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1876-07-22.Pdf VOh.Vf..i DOVER, MOREIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1876; NO. 32 Ilusiniss Curds. THE IjRiON'ERA 770. 1876. JTBLIMIIU) llTBII 8ATLJI1DAV ir AS GOOD AS THE BEST II. A. BJ3N.NETT, M. D , HALL GEO. RICHARDS & CO..{Freeman Wood, 3 --AM)- murlKQcudprunlMs. U'l.on-lu3o*<\<\t IIi,i •,f n. VOGT. IIOMXEOT ATI-IIO M coinplainniil, owl Mary Juno Wcmlvcrl >irnaiiiETOn, .•U..C..I ' nnrl Amos O, WoolrRrtoii «ri? (hrrmlaii PHYSICIAN & SUKGEON^ CHEAP AS THE CHEA|EST. laPlnrnalik- to Oolobcr Term, A. P, 18TC, SPRING AND SUMMER! on Morris$t»»t naar 1 Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts. J. W. BABBITT, CALEB H. TALENriSH, .Sol TEIUIS ,t' lunscai INSURANCE AGEN1 V vlrtuu nt llw nbofr Htntfd writ of fii (Onpoailo Dover Dmilf,) B fuclitn in my liaodu, I tb=U Dipmu for m TO ALL WliO .. ,Y THE 1JE8T BOVEIt.S.J,, DRY GOODS ot J'UIJLIC VENDUE, ot llm Uu»?d Flnl OOOPS AT TJUv l,ijl?]?i«B? PHICER, CiO TO 83.01 aaiM of woman and Children, and or tbi PEACT10AL TAILOH Hole], iu Morrktbiw, N. J., on EioaBdEnr Bpcdaltlea. i Months, - • 1.01 MONDAY, the 7ih day of Augusi OUlco nonnl i 71., 5 A. JI., 1 to 8 and 7 lo 8 P. U, isaOpil , W. -T. A.D. 1B70, httiveec llio liuum of 12 31. end I FO11KICIN nuil DOMESTIC. ' " ck P. M., that IB to nay, »l 2 o'clock h tin A Ilin chilling bUAlDnai . moon of aniil ilny.air.ht. follofflllb'CIPB " J. K, — VBf, haa Imilt up a HlRi; tract or jmreel of land nnd1 iircmiBtn, ri M T iiinanicB-ttid linut in Hit- irurld : PASSACE TICKETS andl lucrcaalno trndo and now lead... s_ tri fioo ccity l)inH and bulnff in tlio lownalup Of WajluiiKloi 11. uison it MID rnou' SURVEY 0 E, IIIB HrfB vltli ttic...! larajoal"larg l aitorc' "", '[arco« ' 't H H A U. 3XT E! (S S3 FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, etc LOKDOK oiil LIVBItPOOL nn<l in I lie county of Morris and titalo of New Jcr boil » n-1 loir rirrx «'y, biittmlund bonudod AS followu: Ucgi W'Q iuvitc your i.tlViitiou In an liiHpcctlon o liiilf at a tumor in Iho «rc-at ruad icaJii LiverpoDl Queenstown, Snrvoys, Levels and Grades CLOBE, Cniiilnl 820,000,000 IIIIIU(,-1I Ibo villago or tjtopliontiburf;, buiri uridocb. GUI: CJOODH nnd J'JtICEJ epoalt Llanauuincr ton lot oflMiilWllIinm J.Htijiva fur llienischeii. Wo .my our good* dircot froni tin tliofoliar ag Steamililp linen ; in .do for Public anil Private Impmononla. Men's all Wool Double HOESE and OAIEUOE EQUIPMES3, LANCASHIRE of MANCnESTEll, ind nilo convoyed to MlYod Mtcpiicna, ai BOOTS andSHOES, •uniiict-llioueu (1) along said lot nootli slit. tho lowest umrkclH nml pay fur tliou in 0ASU, Nuvcr leuowu to bo mditap btloic n, tiowut nimminl jirJns this neaann to IV.11AN, WHITE STAR OWE: SUSSEXSTKEET, Tiviit Suits .m!j - - 810.00 CnpitulSlO,O0O,O0(l »uo aou thrco-fuurtu degrees ffeBt two chaii md fifty-eight Uoiii to a itakocomcrto nai iclect i il [ONAL, , Vtm UID Canal STATE PIHIi rasUHANCE On., ut; tiionci [If miutb tiveuty and ouo-fomtli Good Ilcavv Suits - - GOi li'green unfit nuiL-ty aud nfno-luutb links DI IDIICI iloya! Hank of Ireland A. TAYLOR'S Cupfml, SUOII.OIXI illy rnot to a slelio corner to laud batonEhu »y • . o Cliarlea Stewart; theni'o (3) north eixty-nin< Working I'liuU • 1.00 HOYAL OI' Ln'IilU'OOL, . ud ttir^B-foiii'ttiduci'GCH cant two clialiisam BLAOKWELL St., illy-cljr.it l\ukn to a cornor in tho mlddli-uf tlm DRY GOODS J. M. BABSETT, u MIN4NG CLOTHING J 610,000,00 l) Street, Dov.;j, W.J. " extra 1.51 FIUNKL1N OF TfllliABELI'inA, gre&t roid uforosald [ tbotico (i) alone tbo Civil Engineer and Surveyor, Wft miOIlH T.ABT OI"THKMANHlOX IIOITHE,) '••loor.kuiau] 1D1id norm tnUtyan(Tono- COSSIflTISfl IX PART OI-1 Good Working Paula Donlil CApitnl S5,OOO,OO0 Ii degrees west ninuty and nlnc-tonthi Dr. P. 4 HARRIS, HOCiCAVVAY, ST. J. - extra -'- S1.7J Ti OVER, IvT. J. links nr n!xty ftot to tho plnco of liccinulDg 37. «"lil«j-l"uiu>o, Ctstvcl, . ._ .' '. IQ no^iE, - . *• 000,000 -ontivitiiUB iwoiilj-tliriiD hmnlrodthB or an tor l'HVSICIAM and SURGEON, ALL OHDEIW PHOUITLV ATTENDED TO; HATS and CAPS, irland, bo tlio same tnoro or-lent. Thoabor —:—To:—— STAB, Jcraej City, '• DOO.OOO JfiHnnimri lot. or bind ma conviiyed \>y Wllllan DRESS GOODS DOVJEB, N. J. OIIILDKEN'S SCITB A SPECIALTY J. Hlownrt and ivlfo to Mary Jaua Woolvcrto A larRe nnd wttll arlL'ctuil aloclt of tho wilo ofAmoa O, Woolvortou, tho deed bear omcE *r TUB r HUUEL wian HUDSON OOUIITr, Semy Oily, iff (Into tbo twenty-second day of Fobrnnrv i i» year or our Lord ono thounanil eight lmn< IUII. PLICI L INS SHBEX BIIlEITa. FEOM & TO $9. HAMJESS, SADDLES, Oatiilnl 6300,000, 8DHVEY01I and COIiBOTtt ot I.NSDnANOE DHDGS AND I'.HIILY MEDICIM. red ana aittv-twu. ' .. DEnOEH 8TUEBT, EuVEU, N, J. WHIPS, BLANKETS, STANI)A«1>, Xtalim, " 300,000, rlliltSON A. FHUEMAK. HhcriiT. laluo alBO[linont of FINE OtOTHWO fo Dated Muy fllsl, 1B7U. [I'r. f. #7.21). IIIIK P. S Ordcrrdcra lott at M. U, Diult-tsou'Di a itore. urn) HOUSE OLOTHTKG SHAWIS, SKIETS, itre. MEN, TOOTH'S' and BOYS. rEOI'LKH, Kcivnit. " 808,000, aiy nitidoncidn o wilill rccoivl i f prommpt attention ttti , ' Uaomlof , Sljeois,PlyKew,Cnrry Corobd, BrnnbeH, norm Coi uil'liin<l ociodnof allileiiurlptlonu a bouoli CMBjMorofleo) of JO l •—j too B, of nil (luecrjntloni, bolli Tor roarl nnd 'HIUZRNIA, " " 200,000. PB1NT3, MUBLINS, &o. sellorat Law ld rac«. All kluilfl of heavv llanipn slid Co I Ian CELERY PLANTS I AND . OVEB 2,000 PAIR OP FASTS. JtS^Thete re«"*illoa en tiont tiy <ti • 0ARrE13, M: eaia or UnRla boy tJ II ny i.mt of tin or ilranglit purpoBCH, Hftltorn, Cliomoin Hklnu ' 200,000. ct» an try. tn-ee of Cl;_r^.i o.i i-M,,iiu MASTEHIN CHANCKHY, 'loilEca ond Ert^lYTHISO in tl\o HCtJIKESH Wu liave Jnsl n|K'»cil a full line of 0. B. GAQE, prioo. Addxcai A flno TBi-ioly of UarnoBH UIIB, Hoor Olnt HOCKEBY, Tin, Waodi'ii an 20,000 FOR SALE. BO<pCAWAY;N.J. Paii't tail local and ale III! MI1GAINS an JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, • Homeopathic Medicine Co. ojilti, 'Jlio ciiovo Roods, libo oil CIBO ilicnt Willow Wine. bo a.lomslica at tlio low price. Tor Rood clolh- .racB, bavo bad » boavy JilKuprico and nill REAL ESTATE iVIIOIXHALE Oil ItETAIL, LARGE QUAN- •LADIES SPMira ASH 3UMKEE . Office on Jllackwcll Street, OiBcoond Ikmt, No. JC2 Puniuw* », Ntw Vona bo nold at lowest figure;,. - J. J. VREELAND, ITOK fiOic bf ttll IMllKlJsUo October Slat, ]fi71. Groceries and Provisions. or ALL KIXUH TITIES AT SPECIAL ItATES. DOVER, N. T. ij. J. W. 1IAUU1T, and »i J, It. DRiffM'fi drug itore, corner ol CarpontcB and Builder, BUeWcH and Buaaex Sti., snil Vui.plit.VK.,,. PURCHASED and SOLD JACKETS AND CIOAKS. Cultectlom attended to «llli diligence. ;orD, now comer drug storo, Dover, K. J. HUT Crowriea, Cuiin >] Uuoilx, Drioil ruiil "-' !gint for tlio je.UJr. aiHlPlroIiiiut- CITY COAL YARD. Trad, Coffets, HIISI fH, HJIICON and cwrj- - —..(liiluntu by (ixiii tha—t tli«o Jobbing pnmp.lly atlended to. ipaulca. 1M Ihiuf,' In tlin Unicer? line. W"JLwill rcacb_ tho piiroli&Bor Iu perfuut order Indies nadj'-iuuJo SUITS ill thorn on BLAOlWELIi St.," noil to Gngo 1 - - <loy«. M. 8IGLEB, » tbo liiuoin transit HalBVii lumlior mill. L. W. THURBER, MRS. A. BEEMER FLOUR AND PJEEp. Choice Lots in Dover, )rdem liy mail or i-eraoiml applicatloa promptly McudvA to. O, Jb W.'JliSltlSa, GRASS CLOTH AND LINEN. Ccntraola lakoAnd maLrlat furaiaboi]. lUrERINTENDEHT OP ^UBLIO BCHO0L8 In nan- ready with all the itcw atylcs for lor anla cheap, ord The New Empire^ COOKENG STOVES. £8-3\ri> . MiiioHilJ,MornsCa,.N.J. op Monms OOUSTI. Loliigh, Scranton, i Bituminous SPRING- of 1876. DOVER BANK. •or rlnlmoBB In DEaiaN ami VAJ17ET\' r Jtjl :3F- 1 ' • ' ]fllco over QEO. niOUAItDSi Cofi STORE, Hot-Air, Gas & Base-lMirn- SI1XE tlicy taii't bo bout. Corner or BUckffell tgA SIUIOX Sta, Fashionable Millinery O O A. X., IIOITFIKS TO LET:NcoiiroitATF.. D DI* THE STATE .OP SEW DOVEE, N. J. : Irnti, Klcol ami Mi nine llalorhls of all Idmls. Jng Cooking Stovo. Hsiivcmd in all pirtn ot Ilia City and vicinity 1 JERSEY. DOTER.' N. J. ' AND tiwilvt timl fuse, H.rum unit Qnn Pino and HX MAVI: nr3iri;tvr.n OUB nrni.vii STOCK or M. tlUi7.II. id tlw LOWEttV LIM1KET PRICES, 111 HHtiRH, Cut KmlB, Bnilik'iV llnrdiraro, Dlncl:- iucccssor Io Sc?lii-» llault n:m I. B.JOUEY, Proprietor. THE BEST BAKDia STOVE IN THE WOULD qnnutilics Jo utit piucbnucra. * iiltli* nnilCf..|ientcin' Tools, HI cum i'aokl Freeman "Wood, rvii. a. w. cofciaxs, Also, ft Lsrgc Auorttacnt or olhor Glylos <3oo«lsi. rnll hinds. o the "Ilulan Bank at JlOTei'.'. Horse".fi li?d CarrUgf • to Let. of Caokmg HiuvnN, nanj(on,. l'orlor THE llclng liti^o nhotiiiulo buvcrSiiTc ni<> rnn Juutit'O of Ibo Tcic* t,inl Polico Ila iwlr OFFICE ami JlEfilDENCli opposite tlio fitoven, Ac., • • • OiUIBOAITE. offrr nil fioody at choiipcut rni-iu. INMANLINE, ', iapital,- $100,000. .atest Styles & Newest Designs Fur hnuAag In ojoti unim, DtiriiH irltb itanin SCHOOL, HOUS3# FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE. (MIL. ItLAOKWlCI.Ti nml SPftfJEX St., .TTENKON OTYEU TO THE POIICIIABE Wt \mvp Ibo bent a^nrlmrnt nr IEAHLY OrPOBITE NATIONAL TJ1JI0.V DAKR Aim haw troiij amoKo and Mulpinir, llii[;li NATIONAL LINE Oo-im|sellor at Law, .
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