The Political History of Canada Between 1840 and 1855
IGtbranj KINGSTON. ONTARIO : 1 L THE POLITICAL HISTORY OF CUM BETWEEN 1840 AND 1855. A^ LECTURE DELIVERED ON THE 1 7th OCTOBER, 1877, AT THE REQUEST OP THE ST. PATRICK'S NATIONAL ASSOCIATION WITH COPIOUS ADDITIONS Hon. Sir FRANCIS HINCKS, P.C., K.C.M.G., C.B. JRontral DAWSON BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS. 1.877. «* ••••• ••••• •••«• • • • • • • • • • • I * • • • • • • • »•• • • • • « : THE POLITICAL HISTORY OF MAM BETWEEN 1840 AND 1855. A^ LECTURE DELIVERED ON THE 17th OCTOBER. 1877, AT THE REQUEST OF THE ST. PATRICK'S NATIONAL ASSOCIATION WITH COPIOUS ADDITIONS Hon. Sir FRANCIS HINCKS, P.C., K.C.M.G., C.B. Pontat DAWSON BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS. 1877. —A A desire having been expressed that the following lecture delivered on the 17th October, at the request of the St. Patrick's National Association—should be printed in pamphlet form, I have availed myself of the opportunity of elucidating some branches of the subjects treated of, by new matter, which could not have been introduced in the lecture, owing to its length. I have quoted largely from a pamphlet which I had printed in Jjondon in the year 1869, for private distribution, in consequence of frequent applications made to me, when the disestablishment of the Irish Church was under consideration in the House of Commons, for information as to the settlement of cognate ques- tions in Canada, and which was entitled w Religious Endowments in Canada: The Clergy Eeserve and Eectory Questions.— Chapter of Canadian History." The new matter in the pamphlet is enclosed within brackets, thus [ ]. F. HINCKS. Montreal, October, 1817. 77904 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 — The Political History of Canada.
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