotgcrlbot ,hi hiss A: Ilirillins bmtory of IOO crciilftil Scarf* alwot, lp 1 A O03IPLETE STOCK 0? . • ': IOO, oiider onth ueforo iba sDyoutb day Ihogn-at "ESlImiTION,"~Er(ind in dunerlp- ' EOPtE'S 'STORE. jgotber with borncB, aoH all tbo noocmtj I am »W able to proenro tho [BAAO W. BEADING, ISJAOB, Jou.i!r, tionoroar rolplitj resources "la agriculture, CALCINED PLiSTER, 1 DRJF1 t nost.it being tbo limit.of tho ti iVnodcn Warp and,' cqulpmeata/or^bo "LIBttAllY.OP rOETRY AND SONG, TionAnn OEOBOE, JOHN W,' JAOERON,- ' ' by tho OrphanB'ConraCou t orr JUarrJATorrlfal ooiDtucrcc, tn!ncrali>. luannriiclnron, nainnl FIRE CLAY, FIHE DUICK, ,(*ber nt J. B. Ford & Co.'s pnyicatlonH, [ENIiT MOPAIHIANI TljiildAB ' Connly Tor Knob or bn f ! barred voiiaor*, cnrKiflities, etc. nil richly Hiubtratcd. on of the DoaiBc A "Contorj^ Mtp *iiA "fliKVe-EjoVleTf" free. ' Hpnsoliccplng Goods. BLUE STOKE, WOOD, . torjTninglaloTtaiTiacnilDftlJOiiaiUcsWlc -—•—'-' lftl . 1 Anil Raid creditors aro fnrtlior noiiOod that a Bella inairGllcaaly TIBL 1,000 tnonr igcuis .. " •' '""'iui, -. . :' METAL OASKJETS, 9tr. ••.'.'• r,atito4 (lniokly for tbU stid onr ottintUrd : •LAO STONES, OCItBIHU, CELLAH aTEPS, WANTED, POB' CASH, list or tbo chimi ncriintt tboiaiil WUiam o PAINTS/OILS, GLASS, SHRODDS, IOE BOXES, and o?erythlog ptr- DonoRbno will bo filed with tlio Surrognlor 'UFB OF LlVKaSTONE," (10,000 alwady Lliiln/rlothfl Iratlo. Tii.mll roako It oy biu- OPnJO, BCU, UNTELS, TJ.ND PLA8- TO RENT IN CHESTER I iho Connty of MorriB borora tho cnaolne Ooto. Did, dsonoirDiblc, 1,000 IJlastratlom.' nan SABS. PAPER. OLD BOOK kTOCK, bcr term of Uio laid Orpb*niVOoart, wlicro icjcqa*!. Poroitratcrmf write to, ion togiro myporiODil ultcnffon in all canes TER, THOSrUATE ana BONE DCBT. lilBD WELLINO and STOIlEItO JM roeeri tly Oautipn! , . UCDJUnD BJtOS.. rnbliabcra, Tlili., Va. wfnr'o'I a» ft- millinery, ittuatod In tbo LEAU, aoPPEIij DI1AS3, 4c, • icopiicma rowb e Clod'6F any perwn lator- time, Cement, Plaster, hen called «nd jwlll endeavor to moot ill rdors-Biy bn iddruwil thronghUuJroai ilncHi Pirtof tbo riiligo of. Clicttcr. It In LLperFoni aTC irdrneil' airafinfit teii, JAMES A. OODAE Ai MfHiirementi'in the'beit Wnner, at tlio low- oo Lock Box 03, or left it'.A; &rcmei> ntfiee I aiUpuil for «ny boaluosi. A Dated June 10IMB7C BOM Doit, Slipiii r JUo f LlaBLl ^d'U, ] Kent vciy reasonable. - '•".,' MIOHAEI, WELM'S, .P.SOnSLLftOa.Koir mo(ii1IOTjatfl,^io ; oUie n.• ...... llftckwcillBtreet,awSni»«.'!" ' & York, for lot or ioo mgu, oonuio- >ucn D. Toonnau. *.'-''it.fc •••'••• •"••"•'•• .".'.s. '. o.'G. HQ9KIK0. -w uetrgptpaiB, nail citimttei II.H.PILWEH,* ! i smnnt. Cnesler, N.J., April 81b,11B70.- . - 17-il r mail nitf not resptctiiiH (lie ui-plmiiH* emirt. nml locution t« liio directed nud delivered, or warraut sball taquirt-, uii-.-i)t ^ i cDt'imitto.l to biaio i nupoioU'd by Ilio pfVjrnor. pm stri'i.'tv ^inllhp'loiTi.eil, bo iudorseJ oil nit t<> the provi.-innr. of tho forpfjoinp sn.-li wrtiHcatr. rtilatin« to the powers und duties of und to inuku Kalo of property hy meperson ui' jitTsoiis us :II\> or BIUIII be incustody cither upon contempt or mcanc 1 custody or ju-isnii bv , roccas, or in execution, to go (ir bo nl letitiuii, to fill a vnc.iucr in the t.flloQ of li. Aiid b.'it eu:ti-tei1, Thnt ii|U>« flU- Jim ordinary and tl.o orjiluinn court levied iinoii ami seize J bv virtue of auy ho sheriff B1»1I. lwf«r« be jirooi-cd tn iii^tlnM'(>rtiliL-Jtoasiifoiv.s.iid, Ilio per- uud surrugaUw.'* writ or i'Mi-iitiuii. fur any Rift, l>romist>, oscculiun, surety of tlic \wace, or special large out of jtrison, eiOL^itby virtue of 1 ., cuiiunmui if any euiirt uf justice; utitl nowowiHuf habi'aa corpus or mle ofeswiuo siuili I'llU '!, ffivo tlio boud and MI MI tvli-j nball Imvo Mfiucd und ucknowl- 1. Uo it minuted by tliu SJimtu imtl rr-wura or fnvui-; Hint I will do no wn.nB lake uud (subscribe [lio u;;tb or nfllrmn- ihliiwl :mch eerlitleate, and their nssot-i- uui'ml Asfiouibly of the Stnte uf Now 1U aujf I'tiricin f»i nuy ftift, rewind ur j tliat nu sluril}', lmrnny uf ilio officers or court (wUieu i-ulo of court hlnill be or or hatred ; that 11 miuiwlirw :ifi»rusuiil, i-lnill take or make, gruiiteaoulyon motiim nnulcor potitiou tion in luaimor uu/l form UH is prescribed utoM iintl snwi'SMrtu fcliall tliereiipou, bv Jrm'j', 'Hint tho one hundred and sixty- i ttH tliingd' ur e.iiw? to U»: tuk:'a or lDudc, auy oMi- rend iu open court}, nud except, IIIHO, ihivn,-;. U>rn wlit-riff oluct; uud tiiinh i-irtno df iliis lift, be a bod.v )tolitic and uiitlh fwctiun tif the uct to which tliin is fid b when otlierniso providcl by law, every sun sball, iipcii ii'cfliviiig iuforaitttiou corporate, hytbennnio Hinted in mieli a 8i'p]>]pinent, and section is in the word; JU1.I.KV, ul Ilinu, such going or being out of mini prihou it tliu (joveruor i»f his uppointnioat, •rtlflcuti- and ON E.!U'II "bull bnvo power fnHfiwiiig, viz.: "Iu cnimcs ion]ipt-tine nu;.!>. X. Di shall bo adjudged nud deemed, nnd in „ > liiiticn tlHMenf to tho jiulgca uf tin I. To haw prrpeliud mifcjssinu 1»: tie pmbitto of n will, if probate hu re- •111, lH7f Ibdiif i'l, Iimii.-.T!-. hereby declared to be nn escape* court tif cuiuniuii pleas of liisvuuutv, us its corporate iiiinic ; fnsid, *\\c caiirt mny older tbe ctwta und -tiftuitiKu tiiiit uot less than three days p'liaufi of tlie litigntion to ho paid by ADJOUllNJU) fill El SALE! 27. And bo it enacted, That every II. Tu Bm. mid to ho nii«l, c<»in|ihiin liiws 1 'rum the giving of such uotico wlion bo 1)f l bin body, fornnydubt equity ; and J>li[»'>. U. ! r Jiilm H. rccoverefl or aeknowledged, ir dumnges ml tho sjiid judges are iiorubv ri'ijuirtid III. Ti> tmii.v. i-.uil iifo ii tuininon haul,but if ]trabafe he granted, tho court filial! L'ilUllcH 1'i. Cbrk."Vi. i» ill' IIOU. nssosscd, nwardeil or udjudg d iu nny.u itttond ;il tlio ollku uf tho clui-k uf an id which limy U: atlixnl by uiiiklitR «» im- urdur tho luu-tiiu uoutfistlns auuh will t !•»,).!. It.-I tlnjutdi>lll JULIuiry Ti-» court of record, hutli been or lictvafter .-uiirt. ut tlio timu HU ussiguctl, on the prcsHiun (liiwtly cti tin* luipcr, mid ultci ])iiy Uiu costs mid expo lists o[ the litign Si ;iiillliiH' 1, Attj'd. , ..-.want ; und if uuy Hlioritf _ 'iiinulty fur iK'fiitilr, us in prescribed in tiun, nulcss it hbiill appear to tliu cum itlcr ofticcr, ur minister nforeaaM, re- tihull bu tnktii or arriisted by nny sUiTtili UmHstiBC at )ilt/u.-:i.v; Mni-iia C'inMil CHIurt. J;,nn-« .T- fiillii' w. ;hc ncttmd section of this net; and evo- tbnt the perKon con testing mich will had rk. l-'i. h. ,)ii that he hall take: r otlier nOWr, in wlioin any nuv\\ writ rvper.^oii Kouiinointcd to till a vacancy IV. Toii]i|iiiirii MII'II ofllcer. wnim ul halb mic uttibccii or filiutl be directed, nnd evcrv BOi-fi nml n-yiit-; ii:i tlm Ijimiiii'ss ol tlie niinhle cnuso for coutcstiug tbe val MJ to Jan- 1 Ihr^-tod! «»d vhi,!. tlmll ™.m« to w, the body, or tlmt such pi' skll. in all ri'speolH, comply wilii tb'o SryT-ni*"1, IH">.1" On (lit old i>iiMiiii»uuiil uC 1UU yvain ago, jiourug rtd hot nhot into S iwidufrd liimsolf or bcrstslf. «nd .ursnn who hivth been or uhull bncom- itlity of tho f.nmo ; provided, hmvevi.i Imuilti, will will luitlidilly ami truly ro- irovisioiiH and roqiiircmoutu uf this net, JAM liW J. ('(•1I.CH, AH'yl'na,.l . tliu >'EWABK CLOTHIERS, knotltingthtir prices ither oflicer or minister Khali bo niitttd ID tho custody uf any sheriff or mil Bo subject to /ill regulations nud re- V. Toionlicitv-lr.wa not iuiKMifilHUul that if upon the trial or healing of micl inni the Kiun- necordius t<> tbe bL>et nf other oflicer in Elocution/oi- miy micli wHathobwi nf'tk ntitluuroftlioUtii i,,v hkill auJ HiiileratuuiliiiB ; aud tbot I "gpublc to liuve tbo body of Hlich strict ititiH herein prosciibcd, and «lntll bo iL' iho jmrly contesting tbo validity a. IOU, attbedoyof the loliirn of thodebtor ilnmngea, bhiili be safely kept in mibJL'cL to thu i:iniu [leitiiltieH, anita and ted Stales fur thu iiKiiiiigt'iimut nf it( i will, dues utit offer any evidence will tmlv nml Imnenly, inthmit fraud prison inclose nnd secure custody, with* prniierty and tho n-milntioii (it ils ntrtiirs or.Wi't, do. cxrruto uml l>crf »ill, then he shall out he liublo I ..fllco, occotiliiiH to tli« Iwxt «f my j K of IbU lift. othorwifio provided by hnv mitil besliall hitvo hoen flulijoct to iu case Biicli potsoii iili ; puy the costs of tho successful party, ildi-ris Circuit Cmirt. ('liniles I-. iinjie nil mt'iit skill nml [tower , nml hiicli oatu 17. And he it emicti'il, That Bbcrifid mitiafy aiut pay such debt, or duttniKOii; [uid been elecleil to the oflleo of fjliorilT. VJI. T" tuHBtiuil li'ilJ by f-ift, ])nr l»nndtlio«itno horobyu BO amoudc TIJII'H^ .l.IInU-v vn. Ciinrl!.s K. L'lark mi or iifliiiimtioii in wriliug, «nibm>ril>ed aa and other oflii-enf, wlume duty it in or nnd if nuy sucli Hherin" or other ollicer jiisi), Ki'iin'i devise *'i' bi'ijucst unv ni that it shnll UUIKI cnnoled, ns followf Julii) K. (Viirk. Y'l. r:i. '!» I""". <•! f r. I ebtill pormit or suffer nny sueh person so viz : In caitfit'8 ruHpccting the j>rolmte o tlctit. Jtuinriiauli! (-J Oai.lit-r'IVnn, li*3. ufowwiid ami attested by tlie Kind judges toiiinke r.'turn of any writ 39. Ami ho it oiindcil, That wheucvvi , HijKtrty, rnil or iiwxdiul. nu.l tbnminic p 1 lie Kind jg lukcn, nrrcstnd or comnnttod, or liore- a will, or a (iodicif to a will, if prubut XLiimiMi n*(I.iriiii, Alt} *. or a innior l'»rt of Hum HIIU'II bo died process, BIIUH put their own unmea tin' Hltfiriffl of any iinuntv, boforo tho ex- to ilispoBOdf iitpleasuK! ; but ench cur l , after to W tuken, ntTCKted or cnaitnitted, pimtiuu of hi-Httmuof olllco Hhatl die or pomtioa nh.ill tint, in Ha mrpmutu nu- bo refnueil Uic caurt may order the cosl lli.rrh Cin-tiit Cmiil. MnltlJjtf <'. Wititlm. i the reSurii of KUCII writ or process, linJ lj hi-Jit in the office of til tliat tito court may huuw of whom they to KO out ol piisoii or ba tit large, by emovo out uf thu jurisdiction of tbepuuily, hold roul csUte, this yearly iu- uud cspeuseH ot tho litigation to be piiii mul Jitincu 11. lA\ti* \H. Jnjin S. Clint, mi clerk of tlit court (if common id'--™ > bail, maiuiiriuu oroUicrwiso, without tlio ronui'di'riveil frnm wliich KIIUII oxeood hy tho person or pemouH propumlin; t'lmrli'rt K. Cltirk [ Aline, t'i. fa. ik- lioti. < receive HUCII return, and nny sueriu or itutp, iir othtviviijo become dituiblod by tor. In I'IJHI'. Jli'tiiMiaiilfi to OCIOIILT lurn PRICES QOUTED by j mi.l for llicbaiuu county.- oilier offin-r, nho sbnll not aign such assent and cgrccmcnt of tlio pluintiff, iiw to oxcL-ute tho nfilcc, und as often OH tho hinu of twenty-five thousand <1ullurn tbo will or coilieil. or to bo [inid out o JM.-i. NcuiHiiiirn A PMITII, Atty'n. -1. And be it unacUil, Tlmt lie said returnfibtill lie umorceil, hull ILI.IO answer BiichshirifTiir otlier ufllcer ab»lf thereby tlm olUco of Mliciill'iii miy county HIIUII VIII. To cxcrciNU any corpora to jiow- tbo cstnto of the deceased ; but if ]iro MEWAEK HOUSES. j SOLI BY iiidpos. uftor liuviim tiikcu the bond nud iliiimiges to the parly. become answerable to tho jilui-itifT for uny roiisou bci-ouio vncnnt tliu coro- s neopssary to the t'scrciso of thu pow- biito bo guuted, tbo court shell order tin .[(irrUL'iiiiim'»i VU-n*. Aloxniulir ".ViyliUni v.. ulmiutslrrcd the oath or ttfiiriuutiuu ol tbc debt or ikninges for which RUcli ers ubovo oiiiimenitLul and Riven. party or parties contesting such will oi fliarlci* E. UJ-ifk uml J.ilni n. CU,i\u J'i. fn. 1 18. Aud be it cnncfeil, Tliut no ttbcrifF, s uf tlio county or eitliot' of tin ilu Ixin. it tor. On iim-UU-.i Juil^mi;]! AlltUoISiiit, $ «J;ML.. FELL ^ Co. for $8,001 oflicc ai afoics-uiil, s.liull deliver to every 1 persou was or KIIUII be tnkun, arrested, KIIUII RVVO mul csucuto all writs aud iim- codicil to pny tho cnstH and expoiues o umler&berifl', eoronci , or otlier officer or or committoJ : mul tho pluiatill' roiiy ro- And bu it enacted, Thut any mte.e- licfmnial'lu In (Jrtolj.rr IVrui, If",. Si slK'i-ift'uleel a e.'itilicute thereof, mulct il -IMLII lutvn full pnwer nml »u- litigation, unless it sbnll itppnnr to tin 11. X. WIIITK, Att'y. tlieir huuds uml seals, dim-ted to theminister, Bbull couvey ur carry or couso cover tho sniuo with cast, by notion of ii iiiGitrpnrjtud inny piefur n com- court thnt tlm person or persona contest Silk Mixed Cnssiiuere, J)| . 8.501 tn be convi-yoJ or curried any portion or thority to execute all tho otlier duties of plaint, baforo nny court or magistrate Juv»Tuor..rilieMliito, in tlo form tol debt ngniiiKt Hticli sbcrifTor other i-illccr, Midi nfllco «f Klioiill, until another HII .. ing tbe validity nf tbc same, or eh all no' ilnrrih Circuit Cmrt. lilrlinnlCIimrsfi VN.JNII piTsmis, by him or Ihem urrested, or iS. And bo it eiincted, Xliut if any Imving juriadiclioii, for tho violatjou of K. L'ln.k nml .1.il.it (). Ibrk. I'l. Id. {In km AIlWool Clicvlot, 101 9.501 KiwiuK : "Tills d«.v porsoiii.llyiii>l«ureil ill sliull bo iiniiointod and i]ualiiicd to liuvo ofl'ered uu tho trial or henriug au;, illlo before ua, Hie hiilifccnlwrs. judpca of ie being iu liia or their custody, by virtu any luw tt'ltitiiig to oriilTecling chrildi-dii, evidence other than tbfl eiibscribiug wit 11 ti-i' or color uf auy writ, process, or wairnnt terson in or Hlmll bo in tho custody ol aut; IIIKI tho coruiici' or coroueru cm- aud may aid in briftfrhig the facts b"Ioro Turin, 1B75. H Asiu;iifiis, Atl'y. fimrt of coniiiimi ]'W.» iu ui|d for the iMitiiiKsuuh writs, jiroccHs and powers im&Hcs to tho will or codicil; nnd iu C.IHC Fine IHiick Dlixcil, 121 " 11 county of , A. B., nml executed o to any tavern, olu liotisc, or other mihlia _my aboriff or other oillcor for not per- Biiul) court or miiRistrato in nny pro-it ahull appear to tbo court that Lhe per- Tho «alo In I >iil,im').nrtieiiBlniM victuullinjj or driukiug bouse, without forming nny decree of tlio onurt of clmn- itisiTI ho niiiwcrable fur tho diiocifen- ceeding tuken. 1l,1,.M..l...i,.:ilI)uJ lmniUo Hit! Slate cif Nuw Jersey, witli tion of tlio Huiuo dnt-in;; niieh iutoi'val in son ur persona con touting snob will oi ili'tii, in Jiiinirtiov.n, N.'J.. O Sew Style Plaid, It' " 13 tlio free nnd voluntary consent of tlio ocry, vliercuy money is ordered or de- 4. And ho it omictrrf, Ttmt all inagiB- cudieil had rcusonnblo CJUSO for contest' .sufficient siirntit bv itpjiroved, for porKoii or penioua HO arrested or iu cus- creed to ba imiil, nnd Bhnll eacapo horn !iku iimiiiicr ns tlio bhcriff would have i of the ofiico of tnito.H, cijOKtublos, sboritl'.-) nud ofiicera ing tbo validity thereof, the court ninj MONDAY, JULVHOi, " 15 llic fultlilul i-X' tody ; nur clinrgo. nny BUOII poi'son^ or tho Raid sheriff ur otlier ollluer, tben unJ UlL'lI. of jtolico ahid^iiBoccmiou may rcquii , Worsted I'luiil, I« , mid order that tho cost nud expeusea of tbe A.I). 187(1. liLhYOfli IIIL- huiit-H or 12 ll. n stiiTiffuf tin; said county of in every sueli case tho pcison or perfotiH, 40. And bu it eimuled, That wliencvcr uid Mic Hocioly HO iucorpomted, iU-ofli- subscribed the «itli of oiltcc iu due form _ wmj nilv muy of money fur wino, liligutiou, as well ou the part of GUCI oVIiiL-k I'. M. t by JL- L. I „,.,, mm, *pn">. spirits, nlc, cidur, liiu, her nr tlieir executors or adniinistru- any HliorifT or eoroiicr, or ptlier pereou cers, members'iind iigeuts in tbe cnlorco- contestant or contestants ns on part ol 2.HW JE33E IIOlTjrAS. Slusr flliiclc Dingoutil Prince Tlio same si of IHW ; pivfu uink'i'oiirluiutlaniid lorn, to whom tie utonoy was to bo imid tnent uf idl lawn wliieb liowaro or inny , in the year of beer, victunifl. or nny other liquor or owhoni nny writ of«seoution hy tier: tlio poison or poisous propounding aucli il-v of by the said order or decree, slmll liuyt !HJl;tHli:illi huretufuro houu diioeLud, ur liuiuaftvr bu uiiitcted relating to or n Morris County Surrogate's Office, Albert Suit, $18 to 23 Fell & Co. fMii l $12 to lsl uur Iiortl ' ;" wliicli cortitlcntn almll things •wlmtsoDver, except what he. slut, will or codicil fur probate bu pnid out ol tho uamo remedy nRuiuct tie nuid sheriff limit hiu-cafter he JircctcJ, li.ttli levied Ling children; und that, for tho Vat{ lie niiucxed to Oie uertilleata of clectiou or they shall call for of his, her, or their tliu estate of tho deceased. JU.VE lBlli, 187C. or other ofllccr ns if such person HO es-ur ulinll levy Urn Baino execution on tho of bvingiup, oftVmlers npainst Piicli In we Working Pimtf, 1.50|M. t. Foil* p. i'or $1,351 nfiucsiml, aiul by this said judges deli' own froe accord ; nor KIIU.11 cmiso ur pro- caping had been iu cimodj upon nn oxo- 1 Iu llu- matter ul Uutum Oiiliiirii, Esirnliir < cure Lim, her, or thorn to call or pay fur gdutlwiiiid clinltela ul on tbo lands and to jiiBtici*, Hie liliis powers uliall bo nnd ' lin DioliitiMiiii. IIOIIU.ISLII. HiUTUij^'tf'a onlu ficd to tlio hhtriff elect, to be by liii cutiun nt h\v, nnd sbuil recover tlio 2. And bo it enacted, That m inneh o If fliese l'HICES, wlion eompnroil, iio not 'couvinji ntiy cucb liipior, vietunlfl, orthiiifr oiccnt tenements of tlio piirtics nnnie'd tburein, are hercli.v given to the members, otli- tlio above recited section of anid act is ii. littnl cruditurri. tlio people i if I tnuiKUtitUul tu Uiu ijuvernor, in onlcr to money ordered or decreed to bo puid liiiu, ami tfiich nhcrilK, cototiur ur ulliur per- lit- couimisHUjncil ; and the suit, judges wliatl'e, die, or tbuy Hlinll particularly cuis'iiid nguiits ofunyKiiihiuciiniori cuufliet or inuutiBislout with tlio nmend- N iJiiiiMention »f tin- uborcumnocl Eiecitto' ber or them in nud by mich order or de !un bath died, nrxliiill dto, or hath or His oril.-rol I'v tlio KiurrKHto Hint tb- Monia Oouuty that they cnu ilo bbtlci- in thoUd h: lorio town llin tliea present slmll, for tlieir Horvici nml freely nsl; for; nor Hlinll douiaud, BOcfety ns ui-o glvuis by law to Iho m . nieut nud onnctment hei'eby tnndu, hi O creo against sucli Bhcriff or other ofllcer, iliall become dianblod hy lnw to disi- bcrs, ofllcei'H nnd ngouls of the society miiilKsi-fUlof civu |Hil'lie notiiiit to tliuemli iifoifsuid, VJC severally entitled to tli take, or receive, nri'iuinu to bo ileinnnded, irith costy, in nctiot) of debt, or upon tho and the snmc is hereby repealed. '•• • • ' :1 ' i!vtil tn bniiff It they enn in NEH'AEK, just lot tlicm clroji into tl taken, or received, directly or inilircutly iliargo tbo duties of tlieir respective of- for tho prcroniion nf enmity toaiiiinulH. Mini of one dollar nud fifty cents, vrbieh onae, to he brought ngnl,y to any nssoeiatkm or individunlH iiKist-iiutiliu itlaci.H In tliu anility of Murela ful taking unil delniniiiR. or waiting until tinuoto resiJo tbcroont difiolmrging t!in MAMMOTH CLOTHING tOUSE linuiH 2P. And ho it cnnctml, That nu re-duties of their respective ofBco or up- ivlio shnll, iu tlio certillealu iiled ns here- CHAPTER LV. tffuiuoiillis. nml also witliin tliu enlil twenty tlio persou or persons so nrrc&tcd or intaking nn fresb jiurHuit shall bo RIVCU iu iubcforu providci), n«o or Bjiucify n tmiiio ilavn IJV nilviTliNitif: tin) HUIIII: In tliu llitiN Kii.1 5. And be itcnnctcil, 'f hat every slicri custody, Hlmll bavo given nu tipiieamuoo jiaiiitmcnl, liy a eulo uf tho property or A further supplcmout to the net eulitlo ' *i!iu lii'WKittiKTt) <>[ UIIK Bliiiu i,.r Hi. —or— ovidencu on tho trial of nny issue in nnv ejtutc mi levied on, than, ur in tit her of or style llic same or nubittanlialiv tlie htiull, on rLTuijU of sucli certifiniito of hi or bail, as tbocaseuiiiyroquiro or agreed actiuu of osanpe ngaiusb any Micrill' or ilium us thnt of any provioiiHly iueovp "An act respecting convovnucris," niv having givcu bond nnd tnkcu tlio outli with the persou orporcoun at whoso suit tliu anid eases, it aim!) nud mny he liny- jtroved March tweuty-sevcutb, cigli' keeper of any pmmi, nnlosy tlio snmu ho rated Booioly iu this Htate, cmtiYnr KIIHII ncdixl to i-xliii'iit' IIIH or lic'i of iifllee us nfcrcsiiitl, be nud bo is lier-*— ful for tha eon it, in whtoli jndguient in : ;>r pniseetition be, nbo, or they aball be teen hum]roil nnd Kuvtmty-fonr. (lubi, ili'inwml uml i.'ln .tii ivklilu the miM [urioil inithori/.i'd to net in nud osreuto taken or nrrested, or until be, »bc, or poaifilly pU'tided, nor Hlmll nny special diiill bo hnil, to iiwuril i\ Bpucinl Beiro- a And to it i-iiacted, 'Hint this act 1. Be it enacted by the ticniUo nud shull by doomed ii public not and tnW olika of filit'iifl, bufure receiving liis tlior fibnll bo sent to tlio proper jail ol , leu bo taken rcoeivod or nllowud utilcsa iiwt the pmt. * * General Assombly of the Btnto of Ncv -I'rniil, Mh'h'cruiliKii' eliull hu lV>ii7vor ^om mission, fur the npiice of oue month tho county or place whero fiiich nrrest er oath or aQlrunition ho flnit muilo iu writ- Li agniiL ' party named in finch effect immctliately, Jersey, That every noknowledgmeut oi iH tip her Ui'iiiiu lln-rurni' nt'idnal ll mill .10 longer, us fully to nil intents nud taking fihnil bo ; nor shall' cx&ot or tAko ing liy Buch ulioritT or keeper of nneli ... uliuu (ii- tlio lawful repnssututivo of Apputvod April 18, 1870. pmol of nuy deed or conveyance OL EsmJiitor. purposes us ho will ho u/k-r be 1ms re nuy reward, gratuity or motley for Itoep- jiriaon, ogaiiiBt whom such notion . Hlmll Hlich party, iicoording tn tlio cirenm- liuidH, tenements or liorartitnnientfl, lyiiig , • EJT. ceivi-d liin eommiB.slou. ing the person or nQrsona HO nrrestod oi bo brought, nnd fiiod with nnc\\ plea, HHincea in Ilio vt\m, to uhow oaimo wliy UilAl'I'lilt LXII, nnd being in this elate, heretofore or in custody nut of juil or prison ; nor Hlmll tliat tbo prisoner, tor wUmo esuupo snob '.lio ttrujiBi'ty or ustatu no leviod on A supplement to tlio not cntilled "Au horoftfter made by auy gruutor or witnoas. Ji. And he it enacted, Tliat tho com notion is brought, did. without hi* con- 13UOXO.MV IS WEALTH. iiii.wimi of every sheriff elected nt nny tako or receive any otlier or greater HUUI tlionlil not bo sold, or Eudi parl therc- act concerning landlords ami ttMinni thereto, before or hy any ofllcer iu Runic nml look at our STYLES mid or euniM for ono ur more nighta lodging rivity or kuowlcdgo make miob. c.i- >f UH uiuy lio siiQIciont to Bnti»fy tbu iiporuved Mnreh twenty eeveiitl), m ithcr htnto in Iho Uuiun or tuniLory gruerai election shall benr date i>ud taki _., [ an<] if suah aflllavit shall at nn.T 1 fffijet on tho Wclncwfoy utter tlio tirst or day's diet or otber expense?*, Hutu vtlok or Iho rraidiio of tlie uiuuoya oou- tlomitii I'idlitoen hundred aud seventy hereof, authorized at tbo timo of RUCII WE CAN HELP YOU BPENIl l'OUH what is or sball be allotted by lnw. timo aftsrwurdu appear to bo (also suoli nlueil in the Hnid cxcontlqi); and if tbo f»ur: proof or ncltuowledffineut, by tho laws Tiii'siiuy HiiecotdiiiK such general elec- sheriff or keeper of s'leli pmou slinll, nu MONEY tion, mid liis term of oftlccs HIIUU expire Nitld BDiro fnolnstio lotumeil Borved, or 1. Ei! it tinnelfd by tho Sunuto and of tho nialo or territory wherein eueli Ii. DA1T0JJ BABBITT lins full c-liargo of'tbdlOUSTOM Dlj conviction thorooff bo adjudged to hoif no Bervioo thereof can be made, bo proof or acknowledgment fihnll bo oi mi tlio HrHlTumlny fitter tho tliird sue- 19. And bo it onncled, That every guilty of n in t ad em can oi') nnd be punish' Genornl Assembly of tlio Unite of No PAltTMEST, irlioi-o lio will bo glntl lo meet MB old tieralB and BIIOI cepdinp (jenoral nlectioii. [inblUbotl as prescribed by liuv, and thu Jersey, Tlmt tlio otevontb xoutlon of tli •shall hnvn been mado or taltop, to tula KCAN i-niivlnco ynn tiint ymi can gavi sheriff, underBlicriff, jfifler, keeper of cd by Jluo not exceedinftfifteen buinlreil md part; should not uppoarut the timo iiiiiiicy ilns Hiiiiiif,' iiiul Hiiiniii-r \,v Imv person or Jail, or otlierperBou or persons net entitled "An net concerning land- the proofs nud n jknowloilgmonts of doei W to them tlio largest stock of raw (loons evcl' introduced iu tho CouittJ 7. Aud I»o it mmetetl, Tlmt until tin ijollirs, it wliiob aucb Beire fuoiua nhall ho tnmle ei'conveyances of lunds tencmoitU or "itU.voiir Iiuolu tinil BIIUI-H nt tiuo. W. jjialic*. wliorifl't'lcct Hlmll outer into lionit und whoiasoovor, to IYIIQSQ custody or koop. totlU'imblo, und within ten davn after lords uud tenants," wliicti net v !lu-ui> Uoot mul MIIKI SIIIK:. flm mtw itavk I proyed Mnrch twenty-Ecventli, nmio bcrmlifiinients lyinp nnd hoinjj in nucli loiv in anil iv.m ni'VLT miru i-nmiilctu in cvtr;. tuito tho nutli of olllco AH aforesaid, thu g uny jiiiiaou or poraonn so arrested or BO. And lio it rmwUttl, Tlmt when tlio 4 1 Rnuh return day plond or filiow sulllcieut Btitte or territory Blinll hB ns good, v.ilid r^riji'ul thtui ul pri'huiit, Kviiiy iLl^ hivU ...kenuhall bo committed by virtue of sheriff, or any of his deputies, Und tuiit re- domiui cigliteen buuibred niul s 1 1 a ironor or coroners lust elected mattpr tn tbo contrary, tbo said court and cfloctunl iu I.iw mid ilio icaoni nf liiillun , KaitH'.iniKsCB , ymitl.'H nnO t-'liiidren'i tiervo it ml execute, nil writs nud process any writ or pnieoKH, or any pnttonso itwill be inndo against nny pro- flliall thoronpnii aiyard a writ, to ba di- tiur, and which nvottuu reads BH 1 llntton I.iicu nml i:ni]L'ri'RH Uintcru nml t^liu TAKE NOTICE. The Largest Sto;ck ot Boys] .Ijrcetoil to the said KherifT. wlintiocvcr, Khali pormit and uiiffar liim, (jess of execution, the ntcrifl laying tiaiilo "I. Any tenant ICHSHO, nt will or atthereof nsailmissnbla in evidence, fully ruiiKtniitlyniiliHiiil. E.U. DUllT'S how t: ' ' "o tha Hhurift'or ooroiiur, for Iho mul oompletoly na ifsueh proof or uc- cIlUllunlvaLU. W. UHWF.'S Clnnl) Ha S. Anil bo it enacted, That if nnyher or them so rtrrcatod nr tuktu, ut bis, all othei- UuHliioati, and tultinu with him ?.\ag, nf Uio oouuty i,vhoro tho nwioo, or for part of a ywir, or for arid CMldren's Clothing in the bounty. her, or tlmir will nnd ploonuro to Bond for tiJShooHdira CUSTOM WOHKntul.roi.lii (sheriff elect Him!! presume to csuotito tin tho power of tlin county, flhall forthwUtl >vy wiw inailo, cnmmniidfng too Raid OIIQ or moro years, of any house, Inndn, owletlffmout had beou luado or taken niiiiiiilv nttuiMlt <1 III. Ono duor irotn Mtilfi> Mraii.loira, X.J.,JI«}-»Slh, 1810. . ' i| . . i nfllco (if plirri 11"before Im shall bnvogivet and hfivo auy victuals or DcoosRary drink go iu his proper noraon and eKeouto thD she HIT ui< corauer to Roll tbo property or or temmiouta, and tho aswIgucL-a, undor by or befuru an ofllu^r nuthorizcd.by the HI .V UI'I.'H UHithitij.' Htoiv. bond and t:ilieutlio ontlt of office, agree- or food from what pkco and whom they annao; uud if lie find roaistnnco, ho "lidll ettnlft HO leviml on, or nn mnoli thnronf toimntfl, or legnl representatives of HUQII LUVH of this atate to tnho the fjuno"; pro pleuM, mid alno to liuve aud uso such corlify to tlie fiourt tho nameaof Iho ppr- as mny bowifllaicnt tu witisfy tlio wliolo tntiantor loflHiioo, may bo removed from THE nlily to tha direct ion H of thin net, llien : vided, tlmt »iiolt nrkiioivlodginnnt oi C3- 23 O 3FL C3- 3ES J all Midi liis IICIH nnd prottttidiuga dono bedding, linen, ntui other things, aa bo, 8OH9 making BHCII rcsiotauoo, their ithl- nr the residue of the'moneys due on in eh promises , by any justioo of thoproof and tho certificate thereof Almll in tnulor color of ollleo Khali Im iihsohitely lie), or they sliall think lit, wit lion t pur- era, amistntits, fuvorers, aid procurer*, mud uxcoutiou ; which Rale the sheriff or penco of tho county wbcro such promi- nil other rosponta conform to tlm l.u CENTENNIAL YEAR T11E OKLY IU1LIAJ1LS void, nud ho Hlmll, for such nflbucc, I loining or "detaining tho Raino, or anyso that they may bo proceeded against coroner is heroby authorized anil rcquir- BOS ara Hituatedj in tbo manner heroin this etaro and tbntench cortfnente thercol Jiublo to ho in dieted for u inimlcmcnuoi , part thereof or enforcing or, requiring according to law. CL! to lnnke, in ns full nod nmpla man- after prescribed, in the following case* tlmll ho ncoompanied by a certificate and on conviction fined in any suin not tbo Htituc, or nny part thereof or ouforc- 81. Aud ho it enacted, That if auy nor, to all in ton ta and purposes ns if the under tho great nonl of tun staf a or ter itlg or requiring lifni, hrr, or thorn, to 1. Wiere such person tdiatl hold »vcr 0 lothier and • Merchant I Tailoi porsou has lieoa or shall bo condouinoil aaid o^ectitimi bnd hcon originally di- Htory, nr nuder the seal of some cotir fjccccriiug two tliousjiud.dolhii-s. piiy for Imvinit or using tlioteof, or pijt- uftor nnd cantju.ua in po^cswion of tlio In enj ponrt of record of this stale, and rotitcil tosunU sheriff or anrqnar, and 'leiniHed promiBGR, or nny -part thoreuf, of record of thn county in which it \vm IK this place linn mi ceo L1 dud in f&lcciiiig u snpurl) ae«orlmont or !). Anil bo it omulcted! , Tbut if iiujr *ing auy manner of restraint or difficulty Blialjbo oiititled to tlio winio (eenforsor- person who uliiill1 IImvo been elected to liatli beei} or "hall ]\o hy ylrluo of fjuob itlt'.t tlio csiiiratiou of his or her torn), or sball ho mndo, that.tho ofSccr before ipon him, bor, or thorn iu using thereof flontlcniuntiui) (inmmittnd to prlsoij, tbero vices dono, und liafclo to nil tlio ponal- whom such proof or acknowledgnimil the oflicc o^siicrifi'f.bnll nt-glcct, refill •r reliiliiiR thereto. und aftor doitund innde, und notieo in to lemnin uutil ho or sho malic satisfac- tlas ond oooKcquonoea nf law for neglect writing filviiiR for delivtiring tlio pua- or HhnllJIjo made, vraa, at the time or be tumble tu givu boutl tvitli nineties of duty, nu ir tho unlit execution hnd SPFiINQ and SUMMER QOOD{ itH oforcan.it, or shall refuso to tako tlio 20. And bo it enacted. That it ahall tion to tho party to whom lio or riio i inn thereof by thu landlord, or hisof tbe hiking of suotr proof or neknovvl- or fihallbo aouuemuod, aud any writ or lioon originally direct ml lo HUCII sheriff agimt, for tbat purpose ; cdgnicnl, nuthoriRe^ by (he laws of rmcli l\ir tLo CENTENNIAL YEAIt, 1870, con'sistitg ol oath of oflicn, nirreeably to tho direction not ho lawful for- any almrifT, jailer or or coroner. AVM. , nf this net, at tlio times horeiu limited. hooper of aay jail to couflno or keep irritaslmil bo granted, commanding tlio. IE. Wboro mioli l'nmm nlmll bold Btato ov territory t° tako tho nctinowl- shoriff or keeper of tho priaou where m:oh odgmeuta nnd proofs of doedaorcon' FOHEIGN AND DOMESTIC OASSIMEEES IfOE PAKT8. the icb ofllcft nliall be deemed und debtors and criminals together in thu over tiny default in tho wiyinonb of tbo WATCH MAKER and JEWELER, samo room- or chamber, but tl|P,v aliall be priBoner is held, to bavo tlio body of 41. And bait enacted, That it shall rent, iiuranaut to tho agreement nudoi veynncpa for lands, tencmants or hcr.o- Accimploln lino o[ BIAa0N/U,a (or COATS nnO VESTS.' TBoliitrat .Ijlo (nben to be vacant, mid such vacancy EUpU prisoner, with tho causa of WH or tlitamonts in suoh stnto or territory wbicli Hlmll bo supplied in tlie manner herein- coufiucd and kept Hopnrala and nputt bo lawful for any iudgo or justices of auy which such proirjsca aro liekl, nnd satis- tram each other in diatinotrooina. ; her itqpviaonujeiit, jo thoriouvt of chnu- court out olwtiicli any writ or process faction for tiuch rent omnot bo obtainod Eiuld lasf "numed eortifioato ahnll bavt PLAID BTJITINGS lor MEN'S YOUTHS' BOYS" ond 'OHILDBEN'B TPE*| after proscribed. ccry or suprotna unurt, or boforo tl|o been or bo r^&orilcd with auoh deed oi Sussex St., Dover, N. J.. 10. Aud \w it enacted, Thut if aay 21. Aud bo it cimctccl, That if _^_ 1|IIH Ijnaij or liliaU bo iwuod, IIUQU appli- by digress of any goods, and. a damand IILACK CLOTH DOESKIN TOSTIBOa pf «ll dobrhitunii. »ill Riuraniijd lo ever? p. chancellor ur nny jndgo or justioa of tho cation r.wdo upon notice to tbo other of aueli rent shall havo been made, by convoy anoo. ti IIIIIY Im in l>Dllt. nu Ma fttnu jirouurrtl 'rllE FINEST sheriff for tlm timo being of any county BbcrKf, under Bhoriff, paroncr, jailor or Bupremo court, nnd it ha returned upon, 1 Khali ucglect, refuge or ho uuablo to give other officer, or minister aforcaalij, i' "" party, whoso uotica cnu ha Riven, the three days notico in writing, requiring the Hujii writ or wrlta tlmt tba muil prls:) ficta beinR veriilcil to tho satisfaction ot tho pnyinont tfeuobrflnt or potufissiDn '2. And ho It cn,aotoil, That' tho .._. howl with aurctfon aa nforesaiil, ngree- ofToml agiiinst the three clauses or nor ia ooudenjueil by jndgniont giver entitled "A supplement to tho net cti-WATCHES, CLOCKS -IMCA.-JOE OLOTHINO| nbly tu tlic dircctioiiB of MB act, at. tbo tions immediately, jircacding, «v any o! naid JUORO oriiistica, to in.u1ic order ttmt of tho promises, shall Unye been si-rvetl igninslbim or her then, nml in_ovor.y 1 1 by tho person entitled to mich rout UP- titled 'An not respecting couvoynncofl,' " ma Ilio CHEAPEST overturn in Itils nran.v otlii'r phccnitlia Cnion. BOMUR BI1C< time ui- times herein litnitut), tlm oflicc ar (inj part* llioroot, "ovory mieh the Bliorit) or qoropoi , toy tlic tlnio being, JEWELKY, ROIJD 00LD J'.INdH, PLAIN. tim jii()li OUBO, such prisoner itlmH ba iniipo- of tlio ooiinty, }irnaec(l to exocuto any on tho poraoii owning tba awio, approved March twciity-Hevcntli, one Utigrnri'il nnd Ki^iun-titrni'd, Lithcn' tltnrE, liu unly (lcfilrcs u cull.lo HalUrjr.all bctow r,"h'S ti\w\thitir. The flfticlpl pltcnlioD of I of Mich liuriS filialilial! immdiatelimmediately e pirn, dlfltoly rotnauded. and remain iuprtsoi), of Mich offcndoLir shall, beaide_-, a bein•-••„g !nunluhfld wi'Uor prooais' whioh hhalt liovo been - The noticon rcnuirod in 'Ida Gcotlou thuuBand.eight hundred and Bovonty- lHCImlnK, UCTSuf JEWElJlV alliic public mculli'il lo Ilio fact that lio IIBB coliBtanlly nil liana a full «to6k of llio'latiHt ityloi nnd Kbn.ll bu deemeed nuud taketkn nto boan conviction for a misdemeanbr forfeit according to law uutil Hatixfaotidii ho <|jrc(itci1 to nny ulioriff, poronei'or athor almll ho sorvc4 cith or personally on thefour, which supplement was approved vticnnt; nnd if finch Hlierilf shall tlicrc- aud |)iiy double damages to the party inado fur tbu unm adjudged. Slrjcli tvveuty-fourtli, eigbtoeu hundred aiirhnn'H and Ulum'^r JlidS fnramVwrl" GIJNTS' FUHMSIllNG GOODS, nintnm tenant, by giving him a copy thorcnf, cly. Ootd and plated Kinds mid HUICTO llul- nfter presume lo csccutu the oflicc of oggriavod, to bo recovered, with costs, . 82. Aud bo it onactod, That tlm BIILT- icmoua who liatli died or shall dio, or or by loaviiiR a copy thereof, nt hifnud Bovcnty-flvo, bo nud the,- unmo is sheriff,, then nil HUOU'lite neta nnd pro- by notion of debt in auy uourt liaviug iffol citob cnuuty in this state nlmll lceop latli or aball bcoonio disnbletl by law to hereby vonoulcd, -^ ' ' toiiH, at rcdinud flgnrLfl. Hilver llincn an " flEOEQE PEDEH. •>«' &•><* '»tlao post-uffioo, DOVEB, ill usual place- of abodo, .witli fiomomem - Ttiimlilux, ihil.litT and Itlblxin Olistns fur lodk D»vor,Ma.»lllb,18;n.. . ' • . *'- •:••• ei'i'iliuga dono under color of office- nholl iffuizauco ttrroof. a true auoouut of all tho moneys by him diecliavpe tlio duties ot bis offleo *r np- ber of his family nbovo tbiV ape o( four- H. And ho it enacted, That this acl and gpii'H. Ateo a cliuico Buloction ort>H,VKll bo absolutely void, und lie shall foe such 22. And be it cnnctoJ, That it anypaid oat under tlio diioptiona of thepointnient, or hath or shall remove out l'LATKI) aoODtt, ot tho BDWOII nnd JnuHt icon," bo and Ilio Eamo is boreby nmond- .luil! Inka effrct immediately. liuaulind dL«l nB Imin Itoprrs" itotud Vcvt Vurh offence bo Hnblo to bo indicted for a sheriff oi co'roDer aboil neglect or rofuso third BCption of an act entitled "Au notof tlie jurisdiction of this state, and cou- ed HO tbat tho aamo shall: rend us lol- K to I'Cflido thoroont. wiUiout ilia Approved April 4th, 187tl factory, cnitHintini: «f 0AHT01LS, OAKHIIAH- misdomennuy, mid on conviction lined to oxcoutQ any writ of oxeontlon to btm connoming juries," (revision,) approved IOWB, viz : KH'I'H.IJUTTIilllHHHIlS.lililUrOUl'a QUID in anyftnm iiot execeding two thoiiitaud RItircli tvoDty-sevcnth, cigbtcou huu- nf( tho dutjoa of hja ofljco or np- directed, and which liath or ihall oanio • CHAPTER LVH. IlliCElVKUS, I'JIUIT. BTANDS, TEA lOTH AT BAKER & .BEEKER'i ilollara. to liis bunds, or, wlinre tlio exemitlou drod and a&vonty-four, and submit the lidiu'tmcut in iolntiou tb Iho' aummaiid II. Any tonaut, or lessco at will ov al AValtorx, Hpooii II uid or 8. Ooliialni, nrftitinc ; same for ciainiuatlun to tho alovltof the Ihcruof, nud upon such order being tpuds A Fnrllicr Supplement to tho "Act t„c Cupfl, Van.H, (all Uclli, Pio Knlvi-x. Nni.Mii 11. And bo Itjimctcd,, TlTlint it shall shall bo by fieri fnolos, shall neglect to Btifferanpe, or for part of n yonrt or foi IlinuH, BinnlQiiff'> S provl hla qounty, for any nogicot of duty theroon. I. Where suoh person ihall hold over duties heretofore imposed upon and EMPIRE MEAT MARKET, 12. Ami bo iL enacted, Tb»t all i,iits and continue in possession of tho dentis- performed by Ilio assistant journal olerk j AND; SHO3ES, . , d>.d, that ten duy'a notice in writiog aball 42. And uo it cnaclaJ, That any tutlo cd premises, or any part thereat, after ui>on bbondd s giyei u by sherifThifTs and theit r bo KivGutosuehHuarifforooronoruy tbi to the jourun! clerk, an annual salary oi .WABBEN ST., DOVER, N. J. S3. And bo it euootod, That tho ulior- to ba xaada hy snob aheriff or ooroiior tha expiration of hiq or her torm, nud SQvon uandrod dollars ; to tho engrasstn'" snretiea in manner aforesaid, flball bo p'aiutiff or plaintiflu, liis, her or then iff and keeper of every jail jn^suyjjoim- for tho tiiQO being,'in virtue of tho act, after demand mado, aud notfou in instituted iu Uio snpromo conrt, and not representative or nttornoy, boforo any olerk, an annual salary &I ouo thonsantT DRIED #EA*S, FISH, SALT PORl ty of tin's state shall be and he ia hereby _ „_,,r , reftT or personal, and au;r writing given for delivering the poxHcss dollars ; to tlio Bcrgcant-at-nrms, an on elsowhero ; and wlou jndgment shall be motion shall ba made lor tuioh flmeroo- authorized and aomtnanued to reoaivaatl ion theroof by tho landlord, or hi3ngcnl obtained upon aay finch Loud tho eaid ment; which snid atnerecmont, so as 'convoyanoo to botaatlo by suoh sheriff iiunt salary 6f sovon hnndrcd dollars ; to prisoners oomajittod to his oustody, by ! or coroner of any real oatalo so sold, shall for that purpose; tho assistant scrgca'nt-ai-arms, au nuininl nnST. ; court ebnll direct so much money to bo afores'id ordeietl by tho court, abnl' tba authority of tlio United States, and PANDy;iQROqii%IES: Teas, Sugars, Spied levied on sucli judgment aa SIIEII be liavo tho force and oKaob of a judgment bo tm good anaofTocttU^in tba lav, to II. Whero suoh person ahall bold over salary of five hundred dollars; to tho lluctiUHO tlm htock in liirffd ut nil 1i:now m... to keen thorn safely natil discharged by all iutouU and nurposon, as if tho writ after any default in the payment of thokeeper of the ladies' gallery, an annual ouil>nico« every vnriuty of Pi.KStl 311UTS, Miftlcicnt to untiarv tho pnrty nggricved whereupon oxofiution, in tho name and tbo «op oourso of the laws of thosnraoj Oofiees, GanJa^SnFruits and. Vegetables.' for his debt or dnmnEes, with coats, w for tbe tiRc of such plaintiff or plaintifla, or writfl ol oxcutition ou wbiob euoh rent, pursuant to tbo agreement- untlor Balary of throo hundred dollars; to tho HUQAU CU11KI) HAMS, 8AIA* l'OUK and if any sheriff or jail keeper shall nog- property or cabito lovicd, had boon or- jvliioh stiflb. premises aro held, and sat-keeper of the gentlemen's gallery, an FRESH nml HALT l-'Ifill, nml ull kiufti .»f bo pnid to tho tuiid party, nnd npon the or his, her or their representatives, may leot or refuse, to perform thu sorvfaos and fiatisfactionton of ttneb debt,, duinngeduingea nnd instantly, on motion iu opeu ooartj uud fgiually dirootod to suoh sheriff or coro- iafaotiou for sucb rent cuunoLbQ'oblain- annual salary of throo hundred dollars riUri'Sil V£HIiTAUIJU in HioirNcunn ALWAYS A FULL JINK AT REASONABLE nt may lio tutisned of duliea required of him by this net, orncr. " • ed by dislresa of nuy goods, and a de-'to tha clork of tho speaker, an annuu. iB eachh jjdu t l tid fwitliout nny farther proceedings, be aball offend in the premise^ ha shall ha SECOND. • record ; pr"ovi3cfl, tbero* bo no applica* awarded and isiucd against tho gootta 43. And ho it enacted. That the n\ mand of such rent shall havo been salary of five hundred dollars; to each iiiHO esticcinl miiw nro tulitn thnt tli ' . CALL. AND SEE OUll. " lkblo to tho liko ponaltieu, forfoitiiros pointmont of anv under HhnrifTIiercnftL. made, by tbrca days' notice ia writing; pago of tbo houuo of assembly, an annual tjon (a said court for relief thereon then and cliattloa, lands and tenomanU of and aotiaus,' as if snoh prisoners liad Htiwk hlmll lio nlwuw FHESII, GOOD un_ ponding; aud if after judgment obtained sncli sheriff or coroner as nmoroed as , to bo made uball ho by writing nudor Uio requiring the payment, of such rout, or salary of ono hundred nnd fifty dollars, CLEAN, tlio VeBntaiili'H boiiiR roNiivutl daily * upon such bond nud beforo tho namo be aforesaid ; provided, that nothing la tliii bepo cammlttod uudor the authority of hand and seal of tho aheriff; and fur- tlm possuaaiou of tbo promises, ulmll and that in no caso ahull uny additional na KOOU n« tliey nppcar in tlio Kew Ynrfc nctnnlly MtinflDt] of record, nny other act conUineil shiU'provent tho party in> thjs slate [ provided always, tbat every thor, tbst every under sheriff, hoforo ho bnve boon served by tbe nci-aon entitled compensation bo allowed or paid to any ifnrkctH, nnd HOUI HO rapidly thai no nt party aggrieved -by tbo ueplect, default, jared from proceeding, at bin election prisoner tfho Ruall ha aommittod for aoy intermeddles in nuoh oflloe, Khali. tolto to such rent, or his agent, upon tlio per- of said officers. gooilnnro ever fuimd nbout Ilio iircaiiKciW MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS malpractice or misconduct of each sheriff against mch Bhcri£f or coroner by attach offenoo by tbe authority of tho United and'subsenbo, hoforo ono of tlio judge!) son owing tlio bamc. GREAT BABGAI States flhall bo supported l>y tbo same of tlio court.' uf common picas .of tho 2. And bo it enacted. That all acts aud THIRD. awnJ£.XI& -rr ATS in his'ofllco sball apply tn tba miprean oiuut acoordina to law, during bia aondnemant in said juit, Tbo notices Tflijtiiroil iu thia section court for relief, the naid canH ahall dirccl county, aii oalb or aQirmation well and dmll be BOrvetl cither personally on th_pnrto of nolfl incopBistont horcwitli ho UCIIITTHO courtesy in.'.waiting on cimltinipni unoli further sum to bo levied thereon aa faithfully to execute tho offico of uuder- and tho same nro hereby repealed, and innmlo of the imirkct, nil ctiKtonicnt boinc , 23. Andboitenaotod, That whoa an 34. And bo itcnaoted, Tbat tho aliox- tenant, by giving Iitni a" copy thoroof 3 shall bo sufficient to satisfy such party Hiriercemontna nforcsaid boa been ob- iff or teepor ot every jail in any county eborifl, aooortling to tho best of bis ntiiil nt bis last U5u.il place of abode, with that this act shall tako effect itnmediittely. trontcil ulike, nuil panliiUM Itcinj- iidlvero for his debt or damages, with costs, nnd and vjadgmonb; nbioh- appointniont, Approved April 4^ 1870. free of eh)iii;e. • E. Eidley& Sons anges, wit tained agtitnst any- sbcriff or coroner, it ofthifl'stnto eball, on or boforo the first some member of his family abovo tho BO nn as often as applicntiioi n shall bo shall be lawful tar tho court, at the reday- s of April nnd October, somi-annual- with tbe cerliflcalo of tho ontli ornfQrm- ago of fourteen yoars;ot whero, from 3l)!>, SH, 3111 GltAKIl St., Xi ation thereupon endorsed nnd attested mode by parties aggrieved ; nud unch quest of 'tho plaintiff or plaintiffs, his, ly, unite out ilia nrnnn of nil prifloncru auy reason, such service cannot bo" hnd, amms tba prices nro made tn mil the B WJiST Ulli 8t.. ncrwEES Otti nml Olii A judgment shnll not bo fiatifiiled or dis- her or tbeir* attorney or legal representa- who, sinte tho last aettlcrqpilt, sliall have by tbo mid judge shall be by snch under- tbon tho samo maybe sorvcit by alB* CHAPTER LVHL IiochoL hooka of the ]HHI]I1Q in theKe tinicn Tlio lurgflKt nnd - IIPKI RCIMICII nlonk ia sboriff cat-ofully filed, and eoouroly kept Amurii'ii of iltt Iiinil. Tho lutReBtei Kli\Y XOItK. charged of record EO long ns nuy appli- tive, to appoint ono or moroclisor oi been committed to bin custody under ing a cony of sucli natico to tbe door oi An act in rotation to legal holidays. nhon clienp \ragcs demand cheap mtnblcH in tlio office of clerk of tho court of com- any dwelling, or such demisod prcmisos, n liberal ibscomit beinj; lmulo to tbo^n wh< it of iu kind, cnvoriug nu nrci cation to Enid court for relief tbcrcou bo elisnrs, to whom tlio execution npou tbu authority of the United Htntca, and nhiilfacreH. pending]*!, said court. sucli amercement, sliall be di rooted, anil tba timo tboy shall have boon regpoct- mon picas in nud for tho same county; occupied by suoh tonaut. 1, Bo it onactcd by the' Senate nnd buy a quantity nt a time, who, on accepting such appointment and ivoly con8nod, with an nccouut of thoprovided' , tlmt nothing in this eeotiou Qoneral Assembly of tbo State of Nevt 13. And bo it enacted, Tbnt ueither oontniuau sball ha construed to prevent 2. And bo It ennated, That tho Jlf-Jersey, That tlio first Hay ot January, CALL AJND BE CONTDfCED. EMPLOY DAILY WQ CLERKS. PAEL0Jl,_ LIBHAHy, the ontaiuiugof a judgment, as provided receiving such oiecution, «hall have aa amoutt thoroof at fifty cents per month tcentli section of paid not, whiah fell power and authority to lovjr Upon, for the use and keeping of suoh jail for the sheriff from. rainDYing~Jiu. midnr- thp.twoaty?3i>cand dayof February,' thir- : for in tbc preceding eoction, or tbo B.tt- BborifT nt ploasnro, * , reads an fallows, namely : * tiotb day of May, fourth day of July, FRANK O0X Proprietor.' HATS AND and BED-ROOM FURNITUHE iftlactiou thereof, or nny proceedings seize and soil tha eslntey real aud' per* ovary ponon HO committed, togetber t r "15. Tba Bummons shnll bo served in Thanksgiving day, twenty-fifth dny of own MixupicmnB, siiiliili.c lor Children, tlicreou, aliiill 'operate or liavn tho effect BOIIQI, ol each Buoriff or coroner, and with auAOcauat of thoir flubaiatenoo-at U. And bo It ouaotod, That if au' tlio manner prescribed in tbonot cousti- December, and all days upon which ' irlikli no nrc offurlag at to discharge nuy sheriff or his sureties, mako desd or deeds for tlie itamo and in the raffcstiibliahed by W*for atnto pris- ADJOURNED SnERIPP'S SALE I UIHHCR, Lmlica oiul *Boya. Aluo, fl»o Eo((- person shall proceed to eiccuto tho ol Inting cotuts for the trial of small caus- general election shall bo hold for mem- JHII, Hdgiuu, Ocruinu ami Frcucli finii' ' or nny or either of them, from liability fill til ings to execute tlio snid writ of oners, and transmit the sama to thenee of tlio undcr-slioriff* beforo ho sbnll bers of assembly hi each year, shall bo a MorriM Common ripan-Clinrieft ll. Oalu ami &EEATLY EBDU0ED P es ; tbo Biiit may bo adjourned, mid •lulin K. 11, Clni k vs. Tcrrcncii CDIIDCIIV. I'L Intii, rctoivLu! per ntcatucrtt from Em on nny bond upon which miit shall bo or excoutioii os any sheriff might or cooH United States tnnrahnl for this district bavo received' nn oppoinlmant as afore- olthcr party may demand and havo legal holiday, and no court shall bo held filinll bare beca brought, butfrcHb quit havo by law, in coses of execatian, to for payment; • • • "pan said (layB except in tha cases whore rn.ilo bnn. olttr. On tlockuteti Jitdumr - cniMreckly. TIUJIUEH HOSHEW. Parties wisliinir tonmclisriaa ilngioV\ _ said, and' takan tho o&th or affirmation a trial by jury of twelve men," ho nnd Itfturtinblu to January Term, 1B73. Hot nrVamltnn will Hftve mows hj yivi'B mny bo institntcd thereon iu mnuncr Mm dfreoted, and shall b» entitled nnd BO. Anil bo it ennotod. That every of offico, anil filed tha muna nppnint- tlm snmo nro hereby amended an tu rend SuiiMEii NOVELTIKH Sl.CO, 52,' S2.K0, f-3,- a call. ])y BilitroJBiuff nn wo will Bond t !>• aforesaid, an , often ag circumstances liable to tbe like fees and penalties. jliorifl shalt, &t tha expiration of bis of- menl and certificate of snoli oath or af- as follows, namely: ltd courts would now sit upon tlio first :j, SLSO. SG to 325. MILLIKKltY SILKti, gmpli of anynrllclo or farnUaro denircd,! day of tho weok, and no person shall ho JorrU Ciininion Pkoit-JcreniiaR Bihi-r KTi:inUFOTUEttH,.ynKNon FLOWEIW, IIOSHET require, tbo same na if judgment bad not 21 And bo it enacted, That the aonrt fice, turn over, in writing nnd or bin nrmaticn'intbo clerk's officajia aforc- IS. Tbo summons shall bo sciTod in jirlcu, or pliotiigniplifl, ol BGU or A compelled to labor upon any of said days Terattieo Connelly., l'i. ta. ilo bon. ot ....•SD HAfitl KlUIINNH. •' * . ' We littvo alno tho lorRCKt OKoorlmt been obtained thorcon nnd tlic mine bond and seal, all writo unexecuted to aaid, then all snoli his witaaniVproooed- On docketed judgment. Ittilunibblo. May satisfied of jcoori); provided, thut tlie of cammsn pleas, nnd circuit court in tlio mannobr proscribed hy tho act con' by any person or corporation. Krackctn, .Wall Pocfcclfl, EMCIK, Unrio m« nnd for tho respective counties ot tbli tlio succeeding sheriff, who shall execute inga dono under oolor of ofllco shall bo stitutiug courts for tho trial of small l-'incy T*bl»sani3 CTiali a to ba foand In tlicB Rurelica.in nny uboritTs bond ulinll not nnd return tba same. - abaolutoly void. 2. And ho it anaoted, Tliat when tho HnrrisCircuit Court—JohnEunnvn.Turroncn LAOEG6ODS! bo charged by virtue, of thin act beyond state, shall have tho like power in enses causes, except io casoa vvlcre tho tenant days named in this first section shall hap- Tako tho GlirlitoplicrBL Terryjt I!«M^ if contempfand disohedieaco ns afore- 30. And bo it euacted, That no por- 45. And ho itouftctea. That this set domes admission lo Ibo dolling occupied rnnnrlly. Pi. r«. »1Q boil, ct ttr. la en»c Itenl Qnipnrc Lflcca 14, 1C, 20, Q^, M, niid tho sum contained in such bond. pen on Monday, .all; bills of cxeliango itutiirnaLlntoSliiyTorm.mfl. ' Iboncorrow foot at CUihtnyhot St.Lj 1 aid, to nwnrd ottachmcnti and proccod Bon sbnll cxcrolso any otber oivil offioo ihnll tako effeot immodtntoly. by such tuimnt to HID ofllcer nttompting 1 CIK. a yiuO. YAK Licra, 0, 8,1(1,13,1G, cars to our doors.' ; ,, '. ;• . . . and promiaory notes becoming duo nnd . - Nmtuinouii 4 BMITII, Ati'jx. l li. And be it enacted, Thnt iho sheriff theronpon ngainattboBherifr and oorb< during tho timo thnt ao holds anil excr- Approved March IS, 1870. to sorvo bticli summons, nnd in BUCIL payable an such Monday, shall bo due 18, J0 nrvAWM. Also THKEAD, il.VL'l'EHE Our nitrons from. jtTprrla Cgnntjr 1: Jlorrii Common l'lcau—Darnabaa O.Horton vs. )iedestriu)l>iii id "mrformTnVc«eliinB m of every comity of this atato alinll havo ncr of snch county whoro the said court oleca tbo office of a sheriff; and tbat by case it aliall boa lawful service of auch ami pi'yubio an tlio Tuesday followingjniid lerttuco Connelly. Fi. ta, ilo limi. I't t(-r. APPLIQUE BAltUES." tho custody, nile, keeping and chargo of is held, ns tha mprema court now hatli summons if tho Raid offlcer'afils n copy »ro thonioit wnvnnlont fnrniliiro ntcr ocoonUnflo of tlio latter office, his com- If any or either of anid (IUJHSUHII hnpptin nai On (totkclcd jutiymoitt, .ltDturnftUcOctnLLr city. - : FnEI!MAN,OILLlE the jnil or juils within eucli county nnd ir hereafter ahall have. mission for nnj otlier civil ufflco sbnll be of HUCII Htimmons to tho door of saiu Stindiiy, tho llouduy followiug shall oa a te-y Venn, 1875. . . -.-•%> Fancy floods, •Perfnmeries, Soaps,.&& Au not for tho incorporation r*f sooie- 1 2i-Gra V',;: : !0 WEST H1U «•., of nil prisoners in such jnil or jails ; nod 05. And bo ib ennoted, Thot in com ot null and void. DS for tho proVontion of cruolty to dwelling ; and tho suit may ha adjonrn- gal holiday, and all bills of exchange and J', NEiannoun t Surra, Atl'yt, shall bo responsible for tliu conduct of promisory notca Lccomiug dnoarnl nn>-ablo milli salu ou bclmlf otiho abovc-nutncil par- IIOBIEUY: 'UiliJn ami Gontn Undern-Dnr. a sab ou exeoation made by a sheriff, 37. And bo It onnctod, Tliut whenev- obildrcn. nny keeper whom bo shall nppoint for on mill days, Bhnll become duo anil payable JL tlea, 'stkiidi i.ljoorn«l lo tiko pia™ at tbo LailiCH, AlisseB, nml Chililrou'H Umicrgar- A;. under Blierifl',corDniu'1or other offlcer, ho er tbo sheriff of any county, beforo tbo 1. Be it enacted by tlio Senate nnd JintlBion Honnu Hotot, In Momatotvu, N. J.,'lin the same, except whero tlio board of •ball, within thirty days thereafter, filo •ho Tiicmuiy followiug; nnd when auy of • PiitH, Units, Ac. •• ^.: • . • •• • }' 'I1-.- ; chosen,freeholders of,any county may eipirntlon of liis term of offico, shall die General Aaiembly of tho Btnto ot New in, tha clerk's offleo' of tbo oonrl out ofor rcmbvo oat of the jariBdletion of theTersoy, Tlmt any flvo or moro porsons itid dnyfl abovo mentioned filial! luiprfeii oti JIOND'AY, JULY 24lli, REAL ESTATE AGENT bavo appointed or may hereafter appoint which tbe elocution issued; a truottato-i lutiilny or Homliiy, it sliall not bo imcFSHnry Parasols, Sun Um&reilas. n warden or keeper ofsneu jail or jails. state, or otbonrjs'5 bocome diaablod by of full ago, ajnfljqritvpf whom sball bo jiiry boforo whom tho*roatter shall again ... I). \$ja. botyfcm.tlio lioura nf 12 jr. nua fi ment anil calculation, in orilerof tiroo,! law to cxeonte ihe office, nnd as often as jitiioos of olid residents within this n f>ivo nolioo of lha (lishonor of mich bllln of I'BIOUII P. Bl. BlaclnyeU8t..noar Sasaei, Dover, | 15. Audboit eiinbtcd, Thatitebnlibo of tUo cscflution ir "executions in'ftU1 icliaiiRo or pronuHAory notes uutil tho Wcd- JESSE HOFFMAN. L»to tSmlt. ' Try onr 2 Imifon iut> OI^IVES 48, 7S, ctn. tho ofllca of sheriff in auy county Bhnll itato, -wbo aliall dosiro to asuociato thom- 8. And ho it enacted, Thnt wlisn n.;,y icMilny ueit nfter Hticli Sunday or Alomlny, niio aOtli, IS7U, 2Mi, id 51 a imtr. Catalogue unil ]IT'ICB Hut «rjit the dnty of sheriffs and jailors to receive nanda npon irhieh auoh talo TTOS made, bocoimfvacaut, it shall bo tho duty of aelvea togetber for tho purpose- of prc- warrant slml] bo iasucd nudor tho pro- ca on niijilicnUoQ. ; . • ,. • nod tbe amoant a«e thereon, reapeotTety nil ovory fmcli tmtleo so civen ns aformald from constables nod other officers nit tho judges of-tbo :couit or oommon ronting uroolty to ohHilren, may moke, visiouq of tho mxtconth sect ion ol tho act uall ba valid nii.l efTxctnul lo nil intonwU persons who ahull bo apprehended by at tie time cf anoh sale. mentioning tho ilcas of tha said' county, or anyiign and acknowlodffe beforo any- person to which this is a mipploment,to any con nil pnrposas, OBNTSAl'DBY GOODS BTOBE, ORDERS BY MAIL. HOUSES AND sneh'constablo or officers for offoncea lime or times of sale, ns also tho amonnt .Area of them, forthwith, aa noon ns may mtliomed to tako tho aoltnowledgtnent stable or numliol it atiall bo tho duty of a. And bo it onaelcd Hint lliln not nhall be a Via tdko pleiwuro 1u liolifyliiR parties ru- nfrniuat tiiia state; nnd if nny sheriff or of.mlos, (•ertfflod under liis hand, to- bo, after information or know lodge of jf dcedt in Una state*, nnd fllo in the of- !STEWA.>tK, 3SI. J; said countable or- marshal, to obey tho [>Dl>!lc net, nml nlmll taVn rlTnct immediately. tlhiK nt a dlHtnnco iliiil onr increnModfacility jailor^efnso to receive any such offendera gelbor yithjita MU of coats, or eieca- tho happening of sach death, removal or fice of tbo Bcaretary of stalo, find alno in command ofenoh warrant and to faith- • April *, 1B70. ' 'IIAZBE, CONNJST &. Cu., Jicaballboadjadgcd to bo guilty of a tionfccfl, forwhichsBrvici) hoBbullboaa- otlier disability, or of such vacancy, to tbo offico of tho clork of tho county in fully cieciitd such warrant, and in such wiles UH In ftll nil 'cmiew wltli lliu ntmoflt Fvr doBcriptbna' of Properly a misdemeanor, DIM on conviolioo, shall bo Utled to ono dollar ; provided that snoh 059 BBOAB, ST. icpatch", ' .: • • . • .- • nqnlra «t llm nfllae. . •' direct the olerk of Buoh court to certify which tlio business of tha socloty is toexecution of such warrant and sal j con- . onarrEit LXIIL ^ jlned at tlic discretion of tlio court. statement, so filed, shall not be conclu- such death, removal or other disability, bo conduotal, n certificate in writing, in atoblo or marabal eball bavo pwer if CENTENNIAL DECORATIONS FOIt JULY! \ mippkniout to an net for lUo cstnbiinlimcut 10; And bo- it enacted, Tliat every sive against any person other thau BUOU ortbefdetcf such vac&ncy.to tho govwhic- h shall IK) stated tho nnmo or titlo necessary tn tho execution of saoli war- officer; and provided thnt if tbero be ernor ; and tbe clork of such court shall uy which such society BUQII ho known uf a rofonn fnnn flclool fur juvenilo di-Un- SILK AND ETJNTDJG FLAGS 1 E. RIDLEY & SONS, fibcrifl, HndcrslieriiT, coroner, jailor nnd rant, lo break in any door of nny nlf, pasflotl April bistli, elfihtoeu him- otber oflloer, Blall let o«t of prison all moro sales -than oue, nuoh stntomont immediately cartify tha Bame under his in law. tlio pftrttonUr bniiinc&i nud oh-un-olltng or ollior building so in possess- CENTENNIALOAUCOflFOHDECOKATINa '309, .311, ill] qilANl)HT.i; i r shallbo made and filed within thirty rilnud sixty-flvo, •• persons who arcr or aball bo (irrefltod by bond knd tbe seal of snob court, to thojocU of siioli society, tho number of ion of such tenant, and to use whaj- 1. BoltonacteuIivtTia ftennto ami Ouneral a. 18, iw, na, r.i, ca," ca ami 70 ATXISN St., days after tlio final nalo. governor, who aball forthwith, on thetrustcss, dircoton or manoporu to man- them or any of $iQmt or bo in their or pver force mny bit neeeaKai^ to effect nn dHmUraribitBlatoarNew JoriMiy, Tint tlio UUXTIITQ nr pm YAHD. ifl-Iw •• SEW YORK 'CIT\*. M.&l. SEAB1N miy of tlieir custody, by virtno of any 26. Audio itonactcd^Tbat all nris- receipt of sucti certificate fill suah vacan- ago tba fuimo, and tbo names of thoentrance intomioli building lo ciecato "owem conferred liy tlin net- to which tliin in cy byoppointmeut, and tho commisnioD truetcos, dircotorsormannficrsof tlioao- ri-color XccU fioit, JIwidlidrrlilpfH, nuil Ittb- wnt, process orworraiit, in any personal ^jers, eitbor upon contempt of u<>Bno hia floid •warrant. *- . wnpplempnt, ntiil by tbo mipplfimcnts tborc- btrn. ma h«w AWD BocKim, '. TOILET!, notion or by reason.-of tiny. fndictmont procesa, or in eiecation wlio nro or shall ol tho person by him so nppointed sliall olety for tbo first year of its eiistenco ; lo, upon tlin JtiHtictiH of Uio «npromo court, • POE BpHT OK filffi expire when a successor ia elected and bat snch certificate shall not ho filed un- 4. And bo it niaclfd, That tliia not bu nnd lliey lira licrcby cxtcmleil tn tlio priw- rnHElioniotadloiOB l for trcBpafls, upon reoflonablo sureties of bo committed to any priSou, sball bo ac- ilmll take effect hnmetlintoly. SEASONABLE DBESS GOODS Tlm cflk-o mums ovtrj: II. A O. WcmouV E l d lt Urii »'™ ''' competent persons, having sufficient qualified, which successor shall ha clcot- tosa tbo written cousont and approba- idout lnw JUIIRQ of tlm court'of commou hlurci on lUudnrdrSLdnrdrSL. Dovor,NDovor,-N. J. XMnyproBontrpsHlonw. *»=» tually detained within such prison until Approved AprH B, 1870. . [ , plcnn in all cqnnUcH whicli LOW Itnvc or may llieso iven roona, licsldti kttdieii, I> oa, nt tbo nejt ensbing general election, tion of. DDQ of tbo jnstioesof thoHUpremQ AT REDL'C'Cll PIUCIES. . •'• ms nro llttoa nplii ««it-clafin ll" within tho counties ukera sach persons they ahull ba from tacneo discharged by ; hurcufter bnTo such ollicer. *, t llttoa nplii ««it-clafin glylo;" vuiidUlnn and well inppllod will -.nball bo so let to bail, to appear at such for tho full torm of thrcojreara. court of tbo district in whicb 'tbo place •"'"« HUiUblUiUblo fuf r anyhi hinill or im-offlco. ITDII ^ater,. -A Rood^ioff Wid «•• dne Donmo o(. -law; and-if at any timo ! 2. Ami bo jt utuded, Tli.M ilil. Bct shall tilw mENADI.\K3 0i:aANDlES,LISEN LAWNS (Ifljnndv-plaoons tho aild writ, process] 1 of btjsiaossor priccipal offico of sucli • OEAPTER LXIV. 1 IENTLOW. PbtpoiUonlBiB. cull on or niT- tbo keepeir of *oy prison BhaH permit or tnoctlmmenittloly. - . ujiE.\-Bprr»ASDUMEK lumxni. - 38. And be it enacted; That every nw-1 ASupplcmcnt to tfaa• nut• entitled "An ApproTedApiH6tli,lB7ii. . TVIIITE OO0D3 AND ESIDHOJDlilHEji. Dover, STi\y Cdi,-1B7C. .' -• .;':,::, 21-tf

• . .'-', • • r,;''.' •• -•.'. •• * •;

: •~'-- -i-:- '•'."•••••'. ..•*•••".-1" ANNALS Of MORRIS COUNTY, In Seplcmlwr, bo bud tlm nmnUlratlon of The New Lvuatto Asylum. ~A Glimpse at Damp Tabor. The Water Supply Question. An Old Paper. THE IRON ERA, :ting firj JleRiinuntB uboir tuo Rruat disrelish Tlit' dimensions of tliJH new iiwtitutlo 'l'bit UiiUHriftl forvnr of tlio Hummer anlitlci Tlio Majors of Kuwark, Jt-r*iry City, Orang if Now-1'ork Cummwoial Adt-crtlscr faroi iruril. Alini^^ an Elllll.il nitu i/^r-L'i-jfBi. SHERIFF'S SALE! r the "Hindi nf Rutipuwdtr;" uud General Worm l'liiiiin luive been no often rrpcutiicl a* JtLven from ttin citiuft nl an iiuoiualW carl ;i!ba ftj>-*.!in.tu copy or the Brut nnmbf Atacrici.tiB^ AUIHIUKII j«*rs uf ti|n:riu,.< tp CbnDceri-of Kewjarsn: J'i. fa. ForBaloof tti-vir, now "ab.11 la rnk," wroltj tlmt "iiis , JULY 23t Mr. T. Clement Wood or this place, which are fur runt IUTC bof 11 ougagoil and are Irast (o ill oat of tu-tlay. In one Advt pdpitatlui] of tbe Hc-arl, Liver (Jouipkiiif.TJo his wife, unl JBIH< 31. Adams, and Hason #. II\»"o *n il(jin]i»y nbunn] ua Hint ol tiic a ims present by iiivllaliju. Ifu fell a givn dc-i tirouty-rour hcura to make tbo Journey from Ai:r-irtT FutwFjt wo ajolievc there is no coi JIILW A CHURCH, S(»1,M. Hiving a b)gb old ilrac; our incruioiiiclir. (rooi Netsnrk md Elizabctblown. Ttic mai ack, ir Ibo Kuncrality «f our IroopH woubl ifthoiuk-riornuMnndny. Irttl ind tnunty collagoi, »liont forty oa New York to Pnlkdolphi*. and tha fare per pan- tbat cannot bo 1 in mediately rdic julia\o v,ltb tolnrablo braa-ry."- (yparkb's DfiiitorvHt In lho wlioU nmttvr, howuvcr, one in Boiil J*»l year without one can Vvirtni ul tlio atnivo t-talcd nrit at flcrl The hotels at Hofaooloy'i Mountain ore fast t atlractlug Ibeni tbltuorwau tbo iron oi Tlio mnin ontraace,to tlie building iu n lain ucenpants, and Bumo aro cvou now sctti „ sjnfier was four dollars; AIBO, tbat it required L) fiiciaH iii tnv linm!;. I HIIIII ezpoMi) for sale iVaidiingloii, it,, 01, US.) In fact, iliero was imrtel uf wood carving; which for clegnucv would give hli VIOWH with pleasure. IIu tbei. reported. Oo to yonrDragelut, Vutighl E i bad bnon diecoTored In a muimlain na$o up their tents for a caiup in the wood'*.' And Ihoy uxUibitod a map or Northern Now Jersey, spto- four and a half daja lo mako I be Journey Irom ;v try. Throughout the whole building thu Uuavurlng to trcape out uf flm tojjn ot tli __..'a dollnr. Bonsparto nss then operating IBUIOUB naluro Blittnlu bn vtuiuoil wilh til. begun tliatovcr-iacRjorablBrelreiit Ibrotigbtlic beauty of Ibo wood work ia remarkable, end thickly BbUlod couulry ivlicro tLo water tvai bo Kulpbur euaj), whlcli U not uuly A rcmixlv bu! l» tbu tiiuriiijuu i.r xuiil tiny, ull ILoeo tiro " I'adily"" Arlbur ia the cuukit man in I IlioTuwniiliipiof Cliatlinm, M^rrlK, Mondii__.", thfrraornelora in other places. cnmfnp; more audmoic unwholwooie. Ho first inllnlj, and Ibo latest Europem IICWH traeta or ptrculu uf land and piciiiibCB, herein- n Ihu mnutiuiitli or No re Liber, lie tho effect, inetond of boing dowtrojoi by abont seven trceksold. Ainouff IboAdrckimu- lfter puriinilarly ilcacrllwd, situate, lyinff aud lie netcr parepires ut loan tbnn 160. Cheater, Uuthiitay aud l'cquannock, RcTeral •puyfo (WitH of piiut, is lirouKbt out into fli :fcrrcd to the upper Hackuosack mid Saddlp XH oIUtuDvecunlaliK was at Ilickiiiuack, experkuoiug "Bi;-nt morll- lint .lino nor cottaK'JH bavo been built tbl_ nienlt) Is one attaching tho propartyof ''John Scliou !ti)'» Mountain baa a DOT bo nil opal bio W* w«o built on tbo Wlilppany «nd Ilocki- tcliuf hy a sirajvle covering of nti«llac. ycat—cucou Uacltm Avonue by Mr. Hbdiling, of ilhcr, wblcli, bo nmariM had a low luvcl, and metallic j 3tMw 17 rivcrn j and a ftmnil "alitling null/'ventia- Qci,bu"»t tlio capturn of Fort Waaliiofliua, "'IUII, Wurchaiit, or Morrin County, au ab- if Morris and Htnto ot Now Jcrricy. jrtiyuciii. In ibo )>t>rsoa ol Dr. Martin. riib iwctbDueand men, a goad deal or artil- In tha front port of the mnlu luililinc tbo Suvari, dud tno on Went Hcddliig Placu Iy tba wittr would Lavi jo ba ptimjiod ap at coi THE FJ'irr—lieginninf al a tunic «ucl btai> of r : Jtidlog debtor." rj lolbo arbitrary lawa of iho UolbcrOouu- —~ "-- uf Dr. ButU)li>l) and IIIB luuiintiut rs. Wilson md Llutulnor lho iwir.o cily. ildurablu oxpooHo. Ho laid Udowu am cropi LctteiS reiuamiug uuclniniccl Ae many AS 1,«B cans at milk aro iblpjicd Ii carrjlne on a contraband bniluess. (jry.andBouii'orthi! "beat arms we hud." Hi- ID nil formerly uf Ilio Willow JciuningiS, uow liHglu evening ovor tba Midland Railroi.il. B "wearied to death with the retrograde Ao- JH ura nlwadj tiumiciiod. nud give It ertilng tbneroctidu nf tho totter * aiuga- litiontlul Ibo ralii foil on * square mil) of lor. In the Post Office at Dover, JV. J, C'Kiucnt Cmy, md rnniilnp tlienco houtb sixty As curly as abnnt 1770—ir not carliir-a Maal DiiiQ liko nppcnmniM, Tbe ofHc.cs nr tho Jar mUUko occurred. Air. Lincnln ikucribcd country, if utilised, would afford t water supply A Q,utrr Vngntiil. jL'Lr21«t, 1870- Rival venders In Mnrrislown lijvo reduce furnace was built, and named "lllbomla,"* Ion ur iLiiigB, and solemnly protests to liin irothcr that a pecuulary reward JT twout; •weiftDM, rittrkis upemtcir, bunk kcopcr, his lot to a bnlldor and conirnhBionod him tufitr 10,000 pL-opte, /bcut CO nor cent, of th A Iiillo daughter of Hr, (Hut thaw SigUr Mifls Kunnnh QrcRorj-, William TiiUz, cliuins and forty IlnU lo a corner of lands for- thD prim of peanuts to five cauls por quart. viird nud oilier nflloiidH, overlook tho merly or Abribam D»v, but now nf die bclrs of 'clvo ntileit Hortb 0! Elonlatowu, Tint noted bjomml pounds a year would not induce htm orcottcoUago lliereou. Oo rucolvlufr non-aof alii fill on the Crotou water a lied was saved, iDBcovcred a stranRe lookliis HIM in tlie Mix* Jennie lkrnoiilx, 11TH. E. l'otniii, Our Rutla Wolcr mm arc In-ginning to In ',iom«ln iu fmnt, nro roomy, cool and htiml- md 40 par cent, or thai wblcli falls on tbo wtk. Upi>cr port of tbc buuie on Salcrdtiy 'cvcti llorauo «. Whaolor, Harsh William*, Jolin AlcCnrd, d.Timxud, in the nitddlo (if tlio Sainuc) Ford, a countcrfultcr, wbo "lelt bis to undergo what bo dots; find yet this waenM ' furiihhe'l. Tiiktii nil loyotlux, the KB completion tho getillnniw brought bia fami- . Willlsm Williams. rgad tbat leotlu f-om Aaron Case'd tu llio huuuo quire tliu price orculUKCs at Long Branch. bid from nbich tbo city or Iluslan is supplied iattt. 8ho st onco earn mo nod her father a to iHilonciuR to Jnltluli Truivbrldgo; tliuncu country r»r bincouulrv'9 (jooJ," was cne»RC(l incousfslent with llioiptords lia had written itnusH (if tbo l(X'ulii'i), nnd the nimmi. ly Troni Huwark lo occupy It; jjut great VIM To obtain any of tbc abavo lutttry tiny "at Tha ibaiu-rofThunday evening ba.1 ajirato before, that ho was heart-sick to "rofleet that il fiteilitiiuj nlTt'Tt'il, imiktt UIIH irnrt of tbu jrprlao to find Ibti eutlsgo on tbo opnoallc who seized bold or nud lidd him, tritb. Ilium lollila; and, sftcntarda, Lord Stlrllog bwau B b*V0j. Hu atatotl tllCSU fuctB to Bbi)W What cortfca" and give date of this Hat. md Hixty-onu Jmlifv to A white oak. trcu • • hence f,itly cooling offecton tlio atmosphere yesterday. Us proprietor. Iu 1772, John Jacob Fnosch, a Irulbcr'a award bad baouslef.llied in a broth- •mililiiiR nu Inviting phi™ of ronldunce nnd •Ida oftho atreot from Hlmro Iio intended, on* sistauco uf a neighbor, whilo ho diupatched « ijQHinesa combiueii. might bo doiio ia tbo tray of conilruoLing ros- Dioiwnger Alter Uirslml Armiingc. The fellow, A. IEEME11, P. II. iurlli Bkxty*miu detfrctK uudl tlilrtT UJIIIU ten Ikv. IV. W, Holloway, Jr.,orjcrao '(City,wil| untkouf Ilesso Caaaal, bmigbt a small trad, er's brtttat,RiMl that Ihu once iiagtpy and peatu- lot thai did not belong tu him, cotuppjllug him nirs Iu aava tlis turpUiH v;«ar .hat rest nir.fi cltBiiiH m,A filtj-flvu linlfl; tlicuco 1 Ttiii cl>npfl«rtlii) iiiHtitutlim U nWU fftibtraa ovldbiitly.a aennan from lia accent inrlb BL-vcniecu dcgroci cast (ho chains and occupy the pulpit ot I'rtflbjlorlau Church to- it Mo-out Hnpu, ol Colunnl Jncub Ford, Jr.. ful plains or iini-rica aro thher to beuroncbec lo have it removed to his otvp pro|>orty. in|; tlio tret Bcascin of tho -oar. Tbo ilira- in libad or inbibitod wilb slates. Bad altcma- od ou lbs third floor «f thi:< wotlinn, nnd n bad on bis arm nn old waterproof, In which was DIED. ifiy-uluht liuhn; Uicnco uurtli sixiv-onu do- iiioirott* nml a large purrcianding tract or tho heirs of flrnt Dlimiwe of it cunhlcs tlo beholder tn do lho Camp Ground Association IIBTO dune >, whiolnlraliiBanareaof 148 Bquaro iniles, JAUX-Of heart diseaRB, st Cold Spring, No irctt and thirty nun uto a weat three chains and tbo Enst Juracy Proprietaries, and built a blast iTo'I Lui can a vlrtunua man bt-n[talom In* nothing In tho w»y o rim pro vein cut« ihia yea. :41od nomloJ chicken. When tha Mur- cvuily links tg a utilise a corner of A lot of land A complete rubuinK of all pariB oltbu bod; ilbing elw but pnze nbont hlui in xilont ud- net a BIURIO reservoir U|inn it, and tbo nraloi ilml cama ho had one band iu bin pocket, with Vott, July ISlh, 1B70, M.tXAKDKtt .T. CAD: furuacu, whlcb became, with lho "Hlbcruin' ilmloef" (Sparki's Washlnglon. !., 187; IT., miration nnd nstoninbrneiit, HO riHo. Itbiluilued* good llio iluc spnuff on tbo AiwiicUlion farm, wlilclt to ind rarorabiu commcDts mndo upon It. The lur Buuairokc. iizcd obiirch, iritli lofty coiliURsnnd elegance tin drew forth s, wicked looUlng ulioo kaifn, LOBEY-In Co*er, July 2lBt,lB7C, SAIIAII, wife ;tj-fiv« flcgvcci, Yftttt I.TU clinliiB nnJ tliirty- tn rurniBbing btlla and Brapn. Thcro is uu,,,< Wcos tbo water to the K«Grvnir mi UIB enmp FerkDler% iluuo in worth' a vUU of away mlk«. The tlio beginni g, containing nlxty-foiir bo Now Engloml atatca, a^J cnlutpd tWply pulpit rei-eaa la iiow furuiKhed wilh an nrgiiu whn Umn Weetoil pbiln. btinfely eullagep, prol- ics IQTCI, and the Rock&woy, at Dorcr, his an In tlo opinion of the Justice he «ns Insane. tuoraor less. »mi.nior-BCBt,"ontbo West aldo or tbo DcU- nbly boil 110 idea of an fimavalion of modern A reward ol *250 is offorcd ror llio convict lot into tbo lVolingi and struscloa nbich agltitcd wuro, wilh ttio great resolution burning In hl» DelouRlng to Dr. liultolph which will before ilot-ollon otiQO fott. Tho pro res tor neit qwko Wanted! TTu s BBLOOKD—llc(;ilining at tbe mont vest' Ibo Eastern Cubnioa., It iatrao that tbo cist- ongbo milnccd witli a larger iiinlrnmeul. drelulcctuiuat this place. They nowreatizv wanlly ooruer of laud late of Hiram Coiidii, in rrfllicriiHCAlswfiq attempted tnUoln Bald Conriit'i linoopposiloa Urge nppcr part of Proqwcl atrcol tho olhor emita »aya, "If empowered, wa mut. crtm llio Allo- motior stmclmiH tiparltueut, mtf furuUbod 11a HlO(f npovorj-wbero, am) many aro n ton in 5 source of \\\% vtrioiiB wktors tu&t ho had ig nloug the streets tight.; huldiug under Clotbiug Store, ucxt door to tlio Pohl Ofllttf, wbilo wood slump and sapling;, tbenco no a tli of Ibo Jtoilun,Abo Hollander* pri-dgrolnalud. ixtj-flve tlnnreeH west seven cJiniiis and twenty )rd to considerable complaint, italus." (Itainnay.fll,) Those wk t, tba object ur which l"*ro (e tlio uplo- clung to bla ri>riunDi, cangbt IIIB spirit 1 fur. icrvolni, .capable of Imldinpr ten limoB Iho nuatoa utaltu; tlicnco tiurlb twenty-font ile- Hat. J. n. llunyon, nri'cipack mid Cbciti trbiob produced tlio Ilcfnlulion, In met, uamo, • iblcdroofa, ornate fronts, bay windows, olo,, il) atidfiiijter, ono nr those liahllim«ti" EPOItT OF THE CONDITION OP Till? rucsftml Ibfrlymfnult'B wcat thirteen curios hlist tbnro, TitHt of the Delaware, a Conned-. llmuchiug nlVinto tlio wingn onn in lunt in mo of them being no compiclel; IranHformci] . untity of water required, would not in tUu ;un9 vulgar)}' tortncO A flon. They cUug NITIOHAL UMIOH liiNU or BoTcr, New ndlorlylluba to a maple tree In Htil«o]|'s line; entirely arorge to that movement, lint ;ut oJUcor wrolo very njiicy wordu to his friend least lulnrforo Tith tiavlaatlon or imnrffaclur. R bonce iiortn nfiy-UYo degrees and thirty min- n Suites County. Tuesday evonlng. rsof tbo Dntcii KLTO patriots. In 177C. I'ilcbfrutiflfi of a]uirtiuuntu now beiii|( fur- to clinofia tlmir entlro nppeorance. Now with great touacHr to tbo Insect, trliicfc ep- Jenor, at DoTor, In tho Htate of New Jeiacy, at it home, "la aihfao Itio old And jouug to bo ii: ^.jbed for the acconituodution of thD ]>a> ic;'lntorcBtfl. The speaker Raid that Ibo nsr- eare to luvo InvrtriaLWflanged |b«m>ud tbm tbo ofoso of business, Juno Mb, 1070. (n«. east tuvuu VIIMUI and tliirly-sii tinVa to II Is a nholvBOine sign tliat calicoes are lie cnlliTatfomir tbe anil occupEnl the alton- tluuui. Every prac&ulUiu \\m \m\\ tukim for inrovcrncnla aUo won cut Iu tbo wny c( he pUco of lw,(tniili>ii. rontnlnliiff ton acre*, 'Push the affair or Rood uuishotu;' ntlc fcucen anil other pmtly III^IFPR lylikli gn )k volume be. Itflsovitlo Mathmltst Epincojml Clivm-u, kl A fluo stage, or tbo cam-is alylc, built for Hi _ HouihiB Tar aa Now HruuRwloV. '*Tilt) pntupccl ta.nl Slate. It w*i w called ou account 0. nouts bnvo baaii oonKtruatudi ono of wnloh Newark, N. J[., dktd Wednusdoy moruinp at hit. nichols) " C7O7 acconiinodaUon of'tho vlsltori uf tba Laka View > roads whluli, duiing tho Ural part Of thi•vill be ustxl by the private nltondnut.-For 13 Ailornment ur minti 0 piuoo or religious ofvatorfloirtothD cities hycrat-lly. A Isrfjn •necie. vis !—Cotn, SiO.Si feY virtue of Ibu nbovo Hinted writ of lioii m Ilicse Hltla, In a clear irUTUoon,blonilIng hemadioiil (Icnnrtiueut of the luslituliou a untlilp is cmliicnily right (ml proper In Ibosii portion of tho country tn ho mpjilIcJ docs not roaidcuco. No. G91 Warren street, after au ill- L«R»l Tcndor Notn, 0,SB9A< E> raeios in my lionili, I shall oxposo fur aalo HDOSU,ksjudloen tnrnodont ofKiuoVi car- 1 ono cbarnilng laadsoapo, woudlutids and rch, weio Abuodt impasiubla quigniiro.; )f more tbnn A year. Ho vras lifty-cfjjiil ?iw l>er CBUt. rcdompllim fund, 2,250.00 AI Tublic Venduc, at tbu Uuiied States Hotel, riiKD uunufaclory. [tjjl becamo froze0 liuforo tho march W«t Irugntore, oiuunwlng every fvnturo of iuntl- bocaunntafibrdil. need a very biglf level. In Morrlstawn, N. J., on JJQHS. hills and inouniafns, farois, vllinsea, •.utioUB of Ibnt kind, will noon ho fitted up. old, entered tho Methodist Couferoueo In " • 1M.IW Wo have been compelled tiila wetk to curtail 'us »»d cillcs, ponds, rlvcra, ami Ihoen- ;U twfi\i road, ludvod, for barcfoolcd Tuo display of tbo mtloml celorn from rainy 1812, and had bUflr»t charge at HoBton.N, J. MONDAY, the 14th day August . uf itham there ivcro many in tho di- 'International Y. At. C--A- Convention. miniBUil ioBUIment or local ucwitn urdor to ino lo tlio ocean. It ono wlilcli can never be Aw.omlljig iuto tba cupnln on ton °f '^ of tho bultdlnga shevr ttut ouc Mpt\i«l\»t ibiioquoiitly bo vmH located Bt Port Jerria, •cxf.A. D, 1*70, bu-ln-oen tbo hours of 11H. dlmTaUhcd ranks onVaslnngtou, I buve con tiuiliiiug a snpurb vluw CUU be obbiliioti ol In this liody, in BOKHIOU at Toronto, Onn- XIADILITIE^, liuirj tliiaagli .ha publication of the laws. Wi rurgollen. Wwtof Horrialown, tbereare rsn- friends carry tholr piinotitm ns well as their Milford, Ituuknwoy, Iltlluvlllc, Nowarkand Nnw Capital Slock paid in 201,000.0(1 md 5 o'clock P. M., tlmt IB to ray, Bt 2 o'clock iraodwilh soTcral loldiirs who were In II11- ha couulry for innny uiiloH oremiii, together .la; Hon. John Hill, of lioonton, prOHCnted in tbo Afternoon of said dar, all IUDBO tracts or will complete them noit wool;, .• of mountalni trtwiing llie Counly, 'from *lth A fi'culi, cooling breeze, very grateful al religion with tbtni, and delight lo honor both tho report of the Conunitlio on tho Eieen- iiviek. In 1802 ho was transferred to Call- parcels or land aud prcmlaoa, situate, lying and Norlli-cBBl to Hoatb-ivoat, and contliniug In- Army during tbat rolreat, and bavo rend tin their God and their country. tlvo CommittOB'H report, filiowing nn increase "oruin, and eslnbllsbod tbo llowtrd Street ind JUier nndlvid'odproflta, T.Wsi Jacob Hylveitcr.Hxton of fit. Pcler's church, uplout nutuu of the la.to vcnerabla man, Doo-this fiensoD. Jtrcalatinz no lea roeeivej front being In Ibo townsblp of Ilnudolph, iu the ilcalableamoiiQls ofinngrjclio.iroiit.ro, and ltdlglous BorrlccB wero observed OU thenf 11,0 ituv. DnC'EiuiiirtoE dC'Qre6ii ^rt-jit one ly euoke of tbf.1 marcli -nitli D. shudilir; nnd l» thu roooininonuullflUH of Conirulttoo, Couutyaf Uorrle, f B8' dial it lo a corner of ihn f<-peo ; (4) aoutli flHy- ilwirySmitli has formed.* partnorshlp wilb , a no 111 or place, BB ono of gooil Importance, brough pasKiRO waya tbut (ravorso everj opctSj »t Ou'uluolt lq eonaeijuonoo of tin- ibito tlmt tbo sljjunl uiaunor iu which Prank Keaatlep, aud the nun ilrm will punne durlug lho Wnr, and an investing Ibouo looali- vnu bet for pff tlmn innny or Inn companions, part of tbo biiildiuft below the eurfnee. mo degrees east eighteen links tu a corner of for he bad shoo* OK bin roof, TUpir tente aoi. Huff focltitloM or tho eronndu not liL.my tlia Lord luut DUsworei] our prayers Iu llie I, Jay 8, Treat, Cashlor of tlio nbavo-ntmtd io fmico; (5) Huutti thirlj-naveu and ono half ihaatt toneorlnlnt'TrtutVoid itand. Both •Itlt thnlHoff Ink-rcut lo nil succeeding fbo dumb waiters leutlina to each dining 01 /lit In order. 1 couMrnluK UR to pnt ronowed oinpliiulp Ou Thiinnlay night ofliwt week the ba* BUI, do lolemnly swear that the Abovostalo- degrees west two elmlnfl tliirly.aina links lo a elolbing wire LiBiifBoiuut la prelect Ibem; Ihi [he floors shore nru Jilletl, tlio'food elevntoi olory of Summers it Co., lit Millburu, wiu wrt.is true, to tho beat of tnr kuowledcc and corner or tbo fouco; ^C) urmili forty daerccH «ro cicollont workmen, and donervo HUBCOJB. generations, , Among thooo tvbo n»w ucenpy. tho eollagr* a tho iinportnnea of observing the nee- Blkf. JAY fl, TftEAT, Cnalili.r. nrndavruro el tier muddy or frozen ; tho rain- " placeil on lrqij tables, with ouoof which iml Siibbnth in Novcwbor ns A day oflbunlw. utoreil l>y buruhii-a nud about SJ.OOO wortl cantouo chain lo a corner uf ttiofonco: (7) It/mil be EtrtliryfOK tu our ftriiiara aud gtr- Uulil within a foiv yearn, amoiiK tbo inoun- wuro aorero; and 1 lie inhabitants BlouE room ia Biipplcd, To enoll ono of Ilicsi re Itevs. 0. B, Coil, And H. Van Iforne, Mesm. ijiving and ppiyer. They rpeomraend goner- jf huts uud iriminings stotea Vcdnesdaj ll»il and Bworn to before inc. this north forty.elR.it doErcos oust two ehvtavuiA Oenors to learn that tbo potato bujtaare flying • tiny of July, JB70. . < Ifty linkH.t.t Iha northrsst corner of Jnlm tntns of atoms, were tiirlug many eld men aud itc, pnnlo-strlckcn, a opposing lho cause _ m is attached a atcan. cbcet, TVUSCU it Hutton; Oampbitl, atuveui, TampUIiw, llcvri, A cftitmbullom, • nncl tho prosecution of morning tbo Newnrlt ]>olloe, wlio luirc beet leplitnn' bt; (fi) along John BlrpbonV lino iu Urge munliMB Into tba BOI, aud ttiolr dead tlallcck, Tnte and Wllklno, Dr, Peiklns mid irk among working men, nod ntnong Ihe working up tho case, found* ttlOU worth 01 • W. T. LEI-OUT, women who liao* pasattd tliroikb llio trjing of Independence lo' bo rulnod. And jol thi .'oil by n iiipe from tbo bnllcrs, heating tbi . Notary Public of New Jerstiy. mtluufty-llirccniid a inlf desreca cast tiviv ran bo gaUiurtjd In bushel* along llio beach. ipf! UenlmctilB or Waihlnglaii nnrer <.!•*• toblo nud keopliig the food warm until it b Mrs. Sturtovunt nf Kenark j Mr.* TonipkitiH cl QerrnftTiR ' nnd HollnndoFfl. Tbo recom- tbe iriininlngH In tlio houBe of Timclby Fin. loncHor Ibclturolutlou. Khlcli IIBII uinda SO joiwumoil. There nro ether dumb wnitei1, mit! inn n*nn Adopted. mill, Nu.. 01 lUver SL Fluunn And X'atriot Thcra will be an lee crenm loeUlat the real. tieji BU iuiprosklon uu thutr iibiuut-lus tbat, •toil lilm; wliOKP virtuenndgroatnem shosi Hudson and Doipf New \oik- Tlio Jliasei. port or wliicC wero uonreyoa bv Michael •' -hrouRliout tLo building for nil kinds of pnr Jlr- IliU aiivo nn account of rovlvnl work Harm wcro found nt vork sortiug tba goods ImoD.*JoLLEr, 'J- Directors. deucu oi Ur. OInistead, at Golden Corner, on >ry naturally, it bcuBino lho delight nf tholr >lundi nlly in Ibat darkest hour, To appeal Itoolo slao nccapy their cottage.' Tlioito laillcx In his diitrlot, which lint] led tho Delaware Uarus wiut About to nprinK from 0 window nuly and wlfo to Aun Heron by ilenl dated ration, tireo to tho ciirryTug of tninki), render, ire leacbera In tlio publlo uchuols ol Nmrnrli, April I3lh, 1876. and recordoil in Slnrrii county Wednesday evening of noxt week. Shiuld (be life to repeat tbo itorj of tholr BDlTeringB and a aud confident, as If ho TWO utitsulug the ug tho BorvicH of imrtun unnecessary to iml Lncbiwnuun ltnilrond Onmpnny $5,000 And $Q,OOQ, wf 1 o-niWi--|l!!a 5tr. fd. il, to 1 B ilgbtecn porwinf over eiglity yesn of age. Foiirhiiudred mounro now employeil ir J ' 1?'"ftoror Jacob A. Bkluuor End Danb" *nd rotor Benin huld and have poBseasIon of Tba Orango Boat Club, of Orange H. J,, are IRIKKO and miijcraerlption" which shil nga of Ilia floor nro placed- fa Iho iluor u wna n pre[\t work to bo dono nmoiiB (ho B(HJ.- now enjoying Lake Hopatcong, Tboyaredom- )noofih'cBO died in 1652, in tils nlactf-tlilrd Uattox,tho Itocltan-nf InillOcr, bus been kept DOO riiUroml mbti ou this continent. Swcnr- tho completion of lue ntnv tunnel of the Del- M.SltnutT, Eicon lora of Jacob tiklnuur, duo'd. under contract of nurohaBsorTerrcnoOonnatlv' year; another in 1660 In bla Olit year. Do In (ballcnge tho Tenon (Ion or mankind, in tbi diutlho bntlomof tlie floor doopa anil thi tirotty biiny. -, - - ' hiQ hml been aluiont entirely nlmuOonmi in iwuro nnd Ldokxiivdunn ltnilrond nndor Her- ^crrogato'i Order to Limit Creditors. ind of which tblril part or jilceo ell tboriBhf, iolloainjihoaflo' oa Solan's Point, bnllt for to oomo. .. . ' Jlrt IH innlod away hy a current at air. N application of the auava-oamuil Esocu- Mile, lutere&t, cb..m aod daroanu tbercin of tbo. them by) Hr. Wllllamg^ tho propiletoi-- of tbo hsd soared in tba Rovoluifonary War. Bovpmt Lyun'i* board inn boniip, a ivcll kept plucu is tlie districts YJIWIO nTivnh linA occnrrci,, 5eu HUU Jersey GUy, ' According ta ttti «ld Ann SI. Heron and Felcr Heron is lovh'tl wnrnDnliaroiilod within five years, who wer; Qalug bolaw wxt taw* n. IUUUUUOB ol nt- now open fur boarders, anO llio general Blon id fewer Himneuflinna Tor driuikennesa had original plniis llio tunnel in now flniahed O ton. It Is ordered by the Snrrogalo ihll IaUa'Yfow HOUBO, . -^ .. tnclivu things, n dasoription of which conic be said iiMutors Btvo Publia Noiloo lo k -' It to bo sold by Wriuo thorcof. * •rill bo openml nail week, _.ien reported. There luul beou recently but the milrond com[winy hns decided to creoi mnoty/jpitrB old or upwards. Iu 1854, thero • • » dotbeeivtm In A bt-iuf UBwapnimr - arlicli •IDUO eouversions In Alnrris county. Iltf liori- 1 briok nrcb one-lhird tbe eutlro diutance, ii jreditora or tbe estate oraald decedent 10 brine PIERSOH A. FUEEMAN, Bbcrlff. TIID ast end or tbe n»r ol tbo Dotor two pmoni B>t tlio rcBpootlro ages of liko tbifl, and must ho Kltyhtly noticed Thti fultdwinp; exlrnati from a oliuuhr just n thoir debts, daminili anu olnliiis agnluat tli depot eauflbt llro on Uoattsj morning Irom PORT MORRIS. , dd thOBO eucnfteil iu milronil work would go iiiler ti avoid Bccideuts from pieces of fall, «t». nndor o»tli, within nine nonifa* ton thl* Dated Juno Sth, 1870. [Pr. fs. flt.OO. /-eight and oighlyrnlnp, In Morrlatowu There ore largo fnns worked by B ton in foi iBsusd.by tboOt'tnnilttcB trill prove of liilorcMt: ronvnnl witli runewed teal, ilotennined tkil Ingruck on tlio track. Tlilx additiaimt worV late, by BottlnRup it copy of IUIB order, within thu drill cnginB, Mblch waa standing on tbo rare two brother*, Edward Condlet, Usq., aod Fiftcon Ira mns dono ns tho honor of remain- forcing eurrfiiits ofnli through thabuilJinn Good wntor-proof lonfn, ilrendy put np, iu- tho milwny employetH KIIOHM ho brought to [UVOIVOB a furtlicr cimvnl!ou,ltDomi AS tbi wen y dajs borwittor, fa an tt the meat »ub- .aiding. Tbe flimu voro citingnislioa without lion. Lotria Corjdkt, whoso memory naeh- ing lioro over Sunday; among thorn bnye from two momroolk horizontal engines for work- .•mding fly and floor, wlllbo let twmly nor eun. "eiilnrgQinont," and tbe contmotor, Ur io ntaccB in too county or Morris for two ' rahiinj an alarm. " • od bick to tba fcorlod and otcnts of tho. Koto- twelva to n'lteoa yoara old who eliowod tobacco ing the mnctdnflry throughout U10 titructnro MeAndrow, will licmrennfcri- lilt 'the 1st o. 'mmthB.andalse. wUMn tbo slid twenty (lav* RECEIVER'S SALE! a'gas bouM, where- tlu» gAs> is gauenited Mr. HlUinovod, -"SPIint Ilia Secrtliiry of aipbUDbcv, ... . . • J?«"*"i-tlsluKtbeHauiOln iLn iBmrEu.'oni' INCHANCEHYOFNEWJEnSEY. . The new eraTol aldowalk loading toirsrds 81, Idkon; In addiiioti to such vcnorablo mtnoiV addBmokoi)Bliqrtolajrpipot.-V - - ' --' ttrong, but not nncomfortable. Colin, for tbt thin Convention be directed to send Die fol- a tbo notrspapcra of thin Rtato, far the «™, ' Uaryrciiurcb^cst of the railroail track,, bas ee, thero were many dricendanto of thmo nuo Wobavea (mliao of tho pence nnd nomisla- cenfluement of violent patioutti; A morgni lowing toleRTam to tlia Qncoa of Englnnd, pace or Hue (lho Surrogalo judginrj any fiir- £GnEKNPoHi)]UiLnoAi> COMPACT. ' ' • Minn flopping dally at Wo ant Tabor dtL , . '. Theoubilns llodiuo, AU old nud inflrn sdot nollw to bo unncueMaly) i oiid If ao^ Y vlrlua or an order tn mo directed mm!* boeu conmencsd and tho road la being properly larod iu tho trials and conOIols of that tlmo. >toboro now, Rontloraen, when tbo boiljofl pf tt>B (fend nro kepP until Blgnod by tho president of thin Oouventlon, man committed suicide At Phillipsburg 0/ ltor sbail nffflecUo fxhlblt/ilB nr l"r d"?. by tbo Court or Claaocrv iu a certain curbed.: It IB tlougnficdcS improvement, and lioohlldron pfauch asOaplaio Stephen Jack- You did not hoar how Beaton Dob Rot awaj culled for by friot)lln [ 5 neat of piglit bngt 'lho Dover Impress an^ Jliroiitjh Hall en both nnd by Mr. JlaoDoDnid, Pnnldont of tho To- B their in audduwnlrfpst AHfI'O tegular iralui> Slonilay morning, 101b, by taking (itsenlc, a-ud iAd claim -Jritlith ibo MI«\ iterloA 0 uiiiBO ihorola dttwnOlns, nlwrem Bamuei Bon- should be completed this jear, tn, of Hock%ttfl.;.Cal(.[iQl Jacob "FovJ, It,, Ilun. from onr consUbte didyop? TlmtwaBknloLed boilers wliloli (uruieli tttaftin for the cngiiiov ixlltatop boKwo IOOR, inrl ilurlng ilic Camp ronto Asaoolntion , '•Amtnica; ta t\i.it itu AKer tie aontli of his wlf>>, Iio lived with hi- o rooBths, public nntlco bcIiiE risen aF ncjl, Jr.^mlollinr-, arocomplalnanta, and the . TbeBBDnor asys tbo tillnc Tar lettering and Lewis Coudkt. Captain WtllJim Tuttle, and toil forlionUagpuriKiReBj liU[Jo coal bioH ai Heating several oxtnt Irsim wlil run. Oonleiinfnl year, jolna with the Dominion ol (Ungaler for 0 few wockn, when sho coulr , BUOU wodilor snail Vio rnrnvor trick llobcrl, for which ynu may havo to repont Lirgo HB Brnnll H1I;OJ bonnes; inaoliiuo oncl Oiinadn, thronch tho international convc~ ornamepUDg the front of tbo aXorrlslown J,U olhera, or Horriatown; Oaplulo Bitlj Thomp. aome day, in suck cloth and naliCB. Tbore is a dally in ail to and noin tbe ground, uot keep him Any longer, llo nfterwrn-di 1 cfirpcnter ohopa on no menu fitailo; A LiumJrj md ilurine; tbu Ottap Memins HOUSOU a tele. tion of Yonug Meu'if Christian AwMwialioi rfoiight ndminsiou to tho connty poor liouse. • braryandlycfam Building was rccoircd last son, of ITendliaro; Anron Kilchol, of Hanuvcr; Tbey bid a c»«o of bl(jb»ay robber, ! where JmnieiiHO stcmn willing ninouiucs di {raull i fficeai&oe wil will l heopbe openn , ii pmyinB Qod bleat the Quoen.'" nud waa refused. Doing rllsgusled with llfi wooli. Tbej. number abont 30,100 pieooi and and many others ol tha mmo period and opln- mbarjiaof dtanbopo {Lovo Lano) tho othor dvay with the labor of many nnndu; it bok- Blr»W, wood, ooal md Ico will ba nonplled bj< Tho motion WAS mmuimoasly enrriod by ho prooured Homo nrsdnla and proceeded U HOTEL OF JOHN P. BROWN, will a<)d tbo nccosaary finish- to tbo front or tbo cms, BIIII 1 utida In Morris nnd remember well A young; J!jsn litd ap«n a lady p».v jry where the donah in mixed by luuchinarj tho AssooiAttDn at market prices, riiiiiit; vote. tbo cemutecy nnd there near tlio gnrtfl of hit building. ' ' •nhat Ibetr ra.tuora toU itiem," concernlnc andtmltcd pu revolving plalcaitibngo ovena; A flnt-olati ntore will ua onuaett by Broi, depftrtod tore, took tho fiitnl done, tbms mono; tit ono of ths st&rea thuro, lit air ducts, no dntlt Ihnl ono knpw uot when Sums «nil Arnill, of DOODIOU, who vrlll BUII Morris County SwroRato'sOfflco. IN NEW FOUNDLAND, BIOHRIS Co., nn iat UDparallciflJ (trijggla for treoHata. know ibo would havo to go tbroufth'Love Lane be is ooing fc piiislng tlirongU them, nnd m ihclr goody at rosionablo rntpi, '. Obituary. \ JOTiTatl),197B. Por yoarajt was a-peculjir pleaanre to tbe to go boinc. Ho Iclt lho itore first and when Qnm Imftrrt will b witn-Baosof ihoHovololion, or thoio wbo tier if iibe know wbors some woman tired. 8He —igs wlilclicoinbiue to make this tho Inrg onlftlmnp; tvo oertliB, tor $1 por day. uoflmnll portion oflbiit oomiuunity, thiitHr, deconseil. Surrogate .! ord«r to limit orudi- md Hlnfiulnr Ibo prtperty, riglitB, uriTllCRBB , spoouoy. qrer tlie, coollnjr " bo«rage"-iibo ladheiril, from BUCII, the facliBtid tiidltlonn ings, Ac., addrcas Bov. R. Van Home, Dcnvllle. chlno nnd Iron Company. Boiu^ a yonnp; Caotoctor Miller,.. „ itailroadititeriicatBtho PbllailolphiaiinhlB.iray tbltlier. Ve can r«e- 1, during tlje twoWlulowhopusedln Mot- ip to'tbo young man be caught her arid holding out in completed, they will greatly add to tbt maa ot oxoelkat diaractti ftB*for«ct bab- wny.'finploys annmberof ItalidDBtialabor- r Jcrsoy Midland Bail- , 1 - , ...... „„ .__».., -outhffostorly (long the ' otamond lira la toy M as hontat, capabh am coiDty-rtbo Winter' oIlTlft-i aod 1T79-'W. ier moutb Qrinly with ono hntid he trlt-d •< tarul nltmctloiiK of tlio p]itoe. :>. . Its. nnd posnesHod of n (jeninl alspoaition, he era. Sovooly or eighty lianila nro now at f n •efficient mu.'andkeartily wish him ibogreakit Eiccptlug Ihe uricf and, ear la I)))/, for local In?, Wa nre to jmiiro to.: ti*vel crent • From Dover to Philadelphia- jml jpitliorcri mMllutl him I largn circle ol work. mcVorthoMild Green Foml Ilailraad IB non • ce-t in her pocket nllh the oilier. Shu had friouSa, among whom he won a «enorjil favor- i.> .u» tut, UIUUIUO, juin awv Tviium wo Baiti graJod and laid a dlsUnco or four tnllos and ancccil. ' . . torest, tbo quite meager sketch of Loaning, In illBlnucea to. viow . groat;/, anrlcoltieii, Onr " wolMitB," Ur.' Wro. A. Sirykor and Dr. 1 workinc foirco of lho zinc mtno At 0g- woutydayB bj wlvertifllnB-ibo samo iu tbo nino hundred And forty-tiro feet to tbo mines amp paroeli In ono hand and a dinner pail In 4nd often uofileol tho nltttiotlons wlileb X, E.. fljiMti, suocersrully aoournpHnhed ite, Ho was one of tha charter members ot doLabnrg luia been iucroucd. " non MIA, nno of thn newspapers of this Ntnte, his admlrablo Field Book of tbo RoTolotfon, I thither. Kb bo attempted lo aloal lier pocket Protection Hook and Iiidder Company, nnd or tbo Green Pond Iron Jklininp; Com piny In \ As yon ptu along tlio streets tliosc eullrj acquainted wltb Do book or pamphlet which .ire near by. Onn who wishes, lo spend e rtin tour lo rbllsdolphlA last week, MI ,or tho aamo spice or time (tlio Httrrosate juclcr- tho toiyusblp or Hooka way, Moms coonVi Kon - uigbtB hDW flDggcBtive of tbo peninoe which book, ibo Btrnng that dinner pail sronud and dny prnfltidtly nml pluunntly ennnut find s WAS very popular with bis fellown in this or- Tlio Sussex Ilatirond pK wy farther notloo to bounnoooisary); and Jersey; also B, bti.net. line of lliii tocn linntlrcti ' ttnuj tu glTD c¥on an onlllno lililory or it or wbleh' tho former rurntxheB ua Irom gftQlmtioD, • Only two weeks ago liis resig- 'AcIiu.eQ laal xvecV. if anv creditor dmllttcslocl to nUbU hti or and «o«nty-two root iu lonctli At aUS mlnei j . «xtrcmo tb'gnnal condition* Ituposo npoa the ilrnckbini 130U t. hlnv witb It Uiat, mnta ctjuveulenl wny of no dotug UMHI 1>J jor .lobL, demand nod, oliim nllhln tbo said ihoie two mouorJblo Wlntara, Kor do I pre- ilui out. Vihca bo &qt u[i |>o picked up tbi vMtiiic this, plica jind. tucicg wtat. Now bf> diary: "wDnAn fiotlvo member van noceptod, alioalllho eiJo tneba oin tlio old ncUwbloh of the wilo of our tewiiNinn.11, Mr. J. Mnnthall ,KI tli Hi Dorroui/dlitruitlul look, W *t» wilk* id, BUCU iron boloDfiirjg to lho New Jersey id went away wbcu he got ready without Jot tiou difiplaycd in-tlio coinmns of the Bulletin. •looK with a slow anil umUadjsten. • TbrrlnkIiu bcrTorm, A.D. 1B76. . (llsndltdlv^Caniainj-, bivIuK bceu lunnvd ~ hod, obserreu- Uo OenteonUl Fourth irltn t. The flnmniar nnd Full or 1170 bad bueu uiarlc mill In cshlcuco, IVo Tliiilcd thu old gi josoy, which occurred ycilcniay (Friday;' left her thMl«»nilth«rlifrry her lip*, lbs oner • . * W. T. LETOnr, SoVr. iy tbem lolbfl qrocn roud IlaUroad Oompaiiy, bladnnco.; Thoro wa* uo dimealty at lil tn ind thd fligbtsof poetlo fiincy iudalf^d In by yard, AJIO found many' imwriptiuii« sioillflr, to toon, For aoino tlmu pnut ubo Imd fklt toon- first class <]emou«tratlon. which Included a with diuhcartenliig rotcnos. on tbo part of J10 editor, nra anrdy uot the cinanntioiw or wirio, liJiniilfil hinds *r < nnw thin. »ait cotd. H*r >Y»irtno of ibo abo?o stated writ of fieri ,nd Bnbjoet to removal, tpLttcliaB, a banqnet, ilrewaris, elo. Among hfl Amoiipans. In AugQBt, General Uroono, resting a man ror debt hero nnlra ubori. tirn* following:" Him llni tho body of Ibcha<' ly Ihn lmiiijH ot tliwuiwu. nud deutb mimt hnve be»ut>- hu floil, Wbtt bis wrongtt this wondrous E> r AMTHOKS JONES, .. tho pmicipints/pulliBuedin theCbronlelo of ettto Waidiiugton, Ibo ablest uffieir In the tUalUicpcop\o fitllocutoa tu« nt> Iiu-kins it Loneutreot, wife or Win, VnnDorcn, who C< A Rood Gbrwtlnu wlfo and mallier. inn »iirf«oo oftliit0000lOTely formf .Dots she r it' Tfvlng to rah a woman on tho WgU- Kllio htr terrible condlttgiit- Ii aba ivu> or tl RCCZIYEB QuiH POND R. It. . tlw OonUcont, .* nen>p*apcT o! .lbri city, •** hTmy,Bndiitl.)J.ttiiui>as ';Mnfinfd in hi* bed V<(h a raglne wiy Buenis a much n^oro foqtl pfljiucn. Molluk, 1BI3; Cupt. J^bu Allen, 1800,etc. O wocfiilappcinuceshe mikuT . Womw, from bi few Fouuaiand, Inly Utb, 1C0.'. . .. ai-Zxr ; Quiz—It ia probnbly nn uufonnrteil rumor her Iiiin11y*iir«fl[«niio,"flni1 BUboiigl _ ... very KBturt),la aubjcot to •catBlogOfl>of_t'" — MONDAY, the 21st day August Dover.' uiTor," "lint bo hopdii, Ihrungh tbo BssEstauco And now, while I am clinck full or tlio niorsl iiittlio udltOF of tho i/itiruffn dpiwn both hln passing t|io nQh epijn a\\A hny ~ell" with hJr now, yot inrniy licnrtH will be nt Provldouco; to bo able to rfdo before tbe latr, there ia another matter I rniy an well get ible etipplicfl nml the itinplmllon for bis lit- ttoldi or flo'-ner^t CM I'.V. I'lio grain in buluR _lted with sorrow liy thin grunt bercjwemenU tnaiidleBftreluilucedbj her own l S o'clock P. M., tlmt u to ..;, it 2 o'clock John and WnT. Buff, broltera, »E«1 IS and off my mlnd-tlmucb I bardly know lion to got erary-prodiicliona from tlio Counly Poor To Ntioh wo offer our duepeMt Hyuipntliy. 17 respcctiToly, aocotopanletl presoncD of tbe enemy niay make it tbaoltjtolj gatbcml !il. AM fur tts th» c;o can carry y< laatns. If properly trtBUd. mialit Ihmrinncnn. nr mH d»j, nlftliil tract ot SHERIFF'S SALElf •ojiary." Ilia wish was not roallzcd [ anil, at|l. There aro subjects m ttollcato prratbor iTonin, wbioliyou tliink iwcouuUfitt his fro- u ono »»rt' grain ile«ert. L'lio fidila uvora;. Bit conns, mni tbtmby pnwe 01 rrel ol Ijnil «na ptralm, slliuto In lie more, aged 17, ran aWay from Booulun an Fri Juy ui) ludo-lnata, l{f»l tho lose ihcy aro touched up ciuont viHita to thnt inntitntion. Wo kilow For tlio Ladies •hnrt drintlan. , Tboy tthanll not buleft tc imnjlilp otliantolpli, lo ibo Count; or Morn. nCbanBoryof NowJcrsor. El.fa. Foi-Mla of- ' nlRbtof Imi weot, tftor brenliloj iulu tba txtv _ tlio tKttUly-iwieulh of Aupii«i, tbo dmas- me liundiL'd ncroa, ilic B!XO of au iirdiuary farm martgicc-d premises. WucrclnJacob G. Itock-, llmbptler/or a)l poqourpoj, and oniluarllyU tho man too well to Buffer any such aniior- .„- tylo of ilrciH. B"nepilly nilopteil hy »u imipUfouKfa pbyaiclui who Dtl li,'tborofore, tneonip«l*ot >> full™,: tying ,& tbo.um .Uo or He oroller (B cotopialnani, and CUBS. W. Osberry ur tba ralnor or young Beardsraoro anil robbing Is beat not to toncli them 1 liut depont people thevlallurrt at llie. fica. fiid.u kwwrtu differs ta tnat'ihniQ! llio lapartanco of tttaodltig'te ™,: •ud Mary Onberry oro dofendants. Ectorna- it or H7B in money. John Ha ig w»« arrested "Is sail! lo have wltneasfd Hi a rout and ItonB If 1U1—Vo pnrjnot KAV for certain llinl Airlvedat tho"Toii Ryek Ham IJnioD Intnpikoroftd ind IB* part of tlio land around here ban been ua pailsnt and lo •otno.vbnt from tlwt wqru for tbo just flic Femilo DIIDIIH tn tbolr ecrlleii auin cannot br tllftt was convefe«!• 'Ilic, At ii P> K.,iliunl ot G;QO and fotirpd, Arose too atron " urtoil. F»r If neclseted. ia«j frequent' tllftt was convefe t(V'-tcli the time* la ttarchSM.iaio Bid tcou a «rm«rmrr m Oa iiBiit t >ld?l o H facias in tar hands, I isball expoto for TIIRIII lifirfli1oiie6qiT|lln)roji|ii'tv. niui ivnulil pla'i Coutnnn Seme MadlcBl Adrtaor," ofwWcliH, ibo lurnplKo raid tblrtv.thrwtbltth i f«oott *t rrlehl l salo at PttbliD Ycndnu BI tbe United htntci > ' ot but week lightning Btrnok llr. ti. D. Cory's " 1 tu ba Tory sickly," CTCU "onts-fonrth of Cbi-tsthiii patlonco and forbuarafipo, 4ml tho 1 '"'ere' sonn oiraritrlnbly qnarlcrod at llio I'tfa* ninrq tiR^oijiing/tlmu heitvy Kitha, ]I«wc> V. Tietet, M. 1)., or Diitruo, N. Y,, la Its inllior ind Hold, in Morriitown, K. J.,' on house on Elm street, Alorrfetonn, splinlerlng «holo}" and "during tho heavy slormB, aro ondjtnow. Jt may- ho true,' as preachors tell jiilyh^yoiwnto rend tfia ei\liofM lumn'"" iu Iliital," AuTixul 4 L'.O,, Prpnr|ulnrri. Itu- nr, mmy nf tJiHnfln]]piirinilljTKlinpli)cr»«liiuie imLlnLoMi in ntsnJert traaflia nn "Woni«n' 1U1J lOdlcB from th cnt f ld oad, tfao olehth HU lerOl^utxV" UndartblibcRdtUiowriaiii «ff«- llnopfUio Kaolo iraot [n uld deed bclDlf llil o ! Keathor boixaa on ono eornerof Ibokilcben, much dintrcMcd, not bavins °- (.. iniio'tit 3p. if. and (lined. ire rich!/ ntlij oLihoiutely DuUhed, tind proh bc»i](taovmrit>in «ff«- MONDAY, the 14th day of Angitd 1 nm RUII l)in Anfl,"to fiiibHtautintc liis ibly oout iifmrly, il nut qnite, njt much a IUB 10 vnioa TTOIDIQ is incident bi*o cftt^failbr con- eonlro of Bald md, ud no. along md Inr," C entering tha room, near an Iron sink and pissing " tn, coyw tbem/ |8pirka'B Wrlticgsor bardly bp told (bit I therefore, w« mByliro pasi(.-il an lioiir.nr ftms'.T In v1('w1n«tUopnlt!.c lerml. aoouritBl)' portrBjuJ, and • rcit*r»tltc •nUn rwa aonlli Ibnrteen dcjreea md lorty- icit. A. D. \m. Wlvieoa tho honrs of la M. out an open window.. There was s small hoto imaiortllj w poaaiblu until Uin srwo ni flod "iulh]in»fl, *n.,iit|ilntap,«. luft fur Trumon, (Alfat, ' •* - " • - • • Ji.-:-ol trtMmont •ugnoiiea., Urcrr wfliE] md G o'clock P. M., tbit IB to BIT, at 3 o'clock - Law-ciU uhoee -nnJ rlolity nuibroldermi s TBIUH her life uid healtb, ilould - »"> ™lnul«B oail, and tba boglunlno oorrar it intlioatloriioonor said day, all"that tot, tiact mndo la the wall tiy Uje.dUcbargo. Mim Era 37.) Between eloVen nnd twelve hundred tnen glrea ns a oliango of heart, *• irrirlas m tho Hliito Htroot Uouso alioqt B lioso arc Ronemlly worn with • tlwse benuli- rtliliviliublabook. irabttlt'«iDS,Beetieuoir isniliewiM hex, I'rlre OJ Joins V«i* at llw laud tbat HUB eonvoyeA \u put nine o'clock on Bundiy ereolog vms fur a military rtores. artillery, tud mno tbonsam' in, (hoagh a fool, mil umicrgtawl II, B. J. yonr hcnefitctor. nuil 'ought tn reflect thnt tlretts, cUo tbu tJiiuinlto (V\1IIUUCM Is limt. illttj %l.KL poll •ptii, ip »flf ild anwrar^lUi hi'. Jhenco .1 rielit m$Z to Charles If. Tonli by dcud frem Slnttlicw Blcler were it not for him jcu wotilil hnvo luul uo tci.H. Viia'.ng tbroii~h Nowporlville, A cony delabtblln l) nortrthb sovenly-flrsofenlv-n o and B. dij or two a .matter" oT"; toajottun'i md R&TB men wcro rcmored from Long Island to Now Bvorybody wljn uiill<^ "uy pybialilionH (a be ' ''' arter dtgroo a bnndnrf feet; t and wifc, dated April 21st. A. D. 18G8, and re- rise t« an unroundetl rttmar. tbat tho Vork} ind, with spoil *WH iras this manm f, no "ilk factory, no mnunment, littlo |ii»o' or si feral huqclre^ inhabi.anl>. oQnfcWcrfl'l stj'llNh, Vcnrn li ".ininsliaroiigh," carded in tbo Morris County record of deeds in ' bolel liadowa burned. On Tnesday formed, tilt the cnomy, oply Blx hundred More Old Manuscripts. nud 1.0Fourth of ^uly cc)cbr>tlinn ; Mid that anrlyn nt Kinillo," bnfc; rpffcjihrn'piil* and ITis rntlier broad brim rtnOere il iMJCUhnrly •quarter aogroea out flrty«hs.,i. fwt j thonof?oi dat rinhl book G 1 page SM. &c,, snd tho part bcrebr Ur. Win. II. Baker 0/ tbi? plapo has ujioirt you would, iipt'luife liatj 11 riiiluqtitiu of (wen- lint|o tilir HpHpltticjl 'Jnririify. ^rfivimt at oseful foe llio Bcavtido ; Rflfl iicplt1- !* -'— Tilpl woatniesv or derrowlon : 11 wunk ei- ingles (3) Kouth Avo RQ^A qrurter dcgrfOB west Intended to bo conveyed in part of lot number naymoad learned by letcfrapb tbst tbo light irds dliUut, did nofdiicoter nbut was g ' 1 trco in blocb number three, as dosiniBtcd oa iqvo pecont rt» tfe taf&ntlftHp'yorkR llie "Red i«iTnr Jnn! ftlioijt' 10 A. W. ' Tim AUOVO poo hundred tot | tbeneo plnllcl tosiid olElitb traa^ansBd by tbe burning or (ho nursery of _j, until Ibo last bop.1 waa pn»hlug Trom the 1 IL coupla of old documents, tlio properly of lausled fooling, no energy or courage; Lbi lino (4) Burin fjurleeu1 «M ttMOMniMtet flo- rnapofBBlillard mado hy Fmnk r. Amadou bin grandfather, Ti-omaa De|l of Snccusnnna, in m crentl j eujnyoif fin t)iu ureiiliig uf tbu houtn la about tweUa mile» frorn Pliili'li" de\pUli«W Wts$ fat CBUU of mcu.al ovei-work mdejerclions 0 and entitled tho ' • Big Ier Farm Lota," and re- Jojcpli" Oretrea, it' Oroen nock, near Tcetk- •ho«. '-So lntenM,"4aaj-B Sparks, "irss th* ottilli nad It not uetn fw '.'out COKIHIUIUP." greea west iirtyfoot to iho pIsWofVMlnnlnB, corded in tbo Morris cunnty rcsord of deeds in nesn, which tnvulfed a loii of 130,000. ,'• ;ieljof wrashinglon, so unceasing bit e«r irfatcti, thaqgli nol ^a ot<] ai tjiose sbo^rn us by _-,.-, . . «HuliW«rc4ioboian,OupoJIiiy iieeiapi, or en mo drain upon tba Byilom, Is cpnUInlng UTO thouaandfMit ol land; helm: Aapiiii.T.—Von nrfi raont nwiinully ripht .ud Atluutlo Oily by tba influx of Centennial lho aamo lot of laud GODToyed by Jailcs A connection wltb a ileo.1 from said Chariot M, , ..jF/tbatforrurty-cIsbthourahedldnoldosi Ur,.auy V, IHllPUnisi) l»\ ireo)., p In AEHuiuiug that brother 0 irrl«ciu in .Lie |iifc VCPH lept BB a Piiblfo ilnrajB enred' by Hnmpl,rc);i' llnmeopatliic Tanis to ono aeorea Kindle, dited May 31st, •iHilDm, luiro Honglit rofugo nt tho Branch, OotKliloand wifo to aSid Aaron L. JluniaBUnoharrdt The Union School Kouso Babbtth Bclionl, Ur, ocil latcrci. that make them nups iLjo k-ss moatiifitutcoi](larrritijfK»!lJir(l!u^tulo. His speclQo No, gB, It to 11 pa np and liirfgoritt'B 8JU, nnd lies ou tlie nortbwoBtcrly comer of his eyes, ana raroly dlsmnnnted from hit Hou«o iipvardH ol *. pan|uryn|ury. An EngEnglishtnal n eberd they hnvo ixirtially uuceeed la intro- (on deed boarinc date July 8J,' \m ^ Vim. 9. Wright^ Superintendent,hadapUaaanl borto." 'Tbo dnrlnon or Ibo night anil bear; ralnablc, they bclpe alniost as old a* thp set'n-s]ilnitiniiBnp npble.'bfHaiiflovcMlioiibi uuim- by tbo naiaa ot Pin lip Ames, probably first ' liulng their pacitllur stylo cfdrcKs, canaiBt- hoVB iidiapcUtbc|t.ootnan[Idc8pontIcncy, P'cnle on Tharidiy. Swlngi'trero eroctedand pa.clinl>|e, biH nSKimujva powim Rniml. and mparlantienf[thand energy— slops ttiO clralu boiUR tuo northwesterly corns* of Ooy and Tog In tbo morning" wfto good blessing froi ttomenls ot theplaoea Ihoy rnfcr to. , there Uunivwoutntinn 111 lilfijururR. Erur 11 ji. Afior bit dualb anil about tba year 1 ng, fur nil occa«ions, of a b)iiok bilk skirt KlnRB *ttecifl,_uua runB tnencc nlong lho north- oiher proparttlon, mftdo _fbr;ibe cnjnjment of Ono It *, deed, from Million WrljI.tTtiT IB Vopt "by lil» wda«v In 17&1, 0 part of ud y,UiUy,Uito> tnuk, posT£aoeoo vq%nvopi In tlio inuonio - itid rejDTcnatea tbo entire nun, icon lined 2Q erly nlnn of Kinc» strcot (I) noi-tb forty^>na OM children, Including a bounillnl oolb>t)oD, D! nntunrlpnt in. \i]m, |]fttiucri|)l|o.i| nn, themon- Wrldht.cxeontorflof Nalban VTrifflit, dooeaucd utaeiit, . tunURil fisjitmoil rtUy nsjuiijU 111" pD '! Wne, bill the peopln, st Continental ConRrt»a, Mesxri Daw do in, i VUbiH; 1 dreu feet to tbo fourth corner nf lho namo IA lp Brcad.iVtty.How Vork. " 27-ly VJI appUwiloQ oMbo 't,bma.»bud Admin- Drjan*lrenolnllon." (Ramsay,tD.) Tbat flltj aerei, "Bcitnato In tljo tntrnahlp ol IJooVs- judging fpn) hJH ^uaiii|t p|p)tfltiuy, *y|)| ever isliluf, Sawiqol V 1T* *Tt^ Robert 1'roal / -i'lratorltliortspedhytboBarrogAtolliat tbo lino of lot number four In salil block nnra> wc NBW Postal Rates. C her three, convijed Lr unldTunis loonoWm. 0n« of ilia flncit outdoor twrvIV" t>" dcrcat "Jlsplrltoil too*real a proporUnn »ri hflrry," wbleli land tfaa, conyoyed to Jfathan Pnlno, riiqed Attjjnit aqtli, 17Jl,\t'tba "lied uid AilmlnittrBtar filvc pSbiio not Ico Mo' tho Smith by deed of April 1st. 1H73; thoncofS) firoudl^nflMeyprfltollmt'ba In lli» - ' " lion.1' .lobn Aikmi was tboro again Doc. Dtb, The following Beotioo of n Inw lvi« Uoau crcdltnraoMhecsUUofABlddeceuont to bring •«o(dalong time was that anil.,,., . iroops," and "grcalnumhL-rsorlhaUIII (lain Wrlclit ID I'tt t>y I^W Pocoff, Tho InelrU- . i!...,| ngi,,^ ; Morfi,, fin ' tlieennie parallel to tbo Qrat lino brrwr gone oft" In icmo (Bilancei by whole Itegi- y I1H8 n 1775, and 0a\, 13lb, Ilia, I uw A HkonotB of uuted by Congreta r,m] npiuovfil by tin . TO PARENTS. In their debts* demands ud claim* (gainst. tk *eiorthBY.U.O.A; in tbe Hcrr-Tr™ P»* ment'ls wrllleo In a c«i. logMv ),and, aa() is resWeOt wH may provo of general intorcat samo nnOBr oath.'Withia nine' mouths from oOUih fortf-ono and A quarter decrocn r*st ]"t Snnday.tfterDoon. Tbe meeh ientB f aud yet, ho says, "every power I poi- itaesscd lij James Ucoow and 'ilmi, ~ '""" Mrs. WBsUlugtotj that was seratpliM, upon, a this date, by; sotting tip ». copy, of. this order, sevonty-Dvo feet to A corner of in id lot rmnibcr Heat. la. That tninflieut newmnnoni nnd It in a wi-ll-lfnntm fact that ihoiiBindH or ffmimtwonty-ijByi.berearUr.lin five of " foar, bdnr; a staV6 In tho ivOHtcrly lino of wW da.t^ j..D;8t4venion,»l; }H Bhall bo exerted to suno tlio cause,"- Thoollicrdocuncrjt U0I10 upon tbocp»tm Qlmk- children die Annually from tba elfeotB of worms, tjr Hr< Tliow U nnililng : ili,it |ni|t ;(iijiui|-. llie ningnilnos, rcfiukr publications ilnjlgucd for mn«t unblto plapt-s n the OonnU orMorris "nystrnet: Ihenro alone xft>«3 flmt lino li) "W Barren. Tho music,4.2 words amply vcrUed by btsMtiunfi, {Spn and is a mop of Iludd's Lake and adjoining in'e, Tt)t fWpf paflo^jf JJIBBB IN still med Ii itlrerllsinft jiurposett, or fur fn>u uircuhitiou --illfciifCB produced bv thorn, wlillo iho Pin twomnntliimnd also witnlnjtb said t*onty iuth forty-cipjbt antt throe-qnarton decrcei Vaahlegion, i-.. 7J, 71.) 'cheek" of sv drnmuier. On 1ittMtltiy miii nf back roaa\, • ' • • " ' its remain ignorant of the" nml causo,' The -~- VAL-Djlont cliaractor. waa fi theaoTOigratory bores eutcrud one of uur lei}" it nojiinnl mti'fl nud nil tAiiilcd iniittcr of tbo _jtiva and Tsluublo priociplo of Wormaood (1 dwnliyAdwrtlpans.theBaraaln tholnos En Leaving (he "Ret] Lion" at lfljiiiro start out lliinl clnsfl, eieept imwuii-J circulnw Bhal ene nl Ibo newspapers orthli Stdto. for (bu Baa contBlnlnc; seven thousand life hurdu'd aqnurii •• doah,e-qaail«tto oholr.aMnmji It la .WBalitt to tlpUrmino whetb< ing wtoreu and tukci] iff tho prnprintoprpritrr wna i: which • taOBt «r iho nauseous VcrmidiES In unaeooMimB (llioHnrrogAteiudrfna- any fm reel or laiMi more or ICBB. • Intboycu-lBSl, tba anlborof tblsirliclc, Jib (R 1732, or 1TB2, but us Hero ape sjlgglons nndirasnuBWoroil y Ihe clerk tint lie ivcly ou tlia homo Btrclch, paislug severs bn ndmittcil to i\\\<\ trt^unuilltud iu tlio niailn boonjnado) iBSintonls, wbleh wa two mic-HicrnotlcutoljonanocoistryfjandlfttnTcredi' at Ibo renaoit or «?eral genUwnnn or llorrifl- nt i\\Q p)(p of o|iQ pent per cvory two ounces cooiloil in putting in such A form that ohildrei TlEHaON A. FRSEUAN, Blierfir. "on propoifi to eontlDtio tbeso n In it to coBTcypnpes mailj] in 1725, the tint houia, Tlio pop)] blifl wii^r (U rlilai, vre trrirc at FhilailolphU nlioii) % p, %, wiU t«.Q il *» TcidlVf »H olVier catnly. Fircnl tciBbtUnMlBcitoDililbU tUorberdcbl, ilc DftltU March 2fltb, 1S78. \Vr, ta. rJ.40. • - pri;i*rodtwoLorsi*i' *uiP (out U'T onah miuoo or fm nod niauy oasc* of Indication, ' •lOw • E. E. WILLIS, Bnrroeate. niortBsned preralsos. VrticrelA Ir* Thnrp and 'oinglug near tfao residence or^ wiou, [pd tho lato Wasbluglon Intag, wu V(I Npcak ol Iliorn al present, : ' ' iou'tticKnir. A. DEEHEH, ; T. H, JUIicr.ft. liiarp, AdmlnUtrMora of Paltj O. preparing his Lwf or WAI-IUJMTOX. lo R»k I orlfe- m'tcr) aro tho,u tfrp»il«1 Sraill. "anpnoHcd bis iuother-iu-h.W U <1 ' FlBtulenoy nml-NerTOttstiefB —- • •Wily, on llanday ifteniMn, •• naB^ta,"- licooivinjj nu ufllpuiativ WorinH.aniVcanboi Tliflrr, docciised, we complainants, and Tho tuo loan of it, wbleb bo rehrrad to, In ono ffiba aeonii lo bavs )iaoq n, Sarau nwrii-t Worm Confoclloiis, Inraia Land and Improvement Company »ro aopt]od uUuiglit to tb»t Indya ,_..,_^^^. During tun hertvy Ih under shower nt llnck A fnmlly residing nt Anbury, Warrau Coun- rt AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT tenrarda, Mr, Ooorp;o Daocrolt «nt for t ffil|p, OuorfiO Rvro, Satqucl Piyer, and otliora Icnruui] wlioru the «iol( inoroluiul llyotl, nnd mayart^om Cmionw (lefcailnntB. Hotorniiblo to Ootobcr Term, whost) names arc illegible. U[>on it is plainly tfllown. onTaenlny evening n ]ar(;olmrn ty, bnvo in tbuir itossevfiion n ([nnvt batllo 1B75, Nnaiuocn h Barm, Sol's. o. HIa imporfMt aim >« mannncnpt. Vol hearing froni lbs artlde forolug b(fl T,'*y lo his presence, at on00 aain- uuuinfivctuTOd iu tho vcar 17.23. It i^ ^jf"" n'l crlnainR of the teeth while la'cep: wwtohlnij «S ini anawer Indicated that jmrjwd ibo I|ua botwoen Past and \fc*t ' — menRcil bilking blulncsfl. A wninoat later,' belonging to Mr. Daniel". BhiulJa vna etmck vnrlw epputlU.; sndden changiaR of tbe conn' mBE salo on Iwhilf of too aboTtsnimed par- «» fiom a murdflrert f»t«, bnt liirf bad failed to reacli ila OoitimUon, AfH eiTltko (i Iimni>rtiliei«,'ltj« nncv). tu it in Unsneo espcclntly iMJCoiuin^ palW about tba UNTENNIAL HISTORY ) liy JulicJ^airriinct" In >?(£• • 11il» nisy m t)|o drumiuer uucennionuiuily left tho by lightning null bnrncil 1Q the groqpit |t] a It nollt taiitrthan «ny other boot. One agont X ties, Is adjourned to tskepUcoAttboMAn. "•mogk UH window, broke tbb t> wards1 the odllorcf Harper's Monthly so|ioiled tipperlinandtwso; ftjDpnHfme( •lnnnif.lhB BIOO House Uotol. In Uorristown, N. J,, nn ' acnpjlor thai Mouazina: and, from ihooriB- Ha (bo data of tlioloalrnmciitatl7B2| irkiffl |hnt'rtomo folkn Tc^y HIIOTI limp, toljothprwith Ilia •old (tl copies In ons day. Bead for onr axtra l ' ^ rtb0DDtlinDlin8 8 P««»d ta wlileb rao«\ nolbera aro f«miuir. Bt'wwtq terms to agents, NinQSU. I'OHLIBRISQ inat nolcs, « oondonsod sketcb WBB prppared seema as I/~lro(n tha fraahfiess of tbo.fftltlng of grain qntlliay a,i|il Hb»k of furuiini' hfl nrsvpflcts of tbo completion of tho . TiIOHDAT, JULY 24£h, Ihecowudij raatali tfi This waslIaEdsoffl.lT niDltnUd «9< IwWWiod. of this part, conjnarpd wUli'tlio otJiDr-rlb*t and aBk tw QooMut'i BiMioHH WORK Coitm- Co.; Fhlladolpbie, Pa. • . 30-lw A. P.'18711, taltrscn tlo hours of IS M. and ft irils, .ThalioraoBnudentUr ' ^* Bwton i South fountain ']Ul|mc% hi igsii and. take DO othor, • Bold by all UTUR pDrcIayBttiomc. Baaplci lnt c«l tmlnr'MiuUni tbii dato of Lawrenco'i Bnrroy vu tUftcfl to it - TOP . busiest o'clock P.M. i - -: . pasms tiroash 8ussexnuil Vi O Pnoo OS twills, per box. pwparwl by worth n tree. STIKPOt JESSE HOFFMAS, Uto Sheriff. •prinklor. . ftreBai\tobfltbriiUan AC|OQPA^B»r(rJ if OB, PottUnd, Maine. IMy j ml therclo, i>?e \y, and tin* «tunly fiilk-utor of MICII ! Lr'saiil public road hoarilffhich notico nw! ;he.wuio with, tha uecretury of btid board, tkr bis baud and ueul uf tlic couuty, a ik-c- iilmriml tiy lliisact, csufplwnoli us ""' cuunly fi>r ibo lime U'lofr, rusptctivt-ty 1 heieilpOQ siideiCtTclnrv nDulI aaoo a uoticu 1 lioltling bitiJ nfllccji, tdirctln'r witli ono fn-v- contain oak a Htatctncul ot such. flliiiK, oud f inch filing to bo poolibhcd for two week* laratiuu of encb salt. , and tu deliver Ibe herein reqalrtd lo be raised by ttsscwii: that tlip same nrc open lo I lie itrnpsctkin uci'wuavely, ouo la caoli wook, in Hve of tb< pume to tlie purdiiwr, and BUCII purclmser, iu iicmirduiK!^ tvilh tlie provtsiniia of tbia '' to lie deHlu'iuiird from lime lo llnu nil iiattlM iuttfrelcl. und fclwll *l*l« tho I ovmiupuni publiuhud in uuub oounty, if BO bin cxi'culnrB, lutiuiulBiralors ur ansl^us, ucl, Kliall In: pai'i by liu; public al h'f by lliu linuril cf ihoseu frt'thuldcrsof «unh omfp1»fp when iiud wliwe uu nj.plication xunuy there ba, tubu douiguatodbyiuiJ juiti- iball, by vlrlim Uicrraf, lawfullv bold am riUcU couuty, and xl'iall In; riiiflcJ by lux, ul iy, from ainiir^l tlieir number, thull lA'iiiisilliittil it-HMii Hi? tcu'my I" "lilt Ic tiuik" lo H (iiHlici! uf tuo BUprouo court lio rond board, wbich notice neeil coutiin 1 ilule a lutiird of cniinii^sloner^, which ii|i;.-jlul«l, B public IMMII, u he known cunllnu eaia tioal reported tho un* •njoy tlic fluiil lauds, tuucinciits M real cs tlie same llmu aud !u Ihu cntnn maiim ( ouly ft Htatemoat of ftticti il ing nml that tue Ink'," for bid nr llielr proper use, fl^aiiu tilt.' CDiitily luxes KII:II| lie rui.-L'il. Iii! litioivn Iiy tlic name «f "Tlie uuie uro open to (he iuspoctioo ot all turtles (toiumiHioucmof tlic Public Hoad lin . nn.i nlnrr. "and at such othfr times tlio OIVIILT »r ownerg tliL'rcof, uod all pur- 28. An»l be It (Wli'il, Timt It *1ia1 if iioIiiV." lur lliu iWTjiu're ul Uyl "otercsloil, and shall Htate tbe time an! place 3(in3 claiming under liim or tbum, until lawful for tbu pablic M;H1 linard It) Imrmw, Sinking Fuud, ~nli(>Rc jnint duly 1l shall (TLCD nnd wlitre an application will be made he to invent, fiom lime to time, all llic uid term slinll become completed and from lime lo time, Midi Minis of iiniiny us citiiiiaclud hy Ibo Hutjntn nnil nPnt. , JJ lib 1IMJWI'» »-h— —^ ' ' * ton justice of tho supreme court to (•-•"--- •.•,1, hut finkl land eliall bu linblc fur any siild htitird nmy dt'mii iiiwstory lo nay nil mont'i* dlrccled hy HIM act lo be rolled hy CHAPTliltl.l. - lir/o/ f Iliu atato or NuwJertw ffiS?, intert^tecl filial) bo hoard an mid llual report and the map or maps B joimlJ biLTL'^t ur installments of anyu^jcsa- anurtls inmlt' Iiy ihu fuuuni!- i'ni«ra of ul, aud all uiont-y directed to be t IXD alDi'V of HiYlion tl nny timmmmy m this BtBtata o in whicwhich tfrraitfrraiii Uo» tnn'iaatici o flhnll Iliereiitler confirm sai pnnyiog tho same that at sucb tinio nnd place "Au Act : i-Btablixht-t-d tiy law a cuutitv board r i iuda*sucb other times anil place* to and ut inunl, lliu wiiiiL' Kh if such Bale aud pur- y taxation for Ihc payment of Act L.»|iet liiiB railromi* cuutitv board ar i,pli|L 1 ut »Sort rii pwMDleil to him, with the map o , ^ ipruv i,,,l l ami Tlul nUllativ, till- Hi"'*Sniiu" "urtl'ttin" li't'ii '5'=" ran" "' ibich tba bcnriiifi on HUCII upplication ti cbaw hud lint buen made; provided, liial principal uf the thirty year bonds im B .tilledtilled , upnroTcuproTc J Sla Ihu nlunis or hirth" MAM nwompauying tlio airni, or order am tukfi in tbi niicning o I road. Vtntlil , i-i^lilwu biindretl 111 mi mrl i i bo nid JC adjourned by w»»I justice, nil ]uir[ic.i IUo uald cuuiity cQlluclor of I lie connly 0 h-vt the couimisdwiicn) of iissessuieut I nud for a-v iliiii ^ mi ider lliiB act, and till iutcrest aud profits 1. IIG il uuictut by Ibu Ui-i •ante nu*U canrclioun nud nllenttious iu th tercated shall bo heard, nnil the jtiHlice «bi!l «bull fl rut have- c.nt?ed such ttalus to be mt- wardiul tu nny p in nmler lii« priivls- uucruing tliercon, and tbey may reinvent (HomLly of the Htalu tif Sciv jniup as In? limy d«m just nntl proper; there tlmraftei: couficm «iid report ni jireifntcj to I'orllsBil onoo it ivcuk for five WLOIIB, In ons or tliin n«l, - in pny f»r the uon- nml nhange nny investment us they may true inient and mi-anliig ot f. c ^rru.luu ol I t- ..'...; ..i., Tn.-mK t|i ill HIIUI him witb tbo map or maps iicconip.inyiug the reads an roHuiv»: "tlio form s tiiuni the oommiBnioUPO nf assessment HIIIIII mcli of the ocwspDpers (or supplements itrucllnj, iniprov , nruauiuiiiing anil rl'.-cni liesl, and Hie uaino Bball remain a 'iintrts, Tlit 1 s ill nuio or ordur aud direct lliu couimiiuiotiert: ll f] i, sliall n « i nel ilnytWL'i . il^lilfcn liu ml red aud J correct their report and amp or map* ivi UuratOj) [triuled imd publlslied In nuld maintaining *ncli | d or uny |»irt llierear, 4inkin£ hind, to lie appropriated lonoolb- ,„• i- nti)riiiiK>il. ill UII--I.IUHI m.j." '"'"""" „ u it' assessment to tunkoHiicb uorrndinua and »KIWKI " * ' ]IV C ilLlll|r 11 illl tUU "mill il I'll lUlll* il'II1 ""^l11 til '.W Pittip]*i< £i iwlodby mid justice, wul prowif ~" alturationa in tlio sutuo us ha niuy ileom jii>>t :ouuij-, aa Ihc board of chosua frcclioldiirs or that mny bo sury for lli juriiorit! LT pnrpwu than the puymcnl of the princi- ml tn I'II llvor tliu KtBi'u'Su r Ni-ir Vul'lc^in CUM* i iwted report and m»por IMP* to jebcen crc o iMive tbe mmc, aii.l nud proper; tliurduiwn tbo coinuiiKsiouors uf >C Ihu ctiituly may duaigoato by resolution; of uxucutiiig uiiv purl of tbitbia ucll , and any pnl of Hut thirty year bnuda iifeued under. IHirao nt iul ttvlni U I tdk iviili tliu millio'""Uri M Uf rullllBJ'IVilOlU I1"' . 1 . , ., C ..J ,I.,.,I -;, It In1 tirrlM? who utall thereupon nd pnekntrbtk ) Hotlulivurcd enn be, in tbu n/,^re vv Jirsey, rtK[i-ji.- y la X nssoygmont ulinll correct tiioir rojwrt nud map vliicli udvcrtiseniuni ehall describe ibesuiu Bum Uiuy mny deism nuctssary, In niillcipu- Ibis act; said Bluking fund coniiuiBslaners ii-dy, lu re»laru nny 10 or mo continued bj otL'. rcidily wojuinjd, either nn light oi bulliy uutN nltk'li liars •"."P.! "?"?..!!'?!" L tai or maps as directed by uaiil jualicouud pre- uudsi, ictieJieuts or real estate, which may -ti;i'l nuaually report to ihc board of cho- led. Tliat all Mti or nrla ut Weil " oul (tuch corrc-oUd report and map or uiapi >e done by reference lo auy as90S3int:iit :°oil8, op HH (irtll my miRlit," is hevntiy l urliuniLiiKiVLtll nn lllil u l.oiiulir/ r ~ - itb'iliif provfieftma or tlilsact lSdeBPinniH, lo he wade or* Icviuj HIKKT a-ii frueliuldurs of BUCII county ii (leUikd ilirudla lio, und it filmII ' tliDfto Biatus, nml il ln:i»H tiUjwHted Hint bo on J Iho Bams aro hereby ronoalud, and ibu to r-iitl justice, who shall thereupon coullrin mnp on flic wltU the secretary of ibe pub- ind pnrticular Blatcmcnt of nil the lurcat- ut ihall Ukc oU,-cl iiuRKdtalelv. Ul" the Burne, nnd (ho report nnd map or mapu Itila act, Hie pnyiiicti «f HLiid r.tnns thus U Oil till! I ml tn tbt-ro In litiCL-rlainty nlmul >>iu "'"" Iwntion r two u-ccka micecsMivcly, mice iu euch week, lic road \umr<\, nud elionlnj; any lands us borroivi-tl lu In* jiiurtdurt fnr Iv the \isae mentf, rt'lnvenmenis, nud changes thereof lit tlii'liounlirv tliie Ijelwocn tlio Bintfn of Ajiprnvul April IT, 1870. ' conarraod by will justice, shall he ilteil with no dthWcil to one j)t'r.ou at one tinm HH U ul- New Vorlt mid K-.'ff Jersey ns defmt-d in tlic flvool tUD newpupeni ptiHUicd in" "-« tho sucruUry til taid board, anil tuoroupon llicri^nn iluacrlbod by lot nnj block number of liondF in Hums (if <>iic tlimi-d dollnm mude within said year; said comraisalon- muty, if siminny tliuro be, to be ilcaiRi liorwiae, niid BpcclTy ihc amount of HID luwDtl in sail] Rpuilbii to fliar/eil fur live [iacl;a- ai:t entittod' "An Act ChlabtinliitiH llin Imuiid- lucb Buscsdineut, together witb tbo uisess- endi, puynhlc lu tlilrly ywiM aRer dale ers of Hie einking fund ehall ouJy IDTCBI In Ciid Uulictl Ututca iKimlH, bond»oflhu Btnio of Hiii.iiU'iiioiit ID tho aol enlilltd "An id Con- ,.* ,na tall' Kb lntcrciil from II-JIL- nl tin luivful cliaryo hj iv tit; III lur KUCII ]im'i>ngi'it HO L itic-j declaration of salo shall be ovidvueo ftew Jersey, bonds aud improvement cer- fwruinir inorlguitcB" 'retll) .-. r 11 I(\ |ill uiMi'l''til as pr .vidod for in section »eveu ot this act, .jr centum pur,annum, puyalilu KLIHI-UII- dulivmri sliall cieoeil thu anioilut uulburined tl I p nud filnip? nud shall Btato tlio Umo nnd l bnll l)u a lieu on tbB Limit uQ'l real eilato >f llio nises^mmit, ndrurllsiug ami salt; uually, whlelibonUs sliull tie ylvcti In (lie Itlcatea of Bticb couuty, or any ci:y, towu bj law cbnrfli'tl fur Ike iiafUarfes, proviitnil hciiv- xln ilayor H '"fl i i-JI.I iiiiyim iltr vhcti und where tlie public road boartl ipon which Biid nssessmeuls nra wade uuUl ,nd proilded nlso, thai the lands, tenc- ur township therein, or bonds or certlll- O'er, Hint MIILII buntlli'S anil v'iiull liacii.iKca dioviiiity-tffi •i-i-l, jianiouf "Tliu (inBurllnstbu name (if I lie 1 IIS iitt;iclieil, may miiy Im duly milln,il/.t*tt, mitt wtih tb may hind lands In uald coutitieij or CIHOB, nol '"tiiill r".iil "no mad liourii." '•• trol of Bucb road, ond regainte tbo uao thereof yuaii ufltf Ibe siila for asscEsmcut, ed to bo lucluded, -although distributee lonpiilr for any du.luctlon by Kaon of anv il t>.t liuiil atiU cuiKHitviui ami <>>." tu tlio laying out and opening ofuiich road throughout tbe cnliro Icnglb thereof. tie niudo payable nt end) plucu as tlie said words may not bu used; and wbeu auy ciiArjiai LIV. tnoilKiifie, frutii tbo taiablo valuo ut sucli lautfn " icaHO; but if, ntaui'li lime nud phi ir any pint thereof, by puylug tu Ibe couii- public road board eliull Oulenuiuu and des- AMiimkmctitloanacI untllkd " An uct i "aid'hoiimlitrv theXetwccii Utu Hintta or Sen ...... iiy iu amount of ttfid amcHMment i 15. And bo it enacted, That raid pnblio 'ollector of (be couuiy fur tho use of subject mailer, party or perenn ia desorilj. York and Kmv JerKi-y aa ili-lincil iu said net ii vtnbraci'tlln BUCU innrtRnco. ignate Hiealu, auO ilic sunie mny uc made ed «r referred ti hy words Importing'the* tivi! tu twlfs oriindB umlur a ]mblic -nla •1. Ami tio it maenad, lliat tn cane anv mat. not reiiiousitrito in writing againd tho laying road board shall buve power to construct, im- nuld purchaser, ibe said purchase icon- orliy virlnu of anvjart-icln) tiroefloilliiB," (rc- H^MtDinlier tivt'lil.V'inxtii, H(>vL>ntouti biuitlr prove, ornament and maintain such road In paj'ftblo to onler orliearer; aud said bonds sliigillnr number, or tlift masculino Rentier, aii»U"Wiity-ltvi», and aim turpplm-o nny me ayor ur ownor or lautU, or Ibo helm or inl-w u) aniu-nvoJ M it roll tupiity-x^t-uiith. r HCCtiona, and any cerllorari or otbor legal shall bear dale llio llrsl day of January or II (a njildt may linvu U'cimw flilu|iiihUe.d nuy mtirlffajjfor or owner of laod. sltuflffftn bo proceeded witb, in accordance with ny taxes, ns9c'R3Uii:nU or water runts, or ftl mutters nnd persons, and females ciehUuo hmitlrt'd mid flinty lour. litUomitioHaiitl CIUOH montlonud in .coll, HID provisious of tliis net; tbo nocret.iry of proceedings bad or taken iu regard to or af- ;11 as males, and bodlvfl curfinrak' as l.ltoltcimoiutl Iiy ilioHfiiulu anil Otmcral 11 iiy part laurcof, wlilc'ii tlic eqtd parcbusors iiy next preceding their issi'o; salil bonds O'IP" ; whlcli'nKrcuiniiiit elinll IJO In wr -nu, wlio Hb&il liavo aurcod not to claim knv dc- uldtxurd shall immediatoly sivonotioo by fecting nny particular section, shall not affect well as Individuals, sball ho deemed la ba AHHUIIIIIIV (irtliuHlalutir New Jernfj*, Thai iti nay bavii palJ, churguallu on tlio lands, .jiy be EOIU In »ucn way and manner UB all imxiaodincB fur I lie ualu of lauds lieroiHer iii", nnd «if[iK'il mitl Hiiali-it b.v tho outhorill diitHiuii from tbotBKablovaluo of lands detcrib iblmitiou for ouo week in fivo of tbo news- my other section, imd tbo work miy ho pro- lucluded; aud llieeo rules of conBlructU;u seeded with on all other uectic-m tbe samo as enuinunlR y cxi;cf tlm Mtuiti nrNinvVi'rkniidilKitoiimiiHfiiom (id In any ninrtaaco, aboil claim a cleiluclloii ipers published in said county, if so mnny [line, direct either at public orprlvnlc sale, ;uardlanH, or by uuiiitiilKduiiursnti iinicetdiii{,'S irtl.iM Blnlo. but rliall n>t tulit< t'lTcct milt thercrrcmlnvlulaliDiiorancn agroomont tl if no cortiomri or other legal procoedings bad icreby nutborixed to pny, with laiurcal mil npply iu all CUBCB, unless it bo olbiT- 1 ,uere be, lo bo dealgnntea by said publiorond it nol leas tlmu nlnety-llvo per centum cf jn pur ti lion under tun ilircullnn or tlio miiliatiB toiilli-iiiBil by ilit: rcnpoctlTo loglslamrL-a ur t then nntl in that en BO rani morloageln a Uoreon, ut tliu rate of fifteen per cimlura ho npfolally provided herein, or uiilc3S 1 LIBnt u | bonrd, Bintiug tuo amount of raid nsjesimenl jeu bat] or takon, court, whenever any nzrauii Him!) Uo ciiiitlud to itnies of New Yurlt anil Ni * Ji-rmy. nil f^UC-llt (l '.l ^ l D>.tl II l«BnrY.%*n l.~ __ _ 1' ri^ll-^hwti'ntVih^^^ui'i't^ealaVo^a' kjtfl voicr* [Ueir par value. , 1 and the amount represenled by reinonstmtine, 1(1. And be it nnaolnd, That cicopt as JIU iu addition thereto, and the cer- tlicre be something lu Iho euhjecl or con- n»|o»tHto in ilmvur, nr )iy llio.'futrU-ny in tin 2, Ami liu It L'tiactuti, 'flint lliu K"Vei-i>or li nud il sucli letnonstruuco shall not rcproHeut illlcalu of llio county collector of the coun- Ha. And be It uUuL-lud, Tlmt duihig Ihu ~ xt repugnant to aucli construction. •- Tliulu or miy part orRlmre of tbu pro.nine it In itliern-ieo providotl ia tbU aal, lu nil onsen icin, mid BUCII person entitled lo HIIL'II CB- MinVli'ill II^UIIIWIIMIt-il'to 111rinlinfship i" ***lll UIM mc-linlf in nmounL ofsnid a.ssuwino&tt there- tho compensation to bu paid to owners ol y, slating tbe payiuoat nuJ showing what Aral ten days of every tnoHth the secretary 40. And he It enacted, That all acts or mil,.us' he titl'lll N-lVl! llUNI II til 1 ZiII Ul tllO Ullll ipoti, on the expiration otmid one week, tba -nt.iKlmll.bL'fnroorottlio tfmuof tliu making • ivJlU witb niieroit tLoroou from tba tlnn 1 inds and buildings or ta nuy party for any iiuds, ti'iuittKinlB nnd real eslnlc FUCU pay- of '.lie public tojd hoard Blmll malic nud of tho order nytliu mitl eonrt for tliotalo «l hi iiif. Ki'lilciit In iln limit" ul BtiL'ticuuiny lur awards mado Eball bo duo nnd pnynfolo nftor parts of acts, general or special, publb or iirjioso, nnd! tbo nasouBinonl tn ho levied for nun't I* intruded to ruduum, shall be evl- rans'iilt loLlio clerk nf tlm board of cboa- Hald intidtiainl ica) mtntc, by writing underIHB nd ho it enacted, Tbnt UIIH ocfBhill Inks l tuolnpce ol silly days. privnlc, iueoiiBislent vltti tlic provUloiiB of tV'lt l.uVlS" 'tli*lH.-ll!OIIII IU |l|l|Wjllill!U Ulllllt hOllll my improvcracnt an pr-vided in this aot, teuco of BUCU u'demptiau; the owner or cu freobokkre of such county, a full nnd tills acl, or uny uarl thereof, slinll bo nntl ur bcr liatitl und seal, Hlgiitfj-ing hl« «r her no- 1 B. And bo it ennrtcil, Tbt tbe said board ttit anil dutoitnliiatfon to rcHii(|iilnli bin ur her lice Jur (itu yur unc Irir lnu yriinMini! f"r thr ibnll bo oKcertaiued by thtie commissioners OWIICIK, morl^si'e or any creditor orcred- complete IUt and statement of all bonds U. win:; flnt niwrm-otl In* t'iu (juvta-nt IUVLTAPIIIVI, 1370. fitauliab nud dclcrnitue'tha width ol 3t asse*Hinont, to bo solacted nnd appoinlcd tha sama nrc hereby repealed, and IbU act 'ululu in lliu nauitj PO tb&L lUu KHIIIO mny bu ivir- inn- lor luur yuan' nnil uiiu lur livu yoirn, m tlie carriage-way and of (bctiidowilkB of micii itora under a judgment, uUachmout or me- sued by the public rond board during thu Hball bo deemed and taken as a public net, nldrrrootiliociiciinilii-auf-onrfliidi iKtato, il -1. And IJO ti wmcloil, 'llial HiU n by tho judge of the circuit court of tbo conuty fti'i-t imiiiudialHy. liiciii tl.'ii-tiiiiue liv Im whom tticm oliull bulu t.lll- rond, uud Bball conNtruct such road by grad- climilcs' lien, bhall Lave power to icdeum previous month, and at! bond* issued by and as Bucb Bball bs taken nollcc of by all inlrrootiliociiciini rniliJ- ic (ilnlmlus under biui, citlicr pcmonul- lug to their terms and conditions, 'become mac- nuy or nil of eaid commissioner* nlmll Approved April 21,1870. l _ l _. li , ...JlatnnytniiH . ncl rcspccliiiB ttio court of rli_:ini!cry," 1. Dull enacted hy Iho Ronato aud General iinprovemcnb nud nil obstrao'.ioos, by o interested in any assessment lo bo iu;ido, Iy, or, if not to be fouiid1 in the cnuaty, duo and paynble; and In order to provide ollorllm iiiahii-B or ttio order Tor tlm halo of uatiuil.'ly of tho Blalo cf Hew Jtraoy, lliat sing ot sucli portions 1 hereof as nto not 40 pnhlln road bonrd shall notifj mill judge, Iben, liydeposilliig such nollco In any post for tho payment of Bald in lores t, tlio Bald such IHIHIH bv tlio orphnim' court, nncl buTori! irtor no niorlgice or debt nocarallboreby tiee'ded in tlie constructing iraproviuff or OUAPTJilt XLI. ' tir^Uml Btreiitv-flmr. 'ho shall appoint n commlHsiouar or com. itUce tif BUOU roiiuty, diix'ded lo him, her board of rtiodcn rreelioklera of mich coualy DIG xalo thcreur, «iRnirj In wHUnc uiitlor liift or 1. Jtc it uiiat'lcil I'y tli* Hutialo nud flon.... i hall bo L iefl«J r^r taxation iinltak'a dotlao- ornnuienlingHtich rond to tlio beat ndvoatiiRe, misionors in ttio piaca ot (be oomrnl^ioucr or A KUpplomcnttrj aimcVciitilk(l"AiincLrolailve IILT hand ami HL,,I to tin, manurx, atlmioiHlra- \flKDtnblv of llio SI ate uf Now JCTHOV, Tlut tin tion thcr or ithall bftvo bcon claimed hy tbo nml bv fllliiiR up nny low pnrta of tbe loiltc, ir lliem, al Ills, her or tb,dr last known Is hereby enipnwcri'd and millioriKcd lo Is- to Malcj nf lnnds uiuier a public atoluti tratorn, (,'imnlinun nr eommisflimcm maliini,' „ r or llio laud and allowed by the asiotior o nmiBiilonors so intercntod. , sue and sell bmidn, in iho sum ofona thou- xiiriiliiH iniiiioy nrinius rriun tliu KHIO or lur ' tod otberwiso prqinnun Ibo promises for 17, And bo It enacted, Tbnt Ibo coniniis- of-rcslili-neii (or nt the post oiuco Rittih flnle 1I|H or biTilefliromid ikionnitmumi to ^ignd p-emiiius, iu canes nhuro Ilia moi t^fli •2. And bu it enacted, Ttiat hereafter lacli mcli road nnd by building all tbo bridROB on I lliftreto), but nothing herein cou- sand dollars ench, payable iu thirty years rdinqumb lii« or bur ctilulu in tlio namo, no inortgaRou or debts secured thorobyas Bball bo ilonars ot sRscNsineut uliall iu si! oases, lliat Urn namu mav liu nuM froo or tlie i-nciim- aul.jL'ct in tnxatioo, film 11 bu nBEoflied for taia* inch road and by building nil newer*, culverts nhotberauiinliiiadamages or oouipensatiou after dntc, with interest from date at tlic bninco ot fiicli otfale, nicli cxci^iitun, adtuluix- ^nttTil^to'abutl'at tlio limo of'salt., nuy, i Hi,' Ijoani ui CIIUKII Irui'liiiiikix in cucb (uunty Blmll lud receiving biiKius and providing all ueces. WIIEDKAS, Tlio pruiinions of tho Drat socliuu lion by llio nsaossor making tbo tlvducllon on Tor lands, buildings or Improvemonts taken, rale ot seven ner cunlnm per annum, pay. llio *ct i-eultod in tUo title ol this sot, mid tlio trntom, cimrdfmis nr couiniiHHlonure, may noli in llio opinion ifl bo chancellor iho fiaino film count tlieitnf, and Iho tax tboreou abatl ho rlo nud outlots fur the name, or tt in any other caeo authorized by tills net, . Eball .tit- ao couslrnvd as Lo Impair able eeml-nnunnlly, which bnndu Bliall be tlio said laiitlH Includltif,' HUCII tatnUuntl tliu bu cipudk-iit oriiwMuarj fcr tho pwipor sd .lloL'tLdhytbo collootor of Uxes In ma for provision* of tliu aot nmcndntor tficreor, aji- ,iiilsirall.y making connection wilb or usiug nny BMosijipR property lor boneuts reociTcd, lliu liim created l>y sacli u^wsment or sale; given in I he mint! uf Ibu hrjartl nf chosen provod April islntli, ul^hteun buuilrtil am eicouioi'8, adinliiiHiralurK, unnrdiunTor L'Oin- o lunniliipnrcity whernin tbo Inuda in the iiiblic seven or outlets tbut mny exist that niluloiicrH, in thiir vqwrt ur mi eh nalo lo jlm imli.tHlntm' nr nilmiii^lr.iltirH. osccutnr o origngo di-'HcrllJcu aro sltnato. a timo and placs whero parties Inlcreated witliin n mDiilIi ufler tliu sotrlcc of eucti freehnldurBorBuch counly, for and In be- i, of raM dveonxed, l» In Ley iiiny deem uecct»ary within or without iy bo beard in relation to inesanio, of which nolice by tbo purchaser, or by ttioso claim- orphans' court, nlinll ulno if pur I tliat tbn mid '"'•J Atnl I>L' it I'llllClL'tl.'I'lLII I'ltT IkfllllUB BO UJipollI tinif of tlio inliabitutiU of said couuiy; nnd to ho publiiliotr iu tiro ii«wB|i3pcrs, wlilcl lanOft Ivavo flftlrf ircQ mid dlHcliAr^t^l ttt HUGII in tlm en armfng fruit! lit 3. And ho it nnaoted, That In OBBO tbo taieit i-il fliail, iillliin llnrrj- IIHJ-I' [ir^iul^u "ilu b.mrd Ii 'JO liuea of auch road ; provided, tlint such they shall giva publia notieo in two news- ing under bl.o. It ehall bo tbo duty of the iirovlgtotm bavo not hcun, Iti all inBtauc constructed upon tho grades said bonds HIIUII he signed hy tlic ihen ill- knun'iior coinpllad iritli, wlicroby thu litlus estalo, siid nlmll lliu tliemvlth Iho ronucut of huluuf n • matiu i'v mlminthtralora c : papers to be dcnitfuatcd by said public load person ficrvlng or causing tho same tu 1« rector of Ibu bonrd of closeu fnselioMer?, Hiicbk'nunt in ilnivtr ur Iiy tbu couric»r, nnd duJ, K:tld adinitilKtralur ci eliall livrcoftiir ba aieosMtl, shall remsla un- Ml! 'l p'l-jia'li* Hi'"l'|i'|'<>'l[]lnl: Illly j-JtJill iijipi'lllt itallistictl by nny municipal anttiaritnw lit >onrd, by pablicalioa lor four woeks sue- ol certain lamia Imve (JOCUIUO ' ' -' the court umv lu tliolr iliucn;tiuii niinrnvo or paid for tlio fpneo or sixty days aftor iho tlmean- jy hivTB been catablULed) no nour as con- ;rvcd, tn filo in Uie couuty mglstcr'a olQco nf Buch county, with lliu seal of the said certain; tlterolnro, ',!iL'^l\"i Luiinl, Ililil riltl'l lllliiT IIHUKW. UtfcuU, PHI Qosslvoly, onco in each week, nnd thoy may ca\)V of tlic notice served, together wilb dlnftllim t!iu Hiiiio and oiikr tliu co nil nil " mln bumUtt nuw rciiulrad by Imv, upo iniulod for tbo payment oMazos, it Bball bo rcniently miy bo so lo omute nn easy and adjourn ltoru Uiqo to lirao, without Jnrtbor boird nf clioseu freelioldurs of such coun- 1. licit iiimsttiil by llio Sutiolo and Gnueral ur suelt sale auciircllnaiy. bi-ir npNlMtioii for tbu mlu or roal ciitalti. duty of inory city or towntlilp oolloctor to ten gmdo throughout the onliro road, and notioe, until tboy hnve maqa Up tuoir nward an nlllJavlt of some pernin wbo filial I be Iy nQlxud and counlerulgned, numbered and ^Kuumblyof tboButwof How fontcy, Tint no in oui n list of tho names of Ihe uelinauonli certified, by tlie offlccr Ijtforc whom Bald lio of Inodainadt) by nny officer or oilier per- '2. And Ii) H cuncloil, Tlial thin nutsball UU lcaHoniiy giadd nhnll be chnngsd compen< T asssttsmott, registered by tho county ciiUcctur of such EOH Klnoo Ibo unnrovitl or tliu eald nmnndntnrv 3. Aud In it cuautcd, Tlint If this Bale < •PA'cliinmcdtBtrly. olaqnirj-ltigtbem according to Iheirroaldonces •'iiRti'd mniuitlly, nml lliu 'IIIIIIT UIIICITH nml i'in- itlon Bball bo mado to tlio portion injared aOlllavit Bliall be taken, lu bu a creditable promisee iiiohulln|> ancli PHIS II uliall ho A]i])rnvt'il April 13th, lBTit. ,. wi[ll ,1|0 mm ano f/om tl|( rp jili.yiM ur ttic btrnd t-tinil liuld ollltc (luring Un ooauty, anil, ttigcilicr with Ilic coupons ut- act, Bliall bo bold to bo Invalid bj- roamm of an' if nny tbero shall bo wbo nro injoied by l>eranu, |iroving tlio due SLTTICO of tbu eald failuro to comply with the provtiinuaof sild and apiiroml nsaliovoprovided, tlioi'»iaiti nml in Huuh ultchUicm of gTi.ls); mid board shall ;i HUH mu cuupuiu m- ititcrcat ofevcry Ktich liorsoti shall PUSH 11K.II: I.I UMIUV 1.1)11 .. ^.. .. •1. Ami In; It iiiiiiti'il, Timt whenever. In nny mch 16. Ami bo it cnuoted, Tbat iu all C&SQS notice, vhlcu utDdavit Blmll bo CThletico in locUcd, shall bo mado pajr'' '-' aot relatlii},' tothoptiblinlituiiuradvciifninair b;, and Uio purcliaHor, Is in liulrs nml ntiBlum CIIAl'TEllCVlII. VH u county, unc lintidrud Uftsons ur inure, bilui; Ireit- liavo power to ituprova saoh rontl or auy part sbere, tinder tlild act any nat or tiling in re- [o1 payiUlo to bearer, at -utwouewapaparsj ptuvlilud, that wild sale An .let tu autlionzncitloH lo him bomlR tn jmy d, mitl ilollver tba «uno to it. iillcuirl; '.f ll>" fncts (herein cntilntiipil; Ilinolllrnnfstldcoun Nliall hold Mich un-niiHH frr<, mi<1 di^inrgi- usttcG of tlio nescoor tho country wherein the !iul{U~l^ "till Ui£ii;iy^rs lu rtticli couiity* nliall jtrvicltt thereof bv pavluc; or mncidimizicd tbo road- uired to bo dona or parformad by tlw cum. and provided also, tlinl tbo Bald terms for in'y colleclor, and said aloa shall liBTa buoti attvurtlwuliu tlio mMin., frwn n]| chhm by virttio I litre of. tlieir llutlngdobla. Unir iiL-ililiiii, In wnllug, lu iliii imulic ruau DtiarU, bctl thereof, by thiggiog tba aidcnnlkn or any iiseioLora ef nftsemaoct, tba nets of iv ma- bonds Blmll liuir ilutoo on. tbe Unit day of lircotcdlu HID not teolted iu tho tlila (iftlils 1. Hull cnncied hy theKcnalo mid General mid deliiiquoalB ro ildo reMIIOClively. ivhlcb any lands, tenements or rcalcetalu January of July ucxt'preceding llielr \t- 4. And Uo It ennclcil, Tliat upon Midi HHII> 4. And bo It annotod, Tlint mcb JUBIICO or part thereof, by curbing or guttering saoli jority of said coramianlonor«i of nuatusmont acll,, iilnl ouo newspaper printed anil pnbiinlied at otjing made iff any micli csslntu In ilowur or bj At'Koinblv urtbobUlo ofNmv Jt-rncv, Tliat I road ur any tiart Ibcrcof, by providing lnjups shall bo tbo acts of said commissioners ire sold, 03 aforesaid, ahull not coramcncc,- BUG, and slinll liu sold In BUUU way imd •shall Ijclaivlul iur cni-b and oviry oiiy hi this lie poaco Bball, witbln flvo day* arter tho ro- i't], lu nor Bliall sal'l purchnsLT, ot Uiosc clalmlnR thee uouounli f Boat ul (bu eouulv In wlik-li Bakl llio curler, (Im Huitl crnrt Nliall direct the ccinl of BUCII list ae aruresUu, malteoui and .SltiillH'd 111 hUClll .ct lor uud ligbtiug snob road or any part there- of asseAament; nny commisaioncr of as- manner an tbo board of cbosen freeholders lantln ) Mu incut of tho proci'U'lH ur tho unto or tliu pi Hlitti', wli nu cliarlfr ur ha mipnlcmuiits linn 'iliir to the constable, or consublfs or bU vial iHcillim. ividtl. . _ . if, nud mny tifio, iu mnkiug aoy iiacli im- wnaraout nofiloctinq or refusing ta per- nndcr him, hfivc n Hglit of possession to of such county may, from timo to time, di- l nt>« in luo samo mninmr mU ulrciily pro tlii' Ainnuril or MIL- lnnulcl In.luUodtifHS nftiuo >uuiy a irnrrant or warriLtn iwialring uim or l.uml it ill iiij; ttiL'lr ivlllln^iiuci to bo iroveuicnbi, any malerials now or at noon laU lands, toncuiculs or rtal estate, until linemen tB i city tvhcii it lias notulruadv itmwA UOIIIIK in tb IT tin- iiMvla'utitt or llild ncl, ior lliu ..-, 'orm nny of tho datioa Imposod apon rect, UUIIOT at publjc or private Bnta, at a whore lnuila BIO sold fivo and diiiclinrtti'd tif nn; JCIII to key tlio tax so fa arrotr, with co»l*, limo in uao for any of Bald purposes within ilei or laud sbnll Imvn lenn nompllod with. it UBI;K1 fur in mcli |iL-illiuu, tiiuu HUCII [innilc him < by tliis act, or for onj oilier .he two years above UmileiJ for the rcdmpp- prlco not less than ninety-live per ceolum tatftto lu dowur *r l>v tlio curlcty, tiy thij bv dlstrcBB Bin! ealc or tho goods and onattclit tlin linw nf nnr.il road tlint mny hive bean •2. Anil bo it oimotod that this act Bliall bo otijtiiennrt. aufimHo l)o"crtiili'tf"l>y UB chnrtt'r'aiitl "up^ i Imtiril «lin1l cumlilur vitcti putitltin, uad II ihuy good rcajon appearing therefor, may bo re- .innof tUo saino eball hare expired, and of their par valuo, nnd lo no amount suf- " • ial bcntlnni ortlio dutlnquenlB, glviug at loast four days' placed llioro by or under any municipal BQI moved by tlio jauga of tbe county circuit .bo raid purctiascr, or tboau claiming unddr publia act, anil Hlia.ll tatn ctTuct juimciliatuly, 5- And Im ft eunclrrt, That thlx net nliatlUlii i.otlcn of tlio limu and place ofenoh aaloby nd- my, iUllprgcV'fcl tu liiy (illlnucli dt'eirvd niud, tiority; provided, Dint tbo average oos( per ficient to ralso money as xhall he retjulreil Ap|wun»lJUn>uatJS7ruvldL'cl lu (!ilsi:ut, quit and surrender Ibe snld lands, tenements nlremly iflmied and tlio amount of in dob M nat exceed onn hundred tbousand dollars f assessment onenrring by ecoh removal, or board of choaca freeholders of sncti couuiy 'OHAFTEnXLIIL ulloffcil to bo created by Its olmrter, anil snp< Bidci>; and said warrant nlinll further direct jirrfunijtiuii nf is irniDyiiutltiuns a* "iniiy iu lismea u[K>T! a width of ouo huDdrod feet,; nnd itberwisoaballbe iinnicillAtely filled by said or rvnl cstalo, lu aa good stato and condi- BUIH canso to'be, and tlierc Bliall ba raised plcmcnlit Ilicrclti tobu ciccntcilin tho raannoi that If pooJn and cbattuls ot thB ilolinqneiit can tion OB whan ha entered therein, natural L PnrLhar Ruppleninnt to an acl ontlth>il' oot bo fonnd, or aot enflloicBL to mako tbe mnn- sljini y mu rNjnliwuiDliiTor lUtlmiilM In tbe simo propoifion for & lees'width; and In each yearly tax, fit tlic Bamo time and not for ibo ort;aiilmlian of tho national ui An net in auLliorlza tlio t?ni']iora(i[iiia or piurlitod Iiy ilBtliaili-r, anil distioHO ornml no l.i\jHjuifl of Mjt'ii iutuaiy, iiudur llu: |iionnl'>n_ . urovided alno, tliat no road shall be kit) ont wear oud damage by tbo olomonta except- tiv rmnlred, tho coustatHe sball taue bin or her tins eilctliiti EiiiiL I lid tuiiililtinllou ill tin: luitiu by A And baitcnaotet], that iu all cases lu the same niannur nit the county taxes' or tfle Btato of Nuw Jumoy," approved Jlatcb logical muiinarlen in tliln atato-tii incroiw ami from tUo-prnceeiin ig from body If to bo found in tho county, and tndeUr- sutli IIUIJIIC ruad bunril. uid opened, nndcr (ho proviulailB of tnianot, fbcro tbo owners of any land, or corporals ed; provldad nlso, that tba sale of eucb shall bombed, a sum BuMciont tn pay tbo uliitli.olghtcon hundred and msiy-nino, * liu ntnnlior or tboir trim icon. hf It llt d or tlio nnina to tho iboriffo(»ucli oounty ornln seecdiQB ouo hnntu-L'tl feet in widtL, t ' 1. Do it umctoil by (he Kanato ami flim .„ thnrrnceedn llieroofpliallho nvtilablo. i, And liu it u tine led .Tint me! i tmtilli; ruid hoard. franchises, or proporly, or any party interest- nnda, tenements and renl-estate, or any Intoroct on all thirty year Imtwls Issued un- 1, lio 11 cnactud by tlio Bi'nalo and Quncrftl ftilor, to ha leapt In close sntl sofa auitoJy nn- nltiT (liUliifr cuiibl(!cr<.il uuy IKIIUUII ta iir^uiilcd II. And bo il ennetcd. Tbal aoid.board od tUetulu, BIIUII ba ouiitlod to coaipcusatloi lorltnu of tbctn, may ba adjourned or pnel- Lflnoiiibly ot tlio Ht*fo uf Now Jurxoy, Tlul the AasemUly of tha fitnU' ot Nmv Jornty, Tlint U. And Im il otinotcd, That In count™lag 111 lo Ittcitl. <' lid luYiiu-ftuNiied iuiilt-lsulit'j ami ILrr iti der tbla ncl accruing in Bueh yenr, ond In wlionovur hy tba olurtoi' of any tlmobglunl Til nfiyrnont bo madtt of tho fold tax with cost. 1 Lai I bavo power to orniment enob rornJ, or for dfimagoa douo by tho pnblio road board jiduA-do-cnaip au tbo slaflof tbo eommantlcr tiRaulns of the word dfbt or Indehtedntus i litrt IUIITOU ul euch cumitj tolas oui. ujitti. toti maed from timo to time, ur suspci order lo provide for the payment of tha fn-clilor,pn)viilodfi)r lij tho lour tli iootiun ol seminary or thin ataio, tho nunibur ot trustee* 0. And ha It enacted, That tho jattico wbo uiruct, lunmivu. uriiuiuvm nod IHUIJIUIIIJ U jtubll ny part thereof, by planting trees npou tho under tho exorcise ot any authority contained tho fbarter ol any city In fills »(ati>, wlinro i tamo, nud shall lmv« power to mnlnlnln inch Ibo said connty collector oF the county mny principal of nil thirty year lionda trailed ••luaot to-irhlcli this IB a tnppluinulit, shall tlicrcol 1B llinitwl, it slull tio lanful far ttiQ siid Una rercrcLCtt to tbo amount of dobl wliicli an: ihall be allowed two cents for each delinquent! lunil lur Lliu j;uiji;riil liituljuii, vvlilttl nlid vMcut ii' contained in this not, not borelu otherwiso direct; and provided, that If ot any sale of we tba rank at aulone). corporation or llio trualccn tliuronf, In incrcs lanw tborclncnntalnotl,and thnci'leotoraball lunli In tutu iwiiiiuii.uii: ln'Ruytiiiiuunztxluiii rond by keeping itiu'mine in repair wid fit csprosscly provided far,nu from whom, and ehn I'tum 4 0. And L>u it cu.icli-'J, tlmt Uio fiiid lj( tUui thirty nor mora ibrni sixty days; DHUanal saaru shall report Ip nriUng ta tho CHAPTEU in their employ, shall havo fall powornt all parties entitled to any award or oomponsntion 1 tho wholo principal of sold thirty year couiinainlor-in-'chier thnt any uflkor in commit • CHAPTER CLXXVII. the monoji oollocled by bim to ttbho BBI iball ba\o power lu upou HUCU road by tukiug iu.es to enter apon lands for ony af tuo par. under auy of Ibo prpvbdoiM of this not, ouiiot twenty days notice, al least, shall ha given ycur bonds lUcrctoforc Issued eud unpaid, BIOII in tlio laid j[turd It lackliig in cnpidty, st An net rohtlva In llio nppnlnlniont n'f IX.„. n respect in belli " i it enacted, Thai""at thi's nil tho UiatU, buildings nni improveinonia poson contemplated this not j that any had bo fonqd to whom to nay tho same, ov aro as aforesaid of tliu adjourned snlo; nnd if, until a eufllcicnt sum Bhall be raised to pay fkinmenlR, efflniDncv ami centra! flincm for his l.Bultiiiubia tnrft d'atoly. • 1 tontorTtiiosinincorpontctl cities and townp_ Anscmbly of ibo etato;:i>r.-N«Vri.J wilhin tbu lines ol uuuli roud, lnnking oom- and roat citato deetncil uecessary by Ibo'fiaid unknoirn, or labor nmlei disabilitiw, or rn- at uuld adjourned sale, Micro nuail lio no lha wholo prlmjlpal of anld tliir - position In tlio Horvlco; tbo commandcr-in-chlol 1. Bolt enacted by llio Konatotmd Ganorni April IT, 1B70. pcDsnilou for nny which have not becu here- >oara for tho laying ont, opening, comrtrnct- fuso to roooivo tba Home whou tendered, \ww- purcliatwrfl foraaldlnnUji, tenements or real Buollhova powor, mil bo la lioroby anthonaod whpniivor tha worts njT->any gitiir^ tofore dedicated, opened or tnkon to or for bonda. loplauofaidoin^roii lh.Q reliredllst nnd Jo- Aiaombly of tUo Btato of Kon Jtrsey. Tliat tho panjhaToboBnhoroto.'f" HR, imnruving,ornatncuting nnd malnUIn- monl'of suoli award or compeiisiitian into tbe estate, or uuy part, ihoraaf, then It flhall be " '•- ?acli uf tlo incorporated city for t!-b nw of slid c,l public Uiw; pruvidtd that wt paraon in poti- ing sucli road, or nny part thereof, may ba circuit court, sliall ba oqaivalont to paymant lawful for the oounty collector of llio coun- city has boon mido;.hoi... MiHJou ol tiny dwelling house, ufuroor Htiop taken tbcrcfor, tind damagts Bbal) bo SO, And bo II enacted, That said public t. Audboiteniotfld, That In addition-to tho .., ,^ .his itato coo tain! eg, ao- ^ii'Act ooacorniog Bbcriffs, of tho patties ontitlod tbereto, nnd tbo sam( traet or otbonrlip, for ihn ! ubfll bo disturbixl nur any dwclliug house, iwcd and bencflta nsswwed' to and Dgan ty, lu Uio name of tlio board of cbosen road board Bball have power to iturnc cer- oflicurs now allowed by Ian upon tho staff or cordi% to tbc UnitedbfvtcaconanHoreic&tiiou _ !e /it #iJiiotwl by tbe Senate aud shall bu paid to tbo party omitted tboroto, freeholders of tlie county, lo ptirclian^'tlio bundrod and novantv, not u company, then ii nliatlbathe dntvof tlicmr uloro ur sliop cnitrcb, eugino or uvliuul IIUUHO the persons owuinff Uio lundsaad roal cstata upon tbo order of saia court. tificates of indebtedness in iisymoni for tboraajor-sonurjl-or- division.- thoro Blmtl.be m>l nojiubtfou, ivliloh i mar bo divided and Ircaiuror of Baid city, upon clemaml lie] General .'Asooinbl; of tho State ot Now ur other jniblw slrncturo, ho itiltcti down, to- said lands, tciieincata or real estalti for tlic work dono or materials furnished, or'.nny boo Judge udvocolft-ivitU tho tank of ltontcnanl > tukon renpectivoiy, as herciu provided. eoluuel, Hid upon tUo ntttu* of tbo bri;auloi Into wards, may appoint ono collooior of taiei mailo, to stamp or vrlto nnnn tbo fi Jersey, Tbot no pcraon shall tip shnriff moved or destroyed, befora tlio cxplmtioa of 31. And bo it enacted, That tbo interest benefit of Ibo county; subject to tlio Bamo expense Incurred In (ho execution of tills rur cacli nurd; proriacd, tlidtUia aeUbsIl not bpndii, tbn follomus ccrliijci :- Ihrca mouths oiler iho publication, aspro- 11. And bo it ennoted, Tbat nil work; nnd _ a allaBHOsemonts, until tlio unit installment goneral of hrlsadu thoro shall bo ono Judgo sd- - itply to any liicurpuraicdcity or town in ttbicb of nnjwuntyin tins Btaio unloss heahaH ; 1 materials of or excoodinjj ODO tboUB-iiiu1 redumption as Hereinbefore provided for; act, aud.to IBSUU thuai nt such times and voo&to with tlio rank of major. pal and inlcre^ of itila bond _._ ' vidtd for in section seven of (bin ncl, ut no- of tbe assessment bbalt becomo duo mil pnj and fluid board of chosen freeholders of tliu for such aaiounlB, payablu at sucti perlodJ; io col!cclws aru ulccL-d by ibovoUTu tlieieof ihotltyof ;" ibobtanlc tb uo ailed wit lmvoljoen a citizen o( tliia etoto ami aa dollars, done and furnished in and about 6. Aud bo It enacted, Thai whenever any en 2. And uo It eaaclcd, 'i'liat all act* ond liart lalo uf Uio nmonnt of tbo nsscB^monl fur'ky- able, fhall bo payiblo aa follows: onthoflp county may assign said purchrma to any nM oiccatcd and iransfp-rraulo In BUCU listed men shill hiTO coniplatcd bis lorm o Ibncorpurslo name of tho nakl city, and the inbabitiiiit of Buch'oounty for nt,]oaat io« out and opcniui*, except by coiiHcut of tho constructing, Improving and ornament- ofneU ltican«ij>letit hcrctvilh l» and Hie katn Bah) mayor antl tmenrcr Blull diffii-tlic tutnc Moud»yorthe CM October afW tbo dato< parly, upon BUCII terms aa Bald board of manner as tliry may deem htal\ said ccr- service In tbo national (cnoraiio miy ro-aulm nro hereby repealed, aud tbaf this nut aim II bi three years next precodliigliiBplaotion. Urn person in pu&csslon, as well na tlm owner ing such road, snail bo done- and I fur- In lliotr olllchl capacity and atll* thoralo tlio tbeeonnnnaUoD of thoasscssmpnt mnde undi tor a furtlier term ul ono year. a pnblia acl, and taho ctTucl Imtnc^btcly, 2. And bait ebaptiia, TbntIh3 jadgea • lhcrool; ntd provided nlso, Ibat uotbiug io nished by contract, alter advcitiasmont in tba cbo3i'ii froeLordora of tho county may lifloatcE of indcbtcdncBs Bliall bo puid, out city Heal. manner following: tbo pnblio.road board McUon liitHcou of tula aot, tbo first Itulnl tlucni just and proper; provided, alqovthat nf tuo proceeds of Ibe BUIQ of bdtflsaulbor- 0. And bo It onaotod, filial tbii act (lull ba 1 April 21,1B70. of tlieicaiirts'orooranion' pioas' iotno this net couluincd Bliall bo BO coustruod an to moat ot Interest iball becomo due and pay- doomoil mid takoa to ba a pnblle sat, and alia! 2, And ba It i-nadcd, Tliat Iliit niM nil prevent tlio removal, by any person entitled Bball ndvortko for priflxMnIs for doior — all moneys paid for tho redemption o£ Siild Izcd lo be Issued hy section twcnty-aiglit iffcctlmmedhloly. sevcml oountios of tbia aUte shrill raeot able, and nb&ll consist of interest on the • iko efTuct ipinmdlntoly. CHAPTEfl CLXXVJII. to remove Iho same, of any BPCII baildiog or work nnd furnishing any materials »ra,,_. lands, teucincnls.or ical cflljxto'aaUfortsaid of tlila net, and sliol) bear latcrcsl at tbe Apprurcd Marcli 30,1B70. •Ajipruvud April 13th, 1670. at Uio offiod-of tbe olerk ol-tba said Ing in tbo wholo to ono thousand dollars or amount of tho aasetsnont, at sayen porouu- An ncl rchtivo to tho printing or Lncal Notices Ktructuro nt any limo within Ibo said panoO tnnt per annum, from, tbo dato ol thocon- logottier witb auch taxes and asscsamonla rate of aevenper contum per annilm,: and oonrt, in tboir respeetivo counties, on of three months nnd in case of Bach removal more, ouco'ia each wool, for at leant two shall be paid by a mortgageo or other It) Iho Qoraian Laugnage, CEAPTEHLIX. tho first Tncsdny arter, tbo. ctoao of tbe week*, .bnt cot mora than fimrwooksj (no* flrmation of tho nsafcsment mado under aeo- may be paid at any timo within one year 1. Doit unacted by Iho donate antlQi compensation therefor eUall bo detonnlned ..nditor under d Judgment, attachment or from tha date ILeruof, nt tlie opllou of «uld tntlin int nnlltloil"Ana,it for Bnpplqtscnt to an act ontitlod "An pclc nnuual emotion of members of, the ft cording to ibo eitont and nature of aucb Uon tbirteon of this act, until «jd flnt Man- 1 Assembly of ttio Stato or Nuw. Jonioy, That nauual ofaatioii of mem , t R und paid, us hereinafter provided ; and pro- Dienbaoica llen^ball bo n lien on eald lands, bonr3, as Iboy Bhall designate tbcrtln. tuouuaUhincntofcniuos,"(rtiviiiron)iipproved nbonovor any legal mlrertincinont or olharlcptl Inn borporotionn," npproved April a vided also, that nothing iu lUia act contained work), in^Bucb ot tho newspapers of «uob aajloOatober; tha second insffillmthU Mnrch twouly-suvontH, cigutocn bunun" — - olglilcon hundred antl eorcnlj'ilTL',' oral nsBcir^'bly, on tho p^paltj of; <y county as tbey may deem cipedieut, nnijphall Icnonienta or real estate for tbo amount so notico from any ehorlu", snrrogalo, connty clork snail bo BO construed QB to aalborizo tbo ro- boooirio due ana payable on the first Mouday 81. And ba it enacted, Tlitit no member or olLcr oOli'cr or tbii sUtii nhall ba dirooted by . 1. iloUonactcil hy llio 8 ona to anil Oi>nornl dol'ttra for ench do fn niter, to be Btiod for thereafter giva tec contract or contracts to of tho second October after Ibo dato of tbo paid, with luLcrcal at the rato of fifteen jni U BoitcnacUjtlby'tlio Sonita and General AHHODihlyof tho Stale of Now Jcraoy, Tbatirhe aud recovered 1>J tbe cojleotor ot the niQvnl or deatioollon ol nny-of tlio public of eald public rood board, or oltlccr, agent, such Bhoriir, aurrogito, county clork or Ollie L co at pin*, Irci bitililiiigs belonging to Bach connty, tuo lowosl responsible bidder, who Hball " eonSnuotlon Ol (ho asseeauaut mndo under cenlmn par annum, nud aucli lion shnll ban clerk or cmiiloyco of BSIUI bonrd (except a. Asiomblynftlio auto r>r New Jmoy, Tlint ir ofllcor or tills Htilo Whs prlntudiml pubiiibo' t incorpuratcduitiler thu laws of tbii eald count;, and nripiiod to .tliojue of nlsb BUOU good and sufficient unritiM as] section tbirteon of ibis act, and stall conajst precedence of all oilier Hens ou said lands, any married man nhnll htro eoxnai inlorconrso ID any ncnupapur printed ond niibliflliDtl In (lit itntc, Js Ifmltcitult by its charter (o certntn 11: coatraclor ior work lo bo donn on such with am BIDRIO rcmalo of good roputo for ohis- p p timo* lor dcclarloK d.vldundfi,orfor bolillilg ill tbo Bamo; at wLicb titnonn'd'plabe tbo ba approved by said pablia road board t bat icncmcnts or rcnl estate; und on foreclos- n . [t B) ^ lu^-ruj for uiioh 7. And bo it enacted, That said board, of oho year's interest on'the amonntofta German laDguacD, it mn.y annual mcolingH of ttookkoltWn for tliccloo ahorifffor tio timo being, w "ijli'efiff elfict, •aid board sb&ll be nnder no obUcntlpD to road) shall at any time bo Interested In any tlty, by iciirSwDtlng that Co It t. BIIIRIO nio - notice tti Lo primedd nnanad . jimbllBhcrm t in tha Gcr- mediately alter its determination to lay OBsesament, at BOFOD per contnm jper" annam, ure of any mortgage Aiy, such mortgagee umlcr nroimsa of morriaKo, and ibo ...... tiun of directors, nnclli corporation sl^all hhava o na tha COBO miy bo, of tbo aatafi c6antj accept tbo lowest bid if they, deam It to ba antl so there shallt>eaarjQedaoana»ajab.lL _ proposal, bid or contract that shall bo nmdo man itneniRO; providihiprovided . ttiatbat ovcrysuoh noliu ngainst tlio interest. of tbo publia ao tb do, redeeming, Bald BUMS and Interat shall be by or oITcrcd to or made with eald board, thoroby bocomo ]ire£fniint,Jio sbslibo Heotnai nova at any timo to clian-'o tbo timo o r ttimsi a is 'Oierobr roqntretl - nnil" onjbined to at- tbe first Monday of oaab-ndaoeaOiug October " -•• ' npapurii ddl d lldi1 i can. proceed to lay oat such rond, ia tbo fol- and may rojoot all bids If- they deem it to.bo dlrtiotoO to he made out of Bald landa; anil BUiKyofa mlMlcmcanar, and on oonvlatidU, tboKngfliiU Un^nnRO. declaring its diddomli and lioldinft mit tend tvitll tbo certificate' of his oleotlon, af tor tho dato of the coafirmiUon of.tlib us- or in any work done for'or nituvrials tu Hlmll bo pimlihod by mio not oicocdlrg &vi unl meet! pes, upon tlm voto of two-tlilrd lowing lUAancr : .ttioy Rhnll, In tho first plnco, for the interest of the- publia BO to do j and on Bttlo of said lands under any aucb judg- bo supplied to snld board. . ' 2. Andl« It eiinoiL-G, Tliat Ihian and not less than five buSJcieut sureties, Bowmout, made : under;. Notion' tblrtMU ment, attachment or mechanics' lion, Bald tuoaimnit dollira, or hy imprifloiimGnl at ban ntcristot its NtocUboliiara at any rcgola vanka ur cansa to bo mado aBQiscy ol Bach iu case o( HUOU rejection tbo said board shall lalior for a period not oiciwding lira years, oi ctTuct framcdfatoly. li f ld tkhhto being frcoboJdcra and roiSdenta in the road, with a map thereof HuoWhi&Uia termini again advertise lor propoaalg, and ptpowsj of'• this act an. insUtlinient of interest BUMS and interest ehall be pakl out ot ttio 02, And bo It enacted) Tbat tbe treasur- Approved April 21,187C. wbloh"stall 'consist . of * ona • year's in- er appointed by said public road board; and •2. Anil ho it nmeted Tbst tliU net nhall bo a samo conuty, to he vpproVocl' of by tb and route of each road, iucladioR Ibo coarsti in Ml things as if no proposal bad before been proceeds of sale; provided, fattier, tliat o 2. AnJboitcniotisd, Tliatif uny alnglo mm pnblle act and sliall Ubo cObct itnmetlintoly. samudgeo aconuty then , noto t heor vpp tbor major port o ami distances, anil the v.trioaa lniprovcaxintB offered. • • !.. •. ;. '• • •' > torcstontfae arnoaat-of tho asscsament, al complete recocd of all flsae^menta HhaU br eucb other employees as tbey Bliall .desig- over tba ago of eighteen >'' ing said map, tho bonrd ahall toler tha matte toraat; at uvenper contain, per annum on the and hy whom; It shall bo tho duty of tbe oiooodlug 11 TOye»n,oi both; bo| In uncliewes llihod.fopiiiortlcrloanlburizosiiotitpplicant lara, aS thp saidsaid' jaflgoaflgoa;; oorr tHe'majotHem r board to desiRnato a now ondcontenietit the eamc. '*' : ol awards aud ameasmenta for Invlug' oa rooio for unob railroad, and to RITO wbolo. of iaaoh'prinoipal,-and otuil booome secretary of the public road board, to give flo both of UmBO BoctloDH) ttio erldonco or th< lo ammno and into another naino Tor IUCII 1. lloitennctcd by IhoUcnata and Geaeml partt offt. themh , may order,r:"wWoh' bond anil opening such rotid lo Uio comnUssidscrB 83. And ba It enacted, Tliat suit) public nnffEpaper; sncli nppllcatlon nliall bo by nnli- -Huoiubly of tlio SUto of Kow Jonwy, That an' : 1 notico ol tba ronto so. designated to tbq per- daiau^iKtyoQlooii tna ftrsfi Monday of ccrliljcalca of oenrch in relation lo Jlena, to female- naat bo corroborated to tho oi'eat ro nvontory, ntol by an osiilRneo hororo'tbil tab- Bhalalii hnn iri thp Wrm'Wrm fplldffinB,"ta''wiSfplldffinB,tawi;; of otEeEsraeBt provWed (or iu (LU act 401 ir corporftUon o*niufj 6uob ' " " sisth' October"after" 'tfao d»ta of tho confirma- any pereaa or persona applying for'tlic road board filial! have power lo make and quhoil In oigaoflBfllfltniont tar puijui-y ; aau tioD.whleli ahkllnt north tlu crorndaof tho sball fnrnisli tho commissioners of asufej apiillcslioii, and shall ba vcrillctlliy ttio affidavit .iRcrTcetorthcKot'lu nrhicli this in n'atippto- "KnoKnow all mon by th&eo 'pt^aritf'pt^aeritfll, that and, wituio-ntnoly days after Ihegififift'ol ttoitOi/tbe'.aBftcsstiipnt ina4a nndor soction same, and ta Qflncel such sales, when Ibe use a common seal, and alter tbe Bamo al ldeu that In cite tbo party ofTunulnp; m&rrv """" -pplicaDt aimcicd tlieroloorondorBOd inoul, vorllled hj oalli token jieforo any pum- wo, A. B.,-0. p., E. P.,'G.^n./I. K., mon I with a map or maps, showing tha land pleasure, and shall keep an offlco in snch r«n»loatiny timo beforo sontoneo, thon mid buildings lo bo takoti for tbo opening o! Gdcli notleo and obtalnlcg tho consent.'«( bitof thlaactj'tbflfloooDiiinfltaUminit property shall lie rodooDjuJoncertlllcate of C avA tniflsioncr to Uko acknonlcdmcnU acl proofs andli. M.» alt of tho oonntvof ~< • " . sUt. of'.ong twantlotb of the whole county, with a clork la attendance thereat nenlenco shall bo (nspoadod anil bo diachirged in r> nolioo ur euch application shall bo oruccdufor^ciTjurBoy, residing In auotht-r snob roaduut Bball olio lnrnish tho said com. euoh borso railroad corporation, it'sbaUbo. tbe connty collector of Iho oounly of such from ontlody, and In case ho mirry tbo famslo published ot K-ast oiico in cacli woak for tiro aro hold and firmly boqbd ta pie etatoof tho duly of siioh personi or corporation w n- Vs^'ona.yofii iDtorost at BOToa per during business hours, to be determined by ntnto, or any other fiBlocr qnnliflod b.v the tatrs mlssioiJCru of iisBCSBmiiiit with QDV other lAap redemption; it shall, bo tlis duly of ihi alter. mntcncD, tli on lio ebill bo dUoli: ireoksBaooesBivclyiicit preceding tbetimoor )1 thin atato lo administer oallra and •Bruin* New Jersey in tlmsam of <•'' ••••• thou- ormaps uliowiiiK tbo property lu uncb connty movo tboir trackn fromlioiino of such froaC; or.ttinian^on pJnpUrOU-twonticUiB of coujty collector of tbo county to make ob Bald board, to give information to all par- from B.11 farther imprisonment. PI> lKUW nom cr r tloiis, Bhall be doomed to liavo hlon Bnfflciently and saeh persona or corporation1 arc -bare-by dpalf and shall boaomo du Approroil Much BO, 1B70. -SnnU "' P'P ° " sand dollars, to be paid to tha said state, wbiob,lu the jottctnent ol said oommissionera two certificates for all properly redeemed, ties interested, lo require bad lake bonds nrntKl, althotiRh »Qch mth wflB not t ' - for wbioti pajraont, Tvell nn4 truly to bo nutlioilzod to lay their UJcks oror tba tonlo abis od thu first • Monday of tho 2. Alia bo it otiBctcil, That If lha cnnrk tu boforo thoeurrogate, : of asscusmonti vOl ba boncfitted by socliim- ono for Ibo person redeeming, and m of any ofUcer, ogeut ur employee by Ihelr vlifch Rncb application phall ba mado sbill bo mado, no bind boraslvoa, oar heirs, exe- provement i dcaiguatlng each lot and parcel desiguatod in suah notfdo; noil in case of tbo Ocioborafter Ihosaicloonflrmation ; lUloftaftforcBidd.. * '. '• OnAl»TEri XLV.-V 2. *nd bo It eu»otcil, Tliat thU act »linll tako Inllaro of snid pewona ot corporation to it- which be shall deliver forthwith to tliu im A anpnloiucnt to tho lot entitled "An act to Bdttuilf d hy tinoli petition no vorlflod. or by cutors and . adminifltrdtora, jointly an ;. Tho condition of the&bovoob* rcftiwo of nny-act dono or contcmplatod nnil nayabla o» tlio first Monday of Ibo clsbth sconi]itigan[lnliBontuol]|orR,"opproT(]ciApri HffaHon )B mtcli.that if thoiibovobonnd-* estata to bo tulion aud property to bo bone- October utter tbe said conflrmatiou, ana in tbe Umo limited for the redemption of al) execution nf this act &s to them shall ecum ''!>. Tliat any mamcil woman, anon whoso Tram aud arter sumo time, nnt lo»u ihanHve Hliioootli, ciRlitoen linndroa and forty-ili. flltcil, na aforesaid, aud tha interest of ench cnder> thla oeotion, thosatno Bball ba aseor* lands any bulldinp; or baildfnss shall hercinnf- unyH, to bo Bpuclflod in ancli order. CD A; B., shall well and tratyexcoutotho lika ' manner': each - sobaMuent ~ Installment lands sold for asseiamente, or nny part convenient; they shall keep a record of nil 1. Bo it onaoted by ttio Penato and<3tneral r; of tlio owuora of tho real estate to ba tnlten, lur bo ccoctod or r*apaired, or nfcoroon any flx- 3. And b» lt enacted, That nitlila ton dav* ofllca af alleriffot tho county of * iluod nnil'paid aa hcrolu provided. Bballco'nBist.of one-Iventfeth of tho whe' Hereof, by vlrtuooAlbliact, byndvcrllac- tboir meetings and proceedings, and regu- tnros sbnll bo put, dmll bo Ukan aa coaientlrip; arter graullng such ordornucb jroniielorshtill BRombly or llio Sloto or New Jersey, Thai nnd wlicu such enraes or estates aro nol principal together with one yenr'a interest, _ lar accounts of all moneys received and ex- WBRCB, BfthricB, or other ooninonimtion, Una and in all things (onchiug bis naid offico known, they Bball.so report: tbey ttbnll.nlflo 13. . And!bo."it«naoted, Tbat after suoli monls us aforesaid, oucc a week for clgb to tho same, and iacb hulldln? or oallilinfiB, cause a copy* iboronr to bo publiBhoJ in a pub- oad shall bo constructed, improvoil, and or* seven per contutn par annnm, on somnchol weeks next preceding tbo expiration ol pended, and raako an annual report of such ftndcurtllagcB.waeroon tho tamo aro orootnd lic mwspa].or prlntcil m |hn conaff la Abh ' ' [doutwitbln thiastilo sliall well and truly/ jastly and fi>itlfo!lff ttppr.iiso tho vnhio of ttio int crust of each soli whole priuolpal as sDoUnot. theretofore nccnunl ta tbo board of .chosen freeholders Bball bo iobject to Iho lieu created by this aet; Bucu-itcwpapor .shall ba publUUeJ; withiu . , . loTeo fur labor, work _. perform and crecuUt tba same; as-well known owner of real estate, and Ibo damage namentod ia^Booordonee nttu tbia Dot,,tbQ tlio timo BO limited for- redemption, BpecL provltlud alwajH, lliat In casa laid marrletl no- twenty dayM from Iho cranlfna or McEronkr. scrTices dono nr rendered ivitutn tbis state, or boned abull refer thtt'ibAlWr of- naseastaent ta hAFcbwomo.daennd,pay&b7e,.nnd, said ia- fylng tbo property unredeemed and tbo n. uf euch county; provided also that alt the ffithrcpotpoo t t o niill poisons cconcerneo d its lo be done to each owner by taliinp; Ibo earae, roan shall canto tn In filed in tho clerk's oOlce applicant shall ciuao tttioli petition, afil- olaenhoro, xball noi be liable lonltaclimcni at d hli considering la encb appraisal tbo condition niisa tbo money to poytlio coat of such, con- stallmenta sbaU rospcctiTely bcoomo duo nd mount dae tbercon. raeellngB and proceedings of Bald road oftho coutr.y wherem eneh building or bmld- thp suit of a. nmi-rcBidonl orcaitor wlion tlii ;o tie stato aforcsatd,- Iliad, thiaohlig In which cacb owners parcel will ba left ntrootlog, Improving nud' ornamenting, to pajrablo oo tbo flmt Monday in each BncDoe * sliall ba public. .*. Inga aro locatrd a notico In writiug, describing said wagon, BalarlpB, or othor com p on nat inn an tiun to bo void, or qlae.to bo aad reroni. tbe commissioners of .asscitsmeiit, und'aball inROctobert la casoany-intoroatorinBtall-- 24. And be it enacted, Tbat cot with- tbti property, uul tbat iho docs not consent lo exempt from altacbmont by llio law nr tin alter tailing so much thereof iw will bore- standing any mistake occurring In tlio And be it enacted, That all Hie pro. county clerk"n oDIco of'llic'coantyln nWch'atiBh iu full foroo and virtue... L Signed, Bcalad quired for BAU1 opcnlDg, and wUcra tha es- fumlsh thocommisaloneraofflsseBaracjit wits ment sh&ll not be paid, to tbe county collector tbo erooiiou or ropalrinff of each bnlltlinp; oi ~""ipilporBball bo publUhoa, ind wllhln Ilio -into of wlileb tlio said employee Is rcni<]oat tbe amount of tbo cost of men constructing, ufuue or names of ibo owner or owners of cccdlugs and acla of said public road hoard.' hnlldingi on her landi, and that tbo Bams L ] timo uncli applicant BliallcansDaocrtlflod 2. And be it emoted, Tint all (els or parts of md doiiverc'd in: the presence of, aaA tntcs in any plot of ton j aro unknown tbey of tho county whan due and payable- EB efore- befog demo against bcr nishca *cd consout, Hlinll appraise tbo raluo at tbo damages dona improving and ornamenting, and with man sald/interMtBhail bopbnrged and)'cQllocted nny landa or chattels real In such connty, na ibo same Bhall appear upun tbe minutes oopyor Buch ordnr to bo lllod nlth llio ancro. eta inconsiBtontvrltlt tho prorlilatii ot thin bet ipprov&dby«»...... : : or mapa BhowEmall tbo property In shou In assessing any lands or real cstata under of Fnld board, and all maps, contracts, tben, in mob case, tba bulldlaf; or building c~ *iry or state. Band ihoiiamoirohLTulii rontnt * • to the leo Klmpie ; said commlualoncrs of tboroonftttboratoQrtwcl?^ per cantnm par bnlldlnga, and tha onrtthtcos wiiorou tlio nnm~ it sliall tiiko cnV'st im ma] lately nsECi&nicnt filmll also cetimato all ctber cx- conuty, wbicu in tbo judgment of said com- onnom, from th« time whon aaoU intercnt or Ibla act, such osaefsmeut sbnll ba valid ani awards, asBcssmcntB, or other matters or ani ereoLod, of any mimed woman, shall lie 1. And un It omctcil, Tbnt when Iho requlrc- O.D., {-JudgeapftbeBeaaiaaud misaionera of OBscflsmcnt,vii!l bo benofltod bjp manl* or this aalsball uo complied wilb, HUob Approred April 5lh, 18TQ. pcuec3 lilicly in tbdr iadgment to attead tho installment shall bars bocoma duo, un cfarc- nffcctual la hw against such lands or dial parHjrs on file Ia Ibclr ofHcc, Bball bu mat" freo frata Iba lion givnn by tbU act from IIID iraprfotnr>liall, from mid after Ilia diy ape E. F., ftc, J Xor the Do'nnty bf' completion of the said hyiugoDt nnd open- such improvement, designating each Jot or said, nntll tho' eimo shall bi-pald, or until Ids real, nnd the same may bo proceeded tcrs of public record, and all parties Khali titao dlio ah. 11 baTo filed a nohoo ns aforosaii]," Ta the oxeoation of wHoh.hqnd the paid parcel on said map or mupa by a number ;— bo and tlio »ma is boroby amended by adding lied for tbat punione In anch ordor, ofiaiiino a CHAITEn CXVI. lug, nnd shnl! so rlctcrmino UIB cost ot laylnR the proportyatsossed Bball bo sold for tbo In- igalnst and sold In Ilia manner uerelc de- bo deemed to have duo Dot ice of the exist- n»ilw namo ffhlch.hy snoU order, bo shall HnpnlcmenUonnaelontitbtl-'AnacttomtiL-nO jatlges tlion present sball Ija aubscribing ont and opening fiucli rond, tbia cost they said commiBalobora of nsscatmflnt sball do- Ihoroto tha word a >her- fitted to tLo extent to which said landd aro any part'tbsreof from the Uon of said aasosn- bu&lDcsa Iioora of every day, except Sun- for any linlldihRor rcnitrs nDt'KUthnrlzed by knonn by iho new namo and by no other. '"W llm ""era! gaino auciollc* or tbis baucfitted by mid'lflying mil and oponii beneCtod by such coaatmcUng, im pro ting namo of the real owner oroirnora tbetc? .- olebt and IHH Burptios, Qiid (ipproWt mont bynt any Urns'paying tba whole of tbe tho owner, or bo lit or dono without tbo knonl< 5. Aintboitonwtod.Tliatsiich iietvBp.iPL., Hintu uarn opooded Jnrno and sliaD also ascerloin; aa of; provided, that in tho adrartiaomeiH of days anil holidays, nnd copies thereof, cer- under aucli new namo, fliall liave ibo namo ' in the manner L'oforopreaoribod.shall far us practlinble, the same of. tlio owners of assessmont on said lands, and Interest to tbo tified under tbe seal of bald board, by lie ortso orihoowaor." the purcliaBoorBomo and gatno tlnli for Iha thereupon tlicy uliall nnder tboir hands, Ibo Bale of encli lnud or chattels real, tbo Aiiprorotl Maroli 39,1870. -ti and privileges ai If MB namo hml [JiirportodtpropaKatlnf; tlio samo; and wlioro t fllod nntl Hooarely kept in thp office of make a preliminary report of tbo facts DJJCOT- sucli und bcuentod by such oonjtrncting, county collector of tho connly, wbo shall oamo or naraea nf tho real owner or own- saaretary of said board, shall bo evidence . ilianged, and nlioro BUCII nownpopflr, Ibe pirt at* Bald sodntlei improving and ornamenting; aad whon snob forthwith notify the socretary of, the ppbllo i plerk of tlio court of pompior "'*"" - taincd, and of the appraisements, awards, on, if discovered, shflll W madn to nppenr. In all courls and places, tha sama as tio tlur its old name, had bean lawfully desifiaa aH far ilia wna6 conn*y..,; '• estimates, determinations and afacssmentr names arc not known thoy shall so report j— road board olsnoli payment, atnlsatd neere- original wotihl be IT produced. BB an offiokl unwipapor or nuy nouttty. clly ur 2J. And be It enacted, iMiat after ttio Aoa;bo itBndptbd.lThat eypryaL- made by tbcui concerning Bald laying an: they ahull tben usen tbo eoaht of saob con. tary nbalt tbeioapoa cancel said lien of re- other plico, It shall cotitiimo to bo snch uQlolal u strncting, improving unfl omamonUafr, .upon cord ; provided that in any case where tho czplratbn cf the timo limited for ihc re- SO. And he It enacted, That tbo GCCL. An Act ta fli llio nshrifJi of tho nlHccn ol t icwspaner uudor its now nmio, the eanicia if dt» «toc uaVing oaloreS iiito bontl j and opening of such road, and filial! file Sunato or tho Btata of Kow Jersey. ltd name bad not boen; clmngcd: and all lecal ' sneb preliminary report, together with the tbo lands to 1» bonsfifed to tbe extent to ownora of "land 'assessed dedrea tp 81B-demption of any land sold for poo-pay- tnry of the public road board Bball forth. ment of any assessment, or nuy part, tbore 1, HoltBijantodbylhB.Senato and Qoiiorsl DrotUoruumicaltona inado ur directed to lie map ur mnpa furnixhcti to them by irbicb sold lands are benefited by eaoli con* ebaree a portion of the said hnd from tbo will], after any Anal report and n=ai:Bsmonl Affiombtjr nt iho Blalo of Nan Jersey, Tliat nidijntiijer tho onlcr or ony conrt, or or.llio oniitho™ Iba publia ronil board, witb tlio secre- jtrncting,. improving KUH onmmentiBfr, and lion of Buoh aanstmantj U shall ba tho daty of, and proof to said county collector of m:n ox maps have been confirmed and hero ihall bo paid to tho officers and pi| itato ot- any ofScur or depirtmoat tliDrcof, tary of Baid board; thereupon tbo said secre- ia proportion to Us bonefit-weelrod ; illero- of .tbo ttoaoLy cglleotor of tbo. coanty, upon tbo couuty, that all taxes and assessment filed with him, transmit truo enptes of tbo the sonale a votrly compoiaatlon na folio ,_ my county, city or other maoiapilUj, or a,, tary eball canso a notice ot* auob filing to IMS opoa they saall,,nadi)r.'tt)eirfhuidst mako • writtaa roquosi, ito oppoition tbo assoasuient thereupon up to tha date of such applica- Borne to tho county coiieator af BUCU coun- thn tocretary DD annaafsalary of ouo tliontand winl nr ofljour thnroor, anil til RhurifTfl op --'* ily»jfett'(6^.afflqij)-ib»Uj preliminary report of. tbe-. facts asecrtaincdV nantcr'n saleti, and all matters now renuttej ._ truly servo- tho 'state ;of xioi pnblislictl for two noeks BacccfaiTely, onco in and.fli tie amoutit whiob Bball bo paid upon tion, have been paid, and proof of Borvlcus ty, nnd Ilia connly collector of snch coun* flvo hundred dollars', to tho aasldant incrol»ry_ >y law lo Ii) imWiBljoJ, miy ba- pnbhibed, or racb wcefe, in firo oi tho nowspapcis pab- and oft tie 'determination! aad asBssimtnta tha part to ba relehBod'oDd upon rcefllvinz of notice on nil the parlies entitled to re- an anaml salarv ofona thomaQd Itto linn tired in the office of sheriff ot the coun-1 mado by them concamlog toon congtrncting, ty shall make to tho public road board, at dollars i lo ongm«ing clerk an annual salary UiopreHcntpnblieatJoQ tlm roof conlmnnil, lu lishcd in such county, H BO many there be,' «neb amoanftald ciionty collector shnll no- deem, as required by tbta act, and the ex- cicli regular meeting, a written report of •uclt ncnnpajier, under Us now canio, with tlio tj off. , ;tbttt:Ir:wfll;in.,no easel to bo designated by mid pnblic rofld board, 'one ttioQiand im liuudwd AotUra) \*> tha tify Bald searatuyof snob payment, and tbo piration of tho Umo {lyen thorn therefor, nil Ills,proceedings under this *ct. . irnal clork an nnnuU salaryofouo thoita- •ftrno forco and clfuota as if uneli publication wl;Ich colioo need oontaiii.onlya slrttcmont —mliig ana omntriMtfciB'.of' ineb ircad, land tobo-relwsod-thereby.-aQdBaid HCTO- tbo said county. collector qf tbo • county, bail bum matlo-'ln eatil naw«papar pqbliahod tbat Ibo Eaid mnp or mapa and' preliniiiiiiry and dollira j la tbo prcwldont't IOCrotary an an- intlorltE oil name I and saitl nowapaptr, nnder — Boall- aio- nicn 'preKmlwvry report, to- torj ahull cancel tbolioii-of-cncti nsdessment, under his hand and tbe seal of tbe county, 87. And bo It enacted, Tbat the public nual salary of six Itfindrod do Han; to each nf report linvo bcoii fllod auJ tbnt lh» BIBIQ ore getber wah ibo mop or mar* fn'nUud to so far OH it affects eaidload tabs rolc&ied, m/ad board may, in Ibo corporate namo of tho two calender clurka in annual nlarr or firo Itsnctrnamo, shall ho ontitlod lo nil oCBolal open lo tbo Inspection of all parties Interested, shall executo to tho party, who p'urcheattt, prlnilngquilor any law of this state, or any them by «ad>aru; with Ibo wwetary of raid and tha lien of said Dsxossniont iball continue' such boani, maintain any suit at law or In bnotUcddnllari; to tbeolorkto tho eoinmittoe 'cioiutfoD of lha board of olio son freoboiarra and iiliall etate tho Umo nnd fclflco wben am boards UiorenpoQ.(ho. eald ooaeUry Bball said property at each assessment sale, nod equity, to carry out any object nr intept on ensroBsbK bills an annnai sahry of ilro trlicrotbos.'iftl'commissionera of mscgainant upon tba rcmaindar of the land as tbarotofore. wuo paid tad* taxes and assessments there- iinpy eennty, or any nrdinanoo or rciotmion otiioanatto«of.neh£Uttgtabo pnbiiated ••—tdtod «ame A Porllior Snuplntnoot to tho act ontitlod "An .